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36 Drying of Wood: Principles and Practices

Article · July 2014

DOI: 10.1201/b17208-44

37 5,733

2 authors:

Patrick Perre Roger Brian Keey



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Drying of Wood: Principles
36 and Practices
Patrick Perré and Roger B. Keey


36.1 Structure of Wood ............................................................................................................................... 822

36.1.1 Formation of Wood in Trees .................................................................................................. 822 Knots ...................................................................................................................... 822 Tissue and Cellular Structure of Wood .................................................................. 822 Heartwood Formation ............................................................................................ 825
36.1.2 Chemical Composition ............................................................................................................ 826
36.1.3 Reaction Wood and Juvenile Wood........................................................................................ 827 Compression Wood ................................................................................................ 828 Tension Wood......................................................................................................... 828 Juvenile Wood ........................................................................................................ 828
36.1.4 Implications for the Drying Process........................................................................................ 829
36.2 Board Scale .......................................................................................................................................... 830
36.2.1 Water in Wood: Sorbed and Capillary Water, and Shrinkage................................................ 830 Moisture Content of Wood .................................................................................... 830 Free Water .............................................................................................................. 830 Bound Water........................................................................................................... 831 Differential Heat of Sorption.................................................................................. 831 Shrinkage ................................................................................................................ 832
36.2.2 Heat and Mass Transfer in Wood........................................................................................... 833 Fluid Migration in Wood: Single-Phase Flow ........................................................ 833 Generalized Darcy’s Law: Multiphase Flow........................................................... 835 Capillary Pressure ................................................................................................... 836 Bound-Water Diffusion .......................................................................................... 837 Physical Formulation.............................................................................................. 839
36.2.3 Process of Drying .................................................................................................................... 840 Low-Temperature Convective Drying .................................................................... 840 Drying at High Temperature: The Effect of Internal Pressure on Mass Transfer.. 841 Typical Drying Behavior: Difference between Sapwood and Heartwood .............. 842
36.2.4 Mechanical Aspects of Wood Drying ..................................................................................... 845 Mechanical Behavior of Wood ............................................................................... 845 Drying Stress Formulation ..................................................................................... 846 Memory Effect ........................................................................................................ 847 Stress Development during Drying: Some Examples.............................................. 850
36.2.5 Drying Quality ........................................................................................................................ 855 Factors Affecting the Drying Duration .................................................................. 855 Factors Affecting the Drying Quality ..................................................................... 856 Criteria for Obtaining a Fast and Good Drying Process........................................ 856
36.3 Kiln Scale ............................................................................................................................................. 857
36.3.1 Lumber Quality ....................................................................................................................... 857 Gross Features of Wood......................................................................................... 858 Intrinsic Features of Wood..................................................................................... 860 Sawmilling Strategies .............................................................................................. 862

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36.3.2 Kiln Design ............................................................................................................................. 862 Airflow Considerations ........................................................................................... 863 Moisture-Evaporation Considerations.................................................................... 864
36.3.3 Kiln Operation ........................................................................................................................ 864
36.3.4 Practical Considerations.......................................................................................................... 866 Schedule Development............................................................................................ 867 Kiln Control ........................................................................................................... 867 Volatile Emissions................................................................................................... 868 Equalization and Stress Relief ................................................................................ 869
36.3.5 Less-Common Drying Methods .............................................................................................. 869 Vacuum Drying ...................................................................................................... 869 Dehumidifier Kilns.................................................................................................. 870 High-Frequency Electrical Heating......................................................................... 870 Solar Drying ........................................................................................................... 872
References ...................................................................................................................................................... 872

36.1 STRUCTURE OF WOOD . Bark, differentiated into an outer corky dead

part (external part of the stem), whose thickness
36.1.1 FORMATION OF WOOD IN TREES varies greatly with species and age of trees, and
an inner thin living part (just near the cambium
Wood is produced in the hard stems and branches of zone), which carries food from the leaves to the
trees and shrubs. In these plants, the primary growth growing elements
is responsible for the stem and branch elongation,
whereas the secondary growth, achieved through the Knots
cambium activity, is responsible for the thickening of
elements (Figure 36.1). Wood has evolved to fulfill the As the tree grows in height (primary growth), branch-
basic needs of these plants during their life: water ing is initiated by lateral bud development. Knots are
transport of waterborne nutrients; mechanical strength the bases of branches, which have been covered as the
to support the photoactive canopy of leaves; and resist- tree grows laterally. After a branch dies, the trunk
ance to biological attacks. Appearance and properties continues to increase in diameter and surrounds that
of this material depend strongly not only on the spe- portion of the branch while the dead branch is still
cies but also on the biological diversity and growth present. This branch has to drop from the tree before
conditions of site and climate. Indeed, even for the clearwood can form. If the knot was alive when the
same species, wood properties depend on the tree and trunk grew around it, the xylem of the trunk and the
on the position within the tree. One part of this vari- branch are continuous and the knot fits tightly into
ability is genetically controlled, whereas the other the wood. If the branch was dead when the trunk
part comes from the varying growth conditions (stand grew around it, no anatomical connection exists be-
characteristics and silviculture practices). Conse- tween the xylem of the knot and the trunk. The knot
quently, wood is a variable material that is extremely is nonadhesive; it may fall out of the wood, leaving a
difficult to characterize precisely. Hence wood pro- knothole (Figure 36.3).
cessing, including drying, is very difficult to optimize.
A cross section of a tree (Figure 36.2), from the Tissue and Cellular Structure of Wood
core to the outer region, shows the following features:
Growth in thickness of the bark and wood is caused
. Pith, a small core of tissue located near the by cell division in the cambium. New wood cells are
middle of a tree’s stem or branches, which ori- formed on the inside of the cambium and new bark
ginates from the primary growth of the plant cells on the outside. In the cambium region, immature
. Woody material, the most important part of ma- cells differentiate into various kinds of mature xylem
ture trees, which is differentiated into sapwood (wood) and phloem (inner bark) cells characteristic of
(outer region), where the sap migrates from roots the species (Panshin and de Zeeuw, 1980). Then en-
to leaves and heartwood (inner region) that is no largement, elongation, and maturation allow the
longer used for sap transport, which exists only woody material to be developed (Figure 36.4). Most
when the stem, at that height, is old enough of the wood cells stay alive for not more than few

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annual ring
Primary growth

annual ring


1 mm

Thickening of the structure by secondary growth

FIGURE 36.1 Formation of wood in trees: the pith originates from the primary growth whereas the wood material is added,
along the years, by the secondary growth. (Microphotograph: polished disc of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), LER-

Age of wood cells

Pith Age of tree Bark

Heartwood Cambial activity

formation division,

FIGURE 36.2 Cross section of a tree showing the internal structure of the stem. Growth rings can also be observed: light parts
are earlywood and dark parts are latewood. Due to this stem geometry, three material directions: longitudinal (L), radial (R),
and tangential (T), can be defined at each location. (Photograph: Yew (Taxus baccata L.), LERMAB–ENGREF.)

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Clearwood formed Death of the
after pruning branch

Nonadhesive part
of the knot

Adhesive part of
the knot


FIGURE 36.3 The existence of knots in wood comes from the interaction between primary growth, responsible for the
branch formation, and secondary growth, responsible for thickening of stem and branches. (Photograph: Scots pine (Pinus
sylvestris), LERMAB–ENGREF.)

weeks; the last development stage, namely lignifica- on the radial cell walls, and mechanical strength.
tion, induces the death of these cells. Only parenchyma In softwoods, the earlywood is characterized by cells
cells can live for years and they are responsible for the with large radial diameters and thin walls, and hence
development of heartwood. relatively large cavities. Latewood cells have a much
In most species in temperate climates, the difference smaller radial diameter and thicker walls, which result
between woods that are formed early in a growing sea- in much smaller cavities (Figure 36.4). In addition,
son (earlywood) and that formed later (latewood) is some softwoods have resin canals. Parenchyma cells
sufficient to produce concentric contours in a cross surround these canals and actively secret resin into the
section (Figure 36.2). These rings are known as growth canals, and ultimately into the heartwood.
rings. Each increment in size in the branch or trunk Hardwood is the common name for the wood of
diameter can be observed in these growth rings that species whose seeds are enclosed in ovaries. These
remain unchanged once formed. Provided no false species are more advanced than softwoods in terms
rings exist (due to an interruption of the growth in of biological evolution; consequently, they produce a
diameter by drought or defoliation by insects), the age more sophisticated anatomical pattern, with cells
at any cross section of the trunk may be determined by much more adapted to meet specific requirements in
counting these rings. Obviously, this simple rule does relation to water transport, food storage, and mech-
not apply for tropical species for which growth may be anical support:
practically continuous throughout the year and no well-
defined growth rings are formed, or for which growth . Fibers are usually relatively thick-walled, sparsely
rings are the result of the individual rhythm of each tree. pitted, and about 1 mm in length. Different fiber
Wood cells are of various sizes and shapes. They cells exist, but the tracheid fibers having bordered
are cemented together to form the structural wood pits are generally the most abundant. Although
material. The majority of wood cells are elongated fibers may have a certain role in sap conduction,
and pointed at the ends. The types and dimensions they basically function as the mechanical support,
of wood cells depend strongly on the species. making the wood usually stronger, denser, and
In softwoods, woods formed by cone-bearing trees more durable than softwoods.
(e.g., fir, pine, and spruce) with naked seeds, the xylem . Vessels of relatively large diameter are also
contains mainly tracheids (90%). Tracheids are con- known as pores. These cells form the main con-
siderably elongated cells (around 40 mm in diameter duits for sap flow. A vessel is built up by several
and between 2 and 8 mm in length), which ensure both vessel elements, with more or less open end
sap flow, by means of numerous bordered pits situated plates, aligned in the longitudinal direction.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

FIGURE 36.4 Wood is formed by cell division in the cambium zone, hence the radial cell lines appear clearly in this figure, in
spite of the large variation of radial diameter between earlywood and latewood. Some bordered pits allowing sap flow from
one tracheid to the other can also be observed on radial cell walls. (ESEM Photograph: Norway spruce (Picea abies),

. Longitudinal or axial parenchyma cells function Both hardwoods and softwoods have cells (usu-
mainly in the storage of food. ally grouped into structures or tissues) that are
oriented horizontally in the radial direction and
Several thousands of hardwood species exist, and which are called rays. The rays, composed of paren-
each one has its own anatomical pattern. The density, chyma with lignified cell walls or sclerenchyma, con-
for example, ranges from less than 100 kg m3 (i.e., nect various layers from pith to bark for storage and
balsa wood) up to more than 1200 kg m3 (i.e., ebony transfer of food. In softwoods, rays are one-cell thick.
wood). They are usually divided into ring-porous and In hardwoods, they vary in size from one-cell wide
diffuse-porous types, though all intermediate types and a few cells high to more than 15-cell wide and
can be found: several centimeters high. Rays represent planes of
weakness along which drying checks develop easily.
. A ring-porous species produces very large ves-
sels (up to 500 mm in diameter) in earlywood. Heartwood Formation
Simple perforation plates allow the vessel cells
to communicate easily. Just few weeks after the formation of xylem, it contains
. Diffuse-porous species have smaller vessels (50 mostly dead cells, but continues to play a role of utmost
to 100 mm in diameter) of almost uniform size importance for the plant: the transport of sap. Hence
and distribution throughout the growth ring. In the vascular system so produced is called sapwood. This
diffuse-porous species, vessel cells are usually active zone may vary in thickness and number of
connected by scalariform (‘‘ladderlike’’) perfor- growth rings, commonly up to about 15 years, which
ation plates. represents several centimeters in radial thickness. As a
rule, the more vigorously growing trees have more ex-
Figure 36.5 depicts the typical anatomical patterns tensive sapwood. In sapwood, parenchyma cells stay
encountered in temperate species. alive and function primarily in the storage of food.

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(a) Norway spruce (Picea abies) (b) Pedunculate oak (Quercus rubra) (c) European beech (Fagus sylvatica)

FIGURE 36.5 Typical anatomical patterns encountered in temperate species: (a) softwood, (b) ring-porous species, and (c)
diffuse-porous species. The height of these images represents about 2 mm. (Microphotographs: J.C. Mosnier, LERMAB–

After some years, an intense biological activity of In some species, such as certain oaks, the vessels
these parenchyma cells gives rise to heartwood for- become plugged with the development of cellular
mation. Metabolites are deposited in the heartwood membranes known as tyloses, which enter the vessels
and the tree uses the heartwood as a place to store from adjacent parenchyma cells (Figure 36.6).
waste products that are collectively known as extrac-
tives. These include resins, gums, oils, and tannins 36.1.2 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION
that stop up the vessels (or the tracheids in softwood)
and clog the wood. In heartwood, all the cells are Wood is a typical organic material made up of three
dead and inactive; they do not function in either main elements: carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Because
water conduction or food storage. The heartwood is very small variations between different wood species
often darker, slightly denser, and more durable (re- are observed, the numbers depicted in Table 36.1 are
sistance to fungi or insect attack) than the sapwood broadly general but can be higher for some tropical
and plays an important role in supporting the tree. species. Nitrogen as well as some additional inorganic
However, numerous species do not have dark heart- elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and
wood (e.g., spruce, fir, and beech) and no correlation silicon) are also essential compounds, which are mostly
exists between heartwood color and durability. involved in the metabolism of living cells during wood


Ray cells

Tyloses in



FIGURE 36.6 Example of tyloses development in the heartwood of Pedunculate oak (Quercus rubra L.). (ESEM photo-
graphs: Patrick Perré and Riad Bakour, LERMAB–ENGREF.)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

particular layers (508 to 708 in S1, 108 to 308 in S2, and
TABLE 36.1
608 to 908 in S3) causes a mechanical locking effect,
Elementary Composition of Wood
leading to a very high stiffness of the overall cell. Due
Element Content (%) to its thickness and low value of microfibril angle, the
S2 layer is responsible for the high strength and low
Carbon 49–50 shrinkage of wood in the longitudinal direction. The
Hydrogen 6
overall distribution of wood polymers does not vary
Oxygen 43–44
greatly with common species (see Table 36.2), but
Nitrogen <1
Inorganic elements 1*
a comprehensive study (Fengel and Wegener, 1984)
(Na, K, Ca, Mg, Si) reveals much wider variations.
Both organic and inorganic extraneous materials
Source: Bosshard, H.H., Holzkunde, Band 2, Zur Biologie, Physik are found in wood. The organic component takes the
und Chemie des Holzes (Wood Science: Biology, Physics and form of extractives, which contribute to such wood
Chemistry of Wood, Vol. 2), Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1984.
properties as color, odor, taste, decay resistance,
*Exceptions exist in tropical species.
density, hygroscopicity, and flammability. Extractives
include tannins and other polyphenolics, coloring
matter, essential oils, fats, resins, waxes, gum starch,
formation but are also important for the strength of and simple metabolic intermediates. Extractives may
the cell wall. constitute roughly 5 to 30% of the wood substance.
The cell wall has a complex structure, composed The inorganic component of extraneous materials
of a network of cellulose microfibrils interconnected generally constitutes 0.2 to 1.0% of the wood sub-
by hemicellulose chains and incrusted by pectins and stance. Calcium, potassium, and magnesium are the
proteins (Mark, 1967). Cellulose is a linear polymer more abundant elemental constituents.
with an average degree of polymerization of 10,000.
These polymer chains are organized in elementary 36.1.3 REACTION WOOD AND JUVENILE WOOD
fibrils that are partly crystalline to the extent of 50
to 70%. Elementary fibrils are bundled with hemicel- As plants cannot move, they have developed several
luloses to form microfibrils. The latter are very strong features to adapt to their environment such as the
in their longitudinal direction and their crystalline effects of wind and site slope. Reaction wood is part
part is very difficult to penetrate with water. The of this capacity for adaptation; it allows the plants to
hemicelluloses are branched, low-molecular-weight maintain or modify the orientation of different axes
polymers composed of several different kinds of pen- in space. In softwood trees, the reaction wood pro-
tose- and hexose-sugar monomers. Cells that are dead duces growth stresses smaller than in normal wood;
at maturity (fibers, tracheids, etc.) may impregnate the tensile level is smaller and can even become nega-
their walls with lignin, which makes these walls im- tive in this compression wood. In hardwood trees,
pervious to water. Lignin is often regarded as the reaction wood forms wood with higher growth-stress
cementing agent that binds individual cells together level than in normal wood and is known as tension
and is insoluble in most solvents. Softwood lignin is wood. For example, branches are horizontal elements
thought to incorporate about 500 phenylpropane that must work against gravity. In the case of hard-
units (Keey et al., 2000), but it is a variable and woods, tension wood is present in the upper part of
complex three-dimensional polymer. the cross sections of branches whereas, in the case of
Several layers have to be distinguished in the wall
thickness, not only by the macromolecular compos-
ition but also by the microfibril orientation, i.e., the TABLE 36.2
angle between the fibril orientation and the longitu- Typical Wood Composition
dinal axis of the cell. Between two adjacent cells lies a
highly lignified region called middle lamella. Both Content (%)
middle lamella and adjoining primary walls are some- Softwoods Hardwoods
times referred to as compound middle lamella. The
secondary cell wall is laid down after cell extension is Cellulose 42 + 2 45 + 2
complete. In direction to the cell lumen, the second- Hemicelluloses 27 + 2 30 + 5
ary cell wall is subdivided into three zones: S1, S2, and Lignin 28 + 3 20 + 4
S3. The lignin content significantly decreases from Source: Walker, J.C.F., Primary Wood Processing Principles and
about 90% in the middle lamella down to about 20% Practice, Chapman & Hall, London, 1993.
of the S2 layer. The varying fibril orientation in the

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

softwoods, compression wood is found in the lower woolly and rough. Strength properties are reduced.
part. However, the compression wood can also be Longitudinal shrinkage can be more than 1%. No
found in some primitive groups of hardwoods (Carl- significant coloration marks out tension-wood zones.
quist, 2001). In addition, the regulation of hardwood seems to be
subtler than in softwoods, sometimes leading to very Compression Wood localized presence of reaction wood (thin layers in the
radial direction and variable angular position from
Compared with normal wood, this tissue is character- one year to the other). Therefore, the macroscopic
ized by shorter tracheids, higher lignin and hemicel- features are not very reliable.
lulose content, and lower cellulose content. This At the microscopic level, tension wood is much
reaction wood is easily identified on smooth surfaces, easier to identify when it is fully developed. Fiber cell
in particular in a transverse view. When compression walls are much thicker than normal, enclosing very
wood is formed, the growth rings appear darker, small lumens. Secondary walls are loosely attached to
reddish brown, and often wider than on the opposite the primary wall and thus are responsible for some of
side. Therefore, when compression wood develops in the differing mechanical properties. The thick second-
the same side for several years, the cross section of the ary wall of tension-wood fibers is significantly lesser
stem tends to be oval with an eccentric pith in the lignified; it consists of almost pure cellulose. Due to
core; this is typical of branches or stem of bent trees. this consistency, this layer is termed gelatinous or
At the anatomical level the cells observed in cross G layer (Figure 36.8). The microfibrils are almost
section are more rounded than rectangular, showing parallel to the grain. The reason for tension-wood
large intercellular spaces (Figure 36.7). The cell wall shrinkage is not well understood. The loose contact
consists only of ML, P, S1, and S2 layers. Once dry, between the G layer and the remaining cell wall,
the cell wall shows deep, helically arranged checks which does not restrain the outer cell region (i.e.,
from the lumen. The latter is rather thick and its primary layer) and from contraction during drying,
microfibril angle is much larger than in normal is one possible explanation. However, a recent work
wood (about 458 from the axial direction). In conse- tends to prove that the G layer itself has a high
quence, the density is higher, the longitudinal shrink- longitudinal shrinkage, which is not consistent with
age is increased to some percentage (compared with the small microfibril angle (Clair, 2001). It may be
0.1 to 0.2% for normal wood), and, in spite of the noted that intermediate indications of tension wood
higher density, the longitudinal mechanical properties exist without the G layer.
are less than in normal wood. Due to the large micro-
fibril angle in the S2 layer, the effect is opposite in the Juvenile Wood
transverse plane: lower shrinkage and higher stiffness.
All trees during their growth produce juvenile wood, Tension Wood i.e., the inner core of xylem surrounding the pith.
The time during which juvenile wood is formed varies
Tension wood is characterized by increased cellulose among individuals, with species, and with environ-
content and increased density. Sawn surfaces appear mental conditions. It is often recognized that juvenile

Normal wood Compression wood

FIGURE 36.7 Compression wood compared with normal wood. (ESEM photographs: White fir (Abies alba), LERMAB–

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FIGURE 36.8 Tension wood in Pedunculate oak (Quercus rubra); note the existence of the G layer. (ESEM photograph:

wood formation lasts as long as living branches exist . Because the system is designed for longitudinal
at the corresponding height of the tree. The transition sap flow from the roots to the canopy, the wood
from juvenile to mature wood takes place gradually. material is strongly anisotropic.
No clear demarcation exists between juvenile and . Because of negative pressure, the vascular sys-
adult wood. tem must be able to support a gas invasion due
In juvenile wood the cells are smaller than those of to injury or cavitation. This is the role of bor-
the mature xylem. Particular differences exist in the dered pits or vessel-to-vessel pits. These ana-
length of the cells as well as in the structure of the tomical features may dramatically inhibit the
layered cell wall. The microfibril angle in the S2 layer fluid migration in the wood.
is greater than in cells of the mature tissue. As for . In heartwood, due to metabolite deposition, as-
compression wood, this causes a higher value of lon- piration or closure of bordered pits, or tylose
gitudinal shrinkage and a reduced tensile strength. In development, the permeability is often reduced
addition, the spiral grain (angle between the stem axis by one or several orders of magnitude.
and the fiber orientation) is often large in the juvenile . The wood is fully saturated in the sapwood part
wood. Together with the high longitudinal shrinkage, of logs (an air-free sap column is required to
this explains why the warping of timber containing obtain negative pressures), whereas the heart-
juvenile wood may be dramatic after drying. Juvenile wood zone is generally only partly saturated.
wood is a major problem in processing wood from
plantations of fast-growing species (eucalyptus, Table 36.3 indicates some orders of magnitude
radiata pine, etc.) that produce logs made up mostly generally observed for the moisture content of green-
of juvenile wood. wood. Indeed, because the sapwood part is fully sat-
urated, the maximum moisture content in this zone
36.1.4 IMPLICATIONS FOR THE DRYING PROCESS can be calculated by assuming that the entire pore
volume is filled with water:
To induce the ascent of sap in tree, the menisci present in
the leaf stomata pull up water (Zimmerman 1983).
Because most trees are more than 10 m high, one can f r‘ r
X¼ with f ¼ 1  0 (36:1)
deduce that the absolute liquid pressure in the sap (1  f)rs rs
column is negative. No gaseous phase can exist in such
conditions. The vascular system developed in trees has where f is the porosity, r0 is the basic density (oven-
many other implications for the drying process: dry mass/green volume), rs is the density of the cell

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Moisture in wood is distinguished between the liquid
TABLE 36.3
sap present unattached in the cell lumens (free water)
Typical Values of Moisture Content Found in
and the water molecules held in the cell walls (bound
water), with an activity less than 1.
Wood Type Moisture Content Dry Basis (%) Free Water
Sapwood Heartwood

Softwoods 150–200 40–80 The sap flows in wood through the vascular system
Hardwoods 80–120 60–100 produced by the cambium. This liquid, present in the
cell cavities, is usually referred to as ‘‘free water’’ just
because its properties are very close to those of liquid
water: density, viscosity, saturated vapor pressure, etc.
wall substance (rs ffi 1530 kg m3), and r‘ is the sap However, one has to keep in mind that this water is
density (r‘ ¼ 1000 kg m3). tied to the solid matrix through capillary forces. Due to
To highlight that the development of wood in the surface energy of the interface between liquid and
trees leads to a very anisotropic material, Table 36.4 gas (the surface tension), together with the contact angle
indicates some order of magnitude for dimensionless between this interface and the woody matrix, a pressure
anisotropy ratios found in wood for the most import- difference exists between liquid and gaseous phases.
ant properties involved in drying. The ease of fluid This pressure difference, which obeys Laplace’s law,
migration in wood (i.e., the permeability) is by far the increases with decreasing pore diameter. Because liquid
property that presents the highest anisotropy ratio. is the wetting phase in the case of water and wood, the
The reduction in wood permeability from sapwood to liquid pressure is less than the gaseous one.
heartwood affects particularly the longitudinal direc- In addition, due to the curvature of the interface,
tion in hardwoods (especially for ring-porous species a deviation of the saturated vapor pressure exists.
developing tyloses) and all directions in softwoods. This deviation can be calculated from the definition
and properties of the Gibbs free energy and leads to
Kelvin equation (Dullien, 1992):
Pv 1 1 Mv
36.2.1 WATER IN WOOD: SORBED AND CAPILLARY ln w ¼ ln ¼ s þ (36:3)
Pvs r1 r2 r‘ RT
In Equation 36.3, Pvs is the saturated vapor pressure, Pv Moisture Content of Wood is the equilibrium vapor pressure at the curved inter-
face, s is the surface tension, r1 and r2 are the two
The moisture content of wood (dry basis) is defined
principal radii of the surface, and Mv is the molar
by the following mass ratio:
mass of water. The quantity w is known as the relative
mass of water humidity. However, a very small pore radius is required
X¼ (36:2) for the deviation to become significant (Table 36.5).

TABLE 36.5
Pressure Difference DP and Relative Humidity w
TABLE 36.4
at the Surface for Different Radii Values (Values
Order of Magnitude of the Dimensionless
Calculated at 208C, for a Perfectly Wetting Liquid
Anisotropy Ratios Encountered in
and Cylindrical Tubes)
Wood Relative to Tangential Value
Radius of the DP (Equivalent Water w ¼ Pv/Pvs
Property Direction
Capillary Column)
1 mm 0.146 kPa (14.9 mm) 0.999999
Stiffness 1 2 20 100 mm 1.46 kPa (0.149 m) 0.999989
Shrinkage 1 0.5 0 10 mm 14.6 kPa (1.49 m) 0.99989
Thermal conductivity 1 1.5 2 1 mm 0.146 MPa (14.9 m) 0.9989
Mass diffusivity 1 1–2 20 0.1 mm 1.46 MPa (149 m) 0.989
Permeability 1 1–10 100–105 0.01 mm 14.6 MPa (1.49 km) 0.898

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Bound Water Because of sorption hysteresis, the EMC at a
given relative humidity is higher in drying (desorp-
Bound moisture is associated with the hygroscopic tion) from greenwood than in wetting (adsorption)
nature of the woody components. There are some from perfectly dried wood. The ratio of values nor-
uncertainties about the limits of hygroscopic behav- mally ranges between 0.75 and 0.88 (Schniewind,
ior, particularly with woods of high extractives con- 1989). However, in previously dried wood subject to
tent; but it is useful to define a maximum sorptive environmental swings in relative humidity, the iso-
moisture content, called the fiber saturation point therm for adsorption and desorption becomes more
(FSP). If the capillary condensation effects in pores similar. Thus, for practical proposes, the hygroscopi-
greater than 0.1 mm in equivalent cylindrical diameter city of wood is sufficiently similar for most commer-
are ignored, FSP of the wood may be defined as the cial species for generalized sorption data to be useful.
equilibrium moisture content (EMC) in an environ- The curves depicted in Figure 36.9 represent an aver-
ment of 99% relative humidity. This yields a value of age between desorption and adsorption. They were
30 to 32% for most commercial species (Keey et al., plotted using the mathematical correlation used in the
2000) at room temperature. FSP falls with increasing numerical code ‘‘Transpore.’’ The parameters of this
temperature. For a softwood such as Sitka spruce expression have been fitted from various data avail-
(Picea sitchensis), FSP falls from about 31% at 258C able in the literature: those published by Rasmussen
to 23% at 1008C (Stamm, 1964). in 1961 (Siau, 1984) and those of Loughborough on
As the relative proportions of the woody compon- Sitka spruce published by Hawley in 1931 and ar-
ents vary only within narrow ranges for common ranged by Keylwerth in 1949 (Kollmann and Côté,
commercial species, the EMCs at a given relative 1968; Joly and More-Chevalier, 1980).
humidity and temperature are closely similar for
these woods. However, at high relative humidities Differential Heat of Sorption
deviations from mean values can appear. Shubin’s
data (1990) show, for instance, that at 95% relative Sorbed water in the cell wall has a lower enthalpy
humidity the EMC at 42.48C ranges from 22% for a than liquid water. However, contrary to other forms
pine to 33% for an oak. Hoadley (1980) notes that in of water, such as solid, the enthalpy of bound water
species with a high extractives content, such as red- increases with increasing moisture content up to FSP.
wood (Sequoia sempervirens) and mahogany (Swiete- Above this value, the enthalpy of water in wood is
nia mahogani), the fibers remain saturated at 22 to essentially the same as that of liquid water.
24% moisture content, whereas birch (Betula spp.) The value of the differential heat of sorption can
may have a moisture content up to 35% at fiber be calculated from the sorption isotherms using the
saturation. Clausius–Clapeyron equation (Skaar, 1988):


Equilibrium moisture content (%)



20⬚C 60⬚C


0 20 40 60 80 100
Relative humidity (%)

FIGURE 36.9 Sorption isotherms calculated by a mathematical expression fitted from published data.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Pure water Water in wood


Δhs Lv

−Lf Fiber saturation point

Moisture content
Ice Bound water

≈ −Lv/2

FIGURE 36.10 Differential heat of sorption versus the moisture content. (Adapted from Skaar, C., Wood–Water Relations,
Springer, Berlin, 1988.)

d ln
R Pvs
Dhs ¼    (36:4) Dimension
Mv 1

This heat of sorption is slightly higher than 1000 kJ

kg1 for oven-dry wood and decreases rapidly with R
moisture content to reach zero, with a horizontal
slope at the FSP (Figure 36.10). T Shrinkage

In trees, the cell walls of wood are in a fully swollen

FSP SIP Moisture content
condition. However, when sorbed water is removed
from the cell wall, new hydrogen bonds form between
FIGURE 36.11 Dimensional variations of a typical wood
the hydroxyl groups of the molecular chains and sample vs. moisture content.
reduce the distance between the chains. This variation
affects the dimension in a direction normal to the
microfibril direction. This fact explains why the lon- The shrinkage values tend to increase with basic
gitudinal shrinkage is usually negligible. In the trans- density, but values vary strongly between and within
verse directions, the dimensional variations plotted species. Table 36.6 indicates the order of magnitude
against bound water content are very close to a values encountered in some species.
straight line (Figure 36.11). Shrinkage can then be In the case of compression wood, the microfibril
defined by the total shrinkage (variation of dimension angle in the S2 layer is large, which results in a lower
between the green state and the oven-dry condition) transverse shrinkage and a significant longitudinal
or in terms of a shrinkage coefficient (variation of shrinkage. In spite of the very low value of the
dimension divided by the variation in moisture con- microfibril angle in the G layer, tension wood of
tent). For most species, the tangential shrinkage is hardwood has also an abnormally high longitudinal
about twice the radial shrinkage. Several features shrinkage.
can explain this observation: the cell arrangement of As logs are sawn in green state, shrinkage occurs
tissues, the difference between earlywood and late- after sawing. The size of each section is reduced by
wood, and the presence of ray cells. The extrapolation shrinkage and also the shape of the section changes
of length values against moisture content to the ori- caused by the tangential or radial anisotropy in
ginal unshrunken length yields the so-called shrinkage shrinkage (Figure 36.12):
intersection point (SIP) (Figure 36.11). Normally, this
moisture content is a little higher than the FSP, but a. Only the quartersawn sections without the pith
often the two moisture content values are assumed to keep their rectangular shape
be same. b. Flatsawn sections cup into a trough-like shape

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

TABLE 36.6
Order of Magnitude of Shrinkage Values in the Fluid Migration in Wood:
Transverse Plane for Some Species. FSP is Assumed Single-Phase Flow
to be Equal to 30% for All Species
The understanding of the fluid migration in wood is
Species Radial Shrinkage Tangential Shrinkage of utmost importance to understand the drying pro-
Total Coefficient Total Coefficient cess. The differences in drying behavior between spe-
(%) (%/%) (%) (%/%) cies and within the log primarily come from the
permeability value and from the initial moisture sat-
Spruce, pine 5.0 0.17 9.0 0.30 uration. When only one fluid phase is present, the
Oak 6.0 0.20 11.0 0.37
classical Darcy’s law applies:
Beech 6.5 0.22 12.0 0.40
Balsa 3.0 0.10 6.0 0.20
Teak 3.0 0.10 5.0 0.17
v¼ r(P) (36:5)
Okoumé 4.0 0.13 6.5 0.22 m
Azobé 8.0 0.27 11.0 0.37
where v is the apparent velocity of the fluid through
Source: Kollmann, F.P. and Côté, W.A., Principles of Wood
the specimen (m s1), K is the permeability (m2), and
Science and Technology, Solid Wood, Vol. 1, Springer, Berlin,
m is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (Pa s1).
1968; Aléon, D., Chanrion, P., Négrié, G., and Perré, P.,
FormaXylos 4—Le séchage (Training in Wood Science: Drying,
Fluid migration in wood uses the vascular system
Vol. 4), CD-Rom français/English, CTBA, Paris, 2003. developed by trees for their physiological require-
ments. For this reason, wood has several specific
features concerning permeability among which the
most important are the anisotropy ratios. Wood has
c. Quartersawn sections, which include the pith, dramatic anisotropy ratios: the longitudinal permea-
present a nonuniform thickness once dried; bility can be 1000 times greater than the transverse
near the pith, the thickness shrinks along the permeability for softwoods and more than a million-
radial direction whereas the tangential shrink- fold for hardwoods (Banks, 1968).
age is involved elsewhere Table 36.7 summarizes some values of directional
d. A squared section cut along the grain direction permeability available in the literature for different
becomes rectangular after drying species. Depending on the experimental apparatus
e. A diamond shape is obtained if the grain direc- and the protocol used by the authors, some data are
tion is along the diagonal missing in the papers. For example, it is not always






FIGURE 36.12 Section deformations depending on the sawing pattern. The shape after drying results from the anisotropy
ratio between radial and tangential shrinkage. These deformations exist even when the equilibrium is achieved and with a
uniform moisture content throughout the section. (Adapted from Aléon, D., Chanrion, P., Négrié, G., and Perré, P.,
FormaXylos 4—Le séchage (Training in Wood Science: Drying, Vol. 4), CD-Rom français/English, CTBA, Paris, 2003.)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

TABLE 36.7
Order of Magnitude of Permeability for Some Species along the Three Material Directions of Wood

References Species Notes Permeability (m2) Anisotropy Ratio

12 16 16
L · 10 R · 10 T · 10 KL/KR KL/KT KR/KT

Choong and Kimbler, 1971 Populus sp. S. l. a 0.59 — 0.44 — 13,000 —

Populus sp. H. l. a 0.61 0.15 0.18 40,000 33,000 0.835
Alnus rubra S. l. a 1.9 0.15 0.12 125,000 166,000 1.327
Liquidambar sp. S. l. a 2.7 0.19 0.69 145,000 39,000 0.273
Liriodendron sp. H. l. a 5.4 — 0.80 — 67,000 —
Sequoia sp. S. l. a 4.9 11.2 19.4 4,000 2,000 0.580
Sequoia sp. H. l. a 0.25 0.112 0.88 23,000 3,000 0.127
Pseudotsuga sp. H. l. a 0.026 0.000 0.000 — — —
Pseudotsuga sp. S. l. a 0.049 — 0.37 — 1,300 —
Pinus sp. H. l. a 0.0026 0.17 — 153 —
Choong. et al., 1974 Acer rubrum S. g. o 10.3 — — 8,300 11,400 1.4
Acer rubrum H. g. o 7.4 — —
Liriodendron sp. S. g. o 28.9 — — 1,450 1,600 1.1
Liriodendron sp. H. g. o 1.87 — —
Liquidambar sp. S. g.o 13.9 — — 1,300 2,750 2.1
Liquidambar sp. H. g. o 15.3 — —
Quercus rubra Sg 62.0 — — 13,000 18,000 1.4
Quercus rubra Hg 56.0 — —
Quercus falcata Sg 69.0 — — 110,000 143,000 1.3
Quercus falcata Hg 13.0 — —
Chen et al., 1998 Liriodendron sp. Sl 26.0 4.5 — 57,000 — —
Liriodendron sp. Hl 0.1 — — — — —
Juglans nigra Sl 27.0 0.08 — 3  106 — —
Juglans nigra Hl 0.0052 — — — — —
Quercus rubra Sl 61.0 0.68 — 900,000 — —
Quercus rubra Hl 45.0 — — — — —
Perré, 1992 and 2002 Picea sp. S. g. a 0.2 — — 700 — —
Fagus sylvatica S g. a 3.8 — — 3,000 65,000 21.0
Fagus sylvatica H g. a 1.4 — — 3,000 — —
Populus sp. H g. s 0.03 — — 10,000 — —

L, longitudinal; R, radial; T, tangential; S, sapwood; H, heartwood; l, permeability to liquid; g, permeability to gas; a, air-dried sample; o,
oven-dried sample.

easy to calculate the permeability ratios from permea- . The most permeable species in the longitudinal
bility value, or vice versa. Choong et al. (1974), for direction are among the ring-porous species
example, have reported the permeability values for (Quercus spp.) that have very large vessels (up
sapwood and heartwood for the longitudinal direction, to 500 mm in diameter).
but not for the transverse directions. Only the mean . The diffuse-porous hardwoods are fairly per-
anisotropy ratio is available in this paper. Perré (1992) meable too; probably, the large number of
and Perré et al. (2002) have used an experimental vessels can offset their smaller diameter (around
procedure to determine the longitudinal permeability 50 mm).
and the anisotropy ratio on the same sample. In these . Softwood species are generally less permeable;
instances, they just obtained the ratios and decided not these trees have no specific elements for sap
to calculate the transverse permeability accordingly. flow, so the fluid has to pass through the small
The variability is impressive for both the permea- openings, the bordered pits, at the end of each
bility values and the anisotropy ratios. In spite of the tracheid along the path, which is 1 to 2 mm
scatter in the data, general trends are exhibited for the each. Certain softwood species, such as Pinus
longitudinal permeability: radiata, however, are very permeable.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

The transverse permeability and the anisotropy This subtle mechanism is vital for trees, but causes
ratios are very variable. The heartwood part of logs some difficulties in wood drying. Indeed, pit aspiration
is usually much less permeable than the sapwood part occurs as soon as water is removed from the wood,
(Comstock, 1967). This is due to tyloses development sometimes even during the heartwood formation. In
and extractives deposition (tannins, gums, etc.) in particular, it is impossible to avoid pit aspiration when
hardwoods and due to the aspiration of bordered drying softwoods under normal conditions.
pits in softwoods. Only freeze-drying, or changing the liquid phase for
a solvent with low surface tension before drying, allows Pit Aspiration air-dried samples without pit aspiration to be obtained
In softwoods, the tracheids have considerable pitting (Comstock and Côté, 1968; Meyer, 1971; Bolton and
in their radial walls. These bordered pits are special- Petty, 1978; Fumoto et al., 1984). The permeability
ized valves to seal and isolate tracheids if they become values depend on the species and on the author,
damaged or embolized, but remain open for sap flow. but all these data show that air-dried samples, with
At the pit location, the double cell wall takes the aspirated pits, have permeability values considerably
shape of the external part of a torus. The external smaller than unaspirated samples (typically ranging
diameter of this torus is in the range 10 to 20 mm, from 1 to 10%). Due to thicker cell walls, smaller pit
depending on the position in the annual growth ring radii, and more rigid structures, the percentage of as-
(the diameter is smaller in latewood). The torus is pirated pits is much less in the latewood part of samples
suspended by the margo, a net of radially oriented (Siau, 1984).
microfibrils, with openings up to some micrometers
wide. In normal operation, the sap flows from one Generalized Darcy’s Law:
tracheid to the other simply by using these small Multiphase Flow
openings (Figure 36.13a).
When gas invades one tracheid, the gas–liquid When two phases coexist, the generalized Darcy’s law
interface is blocked in the margo due to capillary must be used. The volumetric flow rate of each phase
forces. These forces press the torus against the oppos- is considered to be proportional to the pressure gra-
ite border of the pit (Figure 36.13b). Then, hydrogen dient of the corresponding phase. The phenomeno-
bonds keep the torus in this position; the pit is now logical coefficient is the product of the permeability
impermeable (Figure 36.13c). Such sealing of a pit is K by a function of saturation called ‘‘relative permea-
known as aspiration. bility’’ to the considered phase.

Middle lamella
Capillary forces


Position of the
≅10 µm air/liquid
Gas Gas Gas

Liquid Liquid

Secondary wall

Conductive bordered pit Pit aspiration Aspirated pit

FIGURE 36.13 The mechanism of pit aspiration: a clever strategy to limit the damage caused by any gas invasion due to
injury or cavitation of the sap column. (Adapted from Siau, J.F., Transport Processes in Wood, Springer, Berlin, 1984.)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

For the gaseous phase edge-capillary pressure are the two mechanisms that
can explain this observation (Dullien, 1992). Due to
K krg (S) the microporosity that exists in the cell walls, such
vg ¼  rPg (36:6)
mg mechanisms are likely to exist in wood also. However,
the concept of irreducible saturation has led to un-
For the liquid phase realistic computed moisture content profiles during
drying (Perré, 1987), though later modeling of soft-
K kr‘ (S) wood drying incorporates a similar concept success-
v‘ ¼  rP‘ (36:7) fully as a mean to account for pit aspiration (Nijdam
et al., 2000). In this case, ‘‘irreducible saturation’’
The liquid pressure is related to the gaseous pressure corresponds to the condition when pit aspiration is
through the capillary pressure function: sufficiently advanced such that the remaining free
moisture is immobilized in isolated pockets in the
P‘ ¼ Pg  Pc (S) (36:8) wood.
Based on the measurements in the longitudinal
Equation 36.6 and Equation 36.7 must be consistent direction reported by Tesoro et al. (1972), on the
with Darcy’s law (Equation 36.5) when one single- curve computed from the tracheid model (Spolek
fluid phase occupies the porous medium. Conse- and Plumb, 1980), and on those considerations
quently, the relative permeability functions fulfill the regarding the concept of irreducible saturation, the
following conditions: following functions have been proposed for soft-
woods by Perré et al. (1993) (Figure 36.14):
In the transverse direction (radial or tangential)
Gas only Liquid only
kr‘ (0) ¼ 0, kr‘ (1) ¼ 1 (36:9) kTrg ¼ 1 þ (2S  3)S2 and kTr‘ ¼ S3 (36:10)
krg (0) ¼ 1, krg (1) ¼ 0
In the longitudinal direction
Although depending on both initial and boundary
conditions, the relative permeability values are usu- kLrg ¼ 1 þ (4S  5)S4 and kLr‘ ¼ S8 (36:11)
ally supposed to be the function of saturation only.
Even with this simple assumption, their experimental
determination remains very challenging. Capillary Pressure
Very few results are available in the literature for
wood. Some data have been published by Tesoro et al. Some works can be found on the determination of
(1972, 1974). A recent paper by Tremblay et al. (2000) capillary pressure functions in wood. Mercury porosi-
describes an indirect method to measure this property. metry exhibits a dramatic effect of the sample thick-
Based on the geometrical model of tracheids pro- ness in the longitudinal direction (Trénard, 1980). For
posed by Comstock (1970), Spolek and Plumb (1980) short samples, the cell lumens are directly accessible to
derived an expression for the relative permeability in the mercury; whereas for longer samples, the liquid has
softwoods. This model assumes that all tracheids are to pass through the small openings, the pits that exist
exactly similar and that the wetting-phase distribution between cells, clearly illustrating their bottlenecking
is ideal. Their final expression involves an irreducible effect. The centrifuge method has been used success-
saturation, below which no liquid flux is possible. fully by Spolek and Plumb (1981) on softwoods and by
This concept of irreducible saturation has been Choong and Tesoro (1989) on various species. To
widely discussed, especially in the context of petrol- determine the moisture content–water potential rela-
eum production (Dullien, 1992). Depending on the tionship of wood, Cloutier and Fortin (1991) used a
boundary conditions, one part of the fluid phase tension plate and a pressure plate. This is a drainage
that occupied the medium at the beginning of the method and their results could easily be converted into
experiment remains in the medium, even though its a classic capillary pressure function.
flow rate has vanished. This part seems to be trapped Because certain anatomical features govern the
in the medium in what is called a ‘‘pendular’’ state. morphology of wood pores, particular methods can
The amount of the residual part increases with the be applied to wood:
imbibition or drainage velocity. In addition, the
amount of trapped phase after the experiment reduces . To compute a capillary pressure curve, Spolek
with time; surface spreading in the solid phase and the and Plumb (1981) have developed the geometrical

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


Relative permeability



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

FIGURE 36.14 Relative permeability curves calculated using equations (36.10) and (36.11).

model of the tracheid shape proposed by Com- diffusivities, respectively having units m2 s1 and vv
stock (1970). Although it may be simplistic to is the mass fraction of vapor in the gaseous phase.
assume that all tracheids have exactly the same By using the bound-liquid diffusivity data of
shape, they obtained a good trend for the capillary Stamm (1963), it is possible to obtain the following
pressure function by this means. least-squares, best-fit correlation for Db:
. Because the longitudinal direction of wood is  
very marked, it is quite simple to obtain the 4300
Db ¼ exp 12:82 þ 10:90 Xb  (36:14)
three-dimensional structure of the material T
from a cross section. Figure 36.15 depicts the
examples of capillary pressure curves calculated where T is the temperature in Kelvin.
from microscopic images of cross sections of On assuming isothermal conditions and constant
wood. In this case, the pore-size distribution total pressure, the microscopic vapor flux can be ex-
has been calculated using image processing pressed with the gradient of the bound-water content
(Perré, 1997; Perré and Turner, 2002). as the driving force by Equation 36.13.
Mv @Pv
fv ¼  Dv rXb (36:15) Bound-Water Diffusion RT @Xb

Macroscopic bound-water diffusion results from Within the anatomical structure of wood, any
transport mechanisms that take place at the micro- combination in series or parallel of vapor diffusion
scopic scale, i.e., diffusion of the bound water (in lumen and pits) and bound-water diffusion (in the
through the cell walls and vapor diffusion due to cell walls) is a possible pathway to drive water from
Fick’s law. At the microscopic scale, these two fluxes high to low moisture content regions (Figure 36.16).
can be expressed as follows: Because Equation 36.12 and Equation 36.15 use the
same driving force, the expressions for the macroscopic
f b ¼ rs Db rXb (Bound-water flux) (36:12) bound-water diffusivity in the radial and tangential
directions can be calculated even using homogenization
f v ¼ rg Dv rvv (Vapor flux) (36:13) techniques according to these microscopic properties,
together with the pore morphology (Perré and Turner,
In Equation 36.12 and Equation 36.13, Db and Dv 2002). Equation 36.14, derived from specific experi-
represent the microscopic bound-liquid and vapor mental measurements, exhibits a dramatic increase of

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


Late wood
Middle wood

Capillary pressure (Pc/Patm)

0.3 Early wood

641 kg m3
458 kg m3


349 kg m3

(a) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Late wood
Capillary pressure (Pc/Patm)

0.6 Early wood

656 kg m3

543 kg m

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

FIGURE 36.15 Capillary-function curves determined using image analysis. (a) spruce (Picea abies): the cells have thicker
walls and smaller radial extension in latewood part, hence the highest value of the capillary-pressure curve. One also has to be
aware that full saturation is obtained with a lower amount of water in latewood (the porosity of this part is very small); (b)
beech (Fagus sylvatica): because beech is a pore diffuse-porous hardwood species, no significant difference is observed
between these parts. The low capillary pressure obtained for saturation values above 0.2 corresponds to the meniscus radii
located in the vessel elements. The dramatic increase for low saturation values is due to the small lumen diameters of the
parenchyma and fiber cells.

the bound-water diffusivity as the bound moisture con- This expression is consistent with the derivation of the
tent increases. For this reason, the same trend is pre- second Fick’s law by using the mass balance equation:
dicted from the calculations or measurements at the
macroscopic scale; bound-water diffusion is always @Xb
easier for higher bound-water contents. ¼ r(Db rXb ) (36:17)
When using the gradient of bound water as a
driving force, the macroscopic flux reads
For the sake of simplicity, the foregoing expressions
have always assumed isothermal conditions. However,
f b ¼ r0 Db rXb (36:16) this assumption fails for certain drying processes

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Low moisture content pressure appears in the simulation of high-
temperature seasoning, vacuum drying, or microwave
drying (Perré and Degiovanni, 1990; Perré and Turner,
1996, 1999a).
As a general rule, a one-variable model (moisture
content only) should be avoided (except, possibly,
when considering kiln behavior), especially because
it is not able to account for the very important coup-
ling that exists during drying between heat and mass
transfer. The two-variable model is appropriate for
most of the drying conditions encountered in indus-
try. Finally, the three-variable model, quite complex,
should be reserved for processes during which the
internal pressure has a significant impact on internal
High moisture content moisture transport (processes with internal vaporiza-
tion: vacuum drying, high-temperature drying, radio-
FIGURE 36.16 Moisture diffusion in the hygroscopic frequency drying, etc.).
range: any combination in series or parallel of vapor diffu- The second fundamental difference between the
sion (in lumen and pits) and bound-water diffusion (in the drying models lies in the number of space variables
cell walls) is able to drive water from high to low moisture used to describe the process. One-dimensional
content regions.
models (thickness) are fast running and allow the
most important phenomena to be caught (trans-
(e.g., impingement drying, radio-frequency, or micro- fers and drying stress), as the transfers occur mainly
wave heating). The problem of mass migration due to a over the long faces of lumber boards in a kiln. For a
thermal gradient is a matter of scientific debate. Siau more refined approach, a second direction can be
(1984, 1995) gives a good review of possible formula- useful:
tions that can be used in nonisothermal conditions.
. The width is needed for a better evaluation of Physical Formulation drying rate and stress development, in particular
to account for the grain direction and the pres-
Several sets of macroscopic equations are proposed in ence of both sapwood and heartwood.
the literature for the simulation of the drying process. . The length is absolutely required in the case of
The first fundamental difference between them lies in processes with internal vaporization due to the
the number of state variables used to describe the huge anisotropy ratios of wood.
Finally, a three-dimensional model allows a compre-
. One: moisture content (or an equivalent vari- hensive geometrical modeling (Perré and Turner,
able: saturation, water potential, etc.) 1999c).
. Two: moisture content (or equivalent) and tem- The most comprehensive macroscopic formula-
perature T (or an equivalent variable: enthalpy tion is presented in this chapter; it accounts for all
etc.) transfer mechanisms presented in this section, includ-
. Three: moisture content (or equivalent), T (or ing the effect of internal gaseous pressure [Equation
equivalent), and gaseous pressure Pg (or an T1 through Equation T5]. The set of equations, as
equivalent variable: air density, intrinsic air proposed below, derives for the most part from Whi-
density, etc.) taker’s works (Whitaker, 1977, 1998) with extensions
required to account for wood properties and drying
Perré (1999) gives a critical review of the possibil- with internal overpressure (Perré and Degiovanni,
ities and limitations given by these different sets of 1990). In the equations set out below, all variables
equations. The use of moisture content alone is the are averaged over a REV (representative elementary
basis of many correlations of lumber-drying rates volume), large enough for average local quantities to
(see Keey et al., 2000). Doe et al. (1996a) have found be defined but small enough to avoid variations due
that, at relatively low temperatures (<408C) used in to macroscopic gradients. Although very powerful for
drying eucalyptus hardwoods, both moisture content numerous different configurations, these equations
and temperature are needed in their evaluation of assume equilibrium conditions at the microscopic
moisture movement. The importance of gaseous level and have some limitations (Perré, 1998).

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Water Conservation

@    ¼
«w rw þ «g rv þ rb þ r rwvw þ rvvg þ rb vb ¼ rðrg Deff rvv Þ ðT1Þ

Energy Conservation

« w r w hw þ «g ð r v h v þ r a ha Þ þ r b 
hb þ ro hs  «g Pg þ r rw hw vw þ ðrv hv þ ra ha Þvg þ hb rb vb
¼ r rgDeff ðhv rvv þ ha rva Þ þ leff rT þ F ðT2Þ

Air Conservation

@     ¼ 
«g ra þ r ravg ¼ r rg Deff rva (T3)

where the gas- and liquid-phase velocities are given by the generalized Darcy’s law:
¼ ¼
K ‘ kr‘
v‘ ¼  rw‘ , rw‘ ¼ rP‘  r‘ grx (T4)

where ‘ is w, g, the quantity w is known as the phase potential, and x is the depth scalar. All other symbols
have their usual meaning.
Boundary Conditions
For the external drying surfaces of the sample, the boundary conditions are assumed to be of the following form:
1  x1
Jw jx¼0þ  ^n ¼ hm cMv ln
1  xv jx¼0
Je jx¼0þ  n^ ¼ h(Tjx¼0  T1 )
Pg jx¼0þ ¼ Patm

where Jw and Je represent the fluxes of total moisture and total enthalpy at the boundary, respectively, and x
denotes the normal position from the boundary in the external medium.

36.2.3 PROCESS OF DRYING 1993; Perré and Martin, 1994). During this period,
the exposed surface of the board is still above the Low-Temperature Convective Drying FSP. As a result, the vapor pressure at the surface is
equal to the saturated vapor pressure, and is a func-
Low-temperature convective drying is the most wide- tion of the surface temperature only.
spread industrial process for seasoning wood in kilns. Coupled heat and vapor transfer occur across in
In this case, the role of internal gaseous pressure is the boundary layer (Figure 36.17). The heat flux sup-
almost negligible and transfer occurs mainly in the plied by the airflow is used solely for transforming the
direction of the board thickness. Two periods of dry- liquid water into vapor. During this stage, the drying
ing may be distinguished: (1) a constant drying-rate rate is constant and depends only on the external
period and (2) a decreasing drying-rate period. conditions (temperature, relative humidity, velocity, The Constant Drying-Rate Period and flow configuration). The temperature at the sur-
This stage is very common for certain porous media, face is equal to the wet-bulb temperature. Moreover,
but is rarely seen with wood. However, it exists al- because no energy transfer occurs within the medium
most always for fresh boards consisting of sapwood during this period, the whole temperature of the
that are dried under moderate conditions (Perré et al., board remains at the wet-bulb temperature.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Boundary layers

T Pv
External flow


Low moisture
Capillary migration content
small radius

Liquid flow

High moisture
Wood content
large radius

FIGURE 36.17 Constant drying-rate period: the moisture migrates inside the medium mostly by capillary forces; evapor-
ation occurs at the exchange surface with a dynamical equilibrium within the boundary layers between the heat and the vapor
flows. (Adapted from Perré, P., The numerical modeling of physical and mechanical phenomena involved in wood drying: an
excellent tool for assisting with the study of new processes, Tutorial, Proceedings of the Fifth International IUFRO Wood
Drying Conference, Québec, Canada, 1996, 9–38.)

The exposed surface is supplied with liquid water leads to a decreasing drying rate (the heat supplied by
coming from the inside of the board by capillary the airflow becomes smaller and smaller).
action; the liquid migrates from regions with high A two-zone process develops inside the wood: (1)
moisture content (liquid–gas interfaces within large an inner zone, where liquid migration prevails, and
pores) toward regions with low moisture content (2) a surface zone, where both bound-water and
(liquid–gas interfaces within small pores). water-vapor diffusion take place. During this period,
The constant drying-rate period lasts as long as the a conductive heat flux must exist inside the board to
surface is supplied with liquid. Its duration depends increase the temperature and to evaporate the liquid
strongly on the drying conditions (magnitude of the driven by gaseous diffusion. The region of liquid
external flux) and on the medium properties. The li- migration naturally reduces as the drying progresses
quid flow inside the medium is expressed by Darcy’s and finally disappears. The process is finished when
law (permeability  gradient of liquid pressure). the temperature and the moisture content attain the
outside air temperature and the EMC, respectively. The Decreasing Drying-Rate Period
Once the surface attained the hygroscopic range, Drying at High Temperature: The Effect
the vapor pressure becomes smaller than the satur- of Internal Pressure on Mass Transfer
ated vapor pressure (Figure 36.18). Consequently, the
external vapor flux is reduced and the heat flux sup- To reduce the drying time without decreasing the
plied to the medium is temporarily greater than what quality of the dried product, the drying conditions
is necessary for liquid evaporation. The energy in must be such that the temperature of the product is
excess is used to heat the board, the surface at first above the boiling point of water. Such conditions
and then the inner part by conduction. A new, more ensure that an overpressure exists within the material,
subtle, dynamic equilibrium takes place. The surface which implies that a pressure gradient drives the
vapor pressure, hence the external vapor flow, depends moisture (liquid or vapor) toward the exchange sur-
on both temperature and moisture content. To main- faces (Lowery, 1979; Kamke and Casey, 1988).
tain the energy balance, the surface temperature in- At normal atmospheric pressure, the boiling point
creases as the surface moisture content decreases. This of water equals 1008C. Consequently, in order to

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Diffusion of vapor
and bound water
External flow
Few vapor


Many vapor

Capillary migration Low moisture

Bound water =
and vapor small radius

Liquid flow
High moisture
large radius

FIGURE 36.18 Second drying period: a region in the hygroscopic range develops from the exposed surface. In that region,
both vapor diffusion and bound-water diffusion act. Evaporation takes place partly inside the medium. Consequently, a heat
flux has to be driven toward the inner part of the board by conduction. (Adapted from Perré, P., The numerical modeling of
physical and mechanical phenomena involved in wood drying: an excellent tool for assisting with the study of new processes,
Tutorial, Proceedings of the Fifth International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, Québec, Canada, 1996, 9–38.)

obtain an internal overpressure, the temperature of

the porous medium must be above that level during at Saturated vapor
Atmospheric pressure
least one part of the process. This is the aim of con- 100
vective drying at high temperature (moist air or
superheated steam) and a possible aim of contact
Pressure (kPa)

Boiling temperature
drying or drying with an electromagnetic field (micro-
wave or radio frequency).
However, as shown in Figure 36.19, it is possible
to reduce the boiling point of water by decreasing the External pressure
external pressure and, consequently, to obtain a high-
temperature effect with relatively moderate drying
conditions. This is the principle of vacuum drying, 0
particularly useful for lumber that would be damaged 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
by high temperature levels. Temperature (⬚C)
Whenever an overpressure exists inside a board,
the large anisotropy ratios imply intricate transfer FIGURE 36.19 Vacuum drying seeks to reduce the boiling
mechanisms. Heat is often supplied in the thickness point of water in order to obtain a high-temperature effect
direction while, in spite of the length, the effect of with moderate drying conditions. (saturated vapor pressure
the pressure gradient on gaseous (important for low values from Lide 1995.)
moisture content) or liquid migration (important for
high moisture content) takes place in the longitudinal Typical Drying Behavior: Difference
direction (Figure 36.20). This is a result of the ana- between Sapwood and Heartwood
tomical features of wood. In the case of very intensive
internal transfer, the end piece can be fully saturated In a tree, freshly cut down and sawn, it is easy to
and, sometimes, moisture can leave the sample in the distinguish sapwood from heartwood (by touch or by
liquid state. (This is quite easy to observe during sight). But a few days later, the loss of surface moisture
microwave heating.) content makes it impossible to do that. Nevertheless, in

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Vessel or



fully saturated

Liquid evacuation
possible in
Overpressure microwave heating

FIGURE 36.20 Drying at high temperature (second drying period): a high-temperature regime means that an overpressure
develops inside the medium. Depending on the moisture content, this overpressure induces liquid or gaseous flow; in
addition, as wood is strongly anisotropic, the most part of the flow occurs in the longitudinal direction (see the magnified
views). (Adapted from Perré, P., The numerical modeling of physical and mechanical phenomena involved in wood drying:
an excellent tool for assisting with the study of new processes, Tutorial, Proceedings of the Fifth International IUFRO Wood
Drying Conference, Québec, Canada, 1996, 9–38.)

the case of high-temperature drying, the increase of (Picea abies). They are representative of the trends
internal pressure gives rise to longitudinal migration observed by different authors (Salin, 1989; Pang et al.,
of liquid toward the end pieces, provided that the 1994; Perré and Martin, 1994).
permeability and the moisture content are high After the initial transient period, the constant dry-
enough. This is a good way to spot sapwood after a ing-rate period takes place for the sapwood board.
few hours of drying (Figure 36.21b). This phenomenon During this period, which lasts several hours, all
can be observed in industrial kilns (Figure 36.21c). temperatures are equal to the wet-bulb temperature
To illustrate the effect of these differences on the and the overpressure remains very small. At the be-
drying process, Figure 36.22 depicts drying experi- ginning of the second drying period (around 350
ments carried out with superheated steam at 1508C min), an important overpressure develops due to
on both sapwood and heartwood of Norway spruce the temperature increase. It disappears only when the

(a) A stack at the beginning of the drying

Heartwood Sapwood
Sapwood Heartwood

(b) The same stack after a few hours of drying

at high temperature

FIGURE 36.21 A stack of boards during high-temperature drying (shaded areas indicate wet zones).

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Different locations
Air flow 6 in the sample
1 3 30 mm
0 8
1.0 m

150 1.0

130 0.8

Overpressure (Patm)
Temperature (˚C)

110 0.6

90 P3 0.4


70 0.2

50 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (min)

150 1.25

130 1.00

Overpressure (Patm)
Temperature (˚C)

110 0.75

90 0.50

70 0.25

50 0
0 100 200 300 400 500
(b) Time (min)

FIGURE 36.22 Experiment on spruce (Picea abies) dried with superheated steam at 1508C. Temperature and internal
pressure at different locations. Note the difference between sapwood (a) and heartwood (b).

entire board enters the hygroscopic range. At this The results obtained for heartwood are quite dif-
moment, all temperatures approach the dry-bulb ferent. No constant drying-rate period can be ob-
temperature. served. Just a short plateau at the boiling point

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

TABLE 36.8
150 Intrinsic Permeabilities Used in the Drying Modeling
Direction Heartwood Sapwood
Moisture content (%)

Gas 1013 m2 2.1013 m2
Heartwood Liquid 1013 m2 1012 m2
Gas 1016 m2 2.1016 m2
Liquid 1016 m2 1015 m2
0 200 400 600
Time (min)

FIGURE 36.23 Moisture content loss obtained for sapwood unusable products (Figure 36.25). The understanding
and for heartwood (same experiments as in Figure 36.22). of these aspects must account for the complex mech-
anical behavior of wood, including its memory effect.
Shrinkage is the ‘‘driving’’ force for drying stress,
is detectable at the rear end of the board (T8). i.e., without shrinkage, no drying stresses would de-
Consequently, the overpressure remains high (espe- velop. Figure 36.26 exhibits the dimensional variation
cially for the center pressure P3) up to the end of the of an unladen sample with the moisture content
drying. The maximum pressure is higher for heart- (the latter is assumed to be uniform). Under normal
wood than for sapwood. The differences in drying conditions, the dimensions do not change until the
kinetics are of great interest. In spite of the high initial moisture content attains a moisture content close to
moisture content of sapwood (170% against 60%), the the acknowledged FSP. This condition is sometimes
permeability of heartwood is so low that the curves called SIP. Then, the dimension variations are almost
cross each other at 450 min of drying (Figure 36.23). proportional to the change in moisture content. This
This is consistent with the observations on entire strain field is called free shrinkage.
stacks (Salin, 1989). A sample subjected to tensile or compressive stress
The strategy of simulating the differences between (Figure 36.27) exhibits the instantaneous deformation
heartwood and sapwood lies in only two sets of param- (elastic part) at first, which then increases with time
eters: the permeability and the initial moisture content (viscoelastic creep). After cycling the moisture con-
(for these experiments, 180% for sapwood and 70% for tent to and from a higher moisture content, the creep
heartwood). The values of permeability used to differ- has been significantly greater due to mechanosorptive
entiate sapwood from heartwood (Table 36.8) are action.
based on the considerations concerning pit aspiration. Thus, a sample subjected to a compressive stress
By using only these differences, Perré and Turner (as shown in case 1, Figure 36.28) exhibits a smaller
(1996) found that all the trends observed for sapwood length at the end of drying than an unloaded speci-
and heartwood were found in the simulated results. men (case 2), which itself has a smaller length than
The most spectacular effect is the longitudinal flow the sample subjected to a tensile stress (case 3). In
due to the overpressure (Figure 36.24). In the case of this experiment, the viscoelastic behavior acts be-
high-temperature convective drying, the sapwood cause of time and the mechanosorptive behavior
board delivers a large supply of water to the end acts because of the removal of water molecules due
piece after 5 h, while the heartwood end piece is to drying.
already within the hygroscopic range. These carpet These ideas can now be applied to the drying of
plots should be compared with Figure 36.21. lumber boards, which is assumed to be stress-free at
the beginning. At the beginning of drying (constant
drying-rate period), sap throughout the entire board
remains free. No shrinkage occurs; hence, stress Mechanical Behavior of Wood buildup is absent.
At the beginning of the second drying period,
Industrial wood drying consists of not only re- shrinkage exists close to the exposed surfaces
moving moisture from greenwood but also ensur- (Figure 36.29a). At this moment, if the section was
ing that its quality (fitness for purpose) is adequate cut into slices, the outer slices would have a shorter
in end use. Because wood shrinks during drying, length than the inner ones (Figure 36.29b). This dis-
deformations and stresses develop that can lead to placement field is not compatible and induces, in the

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Moisture content
Moisture content
50 50

40 40
1.0 1.0
30 30
0.5 0.5
Len 20 Len 20
gth gth
(cm 0.0 (cm 10 0.0
) 10 2 ) 2 )
1 ) 1
0 0 0 h
idth idt

50 150 50 150
40 125 40 125
30 100 30 100
Len 75 Len 20 75
gth 20
(cm (cm 50
) 10 50 ) 10
2 ) 2 )
1 cm 1 cm
0 0 ( 0 0
i dth idt


50 50

40 1.8 40 1.8
1.6 1.6
30 30
1.4 Len 1.4
Len gth 20
gth 20 1.2 (cm 1.2
(cm )
) 10 1.0 10 1.0 )
2 m) 2 (cm
1 c 1
0 0 th ( 0 0 h
i idt
(a) W (b) W

FIGURE 36.24 High-temperature drying (140/858C). Carpet plot after 5 h of drying. Internal overpressure, resaturation of
the end piece, thermal conduction along the thickness, and end piece close to the wet-bulb temperature are evident on these
plots. Note the high value of internal pressure and the absence of end-piece resaturation obtained for heartwood (b).

actual section, a tensile stress in the surface layers and prong test or cup method commonly used in industry
(because of equilibrium conditions) a counteracting to assess stress levels (Figure 36.31). When the inner
compressive stress in the core layers (Figure 36.29c). tensile stress is too high, internal checking occurs
During this period, surface checking is possible. (Figure 36.25). An interesting simulation of this test
From this point onward, the wood layers dry under can be found in Dahlblom et al. (1994).
As the drying proceeds, viscoelastic creep develops, Drying Stress Formulation
together with mechanosorptive creep. The outer slices
appear similar in configuration to that exhibited for During drying, shrinkage appears in all parts of the
slice n83 in Figure 36.28, while the internal slices resem- board for which the moisture content X is within the
ble slice n81. Consequently, in spite of the flat moisture hygroscopic range. The shrinkage strain is proportional
content profile, slicing the section at the end of the to the difference between the local moisture content and
drying would give picture Figure 36.30b; the core slices, the local value of the moisture content at fiber saturation
dried under compression, are smaller than the outer at the same temperature. A deformation field noted, «sh,
ones, dried under tension. In the actual section, com- is defined in the material’s axes by Equation S1.
pressive stress exists in the inner part (Figure 36.30c). If this deformation field does not fulfill the geo-
This phenomenon is known as stress reversal or case- metrical compatibility, a strain tensor «mec related to
hardening. The residual stress level depends on many stress is generated. The constitutive equation, which
parameters (growth history, sawing pattern, drying represents the mechanical behavior of the material,
conditions, species, thickness, etc.), which provide most relates this strain tensor «mec and the stress tensor.
of the problems of drying optimization. In addition, Due to the memory effect of wood, this tensor «mec
one must keep in mind that gradients of moisture has to be divided into two parts: (1) an elastic strain,
content, strain, and stress exist along the thickness. «elas, connected to the actual stress tensor and (2) a
This explains the curvature of the slices observed in memory strain, «mem, which includes all the strain due

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

to the history of that point («mem can deal with plas- Memory Effect
ticity, creep, mechanosorption, etc.).
The geometrical compatibility applies to the While describing the strain field, «mem, lies the entire
total strain field «tot. When solving the mechanical problem of developing a constitutive model for
problems in terms of displacement, the total strain wood, which requires both theoretical and numerical
tensor is deduced from the displacement field and this work. Comprehensive formulations are also very
geometrical condition is automatically fulfilled within difficult to characterize (Ranta-Maunus, 1975). The
the domain. The stress field must satisfy the local mech- problem lies in the fact that the memory effect of
anical equilibrium and the boundary conditions. wood depends not only on the temperature and mois-
Finally, the complete formulation of the stress problem ture content values but also on their variations in time
is given by Equation S1 through Equation S4. and on the history of their variations in time. This

2 3
A 0 0
x)4 0
«sh ¼ H(~ B 05 (S1)
0 0 C


0 if X (~
x) $ X fsp
x) ¼
x)  Xfsp
X (~ if X (~
x) # X fsp

«mec ¼ «elas þ «mem (S2)

8 tot 1
> « ¼ 2 (ui, j þ uj,i ) over V
> ij
< sij , j þ rfi ¼ 0 over V
sij ¼ aijkl («tot 0
kl  «kl ) over V with «0 = «sh + «mem and 8i , GDi  GTi = G (S3)
> s n ¼ Ti on GTi
: ij j
ui ¼ D i ¼ 0 on GDi


. This static formulation requires that boundary and volumetric forces satisfy the global equilibrium.
. G is the surface surrounding the domain V. GDi refers to the subdomain of G where the i component
of the displacement is known and GTi to the subdomain of G where the i component of the traction
force is known. In order to ensure the uniqueness of the solution, additional conditions are required
on the boundary conditions: 8i, mes(GDi) > 0. Otherwise, the solution is defined within a rigid body
. As wood is orthotropic, each behavior law involves nine independent terms. In fact, it is more
common to define the inverse of aijkl that, for the case of linear elasticity, leads to the generalized
Hooke’s law:

2 3
6 EL   0 0 0 7
6 ER ET 7
2 3 6 
6  LR

0 0
0 72 s 3
6 «RR 7 6 LT RT 1 76
76 sRR 7
6 7 6 7
6 « 7 6 6


0 0 0 76
76 sTT 7
6 TT 7 7
6 2«LR ¼ g LR 7 ¼ 6
6 1 76
7 sLR 7
6 7 0 0 0 0 0 76 7
4 2«LT ¼ g LT 5 6 6 GLR 74 sLT 5
6 1 7
2«RT ¼ g RT 6 0 0 7 s
6 0 0 0 7 RT
6 GLT 7
4 1 5
0 0 0 0 0

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

FIGURE 36.25 Two examples of mechanical degrade during wood drying: board deformation and internal checking.

Greenwood Length
SIP Oven-dried

0 SIP Moisture content

FIGURE 36.26 Wood shrinkage: the shrinkage intersection point (SIP), often close to 30%, depends on species and

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Time t = 0+ After cycles of content
Time t
moisture content
moisture Load Time
Load Load



FIGURE 36.27 Viscoelastic and mechanosorptive behavior of wood. (Adapted from Perré, P., The numerical modeling of
physical and mechanical phenomena involved in wood drying: an excellent tool for assisting with the study of new processes,
Tutorial, Proceedings of the Fifth International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, Québec, Canada, 1996, 9–38.)

subject remains a matter of some scientific debate (Keey a spring and dashpot in parallel (Genevaux, 1989;
et al., 2000). Martensson, 1992; Mohager and Toratti, 1993; Han-
Nevertheless, in the case of drying, the moisture hijärvi, 1999 Passard and Perre, 2005). In the case of
content only decreases and some simplifications uniaxial load, this leads to
apply. Here, only the most common way to express !
creep and mechanosorptive effect will be presented. X
N t
The general formulation of the time dependency of J(t) ¼ J0 1 þ an (1  e t n ) (36:19)
the creep property involves the whole stress history: n¼1

ðt The temperature and moisture dependency of that

dskl function can be expressed using a material time or
«ij ¼ Jijkl (t  t ) 0 dt0
dt changing the characteristic time tn. The thermal acti-
1 vation, for example, is often expressed with the aid of
an Arrhenius law:
where Jijkl(t) is the creep compliance tensor and t is  
the actual time. The experimental creep function is DWn
tn ¼ t1n exp  (36:20)
often analyzed as a number of Kelvin elements in RT
series (Figure 36.32), each having the property of

Time t = 0 high Time t low
moisture content moisture content


1 2 3 Drying 1 2 3


FIGURE 36.28 Dimension changes of a specimen loaded during drying. (Adapted from Perré, P., The numerical modeling of
physical and mechanical phenomena involved in wood drying: an excellent tool for assisting with the study of new processes,
Tutorial, Proceedings of the Fifth International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, Québec, Canada, 1996, 9–38.)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Second drying period Second drying period End of drying

stress Prong
FSP test

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 36.29 Appearance of drying stresses following
shrinkage. (Adapted from Perré, P., The numerical model-
ing of physical and mechanical phenomena involved in
wood drying: an excellent tool for assisting with the study
of new processes, Tutorial, Proceedings of the Fifth Inter-
national IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, Québec, Can-
ada, 1996, 9–38.)
FIGURE 36.31 Two experimental methods used to assess
drying stresses.
where DWn is the activation energy associated to
element n.
The mechanosorptive effect occurs as soon as the variations can be analyzed. Good examples of these
moisture content changes during load. The simpler possibilities can be found in the literature (Dahlblom
way to express this effect consists in assuming that et al., 1994, 1996; Ormarsson, 1999). Nevertheless, to
the strain rate depends linearly on both the stress field study the stress development within a section far
and the time derivative of the moisture content ḣ: from the ends of the board, a two-dimensional simu-
lation is sufficient. A ‘‘planar displacement’’ formula-
«_ ms
ij ¼ mijkl skl (sign ḣ)ḣ (36:21) tion has to be used in this case, assuming small
displacements (Perré and Passard, 1995; Chen et al.,
The mechanosorptive strain rate is always in the dir- 1997a) or large displacements (Mauget and Perré, 1999).
ection of the stress field, hence the factor sign u_ in
Equation 36.21. Stress Development during Drying:
A three-dimensional resolution is very costly in
terms of calculation time and computer memory Some Examples
space. The need for such a cost is justified whenever All examples presented in this section, except the non-
the objective of the calculation lies in evaluating the symmetric case, refer to a flatsawn board of heart-
overall deformation of the board. In this way, the wood, 20-mm thick and 40-mm wide. They have been
effect of reaction wood, fiber angle, and property computed using the computer code Transpore (Perré
and Turner, 1996b and c, 1999; Mauget and Perré,
1999; Perré and Passard, 2002;). Figure 36.33 depicts
End of drying the moisture and stress fields calculated at different
drying stages for quite severe conditions at a medium
Tensile temperature level (Td ¼ 808C, Tw ¼ 608C). After 6 h
stress of drying, the external part of the section is within the
hygroscopic range, which gives rise to tensile stress due
Xeq stress to shrinkage in the zones close to the exchange surface.
As a consequence of the mechanical equilibrium, in-
(a) (b) (c) ternal zones undergo compressive stress. A negative
shear stress exists close to the edge (the right angles
FIGURE 36.30 Stress reversal due to the memory effect of have decreased). At the end of the drying process (60 h)
wood. (Adapted from Perré, P., The numerical modeling of the moisture content is almost equal to the EMC (7%)
physical and mechanical phenomena involved in wood throughout the section. The stress reversal due to the
drying: an excellent tool for assisting with the study memory effect of wood is clearly exhibited. It can be
of new processes, Tutorial, Proceedings of the Fifth Inter- noted that the shear stress also changes in sign.
national IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, Québec, When a face of a board is insulated, the dry-
Canada, 1996, 9–38.) ing conditions are not symmetrical anymore and

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Element 1 Element 2 Element N

Element 0

FIGURE 36.32 Modeling the viscoelastic behavior of wood with the number of Kelvin elements in series.

significant section deformations can be observed ex- large displacement formulation is essential in this
perimentally (Brandão and Perré, 1996). Figure 36.34 case. In this configuration, one part of the drying
is an example of nonsymmetrical drying. In order to stress is transformed into section deformation; hence
increase the section deformation, a thin quartersawn the stress-reversal phenomenon induces a negative
board has been simulated, here 5 mm by 80 mm. The final curvature.

Moisture content Sigma xx

1.0 1.0
Thickness (cm)

Thickness (cm)
0.8 0.65 0.8 1.54
0.58 1.24
0.51 0.93
0.6 0.44 0.6 0.63
0.37 0.32
0.4 0.29 0.4 0.01
0.22 −0.29
0.15 −0.60
0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Width (cm) Width (cm)

Sigma xy Sigma yy
1.0 1.0
Thickness (cm)

Thickness (cm)

0.8 0.15 0.8 1.29

0.09 1.04
0.03 0.79
0.6 −0.03 0.6 0.53
−0.09 0.28
0.4 −0.15 0.4 0.03
−0.21 −0.22
−0.28 −0.47
0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
(a) Width (cm) Width (cm)

Moisture content Sigma xx

1.0 1.0
Thickness (cm)

Thickness (cm)

0.8 0.08 0.8 0.12

0.08 −0.29
0.07 −0.70
0.6 0.07 0.6 −1.11
0.07 −1.52
0.4 0.07 0.4 −1.93
0.07 −2.34
0.07 −2.75
0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Width (cm) Width (cm)

Sigma xy Sigma yy
1.0 1.0
aThickness (cm)

Thickness (cm)

0.8 0.24 0.8 −0.10

0.21 −0.35
0.18 −0.60
0.6 0.15 0.6 −0.86
0.12 −1.11
0.4 0.09 0.4 −1.36
0.06 −1.62
0.03 −1.87
0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

(b) Width (cm) Width (cm)

FIGURE 36.33 Moisture content and stress fields after (a) 6 h and (b) 60 h (Td ¼ 808C, Tw ¼ 608C).

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


Moisture: 0.05 0.09 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.26 0.31 0.35

30 h

FIGURE 36.34 Example of nonsymmetrical drying: moisture content and section deformation (80/608C).

The next example illustrates three different con- As a consequence of the low relative humidity of
stant drying conditions chosen to analyze the possibil- air, the second test (Td ¼ 808C, Tw ¼ 608C) is very
ities of prediction (Td stands for dry-bulb temperature fast. However, both the maximum tensile stress level
and Tw for wet-bulb temperature): and the final stress reversal are important; the rapid
external transfer imposes a high moisture content
1. Td ¼ 408C, Tw ¼ 358C; mild conditions at low gradient within the board. In addition, the viscoelas-
temperature (EMC ¼ 15%) tic creep is not sufficient to cancel the memory effect.
2. Td ¼ 808C, Tw ¼ 608C; rather severe condi- At the beginning of drying, the board temperature is
tions at medium temperature (EMC ¼ 7%) close to the wet-bulb temperature, which is below the
3. Td ¼ 808C, Tw ¼ 768C; mild conditions at glass-transition zone (Geoffray 1984, Goreng 1963,
medium temperature (EMC ¼ 14%) Salmen 1984, Ostberg et al. 1990, Passard and Perre
2001). At the end of drying, the temperature level is
Figure 36.35 depicts the variations of the averaged sufficient for greenwood, but not for the dry part of
moisture content and the stress level (direction paral- the board to activate the viscoelastic behavior. Con-
lel to the exchange surface) at different positions vs. sequently, the outer parts, which are close to EMC,
time. All tests show a first drying period, without are below the glass-transition zone.
drying stress, then a stage with tensile stress in the In the third test (Td ¼ 808C, Tw ¼ 768C), the
peripheral zones, and finally the last drying stage that difference in moisture content between surface and
exhibits the stress reversal. However, the duration of core remains low. The first drying period lasts an
each stage and the stress level depend strongly on the important part of the total drying time. Due to the
drying conditions. high value of EMC, the board temperature is always
For the mild drying conditions at low temperature above the softening zone; consequently, all stress
(Td ¼ 408C, Tw ¼ 358C), the drying time is rather levels remain very low. These conditions allow wood
important. The first drying period lasts for around 10 h of good quality to be obtained relatively free of stress
and the stress level is high for both the second drying reversal with a moderate drying time (less than 150 h
stage and the final drying stage. The drying condi- against 400 h for the low-temperature test).
tions are mild concerning heat and mass transfer, These simulations are in good agreement with
while the temperature level is not high enough for nonsymmetrical drying experiments performed on
the creep field to relax the stress field; the final stress oak (Quercus rubra) boards using the same drying
level reveals the importance of the memory effect. conditions (Figure 36.36; Perré, 2001). However, a

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

90 1.5

Averaged moisture content (%)

75 Surface 1.0
5 mm
10 mm
60 Center 0.5

sxx (MPa)
45 0

30 −0.5

15 −1.0

0 −1.5
(a) 0 100 200 300 400
Time (h)
90 1.5
Averaged moisture content (%)

75 Surface 1.0
5 mm
10 mm
60 Center 0.5

sxx (MPa)
45 0

30 −0.5

15 −1.0

0 −1.5
(b) 0 50 100 150
Time (h)
90 1.5
Averaged moisture content (%)

75 Surface 1.0
5 mm
10 mm
60 Center 0.5
sxx (MPa)

45 0

30 −0.5

15 −1.0

0 −1.5
0 50 100 150 200
(c) Time (h)

FIGURE 36.35 Averaged moisture content and sxx vs. time: (a) Td ¼ 408C, Tw ¼ 358C; (b) Td ¼ 808C, Tw ¼ 608C; and
(c) Td ¼ 808C, Tw ¼ 768C.

closely similar schedule for another hardwood uct quality was always very good, often with very little
(Nothofagus truncata) resulted in gross deformations checking and rather less deformation than with
and thermal degradation due to the high extractives conventional drying. Most importantly, this method
content of the wood (Grace, 1996). needs only one half to one third of the time required
Based on this reasoning, new drying procedures for drying according to conventional schedules.
have been devised and tested on different tropical The code can also be used to test different drying
species, including numerous tests in industrial kiln of schedules (Figure 36.37). The first one (Schedule A) is
100-m3 capacity (Aguiar and Perré, 2000b). The prod- recommended for softwoods while the second one

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

FIGURE 36.36 Final section curvature of oak samples dried on their upper face with conditions n 2 (Td ¼ 808C, Tw ¼
608C) and n3 (Td ¼ 808C, Tw ¼ 768C), respectively.

(Schedule B) is recommended for hardwoods. Sched- derived to improve existing drying schedules or to
ule B proposes lower temperature levels and higher devise innovative drying procedures.
relative humidity values. In this drying schedule,
EMC decreases significantly only at the end of the
process, when the board is supposed to be dry with a Schedule A
low moisture content gradient. As the first conse- Average Dry-Bulb Wet-Bulb Relative
quence of these drying conditions, one can notice a Moisture Temperature Temperature Humidity
much longer drying time for Schedule B (130 h Content (%) (8C) (8C) (%)
against 50 h). The first drying period lasts also for a Green 71 66 80
longer time for the second procedure (30 h instead of 50 76.5 68.5 70
10 h). It may be noted that the first drying–period 30 82 70.5 60
duration represents about the same percentage of the 20 88 67.5 40
total drying time for both schedules. This remark still Schedule B
stands for the stress level. One can easily consider a Average Dry-Bulb Wet-Bulb Relative
relative time (current time over total drying time) at Moisture Temperature Temperature Humidity
which all curves have the same shape and the same Content (%) (8C) (8C) (%)
stress magnitude.
Green 40.5 38 85
In the first example, the advantages to be gained
60 40.5 37 80
from using a high relative humidity level (low mois- 40 43.5 39 75
ture content gradient, high hygroactivation of the 35 43.5 38 70
viscoelastic behavior) hardly offset the negative ef- 30 46 39.5 65
fect of the low temperature levels (slow moisture 25 51.5 43 60
migration and low thermoactivation of the viscoe- 20 60 47.5 50
lastic behavior). A careful analysis of these ap- 15 65.5 49 40
proaches is very promising. New rules can be

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Average moisture Dry-bulb Wet-bulb Relative
Average moisture Dry-bulb Wet-bulb Relative content temperature temperature humidity
(%) (8C) (8C) (%)
content temperature temperature humidity
(%) (8C) (8C) (%) Green 40.5 38 85
60 40.5 37 80
Green 71 66 80
40 43.5 39 75
50 76.5 68.5 70
35 43.5 38 70
30 82 70.5 60
30 46 39.5 65
20 88 67.5 40
25 51.5 43 60
20 60 47.5 50
15 65.5 49 40
120 90
100 70
Temperature edge
100 Temperature center 80
Moisture content (%)

MC edge

Temperature (8C)
Moisture content (%)
MC center 80 60

Temperature (8C)
MC surface Temperature edge
80 MC average 70 Temperature center
MC edge
MC center
60 MC surface 50
60 60 MC average

40 40
40 50

20 40 20 30

0 30 0 20
0 20 40 60 0 50 100 150
Time (h) Time (h)
2 2
Surface Surface
5 mm 5 mm
10 mm 10 mm
1 Center 1 Center
sxx (MPa)

sxx (MPa)

0 0

−1 −1

−2 −2
0 20 40 60 0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Time (h) Time (h)
Schedule A Schedule B

FIGURE 36.37 Simulation of two different drying schedules: moisture content, temperature, and stress level at different
positions vs. time.

An alternative procedure in improving kiln sched- only are to be considered (Figure 36.38). Some param-
ules has been the estimation of strain levels to provide a eters depending on the load are important, but they are
safe envelope of dry- and wet-bulb temperatures in kiln not under control:
operation. One industrial method uses acoustic emis-
sions on sample boards to determine a stress threshold . The thickness is a very important parameter
to keep the surface strain under 50 to 75% of the esti- (roughly speaking, the drying time increases as
mated ultimate value (Doe et al., 1996b). Later opti- the thickness doubled)
mized schedules have been developed by Langrish et al. . The transfer properties of the wood (diffusivity,
(1997) using a model predictive control technique to permeability, capillary pressure, thermal con-
keep within the strain criterion. The technique reduced ductivity, etc.)
the number of small- and medium-sized cracks, both
internally and at the surface, to less than one quarter of In conventional drying, the controlled parameters
those observed in the original conventional schedule. are the dry- and wet-bulb temperatures as well as the
velocity of the airflow. These three parameters deter-
36.2.5 DRYING QUALITY mine the external heat- and mass-transfer rates: Factors Affecting the Drying Duration

. The ‘‘drying potential’’ of the air flow is the
heat-transfer coefficient (which increases with
Let us assume that the duration of drying is the single the air velocity) times the difference between
important factor. In this case, heat and mass transfer dry- and wet-bulb temperatures.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Parameters Low value High value


Drying potential
(dry bulb−wet bulb)


Internal Mass diffusivity

Thermal diffusivity


FIGURE 36.38 Guidelines on how to obtain a fast drying operation (from good to excellent and from poor to
disastrous). (Adapted from Perré, P., The drying of wood: the benefit of fundamental research to shift from
improvement to innovation, Proceedings of the Seventh International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2001,

. The air velocity also plays an important role in new possibility: any internal temperature can be
uniform drying within the stack. However, its attained without resorting to a heating medium such
effect becomes less important as the drying pro- as a hot gas.
gresses when internal transfer mainly controls
the moisture migration. Factors Affecting the Drying Quality
In addition, we have to keep in mind some more Drying stresses originate from shrinkage; as soon as
subtle effects: the shrinkage field within the board is not geometric-
ally compatible, a stress field develops in the material,
. The internal transfer (diffusion, liquid migra- which is responsible for mechanical degradation. In
tion) becomes easier when the temperature order to reduce the stress level throughout the pro-
level increases. cess, and thereby the surface checking, the internal
. Above the boiling point of water, an additional checking, and the residual stress, several conditions
driving force, the gradient of total pressure, acts should be fulfilled (Figure 36.39):
with a dramatic effect (Perré, 1995). Drying
by internal vaporization takes place in such . Low shrinkage coefficients, not under control
conditions. . Small thickness, not under control
. The internal transfer rates depend on the local . Low moisture content values between surface
moisture content (liquid migration is usually much and core
more effective than bound or vapor diffusion). . Retaining important possibilities of viscoelastic
In addition, diffusion becomes very slow when creep (mechanosorptive creep is always a source
the bound-water content decreases toward zero. of stress reversal); such an effect is obtained at
high temperatures, provided the moisture con-
In general, the drying time is reduced when the tent is sufficiently high (Irvine, 1984)
velocity and the temperature of air are high and its
relative humidity is low. However, an excessively low It may be noted that a low-temperature level is some-
relative humidity may produce a surface zone with low times desired (for example to avoid collapse), because
moisture content, thus reducing moisture migration a high-temperature level may produce thermal deg-
close to the surface. All high-temperature arrange- radation or discoloration.
ments (convective drying at high temperature, vacuum
drying, contact drying, etc.) are processes that acceler- Criteria for Obtaining a Fast and Good
ate internal moisture migration due to the overpres- Drying Process
sures generated within the product.
Finally, drying with electromagnetic heating A fast and good drying process should incorporate the
(microwave or radio frequency) offers an entirely criteria listed in Section and Section,

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Second drying period
Parameters Low value High value

Compression Thickness

Tension Moisture content

(bound) gradient
End of drying

Tension Surface moisture


FIGURE 36.39 Guidelines on how to obtain a good-quality product (from good to excellent and from poor to
disastrous). (Adapted from Perré, P., The drying of wood: the benefit of fundamental research to shift from
improvement to innovation, Proceedings of the Seventh International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2001,

which are, to a large extent, contradictory. Numerous boiling point of water is decisive for internal transfer.
mechanisms involved during drying have to be con- However, these rules also require the temperature to
sidered (Figure 36.40). be high with a high value of relative humidity. Such
Because of this complexity, compromises have to conditions may be difficult to ensure for certain
be found. Nevertheless, some general rules can be dryers. Innovative drying procedures may need new
listed (Figure 36.41): dryer designs. Finally, too often, the effect of tem-
perature and moisture content on the viscoelastic
. Rule 1: high relative humidity. To ensure a low behavior is disregarded in the optimization of drying
moisture content gradient, one way is to reduce schedules. The situation strongly differs from one
the drying potential (wet-bulb depression) as species to the other. Usually, softwood species are
much as possible. In addition, this condition quite easily dried. On the other hand, hardwoods are
imposes a relatively high value of EMC (only often intractable because of their low permeability.
one part of shrinkage is effected and the influ-
ence of temperature on the viscoelastic creep is
not inhibited by a relatively low moisture con-
tent level). However, a high relative humidity
value can activate the development of fungi. 36.3.1 LUMBER QUALITY
. Rule 2: high temperature. A high value of tem-
perature is most often a positive factor. This The ultimate fitness for the purpose of dried lumber
accelerates the internal moisture transfer and depends not only on the chosen drying conditions but
activates the viscoelastic creep. However, care also on the lumber quality itself. This quality may be
should be taken with sensitive species; high tem- thought of in terms of gross defects such as knots as well
perature levels can increase the risk of collapse, as intrinsic wood properties such as the degree of anisot-
problems of color, or even thermal degradation ropy. Drying, which causes anisotropic shrinkage, inter-
of the wood constituents. acts with various wood features in various ways. The
. Rule 3: high air velocity. A high air velocity objective of kiln seasoning, then, is to acknowledge this
promotes good uniformity of drying throughout interaction by setting process conditions that yield dried
the stack. However, a higher velocity increases lumber to the specifications in terms of a grade for an
the electricity consumption and may produce, end use. There is a world of difference between drying
by the heat-transfer coefficient, an excessively decorative hardwoods and drying structural softwoods.
high external transfer flux, which is opposite to Increasingly, kiln operators are drying wood from
the effect intended in Rule 1. ever younger, fast-growing stands rather than from ma-
ture, old-growth forest. The drying behavior of this new
Concerning moisture transfer, Rule 1 and Rule 2 kind of wood is requiring operators to adapt traditional
mean that internal transfer has to be increased whereas processes on the basis of better understanding of the
external transfer should be reduced. Exceeding the drying mechanism, as outlined in the previous sections.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

External conditions Shrinkage field
(dry bulb, wet bulb, air flow, (results from temperature and
pressure) moisture content fields)
Internal transfer Constitutive equation
(conductivity, diffusivity, (elasticity, viscoelasticity,
permeability, anisotropy mechanosorption)
ratios) Dimensions
Dimensions (length, thickness)
(length, thickness) Anisotropy

Coupled heat and

mass transfer Solid mechanics

4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4

Specific phenomena Deformation and

Temperature and
chemical degradation, stress fields
moisture content
discoloration, vs. time
fields vs. time



Quality of the
Drying time
dried products

Energy Moisture Product

consumption content value


FIGURE 36.40 Some of the phenomena involved in the drying quality. (Adapted from Perré, P., The drying of wood: the
benefit of fundamental research to shift from improvement to innovation, Proceedings of the Seventh International IUFRO
Wood Drying Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2001, 2–13.) Gross Features of Wood drying. Generally, the green moisture content in soft-
woods lies in the range of 150 to 200% in sapwood and
Most hard pines and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga men- in the range of 30 to 80% in heartwood.
ziesii) show large differences in green density and the However, unlike softwoods, the green moisture
amount of water in logs, varying with age and height contents of sapwood and heartwood of hardwoods
up the stem. Figure 36.42 illustrates these variations are roughly comparable, and there is little variation
for P. radiata (Cown, 1992). The large amount of with age and position in the tree’s stem (Forest Prod-
water in the younger trees and the top logs of ucts Laboratory, 1999). Depending on the species and
older trees add to both the costs of transport from its density, the green moisture content for hardwoods
the forest to the mill and the energy costs of kiln ranges from 50% to about 100%.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Bad Good
Sharp profiles Smooth profiles with low drying time


Thickness Thickness

Parameters Value Why? Problems

Unique way obtain a low moisture
Drying potential Low content gradient May be difficult to ensure for
(dry bulb−wet bulb) Imposes a high certain dryers
equilibrium moisture content Other problems (coloration, fungi)
(few shrinkage, high creep)

High Easy internal transfer + high

Temperature Can increase the risk of collapse
viscoelastic effect
Velocity High Good homogeneity throughout the Electricity consumption

FIGURE 36.41 Guidelines on how to obtain a fast drying operation together with a good product quality. (Adapted from
Perré, P., The drying of wood: the benefit of fundamental research to shift from improvement to innovation, Proceedings of
the Seventh International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2001, 2–13.)

Basic density zones

Low <400 kg m−3
Medium 400−450 kg m−3
High >450 kg m−3

(a) 10 y 20 y 30 y 40 y 50 y

Top logs 920

Green density 900

880 830

920 880 830

1130 1030 930 890 820

1170 1030 990 940 840

(b) 10 y 20 y 30 y 40 y 50 y

FIGURE 36.42 (a) Density zones, (b) within-tree variations in green density for Pinus radiata of various ages. (Adapted from
Cown, D.J., New Zealand radiata pine and Douglas-fir suitability for processing, FRI Bull., 168, NZFRI, Rotorua, 1992.)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

The term wetwood refers to the discoloration that Large dead knots (where the growing stem has
occurs with high moisture contents in both soft- and encased a dead branch over the years), however, can
hardwoods. Wetwood differs from the wood held in be a problem, either falling out during drying or
wet storage, as it is a slow-drying tissue confined causing difficulties in later millwork. The width of
mainly to heartwood. An acrid odor is associated checks associated with knots increases with the knot
with anaerobic and other bacteria that can live with diameter, and chipping out of knots during machin-
very little oxygen in the wetwood, which is found with ing has been found to treble the level of board rejec-
ring failure and frost damage in the standing forest. tion for unacceptable knot checks (Haslett, 1998).
Weakened cell walls enhance the susceptibility of the The gradual exhaustion of natural forest resources
wood to collapse and check, even under mild sched- has forced the industries to accept juvenile wood from
ules. The practical difficulty in drying wetwood lies in plantations and second-growth forests. Although ju-
the danger of overdrying the bulk of lumber. venile wood is often considered unsatisfactory, result-
In the drying of softwoods, it may be important to ing in inferior solid wood products, some juvenile
segregate heartwood from sapwood because of the large wood, being of higher density, can be of better quality
differences in moisture saturation and drying behavior. than some mature wood. Some of the deficiencies of
In spite of the high difference in the green moisture juvenile wood for fast-grown pines are set out in
content, the drying time can sometimes be comparable Table 36.9, ranked subjectively in the decreasing
for sapwood and heartwood (Salin, 1989; Perré and order of significance.
Martin, 1994). However, with species like P. radiata, Similar differences between mature and juvenile
even though the heartwood is much less permeable than wood occur in hardwoods. Further, large growth-stress
the sapwood, the latter takes twice the time to dry gradients are often present in young hardwood trees. To
(Haslett, 1998). The presence of heartwood influences reduce this problem, it is wise to prolong the rotation of
the drying of lumber in other ways. Sometimes, for plantation hardwoods until the butt-log diameter is at
some tropical hardwood species, there is reduced least 0.6 m. (Keey et al., 2000). Although juvenile wood
shrinkage, a desirable feature, due to the bulking of is still there as long as there are living branches where
cell walls by extractives. There are also greater volatile the wood is formed, the proportion of such wood is
emissions from the kiln’s exhaust, especially in high- much less in the larger-diameter trees.
temperature drying, with implications for meeting ever
increasing environmental and health standards. Intrinsic Features of Wood
Although many lumber-grading procedures pre-
sume that each knot is a defect and that boards are Wood density is regarded as the easiest and most
graded on the basis of the extent of clearwood, many reliable measure of wood quality. Data from the dry-
highly valued decorative woods contain knots and ing of 106 North American hardwoods show that the
other blemishes. Small knots, which may add charac- volumetric shrinkage of wood increases with its basic
ter to the wood, may create no difficulties in drying, density (Stamm, 1964). There is also a correlation
whereas large knots or knotty clusters can cause between the permeability and the basic density for
problems in both drying and subsequent manufactur- the sapwood of a softwood (Nijdam and Keey,
ing. Whenever visual characteristics are unimportant, 2000). Presorting a sapwood load into high-density
such as the requirements for structural timber, knots and low-density groups can reduce the moisture vari-
and knotholes are of little concern. ability of the final recombined kiln-dried boards.

TABLE 36.9
Undesirable Features in Juvenile Wood of Pinus spp. as They Affect Solid Wood Quality

Features Effects

Above-average amounts of compression wood, especially in butt log Problems with crook, bow, and stiffness
Large microfibril angle in initial growth rings, especially in butt log Problems with crook, bow, and stiffness
Severe spiral grain in the first few growth rings, especially above butt log Problems with twist
Above-average hemicellulose content Enhances any instability in lumber
High moisture content in sapwood of young trees Higher transport and drying-energy costs
Lower basic density Increased potential for collapse during high-temperature drying

Source: Keey, R.B., Langrish, T.A.L., and Walker, J.C.F., The Kiln-Drying of Lumber, Springer, Berlin, 2000.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Transition zone

0.50 Douglas-fir

Relative density at breast height

Western larch
Western hemlock
Yellow - cypress
0.40 Lodgepole pine
Sitka spruce
Interior spruce
Subalpine fir
Western red cedar

Juvenile wood Mature wood

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Age (y)

FIGURE 36.43 Trends in basic density at breast height for commercial second-growth softwoods in British Columbia.
(Adapted from Josza, L.A. and Middleton, G.R., A discussion of wood quality attributes and their practical implications,
Forintek Canada Special Publ. SP-34, 1994.)

In practice, however, it is not easy to distinguish the basic density for a number of second-growth soft-
effect of density with that of moisture content. woods are illustrated in Figure 36.43.
Within-ring density variations can cause problems The situation is more complex with hardwoods.
because of the differential shrinkage at the ring The growth rate has little effect on the wood proper-
boundary. Subsequently, severe drying stresses may ties of diffuse-porous hardwoods, but has a marked
cause deformation and internal checking (Booker, impact on the density of ring-porous hardwoods. Un-
1994). Further, a low absolute density in earlywood like softwoods, these produce denser wood when fast
can result in collapse on drying, particularly under grown.
high-temperature conditions (Booker, 1996). Regardless of the species or where the forests are
Within-tree variations in density can be highly established, the variation in wood properties between
significant. Cown and McConchie (1983) show that trees is very great and can be great even in boards
the density in a 24-year-old radiata pine tree can vary sawn from the same tree. In particular, the social
from 300 kg m3 in the top log to greater than 450 kg status of the tree in the stand (whether dominated
m3 in the outer wood of the butt log. Consequently, or dominant trees) has a great effect on the growth
the drying kinetics of boards taken from the same log rate in diameter and the occurrence of reaction
may be markedly different (Davis, 2001). Trends in wood. Table 36.10 lists some of the characteristics of

TABLE 36.10
Characteristics and Properties of Reaction Wood Compared with Corresponding Normal Wood

Features Compression Wood Tension Wood

Physical characteristics Darker in color and very hard Darker in color and silvery sheen in most
temperate hardwoods
Density 10–100% greater 10–30% greater
Longitudinal shrinkage Order of magnitude greater (up to several fold) About fivefold greater
Warp on drying Liable to warp badly Can warp and is liable to collapse
Strength Comparable strength, does not reflect higher density Superior strength

Source: Keey, R.B., Langrish, T.A.L., and Walker, J.C.F., The Kiln-Drying of Lumber, Springer, Berlin, 2000.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

reaction wood produced by environmental factors in is given. The appearance of checks and warps can be
the forest. Compression wood has been found to have limited by the choice of a suitable sawing pattern, as
a significant effect on drying, with lower drying rates shown in Figure 36.44. Pang and Haslett (2002) note
over the moisture content range of 40 to 100% for that the residual drying stresses in quartersawn
boards of P. radiata (Davis et al., 2002). This reduc- P. radiata boards are less than flatsawn boards, par-
tion is attributed to the lower permeability of the ticularly under low-temperature drying conditions
compression-wood zone, with its denser wood and when the effect of mechanosorptive stress relief is
more thick-walled cells. relatively minor. The difference in behavior is attrib-
Large microfibril angles are found in both com- uted to the lesser shrinkage in the width direction with
pression wood and normal wood near the pith, induc- quatersawn boards.
ing larger than normal longitudinal shrinkage and a
greater tendency to warp. The longitudinal shrinkage 36.3.2 KILN DESIGN
of tension wood, although larger than normal wood,
is less than in compression wood. Although there are differences in detail between
manufacturers, a lumber kiln is essentially a special- Sawmilling Strategies purpose room fitted with overhead fans for circulat-
ing the drying air and heating coils for maintaining
Timell (1986) describes sawmilling strategies to re- the air (and thus the wood) temperature at the set
duce warp in juvenile lumber and compression levels. The moisture in the air is controlled by means
wood. The cutting pattern influences the quality of of opening the vents in the kiln’s roof, thus governing
drying either by releasing stresses on sawing or the the amount of moist air that returns to the fan which
cutting induces a stress pattern in the board that can is to be mixed with the fresh air drawn in. Although
be balanced on drying. Warp has become more of a many kilns are operated batchwise for ease of con-
problem with harvesting from second-growth forests trolling the drying conditions, which may change
of short rotation, which contain proportionately through out the drying schedule, a kiln can be con-
more juvenile wood than lumber from old-growth tinuously worked by arranging the lumber to be
forests. Crook and bow are most severe in the core slowly railed through the chamber. In this latter
wood of the butt log and where compression wood is case, the drying schedule is maintained by varying the
encountered; whereas twist is most severe in the core temperature and humidity settings along the length of
wood of the upper logs where spiral-grain angles are the kiln. There is some increase in interest in continu-
large and changing rapidly. The variation of properties ous kilns, which might provide energy savings and
about the mean is the critical factor with core wood. better quality control (McLean, 2003).
Vázquez (2001) examines silvicultural practice The lumber is stacked externally in a rectangular
and sawmilling strategies to counteract the effect of pile on a low, flat-bed trolley, with rows of boards
growth stresses in fast-grown Iberian eucalypts (Eu- separated by wooden stickers of uniform thickness to
calyptus globulus). A model of the stress distribution provide duct-like spaces between the boards for the
that enables to determine the deformations on sawing kiln air to flow through. The boards may be stacked

FIGURE 36.44 Sawing pattern to limit the appearance of checks. (Adapted from Vázquez, M.C.T., Tensiones de crecimiento en
Eucalyptus globulus de Galicia (España). Influencia de la silvicultura y estrategias de aserrado (Growth stresses in E. globulus
from Galicia (Spain). Influence of silviculture and sawing strategies), Maderas: Ciencia Tecnologia, 2(1), 68–89, 2001.)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

in separate packages on bearers and loaded into the Airflow Considerations
kiln by a forklift vehicle. The boards are butted up,
with their long faces incident to the airflow. The stack Kröll (1978) reports the air distribution in a batch
is squared off as far as possible to provide a uniform dryer fitted with 15 shelves, a heat exchanger, and a
resistance to the airflow, and thus minimize variations fan above a false ceiling, which thus resembles a box-
in drying throughout the kiln. In Scandinavian prac- type lumber kiln in a number of respects. In the fifth
tice, kiln stacks are normally built from boards of gap from the top, the air velocity was over twice the
random length, so that every second board is placed average, whereas in the top gap there was a small
flush at one end of the stack and the other boards flush backflow with air streaming toward the inlet. The
at the other end (Salin, 2001). Kilns may be single- flow reversal appeared to be the result of a vortex
tracked with a 2.4-m wide stack, or twin-tracked with generated at the top of inlet plenum below the half-
two stacks side by side, to yield a double-width stack circle bend out of the ceiling space. Although such air
of 4.8 m. Figure 36.45 illustrates a vertical cross sec- maldistribution may be extreme in a modern lumber
tion through a single-tracked, batch kiln. kiln, existing kiln designs may still yield a nonuniform
To obtain a uniform air distribution to the air- airflow through well-stacked lumber loads, as may be
inlet face of the stack as possible, the plenum spaces inferred from the kiln audits reported by Nijdam and
at each side of the stack must be sufficiently wide Keey (1996). Haslett (1998) recommends that the co-
(Nijdam and Keey, 2000). An internal ceiling directs efficient of variation across the outlet face of the stack
the air through the lumber stack or stacks, with baf- should not exceed 0.12 at velocities through the stack
fles or curtains to direct the airflow through the lum- between 4.5 and 8 m s1 when the dry-bulb tempera-
ber pile. Inward-swinging baffles and contoured, ture is greater than 908C.
right-angled bends to the plenum space from the Industrial rules of thumb generally equate the
ceiling zone improve the uniformity of this airflow ceiling-space height to the plenum-space width and
(Nijdam and Keey, 2002). Bypass of air around the to the combined sticker-spacing height. Hydrau-
stack is minimized by the fitting of side baffles or lic tests on a model kiln confirm the former rule
curtains. The kiln is designed so that the pressure (Nijdam and Keey, 1999), and the latter is verified
loss through the heating coils and other ancillary by a pressure-drop analysis (Nijdam, 1998).
fittings is small compared with that through the The transverse gaps between the boards are not
stack of lumber. simple smooth ducts, but there may be irregularities

Roof vent

Heater coils
Reversible fan


Plenum Plenum
chamber chamber


FIGURE 36.45 A vertical cross section through a single-tracked, box kiln. (Adapted from Keey, R.B., Langrish, T.A.L., and
Walker J.C.F., The Kiln-Drying of Lumber, Springer, Berlin, 2000.)

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

where the boards butt up due to shrinkage on drying due to a thickening of the boundary layer. This vari-
or unevenness in thickness and there may be gaps due ation and the downwind accumulation of moisture in
to the presence of boards with uneven length. Fluid- the airstream result in the maximum possible evapor-
dynamic simulation of the flow over inline slabs ation rate dwindling with distance from the air inlet to
(Langrish et al., 1993) has suggested that gaps as the air outlet from the stack.
small as 1 mm might be sufficient to disrupt the Traditionally, the variation of evaporative rates
flow, with circulation within the gaps themselves. across the stack has been counteracted by the instal-
The magnitude of the side gaps in the board influ- lation of bidirectional fans and by periodically revers-
ences both the drying rates and the development of ing the airflow direction through the stack. This
drying stresses (Langrish, 1999), so that experiments policy has minimal effect on the drying rates in the
on the drying of single boards (as often done) may center of the stack, but reduces the variation in be-
yield uncertain information about the drying of a load havior between the two end zones. If only moisture
of the same wood in a kiln. With regard to variations content variations are considered, many reversals are
in board thickness, Haslett (1998) recommends that not needed to achieve this equalization (Pang et al.,
the coefficient of variation for the board thickness 1995; Nijdam and Keey, 1996; Wagner et al., 1996).
must be under 0.04 for successful high-temperature However, if stress development in the surface layer
drying. with the likelihood of checking is taken into account,
Whenever kiln stacks are built from random- then the flow reversals for a timber such as Pinus
length lumber so that every second board is flush at sylvestris should be less than 2 h apart (Salin and
each end of the stack, variations in openness of the Öhman, 1998). A period of 4 h is a common industrial
stack result. This gives two different zones: (1) a practice for permeable softwoods such as P. radiata.
central zone in which all the available space is filled
and (2) two end zones where alternate boards are 36.3.3 KILN OPERATION
missing (Salin, 2001). This arrangement results in
higher within-stack velocities (about 30% higher) in To understand kiln-wide behavior, it is useful to in-
the center than in the end zones, with corresponding voke the concept of the characteristic drying curve
implications in the variation in drying behavior. (van Meel, 1958; Keey, 1978). The concept reduces
the drying kinetics for a specific material of specific Moisture-Evaporation Considerations geometry to a single function of the local averaged
moisture content. The concept when applied to the
The airflow through the stack influences the magni- kiln drying of lumber boards is rough, not only due to
tude of the local airside mass-transfer coefficient, and variations in drying behavior between boards (Davis
thus the evaporation into the airstream. Particularly, et al., 2001) but also due to embedded assumptions in
at the higher air velocities used in high-temperature the concept itself. Nevertheless, it is a sufficient rep-
drying, any variations in these transfer coefficients resentation of drying behavior to determine the effect
have a significant effect on the uniformity of drying of kiln parameters on the course of drying. These
throughout the stack. things, such as the uniformity of the airflow, the
The air-inlet face of the lumber stack presents a set number of airflow reversals, the velocity, tempera-
of blunt edges to the incident airflow, resulting in an ture, and humidity settings, are all those under the
enhancement of the mass-transfer coefficients near control of the kiln operator.
the leading edges (Kho et al., 1990). Computational The concept of a characteristic drying curve leads to
studies (Sun, 2001) of the flow over a series of slabs the following expression for the moisture-evaporation
with inline gaps suggest that for gaps greater than rate per unit of exposed board surface:
about 2 mm there will be similar, but lesser, enhance-
ments at subsequent boards downstream. Nv ¼ f bf(YW  YG ) (36:22)
With Scandinavian stacking practice, the end
zones of the stack dry faster than the central, fully where f is the evaporation rate relative to that at a
filled part (Salin and Öhman, 1998). The lower air given moisture content (either the initial or some crit-
velocity in the ends is more than compensated by ical value of transition from unhindered drying), and is
higher heat-transfer coefficients associated with the a unique function of the mean free moisture content;
flow disturbance and smaller wood volume. (There b is the external (airside) mass-transfer coefficient; f is
is a smaller decrease in temperature and increase in the humidity-potential coefficient, which takes a con-
humidity along the stack in the airflow direction.) In stant value when the wet-bulb temperature remains the
general, it is expected that the local transfer coeffi- same throughout the kiln; YW is the saturation humid-
cients diminish with distance in the airflow direction ity at the wet-bulb temperature; and YG is the bulk-air

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

humidity between the boards. Although the values of
the parameter f depend on the extent of drying that has
taken place and the nature of the wood itself, the other
parameters are under the control of the kiln operator ∂Φ
by varying either the stack extent, the kiln-air velocity, ∂q
or the dry- and wet-bulb temperatures.
Consideration (Keey et al., 2000) of the moisture
transfer over a small zone in the kiln leads to the equa- z
tions, which can be conveniently expressed in nondi-
mensional form as follows: Outlet

@F @P
¼ ¼ f P (36:23)
@u @z
0 Φ 1 = Φ0
where F is the moisture content relative to unit value
when f is 1, P is the humidity potential (YWYG)
relative to unit value at the air inlet, z is a nondimen-
sional extent of the kiln in the airflow direction and
is a weak function of the kiln-air velocity, and u is
∂q Inlet
the relative time of drying which itself depends upon
the value of z for the kiln stack and the capacity of the
air to pick up moisture. These equations can be solved
if the parameter f is known as a function of the
moisture content (averaged over the board thickness). Outlet
They imply that the rate of change of moisture con-
tent with time (i.e., the drying rate) directly depends
on the rate at which the bulk air humidifies in its
passage through the kiln. The drying rate is also 0 Φ 1 Φ0
directly dependent upon the humidity potential (the (b)
driving force for the evaporation) and the parameter
f, which reflects the ease of moisture movement FIGURE 36.46 Normalized drying rates in a kiln with an
through the wood. extent z of 1 and one-way airflow as a function of board-
These equations have been used to examine the averaged moisture contents: (a) an indicative hardwood with
influence of kiln variables on the course of drying, f ¼ F, (b) an indicative sapwood of a softwood with f ¼ F0.5.
(Adapted from Keey, R.B., Langrish, T.A.L., and Walker,
including the impact of exhaust-air recycle and the
J.C.F., The Kiln-Drying of Lumber, Springer, Berlin, 2000.)
switching of airflow direction (e.g., Tetzlaff, 1967;
Ashworth, 1977; Ashworth and Keey, 1979; Keey
and Pang, 1994; Nijdam and Keey, 1996). A summary
of this work is given by Keey et al. (2000).
Figure 36.46 shows the variation in the dimen- point is reached at the air-inlet face of the stack, the
sionless drying rate, @F/@u, as a function of the nor- intrinsic drying rate falls there, resulting in less pro-
malized moisture content F for one-way flow through gressive humidification in the kiln; the downstream
a single-tracked kiln, for which the nondimensional drying rates can now rise until the local critical point
extent z in the airflow direction is 1. In the case of a is attained. The greatest effect is seen at the outlet face
timber, whose initial green moisture content is equal of the stack.
to the critical point of transition between unhindered Figure 36.47 shows the effect of reversing the air-
and hindered drying by the rate of moisture move- flow direction through the stack. On switching over the
ment through the wood, the drying rate falls mono- flow, what was once the ‘‘inlet’’ face now becomes the
tonically with both time and distance in the airflow ‘‘outlet’’ face, and vice versa, giving a temporary boost
direction. The effect with time is due to the intrinsic to the drying rate at the former outlet and a moderation
drying rate as the wood dries out, whereas that with to that at the former inlet. The rates within the center
distance is due to the progressive humidification in of the kiln are essentially unaffected. With flow
the kiln. Whenever there is free moisture content in switchovers, the leaflike moisture content profiles be-
the wood above the critical point, the drying-rate come more pinched with a lesser variation in moisture
profiles are more complex. As soon as the critical content across the kiln.

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


Air-inlet face

Normalized moisture content (Φ)

1.0 1.0

Normalized drying rate (dΦ/dq)

0.8 Air-outlet face 0.8

0.6 0.6
Air-outlet face
0.4 0.4

0.2 Air-inlet face 0.2

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
(a) Normalized time (q)

Normalized moisture content (Φ)

1.0 1.0

0.8 Normalized drying rate (dΦ/dq) 0.8


0.6 0.6 Outlet


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Normalized time (q)

FIGURE 36.47 Board-average moisture contents and normalized drying rates as a function of time and distance in the
airflow direction for a twin-stack kiln without reversals in the schedule (a) and for two flow reversals in the schedule (b). The
profiles represent the drying of 100  50-mm sapwood Pinus radiata dried at 77/65.58C and an air velocity of 2.5 m s1.
(Adapted from Tetzlaff, A.R., An investigation of drying schedules when kiln-drying radiata pine, B.E. Report, University of
Canterbury, New Zealand, 1967.)

Typically, lumber kilns operate at very high ratios the stack initially and even to exceed them (Keey,
of recycled air to that discharged through the vent to 1968). Although the necessary combination of factors
the outside air to maintain the wet-bulb temperature to get substantial rate enhancements is unlikely in the
at the scheduled values. For that reason, commercial kiln drying of most lumber species, the potential for
kilns appear to operate under very steamy conditions increases in drying rate (and strain development)
to the casual observer. The high degree of air recycle should be borne in mind.
means that small deviations in evaporation are fed
back to the air-inlet face of the stack, disturbing the 36.3.4 PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS
conditions there. This disturbance is then propagated
through the stack. In theory, with high recycle ratios Various works give a detailed overview of kiln
and extensive dryers (z > 1), it is possible, once the practice. Such overviews include those by Pratt and
wood has reached the critical moisture content at the Turner (1986), Boone et al. (1988), Hilderbrand (1989),
air-inlet face, for internal drying rates to rise above Mackay and Oliveira (1989), Simpson (1992), and
those for very wet greenwood at the air-inlet face of Haslett (1998).

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Schedule Development to relatively high EMC at kiln temperatures, produ-
cing modest surface shrinkage. In a conventional
Kiln schedules are of two kinds. A tropical forest con- schedule the wet-bulb depression is typically about
tains many species, often diffusely spread, so that indi- 5 to 108C, whereas for high-temperature drying
vidual identification of species and separate drying is wet-bulb depressions can be 508C or more.
rarely economic or feasible. Economic drying of mixed Whenever it is important to avoid significant color
species involves the grouping of these according to some development in the wood on drying, low kiln temper-
criteria. Simpson and Baah (1989), for example, choose atures have to be used. Even though in New Zealand
basic density and initial moisture content, on the where accelerated conventional schedules (with dry/
grounds that high-density, moist lumber is the most wet-bulb temperatures of 90/608C) are used to dry
susceptible to drying defects and requires the longest appearance-grade timbers, commercially, kiln tem-
drying times. Using this system, Hidayat and Simpson peratures not greater than 508C are employed to get
(1994) were about to define drying-time factors for 12 very pale wood (Keey, 2003).
species groups. On the other hand, temperate produc- Although higher airflows seem justifiable at the
tion forests may be confined to a single kind of tree or a start of a schedule when the evaporation from the
limited range of species, and comprehensive species- exposed surface is more controlling, there is some
specific schedules can be developed for these. For ex- doubt whether there is an economical advantage in
ample, Haslett (1998) specifies various schedules for a designing kilns with variable-speed fans (Riley and
single species, P. radiata, according to the grade and Haslett, 1996). However, one manufacturer claims sig-
end use of the wood. nificant fan-energy savings by reducing the rate of
Traditionally, schedules have been developed on a circulating air toward the end of the schedule in the
cautious, trial-and-error basis from small-scale tests drying of a softwood without causing any significant
on the woods of interest. Pandey (2001) notes that the extension of drying time (Fogarty, Priv. Comm., 2002).
seven standard, empirically derived schedules for
nearly 150 Indian woods could be fitted to a diffu- Kiln Control
sional model. Brandaõ and Perré (1996) propose a
drying test at 908C on small boards to provide infor- As the basic control of the drying process depends
mation on drying rates and deformation criteria. This upon the wet- and dry-bulb readings, control of these
leads to an alternative species-grouping approach to temperatures has been the normal method of main-
that put forward by Hidayat and Simpson (1994). taining the drying schedule. Most single-zone, steam-
Increasingly, however, detailed simulation of the heated kilns mount split bulbs under the overhead
mass-transfer and strain-development behavior is heating coils, one in each plenum some distance off
used as a basis for determining appropriate kiln- the floor (Culpepper, 1990). In kilns divided into two
temperature settings (e.g., Langrish et al., 1997; Aguiar zones along their length, the bulbs are placed midway
and Perré, 2000a; Nijdam et al., 2000). in each zone. The thermometer bulbs must be pro-
Kiln drying involves both the transfer of moisture tected from radiation from hot surfaces and have an
through the boards and the evaporation from the adequate air circulation over them. Careful location
exposed surfaces into the air circulating through the of the bulbs is important, as significant air-temperature
kiln. These processes must be kept in balance to gradients can exist in the plenum spaces.
maintain the fastest possible drying rate. With imper- Simple lumber-drying installations having one or
meable timbers, the transfer processes within the two kilns might have simple electronic-control sys-
wood are rate-limiting. The wood temperature is the tems with discrete programmable controls, timers,
important variable. With permeable timbers, particu- and chart recorders for temperature and steaming
larly under high-temperature conditions, external control. A more sophisticated system for a medium-
transfer mechanisms become important and high sized faculty might have a computer-based system
kiln-air velocities (7 m s1 and higher) are used to running on windows-type software to give a visual
enhance the heat- and mass-transfer coefficients. readout of kiln conditions during the schedule (Keey
To sustain the rate of drying as the wood dries et al., 2000). Endpoint determination can be based on
out, either the dry-bulb temperature or the wet-bulb the temperature drop across the load (TDAL), which
depression may be raised, thus providing a greater is a function of the extent of drying (Taylor and
overall driving force for the drying process. However, Landoch, 1990; Martin et al., 1995).
faster drying rates can lead to steeper moisture con- As pointed out by Morén (2001), TDAL reflects
tent gradients with the risk of excessive strain devel- the average drying rate in the kiln directly. He sug-
opment and checking. Thus most schedules specify gests that monitoring of the TDAL provides a
relatively small wet-bulb depressions, corresponding method of ‘‘adaptive kiln control,’’ with the TDAL

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

set at a constant value at constant wet-bulb tempera- programmable logic controller at one site increased
ture after an initialization period, followed by a the overall grade recovery from 70.7 to 81.9%, with a
period at constant dry-bulb temperature. reduction in energy costs of 43% for steam and 10%
The measurement of the boards’ moisture content, for electrical power. The total saving represented a
at the end of drying, has frequently been done with 1.2-y payback on the investment.
hand-held resistivity meters, often complemented
with more time-consuming gravimetric measurements Volatile Emissions
with sample boards (EN 13183-1). The Standard EN
13183-2, Round and Sawn Lumber—Procedure to Acidic corrosion is a well-recognized feature of kiln
Measure the Moisture Content, employs a hammer drying, particularly with certain species such as oaks.
probe with insulated measuring pins, which are Packman (1960) notes that, of some 150 species stud-
inserted to a depth of approximately one third of ies of both hardwoods and softwoods, the majority
the board’s thickness, and is valid over the moisture (80%) has a pH between 4 and 6 and only one had a
content range from about 7 to 30%. This technique pH consistently above 7. In an extreme case, with a
has been adapted by inserting probes in the kiln hardwood of high extractives content, sufficiently se-
stacks to give a continuous reading of the moisture vere rusting of steel trolley wheels and other ferrous
content in the later stages of drying. Nonpenetrative fittings in a pilot-plant kiln required their replacement
systems are available in which the resistivity probes after a 2-week period. Extensive use of aluminum
are aluminum fillets placed along the length of the linings with plastic piping in modern kilns has largely
lumber charge to measure the resistance of all the avoided the problems of corrosion.
boards that the probes are in contact with. All resist- The corrosive nature of the volatile substances re-
ive methods, however, are limited to measuring mois- leased during kiln drying is derived from the presence of
ture contents from just above fiber saturation and free acetic acid in the wood and from the hydrolysis of
below, with one system having a claimed repeatability the various acetyl groups attached to the hemicellu-
of +2% when the average moisture content is less loses. Softwoods generally yield greater emissions than
than 16% (Furniss, Priv. Comm., 2002). hardwoods, because the latter are normally dried at
The alternative use of microwave-sensing tech- lower temperatures and have lower resin content.
nologies is attractive in enabling a wider range of Some volatile substances, such as formaldehyde, come
moisture contents to be determined from green to from the thermal degradation of the hemicelluloses and
dry (Holmes and Riley, 1996; Riley and Holmes, lignin, whereas green pines release terpenes and their
2001). The first prototype tested used a waveguide, derivatives. Table 36.11 lists the concentrations of vola-
40  20  1.2 mm, with angled slots in the long face, tile emissions from two high-temperature schedules.
connected by a high-temperature coaxial cable to the Milota (2001) compared the emissions from various
oscillator and placed in a stack so that the slots were North American lumber species in a small-scale kiln
in contact with the lower face of a board. A later
development enabled the possibility of the stack’s
moisture distribution to be determined. The experi- TABLE 36.11
ments have demonstrated the potential for the manu- Concentrations of Volatile Emissions Arising
facture of a rugged industrial system. However, unless from Two High-Temperature Kiln Schedules
the timber is very uniform in properties, this tech- for Pinus radiata
nique is uncertain as the relationship between the Compound Concentration, g m3 at dry/
microwave signal and the moisture content becomes wet-bulb temperatures (8C)
fuzzy because of factors such as variations in wood
density among the boards. 120/70 140/90
An online contact-free method of measuring the Formaldehyde 19.5 31.0
moisture content of wood, which involves traversing Acetic acid 21.7 38.2
the boards on a band between sensor heads, could be Monoterpenes 34.8 66.4
developed based on techniques used in papermaking. Hydroxylated monoterpenes 12.6 10.7
The method would be suitable for sorting boards Condenser residues 16.4 16.4
after drying. At least one such method is commer- (resins and fatty acids)
cially available, but the measurement principle has Source: McDonald, K.A. and Wastney, S., Analysis of volatile
not been divulged (Smith, Priv. Comm., 2002). emission from kiln drying of radiata pine, Proceedings of the
The benefits of even a relatively simple kiln- Eighth International Symposium on Wood Pulp Chemistry, Vol. 3,
control system are illustrated in an example quo- 431–436, 1995.
ted by Culpepper (1990). The incorporation of a

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

with those from the same wood in a commercial kiln. 36.3.5 LESS-COMMON DRYING METHODS
The laboratory kiln functioned like the mill kiln with
respect to venting characteristics, temperature, and The majority of lumber-drying installations are con-
humidity, but it dried the wood faster, possibly because vective drying chambers worked at atmospheric condi-
the load is narrower. In general, the small-scale method tions and temperatures not greatly above ambient. For
was fairly repeatable for the determination of volatile structural-grade, permeable softwoods, however, when
organic chemicals, with a standard deviation of 8 to color development is not a prime concern, elevated
16% of the mean value, but the repeatability was poorer temperatures can be used to get very fast drying pro-
for methanol and formaldehyde. cesses. Designs under consideration include kilns being
worked to temperatures of 2008C, with air velocities
between the boards up to 15 m s1. Continuously Equalization and Stress Relief
worked kilns then become attractive with very fast
At the end of kiln drying there is always some board-to- drying. Such designs will require particular attention
board variations in moisture content, arising from the to thermal expansion, reliable heat-exchange equip-
inherent differences in drying characteristics of individ- ment, and venting of moisture vapor.
ual boards and the progressive humidification of the Many of the advantages of high-temperature dry-
circulating air. Because kiln drying is basically a process ing can be obtained by working under vacuum. In
in which the boards are forced to reach a new equilib- particular, such a process gives rise to an internal
rium, moisture content profiles also exist within each overpressure and an additional and efficient driving
piece of wood. With moisture-based schedules, the kiln force for internal moisture migration. The lower op-
conditions are reset at the end of the schedule to give an erating temperatures are an advantage in drying heat-
EMC that is 2 to 3% below the desired value. This sensitive woods and in minimizing color development
strategy prevents overdrying of the drier boards while when pale products are required.
allowing the wetter boards to dry further toward the Similar advantages of lower working temperat-
target end moisture content. Some authorities (e.g., ures are obtained in the use of dehumidifying heat-
Haslett, 1998) recommend that the softwood lumber pump systems, with the added bonus of lower thermal-
should be slightly overdried to ensure that the moisture energy use to compensate for extended drying times.
content variation both within and between boards be- The drying principle of these kilns, however, is the
comes small. Any subsequent steaming, which is under- same as vented conventional kilns.
taken for stress relief, will raise the moisture content of Most kilns, either direct-fired or steam-heated, use
the overdried load toward the specified value. wastewood as the primary fuel. Other heating arrange-
Kiln schedules are designed to dry the lumber as ments have been advocated such as the use of micro-
fast as possible without causing unacceptable defects wave, radio frequency, and solar energy, with the latter
to appear due to excessive strain development. Re- being attractive in remote locations for small kilns.
sidual stresses in the wood must be relieved if the
lumber is to be further processed. Steaming is a com- Vacuum Drying
mon method of doing this.
In smaller installations, steaming may be done in Vacuum dryers have been commercially available for
the kiln; but, in larger installations, a separate cham- many years and their use is regarded as a standard
ber supplied with low-pressure, saturated steam is practice in Europe for the drying of high-quality
used for this purpose. Such chambers are not nor- hardwoods economically, which would otherwise be
mally supplied with fans, and stratification of the difficult to dry (Hilderbrand, 1989). Descriptions of
steam and air can be a problem. Lumber that is vacuum drying are given by Ressel (1994), Audebert
high-temperature dried should be cooled so that the and Temmar (1997), and Jomaa and Baixeras (1997).
wood temperature falls to about 70 to 958C to enable Because of the enhanced internal moisture migra-
the wood to pick up moisture. The steaming induces a tion under vacuum, the rate of drying can be as rapid as
reversal of the moisture content profile through the that at a much higher temperature at atmospheric pres-
wood, with concomitant reduction in the residual sure. However, the higher specific volume of vapor asso-
stresses. ciated with the reduced pressure is a severe limitation for
Chen et al. (1997b) examined various stress-relief heat transport by convection (Perré et al., 1995).
strategies for sapwood boards of softwoods and have Several industrial solutions have been proposed:
found that other procedures are suitable in addition
to final cooling and steaming. These include simple . The use of plates heated by electrical resistance
cooling under cover or the use of a schedule consist- or circulation of heated water are placed be-
ing of intermittent drying and conditioning cycles. tween each layer of boards; heat is supplied to

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

boards by conduction whereas the vacuum level dew point and, in effect, recycling the latent heat of
is used to enhance the internal mass transfer. condensation. As moisture is removed as condensed
. Discontinuously operating kilns, with two liquid rather than vapor in warm discharged air, the
periods of about 1 h alternate: a heating period associated thermal loss is avoided. However, a small
at atmospheric pressure and a drying period at amount of venting is needed for humidity-control
reduced pressure. purposes. Volatile organic chemicals normally re-
. Finally, the most recent ‘‘high-vac’’ kilns use a moved with the vented moist air now appear in the
slightly higher pressure level (more than 100 condensate stream, which potentially could be sent to
mbar), together a very high linear air velocity a separate unit for chemical recovery.
(10 m s1 or more), to compensate for the loss of Figure 36.48 shows the layout of a heat-pump
thermal capacity of the air; this method has dehumidifying kiln. Moist air is drawn over the evap-
proved to be very effective. orator and condenser consecutively in a Rankine cycle
heat pump. Besides these basic elements such as an
In the latter method, uniformity of the air distribution evaporator, a condenser with its associated compres-
through the load is important to ensure evenness of sor, and expansion valve, there is an accumulator that
drying, with regions of low velocities resulting in prevents the refrigerant from entering and damaging
higher final moisture contents (Ledig and Militzer, the compressor and a subcooling heat exchanger to
1999). The positions of fans and heating coils have enhance the effectiveness of the heat pump.
an important bearing on the temperature and on the The performance of dehumidifier kilns is normally
final moisture content of the load (Hedlund, 1996). expressed in terms of the specific moisture-extraction
Vacuum dryers with overhead fans provide a fairly rate (SMER), which is the amount of moisture
controlled airflow path through the load, but other extracted per unit energy input. Two such ratios
fan locations can result in ill-defined pressure and may be defined: one representing how effectively the
suction sides. An overhead-fan dryer, however, was dehumidifier extracts moisture from the air as con-
found to yield a systematic variation in temperature densate and the other (the kiln SMER) representing
between the door and the other end of the dryer, how efficiently the kiln removes moisture from the
which might have been reduced by dividing the unit lumber including the condensate and venting. The
into separate temperature-control zones. Techniques kiln SMER for convective kilns is limited to about
to overcome the inherent poor heat transfer in 0.8 to 0.9 kg kWh1, compared with values in the
vacuum dryers include the use of heated plates be- range of 1.5 to 2.5 kg kWh1 for commercial dehu-
tween the boards or intermittent heating with super- midifier kilns (Davis, 2001). Some of the lower values
heated steam. Another suggested technique employs a may reflect the poor insulation of the tested kilns
heating cycle at atmospheric pressure, when the heat rather than a defect in the process.
transfer is better, followed by a vacuum-drying cycle Dehumidifying kilns are limited in operating tem-
(Guilmain et al., 1996). Tests on drying oakwood at perature by the working limits of the compressor
pilot and industrial scales showed that the discontinu- (<708C) and the size of the unit (<40 HP). However,
ous process was faster, with less susceptibility to dehumidifying heat-pump units can be coupled to-
mechanical damage of the wood, but the thermal gether and a mill with as many as 14 units is operating
consumption was higher than under continuous (Kerr, Priv. Comm., 2002).
vacuum conditions. Dehumidifier drying has attractions when high-
Behnke and Militzer (1996) have produced a quality solid wood is sought. Because of the relatively
vacuum-dryer model for design and process-control low operating temperatures, color and kiln brown
purposes based on a characteristic drying curve for the stain development is reduced significantly while
wood’s drying behavior. Hilderbrand (1989) claims that checking is less than in standard alternative schedules.
commercial drying time in vacuum kilns varies between
one half and one third of those found in conventional High-Frequency Electrical Heating
convective kilns under atmospheric pressure.
In wood drying, heating with high-frequency electric Dehumidifier Kilns fields in both the dielectric and microwave range has
been considered and some specialized applications
Drying at low temperatures, which is a feature of have been found. Schiffmann (1995) defines the di-
seasoning refractory timbers, is energy-inefficient. electric frequencies of electromagnetic radiation as
A dehumidifier kiln reduces the thermal-energy con- those covering the range from 1 to 100 MHz, whereas
sumption by incorporating an air-conditioning unit microwave frequencies are considered to span from
that recovers heat by cooling the kiln air below its 300 MHz to 300 GHz. He suggests that, as a rule of

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Air Circulation fan




Evaporator Subcooler

FIGURE 36.48 A typical configuration for a heat-pump dehumidifying kiln. (Adapted from Davis, C.P., Drying Pinus
radiata boards in dehumidifier conditions, Ph.D. thesis, Otago University, New Zealand, 2001.)

thumb, these high-frequency heating methods become dissipation factor. The field’s strength and its fre-
economically attractive for new kilns if the drying quency are fixed by the equipment, whereas the
rate is increased fourfold over that for conventional other parameters are material-dependent. As the di-
drying. In general, the use of dielectric and microwave electric constant of water is over an order of magni-
heating may become attractive for the small-scale tude greater than the woody materials, moisture is
drying of high-value hardwood species that are diffi- preferentially heated, a process that leads to a more
cult to dry by conventional means. For example, Smith uniformly moist product with time. This feature is
and Smith (1994) report the use of radio-frequency one of the attractions of the technique, for example,
heating for the drying of oakwood in a small vacuum in moisture leveling in the manufacture of plywood to
kiln of 23-m3 capacity, which had a lower capital cost avoid delamination during subsequent hot pressing
but higher energy costs than a conventional dryer (Schiffmann, 1995).
for the same duty. For very small power require- There is also a contribution due to ionic conduc-
ments, microwave heating is more attractive; when tion because of the presence of ions in the sap. This
the power requirement exceeds 50 kW, how- mode of heating is not significantly dependent on
ever, economics favor the higher-power tubes in the either the temperature or the frequency of the applied
radio-frequency range. In one Canadian system, radio- field, but is directly dependent on the charge density
frequency drying is used to finish the seasoning of and mobility of the ions.
conventionally dried lumber that has not met target Because the heating is internally generated, rather
moisture content. than convectively warmed at the exposed surface of the
Heating is generated in the dipolar rotation of boards, high and damaging internal pressures can be
water molecules as they try to orient themselves in created in the process. For example, internal overpres-
the rapidly changing polarity of the applied electrical sures of 60 kPa have been reported by Antti (1992) for
field. The power developed per unit volume is given by power inputs of 1.25 kW on drying 100  50  1660-
mm boards. Under vacuum drying, such overpressures
P ¼ kE 2 f «0 tan d (36:24) become less damaging. Thus, high-frequency heating
has been advocated for use with vacuum drying because
where k is the dielectric constant, E is the electric of the difficulty in achieving adequate convective heat-
field strength, f is the field’s frequency, «’ is the rela- ing under vacuum, and a summary of its historic devel-
tive permeability, and tan d is the loss tangent or opment is given by Resch and Gautsch (2001). This

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


Solar Condenser
Control flow
valve Fan discharge line


suction line

FIGURE 36.49 A solar-dehumidifier dryer. (Adapted from Chen, P.Y.S., Helmer, W.A., and Rosen, H.N., Experimental
solar-dehumidifier kiln for drying lumber, Forest Prod. J., 32(9): 35–41, 1982.)

technique is attractive for beech and oak timbers in the is collected externally in heat-storage systems or
European market because of the retention of their nat- panels, as illustrated in Figure 36.49. Greenhouse
ural light color with low-temperature drying. kilns have attractions in simplicity of construction
Perré and Turner (1997, 1999a) have described a and operation.
numerical model of microwave drying of softwood The daily world-average solar radiation on a hori-
with an oversized waveguide. In this work, internal zontal surface is 3.82 kWh m2 (McDaniels, 1984),
overpressure reaching two to three times the atmos- with values in tropical countries being higher (up to
pheric pressure has been reported both in experimen- 7.15 kWh m2) (Imré, 1995). However, Plumptre
tal and numerical results. (1989), reported by Keey et al. (2000) on reviewing
35 solar kiln designs, notes that the location of these
was spread almost uniformly over the range in lati- Solar Drying
tude from 0 to 508.
Solar drying of lumber has attractions in remote Langrish and Keey (1992) observed one oper-
locations with favorable climates because of the ational feature of the use of a greenhouse kiln. With
‘‘free’’ nature of the energy source. Imré (1995) has the kiln’s vents shut overnight and with the drop in
classified solar-heated dryers into three main groups: ambient temperature, the relative humidity in the kiln
would rise sufficiently for moisture to condense on the
1. Solar natural dryers that use only the sun wood’s surface. This provided a degree of condition-
2. Semiartificial solar dryers with a fan to supply a ing, which prevented the development of excessive
continuous flow of air through the load checking in a refractory hardwood being dried.
3. Solar-assisted artificial dryers, which may use an
auxiliary energy source for boosting the heating
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1992). In these units, the solar collector is fitted within ada de madeira baseado nas suas propriedades
the structure that holds the load and the airflow is reológicas (Accelerated drying process for wood
maintained by fans. The solar energy, in other cases, based on its rheological properties)—Industrial

ß 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

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