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Riris: good afternoon my colleagues on the right opened the meeting this afternoon, hopefully meeting

on this day will run smoothly and produce something diharapkan.selanjunya meeting will be chaired by
niko yana komang father as leader of the company.

Komang; well who praise the presence of god almighty one thanks to the grace and the gifts we can
gather on this day are safe and happy in the meeting this time we will membahs about the problems we
are facing today, namely mnurunnya users of our application so we need new innovations to increase the
attractiveness of our customers

Riris: Thank you Mr. Director, that good for the first performance report to you my great invite.

Court: I had the idea to enhance the appeal by adding features to support the future of our application.
So based on the observation that I have done 80% of parents want maximum results in maximum
process and therefore I think to add features Connec parents so that parents can know the development
of children in the learning process. How to colleagues whether there is a response to my ideas

Word: I strongly disagree with the idea for this very noble brother attracting parents to trust their
children to us

Tori: I also agree, but we must think of the various aspects to make it happen

Lutfi: This feature is very interesting but in the process of making this feature will certainly take up some
of the funds the company because it requires updating the system of applications we have launched.

Komang: good lah, based on the idea that the number of approvals given by my noble brother conclude
that we will make this new feature and of course we must be prepared to deal with all the risks that we
will face in the future.

Riris: Thank you Mr. Director, baikalah we will discuss the process of making this feature. Welcome to the
great father Sodara

Court: bedasarkan analysis I have done, pitur manufacturing process requires a long process takes
approximately 6 months.

Tori: Why should require a very long time if it can be accelerated, we Hars implement a performance
more effective and efficient so that users of our application again increased in order to profit perusaan
also menigkat

Court: we need more time Karana should conduct trials and training and seminars to the setf yng will
handle these features in the future.

Word: then we need yng how many people involved to make this feature? Karana my knowledge in the
making of this feature requires orang2 who know about technology
Agung: I think most of the staff and employees will be involved in the process of mentoring to support
continuation of our latest features and I think we need an IT expert Karna 4 people like this has many
features we have encountered in this country.

Komang: Okay so the process of making this feature very necessary cooperation between

Riris: Okay then we will discuss the finances needed to make these features.

Word: As noted by the great brothers that we should do dn training seminar for staff, in this case what is
the cost required to conduct training and this seminar? And how much funding is needed to make this

Lutfi: in my view to conduct training and seminars srta process of making this feature needed funds
amounting to US 3,000 because we have to invite speakers who are experts on the technology and
manufacturing process was not easy.

Komang: What fund companies that we have today? Is sufficient for the process of making this feature?

Lutfi: according to the data I have, the investor of last year had 10,000 menginfestasikan money for us
this year probably will be increased and can support the company prekonomian

General: The launch of the latest features we can add drag the data so that more users will download the
application, the greater the keuntungann that we will receive from android and ios.

Riris: Next we will discuss about marketing applications with this new feature.

Komang: then how in terms of promotion? whether we need others to assist in the promotion of our
newest features?

Tori: I think we do not need to involve others in the process of promotion of our newest features
because we can promote it via social media

Word: I think we need others because we are also able to promote it by making use of people who have
high popularity.

Agung: I strongly agree with my brother because we can endorse the word to those who have high
popularity in order to improve and benefit our customers.

Lutfi: I also strongly agree because the era of modern post now people will spend more time on social
media than watching television or other media.

Tori: I also think to show you our latest feature on the front page of the application menu so that users
can find out if we have the latest features.

Komang: Okay we will promote our latest features via social media with the help of artists, but we also
have to consider the funds needed for the costs required to endorse is not cheap
Riris: Let regarding the funds we submit to you lutfi welcome

Lutfi: for the time being we have sufficient funds to endorse these features we do but for the future we
need investors - investors to support the company's funds.

Tori: features that we launch this very interesting so I believe investors will be interested to invest in the
company we have added a feature to education.

Word: for operations also needed funds are not a bit, because we need 10 certified experts who
certainly have a salary not less.

Komang: if so, it helps us to invite foreign investors to raise capital. If the omnibus law is already
authorized in the legitimate right, the investment will more quickly enter.

Great ; I quite agree that increasing the number of investment from abroad.

Riris: what if the investment will quickly add liquid

Lutfi: if we want to increase our investment it took about 2 months to manage licensing

Word: so we had to wait about two months to do it, it could delay operations and increase time

Komang: not what are we waiting for investment, now we've been able to form a team of operational
executives, but for us it took 2 months

Tori: if so for promotions we postpone

Word: for the moment I will soon form an implementation team consisting of the presidium of the
executive, the head of the field, expert staff and staff intern.

Agung: I strongly agree with the fast pace of operational managers so after direct investments come we
can work

Komang: okay if so I hope the team can work fast

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