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Caiet de exerciţii Exercises for advanced students

fact which assured the ………of Homo sapiens and the ………of large amounts of social surplus.
The increasing dependence of agricultural productivity on the sun and manual labour had as result
the ………of two social aspects: a religion of sun ……… and a system of agricultural slave ………
Industrial ………provided the means by which industrial civilisation flourished. Its origins lay in
the natural sciences and the machinery of the industrial ………made this possible. New society
systems emerged, with the free ………of private business, comodity markets, parliamentary
democracy and labour ………. The monuments of the agricultural civilisation are the pyramids and
temples and those of the industrial civilisation are factories and skyscrapers. The information
civilisation depends on computer and communication ………, being thus invisible. Its products are
………symbols and images. It is global, it does not take into account soil or city, because it spreads
all over the world in ………form. It aims to the mutual understanding and ………thinking of
citizens overriding national interests and deepening different cultures.

9. Using the verbs to declare, to proclaim, to pronounce and to state, translate the following
sentences into English:
a. S.U.A. a declarat război Iugoslaviei.

b. Vă declar soţ şi soţie.

c. Vă rugăm să declaraţi tot ce ştiţi şi să nu ascundeţi nimic.

d. În urma numărării voturilor el a fost declarat preşedinte.

e. A fost declarat cel mai bun jucător al turneului.

f. Vom declara poziţia noastră presei după pronunţarea sentinţei.

g. Aveţi bunuri de declarat la vamă?

h. Mă declar cu totul împotriva acestei acţiuni.

i. Vreţi să faceţi o declaraţie acum sau după ce v-aţi consultat avocatul?

j. Faimoasa Declaraţie de Independenţă a Statelor Unite ale Americii a fost proclamată pe 4 iulie

10. Write down the nouns deriving from the following verbs:
believe; threaten; agree; suggest; express; refer, form, correct, intend, analyse, correspond, lose,
promiss, irritate, damage, inherit, decide, declare, insult, sustain.

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