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18/1/2020 How do I hack my LAN network in Linux (Ubuntu) so that only I can use Internet through it?

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Ubuntu (operating system) Linux Wi-Fi +4

How do I hack my LAN network in Linux (Ubuntu) so

that only I can use Internet through it?
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4 Answers
How can I hack any laptop connected to the same
Jai Janyani, Internet Geek
Answered Feb 8, 2016 How can I hack a PC which is connected to the
same LAN?
There are two ways to perform ARP Spoofing
How do I hack into computers on a shared Wi-Fi
ARP Spoofing may allow an attacker to intercept data frames on a network, modify network?
the traffic, or Stop all traffic. Often the attack is used as an opening for other
attacks, such as Denial of Service, man in the middle, or session hijacking attacks How do I hack a computer on same network?

To start is to install the necessary program in  Ubuntu or any other Debian based How easy is it hack other computers on same
LAN? We have all computers in the Mfg, HR and
distribution which is in this case is dsniff package which contains the arpspoof
any other dept. on the same LAN?
Can I hack our college wifi network with Ubuntu?
1.) Dsniff
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Installing (ubuntu)

1 $ sudo apt-get install dsniff

Enable IP forwarding

To make sure the traffic is forwarded to the real destination as it reach our
machine, the following command need to be run. This will make sure the
connection of the target machine is not disconnected, and nobody should realize
what we’re doing.

1 $ sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Run ARP spoofing

The following command will tell the gateway “I am”, and the next
command tells “I am the gateway”

1 $ sudo arpspoof -t

2 $ sudo arpspoof -t

With this, all the traffic that’s supposed to go to the gateway from the machine,
and the other way around, will go through our machine first, and only then
forwarded to the real target. With this we can run any packet analysis tool such as
tcpdump or wireshark.

2.) Ettercap

There are programs however to make the whole process simpler. One of the
favored program for this is ettercap. Ettercap can perform arp spoofing as well,
among many other features that it has. In Ubuntu, the package is called ettercap-

Installing (Ubuntu)

1 $ sudo apt-get install ettercap-gtk

Run ARP spoofing (GUI)

Running the program with the -G switch will run it in GTK rather than in ncurses.

1 $ sudo ettercap -G

1. At the menu, choose the following;

Because you may have been active from a region where some people speak Spanish
2. Sniff -> Unfied sniffing
Roberto, do you speak Spanish?
3. And at the prompt, choose the network interface to be used. Normally it
Join the Spanish community on Quora! Don't worry, English will remain your primary language,
you canbe eth0
easily switch between them.

4. Network Interface: eth0 No Yes

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18/1/2020 How do I hack my LAN network in Linux (Ubuntu) so that only I can use Internet through it? - Quora
5. At the menu again,
1 choose the following to add all hosts in the network to
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the list

6. Hosts -> Scan for hosts

7. And following the following will do the arp spoofing for everyone in the

8. Mitm -> Arp poisoning -> Ok

9. Start -> Start sniffing

Run ARP spoofing (command)

The following command will do the same thing as the above example, in one single

sudo ettercap -q -T -M arp

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Roman Spiak, Bc. Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology &

Computer Networking, Technology (2009)
Answered Jan 2, 2018

I suppose you'd like to ask how do you setup your LAN network ao that only you
can use the internet through it. There's no need for hacking of any kind. You can
either setup a :

1. mac address filtering and allow only your mac address to have Internet
access. This is done via router configuration. The downside of this is
anyone who can obtain your mac address can spoof it to gain access

2. You can setup an Internet proxy service that requires password to allow
internet access.

Internet proxy can be a separate server or host on your LAN that has the internet
connection as the only host in the network...(more)

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Vishal Ranbhan, Masters in Telecom @UNSW

Answered Aug 29, 2014

When you say LAN network, I am assuming you are talking about your router.
Because you may have been active from a region where some people speak Spanish
Firstly, you need to be able to login to your router. In order to find the IP, you need
to do 'sudo ifconfig'
Roberto, do youonspeak
linux terminal,
Spanish? and then see the gateway IP of your LAN.
Also note down your 'MAC ID' (or HWAddr) which will be a 48 bit hex number in this
Join the Spanish community on Quora! Don't worry, English will remain your primary language,
and you01-23-45-67-89-ab) Mostly
can easily switch between them.the IP address will be or  Type the gateway IP address on the browser. Hope that it is still using
the Upvote
default· password
6 , which is admin / admin or admin/ passwordNo
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for most Yes
of the
routers. 2/3
18/1/2020 How do I hack my LAN network in Linux (Ubuntu) so that only I can use Internet through it? - Quora
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(If not, then you ca...(more)

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Brian Brock
Answered Jan 17, 2018

Just another option - set up a pfSense device as your router (or right behind your
ISP’s router) and make a sign-in portal through it to access the internet. World's
Most Trusted Open Source Firewall (pfSense link there)

Probably overkill…unless your LAN network is in your workplace and you don’t
want/need your employees/customers getting on your network to get to the
internet. In that case it might make a lot of sense. You would be the only one who
would know the password to access the WAN, but you could still have a functioning
LAN to access shared files and printers, for example.

In that s...(more)

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Because you may have been active from a region where some people speak Spanish
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Roberto, do you speak Spanish?
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Join the Spanish community on Quora! Don't worry, English will remain your primary language,
the same router?
and you can easily switch between them.

No Yes
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