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Chapter 3:

Organs- a collection of tissues that work together

 Leaves- organs that make food for a plant

 Stems- organs that transport water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves
 Roots- organs that absorb minerals and nutrient from the soil
 Flowers- organs that produce seeds that help plants to reproduce

Flowering plants- plants that have seeds and they reproduce

Function- the purpose of a particular organ/system of living thing

Characteristics- the feature or quality of a living thing

 Movement-  the changing of location of living things

 Respiration- the exchange of gases by breathing in and out
 Sensitivity- the sensing/feeling of things that surround them
 Growth- the increase in size/mass of a living thing
 Reproduction- the production of offspring/young ones
 Excretion- the removal of waste from body
 Nutrition- useful substances obtained by eating food

Microscopes-an instrument used for making magnified images

Microbes/micro-organisms- organisms that are too small to be seen without using a microscope

 Algae and Protozoa- a type of microbe. It has two types:

i) Algae- they make their own food like plants do
ii) Protozoa- they eat other microbes for nutrition
 Fungi- a type of microbe that absorbs nutrients from its surroundings
i) Hyphae- a type of fungi that are usually found in tangles of long thin threads
ii) Yeast- fungi that aren’t Hyphae
iii) Budding- a method of reproduction used by fungi
 Bacteria- the smallest type of microbe; present everywhere
 Viruses- a type of microbe that cause diseases; they can only reproduce so they are non-
living things

Ferment- to break down sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide

Alcohol- substance produced when yeast ferments sugary solutions

Lactic acid- molecule produced when bacteria respire using sugars

Pasteurization- heating food/liquids to remove microbes from it without ruining its flavour

Organic matter- material that comes from living things and can be decomposed by microbes

Fermentation- the process of breaking down sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide
Spontaneous generation- a disproved theory that states that microbes are formed from decaying

Dough- a thick mixture of flour and liquid, used to make bread

Sterilise- destroy the microbes on/in something

Infectious diseases- diseases caused by microbes which spread from person to person. It has
further types:

 Ringworm- caused by a fungus growing in your skin

 Athlete’s foot- caused by fungus; happens between the toes and causes skin to become flaky
 Typhoid- an Infectious disease spread by eating food contaminated with bacteria
 Faeces- solid waste excreted from your digestive system
 Food poisoning- vomiting and diarrhoea caused by eating food contaminated with microbes
 Malaria- a disease caused by the biting of mosquitoes; giving fever and chills
 Leishmaniasis- a disease caused by protozoa and spread by sandflies
 Sleeping sickness- a disease caused by protozoa and spread by tsetse flies
 Hepatitis C- a serious disease caused by a virus that infects the liver
 Cold- caused by a virus that causes a runny nose, sore throat, and fever
 Flu- - caused by a virus that causes a runny nose and tiredness

Cell- the building block of every living thing. It has a few components:

 Nucleus- contains genes and controls the cell’s activities

 Cytoplasm- the gel-like fluid in cells where all chemical reactions take place
 Cell membrane- the outer layer of a cell that controls what goes in/out of the cell
 Chloroplasts- (only in plant cells) a green structure where photosynthesis occurs
i) Photosynthesis- (only in plant cells) the process by which plants make their own food
= water + carbon dioxide sunlight oxygen + glucose
 Vacuole- (only in plant cells) a fluid-filled sac that helps to provide support/stability for the cell
 Cell wall- (only in plant cells) the tough outer covering that helps to stabilize the cell

Specialised- suited to a specific job

Adapted- used to; familiar with

Haemoglobin- a red chemical- with a biconcave shape- that transports oxygen(found inside red
blood cells)

Fibres- a food component that can’t be digested, but keeps the gut healthy

Root hair- cells with long, thin extensions that increase the surface area of roots

Surface area- the number of metres of something exposed

Xylem vessels- tubes that carry water and minerals from a plant’s roots to its leaves

Phloem vessels-tubes that carry sugars (glucose) from the leaves to the roots
Tissue- a group of similar cells that work together to perform a particular function

Stem cells- the basic cells which can divide into any other cells

Growth factors- the factors that affect the growth of any organism

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