Sie sind auf Seite 1von 1

Memory.cpp:22 Item does not exist.

type = 'm', id = 511446149184

Memory.cpp:22 Item does not exist. type = 'm', id = 511446148672
Memory.cpp:22 Item does not exist. type = 'm', id = 511446151040
Memory.cpp:22 Item does not exist. type = 'm', id = 511446150208
Memory.cpp:22 Item does not exist. type = 'm', id = 511446147200
Memory.cpp:22 Item does not exist. type = 'm', id = 511446150400
Memory.cpp:22 Item does not exist. type = 'm', id = 511446147200
Memory.cpp:22 Item does not exist. type = 'm', id = 511446147392
RGraph.cpp:801 >>>>>>>>>>>>> Loading graph <<<<<<<<<<<<
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name camera->flip_horizontal
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name camera->flip_vertical
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name color_splash->mode
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name contours->brightness
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name contours->contrast
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name contours->fade
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name contours->lines
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name contours->scaleFactor
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name fade->fade
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name holga_2->fade
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name holga_2->left
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name holga_2->right
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name hue->deltaSaturation
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name hue->hue
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name hueCalculator->maxHue1
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name hueCalculator->maxHue2
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name hueCalculator->maxHue3
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name hueCalculator->minHue1
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name hueCalculator->minHue2
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name hueCalculator->minHue3
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name hueCalculator->selectedHue1
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name hueCalculator->selectedHue2
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name hueCalculator->selectedHue3
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name light_cross->brightness
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name light_cross->contrast
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name light_cross->fade
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name lomo->amount
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name lomo->contrast
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name lomo->mode
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name lomo->vignette
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name lut->lutBuffer
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name mask->blend_mode
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name mirrors->mode
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name swirled->angle
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name swirled->radiusPercent
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name swirled->textureMinS
RGraph.cpp:641 Generating value kernel with name swirled->textureMinT
RGraph.cpp:657 Creating connections
RGraph.cpp:719 Finding initial kernels
RGraph.cpp:743 Synchronizing graph types
RGraph.cpp:754 Graph type synchronization done!!!

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