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Vp Which of the following is the desired effect of antipsychotic drugs?


p ×

Ôp efore initiating psychopharmacological treatment, a thorough evaluation includes the following except:

0p  nurse employed in a managed care system collaborates with the treatment team to monitor a client͛s progress from
psychiatric inpatient care to a community-assissted living program Which role is the nurse assuming?
×p × 


Œp When a nurse establishes a therapeutic relationship with a client, which of the following is the primary focus for the client͛s


ºp Which of the following is the overall purpose of therapeutic communication?
×p   !


èp he nurse is fully attentive to her client, seeks clarification of unclear statements, and periodically tells the nurse about her
perceptions of the client͛s feelings Which of the following is the nurse demonstrating?

p          ! 

ÿp Which legal-ethical principle would the nurse use when interacting with a psychotic client who refuses psychotropic
×p ×         
p While teaching a client about psychotropic medication, the nurse obtains a data indicating the client͛s understanding of
what was taught On which part of the communication process is the nurse focusing?


-p When the nurse interacts with a client from a different cultural back ground, which technique would provide sensitive care?

p "   

V p hortly after his voluntary admission to the psychiatric inpatient unit, a client tells the nurse, ͞I don͛t know if I should be
here What will my family think?͟ using reflection, which response by the nurse is most appropriate?
p       $  
 $    &    $  $  
p   $    


VV p  nurse is assigned to a client who has a domineering and demanding attitude, similar to the burse͛ own mother he nurse
seeks out a colleague to share feelings about this situation he nurse͛ action indicates:
×p ×  ' $ 
p ×  

p ×

VÔ p fter an initial nurse ʹ client interaction, the client asks for the nurse͛ home phone number, indicating a desire to date the
nurse Which response is most appropriate?


V0 p  client who was hospitalized involuntarily wants to call an attorney about a personal matter involving a lawsuit Which of
the following nursing actions would be most appropriate?
× p × $  
 p ×  
 p     (   
   $ $   

VΠp  client has become increasingly unable to maintain self-care, with worsening symptoms of a chronic mental illness and
refusal to accept psychiatric treatment he community psychiatric nurse explains to the client,s family that a legal
procedure can be initiated to empower another person to give consent for the treatment Which of the following would a
court hearing legally establish about this client?
× p ×        

Vº p he nurse and client are entering the termination phase of the nurse-client relationship Which of the following nurse
behaviors are appropriate at this phase?
× p   

  (    '
 p "    
 p ××

Vè p  community psychiatric nurse visits a client͛s home after a referral from a case manager who is concerned about the client͛s
increasing delusions  spiritual healer from the family͛s cultural group is present in the home and indicates the desire to
work with the client and family Which action would be most appropriate?
× p (     $ 

 p c
  )   $$  

 p c 


Vÿ p he nurse interacts with the psychiatric client using empathy Which of the following demonstrates empathic behaviors?
× p 

 p     (      ××

V p he nurse is teaching a schizophrenic client and his family about treatment for the chemical imbalance associated with the
disease Which neurotransmitter would the nurse identify as being the target for antipsychotic medications?
× p ×


V- p  client diagnose with cancer does not talk about or acknowledge her diagnosis Which of the following defense mechanism
is she using?
× p  

 p c*

 p  ! 

Ô p ased on Erik Erikson͛s theory, assessment of an adolescent client for age-appropriate development task work is conducted
by asking questions about:
× p × 
 p  '

ÔV p  man who was released from prison for selling narcotics has been rehabilitated and now works for a youth drug prevention
agency His current behavior reflects which defense mechanism
× p        

ÔÔ p  client is pacing and complains of racing thoughts he nurse asks the client if something upsetting happened, and the
client͛s response is vague and not focused on the nurse͛ question he nurse assesses the client͛s level of anxiety as
× p       
 p      c 

Ô0 p he nurse is assessing a client for recent stressful life events he nurse recognizes that stressful life events are both:
× p    $ '    "     
 p c        c

Ԍ p When teaching stress management to clients, the nurse will most likely advocate which belief as a method of coping with
stressful life events?
× p × 

Ôº p  client with a fear of air travel is being treated in a mental health clinic for phobic disorder he treatment method involves
systematic desensitization he nurse would consider the treatment successful if:
× p  


Ôè p he client is taking Parnate, which of the following would the nurse instruct the client to avoid?
× p  

Ôÿ p Which statement is correct about sertraline (Zoloft)?
× p   +$ 


 p     $    


Ô p In the assessment of a person in crisis, which one of the following information is most important?
× p  


 p (

Ô- p Which of the following is the first step in crisis intervention?
× p 




 p ×     

   ,-' '   (



0 p uring a nurse-patient-interaction, Edna told the nurse that she has lost her job he nurse responds therapeutically by
saying one of the following:
× p         *%

 p     * 
 p $ $     

0V p Edna compliments her boss, but unconsciously dislikes him because her boss terminated her, she is therefore exhibiting
which of the following defense mechanism?
× p 


0Ô p rom the assessment data, one of the following nursing diagnosis was identified by the nurse:
× p   
 p c  
 p ×  .  ) 

00 p he termination phase of the NPR is best described in one of the following statements:
p (       

p $      

 /0' ' $ $ $         $         

×              & $ ×  c #  

0Πp Rica did not respond to drug treatment so EC was ordered Which of the following statements is true about EC:





0º p fter EC, Rica is fully awake, which of the following nursing interventions is most appropriate?
× p × $        

0è p he most common side effects of EC are which of the following?
× p & 

 p & 

   ,0' '       $       $   
   & $             $ 
  *     & $ .&1c& ×c× ×

0ÿ p fter taking haldol for three days, the nurse observed Rico to be restless and cannot sit still He is showing signs of which of
the following:
× p       c  
 p      ×   



     (    × $    



0 p pon admission, Mr amson says, ͞Why do I have to undergo all these tests? I am just tired and overworked ͟ he is using
which of the following defense mechanism:
× p        

0- p Which of the following is the nursing responsibility in administering anti-anxiety drug?
× p  

 p × 

    -0' ' $ 

$  $  

Πp Mrs Johnsons was given anxiolytic drugs Which of the following belongs to the said group of drugs
× p   
2  3     !2  !3
 p &  2&  3     × 

ŒV p  technique that enhances communication is suggesting collaboration, which is illustrated in which of the following:
× p      $ 
 p c   

 p     $    

ŒÔ p  patient is admitted in the Psychiatric unit, you noticed that the client after a long period of time is still repeating tapping
foot and drumming his fingers his is a:
× p  ( (      
 p ×        

Œ0 p  client is asked a question but is unable to continue answering the question because he is experiencing filling gaps of
memory which is:
× p c        

ŒŒ p  client was asked a simple question and answered in a very detailed way with exaggeration and over inclusion of data, this
× p           

Œº p he patient says: ͞Why are you not talking back to me?! I know you can hear what I͛m saying in my mind ͟ his is:
× p         


Ώ p Which of the following is not included in the assessment of sensorium and intellectual
× p &
 p        ××

Œÿ p he use of restraint and seclusion includes the following except:
× p c 
 p ×-'5  


Πp he following are criteria to decrease or end the use of restraint except:
× p         # !   
 p &  

Œ- p howing honesty and upholds truth:
× p #


º p oing no harm principle is:
× p 



ºV p eeping commitments and contracts:
× p 



ºÔ p  client comes to the crisis center in a very distressed state tells the nurse, ͞I just can͛t get over being fired last week I͛ve
asked for help, I͛ve talked to a lot of friends but nothing seems to work out Help me ͟ Which of the nurse anticipate using as
an initial crisis intervention:
× p  
 p       "   

º0 p he basis for therapeutic NPR begins with the nurse͛
× p 
 p ×

 p   $    
 p   $ 

ºŒ p Prevention of mental illness is best achieved by:
× p &     


 p ×  $  
 p &     
 p × 

ºº p  nurse specialist will most likely say that the optimal number of patients in a group therapy is
× p -    /
 p 60    4

ºè p Milieu therapy involves:
× p



ºÿ p Michelle, a º-yr-old girl was brought to the ER with second degree burn ccording to reud, Michelle is at what stage of
× p  
 p        c 

º p  Ô-yr-old girl belongs to which stage of development
6 p ×   + c 
  ,   / c  
× p 6,   6/    +,    +/

º- p he goal of crisis intervention is to:
×p ×  (         
p ×    $   
p ×  

p ×   $     

è p his phase of crisis is characterized by feelings of great anxiety and inability to perform 
×p  !      ×
p  !      

56 p      

 $ c .
×p       c'


èÔ p he nurse acts as a client advocate when she does which of the following:


p        $     

è0 p promoting good is:




èŒ p uring an interview, an newly widowed wife reveals the wish ͞to join my husband in heaven͟ fter the nurse aks the client
to sign a no-harm contract, which of the following statements would be most appropriate to say next
× p  $    (

 p &      
 p  $  
 $  $     

èº p  true crisis state involving a period of severe disorganization is difficult to endure emotionally and physically he nurse
recognizes that a client will only be able to tolerate being in crisis for which of the following lengths of time:
× p 6+$     6+'6/$ 
 p /5$     +/+5$ 

èè p nown as neuroleptic, psychic energizer and tranquilizer:
× p ×'

 p ×' (    ×' 

èÿ p n example of displacement is:
× p      


è p he defense mechanism in which emotional conflicts are expressed through motor, sensory or somatic disability:
× p 

è- p he following are contraindications to EC, except:
× p        
 p c 

ÿ p  technique that enhances communication is illustrated by which of the following statements:
× p $   $     $
 p           $   

ÿV p Which of the following techniques used is an example of giving broad opening
× p         $ $    
     $    $  

ÿÔ p he following are communication techniques that contribute to therapeutic relationship, except:
× p     
 p ×

7, p  nurse who uses nurturing activities such as bathing or feeding the patient, she is assuming the role of .
× p       $   

ÿŒ p Rina, a Ô0-year-old female was admitted to the Psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of chizophrenia s you approach her, she
says ͞If you come closer, I͛ll die because I know you͛ll hurt me ͟ his is an example of:
× p &

ÿº p Which of the following is the side effect associated with the use of anti-psychotic drug:
× p      
 p &   ×'

ÿè p Mr Johnson is placed on
ithium therapy Early signs of toxixity includes:
× p 0 -'+ -)8    0 -'6 -)8 
 p 6 -'+ -)8    6 -'+)8

ÿÿ p Mrs Johnson was scheduled for EC he most frequent complication of EC is:
× p 


ÿ p Which of the following is a major tranquilizer:
× p &  2&  3     !2  !3   × 
 p  &
2  3    ! 2#  3    × 

ÿ- p If help is not provided in a crisis situation, an individual may spontaneously resolve it negatively or positively by returning to
pre crisis state, usually within which of the following duration:
× p +',$    ,'/$    6'+$    /'-$ 

 p One morning, James says, ͞I don͛t like to eat ͟ he nurse asks him, ͞You don͛t like to eat?͟ his is:
× p *

V p he ff are components of mental health except:
× p  
 p × $

  $        ×

Ô p he following are possible causes of mental illness except:
× p 

    c $ 


0 p When planning teaching for patient who is receiving lithium for the past Ô weeks for treatment of bipolar disorder he nurse
understands that the patient needs to know that:
× p &  +8      
 p       $ 
 p ×  

Πp Which of the ff drugs will you provide protection against sun because of its side effect of glare:
× p ×'

 p ×' 
   ×' (

º p he ff hold true about lithium carbonate except:
× p    8   ××
 p ×

è p Which of the ff should a client taking MOI should avoid:
× p

ÿ p he client believes that the news on the tv pertains to him:
× p       &

 p Which of the ff is top priority in a client with restraint:
× p 60'6-    
 p ×$      


- p Repetition of actions:
× p c   

- p o which drug classification does Clozaril belong:
× p ×'

    )  !   ×    

-V p o which drug classification does kineton belong:
× p ×9

    )  !  ×'c       

-Ô p o which drug classification does ZO
O belong:
× p ×9

    )  !  ×'c       

-0 p o which drug classification does Mellaril belong:
× p ×9

    )  !  ×'c       

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