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Does this emergency situation with the Corona virus and Chinese economic shut down (along

with it the Global economic threat of world depression) provide the POTUS the greatest possible
opportunity to begin to reverse the long decline of the United States as a leading 'industrial
producer' economy and nation. Does this provide the opportunity to convert the U.S. debt to
other countries into "trade credits" and making the U.S. Treasury once again "independent "
from the Federal reserve banking cartel. Does this provide the POTUS the opportunity to
demand the Mexico border shut down to all the evils that cross that border (including the
spread of Corona virus) that has been costing the U.S. government hundreds of
billions$/year...weakening the the U.S. economy and causing low wages or unnecessary citizen
unemployment. Just like during the FDR years of creating jobs during the 30's
depression...POTUS Trump could order the emergency funding and construction of new plants
and factories putting people immediately to work 'first re-creating the ability' for the U.S. to once
again become a "producer nation"...and then providing tens of millions of permanent jobs as the
United States once again can lead by example for other countries presently under debt bondage.
POTUS has been given the opportunity to take charge and work on the health problem, the
economic problem and the "fraudulent" monetary/financial national and Global problem!!! The
POTUS could go before the citizenry and lay out his plan for the resurrection of the United States
in order to stop the spread of the Corona virus and economic collapse of not only the United
States, but all countries of the world.

If POTUS Trump is loyal to the nation's constitution...then he deserves loyalty by those

Appointed or employed within his Executive Branch of the Federal government and his personal
Staff advisors. In answer to why the "interest rate" has been kept so low(especially in the United
States) That is so your income tax will temporarily keep up with servicing the annual "interest"
on the $23Trillion of fraudulent debt because of the Fed Cartel banking system (Unconstitutional
and Unnecessary) It is about to become the greatest Government budget cost. Can you imagine
what would happen if they raised the "interest rate" to maybe 4 or 5%. The economy would
implode...which it will anyway(matter of time) Many feel this has been planned for a long time
as a way for the Globalists to usher in the NWO Global world 'Corporations dictatorship'! The Central sovereign

Banks( lenders to governments) were never necessary. Began with the creation of the stock
owned Bank of England in 1694 following a revolution in 1688 by 'financiers.' Before that it was
the British East India stock owned company created in 1600 ( address of the U.S. White House )
The nations debt to the Central Banks could be converted into "trading credits" until the
government debts are paid (helps both the debtor and the creditor countries)...or just void the
"government debts since the Central banks created the debt out of printed paper of no value
anyway...nothing like gold or silver backing) The debt that was actually purchased with 'monies'
could be repaid with currency of each country to their citizens...and with each country returning
to its historical currency with no more borrowing from an International banking syndicate or
cartel...would no longer owe interest or go into debt. Otherwise the world's countries are going
to be forced into the Bankers World corporation!!! Yes, this could be better explained with more

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