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Submitted to the

National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj

Government of India


Submitted by

Department of Political Science and Development Administration

Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University

Gandhigram – 624302


I. Introduction

Changes are fast in the world on all the aspects of humanity. People are integrated
globally as communication provided that opportunity. Aspirations to achieve development are
increasing among all the sections of the people in the world exponentially. Equally aspiration to
be in democracy is also increasing. Democracy and development promotion take place in the
world simultaneously1. Development activities across the world have increased their speed and
volume. As a result, crises have erupted in governance, administration and politics. The context
requires manifold reforms in structure, prodecures and processes in governance, administration
and politics. In reality they are not taking place in all the above three domains. They are the
crises of development. But market has succefully changed its structure, procedures and process.
Market gives its lead and it is highly dynamic. The way in which market has adopted science and
technology, the society has not used them to enable the people to lead a decent and dignified
human life. The world found enormous leaders to achieve wealth making but humanity could not
find such leaders to achieve equitable development and peace for all in the world. To the level
of market, society, politics, governance and administration have not produced leaders. As we
find leaders in market we find rarely such leaders in governance, administration and politics. As
a result, we find crises globally, nationally, regionally and locally. All macro issues of
development can be tackled more easily only when society finds leaders at the grassroots. World
has witnessed unprecedented economic growth and at the sametime humanity is struggling to
achieve human growth. Contextually both the state and the market have failed to address the
basic issues. As a result, solution has to be found out only in society and more specifically in the
civil society while reforming the state and the market 2. Unless the human collectivities are
consceintised and sensitized at micro level, the issue what humanity is witnessing today continue
to haunt the governments. How to do it is the question? It could be done through shaping
transformational leaders at community level to transform the communities with an aim of
tackling the macro issues of development through micro action.

New Opportunity

After the establishment of the new system of governance at the grassroots more
specifically in the rural areas in India as a consequence of the 73rd Amendemnt to the
Constitutions of India, a number of issues have been investigated at the micro as well as macro
levels by various agencies and individual scholars both in India and abroad. Most of the studies
are pertinent to power devolution and the problems associated with it 3. Twenty years have gone

after the establishment of new local governments in the rural and urban areas in India in
conformity with the 73rd and 74th Amendment to the Constitution of India. In all the twenty years
the institutional mechanisms are in place for governance and development. They are with
different socio-political and economic environmental settings. They are with necessary and
sufficient conditions at different levels for the functioning and to deliver public goods to the
society. Studies are needed on the impact created in the life of the people at the grassroots. Of
course there are a few studies. But they are not very comprehensive and elaborate. But they are
very sketchy. No worthwhile study at a comprehensive level for theorizing local governance in
India. Of the issues investigated sofar in decentralization, one important aspect which is missing
conspicuously is the leadership at the Panchayat level. While scanning modicum of literature one
could notice a gap in studying the role played by the leadership in the transformative process of
the rustic folk in the rural areas. Having seen the gap, an attempt was made a decade ago to
analyse the role of the leader in the transformative process of the communities in Tamil Nadu
with the support of the Hunger Project, New Delhi. An inspiring document emerged out of that
exercise and the same was published4. Yet that study has many limitations but it brought to light
the significance of the leadership role in the transformative process of the communities. After the
publication of the work, many academics and administrators asked me to do such a kind of study
all over the country. Having known the limitations of the study I wanted time to plug such
limitations by improving the methodological naunaces for data collection and using appropriate
theoretical nuances. It is time to look at the transformative process of the communities and its
pathways through the leadership at the grassroots specifically at the Gram Panchayat level.
Hence, now an attempt is made to study the role of leadership in the transformative process of
the communities. This investigation brings new knowledge, new information on the leadership
and transformative process at the grassroots. The methodology to be adopted for this study will
be new.
II. Theory on Decentralization
Decentralization will be effective only if the region or state has higher literacy rate. In the
same way the region should have the presence of politically enlightened citizenry, absence of
high inequality in economic and social status that inhibits political participation of the poor,
prevalence of law and order, conduct of free and fair elections, presence of strong civil society
organizations, presence of active media, successful implementation of land reforms, adequate
devolution of powers, capacitated local leaders, presence of strong will on the part of the state
leaders and the vigilance of the public through awareness creation. These factors are essential for

the success of decentralization of powers 5. They are essential factors, but not the sufficient
factors. Of the sufficient factors leadership plays an important part. Hence it is a new addition in
the existing literature on decentralization. Leadership is the quality, capacity and character of an
individual who is in the helm of affairs either in organisation or institution or movement in
tackling the issue through its attitude, behavior and activities in the respective organisation,
institution and movement.

III. Theoretical Framework on Transformational Leadership

It is a new middle level theory developed by the scholars on the basis of the fact that the
leaders who have done revolutionally changes in mobilizing people by transforming themselves
and the masses6. Transformational leadership is a kind of leadership where the leaders will work
with coworkers or stakeholders to bring needed transformation, creating a vision to guide and
lead the transformation through inspiration and executing the activities in tandem with
committed members of the community. This leadership serves to enhance the motivation, morale
and job performance of followers through a variety of mechanisms. He or she will be the role
model for others to inspire them and raise their interest in the public works and enable the
members to take greater ownership of the activities and institutions. M.K.Gandhi, Nelson
Mandela and Martin Luther Kind Jr. are the key actors who have contributed substantially for the
development of the theory on transformational leadership. The theory is essentially based on the
transformative process of the leaders interms of their attitude, ideas, behavior, skill, capacity and
capability in inspiring the people. The transformational leaders are exceptionally vibrant in
strengthening their internal personality by following rigorous discipline in day to day life. The
transformational leaders become role models, they develop a vision for transformation, and they
become social architects. They inspire the coworkers and empower them to bring change. They
raise their consciousness level and they enable their coworkers or followers to raise their
consciousness. They make intuitive appeals. They transmit their values, ideals, morals, ethics,
principles to the coworkers also. Transformational leadership is a process that changes and
transforms people. It is concerned with emotions, values, ethics and standards. Transformational
leadership treats each individual as full human beings with respect and dignity. It involves an
exceptional form of influence that moves followers and coworkers to accomplish more than what
is normally expected of them. It is a kind of charismatic and visionary leadership. By using this
theory the role played by the elected representatives of the people in transforming themselves
and transform the communities at the grassroots and performance of the leaders at the grassroots

will be analysed. Essentially it would focuses only on the elected village panchayat leaders. The
transformation of the village panchayat leaders and the village panchayat will be the coverage in
this study.

IV. Objectives
1. To analyse the transformative process of the grassroots leaders.
2. To analyse the transformative process of the communities at the grassroots.
3. To analyse the linkages between the role of the transformational leaders and the
transformative process of the communities.
4. To analyse the factors which trigger the transformation of the personality and behavioural
traits of the leaders.
5. To analysee the factors which trigger the transformation of the communities in their
approach to development at the grassroots.

V. Methodology

The study will be conducted in Gram Panchayats which emerged as models in all the
selected states. Data will be collected at two different levels. One at the level of leadership, the
second one at the panchayats and community levels. The transformational leadership process
will be investigated through a case study approach by capturing the process and level of
transformation that takes place in the personality and behavior of the leaders. By adopting
different nuances the transformative process of the leaders will be captured. They are full of
narratives. At the second level through focus group discussion transformative process of the
communities in the Panchayat areas will be captured. It will be done through personal interaction
with Gram Panchayat leaders, Focus Group Discussion with panchayat functionaries, and
community leaders. further, interaction with opinion makers in the villages will be held. Apart
from the above personal verification of records. For narrative we have to rely on personal
interaction with panchayat leaders for a few days in each Gram Panchayat. Indicators on
democratic governance and development have to be kept in the backdrop to capture the
transformation. Mostly they are qualitative in character and they will be used for bringing
narratives. Narratology will be adopted extensively to bring the transformative process of the
leaders. Since the study relies on the process, data collection will take more time. It is not a
conventional case study method.

VI. Operationalization
It is not a study about the works carried out by the panchayats. But it is a study about the
process in which all activities have been carried out in the panchayat. Hence, it is essentially a
study about the process. How meetings are organised, how discussions in the panchayats took
place and how Gram Sabhas are regulated, moderated and enabled for deliberation, discussion,
discourses, dissemination and debates? How oppourunities are given for each of the social
segment? How views, percepation and arguments are listened and responded? have to be
captured. How leadership works with other bodies and groups in the panchayat? have to be
captured. Collective vision building, establishing participatory planning, maintaining
transparency in governance and administration, managing change, exhibiting senstivity on the
issues of gender, marginalization and environment have to be captured. careful mapping up of
the assumed activities apart from the assigned activities will be done in this study. While doing
so much focus will be given to the transformative process of the leaders. How he/she has been
transformed and which were the factors triggered the leader to make substantial contribution.
How panchayats enable the communities to take ownership? is to be captured. Much focus will
be given on governance of the communities through the panchayat councils. Whether panchayat
works as an institution or it works with a leader alone. How people are drawn towards
panchayats? will also be captured. The study would focus more on democratization part of the
governance. Most of the aspects are qualitative in nature. For each aspect minimum indicators
will be worked out. Finally cumulative indicators will be calculated. Since this study is
exploratory in nature, indicators will be constructed only in the process of data collection.
Contribution of the study lies in two aspects namely methodology and substantive aspects. This
will add new theoretical conjectures to the existing theoretical aspects of decentralization.

VII. Coverage
This study will be carried in select states in India. States will be selected on the basis of
the powers and resources devolved to Gram Panchayats and the powers given to Gram Sabha for
decision making. First three South Indian states will be covered. They are Kerala, Karnataka and
Tamil Nadu. In each state not less than ten Gram Panchayats have to be selected. Of the ten three
should be panchayats headed by women and two should be headed by elected SC and rest by
others. Effectively the study would cover thirty Gram Panchayats.

VIII. Validation Workshop

Based on the study a draft report will be prepared and the draft report will require inputs
and expertise from the administrators, academics and grassroots leaders for its improvement. For
this a two day validation workshop is proposed in Gandhigram Rural University.
In the validation workshop feedback from the experts in the field will be gathered before
finalizing the draft. Views of the key stakeholders from Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu will
be very valuable for perfecting the report. Validation workshop will facilitate to generate brain
storm on the study. Based on the validation workshop the report will be perfected and finalized.
The report will be edited for publications. Reputed publisher like Oxford University Press / Sage
Publication will be approached for final publication. In the meanwhile a few research papers will
be published in reputed referred journals.

IX. Duration
The project will be carried out within one year from the date of commencement.
Sl. No Particulars Duration (In Month)
1 Data Collection and Data Analysis Reporting 9 Months
2 Report Preparation and Finalization and Validation 2 Months
3 Final Report Preparation after Incorporating the 1 Month
feedback from the workshop
Total Months 12 Months

X. Budget (NIRD&PR Model)

Number of Number of
Unit Total
Sl. No. Item of Months/ states/villa
cost amount
persons visits/day ges
1 2 3 4 5 6 3*5*6
A Manpower cost (per
1.Research Associate 30,000 1 12 3 states (30 3,60,000
2.Research Asst A 20,000 1 12 3 states (30 2,40,000

3.Research Asst B - - - - -
Total Remuneration 6,00,000
1.For faculty members - - - - -
for 3 day stay incl local
Professor/ Assoc Prof
Travel per trip( to and 20,000 1 6 (trips) 3 states 1,20,000
DA per day 5000 1 (18 days) 3 states 2,70,000
Assistant Professors
Travel per trip ( to and - - - - -
DA per day - - - - -
2. For research staff - - - - -
Research Associate
Travel per trip ( to and 4,000 1 6 (18 3 states 72,000
fro) days)
DA per day 3,000 1 6 (18 3 states 54,000
Research Assistant
Travel per trip 4,000 1 6 (18 3 states 72,000
DA per day 3,000 1 6 (18 3 states 54,000
Total B 4,62,000
C Local Travel Charges
Vehicle hiring 1900 2 18 days 3 states (30 68,400
charges(per day basis) GPs)
Total C 68,400

Template For Budget Proposals

Number of Number of Total

Sl. No. Item Unit cost
state/GP GPs amount
1 2 3 4 5 3*4*5

D Focus group 1500 3 States (30 30 GPs 45,000
Discussion GPs)
(per GP)
Total D 45,000
E PRA - - - -
(per village)
Total E - - - -

Number of Total
Sl. No. Item Unit cost
pages/schedule/films amount
1 2 3 4 3*4
F Photocopying (cost per - - -
Stationary and supplies? - - -
Printing of schedules and - - -
Data entry? - - -
Total F
G Videography 5000 per 30 GPs 1,50,000
Total G 1,50,000
H. Others (PI specify)
Validation Workshop – 3 states (30 3 states (30 GPs) 2,00,000
(1 day ) GPs)
Total H 2,00,000
I Miscellaneous - - 25,000
Translation charges - - -
Total I 25,000

Total (A+B+C+D+G+H+I) (Fifteen Lakhs Fifty Thousand and Four 17,30,400

Hundred only)

XI. Justification for the Budget

The study covers three states namely Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The duration of
the study is one year. The study requires in-depth filed work. In view of this one Research
Fellow and one Research Assistant are required for this study. We need highly qualified research
fellow and Research Assisstant with rich filed experiences. We plan to employ them only for

twleve months with a salary of Rs. 30000-/ and Rs. 20000/- respectively per month. The study
requires filed visits to village panchayats in three states and for the TA / DA we need Rs.
4,62,000/-. For validation workshop we need experts from Delhi and other parts of India. We
may need about ten experts for the workshop. We have to pay TA/DA and honorarium to the
experts as per the rules. Due to increase of travel and hospitality expenses we need Rs. 200000/-
for the Validation workshop.

I. Based on the research, the coordinator of the project will submit a report to the NIRD&PR and
the same may be processed for publication with the approval of the NIRD&PR
The report will include the aspects such as:
a) What contributes to transformation ( more specifically the internal and external factors
akin to system related, process related and people related)
b) What learings the Panchayati Raj System gets from this study;and
c) What are all the special issues faced by women , SC, ST representatives in this process
from the perspective of policy and other support system required to enable them to
perform better, apart from the aspects mentioned in the objectives; methodology and
operationalization sections of the proposal.
II. One documentary edited CD will be submitted. In this CD personal narration of the
transformative process will be captured.
Notes and References

1. Peter Burnell, “Promoting Democracy” in Daniele Caramani (ed), Comparative Politics

NewYork: Oxford University Press, 2008; Jan Nederveen Pieterse, Development
Theory: Deconstructions, Reconstructions New Delhi: Vistar Publications, 2001.
2. Bidyut Chakrabarty and Mohit Bhattacharya (eds) The Governance Discourse: A
Reader, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2008; Bidyut Charkarabarty and Mohit
Bhattacharya (eds) Administrative Change and Innovation: A Reader, New Delhi:
Oxford University Press, 2005.
3. Satyajit Singh and Pradeep K. Sharma (eds) Decentralization: Institutions and Politics
in Rural India, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2007; G. Palanithurai, Dynamia of
New Panchayati Raj System Vol.I to Vol.VII, New Delhi: Concept Publications, 2002
to 2008; Niraja Gopal Jayal, Amit Prakash, Pradeep K. Sharma (eds) Local Governance
in India: Decentralization and Beyond, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2006.

4. G. Palanithurai, M. A. Thirunavukkarasu and G. Uma, Leadership Matters at
Grassroots New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, 2007.
5. Pranab Bardhan and Dilip Mookherjee (Eds) Decentralization and Local Governance
in Developing Countries: A Comparative Perspective New Delhi: Oxford University
Press, 2007, P.9.
6. Peter G. Northouse, Leadership: Theory and Practice New Delhi: Sage Publications,
2007, PP 175-185.


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