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Volume four

Volume Four 277 Letters from God and His Christ

Letters from God and His Christ 278 Volume Four
11/25/05 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Be Not Tempted of the World, For Its Ways Lead Only to Blasphemy and Sin

Question asked by Timothy, for several family members: Lord, may we still give gifts to our loved ones, as long as it
doesn’t take place on the 25th of December, and if we do not call it Christmas?

Thus says The Lord of Heaven and Earth: Shall you children of disobedience further blaspheme My name, the
name I have given to My Son? As The Lord commands, “Let your yeas be yea, and your nays be nay.” Obey, or
obey not... Do as I have commanded you, and follow Him who I have sent to you.

In these things of sin, altogether abomination before The Lord, take no part!...

Neither replace, or go there round about, saying, “It is of pure of heart...

The Lord will understand why I do these things, for it is out of love.”

Thus says The Lord, to those converted in their heart, who seek after My name, the name I have given to My Son:
Let go of this world and its evil ways, and be then separate. All things done out of love are good, as long as they
are in agreement with the leading of the Spirit.

I am love, says The Lord...

Then out of love shall you obey My decrees,

Showing all those that I am your First Love...

And I, alone, deserve your worship.

Worship not these things of the world... “For whoever loves their father, or mother, or sister, or brother, or daughter,
or son, more than Me, is not worthy of Me”, says The Son, who became man and died so you may live. Honor
Him, who sacrificed all, by sacrificing all that is not of Him in your life, for His sake. This will lead you into the
understanding of what salvation truly is, and the acceptance of the Truth, which is absolute, forever, standing on
a hill, bright and shining, forever and ever, immovable, unbreakable, written on The Everlasting Stone become the
Head of the Corner, then filling the entire earth.
So then, My beloved little ones in faith, sacrifice that which is of the world that dishonors My name, by making it
an offering of abstinence from all that which you have done in years past, and be then completely clean for these
thirty-one days that fall in the last month. Let those, who profane My name, parade their vanities, sin and pride,
parade in vain until destruction comes. And let those, who belong to Me, put on sackcloth and ashes, praying a
lamentation for all those who revel in sin and have become sons and daughters of satan and desecration, abiding
in ignorance... Bitter, bitter ignorance.

[Jesus The Christ] Beloved, give not a single gift... Rather, share that which has been given you in My name...

I am The Truth, The Way, and The Life...

Leading you into the gift of salvation, given by grace, accepted through faith...

Because of your belief in The One True Gift sent to all mankind,
Being Him by which all have eternal life.


Volume Four 279 Letters from God and His Christ

12/01/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Judgment, Transgression... And The Word

I am The Lord your God, Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that is within them...

I am The One, alone, who sits on high,

Molding and shaping that which I have made by Him,
Who is seated at My right hand.

To men have I also given power, to mold and shape themselves and their world. Theirs is a corrupted spirit, and
by that same spirit do they go out creating all that is corrupt, and destroying all that is pure and of God. So then,
God must judge His people by all they have done, being judged according to the New Covenant, which separates
them from all that has corrupted them. Only their rejection of My Covenant will lead them into this judgment...
And their acceptance thereof, out of judgment and into life.

I am a just God... And My judgment, righteous judgment...

Out of My mercy and justice,

I have sent to you that Spirit, who is as The Father,
To become man and live as man.

To Him have I given the right to judge, for He is without sin,

And was willing to die for those who have fallen under judgement,
So they might pass from judgment into life.

I did not send Him, at His first coming, to judge the world, but to save it, leaving all to judge themselves by He
who is the perfect man, knowing there is none like Him. Those, who follow Him, shall receive that which He owns
and gives to them... Eternal life, through separation of sin, by Him who had no sin. For He carried the weight of the
world’s sin to the cross, and crucified sin through His suffering, abolishing sin upon His rising.

He will be your judge in the Last Day,

Because I have given Him the right to judge...

Because He is The Son of Man.

So then, He judges as God, for His judgment comes from God, and justly bestows that judgment because He was
also man, but did not live as man lives... Instead, living in perfect obedience to God, then suffering at the hands of
man, being fully tempted as a man... Overcoming all things by His righteousness, His death and His resurrection,
out of love.
In a similar but deceitful manner, the devil will try to destroy all that Christ has built, being altogether filled with sin,
envying Him who sits at My right hand. Satan can not change his visage and become man... He is what he is, and
remains as he is to this day. Those he corrupted, who are as he is, he corrupted as he is by who he became... They
have fallen. Satan has also appeared to men as himself, sending them strong delusions, causing them only to see
what was already in their hearts... He is Lucifer, son of the morning, bright and shining... With a heart as the abyss.
So then, he only imitates that which is of The True Light, leading all away by false words sounding like the Truth, even
imitating the very mother of The Christ to lead those away into false worship. And to his eternal damnation, he has
appeared to many, causing millions to be led away into false worship and faith of that which stems from the Word,
forever changed into blasphemy and abomination by those who were mistakenly thought to be sent by God.

Letters from God and His Christ 280 Volume Four

12/01/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Judgment, Transgression... And The Word cont.

Christ Jesus is King...

There is no other! Nor any other way found!...

All religions of this earth are abomination before The Lord! Even those, in My name, are of their like... Not
worshipping through Him who I have sent to them. Even those of Christ have corrupted and blasphemed My
name, by subversion through His name, the name I gave Him... My name. All is corrupted and dying... The light
is gone from the churches... The darkness fills the entire world. Oh peoples of the earth, you have been weighed...
You have been found wanting... Your days are numbered, and your kingdom is finished, and will shortly be found
no more in remembrance.
The devil comes to take you captive. He has been thrown down and seeks to devour with teeth bared. Remember,
no one can rule this world, who is not of this world. Only He, who made this world, may rule... And allows they,
who have ruled, to rule, because they were men. So then, satan is allowed to rule for a short season, but not of his
own authority, but by a man under his authority who receives his power by him who is the father of lies and sin. So
then a man will rule, not Lucifer... No angel shall rule over man or man’s earth. It was given man to have dominion
over the earth, not to angels, but all reside under the authority of He who created all.
Satan goes out to deceive and subvert the nations, by that which is already in them, conquering them by a man
who is as they, all being entangled in the snare of the devil, because their hearts they have already remade in his
image, denying The True image in which they were created. So be amazed, My people... This man of perdition is
coming, and is already in the world, waiting in the wings. Soon will The One, who stays, let... Then will all come
to pass, as it was and is written, during the Last Week.

So The Word was sent...

And has come into the world, to save all who believe and live by The Word...

And to destroy all those who fight against The Word,

Not knowing that they too are bound by The Word.

All are under subjection to The Word...

Being made alive by The Word, or passing away by His judgment.

The Word stands forever...

Immovable and everlasting, permanent stone, unchangeable...

Having complete authority over all things,

Even the light and the dark, the righteous and the wicked.

Indeed, all the universe is under His will,

Giving heed to He who created it, forever and ever.

Volume Four 281 Letters from God and His Christ

12/09/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kerry, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Kerry, you are beloved of God. My arms long to reach down and gather you. I know you, beloved. I created you in
My image, and that image is the very same image who you were created through.
You seek Me, and this is very good. But know how you seek Me, and where you look for Me, in these places you will not
find Me. Even these beliefs of Me, you have taken to yourself, are of man’s religions... They are not of Me. Yes, daughter,
your beliefs are also a religion, created from many, adopted by you, molded and shaped by your own hands.
I write to you this day, through My servant, Timothy, as an answer to your husband’s prayers, for he prays without
ceasing on your behalf. This is true love, coming from that place of love I have given him, which he longs to share
with you... Come into My love, and have greater understanding. All these religions of this world are a leading
away... Even those, who bear the name of My Son, have gone astray.

Man has created religion in the vain hopes to reach God...

I have sent My Son to reach men,

So by Him, they may come to Me and be lifted up...

I have not made many paths for My children...

I have made One, and One only...

And He, who I sent, I sent into the world,

So all may be drawn to Me by Him, because He is The Son of Man.

He was in the world speaking as He heard from Me, so all might know Me by Him. You do not know Me, for you
continually recreate Me in your image, that very same image that you adopted from the world... To accept the
world is to reject Me and what I have given you. You seek Me because I have put this in you to do... All long to
return to He who created them.
A warning: Shall the created try to recreate The Creator, and speak for Him, not ever hearing His words?... Certainly
not! Do these religions, lost in their iniquities, agree with Me and with each other?... They only lead to confusion,
aggression and sadness. So then, I have provided One Way, bright and shining, the very Ensign you seek...

Let Him, who I sent, be a light for your feet and salve for your eyes...

He will lead you from confusion into Truth,

From anger into love, love everlasting,
Which never fades nor passes away...

In Him will you find happiness, true and pure,

By the understanding of knowing HE IS WHO HE IS,
And there is none like Him...

He is The Christ and Jesus!... The only Way, The Truth and The Life!...

All tears are wiped away in Him.

Letters from God and His Christ 282 Volume Four

12/09/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kerry, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

You seek Me, because you feel somehow this will redeem your spirit. You know, deep inside, you have fallen and
have sinned against Me. If not, why do you seek Me? My beloved daughter, I have both redeemed and forgiven
you, by Him I sent to suffer and die for you. It is only your rejection of that Truth, that leads you into temptation.
Stop listening to the devil, and men, and those things of your past that haunt you... Sadness and anger reside
there... Listen to Love.

Daughter, there are three that testify on My Son, Christ and Jesus’ behalf...

They are the Spirit, the Water and the Blood...

And by these three shall you be saved...

These three are in agreement,

And are one, leading one way, along the road called Holy.

Beloved child, I have told you the truth, by a man who now has the truth within him... Listen to him. He have I also
sent to you, in love and faith, to guide you through the darkness that is coming. He is one of many lampstands, I
have sent out, to guide My lost sheep and gather My wild wheat, so all may be housed in My barn. He is not the
True Light, but a lesser light, burning and shining by the True Light I have placed within him.

The Day is coming, and is yet come, and is already here,

When you shall turn to your beloved, and you will not find him...

And when you have searched for him and not found him, you shall cry and wail...

Then you shall find him, and a little while later, see him and be with him forever,
Because he will be where I am, and there shall you also be.

In that Day, you will see the angels of Heaven

Ascending and descending upon The Son of Man.


Volume Four 283 Letters from God and His Christ

12/15/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Weighed in the Balances

Timothy, take comfort...

The time approaches quickly, and is already here, when you shall speak as you have never spoken. And they, who
will hear, will listen and stand upright for Me and next to you. And they, who will not hear, will also listen and
flee, covering their ears. For you shall wield My words as a sword and slay all in their hearts... Some to hope and
salvation, and many to condemnation and punishment. All shall be struck dumb, unable to speak, dumbfounded
into stunned silence. For what proceeds from your mouth will be an all-encompassing fire, spewed in judgment
and proclamation, the trumpet blowing. For the word of your mouth shall become twin daggers, set forth in you by
My Spirit, My Spirit fully established in you... Burning like a fire expounding its fervent heat, burning and shining...
Painfully singeing the spirit of those against Me, as a hot iron, and warming the hearts of those who love Me, as one
who comes in from the cold to warm themselves by the fire... I am that Fire, the Fire that goes before Me, burning
and shining, shown in My eyes...


And before Me, I send the trumpets, all My mighty trumpets,

Announcing My coming and those judgments of The Father,
That both come after and before Me.

So take heed, and listen to the call...

It is a call to repentance and salvation...

And a shout of the coming judgment and punishment,

For those who will not heed My commandments and turn from their sin and iniquities.

These, who transgress the Law, haters of men, lovers of money, proud blasphemers, hearts given over to lust and
all worldly desires, lords unto themselves, these shall be left standing in this world, sinking in the mire of their
evil ways. So come forth, all you peoples who scream, ”Nay! Nay!”, come against My prophets and strike at
them... You shall be cut to pieces, and brought low by Him who goes before them, and stands behind them, and
dwells within them. All high-minded men, of intellect and worldly knowledge, shall be abased and brought into
subjection before those I send. You have not understanding of the power of The Lord your God, nor His power
given to His Son, who is as The Father...

Human power is of no use at all...

Only by the power of God’s Spirit shall men call on My name...

So then, listen to those I send, for I have and will yet give them
The fullness of My Spirit in the Day to come, for My purpose,
So you may be saved from the hour of temptation that will devour the world.

Letters from God and His Christ 284 Volume Four

12/15/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Weighed in the Balances

For he, who seeks to devour, will devour for a time, times, and half of time. Then he shall be swallowed up and
consumed, him and his voice... And their master?... He shall be bound at the end of The Lord’s Day.

The One, who stays, comes quickly to deliver and let...

Woe to the peoples of the earth!...

The time of troubles is upon you.

Woe to the peoples of the earth!...

The great and terrible Day, of The Lord God Almighty, is at the door.


The beast, called fourth, gains strength,
And is already in the world, seeking after his harlot.

Escape these things, and be lifted up...

Your Father calls you home...

And whoever He calls shall come to Me, and I shall bring them...

And there shall they be, with Me, forever and ever.


Volume Four 285 Letters from God and His Christ

12/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Fern and Ann, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Call

Regarding Ann’s dream, where Michelle was dusting off bales of hay in a field. Also taking place within a few days
of Ann’s dream was an event that took place in Fern’s home. Fern was wide awake and heard a voice say, “Fern,
where are you?” Fern did not feel any fear.

Timothy, write these words, and have understanding of these events that are before you. Lift up your head to
Heaven... Yours shall be as the first offering, offered before God in the sight of men, cleansed and sanctified for My
purpose of the second harvest. Be My trumpet... Doubt no longer, My son.

The first harvest has commenced, the bales have been bundled. And indeed, Michael, the archangel, is ready to
trumpet the call ahead of The Lamb. Many shall be gathered, but first a cleansing and loosening of the bonds.
Those hay bales, your grandmother has dreamt of, are all those who lie in the field, harvested but not put to use
for the nourishment of others. Their faith has become dull and dry, covered over by the dust of deceptions and
transgression of the world.
Lo, I have sent one into the midst of them... He is called Michael. He shall trumpet The One who is coming, and
His voice will be heard and unheard, and many will awaken to life. For two grandmothers have heard and seen
the same voice of the archangel... One has heard, the other has seen in the night visions. Both were asked the
same question and shown its meaning, for they are also the bales in the field bound together, which lay upon the
ground... Neither cold, nor hot... Neither freshly cut, nor rotten.

Uncover your faith that is within you, and you shall glory!

My glory in you has become but a flicker you call hope,

Turned to antiquity, covered in dust.

Shine forth, My young ones...

Glory, My elders...

And light the way for the lost, so they may be found in Me.

Fern and Ann, to you have I sent Michael, My angel... To you both have I sent him. He flies in the midst of the whole
world proclaiming My coming... You have heard. Now be awakened in Me, so you may also rest in Me. And then
again will you hear, hear and see Him, who has both made and known you before the foundation of the world.
Not all will sleep as you must sleep, but all shall be awakened from their slumber, and enter into My kingdom and
The Father’s house.

Come forth, all you dry bones, and become great for your Lord, for in you I shall glory...

And that glory shall shine like the stars of heaven,

In the day you come forth and embrace your salvation in Me,
As I embrace you, in My joy, forever and ever.

Letters from God and His Christ 286 Volume Four

12/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Fern and Ann, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Call cont.

The trumpeters are trumpeting, the angels are singing..

The call has went out, who will be lifted up?...

All those, who have ears to hear, these shall depart from the world and not be found.

The One who is, and was, and has come, will come...

As I have risen and ascended, I now descend so you may rise.

And then a short season...

And then all shall see Me as I am...

My glory fills the heavens and the entire earth...

The glory of The Son is as The Father’s...

For He has glorified The Son, and He shall do so again.

Volume Four 287 Letters from God and His Christ

12/16/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding the Modern Holidays

THUS SAYS THE LORD GOD: This world has altogether become a house of harlots, who continually go out to
commit fornication with the unclean, and revel in their adulteries against God... Altogether forsaking Him who I
sent to them, so they may turn away from their ways and become completely clean. None of these have harkened...
They remain shackled to this world and its fornications of sin, intermingling honor with dishonor, praise with
blasphemy, and sin with purity...

Woe! My children, you have all fallen into the snare of the devil...

Can you not see, My children?...

Open your eyes, and read the writing set forth in stone,
Written by the hand of God...

The Everlasting Law etched with burning fire, blazing as a torch,

So you may not stumble in the darkness which surrounds you.

Another Light have I sent...

The Everlasting Light of the world.

He, too, do you men of vanities try to cover over, so you may shine in His place. You shall be utterly destroyed and
thrown into eternal darkness, forever separated from life and your God. Repent!... And give Me glory, according
to the New Covenant by which you are saved.

Call on My name, by the name of He who I have given My name...

He is The One who shall save you from The Lord’s Day,
And He is The One who shall destroy you, if you will not come.

By Him were you made a vessel unto honor...

You have all become vessels of dishonor, heaping to yourselves vanities and sin...

You shall be crushed and thrown into the fire!

Letters from God and His Christ 288 Volume Four

12/16/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding the Modern Holidays
Transgression cont.

Now hear My words, you proud blasphemers: Shall you continue to corrupt love?... Christ Jesus, The Lord and
Savior, is Love Everlasting. Give Him honor and glory, forever and ever! He has glorified My name by His sacrifice
on the cross, and I have glorified Him by My name that stands forever. He is The Ensign, the waving banner for all
time. Call on His name, shout it to the heavens! He is your Shepherd, The True Vine, and you are His branches. I
shall prune all branches that grow in Him, making them stronger, and more and more liken unto Him from which
they grow. To all those who say, “Here I am, I also grow from The Vine”... You are all liars and a malignancy,
growing where you should not... You shall be cut out and thrown into the fire.

The wrath of The Lamb is coming!...

Did you think I would stay silent during the time appointed?...

I shall shake the heavens and the earth, and stir up the seas.

People of this earth, stop breaking My commandments,

And blaspheming My name and the name I have given My Son....

You shall not have His name associated with sin...

His name shall only be for a song on your lips and a sweet-smelling savor.

I shall speak plainly, so those slow to understanding may hear, though their ears are dull and their eyes are dim:
These modern holidays, Christmas, Easter and Halloween, are abomination in the eyes of The Lord God Almighty.
I shall destroy them, and wipe them from the face of the whole earth.

No more shall you break My commands, and revel in sin, in The Son’s name...

My countenance is turned against you! Says The Lord of Hosts...

You shall not blaspheme the name of Christ!

You and your detestable idols, your false worship,

Your misuse of My name and The Christ’s,
Your vanities, your greed, your envy, your lusts,
Your drunkenness, your gluttonous appetites, your fornications,
Your false witness and lying to your children, your covetousness,
Your thefts, your murders causing those to destroy themselves...

All you do is adultery against your Lord.

Volume Four 289 Letters from God and His Christ

12/16/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding the Modern Holidays
Transgression cont.

I have given you many days to honor My Son... You forget them all, especially the one I have given you every
seventh day. What do all these things have to do with Me? Why do you do them in The Son’s name? Give the gift of
His name... By His name are you saved, no other. Stop these vain babblings! You speak things in ignorance of the
Truth. Shut your mouths, stop your blaspheming... Be silent before your Lord, and speak to Me in spirit.
You have all become as the pagan and the heathen, by which all your holidays have their origins... Abomination!
The harlot has led you into temptation by her false witness. She shall be left utterly desolate, destroyed by her
own judgment, which crushes her beneath the feet of The Holy One of Israel... Broken by her iniquities, and put
to death by her denial of the Truth, she replaced with the cups of her fornications... Filling The Lord’s cup with His
indignation, which He shall pour out, full strength, on the whole world.

One commandment broken are all commandments broken...

One sin, reveled in My name, are all sins accounted to you...

One sin, repented in The Christ’s name, all are forgiven you.

I know your hearts, My children...

And I know, whether or not, you have become fully converted in your spirit...

You can not lie to your God.

Come to Me, in all truth and supplication, by Him who I sent to you in Truth,
Being The Truth Absolute, Utterly void of darkness...

He is light...

By Him shall you walk into life.

He is The Way, The only One under Heaven...

Walk in Him, and you shall find Me.


Letters from God and His Christ 290 Volume Four

12/30/05 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
This Generation Shall Not Pass Away

All others who have went before, having prophesied of the return of Messiah, have failed... The time was not yet,
nor did I speak to them... I have spoken to you and many others...

Yea, the time is near...

Behold, He is at the door.

Timothy, write, and receive understanding. As it was written, there were seven weeks and threescore and two
weeks unto Messiah’s first coming. So shall there be threescore and two days, and then seven days, going forth after
the Restoration Day of My people to their land. After the seven days have been completed, Messiah shall reign...

Behold the generation, who shall see the coming of The Son of Man in His glory...

These are they, who shall not pass away before His coming.

Blessed are the wise, who wait and watch,

And see these things come to pass during their generation...

They shall be lifted up.

Volume Four 291 Letters from God and His Christ

12/18/05 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Steadfast Faith and Obedience are Where One Shall Find All Prayers Answered, and Miracles Made Manifest,
In Accordance with God’s Will

[God The Father] Timothy, hear My words, and have understanding of the power of steadfast faith and obedience
to God, with love and acceptance of His Christ:

All those, drawn to Me, are drawn in spirit...

And when they are drawn, they come to Me by way of Christ.

I give them to Him, so He may bring them to Me.

And when He brings them, they must come as He is...

In Spirit and Truth, devoid of sin.

In My presence will one come into the full understanding of love and truth... All tears wiped away because of My
love, and by My understanding given to them who have come to Me. So then, to know Him, who I sent to you, is
to know Me, because He is in Me and I in He. Love Him, and you love Me. Hate Him, and you shall be forever
separated from Me.

In perfect faith will one also have perfect obedience...

These listen to My Spirit inside them.

My Spirit is also His Spirit, who you receive the Spirit from, because of your acceptance of the Truth, that HE IS
WHO HE IS. So then, all those, who obey, know Me by their obedience, because they had followed that which
My Spirit has given them.

[Jesus The Christ] Remember My apostles... They came into perfect faith after My death and resurrection, after
which I breathed on them, so they would receive the fullness of that part of Me that would remain with them to
the end of the age.

This Spirit, inside them, is in perfect faith and obedience to God,

Being altogether equal, because I can not deny Myself,
Nor that part of Me which is God.

The Father and The Son are one, yet two and three... Being that third part, called Spirit and Holy, which is given to
men, so that We might be one with them, whom We love and created... Our beloved temples made without human
hands, caressed by the hand of God. So come into My joy and receive of Me, and receive the fullness of My Spirit,
through faith and obedience.

Letters from God and His Christ 292 Volume Four

12/18/05 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Steadfast Faith and Obedience are Where One Shall Find All Prayers Answered, and Miracles Made Manifest,
In Accordance with God’s Will cont.

This is where My apostles dwelt... In total faith, nothing doubting, men become gods, because that which is God
is a part of them...

Ask anything in My name, and it will be given you,

According to your faith and My will, proven by your obedience,
Believing what I told you because of your faith.

Receive My love, and share it with others...

Then pray for them, in My name, and it will be done.

Remember: All things, asked in My name, shall be done, if you yourself do them. If you ask for another, and you yourself
do these things not, then how can My Spirit work through you? The Spirit is equal, yet men remain unequal. Miracles
worked by men are possible, and have been manifest by many prophets and apostles... Theirs was steadfastness of
faith and obedience to God. So they asked, and it was done and came to pass, in the sight of men. Their spirit was
equal, and in balance with the Spirit given them, fulfilling My will... So then, the dead awoke, the lame did walk, and
the unclean and sick made well. Strive for steadfast faith, and live your life in obedience to God, and your faith will
grow... And likewise will your stumblings cease, and your obedience become natural to you.
In like manner are prayers answered... If you pray for help, peace, and guidance, and do not those things spoken to
your heart, how can your prayer be fulfilled? You ask, and so you are given, but in you must all things be established
for your desires to be fulfilled. The Father’s ways are not human ways. You pray for miracles, not realizing you are
that miracle, able to perform that which you long for.
The Father does all things for you, through Me... And I do that which is asked of Me through you. Even so, I am
coming, and will also accomplish that which The Father commands of Me, so all, who will come, will come and
enter into His rest, which is also your rest and Mine... For we shall all be together in The Father’s rest, for one day
in The Lord... Then a short work... Then, again, entering into The Father’s rest and His eternal joy.

So indeed, those who have the faith of a mustard seed,

Can move mountains, because that seed was created without doubt,
Knowing in itself, it shall become and grow as God has ordained it to be...

This is the seed I also give to those who love Me...

It is only the ground you currently live in, that keeps you
From that which The Father has ordained from the beginning, that you shall be.

This is why I am come into the world,

And will arrive shortly, and return again...

To fulfill the Plan of the Ages,

Set forth by God, from the very foundation of the world.


Volume Four 293 Letters from God and His Christ

1/04/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Jesus is the Gift... Blessed Are They, Who Know and Accept Him

Jesus is The Christ, The Messiah and Mashiach of My people. Like disillusioned lambs, all have wandered and went
their own way, becoming lost in a world of self-servience, doubt, and the deceitfulness of worldly men, chasing
after the desires of their corrupted hearts.

My children, yea, all My children of this earth, hear and have understanding:

I am The God of your fathers...

The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob...
From which was born The Gift and Salvation of Men...

My only begotten, Jesus, Yeshua...

The Christ and Messiah, The Lord of all creation.

You search in the world for proof, digging in the earth, feeding yourself with man’s books and intellectual dialogues,
in your vain attempt to understand God. All your doings are vanity wrought in arrogance. Oh you lost sheep, why
do you wander?... I am near to you. Search your hearts and know Me. I have given all you shall ever need through
My many servants. They are in perfect agreement, and have written all in The Scriptures of Truth.
Bread and water I have given you as meat for your body, but The Scriptures of Truth shall sustain you unto life
everlasting, if you would just believe, and live by that which is uttered from The Father’s mouth and fulfilled in The
Son of Salvation. Listen and fulfill your solemn desire to have proof, for I have given it to you so you may believe.
My Son is The Word, as I am The Word. And if We are The Word, then He must fulfill all The Word speaks of Him.
And if He fulfills all spoken of Him, throughout the generations and the generations to come, why, then, do you
not believe JESUS IS WHO HE IS?

Repent, in His name, and be lifted up!

Resist the Truth, and be judged! Raise your fist against Heaven, and gather against The Holy One of Israel, and
you shall be no more... Being destroyed and consumed, by that which you would not hear... THE WORD OF
GOD!... Which proceeds from the mouth of Him, who is also The Word, slaying all enmity in the dry and parched
lands, covering them in scarlet, leaving no middle ground or partition. All is wiped away, and set up again in
righteousness, forever and ever.

Thus is the inheritance of the saints...

Rest and glory in the presence of The Lamb,

Who shall be your Shepherd, forever and ever...

Life without end.

Amen and amen...

Jesus, YahuShua, is His name.

Letters from God and His Christ 294 Volume Four

1/8/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
For the Glory of God Shall All Receive Glory, by Jesus Who Was Glorified for All

Oh My dearly beloved children, seek Me... And those, who have not, shall soon seek and call on My name, by
Him who I have sent to them. To the rest, they shall call to the mountains to fall on them, and will hide themselves
from My face and His whose is like lightning.

In Him shall you glory...

For His glory shall shine in the hearts of those who wish to live in His glory,
For I have glorified Him for all time, making an end of sin and death,
For those, who accept the grace of Him, I have glorified forever and ever...

From death unto life...

By His blood are you saved. Amen.

Many have rejected and forsaken Him, having fallen into temptation and foolishness, having not taken The Way
opened to them. The veil has been lifted, and the partition ripped in twain, from top to bottom... Opening the way
for all those who thirst, to drink from Him who is The Water of Life, being cleansed so they may stand in the midst
of The Holy Place.

Come, My chosen people,

And bring with you the fullness of all the lands and nations...

Enter therein, and receive My joy... None are forsaken, all are welcomed.

Those, who will not come, have forsaken their own life,
Not accepting that God their Father has placed Himself on the altar, by way of His Son...

Wherefore We, together, were broken, scourged, crucified, and pierced for your transgressions,
Having no company or part in transgression Ourself...

The Son is in Me, and I in He.

You children of this earth, you stand and live a little lower than the angels, crafted delicately in flesh and blood.
I live forever, high above the heavens, having made all that is made and knowing all that is known. And yet by
love did I become as you are in flesh, so you may become as He who I sent to you, in glory and life everlasting...
Completely free from sin and transgression, receiving the understanding by My Spirit, ending the mystery that is
God, and passing into the knowledge of love through acceptance and understanding, that indeed I AM WHO I
AM, and I alone am God.

And He, My only Begotten, is the only way to Me,

Where you shall abide in joy, forever, and even forever...

All tears gone from your cheeks.

Volume Four 295 Letters from God and His Christ

1/8/06 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Walk in The Lord, Establishing Your Love by Faith and Obedience

Come forth, all you little ones, who have entered and begun to sup at the table of the New and Everlasting
Covenant. My rest is coming, and you shall be carried away.

Little children, do you love Me?...

Then do as I ask of you, until The Thief comes.

Live in all ways, being wise unto My comings and goings. I have come to live in you... Listen to what I say to you.
How can one wait for Me, and be in love with Me, and live contrary to Me?...

I love you, as I love The Father...

In the same way, whoever loves Me loves The Father also, because of Me.

I obey The Father in all things, because I love The Father, and The Father is in Me...

Likewise you shall obey, because you love Me and I am in you.

Oh My beloved little ones, you stumble, having not yet learned to stand and walk... I have, and will, lift you up. Then,
once standing by the grace I have given you, you shall now walk in Me, until the time comes that we shall run and
leap together, in fields you have not yet been, nor have imagined. So walk in the way of The Lord... Stay steadfast. The
path’s end is in sight, no more time to tarry.

Be My examples, showing Me in you,

So others may accompany you into salvation...

Lead them along the Highway of Holiness, by faith and obedience...

Stumble no more!

To walk where The Son of God Most High walks, one must be as I am... Without sin, by My blood, having crucified
their lives, completely separating themselves from the bitter enmity, which is this world ruled by its prince, having
caused all to fall from grace. Those, who lose their lives for Me, shall save themselves and many around them.
Those, who strive to save and hold onto their lives, in this world, will lose their lives, having already become dead
man’s bones in a wasteland of many sorrows, leading and following others into condemnation.

Letters from God and His Christ 296 Volume Four

1/8/06 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Walk in The Lord, Establishing Your Love by Faith and Obedience cont.

Beloved children, what matter these things and works of this world?... Whoever loves anything, in all creation,
more than Me, is not worthy of Me...

I am The Way, The Truth and The Life!...

Come and follow Me!...

I am Yeshua, The Gift...

Jesus The Christ is My name...

The only name under Heaven, by which you must be saved.

Honor Me, first, in your ways, and then with your mouth... Honor, only spoken of, leads to nowhere. By your
feet shall you walk into the Kingdom called New Jerusalem; and by your hands shall all My disciples work
righteousness. To those who overcome... These shall receive all the bounty of riches, laid up in store for them in the
heavens and on earth, forever and ever.

Give glory to The Father...

Being a living sacrifice, according to The Son who sacrificed all,

So you would be as and where I am.

Love Me, as I love you...

Receiving and living in the love of The Father,
That neither fades, nor is subject to any shadow of turning.

Love has come, and is yet coming, and is already here...

Lift up your heads to Heaven,

And sing praises to The Lord, forever and ever.


Volume Four 297 Letters from God and His Christ

1/8/06 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kurt, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Walk Not Where Others Walk

Kurt, live by faith, and walk in its ways. Honor Me by speech only, and you shall be found a liar... My son, for
whose glory did you write of Me? For whose majesty are you consumed therein?

I know your heart, My beloved child. I see love there, a bounty and wellspring... You have buried the bounty, and
dammed the river, and covered over the spring...

Burst forth, My disciple, and be My friend, and walk beside Me in the garden...

There will you not find anything you now hold onto, nor any money.

To walk truly in the light, you can not walk where others walk, nor do what they do...

All who honor Me with their lips, and not with their doings,
Do not truly love Me, nor do they know Me...

To truly love Me is to know Me, and be as I am.

My beloved son, Kurt, you are greatly beloved, yet you remain a child of disobedience, not following all things I
have asked of you... You, yourself, knowing this to be true. So then, I send to you a mere man, you call brother,
not having a brother of your own, yet you resist him out of envy and pride... Not realizing, by his example and My
words and understanding, conveyed through him, that you also shall serve Me in righteousness.
Know this, My beloved son of men: Slothfulness and worldly love, leading into temptation, bringing forth
disobedience, lead not into My Kingdom. Yes, these things are forgiven the penitent man... And that penitent man’s
devotion is proven by works in obedience... Wherein he shall shed the skin of the world and become reborn, fully
established in Christ by My Spirit and hated of the world, leading to strife with your neighbors and loved ones.
This is how you will know where you stand: You will be rejected by family and the world, but seated firmly at My
right hand. And yes, there is forgiveness for those who ask in faith, with remorse, having total acceptance of My
love... Forgiveness always.

I have overcome all things by My blood...

Indeed, the world is to become My footstool, in one week’s time...

Blessed are those, who overcome their own world...

Having crucified their lives of old,

Becoming that perfect sacrifice unto God...

Having their prayers received up to Heaven For a memorial

Before The Holy One of Israel, and presented to God...

By whom I am seated at His right hand, forever and ever. Amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 298 Volume Four

1/8/06 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trina, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Disciple and Lampstand

Trina, you are very beloved of God and His Christ, a good and faithful servant...

But this I ask of you, My little one: Why do you honor Me with your lips, and dishonor Me by lying to yourself and
rationalizing that which is not comely of a servant and precious disciple of The Lord?... The love of money is the
root of all evil and a leading into temptation.

See the signs, and understand My hand in your life,

And feel and listen to My Spirit inside you...

Shine for Me, like the stars in heaven shine...

Shining for those, who are cast to the ground by satan,

Not knowing they serve him.

Trina, I shall speak plainly, so you may understand... I sent unto you My angel, to interrupt your works for money,
so you would discover for yourself what matters. In the same way, I have caused Timothy’s income to cease for a
time, soon restored by his own increased faith and his forsaking of worldly desires.
If you work on the Sabbath, you transgress the Law. If you cause another to work on the Sabbath, you transgress
the Law. You have proclaimed, by your mouth, that you will keep My Sabbath; and rationalized, by your mind, that
you still keep it, having not kept it at all. Yes, Trina, Timothy has known these things. I have closed his mouth, so
you may come into a greater understanding, where you may become that rock and hard place among a valley of
thorns, whereby in time, others will come and gather.
In sin is there iniquity found... Do not let iniquity lead you into sin, whereby others will find a way to turn away from
the light, that now shines in you. All disciples, who follow Me, must become My lampstands, burning and shining...
So those, lost in the dark, may find their way back to Me. Yours is the difficult path, and very narrow, leading to life...
The world’s ways is the wide path leading to destruction, completely blown away as the chaff on the wind.

Be My lamp, set upon a rock, and I shall lift you up to Heaven...

Consumed by The Light, which is everlasting.


Volume Four 299 Letters from God and His Christ

1/12/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
All Those, The Father Loves and Who Love The Father, Have Always Been in His Bosom,
Having Been Placed There by The Son

All My beloved little ones are known to The Lord, even when that which was formed had no form, being made a
vessel unto honor from the beginning... Having their lives rent in twain through sin... Fully mended by The Son of
God, who had given all life as The Father desired... Coming in the flesh, as they whom He created, to make that
which has seen corruption alive again, once more, for all time.

So, My children, life is...

Being alive from the beginning.

For all, that is, was known of The Father from the beginning...

Then given life through Me...

Then finally established in life eternal with God, through repentance of their sins...

Fully embracing Him by which they are, and were, twice created...

Reborn the second time of The New Covenant,

Written by the blood of The Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world.

Beloved daughter, called Beloved, by whose doings have brought forth many supplications, causing those following
after you to present themselves to Me acceptable, as a recompense for their sins unto eternal life by forgiveness,
having repented by full acceptance of The One and Only Way provided under Heaven that one shall come into
life... Beloved, do you not know all vessels, chosen by God, are to become vessels unto honor, fully accepted
before God by Christ, fully remade in His image, fully crucified and raised to life by Him for whom they now
love, nothing doubting? As Timothy was a chosen vessel, corrupted unto dishonor, now remade, and soon fully
established in full honor, honoring Him by which he was made and named... As I am holy, be then yourself holy,
by living according to Him who has made you holy... Indeed, each is given according to their faith.
See now, and understand the heart I have given you, and look deep inside your love for Me. Yours is a steadfast,
undying love, for He who has redeemed you as a child of Zion. Yet know also, yours is an impure love, tainted
by that which is of the world, further corrupted by that which you expect of this world in relation to Me. I am in
the world now, with you and in you, yet a world of noise and anger still dwell where I should be seated. Are you
consumed by My love, in the knowing that I gave up all for you unto death?

And when I was raised unto life, in that same moment were you also raised,
For I have known the number of your days, before the time of your conception...

Also, fully knowing when, and by what means, you would come to Me.

Letters from God and His Christ 300 Volume Four

1/12/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
All Those, The Father Loves and Who Love The Father, Have Always Been in His Bosom,
Having Been Placed There by The Son cont.

You have said you have children, and they are first, not realizing you have negated your vow to Me, by words
spoken in anger and frustration, being tempted by the evil one. Worry not... Once entered into and established by
the New Covenant, one is free who is freed... That negated is only negated in your heart, not in Mine, for the evil
one can not change even one word spoken by The Word, which I am.
Beloved, together with Timothy, in one flesh, what is asked of the husband is also the wife’s to own; and what
is asked of the wife is the husband’s, and in him to prepare the way. You now dwell as two of one flesh, in one
Spirit, in conflict with the spirits of yourselves. So then, what The Lord has given, The Lord also takes away, so you
might come into the understanding that nothing of this world is... It is mere illusion, lasting a short season. Rather,
understand, only LIFE IS, and the meaning of which, I AM...

And by Me shall you retain that which is everlasting,

Having been preordained to live in the place,
Prepared for God’s created who love Him.

All, that is now, must be put away and forgotten... For that which is coming, no man has imagined and was
prepared from the beginning. You have not understanding now, of what I say, but you will later... Yea, even greater
things will you know...

In that Day, you shall call unto Me,

And I shall be with you, before you have finished speaking...

Yea, I shall answer you before you ask...

For The Lord knows all the needs of His own, before they do, and fulfills them.

Live by faith, and with the patience of the saints.


Volume Four 301 Letters from God and His Christ

1/14/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Proclaim NOT the Hell of the Church of Men... In Their Words is No Mercy Found, Only the Makings of Satan

Listen, all you churches of men!...

Shall I, even I, torment My beloved, they who are tormented continually by he who is, and has, torment in his
vesture?... Satan is the tormentor... Not knowing, My children, by your own mouth you have called your God satan.

Repent, therefore, and mend your ways,

Forsaking your corrupt and evil teachings...

Become, again, a child of God, and learn to walk uprightly,

Leading others into love, by love, not fear.

The second death is that grave, from which one shall not be raised, nor awakened, for they have been cast out...
Abiding in outer darkness, forever separated from God and their part in life. These know not anything, forevermore
returning to that which they were formed from. This is the eternal state of My punishment for those who have
chosen death, by their forsaking of My Gift wherein is life everlasting.
So then, they under condemnation are dead... In no way are they part of the living, nor are they living in torment. Their
inheritance is lost, they have been blotted out... A broken vessel of dishonor, received by the earth once again.

Stop blaspheming your God!...

Have greater understanding of My mercies, that endure forever...

My Son did sleep in the lower parts of the earth, His tomb, for three days...
By no means did He descend into the evils of man’s imaginings.

He is The Pure Light....

Never has He had any part in darkness...
He shall destroy it utterly.

He is risen!

And all those, who follow and believe in Him,

Shall also rise and live, meeting Him in the air...

Forever shall they be, with their Lord and their God,
Where all shall find mercy and love.


Letters from God and His Christ 302 Volume Four

1/18/06 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
For God’s Glory... All Things, That Are and Were Created, Were Created By His Knowledge,
Being Designed in Perfect Intelligence

[God The Father] Timothy, lift up your pen, and write of My glory and majesty... Yea, sing and give praises to The
Lord! The entire earth is filled with His glory and the craft of His hands!... And with His beloved ones, created by
His fingertips.

Look at the universe, My children...

It shall be your playground in the eighth day,

Wherein time has no meaning!...

I shall cause it to cease...

No more counting of days...

Years pass away, being likened to a light breeze

Caressing the face of the forever young.

No looking backward, or forward, for your Redeemer...

He is in your midst...

Walking where you walk,

Being at all times where you are...

In the garden.

[Jesus The Christ] Proclaim the glory of The Lord!...

For all creation screams His name!

Oh you men of intellect, stop your vain babblings, shed your arrogance... Your science has become a false religion.
Step back from your knowledge and be then naked of your beliefs, and look with eyes wide open, hearing the
voice of The Most High. Stand silent and naked before your God, and watch and listen. He speaks to you... Yea,
He shouts to you from on high. You are consumed by His glory... Yea, He assaults you on every side... Even from
within, look, He is there. There is no escape from His glory... Without it you are dead, and all life ceases...

The vastness of His being is not hidden...

It shines forth, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large.

Volume Four 303 Letters from God and His Christ

1/18/06 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
For God’s Glory... All Things, That Are and Were Created, Were Created By His Knowledge,
Being Designed in Perfect Intelligence cont.

God has no end, He IS... The Creator...

And I am your Carpenter...

In you are all things written, in your very being...

Delicately etched there by The Right Hand of God, which I am!

Take your mind, and fill it with wonder and awe. Take your instruments, and seek and probe the earth and the
heavens... There will you find Him...

God is The Origin of Life!... He, alone, is God...

Creator of all things, known and that which is yet unknown...

And I, being the very same as The Father,

Am The Meaning of Life you seek.

All things are made, live, and come to their fulfillment, in Me!...

I am The Meaning of Life!

Jesus Christ am I, and you are in life because of Me... I am He, by which you were you made. You seek, and so you
find that all discoveries lead to God, though you need not seek, nor discover... For the knowledge of Him is within
you, His very Spirit which has given you breath. So seek and learn... Understanding is coming and is near.

Only the shedding of your sin, and the death of your pride,
Shall lead you into the truth you seek...

For I am that Truth...

Being that same One, who made all things,

As The Father desired...

Come to Me, and have knowledge.

Letters from God and His Christ 304 Volume Four

1/18/06 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
For God’s Glory... All Things, That Are and Were Created, Were Created By His Knowledge,
Being Designed in Perfect Intelligence cont.

My glory is coming, and shall shine from the east even unto the west,
Having that same glory that you already behold in the heavens...

The glory of The Great God and Creator...

The God of Abraham! The God of Isaac! The God of Jacob!...

The God of your fathers, even unto Adam, the father of all.

[God The Father] So then, you stiff-necked and wicked generation, seek on by unbelief, and you shall discover the
truth, which is God... Look deeper and farther than before, there you will find Me. Calculate and count all things
you think you know, and there you will find Me. Search the Cosmos, study it, and you will begin to know Me. No
matter where you point your lenses, there I am, in your scope of understanding. Dissect life’s structures, there I
am... Its Writer and Fashioner.

Did you think I am hidden, The invisible God of your ancestors?...

Though you do not behold My face,

I am shining all around you.

[Jesus The Christ] And lo, the day is come and has come already, and hence, is come in less than two weeks (fourteen
years), where all shall see... Yea, they shall behold My face, for I shall be before all, and all shall be before Me.

I am The glorified Holy One of Israel, coming to fulfill all that is written of Me...

Behold, I come on a white horse, and the saints do follow Me...

The heavens and the earth shall pass away at My coming,

And be created anew in My glory...

That same glory, which is life without end...

I am The Beginning and The End... Alpha and Omega.


Volume Four 305 Letters from God and His Christ

1/27/06 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Karl, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Those, Who Seek to Possess What is Worldly, Shall Lose That Which is Heavenly;
Those, Who Forsake the World, Shall Gain Heaven... Seek Christ Jesus, He is The Way!

Karl, listen to what The Lord says...

These several years past have I spoken to you, by My servant. Because of she, and by Me, has your life been
extended. Know this: By you should she have been comforted and cared for... She is the widow. You are the
insolent child, receiving only, not taking stock of your life, being consumed by selfishness and these vain things that
encompass you roundabout. For these things of the world, which you love and continually strive to possess, are
taken from you and shall pass into dust, never to be seen of nor found in remembrance, henceforth and forever.

You have no love in your heart...

Yours is a self-serving, cold heart,

Causing your eyes to dim and darken...

You have become rigid and unyielding, not seeking after your Creator,
Though the sun has already set on your life, abiding in the last glimmer of twilight.

Listen to Timothy... He is My prophet. I send him to you this day, so you may awaken from your slumber. He asks
for no money or donation. Rather, he has taken of his own means, to spread My final gospel to the four corners
of his reach. So listen with ears open, cease from your judgments, and hear what The Lord says to you. You have
forgotten Me, yet I have sent to you My voice through she who cares for you, and also another, called Timothy. I
have not forgotten you... I call to you still.
Karl, you shall sleep in the earth... I ask you, how long shall you sleep? Accept My sacrifice, and repent, and then
shall you awaken to glory in hence six years less. Deny Me, and you shall sleep during the one thousand years to
come, awaking to judgment.

Repent, and live!

Fade not into darkness... Embrace The Light...

Jesus The Christ is My name!

I have died, so you may live...

Behold, I live forever and ever. Amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 306 Volume Four

1/27/06 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Karl, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Those, Who Seek to Possess What is Worldly, Shall Lose That Which is Heavenly;
Those, Who Forsake the World, Shall Gain Heaven... Seek Christ Jesus, He is The Way! cont.

Trust not in these things you can see... They deceive you, a false joy. Come and enter into My joy, which is
true, where I have laid up in store for you riches beyond imagining. Come before Me, humbling yourself unto
repentance, and I shall come and live in you, forevermore... Just believe. Resist, and I shall remove My hand from
you, and let you go your way. See, I have spoken it, and it shall be done, according to My will and your desire...
Choose wisely, and with a loving heart, My child.

In Me, you will find healing...

By My words shall you come into life, life without end.

This world will soon pass away...

Being completely remade in Me,

Who is The Restoration for all times.


Jesus says, in Matthew 6:19-21 CJB... “Do not store up for yourselves wealth here on earth, where moths and rust
destroy, and burglars break in and steal. Instead, store up for yourselves wealth in Heaven, where neither moth nor
rust destroys, and burglars do not break in or steal. For where your wealth is, there your heart will be also.”

[From Timothy] Karl, each person will be given according to the faith of their heart, or have all taken away, according
to the lack of faith in their heart. Where does your heart lie?... With the world, or with Christ? Let The Lord be your
treasure, the joy of your heart, giving you riches beyond imagining in the Kingdom, where life is everlasting... This is
to be truly wealthy. Viola and I love you very much. This is why we speak in this way and do these things.

Volume Four 307 Letters from God and His Christ

1/31/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
To the Church Who Is in the Midst Of, and Sits Upon, the Seven Hills

Thus says The Lord God of Israel... The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob... The God of The
Bible!... I AM THE I AM, The only God, Maker of all that is, Heaven and Earth... I am The All in All... Nothing, that
is, is without Me, having come into being by My voice.

Thus says The Lord: I speak, and so it comes to pass. I think, and so it will be. I curse, and it is cursed. I say, “You
are forgiven”, and you are forgiven, forever and ever. I say, “Let there be a Lamb without blemish, sacrificed for the
atonement of sin”, and so it is... Even, “Let The Lamb be My Son, a cleansing of all men”... Sing hallelujah!

Thus says The Lord: You have not sung, nor given thanks... Woe to you, peoples of the earth, sons and daughters
who hide in the bosom of the prince of darkness!... You have become a scab and sore, and so you shall receive
what you have become. Woe to you, hypocrites, who testify on My behalf!... I know you not. You speak as though
you know Me, not knowing that you are accursed, and continually desecrate My name by the musings of your
heart and the words of your mouth!...

Turn, says The Lord!...

Turn aside, follow The Shepherd...

Hear His voice, and obey.

Cast away the commandments of men,

Obey not the “fathers” and the founders...

Their doctrine rests upon the sands of abomination...

Break free from your insolence before God!

Your offerings and supplications have come up before Me, as a foul stench, praying in the name of the dead, giving
yourself to she who also answers to Him who was bore by her. She is not The Way... She was My beloved vessel
and servant. Shall you then pray to the vessel, or to The Master who formed it, and by whose hands the vessel was
shaped and redeemed?...

All have sinned, there is none righteous... No, not one...

Did Mary suffer for your iniquities?...

Did Mary bear your sins?...

Was Mary crucified?...

Was Mary raised, so you might live?...

Can anyone, in need of redemption, redeem another?...

Only He, who is completely blameless, may redeem those who have fallen.

Letters from God and His Christ 308 Volume Four

1/31/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
To the Church Who Is in the Midst Of, and Sits Upon, the Seven Hills cont.

Commit yourself to the dead, and with the dead shall you sleep...

Having denied The Life sent to you, crucified and raised.

Mary sleeps, she is dead, and her sepulcher remains with you to this day. Is she assured of life in the Kingdom?...
She is... Because though she bore The Victory, she humbled herself before Him, who is The Son... Knowing in
herself that The Son, she bore, first bore her... Being both her Son and her Father, her Lord and her God from
Heaven... Also being her brother, both being children of David and of God in the earthly places.

Stop worshipping the dead!...

Worship Me by Him, who alone, among men, is holy,
Being altogether as His Father, the very same as God.

Before the foundation of the world, I AM...

With The Christ forever seated, at My right hand.

By Him are all things...

And through Him were all these worlds made.


Volume Four 309 Letters from God and His Christ

1/31/06 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Woe to the Leaders, Who Speak in The Lord’s Name... Remember Whom You Follow and To Whom You Must Listen.
Keep Watch for Those I Send to You... These Are They, Who Bear the Fruit Without Price, After the Manner of the Spirit.

[Jesus The Christ] Thus says The Lord, The Son of God... Who is, and was, and is to come: Stop speaking amongst
yourselves and denying the truth of who I am. My Father does continually send to you His prophets, to proclaim
and glorify My name.

From the beginning has He sent them to you,

And unto the end shall you both hear and behold them...

Yea, a great multitude has The Father prepared,

As the great Trumpet Call of God,
To announce the coming of The Son of Power and Glory.

Let it be done as My servants, the prophets, have trumpeted,

And come to pass, as it was and is written...

Says The Lord of Sabaoth.

Woe to you, teachers and hypocrites, who say I do not send them... Woe, I say to you. Shall you speak for Me?
Shall you command Me, and proclaim My will, not ever hearing My voice, nor heeding the leading of My Spirit in
you, that you say you know? Stop your vain babblings. Your disease is arrogance, consuming you in the name of
pride, the workings of man’s corrupted heart, following the temptations of the evil one... Free yourself in Me! Give
completely of yourself, and I shall deliver you. Uncover your ears, wash the mud from your eyes, and listen to all
those I send to you....

They prepare the way, of the great and powerful Day

Of the Coming of The Son of Man in His glory...

King of kings, Lord of lords...

The same today, yesterday,

And all days to come, says The Lord.

Behold the prophets, in these modern times...

True and false...

Know who it is I send to you, for they are sealed in their foreheads,
Having the Spirit of God upon them.

Letters from God and His Christ 310 Volume Four

1/31/06 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Woe to the Leaders, Who Speak in The Lord’s Name... Remember Whom You Follow and To Whom You Must Listen.
Keep Watch for Those I Send to You... These Are They, Who Bear the Fruit Without Price, After the Manner of the Spirit.

They are My multitude coming in the manner of John, who cried and shouted the coming of The Lord, baptizing
all who would, unto repentance, by water and the Word given him... By John’s proclamation did he make the path
straight for The Lamb of God. How much more then, shall My Father send before His Face?... He shall send a great
multitude, to proclaim and prepare the way of the Great and Terrible Lion of Judah, whose sword is in His mouth,
His rod and fan in His hands, carrying His sickle ready for reaping, who will thoroughly purge His floor.

Thus says The Lord...

The Day has come, and is yet come,

When the servants of The Most High God shall speak and baptize...

In their mouths shall be fire, baptizing all in The Word of God.

[Jesus The Christ] Come, all you faithful... Be gathered...

Live and breathe in Me...

I am your Oxygen, The Breath of Life...

The Waters of Knowledge and Joy, cleansing all those soiled and bruised,
Healing them in My blood, transforming them in the wake of My coming,
Comforting them by the love of My heart, that flows as a river,
Bursting forth in them, as a wellspring of love, hope, faith and obedience...

Returning them to the Garden and My joy, The Kingdom of God which I am,
Because of their salvation which is in Me, who is their Maker and their Breath...

Having become as they... Dying...

Breathing My last breath as a man...

Raised to glory, so I could come and live in them,

And with them, forever and ever...

Life without end.


Volume Four 311 Letters from God and His Christ

2/3/06 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Those, Who Waited, Shall Not Want...

They Are the City Called Martyrdom, Filled With All My Newly Glorified Lambs,
Who Will Sit in the Presence Of The Shepherd, At His Right Hand

Woe to the peoples of the earth... The beast walks among you.

As lambs to the slaughter, so shall My people go in the last and final days, but know, The Lord is with them and in
them... With His tongue shall they testify of the greatest love. They shall be beheaded for their testimony, arriving
in an instant, in the Kingdom of Heaven in those days. Those, who must bear, shall bear; and those, who forbear,
shall go into the fire.
This evil one, among men, will require as a price: Nothing less than total obedience, his mark and the number of
his name, bowing down before his image. Those, who resist, shall willingly put their necks to the blade, for theirs is
understanding and knowledge of The One who is, and was, and is to come... The Almighty. The short season of evil
personified will end... Smashed and ground to dust beneath the feet of The Holy One of Israel... Christ Jesus, The Lord,
is His name! Shout it... Yea, sing it in all the earth! He is come, and is coming, and will come, and has come already...

He, who is poured, shall awaken many... He, who shall gather, will gather...
He, who shall reap, shall reap... He, who comes as a Thief, shall snatch them away...
He, who is The Lord of Glory, shall return, showing His glory in all the earth... HalleluYah!

The Lamb of God was and is glorified!

The Lion of Judah will devour, by His glory and the roar of His mouth,
Having been glorified for all, in the name of and for the glory of The Only One True God...

He, who is called Jehovah...

You know His name... The Great I AM!

[And the angels sing]

Holy is The Lord God Almighty...
The universe is filled with His glory!

Thanksgiving and praise to our God, and to The Lamb, forever and ever! Amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 312 Volume Four

2/8/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Deceptions, Clothed in Falsehoods, Called Wisdom and Truth... All in All, a Leading Away

Question asked by Timothy: Lord, what do you say about “new age spirituality”, psychics, mediums, Buddhism
and the like?

[Answer from God The Father] Timothy, I say to you, these things are vexation of spirit. People, such as these, cast
stumbling blocks filled with evil... Their deception is subtle. They speak that which is spoken to them, by deceiving
spirits, for this evil is the likes of which has not been seen, nor will be seen of, again. These spirits are cunning ones,
sent out by the evil one, as a leading away from the Truth. They are evil spirits of the end of this age, coaxing all to
their destruction, to be devoured by that which they had first conceived of in their own mind...

Right has become wrong...

And wrong has become right, and the right of the individual,
Who has become a god unto themselves.

My children have moved far from Me...

They search in vain...

For what, they know not.

What they call “god” is nothing and dead... He is the devil and satan, and he has many disguises. Many are shown
in peace and enlightenment, full of self and self-delusions. The spiritual fulfillment they seek, through meditation
and enlightenment, is total starvation and thirst in the desert of lies, where all dead man’s bones are found, hidden
in the mirage of inner peace.

Thus says The Lord, who is all-knowing, even of that which is hidden: Christ Jesus is the fulfillment of all things...
The lightening of your burdens, which is sin, the truth and understanding you seek... The Very Meaning of Life. He
is The Bread of Life, feeding those en hungered, The Fountain of Living Water for those who thirst, The Prince of
Peace... Seek Him, only, and receive glory.

The world, and all therein, is vanity on top of vanities,

And vexation of spirit, leading you into sin...

And when it is finished, death.

Jesus, called Christ, is The Truth, The Way and The Life.


Volume Four 313 Letters from God and His Christ

2/6/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears To Hear
Jesus Christ Is King!

Jesus is The Lamb, whom you shall call, Christ...

I have proclaimed Him from the beginning...

He is The Beginning and The Ending...

To Him have I given complete authority,

Over life and death, redemption and condemnation...

Worthy is The Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world. Yeshua is The Gift... In Him is life. All others lead only
into darkness and death, fleeing away from The True Light, which is Christ Jesus. He is the wonderful new thing
born of a virgin, as it is and was written.

He is the fulfillment of all things, The only Messiah and Lord,

Fulfilling all written and spoken of Him from the beginning...

Being the same as God, begotten as The Son...

Fulfilling The Word which He is, and was, and is to come...

The Word of God Almighty...

By The Word are you saved. And by the same Word, that you wicked have and will reject, shall you be slain
therein. He, who was smitten of God, gave of Himself to the smiters, so all nations under God might be saved
through Him, which is the foundation and fulfillment of all prophecy... The end of which is the Kingdom, which
is He... And by Him shall you enter, entering into that which is His joy, forever and ever. This is My Son, in whom
I am well pleased... Listen to Him.

For as the stars in the heavens are beyond the numbering of men,
So then is He, called Jesus...

Who, being The Only Begotten of The Father,

Is the fulfillment of The Word of God and the prophets, throughout all generations...

Whose fulfillment, of which, is also beyond the reason and comprehension,

Of men’s calculations, fulfilled in a single man.

Letters from God and His Christ 314 Volume Four

2/6/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears To Hear
Jesus Christ Is King! cont.

These things fulfilled in The Son of Man, being mentioned of a few, let it be a sign and awakening. To them of
greater understanding, awakened to the knowledge of these things fulfilled in The Son of Man, prophesied, coming
to light as a multitude, let it be a wonder. To My children, fully awake and receiving full knowledge of the Truth,
that indeed The Christ, called Jesus, fulfills all, in every sense, in all manner, every word written, every word spoken,
every action within and without, being altogether The All in All of all things, let it be truth undeniable... Causing all,
both small and great, rich and poor, bond and free, to bow before Him, calling Him, Lord!

For that sought is the emblazing torch, a waving banner,

An ensign to all generations, beyond all question...


Jesus Christ, The Lord of Sabaoth...

Lord of lords, King of kings!

Jesus, The Christ, is The Messiah, The Holy One of Israel... Your King!

Thus says The Lord God of Israel, The God of all creation, The One and Only True God, The Almighty! I have
spoken it, and so it is forever and ever. Speak of another, or deny His name, and suffer the wrath of God, which
shall be poured out full-strength into the cup of His indignation.

Thus says The Lord your God: The Messiah has come, and is come, and is coming quickly, and will come again in
His glory. Watch and behold the mighty and awesome power of The Holy One of Israel! He shall sit on the throne
of His glory, and every knee shall bow!... My will is done on earth, as in Heaven.

My Kingdom is come...

And His name is...

Jesus, Christ, The Lord.


Volume Four 315 Letters from God and His Christ

Letters from God and His Christ 316 Volume Four

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