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Sumanto (2010) explain if intestinal worms is another example of disease parasitic which is

starting to be ignored or Neglacted Tropical Research (NTD). Cases of infection by STH occur
due to ingestion of worm eggs soil or ingested active larvae which in soil through the skin (WHO,
2016). Umar (2008) said, disease intestinal worms that effect big in humans because affect intake
(intake), digestion (digestive), absorption (absorption), and food metabolism. As a result of
infection worms in the form of nutrient losses carbohydrates and protein (Umar, 2008). Another
problem caused is lack of blood, inhibit physical development, development mental, intellectual
decline, and decrease body immunity in children children (MOH RI, 2004). WHO (2016) reports
more of 2 billion people infected with the disease intestinal worms. According to the RI Ministry
of Health (2004), national prevalence of intestinal worms elementary school children in 2003 by
33%. In 2004, the prevalence of intestinal worms increases to 46.8% (RI Ministry of Health,
2006). In 2005, a survey of helminthiasis infection in elementary schools in several provinces
shows a prevalence of around 60% - 80% (RI Ministry of Health, 2005). Risk factors for causes
high prevalence of intestinal worms is the low level of personal sanitation (Healthy Clean Living
Behavior) and poor environmental sanitation (Umar, 2008). Behavior such as not washing hands
before eating and after bowel movements (BAB), do not maintain nail hygiene, behavior of eating
in just any place that has cleanliness uncontrolled, CHAPTER behavior is not in WC that causes
pollution land and environment by its faeces contains worm eggs, as well lack of availability of
water sources clean are some conditions as causes of intestinal worms (Astuty et al., 2012).

WHO (2011) says in in international conferences first health in 1986 (Ottawa Charter) explained
that there were nine prerequisites (pre requisites) which affect health, one of them is knowledge.
UN Development Agency or UNDP (2011) provides three indicators compiled human
development in the Human Development Index or Human Development Index viz knowledge,
health and economy. These three things are not just mutual related and influencing, but also
complement each other in forming the quality of human life (Notoatmodjo, 2012). Parent's level
of knowledge health problems can be influences behavior and level child health (Notoatmodjo,
2012). Faridan (2013) said that most intestinal worms occur in elementary school age children. Pg
it is caused by children at that age frequent ground contact. Most cases of intestinal worms
Ascariasis worms (Faridan, 2013). RI DEPKES (2006) states that elementary school age children
is the highest class is infected with worms whose transmission is through the ground. The purpose
of this study is to know the picture knowledge of intestinal worms (helminthiasis) of the guardians
of students at SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4 Mulyoagung, District Dau, Malang Regency, East Java.

METHOD This research is Descriptive research approach cross sectional. This research is used to
know the picture knowledge of intestinal worms (helminthiasis) of the guardians of students at
SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4 Mulyoagung, District Dau, Malang Regency, East Java. The study population
is all students guardians of SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4
Mulyoagung Dau District, Malang Regency, East Java a number of 685 people with ampels 253
with the taking sample using techniques proportional random sampling. In this study sample there
are inclusion and exclusion criteria used. Inclusion criteria are SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4 student
guardians Mulyoagung, Dau District, Malang Regency, East Java willing to be a respondent and
fill out the questionnaire by agreeing informed consent provided. Exclusion criteria are guardians
of SDN students 1, 2, 3, and 4 Mulyoagung, District Dau, Malang Regency, East Java who are not
willing to be respondents by not agreeing to be informed consent provided. The instrument in this
study using a questionnaire, for retrieve the primary data used in describing the level student
guardian knowledge of SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4 Mulyoagung, Dau, Kabuaten Malang, East Java.
Indicators which can be used to find out level of knowledge on health (illness and disease) include
(Notoatmodjo, 2012):

Cause of disease; 2) Disease risk factors; 3) Symptoms and signs of disease; 4) Pathophysiology
of disease; 5) Management of the disease; 6) Prevention of diseases (incl immunization).

DISCUSSION Causes of intestinal worms In questionnaire number 1, the percentage of

respondents' correct answers by 77%. These results illustrate that parents of SDN 1, 2, 3 and 4
students Mulyoagung has learned that mosquitoes are not intermediate animals spread of intestinal
worms. Causes of intestinal worms is an intestinal parasitic worm infection of intestinal Nematode
group (WHO, 2016). These intestinal parasitic worms include is roundworm (Ascaris
lumbricoides / roundworm), worms mine (Necator americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale /
hookworm), and whipworm (Trichuris trichiura) (Faridan, 2013). Worm Cause Worm disease can
penetrate the skin and into child's body or entering through intermediate animal. Animals like
mice, flies, and cockroaches are animals- animals that can become vectors worm disease.
According to Herdiman (2007), the three animals it can carry eggs infective worm. WHO (2006)
says that the STH transmission chain can influenced by vectors, namely insects especially flies.
Astuty et al (2012) add that it is very possible there are worm eggs in food through flies that alight
on that food, because of flies tend to alight on the environment which is the location of egg
development and worm larvae. Carrier animals these worm infective eggs usually have behaviors
that tend to make contact with feces humans and animals (Ginting, 2008). Human and animal
feces are the source of the spread of intestinal worms. Animals like rats and cockroaches are
animals with close behavior and habitat with the environment in which it exists human and animal
feces, so can be a vector of spread causes of intestinal worms (Herdiman, 2007). Both of these
animals also live close to the human environment and not rarely make direct contact with human
food and drinks (Ginting, 2008).

Risk factors for intestinal worms Environment sanitation In questionnaire number 6, the
percentage of respondents' correct answers by 72%. This illustrates that the guardian knowledge of
SDN 1 students, 2, 3 and 4 Mulyoagung is quite good by knowing that worm eggs not only in
poop only human. Case of spread intestinal worms can occur if supported by poor environmental
sanitation, like toilet facilities are not available or WC (Ginting, 2008). CHAPTER Behavior not
in the toilet and lack availability of clean water sources is several conditions as risk factors the
occurrence of intestinal worms (Astuty et al, 2012). So the behavior of the BAB in rivers and
gardens can worsen environmental sanitation conditions, with allow the spread of worm eggs
which is contaminated with impurities (Ginting, 2008). Defecation behavior is not in the toilet can
cause soil pollution and the environment by its faeces containing worm eggs is a condition which
supports the occurrence of disease intestinal worms (Astuty et al, 2012). The spread of
helminthiasis can be through contamination of soil with feces (human and animal) containing
worm eggs (Umar, 2008). The existence of clean water sources as daily water consumption must
also their eligibility is confirmed (Astuty et al., 2012). Good water is not smell, color, taste, and
wake up from animal waste that could have been bring about causes of disease like eggs and
worm larvae (Ginting, 2008).

Food and Beverage Sanitation In questionnaire number 7, the percentage of respondents' correct
answers by 33%. From these results can be it was concluded that 77% of student guardians SDN
1, 2, 3, and 4 Mulyoagung haven't knowing that vegetables are only washed can not eliminate all
the worms in it. Disease intestinal worms can occur when a person consume vegetables and fruit
without through the process of peeling, washing, and well cooked (Umar, 2008). Because
vegetables are only washed before consumed, lets still the presence of worm eggs or larvae on the
inside of vegetables, which can only turned off through the cooking process (Andarumi, 2010).
WHO (2011) says that habit of using fertilizer from animal waste on farmland vegetables, will
cause infection intestinal worms if the vegetable is not boiled (cooked).

Personal hygiene behavior In questionnaire number 5, the percentage of respondents' correct

answers by 49%. It is concluded that half of the guardians of students at SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4
Mulyoagung doesn't know yet that rest is not a risk factor worm disease. Umar (2008) say that
school-age child base is the age most susceptible worm disease. School age child the base has high
activity, so have more rest time a little (Astuty et al, 2012). Lack of the rest time is not a risk factor
for intestinal worms in children, but more on activities physical (play) tall children and less likely
to make contact with land (Faridan, 2013). If child have a personal hygiene behavior not good,
then the thing make children infected intestinal worms (Sumanto, 2010). In questionnaires number
8 and 9, the percentage of respondents' correct answers by 25%. This can be concluded that most
of the guardians of SDN students 1, 2, 3 and 4 Mulyoagung not yet knowing when the time is
right for children to wash their hands. Behavior hand washing is a risk factor from intestinal
worms (Umar, 2008). Contact with a soil contaminated with worm eggs, without accompanied by
hand washing behavior
before meals, after bowel movements, and after playing outside the house often be a way of
transmitting disease intestinal worms (Pasaribu, 2005). WHO (2014) provides instructions for
washing hands before eat and after leaving the house (playing outdoors) for prevention of
intestinal worms infection preferably using soap. Other risk factors besides hand washing is
through behavior maintain nail hygiene (Umar, 2008). Children have a tendency to contact with
contaminated soil with worm eggs allows the presence of worm eggs and larvae on the nails
(Pasaribu, 2005). In questionnaire number 10, the percentage of respondents' correct answers by
79%. This can be concluded that most of the guardians of SDN students 1, 2, 3, and 4
Mulyoagung had knowing that playing outside home without using footwear can be a risk factor
for being affected worm disease. Children have tendency to play outside house on an open ground
environment without using footwear, so susceptible to STH infection (Sumanto, 2010). RI
Ministry of Health (2008) explained that worms that live on the ground can penetrate the skin of

Climate and Weather In questionnaire number 11 and 12, the percentage of respondents' correct
answers by 37%. This can be concluded that most of the guardians of SDN students 1, 2, 3 and 4
Mulyoagung not yet knowing that the tropical climate and the rainy season can be a factor risk of
intestinal worms. According to Sumanto (2010), that intestinal worms are not easy transmitted
throughout the world and only easily transmitted to countries with tropical climate, due to worms
causes more intestinal worms found in humid and hot areas, or a tropical climate like Indonesia
and other tropical countries. Sembiring (2012) say that on the state which has no tropical climate,
eggs and worm larvae will be difficult to develop multiply. Increased prevalence intestinal worms
occur when the rainy season, where the rainfall is height followed by an increase in air
temperature and land, thus speeding up worm breeding process parasites (Sembiring, 2012).

Symptoms and Signs of Worms Symptoms of intestinal worms In questionnaire number 13 and
17, the percentage of respondents' correct answers by 41%. It is concluded that SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4
student guardians Some of Mulyoagung already knew symptoms of a child suffering from an
illness intestinal worms such as weak and lethargic, as well have physical conditions like a child
who suffering from malnutrition. Children who suffer helminthiasis is usually lethargic, no
passionate, and lacking concentration learning (Umar, 2008). That matter because people with
intestinal worms having anemia or condition blood deficiency (Sumanto, 2010). Anemia that
occurs due to worms in the intestines suck blood sufferers, so in condition which causes severe
deficiencies blood (Ginting, 2008). If seen from long-term impact, infection intestinal worms that
cause losses great for sufferers and families, like a weak and lethargic state (Herdiman, 2007).
Helminthiasis is diseases caused by worms with a high prevalence, no deadly but undermined
human body health so resulting in decreased nutritional conditions, and attacks children the most
elementary school age (Umar, 2008). On advanced conditions, intestinal infections cause a
condition in the form nutritional deficiencies, in the form of proteins and carbohydrates (RI
Ministry of Health, 2004).

Signs of intestinal worms In questionnaire number 14, 15, and 16, the percentage of correct
answers respondents by 45%. This can it was concluded that the guardians of students at SDN 1,
2, 3, and 4 Mulyoagung mostly do not know the sign in a child who suffering from intestinal
worms. Sembiring (2012) said that worm larvae in the lungs can through the walls of blood
vessels, then alveolar wall, enter the cavity alveoli, then up the trachea through the bronchioles
and bronchi, giving rise to stimulation to pharynx and stimulate sufferers experiencing a cough
that lasts long. This is in line with what said by Umar (2008) that symptoms of intestinal worms
infection that lasts a long time. Sumanto (2010) said that this worm sucks blood sufferers, so it can
cause anemia. Worm infection can cause blood loss slowly consequently sufferers experiencing a
condition of lack of blood red or anemia (MOH RI, 2004). These conditions cause children who
suffer from helminthiasis usually lethargic, not passionate, and lacking concentration of learning
(Umar, 2008). Pharyngeal infections cause cough lasts a long time (Sembiring, 2012) and
intestinal infections due to worms suck blood in the intestinal wall sufferers (Sumanto, 2010),
cause the child to experience temperature an increased body. So that on children suffering from
intestinal worms further, will experience a body temperature

Pathophysiology or Transmission of Disease Wormy In questionnaire number 3, the percentage of

respondents' correct answers by 63%. These results can be it was concluded that most of the
guardians SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4 students at Mulyoagung already know that worms and eggs worms
can enter the skin children. RI Ministry of Health (2008) explained that the entry process
earthworms can occur because of earthworms can penetrate the skin children when playing in the
open ground without using footwear. In the item number 2, 4 questionnaire, and 18, the percentage
of correct answers respondents by 48%. This can it was concluded that most of SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4
student guardians Mulyoagung doesn't know yet the mechanism of incoming worm eggs and
larvae into the respiratory organs, and sputum can contain eggs and larvae worm. Ginting (2008)
said that worm that penetrates the skin will enter the bloodstream, then head right heart, then to
the lungs, and multiply in the lungs last towards the small intestine as an adult. After eggs hatch in
the lungs, larvae worms will rise to immigrate back to the small intestine, where it is on this
condition sufferers will experience cough accompanied by bloody phlegm and sometimes contains
worm larvae that can live up to 8 days on condition moist (WHO, 2016). In questionnaire item
number 19, the percentage of respondents' correct answers by 54%. This result can be it was
concluded that the guardians of students at SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4 Mulyoagung mostly already know
that playing with children with intestinal worms no can be transmitted by intestinal worms. STH is
a transmitted disease through land that can be spread through animals, food and drink and poor
personal hygiene behavior (Umar, 2008).

Worm Disease Management Determination of Diagnosis In questionnaire number 20, the

percentage of respondents' correct answers by 34%. It is concluded that most of the guardians of
students at SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4 Mulyoagung tends not yet knowing that the laboratory test blood is
not a diagnostic technique worm disease. Sandjaja (2007) said if the diagnosis of intestinal worms
can be established by finding worm eggs and adult worms through feces. Pasaribu (2005) added if
the diagnosis intestinal worms can be enforced through qualitative inspection of worm eggs on
fresh stool preparations. Treatment In questionnaire number 21, the percentage of respondents'
correct answers by 50%. It is concluded that half of the guardians of students at SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4
Mulyoagung has partly been knowing that to get worming medicine at the pharmacy is not
required using a prescription from a doctor. Treatment of intestinal worms may vary depending on
type worms that cause disease (Sembiring, 2012). For medicine in the form Mebendazol, Pirantel
Pamoat, Levamisole, and Piperazine worm medicine in general can be purchased at various
pharmacies kinds of trademarks, but in cases Tapeworms require therapy with hard drug class that
can only be obtained by prescription from a doctor (BPOM RI, 2012). Hotez et al (2013) say that
Major Global Helminthic Desease Control Initiatives have a target of fulfilling the drug intestinal
worms in children in the form of albendazole and mebendazole in 2020.

Treatment In questionnaire number 21, the percentage of respondents' correct answers by 50%. It
is concluded that half of the guardians of students at SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4 Mulyoagung has partly
been knowing that to get worming medicine at the pharmacy is not required using a prescription
from a doctor. Treatment of intestinal worms may vary depending on type worms that cause
disease (Sembiring, 2012). For medicine in the form Mebendazol, Pirantel Pamoat, Levamisole,
and Piperazine worm medicine in general can be purchased at various pharmacies kinds of
trademarks, but in cases Tapeworms require therapy with hard drug class that can only be obtained
by prescription from a doctor (BPOM RI, 2012). Hotez et al (2013) say that Major Global
Helminthic Desease Control Initiatives have a target of fulfilling the drug intestinal worms in
children in the form of albendazole and mebendazole in 2020. Prevention of intestinal worms In
questionnaire number 22, the percentage of respondents' correct answers by 9%. This can be
concluded that there are only a few guardians of SDN 1 students, 2, 3, and 4 of the Mulyoagung
knowing that washing dishes eating can prevent contracting it worm disease.

CONCLUSION Based on the results and research discussion, then it can the conclusion is drawn
knowledge of intestinal worms (helminthiasis) of the guardians of students at SDN 1, 2, 3, and 4
Mulyoagung, District Dau, Malang Regency, East Java in general is lacking. This result obtained
from the average calculation results score of respondents that is equal to 45.81. The lowest range
of respondents' scores is 18 (correct 4) and the score is the most the height is 68 (correct 15), as
well as the score the most is 50 (correct 11) as many as 59 respondents. These results if seen based
on the level of knowledge respondents on the causal aspects intestinal worms, respondents have
pretty good knowledge, with the percentage of correct answers is equal to 58.7%, in the aspect of
disease risk factors worms, the respondent has less knowledge, by percentage correct answer of
46.3%, at aspects of symptoms and signs of disease worms, the respondent has less knowledge, by
percentage correct answer at 50.5%, at pathophysiological aspects or transmission intestinal
worms, respondents have pretty good knowledge, with the percentage of correct answers by 57%,
in the aspect of disease management Wormy respondent has less knowledge, by percentage correct
answer by 42%, and at prevention aspects of intestinal worms, respondents have knowledge less,
by the percentage of answers correct by 9%. SUGGESTION Need to do socialization and health
promotion to improve knowledge of intestinal worms Dau District, with a target especially to
parents who are have children under 12 years old. Then training needs to be done clean and
healthy life behavior for school children throughout the Dau District and supervision of behavior
support facilities clean and healthy life in elementary schools throughout Dau District.

Facilities need to be procured for wash hands with soap for washing hands in every class, school
canteen, and toilet. Then it needs to be done prohibition of hawker vendors from outside school to
sell in the neighborhood school and improve hygiene and food and beverage health which is sold
in the school canteen. Need to place students PBL community in Dau District, especially in the
village of Mulyoagung and collaborating with Puskesmas Dau in promotion good intestinal worms
health to parents and children alike elementary school in Dau District, Malang Regency, East Java.
Research is needed regarding the incidence of the disease intestinal worms especially in the
village Mulyoagung and generally in the District Dau REFERENCES Andarumi, A. 2010.

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