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Does anyone taking nexium for lpr have good results? I have been having this problem with something stuck in my throat and
they think it could be lpr!! It does not matter what I eat it seems to be always there!! I was a lite smoker but have quit!! once you are on nexium
were you able to eat what u want??? They say no caffine does that mean you can drink coffee decaf and soda with no caffine? I have been
taking prilosec for a week 2x a day seems to be helping some!! But just got a precp for nexium and help that would be great
Hey All
Well I am brand new to this board and have read a bit and like the help everyone offers, so I thought I would bite the bullet and ask my question.
I "think" I might have acid reflux or gerd/gord (Depending on where you live and how they spell it and I just wanted to ask if my symptoms sound
like it or something else?
- Not what I would call heartburn (Don't really know what that actually is) but a acid burning taste in the back of my throat that is there a lot of the
- Nausea - this is my biggest hate, never actually thrown up but I feel sick to the stomach very often most often as soon as I wake, get better by
lunch then worse sometimes later in the day - like today! Sometimes when I eat it makes me feel better for a while, but sometimes I just can't eat
anything so don't.
- A pressure at the very base of my neck, if you feel just above the circular part on your chest until you feel your windpipe - just there, it is a big
annoyance - I describe it as someone pushing their fist up into your throat or trying to.
- Burping, like I have just drank a can of fizzy really quick - this happens all day and at times when I burp it relieves the nausea but only for a
minute or so.
Apart from those, heaps of gurgling in the gut, bloating at times and windy sometimes - but going to the toilet is completely normal or the same as
So that is about me - I have been to my GP, had ultrasound of abdomen (Gallbladder, kidneys etc), have lots of stool samples checking for h
pylactor or some bug, parasites like giardia and blood present all have come back clear. I have been referred to a GI specialist but first available
appointment is in Jan 2011 - I want to be better before then ! I live in a smaller city and at the moment we only have two of the GI specialists
available - another city is a possibility though. I think I will need a scope down the throat to see what is going on and maybe other tests?
I have been prescribed the following
- Nexium 40mgs which I took up until a couple of days ago - no side effects but no effects at all - couple of days ago I got bad acid burn at the
back of the throat and all I was drinking was water all morning?
- Have since been switched onto Sozol, or Pantoprazole or Protonix once again depending on where you live, been on that 2 days which is not
long but feel like it might be helping a little ? Maybe it is placebo though - hope not !
- Motilium which is supposed to get your stomach to empty faster - was on that for about a week and noticed no difference was sick of taking 3
tablets of that a day so stopped did not see any improvement at all.
So I guess I would just like to know if all these symptoms sound like acid reflux to those of you who have it, is it common to not have "heartburn"
or pain associated with it and just nausea and acid in the back of the throat ?
Previous Info....
Earlier this year I was feeling sick in the stomach, went to the doc who suggested it might be IBS and gave me a couple of things none worked,
ended up at a naturopath who did a blood test for food intolerances and it came back with a few - cows milk was the main one - stopped eating
dairy and was good up until 2 months ago - So don't think it could be anything I am intolerant to unless that can change in months ?
Diet - After a lot of playing around I pretty much live on
Breakfast - Watermelon, puree apple and banana
Lunch - Either a wrap or a wholemeal sandwich, no butter just lettuce, chicken and carrot
Dinner - Chicken with vegetables or some sort of mixture like that.
Do eat a lot of lollies, sweets etc - like gummy bears etc.
32yo guy, 75kg's thin to medium build - don't drink but do smoke 10-12 a day of the mildest ones I can buy - not that that is still any good I know,
I know working on it !!
Any help is greatly appreciated !!!!
Thanks in advance
I took aspirin and have had a stomach ache all day today, even though the last time I took aspirin was last night. I am right in
thinking that I should be having toast and bananas and cooked chicken, what other foods would you recommend?
when will the pain completely clear up and when can I have normal food again?
any other remedies in the meantime?
I am considering asking my doctor about doing this. Other than the annoyance for 24 hours of having this thing on me, are there
any other downsides or recovery after doing this?
Also how accurate is this?
The PPI's don't seem to be helping and I have been on them for almost 2 1/2-3 months with no improvement, if anything some stuff has got
So I really want to know if this is truly LPR or something else causing it.
They never find anything that is a true tip off to LPR, vocal cords always look fine and stuff like Barium swallow was normal.
Hi all,
I'm a tad concerned on an event that took place today, hoping some people may have some answers for me.
I was having lunch at the pub, eaitng my steak when i felt a peice of meat had become lodged in my throat. I began choking to the point of feeling
light headed and eventually hurled it up. Feeling a bit shaken by it, i went to drink some water and found i would just hurl that also.
Well long story short, it turns out a peice of steak was lodged in my esophagus and i was able to bring it up in the emergency room of the
At the time i was more releived that it was gone, and i could drink water again. But i'm now curious as to the cause of something like this?
Could it be something as simple as not chewing my food correctly or could i have something more serious? I don't exactly want to wait for the
next time for it to happen to find out.
Thanks for your help
Edit: i've just been googling, now i'm worried i have cancer or something.
I have been suffering from LPR for the last 5 months, which im struggling to get under control im on 2 x 40mg losec which may
have helped a little I would like to try nexium but unfortunately cannot obtain in my country.
My biggest concern is my breathing, i feel as though im always gasping for breath even though my peak flow at 700 is normal and spirometry
tests were normal I do have very mild asthma though, but this seems to be unlike normal asthma symptoms as its there 24/7 and inhalers don't
help there is also a slight audible crackly wheeze that can be heard at night, I have been to an ENT who said its most likely bronchospasm as
there was no evidence of vcd. I'm really unsure as to his diagnoses..
Is this just maybe a sensation that will pass eventually? any ideas? appreciated as doctors won't take me seriously they just blow me off as
having hyperventilation syndrome which I know i don't have.
So let me start from the beginning of my experience and warn everybody of the dangers of Prilosec, Zantac, and other forms of
Proton Pump Inhibitors/Radintine.
First of all, I was born with a very rare syndrome called Poland syndrome. It comes with a wide WIDE variety of symptoms/deformities that
include a deformed right hand, missing pectoralis major, spina bifida (very minor), scoliosis, and abnormal gastrointestinal, renal, and liver
I believed a mild case of this syndrome which includes a smaller right hand, missing pectoralis major, very minor spina bifida and very minor
scoliosis. Other than these minor problems, I had NEVER EVER had a health problem in my entire life. I am/was a carefree college student with
little to no anxiety, drank roughly one night a week, and smoked pot every day. I also went to the gym 3 times a week and ran atleast a mile a
day (half of which was uphill).
Back in August I was driving from my home in Jacksonville, Florida to my college apartment in Tallahassee, Florida, which I had done dozens of
times before, when I felt my legs go completely numb. I could not even get out of my car and walk. I had to have my car towed back to
Tallahassee and I went immediately to my primary care physician in Tallahassee. He said my Sciatic nerve was swollen and my Spina Bifida
caused my legs to go numb so in order to get the swelling down, he prescribed me 500 mg Naproxen and sent me on my way.
Well after a few days of the Naproxen the swelling was completely gone but I had developed a horrid case of Gastritis. It was absolutely
unbearable. The pain radiated up from my stomach all the way to my esophagus and to my throat. I was looking desparately looking for a remedy
so I went back to the Doctor and he told me to go take over the counter Prilosec.
This is when my trouble really started.
After the first or second dose, my gastritis felt 100% better. I no longer had the burning pain in my stomach and esophagus. I took one 20 mg pill
per day. On day four I started to notice some soreness in the big veins of my legs that lead up to my crotch. I didn't think too much of it and just
iced them. On the fifth night I had the scariest reaction of my life. I began to feel my heart pounding out of control to a level I had never felt
before, all of the veins in my neck were protruding drastically, and I even felt so bad that I wrote a letter to my parents and girlfriend telling them I
loved them very much. I literally felt like I was going to explode.
After a sleepless night, I went to a local urgent care center and they were taken aback by my vitals. My blood pressure was 190/140 and my
pulse was 143. They did all sorts of test found I was low on Potassium. They gave me four giant pills of potassium and what seemed like gallons
of Ativan (Lorazepam) and my blood pressure came down to 160/110. After that they sent me on my way.
Thinking this was the end of it, I tried to resume my daily life but little did I know this was just the start of my health experience. For months after
(half of August, all of September, and most of October) I had a wide WIDE variety of super strange and super scary side effects. These
symptoms included continuous high blood pressure that worsened with exertion (ranged from 140/90-160/110), rapid pulse even with mild
exertion (ranged from 95 bpm while resting to 145 bpm with mild exertion like standing up quickly), bouts of sudden dizziness, debilitating joint
pain (especially in the knees), tingling sensations in my face, feet and hands, blurry vision, stool with whole food in it, eye floaters, heart
palpatations (feeling my heartbeat constantly), confusion (going into a room and completely forgetting why I went in there in the first place) and
constant shortness of breath. I was in and out of the hosptial constantly getting numerious blood test (CBC, CMP, Auto-Immune, Vitamin, Thyroid
and more I can't remember), CT scans (had full body scans with contrast multiple times), and EKGS. They all came back normal. These side
effects only ended about a month ago when I started taking St. John's Wort daily which has been clinically proven to remove Omerprazole
(Prilosec) from your system. My body must not have been able to process the Prilosec and I was literally overdosing on the Prilosec until the St.
Johns Wort expelded it from my system. This is when my heartburn began.
After the St. Johns Wort cleared the Prilosec out of my system, blood pressure began to normalize, the dizzy spells and confusing was gone, and
the blurry vision cleared up. Not all was good though, cause I began to have the most incredible bouts of heartburn I could ever imagine. I had
never had heartburn before in my life until this day, but I will forever remember what it is. After eating anything I would have horrid heartburn that
made me want to jump off a bridge. I couldn't eat boiled chicken breast without rithing in pain after. I did some research and found that long
treatments with Prilosec can cause Acid Reboud (acid overproduction) for months after ceasing treatment. I went to a Gastro Doctor and had an
Endoscopy about a week later. The Endoscopy found that I still had a bad case of Gastritis (inflammation of the Gastric Antrum). The Doctor
recommended I take Prilosec of Zantac!
I decided to try Zantac 75 to see if I could use a different medication to soothe the pain. I took two Zantac 75s for a couple of days and started to
notice some different crazy side effects. My eyes were constantly blood shot and itchy, my nose and throat were filled with an ever regenerating
supply of thick mucus, and my throat/airway was so swollen that I was having trouble breathing and swallowing food. The only thing that
alleviated these symptoms was Benadryl. What I concluded was that the H2 Blocker (Zantac) was blocking the histamine from my stomach and
that histamine circulated in my blood and collected in my face and throat. It was like having an alleric reaction after every single meal. Anything,
an apple, boiled chicken breast, or pizza, would feel like I had gotten stung by a hundred bees.
After a few weeks and after losing nearly 20 pounds, I began to be able to eat again and somewhat return back to normal. I couldn't do physical
exercise or smoke pot (I used to love both) but for the most part I could live a somewhat normal life compared to before.
This brings me to where I am today.
This past weekend (today is Wednesday the week after) my best friend was in town and I was feeling pretty good about myself so I decided to go
out and party with him this weekend. I drank very heavily (beer and hard liquor) both Friday and Saturday night for the first time in three months. I
also had sex with a girl Saturday night. She was on the pill and I used a condom.
By Sunday afternoon/evening I began to get a very sore throat that needed constant clearing. By Tuesday morning (yesterday) I began to see
streaks of blood in the mucus/sputum I was coughing up and by the afternoon I would occasionally see what seemed like a ball of blood in
otherwise clear phlegm. The phlegm isn't yellow or green which would suggest a bacterical/viral infection, and the blood is very minimal with an
occasional sphere of blood about the size of a pea. Take note this this is not very much blood at all and doesn't come up every time I clear my
throat, but mainly in the morning. I am also noticing some stomach pains that come and go throughout the day. It feels like a sharp pinch in my
stomach and isn't constant but does hurt. I have been checking my stool to make sure there is no blood (porferated ulcer) and everything in that
department seems fine. I have normal color stool, not even a tinge of blackness. I don't feel sick in the normal sense (no fever, no chills, no
sweating, no stuffy nose).
I went to back to the doctor tonight and they did a normal checkup and some chest xrays. I have 99% O2 saturation, my pulse was 85 and my
blood pressure (which I just measured again with my home monitor) is/was 127/83. He heard no crackling in my breathing and saw no fluid in my
lungs. He listened to my heartbeat and didn't hear anything worth notifying me of. He wouldn't even prescribe antibiotics. He thinks I just went too
hard this weekend and irritated my throat, esophagus and gastritis.
So what do you think?
Lemme recap my current symptoms
- Shortness of Breath (Worse when lying flat)
- Bloody Phlegm (Not much)
- Chest Tightness
- Off and On Stomach Pains
- Bloating
- Sore Throat
Right now I am sticking mainly to natural remedies with some exceptions. I am taking some Slippery Elm, Manuka Honey, and a good amount of
Thank you for reading and your help.
Has anyone heard of any side effects from using “Pariet” for acid reflux over a long period of time. I have been using it for 6-
7 years.
Thanks Craig
Hi fellow suffers! Although new to this forum, I am not new to Gerd, having suffered from it for over five years.
I am currently on Pariet, but have been on Nexum in the past. As are most of you, I want to get off the medications and have been doing some
I have read that taking Omega 7 can help a great deal towards this end.
Have any of you heard of this, or indeed, are you taking Omega 7?
As has happened to a lot of you, the symptoms seem to come and go, and there does not seem to be a pattern. If Omega 7 does work, it would
be wonderful to get off these drugs, before permanent damage occurs!!
Look forward to hearing from anyone.
Well, i've been gone from here for sometime. Off of ppi's for a tad over 3 months, thank goodness, that was an AWFUL time that
nearly killed me-being on them (given i obviously have a sensitive body). So, i am still seeing my expensive naturopathic dr. I am making
progress but its slooooooooooooow. I feel like crying this week. I can't believe i've now had SEVERE digestive problems for 1 1/2 years....but he
reminds me it took me a long time to get in this bad of shape, i was just too busy suppressing smptoms to notice. So, it turns out my thyroid and
hormones are way wacked, and that isn't easy to fix. As of right now i am tackling it purely from herbs and foods. My poor aunt just had that
radioactive thing done to her thyroid (irreversibe) and boy does she regret it. Anyone here have thyroid problems and major digestive problems?
I am up to 115 lbs...previously my 40 lbs loss had me in the 90's but most foods still hate me, my digestion is still just really struggling, which
could have alot to do with my thyroid ND says. I haven't seen a western Dr since March, i cannot believe how bad they let me get and how they
never found the problem, they just kept going after my gerd when i have so much other stuff going on, fibromyalgia, hypoglycemia,
hypothyroidism, etc., so i'm sticking to this for now. I am off of pureed foods but still get sore throats (mainly on left side) constantly and red
inflammation back there, has now been there 1 1/2 years, i am told not to focus on that but instead on healing b/c in time it will all come back,
some days thats easier said than done. Does anyone else have constant sore throat as part of their gerd? (even high doses of ppis and i still
had this) Take care everyone, wishing good health to you all
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