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Introduction Factors that affect the ability of the body to respond:

Human movement occurs as a result of an intimate relationship ability of muscles to develop graded amounts of active tension
between anatomy and physiology.
ability of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems to
Purposeful movement is a fundamental characteristic of human provide the ingredients that fuel the contractile process
the ability of the nervous system to regulate the rate and amount
“system” it is an assemblage or combination of parts that form a of contraction needed to accurately move certain body parts while
functioning unit. stabilizing and inhibiting other parts.

human movement as a system made up of several Physiology of Excitable Tissue: Nerve and
contributing elements : nervous, muscular, skeletal, and Muscle
sensory systems allows us to study both structure and function
- all living cells are surrounded by membranes formed by a
continuous phospholipid bilayer

The body’s movement system changes throughout the life

nervous and muscular tissue mem- branes are excitable and is
cycle in response to: growth, maturation, aging, disease, or
able to transmit electrochemical infromation to produce
environmental demands.

Movement occurs through biomechanical responses to this

meaning: their membranes are irritable and thereby sensitive to
neurological input.
electrochemical change.

biomechanical responses include: skeletal muscle contractions

Excitability, can be communicated between the tissues and from
that move the body’s system of levers and pulleys which are
higher region or system to another
formed by bones, tendons, and ligaments.

Differences in electrical potential exist across the membranes of

nervous system provides: fine control of muscle contractions
all living cells
over a wide range of lengths, tensions, speeds, and loads.

Ions - the positively and negatively charged particles present in

sensory nervous system provides accurate and timely
the intracellular and extracellular fluids
information about the status of each body part and their
environmental surroundings through its afferent receptors - ions are predominantly negative inside the cell and positive
outside the cell.
efferent motor nerve impulses send a response to selected
muscles or muscle groups to produce desired movements. Potential Difference - imbalance of ions from one side of a cell
membrane to the other
Once the nervous system has processed the
afferent information, its efferent receptor will Two factors are responsible for the ability of a cell to
response to produce movement maintain a potential difference across its membrane:

Desired movement was done through 1. The cell membrane has selective permeability.
collaborative work of the motor and sensory
system - it is relatively impermeable to certain ions and more permeable
to others
- permeability of the membrane to an ion can be increased
transiently by certain chemical substances released by nerve
- excitation that is produced by a stimulus produces a wave of
electrochemical activity that moves rapidly along nerve and

2. The cell can actively move ions across the membrane to muscle fibers and is associated with local changes in the electrical

maintain a required resting potential. potential of each of the fibers

resting potential no action is occurring - Neurons send “control signals” to other neurons or to muscles
by releasing small amounts of chemicals termed
Nerve cells, muscle cells, and sensory receptors maintain a neurotransmitters
negative resting potential in the range of –60 to –90 mV
between the inside and outside of their membranes. - The chemical synapse between two neurons may be either
excitatory or inhibitory
- average = –85mV
Excitatory synapses cause depolarization of the postsynaptic
irritability ability to react to a stimulus mem- brane to produce an action potential.

depolarization Once nervous and muscular tissues react to a inhibitory synapses result in a hyperpolarization (more negative
stimulus, the cell’s membrane changes its resting potential and it potential) of the postsynaptic membrane.
becomes more positive
- inhibition increases the voltage requirement so it is more difficult
Action potentials are the language, or the electrochemical to create an action potential.
messages, that are then propagated through the movement
Nervous System Anatomy Overview

Repolarization, returns the membrane to its resting potential z Nervous system classification

nerve impulse action potential transmitted over a nerve fiber neuron the most basic structure of the nervous system

muscle impulse is the action potential conducted over a muscle - Neurons have many different shapes and sizes, depending on
fiber their location and functions in the nervous system

Once they are depolarized, they become excitable and A typical neuron consists of:
transmit the electrochemical impulse along their
membranes, so that the depolarization propagates, or
moves, along the cell’s membrane. Dendrites: several short radiating processes

When this depolarization continues to be transmitted - are the thin, fingerlike sensory nerves that appear on one end
through impulse action potential occurs
of the neuron.
A sufficient stimulus (electrical, mechanical, chemical, or
thermal) applied to a nerve or muscle cell causes the - They pick up signals from the axon terminals of other nearby
cell membrane to be more permeable to certain ions
increased permeability results in a rapid exchange of
previously separated positive and negative ions as the Cell body: cell body containing the nucleus
stimulus moves across the membrane

This rapid ion movement causes the membrane to - is responsible for keeping the neuron alive and functioning. The
become more positively charged, or depolarized nucleus contains the genetic information for the neuron.
Axon: one long process, terminates in twig-like branches peripheral nervous system includes the cranial nerves, the
afferent sensory nerves to the spinal cord and the efferent motor
- is the single nerve fiber that carries an electrical signal to the neurons from the spinal cord to the muscles.
next neuron.
tract describes a group of axons with common origin, function,
- May also have branches or collaterals projecting along its and termination.
- name of a tract often indi- cates the general origin and
- The axon, together with its covering, or sheath, forms the nerve destination of the axons which make up the tract
Axons of upper motor neurons are located in the cerebral
- For faster conduction speeds, some axons are covered with a cortex and descend in the spinal cord.
fatty coating, called a myelin sheath. The sheath allows nerve
signals to jump along the outside of the nerve, hopping from open - These upper motor neurons form axonal bundles as
space to open space in the sheath (these spaces are called Nodes corticospinal pathways or tracts.
of Ranvier), much like a stone skipping across water.
Corticospinal tracts are in the lateral and medial portions of the
For easier understanding of nervous system it was divided into spinal cord
- The axons of the corticospinal tracts make synaptic contact,
• Anatomically usually via interneurons, with lower motor neurons

• Physiologically Lower motor neurons are in the ventral horn gray matter of the
spinal cord.
• Functionally
- Each lower motor neuron innervates a set of muscle fibers
X Physiologically, the nervous system is divided into the within a muscle
somatic and visceral nervous systems.
X Functionally, the nervous system is divided similarly to the
somatic system includes all of the receptors and nerves that anatomically based system
innervate muscles and skin.
afferent system includes all nerves associated with the
visceral system is the autonomic system that is further transmission of sensory information into the CNS.
subdivided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.
Afferent nerves includes: peripheral axons, often called primary
X Anatomically, the nervous system is divided into the central or first order afferents, originating from the receptors and
nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). entering into the dorsal horn of the spinal cord

central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal efferent system includes nerves that regulate movement and
cord and includes all of the nerves that communicate with each motor behavior.
other within those areas.
- initial efferent nerves within the central nervous system are
- These neural structures are enclosed within the bony vertebral upper motor neurons since their connections, cell bodies, and
column and skull. axons lie within the brain and spinal cord.
Interneurons are those neurons within the ventral horn and - Lower motor neuron is the term used to describe a motor
intermediate areas of the spinal cord. (efferent) nerve whose cell body and axon originate in the ventral
horn of the spinal cord and synapse directly onto skeletal muscle.
- Interneurons transmit efferently to alpha and gamma lower
motor neurons - often referred to as the final common path between the
nervous system and the muscular system.
- function as a neural bridge between the upper and lower motor
neurons. X Autonomic neurons are concerned with the involuntary
control of glandular activities and smooth muscles, including
Alpha and gamma lower motor neurons innervate extrafusal
smooth muscles surrounding arterioles and venules within muscles
muscle fibers and intrafusal muscle fibers
Classification of Motor and Sensory Nerve Fibers on the Basis of
Nerve Fibers Axonal Diameter in the Peripheral Nervous System

- The motor and sensory nerves are wrapped with a myelin type A is the largest axon
sheath to provide for this necessary transmission speed.
- Larger axons conduct impulses at a faster velocity
Myelin is a white lipid substance that insulates the neural axon
type C smallest fibers
- Along this myelin sheath are regular indentations the length of
the axon; these are nodes of Ranvier, type B intermediate diameter

Nodes of Ranvier, named after a French histologist, Louis Type A Myelinated

Ranvier (1835–1922)
Type B Myelinated
z Nerve Fibers in the Peripheral Nervous System
Type C Unmyelinated
X Sensory nerves are functionally referred to as afferent
nerve fibers Classification of Sensory Fibers on the Basis of Fiber
Origin within the Peripheral Nervous System
- Their cell bodies lie in special ganglia
The first group (group I) is subdivided into subgroups Ia and Ib.
- carry impulses arising from var- ious receptors in the skin,
muscles, and special sense organs to the central nervous system, - Group Ia fibers carry impulses from the primary sensory

where the impulses are interpreted. receptor in muscles, the muscle spindle.

X Motor nerve fibers are functionally referred to as efferent - Group Ib fibers carry impulses from sensory receptors located in
tendons and are referred to as Golgi tendon organs (GTO)
nerve fibers.

- conduct impulses from the spinal cord to skeletal muscle fibers

Classification of Motor Fibers on the Basis of Fiber
for voluntary muscle activity control
Destination within the Peripheral Nervous System

Efferent nerve fibers are classified into two groups based on

- cell bodies are located in the gray matter of the spinal cord and
which muscle fiber that they innervate

- Alpha (︎) motor neurons innervate extrafusal skeletal muscle.

- Gamma (︎︎) motor neurons innervate the contractile element
called the intrafusal (within the spindle) muscle fibers.

- intrafusal muscle fibers lie within the muscle spindle while

extrafusal muscle fibers are normal skeletal muscle fibers.

z Nerve Fibers in the Central Nervous System

- Within the central nervous system, nerves are classified typically

by their physical characteristics such as size or shape.

Upper motor neurons lie within the central nervous system and
carry impulses from the brain to motor neu- rons in the spinal

lower motor neurons of the peripheral nervous system transmit

motor impulses from the spinal cord to activate skeletal muscle

first order neuron. Sensory neurons that receive synaptic input

from a peripheral sensory neuron (first order neuron) and then
carry the impulse to the brainstem and other lower centers in the
central nervous system are second order neu- rons.

Second order neurons frequently transmit the impulse to third

order neurons, which are located in higher centers of the central
nervous system.

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