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CT Angio-Carotids

Overview Brief

Carotid arteries are the arteries in neck through which blood flows to head and face of a human
body. Carotid angiography is used to identify and measure the blockage in carotid arteries. This
test helps in determining the need of a surgery and predicting the risk of a future stroke to the

What is carotid angiography?

Carotid Angiography is a diagnostic imaging tool that involves inserting a catheter (a thin tube
made from medical grade materials) into a blood vessel in the arm or leg, and guiding it to the
carotid arteries with the help of a special x-ray machine. An Iodine rich dye is injected through
the catheter so that x-ray imaging of carotid arteries can be done. This method is widely used to
identify weakened and narrowed sections of arteries.

How is carotid angiography performed?

The patient is made to lie down and is helped with a mild sedative if needed to keep them stay
 Patient’s arm or leg is cleaned and the cleaned area is numbed with a local anesthetic.
 Once numbed, a thin, flexible tube, known as a catheter is inserted into an artery.
 Using an X-ray for guidance, the catheter is threaded through the artery and vein and
up to the carotid artery in the neck.
 Once the catheter is in place, a dye of iodine is injected through the catheter.
 The dye traverses blood vessels and X-ray images capture the degree of narrowing and
condition of plaque in those vessels.
Side effects/risks of carotid angiography

 There is always a slight risk of cancer due to excessive exposure to radiation.

 There is a slight risk of allergic reaction from x-ray contrast material.
 If a large amount of x-ray contrast material leaks out from the vein and spreads under
the skin where the IV is placed, it may damage the skin, blood vessels and nerves.

Preparation before performing carotid angiography

 Report of all the medications and allergies should be provided to the radiologist
 If the patient is pregnant or breast feeding, radiologist should be consulted if a contrast
material is used.
 Intake of anti-inflammatory medicines and blood thinners should be stopped for a
specific time before the test.

Post-care after carotid angiography

 Fluid intake should be increased for one or two days.

 Strenuous physical activities such as climbing, running etc. should be avoided for at least
12 hours.

For further information on carotid angiography, expert radiologists can be directly contacted on
mfine app.

Download the mfine app and consult radiologists online.


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