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on Hig Republic of the Philippines “ OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICIALS J COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION § 5 neicacs © ve & cre cua one roman son S CCHED MEMORANDUM ORDER 4m, unt nea. Sones or 2010 SUBJECT: POLICIES, STANDARDS, AND GUIDELINES FOR GRADUATE PROGRAMS. In accordance with he pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No.7722, there known as the Higher Education Ae! of 1994." n pursuance of an outcomes based qualty aseurance fyetem in aignment th te Phipoine Qualfestone Framework (PO), and by vitue of Referendum No: RO7O-2018doted December 19, 2078, the Commission on Migher Education (CHED) hereby adopis and promulgates the Tolewing. general poles, standards and ‘guidlines (PSs) or gaduate programs ARTICLE | INTRODUCTION ‘Section 1. Rationale for Upgrading Graduate Programs ‘The landscape and perspectives in olering graduate programs have dramatically changed ln the past decades. These changes demand new or enhanced competencies. amang Studenis Io meet the requrements "set. by “godalzation, regional” lnegratien interatonazetion of higher ‘education, and the Fourtn Industial Revolution. Tru stents must be abe to optimally use 21% century skis in ther daly work and professions thereby strengthening the nalon’s Imovation,researen, and development “The Phpoine educaton systom has been undergoing reforms such a the introduction of the K1o 12 program in base edict, the mplemeniaton of new General Edvation Cureuum and. adepton of outcomes'baved educston (OBE) as a teaching learning framework in higher educaton, and the enaciment of RA 10631 (Universal Access 10 Guatty Teriary Education Act). The signing of RA 10831 expanded access and equly to higher education at more stodents apply fr, and wil complete their degrees through ‘government subsidy fr ullon and miscaianeous fees and oer education cancers Because ofthese government inatves, tis therefore imperative that polices, standards and gudslnes (PS3s) for academic degree programs in higher education, ining ‘ratte programe, shoul therefore be made content or afgned withthe reforms being Insitute nthe entie Pifpine education syst. ln 2013, the Commission on Higher Eaucaton (CHED) erected Wo Task Faxce on CGracusie Edueaton Reterm (TFGER) to review the state of graduate programs in the county. The TFGER proposed poley options and action agenda to rationalize graduale rogram. A evsed set of PSGs governing graduate program is then necessary to pursue {he noeded rforme atch Inelas the culation of euture of search and innovation in graduate programs. ‘Among the major concerns in craduate programs isthe wide gap inthe avelabiy of and fecees to qualty Qmduste programs m varbur glcipines deemed ental m achieving atonal development in a gobslzed world. Some graduate programs, especialy i the falds of teacher elucalon, pubic adminsaon, and busness administration, are Page 30 Tighe’ Eeaton Devapment Cover Blkng. CP Garca ve, UP Camus, Olan, Gusson Gi Pipes Wee Stewed gh Te. Now 41-1177 386-4903, 4471169, 441.9 40, 41-1970, 4411336, 208 S206 4441220 sez, e002, 1 0750, 44-1255, 49-1205, 1265 491-9010 464-171, 982-1871 ‘oversubscribed white tere remains many underdeveloped areas of specialization across Giocpines oad to he imied growth of said programs an consequently, containing the patent for development of tok respective sector, Existing PSs governing graduate programs in the Philppines, specifealy, CHED ‘Memeoransm Order (CHO) No. 35, seis of 1096 and CMO No, 8, sees of 2003 need to be updated or revised to adequatay address and meet the requirements of the above- ‘nentoned conditions ‘Section 2, Definition ane Philosophical Underpinnings of Graduate Programs Graduate programs ccosttule love or stage of academic mosk tat is considered on ‘advanced ‘pogrem of study. focuses ona parlor or erdlscpinary academic Passing fe Consrahenae ee ts Evanston endemic hurssvereat + Thess tack ‘Goat unce of | Trees 1+ Atleast one) pudieaton in (etred jon or ured | (Soatve wore TWasiorof [Baars [+ Win at leasing |» Passing ne Commrohensive A Degree 08) Examination [By Resoarch Sarsewor-wits | Ginaron eres [+ AleasLan (1) putieatonn | Ieescoureewor |" feted joualor ued Spee reteren | Sate wor ute + Aunts tobe faeonis by fesewn ra ourewer) 3 Waster ot —| Gaciars ——|+ Wi ateast 22 [+ Bassng he Canoes Science | Degree tte | ramen ise rset snd at Ieademic feast unis ‘ee Trook ‘hee | + puloast one (1) pubic, raed joa or ure? Segre 7 Wah ata ry 08) eases ‘wher tree 8 Tene coursework Sd more esearch sales asaing he Corpresnsie ‘Ailesst cone (platonic ‘Pura ries reste wre | Pace et [7 Dower Tibia | —Nariber a Unis WajorReguirement and Stent Greduste | Admission | Output | Programs _|_Requlrement + Binisiobe | ‘menor ousewar) Waster® | Bachears ——]> Wath ateasta | + Cantons wre Degree | Dea nts of (Professional Churswort at | + Passing ne Comprehensive ima | ‘gest Sunt of mneton Gepstone of frasteesened Proeat ‘& Siraignt | Eeplanat T+ Waximum oh () | + Campronensive examination Bacnelors. | perommancein |" "yearsofutucy | «Masters esis Mastore | feconsary feta. 1+ Atleast one (1) publeable (som) | eacaon + Macmamet 20% ot |" jural arte wien means Program ‘ammon idence of submission cursor, prevention a ners Baal paetr [Baowle"s [= eanum unber_| + Camretensie sxamnaton of Medicine: | Door ‘funiiyers tobe | + ForMesirs these ack — esters Seterined by HEL | "thesis and at eat one (1) Degree + Masinum of20% of | _publisabl aura are, (qo) ‘ermon ‘hich meens ewdence of Program outer Submission to referoes Joual or ied eave (tk ateor prevertaton 1 ‘emer + For Prolessonl Mase’ apsone project © Dual Bachears 7 Masui nanber |» Gonpreheraive earner Masters | Degree ‘Guntafyears tobe | + Fortwo asters thes ~ Dogrees ‘eteminedby HEL | "one hess anda east one (mo) + Maximum of 20% of) {1 publshabl jaune! Program ‘emmon ‘ue, which mean feursework fidence of submission fo 8 | fetes journal or ras | Creatve work eet prevention io conten | + Fords’ thesis and | Protesenal Masters ~ one ‘Mase are sles ore (t), | ushabe ural eile, Jaton means evidence of ‘Whrision oa eeced Isuma od create ‘otk eet presentation | taconference + Fortwo Professional masters _ one capstone projet (Se & [Weer Tibimam | Naber af Ua Wajor Requirement and Sudo Ghesuste | Admission ‘ouput Srograme | Requirement 8. DOCTORAL PROGRAMS pectoral [Weare Degree» Winatesst24 —[» Pasaing of Comprehensive 17 ehiosephy cnt Esarinoon | (no) Erseworkand mt |+ Publ deended asenaton endemic isan Dumesot | (Theorybuldeg) ‘rack eration [+ Publatonin an ‘semana? atonal exes ural or [ted oosve work ove r Degarat |v asers 3 Wan em Conpeterave ariaton Phioropty |" Degee sevenyve pe (mo}8y” | Deronated | Sent 75W)ofte, | Puck detente clserton Rereerch |" fesech {Solinesocused |" (Theory bla) sptuve, cnroeea reson Sosetaton wok | + Pubteaon nan Sree ond |, Aranmminbe ‘tematorlyt Sis anda ene asenayiexad ura or Bosrotpat | ten oy fined eresve work ovat anaorengsing | course wort) Sracrespsue |" Salle resmice ‘eters bythe proposal fe + Sues ae Feagoney of 2 Years on tulime bose ‘= oetoral [+ Waaers [> Wevatieastaa [+ Passing of Comprehensive ‘Degree Degee rast frominaion (Professional |« 5 yeu Sasovork are at ‘rah preeoonal feast Boni ot |» Publcy.cefended preton ror frotioe-bares. |" bases useeaton Sipuionce Senason | rebsaw be + Precice bates esearch ogee bers apples or Taig [a seemined by | + lamar unter_|+ Congrehenehe eariralon Bacto eterna by |” defended cesar snd a (euo), set pubieaton spestcaly. Program ficonce of aceptanes to an + macmnum of20% | ‘ematenalynetoraly oteommon Iatrees anc insexes auto Gruner red orate wore suet + Usaingte a teeta! Doar! saree ~pacioe faved esesaha pusleh- Setorceapractoe bases | Sesenaien Page 13030 es Raa] a RT ‘Output teal 7 Wim naber | + Corre suntsyears tobe |» ‘tenes by Ker pubieaton spestcahy 1+ Matimum of20% | wares at ceertarc to an ‘leone ‘omatensiy Snursenore, atonal rere nd Inoored purr ores (eave ork cute Pretereonsl Sacer Dees — ‘Spubley detendec | (SEcetaton and pubtentn, Specialy, wucence of fecepance oan Iieratenayhatonly fetread and ingens oul Fira create work cue! + Fortwo Profession! Doctoral Degrees practentased feorareh and publey defended pacicetased desetaton ewes ‘Outet refers to ural or jure caabve work cut (9. Panes awarding ais, ‘eewedlertoaty ascaimed tester producions or musa reals, investigate Joualsm reports, te) tncoxed Outlet ers to jours selected to give slaton index. eg, Scopus, IS, Web of ‘Section 9, Publication Requirements for Graduate Students ‘Shidents in the Maser of SclonclMastar of Arts (MSCIMA) Academic Track and by Research are requires to have a publcaton in a refeteed journal or ied creative work Doctor of Pitosophy (PhD) Academic Track and PRO by Resesrch are required to have pubueaton’ in nernclonaaynatonally indexed journals or juried creative work ‘vaio indexed and hiphimpactpubistion outs are desked inthe reat programs, the Commission, based othe recommendation ofthe GHED Technical Panel fr e&ch scipine, may spect of determine addlVonal national publiston outlets aporopite for thei respective teks wil some ofthe loading scholars in the fld as members ofthe total boards and ray also exclude outs Inconsistent wth ethical researen standards, ‘The Technal Panis shal be rected fo develop a roasmap fr he creation of publication Gullls cognizant of her respective fice whle ensuring tat bon seasoned end ‘developing Hes have vale options for publeaton A Page of30 <> Section 10, Research and Creative Work Degrees. To promote the cultwe of Research and Creatne Wark (RCW) snd increase RCW productiy, eg HEls shall be encouraged io ofler RCW degrees. ‘The RCI degrees sel befor canddses with demonstaied RCW apitudes, experience and sil and a body of eeoarch ancler erative werk and publications. Such programs of Shay sal requ: statement or cut of ROW purpose: Supervision by a senor adviear and dosinated ROW panels ‘mentoring of progress of work, ecord of progression of ROW sks and experiences; fiorous intoral ang extemal reviws of work and resus ‘hessewertatn stance; and publication na releeed joumalc juried reative wor Research degree-besed program ams to produce gratustes who shal contibute tothe boy of Knowledge n specie eid of tidy oro have prvided innovative, thecr-based, Syatonate and prec! ecldions lo significant concoms of spect dusts. For this purpose, the Commission shal proscibe the guidelines for the selecton and Operation of HE to be autorzed cr deputized to Ofer research and ceaive work degree programe within the franwork of academic reecon, ARTICLE IV. CURRICULUM ‘Section 11. Curcular and Developmental Iitatves CCuricular content of gradusto programs shall be strengthened by the offering ngher ‘Scucelion instutions Ils) to elude sratagicloaring and teaching competencies That ‘Ze hey end relevant te contemporsry global, regional and ristonal econome,poltizal, and Serial Govelpmert Inthe exercise of acacerseKeedom, the HEIs shall ave the flex {fo inovete and enharce tho cuter offetings, bul must comply wih the prescribed rrininare curelar requements, aligned wih caring standards or oulcomes-bases ‘cation (OBE). Furthermore, negate and interrogave mathods shal be sessed. Given the significant Fe of Tn education, end the raonale of OBE in conjunction wth the PGF based on RA 10008, the valdly of conventional and romeonvantional teaching leamng delvery and management syeteome are heraby recognized and shall frm part of the total debvery System of grace programs, ‘The CHED Technical angle shal be directed to formulate @ sample curriulum fr their ‘spocive disciplines that lea to the allarment of specfed outcomes. This sample Ccrculim shall show set of courses sequenced based on fou of content, with each outee having a epeded tite, descrjion and credit unt For this purpose, the CHED “Teetmeal Panels shal employ and show as pat of he PSGs oftheir dscpnes, a sample Caricutam map, wich @ @ matte of al cOUSes and the mininury set of program futcomes showing when aicomels) each course touches upon andi wht way, ‘HED aamiasvave Ore ta 0, Sef of 2014 Rens Gunnin he Feeriton of CHED Ps, ‘Sardar and Cusine (so Bacau Leva ioc Provan" Page 15030 [ARTICLE V, DELIVERY MODES IN GRADUATE PROGRAMS, Section 42, in-Campus o* OFt-Car Graduate programs are usualy offered in-campus or 36 residential programs, They can feo be fared of-camus as extension programs ‘A In-Campus or Residontal Graduate Programs Some HEIs have multiple campuses and the Commission clases these campuses a8 folows: 4. Main Campus, ‘A main campus fs the primary location of an HEI, thas the edveational faoltes fejured 19 offer degree programs and to provide student services "The main campus ls leo where the nsiulion's op adminstators are based 2. Branch Campus ‘A branch campus ie a school facly where: (1) a seperate site and attendant cucatona facies sunn ap buldng and classrooms specifically for the insituton have boen established (2) Fis offering higher education programs Ivnion mes also be offered at the main campus, and @) offre degree programs ‘hat are nol restictad fo 2 special clientele, but are open 1 the fGereral pubic, A brench fs fcated bs 8 separate ty of municiealty from the fman campus. Al pubbe and private HEIs shall secure approval from the Commission thvough the. conceened CHED Regional Offce!s in the festabishmant of @ brench. The HEI may cnoos0 to apply as @ separate HE! fathor than a branch. Wiis is the ease, the HEI must comply wih the requirements pertaining to tne establishment of a new school" 3. Annex Campus [An annex campus is siiar to a branch campus excep ha al ofthe degree programe sflered a the annex campus are nol being ofered at the main Earnpus. The annex campus found wifi the region where te main campus ‘Socata Graduate programs offered or to be oflered at any of these campuses shall be ‘efered to as ineampus or residential graduate programs. 8B. ofF-campus o {tension Graduate Programe Oft-campus griduate programs are graduste programs offered at a ste not Rented as the mai, branch of annex campus. The Commission allows such farangement 0 make qually radiate programs more accessible to Flipino professionals wo are bosed in afeas what or wh Emile rumor of Mls offering [rote programs, and that could adress thelr contin education needs such a8 Shoracing ther knowledge, shile and competences relatve 10 thelr professional races ‘To Wa 4, Sone 12008 Manu of Repu fx Prater Edcaon of 2008 [An off campus glut program is offered as an extension graduate program. itis ‘ered to spastic group of spec clenteles and isnot avalabe (othe general puble. is holdin a leaning center or se that possesses the chractestes of @ Cempus exceot hat aomnlstratve and tuppor fecilies are not avalable at the Tearing contr, Mt merely lasroome of netuctonal Tociles. The of-campus or ‘extension grads prostarn temporary innate and as such, R ends when the ‘chert of todens ished the program wit the ime fame agreed between the HEI ‘and the requesting ganization or Paty Since an extension graduate program targets a specific group cf protssionals, only the professional graduate degrees may be ofered as extension gracuate programs, ‘Section 13, Non-Convertional Graduate Programs, 4, Distance Education Distance Education (DE) is @ mode of educational delivery whereby teacher and lamer tte geographical seperated and ineroton is Severed through materials and methods Using communica techno}ogis, and supported by oganlzavonal and adrinsaive Sulures and artargements, The delvery mestum is yplcaly online but can be by pnt based modes or by mobile phone 2. Transnational Education” “Transnational Education (TNE) Is higher education dlvered in county other than thecone where an avarding Inston is based, Graduste programs may be classed as Inbound TNE or oubound TNE. An ntound TNE program refers to @ higher education program being ofeted inthe Phitpines by a foreign higher education rover while an futbound TNE. prepram ‘eles to 8 higher educaton program being offered by 2 Prhiippine HE! outs of te Philppnes Categories of TNE arograms ineide academe franchising acuaton; branch campus: Intonstona branct campus nlersional extension program: Jit and double dears, brine, blended, and dstance learning; TNE Offshore Inston; winning arrangements {2nd vacation Description of each category can be found in CMO No. 62, series of 2ote, "Potcis, Standards and Guidesres (PSG) for Tranenational Education” 2. Consortium delivered Graduate Program"* ‘A Consortu-Delnered Graduate Program refers to a graduate program delivered by tn erganzation of wo (2) or more HEle wih expertise ina partelardiciline doiverng common program by sharing physical an human resources for program delvery, Srowng tamer crose-enol among consorium member HEls, and 1 fake courses Tatar conciieredthe enpertne of he roopestve ceneortum sah consortium membir HEIs may be stusted in diferent regions. In auch eases, the Stongit of we poposed design or implementation of program delvery shail be ‘Besonsad by the Commision "oo wa 9 Geis of 208 Menlo Regus Pre ger Eur f2006 SS Soe ta cs oer Gose Pos Tren an "TEI ae ot re, st ns a 3G fren Ean en co We. 04 See of 2016, “Gis Grdut euaon Clif Fart anata Doreborontin eo 2 Tanaon Pad al ARTICLE VL MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS [AY eigble private HEIs, SUCS, and LUCS have 10 comply with the folowing minimum ‘andar ofrqulerent a operate a graduate degree program: ‘Section 14, nsthutional Arrangements ‘All prvato and pube HElsofering or planing to offer graduate programs are requied fo fmahtan a. sold. retearch and creative Work program In the chosen specie tes or Tal of stay. The HElis expected to have hese nsiutonal arengements 4. Research and Creative Work (RCW) Office ‘The HEI has an Office that develops and implements 9 working mechanism thet facltates tne punning, management, conduct, and monitoring end evaluation of ‘research and cesve Work acre he ferent programs, 2, ROW Policies “The HEI has poles and guidelines on Denes and incentives fr faculy undertaking Tesearch or cresve work, sich es dosooding,reeeerch awards, and Suppo fer Dubications and other scholrly oF creative works, among others. These polcios ‘Should be eflcted In tho Graduate Progra Manval of Operations (GPM) 3. ROW Agenda “The HE! has a ceary-stated cesearoh and creative work agenda that includes the decipline boing sop fr. Tho agenda has to be: ‘a anchored en the instvtonsphlesephy an framework ©. responsWveto deiiieg goals and prrftzed niches inthe ats ang sciences: ©. aigned win the research and development thrusts and agenca of the country fa. ericuced ty nallonal government instutons such as the National Eonomie and Development Authorty (NEDA), Deparment of Science and ‘Technology (DOST), Deparment of Heath (OOH), Bureau of Agricultural ‘Research Deparment of agriculture (GAR-DA), and CHED through Is National Higher Eavcaton Research Agenda (NERA), and , rexponsivete the development needs of inusty and society. 4, Ehlcal Standaris “The HEI maintans ei! standards to be observed by faculty and students when they conduct resesrcnthesiiéssertation involving numan partipsten or using tenes sbjeti Tie HEI nay adopt eel standarso developed by tho appropriate {ovement agencies such asthe Department of Sconce and Fechnology (DOS) Furthermore, te HEI hs is ovn research ethics review mechanism or may patnor tithe recognized fics review boars. powded thal the cos of ethics review should fot be charged t students 5. ROW Funding In order to enaie continuous operation end for a more dynemic and proactive fesearch and creave work inialves, Ihe HEI shal afocate a regular budget for FROW end the eapecty Yo mabize ether sources of funding to support ts simiee Pape t8at30 A Ae Undertakings. The Commission shal define the thvesheld forthe RCW budget for teh davpine 2 commended by CHED Technical Panes. 6. RW Collaboraton, Partnerships or Networks ‘The HE! colaborates andlor pariners with other research institutions and networks that demonstate leadership I RCW, innovation, and extension “The HEI may ln up with oer faculy and gracuste inttuttons and wih research ‘Organizations an ereatve groups win an outside te county. 7. Graduate Program Manual of Operations ‘The HEI has a system of rationalizing offerings of graduate programs 9 matiors of Clreuium, respec and creatve work, supervision and resoutce optimization f© be Included ti @ Graduate Program Manval of Operations (GPMO). ‘The GPMO shalt ‘iso, include poises ‘on plaglarsm, ant-sewsl Merassment, and research and {aching assstarship program, among others, Section 15. Program Requirements [A private and publ HElsoflering or ntening to oer graduate programs shout adhere {o he olloning minimum program requlremerts: 4, Structure of Graduate Programs [A graduete projem shat be organized and managed by discipine or fold of Specalzaton iv cases of HEIs whien have boon orgnaly consttued only as & ‘radvate school the requrement on vertical areulaon shal not be mandatory revided these nstutons oer inerdspinary gracuat programs of high standard bs determined by CHED, 2, OBE Graduate rogram Design ‘The HEI folowe the auteomes-based education (OBE) framework In ts graduate progfam desgn, The HE! hast submat the flung documents 1. The Compete ect of program and tearing outcomes, including its proposed ‘dona rogram outcomes. Proposed cursculum ands ustiiation including a curculum map, Proposed oerormance nlcatos fer each olcome. Proposed measurement system fr tho love of ttanment of each indicator, Proposed sulcomes-basea slabs foreach couse Proposed sjstom ef rogram Cortnuous Gually improvement (CO). Administration “The qualifications ofthe adminktators ofthe graduate programs ae a foRows ‘a The Deano Head of he academic unt shal bea hoker of a doctoral degree Io ‘he cispine orale lds and has pushed works i efereed journals n one ofthe dealings under the academe wit. The designated Deparment ChaitProgram CoornatorMead shal be @ holler (fa doctor degree nthe discipline ox elied fils «For a Profesional Masters Program, the Dean or the designeted graduate progfam head shal hold « doctoral degtee inthe dcpine or abies elds or at FEost a masts cegree inthe dscplneo alle fel and relovant profesional ‘perience outege the acedeme, 4. Faculty Requirements General, faculty teaching in graduate programs, specially the doctoral evel shet bo ‘ders of costal degrees vino have tack record of scholarly work (research © ‘reaive work) and th publeaions in relereedJourals andor books pubkshed in feputable academic publishing compares Industry-orented Master's programs may require atleast one (1) faculty with a doctoral dagran, depending weer there Ie dearth in doctoral degree holers in the docpine. Homever, those wilh ony Masters programs shal be requred fo have (Sguneent extereve ‘ndUsty exparionce, a determined by te various CHED ‘Fechnial Panola But they earmat ore as thesis adviser. For scholarly war, faculty members are expected to show proof of pubications in Fefereed ecadere jonas ntenationaly/oatenaly indexed Journals (eg, Scopus Ghd Visor Scence), or In nduetyiprofessonal-based journals (e.., ume in ‘matical science veld) For recognition of creative work by reputable bodies, the faculy members are ‘Expected fo shen proof of award or recognition from repulable bodes for their exemplary create Works. For faculy menters who have graduated from foreign HE, there should be Cerentino CHED that he forign HEI is 9 duty recognized HEI by te county ‘here tis babe Number of Quaitied Faculty “Te numberof quae facut forthe graduate programs are a follows: 4. For Master's Programs, there shal be at latt four 4) faculy members per program all times. + Forthe Thesis Track ‘Four (4) ful te faculty wha have doctoral degrees in he discipline nd. wih publed wore in fetereed journals. endlor have Frocuced publ recognized creative sndlr Technology outputs oF © I there fe dearth in doctoral degree holders in the discpine, at least one (1) fulktme fecuty who hes @ doctoral degree in the ‘lecipine and wih pubished works in refereed journals andlor have produced pubicly recognzed creative andor technology Dutouts: and at feat wee (3) ful-ime faculty who are master’s Segre nolsers, but with dostral units inthe cscpine and Nave at {eon one (1) publeation n 2 relereed Journal. The facut with masters degrees pus doctoral Unts can enly teach inthe Masters progr, bu cannot sore as thesis adses, Page 2030 + For the Non-Thess Track ‘Zour (4) NI Hine Taculy wo have doctoral depres in the discipline tnd. wth pubeanes works. in refeoed Journals andior have ‘oduced pbiny-recognged creative andr technology outpus: oF «© If hore is a dest in doctoral degree holders in the disci, at least one (1) fle fecuty who has 2 doctoral depres in the Siscptna and wth published works In refereed journals encior fave, procwed publcyrecognized roatwe andior technology Dupuy and at et + tye (2 fllsima fecuty who are master's degre hors, bu with doctoral unis inte eiscetine and have a least one (1) Publication in a refereed joumal. However, (ney can ony {each courses, they cannot serve as thess advisers of + or industry-oientes programe, Uvee (2) fubtme facuy who re masters dagree holes, but with extensive indusy frperience.” However, they can only Tesch courses, they tannot gare as theslscapstone advisers. . For Doctoral Programs, there shall be a least four (4) ful time faculty fmombere por docioral program at all Umes. They are all doctoral degree haere inne aecpine and with published works m internatonalhmatonaly Indexed jonal’s andor have produced pubily recognizes creatve andlor teohnotogy cutpus. 6. Adviser to Student Retio [Academic advising ¥ a fundamental dmension of any graduste degree program, ‘Stucerts most be sssigned an aovser at ha time of admission and most be provid “itn tte rogulr opportniy fo ccmmuncate wih thew adveure to dlecuss not only Choice of Gauss enolent and eattacion of degros requirements, but other fntetccua and profesional eonoems a8 we. Therefere, a allies, the adviser to Stent ratios ene (1 fultime faut per maximum of five (6) students, incusive of both in ad oftcampus students, Inthe case of thesisilosertton adier to student rat, shall not be more thn 4:5 ‘28 vel. ncusve of bath n and of campus stents, 7. Thesiaissertation ‘The thess or dissertation pane! shall hae among ts members content nd method Speciotats. The thesisidissertaion advser shal be selected fom the content seeSitats, but rece must be a coctral degra hair wth cooled and ongoina ‘eeearchicreaive work ‘The method space chal provide techical advice on the appropriate research Imetvadolagy fo be used indudng tho specie research design and eppronriate Technique ane ether quantitative or queltatve data ‘The Thesis defense panel shall have at least vee (3) members, wile, the Gsseriation parel shall have’ atleast ve (5), the membership of which incude Content and method specials 8 Library ‘The lary requtements for undersradusle programs in the discipine shall be coupled wh: ‘subscription to. at least two (2) peerreviewod professional Joumals or Intemational eferoed journals: bal lnol fe (2) les of gradusta reference books (print and non-pi) on Specalzed displine Yor every subject effored under the progam, publshes “iin the fst five (6) yoare. At last one (1) ofthe five (8) tes f foreign Teterenes pibished by reputable academic press: and , Subscription or nave ‘access. (lvaugh a consortuinterlrary esis) to Sectonc.fetabases of inemational and reputable joureals indexed in ‘Rlematondiy recogized mdexes of schoary urras, Examples of these Gatabases are. ProQuest, EBSCOHDst,SoenceDrect, Sage, Taylor end Francs, Oxer, Cambridge, and Philpine eb “The use ofthe internet, materials In electronic format, open educational resources ‘Bhd hor educoton technologies ls encourages, Thess Eorary reauremens shall be ‘cee students 8, RCW, Laboratory and Other Facies “The HEI provides adequate and relevant research and creative work (RCN) facies 4nd equipment suppor research and crealve work inthe specfed sicpine of ‘ecese to tha sme, which may be avalable or sourced trough Fokages. and parnetshipe wihinavty, communities, and pertinent sol organizations “The requirements for laboratay and other ‘aces for gradste programs shall be coupled wth: 1. provision fr cesearch equipment and facies in the basic sciences, i Spplcable(detaled requrements can be doterminod inthe speciic CMOS by ‘dscitn): instoctionallboratores fr Professional Master's Programs: tntensve information tcnnology fecitias tht wl alow fr internet access Elbsciptow to verous sofware progms fo delet plagiarism an to analyze ‘uantatve and quaiatve data that are secessble fo faculty and students; and fe. Ceeupstioel solely and heath polcies/stendards for laboratories handing enomateras, redeedtve mates and ater hazardous chemicals, 10, Admission Requrements “Tore shat ha a eyaam for assessing the abit of students who wil be asi in he (jratuste progr taking Ife eoneteation ther sputude, motivation and capacty 1 [Xtoue end compete futher studi, conduct esearch, o apply advanced Knowledpe 5 professional pace “1. Hebndustry Parinership ‘The HE! oflering professional graduate programs has formally engaged profesional {esocstons, business, and industy fo participate in curieulim planning and ‘evelopment, inshuston, research and development production, esearch immersion einirnsip, and oer related activites. ABs oe eS [ARTICLE Vil ADDITIONAL MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. clon 16 tension Gra a “To-ensue that quay extension gradusto programs ae provided, these programs must 0 ‘trough an extensive anprovel process set by the Commision. |A. Coverage ofthe Extension Graduate Programs 4. Only graduate programs under the professional ack can be ered as fextension zacuate programs 2, Proossiona! graduate programs fo be offered as extension should be CHED ecognzed graduate programe already being offered atthe main, branch, of ‘Sonex cams thal the professional extension graduate programs shoud be {Raldeiia raduste programs fest tery ofthese campuses. 3. The extenfon graduate programs may ony be offered within the region where the main branch, of annex campus Is ocated._ nother yor, the HE must fist estabsh ts nsttonal prosence inthe rgion were inkends to oer the fextenson graduate programs 4. Inn instance hat 2 graduate program deiared fo be under moratorium by {he CHED oe offered as extansion graduate program. 1B. HEI Eigibilty Cera “The HEI wt establshed iettutonal presence in the region is eigbe to apply to ‘er exlenson graduate program inthe same region fay one (1) ofthe flowing tondions Isr 1. With Canter of Excellence (COE) or Center of Development (COO) stats in the alsopine being app fr or 2. Wit intemationaeceredtation (such 2s AUN or ABET) inthe profesional sraduate program fo be extended: 0° 3. Arad ‘Level Nl accedtaton ot equNalant fom CHED recognized ‘secteding agency inthe professional graduate program tbe extended. 6. Other Requirements"* Besides comping vith the minimum standards or requrements epeciod in fiise Vi chs CMO, the HEl must aso comply with the following gener reauremens 4 Instituonal Presence ‘As mentioned in preceding actione, the HE! hae an estabshed cams {tain branch, or nex) racognized bythe Commission Inthe region where ‘he extension graduate program chal be offeced. Program Administration ‘The exension graduate program shall be under the det supervision of 8 Campurased seademic unt handing the professional graduate program “aercnnarieg rah Unerayfn Gaon Cluge, "Cape Pel fr he OR CamptOnne Dancy oad ong creatteae Pog oevaed my 2018 Page 28 190 being appies for, There shal be an asministretor ofthe extension graduate program who wt oversee is mplemeniaion. The program administrator Era be a qualified favuty teaching in the concermed professional graduate program Learning Conte ‘The extension clase shall be held in leaning center that has, a emblaree of an HEL It shal have the necetsary nfrastructure fo host he (ratuate program, For instance, has classrooms and aroas wth internet onnoctons forthe studons (0 Meet, study and do research. I is lso ‘compan wth the safe and sanitary requirements ofthe concerned focal (overnent uni Furthemore, the learning conter shoul! be able to provide the aden feademe suppor. TW inetudes secose to computer technologes and Sofware, or cassrooma er laboratories whieh are well-equipped and up to the stanierds requred for graduate study. Library resources should contain the nocesoay books and parodcals and be accessible at ies convenient for the sitcampun students. Tho Ibrary resouroes availabe oftcampus ‘hal be supplemented by e-learing resources ofthe HEL Memorendum of Agrooment ‘The HE! enters ino @ partnership wih another HE, agency or any enfity on ‘he offing ofthe extenalon professional graduste education program, The partners is supportes wih a Memorandum of Rareement (MOA) showing fhe specie responsbias of each party, duration of the program, andthe peat entele who wll be ented in the progam. ‘The MOA shoul indicate the cohort of students that wil complete the propratr avin the epeciied peg. wihin this period, the HEI shall not fcepr now students who are nat cluded Inthe specied cohort, I= new Cohort shall be identiea, the HEI shall seek @ new government auorty ffom the. Commission 0 offer anaer extension graduate program, 2 ‘Supported by aneurMOA. However, tis new autho shall only be secured ‘nly sr the previous extension graduate program has ended. For pathershio wih another HEI, he specie cllentale shal be inte to the facaderte andi non-scademe personnel of tho requesting HEI. The promram to be extended shai "ot be offered to the general puble Fortnemor, the requating pary shall provi There shal be = decicaled Jamming ste within th campus ofthe requesting HEI ‘Student Enrliment and Student Advising “The stusent enrolment should be commensurate withthe resources (human, ifrasvetre, an eter farming resources) ofthe HEI. Since azademic advising sa fundamental dimension of any graduate degree program, students must be arsgned an advise atthe time of admission and must be provided withthe regular opporunty 'o communicate with thee favs fo decuss not ony celce of couse envelment and sasfacton of free requrements, but oer intelectual and professional concer at wo aa itis reiterated here that at al nes, the student to adler ratio isnot more than 15. Adviases clue bot the ender! and of-campus students 6. Faculty “Tne facuty members who wilhanle the extension classes ae inthe faculty foster © the HEI withthe corresponding quaifetions for the dscipine, ‘Adjunct fecaty members may be hired by the HEI forthe reason of the ‘btiy to make unique contbutons fo the program Bocause they possess Drofessional skis, experiences, or perspectives that are not represented or ot avaisbo within the HET oom graduate faculty. 7, Learning Management System (LMS) ‘The HEI shall nave a leaning management eystem (LMS), which is @ {ofare bared patoen, tht wil fecifate student access tothe edearring fesources ofthe HEI" and. Tocitate student enrolment and fdvisingconeukation, among’ olfers and. suppor online eaming raseseay, 8. Dotvery Mode ‘The extension graduate program is primary delvered though face-to-face Gr ctaseroom based inerton, but can be supplomerted with distance Tearing i the extension graduate program shal be delivered through blended learning (combination of the faceoface mode and distance feivcatca), other requirements speed inthe CMO governing open and ‘stant earing shal iso be complied wth by the HE 8. Other Components Cer components of extension graduato programs specific oa discipline 28 ‘etermined bythe Commission tough te concerned Technical Pane! ‘Section 17. For Graduate Programs by Distance Education 4. Qualiticaton of Higher Education Institutions fo Offer Graduate Programs through Distance Education (Only HEIs with the cloning status are qualifies to offer a graduate program by distance ssucaton 1 With Contr of Excellence (COE) of Center of Development (COD) status in the discolne being apps for: or tb. Ww imematanal sczediation (such as AUN or ABET) In the corresponding graduate prearem; or «Win least Level Il program accretion or equivalent rom CHED recognized ‘ccredtingapency in the coresponcing graduate degree rogram. 2. Guiding Principies"” [Al subjectsicousesofered instance education shall adhere to the folowing guiding principles: ‘Teo no 2, eres of 2005 Peis andGucetns on Osto® Eaton iG 3 2. Learmer-Centored Distance education rogram shal focus onthe needs ofthe students and the goal of facitaing dependent leaing. Such program shall not be dvon merely by ‘avaiable fechoingies, but rather bythe need o enable demonstrable learning in ‘an eccosszisonvronment Rigorous ane Sound Instructional Design Distance education program shat be equivalent in challenge and depth to conventional programs. Academical qualified indviduals must make stuctonal Gesign docisors in the analyse, design, development, implementation and ‘valiton of ctence edueston cour «. Transparency and Peer Review to Guide Informed Choice Distance education program implementers shall make information about thei programe parteulry on the curulan and delve system nsrctonal materals evelopment, detvey mederstategis, student support services, and ther Televantinfornation avalabie fo accrecing bodies, academic pests, regulators, and students. Updatesinfomaton shall be made acsoesbletvough euch meds £38 the Weld wide Web, 4. Public Responsibility and Accountability Implementers shal tke Need of he pubic impact of dstance eduction programs: and shal always exercise due diligence in avoxing harm fo program stakeholdes, especialy students. Coneumer protection In parieulr, shal bea prorty becase ff the righ vale that Fino put on exveation. ©. Quality and Continuous improvement Implementes shall embed in thar program famework the proctveidentifestion fof student anc stakeholder needs andthe montring of siicent and slakeholer fatisfacion in order to continuously improve all agpocis of dovelopment ana Gelvery.. Because ofthe roses of global edcation, is aso Imperative that ‘tance esueaon peograms mee inematonaty aecepable quality santds 3: Institutional Management ane Commitment ‘4 The name “Osen Univers” shall be used by an HEI only fit is a separate, autonomous, cegree graring scademe ety qualifies to gporate ak a Univer »b, The HET mission, budpet and poly statoment shal ree ts commitment ke distance education program. «The HE! shal have the oganizaonal stuctue and clear insttutenal procedures formanaging and ensunng acadomée overight over te eetance eeuaston sytem 4. The HE! shal designate a competent Key person who will manage ard be responsible forts distance education, «The HEI shall ave an intoralqulty assurance management aystem appropiate to.dtence edaeaton programs. 1. The HEL shal show evidence of program of continous seltevalation directed \oward pogram imeroverent targeting mote effective pedagogy. advances inthe sesessmnent 0” student achievement of intendea outcomes, mproved elenton Fates and ffeave use of resources, 4. Components of Distance Education" Components of distance education pertaining to curriculum and delvery system, instrictional materiale development, delvery medelstategies, and student suppor ‘Sones and other requirements stipulated in CMO No, 27, eales of 2005, "Policies anc Guidelines on Distance Education, shall be complied with by HEIs offering or intending to offer graduate pragrams by Distance Education Section 18, For Graduate Programs by Transnational Education “The minimum requirements stipulated in CMO No. 62, series of 2016, "Policies, Standards and Guidelines (P83 for Transnational Education (TNE) Programs,” shall be complied with by HEle offering or intending to offer graduate programs by TNE. Section 19. For Consortium ‘The consortium of HEle ehould together meet the specie requirements for the graduato program being applied for. In addition, the folowing should also be met by the consortium: jvered Graduate Programs 4. HEL Eligibility {At least two (2) consortium member HEIs must hold @ Level il accrecitation in the Corresponding undergraduate program or Center of Excellenca/Center of Development (COEICOO) status in the decipine, Otrer member HEls wihout Level accredtation ‘oF COEICOD status, cannot be the degree granting institutions, 2. Memorandum of Agreement “There is a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to establish the consortium, as agreed {upon by all consortium member Hele, The MOA should specty the resource sharing ‘and responsibltis of each member HEI as well as \dentfy the coordinating member HEI that shall communicate wity the Commission and ensure compliance of the ‘Consortium ith the minumum requirements se for graduate programs. The MOA shall feo indicate the degree granting isbtutonls. The MOA shall be approved by the Commission 3, Implementation Plan “The consortium has @ detalied Implementation plan that shows how the graduate program shall be delvered. This inclides how the cansortum shall monitor and ‘valuate the graduate program. “The Commission through the recommendations of the CHED Technical Panel may determina other requirements to ensure delivery of a quality consorium-

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