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Allied school Haroon abad

class: 4th Subject: science

Work sheet Ch: 2 The animal world
Answer these following questions.
DATE 23/3/2020 page no. 15

1. What is producers?

Answer. plants use sunlight to make their own energy. Plants are known as producers.

2. What is consumers?

Answer. animal get their energy directly from plants and other animals. They are known
as primary consumers.

DATE 24/3/2020 page no. 15

3. What is carnivores ?

Answer. carnivores are animals that only eat meat.

4. What is herbivores?

Answer. herbivores are animals that only eat plants.

5. What is omnivores?

Answer. omnivores are animals that eat both meat and plants.

DATE 25/3/2020 page no. 16 and 18

6. Why energy is important for animal`s survival ?

Answer. animal need energy so they can do all the things that they do.

7. How do animal obtain this energy?

Answer. animal get their energy from plants and other animal through food.

8. Why do animal need to adapt to their surrounding?

Answer. an adaptation is a way an animal body help it survive, or live, in its environment.

DATE 26/3/2020 page no. 21

Learning is Fun
Answer the questions.

1. Name three essentials of survival?

Answer. These are Water, energy, oxygen.

2. Can animals survive longer without food and with water?

Answer. animal can survive longer without food than without water.

3. Where does all energy come from?

Answer . All energy come from the sun.

DATE 27/3/2020

4. Arrange these parts of the food chain in the correct order:

I. secondary consumers

ii. primary consumers

iii. tertiary consumers

iv. producer

Answer. producer primary consumers secondary consumers

Tertiary consumers.

5. why is animal reproduction important?

Answer. reproduction is important process by which living things produce new living things.

DATE 30/3/2020

6. what are the two ways of reproduction in animals?

Answer . Sexual reproduction and Asexual reproduction.

7. what is mean by metamorphosis?

Answer . a organism change its appearance and body structure during different stages of its
life cycle. This process is called metamorphosis.

DATE 1/4/2020

Fill in the blanks

1. polar bears lives in a very ______ climate. Cold

2. land animals get their ________ from the air. Oxygen

3. Birds need _______ to fly. Energy

4. water is made up of _______ chemical. Two

DATE 2/4/2020

1. Plant is example of _____

a) primary consumers b) producers c) secondary consumers d) tertiary


2. animals take in _______ gas.

a) oxygen b) carbon dioxide c) nitrogen d) carbon monoxide

3. _______ use carbon dioxide to make their food through photosynthesis.

a) animals b) plants c) birds d) reptiles

unit 3 The plant world

DATE 3/4/2020

Q.1 write the four main parts of plant?

Ans. There are four main parts of plant: root, stem, leaf, and flower.

Q.2 what part does the leaf play in the growth of a plant?

Ans. Leaves are the place where food is produced.

Q.3 Define photosynthesis?

Ans. The system of producing food is called photosynthesis.

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