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Areas of Wellness Domain Research and Reflection Template

Wellness Domain: ____Physical___________________________

Part 1:

Using complete sentences, answer the following questions.

How do you think you are doing in this domain currently?

I think I’m doing fine.

-not currently doing any physical activity

What practices or activities do you regularly do in this domain? How do they make you

I don’t do anything.

Find a source (video, article) specific to this wellness domain and summarize below.

1) List source here: youtube- Bruce Lee Workout (includes dragon flag)

Guy from the athlean-x system talked about main principles of a Bruce Lee

How does this apply to you?

Does not apply to me.

Did this resource give you any new perspectives on this domain?

Part 2​: Now choose an activity in this domain. _push up_____________________

Before you participate, rate how you are feeling before the activity.

Horrible Fine

😭 😢 😔 😐
​ ​ 🙂 😊 😀

Take a moment to breathe deeply and scan your mind and body. Describe how you are
feeling below:


Go do your wellness activity!

Now, answer the same questions.

After you participated, rate how you are feeling.

Horrible Fine

😭 😢 😔 ​😐​ 🙂 😊 😀

Take a moment to breathe deeply and scan your mind and body. Describe how you are
feeling below:

Part 3: ​Answer the following reflection questions.

Did you notice a difference before and after the activities? Describe what you
experienced below.

No difference

Did you enjoy the activity you participated in?


How does this activity contribute to your overall wellness?

It doesn’t

Is this activity something you would like to add to your toolkit?

No. no other ideas

Is this domain something you would continue to explore?


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