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UDC 621.982.2-034.14/.15 :539.4 ‘August 1983 Fasteners ‘Technical delivery conditions Property classes for carbon steel ‘and alloy steel bolts and screws Conversion of property classes Mechansche Verbindungselements; technische Lieferbedingungen; ‘This standard, together with Festigheitselassen fur Schraubven aus unlegierten oder lgirten DIN 180.898 Pare, Aprt ‘Stdhlen; Ustelluog er Festigelse lassen 1978 edition, supersedes the ‘October 1967 edition, which was withdrawn in 1978. {In keeping with current practice in standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), {comma has been used throughout as the decimal marke This standard is concerned with the conversion of the previous property classes s defined in DIN 267 Part 3 (October 1867 edition) into the new property cases ac defined in DIN ISO B98 Patt (April 1879 edition). “The designation system for property cates for bolts, tervws and studs, and its meaning, the astociated machsnical properties and txt methods have not changed fundamentaly and 40 interchangeably problems ae not tobe ‘txpacted. Thus no amendment to the standard number is necasary in current documents, DIN 267 Part 3, October 1967 edition, shall no longer be used for new designs. DIN ISO 886 Part automatically applies for orders or supplies in accordance with OIN 267 Part 3, uness otherwise agreed. ‘The table below compares the property clases from DIN 267 Part 3 (October 1967 edition) with thave from DIN 180 896 Part 1, indicating the assigned minimum tensile strength an yield stress valuos. The table also shows the Property classes as defined in previous editions of DIN 267 (December 1960 edition. . BN3” [ss] <0] «2|50]s8]00[es]es| 0a |~ [wo] vs] us a ae 43|56]s0| - |os| - | es | e8| 109] 129] - Mtrimun BIME®? | 40 |to| ao [20 | 0020 [ooo na |e00 | — | soo] 1200 | rao ‘in D1 5585 | [oo [420 | sn |e20| — |eo0| ~ fooon| s00| tomo |r2z0 | — Wiemann 2267 | 00| 2a | s0 | 0 [400 | 300 |e |so[oa0 | — | ooo] oe | roo ‘etiom”" BW 'S065 | 99/0 320| 30 |ez0| — |ee0| — [eeon|720| evo] r00| — rom ces tem OT2H-T Te [as foo s/o] es | ec] 00 | ~| woe] van| — 1 Fors ve 15. 2 raincoat ‘The previous property classes 6.6, 6.9 and 14.9 are not specified in DIN 1S0 898 Pat I, since they are no longer required. Property cass 93, the application of which in Germany isnot, however, foreseen in the ner future, bas ‘been adopted forthe frst time. In future, only DIN 150 898 Part i ako to be applied to nonstandardized bolts and srews, where property classes ‘are required fr these ‘Current documents shall be converted to DIN 1S0 898 Part.

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