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Hum Genet (1990) 84:228-232

9 Springer-Verlag 1990

Rapid detection of deletions in the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene

by PCR amplification of deletion-prone exon sequences

M. Hentemann 1, J. Reiss t , M. Wagner l, and D. N. Cooper 2

11nstitut for Humangenetik der Universit~it,Gosslerstrasse 12d, D-3400 G6ttingen, Federal Republic of Germany
2Molecular Genetics Section, Thrombosis Research Unit, University of London, King's College Hospital School of Medicine, Denmark Hill,
London SE58RX, UK

Summary. Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tech- ers and the site of mutation, associated with indirect "gene
nique, we have screened the DNA of 42 patients with tracking", can be neglected. This risk is not negligible even
Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy for deletions within when intragenic RFLPs are employed, since recombination
the DMD gene. Two regions within putative deletion "hot occurs at high frequency due both to the large size of the
spots" of this gene were tested, and deletions were found in DMD gene and to the presence of intragenic recombination
16.6% of patients. The oligonucleotide primers employed in hot spots (Forrest et al. 1987; Den Dunnen et al. 1987;
this study initiate the amplification of exon sequences and Wapenaar et al. 1988; Chen et al. 1989). Direct detection of
were used to test the suitability and reliability of PCR in dele- deletions ensures that diagnosis in sporadic cases is simplified
tion screening and prenatal diagnosis using various numbers and that false prediction in prenatal diagnosis due to germ-line
of cycles and artificial contamination ratios. We compared our mosaicism (Bakker et al. 1987; Wood and McGillivray 1988)
approach with both "multiplex DNA amplification" and can be excluded.
Southern blot analysis. A comparative evaluation of currently Usually, RFLP linkage analysis and deletion screening is
available techniques is presented. carried out by Southern blot analysis, a time-consuming and
expensive procedure. One alternative to hybridization proce-
dures is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (Saiki et al.
1985), which has been applied to the detection of deletions
Introduction within the DMD gene by Chamberlain et al. (1988). Their ap-
porach involved the simultaneous amplification of six dele-
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a recessive X-linked tion-prone exons within the DMD gene and was reportedly
degenerative disorder of muscle, affecting about 1 in 4000 capable of detecting the majority of DMD gene deletions.
live-born males (Moser 1984). Affected males are usually con- However, intronic DNA sequence is required and this is not
fined to a wheelchair by the age of 12 and do not survive always available.
beyond their late teens. The clinically milder and less frequent In contrast to the above "multiplex" strategy, we have
Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) is now known to be allelic selected only two sequences for amplification, representing
with DMD. The DMD/BMD gene has been mapped to Xp21 exon 8 and a region that, prior to confirmation by Chamber-
by RFLP linkage analysis (Davies et al. 1983) and by studies lain et al. (1988), was presumed to be an exon by repeat con-
of cytogenetically detectable deletions and various X/autoso- figuration definition analysis (Koenig et al. 1988) and by refer-
mal translocations (Boyd and Buckle 1986). The full-length ence to the splice-site consensus sequences in the cDNA
DMD cDNA is 14 kb in length, and the gene comprises a total (Mount 1982). Our principal aim was to establish appropriate
of at least 75 exons spanning approximately 2300 kb of geno- reaction conditions for reliable diagnosis. To this end we have
mic DNA (Mandel 1989). The availability of cloned intragenic tested various parameters, including the number of amplifica-
sequences as hybridization probes has provided us with pow- tion cycles and contamination ratios, and have employed an
erful tools for the detection of heterozygous carriers and for optimized method for use in routine diagnosis.
the prenatal diagnosis of both DMD and BMD (Malhotra et
al. 1988; Darras et al. 1988; Darras and Francke 1988; Koenig
et al. 1988). With cDNA clones as probes, DMD gene dele- Materials and methods
tions have been shown to be the cause of the muscle dystrophy
in 50%-70% of DMD/BMD patients (Den Dunnen et al. DNA was prepared from lymphocytes or chorionic villi by
1987; Wapenaar et al. 1988;Koenig et al. 1987; Forrest et al. standard phenol/chloroform extraction methods. Synthetic
1988; Liechti-Gallati et al. 1989; Hart et al. 1989). oligonucleotide primers were prepared by the phosphoramidite
The direct detection of deletions within the DMD gene method on an automated DNA synthesizer (Applied Biosys-
offers two great diagnostic advantages. Firstly, rapid and reli- terns, USA). Purification procedures included high-pressure
able prenatal diagnosis is readily accomplished, and secondly, liquid chromatography (HPLC), detritylation, and repeated
the risk of recombination events between linked RFLP mark- co-evaporation with double-distilled water.
The polymerase chain reaction was essentially carried out
Offprint requests to." J. Reiss according to Kogan et al. (1987). The reaction volume was

Table 1. Description of oligonucleotides and summary of amplification results

Primer sequences Amplification product Patients analysed Deletions detected (%)
Pair1 42 1 (2.3%)
5' G A T G T T G A T A C C A C C T A T C C A G 3' 140 bp
857-996 ~
(exon 8)b
Pair 2 42 6 (14.3%)
6670-6742 a
(repeat 19)c
a Numbers follow scheme of Koenig et al. (1988) for full-length cDNA sequence

bDetected in Southern blots with probe ib as 7.5-kb HindlII fragment

cDetected in Southern blots with probe 7 as 0.5-kb HindIII fragment

50 ~tl with 1.5 mM of each dNTP and 25 pmol of each primer. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

(1 • buffer was 16.6mM ammonium sulfate; 67mM TRIS-
HC1, pH 8.8 at 25~ 6.7mM magnesium chloride; 10mM [3-
mercaptoethanol; 6.7gM E D T A ; 170gg BSA/ml; and 10%
DMSO.) Annealing was conducted at 50~ for 40s; exten-
sion, at 63~ for 90 s; and denaturation, at 92~ for 40 s, using
water baths and a programmable robot arm (ROB 3, P & P
Elektronik, Ntirnberg, F R G ) to process the probes. We used
1.5 units Taq D N A polymerase (New England Biolabs, USA)
and 500 ng genomic D N A as a template.
Amplification was carried out for 20-30 cycles, using par-
affin to prevent evaporation. The final extensions were per-
formed for 10-15 min. Amplification products were analysed
on 10% polyacrylamide or 1.8% agarose gels. Usually one-
fifth of the amplified sample was enough to produce satisfac- Fig. 1. Amplification of the two deletion hot spots in the DMD gene.
tory bands after electrophoresis. Lanes 1, 7 positive controls (healthy male); lanes 5, 13 negative con-
Multiplex D N A amplification was carried out according to trols (no DNA); lanes 2 - 4 male patients' DNA amplified with primer
Chamberlain et al. (1988). The reaction volume again was pair 1; lanes 8-12 male patients' DNA amplified with primer pair 2;
501al, but 100 pmol of each primer for the 506-bp fragment lanes 6, 14 molecular weight standard (kb ladder, Bethesda Research
Laboratories, USA). Ten microliters of the amplified samples (25 cy-
(corresponding to probe 8) and 50 pmol of each primer for the
cles) were separated on 10% acrylamide. Lanes 3, 8 and IO exhibit a
other fragments were used. Southern blot analysis followed deletion
standard protocols. The c D N A probes used in this study have
been described previously (Koenig et al. 1987). The plasmids
(ATCC, depositor L. Kunkel) were subcloned and labelled reported correspondence between sequence repeats and
with 32p-dATP for nick translation and with 32P-dCTP for ran- exons (Koenig et al. 1988) whose boundaries are demarcated
dom-primed labelling after linearization. Purified inserts were by the exon consensus sequences C / A - A - G (donor site) and G
found to produce better signal/background ratios than com- (acceptor site) (Mount 1982). In the meantime, confirmatory
plete plasmids. sequence data have been reported (Chamberlain et al. 1988).
Of the 42 patients screened, 33 suffered from Duchenne The two fragments described in Table 1 were co-amplified
muscular dystrophy, 6 presented with a milder form, typical in the same reaction by using twice the normal amount of Taq
for BMD, and 3 had a muscular disease of unknown aetiology. D N A polymerase and a twofold higher concentration of
primer pair 1. Using these primers, we detected a deletion in
7 of 42 (17%) analysed patients (Table 1). The results were
Results confirmed by Southern blot analysis with the corresponding
c D N A probes. Using the multiplex D N A amplification meth-
The sequences of the oligonucleotide primers used in this od (Chamberlain et al. 1988) with six pairs of primers, we ad-
study, the size of the amplification products, and the number ditionally detected deletions in the D M D genes of eight other
of deletions detected in our study are shown in Table 1. The patients (a total of 36%). One of these deletions was located
results of the PCR analysis of D N A from male patients and in the region detected by c D N A probe 7, which is not identical
corresponding controls are presented in Fig. 1. The amplifica- to the region specified in Table 1; six occurred in the region
tion of the 73-bp fragment (position 6670-6742 of the D M D detected by c D N A probe 8; and one was located in the region
cDNA; Koenig et al. 1988) demonstrated that our original as- of probe 3 (Koenig et al. 1988) (Fig. 2).
sumption that the primer pair 2 encompassed an uninter- Three patients in whom deletions were not apparent with
rupted exon was correct. This assumption was based upon the PCR analysis were shown to possess D M D gene deletions

1 2 3 t, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Table 3. Section of the DMD gene showing the deletions found and
the regions where the amplified fragments are localized (modified
according to Darras et al. 1988). The order of the fragments within
brackets has not been established
cDNA Exons b HindIII Multiplex Other No. of
probes a fragments ampli- fragments deletions
(kb) fication amplified detected
products in this
(bp) c study (bp)

1-2a 1 3.2
2 3.25
3 4.2
4 8.5
5 3.1
6 8.0
7 4.6
Fig. 2. Multiplex DNA amplification (Chamberlain et al. 1988). Lane 8/9 7.5 - - 3 6 0 140 1
1 positive control (healthy male); lane 10 negative control (no DNA),
lane 11 molecular weight standard (kb ladder, BRL), other lanes am- 10 10.5 d
plified DNA of DMD patients. Lanes 3, 4, and 6 exhibit deletions, 2b-3 11 10.5 d
which can be detected with primer pair 2 (Table 1); lanes 2 and 8 show 12 4.0
other deletions
13 6.6
14/15 2.7
16 6.0
Table 2. A comparison of methods for deletion screening in 42 unre-
17 1.7 - - ,416
lated DMD/BMD males
18 12.0 t

Method No. of (%) 19 3.0 - - ,159


PCR with primer pairs I and 2 a


7 (16.6)

+ Multiplex DNA amplification (6 pairs) b 15 (35.7)
+ Southern blot analysis with cDNA probes
covering amplified regions ~ 19 (45.2) t.5
+ Southern blot analysis with other cDNA probes ~ 22 (52.4) 6.0
a This study
b Chamberlain et al. 1988
c Koenig et al. 1987
d Deletion screening as yet not complete 4.1 - - 268 l
0.5 - - 547 73, 3
10.0 d
w h e n c D N A p r o b e s were used t h a t e n c o m p a s s e s larger re- 8 10.0~
gions t h a n those amplified in the P C R reactions. O n e of these
deletions was d e t e c t e d by c D N A p r o b e l b , a n d t h r e e , by
3.8 _l 506 6
p r o b e 8 ( d a t a n o t shown). T h e deletions f o u n d using the dif-
f e r e n t d e t e c t i o n t e c h n i q u e s are s u m m a r i z e d in T a b l e 2.
T h e D N A of two of the t h r e e p a t i e n t s with an u n c h a r a c -
terized muscle disease exhibited a d e l e t i o n within the D M D / 3.1
B M D g e n e , w h e r e a s we were only able to d e m o n s t r a t e a dele- 7.0
tion in the D N A of two of the six B M D patients. O n e of the a Map according to Koenig et al. (1987)
l a t t e r deletions was f o u n d in the region of c D N A p r o b e 8 by b Distribution of exons with respect to HindIII fragments according to
multiplex D N A amplification, a n d one, only by hybridization, Koenig et al. (1988)
with c D N A p r o b e 8. Relative positions of amplified f r a g m e n t s c According to Chamberlain et al. (1988)
a n d c D N A p r o b e s can b e t a k e n from T a b l e 3. D e l e t i o n d Fragments hybridizing to both probes
s c r e e n i n g with the c o m p l e t e c D N A has not yet b e e n com-
D e l e t i o n s c r e e n i n g via P C R is often h a m p e r e d by contami- chorionic villi samples ( R o b e r t s et al. 1988). W i t h 25 cycles,
n a t i o n with foreign D N A (e.g. Lo et al. 1988). In p r e n a t a l up to 2 % m a t e r n a l D N A c o n t a m i n a t i o n was f o u n d to be ac-
diagnosis, m a t e r n a l cell c o n t a m i n a t i o n is likely to cause the ceptable in so far as the diagnoses were u n a m b i g u o u s . How-
m o s t serious p r o b l e m s in this r e g a r d ( C h a m b e r l a i n et al. ever, after m o r e t h a n 30 cycles, e v e n a " c o n t a m i n a t i o n ratio"
1988). U s i n g 2 0 - 3 0 cycles a n d a d o p t i n g the conditions of 0.2% yielded a visible amplification product.
specified a b o v e , we s i m u l a t e d varying a m o u n t s of m a t e r n a l So far, one p r e n a t a l diagnosis has b e e n p e r f o r m e d with
cell c o n t a m i n a t i o n ( M C C ) (Fig. 3) as it could occur in s i m u l t a n e o u s use of multiplex D N A amplification a n d South-

amplification reaction itself is unlikely to generate spurious re-

sults (Krawczak et al. 1989). We have established reliable pro-
cedures for the investigation of two portions of the DMD
gene, which together are the most promising targets for dele-
tion screening in Europeans.
Due to the extraordinarily large size of the DMD/BMD
gene, deletions detected in intronic regions cannot automati-
cally be regarded as the cause of the disease. Thus for diagnos-
tic purposes, screening must be confined to coding regions
(Bartlett et al. 1989). Further methodological improvements
are to be anticipated; indeed, only very recently the PCR
screening of another exon of the DMD/BMD gene has been
reported (Speer et al. 1989). We propose that the simultane-
ous amplification of exon sequences can form the basis of a
first rapid screen for mutation in the DMD gene. However,
for diagnostic purposes, Southern blot analysis still appears to
be the more reliable technique for diagnosis and must still be
employed as a second screen, where necessary.
Deletion screening is of great diagnostic value not only in
DMD/BMD patients but also in other muscular disorders. In
males presenting with "atypical" spinal muscular atrophy
(SMA), chronic limb-girdle syndrome, or other as yet un-
characterized muscle diseases, D N A studies should be in-
Fig. 3a-c. Effect of cycle number and contaminationon PCR deletion cluded in routine investigations since deletions within the
screening. Fragments were separated on 1.8% agarose. For simulated DMD/BMD gene in such cases (Clarke et al. 1989; Lunt et al.
contamination, DNA from the patient's mother was used in all cases:
a 20 cycles; b 25 cycles; c 30 cycles. Lane 1 mother of patient 1; lane 2 1989; Norman et al. 1989) are being increasingly reported.
patient 1 (deletion detected with primer pair 1); lane 3 patient 1, 0.2% The search for exon splice junction sequences in cDNA se-
contamination; lane 4 patient 1, 2.0% contamination; lane 5 patient 1, quence data and/or the use of repetitive sequence motifs of
20% contamination; lane 6 mother of patient 2; lane 7 patient 2 (dele- presumably functional importance for the identification of
tion detected with primer pair 2); lane 8 patient 2, 0.2% contamina- amplifiable regions could be extended to other regions of the
tion; lane 9 patient 2, 2.0% contamination; lane 10 patient 2, 20% vast DMD gene worthy of investigation and might find appli-
contamination; lane 1I negative control (no DNA); lane 12 molecular
weight standard (kb ladder, BRL) cations elsewhere.
Acknowledgements. We thank U. Franke, M. Kulle, and U. Lenz for
excellent technical assistance and D. Immke for preparing the manu-
ern blot analysis. The fetal D N A did not exhibit a deletion in script.
the region detected by cDNA probe 8 as was found in the
D N A of the affected male relative (data not shown).

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tions that requires only minimal amounts of patient DNA. Re- Vance, Hung W-Y, Yamaoka LH, Siddique T, Kandt R, Roses
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