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Pongcol, Manilyn P.

Instructor: Sir Jay-em Ajoc

BSM-1 6/11/2019

Racing Extinction


1. How does the movie cite the current trend of the following anthropogenic concerns towards environmental changes:

a. Illegal fishing of whale, shark and manta rays;

b. gradual lessening in the number of global plankton;

c. ocean acidification and carbon dioxide emission?

The blue whales are biggest creature that ever lived on the planet, bigger than any dinosaur. Just like dinosaur, they are going to extinct. Mankind
maybe causing the greatest mass extinction event in the history of our universe. We are driving species to extinction 1000 times faster than we
should be. In next 50 years we could lose 50 percent of all species on the Earth. In china and hongkong they use the shark fin and manta ray for
traditional medicine purposes. They document 20,000shark fins drying in the sun in hongkong, painful death of sharks that have had just their fins
cut off and are unable to swim and struggling to stay alive as they drown. Because they believe it shark can cure cancer. Most of the film is
dedicated to ocean quality because oceans are crucial to global stability. When carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere, between third and half
gets absorbed by the oceans, making them more acidic.

2. How do those person’s in authority address the concerns stated above?

Over fishing has wiped out 90 percent of the big fish from the sea and caused near extinction of many species. “When the buying stops, the killing
stops too” and we always think there will be someone else to save these animals. We are the only generation left to save these animals. As we face
more and more animal extinction, we need more saviors, we need more people to care. We are the only one who can stop as well.


1. What can you do to simply help in conserving and preserving our environment in terms of:

a. plants and forestry;

b. animals and biodiversity; and

c. ocean and land activity

a. The preservation of all natural resources is absolutely essential for the balance of our ecosystem.

The most important function of forests is that it produces mass amounts of oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. Oxygen is the main respiratory
as for all animals, it ensures our survival and forests are the natural home and habitat for millions of species of animals, birds and insects. By
preserving it, Controlled Deforestation, while deforestation cannot be avoided completely, we must look to control it. Young and immature trees
should not be felled as far as possible. We must look to avoid large scale commercial deforestation as well. Afforestation, this is the process by
which we plant more trees in the area. We try to increase the forest cover by manual transplantation, or fresh plantation of trees.

b. We as human being should curb the degradation as well as the destruction of the habitats, upholding the biodiversity as its prime level.
Biodiversity conservation is basically aimed at protection, enhancement and scientific management of the biodiversity. To be precise, manage it at its
threshold level and acquire sustainable benefits both for the present and future population. Maintain crucial ecological processes as well as life
support systems preserve the variety of species. Make sustainable exploitation of ecosystems and species.
c. Use fewer plastics products, plastics that end up ocean debris contribute to habitat destruction and entangle and kill tens of thousands of marine
animals each year. To limit your impact carry a reusable water bottle.

2. In the Philippine’s concept give at least two things that you think needed to be prioritized by our government?

For me the two things that government needed to be prioritized is biodegradable ordinance and forestry protection.

3. What do you think does the government need to do to address the concerns stated in #2?

Biodegradable ordinance are highly pronounced to our rural community so that fewer plastics will be segregated properly and forestry protection
eradicate illegal logging and save the wild life living inside the forest, government should addresses the concerns I stated so that the forestry
protection will preserved and hardwood stand tall firmly.

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