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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the most honourable judges, dear
contestants, teachers and members of the floor. Well from the chorus, I think you can guess my
topic. Before I go further, I would like all of you to recall some incidents around us. It is
common to see people or children kicking empty cans, packed drinks and plastic bottles near the
street or at their housing compound. Moreover I think everyone definitely will feel hatred to pass
by a hilly rubbish dump or any garbage trucks. Why? It is because of the pungent!

Ladies and Gentleman,

Recycling is the accurate answer to the situations I have mentioned earlier. Recycling is
important in today’s world if we want to leave this planet for our future generations. It is good
for the environment, since we are making new products from the old products which are of no
use to us. I believe that recycling should be made part and parcel of our life. We can reduce our
domestic rubbish and we can support environmental campaigns to save and love the
environments. As Malaysian, we should appreciate and be thankful for what we have gained.
Therefore, it is part of our responsibility to save guard our country and environment as recycling
is part and parcel of good citizenship.

Ladies and Gentleman,

Recycling begins at home. We can a play significant role to make recycling a success. Did you
know what do you produce every day at your home could harm our mother nature slowly? 30%
of our rubbish such as fruits peelings, egg shells, grass cutting, and tea bags should not go into
our bins but a compost bin. Composting is an excellent way to recycle kitchen and garden waste.

If we bury these wastes in landfill sites, they will rot by bacteria. This process produces
Methane, a harmful greenhouse gas which is 20 times more damaging than carbon dioxide. But
in a compost bin, it changes the way the wastes decompose and methane is no longer released.
Obviously, composting is a great way of recycling which turn variety of kitchen wastes into
organic fertilizer. It makes our garden flourish.
Ladies and gentlemen,

The most effective way to reduce waste is to not create it in the first place. Making a new
product requires a lot of materials and energy. Raw materials must be extracted from the earth.
Some of raw materials are only available through expensive mining process, deforestation and
pollutants. Therefore, recycling is one of the most effective ways to save natural resources,
protect the environment and save money.

Did you know, recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a computer for 3 hours,
and a TV for 2 hours. Energy saving is really important if we want to reduce the future effects of
global warming. With use of more recycling products, we are pushing people towards more
greener technologies.

Ladies and Gentleman,

At the end of the day, recycling is an act that can bring a community together. We can organize
many recycling campaigns and programs. People in a community can work together by picking
up trash from the roads and collecting wastes to raise money for schools and orphanages.
Indirectly, they are making their towns cleaner and happier. It is also one of the best ways to
teach children about responsibility.

Ladies and Gentleman,

We need to stop purchasing items that we do not need anymore. Go for electronic billing, this is
the best step to get rid of paper billing and open for e-billing. Make a compost bin at your home.
Last but not least, try to avoid the use of plastic bag as much as possible.

In conclusion, recycling should be made part and parcel of our life. It brings more benefits to us
and it save our mother nature for centuries. So, take this opportunity before we regrets when we
realise it is of no use anymore. Let consider about it, this planet is our home and we are going to
live in it for another decades especially our next generations. With this, I end my speech and my
final word it is better to act now than never.

Thank you.

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