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Rate Of Change Of Frequency (ROCOF) Protection df/dt Working Principle | Electrical4u https://www.electrical4u.


Rate Of Change Of Frequency (ROCOF) Protection df/dt

Working Principle

Rate Of Change Of Frequency (ROCOF) Protection df/dt working Principle:

Rate Of Change Of Protec on is used for load shedding in situa ons where sudden loss of genera ng capacity on a
system will be accompanied by a decrease in system frequency. In such a situa on of load Genera on mismatch,
the system frequency tends to fall. The df/dt relay can control the circuit breakers and allow feeders to be

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disconnected from the network, one by one. As a defense mechanism, df/dt relays are par cularly effec
arres ng the frequency collapse of a grid in the event of sudden loss of major genera on. This is because by
measuring the frequency decay rate, the correc ve ac on can be ini ated much ahead of the me when frequency
of the synchronous interconnec on would have actually dipped to a point at which generator under-frequency
relays or unit auxiliaries would trip / operate leading to a complete system shutdown.

Principle of rate of change of frequency relay:

Whenever the load increases in the generator the frequency falls down. Consider two parallel generators (example
1MW, 1.5MW), both is running with the grid and the auxiliary load of the two generator is 1.1 MW. Here, if the grid
also failed and 1.5 MW generator also tripped. Therefore, all the auxiliary loads will fall on the single generator and
the generator frequency drops as the load increases. Here, The auxiliary loads should to be properly shedded to
avoid the tripping of the remaining generator. This ac on will be done by df/dt relays.

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Rate Of Change Of Frequency (ROCOF) Protection df/dt Working Principle | Electrical4u

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Rate Of Change Of Frequency (ROCOF) Protection df/dt Working Principle | Electrical4u

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Rate Of Change Of Frequency (ROCOF) Protection

The rate of change of frequency measurement is based on two successive frequency measurements and the
difference between the frequency measurements. The measured frequency value for df/dt calcula on is averaged
over three cycles. The accuracy of df/dt measurement depends on the accuracy of frequency measurements. This
frequency measurement is carried out through me measurement of a cycle ( me between two zero crossing).

Rate Of Change Of Frequency (ROCOF) Protec on ANSI code: 81R

Relay Acted:

ROCOF trips the field breaker for load shedding

Trips the 110kV Field breaker for single generator
In Annuncia on, df/dt Opted

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Rate Of Change Of Frequency (ROCOF) Protection df/dt Working Principle | Electrical4u

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