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Workplace Conflict

Executive Summary

Conflict is something familiar to our daily life. It would happen in workplace, family, school
and any other places. This report will focus on conflict in the workplace: Why is necessary
to know how to deal with workplace conflict? How to manage and ravel out the workplace

This report will discuss implication of conflict, causes result in conflict, importance of
resolving workplace conflict, managing conflict, conclusion and a recommendation for
workplace conflict.


Conflict is a part of work. It is a disagreement resulting from individuals or groups that they
have different attitudes, beliefs, values or needs. Conflict also a typical phenomenon of
people’s relationship in workplace. Sometimes the individual is not aware of the need and
unconsciously starts to act out. In the workplace conflict is one of the biggest problems for
managers and employees to face. It is hard to find out conflict before it become a difficulty
and resolve completely. Conflict does not go away if ignored.

Causes result in conflict

Causes of conflict are complex. Understand how conflict arises at work can be very helpful
for anticipating situations that may become trouble. There are six major causes will lead to a
workplace conflict, include (G Corkindale 2007):

 Different cultures and assumptions

 Differing values, opinions and beliefs
 Lack of sensitivity to race, gender, age, class, education and ability
 Poor people skills, especially communication
 Volatile, fast-changing workplaces
 Limits on resources, physical and psychological

These are the most direct causes result in conflict. The real causes of conflict may be deep
lying, other forms of conflict may not be so easily identified. Find out exactly conflict is the
first step to resolve the conflict.

Implication conflict

Conflict is mutual. It includes two different types: individual and group. Sometime it is
obvious, but generally it is conceal. How can the managers recognize symptoms before the
conflict take place so that the damage becomes the least? Here are some symptoms of
conflict. They might include (Allagi Consulting 2008):

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