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Elderly Gymnastics For People With Hypertension

Clarissa Astiasari (171610101116)

Dr. drg. Masniari Novita, M. Kes.

Clarissa Astiasari



Hypertension is closely associated with age, elderly at at is risk of developing hypertension.

Hypertension is a disease that has a very close relationship with the elderly. Physical activity in the
elderly can help reduce hypertension, one of which is gymnastics. Elderly gymnastics can
lower blood pressure because there will be relaxation in blood vessels. Indonesian people,
especially the elderly, do not understand the importance of doing physical activities such as fitness
exercises for people with hypertension. Hypertension or commonly known by the public as high blood
pressure is characterized by high blood pressure beyond normal blood pressure. Someone is said to
have hypertension if the person's blood pressure shows a number above 140/90 mmHg. Elderly
gymnastics is Low Impact aerobics, which is one of the recommended types of exercise for light-
intensity elderly people, while a series of regular, directed and planned tone movements in the form of
physical exercises that affect physical activity in the elderly. Based on the research, there is a
significant influence between elderly gymnastics with a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood
pressure in elderly hypertension. Elderly gymnastics carried out repeatedly (high frequency), then over
time the decrease in blood pressure will last a long time. That is why regular physical exercises can
reduce blood pressure.

Keywords : Elderly Gymnastics, Hypertension ,Elderly


Aging is a natural process of growth and development. Elderly is not a disease but is
an advanced stage of a life process that is characterized by a decrease in the body's ability to
adapt to environmental stress. The mindset of some people who consider the elderly as
incapable and weak, causes all activities to be so limited that the elderly are more susceptible
to illness.
Hypertension is a disease that has a very close relationship with the elderly. This
happens due to physiological changes that cause an increase in vascular resistance so the
elderly tend to be more susceptible to hypertension. Hypertension is characterized by an
increase in the patient's blood pressure. Handling hypertension can be done by improving
lifestyle and pharmacological therapy. One way to improve lifestyle is to do regular physical
activity. Elderly gymnastics is one of the physical activities that can be done to reduce the
increase in blood pressure that occurs in people with hypertension. Elderly gymnastics is a
series of regular, directed and planned tones of movement in the form of physical exercises
that affect physical activity in the elderly. Elderly gymnastics includes low impact aerobic
exercise with mild to moderate intensity, and is comprehensive with movements that involve
most of the body's muscles.
Indonesian people, especially the elderly, do not understand the importance of doing
physical activities such as fitness exercises for people with hypertension. Based on this, I took
the title of this article to find out the effect of elderly gymnastics on blood pressure in patients
with hypertension.


1. Elderly
Aging is a natural process of growth and development. Everyone will experience the
process of getting old and old age is the last human life period (Azizah, 2011). According to
the World Health Organization (WHO) (2007) the limitations of the elderly are divided into 4
stages, namely: 1) Middle age aged 45-59 years, 2) Elderly people aged 60-74 years, 3)
Continue old age 75-90 years, 4) Very old age> 90 years. In the elderly there is an aging
process. The aging process occurs naturally and the natural process causes various changes in
the elderly, namely in terms of physical or biological conditions, psychological conditions,
social conditions, and economic conditions.
Age increase in a person will also be followed by several physiological changes in
the body that will affect the work of the whole body. Physiological changes in the elderly
include a decrease in the ability of the nerves, the sense of hearing, touching, feeling, and
smell, which will result in a decrease in the digestive, nervous, respiratory, endocrine,
cardiovascular and musculoskeletal abilities. This change can cause an increased risk of

2. Blood Pressure Hypertension Patients

Hypertension is one of the main public health problems in developed countries and
in several developing countries. Indonesia as one of the developing countries also faces this
problem. Hypertension is a disease that is often referred to as the silent killer, if it is not
controlled it can lead to degenerative diseases, such as congestive heart failure, kidney failure,
and various vascular diseases.
Hypertension is a disease that has a very close relationship with the elderly. This
occurs due to physiological changes that occur such as a decrease in the body's immune
response, the heart valve thickens and becomes stiff, decreases the ability of heart
contractility, reduced blood vessel elasticity, and lack of blood vessel effectiveness peripheral
for oxygenation. These changes cause an increase in vascular resistance so the elderly tend to
be more susceptible to hypertension (Setiawan, 2013).
Hypertension is very closely related to blood pressure. Hypertension or commonly
known by the public as high blood pressure is characterized by high blood pressure beyond
normal blood pressure. Blood pressure (systemic arterial pressure) is the result of
multiplication of cardiac output (cardiac output) with total peripheral resistance. Blood
pressure is the power needed so that blood can flow in the blood vessels and circulate to reach
all body tissues (Victor Moniaga, 2013)
Someone is said to have hypertension if the person's blood pressure shows a number
above 140/90 mmHg. Hypertension level one systolic 140-159 mmHg, diastolic 90-99
mmHg, while hypertension level two which is a type of hypertension commonly experienced
by the elderly has systolic> 160 mmHg and diastolic> 100 mmHg (Nyahmini Ambar Sari,
2016). High blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Hypertension can
increase five times the risk of coronary heart disease and will be more likely to attack the
elderly. Making prevention efforts is the right way to avoid hypertension in the elderly.

3. Effects of Elderly Gymnastics on Blood Pressure

Handling hypertension can be done by improving lifestyle and with pharmacological

therapy. One way to improve your lifestyle is to do regular physical activity. Sports that can
be done from sharing the types of exercise that are available are elderly gymnastics.
Elderly gymnastics is Low Impact aerobics, which is one of the recommended types
of exercise for light-intensity elderly people, while a series of regular, directed and planned
tone movements in the form of physical exercises that affect physical activity in the elderly.
Elderly gymnastics includes low impact aerobic exercise with mild to moderate intensity, and
is comprehensive with movements involving most body muscles (Handayani, 2013). The
benefits of movements in elderly gymnastics can improve cardio-respiration fitness, muscle
strength and endurance, flexibility and balanced body composition. Elderly gymnastics is
done up to 3-5 times a week with an implementation time of 15-60 minutes. Movement of
elderly gymnastics includes heating, core and cooling (Syavira Nooryana, 2015).

The result of research conducted by (I Wayan Agus, 2014) shows a decrease in
blood pressure after doing gymnastics regularly. It can be seen that there is a significant
influence between elderly gymnastics with a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure
in elderly hypertension. Elderly gymnastics carried out repeatedly (high frequency), then over
time the decrease in blood pressure will last a long time. That is why regular physical exercise
exercises can reduce blood pressure. This decrease in blood pressure is associated with a
decrease in peripheral resistance. Decreased peripheral resistance can be explained by two
mechanisms, namely changes in the sympathetic nervous system activity and vascular
response after exercise. First, neurohumorally decreases the sympathetic nervous system
activity in peripheral blood vessels as an indication of a decrease in blood pressure. Second,
vascular responses have an important role in decreasing blood pressure after exercise.
Changing to healthy lifestyles, one of which can be done with physical activity or
elderly gymnastics will have a positive impact on physical fitness and blood pressure control
in the elderly, but the elderly gymnastic activities must be carried out regularly. Because of
that the elderly fit gymnastics is very good for reducing blood pressure for people with


Elderly gymnastics is significantly influential in decreasing blood pressure. Elderly

gymnastics are recommended regularly to maintain fitness and prevent hypertension and
improve the quality of life both physically and mentally.


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