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10 ways technology is revolutionizing mental health care

The advancement of technology has created a highhad a significant impact on every

single industry. The major part of health technology industry focuses on physical illnesses and
diseases, but technology also hasve a direct effect on brain power as well. With the constant
development, technology has created solid influence on mental health care sector as well.

According to the latest research, the average amount spentd by a youngster on technology is at
least nine hours a day. HThe human brain is highly sensitive when it comes to stimulation. There
are different ways in which technology has been revolutionizing the brain powermental health
care of humans, some of which are discussed below:

Behavioral Development
There are a thousand number of mobile applications which caters to mental health. People use
these apps on a regular basis to record their daily activities.

For example,: aApps that provide complete details and calorie count of every food that you
take, aApps that will record how many glasses of water you consumed in the entire day, and etc.
There is even an app that can train you to not reach for comfort foods such as chocolate and
alcohol. These kind of apps are closely related to brain powerbrain power and helps people in
changing/developing their behavior.

Psychological Development
As the prevalence of mental disorders, depressions and other fears that directly triggers the
brain mind powerpower of human being, scientists have turned to technology as a tools to aid
their patients.

There are multiple sof-wares especially designed for patients with depression, anxiety, fears
and etc. For example, there is a sofware called Fear Fighter which helps people to diminish
their fears.

Besides that, there is highly popular sofware named as Avatar Therapy which is a new
approach to treat certain mental conditions. It is uniqueespecially designed for schizophrenia
patients and helps them in controlling the voices they hear and hallucinations they experience.

Trackers/Tracking Technology
There are different types of tracking features regardingin terms of technology. Trackers that are
RFID (Radio frequency identification) easily provides approximated information about the
location. While the GPS (Global Positioning System) works well with the satellite. GPS tracking
devices haves the ability to pin-point the exact location of the person or the item. People today
use thisese kind of apps to easily map their favorite destination or to track their parcel. Another
type of tracking is called as Geofencing. It is widely used in tracking devices for children. For
example, you set up a designated area in the app, if your child leaves the area the device will
automatically send distress signals. So, in this way parents, today now feel safe to send their
kids to various places, they can relax, knowing where their child isir brains are relaxed.

Training Applications
Technology plays a significant role in developing brain mind power. Today, there are millions of
YoutubeYouTube videos available that helps a person in many ways.

For example, if you are looking for training lectures on leadership; you will find top rated lecture
series. Similarly, if a person is not confident enough, there are various workshops available over
the work that assist a person in the most efficientective way.

Even if we talk about children and teenagers, there are problem- solving, critical thinking,
speaking, and other various kinds of applications available that will help them in boosting their
mental health care.

Social Development
With the advancement of technology, people today are becoming dramatically social which has
a positive impact on their mental health care. Today, even if somebody feels lonely and isolated,
there are various social media platforms where you can engage with new people and can make
a lot of friends.

Besides that, social media has given a platform where people can even showcase their hidden
talents without being judged. For example,: singing, photography, art/crafs, blogging and etc. It
helps in keeping people busy and engaged all the time. Even yYou can now openly voice your
opinion with the current trends with the help of Twitter.

Detailed Evaluation
Our brains have the power to think critically and analyze different things in the most curious
ways. Technology helps people in evaluating stuff, which is satisfying for the human brain

For example, if you want to purchase a smart phone, you can get a detailed analysis about it on
the internet which can be compared to other brands regardingin terms of prices, looks, storage,
available colors, camera, and other features.

From Manual to Automated

With the rapid revolution in technology, everything has become automated. This which saves a
lot of human time and energy. For example, if we talk about official work, from data collection
to data recording, from documentation to employee attendance, everything can be done in few
clicks. This has allowed human brain to work quickly, and saves energy for other work as well.

Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality commonly known as VR is the form of technology for a lifelike experience
grounded with science-fiction. Today, scientists use VR technology to treat medical patients who
haves different sort of disorders including depressions, phobias, autism, etc. It is also used as a
rehabilitation for patients. This is the most advanced kind of tool that helps your
brainpowerbrain to function and in balancing the mental health of people.

Easy Access
With smartphones and computers, you have an easy access to the internet. People are now
better at finding the information they need in just a few clicks. That is how it has a positive
impact on brain power. For example, you can find any book online to read, any song you want to
hear, any video you want to watch and etc. Today, technology has so taken over our brainpower
daily routine that we cannot imagine a life without it.

Memory Development
If we compare millennials with the previous generation, it is clear ly a yes that their IQ level and
brainpowerbrain power is much higher than the old generation. Why? Because of technological

Technology is changing the way we think. For example,: you have a meeting, set up an alarm for
that, want to know more about a person, stalk their social media account and etc.

So yes! Technology is doing wonders forto our brain power and mental health which is exciting,
and one must take full advantage of the technology available to make their lives convenient and
happy. Did we miss out on anything? Let us know in the comments below.

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