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Dimension Fusion

Dimension Fusion
The Basic Fundamentals of Dimension Fusion
A Calculative Notion by

Wilson Alzir Martinez


The subject presented in the literature is fairly new to the science community. Each mathematic
equation, calculative notion, and figures presented in this literature are original and originate
from the author. Wilson Alzir Martinez is the creator of Dimension Fusion.
The Basic Fundamentals of Dimension Fusion is the concept of Ultra Dimension in reality.
This science presents a new atmosphere in which the scientist or student, whom ever chooses to
picks this title to read, will find themselves calculating with new mathematical laws. Also, The
Basic Fundamentals of Dimension Fusion includes Wilson Alzir Martinez’s take on the heavens
above. His observations are unique and original. Twenty years of observing is the inspiration for
these new mathematics that the student and reader will be introduced to.
The subject was created to enlighten the masters of Science and reality. This read shall
stimulate the mind of the reader. The reader shall inherit a new understanding of life and what
we consider the cosmos. The author also refers The Basic Fundamentals of Dimension Fusion as
The Basic Physics of Reality. An attempt to introduce a new perceptive to the student and reader
considering the student and reader be fairly new to this subject.
Mathematics will be the main focus in this read, for the mathematicians must master these
equations that introduce Inner-Dimensional Travel and Ultra Dimension. Colors of Science
(Basic Physics) shall be introduced to the mathematician in a clever calculative format they too
will find amusing. This read also introduces the concept of Telepathic Communication,
Vibrational Communication, and Elemental Communication. The reader shall learn new skills
and venture into new heights when the subject is mastered. Without further ado I present to the
reader, The Basic Fundamentals of Dimension Fusion also refereed as The Basic Physics of
Reality. Enjoy.

W. Martinez


Section I: First Optical Dimension and Ascension

Section II: The Ascension Process of Dimension

Section III: The Technicality Between First and Second Dimension

Section IV: Dimension Three and Visualistic Mechanics

Section V: The Basic Physics of Reality

Section VI: Embryonic Celestial Fertilization and The Diamond In The Sky

Section VII: Wilson’s Law of Planetary Exertion

Section VIII: Magnetic Neutrality

Section IX: Super Sapien Hybrid Theorem

Section X: Telepathic Communication, Vibrational Communication, Musical Communication

And Elemental Communication.

Section XI: Time, Travel and The Forward Reversal Technique

Section XII: A Discussion of The Rodent Infestation From Space and The Big Bang Attack

Section XIII: The Classic Mechanic of II


First Optical Dimension and Ascension

I shall introduce the first optical dimension. Left and Right is the first optical dimension. There
is no volume, therefore only left and right is present. A basic line. In these mathematics I have
eliminated the use of previous tool symbols such as the Subtraction symbol -, the Addition
symbol +, and the Multiplication symbol x. The uses of these symbols are not mine for I do not
know the mechanics of these symbols, other than x. The mechanic of x is to eliminate. I do not
want the reader to eliminate any calculations, other than variables if the equation suits for
First I shall be demonstrating an equation set up. Equation set up will be demonstrated in most
equations. After each equation is set up for its mathematic process of solving, then and only then
a solution be placed in its proper position. I introduce to the mathematician a new symbol. I do
not know the mechanic of the equal sign =, therefore I shall replace the equals symbol = with a
new symbol. Observe below a new symbol is introduced. It represents equivalency. The symbol
replaces the =. is equivalency.


Basic Line

I have abbreviated the first optical dimension as 1 D. 1 D Is first dimension. The abbreviation
represents the dimension where it best suits its setting. A basic line displays the dimension. A
basic line is abbreviated as B. A basic line will be necessary for these equations presented in
Dimension Fusion. The need for abbreviations in my mathematics is due to the abbreviations
being simple in format.
The necessity of the first optical dimension (1 D) and the basic line (B) placed in equation
format is indeed plausible and is demonstrated below.


Constant Variable

Above I demonstrate how an equation begins in Dimension Fusion. I present a Constant

Variable. The constant is 1, D is dimension, whilst the variable is B. After ascension is met, the
constant and variable change. For instance, after 1 has met with the requirements needed for
ascension; the constant 1 becomes 2. A basic line (B) becomes Dimensional Shape (Ds). Thus
far I have demonstrated a proper position for my constant variable, which is liable to change
after the following calculations are met with their necessity.
In order for ascension to take place there must be addition towards the constant variable. From
a basic line (B) to a dimensional shape (Ds). The integer that must be added towards the constant
variable is 3. 3 shall represent the number of sides that shall be added towards the basic line (B).
I present 3 over S to display the three sides that will ensure ascension. S is a key component for
inner-dimensional travel. S is sides/per seconds. I’ve eliminated the old tool symbol of addition
+ and I use the first letter of the alphabet (a) as its permanent replacement. Three over S is
demonstrated in the equation below.

1 D/ B( a)3 /s

First Optical Dimension Ascension Step One

The equation is set up. I have placed a basic line (B) under what the basic line (B) represents.
A basic line (B) represents the first dimension. The equation is defined as: first dimension/basic
1D 3
line plus (a) three sides/per seconds .
B s
As simple as this may seem, it is indeed very complicated. After the equation above is solved
another equation begins to emerge. I place a x variable after the equation above is solved to
represent the elimination of the first dimension and the ascension of the first dimension. I’ve
placed an Exponent Representation above the x variable to ensure what the next ascension is.

X 2 (1 D3 s )/B

First Optical Dimension Ascension Step Two

The exponent representation numerical order 2 above variable x represents the ascension of
dimension. First optical dimension ascension equation solution is indeed the second dimension
(first dimension). x cannot be multiplied for the mechanic of x is to eliminate, hence why I have
placed an exponent above variable x. The 2 above variable x is an exponent representation. It
represents as I have stated before the ascended state of 1. 1 is first dimension.
Variable x will never in any circumstances become part of a solution for the mechanic of x is to
eliminate. Since x defines as elimination I shall place variable x in equation format. Since 2
represents the ascension of 1, x will meet in between 1 and 2 and shall be eliminated.
As before, I replace permanently a tool of mathematics. Multiplication is met by m. I eliminate
x and replace x with m. on the next page I demonstrate my tool that is m which replaced x.
[1 ( m ) 2](1 D 3 s)/ B

First Optical Dimension Ascension Step Three

I have eliminated x and replaced x with m. Observe in the continued equation above I have in a
sense simplified x, for x was just a variable. Since x was a variable x had no value. 1 in
multiplication has no value. x is met by 1. M will be a key component for inner-dimensional
travel. m is meter. s is seconds. Components of travel indeed.
I have placed brackets around the multiplication problem (1 m2). The need for brackets in the
equation above is equivalent to the period and comma in literature. Without commas there would
be run-on sentences. Without periods there would be run-on sentences. 1 multiplied by 2 (1 m2)
is 2. Therefore I shall eliminate 1 (x) and place 2 in its position.

2(1 D3 s )/B Sq 2 Ds

First Optical Dimension Ascension Step Four

Once the multiplication process of the equation has been solved I move towards solving the
next problem. The next problem is 1D (first dimension) plus (a) 3/ s (three sides/per seconds).
The mathematic problem presented above is simple. 1 plus (a) 3 equals 4.
The solution is none other than a dimensional shape. 2 in the equation above represent the
ascension of dimension. The dimensional shape is the square, a four (4) sided shape.
We began with the first optical dimension and abbreviated the first optical dimension and
placed the abbreviation unto an equation. Through a calculative process 1 became 2. The
dimensional shape is considered a first dimension for it remains left and right. The dimensional
shape is displayed below.

Solution: Sq2Ds

Dimension Fusion refers the Square as Sq2Ds. The dimension above is the first dimension. The
ascension took place between the equations, nonetheless a shape was formed. How is this shape
in the first dimension? Simple. Creating the shape from the first dimension perception, one can
only go right or left. Depending on your choice between left or right.
In the shape above the there is no other dimension other than left and right. It may seem as if
you can go up and down, but that is the illusion. Thinking with the first dimension perception
your conclusion will remain as mine did. Left and right.

The Ascension Process of Dimension

An ascended basic line (B) was indeed the first dimension, as read in the previous section. A
dimensional shape in which the basic line ascended to also remained in the first dimension,
although the constant variable changed from first dimension to second. Dimensional shape (Ds)
the constant variable which represents the dimension. If B represented basic line, then surely the
ascended change of representation is indeed Ds.
In the previous section I demonstrated the foundation from which the dimension is set for
ascension. In this section I shall demonstrate calculations in which the dimension must ascend
from an idol state. As I continue this demonstration please be mindful of each component and
composition of each equation.

Quadrilateral Polygon

The quadrilateral polygon displayed above is known to the mathematic community as

Rectangle. I shall demonstrate its composition in the equation below. A process in which the
square (Sq 2 Ds) becomes elongated (in a sense).
I present a new symbol in which will be used in these mathematic equations. Since S in
Dimension Fusion represents not only sides but a means to travel through dimensions (per
seconds) I cannot use the first letter of the word subtraction as I have for addition (a) and
multiplication (m). Therefore I have created a new symbol. shall represent subtraction in the
following equation.

1/Sq 2 Ds( a)1/Sq 2 Ds

Equation Set Up: Rectangle

I begin this equation with two squares (Sq 2 Ds). The addition (a) of two squares (Sq 2 Ds) is
our first step into solving the quadrilateral polygon (Rectangle) displayed above. A fusion of two
squares (Sq 2 Ds) forms a Fragmentary Shape (fs). A fragmentary shape (fs) is an incomplete
shape. The display on the next page is the solution of the squares (2) that decided to fuse.
Fragmentary Shape

Alas! I have fused two squares (Sq 2 Ds) and the result was a fragmentary shape (fs). I complete
this shape by using subtraction ( ). I shall demonstrate the subtraction ( ) process of the
fragmentary shape (fs).

fs Sq 2 Ds /2 1 D/ B


A basic line (B) must be subtracted for a basic line (B) was formed when those two squares met
with fusion. Take notice of the fragmentary shape (fs) displayed above. Notice the redundant line
that was formed by the fusion of both shapes.
With the subtraction () of the basic line (B) I can now display a complete shape. The complete
shape I present below.

Solution: Rectangle

My Rectangle that I have created out of fusion is one of a kind. I refer to the rectangle as R 2 Ds
. As you can see the mathematics and tools are new to the math community that mathematicians
are familiar with. I shall continue my calculations and calculative steps.


How splendid. The Triangle. This shall be easy as its form seems less complex than the
previous shapes. This shape is composed of three basic lines (B). The Rectangle (R2Ds) is
composed of four basic lines (B). The square (Sq 2 Ds) also is composed of four basic lines (B).
As before I begin with an equation set up.

1 D/B(a)2/ s

Equation Set Up: Triangle

1D 2
This solution is met by first dimension/basic line ( ) plus (a) 2 sides/per seconds ( ). It
B s
forms the shape above. a complete shape composed of three basic lines ( ). 1 plus (a) 2 is
indeed three. Take note of the mathematic tool (a) I used in the equation.
(1 D2 s)/B

Triangle Equation Format

As I continue the process dimension, I must inform the reader they must learn how to read
shapes into equations. The equation above is a shape. The complete shape above is a Triangle. It
is imperative for the reader to understand calculative formats and proper mathematic skill.
With the understanding of proper mathematic skill and having a cognitive perception of
calculative formats the reader will soon begin to understand equations beyond Dimension
Fusion. It is an extraordinary feat to understand in a specific manner of equation formats and
cognitive perception of calculative notions. With an intuitive mind the reader can excel. Lack an
intuitive mind and fail.


Marvelous! Superb! Another quadrilateral polygon I present. Take heed and understand the
composition of the Trapezoid. There are two methods to form a Trapezoid. Previously I set up
equations with a linear format. I shall use a professional format with these next equations. What
is the difference between Linear and Professional? Just observe my example which differentiates
the two.

fs Sq 2 Ds /2 1 D/ B

Linear Format

Displayed above is the linear format of the equation below. This equation introduced the new
symbol for subtraction ().

Sq 2 Ds 1 D
2 B

Professional Format

Although they may seem different, they are symmetrical in every fashion. Study and understand
the differences between both linear and professional.

1 D2 s ( ) 1 D2 s

Equation Set Up: Trapezoid

1 D2 s
A Trapezoid in this method consists of three triangles ( ). I shall continue on the next page.

1 D2 s ( ) 1 D2 s

Trapezoid Continued

1 D2 s 1 D2 s
One triangle ( ) plus (a) 2 triangles ( ) equals a fragmentary shape (fs). The basic
1 D2 s
lines (B) that separate each triangle ( ) makes the figure a fragmentary shape (fs). Please be
mindful of each basic line (B) in this demonstration. And please be mindful of the solution. The
solution will not be presented in a visualistic, (the fragmentary shape will be presented in a
visual) but will be presented in equation form. I must remind the reader of the importance of
reading shapes into equations.

Fragmentary Shape

Notice the basic lines (B) in the fragmentary shape (fs) above. Those two basic lines (B) must
be subtracted () in order for the fragmentary shape (fs) to become a whole shape (complete
shape). I shall continue the demonstration with the tool of subtraction ( ) below.

1 Tri/ fs 21 D/B

Linear Format

Why the sudden change in equation format? Simple. The reason why I turned to professional in
the previous equation format is due to the amount of integers and variables placed in my
equations. The more integers and variables the longer the equation seems. With the professional
format it (in a sense) simplifies the equation. Making the equation short, whilst all the integers
and variables being present.


Solution: Trapezoid

The reader must study each formula and cognitively read each solution as presented above into
a shape. They must endure and stretch their intuitive mind. Translating shapes into equations not
only increases the comprehension of Dimension Fusion, but also develops a new skill. The new
skill of equation translation and cognitive comprehension. With cognitive comprehension the
reader shall translate equations with ease. On the next page I will demonstrate the second method
which forms a Trapezoid.

1 ( ) 1 D2 s
Sq 2 Ds B

Second Method

1 1 D2 s
The equation set up above is defined as: one square ( ) plus (a) two triangles ( 2
Sq 2 Ds B
). A rectangle (R 2 Ds) can also be used in this method. The trapezoid is composed of four lines
1 D2 s
(two out of the four are perpendicular). The two (triangles) cancel out the even sides of the
(square) and rectangle (R 2 Ds), if the rectangle was chosen for the trapezoid’s
Sq 2 Ds

Perpendicular No More

The side labeled as 1 remains the same, while its perpendicular partner labeled as side 2
changes. The addition of those two triangles changes the symmetry of the square (Sq 2 Ds) if the
1 D2 s
square (Sq 2 Ds) was used. Elimination takes place after the fusion of the two triangles ( 2
), for the fusion of the two triangles create an x. x Means to eliminate, therefore the basic lines (
B) which create the x (two basic lines) must be eliminated.


Notice the x displayed in the visual above. The mathematic tool for elimination in this process
is subtraction ( ), therefore I place subtraction ( ) unto the next equation.

fs 4

Equation Format of Solution

The equation displayed above is defined as: fragmentary shape (fs) subtracted ( ) by four basic
lines ( 4 ). The solution above is indeed the trapezoid for I am discussing the second method
of the trapezoid.

Visual Format of Solution

With cognitive comprehension and equation translation the reader increases their depth
perception of Dimension Fusion. Later in the read I shall be discussing inner-dimensional travel
and time travel. The notion of time travel might be a bit extreme, but when evaluating
dimensions for what they are and finding their exact place in reality, you will soon learn time
travel is far nothing more than a blink of an eye away. I have cross examined many theorems and
theories and I have found plenty flaws.
Why the world so it seems still has yet to identify the second dimension as the first dimension. I
have identified dimensions for what they stand in reality. I have cross examined dimensions and
have evaluated from sheer observation. Before I begin working on technics of dimensions, I want
to add one more puzzle to this section. The puzzle in which I present that must be solved is the
Pentagon. Below I demonstrate the pentagon.


The pentagon’s components and its composition through mathematic equation are formulated
below. I demonstrate proper mechanics with each equation, for I have studied my own
calculations. I have evaluated each formula and each has met their proper status in mathematics.

1 D2 s ( ) 1 D2 s

Equation Set Up: Pentagon

1 D2 s 1 D2 s
The equation displayed above is defined as: 1 triangle ( ) plus (a) 4 triangles ( ). The
addition of one plus four is indeed five. A fragmentary shape (fs) is the solution. The
fragmentary shape (fs) and its mathematic status is displayed below.
Fragmentary Shape

The figure above is a fragmentary shape (fs), although its components and composition are
excellent for the third dimension, it does not fit in this section of the read. This fragmentary
shape (fs) is indeed in between the second dimension (first dimension) and third dimension for it
appears in both realities. The components and build will be used later in Dimension Fusion. I
shall complete the shapes status from fragmentary shape (fs) to whole shape (complete shape). It
is imperative for the comprehension of where the status of a shape is (formulative speaking).
Five basic lines (B) met in superb alignment and met with a fragmentary shape (fs). five
1 D2 s
triangles ( ) is the composition of the fragmentary shape (fs).

P/ fs()4 1 D/ B

Solution: Pentagon

Indeed I have met my target. With calculative steps and cognitive comprehension I have
evaluated each integer and each variable. The composition I demonstrated with each equation.
The equation and solution above is defined as: fragmentary shape ( P/ fs ) subtracted ( ) by four
basic lines ( 4 1 D /B ) equals ( ) Pentagon.
Each shape that I have presented in this section of Dimension Fusion is the first dimension, for there is
only left and right, right and left. The reality of the state is there is no up and down only left and right. As
I stated in the first section: First Optical Dimension and Ascension there is only left and right. In
the next section I discuss the issue between first and second dimension.

The Technicality Between First and Second Dimension

On the concept of dimension I have established in a calculative format the foundation of

dimension. Dimension one: right and left, dimension two: multiple accounts of left and right
which meet at multiple points. For example the figure below presents the first dimension as is
displayed in reality.

First Dimension

Traveling the path of the first dimension may lead you towards a leftward path or a rightward
path depending where one chooses to begin said path. The destination remains as is. Left and
right. There is no continuation along these paths which differ from left and right. In order to
continue there must be multiple accounts of left and right. Now assuming we venture towards the
path that is right. We have reached a destination in which the only choice for momentum is left.
Considering upward be left we choose an upward (left) path.
Multiple Accounts of the First Dimension

Suppose you travel from point 1 towards point 2. The path begins from a leftward position
towards a rightward position. Point 1 and 2 represent the path in which you decided to travel
through. Once you have reached your destination ( point 2), the only options available to you is
left. For there is only one path. Now suppose the upward path displayed in the image above is
available. Viewing this image in a first optical dimension perspective you take notice of another
path (point 3). This path begins from point 2 (your destination) onwards towards point 3. From
point 2 the only available positions are left (point 1) and left (point 3). You do not travel
upwards, hence why the figure (square) remains in the first dimension.
Fantastic! You have made your route with three available options. Point 1 begins from a left
position toward a right position (point 2). Reaching point 2 another option was available. The
path is indeed towards a left position (point 3). So far you have traveled left, right, left. For point
1 was left which began the path. Point 2 was a path ventured along a right path. Point 3 was in a
left position from point 2. Splendid. From point 3 (third position) another option is available.
Point 4 with much success is available. The path from point 3 to point 4 is left. Now seeing you
travel towards left from point 3 the only option after reaching point 4 is left (if deciding not to
venture back towards point 3; right).
Concluding my calculation of dimension two being dimension one. Dimension one: left and
right, dimension two: multiple accounts of left and right. Now that I have established in a visual
format of dimension two being dimension one, I move on towards the next section. Dimension
three will be the focus of the next section. Value and color shall be introduced to display
dimension. Although value/color will be introduced they will not see a proper calculative
equation. Keep in mind of the retrospective I have placed in previous sections. Each equation
from the previous section will be included in the dimension three, for dimension one (shape) is
the foundation for dimension three.

Dimension Three and Proper Visualistic Mechanics

In my school days I was indoctrinated into believing the second dimension being anything other
than what makes up the composition of the first, besides the straights and planes of each figure. I
identified incorrect basic algorithms and have placed their correction. I began with the first step
of a shape algorithm. First dimension, I then moved towards making the components of the first
dimension much difficult for comprehension (seeing that one doesn’t know about dimension), all
the while explaining their difficult nature. After this was complete I then extracted my
information from equation format to a visual representation. It is with my pleasure to explain
each dimension and to what they are comprised of. Simple, yet difficult. I wish to inform the
reader of the previous mistakes given to us by our teachers of education (seeing that the reader
has had an education considered proper). I do not wish to mislead by my calculative display,
hence why I have given each equation and mathematic formula much thought.
I shall begin this section with the formation of the Cube. Demonstrated below is the first step
for my calculative proposition of the cube. I have labeled the sides with three values. Dark,
medium and light.

1/Sq 2 Ds ( a ) 2/s

Equation Set Up: Cube

I have formulated an equation from previous components of previous calculations. A cube’s
composition is made up of several squares. The formula given above is: one square (Sq 2 Ds)
plus ( a ) two sides/per second ( 2/ s ). The equation above results unto a Fragmentary Prism (fp).

Fragmentary Prism

The fragmentary prism (fp) displayed above is half of the cube. It is not a Whole Prism (℘). To
become a whole prism (℘) the figure above must go through a mathematic process as the square.
In section I: First Optical Dimension and Ascension, I explained with much success the process
of the square (Sq 2 Ds). The square (Sq 2 Ds) began with the first dimension, (left and right) basic
line (B). Before I go any further I must inform the reader of what differentiates a shape from
prism. A shape (first dimension, second dimension) is composed of basic lines (B). A prism is
composed of multiple shapes. A multitude of prism in a fashion built from a mathematic basis.
Multiple faces (sides and shapes) distinguish a prism from a shape.

Cu3 Ds 1
fp 2 []
(m) 2

Multiplication Process of Dimension One

The problem above displays a multitude of shapes which must be fused in order for completion
from fragmentary. Dimension one will now go through a multiplication process in which
multiple basic lines (B) meet with shape. First dimension was composed of addition ( a ). After
shape, the fragmentary prism (fp) becomes a whole prism (℘). The equation above is defined as:
Cu3 Ds 1
fragmentary prism (
fp []
), which is half of the cube. Multiplied by 2. Two halves (two

fragmentary prisms) fused equal the whole prism (℘) below.

Complete Prism

Notice the value of the prism above. Although three values are present in its display, this does
not denote the fact of six. A cube (Cu3 Ds) is comprised of six shapes. The constant of six
shapes is present. This tool of recognizance is called Constant Shape. I present an example of
constant shapes below.

1 23 4 5 6

Constant Shape

The constant shape above is six. I’ve placed numerical order to display the constant, for in this
fashion of mathematics numerical order is necessary. The reality of the state is this: there is no
value when these shapes are placed together in fusion. Although the complete prism displayed
above was derived from value, it was only to display the dimension. On the next page I shall go
into further detail and explain each dimension before I proceed any further. It is imperative for
the reader to understand each dimension and their worth.

1.2 2.3 3.0

Worth of Dimension

Dimension 1.2 is the square, for there is only left and right present. Dimension 2.3 is the cube
without volume. The cube in dimension 2.3 ascended from a square. It now has height (upward
and downward presentation). Dimension 3.0 is the third dimension for volume eliminates each
basic line (B). Notice in 3.0 there are no basic lines (B). Value is displayed in 3.0.

Multitude of Constant Shapes

Cubes (Cu3 Ds) in alignment form a three-dimensional presentation, each are in dimension 3.0.
With this in mind, the question is how many constant shapes are in total? From the readers point
of view the reality of each prism is composed of six squares, although only three sides are visual
through value. The values displayed are: dark, medium and light. Three prisms multiplied by
three. Nine constant shapes are visual without the academic eye of Dimension Fusion. An
intuitive mind is key for this visual format. With an academic eye with Dimension Fusion the
reader will soon come to the conclusion the total number of constant shapes is not nine but
indeed eighteen. Each prism (Cu3 Ds) displayed above consists of six shapes. The constant
shape for each is six. Six multiplied by three is eighteen, therefore the amount of constant shapes
is eighteen.
With knowledge gained from the previous paragraph the visual format below will be easy to
comprehend despite its presentation. Take note of its dimension (3.0) and carefully observe each
prism. Upon observation, the calculative mind will begin to perform mathematics subliminally,
whilst the conscious thought processes it in a different fashion, hence why I ask the reader to
carefully observe each prism and shape in the following figure below.

Cognitive Exercise
On the previous page I demonstrated the proper technique to identify the composition of a
whole prism (℘). The answer to the cognitive exercise presented on the previous page was
ninety-six constant shapes. Throughout the read I will present to the reader an abundance of
cognitive exercises. I intend each exercise to strengthen the academic and abstract mind. I shall
continue with the ascension of the rectangle (R 2 Ds).

1 1
2 Cs [ Sq 2 Ds
Sq 2 Ds ]
Equation Set Up: Rectangular Prism

The equation above consists of two constant shapes (2 Cs). Those constant shapes in which have
found themselves part of this equation are squares ( ). Notice there are two squares
Sq 2 Ds
displayed in equation format ( ). Also take note of the 2 Cs (two constant shapes) in
Sq 2 Ds
which I have placed alongside the two squares that must be added (a). The fusion of the two is a
fragmentary shape (fs) (introduced in Section II: The Ascension Process of Dimension).

Sq 2 Ds 1 D 4
[ fs B ]
( a) R

Fragmentary Shape
The fragmentary shape (fs) has found itself in another position where a basic line (B) must be
subtracted ( ). After subtraction ( ), addition ( a )of four sides/per seconds of rectangle (R ) is the
next step in producing the next whole prism (℘).

Fragmentary Prism

This prism is considered an incomplete shape, for empty space is in a position where it must be
filled. I rid of empty space in the next equation. Please be mindful of each equation. A color
palette is introduced in this part of the section. The dark and light hues present empty space.
The prism must be enclosed in order for it to be considered complete.

Color Palette

R 2 Ds /fp (a)2/Sq 2 Ds

Fragmentary Prism Continued

Empty space must be filled. Take notice of color palette displayed above. The dark hue and
light hue in the color palette display empty space, whilst the medium hues display the
rectangle(s) which make up the whole prism (℘). The equation above is defined as: rectangular
fragmentary prism (R 2 Ds /fp) plus (a) two squares (2/ Sq 2 Ds ). Once The two squares (2/ Sq 2 Ds ¿
are placed in their position filling empty space in the fragmentary prism (fp), a whole prism (℘) is

Whole Prism: Rectangular Prism

The whole prism (℘) displayed above is the rectangular prism (R 2 Ds /℘). I present another
cognitive exercise for the reader. It is simple multiplication(m). There are a total of twenty-four
rectangular prism (R 2 Ds /℘). Each cognitive exercise I present in Dimension Fusion will be
symmetrical. Therefore leaving no confusion for the reader.
Cognitive Exercise

With multiplication (m) at bay the figure above is a breeze. The reader shall find it very simple
to calculate. It is simple mathematics. There are a total of seventy-two rectangular prism (
R 2 Ds /℘). Each rectangular prism (R 2 Ds /℘) consist of six constant shapes. If comprehension
of the exercise was met, the reader should have came up with a total of four-hundred and thirty
two constant shapes. As impressive as these cognitive exercises might seem to be, they are very
simple. Symmetry is key in solving these cognitive exercises.
Observe the equation below. familiar? It is the rectangular prism in professional format. Quite
complicated, wouldn’t you agree? A means of simplification I assume is the next step, wouldn’t
you agree?

Sq 2 Ds 1 D 4 R 2 Ds 2 R 2 Ds
2 Cs [ fs B ]
( a) R
s fp
(a )
Sq 2 Ds ℘

Rectangular Prism Equation

As you can see the rectangular prism (R 2 Ds /℘) must be simplified. The equation below is the
simplified form of the equation that is displayed above.

4 24
(m ) ( a) ❑ R ℘
s 2

Simplified Equation

I have simplified the equation above. The rectangular prism (R 2 Ds /℘) consists of twenty-four
basic lines (B). The solution is R . Notice how complicated the previous equation seemed

before I decided to simplify. Before I go any further I would like to present the simplification of
the cube (Cu3 Ds).

1 2 Cu 3 Ds 1 Cu3 Ds
Sq 2 Ds
(a ) S
s fp []2
(m)2 ℘

Cube Equation
I demonstrate a simple form of the equation above. Please be mindful of the simplified format

6 24
(m) S C ℘

Simplified equation

The cube has been simplified. Notice the cube was composed of twenty-four basic lines (B).
Therefore the solution for the simplified equation (Cu3 Ds) is C . Allow me to present another

whole prism ( ).

Square Pyramid

I will begin the square pyramid with an equation set up. Please be mindful of each component.
1 3
(m) S
Sq 2 Ds s

Equation Set Up

The equation is defined as: 1 square ( ) multiplied ( m ) by three sides/per seconds of
Sq 2 Ds
square ( S ). A fragmentary prism (fp) is the solution. I must inform the reader why the solution
forms a fragmentary prism (fp) and not a whole prism (℘).

Fragmentary Prism

The reason the previous equation formed a fragmentary prism (fp) and not a whole prism (℘) is due
to the amount of sides/per seconds the equation was met with. The fragmentary prism (fp)
consist of three squares (Sq 2 Ds). In a symmetrical fashion they are placed against one another
and form empty space. A color palette displays the dimension of the fragmentary prism (fp) not
to mention the dark and light hues which represent empty space.

Color Palette
The dark hue represents a square (Sq 2 Ds). The light hue represents empty space, whilst
the medium hue also representing a square (Sq 2 Ds). What position am I in with the
fragmentary prism (fp)? Empty space must be filled, therefore I must place two more shapes
(triangles) to fill empty space.

SqP 1D² s
(a) 2
fp B


SqP 1D² s
An incomplete prism ( ) plus (a) two triangles (2 ) equals the Square Pyramid. As I
fp B
stated before the prism must be enclosed in order for it to be considered complete. Two triangles
complete the fragmentary prism (fp).

Whole Prism: Square Pyramid

Now that we have completed the square pyramid, I shall present another cognitive exercise and
demonstrate another fusion.

Cognitive Exercise

The cognitive exercise above is not as complex as the previous cognitive exercise. There are a
total of twelve square pyramids ( ). Each square pyramid ( ) consists of five shapes
℘ ℘
(two triangles, three squares). I multiply (m) each whole prism (℘) by five. Each side of the
cognitive exercise consists of three whole prisms (℘). Each side consists of fifth teen constant
shapes. The answer to the cognitive exercise is sixty constant shapes.
As before I shall simplify the square pyramid ( ) and present in the same fashion as I have

in the previous mathematic formulas. Below is the equation that represents the square pyramid
( ).

1 3 SqP 1 D ² s SqP
(m) S ( a) 2
Sq 2 Ds s fp BL ℘

The equation must be simplified. Below I demonstrate simplification of the square pyramid
SqP 18
( ). A square pyramid’s composition is eighteen basic lines (B). The solution is SqP
℘ ℘

3 18
( m ) Sq ( a ) SqP ℘
s 2

An excellent presentation of mathematics is (in my opinion) the proper form to present

equations and calculations. A step by step format is an ingenious form of teach. As I have stated
before I have placed much thought in each constant, variable and equation. It is imperative for
the reader to understand the nature of my calculations. I have even simplified my calculations
making it that much easier for the reader to comprehend. Demonstrated in each simplified format
are new variables. An example of a new variable is . The represents square. The square
above the S represents a square. It is not a symbol of degree. In each simplified format there will
be new symbols which are placed above each variable. Here is another example. . The triangle
above the T represents triangle. As mentioned the triangle above T is not a symbol of degree. It
represents the variable for the symbol is placed above the variable. As before, I shall present
another equation in a proper format.

Triangular Prism

Displayed above is the visual format of the equation that I present below. I must inform the
reader once more of the importance of reading visual formats (shapes and prisms) into equation
formats. I demonstrate below the composition in a calculative fashion.

1 3
(m) R
R 2 Ds s

Equation Set Up: Triangular Prism

The equation is defined as: one rectangle ( ) multiplied ( m ) by three/sides per second of
R 2 Ds
rectangle ( R ).

Fragmentary Prism

A fragmentary prism (fp) is the solution. I shall demonstrate the filling of empty space, as empty
space must not be present for the fragmentary prism (fp) to be considered a whole prism (℘).

Color Palette

Please be mindful of the order presented in each color palette. Each color palette consists of
many different values of the fragmentary prism (fp). Every color palette presented represent the
fragmentary prism’s (fp) dimension, for different values of hue (dark , medium and light )
display it’s ‘dimension. Now that the color palette has been placed in its position of display, I
shall continue the equation and present its solution.
Tri 1 D² s
(a) 2
fp B

Fragmentary Prism Continued

Empty space will now be filled for two triangles (2 ) complete the fragmentary prism (fp)
into whole prism (℘). The necessity of two triangles (2 ) was imminent for the
fragmentary prism (fp).
Cognitive Exercise

The cognitive exercise consists of how many constant shapes? Remember it is simple
multiplication(m) when it comes to these visual formats. A total of nine whole prism (℘) is
displayed for each side. Each whole prism (℘) is composed of six constant shapes. Each side has
a total of fifty-four constant shapes. I multiply (m) fifty-fout constant shapes by four, for there is
a total of four sides. the answer to the question is: two-hundred and sixteen constant shapes are
displayed in the cognitive exercise above. The need for simplification is important for the
equation is very complicated. On the next page I demonstrate simplification of the triangular
prism, whole prism (℘) equation displayed below.

1 3 Tri 1 D ² s Tri
(m) R (a )2
R 2 Ds s fp BL ℘

The equation format displayed above is very complicated in its length. The need for
simplification is imperative.

3 18
( m ) R ( a ) ❑ Tri ℘
s 2

Simplified Format

The triangular pyramid consists of eighteen basic lines (B). Hence why the solution reads as
Tri (triangular prism, whole prism ℘). In the equation represents rectangle. The R placed

next to the constant variable represents the amount of rectangles to be multiplied ( m ). As a
reminder represents triangle. The constant below represents the amount added towards the
fragmentary prism (fp) . Another demonstration of Dimension Fusion calculations is
presented below.

Trapezoid Prism

Presented above is a trapezoid prism. The need for a non-visual format based equation is
necessary. This visual above is indeed an equation, but not in mathematic format.

1 4
(m) R
R 2 Ds s

Mathematic format

The non-visual format based equation begins to take form as the rectangle ( ) is
R 2 Ds
multiplied ( m ) by four ( R ). The solution is a fragmentary prism (fp) for empty space is

Fragmentary Prism

The fragmentary prism (fp) displayed above displays empty space that must be filled.

Color Palette
R 2 Ds 2
fp Trap

Fragmentary Prism Continued

Empty space must be filled. Take notice of color palette displayed above. The dark hue and
light hue in the color palette display empty space, whilst the medium hues display the
rectangle(s) which make up the whole prism ( ). The equation above is defined as: rectangular

R 2 Ds 2
fragmentary prism ( ) multiplied by two trapezoids ( ).
fp Trap

Whole Prism: Trapezoid Prism

Now that I have completed another whole prism (℘) I present to the reader another cognitive

Cognitive Exercise

How many constant shapes are displayed in the cognitive exercise? Remember to multiply ( m )
whole prism (℘) by constant shape, don’t forget to multiply ( m ) each side after the multiplication
of whole prism (℘) and constant shape. There are a total of six whole prisms (℘). There are a
total of six constant shapes for each whole prism (℘). How many constant shapes are displayed
on each side? six whole prisms (℘) multiplied ( m ) by six whole prisms (℘) equals thirty-six.
There are four sides of the cognitive exercise. Thirty-six multiplied ( m ) by four is one-hundred
and forty-four. One-hundred and forty-four multiplied by three is four-hundred and thirty-two
constant shapes. The total amount of constant shapes is four-hundred and thirty-two constant
shapes. These cognitive exercises might seem difficult, but with the right amount of practice and
effort they can be broken down academically.
Now that the cognitive exercise has been presented consisting of the trapezoid prism, I can now
begin to simplify the whole prism (℘). A very complicated in length equation is displayed

1 4 R 2 Ds 2 Tra
(m) R ( m)
R 2 Ds s fp Trap ℘

The trapezoid whole prism (℘) is displayed above in non-visual format. The equation above is
demonstrated as it was presented. A means to simplify is what I intend to display below.

4 24
( m ) R ( a ) ❑ Pt ℘
s 2

The simplified format of the trapezoid prism whole prism (℘) is now accounted for. The
represents the trapezoid (first dimension, second dimension). Very simple to comprehend. I
must inform the reader to be aware of the shape above T in these equations. A triangle above a T
( ) represents the triangle, whilst a trapezoid above a T ( ) represents a trapezoid. Now that I
have presented the trapezoid prism, I shall demonstrate another whole prism (℘).


The visual format is displayed above. As I stated before it is imperative for the reader to
comprehend non-visual formats. A non-visual format is displayed below.

1D² s 3
( m ) Tr
B s

Equation Set Up

1D² s
An equation set up. The equation is defined as: one triangle ( ) multiplied ( m ) three sides (
Tr ) per second of triangle. The solution is a fragmentary prism (fp).
Fragmentary Prism

The fragmentary prism (fp) above displays empty space. The dark hues display the
dimension of empty space, whilst the light hues display the sides that present the whole prism
(℘). Empty space must be eliminated, therefore I set up another equation with the fragmentary
prism (fp) present.

T 4 ( ) 1 D2 s
fp B

The equation above is defined as: one fragmentary tetrahedron ( ) plus ( a ) one triangle (
1 D2 s

Whole Prism: Tetrahedron

Another equation has been solved. The solution is a tetrahedron whole prism (℘). As usual I
present another cognitive exercise.

Cognitive Exercise

Very simple mathematics. The cognitive exercise has how many constant shapes? Each whole
prism (℘) is made up of four constant shapes. There are three whole prisms (℘) on each side.
Each face is made up of twelve whole prisms (℘). Multiply ( m ) each face by four. forty-eight
constant shapes for each face is the solution for multiplication ( m ) of twelve and four. Forty-eight
multiplied by three is one-hundred and forty-four. The answer to the cognitive exercise is one-
hundred and forty-four.
These exercises and equations of both visual and non-visual enhance depth perception of
reality. I speak from experience for after I created these mathematics of dimension, my depth
perception of reality enhanced. The individual who begins to study my equations and
comprehends the amount of effort involved in this science, will indeed grasp another sense of
reality. It is unfortunate for those who do not comprehend this science. But as the saying goes
practice does indeed make perfect. I have done an extensive amount of calculating my own
equations. Both non-visual and visual. By non-visual (as a reminder) I am discussing the shape
in which is formed by my placement of variables and integers. I will now simplify the previous

1 D ² s ( ) 3 T 4 ( ) 1 D2 s T 4
m Tr a
B s fp B ℘

The equation above is that of the tetrahedron. It must be simplified for it remains as an
abundance of variables and integers that might seem complex to some, therefore I turn to

3 11
( m ) ( a ) ❑ Tn ℘
s 1

Simplified Equation

The tetrahedron is composed of eleven basic lines (B). The sum of the simplified equation (and
previous) is Tn . With my strategic formation of variables and integers placed in a proper

display, the solution is visual as it is non-visual. I demonstrate another prism formed by non-
visual mathematics.

Pentastar Prism

As promised I shall proceed with this non-visual equation. The pentastar prism is displayed
above in a visual equation. Non-visual consists of variables and integers. On the next page I
begin with an equation set up. The solution is displayed in the set up, for the equation is fairly
small and needs not to be simplified.
1D² s 10 Ps
(m) T
BL s ℘
Equation Set Up and Solution

1D² s
The equation above is defined as: one triangle ( ) multiplied ( m ) by ten sides/per seconds of
the triangle (T ). The solution is the pentastar prism. Now that I have demonstrated the proper
technique of the whole prism (℘), I present to you the reader another cognitive exercise that will
boggle the mind.

Cognitive Exercise

The cognitive exercise above is (as always) simple mathematics. Each whole prism (℘) consists
of ten constant shapes. Each side of the cognitive exercise is made up of three whole prisms (℘).
Ten multiplied by three is indeed thirty. There are a total of four sides for each set. Each set
consist of twelve whole prisms (℘). Each set consists of one-hundred and twenty constant shapes.
one-hundred and twenty constant shapes multiplied by three is three-hundred and sixty constant
The impressive stature of my mathematics is somewhat of a marvel. Each presentation of each
structure that is laid before you displays an abundance of visual equations. My equations are
without a doubt an incredible feat that I have learned to master. I present these mathematic
calculative formats in an attempt to increase the intelligence of the reader, whom ever decides to
choose this read. Dimension Fusion is intended for masters, but who is to say what is “master”.
Surely this art that I present can be picked up by a novice in the field of Science. I recommend
the attempt of solving each of my mathematics without the use of the steps that I have presented.
An intuitive and abstract mind is how these mathematic equations will be solved. Some
exercises may not present the whole dimension of the image, but the image is very clear. Why
intuitive and abstract? For instance, an image presented in a third dimension may not present all
sides/faces of the prism, though it is indeed a third-dimensional prism, therefore the conclusion
of abstract is necessary, for without an abstract mind the imagination will not view those
faces/prisms that are not presented. An intuitive mind will take care of the mathematic situation
so to speak, but the abstract will decipher each side/face and will help solve for the solution
which is indeed a visual equation. The next visual equation I present displays the difference
between dimension 2.0 and dimension 3.0.

2.0 3.0

Dimension 2.0 presents only basic lines (B). Dimension 3.0 presents depth. Throughout my
studies I have observed a cube without volume is in a one-dimensional/two-dimensional display.
Observe above as 3.0 seems to almost cavort outwards, whilst 2.0 does not. It is a matter of depth
perception. I shall give an example of how depth is calculated. I call this display Depth Zero.

Depth Zero

Notice any differences between these two figures? Depth zero is exact in value as the figure
below. Depth ultra presents a difference with a magnitude of color. Each color breaks down the
components of depth zero and presents depth.

Depth Ultra

Colors substitute each basic line (B). The darkest value substitutes six basic lines (B). The
middle value (as did the dark value) substitutes six basic lines (B). The light value substitutes
nine basic lines (B). Notice each color in depth ultra range from dark to light. Three values in
accordance with the figure. Depth ultra displays three values, whilst being of the same value. The
values can either derive from (light) or (dark) seeing that (medium) is light and dark,
depending where the light shines upon said figure. It is important for the reader to gain
adherence in this subject. This section I spoke about the third-dimension and also gave the reader
a few cognitive exercises. Colors have been placed in visual equations throughout the section.
Please allow me to present a masterpiece of excellent craftsman ship.

The Basic Physics of Reality

With a magnificent display the chameleon unites itself with its environment, giving it somewhat
an invisible appearance. With this strategy of color, the chameleon becomes a master of
camouflage. A remarkable feat. As it poses in its flawless stance, it patiently awaits for the
arrival of prey. Isn’t it quite extraordinary how animals have adapted to extreme measures such
as changing skin pigments to suit their environment for hunt and survival? I find it quite
intriguing. Could you imagine witnessing this sort of cellular change on the hueman anatomy.
Now, that we have a clear perception of basic physics in a nutshell presented by the chameleon,
I shall introduce simple mathematics. I will begin with the Rainbow. Please, enjoy the beautiful
display of genius in a calculative color format.


My rainbow is lovely wouldn’t you agree? If I do say so myself it is a masterpiece for the gods.
I’m sure the gods will enjoy my rainbow. Can you see the mathematic build of the masterpiece
displayed above? If you cannot, it would be my pleasure to enlighten you on the matter of the
subject. The mathematic structure of the rainbow begins with the color red.
Mathematic law sees it fit for orange to be set in between red and yellow, for red and
yellow generate orange. green follows suit (with the help of mathematics) and is placed in
between yellow and blue, for yellow and blue generate green. purple? Ah yes.
purple. It also remains in bound with mathematic law. purple is generated by blue and red.

Mathematic Structure

My rainbow consists of mathematics. Without mathematic formation, it would be everything

but extraordinary. Colors throughout history have been (so it seems) predetermined to suit
nature. For instance. red and yellow. A snake with the color pattern red and yellow
determines death being imminent, but if the color pattern reads as red and black life is
My ancestors The Maya survived with precise calculative precision of color. If my ancestors
didn’t identify color they would have not survived. The Maya lived in the jungles of
El Salvador and throughout Central America. My mother and father originate from El Salvador.
You may be asking yourself how I identified the mathematic process of my ancestors. The
answer to your question is simple and quite difficult to explain. Our ancestor’s memory cells
travel from one birth to the next. This means one of my ancestor’s memory cells taught my
anatomy to be aware of color. Colors are present in our world, no doubt about that. How strong
were your ancestors? It seems my ancestors were nothing but extraordinary. For their memory
cells to travel to my anatomy is their god given right, but for the memory cells to teach me
presents something quite incredible.
My ancestors identified patterns in nature and created a system to be aware of nature’s colors. It
is the first color recognition technology to be invented. Now, I am not suggesting it is the first, I
am merely stating fact of what their system has become. Color recognition.
Imagine yourself as a tribe member living deep in the jungle. You feel it is time to seek and
forage for food. Before you begin the hunt, you take notice of another tribe member. This tribe
member has an abundance of yellow and black frogs. The tribe member ask you to stay
behind and enjoy a meal of what he has managed to catch. Eager with the hunt on mind, you
deny and begin setting out for the hunt. Upon returning to the village, you take notice of tribe
members on the ground. They are dead. You begin to question yourself how this came to be.
another tribe member who did not consume the yellow and black frogs informs you of the
consumption that took place of those yellow and black frogs. And so color recognition is
invented. The ancient Maya identified colors and created a system for the use of colors. For
example, sacrifices were painted in a blue hue, for they identified the color of skin pigment
after death.
It is astonishing to witness the evolution of color taking place. The consumption of yellow
and black frogs was considered an accident. This accident became a means of survival and
became a weapon. Thus the yellow and black frogs were named Poison Dart Frogs, for when
a tribe member rubbed their darts on the frog’s skin, the frog would then secrete poison unto the
dart, making the dart poisonous and quite deadly. This was hundreds maybe thousands of years
ago. We till this day use the colors yellow and black as a means of caution. Have you ever
been around a construction site? In these construction sites they surround the area with yellow
and black tape. The tape reads the word “caution”. Isn’t it incredible how these colors have
been able to maintain a society? They are quite powerful. I myself have a fear for frogs. I don’t
seem to know why? Maybe it is due to one of my ancestors and their memory controlling my
anatomy when it comes to being in the presence of a frog. A question before I begin to proceed
any further. Would you consume anything labeled as red and yellow? Would you walk into a
sky scraper built with materials of red and yellow?
Of course not! I would not dare consume any product labeled as red and yellow. And as for
walking into a sky scraper built with red and yellow material? Of course not!
Twin Tower Calamity

Fun fact: did you know the twin towers of New York were built with red and yellow
material? The same twin towers that were attacked on September 11th, 2001. I do believe those
towers were built for destruction. The colors of death were used in their build. red and
yellow. the colors red and yellow are also used to label fast food restaurants. Consume fast
food meals and you will either be infected with diabetes or medical issues and ultimately death.
My advice to the reader is to stay away from the colors red and yellow.
The westerners have adapted color recognition (in a sense). The westerners use the phrase “red
on yellow, kill a fellow” when identifying if a snake is either venomous. If the snake is non-
venomous they (westerners) use the phrase “red on black, venom lack”. I truly believe color
recognition must be an invention adapted towards the world’s power such as the central
intelligence agency. I highly doubt the central intelligence agency has a system where colors are
identified via camera. Somewhat like facial recognition. Why do I have such doubts? Simple.
The twin towers were red and yellow and they were destroyed, killing thousands in the
process. If the central intelligence agency had color recognition technology things like this would
never happen. I propose a system be built where color recognition is imperative. I propose a
function on cameras around the world have color recognition.
Before I close out this section, I would like to introduce Color Inversion. The figure displayed
below represents each inversion for each color.

Color Inversion

Embryonic Celestial Fertilization
The Diamond In The Sky

Have you ever wondered how a planet is born? Is this possible? Surely the birth of a planet does
exist. But how could it come about? These questions pondered in my mind for quite some time. I
created a metaphor, the metaphor is: sun and moon are to ovaries of a woman. After I created
this metaphor I began to realize what sun and moon were. A sperm cell and egg. Sun is to sperm
cell as moon is to egg. Bare with me. If sperm cell is to sun and moon is to egg, then of course
the zygote from the fusion of sun and moon is to earth. For when a sperm cell fertilizes an egg it
creates the beginning of life. Earth is to zygote. Fun fact: did you know when the egg of a
woman is fertilized by a sperm cell, the egg emits a light, indicating to the others it has been
fertilized. Sperm cell is indeed to sun, without the sperm cell the egg wouldn’t emit a light. Sun
emits light. The diagram below is indeed accurate.

Embryonic Celestial Fertilization

The earth is to zygote as sun and moon are to sperm cell and egg. As the sun and moon rotate in
an orbital fashion around a planet they see fit, the planet begins to form life. The notion of
planetary birth doesn’t sound like science fiction anymore now does it? When I identified the
roles of sun and moon, why, I was blown away. Incredible. How did I come about this
discovery? Simple. Everything that I was taught in school I threw away, and I began
investigating the sun and moon for what they are. I have come to the conclusion the things I was
taught in grade school are nothing but lies, therefore I began my investigation with revenge
against my superiors who wrote the books that I was forced to read in grade school. Before I
made my discovery of planetary birth, I made a discovery which would forever resonate in my
Diamond In the Sky

The star in the heavens are as to diamonds on a black canvas shined upon with extreme
illumination! Stars are not gaseous! And never will be. This is one of many promised lies that my
superiors wrote in the science books in which I was forced to read. It is with great honor to
correct my superiors. The star in the heavens gain their gleam through the sun.
Imagine yourself as a jeweler in a workshop. Right before it is time to clock out and head home,
you place an abundance of diamonds in a bag, for you feel the need to work on those diamonds
at home in comfort. Before leaving your work area you stumble and your diamonds fall to the
ground. Foolish mistake! You may be thinking as you lie on the floor. “I should have left the
lights on before I decided to step out”. You quickly dust yourself off and begin searching for a
flashlight. Ah ha! Eureka! A flashlight is found. You turn on said flashlight and begin to shine
the diamonds on the floor. Those diamonds shine with great luminescence when light is shined
upon them. What a sight.
This is what is taking place in the heavens above. Those stars in the sky are not gaseous, they
are merely rocks shined upon with a great light, the sun being that great light. I am not the one to
be fooled, and you shouldn’t either. You should take pride in curiosity, Next time someone tells
you “curiosity killed the cat” suggesting you being the cat you reply with “I’m no feline”.


Wilson’s Law of Planetary Exertion

The Sophisticated Mushroom

Thank you for continuing my read. I am proud to share my gratitude towards you. A round of
applause to the reader. Let’s give it up for the reader. As the world is clapping and showing their
admiration towards you, I shall begin introducing my first law.

Wilson’s Law of Planetary Exertion

A planet must have celestial bodies identical to which we call sun, moon, and other celestial
bodies (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) in order to maintain an
equilibric state. After equilibrium has been met between sun, moon and other celestial bodies
(Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), for those celestial bodies produce
magnetic forces that keep the sun and moon in equilibric. After each celestial body (Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) maintains their rhythm then and only then
can they remain in a harmonious fashion of rotation. Sun and moon must be in the state of
equilibrium, after equilibrium life can begin to form. Both sun and moon must be identical in
I take this part of the read to explain the “Celestial Twins”. The figure below displays the
celestial twins as they surround mother.
Celestial Twins

The diagram above is not of planet earth, sun and moon. It displays the mechanic of what
makes life sustainable on a planetary surface. I have created an equation of our solar system.

(a ) SL
SM M , V , Mrs ,U , S , N , J , Rs−D

Solar Equation

The equation above is our solar system as a whole. The equation is defined as: (Earth,
Sun and Moon) plus (a) (Celestial Bodies, Mercury, Venus,
M , V , Mrs , U , S , N , J , Rs−D
Mars, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, and Stars) equals ( ) Sustainable Life (SL). How did I
create such an equation that displays the mechanic of the heavens? I simply extracted what
information I was given as a child in grade school and rearranged the sun and moon to their
proper position of orbit and broke down each celestial bodies (planets), stars and their proper
placement in our system.

M −Mercury V −Venus Mrs−Mars

U −Uranus S−Saturn N−Neptune

J−Jupiter Rs− D−Stars

Solar Mechanics
You may be wondering what in the world are “celestial twins”? Celestial twins are two bodies
which surround a planet. A perfect example are the sun and moon. I had a perfect view (as
anyone else does) of the sun and moon. I then evaluated their value and differences. I came to the
conclusion of the sun and moon being identical in size.
After I engaged into battle the sun began emitting violent heat rays which singed my eyes, I
thought quickly and I began using the clouds as my shield. At an instant I noted down the exact
diameter. After I calculated the sun’s size I patiently awaited in the shadows, away from the
sun’s barrage of light beams. As night grew closer I drew out my sword (writing utensil) and as
any stealth artist began drawing each point of the moon. After I demonstrated my proper
technique for the ghostly audience that surround me, a question suddenly appeared deep beneath
my conscious. “Why is the sun and moon identical in diameter”? I then found my answer.
Equilibrium. These celestial bodies (sun and moon) are in a state that cannot be matched. They
have gone so far as to shadow their mother with a light show during an eclipse. The sun and
moon. Celestial twins. The sun emits so much heat upon the earth’s surface life begins to form.
As if planet earth was a fungus. I call this discovery of mine “Fungical Mechanics”.

Fungical Mechanics

What is Fungical Mechanics? Fungical Mechanics is a proposition in which I discuss the matter
on how life begins on a planet. Notice the heat index next to my diagram. Can you guess which
planet can sustain life? The heat index displays red as the only habitable zone in our system.
Anything beyond is either too hot, or too cold. Notice in my diagram sun, moon and earth are in
a red zone. This is due to their placement in the system. Earth is the only planet that can
sustain life. Every other celestial body in our system is either scorching hot or frozen.
When someone ask you “how did life begin?”, you answer that question with “Embryonic
Celestial Fertilization. After Celestial Embryonic Fertilization, Fungical Mechanics takes its
course in producing life”. Now this doesn’t mean every system must be exact. I am stating that
our system is built in this fashion. The polarities must be precise to fit the system. If the
polarities were not exact in strength the system would fail. I am also stating a planet can have as
many moons and as many suns as they wish to desire, but my law of planetary exertion remains.
The polarities must fit for life to begin. If polarities do not fit in the system, no life will begin to
With a sudden drop of an atomic bomb, a mushroom cloud is born. An atomic bomb is
considered the planet’s inhabitant’s most powerful weapon. It doesn’t surprise me. I happen to
believe (in a mathematical point of view) we as a society are living on a gigantic living fungus.
Of course the most power weapon built by this planet’s inhabitants is in the likeness of a fungus.
That is logical. The stature of an atomic blast resembles a mushroom.
Question. What are clouds? Ever wondered what clouds were? As I was studying the heavens
above I began using fungical mechanics and came to the conclusion of the clouds being a type of
mold (fungus).

Genius Mold

As water evaporates it generates a cloud. Said cloud begin to wring (precipitation) water out
from its state. Observe a mold (fungus) and cloud. You shall see the similarities as I have in my
studies. The mold above is so extreme it even gained strength in electricity. I’ve heard of
strength in numbers, but never in electricity.
Put this in perspective, when food becomes expired mold begins to grow and microscopic
organisms begin to form. This is the same occurrence which is taking place this very minute, this
very hour, and this very day. Take this metaphor for instance: We are to germ cells as planet
earth is to a hueman. The hueman’s body is made up of many different types of cells. Cells of the
hueman body remind me of huemans in our world. A White blood cell is that to a police officer.
White blood cells rid of germs. Police officers rid of criminals. A virus is that to a criminal.
Notice any patterns? This would confirm my observations of my metaphor being accurate. It is a
very interesting subject “the sophisticated mushroom” when put in laments terms.
What gave me the conclusion of this “sophisticated mushroom”? I began looking at life at an
atomic particle level. With subatomic thinking I came to the conclusion of sun and moon being
in orbit around earth. The sun is to proton as moon is to electron. Earth is neutron. I then
advanced my intellect of the celestial bodies. Below is the atomic level of earth, sun and moon.

Subatomic Thinking
Magnetic Neutrality

What falls faster? Styrofoam in the shape of an atomic bomb that weighs 10,300 pounds
(4,700 kg) or an atomic bomb that weighs 10,300 pounds (4,700 kg)? This question still excites
me. Indeed, what falls at a faster rate? Certainly the most brilliant can answer this question
without hesitation. It is my belief that the atomic bomb with the exact weight of 10,300 pounds
(4,700 kg) falls at a faster rate, for it is built with materials in which earth attracts. Gravity? I
wouldn’t call it gravity. A simple equation explains “gravity”.


Earth’s Magnetic Core

Scientist of the past have determined the rotation of earth is what generates gravity. This is not
the case. Scientist believe earth spins at a rate of one-thousand miles per hour. How could this
be? Earth is idol. Earth does not rotate. It is the sun and moon whom choose to rotate. Not earth.
And yet the rotation in which sun and moon choose is of orbit. In the diagram below I explain
the idol mother.

Magnetic Polaric Attraction

Take notice of each magnetic polarity. M positive is represented by +M+. M negative is

represented by -M-. Question. If earth rotates at a speed of one-thousand miles per hour, how
could any contraption maintain balance when in flight? Wouldn’t the contraption taking flight be
slammed into the ground?
Earth is composed of many metallic materials which ensures magnetic polaric attraction. This
magnetic polaric attraction is what the scientist of the past have labeled as gravity. They failed to
miss the direct cause of said “gravity”. It is believed the rotation of the earth is what generates
gravity. If you ask me, I’d take my bets on my discovery of magnetic polaric attraction. I bet
those so called scientist believe wind is created by the rotation of earth. Foolish scientist. Wind is
not generated by rotation, although we can mimic the creation of wind by said rotation. Wind is
generated by the magnetic polarities of celestial bodies clashing against one another. The
celestial body’s magnetic force is far too sophisticated for our technology, therefore instead of
advancing technology for man-kind, the scientist of previous past decided to keep man-kind
under a hypnotic state of foolishness. I am no fool. And neither are you.
Imagine creating a model of planet earth with compressed metallic material. The compressed
metallic material projects polarities of negative (Nm-) and positive (Pm+). With these polarities
compressed against each other they in turn project outward a neutral zone (-Nz+). If the celestial
body is composed of positive components without negative components earth’s natural satellite
(moon) will find itself stuck onto the celestial body (earth). There must be both positive and
negative in order for this type of solution that is given to us in a habitable form.

Neutral Zone

Observe the sun and moon in a neutral zone (-Nz+). This common occurrence is a phenomenon
only those whom achieve a status such as sun and moon. Take note of each neutral zone (-Nz+) in
the diagram above. It is my understanding that both sun and moon are in a state in which both
separation and eclipse occur. The magnetic field from earth is both positive and negative,
therefore a neutral zone is generated. Magnetic forces from other planets and stars in our system
keep these two (sun and moon) in duel rotation. Duel rotation? Indeed, duel rotation I define as
two celestial bodies in an orbit around a mass body.
Before I continue I must explain the diamond in the sky that I recently mentioned. Scientist of
the past have determined the sun being a star. And there are many other stars in space. This is not
the case. I do not denote the value of the sun being a star, but I do denote the fact of other stars in
existence. I have observed the sun being the only star. The sun is in a self-category, one of a
kind. The sun generates light which then reflects back unto earth. The birth of stars? No.
Diamonds in the sky is what we are perceiving as stars in the heavens.

Rock Stars

The only star in our system is our sun. The sun emits a vibrant light which then reflects off the
other rocks in space, which in turn creates the effect of other stars. It is similar to Ancient
Egyptian technology. The Ancient Egyptians took advantage of the sun’s rays and used mirrors
to harness the sun’s rays to light up their pyramids.

Ancient Egypt

Notice the mirror in the in my diagram above. It is positioned in a fashion to where the sun’s
rays are directed towards the pyramid. This is what is transpiring in the heavens above. Imagine
mirrors in the heavens. Mirrors are to stars in ancient Egypt, lighting the way for the king and
queen. The sun is the only star in our system, the sun emits so much light it generates reflections,
making it seem as if there were a multitude of stars. Does the light which vibrate off those rocks
(stars) in space make those rocks stars? No. I used the rainbow in the diagrams on the
previous page to display waves of light. For the rainbow is light. Basic physics. Physics of color.
red being the shortest wavelength, whilst purple being the longest. Stars are merely a
reflection of the sun. Nothing more. Nothing less.
The heavens above work in the fashion of a clock, to my understanding. Keep in mind these are
observations. But you must admit, there is much truth in each sense. The diagram below is of our
system as a whole.

System of Ordinance

Observe each magnetic polarity. MP represents magnetic polarity. Each celestial body in the
heavens above pushes with its magnetic force. Sun and moon remain in orbit due to those
magnetic forces. They are in a position to which nothing can break their stance around mother.
Earth, moon and sun project polarities which keep them in balance. Due to the amount of
magnetic polaric attraction neutral zones are generated.
Each celestial body whether it being Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or
Neptune generates a magnetic polaric attraction and repels which keeps our system habitable. I
wouldn’t doubt the celestial body Neptune’s magnetic force being responsible for hurricane
season. Could it be? Could this be the reason hurricane season occurs? Due to Neptune’s
magnetic force?
Neptune is a planet. Neptune in Ancient Rome was considered God of the Sea, hence my
hypothesis of Neptune’s magnetic force being the cause of hurricanes. Jupiter is a planet. Jupiter
in Ancient Rome is considered God of the Sky. Mars is a planet. Mars is considered God of War.
Notice the pattern? Saturn in Ancient Rome was considered God of Generation. Each god was
depicted as super sapiens in sculpture format. Therefore leaving my question very exciting, for
there is much sense in this reality. Do you think Neptune is the reason for the season? Makes you
wonder…doesn’t it?

Super Sapien Hybrid Theorem

An exemplary case of mathematics has been displayed thus far. I as the author shall continue in
a steady pace my calculative revelations. During my observations of life as a whole, I questioned
where and how we came to be. How did huemans evolve into such an incredible status? It seems
during my school days the scientist claim the ape is our closest ancestor. I happen to believe this
is false and misguided. I felt the need for curiosity in this subject.
Curiosity is indeed a very interesting strategy in forming advanced formulas. I don’t seem to
quite understand why the ape is the closest ancestor to huemans? The sasquatch is the closest
relative to the ape. If ape was our closest ancestor then we would resemble the sasquatch. And as
for those opposable thumbs that direct us towards the ape being our closest ancestor. Rubbish.
For the reptile also holds this feature. During my observations I took the time to analyze
huemans in their habitat of their choosing. I chose Dallas, Tx to studying huemans. I observed
huemans resemble different animalia. After I observed and mentally noted down each structure
of hueman, I then mastered a formula. I call this the Super Sapien Hybrid Theorem.

L Ap
S x

Ape Formula

The Ape Formula displayed above is defined as: 12 (L) species (S) multiplied (m) by 2 (b)
equals ( ) Ape ( ). I created my own formula for the ape. 12 species with countless
breeding sums to a species with twenty-four chromosomes. x is the 24th letter of the alphabet,
therefore it is placed under ape. An ape has 24 chromosomes.

K.e SupSaHy
(m) b
S w

Super Sapien Hybrid Formula

Huemans are a hyper species. Huemans are generated by a multitude of animalia, not just the
ape. The less chromosomes the more complex a species is. My formula for the super sapien
hybrid (hueman) is defined as: 11.5 (K.e) species (S) multiplied (m) by 2 (b) equals ( ) my
super sapien hybrid ( ). My super sapien hybrid has 23 chromosomes.
I must admit, my calculations are precise. I don’t seem to understand why huemanity considers
themselves as homo-sapiens? I am no homo. Homo is an insult. I am correct in sexual
orientation. To call me a homo-sapien is equivalent to calling me a homosexual. The placement
of homo before the term sapien is an insult by the scientist. Scientist of the past have a distinct
form of insult. Homo-sapien is an insult to huemanity as a whole. I have identified the insult. I
am a super sapien. To think the world being under such an hypnotic state is indeed a correct path
is downright absurd. Homo-erectus is also an insult to huemanity. As male, when I am aroused
my penis is erected. Notice the pattern? The scientist have insulted and fooled the masses.
On the subject of super sapien, I do believe huemans are a multitude of species. Some huemans
resemble felines, others resemble reptiles. It is not an abstract perception, but indeed an
academic perception. One must look at the word race. Race in this era defines the presentation of
a hueman. In reality race is species. The correct term for race is species. Instead of asking what
race one is, you should be asking what species they are. For example, I am Mayan, therefore my
species is Maya. If you are from Africa, your species is African. We differ from skin pigment,
but are considered hueman. Another example. A lion and cheetah are in the same animalia but
are different species. Understand?
On the matter of evolved species. Below I take a look at the similarities between cats and
snakes. It is my understanding as time passes each animalia branches unto another animalia,
whilst remaining in an idol state. For example. The snake and cat.

Felis Catus

Notice any similarities between the two pupils? Could it be at some point in time the snake
decided to branch out into a mammal? The hueman brain developed the reptilian before the


My conclusion whom our closest relative is favors the reptile. Don’t have a full understanding
what I am proposing? Let me give you another example of reptilian traits in huemans. The sperm
cell. Notice the attributes of the sperm cell. If apes are our closest ancestor, then why do we
begin as in the likeness of a reptile? I know my sperm cell wasn’t peeling bananas. Was yours? I
think not.

Reptilia Originatus

Don’t have a full understanding on what the subject super sapien hybrid is? Well then let me
explain in laments terms. I will use the armies of the world for my explanation. A pilot in the air
force, master of his own turf. A captain of the navy, also master of his own turf. The pilot and
captain are professionals in their own category. Suppose the captain’s genetic code favored the
bird, and the pilot’s genetic code favored the fish. Can you determine what the problem is? For
the captain to perform at maximum capacity must be in a setting in which his or her genealogy
best suits him or her. As for the pilot? Same conclusion. Why would I orchestrate a defense with
pilots whose genetic code favors the fish. Those pilots whose genetic code favors the fish would
perform more sufficiently in the sea. Why would I orchestrate an attack with naval ships that has
found its occupants genetic code favoring the bird? It is common sense. It is not science fiction.
It is no fable. It is the reality.
Technology in this era has yet to advance to which we can trace back genealogies past what our
technology is programmed to determine what genealogy we belong to. Fact is we as super sapien
hybrids are composed of multiple species. If I had the technology to determine whether your
genealogy favors the bird, then I would place you as a pilot, for your genetic code has scanned
the sky. If your genetic code favored the fish, then your position in said force would be a naval
surrounding, for your genealogy has scanned the seas. Understand how far my science takes the
average hueman. With a full understanding of this science, there are no limits and no boundaries
that keeps oneself contained. Suppose the technology is at our disposal, why I would sent pilots
whose genealogy favors birds to attack a warship. For the enemy is at sea. The fishes habitat.
Birds eat fish. It is common sense. My proposition would not only advance the armies, but also
advance science. This strategy of mine I recognize as “Instinct Selection”. Natural Selection was
proposed by Charles Darwin. His proposition determined how a species evolved depending on
their habitat. My proposition is instinct selection. Instinct selection I define as the placement of
huemans in government forces depending on their genetic biological codes.
Question. Do you think a fish who evolved into an upright bi-pedal hueman created the net to
catch fish? That fish whom grew legs came out of the water and invented a more sufficient way
of catching its prey. This is evolution is it not? It also seems logical wouldn’t you agree. You
may be asking yourself how I came up with the super sapien hybrid theorem. I was at a Chinese
buffet and I was looking at one of the chef’s while I was grabbing some food. I couldn’t help but
to notice the chef resembled that of a shark. He was Asian in ethnicity. I happen to believe the
Asians genetics favor the fish. Or some aquatic animal. I wouldn’t doubt on an aquatic animal
creating the net when the aquatic animal became an up-right specimen. What do you think? It
seems to make perfect sense on what I discovered. The Asian diet consist of aquatic animals. My
hypothesis of the super sapien hybrid must be accurate. Why else would the Asian consume so
many aquatic animal, and why else would the Asian resemble an aquatic animal. According to
the history books Ancient Korea invented the fish net. Making my observation and hypothesis of
the Asian’s evolution being from an aquatic environment.
Ever wondered how the evolution process takes place? We came from cells (according to
science), after the cell, we became a multi-tissue organism. But how does a cell branch into so
many different animalia? I will use Charles Darwin’s natural selection and place the term
“cellular”, therefore creating cellular natural selection. What is cellular natural selection? It is a
calculation on my part. Life began with the complex formation of one cell. After this cell
formed, it then reproduced. How did reproduction come about if it were one cell? A cell is a-
sexual, therefore it split into two cells. I will call the second cell “cell two”. Cell two was swept
away by the wind, while cell one remained. During this flight, cell two also decided to
reproduce, forming the third living cell. I will name this third cell “cell three”. With rushing
wind cell three was tossed into the ocean. Cell two managed to land, but the destination it found
itself in was a deserted island. Cell three began evolving to best suit its environment. Cell three
became an aquatic animal due to the process of cellular natural selection. Cell two was in the
process of evolving in midflight caused by the rushing winds that separated it from cell one. Cell
two, stranded on an island began evolving and formed wings. Taking flight just as it did when it
began evolving at a cellular level. This is how life began. At a cellular level, then a multi-tissue
organism, eventually what we are today, super sapien hybrids.

Cellular Natural Selection

Notice my diagram above. Observe cell one. cell one became (hypothetically speaking, for it
could have became some other species of mammal or reptile) a rabbit. Cell two was rushed away
from cell one and evolved into a bird (for flight was encoded in its complex structure by wind),
whilst cell three evolving to suit its aquatic environment. The pattern is keen. What animalia do
you think your genetic code favors?

Telepathic Communication, Vibrational Communication,

Musical Communication and Elemental Communication

On the subject of telepathy, if the reader has ever been introduced to such a phenomena, it is
quite extraordinary. Huemans as a super sapien species comprised of a multitude of species are
considered highly intelligent and hold remarkable strengths. I wouldn’t label these strengths as
paranormal, although it may seem as if it were paranormal. To think huemans can communicate
without movement of vocal cords is quite impressive indeed. Huemans according to my
observations derive from multiple species. The ape might be a factor, but the missing link most
likely is a hybrid of some sort which differentiates huemans from ape. Huemans have the
capability that animals do. Huemans if the science is revealed, can achieve incredible feats.
During my observations of huemans as a whole, I decided to increase my status and practiced
on Vibrational communication. What is vibrational communication? It is the practice of vibrating
the tongue in low frequency. As vibrations make their way towards the conscious for deciphering
I learned how to manipulate those low vibrations into words. I then demonstrate from my
conscious a mimic. I mimic the same acoustics through a mental process. Quite intriguing. I
myself was dismayed at this revelation for I did not know if I was hallucinating, I thought I was
going insane.
Could you imagine being the only person whom communicates via vibrations and low
frequencies to mysterious voices? These strange mysterious voices suddenly appear deep
beneath the conscious, it feels as if a question appears in your conscious, as if you are
questioning, all the why being aware of no confusion. These mysterious voices sound at times
somewhat insectoid like, if the reader knows what insectoid means. These vibrations occur
simultaneous at times, to which it is very difficult to decipher.
At times I found myself waking up to low frequency voices. Some of these voices sound 8-bit. I
wouldn’t be frightened as I woke up to 8-bit voices, but somewhat confused. Why me? I began
hearing these 8-bit voices after I created my first equation for Dimension Fusion. It was
instantaneous. Could these voices originate from my calculations of Dimension Fusion?
Vibrational communication is telepathy, on a different scale. We as a super sapien species have
strengths in which we do not take notice. During deep thought, we can hear our own
consciousness. Our ears have an acute sense of hearing to which vibrations from our surrounds
amplify our conscious and sends them out as articulate speech. After I began communicating
with these insectoid like voices with my conscious I created a formula. It is without a doubt sheer
fact super sapiens can communicate via conscious, whilst vibrations amplify said conscious.


Vibrational Thought Transference

My formula above translates to: Vibrations (V ) divided (d) by hueman consciousness (HC)
equals ( ) vibrational thought transference (VT ²). During these observations of the super
sapien hybrid I concluded the strengths of the super sapien hybrid. Super sapien hybrids are that
of multiple species are they not? Super sapien hybrids evolved from said multiple species did
they not? Thus my hypothesis of the super sapien hybrid having evolved senses from previous
states of animalia. Felines have an acute sense of hearing, as do canines. Huemans whom favor
felines and (or) canines are recognized as being able to hear the conscious of another without
exercising their mental capacity. Huemans whom do not favor felines and (or) canines must
exercise their mental capacities for they must learn how to decipher frequencies which are not
the norm. It is not a matter of gifted but genetic. It is simple genetics. I will continue with my
experience with what we consider telepathy.

3 ( a ) ABC
The ABC’s of Basic Telepathy

One day after my children Genesis Elise Martinez and Angel Nichole Rodriguez were released
from school I began reciting the abc’s via conscious. Since I already formulated vibrational
thought transference it was easy for me to decipher what was presented after I began reciting the
abc’s. The reason I decided to recite the abc’s was due to the amount of children communicating
back and forth. Their communication vibrations amplified my thoughts in which it made it seem
as if those children (which were about 50 children) were reciting the abc’s. I amplified my
consciousness with the vibrations from those children. I took advantage of my surroundings at
the time as any professional scientist would. I performed an experiment. It was a success. It was
a controlled experiment with much success. If you ever have a chance, try and recite the abc’s as
if you were a child via conscious whilst being around a multitude of children communicating.
You too will come to the conclusion of my amplified hypothesis being accurate. Might I add,
you must exercise your mental capacity to where your mental capabilities are aware of said
communication. My formula above defines as: Conscious (3) plus ( a ) ABC (alphabet).
Moving forward. Music. Are you familiar with music? I am. I am a music fanatic. As a matter of fact I
took band class for three years. Therefore I am very familiar with music. After my observations and
studies of thought transference and the communication process between vibrations I managed to reclaim
an old love. Music notes. As a student I studied music notes. After I reclaimed my love once again I
began studying music notes. Viola! Pun intended. I found the connection between the process of
vibrations. Ever noticed the composition of music notes? Music notes are labeled as alphabetical letters.
A , B , C , D , E , F ,G

Music Notes

Observe the music note labels presented above. Notice anything strange? If you do not let me explain.
We communicate with letters of the alphabet do we not? Indeed we do. Music notes are labeled with
alphabetical letters are they not? Yes they are. Therefore concluding my discovery of musical
communication. If aware a super sapien can communicate via conscious with music notes. It is an
incredible feat. Don’t believe that we can communicate via music notes? Let me demonstrate.

Dad Ace

Add Bee

Bed Fed

Edge Face

Babe Cafe

Whole Words

If I can formulate words via music notes, then musical communication is indeed an actual
process in which the super sapiens’s conscious can manipulate music notes into actual words,
those music notes which were manipulated into words are then deciphered into a telepathic
process. Is it a matter of evolution? I happen to think it is. I find myself at times laughing
hysterically due to me and another communicating (telling jokes) via thought transference
(telepathy). The following words are formulated by music note labels: Aged, Babe, Bade, Bead,
Beef, Café, Cage, Cede, Deaf, Deed, Dead, Edge, Egad, Face, Fade, Feed, Abe, Ace, Add, Ade,
Age, Bad, Bag, Bed, Bee, Beg, Cab, Cad, Dab, Dad, Ebb, Egg, Fad, Fed, Fee, Gab, and Gag. An
unspoken language. A conscious language. I have also formulated Elemental Communication. It
is vibrational communication, only difference is what performs said vibrations. Water is the
element the communication process that is elemental communication.

W (a) Rv
d /C

Water’s Transmission

The formula above is defined as: Water (W ) plus (a) rapid vibrations ( Rv ) divided (d ) by conscious
(C). It similar to communicating via vibrations. Only difference is the water’s rapid movement is what
amplifies said communication.
I have also been able to communicate to the future. Before one travels (if one intends to) to the
future, one must first communicate to said future. The next section I discuss the matter of Time

Time, Travel, The Forward Reversal Technique and A Mass

Paradoxes and random sequence of events is the ultimate key success for an evolution. How
so? Evolution is a process in which random is dominant in survival. Creating a paradox (in my
perception) is both an intriguing and powerful subject. If I had a time machine or some sort of
mechanism that allows me to travel between time periods I would indeed create a paradox and
create a problem in the space-time continuum. It may sound like science fiction but I believe
with the right amount of experience and effort time travel is possible. I have determined the
proper calculations for time travel. One must begin with communications before considering a
path towards either past or future. Here are the steps for time travel.

1. Hypothesis, Complications, and Equation

2. Communications

3. Confirmed Contact

4. Co-ordinates of Periods

5. Mechanics of Cycle

6. Transference between Cycles

Indeed the subject of time travel is very complicated to the average super sapien, but with the
certain amount of criteria even the average super sapien can comprehend the subject of time
The Future: Would you travel to the future? I myself would not dare travel to the future. You
may be asking why such a blunt answer? The reason I wouldn’t travel to the future would be due
to the fact that I might be the key for freedom. If I happen to disappear in my present, I might
end up in a future where imprisonment is law. There would be no way for me to return to my
time period. If I happen to disappear in my time period, an event that I was supposed to enact
would never be enacted. Therefore leaving those who the act was enacted for would gain success
and form a future where I never existed. Traveling to the future in laments terms is a foolish
mistake. Time traveling is very sophisticated.
The Past: Would you travel to the past? Indeed I would. I would gain information in said past. I
would then study the information in which I gained. Knowledge is power. In said past, I would
then create a mass paradox. This paradox in which I created will not affect my birth. Therefore I
remain anatomically and bio-electrically. My bio-electricity will remain. With the present now in
a mass paradox, I can await and bring forth the information I acquired and begin my analysis on
what formed from the paradox that was created in the past, whilst my bio-electricity and
anatomic structure in its state of norm. How would I create a mass paradox? I would leave
advanced calculations such as Dimension Fusion in the reigning powers of the world in said past.
The calculations would then destabilize the armies that reign in said past (for those armies do not
know the mechanics and what each calculation invent), whilst increasing my advanced
calculations power. I would then recognize my own craftsmen ship and advance those
calculations (craftsmen ship) and give them the x2 effect. Once destabilized, I can freely access
communications such as the world wide web and increase the powers of the armies such as The
Central Intelligence Agency and The Federal Bureau of Investigations. Communications is key.
The recognizance of calculations from a present stand point traced from the past I refer to as The
Forward Reversal. With this technique, I can calculate each advancement of my calculations that
were placed in the past.
The Present: With a mass paradox confusing those whom have direct knowledge of time travel
and calculations in which I’ve placed in a strategic fashion for their eyes only, I can do nothing
but watch as my calculative equations and process of increasing the strength of those whom are
in need gain strength indeed. During my observations I noted down how a paradox could cause
the travelers existence obsolete. What if a mass paradox which affected those who claimed the
light became a reality? What if indeed…The past, present and future mass paradox gets deeper
and more sophisticated but I do not choose to continue the explanation for this is sheer
hypothetics, meaning it is hypothetical.


The Hypothesis, Complications, and Equations have been introduced in a hypothetical sense,
for my hypothesis introduced complications and equations. My communications of past, present
and future is displayed above. Present is sent forth towards the past and is represented in the
diagram as a red path. Past the reflects towards future and is represented by the yellow path.
After present is sent towards past, future than reflects unto present and is represented by a blue
path. It is no coincidence my diagram resembles a pair of lips. The matter of discussion is
A Discussion of The Rodent Infestation From Space and The Big
Bang Attack

In this section I shall be discussing the “Extra-Terrestrial” and their origin, also I discuss the
big bang attack with my principle of subatomic thinking. This section I discuss not only the
origin but the state in which the “extra-terrestrial” are facing. It begins with a story between the
natives (reptilians) and the industrialized. As a reminder, before I begin this section, this read is
not science fiction. It is a take at the basic physics of reality and the state of man-kind. The state
of man-kind is at a brink of generic-retardation. There is a difference between generic-retardation
and organic retardation. Generic-retardation is forced upon the youth through subliminal
messages. Organic retardation is the sum of inbreeding and reproduction. Man-kind in this era
seem to think homosexuality is a correct sexual orientation. Nonsense. Homosexuality is a
What does this have to do with aliens supposed from outer-space? These beings whom claim to
be “extra-terrestrial” claim to be from the heavens. The science of basic physics does not fit in
their statement and does not suit their description. Their description is depicted as big black eyes
and large bulbous heads. It is my belief (you may have a different belief on the subject) those
beings whom claim to be “extra-terrestrial” are a species of super sapiens from a rodent animalia.
They are not super sapien hybrids. The difference between a super sapien hybrid and super
sapien is the hybrid. The super sapien is from one animalia. The super sapien hybrid is composed
of multiple animalia. The super sapien(s) in this subject is between rodent (mammal) and reptile.
Millions of years ago (estimate) life dwelled with beings whom evolved from a rodent state into
a bi-pedal humanoid state. These beings ultimately became an industrial civilization. This
industrial civilization watched as reptiles became upright bi-pedal humanoids. These reptilians
became an enslaved species. The industrial bi-pedal humanoids built systems for the reptilians
enslavement, before they became upright bi-pedal humanoids. These reptilians were natives of
the land, they were not industrialized. Once captured they were forced into enslavement and
worked in industries such as today’s industries such as slaughterhouses. They massed produced
food for the industrialized who enslaved those whom worked at these facilities. During the mass
enslavement one reptilian became consciously aware of his or her environment and rebelled.
With his or her survival expertise managed to gather the other reptilians (natives) and escaped
their enslavement. Thus began the hunt for the industrialized by the reptilian. The industrialized
evolved from a mammalian species. The reptilians evolved from a reptile species. Logic would
confirm the process of reptile hunting rodent (mammal). These industrialized were then forced to
hide deep underground. The industrialized went through so much evolution underground they
became weak against the sun. Their skin became thin for their evolution took place in darkness.
As rodents they burrowed. Till this day the industrialized are living in deep underground military
bases called D.U.M.B .(Deep Underground Military Base).
These beings managed to hide for so long they came in contact with huemans. The super sapien
hybrid. They falsely taught huemans of their origins. These beings are from planet earth, but
claim to be from other star systems. They have even managed to manipulate those in power with
sciences and calculations. If one does not know the mechanic of calculations, better yet if they
did not create said calculations themselves they must not work with said calculations, for those
calculations could be the demise of their wellbeing.
On the subject of the big bang. During my studies I came to the conclusion of earth being that
of a fungus through subatomic thinking. As a reminder subatomic thinking I define as analyzing
a situation or variable at an atomic level. With subatomic thinking I identified earth as a gigantic
fungus. I broke down the mechanics of a fungus and placed these mechanics at a planetary level.
Thus fungical mechanics was born.
There is a problem in which huemanity has yet to identify. What is the problem at hand? The
big bang theory and the practice of smashing atoms through a super collider. Remember how I
discussed the problems of calculating mechanics of another. The big bang is a theory in which
proposes the notion of how life began. If you ask me I believe the big bang theory is not how life
began, but how to rid of life and restart life as a whole. Thinking at a subatomic level I smash a
magnet in the shape of a ball. This ball breaks into millions of pieces. I watch and observe as the
millions of pieces are then attracted back towards each other forming the original composition of
the ball. This was using a subatomic thought process. In a super collider, atoms are being
smashed against one another. These experiments with super colliders claim to one day display
how life began. I don’t buy this one bit. If this continues we will eventually see the big bang, but
this big bang with be the end of huemanity, whilst those whom are behind the collision remain.
Those behind the collision will see life form once again, for as I painted a picture of a ball made
of metallic magnetic material form back into its proper status, so are those who are behind the
big bang will see earth from back into a sphere. Earth is believed to have a magnetic core. This
magnetic core after the big bang attack will attract those millions of pieces as did the metal
magnetic ball. Notice the pattern. I came up with the conclusion of the big bang through
subatomic thinking. In matters such as these my thought process of subatomic thinking comes in
handy. I refer the big bang as the big bang attack, for it in reality will be the end for huemanity.
The big bang is not the birth of a universe. It is an attack, mass genocide. I do believe these
entities whom claim to be from outer-space are resetting the planet over and over again through
the big bang attack. There is a reset button on technology. Technology imitates life. Therefore I
am stating the big bang is a mechanic to reset life. A self-destruct sequence in a sense.
Preposterous I say! Big bang theory is a dud. I conclude this section with my big bang attack

The Classic Mechanic of II

An impressive feat for those who have determined the world in a mechanic such as the
mechanic of two. I give those who have observed and identified the mechanic of two much
admiration. When I discovered this mechanic I was amazed at how much this simple mechanic
has caused the world to become in a such state in which what we see today. Don’t know what the
mechanic of two is? The mechanic of two is what gives us life, death and order. For instance, the
sperm and egg. Egg is fertilized by sperm. The sun and moon. The sun metaphorically fertilizes
the moon, the earth is the outcome. Life. The anatomy of the super sapien hybrid is built from
this mechanic. The foundation of the hueman anatomy is built from the mechanic of two:

Mechanic of Life:

Two Brain Hemispheres (left and right)

Two Eyeballs – Two Pupils – Two Corneas - Two Eyebrows
Two Nostrils

Two Arms - Two Hands

Two Legs - Two Feet

Two Ears
Two Lips - Two Jaw Sets (upper and lower)
Two Kidneys - Two Ribcages - Two Hips
Two Ovaries – Two Vagina Lips
Two Testicles
The list above that is what makes up the hueman anatomy. Notice the mechanic of two. This list
is the mechanic of two which makes life functional. As you can see the hueman anatomy is
composed of this mechanic. On the next page I present the mechanic of two in the terms of
death. This page displays the mechanic of two in the terms of life.
During my observations I identified both life and death. Death is brought upon civilization in
strategic formats in which only those whom identify can confirm its formation that derives from
the mechanic of two. Armies of the past have used this mechanic. below I give a few examples
of how the mechanic of two has made its way into a deathly setting (those in which I identified),
being that the mechanic formulated from a setting of life.

Mechanic of Death:
Two Atomic Bombs

Two Bullets which killed The 35th President of The United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Two Towers (Twin Towers)

Displayed above is the mechanic of two in a setting of death. Two atomic bombs were dropped
on Japan in 1945. The code names for the two atomic bombs were “Little Boy” and “Fat Man”.
Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6th, 1945 during world war II. Remember
the country which was bombed for it will be a key into unlocking the mystery of another deathly
setting in which the mechanic of two has found itself in. Fat Man was dropped on Nagasaki,
Japan on August 9th, 1945. Japan was the target and was met by the mechanic of two.
On November 22nd, 1963 President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was brutally murder in Dallas,
Texas. The location of this murder was 411 Elm Street Dallas, Texas 75202. President John
Fitzgerald Kennedy met his demise with the mechanic of two. Two bullets struck The 35th
President of The United States. One bullet met John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s esophagus and the
second bullet met his temple. How did I identify this mechanic? During my observations of the
super sapien hybrid I would walk down this street and question what transpired. After I identified
the mechanic I noted down the significance it met with the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Remember Japan? Two atomic bombs were dropped and obliterated a nation. An architect of
Japanese decent came up with the structure and build of the twin towers. Twin Towers. Can you
identify what plays out next? A Japanese descendant living in America devised a plan and used
the same mechanic which obliterate his country and killed thousands of people. Consider this
metaphor: The twin towers are to the two atomic bombs. It seems Japan got their revenge. The
mechanic of two. The architect who conspired against America was a Japanese-American
named Minoru Yamasaki. Minoru Yamasaki also used the mechanic of two on their build. The
colors red and yellow were used in the twin towers construction. red and yellow.
Incredible how the mechanic of two began as a means of life and eventually fell into destructive
hands. September 11th, 2001 was met with the mechanic of two.

Celestial Mechanic:



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