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As the Dictionary here presented to the Public is not the work of a single compiler, and he who planned
ithad not the satisfaction of completing it, it seems suitable to begin the Preface with an account of the
authorship of the work.
The work was commenced by Captain Molesworth, the chief compiler of the- Marathi*' and English
Dictionary, on the publication of thatwork in 1 <13 1 lie took Todd’s edition of Johnson, and transferred

its columns to the pages of several blank folios, omitting only words altogether obsolete or unsuitable.

With the English Dictionary thus arranged before him, he took up the Marathi and English Dictionary,
and went over its pages, transferring fhe words to the blank spaces opposite their corresponding terms
in English.
It may be hastily was all that was necessary to compile the present Diction-
supposed by some, that this

ary, arid that it was a work which a short time would suffice to complete hut art examination of the ren- ;

derings of Marallu words on the pages of the Marathi and English Dictionary, and a consideration of the
nature of the subject, would soon shew such a supposition to bo fallacious. The compilers of the Marathi
and English Dictionary generally gave explanatory and paraphrastic meanings, in preference to simple
synonymos, as being more likely to convey to the mind of the student the general power and rise of the
words rendered. In reversing the Dictionary, these paraphrastic renderings lmd, of course, to be converted
into simple terms; and the compilers had to seek out the English words which best answered assyrronymes
to the Marathi, that the latter might be placed beside them.
v The M. and E. Dictionary was most carefully examined, and the words of it transferred to the E. and
jsM. Dictionary, so far as the compilers found their corresponding places; but by this process little more,
probably, than a third of the words wero rendered ;
but these ranged, of course, from the beginning of A
to the end of Z.
While Captain Molesworth was engaged in reversing the MariitM and English Dictionary, the Writer of
this Preface rejoined him from England at the close of 1 832, and assisted him in his labors till the middle
ibf 1835; when the health of both was so impaired, that Captain Molesworth was under the necessity of
Proceeding to Europe, arid the Writer to intermit lexicographical labor. The work was thus suspended;
glut Captain Molesworth look the MS. with him, in the hope that restored health would speedily enable
nrim to resume it in Europe. This hope was not realized; and after some years had elapsed without
power to labor having returned, he sent out the MS. to the Writer. By the desire of the llon’ble the
Governor in Council of Bombay, the Writer took up the work toward the close of 1840, and has toiled at

it unremittingly till tho present time,


« Subsequently to the publication of the Matithl and English Dictionary, Captain Molesworth’s opinion of the relative merits of tfce
systems of Sir W. Jones and Dr. Gilchrist for expressing oriental sounds by Roman characters changed. Ho adopted in

v. ork^tho Jonesian system, and it has been preserved to the end.


/I E.

No one can more than the Writer, that Ho* whoso superior mind planned, and whoso master-hand
)mmenced,the work, was prevented by sickness from carrying it to completion. In taking up his work,
>ie Writer has endeavoured to follow him, but he readily acknowledges that it has
been hand passibus ce.
uis. He add that whatever be the merits of the work, they are mainly attributable to his friend, while

<;,s defects and blemishes must necessarily be chargeable chiefly to himself, from whose hands has it.

massed to the Press.

After this notice of its authorship, some account of the plan of the Dictionary will be deemed proper..

Herein it differs from all Lexicons and Dictionaries with which the Writer is acquainted. In all works
the kind that he has seen, words are arranged and rendered without any reference to the relation in which
they stand to one another, as words derived from a common origin, and as expressing the same quality

or action'under different aspects. Though every adjective must fiaveits noun, and every verb its verbal

nouns, participles, and participial adjectives, they are all, usually, rendered independently ami irrespeeth ely.

Sweetness must he the quality or property of the adjective sweet, and as many meanings as belong to

the adjective, so many should the noun possess. Again, if wc take a verb, say To Beal the participial
nouns beating and healer, the participle beaten, and the participial adjective beating, must necessarily re-

fer to the verb with"which they arc connected, and from which they are formed and were languages :

framed and spoken by philosophical rules, the relation would he sustained and carried out in all the mean-
ings of every relative word. The preservation and exhibition of the connection hero spoken of, between
the different parts of speech embracing the same word, is the first* feattfre of the plan of this Dictionary.

This plan, besides the benefit of showing the relation of the parts of speech to one another, possesses the
advantage ofsaving space, as it obviates the necessity of repeating the explanations of the several mean,
ings. if the*different meanings of an adjective he explained and numbered, all that is required under Us
noun a reference, by the numbers, to the several meanings of the adjective. For example, the adjective

Conformable has three meanings given to it in this Dictionary, viz. 1. resembling; 2. agreeable , congru-
ous; 3. compliant, obsequious. According to the plan of this work, the noun Conformableness or Con-
formity's not explained as 1 . resemblance 2. congruousness, and 3. obsequiousness; but a reference
is made
to the adjective Conformable. Thus Conformableness, v. A. I. (vide the adjective in its first meaning)
means, of course, resemblance: the next figure 2. refers to the second meaning of Conform able, and
agreeahleness congruousness; the last figure 3. refers to the third meaning of Conformable, and means

compliancy, obsequiousness. In the same way, the adverb Conformably is referred by tho figures 1. 2. 3.
to the three meanings of the adjective Conformable, and is rendered in accordance with them. For an-
other illustration, turn to the verb To Appoint, in this work it has three meanings, which are fully ex- :

plained and numbered. It was not necessary, therefore, under tho noun Appointment, to ropeat these
meanings, and say the act of establishing, the act of ordering or the state of being ordered, &c. but reference
is made, by figures, to the several meanings of the verb; and the noun, as corresponding with them, is ren-

dered. The word Appointment, however, has meanings which have no relation to the verb, To Appoint;
these are therefore distinguished by a different kind of figure, and arc numbered l. II, III. The same rule
has been applied to the other parts of speech, as will be seen by a reference to Appointed and Appointee*,
In short, all words which stand in relation to another primary or leading word, are referred to that word,
and to its several meanings, by the figures which number those meanings ; other meanings of subordi-
nate wdrds, which have no relation to the leading word, are numbered so as to point out that no relation
exists. In cases where the relation between the different parts of speech is not carried out in practice, no
attempt has been maderto force it by giving renderings.
Another feature of the plan is the endeavour to combine copiousness with compendiousness. Tho attain-

!j>mfent of this object has been sought by the use of a system of classification and i eference. Instead of giv-
PUEr.-.ClI. O

j n(T word every Marathi word that would answer to it, the most comprehensive and
ulH ] cr every English
seleclcd, and under it have been given all the
general word of a number ofEnglHi s\ nonynieS has been
Marathi words that express the comprehensive and general meaning while
under the other synonymes,

which best express the shade of meaning ot the parti-

only a few renderings have been given ( viz. those
cular word ), and a loferenco has been made from
each of these synonymes to the comprehensive word
under the verbs To Abandon, To Re-
under which the general collection of renderings is given. Thus,
up, which is the most com-
nounce, To Resign, To Relinquish, a reference is made to the verb To Give
renderings of the general
prehensive of its class Under To Give up, therefore, the student will find all the
it, lie will see only a few of such
sense collected; while under the verbs from which a reference is made to
o Abet, ] o Aid,
renderings as were deemed most suitable for them. In the same way, under
the verbs I

To Assist, &e. reference is made to the verb To Help and under the verbs To Demolish, o Raze,

To Devastate, &c. &c. a reference is made to the verb i o Destroy. Again, under the adjective Just,
arc collected the general renderings of U bright,
Equitable, Hon fst, Fair, Lc.; and from these words,
comprehensive word. The same
which all have their particular renderings, a refeienco is made to ibis
rule has been followed with nouns
and adverbs.
are many words and combinations in every language of lax phraseology and ofheentious
similarly free combinations and
which, to he rightly rendered in another language, must be rendered by
formations, which, though they would
phrases. The Marathi abounds with colloquialisms and licentious
English words, and given as renderings of them, may he very
be out of place if put by the side "of sober
advantageously collected and given to the student, with a notice of their quality, under the English words
that best express their general meaning. Such words and phrases have been thus collected and given
in this work. A knowledge of them, and power to use them, will greatly facilitate an idiomatic acquain-
tance with the language. If the Reader and examine the verbs To Die, To Defeat, To I)e-
will turn to,

emvK, To Contemn, To Eat, To Humble, To Prate, To Scold ; the nouns Bachelor, Black-guard,
Disgrace, Deceit, Contempt, Height, Glory; the adjectives Clever, Larue, Mischievous, Pas-
sionate, Pitiful, Proud, Rich the adverbs Impetuously, Smartly; and the participle Exhausted,

he will have a better apprehension of this part of the plan of the work than pages of explanation would
give. The Reader may turn to and study also the words To Beat, To Confound, To Kill, To Labor,
work with respect to Verbs; to the words Effort, Exuberance,
as further illustrating the plan of the
Family, Fright, Hypocrite, Incendiary, Ingrate, Madcap, Miser, Nature, Pot, Poverty, Vessel,
Woman, World, as illustrating it with respect to nouns and to Cowardly, Impetuous, Excessive,

Fierce, Fat, Infinite, as further illustrations of adjectives.

It has been also an object with the compilers of this Dictionary to communicate to the student miscel-

laneous useful information connected with the words rendered. The words Address, Brahman, Bride,
Marriage, Maxim, Meal, Measure, Mendicant, Music, Name, Nature, Obeisance, Observance,
Ocean, Officer, Bite, Scripture, may be referred to us examples.

The student may perhaps observe tlmt the plan of the work has not been sustained and carried out in
all its points with perfect uniformity through the hook. To expect it, would be to expect loo much, even
under the most favorable circumstances; for in a work carried on through a course of years, inadvertence
will overtake the most vigilant, and weariness will, at times, oppress the most energetic. 'Phis work,

moreover, has laboured under its own peculiar disadvantages and difficulties, it has not been the work
of one man, nor the product of the joint labor pftwo, hut it has been partly one anil partly the other. The
plan originally drawn out was that of a complete Thesaurus ; but he who drew it out, and commenced
filling it up, soon found that if would require more years than he could hope to give to it. fie therefore
4 t'»i Si' ACE.

proceeded to contract his plan. Ere long his health began to fail, and under the combined influence of
sickness, and the fear that failure of health would involve failure of the work, he made still greater con-
tractions, and deviated considerably from the course on which he had entered. Feeling that a work un-
equal in its parts was still better than no work at all, he expunged page after page of the folios he had
drawn out, in the hope of getting to the end ere disabled by sickness; but in vain. A considerable part
of the labor of the Writer of this Preface has been that of restoring the proportions of the work, bv retra-
cing the plan and re-entering what had been expunged. Under these circumstances, lie hopes that the
student’s feeling will be that of contentment with what is presented to him, rather than of dissatisfaction
that he has not all that he desires.
The Writer of this Preface made notes, during the progress of his labor at the Dictionary, of various
points of resemblance and dissimilarity between the English and Martithi languages; but as he foresaw
that to connect and amplify them would occupy considerable time, and would delay the publication of the
work, he requested his friend the Rev. Dr. Stevenson, whose philological researches are so well know n,
to favor him with a dissertation on this interesting subject. Dr. Stevenson has kindly complied with the
request made to him; and the Writer has the great satisfaction of prefixing to the Dictionary the paper
which his learned friend has prepared. As the student will doubtless give it a careful perusal, a reference
to it will supply the place of many observations tha“t would otherwise bo required, and will obviate the ne-
cessity of extending this preface, which may now be concluded with some miscellaneous remarks.
The inexperienced student is cautioned against supposing that this Dictionary will enable one who is
ignorant of Marathi to compose correctly in that language. The object of awork of this kind is not to
' supersede a diligent study of the language, but to facilitate it, and to assist him who has acquired the lan-
guage, by presenting to him a number of words from which he may select the particular one that he wants,
thus saving him time and trouble. Many words will be found clubbed together, because of their having the
same general meaning, and everyone rendering the English word under which they are collected in ^ome
aspect or other; but unless the student knows their particular implications and aspects, he will run the risk
of using a word which conveys a different shade of meaning from that which he wishes to express. Where
the student is ignorant of the power of a particular word, it will be wise for him to verify it before he uses it.
The compiler of this Dictionary had in view the Native student of English, as well as the European stu-
dent of Marathi. It has been specially for the former that the English leading words have been so gene-
rally explained. The utility of this explanation to Nati ve students of English, was not so clearly appre-
hended when the early part of the work was sent to the Press as it afterwards became, which will account
for the explanations being few at the beginning of the work. The names of fruits, flowers, animals, and
substances, which are not known to the Marathis and which, therefore, have no corresponding terms in
Marathi, have been omitted.
There are several points of Marathi Orthography
which have not yet been settled by grammarians ami
writers. And as in the course of the work, the mind of the compiler has sometimes inclined to one form, and
at other times to another, variations will appear. One of the points yet unsettled is, whether the final long
vowel of a word, whether adjective or noun, should be shortened in a word formed or derived from it, or
framed by the combination of it with another word. As, for instance, whether or sFTrSR'UlT,
or ^friT'UTT, qroSiw or jnfoTJiT, or srCf, *rrjfR4fr or <?RRrrr or qyoRrff, ersr-

3 H
or ertror, or srftRfrreF, or str^stecT, strait orfsprerr* &c. &e. are right. Both

forms are in common ^iso, and both will occasionally be found in this work. But the mode now approved
of by the Writer, and which has been generally followed by him, is to shorten the vowel of words which
end with a consonant, but to keep it long in others. He therefore prefers STrfgRcptrr,
feclW, to gr^rTW, ^qpran'tT’UTr, ^qFSTcrqFrr, &c. He also prefers to 3rt*Pf. In cases of

compounds, he prefers the final vowel of the first word being shortened, and therefore would use Jp?FT,

jTTfiR^Tcr, srfjRCTRT, &c. rather than 'FT553TIT, sPTTTOcT, &c.

Many words that are given as renderings of English nouns of agency are properly speaking adjectives,
and require a noun to be understood though not expressed. The English nouns Singer, fater, goer,
ponent, beggar, &c. are rendered by JTFTITr, ^roTRT, srmrr, fifcror, &c. but these are all adjec-

tives. uuiUT requires some such word as *rr°TW to be understood, and means a singing man or person. HT-

urrCf means a'female singer, and requires qprsFf, wr, or some such
word, to be understood. At first, tlm
the ground of
sign of the masculine gender was affixed to these forms; it was subsequently omitted on
The student will hear in mind, however, that where no sign of gender is given, the
their being adjectives.
masculine form is that which is presented to him.
Feminine formations have not usually been given, but it has been left to the student to make them for

himself. There is much greater regularity in the construction of feminine formations in

Marathi than in

English. In English we have shepherd-shepherdess , author-authoress, poet-poetess, hut we have

not singer
singer ess, garde ner-ga rde n ercss curpcnter-carprnleress, sairijer-sme/jn ess, tai/or-tuiloress, J mer-

ess, &.c. we have workman-workwoman, shopman-shrjurovian, and a lew more ‘like them, hut wo
cannot form them adhbi turn as may be done in Marathi. The Marathas have irqf-nqFT, RT55T nrar'T, W-
crrt-^ifFr, fw-r%fpr, ^rerr-TjcTitm

5rrsrr-^rw r, srer-ufru-, &.c. ;i

Indeed, following their rule, the Marathas have formed ruTtrr from soldier, and apply the word not only
to a soldier’s wife or a female soldier, but to European womcn-scrvants generally. 'I he
feminine forms

usually express both afemale agent and the wife of the masculine agent as for example, tqr^FT is either a

woman who does gardening work, or simply a gardener’s wife, or a woman of the gardener-caste. An ex-
ception to this rule may be given in the word which according to the rule should mean a female
farmer or a’Kunbiwoman, but a Kunbi’s wife or daughter would bo very angry at being called a^or?r r,

which word is now restricted to a domestic female slave. There arc some casesof nice distinction between
the wife of a person and a woman of his caste, as in the case of the words 5T5T, sTFnw, grqreqw, &c. the

form for a Shudrd’s wife being ?T5Cr, and for a female Shudra (a woman of the Shudra caste) being 5TST
also in the case of aqTxrP^f or a spiritual teacher, for a woman who teaches is arn^TWr, while a teacher’s wife is

arr^r^rKr. This nice distinction, however ,is not attended to in Mardthi. High Sanscrit words are often
used in Marathi by learned speakers, who, of course, generally employ the Sanscrit terminations for the
feminine form when required hut with respect to Sanscrit words that are in general use in Marathi, the

common Mardthi feminine formations are usually affixed to them, though they who atFoct to be classical,
may and do give the Sanscrit formations. For instance, the feminine formations of the w ords crRpqrCr,

qsfr, finerfr, &c. will generally be qPcrqr^H, ^faq# ! Pftr4H, &c. though speakers will be found to say

trfcrqrf^, trftfqr&ofi*, frcrfipfr, &c. Such Sanscrit words as qrtfr^r, trftqsff, Pnchft, qr^Tfr, &c. &c will of-
ten be used without any change for the feminine form, as mr *rrfr nrfrffrfr W, <fr *rnq-qr asTWT] &c.
Another point to bo noticed is the use of the Anuswdr. The number of words with which the use of it

is optional, is very great. It may bo mentioned as a general rule that Brdhmans more frequently use it
than the other classes, and, again, that the Brahmans of the Konkaa make more use of it than those above
the Ghauts. In the preparation of this work, it has sometimes been used and sometimes omitted,, even in
the case of thosame words occurring in different places. Had the printing been delayed'till the compila-
tion of the work was completed, these minor variations might have been corrected as the sheets were sent
to the Press. But the Public wanted the work, and it was thought a less evil to let a few inadertont vari-
ations go without correction than to keep back the book. One or two variations indeed have been design-

eelly made since the work entered the Press, because they seemed iniptovnncnts, and the desire of im-
provement was stronger than the desire of uniformity.
Sanscrit words ending in that have come into general use, have also a Marathi form ;
as xHpj; for
xRo3 for xfq??, 3r?To5 for ^r^Tc?r, &.c. In combination with Maratln words the Marathi form is of
course to be used, as |rt^rr (?fc is so common that its Sanscrit origin is here lost sight of )

'TFiTxfr xrq'o?, &c.; but in combination with Sanscrit words by Sanscrit rules, the Sanscrit form must
always be used, as |n^rer?*T, ^cf^rn^r, &c. To Sanscrit words that have
become common in Mardthi, the Marathi affixes and qrnr are generally attached to make abstract
nouns. The abstract nouns formed by the affixes rt and are usually above common colloquial speech.

With respect to these affixes TT and gm, ?? and rff, it may be here mentioned that usually only one is giv-
en, but the student must understand that the other may always bo used with equal propriety.
It may be thought by some that this Dictionary is overstocked with high Sanscrit, and deficient
in com-
mon Marathi words; but hoped that a close examination of the work will show this to be a misapprehen-
it is

sion. It is only with respect to words from which a reference is made to a leading word, that such a thought
can suggest itself; but the intelligent student will observe that in their case <m &c. supplies the p/arc of
six or eight renderings. Look, for an example, at the participle accomplished in its first meaning ; there
arc only three common Marathi words given, viz srqWr, and TT-TT^r, but the v. V. j. refers
the Student to the verb, To Accomplish, and the &c. which follows tire three common Marathi render-
ings given, stands for warWr, ^rfs'wr, wqrWr, istreerar, sr^^^Pnrr^rsir, &e. & c.
&c. which the student is left to form for himself from the common Marathi verbs given under To Accom-
plish. These are all formed by a rule of Marathi grammar, and may therefore be omitted to save space;
but the Sanscrit participles which follow (qrrr?T, trqrfqpT, ffrfaw, i%g-, tfqritjcr,, &c. &c.
are not formed
by a rule with which the student can be assumed to be acquainted, and they, therefore, must be given at

length. In the same way, under a noun referred to an adjective, the &c. whiclif follows a noun formed by
affixing wr, indicates that the student may affix qijr and ’F’T to all the pure Marathi adjectives which he
findsunder the leading word to which he is referred. The same rule holds in the case of verbal nouns an ;

&c. following a noun, intimates to the student that he can form others from the words under the leading verb
to which he is referred.
Very many adjectives will be found, in this Dictionary, formed by affixing the possessive sign =gr to

nouns, as qn'fTRT, 3WtlTTrr, tMr^rr, »roarar, arrtffiFtor, &c - ’• o. useful, <tffbttiom‘e, diligent , &c. &c.
They apply both to persons and to things, hut especially to the latter ;
trrtfri)' ot-W^ well renders af-

fectionate speech, hut or ffl'TO is not so good asqitcrioS JTPJrff as a rendering for an affection-
ate man.
With respect to the phrases that are given in such abundance, the inexperienced student is cautioned
against supposing that he may use them with, out a previous knowledge of their implication, or that they
supersede the usual formations. Phi uses are given, because they are very useful to him whose knowledge
of the language enables him to use them correctly, and because if not inserted they might not otherwise
be known.
If tbq student should look for some English word and cannot find if, lot him turn to one of its syno-
nymes. If it should be one of the numerous verbs in English that are formed with an adverb, as To give
forth ,
to give out, &c let him turn to its simple synonymous verb, as for instance, to the verb To publish
for the abovemeutioned adverbial verbs. Some verbs that begin with en, but which are not common
under it, will be formed under their more common form without the en, as To Shield for Enshiold, To

Kindle for Enkindle, To Link for Enlink, &c. If a word be looked for in vain under some privative pre-
fix, let it be sought under another ; under un, for instance, if not found under in, and vice versa.
The participle ending in “ ing,” is given in this work in its adjectival, not in its verbal sense. Sing-
ing, for instance, is rendered as equivalent to singer, 1. e. a singing person, not in its verbal sense, as “ he is
singing .” The participle is therefore marked p. a. or participial adjective.
The general style in which this work has been printed is excellent, but, owing to causes which it is not
necessary to detaif, there are several errata, for which indulgence is craved. *
This Preface is now brought to a conclusion with a repetition of the writer’s great regret that the Public
has which it would have had, if his able friend who planned and commenced the Dictionary,
lost the benefit

had been able to carry it on to completion. lie has done his best to supply his friend’s place, and to produce
a work that may be worthy of the approbation of the Public, lie gratefully acknowledges the goodness
of God, who has enabled him to persevere in his toil, notwithstanding many hinderances and much bodily
weakness, and has permitted him to finish the work. Ho supplicates II is blessing on it, that it may be in-
strumental in the diffusion of Truth, scientific, historical, moral, and religious, through the countries in
which the Maratlu language is spoken.
Superintendent Poona College..
Poona ; September, 18 17 -

‘ It luis not been thought necessary to give a sheet of errata, which is seldom attended to, but the writer would here mention that
the phrase “ Death unprepared for or unexpected, arts? *TfCTf #far W-m',' which is given in page 176 under Death, is
is wrong. It should bo “ Narrow escape from death.” For the correction of this error lie is indebted to the late Bal Gungadhur Shas-
troe, who pointed it out in a nolo eulogistic of the work. The author is not aware of there being another such an error in the whole
advantage a dirtKiin.ry. rendering (.lie words of out* 1 mgunge into another, if. is requisite that tbe genius of the
1 ‘i o coiiMiii v,'itii

points of agreement and disagreement he present, to the mind, livery language

Uvo hiigii'u-Ts should have been studied, and that, their

has worus no exactly corresponding terms will he found in any oth *r, and thu idiom of a language mud, be understood, as
for winch

well as its voeabuLirv learned. 'Hie English and Marathi languages have soma remarkable point, s of coincidence, and oilier as remark-
On the former we need not dwell, as they will readily suggest themselves to "'the student as lie advances in
able points of difference.
the knowledge of the language ;
of the latter we shall treat somewhat more diffusely.
2. In reference to points of similarity we may remark generally, that neither the English nor Marathi has any claim to the character
of au original language. Thu former can bo traced back to the Anglo-Saxon mid Norman French, as its two fundamental elements,
though it has also in modern times received copious additions ironci the Tjatin ami Greek, as well as from other sources, ihe latfcoi , in

like maimer, is a language formed from the ancient. Miigadhi, the spoken tongue of the ruling powers in India for many centuries, with
a copious admixture of an old Aboriginal tongue of the Tamil, or Indian Peninsular family. In modern times many additions from the
Sanscrit and I lindostaui have also beerf made to it, so as to give the language a character for force and copiousness
purchased at the ex-

pense of simplicity, exactly that which the English boars among the languages of modern Europe. The introduction through the Ma~
gaillii of most of the Sanscrit vocables, that exist in a more or less modified form in the Marathi, requires a passing remark, as it is a
subject which has scarceiv been noticed either by natives or Europeans. I he word Pracrit, is a term employed by' Brahmans in

Maharashtra to designate, sometimes any Indian language which is not Sanscrit, sometimes any of the old formations from

the Sanscrit, which are now only to be found in Books, but which were probably once the spoken languages of the coun-
try. One of these ancient languages is called Miigadhi from the region of Magadhi or Bernr, which in ancient times would
seem to have had a much more extensive territory than it at present possesses, and to have comprehended a considerable
portion of Maharashtra. The sovereign of Mngadli was considered a SamriU, a Universal Monarch or Emporor, and hence the
Magadhi was the dialect spoken at the Imperial Court. The only compositions now to be found in this dialect of Pracrit,
are portions of some plays in the Hindu Drama, but the Kalpa Sutra, a Jain work, composed probably about the fifth century

,of our ora, is written in a modified Miigadhi, which nevertheless contains most of the csscutial attributes of the dialect, as laid

down by the Grammarian Vm-aruchi. It is from this language then, that the modern Marathi through various changes has been derived.
One of the peculiarities oflhe Ancient Miigadhi, which can still be traced in the Marathi, is the change of IT into g in deriving words from

the Sanscrit , thus, the Miigadhi for tMTI, is mr. This very word is still retained in Marathi, although a modified and degraded

sense, the dignified changed into Cr?, in the compound word ffrTOf ,
form being *, it is also the name of a copper coin struck by

the great Sivaji. On the same principle the word rji, mustard, is corrupted from ufeOT. Notwithstanding it is more common in
modern Marathi to follow the common Pracrit law, and change g to 3f ; as in a yoke from glT, also wTfMT from See. Other
peculiarities of the Magadhi are the use of 3T for «f, of or for =r, and generally of the cerebral letters for the dental. Now these are

all peculiarities also of the Marathi. Before the Palatine vowels f and g, the FT is almost always changed to Stf thus, the Marathas say 5

3)trr for ftir and though in this word the substitution is reckoned vulgar, yet SKT, salines.i, is the proper substitute for the Sanscrit

tfe? ; also Blirr a boundary becomes r%R, and the Ilindostdni tpral from the Sanscrit the name of tho China rose, becomes in
Mar&thf iftnft, Again graft water, is the corruption of the Sanscrit s iris a knot, of ; M°ft « voice, of t#T a bite, of;

5f5J ; hypocrisy ,o( frr. That rather puzzling form of the verb used in old Mardthi books as a present and future tense, and in
tjie modern dialect as a past habitual, is derived from the Magadhi'; thus
3^, comes from 3iTr, the Magadhi for SRTfR he mules, ami is
thus properly a present tens#. The use of the present for the future needs no explanation but it may be asked, how can a
; present
tense express a past habitual act ? In order to understand this we must bear in mind that such an act or rather senes of
acts, is partly
present as well as past, and may even in English be expressed *by the present tense. Thus, “ he wiites in the Collector’s office,” ex-
presses past as well as present agency the meaning is not only that the person referred
; to, writes at the present time, but that he has
done so for days, or weeks, or even years past ; and there is no essential difference in the
sense of tins phrase fiom what would have
been conveyed by .the words, “He lias been for some time a writer in the Collector’s office.”
In the latter instance the verb, though
in the past tense, implies also present time and in the former, though in the present,
; it implies also past time*. The tense in question
is a great acquisition to the Marathi language, enabling us to express by
the addition of a single syllable to the roo‘t, all that done
is in
English by the periphrasis, “ He was in the habit of,” “ he used,” or “he was wont.”In the thirteenth centuiy of our oia, the
language of Maharashtra was no longer Magadhi, but a dialect between that and the present- spoken tongue,
of which we have a good
specimen m
Dnanoba’s Commentary on the Bhagavat Gita, and other works.
In the works of Tuka Ram, who nourished about, two
hundred years ago, the language is still farmer modified, approaching considerally
nearer to the spoken Marathi. At last we in
the various Bakliars (Chronicles) of the transactions of the Ma.athi kings and
loaders, a language which differs fi„m the modern
only by the introduction of a profusion of Arabic, Persian, and other foreign
words, which the Mussulman rule and connection
rendered current in the Deccan.
3. There » a remarkable similarity also in the general structure of
the English and Marathi languages, the nouns homo
intWfp/l Kxr YT * ° ° in boll,
chiefly inflected by Farticles«of
P'lvft/aloc, T>
the nature of Prepositions, 1 .1
and the Verbs

means of Auxiliaries, though in the English these


generally placed before* and m
the Maiathi, after the principal word. In the principle of their inflections; they exhibit
striking con-
fcmsfc to the Latin and Sanscrit, the learned tongues to winch
respectively they are mainly indebted for their
scientific terms,
n notlcln S the P° ints of difference between the English and
m the
. J
Grammars of the language already
Marathi, we must presuppose as known what lias
been pointed out
published, and in the Preface to the Marathi and English Dictionary, supplemeulin-r
publications rather than goingftgain over the same ground. Neither can we descend into those minute difficulties,
winch relate to the
use ofsome particular word or peculiar unconnected idiom. A work on this subject, containing a collection and resolution
of idio-
matic p uses, is still a desideratum m
Marathi, though much of very great value on this topic
will be found, under different ai tides,
this and the former Dictionary. See especially i*m, WW, q*T, fa, of the former ; and able, account, car, eye;
hand of Ibis
Our attention at present is to be directed to points of a general nature, to classes of words
rather than to individual phrases and expres-
sions. It is the Philology, and not the Grammar, of
Marathi, that claims our notice, and that especially
in reference to the points in"
which it differs from the English.

5. One great and

obvious point of difference between the two languages
is the want of an Article in the
Marathi, while the English
has no less than two. Neither tic Latin nor Sanscrit have any article, and
although the sacred tongue of the Brahmans lias
the advan-
tage of the Greek in several points, this single small member of the classic
speech in which Homer wrote, gives it a grace
and flexibility
W C 0re thon om P e
”^^ sound, which have justly been attributed to the
J J” ;
which ie T n lan Epics of Valmika and Vyasa have been handed down to
language in
posterity. The student, therefore, accustomed to the use of
articles in is own language, is apt to seek out some expedient for
supplying their place in Marathi.
guard ; m means “ bring a book,” and the Marathas never say simply to
express this idea,
Against this he must be on Ins
qrgt The student will
nevertheless m
Ins intercourse with the natives occasionally
hear used apparently for the Indefinite Article, but he
must not attempt
to imitate them in this till he has, by attentively studying and analyzing such
sentences, learned the nice shade of idea
expresse . mm
nm?, may mean simply “ call a physician,” or it may mean “ call the physician,”
intended to be
that is, the practitioner who usual-
ly attends the family. In case, however,of some sudden accident occurring to any
member of the family, or great haste being required,
master of the house might probably call out, <r*r TOJar *RT, cull a physician,
that is some physician or other, any one
you can find'
G S3me Waj> and With an im lication > which practice alone can
***!’ lS 1Q
f T, “t P
late from English into Marathi, as if the Indefinite Article had no existence.
explain. The general rule is to trans-

6 rC erenC t0 Definite Article ’ Jt safely be neglected in translating,


Sun, X \ Ganges
ll Moon,
the the ; that the noun following is the name of a
when it marks (hat there is but one of a class as
species, as the lion, the horse, &.c. when
it points out that
individual of a class, who hears special relation to the speaker or the person
whom he
addressing, as the king, the colonel, is
Also when this Article^ used to distinguish particular the
servant. persons or objects in the eye of the speaker, no
word is required to
express it m
Marathi thus, *rPTKr 3-.
T* JWr W,
give it to the father, donl give it to the son.
When, however, in a sentence of
two clauses with a relative pronoun, there is a reference made by means of the Article from
the one to the other, the co-relative
must be
used »M
ai at 1 for Uio ArUeloj thus to translate
the phrase, “ the shepherd is here of whom
f ^ m
pve an emphasis to the sentence, which would require
STr? ’ i ust had bcen
I spoke yesterday,”
English, “ that shepherd, &c.” only that the
instead of Af.
as if

wo.d that woukl
To express fully the sense of the Article when
we must sav?W

tod to honorific titles as “ Alexander th Great,” will require circumlocution ; thus

collection of similai objects, as the stars, the planets, <?re. the
force of the Article will sometimes be
or gpftrr
Before a large
expressed by a separate word,
and sometimes not, as g-p=
Theso and other nicer distinctions, however, must be left to the student's own discernment a#d

7. Nouns being’ the names of objects and ideas, it might he thought that there would be an exact conospondence
between .those of
f “”" •»*-> Jk
/ 7
rjr J tjlS1<f< a1 .'
i tiu same idea as the hnjil^h uoul; Lilt tlic noun ajrr, tlioxiffli it may,

the gc«„„ b.o,. S „ t Wfa. .h. ™„ to

1 of an E., l,
g. ,•,*£* Jm „ „ J„
muA occupy a prouuneut place, both from Us own iutiiusm
E In $*,
importance* and fiom the favour it has obtained among
the poets. In
“ Cnptl0n lnt< Ln " hsh th ® want of correspondence
between the two languages would force itself upon >
the notice
of the tia. Mate,
slatoi and induce lnm by | ^
the introduction of an epithet into the text, or by
a note appended, to provide aremedy In the Ma-
ra i translation of Esops fables, the English
student will find Ins old tumid the fox
ES ° P Eur ° IK an 6b,,lihU “ ‘^^ tb °
metamorphosed into a jackal (

Jwhile piUeiing the lisL tLr A pl^

wD whether this

rfT 7 a “ d ° ,llC r

‘ '
f Cl ^ *>
from! " we need not at present determine ; but if in order to remedy
die naturalist will inform us that the animal “"irf
so named by the Maid, has is not the English
this mishap we subtitutc for if
fox, but merely that species in the
mere nhil
meic 1,1
noX XX Wh

11,0 n

philosophical abstraction, and it is quite

I f
hl U> e im,natl r!al
Mm<! Klpa8 lo f,ic n,im' tbal
ineouee.t to say that 3ST « made ll,e world.”
«od, and t c
r, in
upon «s. NeitW
Greek do. The
first is a
"* ****"
™nl O

1171 would
1 Wi h 1 fit ° f

r aU<1 lh “ U 1,0 " 110 lo ”«

He makes nothing, and does nothing but
**"• The second of the above wLs,'
"T ^^ '

M 4
and you run i o t
n “
il ”7,
W ° rl,V bul,ry h >' rt ‘“ WM(l *« ‘

«» first Commandment,
is ni
“ y
Ulai l

“ 0"
yet'"!!!y .* 1,Pn
,lMt th

is ,n topnmt Lord but one, which no

”° ° thcr a el °J w>nhi
b “» i(k «
body ever denied, and which

M«™tim T .isos that
^^ '

won,, he thmks of some village god,

& P
some local
^ -me ** answers
idol, or red painted stone, and
rarely oAhclunr.‘. nt ‘ 1 U “’
S 1 " 0r haS tlu> !IS
y el capitals, like our own, or an article like tins Greek, to mail the distinction.
Aftl ,, .
b C ,p ‘ a S al’ W U0W
' '
>t!lllg “Produced into Marathi 5-^ thus writtdn will be the best term, by
'/ which to render the word God.
As to fa and JPTTR, they express, like WR, the idea
of the Supremo Active Intelligence, and can only answer when that
idea will
nmg out the meaning of the writer,
to, or comparison with, other objects of worship. without any allusion
Into such niceties of
auguago, however, (absolutely requisite as they
are to he understood), the lexieogi apher can but partially
enter, and the student must
acquiie them from intercourse with the natives,
and the study of their literature. It is only when by these means ho has
imself capable of entering into their maids
and seeing with their eyes, that familiarized to their modes of thinking,
he will lie able to
SUC W ° Ub " If col ‘ eclnth a,‘fi piopiiefy.
With an abundance of metaphysical terms for which we have no equivalents,

our systems of mental
philosophy differ widely from theirs, the Hindus have |

no names for many valuable words in our language, ex-

pressive of metaphysical ideas, dims, for example, for the important word conscience, for perception
as ft mental faculty, neither the
Mai a, u nor its parent Sanscrit furnishes any tolerable
equivalents. In such eases, the lexicographer has given some words
convoy some nng near the idea, ami which, till the
natives agree in inventing suitable terms as they become better acquainted with
° Ul ay nV R ,iml
* 1
<S ”• "
ItSC '

elements a new word suited to convey the meaning intended. lu ‘ PovHH, fi

r 7 " n existing
* J' t il!, 's
5 fir<
« on” “ a lar ®° d s ofr,,ouns !n Marathi derived from Imitative Advei bs, which
nouns m

b, nghsh, as, bunging derived


requires a few remarks. We have indeed

from bang, whizzing from whiz, dunking from dash, a, wing from
caw, cooing- from coo,

asthnJT 7
T are niat
M lll
'f ; /
w nls )f tlliaclilss ’ Whw ‘» !
'y ^ vulgar, hardly find admission into polite discourse •

1 ’ Ur " 1>m Now ° Ma,,, thaSj ' k *

in f? more theehildren of nature than the English, above
th i. cm offwords, which
f7°'are even by the BnUimans dignified with the name of
all things delight in the use of
of the adverbs are reduplicated
3 8, S
J ny a
?. .^ ; or to express greater force, the first syllable is lengthened, as gjrfgar sfr-p^j-. or
t as The latter syllable,
f instead of being a reduplication of the former, is often or qr
cf^t *
N°;vnl05t0fthese i“fitative adverbs may have nouns formed from them, and generally also’ verbs thus ’we
smm//ow >/rom ZZ&Ti
we have qmft, the smoking instrument, called by the English soldier

w7 ° n UtlUS
lnteil(fi'd to mark the rumbling or

a bubble bubble from
bubbling noise the smoke makes in passing through the water.
Aion emg Such words
much more abundant, and of much more common use in the
Marathi than in the English language, the student must, not
°° ° n am W,th C0Utera P > bu familiarize himself with their

peculiar meanings and shades of distinction, as with other
1; l'

words. Cases
mnumora e occiu whore important ideas cannot be
expressed without them, as for example, the word tJTWC excessive
trembling, which
requires wo English words to render
it, and is by no means synonymous with
(rfotf, a shaking or quivering. The same remarks may
pp ic o e verbs derived
from these Imitative Adverbs, though the Maruthas prefer joining the
Adverb to a.verb derived front
g mSe PemitS; thUS t0
r ° nd0r the phrase ’ “ His whole bod '

X7J7btf7 ,7 mU ra!>re
expressive is the word
y sll00k wi th terror,” a MardtM would 'say,

to indicate the jangling and squabbling of a street me


101 may be ar, 80ber quarrel, carried
y ’
on for years in courts of justice through every grade, from
7 brawl, than tit#
the village A

On and the allied subject of reduplicated nouns, the remarks made in the Preface to the iu.rnr DirWmary,
to the Sadar Adalat. this

render any farther observations in this plar e unnecessary

Paragraphs 4, 5, 12, 13,
9° The m English. We have hand, hood, ship, dom , ncbS, th
an easier matter in Maiatlu than
it is
formation of abtract nouns is

and it is difficult to lay down the rule that points out vibon
all of Saxon origin, affixed to nouns and adjectives to form abstract noun,,
The terminations ty and Hide, imply that the wmcU to which Hun an*
one of these terminations is to be used and when the other.

from the Latin, but when the one and when the other should he useffi can be understood outy by those a ho ai e skilh d
affixed arc derived

m that learned language, or have acquiicd by praclice the power of using

them with propriety. V\ e have aho musty Is oi lh*s?

platitude, Ac. In Maiulhi agunf a ffj^ <inn I 17! unit.
the primitives of which have no place m the language, a*, verity, equity,

Marathi nouns and H neuf. m or fem. to nouns derived from the Earn cnt. The rule is mi MHpV and
may at pleasure be affixed to ail ;

in havin'. the formation of Mich

easy of application that I think the compilers of the Marathi and EuglUh Dictionsuy judged lightly
A few exceptions may indeed be pointed out, as egotism, domed irom ’T-L v. Licit n
words to the judgment of the student.
compared with The ani worth &<*, eun-idered
a pure Sanscrit word ;
is used, but raiely
the ^addition
a& intiodtfted, already formed into the language, lathei than as Marathi abstracts, formed after a different model, h\

All words of this class, and those which Jbi in exceptions to the general rule, will b k
iound in their propm
of the termination 3Trf *

what on the subject of Ahstiaet Nouns in the Preface to the former \wnL should aho h *
places in the Dictionary, and is said

fully studied.

10. In reference to the Inflection of Nouns, this in Marathi a* in English is a pretty simple affair ;
yet it may he iniere.dhm; Indwell
on those Postpositive Particles, which serve the purpose of Prepositions among ourselves, and the terminations of nmes in
for a little

Sanscrit, and many other languages. The Objective case in modern Marathi, as ui our own language, is not distinguLhed by any par-

from the Nominative, although the Dative is yfteu used whore we would prefer the Accusative. 1* or the Dative*
ticular termination

ease, the terminations arr and are used indiscriminately, the former generally by the natives of the Deccan, and the latter by persons
The termination an abrevialiou of ^rm, frequently used to mark the Dative case in the old Marathi
educated in the Cancan. srf is ,

meaning “ so as to come in contact with thee,” from the verb to ({(feet, or come
thus, we have ,
Tor J^r«or literally,

in contact with . We can easily see how this termination will also readily convey the, idea of objectimmss ;
thus, *TH WhT thh

man struck that man ; the meaning being that the one struck 'so as to affect the other. The Dative termination l:f is a contraction

of ml the Marathi, for the Sanscrit qf4* Even the word may occasionally be used in a Dative sense ;
thus, Ptf-gpra?
him the idea embodied in not quite so strong as that embraced in ^f, the
-q-f^ ^ and have all the meaning of give it to then, is

former expressing that the object is brought to the side of him to whom it is given, and the latter that it is brought into actual contact

with him. The second or Proper Ablative in the form of L evidently the same word as TbSl, with the proper ablative termina-

tion generally changed into affixed. This again nny perhaps be derived from the word meaning “ deficient/* or it may be

Magadhi whoso sign The Locative or third Ablative, which terminates in is evidently
a mere corruption of the Ablative, is ST, 3,

from that language in which this case is frequently marked with the affix The vocal and nasal elements of this compound termina-
tion are retained, and the sibilant rejected to fonn the sign of the case in The Pali
Marathi. and Sanscrit DiR, are all ddlereuf iomw
of the same original termination, which, in the classic language of the Brahmans, generally becomes simply ^ or f. The other Loca-
tive ending in ?f, preceded by a nasal, is so evidently an abbreviation of a?pT in, contracted from the Sanscrit sfac, as scarcely to require
even this brief notice.— The modern Genitive ends in ^Tf, varying according to the gender of the noun that follows, exactly as if

It were an Adjective. In the old Marathi, we find occasionally which I conceive to be the oldest form of the Genitive case. It

is Impossible I believe to derive this from any Sanscrit root, and It is probably one of the remains of that old aboriginal speech, which

prevailed In India before the inhabitants came in contact width the Brahmans. A syllable of which the consonantal element is is used

in most of the Indian languages to mark this case. Thus we have in Gujanlthi %> according to the gentler, and In Tamil .

In Telugu ft*, and in Canarese are also frequent signs of this case, which the student if he pleases may connect with the English

Genitives, mine and thine ;

and the German mein, doin,gutten, &c. To distinguish the mark of the Genitive from the true adjective

termination It is generally enough to consider whether the last syllable of the word before receiving the affix, h% lengthened or not

If it be, it is most probably the Genitive; if not, it is the Adjective. ITCHT, is the Genitive case, and an adjective formed
by the afix ^T. Thus f Cf% ?%, are the rafters of the house, 31% are household rafters, in or somewhere near the house, which
may be used when required, but at present forming no part of the house ; is the master or owner of the house, but
are the householders, persons merely living in the house, exactly the same as q%pr% where an adjective is formed by adding BT
to the locative case, Instead of affixing it to the root, as in the former instance. In reference to that class of words, where sameness of
substance is indicated by the addition of the termination W> as far as the sense is concerned, they may either be esteemed Adjectives or

the Genitive of the noun; thus 5JT3r3T3rf may be rendered wooden or of wood, tTWRT brazen or of brass , &c. These words all take the
long vowel beforef the termination, for which reason I am inclined to consider them still as Genitives, not as Adjectives. When any of
these have another Adjective formed from the same root associated with them, the other form sometimes has a laxer meaning attributed
to it. Thus, while ^TRT can mean only golden, HRqfl may mean either golden or gilt. The word OTRfsff useful, and
advantageous, are undoubted instances showing the need of the qualifying clause in our rule. Some words are doubtful, as or

manual, and similar Adjectives fomed fiom most parts of the body But the vast majoiity of Adjectives make the penultimsfie
vowel short ;
as, srPTHT, fiTSHr, HJTHr, HRMI

3-=gr^r,3"Rrvi^T, &c. A number of Adjectives
founed from adverbs by adding qr, also follow the HffsiHr, 'RHT, HRHf, &c. same law; as, HRHf,
Not only do the Marathas form an Instrumental case from the noun, prepared according to rules for inflection, by adding (most
probably a substitute for the Sanscrit =rf ,) but they addcompound Instrumental, which they employ
3r to the Genitive, and thus form a
“ That
chiefly in the Potential Mode Thus from HTRCf, we have »rr«fl% ; as in such a phrase as, HI?!, literally

horse is not to be controlled through the instrumentality of that man,” that is

“ ho cannot manage that liorso.” The other Instrumen-

tal or first Ablative, tei mmattng m *£, is probably the Sanscrit mrf, and the plural form in ?t is the Mugailhi for the Sanscrit fif: .

The other particles affixed to nouns to connect them with other words in the sentence, such as 37^5^ Making 3T3' to the side of, 3737^ •,

from the side of. so as to reach, Ac. will admit of easy resolution, when the student has made some considerable progress in

the language.
II In the use of Adjectives in Marathi, it is important to consider whether the Adjective belongs to the subject or predicate of a

sentence, as its position is usually mateiially affected former case preceding, and in the latter coming after
by thw consideration in the

the noun. This rule is frequently transgressed by learners, and they render the phrase, “ fe is a good man,” by the Marathi words, 1

3tHPRr JTr"W -sits whereas the proper rending is,

JOTH HRI-H HR. But, if the sentence be such as the following, The black
horse has run off, then the Marathi will be 371 fflTr 'RRr. Such a phrase as 37r?Rr f^TTf^r ?Tr?, means « the soldier who was here
yesteiday, is present.” In the first instair e, the subject is % WTH, and the predicate is #tri\ In the second instance, the subject is

HRr$Rr, and the predicate is qzm ; and in the third, the subject is fffiTFJt, and the predicate HI?! the word Acre being

understood but in such a sentence Nil may also mean “ exists,” that is, he is still alive ;
thus, 3HHr ’TIT HI? ? may mean, “ Is your

father still alive V’ or more briefly, “ have j on a fat her ?” Yet the rule V-re laid down does not hold when you are answering a question

that has been put to you, for in such a case the proper answer would be, % HFRf 5TPTB HR, and not flt WTH HPRT HI?. To explain

the reason of this, observe that the sente nee, “ 1 le'is a good man,” is in English equivalent to the word?, “ That man is a good man,”

where the subject is that man, anil the predicate is good man, is being the copula, or connective link between the two. This sen-

tence rendered literally into Marathi, would be % HPffB HPRT JffHH HR, whore % HPm is the subject, HRRT JTPTff tbe predicate, and

Hr? the copula. When then the Marathas say, as they usually do in beginning to speak on a subject, % HfHH HPFH Hr ?, they omit the

second irrHH, and consider that implied in On tho contrary, in English we omit the first man, and substitute for that the sub-

stantive pronoun he. If then a Maratha he asked, ffr JTIHH HHf Hr? V The answer, if favourable, will usually be, H HfjRT Hr? ;

The full answer would have been, qf *Tr°TjT HRRT

HfHH Hr?. Hr?, but it is tho custom of
he may also probably say, 3(

the Marathas in words of tho previous speaker as their own, and therefore the first JTIHH is dropped as
such a case to adopt the last

a matter of course, which being once removed out of the way, he feels no reluctance in using the
word in the second clause. Every one
feels the awkwardness of using the word man or WHH twice in so short a sentence. We in English easily got over the difficulty by
the substantive pronoun he, substituted for that man. The Marathas do not feel themselves at liberty to drop the name of the subject
in the first instance, but having used it once, they do not need to repeat it after HPFH. I trust then the student
of discourse JTITO,
though in strict propriety, the adjective always precedes the noun as in English, yet that, owing to the suppression of
will sec that,

the word iffcrg in the latter part of the Marathi sentence, the natural order seems reversed in ordinary cases,
and adhered to only-
have, then, I hope succeeded in explaining the reason of tho rule, as well as of the exception, aud placed before the
in exceptional. I

student an interesting example of the niceties of Marathi Philology.

12. Beginners are apt to suppose that the words more and most, when signs of the degrees of comparison, must have some corres-
“ There are more
ponding words in Marathi ; but this is a mistake. More, when it is an adjective, is indeed translated by HfNH ; thus,
but such sentence as, “ She
fools than wise men in the world,” will in Marathi be, WHiff HrftHmr *pN? Hffc Hf>JH Hr! ;
in a

SHinf Hf?. There “must he no HpiT before the adjective; the comparative
is more industrious than he,” the Marathi is,

degree is fully expressed by affixing |H or ?wr to tbe subject of comparison. In like manner, or HTftor, appended in the same

way, expresses the superlative. In this, the Marathi deserts entirely the Sanscrit, and all that great class of languages called Indo-

Germanie, and harmonizes with the Hebrew, Arabic, and other allied tongues, furnishing one among the many proofs of its drawing

from Aboriginal Indian sources, wholly unconnected with the Sanscrit. In this too, the Marathi agrees not only with the Cana-

reso and other languages of the south, but also with the Hindustani and other northern tongues, shewing that they all still retain some
common ancient element n ot derived from the language of the Brahmans. As to the idea of such an agreement being produced in modern

times by Mahomedan influence, it could only be suggested by one entirely unacquainted with these languages, with their history,

and the changes actually effected by the Mussulmans.

13. The Pronouns of the first and second persons correspond in their use very much with the same pronouns in.English ; perhaps
the first person plural used by a single person, and the second person singular more commonly employed in
is somewhat more freely

speaking to young persons an4 inferiors than in our language. In speaking to superiors and equals, the plural is used for the singu-

lar as with us. In addressing the Deity or any Other object of worship, there seems to be a variety of practice among the natives, yet

there is no aversion to the adoption of the English custom of using always the singular. The want of a substantive pronoun

turn'd person is supplied by the adjective pronouns, IT y #!,*§*, this, and iff, that most frequently by the latter however, when only

one person is mentioned m a sentence. 1

When two persons are mentioned, the neaier is pointed out by of, and the farther distant by
Thus the English sentence, “ Let him go, and let this man remain,” would be rendeied, % #F } ft in like maimei, u Let

him go, and that man stay,” would be, 5#, qf 0?%. Again the sentence, 44
It was not he, but the messenger who came in the

morning that informed me,” would become, ^R *Rr *#41# Rffr, «TfW X3FRF &TRF fRr, RR 61R#. The pronoun (Tf also

is used to take up proper names, especially those of foreign origin, and receive tliew* proper ‘milection ;
thus we have 1
Tf R
for 3rr#r^r qq ;
as in English it was formerly customary to say, John 31a it his book . It is also used to connect a number of nouns

Grammar, SR, ^TfR, “ The dia-

together before joining them to a verb, as explained in the thus, fsrr, £ gifR qffr

mond, sapphire and ruby, are very valuable stones


jhie powers of the Marathi language ?n pear 'e givn; mage in these piommm ; FRRf RRl Rrlf &. Rpq are all

Englished by u It is his,” m which English woid no hint i-» giwn of the gender of that which is said to belong to him ,
whereas the Ma-
rathi points out the gender of that winch is po^e^ed Again in Fiench, they say son fils, intimating the gender of the word fils,

but leaving you in the daik as to whether the possessor be a male or a female, whether in English the rendering should bo Ins son or
her son. The English tells the gender of the possessor only, the Fiench only of that which is possessed, the Marathi dies both.

The Latin is no better than the French, and even the Sanscrit cannot by any single phrase do what the Marathi does in the

phrases RFXf R> and [Ff"fr qq. To bring out the gender of the possessoi we must m that language say, tRXT R: and tRRf; JR ;

and of the thing possessed : R. Such is the nicety of a tongue, which has till lately been despised as a mere jargon.
15. There is no relative* pronoun in Mai athi coi responding exactly to v'ho and which in our language. The pionotm
is properly a compound relative, meaning what or whatever. Sometimes indeed it may he rendered by who ;
thus, “ lie who is but
a student, should not find fault with his teacher,” will m Marathi be, # f#r4f ^Tf?, Rf-f 3TXR f fq 3>| #. The full force of

the word, however, is brought out in such a sentence as the following, %f RRf literally, Wioever comes to him give it.

16. The Marathas not content with an ordinal form of numeials, as in other languages, have formed such words from fefRF how
many or how much, and and ftrRT, so many or so much. Thus they would ask ;
qf rfJjrT feREF RFF $ilt ? What is the

number of the place that boy holds in the class? R3TFR from %qgr is used in the same sense. The other corresponding words
may also be employed thus, iff qRRT ; RRlR *#?!#. The teacher said he held such a place * This is another of
the beauties of Marathi Philology, which must strike every one who has a taste for such studies.
17. If, however, the Marathi outstrips us in its analytical powers, we have the advantage in synthesis. For such words as the mass,
the majority , the minority , <$&c. when used thus, “ the mass of mankind,” 44 the majority of the meeting,” &c., they have no corres-
ponding terms, and in translating, such words must be rendeied by a periphrasis. Thus, such a sentence as,
There was a majority of
the Council resolved on going to war, though all the most distinguished leaders were m the minority/’ might be rendered in several ways
in Marathi, one of which might be the following, c&rfa, qrrRFRR #T, Riff feq HRR#
Ref f^K# gR. This however certainly is but a poor translation of the English.
18. The verb, as being the most important part of speech, may be supposed to afford the most feitile theme for Philological
remark, though much of what might have been said in this place, has been anticipated in the Marathi Grammar. As a general and
important consideration under this head, it may
Mai at hi has few veibsin general use, compared with the English
be stated that the
and other European languages. The deficiency is most commonly supplied Ly nouns coupled with some one of the following verbs,
X# to make qr«# to throw -I# to lay hold of S'# to place
, to give, £[# to throw away
, to beat eg# to reach , # , R# , ,

fRR to seem 50# to eat, to lead and occasionally a few others.

, # Of this mode of supplying verbs the Marathas are exceeding*

ly fond, and use it even when there is not the least necessity for it ;
thus, instead of saying f#F# to trust , they say fRR
or S'#; for qr# to run, they prefer saying VjpT Iff# or In other instances as ffffff X#, and #R
they have no other way of expressing the verbal act ;
the former is indeed nearly synonymous with &R#, and the latter
with IT#, but there is in both instances a shade of difference, which makes the latter applicable where the former are not.
The compound verbs have a dignity in those instances that the simple want, while these again have a familiarity and force
not possessed by the others. In all instances where such compound verbs are formed by the student, he must be especially
careful to learn from the Dictionary what the particular verb is, which, joined to a noun, serves the purpose of a new verb,
as it will not do to choose any one he pleases. Thus with the preposition R coming after the object, to love may be
expressed by q# 3*#, or 37#,, but jf *4# or qR#f be used, the genitive of the object must be joined with it. Nor can
you take the verb or any other than those here mentioned ;
thus, you say cFTR qrfa or and RjRt 4tFcf qrsR# or
— Sometimes an adverb may supply the place of a noun and be joined to a verb to change or define its meaning ; thus Rf#
means 44
to kill” or “ beat to remove the ambiguity the adverb 3R is joined to it, and SR qr# means only 44
to kill,” being syno-
nymous with Rf# lit. to strike in the life To form another class of verbs the Marathi prefixes a pluperfect participle to some

one of the verbs mentioned above, which gives often the force of a preposition coming after the verb in English; Thus fcpSR srr^KT

means, 44 wash thoroughly/ £npr t* 44 castaway/' and “fillup” It is true that the general meaning is the same as if
ZtW f and *R only had been used ; but these latter expressions want the emphasis, and force of the former. Many verbs in this


form can be i antlered into English by one word, as m often used for to bung and , £T3^F yffH to remow or take cma%K

In these latter examples the principal act is not m the participle, as in the former cases, but m the supplemental verb. Such is the

case also in qrqFf to put away, ttp^PT to acquire &c. Sometimes anew verb, or at least what answers to a simple verb in En-
glish, is fanned* by one of the class of veibs mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph, and a noun not m its simple but in an

inflected form ;
thus, to complete perfect, q^TFT qKq* entangle. These are the forms of expression in which the Mara-

thi language delights, and even when simple verbs aie given in the Dictionary, the student will often find it more idiomatical
to forma verb m some one or oilier of the abo^ementioned ways, or choose one so formed to express his idea. On the other

hand there compound verbs m English, that require to be expressed by simple

are verbs* in Marathi, as “ To give away,” “ take

down,” “bung out,” &e. Thus, He gave away a hundred Rupees m chanty,” £ ‘
will m Marathi be, F-qR


“Takedown that turban,” will be "4 TRR or ?r ;

but this latter will imply that it is not only to be taken down, but

also probably that it is to be given to the poison fionr whom the order issues. “ Bring out the jewels” will be expressed m Marathi,

by sgffiR sfnsr. Those hints then must suffice to put the student on hi&guaid upon this subject, and to lead him in every patticular

instance to enquire how far the two languages conform to one .another, and m wliat point slhey differ,

The piesent tense in all the Vernacular Indian tongues is merely the Present Participle with the veil) to be after it, as in the
Hindostmii and Gujaratlii, or with the rugus of the pen-one, as in the Tamil, Telugu, and (lanare^e. The Marathi has two Pres-
Thus m Ac. The -

ents,one constructed after rach of these models. the \eib qRq, we have qHlq and qffcfff,

terminations of the persons seem derived from the Indo-Gormame slock ;

thus the first person is partly agreeing with tlie Latin

termination o in amo, and the teunimition cm in amcm of the subjuncti\e mode, H, ns the sin n of the second, person singular, is the

same as the sign which wo have almost umibimly in Latin, Greek, and Sansenr, for that person. 'The English $ for the third person
is a corruption of the old termination ill, and the type for the second phraon \*st, being in conformity
with the languages of its family

marked especially by the s. The third person singular is an exception in Marathi, having Adjective terminations agreeing in Gender
with Nominative, a mode of construction of which the Mtiruthus* are passionately fond. The fust person plural is the same as the

singular. 'The second person plural has NF, probably a corruption of MR ; so we have in Manilla occasionally ^f?pf for cTf*3 1

the H seems to have been dropped to prevent its being confounded with the Nfff of the third person plural, the mil of the Latin,

and the NFT or NH of the Sanscrit. The terminations of the past tense are essentially the same, except that the third person plural,

as well as the third person singular, is drawn away into the Adjective terminations to agree with the Nominative. The marks of
the first and second persons again in the future are and of the persons of the plural 37 f NF, mid ff respectively, the sR, which
there so often occurs, mailing the tense,
20. If it should be asked whence comes this f? (ortftf as it becomes generally in intransitive verbs), that marks future time, till a

better solution be found, the following may be accepted The Marat has aie often in the habit of dropping an initial *T, or supplying

its place with a zf ; a familiar example of this is the name of the village at which the traveller first rests after leaving Puna, to go to
Saltara by the way of Katraj, Tlte village is properly named qcj, the name for a Bamboo. Idas is, however, generally corrupted
to or S?7X If then we suppose the first letter of 5# lime, or U& or Mr as it also written, dropped, we get the sign of the future
required without much difficulty, by the easy change of Vj into ~<r in the first anti second instance, and by dropping the final f in the

last. 4f he will learn ,

will on this supposition mean literally in Marathi ,
learning is to film only a matter of time . Though,
at the hazard of trespassing a little longer on the territory of speculation, I must state, that I think the sign of the Past Tense
in Marathi, may in like manner be traced to a word meaning what has passed. The signs of the past tense in the old Marathi are

asm for , ‘SR as in ^FlffR, Ac. yet in common use, and If*?, as in for NfOL The first of

these terminations, rejecting the sy, is retained in the Southern Gujarath Dialect, and accordingly wo have fe’f for few. In the

Nox thorn Gujarathi, we have the q of retained, still dropping the w ; that qr itself is a common substitute in Magmlhi for cf and
ST, and I suppose all the terminations originally the same. Whereas then in the south they say RAT, in the north they me for the

Marathi qR. In Hindi also the sr is used as the sign of past tense, and we have f-CT, though even this Is frequently dropped, and

the terminations denoting the persons are affixed immediately to the root, a*> fqRff. Again in all the languages of the Peninsula, the

simple cT, or that letter changed into T, marks the past tense, no traces of the ^ appearing. Rut in the Bengali, as in the modern
Mar&thi the sy alone remains to mark the Preterit. The root Marathi implies “a moving
srss in off,” or ** passing into oblivion

the allied root TO means « to pass by as time TO h a Bengali root also meaning « movement.” In Tamil too, the root rff* means
“ to dispatch with diligence f and I think there is a strong probability that this is an old Indian vocable, which by various corrup-

tions has formed the Preterit tense in all the modern Dialects of lli^ostan. Let these speculations at least teach the learner to analyze

not only sentences, but the words themselves of which they are composed, tracing them to their primitive elements, and he will find

Ms labour more than repaid when he experiences how much such analyses tend to fix words in the memory.— The reduplicated form

of the. past tense ending in TO is rather a participle than a verb, at least it is always in modern Marathi to be considered. Thus
qrffil, means “I want the tied boft, I don't want the loose one.” The simple form is not commonly
are the same.

used as a participle, though Brahmans say and


^ ,

, 21. In the Potential and Conditional modes both the English and Marathi are copious, but there is far from a correspondence between
\ ,


the two.The miniature of this subject will be found in the Marathi Grammar; one or two points, however, may here be specially noticed.
The young student must be on his guard against following the Hindostani, and clumsily using to express potentiality. There
are proper idiomatical forms, as he will see in the Grammar, adapted to any case that can occur, and that umdiomatical construction, al-
though adopted by some natives in Bombay, should be wholly exploded as both inelegant and useless. The only real difficulty under
this head in translating from English into Marathi is to render may or might signifying permission or liberty . You may indeed
well enough translate the phrase “ you may go/’ by WIT ; but the sentence, i
I may go wherever 1 please,

meaning that I

am at liberty or have permission to do so, is not so easily rendered into Marathi, If the words be those of $n inferior who has asked
and obtained leave of his supeiior. the translation would probably run thus ; TRf N(t but there is an

additional element introduced here by the word ^T/W, which means properly not permission but command . The idea expressed bv
the word permission, is foreign to the mode of thinking among the Hindus. There is implied in this word, that an inferior has laid
down a plan of action for himself, and proposes this for the passive acquiescence of his superior. This is however a degree of pre-
sumption that upsets all Hindu notions of propriety, making the inferior active, and the superior passive. Even when a Brahman
comes to visit you at your house, he considers himself your servant for the time being, aud when he wishes to take leave, he savs
STIW ^r? ? meaning, have I your commands to depart ? Not to be behind him in politeness you give indeed a command, but it is not
that he should go away, but that he should come again when he finds it convenient, winch you express by the snngle term sr.— Again
if the words, “ I may go wherever I please, be those of a superior or person independent of foreign control and expressive of inherent
liberty, the Marathi rendering would be m
sNfeff yf*s *T$T (or afl?. This again implies something more than
mere liberty. It speajes of some inherent power or authority possessed by the speakers over and above what the English phrase ex-
presses. If we chose instead of &c. may mean nothing more than freedom from external restraint.
iffessfe, this If to remedy
this, and add moral fitness we say R'SfRT TFT, the person mSy for any thing necessarily iirfplied have his feet fast in the stocks.
When the Arabic word TSff is used for permission in Marathi, it always at least in popular speech means leave of absence No Ma-
rtha would ever say TT?°Tr^t <CsTr meaning I have permission to stay here, supposing it to be a case where there is no
remission of any duty, but simply leave to reside in a particular place, he would use or say TMTTf'TTf f or $Tf*T¥IT. It is
evident then, that every particular case of this use of may must be considered with its attendant circumstan ces*' before a proper trans-
lation can be made, and that at the best all we can do, is to make a near approximation, since to give the exact idea is beyond the
powers of the language. These remarks will apply to might when used in the sense of liberty and permission, the slight shade of
difference that exists between the two words cannot he expressed in Marathi, consisting as it does only in might, indicating a re-
stricted liberty. Should and would do not present great difficulties* When conditional futurity is the idea they express, the simple future
is used in Marathi ; when should means propriety , qrtff % with the past tense of the verb will suffice, and would when it
means wil- ,

lingness, may be translated by the Genitive Gerund and or *pST, all of which points are fully explained in the Grammar.
22. The passive voice in the old Marathi is a modification of the Sanscrit, in which especially ^ supplies 1 he place of T, as its
characteristic work ; thus the Sanscrit few is changed in the old dialect into WK m “ it is being done” In the modern Marathi,
particularly in translations from the Sanscrit and Persian, a passive somewhat similar to our own, has been fomied of the past Par-
ticiple, and the verb sfFT to go, for this has been adopted as the Auxiliary in the place of our verb to be. In the Southern Peninsular
languages the root W to fall, prevails instead of «rr ;
the principle however is the same, and the Hindostani conforms in every respect
in idioms to the Maratli;. The Passive, although it can scarcely yet be said to belong to the colloquial languages of the Marathas,
will likely, from the facilities it furnishes in translation, keep its place in books, and there are in truth instances when an exact transla-
tion from English cannot be made without it. Thus, c£
He was saved from the sea,’
would require, fully to express it in Marathi
dt SBpfp fflfevT No Maratha indeed would in all probability so express himself; ho would probably say, tfr OTgrpH cR«r
but then this conveys only the idea of the safety of the person spoken of, and leaves out altogether the notion of this safety being the
point of foreign influence. It means no more in fact, than that he escaped from being swallowed up in the sea. The Marathas, if
the avoiding of this ambiguity were considered important, would probably express the agent to whom the deliverance was due, thus
WFf wm TWtjfT Trftfe His brother saved him from the water ; but then the writer may not wish to reveal the agent, and therefore
if this were an object, a Maratha might say &c. a certain one, fyc. but the writer may Wish the causes of the deliverance to
remain wrapt up in the clouds of his own obscurity, not even deigning to draw aside the curtain so far as to
let us know whether it
were a man, or angel, or other superior being, who was the agent of good on the present occasion, and in such an instance we
have to recur to the first mentioned rendering with the Past Participle ofTRMand the verb srfe. The instances are however few
indeed where a Maratha would find himself in this predicament, and they have a multitude of ingenious ways of avoiding
the use of
such Passive verbs. These the student should study and imitate, if he wishes to speak the language idiomatically and elegantly* The
most common of |hese, as w& have already indicated, is by the use of an Intransitive verb. Wherever this can be done, it should b®
the plan adopted. And indeed the Passives in English, which belong properly to what the Latins call the Deponent class of verbs,
must be thus rendered ; for example, To be finished, to be weaned, to he fatigued, fyc. These are expressed in Marathi correctly
by tfqqr, In some instances when a suitable verb in Marathi is not to be found, the sentence can be thrown into a differ-
ent form ;
thus, “ I am acquainted with him, 55 may be translated, m ®rrt, and I was accompanied by twenty mm*


derived, with the

by 3THT3T fR 3ff°T0 Ifcff. In the former of these cases, the Nominative of the noun from which* the verb is

Substantive verb, is used ; and in the other, a preposition, or better a noun in the locative case, takes the place of the English verb ;

phrase, « I am disposed to learn the Marathi language;’ which may be rendered

the latter alternative takes place also in the following
vm "£
iRIff nTffr. The difficulty, however, does not he so much in these instances as in others. No one
thus, TJTfft JqrrSPtf

who knows the meaning of words, would ever think of saying JRT, when a moment’s reflection would teach him that m
the idea, which he wanted to convey. It is in the case of the Passive of Transitive verbs, where
the idiomatic phrase, expressed all

the real difficulty lies, of which I have given an instance above. Yet even m reference to this, the natives ha\e the mj of avoid-

ing the use of the* Passive ;

thus, for “ Pie was beaten,” instead of saying % JflTR they say STR TIT Wl m, he ate a heating
smR “ they say ”
He was slain in battle would be, not % tariff *RI\ but % vzth f
“ It is said,” will be rendered by ,

but never by STR or though the simple word 3# itself will sometimes nearly express the same
perhaps by a? it, ;

means, “ It is said,” or
u to helmet with” in the Shastra.
idea; thus
The the Marathi over the English, in having, a causal
student must not lose sight of the great advantage possessed by
Instead of having awkwardly to introduce a new verb,
“ to cause, to make,” & c. as we do, they effect the same
form of the verb.
to do, we have 3KTfaR to cause to do ; from
end by simply adding sf, or fT, to the root, before affixing the terminations thus from ;

q^oj to flee, we get qsf#

to put to from to learn, F3T*rfa°T to cause to learn or to teach
The Hebrew, A rabic, and other ,

languages of that class, have what is called the Iliplul form of the Verb, corresponding to the Marathi causal. The Sanscrit has also

seem to have the remains of such a modification of the verb, in fell from fall, lay from lie, wad from sit, Sfc.
a similar form, and even we
that the large proportion of them that end in hnay agree occasionally
24. The great peculiarity of Adverbs in Marathi is, q;,

they were Adjectives. Indeed, most of these

with the agent, and occasionally with the object of the verbs they qualify, exactly as if
when they are the one, and when the other. This mode
woids are both Adjectives and Adverbs, and nothing but the sense indicates
Marathi, and called by the Grammarians
of construction is not uncommon in Greek, though by no means nearly so
prevalent as in is

with sqme word near it, to which it is

Attraction implying that a word swerves from its own philosophical construction to agree

In sentences containing a Transitive verb, as often as the object is expressed,

drawn by proximity rather than by any natural relation.
the rule is, that the adverb should agree with it; thus SOSSfar $5rr, he pronounced the words well 3W RRR
In this sen-

RfW, proper adverbial form, in such

tence it is evident that is not an attribute of STINT, but of %W, yet no one would use the

an instance. manner, we should say in Marathi wft afre

So in like he told the story exactly in this way, the m\^
form of brN" though the meaning be most distinctly, that he told the story in
agrees with iff §T, instead of keeping the true adverbial ;

would be, were bj#?? an adjective. Again in Intransitive verbs, when the
that particular manner, and not that particular story, as it

agent is expressed, the adverb generally agrees with it ;

thus we say thereupon she went away ; mt «tfOTT WSJf, the
not expressed, and generally in all cases where the termination of the
beam lies crosswise* In Transitive verbs, where the object is

the gender of the nominative, or object, best to keep the adverb in its natural state, that is the same as the
verb is unaffected by it is

Nominative singular neuter of the Adjective thus, TfT Slfw; though if NTRf or iJR weresupplied, the adverb and verb would

Again we should say Sr ^T°TrT R&f, hardly if at all tf The best prac-
both change, and become *lTt

tical rule, then, is that which is given above, though it may not be universally binding.

25. Adverbs have frequently their place supplied in Marathi, by a noun in the third or Instrumental case ; thus, fr NRCR %S*f,
he went joyfully away; he labours devotedly at the dictionary . In such cases we could generally

also in English use with before the noun instead of the adverb ;
thus, with joy , with devotedness. Sometimes also we may use the
The words and
pluperfect participle; thus, m fWff he comes fearinghj, or with fear, the same as if had been used,
and cfTl, are of great use in the formation of adverbs, in what be considered the higher or Brahminical dialect of Marathi
thus, for certainly we may say or F WTOT. Almost any Sanscrit noun can in this way have given to it an adverbial
form. —There is English adverbs, which cannot be rendered by any one corresponding word in Marathi, and
however one class of

which require a modification in the construction of the sentence to express their general idea. They are such as lamentably, deplorably,
charmingly, beautifully, &c. especially when they qualify an adjective. Sometimes the adverb, may be put into an adjective form, and
the adjective made a noun ; as, “ He is lamentably deficient in knowledge,” which may be rendered fatrfwff

and « He h deplorably wicked” anNt NRWvSTRTt %m Or both may be made adjective ;


« Her singing is charmingly sweet,” which may be rendered, frT% RR ®Tlt. ^he student will not forget what under

the head of nouns was said of the imitative Marathi adverbs, ?ffR ,
'TSrSR , ST3R, ^
20. The use of the conjunction and, is much less frequent In Marathi than in English. Instead of coupling a number of verbs to-

into the participial form, and reserve the verbal jform for the last thus, for
gether as we do, the Marathas put those that come first ;

the sentence, “
gards the respective places of
He rose from dinner, put on his turban, and went out
ff and I believe it to be mainly a matter of
they would say,
fff SfTff, ^R,
Pandits from the Deccan, generally avoid ?, as
^ re~

vulgar, while Concani Brahmans use it freely. In all serious compositions alone should be used. The proper place of to

string a number of articles together ; as, wm «T m* ajjr In translating but, when the meaning is, that the excepted point' k
directly opposed to the foregoing, qirj or NR should not be used; should be employed or no word at all used, the opposition being
express the idea contained in the sentence,
“ If a man take such a medicine, he " ot
marked simply by the tone of. the voice. To
recover, but die,” the Marathas say, 3# ?mrir vTC ***&. They could not here use or “ RJ R, ey

with a pause before the word. In such a phrase as the follow-

might without any word say JK5T. or with the emphatic particle
ing, we have a case in which or R should be used, Zt «PT WT He spoke indeed, hut he did so
Marathi by ^t;J;hus^ “1 did

low tone of voice.

not sea him do it,
When but has the sense of notwithstanding, nevertheless, fyc.
but I have no doubt that he committed the theft,” will in Marathi
it is best expressed in
trrPmt jpt ssrtr ^rff.
thus, if questioning a
... M
not so liberally used as yes in English
Though the Interjection fpr, coriesponds to yes, it is ;
the voice, or reply by 3#, or perhaps though
you were to say° qrra 5TR-' he would probably repeat your words, changing the tone of
’scarcely by fpg STK, but never by alone- The interjection ?R is a paifc of the verb ?R, and properly meaim it is, which most
If therefore the verb by which you "ask the question is TI?,
the word ?R may^suffice for
likely is also the uiigmal meaning of yes.

an answer. Thus, in addressing a company of agriculturists, if you were tosay ffSTt

? the
might be simply
repeating the veib
used by
most likely would be added.' The rule here then in replying to a question, is to
even hcie epfr

the questioner, prefixing m or not, as you please, if the answer be in the affirmative, end
subjoining or prefixing aft? if
the negative;
If however, Tam
WR-Tf v ate you hungry? would be HHHt Trfl, or =Tf§ I RJRf not; but alone.
thus, the answer to IR ,

verb and the rule is that the

Nr?? the answer would bo =rr?t, as this is considered the negative form
of the sift,
the question weie JR
\erb used in a question must be repeated in the answer.
The construction of sentences in Marathi is generally very simple, so that a few hints on this subject may suffice. Paren-
in a sentence which requires to bo translated, they
theses should be altogether avoided in Maiathi composition, and when they occur
should be incorporated with, or subjoined to, the principal sentence. In ordinary cases when no peculiar emphasis leads to a different
order ; first the agent, next the object,
arrangement, the words of a sentence in Marathi should follow one another in the following
comes preferably between the objectrand the verb and if an adverb, its usual place is im-
and last the verb. If there be £ti instrument, it ;

in the following sentence, TOSlfc aiHpft *R1 ft TFT 3TC *wSt. The student who has paid proper at-
mediately befoie the veib, as
of the language, will he aware that sentences, which have in them a relative
pionoun in English, must be invert-
tention to the Grammar
“That the man of whom I told you yesterday,” becomes in Marathi «trr JRWfa'pTt' tft 5FIW
ed when put into Marathi ; thus, is

The word man, however, is transferred to the opposite member of the sentence from that in which it occurs in
’RffPTR iff SIR an?.
English, and therefore belongs to the fiist member also in Marathi, as the genius of the language requries the subject of discourse to

be introduced in the first member of a sentence.

29. The construction of the past tenses of Transitive verbs by the instrumental case of the agent, and the simple or unrcduplicated
which agrees with the object, or if there is no object, is put in the neuter gender, is a curious part of
form of the Past Participle,

Marathi Syntax, and well deserving the attention of the Philologist. The former of the two modes of construction is called the wft,
and the latter the mf by Marathi Grammarians ; 3Tf% #5 is an instance of the former, and RR Nifa 5
# of the latter
the corresponding
mode of construction. This latter is indeed the more difficult of the two to resolve, yet I think if we compare it with
the theory laid down in the commencement of this paragraph is the true one.
phrase in Sanscrit, wo shall come to the conclusion, that
Thus, RR %rr is exactly R
and answers to “it was done by him” in English. The
was, requires
indeed to be
^answers to our
expressed in English, but in the other two languages it is usually understood. If the in

English Perfect Tenso, which is properly a Past-present, for past and present time are both united
in it j thus, t NT? will usu-
form and idiom of the Marathi “that done by him.”
ally he rendered “ he has done that,” but it may also be translated in the very is

“The letter is finished,” in Marathi will stand exactly as in English, IT Nr?, though if there be no emphasis on the substantive

verb, it will be omitted in Marathi. It docs indeed seem strange that any language should tie itself down to such an inverse mode of

construction, but the limitation is a fact, in whatever way it may be explained. In Sanscrit, they can say € as well as Rf?T,
He by him,” but Marathi they have only the latter alternative. That
as we in English can say “ did (it),” as well as (“It) was done in

the% in Marathi really expresses the sense of the third case in Sanscrit is evident from this, that it is not only used for agency, but

with equal propriety also for instrumentality. Thus to translate the following sentence, “lie slow the enemy with a sword,” it is

neecssary to employ the 21 for the instrument as well as for the agent, no other affix suiting so well the idiom of the language; the

translation then runs thus, RR SIR RRPT The explanation of the WR JRW given by tlie natives is, that the m or sub-

stance of the verb is

delightsln forming verbs from nouns with

was effected by him, and that
the Nominative; thus RR

this is
I should

the true theory of the JTR

is RR NPCR A striking was struck
be inclined to think that the true resolution was
TTR. The other form of construction called the
by him.
As however
3R, a
Uie Marathi

JRfJr need

not now detain ue long ;

there the object is expressed, and the verb agrees with it, as would any other declinable participle. Thus,

IRR qr>fr srrfvRlr NT?, means “ a book has been brought by the boy,” or more exactly in Latin, “ puero liber lalus est" Again

TR ftrff, is “matreisti Jlores dati.

30. This peculiarity of the Marathi language is not only puzzling to a European, it puzzles also the natives as soon as they begin

to translate from other languages into their own. The Sanscrit, as we have seen, resembles the English. The Brahmans then, when

translating into Marathi from that language, finding that though 3T5T will translate exactly ^Trf it^was done hj him, it will m>l

do the same for QTlTiR “ he did," have invented the new form #F ^K<Tf §nw, and this they term the ^rpct JfQl^T p in which

the agent as in Sanscrit and English, is the Nominative to the verb.

here is probably the same word originally as and
the literal meaning is “ he became the doer/ vpfOT '3'^TRT is accordingly rendered ^Tv^vTr §JIW-
31. What is called by the Latin Grammarians the Ablative Absolute, which is m Greek a Genetive Absolute, is termed by San-
scrit Grammarians Bfrf RUfR, as requiring in that language the seventh case, and is in English a Nominative Absolute, is also a Nomi-
native Absolute in Marathi, but it is of much more extensive use than in our language. Thus it is very frequently used to date one

event of less consequence, but which is the immediate subject of discourse, by another of greater consequence ;
as, WsT Ti

offjciT CT'TF rfr^°TR $RT RfR% ?

during* the reign of king Bhoja a certain Brahman procured a field It is emplo} <*d also general!)
when one event is stated as occurring during the currency of another; as, a?rsfl" Srfafffrr df ®Tfv5T, he came while we were at dinner .

The Marathas however do not admit this form of construction with a past participle; thus, “the work being finished (or when the wor.
is finished) we will play/' cannot be rendered RRT ;
this would mean if any thing “ should the woik be finished but

we must say RR or or 3TR 33W,

3d. As a general rule, the student, when translating from English into Marathi, must be guided nioie by the sense than the par-

ticular words employed, and he will often in his own mind require to throw a sentence into a different form, before he commence
rendering from the one language into the other. Thus we form a great many verbs with the substantive verb to he, and a proposition
following; there will here generally be no exactly corresponding verbs in Marathi, but by translating them first into other English, out

end will lie easily gained. To be over , for examples may mean to have authority SIR, or it may mean to he a remaining surplus,

and so be rendered by And so 'with to be in, to be out fyc, ,

Sometimes the Marathas will look at a subject from a different
point from that from which It is viewed by the English. Thus, the' Marathas say tgf ^hRPT ?f°T $KT the grain or liquid 3

looked on as the agent, and it is said “into that vessel two seers may come," In English, the vessel is looked on as the agent, aim

we say “that vessel will hold two seers *


33. In fine, the customs, manners, and religious ceremonies of the natives, must be studied in order to use the language jirojmi
ly. Thus, if the student is in doubt about the use of the word ,
and the meaning of the verbs 3pT & *FF when used in connect fat

with it, how is he to resolve his doubts hut by studying the subject of the native Prayaschitta When he knows that the common

cause rendering the rite necessary, is the transgression of the rules of caste or some ceremonial impurity, that the thing consists in

some penance, or else in a vile compost administered by a Brahman, that it Is supposed only to take away some one, or some series of

transgressions, that the Brahman administrator is the and the recipient the U°TRT ;
having thus ascertained the exact sense *

of the word as used by natives, he will be prepared to employ it, so as not to confirm them in false ideas, while wishing to impart to

them important and heavenly truth.

I ought to add that Major Candy has carefully looked over this paper, and thereby enabled me to correct some of the mistakes
into which I had fallen; what remain must be laid to my account. Many of the points discussed also were originally suggested by Major

Candy, May the Divine blessing rest on this essay, and on the whole work.
J» S.
: —


g,of o» (genitive of object) means that the object must he in the genitive case; thus. To Abandon PTfajm- g *°J 0t ^
?7jf qr^r^r 1 will abandon that man. Here the object (TCT) is in the genitive case.

g* of $* (genitive of subject) means that the subject must be m the genitive case ;
thus, To Abate im g- of $ Ex.

KflW 3T3T*T SETf^r Ills disorder has abated. Here the subject (fPT) is in the genitive case.

in* (or inv.) con . (inverse construction) means that the idiom requires the inverse construction ;
thus, To be able pT; Ex. fa-

ffglH 1 am able to writ**.

neg* con .
(negative construction) means that the word is in a negative construction or in a construction of negative import.

Art. after a verbal noun indicates that the renderings which follow express action; Ex. Abandonment, wf v* V. 1, act. Here
the- art. indicates that the renderings ZV$I> &c * .express the act of abandoning;— state indicates that the ren-

derings which follow express a state; thus, under the above word Abandonment, the renderings which follow— state, «*rr*T t

PFSHF, &c. &<s, express the stale of being abandoned; the jruu derings which follow— ft. or s. express either act or state .

The hyplum-is used to connect two or more words with another which is common to them all, Tims, under the second meaning
of To Abandon, the student will fiml i
here the hyphen obviates the necessity of repeating

the verb after each noun; also under the word Abandonee, the hyphen between the words renders

it unnecessary to say ?gf»pirtrf f one 3n?n does for all that are thus connected with it.
Tint fa. after a rendering or renderings, indicates that more words of the same kind may be used. For instance, under Abaft the

fa. after indicates that any word signifying ship or boat , may he used in the possessive case with WWWf W. Again,

the fa. after crsfirfrsJr under Abandoned, intimates that the reader may take the participle of any of the verbs given under the verb

To Abandon*
In the phrases which arc given under leading words, only the initial letter of the leading words is repeated.

The following abbreviations need no explanation

a. for adjective, m. for masculine. in* or inv* for inverse. enhanc . for enhanced,

«. for noun. /. for feminine, lit , for literal gener. for generally.
adv* fur adverb, for neuter. fig . for figurative, compreh* for comprehensive.
prep, for preposition* v» a , for verb active, pop* for popularly, decL for declinable*

v* fur verb, r* n. for verb neuter* eon* for construction. impers , for Impersonal

p, for participle, v, for vide. neg* for negative* demon * for demonstrative.

s. for singular. p. a* for participial adjective* inlens , for intensitive. inierr* for interrogation*

p* for plural

There may be a few others but they will be easily understood

T. C.
, , )>


A, as m the adverbs anight, abroad, aback , aland, alive, away
A. |
afoot, asleep , ike , as it is corrupted from on, and is used in the
„ sense of on, m, at, <$r., so it is expressed in Marat'hi by various
Tins letter is represented by and *Tr, but by these can
prepositions or suitable inflections of the words. Adverbs
be com eyed only three of its numerous sounds, viz. by the
of this class do, for the most part, appear in the Dictionary.
obscure sound which it bears in collar, jocular, Christmas, Ame-
A, is often redundant, as in rmV, arouse, awake; and m> is its.
rica (which is the sound of u in sun, run, bun,); and the still
Marat!hi representative yjj as in AWFH, &TfX3T°r,
obscurer sound which may be distinguished as medial between
this and the sound of A in sand, ran , band;- — and, by &Tf the

Aback, a dm in navigx TOr-f tfWkfl

sound of A open, as in father, chance, last Its long or slender

To lie taken a. W, TOTf

sound, as m place, face, Is represented by the letter Abaft, ado. alike stern . TO*??, TW,
The broad sound of A, as in 7 //, wall,
< — the shortened sound
to - - ^itoto & c. w?im r%TO<ie. mm~
pf A oi a n, as in hand, hat , — and the sound (of 1$ short) as oc-
2 towards the
curring in numberless English words, —have no existence in the
Abaft, prep.

fnmTOW, & with g, ofo

Ma ra (h i language*.

To Aba noox, v.a, renounce, resign; To Give up, %fcfpf 9

A or an the article is rendered by one, or by J^ffprr any one;
or it is conveyed by the noun simply. Thus qfcR*
TO, HITO, vXffTfm. 37 TO gjfo, qrsfof, FmTO, HfA
or a hook. There is however a delicacy in the use
2 desert, forsake, #3% #TO or

and omission of ^ in its capacity of representative of the ar-

?TTO, ^r?/. to, “4*rro.
u.-nfkvmw* w. & <% w^kgufo.
ticle a , of which, as it would, with difficulty, he conveyed by
statements or examples, this brief notice must suffice.,
Abandon vole, <i.\. V.l. «T«ffqT & c.

A, as a noun,
bearing the masculine gender.
ner, masculine
is still rendered by aj

nouns; and whether simply as, X,

b sgf or by
the letters are,
ST^fiTPC & BlRTfT,

m like man-
sf, «3T,
& c* TO3T, rr¥TO, wm, RrsRtar, tog ^sf#r, fircr^rfa fmm
2 #TO&c. cgff5og qfTOW, m, y

or in combination with the particle «jriT,a& X^K, TOC,
Abandoned, p.fya. v.V.L ZTSR&WT&c. ?TOT , TOf^TcT mfm , ,

flrafifa, ^8f, flngpr.

C3HT& o.

2 cVc. ttrrfsf?r, sro, qfcTO

A, as a contraction of at or corruption of on (in the sense of in)
I. reprobate, fyc. v. Shameless. ST^T^r, far«-
and as appearing before participles, is rendered by &TP?rH or
#3T, wmm, 5TO5SW, fTOT, Pt^JET.

*?rar, tmrcr,
as attached to the root, as, a-begging*, a-swimming, 3gnTr-
II — a town, village, house, v. Desolate. TO'?, '

A, particularly or pre-eminently, to??, tot, ^cnr.

is expressed by V^r t as a hero,
a &c. (L
To be or become a, TOT/. vTRFT ( TOTOT - TORT - TJTO - vV c,
liar, e. a hero, &c. unrivalled, standing single or sole,)
^ ftT, ^ am, <nr
HI.—a tenement: Tjrf^r^r, Al.
A* in the sense of each one, each or every one severally, as, a
year, a tree, a man, is rendered by TOX KK t %fa, and,
Abandonek, m.v.v. l. jrOTKr,fwrnj ?#inT&c. Riml, ^jt
in the objective case, by ^ as, to each man , tree, fyc. iTpTOn^

Ac. gRfr,
— , , — H-

3— sTT^RM.-^TTONr » ^T5) f f°-^ (

2#ronrr &c. ;w, ttcr-r/ j^rraT - Tpc^n^r tott. - &c. —in matliematies,
Abbreviated, Hf&flR H^T TORT, HWTr^I.
#TOT n & RR«.R- p. v.V. 1. TfRfT, ,

Abandonment, n v V.l.—aet. RTOTw^ c. .

n — state. 2—
2 rtrFvs, rtvr, grrrarc w,or or
, 3R W jrvr rTORR n. TOTOT«. TOERR

& c.
&c rr m. rtoit /• tttotr«. Prerr§nrR». 3RR«*. tohsst 0%RT ». TOR »• m>.
Abbreviation, u. v.V. 1 .—act.
/. frofevr/. fire*pn.
2— act. RiTOT n. #TT «TIR n. &c STITT 111 ifeTOT »>• RTOt » fiy'T'TM . — state tFStT rn. H&TT'TTwi. HR'T'TT/- HRFtTI^ii.

Rqftf^reTrr /• rtjhtr/- TZAif

tfHR*Rw state. 5gr^^T aTT ,rt - &c - RR m 'hF/RR rn. rsj-rtirTi f state

3 act. HTTR m. •
To Humble. TOPR, RTRR, TO-
$c. v.
I. mark of a. WTFTO? «•
To Abase, v a degrade, Abridgement. sSttot. HHRRw.
tlung abbreviated, v.
hr, httot, hr/- tor g.ofo rFhrr rtot «• tor 5''^°‘


Abbreviator, n. v.V. 1. H^fTRTf, ^'ST TOTTOT, BSrfRRT
2 (one’s self). ^HIRT >*. HR, TO.TOT

r^'Rrrw j - - y: - Rr'TTRT &c. HRR-TOr- 3 STRRH, RRRTOHt, RTTOffHTRTr.

- srq-^rr/ -€Yr?h-« - -
A. B. C. v. Alphabet. stTOIFTTOT'"- H8JTHRT f- RlHRr f <ft vT
jr^fwrrw. &c. tor,, e^Wtarc «. &c.
M. ^KrvTRT/ pi.
q^q- w ^ff^R«u-HtHrTTirrrr'»--Hf5TifR^R »i- TOR,TOH-

2 r.Rudiments. sTRRT m.
?r».-hctot m. &c. rtot-wtot. VaVRHw TOIRTOa-
Beginning one’s a. b. c. &TRRT
Abased, p.y.T. 2 -RTTOTf Ac. TOfTOT TOTflRR ipTTOT, ^TITOIT" , ,

TORI if w.
gHHTWIR ?n. HnHIRR >»• Pl'HiTOH m. 'RHlTOR»«-

To Abdicate, r! n. yield a right. HRVTOT w.-^TFHVV./-TOTrPT-

hr, f5r?n^?nT, RRirofsr, RfroRffpr, ftRfro’c, ffwfTOR,
* irfR/.-RTOTOT w.-^rTHFrtlRwi.-^rFiIRf'TTfVH M.-TF^sTTHif m.
hrtoK RRfrror.
& c. TOR.
Abasement, n. v.V. 1. — act. TOTTOU. RRITOT n. A c. srfiRR-
a rightful possession.
qjfcH n. — state. HtTOR »»• RTTOT3TO f. HreirfR f JJRfW% To Abdicate, r. a. relinquish

SRR RR nt. RRH »'• TOTfSfH

m. HRITO m.
2 state. TORTOTR*. TORT/• m - CtTOTOTtTOT >»• «^T- -fWTOI n. -fTOTH n. &c. sfTTR, HTORR TR
ifaRTRtTOT in. i*l'li?«hKdT /•
jfjcinT «»•

7’o Abash, ».«. v.To Shame. RTOR, WW, RRt TOrPTra RTOT, RTORH m- TOR
g.of o.
To the throne.
WHW. ?fij( g.ofo. RSTRTTOR. a.

Abashed, jo.%.V. and Ashamed. rr#R&c. RSRR.sfeffiT,
rr m.-Tr«rrcRRR w.-tthttorv m. HRT'TR'TOR w-ttsTR
RR »tR3lfWT'W *».-TTsTOTTOT M.-?THRR^rR3fH«.&:c.
To bo or become a. R5R, RTTTR, «Hr3TTRR.
Abashment, n. v.V. state of confusion. srFsSffft^w. hItTm. TOT'F.

To a. an office or trust. 3TRRKRfH?«.-vF^TOHFT^WTOG- Tr’T-

HRRTOR m RTTOTOR - or RTsT^RT nt. sfelRRcT/. 3Trars?t/.
WI. - ?! RTOT «• ” TORTf ^
«.- &e. VH”T.
RRiRjf W.-TTRR 1

To Lessen. 3TOR, Abdicated, p. v.V. N. RRRR&c. TOH, HRRR, RRf, 'TOT
To Abate, v.n. make lower, less, weaker, v.
%?tr, RrfT, frrfHfnfv, fR'HTOT, fRRH, fTOTRRR, ?TO5-
2 (force or in tenseness of)
mitigate. fTOTT c. TOR, 3RT R?rTOrrTO'TFTOTT ,

m. -R7TOR»G-RTOHTO.-'3 T3TtRT/'. & VTOT g.of o. qf?TR.

c- FTOTOr. .

3 (a demand, &c.) TOf RRR-^TORte/.-^Rfr/. TOR. ts. V. A. i§ 3 WR RrRT, RfR'T RR, TOTf, n5tl«FT, RTJE,
&c. ,

&. 5TRR q-ofs. HffRTRV TORRR.

n. grow lower, less, weaker, v. To Lessen. RRT-
qflnr, g-Egjf ,

To Abate, v.
Throne-a. FHfrTO -RTOT &c. HRRR, RRrH^rTOT R’tiRSI- ,


decrease. TORTRR, H?H”T,^'TfRT TOT,. TTTOCRTO, RR<ri*r, RRCRrrTOfTR,
2 as to force or intenseness ;

3HH“T, T2R, HHRr RRRT, ifr 73R or fR r ^'T5TH>»--3'cf5W:T fel-reHrEHfRT, fffrefRHRR &c.
Trustor office- a. HfaRK-TTO&e- Hi^R.RRTRRR, RRTT,
n. -!3T5Ttlar / - ^HHRr »> &c. ?R g.of ft.
Abatement, n. v.V. A. 1. — act. H'TKR, n. RHl n. &c. RffriRRrrRR he.
n. RT-T «
Abdication, w v.V. A. act. traR«.
RRlRTR n— state. TR m.
fTOH m. RRfRRTO^r-
-2—state, OTITw. f^KT m. Sic. RTir m. ^'TOT^r n. n. R?R »»•

— &c. rr m. RUT rn. RlfHRRRSHTO^fT RR rn.

v. V. N. 1. state. RTS'RRI'Rto.
^n. TTO^r^IJ-
2—state. H?H&T'Tr«',. 8cc. 3Rt STRTRWJ. 3RR’ *. 1 of-a.

lift/. 3H5R m. gtRUiR /• OT5RR n. BTRiT m. HtHKT rn. TO’-Tffi


RR -

^ „
Abdicator, Abdicant, a. v.V.N. 0fTOIHT&c. TORRRT, fHI-
sum abated. ttZf.

Abbey, n. qz'm. RRT5R n. RfiTT, ^TOTOT- RRpTTfV-BVrfRTfeT-TTRTOR -HtinTRfTOTOr

Abbot, n. Hf^T m. HRfSprtar m. H2R^ m. HIHR m. &c.TTRf.
To Abbreviate, v. a. v. To Abridge. #n v.V.A. #TOTKT &c.
RR-^RR^fR &c.
&«• TO^fT,

g.of o. RSTtf VRT-
Throne-a. fesraH-DRTTOr- TTWT'r-RSftfTOFR -5Q.«H&c. #|TO-

2 in grammar, stT Rfsjtt «RTR, ^TtR STIR aRR, TO TOR.
qrrcT, &c. rri, &c. Abject, a mean , . v. Low. TIW, foT^T, ^FW, Rf^T,
^rrr, Rum^wn 1

&• Wf, &c. ^f. TF3R.

Trust -or office- a. vfaSTK-'TT flrOTPCT, ^TK^K^RTt, T^FTF, To Abjure, v. a. renounce §•<?. ow f^f ^t^T-^TTrF-

®Tf^r^R-^^r3T %c. ^rf. -cRfTf »?. 3RR, NfW^F or TFJ^T #^oT-S‘F^^‘-'TFU ffi^T m. :

Abdomen; r. v. Belly, <TR ;/. TfSd d?. ST^T^. TfR/* ^XVf, RRT m. TOWttrnr m.tkx*T ff-ofo.
Abdominal, a. v. N. 3TTt, ^T^r/fa^T, ffWfff, Ablation, n. act of taking away, bttt^r n. arqff^ m. sq-q^RT
4w ^sror, HT3T,
m, n. fT°T n. 3^qw nt.

Abecedarian, teacher of a . Z». c. for rudiments. '^RfW dl Ablative, a. that takes away . ^mX^ f
-TTffU, $FTT,
stttftf w?. "4r^Rr-mT^r^r»^w^r^c. ^mirr- faT-RF^r IT (c‘*p. in comp.) ?Rf, mrm,
&. 3T-?ff sfararr w^r^r^rq'^r «*. f^r-fr'r-^rsr «.v- ^tvf.
2 learner of tub . 6*. v. Smatterer. %TPPTrn/. *?Rr*ff *S'OTTF or A. case. ^TTRTT n.
4iww. frcw^T wwo/ tw w *. fsra°nrr m. ft- A. case absolute. 3RpTW#F/.
«p.Tft ?>?. ^Tf^wr »/. ?srTm?W'>*. trt «r wfr^- Able, Powerful. 5Tfmf^
a. v. ^rfT, m*4 ^qpT.


xwrrwfiw. ^ttr- 2 —
mentally, v. Cl fa er, Skilfll. ^F%5T. m4 f

wr[//?. mhwi\ »u mwHmfmim nu 3 of adequate ability or power, v. Competent. c7R¥, ^TF^OT

Abed, adt\ on or m bed. trt IT,;
mmftX ,
mmr , 7FTXR, mb OT.
qfr, =5TRm 3TW, ^FTT, TF^KT^. ?
4 — in comp, admitting of susceptible of having the power ,

Aberrance, Aberration, \. 1)r\ iation. nRbT/• The form of the English verb thus constituted is rendered into
rwr rqqwd/ //. h^rot ///•
Marat'hi by attaching, to the gemndial form of the Marat'hi
Aberrant, Erring. r/„ demons, v. R f^T-Pl^TR &c. ^RFF, SFR verb, the particle RT, (ex. Eatable ^PTIRF, Drinkable RRrRF,):—
tf#f, also the adjective ^frr^T^e, equal, adequate , (ex. qiPTf^rtT^ir )i
Jb Abet, r. 7.
< />w/q v. To Help. Tj^mni. %qr t
rTJTRTM. TX^T — also the adjective WX or, popularly, #tFrff or mm proper,
g.of o* 'Tf3*TOffi w^i/.ofo. fmiftj: ot-trsppt Jit, worthy, (ex, mm or ^F^TPT or mmm WV- ^TJT^Tf - #3]T? ):
-*T°T. also the adj eetivti
possible, after adding ^ or Bl(ex. ^ITlTFor
Abettor, rc. v.V. Jj^qrt'TO, J*IIW JTTTRIT, hu TTRirF m. W^T^f^T'-PT,): — and thus, with a liberty unknown in English,
mim m. throughout the Murat'la verbs. It is further rendered, when it

To Abhor, r. a. hate intensely ; abominate, detest. apfa B4% expresses the sense proper,Jit, worthy (to be), by compound-
&c. qm, m m.-*im^n. ing with Sanskrit nouns' such words as fliTF, ^ggrfT # gfsfrT
WTJf g.ofo .
Td g.ofo. buw. eon.wm (FFTNt) KVn,or 9
all expressing this sense; ex. TR**W, JTSdTrTTT, Sr^Rf4?T,
’inverse!]/, ROT, =TRR TRUa TFffi% fq^-TRR On ?
~RRT TiRATiT qRW-r^sTfw w/. C°T~?FT #.o/7l This form is also, in very numerous instance's well rendered by
Abhorred, p. v.V* affair & c. ^TfaifTT. Sanskrit gerunds or pariiciples(e. g, eatable ??oV“
Abhorrence, n. extreme hatred. TFt I m. r
qT*fiTT hu addin’ nu f
o r *{VR , JT4FTPT ft fw s?T or by such forms it will
%TR uu fopT n .
here be abundantly rendered, hut for the rules of formation, as
Abhorrent, a. Abhor her, n, v.V. ^jiR’ Ac, ^RTfTF OTffiTr, ,
they are not quite simple, and as they belong not to MartU'hi, the
BTfwq-ic, qfRri, *tF#£F. learner is referred to the grammar of the Sanskrit. I lore it is
1 Inconsistent. hgRFV, faSvST, RTRT,
irreconcilable with, \\ necessary fo state, 1st Thai by the terminations^ able” spoken
m^f T^FT, $f4fFv5“.
of, arc to he understood as well tins termination a ihle, eble, libleT
To Abide, r. n. stay for a short time v. To Sojourn. ^TcRR, (e. g. miscible, deleble, soluble
() wliether occurring euphonously
Irr m. H'f mm m. c<R f
^rr & c. xm, frm in the* constitution of English verbal adjectives, or appearing in
iu adjectives, introduced from the Latin
and whether viewed a«

2 dwell , v. To Reside. W*r RPT% ? ^m^/mpm^f^x'^. derivt*d from Abal Goth, or Ablez Norm., or from Ilabilis, bat.
?5 not cease or fad, v. T6 Continue, PT^T^C 2luly- That, as this termination “ able/" though it, viewx*d as

feK TF^, Xm. English, can mean and therefore can be interpreted only as a-
4 bear up against, stand oaf, v. To Endure, R*F% fwrw >
hove (y\z.*having the power); and though, accordingly, its in-
f^r. comparably most common implication is that of susceptibility
5 ^>y ;
stick to. f%cjrr qr - stT^r^r -% bt^t - kt^f^ 4 e, or practicableness, is yet employed (perhaps from a power de-
To Abide, v. a. v. To Await. rived from Hahilis), to express the sense Jit or suitable (e. g.
mm. observable, edible.,) and the sense subject or liable,^ e.
g. ft*
2 y. To Bear* flOTw. ^XJt g.ofo. nahle, punishable, so, in like manner, are employed the participle
n. v. Power,

(net/, eon.)
fer tfr^ or m and the adjectives and mm
ke. 3%. That the San-
^reformations given, and all similar formations, (with the affixes*
2 — mental, v. Understanding, Capacity. jf^Tf n. q*^gT and rRr,) are, though they involve differences and
m^n. m.
admit delicate preferences, employed in Mar&tlki with eqml am-
R - — — - .


plitude. 4thly. That the Marathi formations with the participle A. performed in company with others. RRWR.
and the adjectives snT*sTr«ad RRF, as well as the Sanskrit Assistant or attendant at a. RFFR RF^RTRF m RiFTR

formations, bear, additionally to the senses given above as com- Cloth worn at a.

mon both to them and to the English formations with “ able/ Cursoiy or hurried a. — with the power or implication of going

on the point, and through the form, doing enough to swear by, j*
the senses designed or ‘intended, about or
demanding, requiring, or claiming. Lastly. That the detailed 3RRRR n. jTO^RftRF, ^?FR, RF'bRRR*

explanation here presented is designed to stand in substitution of Laws and rules* of a. ^IRfaR m. pi ^iiRfRR m. .

detail and of unexplained repetition thioughout the class of the Mater pis (water, ashes, powder, &c.) fgr a. RffRiR v. RIR n.

ables ; and that, therefore, it is to be borne m mind and applied That performs a. RfRRRb ^PTt, RfiRF? RFFRtTR.

by the student according to his occasions. That has performed a. RFFR RRR, RR, ¥RRFFR RfRRFR* ?

To be Able, Able WR, ^RRRgRrR^RR &c. Unpin ified b} the daily a. yet unwashed , — of persons, vessels,

(these two require inverse construction , as, I can wntc, RRT eve. qrflHF; and by reduplic. BTFfrmf'TFRF, Wh RfuWFR-
fRfR or-RI'rfi or RfRTH 5?f. Can you do it ? 1* RRfFR Pf ? or Yet wet (im wiped) after a. RRST or BjRgF.

Heie may be obsencct that the verb SR, Ablution-cloth, n. 3RR1? y/.^RPT? n. qRRFRF J-
f R3RFR tflTR f%? it

additionally to its requiring i?ir. con . admits of the use of the Abi ution-stone, n. ^RTRI 3TI Ti'<F,/l ^Rfsi^r or
agent in the objective case, — as per example : also, that the qfRST 15J/
idiomatic and far preferable mode of rendering the English verb A b lotion ary, a. v. N. relating , fyc. to ablution. iritTRRT. <?i-

to be able is this mode of inverse construction. The verb is nT^T, ^TR^W, *7RPT, SJRRqW, WiRfaiPT, ^RrRR, «RRf •

further rendered by the use, with a construction inverse or in WTPT3T,

which the agent is put objectively, of the third person of the Ably, mfr. v.N. 1. STrfrHT Ac. frsrfrjr, OTW.
causal verb, and throughout the verbs ; as, I can eat this mango, 2 f5T^,- €[5trr, sgnrrcrk^r, ^r^-
fT srfar TRT or wrf% and? TRf or 3TiWR
used after any
R-RR# - RFRRR - &e.: though, Aboard, a<h\ •sxiAprcp. qr, 'HR, s ifT,

from “ RRFR* word signifying ship or loot.


of this last it must be added, that it is restricted to

the negative construction or to the interrogative construction Abode, Abiding, m act. v. Stay. ti. RpRR'./l

with negative implication; as, f JRT or RT3RTR RRC - RR'TRK

2 place, v. Residence. frtfiTRTw;. n. rr?WTrff 5TRr.'.

&c* Riff, or f 3RT or 3T^R 3FRRRFR RTFR RRR, RRR, (these

? To make one’s a. To take up one’s a. t . To Reside. CRR,
two with the construction noted under iff?) fTRFR SR? g<of o. m. 3RT°T.
TRRd FR3RTfZR nu &{W\ g.of s.
or m. g. of s. m To Abolish, r. a. abrogate annul. ,
or JrrOT,^!^-
Able-bodied, a. 3?RRT - FF Z
3 - RRR &c. m~ ,
m% jtiw q-RT-^“T-5iR«T, wmx J.-
RR, ^TRRR^R tffpf, ^RR^ItJT, ^FRRRR,
wiJ.-T&Zm.-VWm.- JfSR n

RRRR, qjRTR. sprfrtFT ;L-RiT7?: nTi',-R T ,

»n. f.R^i/.-Jr^r^'T^/i.-rTpr-
Ablution, n. v. Washing, R? n, TO 1

n. TOTRR n. RRR n. CrtT DL-irwFnrHR «.-3T^fw^'«.-^ft4inT4Jr

2 Bathing. Wf °I ?/• w, WR WfW- fTOT^r n etre^r.

ww Ac. f^TRiT-H JT/// . - T. t

TfR U. a. a rite, practice, rule,

3 — in relig. sense. ^R //, trfrq-R/.- »>• - «/.- 3iRrrrTrfR«. -rto#-?^ n. ^

A. of the body. &RRTFR. tW'TfWR’ w.-faP-TO^'T 'FT'T.

A, of the feet, qpsi h* IFWiR. j
Abolisha ble, a. v. V. #?Prr-TT^CM- Ac-flW-twr-^RJiTAt
Aw of the head. f^TORFR. I Abolished, p. v.V. Ac. JRT,

A. of the waist to the feet. qfrfeRTFR. rr, firffr, rc^t, Rftr^NCm, ^ir.

A, from the throat to the feet. ^RRFR. Abolisheu, n. v. v.#r°rrcr Ac. srrfffrr-yc-Ae. grTRrrr.
A. of the mouth, aRRRR pop. 3TRW or srrr? gTRRTSR n. Abolition, n. v. V. — act. #?°'r n. trfRrrW '». ^nS’lW Ac.

aj €WRR «.
A, In the
morning. ?TfR:R3TR.

n. Ac. T
vi. qq m. iter

ni. awCrT >» fqfR

m. Ac. JTff ^1/
/• FTfifa /• 3^1-
JT^rV /•

A. at a sacred place, RiRRfR, RRRWR. <sfq/. qRSSTR.w. HRRCpTw.

A. in the sea. ^gr^R. Abominable, a. detestable, execrable, v. Hateful, qqqq, q§f-
A. after inunction. 3?UqRRFFR, STRUTT? 3R1R. ft, qriR, sir^HT, RTfR, RTTPT, STf#R, sqqtqfrw,
A. and inunction: used esp. of women and children. RF^FR Rf- sjpj^qrs* ,
t/MPPT, fTOiT.
RR n. n
A. pci son. n. qqfsrq[%/. R3TR m. ?sfq mi.
A, performed mentally. RFRRRFR.

fqqar m. t
fWR PiW rtn f qqrf n. n.

A. performed- by rubbing earth on the body. rFr^TOR. A iioaiin A idleness, RT m. &c. fw-
n.v. A. STtiTTTT »l 3TR T R C

s spurlmr/ ^nfs^rr/. f^rfrr/. -
A., performed by rubbing cowdung on the body. RRRRFR. 5?w/- qr#R?rr/.
A. performed with certain incantations. RTOR. To Abominate, r. a. hate utterly, v. To Abiior. Iqq, fqq
A. performed by rubbing ashes wyTOR. nrqq, m.-arratqq «• wr g.of <>.
Abomination, n. object of a. qw f Prqv?. aTrrtf'Tf^. 4 Aere cewrf Mere, circa. 3TIW5p, 3 Tr^rq, ^rHTRT, 3TTqr
<rcm, fq^t, f^Rrt fqqA, %q qq.
Aboriginal, a. v. Original. sy^ff, qff^F, 5 circuitously. qrqR, qrqrstrq’, %rr ^irrqrq-qqrq &c. qqqrr
Aborigines, ?i. primitive inhabitants, TjWv\\^m.pL 5F4T~ W^q-qqrq &c. fqcqrfer qqrq or, inversely, qqvf-q?rq.
2 pi f] M^ iqf^siMni. xp-Tffi^Tff- Above, prep. over, qq, qrrrf, q^qf or q, qrq], WfL
pi “rtf- From a. q^-q, qqq.
feflT&’M.p/' 2 v Upon. qq qrqr. (
2 nmcamaye,
Abortion, n.—act Tpfrrff/N. TprTT-Tw- 3— in quantity, number, &c. qr qf^rqrq', gqu i%Tqrf. ( )

ipTEjKw. WWTffw. 3t4^tPt/ ^4iW*Ffw. jpt- Above, arfv. overhead, upwards, qq, qqqf, qqq, 3W, itfqr
#2R/£. fq^qiT^rM. ^TTm. WTm. jqiiiqr^q-, -f^i.
Procurer of a. FM^R^ R^fRiTf, RT^f^c. 37Rf. r
2 in the heavens: qr, qqqr, qqq, ST^f, 9Tr^r3Trq, iiqiTJitiq,
To procure a. qjZ//. TW4 - m&T - ^ F'Tff - srr^ q* WZW, fT&TFT f siqqr^f, wtU.
f 5fT?fDT Above all, adr.v. Chiefly. qf?W qqq, qr?^^, Hqf-
To suffer a. qfZn. g.ofs. , qft, J^qsr:.
—produce, cast lnig. ij$m. 3q45w/w. sjqfrr- Above-bo ahd, adr. not clandestinely, v. Openly, qprq
^fTJm. mrfmm* TTWTW/n. if^fTm. qqqqrqq, qq^qqi.
Abortive, a. brought forth untimely . b?3FRf, h bove-citeo, Above-mentioned, A bove-named,&c. a . if5r-
^TO^Ffrr, aryfar^ir, w^nr, ^r^srrff, warrrcr, *hwt, qrr, qqiqr, qqffqq qqqrrqq, jrqnurqt orst, (only in writings.)
ST^IPT, PH3f,(ouIy in writings.)

thatfads, proves rain , v. Vain. r4, ’*FR


«fiT. To Abhyde, v. a. rub or wear off. 'qfsrqzuT, ^rsrqq, =qr55q, qTOCT,

Abortively, fG/r. v A. 2 TOr, 3 PIT, sspj, pjf. qiqqq qrn’nT ,?qrq"r, rsr3rq«r ,mq'tnTw. -fqq-?-q«.afq%.q/b.
, (

To Abound, r. w. hare plentifully. - PF»T'T - v^pr <1 <*.

Abhadko, p. v.v. qlarqqqqrr he. srqqm, mfcn.
'Wff or fi«f /we. go//,, qj^. To be or become a. TTTqzor, ^qrqor.
2 be plentiful qirf- tptf&oS -FW^-ff^T A e. Tpgfq r>r f?jq
Abrasion, n. v.V act. n. <qn. qRS^’r n. 8cc. sqq-
gfr ~TPFi4w. - XJTJ3 n. - n &c. ar^q or 3W qqq n. nqsvf ».— stale. ^srqi^rqiTT m. &c. vfrsr /. «-
$M>A B]fq ?
Tf^/r, Abreast, adv. with the. breasts in a line. 3Tr# 3TC *?&, Softer
About, prep, over
T-ffr •rr rr^^vT , «rrt***r,
the outside

of around.
qfqr^^T, ffff-
#Frr, tfrwrsr, tfmr or ?r mf~
®rjr, ^TRrre s?nr,
To A BK more, ?•.

^ ,qmi%q:-
a. epitomize, digest, abstract. FfiifW, HAfT m.

*K, SWFTSli, qftrT:. m.-fkrc in .

2 in the vicinity of SpOTO, ^TrOTf^^rwrif, e5l4f“ trfqH^IT m. qrc°r ff-o/o. Jqffifq-Hiiffqqr &c. qru"t.
*rr4r, sspff, mSrsfrfr, 01 , 2 shorten, diminish, r. To Lessen. :qjfr-^q-&e. qr C'T.
; -

8 concerning fippif, WIT, . 0 or BT (Vw»rr 5ffTWt 3TRTr~ A bridged, p. v. v. i. ^rt^r g’ftrfr, TTfiijfqqr, ^Sqrfq,
55T ®rr# atff). ^rqrfeqr, #f, ?qtrrfq, qq, qrrwqr.
4 in quantity, quality, &o. near to HSRITPTF, ^TFTTF,
¥ Abuidoedly. adr. v.N. gaqrq, ^rqqrKtg-, fi&qq:, g*&rr, gru
5ERT, WF^F, H31FTFTT, ?fRlT. -Hirfsr-Hrcrq he. q^rq.
in time; iwr to, «nar,arJT5T, B^FTm,OTF^T, Abridgement, n. v. V.3. act. q&'T 3R;q-«.
mff . — state.j#o«. «fyqqr/. ?%qqqfw. grSfqqi?qvi.
f>appendan fly to the person MUlBFC, .
W, W^ ;
Tf^i ?wrfrq/ g&'dffq/ grfq/ fif?qqr/.
7 /// compass or circumference of ijrpRf, qfrqlftr, 1 booh, §c. abridged ; compendium, epitome, digest, sum-
“%3T4 or if, many, abstract. Tf&qw. fllTrSTwi. ?TO«f»/. g{T #qw.
8 on the point of in the act of ^3W(ex. a. to die. 2RT- gqT?TTw. qTqrqtfqw.^w. m? m. tffemf- Fmkm.
%qpq.a to go qqqFqjg, ami TWqRTgr, 3T%Wf, W*%?pr, Abridgkr, n. v.V.l. fitSTW, ^PT ^"IKT, wq-HJTrgK-gBK

he.) *lf)Tfnr («'X. e. v. supra .)

' -awte qrqrf.

To bo a.

f Hirnr &<•
at, in,
?‘V'T f

m engagedness
m wrsrre-WflkfflA^&c.
upon* bjf^
if^ or 55T- Abroad, adv.
at large.

2 out of doors, without qTrqrtT, qf€T. .

qrqrpr, qTOU,

About, ado. circularly f 3Tf^r ?

3 out of home, in foreign place. Jrfcpn?T, trmiqff, tsiRfCr,

sfiT, JTT>TT or U, nKRT or xi,-li<SV qT-T^. wwFqU, irqsifq, r#3Tf, q?ref, qrfu.
2 in circuit, in Compaq q^RT, Togo a. qqrrrqtf 5TPT, q^TfqU M.-f#3TqiFf «.-.qqf(qqTZ:qn.
&c. t -qscqiCTrJ^r n. qrrq, tprrera sirq.
3 nearly, clrcilcr. aTTSRT?, ^qRr or 3T rtr aTR'q-T, gqirrer, 4 over the. region, fur rind wige. ^qrqr r ^STtW, ^WqTRT,
gUKT^, ^TCRT, W (<‘x. about a mile tr$\ and qqr, gsrqrfq (ex. q-ft qq^rfq qrqr g^fq), qrriq, ^giq, «hr.
jwt <T¥» <rsFT, irer qqr, Jrifqr w, # qqr &c. about six, To get a. qTqrqT fror-TOT, WTCq n.-gSTH: w.-srqsq n. fft
about seven, &e, HW W, OTT T3T, CRT, ?5ffT &c. g.of s. qar /. 0W g.of s, 5iTT-^r.
& , , )

S in the open air. 3TC**Tff. Absolution, n. v.V. I. — act. ^37 n. f?~7?r? &c.
To Abrogate, v.a. repeal f annul ,
v. To Abolish. qt^T, #^T- ?,7?i??«. r?7fT?VtTr». ike. state. 3??r?P?ra. 3?5T?r?Rr
wit ^tot, ^r. of 33^?l?r»2. 3?5Ri?M. m-7??l / ?IT?i7/.
Abrupt, a. precipitous . 3T3T iT^r^r, JHrS’^TT ¥^TRT, 2 —act. #3R«. irrsFTSET ?(37?7 f. ?%37q/. — state
gzw ^trf, fespre, ?;?37nrr?«. ifr?7?r/; eriwT/ 377-
2 without proper Sudden. ^f^^TTTfW -
notice^ v. c. ??/.-???rr /. ffi? /• ?7?r/-
toi, >JT3cRmFTr, Tfqrfsmfor. To Absol’ve, v. a. exoneiate, excuse, exculpate ,
acquit f of cri-
3 unconnected^
cJZqRT. 7 'O
minality.) f??7TT7-f?7?-r?7r? ikef STW,
.A bruptly, aril.'. v.A._2. 7 7r7?r, 7 7f??r, 777T %o7m77, 37, -?17q?H.-ff??r7?". -r??l'It frr?
». 77? g.ofo.
733T, T333T, 7777, ?37?ftr. fr???r
¥??, 733TJrr7i»i.-Tsr5r?r?r?r or
Abruptness, n. v. A. 3. 77f 7 r^HTsi. r%3R2f7ra. 7f3?L 3iT? g.ofo. ^^S'-Hr'b'-r? 1
^'^ Ac. 7TOT.
2 trfFT^fratffiTM.
«\ «K
37%w«i. Sc.. 2 free from a promise or engagement. Ffi??, iTfiF^f 3T7?,
Abscess, «. impostuma. 7i3»j. T wr?*? 17772. frq72T7n. RTP-Tw. ?rv;?Hr/. - w/ - g^r/ - %?? n. - tf? f. #3 ~ tit /. - #3- Fii - 1

To Abscond, v. n. withdraw or absent one s self clandestinely. w-jf-nzwdf TRof g. of 0 #3Rr-?7-.'''.c. 77?, 7?? «.-JTRT.

q^r. 737, rt? sw, 3?? ?t? 777, 37?* tr?, sftr trr( f- 7lTl/. fee. ft 3? -7????.
.777, 7?r irr^q, 3?? 777, ?q? 777, f??? ?rfi?r fr?, f??? Absolved, p. v.V, 1 RTTTTT fee. 37T7^?r, ft 333T TTia:?r?T?f ,

sffSr, ?r?«. tr?, 7r7?n? tr?. c. or srftrar, f?fm, swi??, ?f7?7, r^ptri?, ftf?-
Absconder, n. v.V. f?f(7 STTOT, &c. 33,- fie. ?l73r,37rr, ?7, 77??7, &c.
Abscondincly, adit. v*. V. 3T7 55??, 37? W77, 3 tf 3Fr ?. To Absorb, v. a. sucltup.iffh 717???,
ftrft?, rr?,isr?, fIRR,
Absence, n.y. A. 1.3T??rfsfft/. ?rc?7?r«». 3?fl3TiTR?r/. 7?-. . f77? ??, 5fi7>».-ftr77».-3Fftt7?7«.-IiT7R«. 777 g.ofo.
?4j?r/. 3i?=??R?r/. Tf[8a?r/._ 7?nsR7TT?B. frcpum mk- 2 wholly engage, engross. if?-7?7-?IT-f??Jr-7;77-7?-
E?r,/. 77%? f- 3RI Or ^W?/ _

&c. ^777 arid, ina. con. r}®T, Rr77, 7??.
In the a. of. lfRT,tf ¥?, ?H?i, 777Rr, 3T777, 3T?|ff (alsoin S swallow ’up, consume, devour, take. 1317, &T<R7,
comp, as ??5r?rff %f77T?m)-7r7, qrsftrr?. P??77, gT77, ?77-???-?377 or ?3??7 adv. 777, and, inv.
2 ,5?gr?>mrw-AT?wi?«- srttrtr. ®t?r- con. |r7, 37mu, 77:? g.of o.
TfsRr/. Absorbed,^. v.V. 1. 5T|?33r, 51P7? 7?33T, &c. sJrr??, TTRI?.
Absent, a. notpresent. TTriiftT, ??*??, »T??y, STPRRR, 7T7- 2 ??, ?77, Hf, 77, 77?, 77 pop. 7??, ('377, 7ET7,
trt, <rcter, war?, sr or 7777 or ??r??, sraraf??, mf%, Tift?, ?7?r? (lu comp, as 7f??7?r?, ft7r773f?, 777^7,
»R?7?. #7 ( esp- in comp, as ?fir?, PK773R, PfTRR,) 3? (in comp, as
2 —mentally, v. Inattentive. 7?r?R, 5‘T?rW, BT??ff?,9T3'- 777, Rr?37, afeW? !?,) KmZ, (in comp, as 77?rk?, 7ffr-

*?r?:???, 7 ?-????, 333773717. HS, 37-7770%,) 7?77 ?-77r, ?'7?7^, 7^77. !

Terras, phrases, sayings, ike. dosignative or descriptive of To be a. f?7?, 777, 737, 7T7 7T7, 7777, P|7T#, fW7#?!T
an a. person, and corresponding with wool-gatherer, wan- or fftrsr^r, 3Tt33r or 3]J7?3r,777 &c. 7K3f.
derer, cloud-dweller, S,c. are r?f??, >371, STTToS, ?fs7T, ?lT<?or To be a. 777, nf77, F377I 737, 1777. 1

sir, #rt, wrfr?jfr?, I (into the Deity) ftfSI7r777r, 7177^, ?r7%777,

To be a. ?§N? 777, 37?T? «. 777 i no. con. 71377. ffrff?T757, 71 751^77(7 or 7T77fr, 717177?.
Absentee, n. person absent from his place, qrost, fyc. TTfTlt?- Absorbency, «.v. P. iifm. 371775771 f 7fl3777ra.
TTTW-'vc. 7(77«.-&e. 77? ?7'7>i. Absorbent, n.- -medicine.' ftfW-ftmi? &c. 3Tr7-?«.- jTS7n. &c.
Absolute, a. sovereign, despotic, arbitrary. TTR?#, 737u r
’’PVZ, 2- vessel. 77Plftt/.
5TiRrr, jjtrtr:, tpr, »w, tip-tr, ww, 3 W>n?, Absorber, n. Absorbent, a. v.V. 1. ft|77(7r &c. TilqTr, ftr7
a##?. 1
2 unconditional, unqualified. ORR??, «T?f 7 TT3r, sT? 3%T??r, Absorption, n. v.V. ].— act. 3377 n. r77 n. riT? 77 n. &c.
?%?ft?-?i??-'3Tf? &c. r?? 3T#l 7 r, r???<i?r. ftf77«. ?r3Rw. 3pftl7T7?«. —state. W7&77T m. &c. 377 m.
Absolutely, ado. v. A. I. 3?7% 75%jr7r?, ???- 3frf777«-
5?fNr, ??r?r?, ^j^pfi???, 2- slate. Jj777rm. &c. r?7Tr?r/. 7777n. ?ifR7r/. 77T/
2 ?m?r7r??,
" ^r?^?-^?-^^-. ?'t?st?-3R?&c. sisi^R?, 77??r/. srrtTfm. (esp. in comp, as apwppffrt^^

?#TF1?. 777I77T,) 7f5l77rw.
I. peremptorily, v. Positively. 7iTft3yr, f?£R, ????, 137??, 3 state. fsTC?? or F77777Tt«. &,c.'?7 mn.
r??mRr. I. (into the Deity.) TTTr/. iSTTTPTT???. 35T7rfff/ 3«I-
II. utterly, v. Wholly. sRJTf, f?53?r. f?7f? n. 777?7i(f7/. %7?7 n.
Absoluteness, v. y. A.l. ffiiRTrlf. {????r/- W?5ir«. ?iT?I??r, Rapture or bliss of a. ait?^ n. 35777 m. 35T7I3 n .

f »T 7?n-ft??r/ ?775j?r /. n^E?r/. to Abstain, v.n. refrain, forbear. 7777-%?? &e. TffT'used
2 sqirit^Tw. IffffWRRw. ^Ht%!?3i7». KTRra. ITRf??WFr with the verb expressing the object (ex. STTf STT® 3TH7RT 73T
m. ?t?r?r7»i. 7175777 tTTSTRrT? 7ff7 7ft?) 7PR. 7 37 g.ofo. 7#7n.
-BOTWT m.-W'RRR wi.-sTBR ;;;. TR^PUR, ^seSt, fs# TrUT, ^FJR 71 . ?TPU;;. ^fc7». BfPTBtf. 37TRB/ 3Tff»L ^rfrTSTBrw.
wiBRfafv7i-3TJr7r Br^r. irm». g-PKif;;;. wm^i.-trrwf.
Abstemious, Abstinent, a. (m diet,) v. Temperate. sTPTriiT, — intensely; supei abundance^ fyc* y. Exuberance,
auTur-ft, VRBrirr, suTiur,, sniper, ewnr. 7ByrR;»- BbFse/. 3trfRK;». R^^arrrjM.-^fsr/;
2 (hi enjoyments, goner ) .
tempeiate. Tf^plfafr, 373/73 /1 ,
Abundant, a. Abounding, p a. v.V. h 'fif^rcr &c. ^Tr^T (esp.
BTrfrrfeum^M , hw, wtft, Prw, H iW7ir,
Pm^, in comp, as, ^fST, -IP*IToT, R^rrST, sTRf^T, f*qm f

PPBFUTf, R’T'TTUT, R’TTTffr, Rrfwfr, STf^, f iHf. y^,(m comp, as ,)

S — diet, regimen, life? sparing, $c. 3757pr(Tp7T, WRrfURT, (^m comp, as, vsf^JT^, itc.)

F-PTRiwsTBra', #f*pr w/iurr. 2 Y^t ipjc, sts, or

Abstemiously, ("if. V. '. 1.2. WBiJTFT, VW-BTiNr, wpg- — intensely, superabundant, overflowing, 8$c* v. Exuberant,

BT%, Wfl?, Wftef, ifWBB?
WB, Rlf^TB'jW, tfelT- ^fr,
qfrqr^^f ?

Abstemiousness, 7i. v. \. 1. SUTTSTTR/;. aTPTTfrPUTw. &c. gr^r*

2 f/TW/rUR. MfU«. sr?qp7fffrfTM. Pt^Pt /• (%!%- Abundantly, Abound ingly c/c/u, y.A. J’ScR®?, q^CxT ,

.THptU »• be.. mi, RTOwr.

3. afs^rflT^ 7i. Ac. 2-’o Abuse, «• a. vituperate, revile. Rift /. or f5I5ig y*.

Abstinence, m. v.V — ;;<2. J-TiJFTiRm. BIR-oW- iTRT'Tprsq-r^"- S BR 1 7^'r, rV'T, %/"T, RBf^ 5!, sir^or, trfS?! /. 3Trf5r-

I. v. A. 1. WRIT;;;. 37 -.7175117;;. 'WirR;;- WWTWl 77R ,/i-R^T /. &o. ifTJrnf <?.o/ o. ^7 ^
Pr^riKM. VURfaWa. 'WPW». Ac.
&c. JpTiffFw. —— intensely, veliemently, &c. v. To Scold. 773 3
or jf-

2 3757)7131;;;. B7B;;;. BWD;. B7W«. RW«. H’lTUBB/;. . 5T5"f g-of o. nfw-STR'f, Jj?i7 r 4RR/: JrfW, ffTTw. $bsM[
ur^fPr/. b^fttw;. b^tTr/. Tiq^r^PCM. R^Rw«.f%fcr- *qirBffB raft Sr, ra^r /- B^q or b^b-^r^rb..,
;«»(. 37r?r^RffrrPT57JT;«. -ripW-BTr^jr iV. 5R, BRBR'm- 7"T, ^F[«%.ofo.
II. v. Fasting. OTR;". HTTfPC'n. SRr?rr;;i. 3-qrT'7>;. W3TW srifTFUBrar /• rapRRi 37=r/. §5r-?rR“i, R#ifr/. ssr-
'To Abstract v. a. separate froin. 7rr?"T or ¥>r, PuTTf- 3R-3IT7“T &e.

coarsely or filthily* Expressive of this sense .there are some
2 epitomize, v. To Abridge. BBT5/ bSfTm. BPCWa. 777R scores of filthy formations; but we omit them. *

g.ofo. To begin to a. fffPFPftUB 1®T. •

Abstract, Abridgment. BPC«. BRAUT>»- BraiR m.BrBPT

w. v. 3—
2 ill use, tnis use.

!JB 2 T,-fBg'' fr/
2 (csp. of rolls, lists, accounts.) if/lKT or 3715777 >n. BBfBrw;. g.ofo. iTBTyTTTIT"!. - 37BU{qBR;rt. sre^l??f^wi.-3IB\!n5!ir»i.
S essence extracted, v. Extract. PuTR-w. PpttBmj. - 3 [BTURffPr;/;- -
fR7fR;;;. be. wvn g.of o.

In the a. without reference to particular persons or things. 0 trick, v. To Deceive, artfr#, BfSSBRo'r, '7tB#, 7>Wf l

'jqrjIPT WT, /iWTTTrffr be. % 0

T- 713 07 .

Abstract, a. T-777, T^fT, ^WTHTTT. 4 violate, defile. q-RlTIRwL-q^lft/.-f ^B?».-Sp7r7Bn be.

n. ^BBPrrPr m. 7BRT Si. HBRr/. 7W7W/.

of mind, v. Absence. aT-PP-TFTrc. aTB’BTRBT wvn with 77 0 0 .

/ 7R#, m
ot, stbpit-jb"- fRqr?™.

Abstractly, adi\ v.A. unconnected with any thing else'. B7R- Abuse, abusing, n. v.V. 1. • art, tcRoj-jj. &c. WZiiztflf.

W7WT, T'Fm PRR7 f ITRUKR 71. sr*f / R7r/. R3R». fBiBBnT/ RPf'BBw.
Abstruse,' a. hidden, secret, recondite, oeeiilt. tjf } Tp!R ( JJHPT, B?BBr/l TTfBT f r
fJJ Br f fRBE. PriT4B?i. U3R«. t[Wf. Jiff/-
R\7, TfH'BPI, ?3R, BPdR, Bfpf, JpUU-T, JW, WW, ||pT, BsVr/ qrf^r?Br/.
fOT, fffa.fRW. —intensely, vehemently, Ac. 7UVBR or^t or /FfRBRt/ 3gR-
ABSTRUsnr.y, adr. v.A. ITSWB, J£5W, BBfiR, aRIS- .
73'or?77 3-/ TROTST /• ^vfl/ aKTar’fr/. P3R pop.
Abstruseness, n. v.A. be. rp'BT /' RrpBr /. BWf n. 2 act. 757317 n. Ac. JH3toft/ STB^TTCwi* ^TB/RTVR ™-
jprpiTrw iprph^n. f sTirmr/. <pmr ^TBWfiirw. RB^ftpTtJfTr;/). f377ITC»*. 3TBRW(3T»?-
f act. 5T77'°Tw. & c. ffTRiri f s-TRRl/. 7 RBIf.
Absurd, a. v. Unreasonable,- of persons. R^^TSRT, 3TBWB, 4—act. *75' 77U7w. RTW?!. Ac. ffBR. f^JUPTw.
aTBPt’f'fTT. siB^OTBw- 3TBf7BRw.
— of acts, judgments, &c. WfiT/T, 'S’BWSTB, aWTOT, appIPfir, I. abusive language, feft/ or ra^TT /. pi. RRl/ BRl/. feft-
JP0#T!l'fBr Tr,37BJT%, :
TO, 3Tfff, sTBT^T. im or 5%\f JBfww. tfURM. 77R7Tr. ?BT-
Absurdity, abscrdnk'ss, n, v.A. 1 of persons. F^dra-W n. RBw.. STWTVTM. STTras^n* JIRtRBtRf/. arrifiR U%*. 717177-

f#7W7»i. 37BBjTBT'irrM. n,

— of acts, 85 C.>raHWfB>n. sTBB'TO'RTot. srjfTTTr^H. TTfKUC- Strain of a* Torrent, shower, volley, &c, of a* f^rHl ^FT/
«Br/. ar^^^fT!/-
I — that which is absurd. Sj JRPPTfSf /.-fTOTOT. &c. Abused, p. v.V. 1. f^wr, &c- fRbT

, Bflw,
Abundance, n. great plenty! ystfsEtRT^i. &c.> Prj^T[f. JTfUTr/. To be a. fefr/. BTR.
, — & — — - - ,


Abusingly, abusively, adv. v. A. 1. f5Tff-T[T^f &c. t'STptzT- 5 peculiar tone .


ssvfr Ac. farrfor,
iMwfcr &c. qqifr.tvrw
^ ' ‘
To Accent, To Accentuate, f. or. — in speaking or reading.

Abusive, a. v.V. 1. vituperative scrurrilous 4‘ c RiWT, , ,


JTr^W, sr^f^sr, FT^, R^RfiT, 3fcr3T & c. ^TJffr fr^T- WW^yr -Ac.
fasTrow, rWrc, tot, ?prt£, $znz, jzftot To Accentuate, v, n . observe the accent ; —m speaking or read-
To grow or become a. ?f». g*of s 3T\3T- . ing. ^m. ?f^oT-Z^Tl^-‘u#fAc fr^-Z^R^T-
WTSTm. gro gwfs. &c. ^pcarr^r

Terms for an abusive person, corresponding with scurrilous

dog blacK-mouthed, foul-spoken, loose-tongued ^c. fellow, are
j ,
Accented, Accentuated, p, v.V. A. ^vCK ^IT-
jror% fk, TOitt jt jjt, tort to hzto, jwt S^r-irzS-^r-^R^r-Ac. H^G^ritrr, wsf'iw, ^frfr?r7
5trr% frTO err ^nff, &c. hto™. tot^pjcT, rfzrf ztf - zrct-^rt^ A c

To Abut, v. n. border upon. RTTO, g-°f ?3TiT?r, srra^r, ^rf^?r.

with $rj[ of o. SPPT ^TOT, 9'°f °- Accenter, Accentuateii, n, v.V. ^r^w?. t’&sf qr^Rrr-^RT'
Abutment, abutting, n. v.V. state vrfjcf/J m, TTTO . °TiTT - Ac fi'^rzr-Ac. fr^r^r-Ac.
OTRF w. SfTOW n, ifTTO -iTOfTOTOTZRIT- & c. sfafcr/. Wrl\,

Abuttal, abutment, w. headland . Accentuation, Accenting, n, v.V. act,

Abysm, abyss, ». bottomless gulf ft. PlTC T?rarc°Tx- «**/«. ^nrriu /. ^kmif ^pnrr/.
W. & C. f
—a or s.

2 rfe*/? wfffcr, BTTOTOft* ^wi. v. Y. N. act.¥3T

Abyssinian, n. feft or iwfrft. lyi n.-&L c. TOTraiTni. ^fraR 0 ? n. sgRTTRR. ^qr^fn.
Acacia, n* gum-arabic-tree qpTO or Some species "or RfraRRM. /• ^pranor
varieties are f. or RTTT, TOFZf/. or rpFRTfZ\ f n. ^ppfRi /•
2—the gum. %TORF F&3T or; iffim.-ifffm. To Accept, v. a. receive kindly, v. To Take. If, OT,
Academial, academical, a. belonging to an academy fTOFTO* . sr?or n, g-ofo. qr^=r ¥t, *np fitgrrCT, *rRr-

totto, ^FRTOm# >/i.-^rqrR))i--^fiqT5Tfw.-?ri')rt.-iirfT?ri)i>.-«rr?T :TR.-g''Tr?'R'R-

Academian, academician, ft. member of an a, fq’STpsffft** TOfF- 5T°T g.of O.
qryai^qratw. 2 (a bill of exchange.) fRRR, OTqrRR, aTRRm.' ^rC°T 9-of o.
Academy, n. association of learned men, ffTTFT qr#.
m, qfeTOTO?ft« feTFTO'ftL Acceptable, a. v.V. 1. - R - RrRRT - WV - tr^fT - ^RT ,

2 pfeoo of education . SIfW ,f cfFTOfR /. fTOFWTOTRft* ff?TF- %r, frrer, 5rf°rrr, ?rf%qp, jrftrsro, ^pr, stf^,

sHTwi. ifSwi. OTrl^r, sror^r.

To Accede, v, n. assent to, v. To Agree. tjf^-'TTO-- c. I. V. Agreeable. STf^fTf, TTF^T, fP, 5TR, IHITIT
m; mwFW -3Tgtf<r/. to Acceptableness, n. v.A. l.dnrfpft /.-srirTr/. &c. ?Tf5T<Tf

To Accelerate, To Hasten.
v. a . expedite , v. n. /. ?r?°rrffiT/. ^nfiqp^r/
- irfiTffe/. - TOTOF /. - TOFTOT ftTOTOSR

I. BTfstqnrrm. OTEqfrr/.
Acceptably, adv. v.A. 1.

Tr^rinRqr - ffiwr-
fTTf fhf W, W
^ a. dec. q#ft%, irrrt,
Accelerated, v.V. TOTOR,TORlfcf, &c* g-frrnqrBrTOr, irr

Acceleration, n. v.V. — qJH'liFTw. TOPi^FTft. W[&FS?*[m, ?R-

— act or state. TOffe*/ TOff^T/* Acceptance, Accepting, n. v.V. 1. act. q°Tn. 5n°r n. 3 (
Accelerative, a, v.V. adding to velocity, TOT /.TOT n. ^ilqirqR. 3 TT ^Ftn.-a. or s K(%m. q'Rwi'RL

&c.TOrorr, tofIto, 2 —act. ;gqnT“bi. qj'q'TR. STR'^'Tn.— o- or s. g^lTM- ^rRTm.

f '

wirar^f-^rCt-^fC^-sr^ &<••

Accent, re. modulation of the voice. f Acceptation, n.(as ofaword,)v. Meaning. 5Trttl^ m. ^R'TR'RL
2 stress or force of voice, ^m. The common or popular a. tzitlf. q^RT f. f«>*M ra.
Acute a*. ^afRFm. Accepted, ]> v. V. ?Tff ©3T ?fR(T & e. %K5rr ifftff , (

Circumflex a, #fcr, Trfpfw, a-qnr-

Grave a. srg^RTw. ^mn. 2_lgTO^5rr, ®TRT ?p, qr^RT, wp.
Attention to a, 3T^U^K^- To be qjR, fTfTRR.

S mark directing the voice, n, I. received by grace, favored. 3Tp?H-

w. Accepter, n. v.V. 1. q-firr, fTPT WTO, ’WfV,
4 or accents ; tone, speech, ^R>fc. -&c. ^rqrn, ww-^iv-&c. gjxif,
Pleasing a, 2 tRrrc>TOcr > ?t9rrv- 3TiTC &c. wrirr, qErojrrp*

Soft, gentle, &c. a. ^sr^Prm. m&cm. Access, n. coming to, v. Approach. TOT«. 4iq u fn. 3TPTJT M -

Tremulous or broken a. n. sTRRfR. pTifm.

— / »

2 way of coming to. mz f rrpfm. «TRnR*TRt«i. *TRTRCRT?>i. RfJ#PT5T, 3TRRRRT5r, TOfr, ®frTT%3FT, ^T^rf^RT, aTRf^tT.^RT-
3 liberty of coming f^f ^Tpft
to. J
JTRT^Iqr /-qT^WT/ Accidentally, adv. v.A. 1.

aTRJWJTfq amTqsq^r^R, a?rw-

-arrirf./i- &c JT<3rw ^FRiy. ,
^srr/ mxr*r*[rftfrf wTrtrmf^r^in.
2 fqifrjfWJT, ?-TR, **ror^,fc*,^l3r or
4 (of a fever, fit, Ac )
TOTtn. iTTOrr/ W». 1RR ^t» ,
aTfsq^rpr, ^Rr^rstqrsrRr^-
»lTt5r»z. (esp. in comp as 5qrR-5T, TOWT, TORR3T, &c.) Accidentalness, n. v.A. 1. arnf^^rw. aTRFRrf. sTrfrf<RRr»
irrffr / or tfjnftr/. (esp. in comp, as «*ppTTftr, ^ir^srrfir, Ac.) wnrffNrtfw.
5 See Increase.
Accessary, a. assistant
2 ^ftSXf tqtrfiRFTK.
to a crime, ^TH^TWR t
Acclamation, n. v. Shout. 5rJTjpTqTR>i. ,

(jftrSTtr?;?. 5nrq}q ??i. spp.

2 helpful, contnbulirc, v. Conducive. TOTPT, TOTTOKT, SrTOfTRRr Acclivity, it, acchvousn css of ground,
stotrtt, stort, tottotIT. f
2 an a rising ground,
Accessary, n. helper m a crane. FfRUTm. TOTOfFTc. BTSTTOETyRTTO-
f ni mz\f. urt?/!.
Acclivous, a. rising.
Rf»i TOTOTO?qRT?».
srrofRT, mm.
To Accommodate, v. u. supply ioith a
2 thing a. or helpful, SUfTOCm.
tt:'0:, %T%?t.or %«rer/ itrr, jr-st
gt? f
Accessible, <{.j N. 1. srpqr or qrTOTO-^r-^-#RTO-#RTr,
f nr<m'°r.
2 adapt, v. To Fit. 3R?R.-3Rr?n. -gJT?Y/.-Hsiofr/
-&c s?rcr tmr, mm wir, wwr, tort, tprrt, qR-qisR-tTRoT-^RR, sfipror.
&c. TO-
3 TimwT¥, stpttto, sTfiriTPr, .
sTfwJT^ir, «Tf*RffrW Vtor/ 3 reconcile, malic consistent. SfiRT,


^3RT /-5RT m.-t&s m.
-H^DJi.-RRPTTm. tTRR-qROT-^KT^ ?ST."
Accessibleness, n. A mt or'mpimi tfRTiJT f.-iZFPRflf. -
v. . .
Accommodate, a. suitable, v. Fit. #Rt, wrrt.
- srtrfT /. Ac. JTPTPfr mff. arnrERT/ jrriw/
tfWrr/ btrtt- Accommodating, a. obliging, V. Kind. RiTOTJcfra- qrrq--
^r^TTrr f btrriw /. sTRRT^rrfffr/. Tr^w-Rim. =RT tf.
Accession, n. increment, v. Increase, tost f qfir Accommodation, n. conveniences as respects lodgings. iTffWTT-
2 Jto the throne.) 5TRTTT *

?pt«.-Ac. inv. con. f^fPERTTTfrr/.

anfRT a?lRTOTm. W-HTTT

% mf. sTrRRr-H-^Rnfr $tif ’

urntmifirf. KBrrfwTr- Accompanied., n. Accompanying,/!, Compa-

q ^r/ ^rrornffifir/. TrrsTff^firrRT/. TTvtwrnr/*- vw^fkit-
a. v.V. 1. owif
w-&c. srRfrrR^Rr-^rsRrrr,
&mf *
mmw, m^c, mwCr, Wr, otrtt,
3 to an office, gener. arFWTJipT»>. aTfwK^JTffrr /. erfr-
4m, «nw, btr-
3flTffi7F/ a^TOI^Rstf/.
4 or Acceding to, v.V.
2 m-&c. aTOyrcf-TTRirnor, ^R-^rr-^wRtr-wqre &c.
1. act. JTF*riFT». "arar_
#5rt«. t%2.argnirr/.
*' -1 =fiJRTTT, 5fW, gjfi (espr in comp, as grgsfr, RETTRff,
5 (of a &c.) See Access.
#qfr, ?r4r , wfm, t« tori, aR^, aTRirnrir, fnm,
Accompaniment, Accompanying, «.v.V.1.-«cA
Accessory, See Accessary. T?jf_&. c . jgSjw.
5Sf??. ?Tf3TfT/. &c.
Accidence,?! rudiment's of grammar.
SJpfTT^prff^r??!. sgRRT'T-
2~statc. m~Ac. BTm-ror?^?!. mittf. trt»i. «r-
j r*r*rhEr»*.
sqrqrT^rnrw. "argrwrr%/ ^iLra fr/’. cfiT?M. TOqqWRw. grr^RH cTw.
Accident, u. non-essential quality or mode
; circumstance, ad- I. thing accompanying.
junct. 8TRTprqRT??i. 3TT¥PfajT»i. *R aRTOTT-aTR^RFFT ?nRr«.-f^pTsm.
aTWSRjJw. aTJRRJTw. s%r- J
“ * -TSTRw.-TO^w. &c.
*RT m. 3T^W(mRrp7 m.
To Accompany, v. a . go or come with
2 chance, casualty, contingency,
fortuitousness, qpTm.
. or
tp-mPTm. t?frirwi. ura^sr/. arffiRR?r?j.
By a. v. Accidentally. W

2 be
?2—JTTRt?rt. - WfRq?<—ft|RRRiT». SJRof.

with, associate, %c.


or t-WTPT$ &c.
By rare a. TOTTKRTCTCiRF!. 8^,
an tr#, #in%/- ^»L-^RTRmw.-^fTOBrm.-grTTr/
a* n
asu al occurrence, an incident.
44Rt*'iilK/ ?WSq-M.
f ThrtTftTRTffJ./
95TS%, TKfWrf /-?RRT<TR?i. - ftW^TR?? n.

4 an evil a. a disaster, v. Calamity.

Accomplice, n. associate in crime, strutm. jisutjtF^T
BRRT». arPTEFirarm. W'pzfm.
alKE'ra. arfSH?*.
fifotvftrTC fWRTo.
Accidents, —compreh. wfanffrftirw-
To Accomplish,
— gener. ^rRfarifrn. j»Z.
®. a. complete, consummate, achieve,
In ease of

a. v.

N. 1.
8TRPT«ir. «TT?PT
w?T?W ’
ecute fully.
apE^St RAT#, frorN^,
, ar,
iur^, gfm or
^ effect, ex-

2 chance, casual, contingent,

^iirarar, !>« jr, swjr,

fortuitous, incidental, s rpf-


^ ttttt,
aiTTOT, T?r

/• -?fqR^r/. fee.



^ SjSfr

— & ,

ACC . 10 ACC

*2 (a period or term) complete, fill* 'T°T -TO-JCriT&c. Accordance, n V. and Agreement. — state. Sfifm

sRiqw. q=rrq>».
$ (a prophecy, dec.) v To Fulfil. W -JTTT &c. cRT°T, JGTT? In3?v#, ®T^IR, %7R,
a. with.
Accordant,®. According, p. a. v V. RSt'iTrTf&c. fjRTqrrqT,

4 attain obtain v. To Get.

, ,
HfOT, UTCT qqfvnr, 3TJ3R-, Trnrr^r.

Accomplishable, /& v.V.l. Attainable. ^r^f^-^r^l 3]"- To Accost, v .a. speak to first, tf. To Address. ?C«SRT,

eff -wm - &c. HrvET, (used abundantly in comp,

as easily a. qffRR ^rr^Rr, qr^wq'T « ^TrCTm «• 4rc°r.

hardly a. 3RSTIW, and VITOP#, 2. anti Accordantly, Accordingly,, conformably

a^rarar, N. B The word, being never a preposition, is not here treated

gw,c^ro«r,&c.) m rretffr. t as such. qJTR (m comp, as grPTITR fTTWR, &c.)

^Rr^r-vVc y*f t ^pcnrr-^r-&c. ?rrwr (in comp, as JTRRiTKrr, IrptirerT^rj&c ) qrg|R, wr,
s TCWF^r- &c 5°f .
jqrqrsfr, Big’s <r (In comp as-BTrarg^-q, ^prrgVq. t5JRt?q, w-
4 mrw-^T“&e sqre^r, htw, tito, mm, rtwv.
4 iTTg^q, Ac.), Bigwc (mcomp. as ^JTrgWT, €RMrf-

Accomplished, p. v.V.l. ^EPT^T, tfr^T, ST^stssT, c. OTiFT, gfflT,g'qRHIT & c ), IRT (in comp, as q-qRTPq, q^rffR, ’RT5TRT,
giw, BrTw.fe^, tjqrfev, wrer, wFqrr, *wror, Rrafaq, Pr^r- Ac.) TCR or qTrqqr^R- (in comp, as 5fFHT$r or nTfq^T’sR',
rr, Ptrst, oferq, qMsR. q5C#, g'qq’TR qR^rq^q &e.), q5ff (m comp as q^rertqfi, wq^r-
To be a. rrfter or spite te’lR-qR-RIR-^f’#, qK adv. <TCR, qiff Ac.) BRqqajg (ht. regardingly, observmgly, advertently ;

qrtqir adv. Cir, shot 3r. qRraT srgvwg HPrff), qift (in comp, as gqrqrtf tn,
2 qqr-qqRr qi?rcrK#te, 75 , wr, teteR &c. qFqrqr^f Ac.), *nr (in comp, as t®jr%qR), T4rqg.
3 qg,gg %Wr-?r[%R. Accoucheur, n. TOq^iT^t %»». gplsrm.
4 ^qfer,5aiar,fip5#5sr, rtt, RperfaR. Account, n. (of debts, expenses, cohts.) or ff^rrqm. spqreR'w.
I. complete in acquirements, finished, proficient, v. Clever. %#qm. srpRWm.
rrt, grater, gfRRR, qfgRi’ gROTR, RRRgRirqte, RRigrsr, There are certain Lines drawn inPapers of accounts; and
wrerafpr, stflrar, fcrar, teRR or r. thesif have particular significances and particular names. Some
Some tenns for An a. person are H*IKt7, teTIRtqqi', teTPtef are arer, tjrr, gqrrTr, %, qreRrq, if5fq rfwq or fcfrq-
See farther under Clever.
%5f: jsf, arqijePT.
<p#te smm-^
n. v.V. 1.
:8teRITr, RqpSRFO',

RteR, rutr, wt?t.

&c. W tteRKT,

_ Abstract, or General a 3T3Tqri«-- Framing of

Budget or hag of accounts. m. fr^^RT^ m.
it. 5r?T^ ?'qf /-

2 teRter, qgr ^oro. Current a. Rr^ffr fftrq ni-SRIH # m.1

3 'j^r-^ar-fcr-&e. centner. Payment-side of an a. f-Rfin. To enter (an item) .upon it. 53RRT
4 RqiRRPCT &c. HTT5RW, RURR. Fsrfor-irfgR.
Accomplishment, n. v.V. 1 act. RteRM.&c. RiRRw. RteRqi /• Receipt-side of an s. WHT/- To commit or enter upon it. 5RT ,

qrqreRt/. qrqr «rgqr/. Rqptex *ramw. *ireteR». «TRR SRR .

Rough a. RTWr RIRPOm. RRr if^rfm. RT^T 0W»i.

—state. gqiTW/. terrifr/. 5%fe /• teRqr/. RRfR/. sfHl/. Rough entry into an a. /•

m mf ? . Belonging or relating to accounts. SRIRIRf, 3JRP0RNT, ff#ql

A means of a. grsiRwqrn. or FfRrfl, FftrqrR or Ff^rq^rr.

A . of an undertaking. RTWifete"/. Remaining over of an a. ijqpC.

2— act. teR«. q<q &e. rsrm. &c. rrw. That has an a. with dTcjqf^qr.
m:€rf vn&mm. twt/. q%f«.
—state. To balance an a. i4RR ffmm. qtRR-^Rvr, gr^qTRt or qrmf
I. an a. an attainment, a grace. ^TWr/! ffSpTw. tfirgR, 5TRT5RRT m. tRVT.
gRm. To call to a. fig. STRT ™. - t/. - ^TRTSRtff/^ - ,
qTf’T ^T,
Accomplishments —compreh. qRqqteFt /. pi. qg’T q^r, ff^rrqm. q#r.
To 'Accord, v. n. v. To Agree. F*teR, «1RR, qRR, qRR, teTq°T. To clear accounts. 5JRT?m-^3r#r/. &c. ^RR, qRSrpn. RT’C^T,

Accord, n. just correspondence, v. Agreement. stem. «iRm. qrrGR/.^R^rqr or q%g%/. stir, qr^fr /. q«r qrq“t.
srJTRfli. qRpqm. To have an a. with. RRm- Rrf“T g.oj s. rccipr. 1

2 union of heart, v. Agreement, qRpqRw- W5Wt». tCWHR. To make up and settle accounts or an a. qiSIRTT /.-qiROTn*. &c.
RtefiT/. RIR.
With one a. ^RRT^, tRTJRTR or iffi! iW^-tpST 3WR, <RT- To put to the a. of. ^iqTqT-Rfq &c. F5Jf”T-JrR!R g.oj s. q^Trff

q#%, trqrgrapt. R5fR-JlRR-ERR g of s.

3 own a. ; 'spontaneoih agreement with. ’EteRIR”1 aflTOffr/. . To turn to a. qRRf-qqqra-&c. RR^,qraTO-v51Rra &c. arn#,
Of one’s own a. RPT& STPTT, RR, arr^te, Rr^RR, RRRR, and V. n. qrrqfqT qsR, RPTr^r ^5f, R3Ere-?rm?{-&c. w.
rrrN- or armN

, %frf: pop. s^rarr, g«ratiri%, f^rwjpnRR', 2 regard, estimation Value. f%#q»i. Iqqrm. iprqt/.
v. jqripr/.

f s^rf^r. fewnft/. (neg. con.) Iffm, {mg. con.).


3 narrative, statement,

5^/. prrffw.
relation, story.
sffr?TO»l, JT3TTTm.

I^Tq-^qTTi-M. rpppjfa-^
W ^f^^FTw.

2 trappings, gener.
® .“ r -

STfrgr^r^TRw. m*rmmrn.
«WQtHR». «.
Accounts, A«7w v. News.
Accounts of emissaries, v.
?r?nfr/ W mrf rwn.
3-,™^ _
] act '

&c. ^rro
Intelligence. srsW or ^rf 2— act. Vsmn
Detailed a.
a. Tlvgte'ffi.

' J '
&c «^t/l «53§k^rM . r ^
ToTT^D ^ a We ferity
Written a. d
' r
r<W^Wn. fw &C 3Tm'J'^"^- 1

or credit to.

v lrr ’T ^'“T&c. ^Tc^rtT^.-^OT.
i !T men! <‘jcav^m^ n
5 ground, v. ^Reason.
Pr^w. Hfmn m? f.
V ' W° win9 to so as to cause increase
‘ -

On T RVE n a Se

with 77’ 7
a. of.

Sanskrit woids,
jar, (ex.


as q-fpr>7,
grTOr^&c.) ^r#f
& c .)

(in! comp."
itrsnT 77- «npr,
jm, ~

P roceed
’ come from. *&Sf
TO-,r-*TOr- arar8 c *mr, r 5>
^ g-qrSfoT


- On that a. ;grg^TT-Rr#r & c. _W5wX«t% .

On this a.

t ,„.
^ ^„- TO/

™ Accumula-i l, r. a. amass, v. To Heap. Jn^aj-


TOV- fB/ -

W C ° lleCt, Urm


c .

m mass or quantity. ?rf^,

^ ff0f0 '


^IR 3
™~ "• "•
rec/i0 «>


7 «rrf, v.
^fq-^ y
To Value, ipm
^ *'
2 _as waters, &c.

wtr ^
USU10SS ’ mafcters

swell, rise,

&c -
f#, ^^
increase upon, thicken
!, Jffsror. l

^ Account, *.». for ; assign causes. q^a

AC V ' V' A '


? ;
v. n.
v. i.

^ ^.^
. 2 for; o« we r/0 r.^ ffl .. gnTni>
Accumulation, n. v.Y.A.l.~act.
V V N^- TT«. B*rqm. sprm. nwOTarrot« ^“
m^n. TOWTM ./I -
' ‘
to -
mr^tsr, Ptst^jt,*
' ^ym. .
" ^ n
^Answerable, r^^R-#fW-&
n ^ri-n<w,



v. V. N. 1— a. or s. #s^-«. ifisefm.
^nr t^nrr
To be a. for. Rrerffm. JjrurnPT w7%7r
mU<lted> colJection v -
’ Heap - »• «fer«.

Accountableness Accountability,
w?rw^r/. 3 ^rcl^rar«?firarm.
Accountant, n. o?ie skilled in a,
». y .*A. 2 feWi/

uu, &c.
I!t “2’
vrsimy, T*J*
N- rta<;
^ ATI VE ’ W *
&c. OTfqpgf-qrffr &c.

V A ’ -

ifisrr STfS^,’
C a,K °XaCfc a TrsTifv, jsmp.

-^ A< % "- v A L ^°
2 keeper of accounts.
Mtmmm. fftlTOTw. vmdm.
Xfir’ ;
WTFIrTn. Bx-f^fcff/.
irm '
- tarom. * m- ®
^ 2 s'H?/. Wr^rqurrOT.
AA° UTlll
*’' e9 u *P «w, am. or g-Srsf^-
K a car u ^ w executions
mm /.

‘ *"

ff ’
exact, precise nice.
fTiPCT or
5Rrer "*“' W5™ r,TT”--'[!
R*l*Wa.-&c. S^TLS?' «* 531 TOW wi *m
T’w ,Rr
2 (with dross ’ tra PP^, goner.) v. To Equu*.

- to, JS;
rf.-S*c.^g.of,^ d

SSJ, 77
m*1 *
v .V.
1 . ssnrfcr or qftrt*
5rm,C '
^ or TW, S'

S ** ^
: exatti



j«. s-

acc^S ,T;^ ss

r cAf?
?r- arrafs:
> ^ermr?, wwwr.
2 ^rw^mrm. ^msRrr/.
Acc™„„, * T.v. 1. rTOW _
, — .


— ^U*4irPT m snmTFCf- Toji. with a sense of stiffness and tenseness , — as from

n. v« m. V. 1.

c/cA ^T°T^.

cold. ^% 3
Ache, Aching, n. v.V. and Pain. ^:??n pop. 3T5r ?/?.
2—act w. m&zmn« wtoj.
srfirarrr >n.
Achievable, a. v.V. HBTfqr-^r-frTrfir-tUTr-tf.A^r, BqKR[vfr-
w. fiqwreirw.
Accusative case, n, OTT^. %*{n. ^fj7qr-&c. 0rw. :

perform, §c To Accomplish. HPUT, ViK-

To Achieve,
To Accuse, v. a charge impeach arraign STiOT, 3W m sTr°I°T . *
v. a.
. , ,

'». - ^rarcfa w - 3wfre°r ^raj, ^qrqvr, ^T=T«--fl:qr i' :Tw-?fTr 5'3Tr /. -^ 71 /• sV «•

# i

- j5i .

«. - frqrfft^irm. - ffrfifaw. -

2— falsely, v. To Asperse.
w. - ^wor^r »»•

3TRT /7W.-jqrR».-^P&2: or
«f>T°r , . y.of o.

Achieved, p. v.V. rrn-T^vJT, Ac. FfrfsUT, W'TrfVrf

^'oi-qoj with qT o/o. Achievement, n.v V. act — H7Rq/?. Wl^Zif

f^wRT5Tr^.“^^rcrm. w°t, jf&t ^r- HqCTf /• mrznfff wr^u. w-rnn.
1. exploit, feat, v. Deed, ip J?f-
Accused, > v.V.' 1. a?mW, OTfmrfT, qrrir??.

Acid, a v. Solr ^ 71

BjqTWRTgW. ,

2 Acidity, n v.A. si'qrqqrm. *T*vr;=rr/ mi.

Accuser, n. v.V. 1. rjRTifrm. qprtm. wr?>». JUrUfm. trqtfrqTT, 1 (on the stomach, &c.) 37T^fqTrn<.

3Tm%ifr«. ^iqfWrjfrm. To Acidulate, v. a. make somewhat acid. aqqjriT- Afqq:«q7-Mqrr-

^qrrqrrciw, srqqr,

2 v. Slanderer. 3T[^-&.c. tRHT, %7R A^IFtr, 8 T c ra<f«f -5777ivr-f%fqq'KW-&c.


Acidulous, a. somewhat acid. Bf7r?TT, 3T7H,

m^R^xTr, I

To Accustom, v. a. habituate, inure, use.

Acidulousness, n, v. A. aTTOq'TTm. aiqqrtq'TTni.
WTT0m. -OTcffm. -rrqm.-jgi^m. qpsR - vSTR - LTRV ,
tKTlRr ^r-
3 To Acknowledge, v. a. oion knowledge cr i5r3 532T,
°w, %q/.-^r R, bottom. q^q, qi%qww^-wq£t'@THf- T-
of. wfr f°t,

iqrarar^f &c. orqfpT^-qaq^-wrefr &c. srm-qrsR,

qiuT, ®Twrer qflwr, u- 2 own, confess, allow, admit. ^qtTrUT, STinqSRvr, JTm,
r5t. irr^tr 777 %, qvq, Pr, ?l-lrq--f-ff-&c. ifuiq, Irq-
Accustomed, v.V. sctfSrWT, ^W^T. qrKwL-rvrriii.-tRTRw. 7^f( qq,3TrJirqT-femqr-irwr-
p. Sf a.

To be or become a. fH? /. qtfq-vSR'T, irUT' 111 - T'JR, qt&c. |q t

%s[rn:“T, arrjff wrqq qq, siqiW^qjj-aiiftqrr^.-#-

#t/. qrRR, U#, 5RR,

'F?2r, f5C"T-csp. in an ill sense. qif- jft°t ?L-q.Crqrro»-qi%5rr/. ^“r.
3 . (a favor, benefit, &c.) own, admit. 3rm,3Tr^'5T,q'“T,qrr :f'T',
qrq, qaRpR.
1 customary v. Usual. f'Prwror^r, qfrquRRr, qqqq^jn.-qrqr/.-Bffiffr/ 3TR nr,5rr ar/--5rm, tir^rar/- qrr°i

Pwqravrar. ff-of o.

Ace, at cards. (rqTT or irfir or tpB!T»n. 4 (virtue, merit, &c.) recognize, allow and honor. 3ffq f. 5fr-

2 —
on a die. qf or qq m.
- 5
qq, 3rr7^, «rm, ?rz^n. qrq;q, q !, j^r/•

W3T in. TiRT/i s&v\m. ,J

5. (a letter, &c.) qq^r/.-TfR/-
3 particle, whit, v. Bit. ?FrF I ^Tr/1 K^i\f
Acerb, a. roughly, sour, v. Sour. STRidCi ,
fjT^iqar, JUT. Acknowledged, p v.V.l. iHW, Ac.

2 fig. (of temper) <hw<tl, di^f, ^Tf€t, 3TSt°T, qfSTC- 2. #qrKar<qr, &c siiTlf^, qlWPT.

Acerbity, n. v.A. 1. s'rqzfE tfXZlif- tRATsT/' 3 strqarvrr, armr^on' & e.

Acknowledgement, n. v.V. 1. act. 3jrqq??. si(st?qq?i. irrqq«.
2 qn?tq°rrm. tsrrew m. aarglq^fw. q%irq nrr»L
&e. slqHq7'Cqw. Jiiqq?!.

tfiqq-w. J-liqrrrq«.
Acescency, n. v.A. ^FfTTriw- ^hurtim. act. iqiqr^'T'??..

Acescent, a. turning sour, moderately sour, et^ "STRvRr, sjqriRT, —a. or s VifiTiTrwi. JfFW/ ff^KKm.
arrasn^. 3 —act. 3frqq??. sKtStm. iTR^r?i Ac. 3TK57°T??.
akfi, afagr, arjq'fjsf,
note of hand, v. Receipt, Note. arR^STw. m.
Acetose, Acetous,!?,, v. Sour, aff?, sfas^rr, ftjdi- 1

Acetoseness, n. v.A. siqzrqvrpn. SRfqT/. Acme, w.v. Height. f5TC3T ,)l - q^RTrST/. WT’?' 1 -
Acne, n. pimple on the face, v. Pimple. 3
iIf=T5STqr//i. TfTR-
To Ache, pain. qqgq, ,7?J5 ^’1.
v. n. be in

There are numerous verbs bearing, together with the general fqrqrr (.

sense of To Ache particular aspects or implications. These it is

Aconite, n- -ferox. qRRRT»L
advantageous to set down separately. To a. and feel brohen t 2 v. Poison. JOTrRRTM.
luxated, relaxed, fyc , — as before fever. qTHqiW'T , ,
Acoustic, a. pertaining to hearing. TWJ^. qrq'TfqqW,

qrTrr^Bt-#3rq--eTfij-«. troKopfr^oTM. siiirr^r vra^r- 5fwt, qjffifcqw, 4lqr.

=^C m. qiqroT-fPr. To a. with soreness and shootings, — as from Acoustics, n. science oj sounds. qT7qfqqi|qiFT?ir/. %rrqoif77Tr/-

rheumatism, 8&c. Rf^qr2)

?2 0
F5T nTqR T, RT^rqr i/i-f5I T=K'/’-- ?r Tyi-'Fr-
: r,
2 medicines to help hearing. ^qqwnO '4iq’-T«-

Tqr/--qr^qr f.-^c To feci To Acquaint, v. a. make acquainted with. v. To Inform. TTSS-

sore, tender, stiff, — as from bruises, a beating, &e.
siq^T, #, srtqqq, qRA-fr-m, fwrTR, qrrFfcRnc-fqFarvr frFww wff&c.
CPT. To a. with a dull, diffused, and continuing pain, qrff- m”t, mritf'
— — . — —

2 (one’s self,, with) 3?l -erfreerCr/ - erfeer/.-qrqqeiCr/ Acquittal, n. v.V. 1 act. PnrTCR <Rq»TM. &c. 3qqqRRRR«.
e°r g of o. aqrqqrer qRrq-qRrqerc &e. ^CSj-. qiqf Pr?rqtqrq' orM. 3T3rftqrq‘tqw.
Acquaintance, n. (with matters), v. Knowledge, sqRigfy.
<ftqrrf%i" f. 57^-
j^Fnrr). sjEfirr worm.
srs? wwm. &s[3 fe. jirtri. >
efftreercr/. erefr/ srmrar/. qfRprm. qRrwrfr/. twr- «.
Acquittance, n. discharge from a debt;
discharge, release
arterr / q^r«.
^RSfRTre. tFER^R^rw. ^tRrq^JRw.
2 (with persons), %ZRf/ WHVW^f. quq^R^w.
“ deed °f a 'mmn.'GKWtft
fS'gim. 2 /. #^fl/.
or torn m. hnmn.
RTRIWw. or HRqrm.
^A—loosely, indef.gener. &c. STRqgqraqq f aTfSRRR or e?g- Acquitted, _p. v.V. 1. g-srs-qRqfRr,
aparjj/. isrRqwe/. g’sf^Rf^r, pRqqR &c.
srqsR, sTqR’-quTir, frqgvfr, R^ifffqr.
A. by sight. %?HR<cr/.
Acre, n. As the land- measures of the
Bowing Marat'has differ from
a. -OWer/. SRJTf^r /. qRrjqr /. those of ^the English they have of
Mere a. course no word answering
Slight a. eR 35R?g/. acre. For their various measures see under
To drop the of ?Rm. Measure.
g.of o felj/ fi\fSj g.of 0 .
Acrid, a. hot and biting,
To have a slight
v. Pungent. Ftoj inlens: Frit 3tq,
a. with. qpr^r
f ersrernr g-ofo.
#Rr jqqrr, ^fqqirf, vRr,
.^««a. a person known. ’HRSRr-STgR-IfrTO-Jjg^-ipfj&c. PR, grq, , TOT,’
ears', 5IfR or STR, qqeqr, ?m^e, srarsf^Rf, JTspTJfRf!
*Trs€te. 'Tf^f^TRc. SfRTSR »». qRm.
Acrimonious, a. acrid. ^1,^31,
Acquaintances, and connections.
?RRsH<fi M. pi.
, WRor?rR, er?,fPR.'
"* fig. bitter, malignant,
A mere a.
Sfc. tg^Z or IgSZ, pop.
Acquainted, p. a.
v.V. informed having knowledge.
^1- «rafNr, ww, rrj,R3tr ;
esrr^r or e^rvr ’
esri ’
jrrr, ^meganr, qrarqrrT, qrawv, sttwr, irrr, s-wrr. Acrimoniously, adr. v.A. 2. sfqvqmR, e?qR, ^erqq^r
To bo with (a person). R57R
8R®T g.of s. recip.
/ -qfRcTm. - srRT^R/ - kc. e<Rqqqq.

Acrimony, Acrimoniousness, «. v.A. 1. ^•qt'tRTwi. ^qeqorpi)

1 known fRR?r. to. trr#Rr, r

Acquest. See Acquisition.
2 eerm. eer or eerm. mz<mr>n. #rRrq<qrm.
To Acquiesce, v. n. rest satisfied with or gqrer/.
in, v. To Agree. Acritude, Achidness, n. v. A. erqqR /. Rqqrr?/.
ijTR-qRR-n#, 3RJR-ffWR-&c. CR-3RR, fTOeqRM.
WK-fit Sec., qtqqqvrrm. fwr/. frmr/.
sm. I
grprr/. or anSt/ %zm?m.
Acquiescence, Acquiescing,
Acroam atic, Acroatic. See Abstruse.
n. v.V. state. jj-Feer f. ram, Acrosri he, n. sprout, v.
3 TRJrfR /. Siioot. fi^m. gfijm.
SFflfq/. ipjCSHW /.
With ready Achospired, a. having sprouted, ere 3TR3T,
a. IRR #3Ter.
Acquiescent, a v.V. eRT, qr€r, Across, prep, from side to side ; noting state, qqrvp —
Acquirable, «. v.V. R
ITRoitT, 5Fq, TOWT, arr%
WfV, rr orTj

r-RT-tRfrr-tRr-& c utr
egRete, 3TRITR-.
^ .
side to side

; —noting passage. qfr_

To Acquire, v. a. v. To Get. Across, adr. arreqr.
RTPRT, irnr fegiq, Acrostic, h. STRirftRqvTm. riWlTCWm.
HTFff /. - SqT«R». - gqr#R f. - VqfioKT j. - rtr /. _ &c
cquired, p. v.V. firer#?5T
, f(i To Aar, r. a.— in the Drama; (a part, a character). §re?i.
mreRe, &c. sffepg
f^-T, sqrfire, arreriRr.
; 3TrR f RTTfiTR,
* ’
# 3Tr ;

er mzwf.-ggmf. erqqr, treeqK'qi f

Acquirement, Acquiring, Acquisition, i'rwrq>».j»/.-3Triwiq»«.-3in R'e«L erc^r. :

n. v.V act. ftprqh

&e 2 (one's part), qrqegraiee eraert erq%».
?qr^«. -etfJTw- &c.
5RT/ - nm^n.—state, m-frr f. mfvf. BTrqfa
f. (h

comp^ as cerqjr, reerqfR, 3 See To Actuate.

f:errq%, prnftr, qenfe, wajpifcr 7
2 o_Acr,u.«.>e in action, vree,
5-iqrqftr,) mrfr /. (in comp. =ereer- eT^-&c. vmVr-£m ,

mrf. (m comp, as tRjfg &c.)

I thing acquired.
as *Rnrrnr, esfrrrftr&c.'

3W,n mfwj.
, '

^ f
#arw, ^reeqeew.-eer/.-#sr)n.-&c.
2 perform To Behave. erre».
duties, §c, v.
g.ofs. gqqfSj-,

^qfSr, qnpq, »?n^, qqpjv/-qmqr/ er^r
Acquirements, v. Attainments, f -f /. erqe.

3 perform functions, work. gT^T,

7b Acquit, r. a .( of criminality), v. To
Absolve. fR-qtR-
%a%, -% r

c /.-sqrqrq- m. gxg-and efSr with g.ofs.
^^qw, 3V3T JTPqr»L- 3-3Ta:qr JTRT or
eSR JTRfm.- 4 upon; exert power, work causatively,
^ot fj-of o, ?f(q-jrfr gr^or. sTrJfqM.-^'fey.-JT'q'fM.
2 • grnfrL-qqqpqra. erq^-, ereer or 'ere-vjpj
( lig r V ‘ T° FrEE tRr ^' 5— in
) with ev.
& cTr? S\° -
the Drama ; perform apart. #jfw. W-m(T^-3Tm
g.of o

J. «st* &c -
!Tvfe».-ere».-eire«.-5rtgK.-er5r«. &e.
3 (one’s self), act one's Act, n. deed, v. Action. qrre«. q%.Vfqra. rqrgr/
part. aTrq^qrqnriq
One’s own a. qqqruyi. fesppew.
2 existing state, v. Actuality. fq^reRer/ T-eeKdl/

OT, #Rpfr
W 31^.

3 (of a play),
|OT» W^T- §U or
4 (of a court of
justice, &e.>v. Decree.
m. =OT*. wMm 5TTO®
2 V Agent ^T^TITr ^vr. ^ ^ ^-crfmrrr
a legislature, &c.) v. Law. WOT* ,

t^ClT/ ^ -
Actress, n #fMrft°T/-
2— pop. mmf mz^®mormm\*f
3— v. V A. 1-^. «"<* belonging to or comprising action fOTraW,
Actual, a.

vw, .T^raiw-
v.'v.'n^'i —ac^T^TW- &c -

2 in act, not potential. ftrtf^T, r^r^ cr

r^TT'lT >

act ^\mn. sr^TM &o.

r ^w -
T not speculative or imaginary,
v Real
acf ^T3rSr». &c. fT^T^/ ffr/- ,
r __ ?rw, frerr, rf^mr^r,
4— act, agency, operation, working. ^K^f- «' '-

v A. 1. 'fTRd':.
Actually, oc?

s™irm. srrom. ,
2 ravHr,
often best rendered
by wor ^5^^-
The sense of this word is
3 ^q^rr, »

ing, combination,
connection, S?c. as mm- S’TFP"
As actually happened. SVdVff.
it, . v. A 1. 1«*» ,

l^stu^ticulation ®mwpl mr^r^rkdr/.
f#Tin- stRHT«- 3T?T»*- *pV- 2 fsHVr^TdT/. f^TTF^dT/
Manual a.
3 3ir?7^«
Represented by a. srtPpfr.
snre#^®- TfftiKdT /.
represented, v. Plot. T£T«. ^ c.
II. series of events To Actuate, r put inlojiction ^
«+» 5*™*- aIW ”'
«. .

in. to i a« «rartftro» WStW,

T"T, ^«r, JTT^^TR,
IV. in grammar. * * __ ^ &__/ 2 influence, move, induce

VI .battle, engagement,
aw ac£ a deed a doing.


Fight. BSltf 3**-



^T“T g ofo.
p. v. V 1.

Ac. iRf^pr,
c. TOT,
v V. N.
Actionable, a admitting of
1. 3 4.
a. at law.*mR,
actuater, «. v. v. 1. 2. wircr,
Actuation, b. y. V. l—«c?
^orn.A’e. ^
An matter or business.
^vnu ,


-TO*- sW ,WW».^'»' tL?Tl\M Ac. JTTrMn.— «««•

a. 2— act. T?f#«- FfT

Active! t. «. J«w *> «* """ra*, ™ ”’r r ’

»/ -« « «*-r?*
3 fap5*-
wtsrarr/ T^
yMw 5mi: ^
jwujftr/. f5TRr^i-
*22i «t l*TW.
lr>-Tr/.\ifw r»- ! wd/-
See Pointed.

3 nimble,
agile. ^ or X, W^,
^ or*,

Bustling. ^TO|,
Acuminate, Acuminated,
Acute, «. do< A««
v. Pointed. 4H0,
^ *
Share. JSrWJRr, f^WKfT, Wrf.HRl,
or sedentary, ever in action,

4 not irffc

ctI, 3#ifr, 3-tiW^, ^tiWTs ^FT^'TT, »

J- 2 sharp-witted,
3 vo>ro»,
^iV, 3WT5W-

j«a,- a sense, r^r,

opposed to speculative. ^rqrW^IW'T,
5 Requiring action, ?nit' srrsmrlt, ismffi- ......
W, 5TOT, «n^TOF^L
o mtMSt T*pr, **3W f
4— a disease. TrrYTTft^Rl, 51^^, ^SPftnnft, r,

6 Ac. ST**,
a medicine,
quicksilver. Ptf^Tfs

Spaic. ft®, <Sw %,»pr, t

awraft^- 4 *-

B — in gram. 3F^K. ^
^vrPKH, «T35FT, ^T-
^ 6—an accent, a sound, tttt- ,

Actively, ado. v. A. 3. nimbly.

Acutely, adv. v. A. 1. dP-TOTT^F, &e.
qpm3i. ji'ww^'Fi &R *
2 sranerj^t^,

Activeness, Activity, «. v. A. 1. fipmW. WWW 3

«. v. A. 1.

J^arir vmjft or

S7 rir?m 2
rmmf- tfwnrf- $ mn -
sTIT^T^m- ^1 )'"«)« „ „ r rm
3 cCTWPi*. 3M,i?t!wrm.
. rf rl*ffi7.

performer, player. §PT 4 #5r^fV #iFsrn. ^gfmPtePTn.


Actor, n. v 7. A I. & V. N.
—— — - ,

Adage, n. saying v. Proverb. %mf. zffZWm Successive substraction-proof in

. a. ^TPCf^Ln. v. 3RC,
Adagio, n. slow time R^RrTn. . added v. Additament. %^ m
1 thing , . ^TRTm.-Bfjfn.&c.
Adamant, n v. Diamond, r^TFw. CfaRTm. ^sT/nn. Additional, a . f^Rff, #CW, ^TfNT, STra^T, wffi?T & c .
2 v. Loadstone. Additionally, adv btw, sT^f^r, ff. .

3 hard metal <§rc. ^Twiti.

Addle, Addled, a of eggs. .
Adamantean, Adamantine, a. T^PRHT, ^W^TIT^T, TsTO'T^T, 2 — of the brains, qj^ar,

ts^ff, n mm, TPrsF^r ,

sr^f. Addle-headed, Addle -fated, a. v. Stupid. jraraTJT, 3'WS' 0T-

A. frame, K\^n wss, Jirrsrr, jpjts, apu^r

Adam’s apple, n. grff/. STOTT / t^TFTm t$m. 2TST /. *3FfRT To Address, v a direct . . to , apply ,
(esp. a speech). eTRoj, #r5RT f

Adam’s bridge, w. JCPOT'Twi 2 (a charm, a spell, &c.) ^ against. 1
xr#if 3 Tm.-#r^5FT 7i.
To Adapt, v. a. make suitable ^R°T, qrR-TO^-^'TT- . %xng.ofo.
^-^q'wr-^'rpr &c. 3 (one s self for* or ^/o). SfRPCj. qrOT,

%/ / - &c qrsror-TO^-^ror yy/o. reap. t v^m.

Adaptation, n v. V. — nWTJi. ST^rw. &c. jffarr 4 speak to.

OT&c. qf&fn. firsmif.— state. Virfm Wmff ^fcfRT/ «Rw. ^ffJTwi 5raprr /.-w/. &c.
«nrm. vspp*/: / ^TTm.
Adapted,^ $ a v V faaR^rasT, ?RF #T^F, &c To a. a superior. R^ r
/. - w. . Ac. Wf^i.
I. v Suitable. #W-^TT (in comp.) ^ROT,
^qRrfT. To a. respectfully* &R| wlf
To Add, v a. put to, affix, annex, attach, subjoin. fiRr^T, i3T- 5 (a letter) <RTin. fS^T, *m-
ot, m~OT,OT, irnctT, strSt, ^m.sre^fiftOTre shot, %».
-H^f5r ;Tw.-&:c. afr^TOT ff of o. Address, Addressing, n* v.V. 1. — act eTRvfn. Ac*
2 up; sum. fear#, itfOT, fir^OTr/.-TOST/- .tflvOTn. 3TOT 7
OTm. qrSRtf. f-
g.ofo. trarr 3TOT. 2—act. mmn. Ac. ir5ftT»i. qrSRf/. /. ^«tT/.
Added, p.v.V. 1. %?§rar, fj*a>#ST &c. HJff, ?f#(fsr?r, S— c/c/. fTOTn- WTOn. ^Tf^r-
r#?r. w«. &Tr?rrwL arrysar /.
2 raar#Bt, to«t f&sr, #w^,Rr3R, mm.OTfrfR, s#pr, I manner of a. fr&crfrfr?W f.~WW f~W& f-flff f. Ac.
OT5POT. II e<?/«7/, management conduct /. ^TROw* zfff&fZrfWf ,

Addendum, n. — in arithmetic. opr w. (as opposed to ^afn. Sub- »TRT®r«. a ^r^Ti. ^rin. ».
szr^?rw. 5 %^.
trahend.) rarar-T'rfr /. &t»i. fTp/. 5*p/. ^Tif /. §rrtJ«.
2 See Appendix. III (of a letter, &c.) qRTTnu
Adder, n. Sec Snake. IV. complimentary introduction of letters. B^^Rru. or
Addice, n. v. Adz. 3T3r*fni». ?rnOTf /• arr^FFwi. wmf pi/. ?3pr/,
To Addict, v. a. (one's self to). To be or become addicted. 53- Thm* are particular Forms of address —particular designa-
3T¥T or sff 5T5T - ^TT^t ernOT-TOT ff-ofo. Jftf 3TOTT {/.of o. =TRm, tions and titles or appropriate and allusive terms or phrases. The
•TRTT or ^rret g.of o. mi j.~*c&% f.-4Wf.- a. to a father is

55TJprr q;OT (j.of o. SPOT or #gOT, W^OT, OT- — to a mother a^Jfl pop. or JFFj^f, SWT.
3FT, — to a son, younger brother, young protegee, Ac*
Addicted, p. v.V. =TRi SR^3T, *rff #sfrR —to a daughter, Ac* fwt^fF.
or #^r^, tokwt, vtpot, rr^fr, mz, arorr, sMr —to an elderly person (male or female) pop. ff»|5R^rqr,
Or 3jHr, 55T¥2T, (in comp as *Rrrq%?r ^%T%-fr &c.) —to a superior or an elder,
TOOT or tPC (in comp. as. PTOTTOOT or ROTOT) pTOT, sp^OTf, —to an unwidowed woman,
cross', arre^r. —to a widow. W^ffW, W, ^W„
Addictedness, n. v.P. rc/. rjrt/- mvmrm. *RT/ sottr«. — to Brahmans, esp. as learned, devout, Ac. ^ff^r^FW,
#2 /: w^f. *s<m. *mmf. star or #rcrm. f qf^iftrfrtfor,
Addiction, n. v.V — state. See Addictedness. i
—to a shndra , qifr^, lfF0F?F*
Additament, n. thing added, RFJm. ^r^STf-ftrszRaBT *T5T*f«i. — to a Shndra , fyc. irbm a Brahman. JtF°fr^ arf^ffcT.
- ROTin. - trrJT-w. - a'inn- »?raT14OTn ,

Jra 'T5OT». RTOKTSROT. — to Europeans, Muhammadans, Ac. of dignity, aps^T,

Addition, n. v.V. 1 act. RrsiOTn. &c. #2<Tf /. rRlRm. — to powerful or affluent Mardthds. pop. epf-
aSTOTOT /. state. wTitjm. OTTin.
2—act. tCrsr STOTn. fOTOTT/. fOTTOTn- &c. RT^PTn. ^SOTn. —to a Gosdwi or ascetic, vfqtvT^T, vrfT^Crf^r,
WteTOTn. — of honor, gener. CFSf^f,
Cross proof in a. TOT BTf^RTm.
... .
. *t,
5 A — ——— ——


V addresses, See Courtship. 2 (in one’s own person). SPr, WRTn.- Ac. gRot g of o.
VI complimentary fyc. letter. g^qrgqgm gSRTCqgn. Adhibited, p. v.V. 1 qifjR, iTf?.

Addressed p. v.V. 1. 3KSR, &c. %fWff. 2 %#5rr, %fqgr.

2 ffaggrr, qrflR. Adiiibiter, n. v.V. 1. gRPIRT &c. JRriiqi'g'f.

3 sjskScst, gqrm, sTfifqrr#, arwuRfr. 2 gmnrr, %fi, mgr.

Addresser, n. v.V. 1. gnsFriTr, SRIKf, &c. gRTgr, SlapT &c. Adiiibition, n v.V. 1 act. Nf5PT n. zptliTm. qfsplff. glspr \f.
2—act. %PT»T. gggn. %gTf gqgfgn.

— Adieu, fpRgT ^rsf^Rin. ^giwqra'n- »TRrgrrfe-qrr?T wqvrn. Some
2 $T3FTRr, &e. gfagr, tra# &c. grgf. n.

4 srgprrcr, €ftn=R- sTwr T T &c. gpgr, srrgrft, ^fireregr.

| < common modes of expression are qfiYqp’T 3?%, ^fiR 3T%,
of the
To Adduce, v. a. (an argument, a reason, &c.) allege, assign, ad- gqqqg f< qrfr. %jt ^mr, qqftg, i’TC ^irt.
vance. jg- gr#, sur sot, am, ama#, gr#r, %#, Adipose, Adipous, a. See Fat.
gp#, ffswrrfr&e. arm, grqgqprm. -%mg.ofo. Adjacency, «. v A. SR^q^Tin. SIFT/, anfgr m. giqtqgT/. RgR-
Adduced,^?. v.V. 3? %;#[, gRS#3T, girggaw, &c. JTOT. qfgqqn.
Adducible, n. v.V. NJqr gqqR-qr-qnrgT-tnTr & c. g-qrggqtq,
Adjacent, a. contiguous, v. Near, srqargr, qRgT, 5FRrqrggT r

grq^gRg. HTFqrgr, trarrrgr, rggrgqgf, gj?tq»g.

Adduction, a. v.V.—act. vcRgRRn. gRTguTn. grJFTn.&c. jq^ram.
Adjective, n — in grammar, ijpqqfgqrm. ,

3T Biqg gn. fqsiqwn. R^r-

Adept, a, well skilled or versed v. Clever. qXT, *TO, OT TO .

qrffcr, Rmr, gq*r, qiwr, vfim, Rmr?r, srfiw, Wg- Relation between an a. and its noun, fq^qgfqfgtipqrqm.
jt*W, €r%<r, grrcg, jtrt, grqg or sr. To Adjoin, v. a. Sec To Join.
2 in alchemy, magic, &c. fggjT, To Adjoin, v. n. be contiguous. giRT (>dv. sTgoj, ^rsfnfi vim,
3 in villainy or knavery, v. Arrant. TO, TO* or qjw, *rV $T[rrf.-&irmm. aqmi in con. fy. g.oj s.

(in comp, as TflT#gT. JRPprr, JRIWgl), W. Adjoining, p. a. v.V.N. RJTffgT, anFqmr, Sfq^gT, qrggT or 3T,
To he or become a. qfqpff (viz. in RKt, ,
ggjff, gggr, aqsqqRg, aqsqqffgq^, gqfwg:.
cTfRT &c.) 3Jpr®T or vJwpPr. Adjoining, Adjunction, n. v.V.N state, gipr/. ariRrw.
Adept, n. one fully shilled in, v. Clever. qSTfgf or qrrtgm. gqaqm.
qgTR»i. TO-frqq-Rq'T See. &e. To Adjourn,».o.j5ki off. fg^jr Kqgrqgiq-fg^iTRqgrg- &c. Sgir,
Adequate, a. equal to. gpCOT,
proportionate grR, H-to, S'#, aqf^q or fr^q gr# or Ngoj-, grr^feqHwqr •grrqq-gr#,
jirt, wr, ?pr, mr, prt, esp. in comp, as grrurqqRr, grraffc- N#qr*:qragr qr^C
gT, &c. g-qyrfT, qr#, SR, gw. Adjournment, n. v.V. act. %fm. qg^rr feqgrRr g#n. qsgrq
That is barely a. RJTRgT, ^OTIRr, ^^Rlg, f'SRWg' 'Zffn. &c. qrrgranrqqq wqqn.
faragtf.grgFqr^ To Adjudge, v. a. doom to. v. To Condemn. #qrg f3JW
Adequately, adv. v. A. qqgT, tjqr.mpPC, ggrtfR, TOT g#. /. gppT, femff Nrfrr/.-ifgm &c. qr#.
Adequateness, Adequacy, n. v. A. gRjqrt/. qgqq'Tfm. qgffq/.
%ggr/. gnTwfn. gRTcrr/.
To Adhere, v. n. stick to, v. To Stick. fqgr#, gnRtq, ^qFPT,
2 v. To Award. gqgqt/.-grq#t/.-qqrsg' /.-qqrgqf/. &c.
qr*Fr qqqq, fgqfqnr-Vggr &c.
To Adjudicate, To Adjudge.
v. a. See
w qqf#.

fsrsTpr. Adjudication, Adjudgment, n. v.V. 2 act. PiqKT gT^FT %-

2 stick to, fig. be attached, faithful, fyc. faTRig, Fgg/iur, f3f»Tjuf
qpRrn. ^gaTgr^g'tqi#'w. &c. qRjrfe-jfgr grqrrn.
&c. o?"T-9re'ET-&c. qf#- I award, v. Sentence.’ fggRrin. %g^Tm.
qrq^prn.-ffeiTrq^Tm. gr#. Adjunct, a. united with, immediately consequent, sq-j-
Adherence, Adhering, Adhesion, n. v.V. 1. act. fqgRvffl. Cg-gr, NggrRl,
aiRoTM. fqgRgr aragn. &c. Adjunct, n. v. Appendage, sn^qfipp - aqggrgt- &c. q-
2 — act. Pr^jpr q:r#n. &c. gj^rorqmrq'n. gfermsqm. gr^w.-fqqg'jn.
—state or quality, gf %f aTrgfgf/. f^OT/ qgifqsgT/. gfggTH- 2— in grammar. sTgr-qm. giTgn.
vTggr/- Adjuration, n. v.V act. 5rqg/. &c. U[#n. ^qFTn.
Adherent, a. Adherer, n. Adhering, p. a. v.V. I. fqgf?<>TRT, 1 oath put or taken. ’SOrqqf. aqpq /.
sriRaiRT &c. fggRgr &c. Rrff^sr. To Adjure, v.a. impose anoath on, charge on oath. 3rq»q/.-3jrg
2 rq^^qrrqRT-^^&c. /.-§:rfl/. &c. gr# or gr^r %g"r-q5rr#-ingfte/. gr# &c.
2 ^PCRgqt, qwr(incomp. as
_ _
Adjured, p. v.V. 3jqg grrTWgr, aTPT gR^ST, 5rri%.
Adherent, n.follower, partizan. v. Follower, arrqgf, aRjgTgt To Adjust v. a. fix or set rightly, put in order. pRRq, fgT#,
Nfimrt, arrfsR, wry, q£lr, arfftfl, br#!- ggr#, gwqS) or ^5p7 ( ^-gqprc-gw- gr#-^q%, #-
Adhesive, Sticky, fggR, {%^pr, fqgRRr.
a. v. qggi».-f|fqggt/.“3?F5gr/. &c. mvhg.ofo. btr®!.
Adhesiveness, n. v. A. #&?£/. fqgRqvrrm. f^amf HTm. 2 (a To Settle, gf#, f gTg%, #fRT
dispute, debt, &c.) v.
To Adhibit, v. a. use, v. To’ pply. grRTRr RTPPr, JWTui. gRt
g^ mmm. gRvr-fg’qqq-^.o/o. gt?#?/, grvh 9 of o, fR/.qT- .


q-ef o. fr rt/. - gRPRr/. - & c. ^Sj- 9%0 0

f 1
# g.of 0 .
a c A

Adjusted, v. V I.
5 wror TOqfero, tottotFto. I i*sns-
ass; aU° w grant ’ ’ c ™cede - m >

2 J^T^,

^TOT, %%Tf, TOf, ^w-tar. j
JC W5frR%
.^' r ’*~'^ n --^W<rm.-<r7rZT^n.zrwg.ofo.
*F fetfr, tom,

Adjustment, n

v V. 1 —act. TTHTOn Ac. f
am> w I
3 v. To Acknowledge. TOr*TTO7, ^flTOT, Vtrff F% TO

2 -act
=TTOm m #:Rf/. Zftfcti f vmqcf.
^n. &. c .-state.
' /.

4 take m, receive amongst,
Admitted, g>. v. V.
qiq, qrqsjBj-,

^ ^
1. fcsfBT,
STS'/. 3/. 377-7 qsj- frsjfwr.
Adjutor, n See Helper. c‘

Ad libitum, cute. JH^frir, JRriR-

IfTS’Z^’ %
^JT^p^TFcirfH, mffWR, m.
To Admeasure, 3 TORFI-Tr, s/jfr^TT35Jr, &c.
v.a. Admeasurement, «. See To Measure To Admix, Admixture, Ac.
ff, sjjflqrq.
iY c.
See To Min,' c.

To A,
T° Admonish, r. a. warn of, counsel
r. ff. *r«, ,#W; v_ To Glvj? ^ To Warn against, v.
M-Th- TC°T, '=TO, TOm. ^07

to, i#WM.- 3 ew»L- 3#5 T
M.-J,C. «FT°T 51.0/ pif, TO-a<rf?e-&c. TO.
2 (a government, a business, Ac.) v. To Conduct. 0

- reprore gently. TRm. pi.

totim, frorfq-, RTrrw.-^rfqrr/. ’ gj) 0 f
(/ , f <K
3 (justice). Hjnrm.
4 (an oath) ^ 3%, TO7.
5 (physic, .Sec.) ^of, ^07.
TOR^n. ' ,'

ars-sisr, srgrror, 55?ivj^Rf.
Admonishing, Admonishment,
v. V. 1. qtf* &c . ^ ^7
" ’

6 (alms, Admonition, n v.V

To Administer,

v. «.


v. To Help. Fr^TV-FTTOTrrt- '


‘° rt ^ SfU - &c. TOn. q^rFRn '


&.c. ^507. . ;

Administration, «. v.V. 1 -** &&
v /jwm. apftr/ ffr^rf. &&&„,.
" ^

2 — Cif.
qrcTO«. srr&fm. Ac.


1 executive part nproof 9ivm -

^/- wdwr/. W&m. wrr
^ a Government.
7T 35
\i' RTIWC*fes?r f

5T/. I

Change of
of a. SMtarafr/l srasref» H^n. !

Ado, n. labour, difficulty,

A -
II reign r W fe. ,

Rigorous or severe
^ TZr&Tfrrm.
f> 577 ^ r/-
pains, v. Trouble, srr q
v - W
«*w/. ’
r orsrqrw
TO?/. TWIT/!

’ ('° fag0VGrnment >- ’cwravnwmi^

2 (to an estate &c.) fffqrr mvimUin. 3m.
jmth much
TO, =T3f3 ,
a JjnPTj^, TO " TOT*TO
" - ’ ^
(in divine rites) v.

«. v. V
and Good. FrRfrwifTrCV-Trrr-
^RfSTwt f.
pother, stir, y. Bustle. Tor. ^ wl .

& c. nr. To make much a. about

ac nothing. £p]T

ffrTf'Sfq TfTf- .
w^qmr-^r-tm-?TTO'r-&c.srvr^ ^ rer ,-jftT ^72% ar-
tor-tot«.-^«..& c \Mmf vm-mv,

’ >
rrnrt. .

aflV‘ V ‘ A ‘
a. deal.

Admiral, ». sRJTIT^f q^»L- 9

r^m.-^MwV-Jm»n.-&e. Adolescent,
Admiration, n.—the sentiment, «. v. Stripling. TOq^r,vf^qr tort, •raw.
wipk m,n. wwf wW-
mn. m^rmn.
To Adonjze, r* w* deck out
"f ”-
7‘ mi !’•"••“" *• t7ie person.

n’n s-°f °- -
m* jo/, - & c. Sfr^q;

A^rrs^v.:.*””- Adonmeing, m v.V. —act. ^rifritf. or' mffttf.

Admass, rle, it. v. V. 1. & ^rr-^-^-*Rr _ &c.
Hit/, fczrznif.
(a 8on ^
or ?qTOm.
5^/. 37^^, pi
^-^-TOT-q|«>qr&c. m> uWhr
H q^TO . ^7^7 ^ »

& ’
mHrw & c-^r-
C ^> ^
3 3-qr?JT, irRnnir, fflTV3?^.
0 ",ISl0m’ & 8Tr HraSr, TO, #-
Ad Admittanck » v
^ITOTHTq, : '

v »-«* 9 * Wfc FTfirr qpuoj-.

J“; > - -

ornr^tirn. Adopted, ^Adoptive, a. v. V. I. TOT-aTTOT &c. qfe.

!ZT7^ r'- ^or„. &c . sjfTrofn. 3qKFr„.~ ste&

W/--0- or qWm .

3 a. or s. #qrrcm.

or .
^M An a. child. sprcffT %/. ^^577^,,.
To Admit, (
2 8TT?T&55r, <fec. ST7|f7
», a. suffer to enter. Jjftff.
^5f or ajj^ §gf f
Adopter, n. AdoptFng, «. Adoptive, a, v.V. I.
— — l . —

'tew &c. mru, swrfcr wi ,
ir^qr-sR- &c. vr- Adroitness, n. v A. f 3T53-f f /. RTTF ?/• fJTHqrw. gifrqnrrw.

sw, *rrCi. /• qp-qn. ^rqrvrn. Irqrqn.

2 arr^onrr, &c. Ml &c. %qqr (eap. in comp )

Adscititious, a. taken up, called in, v. Assumed. jqrvfSr'YT, qr-

Adoption, n v. V. 1 — act. irnff^T tp>Tn. 3?rf f<T %°T«. 3rT or SpfRT vmv&r, irrcq-
RTir, 3Tr?rq,

^T#. — state qqf ^cRWin arrSfcT Adulation, To Adulate, Ac See Flattering To Flat-
§q«Ww. Ac. STir^fTn ?rr^ftffr^n. ter, Ac.
Boygivenintoa. ^Tm. q^TTWin. STtHTot TT^J^w. ff%3TT^ Adult, a. qqH stfRt, q^R 3TR55T, VpRr, qqr'iq yfcvr,
Boy given (after investiture with the thread) into a. in a fam- wst, sTpqqr, qis-, ^tft, qiw, qurfrlq, -vifrfcqqiqq, srrqqrqq,
ily not related to him. He is heir both to his natural and to qrswqwqvr, qqq.Y or qq:f>J.
his adoptive parent. fWJpTR'T'M. To become a qqrq-q'qrq-Ac. W.
Boy self-given into a. -tq-id-d m. Adult, n v. A. qqpT Ac. STr-Y^T TTPqfTw qr?f /. Ac qc^m.
Ceremonies or rites of a. ?rJK^n. ^Prfri/i. qiwrin. ^qrrm.
To give into a TVT ^iT”T, To Adulterate, v. a corrupt by mixture. iq-T /- ftqqrsr j. Ac
2 act. MM Ac. qTCTn. iJttyfn. qrvRn. M*T»- 3V- qfjrq qr it qqqq, fqqq^r, Crq^qwq'qqfqq qqc°T, qR^irqfqr
a. v.V. JURf-^f-^Pir- Ac. tsftFT, q«q, qSRT?, T- Adulterate, a. Adulterated, p. v.V. i^K qp^vr fqqqSrqr,
srrw, jsrrf, »RRrq, »T3Frrf , Mdfq, spaf, q?r, qw, trqHffif'Tfqq or fZ, ftqrireqqqrqq -Hfl, i
^rrrMfq, virc-q, qqrer, Mr, w-'i, vmR, Tirfqqq, jtsr- Adulteration, n. v.V. act. fjTJqar- A c qRqq[?r 5T"Tn. ?H-
TTf, Ac. fimgqrr qfqq qrr°T«. ^q^jrsrrr qfqq ^An.— state gRfjrtq-
Adorableness, n. v. qitfqr^-^jrrqpft- & c. qRtfiiT/.-3TffTr / - &c. “rqiqqfqn. fRr^^fgqfqn.
Tsrflwr/. qwrr/. qsprrihT/. &c. BTwqr/. Adulterer, n. qrs"rn, qirsTvqrqTi', sqFiT'qrRirqf, sqTjr^fO, q?:-

Adoration, n. v. V. act. q:?r°Ta. B^PTn. Ac qyf^n. jq3Fr?i. qjiT qfRrrjqi, wrrqnTTqr, ^rcqrqf, sTRRTtif, qnwrficqr, Tcqrfrq^qj,
f. Hod'll- ar^r/. qVqn. srrcmr/. sTirwqn. qqRRr/. qrqncrfirqqif, qc^'-qq, qrr^qr^r, qFpqVft.
To Adore, v. a. v. To Worship. ;ppr, 3T3PT, a T^T, ^TITP#, Adulteress, n. aTqffprqr, STrftqr, sqfirqfFwrt, STlTirqqiqf, qr-
qqrMr, qyFr«.-V3Frii.-&c. qrwr g 0 f o. 3Trf*TRt, qwrqRf, sqfirqnrqi^f, sT-qjirfqql'.
Adored, p. v. V. qsrMrr, itstMt, Ac. qj%q, srfw, sfRrfSr?, Adulterine, n v. Bastard SHVaT, vTK5lTif.
TfRYT, qfrfT. Adulterous, a. guilty of adultery, See Adulterer A Adul-
Adorer, n. Adoring, p. a.v. V. qjpTRT, Ac. qsrqq, VITfqqr, teress.
qqrerqr, fqqr, w, JTsrqr, &c. qpqr. 2 pertaining to adultery. W^bNt, RfifWqr,
To Adorn, v. a. decorate, embellish, ornament .< sqvr^rr-CW, -»|JTr- sFRRpqqqqr, sqfirqr<Rwr, q^iqra'qql-lqqqqr.
r°r, wm, sWrer ^Rrq-H^rfipT-Ac. qrM,#- Adultery, n. of the male or female. 5r(Tqrjf«- aqFirqiTwi. qT-
w/.-<ii))i.-&c. ^r-aim, ^r»prn.-wrqn.-w5r/-3iqr=rii -&c. sT^r/. qqqrJTa. «rrf! /.—of the male. qqrqRTjpqqi!.
sot g-ofo. TOfti. qqqifi /• sRqPFFrn. qv?qtqjqqn. qqqr?rqrFiTirjrq«.
2 beseem, grace, v. To Become. snWT, ^ffSPT, ?raPT. qrrsrr^n. qTjqrqfwm. qqqr?qwr». —of the female. qvjRqn.
Adorned, p. v. V. 1. aTvjqrrC^W, Ac. MqnTJrS-, 5rfrTrp> Ac. qrjpr pop. qrqr». v. qiT-Rrq-feq:. qqrqqvqjriHn. atRir-
sMqrrrrfMrAc. Mf w, qifrfircr, wftqr, Jtfer'Pwf^r, MrrfM, Tf^Tn.

swer- — in cant or covert phrase, and of male tL female.

Adorner, n. Adorning, p. a. v.V. 1. aTvfqi'K 5T°Tfrr, Ac. aqsf - qf?;rruji. q^sq?rq»i.
qrrcqrvrf, 3 r^Trr, M^hhc, sfrerirer, i^rsm. Adultness, n. y. A. A N. qqq /. srrqtqnrriii. fR'qaiTM. qfq-
Adornment, Adorning, n. v. V. I— act. ST^rTWTn. Ac. aq#. qqrr /. q^r?q«.
OT". Mj%qr /. 3q^fq/. #*Rn. WTTn. JpRn. fWFTn. To Adumbrate, v.a. shadow out, exhibit a faint resemblance of.
—state. *£qro»- ffratwm. sirw /. /. mi qjfrw- ?T6fwq«- qrCT-qr^qqrfqvi, vmrf. ^ir-qn^r
<TvTit. &c. qq’rq, urqrqsqifqn. qrwr, srunqrqim. qq/q, qrr?q.
A DOWN, prep, along, downwards. iTr?]Tq^=T , HRR, 3TV:, Adumbration, matter shadowed out. sjqr /•
n. v.V.

3RfY, f*sR. Adust, a. burnt up. qnq, ^RllfT, C^r,

Adrift, adv. floating at random, qrffrt, jqrqraMrr qtqr, HTyT To Advance, v. a. bring to the front or fore-ground. jr JS'S'-
5T<Rqr v?Rr, ffn-frr, triilr, ^rrc, a^rqrifiw, wir#f. w qrwc- aqrorSt- qTr/q- vr?iqqr- qr?R, adv.

To be a. -lit-fig. rTRPT, WW. &c. sqqrpfi^r stfpt.

To cast a. -lit. ^rtrrqrwvfr w - rr^'sr - fi g.
. rr^air. 2 promote, prefer. WSPR, qT?q°r, qqfl/. wrq^-qRq^y.o/o.
To get a. -lit. %Tffr-W?nr &C. !ROT,-fig. m-xn^r *pcoj\ '4t5C?r/. qnrq'qrm. & c. qq, »vrqr<T3fr /. t&tft, 5kt% qq-
Adroit, a. dexterous, r. Expert. 5T51vr, FfiTC, ITr??,?!- fsf mK’hg.ofo.
Kfiz, ?•«•, qr, aqrrqrrr. 8 make better, fyc. v. To Improve, ^fqn.
Adroitly, adv. v. A. ^ipCqw^, Ac. JTIvKH, *fng.ofo. /JTRrsTPT^.
q°rr^, '
3r«rar &c. q^r. . 4 .forward, bring on. =qr55q°r, qiTW, ^f-fl&f. g.ofo.
5 v. To Propose. 3T£m. o. ^*rm.-3qR^in. ’KS’sp/. fffffn. #« ffffffrem. fffT'ffFffff /. W'ffr or ?F-
- TORRr /- - znsfffm. - m. g«of0 ‘
ft'fffm. JPTffr or JjrffTm. ffrfvJffrsfm. 'FFSTcqfff/. Iffasre^rm. 'Evn-

6 (money Ac.) BfrrfS adv.-xrrw adv. Wfi Y°T. ffffm. JTTrn. HWm. loosely BmrsffWmJ %?r4m.
To Adva nOe, «? n come forward J5T a<ft\ . ^“HOT-^T^T- - A. and disadvantage flffrffffn BPTjsmm.
OTIT& c. Wic. ^T. To appear to a. sTf/df, fffffTVF^T, ffT^^T.
To a. boldly, readily, Ac. ^r^KW, qTFr, W#, To shew, set, &c to a. S'ffn. areq

<jrwrpt f
zktt, Tsrr^riTwi. ^r^r. 3 emolument, profit, v. Gain, ffqffwi 55'FH'm. ffrRr /
To a. against, upon.* ^pf STFT-^T, ^STT m * - <f w 4 preponderation on one side. ff=ff?T».

qfT^QT z£?z7A ^T. 2o Advantage, r «. «»«?/, Aoo/, benefit, pirofit, serre.

2 #?*<9z/> better $>c. v. To Improve. ^RT^Tf |R" \jfpT, ^vf®T f am, ffrf°T, ffff/fifi-frff iffOT, fw ?» co«. «•;///

3—2 & c. 9 ofo.
3 move apace . «n; ; Advantageous, a. v. N 2 beneficial, profitable., availiity. ffiF-

4 progress, proceed v ,
To Rise. htIgRT, ^Tf5F®
T, ^5"^, ^TITcf- !
ffRaT, FfffTfff, r?ffjsr, ffffffffV^r, flffffif, ffffSRffT, Pffff, fe-<?rR%,
wg“rfAc. tojpt ff®r, I
fffrffrrffffffrc, vimw, ffiffr/r, ffiffrriiffr, ?rrvffrffv, swtrff,
Advance, Advancement, ». v.V. A. 1. — «<Y. u# ffreffR. sTfff-

v'wfr, mrw, irffriffreffr, qi-sffirff.

fflfff STKffA. &c. i

3 v. Gainful. ^fi[WT, f^^rwrC, faWffF, (ffiffTR-
rwf. sre/ffn. fflTffffw- &c. refffnTm. IffffSCffn. — 6/«fe ffrffff- | fffffT, frfSffTfff^T, WUffTfflT, ffTOTVr.
kiwi. k c. qvtpc r# /• Terffer /. Advantageously, f«fr. v N. 2 ^FsTffrFffT, wiwr, wiw a. dec/.
oet. ^resiffn —state. H|’f3T /• fffSrfffffn. 3 foeppprerv, ff^rv,
4 net. "ffTcreffA. &c. Advantageousness. n. v. A. 1. ff'rerffr'r'ffrm. ff'rerfirffr /. BHff-


1 money advanced. 3TRIF3T TOT«i. esp. to cultivators,, ffJTF? 5trn. >7rffffF5r5[ffn. s-iv-&c. ffTffrrfcrr/. su'rerrffn.
v.V. N. I. — a. or .?. # gor». &c. if?mn. strain. sniff-/. Advenient, Adventi iious, a. v. Accidental. ainrrffffT, iTFff-

2— state. spjff-w. &c. Vffffl / ffiffsfffn. sSFTn. tftfsr/. ’ffffffl


Srer, aiHfsr, arrfpq'.

ffrsr/. ’ffffffrcrrqfr /. ^ffffrffRTM. ffffffr Tffr=r /. #rfcr/. Advent, n. v. Coming. aTTiFTffR. sifffffw.
a— stale. ffiVffJi. ‘ffisrff-ji. &c. fffff /. 'ffffffF /. Adventure, ?«. accident, chance. ff'TfffJTin. fffffffffff /. a’ffifff /.

In a. £« front. ft, ffffJiFff/.

before-hand. 3T3TTT, STRIT. 2 hazardous deed, v. Enterprise. IRffUTn/. #FfFffni fflVii.

Advance-guard, Advanced -guard, «. fffffl/. ffF^FffR. ffiTffntn-
Advanced,^. v.V. A. 1. ^HHr-STPff^r, d-c. # 7h Adventure, v. n. try the chance, dare. v. To Venture.
2 ffprr^sr, &c.° vnrrerv, Kifpff. 3totgv ^ror^-ff"r-ffffFffrfA»T-'T3rvRm, #?liir« ??r'or,

3 arrffffffT, ff.l-ff, tffffer.

4 ^rvrffSffr, Ac. To Adventure, v. a. put into the power of chance, v. To Ven-


v. V. N. I. TT 3?r^5iT, qff!T&ffT, A c. ffrsTR^, ff/rarff, ff/f- !

ture. srrerffiff a-#-ffrff°T-ffrff'or.
fffff , 'ffPTif) sHTffTff ,
2 /j|id-j?qrH-ffsrrff &c. ^ 4 3 vii A dventurer, n. v. V. one who seeks occasions of chance, fffff-

4 Vff3«r, =ffff%3r, &C. =rer (esp. ill comp, as sparer, Jtfff VS", 1RTO, or ^l^Fr
RSIffffT, NTfffS TOPTffT, ffqPpT). Adventurous, «. inclined to adventures, ffTffl or ffTrefSTT, ^Wl*«
w, ^
, ffi

Advancer, n Advancing, p. a v.V. A. 1. jff ffrrffrrr-STfff- m airr--w sewFffF’ffT, unr-

°rixr Sec. #r, srff-fiFrar t^wFcr, sr^ff jfr, h;?#, ?rrfff%5r, »rffre urscorr-
2 strewn -

wr,'Sim^r,>9dKmtf, See.
ifffffe- vr, mtmqf&rrzvjr, vrwrft tipimj, tiff, %?ffnrff-

9 ffCTT, 4T^ffr, Cfff?rffSRTrf.

2 v. Hazardous.
i? ai TiTr-

#^urffr, ffffffT^, ^TffffffrffnV.


4 ’grsffonrr, ffrff'Vrrrr, <1 c. Adventurously, adv. v. A. 1. STPTRT iffF#JT ff ffT^r, %?fW #-

5 W^fUy ^TY^fYr, &c. & c. wff^rjwr.
v v. n. re &c.
i. si
orrer sTfiretarw, sTfir^jErrirwr. Adventurousness, n. v. A. FffFffTffr 5ff5TTff>». wkf ffF'ffr?-

2 'ffffffr, tmw-wirzr-Sic. ^g-unrr, &c. |rarJFT, wjtr


. w«i. m#r/.
3 fffffwrrrr&c. irreTfr. °
Adverb, n* —gencr. srs^qrn. sf'W^n,
Advantage, h . superiority over, v. Superiority, sprain.

2—to a verb. f% if ril staff


areiffR. lffffffNaW a-TS'ren. ftrfffft^F-

ffrrvsvrr/- 'sr'ro^rin. ffcreffffffrw- ffivui* qorn.

To have the a. of. sTFffaT-^ffffr-fFr, Viff/. *im y.ofs. with Adverbial, a pertaining to ana. srreTOfffft, sr- rwwr, sfsiFr-
ffV o/ o. BT5w?irffr, a^vL^ff, ^ffiRff-ff, &.c. W'are.BtnTrh-^ffff -

/ To obtain an a. over STPTiffr tlT #r, fST^Dj, -jrerrff

-& c.

fffT'ffln. qTsFDi, , Adverbially,^ adv. v. A. aisre-V#, fCffrffftl'rWT, SFWjffffT,


2 lenefitfprofit, good, avail, itse'i qRWffTw. ¥&n. iffrsr^fff or ersqrff, sqreiFffrJTr^, torFfftwrt Wff -

^»»t .
— , . : —

Adversaria, n common-place book. qrpifq'qjj. qFivTn. fry'll. Tqqf- To Advesperate, v. n 5frsD“i, 'BlrT^r or ^fi5T5i“t,

s^nrm q^mpl Advice, n. counsel. /* ^Tnu j.

Adversary, n. foe. v. Enemy, 5T^c. fqqafm. qfq'qfiit w» jRTfnr>». v hpt

2—as in litigation, Ac. v. Opponent. JffqqyTm. fqq?J»i. Sffif- Bad a.
'A 'O
Ttfm. Tlffr%5ftOT qiSRnffm. Good a. or instruction. fe^nT^STii!. irqi'T »!• R’TdWm.
Adverse, a. turned against; opposite, v. Contrary. <3 «iT, 2 information, v. Intelligence. ijqT /. 5
t 4\/. ^JT-Tr /• ?f*

fq^sr, fqqfte. 3qr^rV»n>

2 inimical, hostile, repugnant, unfriendly, eraqr, fqqrtq', fr- A. from emissaries at foreign courts. 3T«sHTT or aqqpqjx f
fr#, Mr, q€r, qFcrqrtf or fqjqqT, fqiR'qqr, *tFitt, w- Commercial a. qar
i[T, 3TOT, f%TT?r, ftw, IWT, SIf (in com as qrV^Tf STR5Tf ,
Advisable, a. proper to he advised or practised, v. Proper.
arrfJT5Tf Ac.) TC r WW,
fepriwp. atrfT, srftqJRT,, fpq, g'fw, ?rfira-, jiV^r^TTr, sqirs-Rl’r, 3'q^q (

fqfrrq. 5irl, sq^rfrqv OT^srrfq^.

3 calaiiiitous 3TJ1T, sTW^f, SHIPS'. Advisability, Advisablenkss, n. v. A. qpq?fr/. ‘»liRPT»»

Adversely, adv. v. A. 1. amr, SHrr, Ac. a-T^rr^, fqqyvr:. ctppft/. 3-q<-?trTr f. ?q?sr^r /.
2 3TS-5TT, Ac. fffrtTR-, 5TJJ m, 3TJ<r?qr, 5Tf JTGK.PrTOT:, frCf- To Advise, r. a. give counsel to TR^Tcf /.- S7i?Tiit /.-qrqifSTiii.&c.

’tVPmqf A c.
•qqfqT, ,
?^t, Tq^sfSr, ^rc ifift/. pl.-ywv f. ike. nripr-Vst, qRrqr?rw.
Adverseness, n. v. A. 1. g-aTTTrm. 3Tr?%<Trm. ft'twm. sm-ifur, n.-ii^)i.- arrir^orn.- a c. qr<°r.

fqfrfsnrn. iwsriTrq m. 2 recommend by counsel: eFqTSTm.- Ac. qr-

2 sRqqqTm. qrfqqpaTn. ftCRm. frcrfa^n* 5TfiTPTin. SWTm. P"T g.of 0 . jtorq'i/i. fTm-qof g ofo.
RTOTn. PmRr /. ftqftTTr /. qqftern. iw». qrr?Jpr?rr/. %- 3 make acquainted, v. To Inform, sff'W’r, RTfeqirrf:-

*mf- j?rfrq -%p-Tq- Ac qreq. .

3 arijiRWfm. &ws?rr/. *rf%s?rr/ Advised, p- v.V. 1.2. g-q^5T- Ac. STffe ,

Adversity, n. state of affliction , distress, misery fye. fqqR"/. 3Tf- wrPrfr, aiFwifGrT, iiRf.
/.' s wqjjrclr^r,
qfxf aRqqFf/. STTT^ir/. f^T-T^TT /. sqq^qpqn. RTOTOl/. ?,P-h, fqsrrFTf.
^wrrcrarsrr/. qfsqvrr/. qfqpApsrr /. srrT^, Fqqq (in comp, as aqrq- Advisedly, adv. deliberately, purposely, he.edfuUy. fq^iTM,
strw, fqqqqrvT, aiRfer^, fqqqqjrir) irer gr#r/. 3>Trqt- fq^rqqV, Fq^ qrffr, yV^c^v, jwjqqr, wir, jttt qr^r,
^mf 3^<TWtl /. ?rr-7iqq»f f, irqq:
Delivering or extricating from a. fqqpnTin. iqqjrsrfTTn. Advisedness, n. deliberateness. mq^fT^r/. WfqSCT /. Ft^l^-
Religion of a. aTIWJpn. Fqgvmritqr /. ?r%qqrrFcfrr /.
Season of a. adverse times. sTT'Rsfvfa'm. fqq?qfr??»i. STRRfRTfS'm. Adviser, n. Advising, p. a. v.V. I. 2. 3‘q?3T°Tn:r, Ac. qpsr-
mFTbWiii. STHPWr^m. ftwtFT^rn. fqprqtfSTm. qpjqqpqm. «srq, :
3'qq'3Tqr, qrH^qqri:, arFwfr, mi, vCmnr, qrqs-gr,
qqrqtqar /. ^rfrararm. ^qtsiqrTf, fPT^qrqff, qprqr, TqpTT-,. ^rv jfier-^^-Ac. wi-
Suffering, overwhelmed by A c. a. aTPRqr^T, SfiW, FfTsT, 3Ttq- T^fTr.
firrir, arrqqrfkq-, *nwqr, fqqqqrvr, fqq?i%, fa tow. Evil a. qr*Kl
To Advert, v. n. turn to, attend to, animadvert. TOn.-SWn. 3 See Informant.

aruTm. -fr^Tm- -
i&tm.-rfzf. qT^^t-^r
- awpfn a?W
, ,=T3r c/.

- ^fe /. - Advising, n. v.V.

m. frTTn. qr?PTm. qfrqqn. 3Tr%5T».
1 — act. &c. qpsprrq’m.v. HW, W
. .?. ®TFi Pi^ 0Tn.
Jiq'Tn. «nT-
Advertence, Adverting, n. v.V. net. 55Z.q BTTOn. to q5fn.
&c. sr^TORn. STTORa. m^fn. 2 —net. 5rr°rq®rn. qr'-ma. Ac. Fiarqqn. qr-T^fn. qqiT^n. 5FT-

To Advertise, v. a. adv v. To Inform. TOTTO, qRTO, qf-

*m, WffT^Ri-WrrT-WW-mKr-frWd'-^iT Ac. qR°T. Advocacy, Advocation, n. v.V. 1. act. qfqp 3\f, q-qqBT/. q-
2 give notice ofpublicly. ^iflX-qTO-qfTOC-A c. qrTO, srrffc- vr4 rqqq-; r«. 'ivwmn-
OTffl. frTOR-srro ,?.«/' o. qtft /.-qrfrrrw. &c. vizfh g.ofo. To Advocate, v. a. pleadfor. q?j»i. vq^ qjB'T'-VpNr/. qrf“T,
TOrffaFTTOn.-A c. q^T. qfqrffr/.-qqrr^fr-qrrSr g ofo. qDv^qq'Tn.-q^qR-m.-qmrv-
Advertised, p. v.V. 1. &e. irrf?
?rJTfl:-&c. qTTm.-q^qpl^rn. qrf“r.
tr^rr, qffro, qfifTO, fawfaT. .Advocate, Advocater, n. v.V. qy tppq fpTorrrr, TOVfqqpft,
2 5rrftv-w-irflw-&c. qqrfifq.irfH^TO. q^qy^nfr.
Advertisement, n. v.V. I.—s«c«. srPT^Tn, Ac. RiffqilR'- A c. 1 pleader in a Court. q^tH’w.
ferrRfii, ffqvr«. gfri-tTn. Adz, Addice, n. qr?rqr / qfrH or qrqrew. qHvirw. qyttfr/.
2 3rratv trfefrarr«rn. To cut with an a. (to pare, chip, plane, &c.) qm^r.
1 notice published. srrffKFrmrni. srrFfmj- Cut with an a. qmfq.
Advertiser, n. v.V. 1. fWTO, Ac. tir^fRTV Ac. qrfafprr,
Work done with an a. qrgqrriTn. qr^fai.
%sr^r, ntn-TT, Rtrw. Worker with an a. qraqiWf or PJ{.
2 3rrflr &e. ^“rrrr, srq^fi wtT’nrr, Ac. tr^r^qrr, !
JJgilops, n. qrWTw.a.?
AEgyptiacum, n. Affectation, n. v. Airs. xp&Sf. ar^ff#r/.
Aerial, a, belonging
fUm. fRjm.
to the air srrg^rfqt, ^WfqT, ^Trf^4fr, fpT- =TRTqfrr?/. ^rraprwrm. mfr. -

trPr^, &c. ^rraraX —

2 consisting of air.
31W, ^TR^R,
arorsot, ^trr.

WR, ^RJR, W esp. of females. it-STCmi. tt^ITw.Jo^.

2v. Pretence.
TRsRVT^T /. v. 5TU?.
STRTT m. 3TTsf“T«.
or f?m. TTifn. ffW or tfW ffVm. r^m.
3 inhabiting the air . BTFFmi#, ^f^RTW^r, ^ Affected, p. v.V. 1. ipr STf^ar-BPTg^r, ^rffiTT.
*riwrrtff, *srf or *bnc, ^r^raRTCr, 2 moved, touched, dfr iTTF^T STT^f, iJSTf aTTSW, 3ET3"iT5’
^rfstrf. ^fS’Rr-T, Tr^fftrPrfw?.
’ s '

4 /?/ace<7, being ,
£<?. in the air STORET^, ^R^FPT, afrTCT- To be a. ff3d i ^P-T^r:
(‘TfS'r? ) v. imp. Jjzsfm. ?5j-, ijaTw.
^PT, R^T, WfRST, TOftRT.
Aeriform, a. having theform, fyc. of air,
?5r, m.
qppErq* ^rjr 4 V. Pretended, ffipr, /'IJPTT, =Br=7T^T, tssRr.
srrcrrarar, srrsrr^rr.
^T^^ncofr, ^TtfTJTf.
Ajerograpiiy, Aerology, n. Rg^rr^ft. ^RR?JT/. 1 having affectation. ar^TsT, W3n#C,
Aerometer, n, qR’Rn. ^R^T^R^n. 5P^, F?-
srrfr, srnpr, ?r?3rr.
Aerometky, n. TRRfa/. fRR'T^R^r f. —esp. of females'. TO^TST, W^?1T, JTfl%#r, ^aft.
Aeronaut, m arr^r^fCfm. srr^r^JfRrwi. II labored, contained, v. Forced. ffit'T
Aerostation, n, aerial navigation, ^TO^RFTn. Affectedly, adv. with affectation, arTTTFT, ^RT-
^Tr^rr^T'RRITm . BTl^TROr ?j?Rn I
'FTfR', iTnT^TT’T, ^PTI%, ip/T ’Fg?, fr^R.
science of weighing air, qrrjfafcT/. ^^HfTOr /- —esp. of females, iT^F
Aerostatics, n, science of weighing air, ^RTFR^f^r /. Affecting, p. a. v.V. 2. moving, touching, v. Pathetic.
AEtiiiops mineral, n, STsspSr/.
Afar, adv, ST, srfa, srfCpFC, 3T?Ts.
^ acnUw,
"TPPNrar, ^?nrfw, ^ftw.
Affection, n. fondness, v. Love. itw/. JlRT/. fllfm.'snara
From a. cT^r^f
^ srfqR,
®- ?I3'/. W»>.
a ;
??«• W>/t.
Affability, n.v.A. qizqiftmf.-mtifr &c. JTflTrmwt
ft ?nr- Disengagedness of theaflections. JR-JI^KT/.
T'TT/- Hfif^Tn. fSTMWMWm. l^r^Ww. gEzrqsfrfT- Empty, hollow, barren, &c. a. #C#t
^Tf/. *OTT/.
True, active, &e. a. JUTTf/.
Affable, a. courteous, fyc. friq&r-vm- W,
q fcrewgf Maternal a. qrar=#t mq /. TtePT/.
or frsr^RT^rr, sjttoiw, W- Object of a.%Tf^a. JTTm'r-rn. anPfPrfH».
wr, fsjsRtfi q&qm, wfiw.

, Overflowing (rising and swelling) of a.

53Rfqp^rOT .^jTfm. gjfn.
Affably adv. v.A. ^Jrr'TCTsR', r^srjfTW^, M3&M5?H'T''rrM, mfrrm.
w*FMTPjr. <8\ Paternal a. Fpr^srin. T?%fr»i. <T^5?PTm.
Affair, n. matter to be done, or done. Mrrtr«. ^-pTn. MT^sTn. Platonic a. qr^frefr
Mrrsrn. yjr^JTrm. wrurn. Single or undivided a. aT^FWFTin
2 matter, business, concern,—freely. SFWn.
MTfMn. 311?/. m- To pretend great a. for. ^rstr ^f>?n. trra^T.
§T3T«». MIMEThi. iglMn. JSZ^ni. Mf?|/.
m ft imft mft
IT, “in. MMTITftt. f^MTTwt. 2 (of the mind),
a passion, a mental feeling.

ffqf. rmmn. & c

Jffirspfm. 3T-

A confused and perplexed a. qFfTfzrft MfrlW »*•

. F^fffr/.

(esp. in comp, as &rm%K, mrfr^FC, BWK^TC, ^Ifft^lT,
delicate a. M^pi OTTn. and 3frwPrffer ‘Vc.) irr^n. nmm.
A pressing, urgent, &c. a. fMMr#MT ffigft 3 (of the body), state arising from, and indicative
A of the
private, obscure, &c. a. SfCfaiSr 3??/. fflffawr sjr^ ot . working of a passion or sentiment. srTKPCm. Bp^iTUm. fWKm.
A vexatious or troublesome a. iTWTR'frSftn.
mm. ffrfft
Settlement of an a. MrRR<TM>-i.
4 (of the mind or body), emotion, mood, or condition of it.
To Affect, v. a. act upon. MTRn .
- MrffMJt • •
ffr /. - gr^ m . - &: o. mm. These are distinguished into OTHWIT and sgfii^prjrrf
^5?' f)
5T- :
MW5r-M'Fr or MWMT with spc of a. or HWrJTN ( regular, fixed, essential, fr. and irregular,
3ifilf or BTfjTTTT tjof.
advenient, fc. passions or conditions.) The first are eight
2 (the passions) touch, move. I*#, iJWm. or fxm. qxpr *JrT, m, sFf^r, ffrT, ^SFfrf, 3PT, WIJ'BT, fiOT
the second are
arprSf-sT^r arm 7 . 0/ 0 .
sst°t„ qrnz^sf, *«- thirty-two —

p#r laiT5!, 5lVr, STHT?, JR", qq, STTWtOT,’^?, f%-

wwr, qr?f5(:m.-tira:^/.-^3rwm.-3#ft»».-&c.
mm f
^ ^ ,

^3T, ’TT^rr, pf, srifir, if?, FtTir,

3 aim at, aspire after. r«?r W=r ftwm. W, rs=5Tq% g-T

Ptrr, eriwir, arn?, sirffNir, wlr, m, &-
itfw, Kfriv, LfT'T, to which are sometimes added two
^sjm. McC^-afyw, 3Twa-f?rf^f?/. ?# others —MW

:> & assume and display, v. To Pretend. 3fJT«t .-etifn , - ^“TCn ffMMDTTM. They

consist of
is, further, a middle class
eight—^T, MOT, CtiirM,
named BT-
-3Tk°r ff.of o. ^5) r
y.ofo. vfrsm. tf^Sr-iini# tTf, W, MWM.
sf^rfr a. (used with a noun) arnw-Tr^?^. •'/ 5 affectedness from external action. f^MTK'm. Fm^%/. as of

, — — — •


the eyes %^R^TT-of the ear ^#rC(T &-C. and— of milk, btaod, — in high degree. STt^^TFr,

^ri^FlT. pr, f:??rfe5r, Vr^r^rifr, strtiot, sTr^rrfe,

‘water, air, &c. r#RfnT,
Affectionate, a. v. N. and Loving. ifiFTPJ or sr, WfW, ^IWf- 5TP5W ^nfii^nr, €rar#, f-wrij^r,

W? or W, 1
<5v N
JTFTR'ci ,
FT^rat^, fffsair,

tow. An a. person. 5T:?gTTf HT°Vtw.

Affectionately, ««?». v.A. JPTOT, SIXW, FFfiT- To be a. WOTTL 5':&n. <TOT, I^Tm. WOT.

To comfort the a. -T*F?T^. TTS 0] *

3Ttfw-&:c. TOT, afRff'r.

Afflicter, Afflicting, p. a. Afflictive, a. v.l Tli^"
g Uorqvff m JfJFffgrTn. 3- n. .
Affectionateness, n. v.A. . .

5*R*5rr/. TRmtf* mfro^ri. ^ra>*rr/. orRT,7 & c. Ti^rr, / \j ' sj ' v <«* ' v

A ffiance 7i. marriage- contract. 3Tf?RBT #r ^rflT^PTni. tgw, 5iw(^3t, fet^vrf, ottf-
^urw, are^r, &c. rsiT, twi-
2 faith reposed v. Trust. iTCTOrni. 1^410 JR* 3TvT/. j

Tb Affiance, See To Betroth. ott, 5Tf3tt, ?iiknrBr, sitere?.


Affidavit, n. v. Oath. $TWf,v. £F-J|tT Tin. Affliction, n. v.V. act. JO'^kn. c. (j’JtT'Vhfi J. Wi^ftr^TWii.

Upon one’s a. ?jrjRT, qtwwn- msr^Ftoth. qlwr /.

Written a. f^Tfggn.
— state; or, grief, sorrow, S,c. ^JiTn. RTTin. 31l3u hi. W:5^iq nrri,i

Affinity, n. relation by marriage . ^BKPFT /. *JRT*FT /. HPT/u «Fflri°FTw. &c. OTnt. nTEm. t5T»i. fesFrFfl. 7:rOTr/. »FFlk /.

^TTfcr/. airprum. srnrrTrm. <rerm. qr^m. gar?*. spsrcw. OTF/. fT=Frini- TRWTi-i. fuir-qf^r/.
5ifiT^ww. %TOwn. toVw. Partner in a. OTJufTm. fiFIPWr
mrfwwm. ft^rrnwTwi.. 1 cause of a. v. Calamity, Trouble. W:OT. ^FPi 5«. ’Tf-
(fcs & „ #

2 relation, resemblance, §c. v. Likeness. WX-Tin. ^FF'-OTn. tFTFrm. VOTm. IRR«. jfS'RCn.

arrarrew. ^rgOTFu. sptptohi- Affluence, n. flowing into. ?fot OTn. 3FIHOTM.

3 — in chemistry. fflf?P j. OT»i- 2 abundance of riches, v. Riches. FjqpcF/. H1TF/. OT ^F^q «
To Affirm, v. n. assert, aver, asseverate, protest, allege. ifif. >PTOfi%/. ^rkjwfrr /•

<j5f adv .— kfPOT adv.

adv — |f- Affluent, a. v.N. 5ROTIF, qjOT-
«r5T-groiaf &c. 2 v. Rich. 3OTTFW, q%qr^, iflrTTW ,
4l^, OTOT5T,
To Affirm, v. a. declare positively. tF pr$f W- trRhll 41 37- Pf ^T3T- OTfqjW, OT^FfW.
Afflux, n. flowing unto. ^?f*fqOTn. 3|ffOTa-
2 confirm, v To Ratify. V*T-^-^STW-3rr?tf-&c. 37OT, 2 matter flowing unto. qiSOT /. ^FfTt or ^51%/•
To Afford, v. a. yield unto, v. To Produce. SOT^f, PwOT,
Affirmation, n. v.V. A. act. 73^r3OT-£-c. OTOTii. fdiFTF- ITOTB. ^OT^fnr/.-Vr^T/.-WTsriii.-WFq^Tn.-Ac. OT .<;. gov-

Wf37 37OT«. Pfftpi^rn. p37OT»- erned by qrg=r, qwCT ot or frax-r wm or trirr xk «. with
2—act. ?3Tr-^T#tF-^c. 37OTf.. qrww, Tfqk or «. with qiOT.

1 matter affirmed, XOTn. Plfe?TW». %f- faqfr/R. 2 grants confer ,

v. To Give. ^T, 5TFTw. SR’^^T 0 * sT'TFT/l
- nrw/i. o-

Affirmative, a , opp. to negative. wtWrfr, fPT- 2 (some expense, cost, loss, &c )
In eveiy eousfruction in tins

q-at, toot*

- sense To Afford is resolvable into To be able to give. This

Affirmative, n. ?W»‘. verb therefore is ever to he so resolved. Thus, I can, a. to bear ,

Affirmatively, adv. y.A. frOTJ *ptFIT, IfafTiT or JSWfTIT TOT, to yield, to lose , to pay for , to ,w/Z /or, to part with for the

m grp. & c.
getting of, (which applications comprehend the whole power of
the verb) signifying simply lam able to give-- away or up, — in
Affirmed, p. v.V. A. 1. sg^faw wrfiJOTWT, Pr«Rr?U^T-
fer, qRrsfpr. purchase of, — in sale for, — in exchange with,-—-is to be rendered,
To Affix, v. a. Join or add to, v. To Add. tiOT,ifOT, fJFRTFH (See Able, and To be Able) £p2T shPT-^r TT &c. or through

WOT some verb expressing a variation of the sense Giving, as,

2 attach to—freely. WOT, STITTOT, 37OT ~ U3TH~ ~ A c.

g.ofo. arrCffw^OT. Affray, n See Tight, Quarrel.

Affix, n. in gram. OT^Ofin. JTWPTin. ^TfSiPf /. Affright, n. See Fright.

Afflatus, n. inspiration. qrfn. jtFFTTm. 8FTTO«i- To Affront, v. a insult openly, fiarprr mUT, tf^PiT ^mWf

Subject of a. (TTO) 5TfW». or grsrfm . BTTO^n. &c. ^<ngafo, fere bj^/. got, or ff^nfr ^RT
To Afflict, v. a. pain, distress. jpJjTn.-qtWF f.-ltSfm .- A c. OT, /.-ajpew /•
WFf# or pfOT, PrOT, PfSOT, tOT, iTOPT, 3iWT, X3OT, 2 make*slightly angry, v. To Offend, fa^#, ^13"/.

f:€l- OTt & c. grTT btfpt, ^r#, flEr«-?srqr-&c. ¥^K

Afflicted, p. v.V. prqwwr, Ac. j;fefF, p<ft, fi^rk^F, Affront, insult to the fare ,

qtkar, Tn?rf?r, ott, rot, arfipr, »rr#, fesr, %ot, Bpfwr/.

tsTr, rfer,’ f^iw, #frN, ^ifw, jttofPft . I
2 —gen or. See Insult,
take a. r%qq, fqqq, q^TT, Cffffitj. qqq, <qqf fjSf Tf ^ qrRm. qrqqqq <pTRr fqreqr f pi. TqfrwiKq'srqqqqr/. 3rrqr-
[qqrqqr/. srrqfqiqqrq^5Tm.
Affronted, p. v.V. 2. ^S, qqrarqr,
To Affuse, v a. power to or upon. aqqq-qf
W, qw qrSrqr. -
After all, adv. v. At last, tlqrf^ fqqrqf, qqfqrfqtq-.
with qq qqq /.
' t After-birth, n. secundines. qrT/.
with. qq.
qqlsq?!. qqfqpTm. ^ftrm.
pop 5TR mn. sqfsr f. qrq/.
Affusion, n. v.V. act. %#n. qrq q*qq,i. s^qiOTqqn. WU- After-comer, n. qrqqr" or qffrqrq
sqqtTqqn. qqrrr, T5q, TSTqqrat 3T-
s “ '
^'qqrqrqr, q^fqrqrqr, srqqpqr&c.
Imatter poured. «]q%s?rqrq/. qqTTfqqqiTr
J. After-cost, n. qrqqr qqm. q^Tq^qqm.
Afire, adv. qarqr, q-:rq qqqr, qsrq.
After-crop, subsequent or later crop,
Afield, adv. $HRT, Siqrcq.
fqqqq/. or fqqqqq
Afloat, adv. or
Wn. qfqqqn- or qfjqcrqrf qfqrn. qiqqqq (esp. of the W pul-
a. qqqf, qqq iRtii, qqqqr, qqqq arqqr, qTC- ses) qqiTfin. qqrsrrq qrqn.
qr, qr?qr, qiqq qqqr, wr?r.
qf^q qRqn

After-game, n. qm^mf. STqrqqqqWTnria.

Afoot, adv. qrqf, qrqfq, qj7r qq^f, qprqpSft or After-hours, n. ajqsr /. sqq^TqqqqiA.
qWTq or qqqqial.
After-life, n. latter part of
qqqqqr#/. qqrqqn. qqqqr.
To set a. v. To Set
qsqq, qqqq, qpfq, ^Rqqq.
TCfC/- q/qqqqqre. anqqrfqqqji.
Afore, Aroregoing, Aforeiiand. For Afore and
its com- Aftermath, n. qqqjqr qqqr tgr /. qqqr qrrqrw.
pounds, See Before, & Above.
Aftermost, rt. ^i%qr?rqrqqLq^qqqqr,"q^irir,
Afraid, «. v. Frightened. qqq lq, qqrqr, qtq, W, jqqrpqq, qqq, qfrrqqr, qqpqq.
qqfqr *G- '

qraq, qrqrqq, qrafqq.

After-noon, n. rTOqrqqVwi. qqqqar/. qqr?fm. qqrr^TO.
To be a v. To Fear. qq«. qfiq rn ron. .
A fresh, adv. V. Again, qsqrq, qqrqrq, 3~?rq,
qqq ( m comp as . A. and evening, the declining half, qqqqfqsr
/. qqrqqar /.
) FHTRR, FfT^Fq, qq#, qq pop. tp^ q*PUT '-TRRt^.
* **

c After-pains, n. 5Tiq%/. qqmqqr /. qqr^lfr /.

To do a* Serjq-,
After-part, n. qsfrqsm. qqf^rqm. q^Trqqrqm.
Afeont, adv. in front, qq, q#iq, #nrq, qraT#, qqqrq/i. q-
gq: (in comp, qqqrq)». qqqrsim.
as jffijrafr, qqfqqf).
After-sting, n. qrqrqf:?qn. qrWrrt5T«i.
After, a. later, posterior, subsequent .' To this
word, appearing After-thought, ». qfirqjfe/. qqr^qr®-/.
only in composition, correspond q«3rqqr?Tqr/. g«q-
qrqqr, qTSTqrqqr, qqq, qsjjq •qiq/.
’ k ' qqfqqrqn. q^rqq;qqr/. q«trqqr'?qr /. qqr-
'fftfq, TET, WRl, spfqq.
q4qqq;qrn. qq.tqqn. jffjfsr/. /
ior exemplification See After-life,
Afternoon, and other After-time,
compounds amongst these following in order.
«. qqrq -qrfqm. -qqqm. -qq^q w) ., -jqqjq,,; _
Iff5f qiqtqrq. , rfqmn.-&c.
After, prep, following in place or order, tjftf,
qrstqrq, qjqjqq- After-words, adv. in subsequent lime,
nfl, qisjq or qrqistq qfij
Tf^-q, qrqr-iirTriTH, 'TCTTqf, q (in comp, as
§rRR- qq, qqqq pop. qqq,qqq, qqrrqfqr, qqqqrftqr, trrqff' q=q-
qqrqqq, TSITqw, CBffqqW Tree after tree, penny qq: qqrvq, q^fqq,
after penny, &c.). qfqq, qqq, (with snvqr&c. as f ?fr?qr-
qqc), ^rr, ^gq qqq . : ;
Immediately a. qnTfqrq, W*mrz,

2 following in line,

qrq, TRtqrq, qpftqq, qpsf, qr%q qprTq

After-wise, «.
q«nrarqq, T^Tfrqrqt.
qqfWRl, T^Vrqqrq . imlfW' ism,
, mm '

qpjq or Wjq, qq, q^rq, q^(esp. in comp, as WnW*’ After-wit, n. v. After-thought, qnqqjqrqn. qF^rqqfe / q-
'TyRTT) qqr (in comp, as <KT?qq(qq, qqspqq, g-q^jq’ q§qrq) ' 4
qqnfRT, qqqr, qgq, vqq, stff (as srqqqatff, %sqr4qf ql
* After-wrath, n. qqrqqqm. qqrSTm.
tmrmX f

Afterings, 7i. strokings. rqcq«. fqi'S'fi qqn.

3 according to, v. According. qqfSq ffRiqr, 3q^?qq Again, «<?w. awoMer time, siqif!, ^TTOr/fiqqrR; or
4 m imitation of, v. Like. sTfWitrq, fqf^q-
(as qsqiqroff) qfr
&c. qqsqq.
(asqqrmff, wfqfi)
m ] ^
qrrqqrr, gq, qpqf
q--rr, Sfrm.
qT t? r 3^

qrqq^, qq or
S^r, qpr^qrq; cr
st^T, 5r,
or q, or qr^qq & c
jqqf, nq/
% .'

A. and a. qq:jq:, qq qqqfT, qr^rq, fqTqqq

After, adv. v. Afterwards. jpq :

qfq, qjqq. A. and yet a. qqqfq, qq^, pfrC RrSFT.
For direction on the rendering of this’
adverb as it occurs in As much a. aiqiql qqqq or qqsr, fTT,
composition, see the adjective, and, fefT.
for exemplification, see a-
2 back in restitution, v. Back, qq:, qqq
mongst the compounds below. " } q^qq pp-^q ’
sJTVr, or qf.
After-account, n. qrqqrfMTqm. q^rqqqqr /. W^tgqRrerq,, 3 in return for, in recompense

qrqRiqqsqqqiifqn. q«tr?qioijrqn , of. qqqr or aq, jq^rqf qjqf
A ”
n '
^Wn qm‘ ^ n‘ WR-RTUr /.-ffq /.-
qq^q, qqq, qqqqqrqq.
4 on the other hand, aqpqqjjf, gpfs, qrq,
q^q, sj^qq 0r qar*.
Against, prep, in opposition to. jq^ST,
After-ages, n. & qq, q(q, f^, &c.
TW^ltTO'/. q^rq?qq OT .
Note. The genius of the Marathi language
docs not permit ex-
2 future ages, l^^mpl. ^^^r^m. act rendering of this word. Sentences
therefore constructed With
; # — —

Age 24 AGG
* it should he broken down, and rendered with single eye to the 7 ripe age, maturity, v. Puberty. Tor. WWTOTO/. TO°T~
sense. For this mode will be wanted prepositions and parti- Rn. lKj[#or TORT/. ffTOTO/. TOTTOw. TTOW/.
cles and nouns and adjectives of varying meanings and pow- That is of mature a. TOTOT, TTOT, TORW*
ers and bearings ;
and, of such words there will be found abun- That is of a. v. Major. TOTOTOfR, TOpTOTO or TOTORW,
dance. —
Thus to render lam or I act against him , may be ^TOTOTO, TOT1TW.
employed—FRvgr, RWT, Jrfrr^TSr, TO*, faw, STOTT, That is undpr a. v. Minor. toTOTOTCIT,
STSEI, (opposed, opposite,) as, % cTOfe-FTO?r-&c. ajff: qfIT, RT^fLm.
—Prefer, rwh, firrfc, irrra^pr, I’T, %pt, To come of a. Wld
(opposition;) as, TO# 8 v. Century. STcf^n.
snt,or #to# Prfn? 3rrc%-TOTO Aged, a. elderly, v. Old. ^FRiTb f&, W.Wf or q?r-
3T (vi the face or teeth of;) as TO% TO?RT sfiTRT^T :
— f^T, qqi#Rr, ^TW.
(with;) as, TO# STR#!— and such Middle-a. TOW or TOR.
phrases as WTO TO qiawp, WTOffaTO TO "TOTO TO3TTO Agency, n. f,
^w n .
WTO TO# &c. Szc. The Sanskrit prepositions JTf^T Wn. ^°TRn.
and nr well express the sense of against hut they are insepa- 2 See Agents hip.
rable prepositions; ex. 3PFp;iT or qfpfTO going against , 3TTO- Agent, n. ^/ocr, actuator, qrrff, TOoffTf, TOTO, RRTOlf, W-
5Trf gone against, TTfTOfT or XTRTf^T^T acting against ; and pf- W, comp.
W, rlTO, CTOT, &c. In Sanskrit in% as well as some other Zjactor, deputy. jpPF/Trm. ^RT^RTto. g-fRirt. ^Pin. g^r-
inseparable prepositions, appear separately, as ZTfTOW against
the sun, TTfTORr against the wind . • A. with full powers, JsrarajJTITwi.
2 — in place, v. Opposite. TOIT, pop 5TOTO. 3 — in commerce, & c. STS'fJJTm.

5 in provision for or expectation of. 55^, ^qrc.-*TO°Tn. Agent ship, n. v. N. 2. / JfTr^TTTTin. 5'K»TPCr T 0lH». ,

WTO^TOT g.of s. with g. ofo TO- *i%5iRr /. Effc?r/. Aw».


Agape, ^RTfr, TO^qWTO [WJ, TO TOW 3 mzf.

-A GATE, 71. 3JR3*m. To Agglomerate, v.c. gather into a ball or mass. JTRTm.-
Age, w. «oAo/e duration or term, of. BTnjTOn. TOJmi. ^TRSTf^m. /.-r'RPffr /.-&c. tfrC'T g-»fo.
2 v. Generation, fq'iff. or tfSt g.of s.
8 (of the world) z[T[n. The four ages of the Hindus , cor- To Aggrandize, v. a. v. To Exalt. #(<rrr /.-^TTrw.-'^TT-
responding somewhat with the golden ,
silver fyc.
ages, are wrOT.-&c. §-5r, #Fr¥’c'5t, ^ ?r2-?or.

fTO tar, STTO, To Aggravate, v. a. make more grievous. arfwSfS'-’TfW W-

Ages rolled away. J?T^TTO #£# 3?r|^,%OTRT TOT TO?, pop. SfTSIT & e. JR-'oT, SiWT J:5FfffrT
Begining of an a. gJiffTOn.

End of an a. spjfcfm. To be or become aggravated. spST#,

Interval between two ages. ^FRTm. Wtftf. 2 make more enormous or heinous. 3TWT ^f^-aTf^RT pi-pT-
Lapse of ages. WW/. ?rr-&e. qrC"T, fRm. ^TRoir, ffqrPrfTn. ^vh.
4 division of life . TOfTOTO /. 3T51T/. qTlf/. 3 v. To Provoke. #3-/. -Wiitf. WtTr-^rztf ff.ofo*
The three ages. These are childhood (i. e. infancy N'l^r?sT.
and adolescence.) TOTO1W/. yo^/i (i. e. puberty and Aggravation, n. v.V. 1. act. arftRT STS' gr^otn. &rc.
manhood, ) ^fTO^fTOTO /• TOTOfn. age (i. e. declining years act. 3TW3T qfTC'Srn. &c.
and senility,) TfviTOTOTO/. qr#FTw. Another account 3 act. 5#? 5FTPr°T«. &c. ^3T5^/
makes four ages. TOTOfTOS'Tn. I aggravating cause. |fle5riTDT»-5R 5nT°Tn.
The two ages. smWTft. <?F %P/. These are advance to Aggregate, a. collected into a sum or mass, ^ffiRTfRr, ffiRHt,
maturity, TO*#/. TOTOn. Tlfe. and dedTrce age, ?njPRr, wtjr«¥lf?r, r#tffr, ?wr-
sro# tot?/. wrn. ^Tfin. szmewn. ^t*p, ftiw.
/ [Slime of life ^n. $TO/. 3T>T m/.
. Aggregate, n. collected sum or quantity. fTW^Tm. ^jprprw.

A. of twenty, {%#/.— of twenty-five, q^TOT—of Rf#- otwdk w/ ^yeR'«».



^nrsriir/. iry^Osr/.
of forty, 'qrrsBT^r— of fifty, TOf#— of sixty, to#* (as STfJPT, JTRRFT, &c.), SfPTn.
Disparity of a. m TO!PTTO% /. To Aggregate, v. a. collect, v. To Gather. (RTT£ adv.-%-
6 old age. ^TOTm. f5HW/. affo.-^T adv. ^rrSr, tr5FT^“t, T?raT ^T'C'T, fJ7K?of, €*?r-
^rwrarm. snfwn. «rcr /- qrfct ^ fRTm.-B-3Tr?T'lr«.-&c. 5JOT g.of o.
qfebi. Aggregately, adv. v.A. TT5T, TOT, ,
^rpTW'T, ¥W-
Imbecility of old a. •
TO. -

Reverence, <&c. for a. tptffarj. fSCTOWtn. Aggregation, n. v.V. — act. TORT- &c. ITW TOTn.
Bent &c. under the infirmities of a. TOrcfCTOj <r^T n. & c. HURTTot. H5TrfT°r n.

—state, TOT&TOii. WTfc WTWcTn. affirm. Aoo > adv done, - v. Past ^r,
<T5rT^fm PtRftr. Wh^Rcm ^rcf?/. JJ?5T, Jiff, ^TT, »T#r.
Aggregator, «. v.V. tpKTT &c. ^rcrru, TKIZWU&c ww-
A month a. ^
wwn.- mrirtm. & c .
Three years a. # grr^f.

To Aggress, a while a. vrar, wr,

v. n.
^gqf f
commit the first act of offence. vr#il3T srr^r, tot ?Fr ^r-
-qfc«r TO or ZfS-m.-Tm m^f-^t/.-^t^.f-^

!!? (^Tssrrflr &c.)

/” ^^5*" -yffT^Tm &c

v.V— act. m^tf.

5T*r f ftmf. ^ zzrzfr,

Agog, adv. in a state of excitement,

«^r, ^f^r, %3r grr-

BTJRRr/. 37373 ?^/ To be all a. ipnw,

gsftfrg- ^tr?T, rr^T^f
^;rwiT«. groarw mrwtaw.
3-tTM. Jf# ado. rT^
Aggressor, n. v.V. sPMr^r ST^ITr,
imrfaiRT'Tn. WT 0
!, or tosSt.
" * * ^ '

^rr^^ITT. jpq^
srw^r, 3^-r
<™ )
<P ITOI-®™-*,
^Tosota. m. ISf-gr^PT,

To Aggrieve, v. Agoing, p. a. ^fs^f, vjpj.


2 v.
SR-apR'? &c.
To Wrong.
a. hear heavy upon,
5rr5f-^5j- in. con
^m,n.- mKr*m.--

To Afflict

W i; m .~& c
r- To Agonize,
^ r. n. strive
hard, v. To Strive.
«rram».-^rm.-TO».-& c *t°t. .
^ ^ roj 5 jct
2 writhe, 4rc. »»;««».
g.of o. 375^, fwfW ^/. f?5f /«.
Aghast, 5^Dr

A.o^»,,, ;^
v fr^^a^,
a. Frightened. fTRRrr Trrqrr, TOT, i^RT b» AG^NI'zr^ T.v
t^T/. rr^VG co W .
3t-?3t gwpr, ?^, ^rra^,
,. twwSl0 .

Agile, Active, to,

«. v.
to or », s^ro -fm[_
TO 1



n V A
’ '
^ ri/ ‘
VWZTtif- W».
SXVFFZmZ* &7PTr^RFr^or7i.
~UCL W^n
' &C '
wsrfw, a=ra, wnlw.
aW ^w / ^TI?or
Agillocum, 2-act ^toStb. &C. ^ro/. TOftarm.
n. aloes wood *
To Agist,

mtons. ° ^«/.
». a. take in cattle to feed. f.
TOtfflf or ^TT'TRT of Agony, n. intense pain. a?f^W/. umfero/. JjpiirowA-
RPCFRar gsR ^K“T. '

Z ™
To Agitate, To Share, TO°T, TOT,
> -
*. a. v.

M v To Argue. $aSr, W"T, qT2.°r, TOITO.

g ;
,ToriT Isr^rr
&c 7 R
f -

r /- st rw/-&e. timm.
uur~ ^
-qmwxm. sp^r y .of o.
(ihe mind or passions) disturb,

/.-Rirranr r

disorder, flurry

Tot h*

^ IT
Agrarian, «.
31 a V ‘ PAINS

to/Srf* ««</ /««*.

oi? Death - wfrmr f-mm /.-

T 1’
f T'
v W- ferr^f

°jrrf5r-&c. ^ror.
S™^.- ^Rr^n- wS-
V' v ' ] '
to*®** &c
«£*K -

7r -
F J r "* hc in c

~ ZT rcl rW 5T? 5
r f «NBr, jtjft >

2 trfzrwz-vmv &o. grr^r, surfer. f^^T, nrvmn. g.of s. ^oj-q^oj

fimni. ike, ^mg.ofs. rccipr. ijmn.
L^T’ ^ ^^ *T^> fWors*, arro,
^ wrw ’
’ ^r°r.
OTn ^'
wwfar, to:
& ^
w vm,
* r c
S: T'~ ’^»--^#.-^pmpr«. T teTB.
rmvtn. vm-ift. ,,

&c -> *&w, tffararro,’
sror Ll S;i\°
t W I n;
“~ e(/e ’
assent' <m >’ comply, acquiesce,

JFPffr, eqTfTRir.
SI f
^rcr/. Z~
^ &c

or n^mf. ^ /-

^2 ^Fmrm W^W.».
*. v.V. 1 —act. «•
TOF«. fcsffrn.yf^„. r> SrTw.-fSrvm.
r - « r^T-^, tiv-# &.c.
f^r/. dr^N. 3TRf- 6 settle terms, a^ofate.
«* ff^t
TO &c ' ^ °
c r' ^5rn ^hr, jrr^r /.
'- ™*J- "***» «*- 222' -

j. ^rqrr &c.
We ^'fe ^
&c-state- WWf. grarnrar
^L tll irr
’ TODr>
^ ~
'' also


^ ^ hrti/wT
— «. or
r /- s

mpSl«r«n. sfi.

g.ofs. recipr.
™T T^^ ^
s. ,9. reee^n ;p% ^07
?rrm?rr°rf. ^rsi^m /. ?


n- n-
Agnation, ». relation
the er

ssid^ r
m .

by the father’s side only.

— — , — , r f ,

26 AIL

congruous, Consistent. ^TP^T II. (of opinion, views, &c.) ^4TW'*fw. sTRIRTw. tiWffif /•
Agreeable, a. v.

w 3 far, w. Fr/-
— in
grammar. aRWtfi tiRIHTRf
8 pleasant phasing delightful charming . 3T^^n‘, TNr,
, ,

3T3T m 7-

wc, iffc, IV. (of different books, statements, & c. ) if^PfW/

Rnr, hppt, jr^ranrar, JFrgrrar,
jsfqr, ^ar, ftsrRr, fsesror, stRtrtt, wr^, ?TfVrni 3f'? TM. v.

^rpr-, f^m r, jtw, ^rpr, ^ir, sfam, hr, pi, 5 ^ 5,

Agrestic, a. *v. Rural, Rustic. JTkTRl, H'l'TPT^T, SITOV'ir,

ifipito, IRf^TT,, JTHTRTOir, Jf^RT, C3WT, S^T, fff, ^_ SrF^.

Agricultural, a. v. N. tTfr^nir^T, ^Tffl^TT,
spr, iRftcsrcr.
or tfcfmrrr^rr, trTO#>i), §frwr?r^r or ?f
Agreeableness, n. v.A. 1. warm. fifai'-fTin. d|J|wi. OTfin. 3qrj-
573TW. ^^r,f T^Fir^r,
fir ?rwdr,
3TJf5^r/. ^
2? 3rcsaw»i. jfrfr/. qq/. qqreHi/- ^f^ri'irm. fff qfTRftipRr, f sfaik, fFf^ifr?rif?

r^fw.- grrprar/. ^ftwr/. anram. wf»- ^rr^r- Agriculture n.

/ ScTfr/. $rfr^T/
'STfTf ffcf


According. Rt^crK, q#l,

zatfam iMrf-
2— gener. or
yojfr^/. jsifR'^r/.
compreh. Jield-business-operations, work, trd'-
Agreeably, adr. v. A. 1. ararf

ftfrw. trffiTR'n fTSTurfr/. trfr?r/. %z€rj.

J?mqP¥, aTflTIT (in comp.).
2. pleasantly. g^FT, TOf??, WW, H¥5T, Jr^SFTTNr. qrfr^ or srttsr/. armr ^q^f/. ^q-^Jid^rqiT?/*.

Agreed,^. v.V 1. See Agreeing. Hire of a beast upon a. -employment qpfT /• 3^T /• SRwi- ^i-

2. v. Agreeing. STJHrf, ^THRI. ^3Tm.

3 . tSarr- Srraarf, qf"T?T. nfernr, H%f?FT, t#, *T!%Fpfr, Implements of a.— compreb. 3T^qrW/. The common ones

efqfccr, ^rrqfw. are ^RT, TWC, JTST or Ip, UB%, FfOT, #r5HT,

4 6 See Agreeing.
or Mi'4l4i/- XIXini. 'VXXmJ.
Agreeing, p. a. v.V. I. fifa^nTr &c. Fur^m^r, Reciprocal service in a.

fjpii™. Sec. ^qror, iwrnir, <FFfiF*pqr, i^f^rr^r, «nr- Man or beast rendering it. CVsT! orj^WT, f K^TT or gT^qiTr,
F^ri, tr^rirar, ^rft^r?T^r, trsrc*rrqv w^t- f'rerw^rt, qa^ar.
2 jfpar, irrefr,
. ipr^r#, srir, *mFr, aifaim, tnrarK- Agriculturist, n. cultivator. 5TffqiCf ?J*- niddilWw*.

?r^prni. ^rH-RTW, wtx-ix SmiTT, aTjifcqf, STW- 5Rpftrr»ra. ^fqq?V°IKTn. fTOTiHrfffw- fWiT, f 4fa55, 417^, WW-
TiTfT. tfri^Fq, Ml, f wfifr, p%, %€r, tfrurdr,
3 #2^IRT, 5T? ^'Tm-OT'W, qpqpffOT. ?at.

4. fer“JRJ, &c. sgpjj 5T. Aground, adv. qfaro aqip afW, fW, ^K^GT.
5. JJPFITCT, &C. qwr, q«FRT, IMURT. To be a. arm, ^WT.
6. Fjf^^nrr, &c. Ague, n. intermittent fever, v. Fever. sicF^rarq??*.

1 in gram. WflRlfsROT. 2. cold fit. r?q or ?fq». 5t-fr/. v. nr, %,

Agreement, ». v.V. 1. state, fifsorra. & c. frfril qv »n« tfqfrqrw. fr/. ^[im.pi. v. Tqr /. pi. ratmr/.
%spm. ^WRR>». <
1 /. qw»». sTCHwi. 5W»». 5PTRi». Ague-proof, a. Farfr^ftd^r, fsTd^, ^ftqsqrrqp-q, #?r«qrr-

^T3/. ipT»n. or /. Riaigqto. ite.

state. 3gpT». ffWIirw. ^W/. ^FURf/. aTrjiKrc. Jjrafgrr/. Ague-spell, n. FhfNf or Rqdiqi-dl iffm- «T\d«^<^wqr iffw.-
n#f°rr»!- K5Ppfl/. R5iTRR?r/. sT^mum. 5rqm.-d7m.-g'q^rCOT. & c.
3 act. Xli^vtn. &c" qp?t/. f. v. UK, Ague-struck, Agueo, a. ^fTsq^rFs'f-ajfr-qtF^-sTrxf-feir-

?rc, qre, srraw/. <mxn, gqarm. fwr»». gipRrrvwj firSf-5T?jT-^Tfw-3Hwfe -3#4cT -arril -3Tfq5T- Hm -Flferg- W-
state, firzfirn. Sic. sj-rm n. sr-jirfa/- gwrFr/. ?mnr«. m- fq^-dte.
aSTOn. XpEm, 5fi\m. sTJTRm. vrxrm.zpf ®f. Ah, Aha, interj. —noting censure. §T, ?fsi, *1?!,

HOTm. TOfT»*- 3^TITr»». ?W«. W»n. v. ^T, 5fJT, STiTw. 2 noting complaint, compassion, &.c. fT, ?FT fPI, ?TfT, ®T?T,

##r/. tom. wnr^rr/- wi%/. 3T?r?r, 3?^, arwara,

5.— state. 5?r=f^w. &c. XWmm. FiTaTITw. 3 noting exultation, ft, 3fIT?T.
6 —state. he. spr m. STirw. arOT«- Ah! oh !—as under great pain. OT£*r, fTOT PIT, |V.

I contract; compact, covenant., bargain.

|'R/. ?t^M. frZf Ahead, adv. on in front, q?, OTT, M, ft, qfe-
$r*f- ytkft tcxrxm. tfwr/, g%?rwi. HRirm; mxvm. r-
?TJrm -*}[%/. To get or go a. qfflW,
Agreements and engagements, — compreli. ^rCITJRTVin. pi. To Aid, v. a. y. To Help. gnf». qrvq g.of o.
m. pi. -xxx f.- it?qurFt/. - qrftqif f.-jtvx;}. wx«\ g-°fo.m™-
A. for a year Ql«%aT / v. Help. xmn. ¥W/. VftZf. TRcTirrd/-
Aid, n.
: Breaking an a. ^riTW?m. ^rriTRfvnTr?/*. Aid de camp, n. q'^mrprcftin'w. #Wfw.
Written a. ^Tir^mirm. ^^^nc^nirw. trVqrirriw. ^MrdrRrw. To Ail, v. n. j^oTn. J: ?qn - XXX -Fr^PCw . • - ^W/. &c.
^Vrt or m in, con .

2I ail, I am ailing. JWf or 37RPTT fSTV^r # ?PJT =Tlf f- Hr- To give one’s self airs. 3?r^f Jrf§T8T/. W, ^SRfarn.

sI-^rrh jfrff-wf ^rcf-vcr ®rm.

What ails thee ? J-YT OT STR^-Srf^ ? 9 See Tune, Song.
Ailing, a. v. Sick. pr°TrriT, fPFrafr, aWRTOTRt. To Air, v. a expose to the a. d?y in the a .

Ever a. v Sickly. &c. qr^r, gr^-s"#, wmm. %*T-zvGW[ t


Ailment, Ailing, n. v. Sickness, Disorder. SWn. cr^n.-^prr^f X»

qram. %3f.

^ fm. f^rrrm.
« slight disorder

%?5cf Piff 3 ff^


opening for air. JTWR- S’CfSRTin. HRn. f «5P2‘5ft/.

fqT^f^orn. STRIRTSFR)'/. ^TffT^m. WTPR-R.

To Aim, «?. a. direct or point ^TJFT, qra%, ^RR, *sPUT. Air-pump, n. ^P^Rr^f^a. gRr^RRT-^r3T^r&.c.
To Aim, n.— with a weapon, &c. m^f /.
v. SR^T-^rNpr, mm.- W-
3*$Jn.-5EfaPr». ^c-’cT^-^R 5! Air-tight, a. ?g-o/- flTrniBT,

2 point one's view or attention at cR?T?i . - ftftn - - Airiness, n. y.A. 3.

fig. .
ift^orn. &C. 4 tewm. rc^raTnrrai.
Aim, ti. direction given. f^RfT /. qT, WFfft. 5 i5!%Ti®irm. Rjsifr/. fartnrww. BTSTiTT'frrm.
2 vzeio directed zfX[m. tfflTHn. 3 TgWTR’7i. ^pfm. Airing n. ramble for the air. ?ff S'/. ^C/. RiT"Tn. ff^rw.
v. 3% ^rPr^Prm. fcrw=T«. &mm. mcrm. v. wc« *5TJ7°r».

Unerring a. an^fKTRn. Airy, a. composed of air. ^hpFT, 3!$m, srrg^'T,

Of unerring a. &c. fraf^fipT.

3 point aimed at v. Butt. f%3JpT». STfcSTfl.,frqpTw. 2 belonging or relating to air. sfRfWw,
4 object of a design v. Design. PrpRfn. ffPWn. a?RFfm., Vrcr^ftfr, 'wpf'f-fr, ^r/^r, &c.

BTPnrpT?n. wa^rm. if^n. r^nr*». sjrrrtfm. 3 windy, breezy, -of"places. TO#C, f^T,
Of single a. (or purpose). ZKWZtWr, ^RTT^r.
Aimed, p. v.V. A. #3fi W3W, &c. qrfsfff. 4 light, hollow, v. Empty, ffsps:, If^RT, fIW55 or
Aimer, n. v.V. A. qfaW, smPCT, &c. Wd* qiSRT. wrwr, gpRrrft or ^¥^°fl^r.
Aiming, n. v.V. A.—act ^R*Tn. #5FTn. %3RT/. 5 frivolous, trifling, fyc. v. Light. fffiTf, or
Air, n. v. Wind. ?RTm. ^RTwi. srpfw. s^fm. mw or srppfrar, ^jrfrs-, sratar.
mf< WEFfm- W%fm. qftfoftn. Ait, Eyght, n. island in a river. s|ii. ^». fgffn.
N.B* But little difference is perceived by the Hindus between Ajar, adv. aw WZr a. deal. ^sferfriT, C^SrRrg".
air and wind . Akin, a. v. Related, srrff, RrfTftw, STW^JT, WWOTr, =TT^T?gr.
In the open a. exposed to the air . ?prtff f <3W~ 2 partaking of the same properties. ?rw4?r, 5RT-
TORlfa or
TOT TOr^R, ^^TR, R^FffPT- jfr,
tr^nwr, ^i?FRrr^, B^qiwRr, T^srraVr,
interj. v. Alas. SW, fR^PT.
In the a. in mid-space. WRTf, 3 TffiT£T, afarUSF., Alacrity, n. cheerful readiness. TSrem- ?"fm. gTHKai.
take the
up the
a. —
colts, &c. TfUfw.
3ff% t
*RT qpflrn. Wff, OTST/.
Alamode, adv.
gYggrffr/. wm/. 55terrr»».

& c. h-
m or itmf.
q-ftTf^r- JRTrr- iT^r- /r#T-

$T®T, ^adv. fe-^r, Ik/. sypT. Tf/TFr^HPC ike. gRTTHTR;^ &c. trfUiraT^qT^ &c.

To beat the a. q^op. Alarm, n. cry or call to await some danger. ?ht/. SORTS’ /. (

2 — as a humour of the body. Wfm. 4rjm. 3#r?F?n. ff/. ®rrR5rww5^r/. air^w^rw/.-ffr^r /. &c. s7rw-
3 vital air , Tffflm, 3Tg>n* 3?RCff m. Five are enumerated — 0
JJT !) ^PrfjTrrr^Frn. ^srirr^ww/.
^TTRT, s^TR, ^TFT, OTR", and five inferior or secondary (OT~ 2 hubbub, v. Tumult, f^/. j?r/. ?rarj5=r/. rargn?/. jjts-
str)—rht, ¥*r, <hr*r, HFf«pr. ^er/. aTS'^rw. JT3W/* JITTOTot. flJTWw.
4 <m « a. wind, v. Breeze, %Kn* 3 Fright. IhA/. ?W7/. <R#/

sfcffTgw. r. R'WTRw.
5 W.
jwern, jjSTf /. /. %^CTm. sg^qrw. STf /. ^Tr^Rm. To take a. at. iTJTn. ®TOT-^r, ?^f/.
Th Alarm, ®. a. v.N. 1. !RirfH9^C/-- iinT^lr /. &.c.t'5i' > ,rr^TOr»i.
6 affected or particular manner, miff. TO^,%^Cr^R^Tr-f#^RaiKrin. &c.
%%f, &%vrf.
^rar#, vpir^^t grw-priT-&c. st^r, ^raww^gr-fft^ir
7 general aspect, v. Appearance. $Rr?n. iRTffm. SfR/. §T/. -5rrfq?r-& c. grc5r.
3w/. qRm. sTr^rUm. 3 v. To Frighten. fir#FT, ROTT'T', WHIW, R^TROT, JTWt?r
8 airs ; haughty pretensions ,
iiotions^ manner#. /. «&"- pop. JTqrofer-fi^Fr-&c. ^t5t.
ttw. qRTH/. Ffwr /. f. v, #e*, wmi f-pi Alarm-bell, A. pif^RJTRTm. $$$ sfipm. / airG5r- .WW
v. m: f
irf tbt/. «. Rtft, qrr, fcn&zttf- nwTOtfar/.
WXKitf. mif. TOK^/. *. %#/• V. ftfTA, fPTPCm. Alarmed, p. v.V. 1. RR*T t'Si'ST&c, srraiWl^W-^-.
»• ^c, toxjw. r#ir /. Ii RRT^g'-&c.


2 vimm pop. otrter, frefirtf, Nrst.

2 —act. qq qs-qqa. in rqrpRn. ireq«.— state, fqfpq/. rut-

Alarming, p* a, terrifying . W5R3T* W, ^T- sqqrm. qqsqqrm. Iq«. fqqu>»- fqqiqi»>- Fqqfqr/. fqirorqr/

raise alarm, W^r^THCr, *TWfW, To Alight, v* n. y. To Dismount. ^rf^T,
Alarmist, w. owe given to

jpqwfr, Rrrerat, Rmrqrsrat.
2 fall and lodge grT^T TIW, T-
Alas, interj. fpq, frqqrq, ITfT, sTff STfR 3T?PT v. 5T, qTOTCT. ,

Albeit, adv. v. Although. 5PCt, iRlfq. 2- qrfq-qqq-OTq-qrOT-fq^rqq.

3 at; stop at §c. qqOT, qrrw. q'°T, Y^rqn. ?#, qqrrqm
Albugo, n. white speck in the eye. tfjWft. RPm. J’spfi’n. 3TW n.
Alchymist, n. RRqrirC, f^FTJT^TT qTRIKT, OTRitw. YHsi PC^” 1* qrpq, fq-frqn- qrOT-sTur.

otFpts-, rarer or Fprewrm. Alighted, p v V. 1. qq^R, NOTTS’, qqiquf^,

Alchymy, n. RTJRT/. OTPRa- OTrerRf/- 'qrjqFUPqqRqrr/ 2 g-qjprqqqqr-q^qqr-Ac. qqOTR, qqqqr.
Alcohol, n. iRfim- ifSRIPOn. Alighting, w.v.V. 1 .—act. qqrqn. syrfifm. srqu-OTa. -iHqrqn.
Alembic» n. JTf^r m - snHffTTfWn- —act qqqqa. qqq^q qq'qu.— qqr°r/i.- Ac. 1

Alert, a. vigilant, ready. qRRT PRC^T, qrqTPT, RTR'4, JSTrr, 3 act. qqirqn. jqrqtn- fUfRa-

srrarr, srnTqr, ptprr, qrwqr. Place of a. qqrrqw. smn.

Alertness, n. v. A. ^nWRTw- qrRTiFCT /• «Tf5t>T«Tr»». fJTiTt /• Alike, a. v. Like. qqOTfOTTr, qqrWR, qqtjur, ROTr, fUR,
Alexipiiarmic, a. expelling poison. fqqiRT JTIOTKT, fWIT, PIP, jr-qq-q, qqprq, qqqqrq, «q"q, nqqi.qrfqqifuqr.
?Rt, flwr^RT, RW, RWT5R,ft«J3If, FW, RW, PWR?, 2 of one hmd or quality, qqrntsr, qqrnq, qqiHR^r, qqr-

fawit- qrqfq, qqrqqrqr, qqqq^qqrq, q%qrSrq qit, qjrrqqrqw, otr-

Algebra, n. frsPTfaqn. fran. arsjnPTmn. qrqt, fqqrq.
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, in a. spsqrtr- Alike, adv. qqqrwr, wTOif, qqquiqtq, qqqqRri, qqm-

RURn. -RqqRRn.- RRn. - ITTsRji. Alike-minded, a. qqfqq, ur^PfR, qw, qqrqqi%, qqr.
Known quantity in a. WTn. Aliment, n. nutriment, v. Food. qrf°T n sqpriTHi. 'iOTn.

Operation or working in a. 3MTt>'f%4T /. qpRn-

JTRn. 5Ttqqn,
Unknown quantity or number in a. arKR/i. Alimental, Alimentary, a. belonging to a. iqrRRr,

An unknown quantity See. sUTOUferw). #r, qqrwqqr.

Equation of unknown quantity &c. sqsjpTOPRTn. 2 nourishing, v. Nutritious. qfiqrU-qTRfi-qq, 'lifeqr,qfqqr.

Relation of unknown quantity to its co-efficient. qppqrqjn. Alimony, n. allowance to a separated wife, f IJTqrqr U qqtqqrqq n.
Algebraic, a. qrqqfqqqqqr, fljTTRW, qLRRqrqqT, iPOT- mqufl/.
Wt, ftaPTUTilU^, Aliquant, a. Httqqr5pq, Hnrqrqq'.
Algebraist, n. qtgraifSiqtwt. ftspifasiriR. flWJTPTW, qtqqR#qr. Aliquot, «. Fq^ifwrqqr, fqRTqrqqr.
Alias, adv. otherwise- as to a name. qrq). Alive, a. v. Living, fqqr, #iq pop. Fsf-iq, fq-lf, nfiq, RfR,
Alibi, adv. jpr=qr STRf, pRT ROTRl, apR PROT?, apR Rif. 2 active, in full being, rigour, virtue, ,Sv. fq-lf, SIRqr, qr-
Alien, a. Foreign, qUTSir,
v. fPT3ir, qrtURr qYPPr, qrtlRr. qqr, qrjq, WRRqr, nqq.
2- v. Strange, Stranger, PRU oriqr, PITR, PRfr, PR- All a. Alive 'and liearty. fqqr sfRqr, fqqrat'T, FqqrFqqq, d?-

pir, qq#ir, qrtRqr, pupt, pr. qqtqfqqq.

Alien, n. y.a. qptiFrm fqqsrNn. qr?qwq;qqrtFuq>». &c. Alkahest, n. myrqqr«-
Alienable a. v.A. 1. jpuPRirr frqf qrRT--TO qr-&c. =qr - 5Tf qT&e. :
Alkali, n. v. Potash, Soda, Ammonia, qfftn. qRT-

£q, fwq, pRCRrltr. qrtr/.w.

To Alienate, v. a. (a property), estrange. OTRIR frit OT-PT- Alkaline, a. &TiOT%, WRjqq.
ur-Rqrq^tq, rp*%5r?raqRRRSf, qq?Rqq ptot, Rqqrraqq A. ashes, qrrqm.
ptot,, ffqrfqqqr pur. To Alkalize, v. a. 8JRq». qR"T, 8JR ftjq W*l.
2 (the affections, ora person), estrange. ifrFq/.-JRfl. &c. qar- Alkalized, p. v. V. yrFcq, Wlip.
qq-fqr^-fqm-fqa:qq q^t-s^rror jot ptrp g.of o. mm. All, n. Ftq-Rq;q-Rqr5q-'qqqr-lk<;. ?HTqTqm.-tt?rf»»--q'qq»'--U'
q^qq, Rtqip, ^?m.-qf5RT Ac. irqSf, rqpr-rpfq-&c. ptr>t, fsumf.-wsatf. he. opplRw.
Rtptqm. qrqq. .A. along. $ee under Beginning. spR si^T, »T(?fq, qffWqT-
Alienated, p. y.Y. 1. jpprrq frqr rT??qr-&c. fe|?rr,, fppr- jr, qRqrnq, Rrrfqrqrwfr.

^r, qraRerarq Irararr, rotur. A. at once, v. Suddenly. qsfiTqqrf.

2 rqiTjr, rwror,-ipfq, Prpr,. reRpr,. root, qrsw, tijax,. A. alone, qq^r qqr,»jrr, qqi'vrnufiq, %qw qqrzrr.
qqrar. A. through. 1R (as TOf ^c.)
Alienation, ra. v.V. l.—aet. JPR-R'trqtpRn. Pi^pqiTq PTOTii. At a. qrlffq,, spirit, fqpqqt, fqeqp, wquR, fqqqw,
< &c. qrfRURn. -fqqrqn. -r%qqm. qq«. Pnpfo. PRqqurqrqqa. URifqq, aijqrq, FqrqFt, All these words demand, like thi


—state. RRrfqjRr/, jqRrfqppq/. qqrqqqr /. qrrqlqqr /• qq- English word, the negative construction. See therefore Not
fqqqqqr/. None.
One’s a. Alley, n. walk in a garden. gRTTM CWw- 3‘gggriTJJ'iM. vrpgfjp.
All, adv completely quite
, ,
v. Wholly. Wii.
A. one. G\
<fT. 2 (of towns, &c.) v. Lane. 3T^t/. 3TfSV /.
All, a. the whole ( mass or multitude ), total, ^fTST, Alliance, n. v. Affinity. BrcOv/. CTirt/. sn^ M Jifj?:-
w, *?nrar, ^rar,

Hirr, arrar, Prfe?r, srcrst- flt-gm. FtgflWLii-

*T, 8T^T, W, tfjf, Wf^w 7 Y'*rT, PN. 2 league, r. Combination. g^gsrfm.filsraT /.
A. without exception, a. whatsoever or whosoever. griT^f 3 v. Connection. ST-Tw. HglVirt-
zsi, arfr^Tz:, ?TRfT Alligation, n in arithmetic —
— firqTjfSlrfn. HgofilRTfrjj.
All, in comp, is rendered by *jpf, STJKrT, IW, vsf3rp^ Alligator pop rpqXm. HQT/. g^ar/.
n. JPT’C’T ^5».
as the following examples will shew. VifKw. wot. 3TfVr /. dim. jff^nrr /•
A.-accoraplished, ST^sr ayTOTvT, Srffegr, ^frr°Tf, Qife^rjpT- Grasp or seizure of an a.

Alliteration, n. gw mn. VtfBm. arggRTw. gtgggT^OT.

^.-adorable. 5RT?TS*T, ^rfer- Alliterative, a. pertaining to, or consisting in a. arggfH-*-
&c. xF'f-fi, aTrggTfegr, argnm^r, arggroipr, arguregsr.

A .-conquering, A.-suhduing. ^FffsTg, g^-^fer?T-&c. Fgg ,

Allodial, a. ^rRr'PgRT, VT-grFgTgr^r, ^€VRT, fgfjrfqgT.
fpsrfsrg. Allodium, n. freehold estate. ^tTrC-^rftrgfgRr- Ac. sign.-
A.-creating. V#-HX^-aT%5!---&c. fggrgr, FfVfg, pR-EKT, Sic,
FggflV. To Allot, v. a. give by lot. Fgjgr rrTg-gTYg- Ac rgrrnTg-
A.-destroying. ITggrsir, ai^uref, A e. gf£g l"f.
A.-eating, A -devouring. jrfgyt, &e. 2 apportion, assign,
gfq- or g}|g 1%, fgHITp ¥»i, FrUfif
A .-enduring. g%T, PWTif. gg, RJiRTR-rwrirr gg-firgg, gisrra
A. fours. a. qRWm. ef^oT.
To go on Allotment, n. v.V. 2.—act. gprg PRrRRr-%*R'-&c. ?g«.
A.-knowing.g%, ?T%gr, ^sr-arfe® Ac. tgT. imn. gRgf /.
A. -pervading. srfsgpft, FPT^PTr, TwWVX, ^glPTRIT, SRf 1 thing allotted, v. Share.
8 gfe°t\f. ?f?r«- SfW«i.
xgs?f ^rtf qr^Mi aragirr, qwr, *pwm, x&rrreg, mg,Fw. '
II (of the things of life.) aTWf^gRWm. ^PKfTn.
A .-powerful. fVr^^nr^JT^ ,
msrfagr, To Allow, a grant, concede, v. To Admit. fJFffl , ipvg grx^
v. -

swug, amsiRRr. grT§R-;p?T, W, grgV?-OT-gqr?TVn. mfSrg.ofo.
A. -searching. ^gsFwr, SPTsfrvrar. 2 let, suffer, v. To Permit. §vr,
A.-seeing. ftfctff, Pp-RSTf, HTORJl, Foster, ?T3fTSr Ac. ?vf.
^FSr, 9f?rrar.
3 give as pay, wages, stipend, fyc. %TR, ^rpiTV /.
A. -surpassing. BstSTg. IBf, ?tJT3j^[^ §-oj-.

A.-sustaining, A. -upholding. fgVg(Tl, FgVCgpC.

4 give as rations, provisions, Sfe. Jirgr? f.-Hf FTf f. mxyr-Ocw,
A.-wise. apggjfe, aTTITfiW. #5rrft^r xg %Jrg gflv gg.
To Allay, v. a. v. To Compose. ’srpTW, gpROT, Fw#, W ,

5 for; wake abatement for. ggrrm. 3R7I, gsprrm. gg?aT-^Br.

sPntm'm.-3TOiR » -TOfl/ g/g ff.ofo.

fg. ?ri3-/.-#?/.-#prfipr/.-xR58'R/. grvg-gq-.
Allegation, tl. v.V. 1 .—act. ?g‘4rg#_ Ac. - fliggn. Ac. fgivg 6 for give in consideration of. g^CTOT. goj-, gSfirm. gRaj-.

«FPTTw, Allowable, a. v. V. 1. 37TgPTr-#gr-Wfrrgr Ac. ipvg grgrgR

2. act. fafi|TreriFiTn. &c. gcRgRTm. ?pg, uRivisr, ^grlg.
1 excuse, v. Plea. RfiRX wrTTni. grg/. qppr/. 2 and Lawful. ^TRTpTST, argfWcT, i|Rg, 3TW, gRr,
To Allege, v. a. v. To Affirm. i^sr TTf^-^ ^qp>T-33^?r-
Allowableness, n. v. A. 2. and Lawfulness. qgfgHH n,
&c. fr^-SErm-SJoTOT.
gwgr/. afrFv;gn.
2 produce asan argument, $c. v. To Plead. Prfjp?r«.-*rgg/. Allowably, adv. v.A. 2. and Lawfully. ?rafgpgg, grggpjRI-
-glTTw.-Ac. Et}iH, agWiUjw. 3r!?g g.of o. ggsgXT $X“r,
TT, fggrgrr, FTgrgcggrg, ggrt^, arfg^rrgfrrx, arTFgiNrg^'g.
Allegiance, n. WPRw. graw-rfw. trarwtFg STf /. ^Crsrrsrr- Allowance, n. pdyfufages, stipend, Salary. gVRTSTm. XPsHTOrm,
j5iTXr or prrc?TOT. tggn. %3Tggr/. gag/. grx«. xiti /.
Allegorical, a. ggTfTRT, XNsTSgNf, gera^g, Tgfcr RRT , *RT- Annual a. ggpggn.
g^&jgrvgr. Extra allowances. iflggvnTTm. WT.ot. Jfrgn.
Allegory, n. ^zkwwil /• g^fotTCT/. Wflh%^ggrgr/. ggrgm. '

Monthly a. ?Xgrfr«i. igfWn.

To Alleviate, v. a. make light mitigate, v. To Ease. ??r- , 2 rations, fyclfood allowed, STOii. ftTgRn. VTgR/.
grr-&c. *x°r, xr*i#,
wrar#, irptw. snm. - gqvnr- =#ft /.
^n.-JRm«.-?prfrn. Ac. g-ofo wr Monthly a. (as to a servant), ar^a /.,
Alleviation, n. v.V. act. ’SJJpWn, STPTTTn. 3Ttrm. snrgn. 3 matter allowed, gener. sum or quantity. %t|[$
/. xftq or
wrsmm. OTsrjRw- JRPTm. gsriRn state. gtROTw. %gggr/. gg=T f3-waT^grm.-xgrv/.-=g?r/-&c.
mftf. iwifir /. Daily a, frsft/. grFsfggfgt/.
— - # - - /

Person receiving a daily a. CifjpKKc. Almighty, n. v. God. •

4 See Permission. Almond, a or ^cTI#.


Almond, n.—tree. or sRmr/.— fruit. ^PfPT or ^Rn.

5 See Abatement.,
Allowed, p. v.V. 1. iTPT^r, &c. a^iM. Almoner, n. ^r^RrWw.
2— ,

Almonry, Almry, n. ^R^IT^T /. ^RTTfn. ^Riff^Tn. WTf?’

q^Fr^r, swrawrqr, arg^rfFr.
1 used of articles of food, of offerings, &c. feSfc*. STvTP^n. ^wr^r/. ^71.
Almost, nearly well nigh ybr tt?o^ par^. ^PV*T ?
To Allot, v. a. mix baser metal with. ClTn. tTfv5“i, fi^TO-i? 0!- , ,

qr-flTCH'&c. Ararat. 3TPT: f

^fPETvr, ^RSiqf^TRfJTHW. This ad-

verb, however, best rendered by other constructions, as in the

%. fr^-rq;JT-&c. TO5!, =TOffr/. 3Tm, TOTO*. SIFT, ®T- is

fiTHf^-CTTO^ TO%. following examples, My work is almost done Tf# 3TRT

It is almost ten o’clock STfT ^T^TRTH or ?Tf?r
Alloy, n. baser metal mixed with. ft°rji.,qrTOriA. a^fff r

He had almost reached the village TfF^R^sr #|R-

2 %. toc /• trfarrr /. ptrfUtar/. fires-/.

Alloyed,- p. v.V. 1. fc°TTO TOR, &c f§W, flTTO, ^ITO, frwr, &c. Ac.
afrrr, afrrcrrs, flRR, jfccro, fire^r. Alms, n. PT8jrjooj». #^/. fWT?i. #m. mkm or v;prferem

2 arfirefirtr, sw, rjtIr affcrff/

Allspice, «. myrtus pbnenta. 5Tk|c*BHl /. TOJCfRll / TOTOm.n. A. asked by worshippers of Dewi • jfPnrqrin- —of Khandobd.
To Allude, v. n. refer to indirectly, hint at. fjp^fr 3P5H- qifi/-

%r f gr#r<7 ofo . aw# sm# - c*rR Daily a.

q^T-&c. ^n.-WKoTn. ## Liver upon a firsjrq^rqt.

with ^ ofo. &c. ap# Victuals given as a. JT"«jqrCr / one wlio lives on them JTW-

in. con.

Alluding, jt?. <z. v.V. PFg=TF f^WTF, &c. To Jive on a. ?W /. TTRTff TO”T, ^
JP|*T fr?m.

sr^nr, firerrfftfir4rr /.-wraifiTO f.-famUmn. ijrc®!.

To Allure, v. a. entice, lure, decoy, tempt iFF? 0!, SPI 0! or 3PTT, To live on unsolicited a. ajurf^rf^frT j. «RT°T.

%m, 3Jo2T ##71. ^r, /. ~ #3T77?.~ ^3Tm. &C. It is easier to take poison than a, f^T c
aT R#
^r^rw, /. to#t, wt ftr*. $r$m.-mnn Alms-basket, Alms-box, Alms-bag, &c. n. ##/. f
wm 9
^rtFTn. -Rr^r=Tn. « JT^h^FTn.- &c- <>• arajTf/.
Allured, jo. v.V. #ff qTgSW, ^N#55T, A. —vessel of worshippers of Khandobd. #^[ 771 .— of DewL
Allurement, Alluring, n v.V. ae& . — Tf#Tn. &c. %- qpf!/.
*FFti. f#rf=Tn. ST^Rtt. — o. or 5. #ffm. Alms-begging, n. te# f. PrejiZ^F/i.

I alluring object or cause. SfSniTTi. ^Tff^Tn* STISSR /• Luck in a

Allurer,, n. Alluring, p. a v.V.
. ^ff'TTFT, gr^gTITr, FIW, Alms-deed, n. ^r^TTm-
* q

JT%TC, JT^msKrTf, %^tTL Alms-giving, n. 9TRWm.

Allusion, ti. v.V. act. H^FfF — Alms-house, n. pop. j ^r#T^njfn.

p^Rn. w^r/. Alms-man, n. tfhC ?3HTCr»n. firtffqilflw. fiT^Tm. fiTSTr^tqte.

1 a. made, v, Hint/ /. Aloe, n. plant, aloe perJbliaCa. ^fCTO f-n. TOi^TTSTn- JfTC5ii'3"n*

Allusive, a. having reference to something not fully expressed. jTrCTr^n. ^TOPfr pop. fvrcr /•
###gr, sftrar. —
2 inspissated juice. ofn^fqj'S’S'm. q;rCTi^"n. TO>
Allusively, adv. v. A. or ^piFf, TOn. jqrc^ri'n. f-qrcrr^ji.
Aloe- wood, dquilaria agalocka a?^jum 7i. aprp^rwk
Alluvial, a. sr#T, .

Alluvion, ». 3T# /. ^[ssTrssm. tlT /. APT/. /. Aloft, adv. v. Above. #3T, ^T,

To Ally, a. connect by marriage. ### /-few /. Alone, a. v. Single. ^HTf, WW, WTO.
A c. 3T#T, q^n. To leave or let a. ##,
2 (by treaty or league.) m H m. Along, adv andprep, .
at length , lengthwise. Wf
^w^.-^trqrrou&c. wr.
3 form* relation between, To Connect. gf#T, 2 onward, on v. Forward, gif.

Ally, ». confederate ,

q#m. qrV^frq^Tpt, Get a. Go a. «nw, m ^

Throughout, fT# 5r-
H^wwrm* wr«. ^rrfprolrfrTw. 3 through the length of all along, v.

Almanac^ ?2. q^Rfn. gRt'i'rf*

Almanac-maker, ». q^nrfRTRfm- tfRT?^ #TS^r Ac. BFR arrerc, gfl^gr^T ^TrtWTOfT ,

W#T, ^Tf-
Almightiness,' v. A. /- ^fl- w=r, «n^T, Pfpqff.
^TRF^n, 4 along with, v. With. TOfF, HffcT,

Almighty, a. apf?f?ur%, Aloof, adv. at a distance, distinctfrom. g?T^F c/cc/.

m$ 7
*mfm, mmmf% Fw^r *«?/. Pr^ETCfr, f^r.
Alopecy, n falling off of the hair . /• ^TTRRrfRRa. q^TO^f^n. R^FqfRRffef^. qSIRTORffR-

Aloud, adv, RPRIRf, ^R3TrR, RFr WR, ^TC RR WR, RT/. fee.
Alternation, n. reciprocal succession . qT^TR qr ^Z fm. qRRqR-


n. q°FRRT / q°TqTRwi. R^rrRqTRw. 3R~

R£TCRr?R /• .
q^qRTRRRRn. qc rtrir qRR « . R^qr^RqOTRR^R «
uTcrqrr/. wolCTrH»». srajfT^rfRw. rcrt^rf or qRtR rtf- R^qt-qiRqRR^
pi ^ %$ru. qjOT^TO. pL Alternative, n. a choice of two things . Sqqr^qm ^qm. JfTR-
A cquaintance with the a. R?3T ^TF^^ /. a?jqr?qw. qejm. fqRrqr/.

Class of letters in the a. qTSEqW or qiaqRfm. f f.

Alternative, a. q^f^qqr, fqqr^qfRT.
Letter of the a. with its several combinations with the vowels Alternativeness, n, v.A. qR?Rn.
and anuswdra and wisarga . qiTRqeft or /. or RTH- Although, adv. wfif, wfifRq, RRf, «PCf§t-

Altiloquence, pompous speech

7i. • ¥qqRn. RfSRITfR-

Series of the vowels and anusioara and wisarga* zwvkmmn RfS^qrff/. zrzeemw^n.

Alpiiabetarian, n
Alphabetical, a
. v. Abecedarian. %OTwi. W

Altiloquent, a. v.N. sq-Rf qFiTrqryRfR qR^qRT*
Altimetry, n. art of measuring heights RRR JTTqRft^JT/.
#Rr qrr^qrfr RfR^Rr-fqRr/.

Altisonant, a. v. Pompous. ^TfRqRW, #RiR.
Alphabetically, ariv. RSJTFRqrRFR TOtRT, R^TFR^FRRIV ,
Altitude, n. v. Height. ^*Rf /. R^qn.
Already, adv. in time past or present, RRt, RFRt, qfiRR, J- 2 (of a heavenly body). #Rf /. R%Rfq/* RRPT /- RRR^.
iff, ITR. The sense of the word is often
best rendered by f- RfRTm.

as rT HRTR f^RT-WR R^t-^R have told- . To take the a. RRf /. fee. RRR - RSRR- RTRR

done-given already. Altogether, adv. in a body. R^R? Rf ftf^R? RR<T« RgRIR^T: ,

Also, advff qR, or R#R, RRFR «fec£ q^rR^f,qqrRfR,


2 quite , v. Wholly. BTRRf, fqqer> or W, fRRCT^,

Altar, n qft or
To Alter, v. a v. To Change. qRRR, qTsS’&R, ftrCRR*
. fqqfR, qqiRfR.
To Alter, v. w. v. To Change, qSRR, qrazSr, feTR* S o?a whole. RRR or R, fR^R.
Alterable, a* v.V. q^Rqf~Rr~%PTf &c. Alum, w. qr^fr/. qr^fr /. jRfr/ cqrfr/.
oti: ^CRT-^T-^Rr fee ^qRLqrc%r, ^q^sr^^q. Aluminous, «. qrrRTRr, qr^RRC, JR&RT.
AlvinEj belonging to the belly. RRRRTRf, afjr^fRqr, «FtST (in
Alterant, Alterative, qRRRFTF fee. 3RRTOV a.

^q^qqnrqr. comp.)
Alteration, n. v.V. act. qTOTRn. fqRqRn. (;neuter Always, adv. v. Ever. RqRT pop. RqRF, RTf pop. RRf, RRFR^-

fqr^otn ) slate, v. Change. iftrCm. %TqnT^. qr srr, Rqq, RfrrRR, or fR^rr, or ^rr, rr, r^:,
S^faTw. RRRcrm. Rfqqr, w, tori.
To Alterate, See To Wrangle Amain, adv. vehemently violently . RFSTF q^fR, RWf ,
Altercation, n. wrangling ^mzf. %ZNZ\f.
vZZTEf. f£RT m. RRrqqR, w,
rrrcrt dferZ. ^rNt deck
#rrrr^. wett/ wrqr€t/. rotr/. frer- Amalgam, n. mixture of some metal with quicksilver qjTRFP
qrct/. ftfq/. prfljjrft /. qr*ysr^ qqrRfr™.
Altern, Alternate, a. #e?w^ reciprocal succession. qT^qR 2 mixture, gcncr. See Mixture.
- qr^Ri ftt - qrcfancter fee. qqr rfr rrckrtor- To Amalgamate, v. a. mix quicksilver with another metal,

Rfft, qCWRTRT ^^FRIfRT^, ^f^FR?RT, qrcqrRRTRRrjw ^r.

RRTRJTRqr#, BT^qr^rqg'R'JH', fRRqQRfRk 2 See To mix.
On a. days or periods, RTORr or Rf, qqrFRF s?TT, RTRTR. To Amalgamate, v. n blend §"c. v. To Mix.
m ,

To Alternate, v. a. perform by turns . Rfcftqrs^^T- RRSR, RUR RTR, RfR^L fRSR <7* o/o. w«p.
qrqr^tR- qfRRRrcRr^r- & c. rttr*. Amalgamation, ». v.V. A. 1 —act. qRRRT-*
2 change reciprocally q3(RqT qfR2T^. - qRf rqTTO /.-RRRHT-
. RffrR^rqrcRn.
r /. - ^vhg.ofo. - fecqrfqrcq /. fee. v.V. N. state. R3JR- fu^R- RRqRfw. RTR^/ Tmvmm. Rif-
To Alternate, by turns s^ojRq^RR-
v. n happen, act, fye. . *®n. RffiRRl/. RRd^qRF/*
Rr^qqRfR- Rr^qr^~%rqr^-~ qrcRtRCRfR- &c. m-qffh- Amanuensis, ». R^Rq^qrm. ^RqRCfm.
rtr qq-iiR 3Rr< Error of a. S’RfqF qFRm. ^rqrqRliR'm.

2 /o//ow reciprocally qqr fee. Written by an a.

- qRi^qCfRfRq n. sf^qf RTRRRR n. -fee. ?R ^7*o/o. Amaranth, w. -yellow, the plant. RRFR f Rr##f/.- flower. «FR
Alternately, ac?o. v.A. in reciprocal succession^ qTRR&R- qf^r or globe, the plant or flower, fRRRfRR m.
&c. ^^R; RrOTR qR^T, tRT RR To Amass, v. a . v. To Heap. %^FqR^"
RRTRR/* - RRfW/ -RRf w. - RRFRm. -’Crferm.-ftR'm^R
AiSnate^I v.A. qR-fqiRqRTw. qr- Amassable, a v.V. R%R, RFRcFT, WfRfR.
— — . ^

— FnR«FRRR, &c.
act. ifr^r 5> 5 C s r». &c SFirav/ Amblingly, adv f^RJTR or
^massing, Amassment, n. v V. -

Ambrosia, n* mtf-
gpqrqpil / ^PTib. WTCin. ^in.

1 the collection made. qjlTlfwi'


Ambrosial, a. 3Tg^r,

^m t

ir^r^r Ambulation^ See Walking

Imateup, n. ^tc. frarc. s^r^ffc. (as fr srrfi)-

a. relating to love. ^JTITiYT, ^^TrCfY, ‘j-TT’Cr YiTFC- Ambuscade Ambush, n. the place . ^ff^Tr/ /.
Amatory, ,

^°T /
2 causing love. 4if^, ^rYTOPCY,
$*ircrsircr, 4tnrmw.
2 the state,
/. r, ’<3T, ^
3 the men posted.
Amaurosis, n. ffPTO>. ^ To Improve, &lc.
To Ameliorate, Amelioration, See
To Amaze, v. a. To Frighten. YWT, UTfRr, UPTO" 3P7T,
tNftc Amen, adv. ^r,^^TT5Ej,
ttwf#, srrcwr, Answerable, -
ww-OT Amenable, a. 7 esponsible } v.
st€# g Of O. %vtr/- fqrqte/. g of 0
Wf/ &c & c j^r^r
2 V. To Astonish, wr, ^-^TJTf-&c. YYT, torncr, 3Tr^5TC,
To Rectify. H>TK^T,
To Amend, v. a. v. f
^oT-ssq'T g. of o. ^ ^
Amazed, p. v.V. 1. qW^ST, &c. W, &o. ^or, /.

2 v. To Reform. g^K^T,

Th Amend, /g v. To Reforiv^. f^R^T, ^’ ;

sT^RT, ^IF^RT ^\Z-
Amazement, Amazedness, n. y. A. 1. and Fright. qnrv* ,

Tfr^RT - crr^TR^C - &C . m.

qqrm. JTZW f tvr / /
2 y. To Recover. mf«r
2 ffittcZ Wonder. feJFTnt. *£**/

m-ir& ^RFT,^5R t, ^rwi kt^t.

Amazer, Amazing, p. a. v.V. 1. and Frightful. UTqT't'TT-
Amendment, n v.V. A. 1 — act, HiTRRTft. *11^ c* state
&c. vfrrir^r, tvr ^YKr-^JVTTCT,
&e. ^-fe/ iwfe/.
^qpfWPCT &c. PrspTU^IT^-^R^r, ^^T- v.V. N. 2. actor state 3Tm ^RKn?.
2 and Wonderful.
Amends, recompense q’R'Ti'^'w T:^~^TFJV~ A c.

Amazingly, adv.\. Wonderfully. f^FT ^rUT ^Rir decl. Rf-

To make
71 .

a. FKV T, R# (
R^R* /. XlftpRF/.

&c. g-qf o .

Amenity, w. Agreeableness. ?7iRrfr/. HR
Amazon, n q#u/- ^PpfTUr/
Ambages, n. v. Circumlocution PFCWSTm jr^WTHTirw. W- ’

Tb Amerce, Amercement. See To Fine,&c.

Amethyst, n. zfffWni.
Ambassador, n. 3£T«i-
Amiable, a. worthy of love. v. Pleasing. ppRiT, q'rfdirW, ^IF-
Credentials of a. s<fl<^Win.
Ambassadorship, n. 'Tfqr^f /. /•
Rqqr, mr, g°TRT,
Amiableness, n. v.A. H^I°TTot.
Amber, n. fpmform.. ^rcrrftw-
Ambergris, n. apTOn-
hands Amiably, v.A. HvTRH H^qWFfw*
Ambidexter, Ambidextrous, a. able to use both aliJte. , ,

?F?r ft^Rt privrr, gsqfrrfr,

Amicable, a. v. Friendly. MOT, SWnqr, H^RT,
Ambidexterity, n. v. A. ^sq-Hif^PTn.
_ a Amicably, adv v.A. . WW,
^RFRT. Amidst, prep. v. Amongst. HW, TTnqf, 2TT§Fr 3Ct.

Ambient, a. v. Surrounding.
Ambiguity, Ambiguousness, n. v.A. <pr<%q DIT«i. JiR/- »». Amiss, o^«. v. Wrong. e FW W, qkt,f, W-
pr, ^zr^rfpq*
CRR or iRW/-
^RT, Amity, n. v. Friendship. Rpqtqn.
Ambiguous, a. equivocal, srztffr, J'TTT, Y'f®, SpX^T>
wrrqpr- Ammoniac, n. sal.
jTsrr, |»wfRr, strjRrvr, KfiFRR, ‘sriFrer,
Ammunition, n. cTi^fr^R. FrHHWJTRw- ^ftHRFfn.
Ambiguously, adv. v.A. |RR, JRT, ijRf, STgVT,
Amnesty, n. general pardon. R^RT'fl/.
jmcir, arsnc^v, sawrft. fe
Ambition, n. desire greatness, power, &c. IR 0T ?Rj-

5ttot. Tmzqmf-Tmmf. tirrww-tor- 2 act or edict of pardon. HF^FfqTm, mmn.

Among, Amongst, prep. 3R*f, wf, ^!T#, ^ITf, ^TR-C^f , used
. rrt/. wr'iyot/. u#rrWr/- q^rRR[/.
Ff- with the 7ioun inflected
Ambitious, a. v.N. fq-ffSTR or tiwc, f^fST,

f^,3Tf3fSrR, JRRRR, rsiRf^^R, From a.

Amorist, Amoroso, See Lover.
To Amble, RRSf YTFR RFif, fliCTW'
v. n.
Amorous, a. disposed to love loving, ,
qrpft, W, H^TFf, «K*F

Amble, n. ^R^RTS'/. ^ftqR’TR/. f5RRR/- JRRRT^/- ,

4irr^, Hirrflqr, qrrnw,
2 belonging or relating to love v. Amatory. *j- Amusement, Amusing, n. v.V, L act.

Trrd,iqrdv, *i'JTrrRWvr
Amorously, adv. v.A. 1. srrWFIPfr, qrPWTTPf, ?RTO» 5UT- 2 act. OT°r«¥/. WTn. Rrt^prm. /. zpcq®pT/. RwTm»
f <K
Amorousness, n. v.A. 1. Tfirnwrin. TTigTi'-MIm. s.-'h'iw’ /• ?EI*r- I object or cause of a. v. Play, 3FRF/. ^OFT^/.
irrfm. qrrprgr/. snsrarrr/. qrrirnW/ q-3?r5jr»i. 5%4Tn.
To Amount, v. n. w, ff°T or tTTRT ?%, fecfT tf%, W. Amuser, n. Amusing, p. a. v.V. 1. orTTITr &c. 4ffJ-
Amount, ji. v. Sum. 3Tirr /. *r^roT5I*fr /. 3jJT5rfwi. +IHn. ^rr^r, qurar^r, v^fr, crv, arfiurrrr, iwr/sRr, »h-
Gross a. /• T^‘?T
f aTRilTitt. #f=r, 5r=fR,
Amour, n. affair of love, CR'TmN' tgz^n. ifNl rSfjn. 3HT- Anacardium, n. marking nut. i%Tr«i. f44RTi»- RuCRTie.

CTfVffVPTM. 3Rfr/. ^TJT^rR?fn. — covertly qrrarm.

Amphibious, a. TOiRT, fCTUlftT. Anachronism, n. error in chronology. 4KT 5f IPHTSTRUm. qrf3-
Amphibological, Amphibologous, a. v.N. ambiguous. ?T«rr, ^rfTTqqm. fqRfsqaiTVm.
fTO, SV4V. Anagram, n. ^ra^rSPCfrwefelRTiTn.
Amphibology, n. language of a double or uncertain meaning. Analeptic, a. strengthening. iflRT, ufe^RRT, TifeRT.

mm. CCRl ffS°Tn. 3V4r«m«. Analects, n. collection of extracts. 4% m. pi. V?m.

Amphisbena, n. JTftfn. iRRrarn. JTfYpn. JTPrCn. fgrTOrffm. irrvarqqm.
Amphitheatre, n. /. TO# sfarW qRW- Analogical, Analogus, a. gqMtRT, arjqqrpr, sTMtliVV, €r-
^RTwi. TOr, gsq, ?tpr.
Ample, a. of large dimensions, v. Spacious. SIR#?, iraVT, Analogy, n. gginVn. gqfvRr/. sTJqqnnTm. S4[<nqn. 5TPC#qWm.
f%5pfr°f, fTSRT, /TOUT or ar. j?wrto. gavr/. *rrf&rn.
2 diffusive, not contracted or brief, fyc. JTsref, rrffRT, atV- Analysis, ji. iTW5R#i=PTn. H f) 4 Ri<il qferWtn.
Rjrr, n^rcnrr. f-TfRl/.
3 lavish, copious, profuse, v. Exuberant. <TOT, JPR TO- Analyst, n. uaqiTTqwf,
qrqr-WRT &c. r^rq^, JRrer, RarqapT, qarqsrq, arqargqs-. Analytic, Analytical, a. ^'RPTJWC'T-
4 magnificent, munificent, v. Liberal. TOIT, JROVf, WTcfrvY. ^fwf-fvrgqr,
Amplification, n. v.V. 1 .—act. fTOTrc°f». wrn. &c. slate. To Analyze, v. a. resolve into its elements. tTR-n.-qW-
frvrron. fl^rftWRn. qRfftqqn . - qr/of, rqfRr/.-rqwTA.
2 — act. qpr#Ji. firTT&c. sffPHn. state. qpTOi. CRT/, tfft°ig.ofo.
qrpfrarm. ^rsqgiwrsrm. arqnq'OT. Anarchic, Anarchical, a. v. N. apTH^ ^rqfw, sTO'ofqr,

To Amplify, v. a. enlarge, expand. fTTOTO, TfSRor, TOVf-Ff- trr, ar?[rr?R-, rrrirHvfcr, araRRro«Rr.
50l%&c. SR%, ftTqKOT. TITO g. of o. Anarchist, Anarch, «. arareqRnrf, TSTaurm. TWFin. TSrtm.
2 enlarge in discussion or representation. <£114%, TfiRT- u«qr=<TTV<Rrvf.
4RfT-3TTO- &c. ^rfipr, TRfpcjft. STTO-eTOT, gr5?rar Anarchy, n. want or confusion of government. f-RRRt/. aRT-
^TRFT, TOTn.-cm /.-RTOTm.-VTO. w». 3R'M 4i'r. tffcjnrqrrrrfr/. ^qrvft/. aivrreqn. rivrutr-
Amplitude, Ampleness, n. v.A. 1. J1T3JTO». JT5RTO /. IRJTT- mrf.
FTOrsrTfm. IfoRm.
qvirm. fg^oTsrr/. Anasarca, n. 5T55R^/. 5R5i%?H5fN'w.
2 irraRR». f¥vrrc>. iT5TTTT'rrr»R. sfrorurr/. araiwfr/- Anathema, n. ecclesiastical curse. Tft'RfrffWsrPTm.
3 mm. aRscqqarqvrr m. JTRR?r». atteTUn. To Anathematize, v. a. TlVRrKrWVTTiP. qR%-3%.
4 tfrar# /. irr 5RR«. sfrarrrn- totrji Anatomical, a. v. N. belonging to a<

1 (of the sun), artfui. ?rifP:?rT<fr, mfrlwmr.

Amply, adv. v.V. 1. JRRqg^f, TOTOT1!^. Anatomist, j». ,

2 frorrrr%, iwrrro, TO*m, *rfrorc:. To Anatomize, v. a. dissect. JOTtTMl TtRqn.- it! CK .-

3 ITWW, qarq#q, Rarq^r,

4 qww, ^Rpf'rgqr, wrsmR-, vrar#%. Anatomy, n. science of the structure of the body. sTi/RVi. OT-
To Amputate, v. a. #3%, #34%, 4RTJR RTTOT 3TOT qrvrqRlM. , ,
Amputation, n. v.V. act. #3%. qrrq%«. #3?%«. &c. ajq. 2 art of dissection. nT<liM|43?HfT3Tr /.
URm. arqSrqn. Ancestor, n. RraRTw. Tf«Tc. UPTWlf^RnCin.
Amulet, n. a charm as worn. frftTm. 3fCRTT or #3iJTw. tfTTVnn*. vt'stji. iiif.
To Amuse, v. a. divert, entertain. *CTOT, TT5R%, #aR%, qRTJT- Ancestors, v. Ancestry. WK^m-pl. TPTWI srRfa-
TO/.-?^^/.-s|^^n.-t5R7i.-i#t5Frn. &c. TTTO g.ofo. rfta-jn.p?. ^
2 (one’s self) v. To Play. frqp"T, rq%, The three ancestors (paternal or maternal) q$t/.
Amused, p. v.V. 1. TO#«T, t5R355T, &c. trfSTrf. The three male ancestors. fRT^Vm.yZ.
To be a. qUr / TTC% in . con* Seat or place of one’s ancestors. «TFa%r». OfrWIPfB.
To draw down (upon self) the a. of.
Acquired, by one’s ancestors. ^fjWTrfcfrr.
Through one’s ancestors, xfirsfal'i «t.
To vent a. upon. To be angry with, m with or ST f

&| \f-pl- - 91^-

To abuse one's ancestors, spff f. -

^T5r-arc/ W g-qfo.* * To Anger, v. a. provoke , enrage

excite , irritate ,
WH.-toiivc. erm,
Ancestral, a belonging or relating to ancestors.* itT- ^ q#,

qfoRtprer. 3?m, Tmm f

Tt'TAIdfT, W-
^ fq^ n . ?r r q#-^T5^°T"TO^BT“&c. g.of o.
2 descending from a. q^WlTTCPFr, rt , Rl*ltf,

&c » * g-ofo
^fFTT?. „ ,
Ancestry, n. series of ancestors. q£tsr_ or
R^win^rn. Angered, p. v.V. Angry. *cT0f, ^
qrqxr/. fsqtqxr/. f^'KTcr/ jjr?rrf?r.f.
To Angle, v. n. fish with a rod and hook . ifoTw*
Anchor, n. v. Grapnel. ^KTO»- srJITm.

v. To Anchor. =TP1T»i. srtfr. U^PJSST^ 3Tl%/w pi.

To cast a.

To life at a. srPIT^T W, trfT-CTE^ *JWT- _

Angle, n. ST^«
To Anchor, v. n. =TTiJTo»- 5S^RT«»- ZTCT, HPIX0?!/-- 7!! Acute a.
trot/. sx*r or fr»T g-ofo. Obtuse a. bT&^FT, fiOT^FT.
some short occasion). iTITXfW'
'T?T n - 3JT*- Right
2 , a.

Anchorage, n. duty levied on anchoring, Angled, a.

2 place of a. ^TH^r^Tm. ^K^rti. IW». Right a*

Anchoret, n. v. Recluse. X'TXTHt®- aTT'^nHlnv. Angler, n. TTSS^rffm.

Anchoring, n. v.V. 1.—act ^PKWt/- 'TfzK'T/-
Angrily, adv. U^FT&c. ^TWHK, ft^STF,
2—act. sfKqrm- , wr &c. f& ^qfr.
a. belonging to old times, ajdl '5JWI£,^f('4l T,
Ancient, ,
Angry, a. ^RIH^rr, VR 5PC^r, ^Tf^T ?

Jjrartfpr, mw-t, J^nr^r, tnrrRrrr, frufsr, sfR^w.

3TR, ffqcT, far,
Ancient, n.
^rtR-,\ir, wt, ce.
Ancients, in-
in high degree; as expressed by such words as incensed,
&c. fsnfrRjf' ;#*£pr,
flamed, infuriated, enraged, exasperated. WTJT,
Practice of the <fisTf^O».
fr-GRT, fwrarr, €f*Rf5r, ^f’fcrer, frTtpr^ fwrPie, ^wixr,
Track or path of the a. C
HTCT^/- ^W-
^ ^ ^ ^fur'ffF^Tcr, ^rrffe, ^fT^rfe'fr, wfirr ,
Anciently, adv, ipsrr ^T5?f,

'Ancientness, n.v.A. irr^Rt^w. ’ Cs.

A. feelings. frTb'PTm.
irrirf^^n. &c. Altercation. »THTH or ijh-
A. words, sharp speeches, v.
And, conj.*#T, ^FT, ^TOT, mm,
#C, ^f^T. «&*/• ^9?/-
A. so forth. 3Vn%,
Androgyne, Androgynal, See Hermaphrodite.
To be a.
To become
TRm or rnrrf^
CRIT^, ^“PT”T, 72^,
Anecdote, n- {family or personal stortf. fzr^zf. fSOTT f
^- ^-TO r-TCTr,%^'
: f 5T or %rr-
mmf s-hr, srfiTrfr
srfr /. €w, sraw.
2—goner. ^qr^Rw* iFT3Tn* v . qi®,
&c. T3T, €iWr,
Anes, Awns, n. beard of corn . ^RFSStu OTTwn, 2—as used of speech, &c. OTRT, 'GiTr^T

Aneurism, n. tnrfr.

v. Again. ^TR“ qR: pop, Anguish, n. v. Pain. <Tf3T/. iIRRr/

Anew, adv over again, . ?

A. of mind. JT-RdTT m. HffrTwi.

jpcr, Rfft.
Angular, a. paving angles or corners. ^PTRT, SEWTlf, WTTVFw,
Angel, n.

As visit /p. tgHn. ^rr^FRI#/-

Angularity, n. v. A. ?t%TOrr/. ^t'wfer'^Sfn- tfWGfsjBWr/-
A. of death* qipjcT.
'Recording a.
Anhelation, See Panting.
Angelic, Angelical, a. Anight, adv. Tfti, ^ffr, ^pfte-
Anger, n. ire wrat$/ indignation, resentment iTPIm. Anil, indigo plant, ^taf pop. =frs?/.
, t

#?m. tom, ^ or STT^m. g^Tm. rFT^T?n. Kfcn* Animadversion, n. v Blame. %3r«t. fl'hXrWn-

awtfto. Wm. frqitrq^imn.

Assumed a. A. in sport. toffto’m To Animadvert, v. n. See To Advert. 2 remark upon cen-
To be excited into a, $ke under Angry. HTTIB suringly, v. To Blame. %rni. v5T=FT, ^T-^fT-^IW-
rV^r-^I^T or grrfT-5fr-&'C. XfOT-SFFT.
Animal, n. living creature* sfldnt. b (twi. SFfR'fntn* i ?- 5

To calm, cool, remove, &c. the a. of. * - TOIf- 5fl

to. mm g. of o qr=T or f^nm. <T5Tm. ^nm.

The four classes ( giTRTgT ) into which all Animals are col- Anniversary, a. annual, v. Yearly. JrfgggRT, TFRTfTC, UFf-
lected, are ggST, 3RR3T, gqgg,
Animal, a. of or belonging to animals. XTRIT^T, gffgiWT g, :
Anniversary, n. Vrhrr fsprerm.
grfggtgr, sftfwsrgl, gsftqgggl, wiiiw, qsrggg. A. of a birth. giqfqggin,. mftXtrn. ^tfljrsr qffqxifXBm.
a. functions, irrPrF^irr. A of a death. fTRRT/. ggRTOm. irTTOR^ftHTw. OTRTO ot.
2 not intellectual; relating to the a. functions. JTfpTf%qgT, W- Annotation, n. v. Comment, ff^rr /. warn.
fgfCTgt^-fvragr. Annotator, n. v. Commentator. fr^rRTFCn*. WpaT^TVm.
Animalcule, n. SfTggtgTO. <gfq>ggrn. iprggwi. 3Rrggrg??)i. pi. To Announce, v. a. give notice, proclaim, v. To Publish.
fe'iff m . aTPTafjire.
mxf. &c. g.of o. 5frtn:-f'7rlrg &c. yxy, wrr /. sfrv^r-
To Animate, v.a. quicken, make alive. 'gtgm.-iglqgqrsg/.-glqg.
g of o.
5ri%r/.-#lfef».-%r?q- &c. fSf-trr^r, g#r-ggFr-g%gg &c. Announcement, n. v.Y. — act. aTffPC giTTr/.
urgg, #r». grsg, fRgrgw.-irFRrgn. xgg. To Annoy, v. a. molest, v.To Tease. ©3g,sra;°T,ijrss3r, ggsrsTm.
2 inspirit, inspire, enliven, cheer, exhilarate, sflgm.-ggn- -r3rr/.-T:i?n-?T?ff /. &c. g5r-^or, gTOitm. stvt-*
ggtB.-gggr /-f?qgg f- &c. arr°i®V- gg- gr^g, Annoyance, Annoying, n. v.Y.— act. sgoTn. &c.©gg3T
f. 33
OTW /.-ggg/.-g%ggn.-g"|cgr?gre. &c. qrgg.
*T*f- ^rrgggr/. mf. g<mwi. or m,i. gqTTm.''' grogm.
Animate, a.v. Living. g#r, STtfgiT, mm, g%gg, egg, srH- ®mnf. csrr/- g^fr f.
fqfsrsr. annoying matter or cause, v. Plague, gq?FT j».
A. &. Inanimate. ggWgffg, gggrtgg, grRV.
gg /. gSTTw.
Annoyed, p. v.Y. gggrg etc. %ggT-qiq?^r, sg^gr, &e. sjljg, I"-
Animated, p. fy a. v.Y. 1 and Living. gifg ifrgg>r, &c.
rnTT- rag,|-5rfgr,gig, gngg-
%pg, grgtqrg, gtfqg. Annoyer, n. Annoying, p. a. v.V. GggiTr, giSg-CalT-g^fr-g:^
2 ggrgg, fiSErriW, snirert?, trader?. & c. ggnrr- grggirr, r?nfriTqr, tvrg, tg-sFr.
I V. Lively. fgqr, 5frrgiT, ?'TFTRT,
3»337#tg, grs i Mre r, Annual, a. v. Yearly, qqfgr, vfgg, urgqrfe, gk^PvFT, eREg-
331W3T, x, ^gghvefttfr.
Animation, n. v. Y. 1. act. g|g grggw. 5Tgn. gggg- Annual, n. ana. plant. qqig srrgn.-grfr/. qrragftgrgl'/. XX-
gX"T. RRi srrg«. qrggr /.
2— act.
gg-ggn. g*rvft/- Z^&f. fRjr?gn. gftqgn. Annually, adv. v. Yearly. trPmf, TXXrrv, m&ZK-
I life, vivacity, spirit, v.
Liveliness, #rjn.g«rn. TP’Tl'n. t*lm. wv ) mmmv,m£iHr,xrrvrx;ixr.
Animosity, n. v. Hatred. gggrgm. tWTm. ajggfem. arffTST- Annuitant, n. gqfgg [m. qqrgggiT c. qgfgg?rgT, grfenrrm.
fRn. TO^TriUm. ^gfegifrgr.
Anise, n. Anethum pimpinella plant. 5PJ/. gxttrq or wpt/. — Annuity, n. annual allowance, qqfeg pop. qqfggji. gr3"n. gf-
agg^sgT/.—seed. ?rq f. mqf. srettfa or gt if. arfgxsgr /•
Prgrix- grffarggggr /. gfFqgrggsfr/.
Anise- scented, Anise-smelling, «.— of mangoes and other To Annul, v. a. v. To Abolish. #rgg, greg grffgr-T?-
fruits. 5PTT or tPRr, or gfrqr dim. tfqg or sjTqr.
3Tfqr gf|g & c. ^xg, gfq#,q3T«. grarg with xx ofo.
Ankle, n. gggzn. ghTTm. ipqg /. rpgm. /. Annular, Annulary, a. qsarr% sTr^RTRT, gggr^PT, qgrggg,
Region of the a. S'S'il'a’n.

Ankle-bone, ?!. gteTm. grqRT gfaTm-Hfriu. —

Annulment, r. v.V. act. grggji. &c. &[qm.
Ankle-joint, n.gggzHfl litef. Annulled, p. v.Y. %gggr Ac. gp, gsp.
Annals, n. v. History. grgqrX qi3T/. trigqrfqgr fgrgm. Anodyne, n. ?rgg». gq^rggn. girgg«.
Annats, n. f^fC-^PCX-rgr &c.
v. First fruits. ggstt /. mlm&f =TRT5Tn. gg- gfqgn.
mmn. 2o Anoint, v. a. rub over with unctuous substance,
To Annex, gf^oj-
v. a. v. To Add. ^r3T, 5W, pTFTre 3T#-grxg, ggg, vrqgg, gfg, gf%g, giqgm.-gjqgga.- & c. xgg g.of o.
qpTm.-gqrgm. 'fT-CY g.of o.
To a. with oil. ^srn. grqo'r, tgTq%, ggg.
Annihilable, a. v.v. ^fwr^rm-Rr-trw-fmT-?rn:?ir &c. 2 consecrate by unction, sprinkling, ifc. gfgqqfg, aqfg^gg
gfgq-qrm.-gfgtwgw. grgg y.o/'o.grgngrxgg.
To Annihilate, v. a. y. To Destroy. grffgr grOT, srr^S" adv. Anointed, p. v.V. 1. gr^gr Ac. gf%g, gjqgr, aTgr%ff.
^TT5!, TYT adv. qx !, g^sq-g, fgqgfg, aigfisqrpgrM. grClWifiT-
2 gfgqgr lrgsr-^(t-gr, gfgm-, grrg^r, srrgrrg^qfr, - -

% gofo. giqgr5r»L-fgqRTtii.- qsrggn.- garqg/. XiXWg.ofo. f ggrft

^ •

g.of o. Anointer, n. v.V. 1. gnigRT, &c. giqgxgf, aqg^q^ arggqt.
Annihilated, p. v.V. grffigr Xssag-grxvr, gp=S5r, * "
fggg-, Prgrfsjir. 2 aTfgqqrgrgr, sg'i^w, gm^grxgrf, gfggw.
Annihilater, n v.v. grffgr qrxgirr, &c.
Prgreft, g* fww, Anointing, n. v.V. 1 .— act. grgrgn. &c. gpig». ggg«.
gfgn .
&c. qrgr. gfl/. arggq-OT. aTgxqgn.gggji. aiyiggin.
Annihilation, n. v.Y.— act. grffgr XTX^in. &c. g^g«rg«, gr^n. g- >

g'sgq-- ^T/- #?g». state. See Inunction.

Hn.— state. XtYm. gigqRr pop. gPTRfVm. i

fggrSrm, m%Zrn. A. with oil. gsTwig'tii.

mm. fqsgm. gqm. ggqm. Rtqigm. pFRn.

2 act. gfgggrgn. grg^ggn. srfg^grm. Bg5#gg«. ^ff5q^OT .

. - . ,

ANS 36

Anomalous, a. irregular. TOW, sPTCIRPf, WRW.WT- Ant, n. 53ft/. PrfrfjRrr/.

Black or red a. jJTSirwi.

Anomalously, adv. v.A. iJPT-rcpT & c. tfpf-T,
^RT<T ,3T- Red a.
^N' 0To»'
^f?3'ni. or eTrft^m. ^TSEfr m.


White a. /. ^rsf^Tm. g^rc or 5"^?/.

ilfRW, #|fT-
Anomalousness, n. v.A. oqfa^rcm. RTSpH'ridiR'n-
^ _ .
Certain other kinds of are 4jft, ?TFrd

jjjjt, iTirarm. ^iT’i^'n. S'tHrrm. gait, or «fn. |-

Anomaly, n. irregularity. STpr^TTn**
5cu ?l |sr|^t gjfr.
2 an a. nifSnfsRPTlE/- RWro. &c. .

Hillock cast up by white ants. TRF^n. Hfifn. enhanc. HPRTS'n.

Anon, adv. See Soon. t
sTRlSTfl. apltgC m.
Anonymous, a. R=flW RFTPfPTr, RRHRIMr, bFTF*PF, PRIORI,
Swarm of ants, ju^ln.
^iw, &c.
Train or line in progress of ants. BT?U/- ^fT^n.
Anonymously, adv. v.A. ^Hnhw, pRH FsHHR. ,

Ant-hill, n. WTAn. enhane. iffilR’, fiB'fuSTS'm.

Anoeexy, n. want of appetite. TO?/- *TfiRRT n ^RTOTf®. -

Ant-lion, «. Tot-
Another, a. one more. sp3TT, 3?°T^l*Rr «j3>T TS^T-

, ,

2 not the same. SRTC, W, *T?TC (in comp, as m\- Antagonist, n. v. Opponent. HTJTTylwi. R<l>ftnt. RTT8J, f^Tytnt.

«rc, jsftnc, ™c, &c *) 5®^*^ jrRropflm.

Antagonist, a. See Opposing.
Antaphrodisiac, Antapiiroditic, JfiPT1
a. sfilRST, 'hH<SHdi
8 awy other, any one else. r

^rar, ^rpreTJRr, grR(fiT5nr^.

4wojf JOT, TOTT, TOT, <K#T.
To Answer, v.a. reply to . z^n.-TFfSKn-m? or »,-k 2 v. Antivenereal. OTT^rar, g’TTSIfR^.
AntapOplectic, a. afiTf^RTJT, tJv'Tre'ET , R5tTRRT5Rr ,
Unable to a.
Antarctic, a. ^ftTT.
To a* again, reply to saucily. OT£d~%OT ? £/. ^RFT,
ttot, OTT^ite ^pft, ^rnsr Antartiiritic, a. ^ff^PTfPTdw, HcrfptTJHI'SiRr.
OTTrer TcjTriT
Antasthmatic, a . OTf^JTT -*
grrif anpr *•

SFT - Ante. This particle in its signification of before may be render-

To a. petulantly, snappishly, &c. TTiTT •

To a. promptly or smartly, (flatly, smart, outright, &c.) ?r- ed by TT and W. For its significations of against See Anti.

^TTp/n. Antecedence, n. act or slate of going before in time . /.

S"RT~ ?r?^TRfrS{ ffOT- SrpCn .

ghrsr TOcrm. •hrjfr t®r, Tri^n. %j*t ^“TrOT. TO^frr/. wih«. jimrf ^rrfefTn. ' -

*lOTn. OTT 9 of o. Antecedent, a. preceding in time. TTR3T,

2 (a matter stated) refute, confute.
3 rojfipZy. gOTT, W OTT, TOT/, Mfm. gf, TTwr, q^r, ^iFf.iTRr^, ^ftrar, W^RT, WTT5,
Antecedent, n. 3flB/.-f^Ww!"-&c.
OTT 0.o/ 0.
To Answer, v. n. make answer , reply. ^FCn*- IT? tK ft J- •
~ 2— in gram cpWlT^r,
Antecedently, adv. 3T3TRT, *1$?.
To a. to a call. aft/. OTm. fRT/, t*T, OTFT. Antechamber, n ¥RCRi- r^rTOPTRl- .

or *?vC *TH£ /. HPFT, W- /. ^wrrqjfnt. wr#JTJjfn-

To a. back saucily &.c.
m m. %T%#t/.-%OTTft/. OTT.
Antedate, n. prior date
To Antedate, v. a. date
before the true time,
fiRT/- inti <4/-

2 succeed, serve, do OTFT RTOT TOT snFT , TOT uR »J.
, , ,

ip?r ftfr/.-uPT^r tra/- &c. qraSr.

OTm.-fTT^Z-OTUin. qSFT - TOT RKcTPT - $3pf - f*Tf<TR ,
#T*< ?tr

account 3T°T- 2 See To Anticipate.

3 of.
Antediluvian, a. TTsnrrqfNr, HvJ'^qFTfvRr.
suit with, v. To Suit. R3R, fS*T, Antelope, n. v. Deer, ^tyimn . tpTm. fTTTm-
4 correspondent with,
Black, a. WSRlTm. fRUiTm. fWTtirCnt- f ®TCTt?In»-
5 FPT, OT /* T^«T <7.0/ 0.
v.V. 1. OTTn. TOOT. OTT or iffTm. Dagger of a. -horn. Jjnfm.
Answer, n. reply, S?c.

TflTKwi. TRRFir/. OT*Tfm. Antemeridian, a. 5FT l


Antemetic, a ^5OTTCr, &c.

Decided a, OTFlTn.
^ Antemundane, a. ^fMrq^Nr, «nNw,
Disrespectful a. STf3fr£t /. ^TC^RTTw.
Evasive, inapplicable, &c. a. grrfsRT, sTJnHfe'Tlsfi'rf^r-

Antepast, «. V. Foretaste. TWHIm- srrRrtnrm- 'RlWm.

Ready a.

Ready of or at a. friff&OTft or fTWi^snT^ 3RKt, 3#TO5T or ,

5i w
Antepenult, a. ^TturriftW.
Soft a.

I key, solution. fest/. ffirrm. ijazrwi- g'5Nj\JT>»-,1 Antepileptic, a. ^TT-fin:jft-&c. TafW, «rWl<-ll4l4v-?r-
Answerable, a. v. V. N. 8. responsible, Accountable, amenable,
$c. «rrc-fl^-#rem-&c. ^r^r, #Etar,’ «r^ Piwrawnr, f
Anterior, a. —in timehv. Former. ®PTW> ^Nt, ®TJ]KT^r,

g,?n:-arH'-wOT-^iTir-&c. t^nRr^RrsFrrd-^Hr-^c.
— * .

2 — in space, v. Fore. aqqpqqffj ,
JTnTrff. Antiphlegmatic, a. dT'bSIf, dPdST, ddRRRT, grqrgRrg.
Anteroom, n. See Antechamber. Antiphrasis, to. use of words in a sense opposite to their mean-
Anthelmintic, n.
f fJTJf,
f ftlfC, fffRradT. ing. Fqqflg sw/.
Anthem, n. See Hymn. Antipodes, n. persons who live on the opposite side o/ the globe.
Anthropophagist, a. See Cannibal. ggm.
2 qggrgggjgrqrg q^qgrfirg?srqre gigrm.
Anti, prep. This preposition may be rendered by such words as Antiquarian, a. pertaining to antiquaries or antiquity iflW-
5Tf ,
(ex. antibilious fqg?irj, ^ -(T5Tf,
qiWf', , fqtqsrf
&c.), dRFfr or HT5R or RSTli , (ex. SfTTRTSFfr, fqggTSnfr), ST (ex’. Antiquary, n. dr^qrrariTnprdiTrf, xnwRRrpqdt, dtwrTwTOR-
Rtrt, «^rsr), wc, rdf, frcsr, crff, (ex. ^rrc, g gfr.
gsR, JiiTdr. Antiquated, a. v. Obsolete, iqrgt, ijgqrrfafgr, 5^, drrsrigfgg.
Antiarthritic, a See Antartiiritic. .
To boor become a. gRg, qgl qg°f.
Antibilious, a. pRRTf ,
f^TST, f^rerdT-fH^-?mr-&c. Antique, Antiqueness. See Ancient, &c.
Antic, a. odd, grotesque. TOiTfdT, JqRRd&dT, ft^OT. Antiquity, n. See Ancientness. 2 old times. 3TFH»m. qqsqfa--
Antic, n v. Buffoon. jqgiRiTm. JTRTm. Sdkripm. STRira. qHdddrRm. qggqgm.
trick, itagrer,/ nrw%r /. Rrrarr frsfddr/. pi. jjrgrdr- 3v. Ancients. ^Fggijrrsrgf pi. qqfe qprg-
arm. pL €\r?
Antichrist, n. l#fgrfqqgtTO ifrgrfqfnfW 4 a work of old times. qqqKTsrfg^Jsqn. gr^qrrfsgrTCfn. qq-
Antichristian, a. ifRdlW®'. gPmjn. nTfTfgqrfifdn.
To Anticipate, v. a. take before the time. aqipr^r jjSq
H'TdiW, Antiscorbutic, a. drfqqriRifqggra-dr-fnCdr-^rqrdr.
arq^'f™. g.of o. swra^«fl^ u rn.-f¥rf^d7r5r(rf?rf'ir wr Antiseptic, a. ^ddf^^-ggqq-Rprrdr-gfiTdr, arRiqRhI*HK3r.
g.of o. Antispasmobic, qz%
a. TO^°rRT, Wf^fTW.
2 take before another, forestall. STd^f/.-aTiWt/. gpqoq-ifr/Sq Antisplenetic, a.
SffdTf , STfTOf , 5ff?THg5jqdr.
g.of o. aqriqqrif. ^^Pi-mmg.ofo. Antithesis, n. opposition of words or sentiments. spffeRRTO ffl.
3 foretaste. arOTSTd^Mi. -^^fli.-?rrami}^OT. dcC'T aidfdTR. dBdrdRrqqfgni. FrCpqm. grqfdCw'ni. nq^-diosr-qw-
9- of o. &c. R-ggi/i.
4 have an impression of as probable, v. To Expect, ipzfiff- Antithetical,
a. v. N. STdrggRfggqt-fi, srdfdTPqrgFqqqdr, aq-
#?rrd -^Rfd'-^dfd-Rr^ra'-3Tidr^ffr &c. w-argof q». con. dfd^drg^q, aTdfdggq.
dTPr/.-amr/w. q°r-aqg°f. Antitype, n. Jrfdm^g«. r%n.
Anticipated, p. v.V. 1. aqqqqiq 5rr^55T-%tsr, apflrar aqq- Antitypical, a. fqq^rq, fqqjjjr, JrfdfqWRT, Jridf^Rjt,
f£, NmffdiRJjfid. Antivenereal, a. dqddPrradT, Zltm'.
Anticipation, n. v.V.l. —act. aqqwfn. 3TW 5T=Tn. aqqsRtfm. Antler, n. iTiTRIdn. ^gsrraq/.
Anus, n. sq far/, ijTn. aqqrairn. gagRX qRqiqgqqm.
2 act. aqq^r gp-T^fn. &c. aqrjqqqf-y. aqq
"§\f Prolapsus ani. 3KR5T«i. The prolapsed gut. aqpq^n. aqfifn.
Anvil, n. dg°T/. ?Td/-
4 anrrm./. firm. gw/. Anxiety, Anxiousness, n. ,v. A. and Care, grr^gt /. fddr /.
Anticlimax, n. grg^qrrd/q?Jm. gRPrfdSprm. qrsrqrar/. W'Km. yffi /. gRf/. aTN^Y/.qTdT/.lifdTfTO.'
Antidotal, a. v.N. Fwt?, ftw, Hrw, iftHT,
RttRRERT, iRST, Hdr/. wmf dKff/. drq»i. gtdm.: sfrSRr/. K$Rm.
girg, if sr, grarg. — intens. RCjqnrm. rtyrdTr55#/.
Antidote, n. remedy against poison, Pqtpfj R n. fipqfq^ nrqr 3qf_ 2—in medicine. 3TggrgTd». aHdTWn- *rmmrf. smifir f.
Anxious, a. solicitous, v. Careful. qrrarsftdT, f%d dT, f^dRjg,
2 —gener. vfrRn. grargn. iMim.. giqg-ni. qqgrTm.
fddPffr, ftdrfRcf, gfw^.gfifr;
Antidysenteric, a, aqfirgrgg, aTfagrcgiYq^-sR-qr &c.
— intens. fddrgT,
f%dldrffT, fddRRd, fddTf g, RdRT.
a. sroq, ^ggigrg-?rqgR~qqgg &c. To be
f%dRFf, dTRlsrn.-^diqn.-gigr /. qnZH- Jdqr-
Antihysteric, a. qppjfar TOPTITr.
Antimonarchical, a. gggrrFggq
Anxiously, adv. v. A. RdTKPSR, dH^Wr, fw-
fqfrgt, g^nggrregfim. q/dr, gfdd, (%ftrjtw.
Antimonial, a. gg«jHf .
Any, a. #q! or #ofT, qrrlf^STPTfW.,
Antimony, n, ggwrmr grjjm.
A. how, a. wise, gsggr, grgfl, digqH, digggf, wggt, gH-
A collyrium of a. ggjqrm. SRTqtd»i. dn%grggn. %d, ggrgftg, ddrqrdfdd., igng«rr.
Sulphuret of a. ggqrm. gggn. fpfprn.
. A. like, gsggr.
Antiparalytic, a.^OTrgsr, qgqiggr^-frcgr- 5FTP- &c.
A. one. W5RT, #qt, fttfofl, ^PWra, urzxRflT-
Antipathetical, a. having a natural aversion to.
gnqrqfqg^r A. soever, — of persons or things, gSRI, gafdfggdr. '

A. thing, jqadf,
Antipathy, n. 'natural aversion or contrariety
?giTnfggq*gB« A. where. dlttfiRRTy
BfsiRFwm. gfw^fOT. ^gftRrsrftdJi. Aorist, n.
. .

A. past. 3T3HWTCr5rjw. Apostate, n. ^EFRRTRTt, ^W^TRl
* fv.irv
Apace, adv. v. Quickly, frjt, ap^lFIT, «T55'?T®rf To Apostatize, v . 71 . abandon one's faith , party, Sfc

tpmr^-qrajrq', otept^. RRm.-^WTOWFn.- Ac. 5fr?(Fr, ?R,

Apart, adv. asunder, v. Separately. stjtjT; ^5iFf, aftflRiff,

Tra^r^r, Prtfi^r, Apostle, n. ^FRTJRR^n.

2 aside . tFffq# or iFftteTTOT, 3RTOTO. Apostolical, a . SfiraRi^vft,

Apartment, chamber v. Room. ^TTOl/. ?fI# /• TO^n-

Apostrophe, tl ^rFRfRtlfr^R. TO^R^^RTWRF?^
Cooking' a. 3?RTr«i. #RJm. Apothecary, n HOTRrm.

2 division of a building . J^Rro. TOTfl* VRTfl. TOT/*

The largest a. RrTO°Tm. Apotheosis, ?2 . deification. 3?C°frtR n OTn.
Having two apartments cRC* Having three, Rr~ ^71.
Having four, Rfaf. Apozem, 72. v. Decoction. TOPTm. WPJm*
Apathetic, Cold, «ft, xfc, f#FT,
a, v. ^TCfrf. To Appal, v.a dismay, alarm. v. To Frighten. OTn.-^f^R /.-
Apathy, n. want offeeling, v. Coldness. \sivs Wlm. 5T- 5r^CTOT.-«TRrm.-& c. qrs^- to#, /. ^ /
0 o. gt^Tro

f#Rm. to# 7. 0 /0
crororcm. &rcfar/. *rc°t/.
< .
srfror/n. ?ri?r/i.

Ape, 7i. TO1T?«. qtzm* SKfawfc Appalled, p. v.Y. TO^^f &c. TOTC^R 'TITOT ?
To Ape, v. a. v. To Imitate, /. TO^-TO# 9 °f 0 ' iNrfe^.
ZHR, zqf-X^f-Wli\f.~WZ^f-Rf*-^f &C. ScT#-QT- Appaller, n. Appalling,^. C5. v.V. *TR7 ^T^RRT, Ac
^0J-3JR0T ^.o/o. q^PTfRr-^Rrrr~Ac. a c. j?Ir-

Aperient, a. gently purgative . H^STST, STTO, TO, BTTOfftTO, «T^F5fqTOTS5.

Apparatus, n. 50R# /.
Aperient, n. 2TOm. Hv?# STO^Tra. WiTn.^n. TOTOO'i- pi* TOqr#f
Aperture, n. gap ,
cfc/if, £rc. v. Opening *Tf3Tn. TO?*- A. and necessaries — compreh. or gener. erTOt^TnT'/n. fffTOr-

f%TOo?t /. RTOfRw. or /. RiTTO'w- 5RFT». mxFftxfm- PiO»i.

Apex, tz. point or summit «
3 T?Tw* BRRRm. 3T- Apparel, n. v. Clothes, fm^ qrajRT or qf^^Rn.
Aphony, ». loss of voice. TOfT^m- TO#w. Article of a. grfos^TM.

Aphorism, rc. v. Maxim. TOTra. TTOn. Old article of a. ST^rn- sfWtn.

Aphrodisiac, qr^TO°Tfl* Splendid a. JIHSITOTb.

Aphrodisiac, a. qr#$T, ^taFT^T, ^TPHiClT^T, 3TOF%W3r* To Apparel, See To Clothe.
Apiary, n. Apparency, n. v.A. 1. STlftiTffm. JpUctaFTm. aTrfqsmn.

Apiece, adv. #3TO, TOTOET, JT^farPET, fsTCTO^t. Apparent, a. manifest, evident, v. Plain, a'tpj, S'EJ^T, <ETC, spifr,

Apish, a. inclined to ape imitative iTRPSR^srr, TOFTT, . mzpop. JTJTT.'STrfWT,


tfRlRT, 2 seeming; in distinction from true or real. fara-

Apocope, tl ^TOC^fTw. inriar Jrrfw, ?3h1t, jwiw, f*fwrnrmrar, ^r^sw,

Apogee, Apogeum, n. TOtf*
Apologetic, Apologetical, a v.N. ^i^FRK^T, &TCXR Ac. . 3 not secret, not hidden, v. Visible. 3^31, TW, ^nt^T.
-fTOK#ir, ^^rrr^TOW’W. Apparently, adv. v.A. 1. gw, arq-^q^ff, ?TET Tt 1

Apologist, n. IrTOJTOf T^-TO^T-Ac ^RPTO* 2 fswd JRPT, r?0prr5r, qrfPiro. -

7b Apologize, tl ?e. m«/^ apology ^ff-^TTOR- &c. *T#f q^R*

Apparition, n. spectre v. Giiost. HrTn. SRf/. 3W*. ,

*rr#/, 3trr,

Apologue, n. v,
OTr/ m
Story. TOHt/* TO^Rrc- BroqTOft. a?ns*jr-
To A ppeal, v. n. remove a cause to a higher court,
whorat w&n.
The English word is
commonly used, as
3T%2T«. 5T°T.

fror/ 2 refer to another as judge, qq ^OV^, fcRTIcf ‘RT'T.

xpfr qrsrtt

n. Something said or written in defence or extenuation

from/* ?iqf#TO » 5TO^#to>
. 3 refer to another as witness. nwt-T^WtJr S"q%.
Appeal, Appealing, n. v.V. 1 ,~~ac(; apfls' from the English is
commonly used, ^qR^TrWft^H^WWIT^B. TCRt^TT-
Apophthegm, «. TORw. -
Apoplectic, Apoplectical, a* v, N. relating to a . H5TOTRT, Appealer, n. Appellant, n. v.V. I. BTqtvf 'h<WKI, sI'lR. <*1^1*11-

qtsErewfr ^rffPc^iiT.

Apoplexy, ». RvWw To Appear, v. n. be in sight., be visible. fi&FT, |OT 5“T, fEt 7-

Apostasy, ». abandonment of one's religion, party, fye} ^RR- 3%, TSr5T-^srC5f W, ^-7NT T-f«Tf^T-&c. 1

??JT3rr^. 2 become visible. f^OT, ^grqTm.-fSTfOT.-lTgT^rw. 5W^T,

^TOPrnrm. ffifT T?“f, to}, gr^w. froj g.ofs.
. — ? • ,

vTIST-SW- Appetite, n, v. Desire. sj>sjf /. ^HERT/* ^?T<rr /• ^TOTI*/* JfT/*
8 be clear from evidence. PsOT*, 5°T,

*re;-ftrer&c. ii
oj-. ^PURT /• WST-/.
4 Zoo$, 56 m, be in appearance, f^OTT, f^OTfH-'TTfnn'^- Restraint or regulation of a. CfsWB^R'fn*

qr|0^k-f§r€0TO-^OT, WT* Carnal a. TOm.

5 be revealed become manifest, arrflWT, '3TJT T ?
pop. 2 keenness of stomach ,
v. Hunger, 3T3T/. ^TvOTT ^'•TOT /• ^T-


]pp:-^qg-S3M-&C. fPL STH?! C^T/. 3T§T^T/. 8RTRTR3T/ *p!(W

6 come to light, come forth clearly . or ^FFT, Destruction of a. (through waiting, &c.) *T3ra^/* J^RJWTw&.

or g*of s. 3FS^T. 3 wonted power of eating ,

stomach • &ff!TOra* 5E3TPT»-

7 to, unto; stand or come into the judgment of iTTW, finEFT, ifr^FTn. ^rspnranTn.

3T^PT y iTTOTT, N. B. all these verbs are Impersonal, ^T^T- Delicateness of a. ^f^FF^TTn.
Improving the a. 3TraTf% /I

8 be in attendance fiWT, fPh .

Loss or want of a.

Appearance n. v V. 1. 2. act of coming into

sight, act of be- Of ravenous a. 3T55^Fr- VS S3

coming visible Rr^orn. ttsp fforn. argt <re®rn ^enrr w. srsfam. v. Of tender a. ^xT
3TO, TSR'rc. sfafarro. To bridle ones" a. «f3TRT

5 arrfWR’n. aJlfiwrm. ureprfam. anfrsjfa/. es^m. TTRT^rw*

griTIPTH. ^Hfqrn. STiffim.
To indulge one's a. frf &n» #^°T.
To lose one’s a. 3T5Tn.

To Applaud,
^.o/j. M^T /• ipC^.
w. «. commend, v. To Praise. HTrsSt /.
1 semblance, look, apparent likeness . ^TRTRTw. 33 <$??«. —
Sr-fe'Sr, srrr^rr /. siRT^r/. <°t, ®r-

Ifam. 'BTRTTHm. ^TEfm, W, arRTH^T, TO 5


In a. RT0PTTH, 3Tt^T, ^r^TT^Kf. Applauded,/). v.V. grfirr %3SST-5Tr^, &c. ^Rra^3T, ®r^%-
Of pleasing a. ^'?3' cjrr. frer, arMRrfr.
Slight or faint a. Applauder, m. v.V. rpa^ITr, frf^T &c. aifRR^r, stRt-

II mere external show assumed semblance ,

. ^§fi[n. sfer, 3 T^JTr r:T^i 5Tf,

sjnWTTwu qfan. ApplauseTr. V. Praise. rrfr?r^t/. ^iT/. Wl/. mimf- mtfrf-

III See Phenomenon. Apple, n. (of the eye) v. I’upil. T5TSI/. vTRf /•»))•
Appeasable, a. v,Y. giTOm. A. of one’s ey a, fig. v. Darling, RrTRTVfeiJT.'m.

Appeasableness, w. v.A. /* J* To prize as the a. of one’s eye. 55flclT ^TI'eS'ijfl'% 3’^°f.

To Appease, v . a. pacify, calm ,

v. To Compose, or^F- Applicability, Applicableness, n. v. A. ^r^TPTRT - Tf 5f rui^-
or ^TFW, & c. o. gr^Tvr^t &c. jliTwr /. uivrar /. wrrat/. w^vr/.
2 cjpn Tr»». 3PT>n.

Appeasement, n. v.Y .—act. ^FT^PTft* &c, ^OTFTft. ^T«* Applicable, a fit or suitable to be applied v.V. A. 1. 2. 3Hf-
3PTn . — state ^TlfFT /. OTm. STFffiT /. jfr-w-wrw-w&c. wsrnir-urs'rtrr &c. ^T-fwirr &c. uritr,

Appellation, Appellative, n. v. Name. /. ^Fs^lT /• ^tRt- 3WV, siT'Tfpf.

y w n. 2 f/ia/ »tay /iave relation to. v.V. 1. SPHUi - W- WSTilT - '5T( 3TT-

Appellative, a. pertaining to a common name. STfiwlftRr, STpT- ?riwr & c.

qpft, snfircppr, qsfrqqqr. Applicant, n. petitioner. s^t?Kc. 3M ^P°T!Tr,

To Append, v. a. hang or attach to. «H~|, EWq t^T. crrvr, c. in comp.

2 v. To Add. ^"T, 55T#,pfr^im 55TW. Application, n. v.V. A. 1 —act. w®, %#Tn. UR-qn. &c. ®TT-

Appendage, Appendant, n. something added to a greater thing tYim. mtsTh n. frsr^rr /. f^qrqn. «. or s. vntiim. Rrfq-

z^rnm. wrn. &.c. qrarnfm.- Wm/ft. #w>»- npr/.

Fmm .-Sic. 3T3TJJfpT?r«fw.-Pwq'ni-^%n. aTWT^WOTn. *?r- 2 act. 55i #a sp5q», &c. JrqfJTw - ?R«i. Mq-
qfarn. q-qw.
Appendant, a. Appending, a. hanging to. v.V. rpTSBT, 3 act. v. Study, qq-qaq&c- trr55q».-?5Ffqn. Eqreqm. »T-

1 annexed, concomitant, v. Belonging. qv«?t, ®TR- M^m.— state. apTm. sn^rqqqn. qiq^cTr/.

ffiFir, arfftfr. 4 act. 4fqm. nqlqm.

Appended, p. v.V. X. rfrp FT?l?5r, £P#3r, #3r3c5T, OTSW. Of particular a. UPT^FV.
2 srtff, aT^JJcT. v.V. N. 1 —state. SPTm.
55pfjrqrwi. /• /
Appendix, n. See Appendage, 2 to a book, &c. — v. Supple- act. q^qqn. &c. 3TUTVT/- q#m. /•

ment. ?iwr»t. qftRTEn. 3mtr?»- I thing applied. 3T<S5ff qqpriu. qqqTCsft. &c, A. of hot leaves,
To Appertain, See To Belong. "qvjm* * ••

Appetence, n. carnal desire, v. Lust. SRTqm. Applied,/?. v.V. A. 1. urqwjrr, %r®W,&c. qtfer, 3W-
RrPwlfsrir, 9Trfrftq3¥aq qeqr.
! (

2 natural propensity. Pflqwrn. 5fflTT?m. / Aptlier, n. v.V. A. X. swqUJ, tU^IRT, %fqRT, &c. IWP.q-
— . . —— —

^tsr^jirqrJTt, RiMtsrer, jRiw, raw, raw, fwr#, airCrqx, Appositely, adv. v. A. UTTTUPiT, ##77, arr*T57, 5#TIRf7rT,
srncnmw. UfTTTR, JT^RTTr?, TmrTOR, URU#,
To Apply, v. a. put or lay to- ST#, igt#, qrs<q, %#, 5j#, Appositeness, n. v. A. ?R557qRrj». urR5r/. SRin.
2sn#, *r#, 377^7#. 771777/. U?iiU[R5r/. TTIfll RRn.
2 (to its end or purpose.) as employ, v. To Use- 3TRRJ 37#, To Appraise, v. a. appreciate, estimate, rate. %S‘n.-f#jRJ
^TTTf-grPRf-^rat-SEc. ST#, i#3T)n.-%rm. -UPWITT m. 5fi# - in. - m. - ST?f m &c
. ^T 0

g-of o. *T7#7f 37#. Appraisement, n. v.V, &c. srr#n. s-^ofn.

act. #fc3r-^c &c
S (the mind, &c.) JFIn-S«T &e. 37#-tp#, STifm. 57#, Appraiser, v V. jqfcr-sr &c.
n. .

JT’fr 57 #. To Appreciate, v. a. v. To Appraise.^ cSRni-y.

4 in gram. 5TJT»i.-3rqp7»t. g.ofo.
To Apply, v n. have some connection, agreement, or analogy v.

2 admit the value of acknowledge. uTfW, «TFT/.
WW g.ofo
To Agree, sp#, SPJ <T#, firs#, 3p°T, TO“T, with or ^ |3T/. g ofo JFTm isim, ^Tr^ToT^fojn..
have recourse to as a solicitor. 5X507^/.-
Appreciator, n. v. V. 2. sfr°T
To Apprehend,
v. a. seize, lay hold of.
&c. X#, 5# with ofo. 2 conceive in the mind? v. To Understand, q-oj^
To Appoint, v. a. establish, settle, fix by agreement. 575#, WSFT, fmn. in. con
^m.-fJpPT joojo. #ST?n.- &c. X# g ofo. and g.ofo. ffam. WWm, con. OTOT-i’flW*
2 order, prescribe, ordain. %!#, XTT#, #3 #, f#7T, pop. ^ used inversely.
Xlftti . - WT3n. ~ WT3T /. arr^ST m - Tf Xff m - RURT®.
faaffSRn.- 3 dread, v. To Fear. STTWT, 3?7-5rr»i . - ^uirrm . - 5757/. -srr-
#3Rn.-#3R7/. f#73n.-fq#m.-&c. X# g.ofo. <5R r»».-&c. ^“T-^rs#, ,

3it 5rrm.-2ii57r/.-&.c
3 nominate, designate, constitute. 3#, qrs#, qu[~ffo}- i n .
q#, ^TSRn.- con.

2— 57 g.ofo.
4 accoutre, furnish, &c. v. To Equip. 357#, IJ#, 77377707,
# 4 be of opinion, think . in. con. qe'OTm
fr®T~^T5r in. con.
*7^573 <fcc. 57#.
4— p. v.V. 1. 3*75*37, #7337^37 &c. ^prfiT?, #337,
Apprehended, y. V.
fR5rrt5rr &c. arr57f3R.
1. UT3ST, TWSST, QcTSkST, 377^ ^ 1,^-
wtsst, 333 Rr?|srr- &c. f#fer, f#cr,^?T, b%utct, g#Tfr- 3 STraraX, 5ff5777.
v, «nflre, tif#, fqrw, 33, Rpr, P#iw. Apprehensible, a. v. V. 2.
JTXRTURr #W-'a7 IT-?nT707-&c.

5 %J#3T, U75#ST &c. XPraiX, Rfff, f#T<T75>, #fMRt%rT, W, #wr-wlRr-&c. fr*UT7?r.

mrrlr?, sqrfsrsr-
Apprehension, n. v. V. 1 act. »J#n. W#n. ZfWWn.
4 7J57333T, 37*573, 77557- 2—actmn. VT#«. &c. TTfm. STRm. TTJMm. fR>n. STTXSRn.
Appointee, ». v.V. 1. 333PT, *WTr3r, 337337, 7WT-RW- I imperfect idea, an intellection. S’JTSTw. tTfm. 5Rw.
*T &<=• , ^337,733737, 7337337, f#r% arrt#, rw. sTRn. 3Tf#iT«i. *rr5Rr/.
3^w,%r°rirr, ruptT, u/faqr, 7373373737, ^737-3337573- II misgiving. W5Tf. H5P7m. mUn. 5B5«Tm. TTfJTTm.
utMur 8ec. 5737.
5RRr/. 5iTm. *7T57rm. SfreTf or iflTKrni.v. >TX
4 775IW7T &c. 3*5737 &C. 373?. III faculty of apprehension, v. Understanding. STRn. ffe/.
Appointment, n. v.V. 1 act. #%!. #73 37#n. BXTfm.
xiTsrm. nmm.f. mrf-
act. 3#». 337#n. &c. RiR^n. 33T33 ji.
337337/ 7#T3n. Of quick or ready a. TT^TTTft
%?Rrfi—a.or s. 3TI33rw. 3%3m. fHHtjpop. 3*Tro.. Apprehensive, dreading
evil, v. V. 3. aff#, &Tnfff%75f
act. 333n. 375#n. &c. 3f573n. 3f573f/. f33T573n.

f#7Uj- fRR, ?ropr, ^577307, #mr<T5r, ^57.

573«— «• ors. 33337/- RURrn- #33i3m. Apprentice, n. RUCRrurR ferr# m - OTR#j». fansqrm.-'tsTm- •

act. 7T57#«s. 35337#n. SRw. #R<75'5'S7f#f^f»».-?3Tf»i.-f5r S!riM. &c. |

I an article of equipment, v. Accoutrement. 37. Apprenticeship, n. v. N. 3J7fi75f/ f3#q"7Trn. tlrq^Tm.

mrm. 333/. To Apprize, Apprizing, See To Inform.
II public post or employment. aTRUl /. 775777 57737/- sp7g- m .
To Approach, v. n. come near, approximate, appropinquate,
*Km. advance. 5frsr
#-57R, #, qr#, arririTOT. - afTTURn .-8Tf>Ti7-
a. 33?m- TfRn. TTOT.-aTpTTTTRn. &c. 5T#.
To get an a. 4^'rj. f# inv. con. Approach, Approaching, n. v. V. act. #n. qr#n. anxipTn.
III engagement, assignation. 3373 m. 333m. swm. arPTirni- ^TT#/. OTfRirni. aTTWAn.
OT7qi5R«. aTjqqjjjfni. S7.
To Apportion, v. a. divide and assign in fust proportion^ 337- ftwrn. arfiriTTim. 5rTO#«. 5jqe«}s7n. «%w7T3TFgr/r qfojjrgpr-
3fr3#-3r#7 /. arm. 5fYT57>#B.
5ICTn. &c. 57#, 7T£fr#raW7r». 57# g.ofo. 5Rf^7P7 3133 #. Approachable, a. v. V. and Accessible. 5fqg 57757-^7- ^171^7
Apposite, a. suitable W 'time or circumSttinces}„ upu, 7717757 jj- &c. aTppq, arfirjptu^ srfiriTH^T, 87^77777517, ^q^i
?nr, 337333, *njTpr,#i#tr,in37itNr,
swOT.Atew- Approached, p. v. V. arf#^ anjqTrq-, xqtqfJR, STqfeRT, 5777-
3lf33, 37337 ar^axqfiR.
Hfvrwsr, ittttM.
— — • — ,

41 ARB
Approaches n. v. V. 373 q' Tr Cr- 'TT^'TRT Ac. CT ;
3137131, 3757777 - Apsis, plural Apsides* n. gr^Rfaw.
7i, 3r777 & c. 331 . Apt, a. qualified, suitable, y. Fit ijpsr, ^q#rjf.
To Approbate, See To Approve. 2 disposed\ propense v. Inclined m*\ rPTHT, fe3T,
V —act.

Approbation, Approval, n v 37*3 3vC%n. 7^7 conjoined with the object (as
&e. 3T73l77n. TfiTTfm. a. to break, &c.) 5T% in comp. 773T7 N. B. The meaning of the
1 the sentiment. JjTWjff /• 7371 /. 3rr?nC /. 377% / 3337n word will often be most idiomatically rendered by adopting ano-
773f3/. 3T73Wn. 9Tf737n ther construction, as, This cloth is apt to tear 7" 7773
37357 7377,
To meet the a. of. 33TO 37-333%, 3#ff{ 3nf7T°T, 7J7713 73%, That man is apt to quarrel frTTTO 3735*7 W37r, My horse is
377^3 7%-77%. apt to kick JflW TTWrH 3:7 ^ir^TTTf 7lf or unrr 7r3r 577
Approbatory, a. containing or expressing a. 71^17 3777T, &c. See.
&c. — snw-w^r-H^r «Ac. ®s
3 ready, quick, Sharp. 73T7, 777717, 7T77r3 r7, TRsTST,

To Appropinquate, &c. Sec To Approach, Ac. J7r7, 7T7I7T, 7J, 7f J3T7T, 71^7, 3771.
To Appropriate, v a. assign to particularly. 317131-7173511- Aptitude, Aptness, n.v. A. 1. 3777 r/, 777Pfl77rm 37 73r/.
3-3r7i3 &c. 77%-3rij3 £ 7%- 577%- 33973 37%, fafNfarm.- 2 7T7Wn. a%7 /. WTm. 773RM. %f7Tm. 7jF7/.
FtMtiRm -Ac. 37% g of 0 .
3 3377771 m. 77771777Tm. J37T!/. ?l^n. 7T7«. f73371f'/.
2 take to self. 773313 37 *:%, 37757*7 37%, 373:%%, 311371- 7'i.TTn.

3T3 3 7%- 7%,


775713117- 'E7f7f7Pfr- & c. 317% Aptly, adv. v.A. 1. 77r%7, 7377, 7TTR37, 7317, 3377.
3 take fraudulently, v. To Embezzle. *3T%, 3Wm. 3T7%-7% 3 77TrJCl7, 777717771% & c. 7t?-77T777,
g. of o #i, 57? 317%, fTRf 3 317%, 73T7-757i7 3135%. —
Aquarius, n. sign m the Zodiac. 73m.
Appropriate, Appropriateness. See Proper, &c. Aquatic, a. living or growing in the water— of animals and
Appropriated, p) v. V. 1. 717r7- 317r31 &c. ;N%3T, &c. %%- plants. 3T33F3, 757, 7%f7, 77317, 333^3, 3f77r.
Trfsrr, Pthtti. —of animals. 737T, 777r%, 3777, 377171,33731, 3337.
2 jgrTTTTi 3--t%3t, ^rrq^prr 3%tt &c. 7113313317 775713117
—of plants. 3T7T7l7r.
%3^r. A. and terrestrial. 331733171.
3 m?m &c. 777 , crfSTcr. Aquatic, n.— animal qrWRTT' 3T7wi.
3337 m. 337171m. 33-
Appropriation, n. v.V.l. act. ^rf7R &c. ?7%/i. &c. Wkt'nsR'n 77-3 %7-&c. TTTtm.

f7f73(7m. —plant &c. 333-3f%7-&c. 7777%/. f%I3m. &c.

2 act. ?ircr#?%S'7srii. arrq'Trerr 3i7%n. Aqueduct, n. 73m. 777m. 511771/.
3 act. jgr|%n. ?rre%n. Aqueous, a. v. Watery. 33*77 , 3337 , 33177 error, 3r77r.
I matter appropriatedfraudulently, v. Embezzlement. 73T- Aquiline nose, n. 7577l7Tn. 3T77ri%7Tr/.
#3T /. fTUBflk /. That has an a. nose. JPTTTlFTITr 2>0ly 37771731, ^J7r7rf33. •

Approvable, a v. V. 737 -
TJ3 & c. gfU-TT -77- OTT- 7i Tl&c. Arabian, a.
3771, 3777>377r, 37773131.
73317717 3j3r73r£, Tfiroisr.
, Arabian, n. 377 or 3777 m.
To Approve, v. a. like, be pleased with, admit as proper, trfff- Arabic, n. 37713T3/.-7131/. &c.
Vfm.-wzmf.- 3T73l77n.-&c. fTPTg.of 0 777F7/. 7%, XTF- . Arable, a. fit for ploughing, or that is tilled. 3137713T, 317-
W 3 - 31755 -3-7 - 377 - & c. 317% and with
- 733 or in. con. ?(%, 73iwr 77717171, 3r7%r7r, F37i7fr, ttthit, fkqlw, kr^f-
#7713-3Wf3-73%3-^r3k7-&c. 5j%-73%-&0. g.ofs. and 31771.
in. con. sjg%fif%. A. land, See under Land. F37T77n. 71131/.
Approved, p. v. V. 737-3P3 &c. %%3r-5rr%3r, 31W, 737 or Araneous, a. resembling a colnveb. gtwpsqr 3r37T3r7Jf71, JRl^l-
7, 7?T7%3T, 7f7irft7, 7177317, 3573, C3[, «TfvW7, 3W13, 3T7- srr3r73T, 3%3rf77r37j.
77,77trr75r,3B,7^r. Aratory, a. contributing to tillage. 711733(77171, frfsgi, f37,
Approver, n. Approving, p. a. v, V. *737- JTCT &c, TlTTlTr, %F77.
71^7,3733, *7J3r731, UfiftmHT, 7f33Tfl, 733 or 3, *373177 Arbiter, Arbitrator, n. umpire. 731^771 Tm - 3313m. 77m
353?,2T77% &c. 77137. 3717m. J3'#71m. f77T#7c. 3W73c.
To Approximate, &c. See To Approach, &c. Arbitrators. collect. i^
•Appulse n. act of striking against. HT 7%». W3T/.
, B7r7T3m. ap-, Meeting of private a. tl557J3T /.
RTTRlm. S3T3T?Tot. Arbitrable, as. depending on the will, '

7 533313 7 ^B 7 $f.
Appurtenance, n. v. Appendage. Jlc77n. 37nrn. %7*£T73PTm. Arbitrament, Arbitrement, n. See Will. 2 award of ar-
-fW7m.-7JEJn.-3E.7r7n. &c. bitrators. 7317337b. 7337'«. 731^3/.
April, n.

A. showers. -7777333%/,
wNr TTTT 3f?3Tm. %WWira>; Arbitrarily, adv.\by will only.
33:77, 33=5^, 3313 773
v. Absolutely. 5 ^ 771%,
77 33R*>3%3 3%,*33#3
, >.
Apron, n. 3^7 713Wrt 337Wm Arbitrariness, n. v.A. 1. 3*733%/. 7371331/. ^T5k3«. «13r»
Apropos, adv. 7777, 7^777, 317711135 , TOT77If5r. > 77131331 /- 73RH37ire33r/.
To come a. 73773 7%. 2 ^f%®3T3r). 7-®r3t73r/-
.. . - , , — , / •.

Absolute. s^pfFT, Archwise, adv. decl OTfdrtRR.
Arbitrary, a. v ,

#c, 5^5R Jram*rarrepr. Arctic, a. ^TClfRWt,

2 depending on mere will. qf^fT, ^upfFT, Arcturus, n 3RT#t/.
Ardency, Ardor, n, v. A. 1. heat, glow. ®tNt Sfr^w*
To Arbitrate, v. n. hear and decide as arbitrator. 'TyTTCW/-"

fr=frS^/.-JM*aT /.-STfipf1 sjrt”T. tfoPTm. TTF^'in.

Arbitration, n. y.V. — ««(. <faT&T/. IrKKdt/. JFT- 2 s?rir /. ?re*?#l/. srt^/ *TT^t/. gvjft/. ®nt5r«»- sk/ tt-

/. srqrft /• TRgft /• ifaTm. wr/.

Assembly of a. fampL 3 3>'3T?»i. fk/. IfH or fTO/. ^RT^f/. ^kg^Tn-
Paper of agreement given in by the parties before an assembly grgwf/. ifrerr?™. ff«». ^sra™.
Sudden impulse of a. giplm. J’C^ff/- *• %, yR" , gi,
of a SF^r^nrrm.
Paper of acquiescence in the award of an assembly of a. Ardent, a. Ac>£, glowing, y. Glowing. 3T'3'3r, 5f^r^', ^u ! ^=i
Tf ?T

2 fierce, fiery, ^,vehement • vS'


ArbitrAtory, a of or belonging . to an arbitrator* frRT?€t, Rf- isfrr^ or srn?,jt^, w,

^°r, ot^tf.
3 impassionate, eager, warm, zealous . v. Earnest. :

Arborary, Arboreous, a. belonging to trees . gsiRT, ^Ffr^r, ^rfr, #^rr ?

or tNisrnc, gr-

TOf, 5€Tf^ f

Arborist, n. 3W, T^tTF. !

Ardently, a<fr. v, A. 2. ^qprg, «^^rsgg, ,

Arbour, n. bower cpfjmi. PrjTSfmw. rpTTr /. ^Tnin.


Arc, w. segment of circle, tFPsqii. ^fPTm.

Chord of an a ^Tf /. iftfr/. Arduous, a. v. Difficult. ^f^T, ^T"

Complement of an a to 90°. /. irarwr


Measurement of an a. srg: TToTn. «?inFr5rn. Arduousness, n. v.V. 1. /. g^l^WF/* 5T-

Versed sine of an a. T /•
Arcade, ». walk arched above . ^R’RTC^TT^* /• ^<<*1^1- Area, n*— in geom. JpTtn. Wfm, TfFiTFw.

>-*&/• *fe<Tni #rr«i.

Arch, ». W°T or =r/. ^CTT /. 2 awy qpevz surface. ^iF^Tn. ^^TrTn.

Jb Arcii, v a 3TJTFT^ - $ ^RFFTIT -

. &c. 3TPT, WT/ Areca nut, See Betel.
Arena, n. ^rr^fwr^. TOV/. t*TPrpr». /.

Arch, a . v. Chief. 3jp§sr, W, STS’, W, 3V in comp. Arenacious, Arenose, a v. Sandy. ^^F, .

— as used of knaves and rogues, and with the power of, atro- A renation, n. sand bath, /
cious, monstrous, thoroughsped ,
thoroughbred $*<? v. Ar- Argent, Argentic, Arcenture. See Silver.
rant. w, Pr*fc Preset, Argil, n. potter' s clay, v. Clay. OTFC^FWt /-

2 waggish 'shrewd,, sty. ggf, jJtfF, ^F2“, fpT!^, ^RfW^r, Argillaceous, a.

sfwsr. Arguable, Argumentable, a. v.V. A. 1. aTF#3*r, 3TF#^^
Arched, p. v.V. &c. ^spr^H*, «rrS^Fn# f
To Argue, u. dispute, debate ^Tm.*
SIT, %fT%TF. .

frsrrcm. - ^f^F^fstw. ~ frowst /. - cT3roT /. - &c . wfir ;

Archer, bowman f^STST,

^irw^rr, w*4r, srgqrcl, wdr^ft, ^rg^, *Fft. ^Tffrr/

Archery, ?i. use of the bow and arrow, ^FCSTF^l/. ^Tgft^TF/ To a. deviously, wildly. BTF^TT^TRT RF^C^
Skilled in a, firmer. To a. idly, fruitlessly, vainly. Wrrw.-gPTm.-^ten- f2^
2 arrow shooting ^TraRTw. ^rfrET«fan-
Fence for the arm in a. practice. Awf/* To Argue, v. a. discuss, debate, agitate. yK u (, ^^”1, w'k o

Glove for the fingers in a. practice, sfjjf^rqrn. JPIPT, tfre”T, JT^T, or ff-of <> ^1

Archetype, n. v. Original. IRT/. used with the jSt, tnw, qizrqR:/.- qrrrarr/. - & e. ^Cng.ofi
noun required. arrSR-q-n.-lj^prn. ^rprg.ofo.
<Ud'! or, TT*(l alJJ?r *T6®
Architect, one who designs or plans buildings, fiUS<T~ 2 prove, evince, shew. ,

snnatwi. 'ijtffoqhn. gsirrtr gryuTn.-fk??«' 3T'fW g-ofo. with in. con.

JTrT3TiS0 ®fT

Architectural, a. - ^TOTT- SR^T &c. fiOR- Argued, p. v.V. A. 1. grrkar, qT^3T, &c. sfrsrf^fr, nfW-
*jnstar, Arguer, ». v.V. A. ?re--fprrc-&c. ^vqirr, =rrfr, wn,
Architecture, n.-j-the science. ggrf^i^RT^^r /« rar?TOR^«- kqrT^vrr, Ff^Fr.
5i^(%r?qferf /. Arguing, n. v.V. A. 1. act. i}|£“r». 5l* u lw- qrzrqrr

Archives, n, place for records PPTC??|T^rw. TFsTWr- qT55Warm. iti&m. dRTqiT /. dlild|£ or&f.
JTT^T/. frrf£f /. TOTO /• Jf«Fr Or WTn. arf0T^qr«. ipFTi

2 records and papers, ^fv^n. irRrf or flferw. qjfk /. ^raferF or ^irufk/.

— —

A El 43 ARM
v. V. N. 1. act. argumentation . cube-root n. saroSRw. 3jTOn. JT^PTw. qtftn. PjqTn.

qr^prrsr /. qtwff^T /. TOR. TOWfl. or, pop faSBqoft/ qSTTCpft/. *FTraTO». JTPir-

Empty or idle a. ¥PTff3T/ qpft&WZ f. cTf *Pgr/. ^IXm. mjm. pf«PTn. TOm. TO'R’n.
Inconclusive a. sT^TiStT / Arithmetical, a. belonging to or according to a Jqlw^r, .

Line of a. 5JRIS /. r. 5TTT, 3I*T. ?imr, flOTf^T, flirtt or ftsMt, ^rPrargara, 3#r^RRfT,3rfq-frp
Noisy, &c. a. qRHTfTwi* /• \3-

To warm or get animated in a. *PT. Arithmetician, n. q’TOm. flttf! or

n. reason alleged. /• Jr^TFT/i. ^=rfr, 3rjfqrrif.

3?rrm. anr^rn. etptor.

w^nn. sqtePTm. wi¥PC«i. Arm, n. — from the shoulder-joint to the wrist. ^Tft/. «U|m.
To adduce an a. ^TUL fRTin.

To make the most of a bad a. srrqsj 35T°T. —from the shoulder-joint to the elbow. WfWm. %rg£[m.

2 (of a reasoning or discourse) v. Subject. q&m. Vfsfzfem*

win. srretjM. Ijjr. qreror«. —from the elbow to the wrist or finger-ends. fRfw. *

3 contents "heads! <I#fTOr/. W3TRfm. A. to a. — fighting, &c. adv.

4 argumentation See Arguing. ,
q/* V. N. Arms as pinioned. JR?TW /. pi v. «TfoT.

Argumental, <2 . belonging or relating to a . 'IPT* Interlocking of arms and striving. fFT Sfft, /
fqqppwt, Locking within the arms.
Argumentation, «. See Arguing — act of V. N. .
Ornament of the a.
f ^
Argumentative, «. consisting of a. 3TTRT, PRTSflT'fT, «nTRqiT- Snatching or seizing by force of the a. qjril^T^/.

mm, nr^r^TT, ffaRffanir, OTqftor, vwfrrfaTm, Strength of a. srrgTO?*.

qrsr*Nr. Of outstretched a. TOTOf ,


fond of a. Disputatious, qrift, fiflTSt, 3TC^tj qpTO*.

v. Upper and outer part of the a. near the shoulder. *TC©foZT or
Arid, a. adust, parched and dry ; of a country, &c. — or Wgosrm. qpRsferc.
to, gfirar, TO*pr, srancfer. To know the weight of the a, of. qHfl\f. g .of o.
2 awJ meagre ; of soil. SR-PT, SITW, — PT?3T^", SHWyST, To slap the arms (in token of readiness to fight). TOIf/. pl- fqzoT-^rqr^.
Aridity, n. v. A. 1. TOPC^T*TO». TOTOTTan. 6«Tn. To whip up under the a.

to<tt/. 2 (of a tree) v. Branch, mtfnu dim. qrf£tf

2 fsparoww. &c. vf&rffem.

Aries, n. ifam. 3 (of the sea) wi /. \ qprfer m.
Aright, See Rightly. Arm of an a. of the sea ;
a branch of #?T or %fTni. #1“
To Arise, v. n. v. To Rise, 3T*Tm. Tr#,^PTm. img.ofs. ft / qrfnn. qrtft/. qif/. W?i.
2 proceed, issue spring, flow, emanate *, gr?<T5T fFT, qq“ r
SCT*, Navigable a.
fwL snpr, 4 (of a garment), qrft /. fR*Tfm.
Aristarchy, government by excellent men. f3T5> 5 (of a mathematical figure). 5J5fni.

ftlTORRM. Armful, «. (o/ gj'ass, sticks, fyc*) qrqszr#. cto.

2 So<fy q/* excellent men, f^sfTO^wi feS'Rg'^nTw. «nw/. %/.
Aristocracy, m. government by nobles . HT£f- Arm-hole, Arm-pit, n. TO«».
f#rxpjt^n. Wrf3H^«. Tumor in the a. TOPImtif
2 of Trrfrir^Rajf m. Arm-stall, n. (of a q^f &c. )
Aristocratical, v. n. fqspro. Arms-reach, n. or ^Tcfpfr^qrw?*
Arithmetic, n» nPPTn. tfrofasn’/. wiwr/. WTfiWT/ fHfa To Arm, v. n. take arms .

or 3jq*RT qifforfa<Tw. iPC^/.-gr^TTOT®. SRT^, 5f3R5r £&

A. — gener, or loosely. arflRT wfrft/. ^St* Fftff Rr~ To Arm, v. a. v. To Accoutre. fPTIT^T or ffMT-SRrar -««¥
?rf^. pi -WSW-&C. ^r^r, H53R-n.-¥R«Rr/.-^^T°rn. ^T'T-
A. of fractions. WTO JTfqcftt Armament, ». v. Force. .

A. of integers. Light a. gfriwsr/.

A. of known quantities. ©TO Armed, p. v. V. or ^RTfT, 5R?fr, 5RW7rf»T,
A. of unknown quantities. &f©TO TlftTcfn. tjfr^rer, fim, 9f«5r5r, ?T5#fft.
A book of a. booh of sums and questions . ijRrRfft. Armenian bole, n. iT^R Wl/. fT^sf/-
Operation in a. with an assumed number, Armillary, a. resembling a bracelet. ^"rRflT.
The eight rules of a. qfTOR?OTn. These are addition , sub- A. sphere.
traction , multiplication , division ,
raising to the square, ex- Armistice, n. . mfm* /*
tracting the square-root, raising to the cube, extracting the !
— — —— - m

ARO 44 A KIl
Armlet, See Bracelet. Arrack, n . — the spirituous liquor. cFF^) /* (from the fan-palm),
Armorer, n. maker of arms. f?cnT 3FTOTCT, 3RTOT- JJTftf (from the cocoanut tree), Vijfhn.f. (from the wild date

2 furbisher of arms. RR^SFT or JTr^m. srenTP?, aifwrPfX To Arraign, v. a v. To Accuse. ffTOTTwi. WFCTWTO1 m.
Armorial, a. of or belonging to armour. 3TT3'4 if'4l', TOfUT^F^T U? .-'^rrffq-m - ^ fWlFT >n .
g. of o.

XRf^. To Arrange, v. a put in proper order v. To Dispose, ,

Armory, n. ferer^RTwi. 5IX5rPITXm. arerRlTm. aiW^PTRin. CTO 3TOT -TOW/. - TOW/. - TOW/. - TOlWw & c.
, ,
ofo. •

Armour, n. faas'i^n. ^imi. ?4n. SR^pFTm. felWm. mf. ?t3Tf»- Arrangement, n. v. V. act. Win* &c. W TOF/. TO-

A. of iron netting or little rings. TOTO or TOTO* =TT/. TORV* ^irWTOn. pTTOvFw. -state, tfij or ?f-

A. for a war-horse. qpFTO f $5* /. irf^f^TOn^a. op TOTOF '»• TO^^fT/ TO-

A. for the breast, &c. cuirass. TOTOT°Ttt« vSTMF^Twz. /. mmjff TO°r^r/. toVrw.
A. for thigh? cuish, ufsnW'Tn. Arrant, a — as used of rogues and villains, and as agreeing with

Piece of a. fsiWw. arch, thoroughbred ,

ihorovghsped ,
throughpaced genuine , y

Clad &c. in a. TO?t, TOST. prune proper , ,

razJe, regular ,
gallows (vulg. gallons ) &c
Arms, n, v. Weapons. TOFC or ffi' ^Ri?fn pi. Rtow^/#. W2T or 87C5F (as TOr, ^r^T,
pi. TO<TTOH/. w-^c. or 3?r^ w^rr&c.), 3?^ ( as ^rt &c.),
Lustration of a sft^JSFTw. %fRTWTO. Prqzr, irfF mr^r, (as ^ftofto-
Practice or exercise with a.

5J^T T-

5R^t), fTOtW, fTOW,

or ^TTO, TO (as TOWTf, TO TOR",
Pwiw or WFW, ( 0/ Me fr«c M)
ft’seftron. TO, TOT, or TOr,
Under a ROW WTO froff foTOWTOTO. ,
TOTOfr) W^fT r W^FT, TO (as TOTOr^, TOTOF, W^TITO),
To take up a. against. 3rera. *TOT with TO, OTT, TOTOT/ ~ TOW^, fTOr,' ^ee numerous others under Blackguard .

TOTrm. to^t. Array, n. display v. Show. WZni. ^rzw^n?. ,

Army, a. TOTTOW, TOT^Ct, IPFFT, %W0t4t TOTm. WTO or tf/.

Army, ». OTTO n. tFhsf/. %TOft. %W /. %WWOn. TOX
TOF3TO or 2 (of troops). W|-pqp. ft| or fawn. %WTOW /.--in a circle,
to or tox towc^- to¥x fror/. to/. sRtar»».fl. tox JRT^ToiTfwL ^TOTf *pop. or TOTFTWn. BTO^m.n.
° "* Ov



— compreh . WSTFRf wi* square, mifPTJm. ^(3r»n. in line, efvfsqf m. qrr^?r/. in col-

Baggage and followers of an a. JTOft. WWTTO- umn, 3TRT apm. ^STm. — in mixed order, STOfrf ajfm. — in

fin.toto. dense order, goner. 5jzr?)n. «F?TT»n. Some other forms of Array
Command of an a. arc j^rsr, 5T5T^ ST?', TWrapJf ,

Commander of an a. ijwRTTRT X wsr- To Array, v a. put or set orderly, v. To Dispose. ^(cSt, ^TyT-
TOm. °r, #sft irffrlqsfR'B ^r" !.

Complete a. TOTOTOrc- WtffHHt/, 2 v. To Deck. gs5T"t, ^T°Tn. ^ffy.of o.

Component part of an a. OTPT«. (These are TOift, WT, TO, Arrayed, p. v. V. 1. ^%5TT, tisf^r, &c. qffrR-f|?r.
TOfir). 2 ?i*5r%5Jr, ?tw, ar.

Division or corps of an a, 53 rtW*T«*. TOTFafc* %WW3X Arrkar, Arrearage, n. that which is behind in payment.
Follower of an a. (suttlers, &c). ^TOFTO, =fT5-%5!T-jq^r-3TiTt^r-?:rf#ffr &c. qiiKm.-fd' :Tn--f5rrrr or
F oreign and invading a. TO'TO n .
jsrr^rrw. &c.
Having a standing a. WpsfTO. 2 balance unpaid qr4l /• RT^^T /.
Aroma, n. v. Fragrance, b4uJui. Bi ifeWn. WW3*m. lu Arrears, See Behind hand.
Aromatic, a. v. Fragrant. |W, WfTfTO, HW*T. Arrest, Arresting, n. v. V. act. Kpf»rq'«rm“Tn. &c. 3Tf%JT3Tr».
2 See Spicy. ^ffsT^Tn. 5PT«i. fsTiTf «. irffT^Wn. irffT^m. irRrfw«.
Around, adv. in a circle. TTTOC or b\, TOPTO, TOTOF, fTOfTO or 2 act. SIX"Tn. arr%Wm.— state, arrfe^^r/.
ci, ww tow. ,
To Arrest, v.a. catch in progress andfix, v. To Stop,
2 on every side. W^Wsp, Wf Wf TOTO, WWTOF, W&Wfit, , *n^"r-H3TST«rfor r
TOTO, TOFT or if, 4%^, TOTO, tfmtor t, WTO, WWW, stjwm. 35X4 g.of 0 j-farr ^44. .

OTrTO, WfWTOF, ^WTOt, TOTO, SFWTO, WTO WTO, JTf§r- 2 seize by a writ or warrant. fl^rfX|f*Tr^-U«Trsrr%-&c.
fror, .
OT, srri&trm.-airfesfffr/. TW g. of o. ^rf¥P3T 3R°r.
Around, prep. a#ow£, encircling. WWTTO, WTO, WWW, WTO Arrival, Arriving, n. v. V. act. q®rn. qfi^oTn. 3|RTJTm- 3TT-

fff ort, TOfTO, WW, TOFWt, WTOT, HWTO. TTJTXn.

Jb Arouse, v. a. stir up $&V,
, v. To Excite. %gTOT, TOTTOT, To Arrive, v.n. come to, reach;, v. To Come. HT^T,
TO/.-wfi/. TO 5
?, fr^m.-tTTOin.-Aic, TO^T^/tf. SfPTO U3T ir5!, mw, fr^r.

WTORpF-&c, TO 5?. Arrogance, n. v. Pride. Jrpr«- 3Tf^TlT»>. ^rfiriTRm. arrST^T/.

Arousing, «. Y —act v ,
TOTOrn. JlTOTOs. 6ic. TOm. f^Rn. irrxm. nwxt/- fxirom. fxirraxrxr/.'^Trwi. ifarKtf. x-
g<hTw». vmm, %%yrBn. TOTTw.

Arrogant, a. v. Proud, iptf ,
FiW, arcqrpflT, FfFFRt, 1 skilfully. gfw?rr, gw, w, itOTfTF, stwf.
FPrarr, fwwc, foFRfr, gttsrc, frur- Artfulness, ti. v. A. and Cunning. ^RTfTt/ *Jyf~
irwr, Ff|F
w^rr. ^r/.

Arrogantly, atfy. v. A. WF, feFFrrF &c. m qpfo, Arthritic, Arthritis, See Gouty, Gout.
Ff^rFTW &c. Arthropuosis, n. swelling at the joints,

I # Arrogate, r. a. /«// claim to, make pretension to, ^fFFfF Article, n. v. Thing. f ^r^Tm. /• ^rf /.

^r^oT-RrT#-^# g.qf 0. sfr~ A. of merchandise. i%vT^w. %^T7i.

m. fff-f^ff g.ofo qf3?n.
(as of implements, pieces of apparel, &c. in numbering them);
irn. 2 *9/0. arrarer /. ^^-qr^F-SrcqF #•<>/ 0. 2
Arrogatxon, n. v. V. — <zc£. btRtFR FFFm ®TRSraT *TPsm». &c. piece, ^[Jjfm. &[JTm. ^rjTJT0!! or^ffm. TOT/*

#Fn. qfatt. 8 clause , item, point * ^TTTti. ^^3? /. /. /*

Arrow, n. FtOn- FFtr. ^JXm. q%m. FPF^Tttl Article hy a. f%5FHIT.

Blunt J^Tm. jarqr fPTol
4 condition term . , qfT^3R«.

Feather of ana. (TORT m. q\^n. mm. J^m. ^TCTOf /. 6—in botany, ^n. q^w. affirm. q4w.

Flight or shower of arrows, ^nesrrsm. 3TC3FtfL 5PC|fe/* FF- To Article, r. 0,.

^ ^0 the joints,
TTOWt, q rtf^FSr,
Articular, a. belonging , <?rc.

Shooting arrows. ^Frft^Tsh’w. SOTOTPETm.

Articulate, 0 Articulated, j9. v.V. 1. jointed, fyc.
Struck by an a. SOTTiF* .

Strung, —an a. ^cTT^. #flr, hfijw, HFrfC^rs:.

Arrow-head, Arrow-barb, n. fOTF t
fTsr n. FT55/. F»Twl 2 distinct ;
— speech. ^TS, ^J2T ,
TTfST^ or S',

Arse, See Backside. RjfvT or oS.

Arsenal, n ffa^TFT in. n.

8 —of speaker. ^PTT fWH^F ,

Arsenic, w. HOWm. ^5rfi^rsf.

Sulphur et of
Red sulphurct of
a. ffclTSfa* pop. f<CFr
a. 3FT:raW pop . or sffer/. ^Ff^r-
To Articulate,

2 worJ6*, v.
v, a. join

To Pronounce.
bones or parts .

trOT, WTC^,

White oxyde of a. W qfT 3 W §IW*

Arsenical, a. #wt, #FSFFT f #F^ oft 5 Articulately, adv. v. A. 8. S

Arson, ft. 3 TTF cF#n. JjfSTRrw*. ®7 FTRT?rfw.

Art, 7i. — as disting, from Nature; human skill. FFF3\Wj£ 3T- Articulateness, 71. v. A. I. ^fHTFrf^J^dT /•

55T/. gfifT/. rlO^Pw/ ^TF°ft/« 2 ^r^r/. ^rgrerr/- /.

2 subtlety , crc//?, v. Cunning. STRTw. ^TRT5TRr«», «KTMr>fc* Articulation, n. v. Joint* /. /. WfPn.

*#F/. ^rui.
Arts, v. Artifices. OTT^ni.p/.* Artifice, n. trick, stratagem . f* mf>
8-—as disting, from Science ;
system of rules and steps and ^/. fRr /*
Artifices, arts, tricks , stratagems wife?, finesse, chicanery ,
acts , a craft . 3T#T or 3T2T /. ^TFTn. ipfOR*/. HETcFn* r^TPT^TFm ,

Arts, — collect, or compreh. p£. pL^€w$m.pL or qr^T^Tm.

Skilled in the arts. ^JSF-r, ^rfFTF. qrWITw.p/. 3T#T«t. ^Wf/- wfe/. FT-

4 trick, secret, device, contrivance of JjftfT /. gF?r/* ^Pr/* fW- ^3*n. FrfqwT/. pop. FfFTF^/. Ff^W^n.
or Artificer, 71. artisan ar£&& ^ifCFTw. fecFtzR* f^F^WITTR*
*P[/. ^PFT/- HFn. F*I\A ,

'k&rf fft/ rsj?7^ikrrt.

Arts, contrivances, devices, ingenious schemes or plans or Abtijficial, «. Wflsr/e % natural; »

ffersr^r, ^Rrfe^r, ffrar , trf^ ^rr-

modes. Jpfrwpfr /• f ,

Finding out the a. of. PTR4T.

5 dexterity , expertness, v. Skill. gfcfr/I SpTF/. 3T*F or 3T55(/. 2 fictitious, v. #rr, ^<rsr^r,ff%¥, w#^r.
qOTT n- ^rf^cfT /. Artificially, adv. v.A. L^°Tt%, ffcft, 3^H, *ig«Rr^
6 v. Ingenuity. /.
Artillery, n. ordnance.
Arterial, 0. qiFffaT, FR^TF —
2 weapons gener. ^
A. system. FPSftWn* Artillery-man, n. ?3&TWn, Ff^STFw*
Arteriotomy, n. WF§^F«. FFF1%FFR.\ Artisan, See Artificer.
Artery, tl m$\f tfPC/. FTS/- Fbft/. ftPGT/. Artist, n. skilful workman. ^PcFF^* 3iTF/M*

2 professor of the fine arts. fer^qiiR. f^TPpfr^F|77i.

Artful, a. crafty, v. Cunning. 3F?*fiT, WtsfTC* ^SFFW ,
s*rr w*rr «fwrr^rr, stfr ^r^^KWRl, rorhT. Rrt».R?T5W- ;

Artfully, csdfo* v. A. ^RTR", ^FF, Artless, a. guileless, y. Simple. pT^f%F, F-

fPfF, R'SF'TF, sTFr^^FriF^, FFT^, #fo$T, FFRltf^r^Ff^f.
<ft &c. *T*FF.
- —

2 framed without art or *TT- Self-immolation of an a. by drowning or burning. ggiRm/.
S5T, Smoke-fire of ana. gfr or ggf/. ggr/1
Artlessly, v A. 1 . ^T^TR ^ RqRR ,
3?f- Ascetic, a. RVdT, glrRS gimregr. -

^?r#r. Ascites, r. v. Dropsy. gsTn- <srffgTn.i)i.

Artlessness, ji. v.A 1. &T^rrr/i. RP^T^'RTm. R %W *3ri n>fl. Ascititious, a. not inherent gpijR SfgwST, SRgRT, sggggr,
PrarrTO’n. wr f.^few Nwt.ffimfm. *T6W.
2 6rwm TOmrw. aiT^TOw. &c. A name.. sfggiTe.
As, cow;, ST^rr (correl. with rRr), *P¥f correl. with ?RT) %ff (cor- Ascribable, a. v.V. gr^Rt - gr - gpggr - grgr &c. srifmtg, yi-
( ?

rel. with $ff). uv.

As if, 5fq\
To Ascribe,©, a. attribute, impute, assign, sgg, 55Hg, gRR,
As it were. gg. sirfrqg, ^fuRTurgg, grfiTm.-Afr/r'ig«-&c. g.of o.
2 in the instant that, iff (gr, aft, If mfn.), TOT: (TOl^TOf, TO- Ascribed, p v.V. aggsg, sgftg^gr, sg/fg &ic. arrfrftg.
mfn.'y Ascription, ji. v.V. act. grfrign. gigg»- &c. gr/rTm. snfr-
3 like as.
grggrr, ^fT (in comp, as <Tffmg, IRSV, gStf)* ggn.
Asafcetida, See Assafcetida. Ashamed, a aT5r^ST,gft3rg, ggiRR pop. ggsrrgRR, grTfiRTo©
To Ascend, v. n. v. To Rise. ggg, garg, gsrgin.-grjfggn-srr- gr, sfraRf, grgR, rggr, ggg, gtgfgar, srfirrgrgr, ?g-
gfCin. sfiTteTn. ggg and with in. con erg. qfg, ggwrfRg, gqrf^gg, ggggg-, arglpr-
2—a heavenly body, v. To Rise. giFR, gggm. qrag, ggg?n. To be a. STIR, grrgg, sfrgTRg, /. fffg in. con
ffSf 9-of o. 3fih'-3'3nr-&e. fig. Ashamedly, adv. bashfully. grRRrgf or g, glgr^rgg^ 5TR,
To Ascend, v. a. climb. gg-gwiVAgg,*Trgram.-srrgffgn. ggg. gfg jgrff gr^g, gffg grg g^g.^rff g\g, DR?grff gr^g, grR-
Ascendable, a. v.Y. Vr- #gi- #iF!T-& c. grgifglg, %- ggr^g.
grfgftor Ashes, grer/. cmf g^r /. gnfift/. ggjrn. ggt/.' srrgm.
Ascendant, n. — in astrology. ggn. A. as heaped or strewed, grgrrf r /. gfiggr»t. gRtggrjn.
2 ascendancy, v. Superiority. ggggggrm. gggr«. A. of a body burnt on a pyre, fggrgggji.
gggrn. TTgm. A. for smearing the body, fwfg pop. fggg /.
Ascendant, a.— in astrology. gffg, STtPR. Hot a. ggg or ggtgnm. jgCTm.
2 predominant, Superior. eg/ft, TTYS', gggggg.
v. Place bestrewed with a. gxgrggwji. gT4d|giW*n.
Ascendancy, n. predominance,
y. Superiority. gggnt. 5Rrgm. Reducing to a. gggtgggn.
v. gr, 3RTWT
/ g3"J». STC«t. gRpgji. JJRFgn. Rubbing a. by way of ablution. ggugfRn
Ascension, Ascending, Ascent, n. v.V. N. 1 act gggji. . — Reduced to a. gggf|R, gggtgg.
Y?m. 3TJT»». ZsTtRn. grgffgn. gfgggn. To a. ( reduced, burned,) ^gr, ggggrg (gtgR rrgrgr Ac ),
9.— act. ggW«. &e. aggro. gpc (gargr&c.), ggg,rg.
Ascent, n. See Ascension. 2 acclivity, rise of ground, gg?it. To become a. gggg.
ggg/. Ashore, adv. fg-gpgrg, igrgRrrgg, gftgr, gfrgg, grgg.
A. and descent. gjrggTgm. Ashy, a. made ofa. gi%gr, gggr. ggiggr, grggg.
3 «« a. «7i acclivity. ggg /. gift/. ggrgm. gggt/. 3TT /• 2 like a. pale, gggggt, gggggf ggggggr.
Steep a. gffrH«r>». Asiatic, a. gfegwgrgr.
ITo Ascertain, ©.a. make sure or certain, gupjrg f. -Sgfggt/. Aside, adv. apart, gftgg or ggg, gggrggr, grtgr^rg, ggg,
3tgg g.of o. Rggm .
fgggm . - fgggg». -Rwrgm. -Rtdfg».- grggrgr,']giggrgg, arrgfgftg, grg.
gg-rrgg n. - m?§-gji. - rg^gn,- rafgfr /. ggg-gJSR gg, #gm. To move a. figgg.
ggg,gg<rrgg, gfgtg-grgtg-rMw&c. ggg. To turn a. deviate, fgggg, fgggg, qrrggn. gigg qgg g.ofo.
Ascertainable, a. v.V Rgrg & c. ggrar-gr-grw-gm-&c. 2 — in the drama. STffggg.
Rgw, Rgfcgtg, RgrgggRr, sragpf , gggrggtg. Asinine, a. gregrgr, ggggggt, gigrggggt.
Ascertained, p. v.V. Rgrg g^ST-g#®! Rgrg, ragk, -

, fw, To Ask, v. a. inquire, question, interrogate

JBg, fggtCg, fjg- ,

rggfftg, gggifgg,gsgrg, Rg/rg. gsrn-g^r/.-ggRjR.-&c. ggg.

Ascertainment, n v.Y. —act. fggfg & c. gggn. ggreg/. gfn-Tm.
2 leg, request, grgg, grgg, ggg,fig'gi/.-grggji.-grggr /.-
Rgg«.fggggn. R«jgm. fggfgm. Rgfggn. sragrggn. r*f- gggr /. &c. ggg g.ofo.
I'gn.PT^fm. R^rqgn. jgm. 3 ash for, claim, demand, require, ffigg, gfgg or grgn.
Ascetic, ». ^gnftro. ^fcgRtro. graft pop. sfnftro. jfrgtTift pop. grerr- gigg.
ftwi. (of this class some orders are 3TRST, ggigrt, grR'STJT or Stf 4 about, for. ggg, rggrcg, gRggg/.-Rgrggg /. ggg, gfgn.-
or ir
> jg, wrist, irrggr, m,) wqrm. g<ra%». ggggji.-gg/.-gr^g/.-g^/.-gw^m. &c. grgg-ggg g.ofo.
grTOm.yij*r*rm. .
|Rm. erggon- ggRRrertw. ggwRrregm. 5 v. To Invite, ggpfg or %agg, grfg, ggftg-
0^#g'ifffgrifrw.; (ivhfe. Female a. Ifgraftg, grerrf1g,#gfg,&c.) Asked, p. v.V. 1. ggggf &c. ipr. '

A marrying a. ^Rfiffro. gnfraffro. 2 jgfg#gr&c. grfg?r, mfirg,

, — ,


5 STWfafT, Aspirer, n. Aspiring, p. a. v V. 1. and Desirous. S>3rfcJT-

Asker, n. v V. 1. TOW,&c. jyr, ft®*, Wr. w, arr^ir qr°rrR.

Askaunt, Askance, Askew, Aslant, adv obliquely. SJTIT- 2 and Ambitious. TVtVI, fTO?n: or f'RTTT, JTfRRlWr,
JTftTfsR, TTfTTfqajT.
*rt, sTnEPCrrr, qrmr, qrrqGrr, qrsPOTr, qrqrar, qmrtqr, qrrqcr, N9 7

Asquat, adv. in a squatting posture, vj'44 3R3R. ,

To" look at a. TiRT IraUFf qrqq, qPFTRT #sqR 'TTl’^T, ^TPT- Asquint, adv. to the corner of the eye. qTR, Pr-cS, ffT’CR

ftynrn. eKT°T. IFF9T •TtVRT

Asleep, a. or adv. iffa, R3R, inf, ilT mr&VT, Fffaq, RrST^jT, Ass, n. — neuter. irrgT,— male. JTRT, TW, IT^V pop. T3T,

srPnr, m, shafts:, tors:, Prunm 5fTTr atni. — female, I(T?fr, IJITTR, ^41, RyW.— m contempt,

Fast a. Sound a. gqg, q^Th IR3Tm.

Haifa. fqSRW. Wild a. ifpCRTR.
Aslope, adv. with

declivity, v. Obliquely 5T5Kdl ,

^TrfKrTf, 2 dolt, 3»c. v. Fool. JfPST fm. ipSTni. IJR-TT^T gmFH
qmRr, f(®ri or rs?rr. jarrerm.

Aspect, n. boh, semblance, seeming, BTIRPOR. ^Tn. Rani. Assafcetida, n.—plant, ftiTlR 5JF?n. rfiTni.— gum or ooze, ffiTm.

=5j^T5r/. t&Xigm. qzRm. ffij-fli. rfgPrrrerm.— in contempt, ffipSTni. — in cant, covert, &c.
2 look, air, v Countenance. %Tfm. H<R / Win- TSTin. phraseology, tWm.
3 view facing, position. CRfm. aRn. gRn. R?«- A. water. rWVTfn.
Bump supervening (upon a wound or sore) through the eating
4 (of a planet.) qfif /. of a. f?iTTRn. RWT».
Asperity, See Roughness, Harshness Fine, bright a. FfRffirra.

To Asperse, v. a. defame, traduce, slander, calumniate. qrid'-R / To Assail, Assault, &.c. See To Attack, &c.
?rprSr, rftr/. qnjR-RRF, fWRi.-f'Tnjy «• fqv- Assassin, n. v.V. JTltarff, OTH JTRRRT, gH^TIRT.

TRn.-^S-Fr or RapTM. ^-qraSr-qRR, RfiTrrR. RT- To A ssassinate, v. a. murder by treachery or sudden violence.

irfl/.-g^Twf/- ^-HPR-qFR
g-ofo. gtKFf».-tfeiT?T/.W- iTTtrpi Trnror-ifHin. qoT-gR«t. qvj, gTOfRR-^tflTRH-'ireR
-RaFTSRRTrt- &c. iJFR-irf m. Q«T- &c.
qr^R, faq°Tn. RRT, RSRm. aFR, 3TR J-m. qivR-qaT, qr^rTn.
with ofo. fjra^r f.-^zmf. sfr, **/• <? RR Assassination, v.V. act. iTR:”rn. &c.

Assault, n. v. Attack. qrRm.«. q)R, T?, R5'm. V2TS /. m.

o/o. SRIR?/. QTSR-TT-VfR, STfaWTn. - sTRTWTm - aFFlRm. •

qnRjg.ofo. R5T /. qR5T/.

Aspersed, p. v.V. RS? arraar-qrqSaf Ac. &c. qRfqR, qraqTt, A. and battery. ^ir^RTn.
qraqnpr, wit, arwair, arpmq. To Assault. See To Attack.
Aspersek, n. v.V. 4Tr^^lWTr,RR^"riTr-&c. «namrRT,’f»R'- Assay, Assaying, tt. v.V. 1 .—act. tpCttRn. &c- itVSl /• TTCR/.

#c or RJT^t#C, ’fTa or RT, qffa'Tn-

m, fWif, JCT?r or RT, 2— act.

f«T#f or RT, fRRRiT. flvCBT or
qa'rnfiF or RSfrTfK,
gfatfr, qiraifr or
or SIT,
W ipm,
fswRtrc, qrsra or spnar,
ar#r». ar?r mvn.
To Assay, v. a. make experiment of. v. To Try. qrfSR,
/ - TOOTn. - qKR /•- & C. 3FR-5t°r-<tr§R g-ofo.
Rorvqftajr/. qrna/.

RPHTlRr or qsurr or sir, STfireMl, 2 (metals, &e.) WT, aTTR Trf«T, aTHm. drf"T g-ofo.

Aspersion, v.Y.—act. gqrH 3°T«. gRat #«• ^fa qrafyi. &c, Assayer, n. v.V. l. qfmrrr, Tfwar, qrw-qffsrr ar^RH-qr-
frrsnfr/. fsrwr /. arqqnrm. RfireftHn. nnPRn. fRcr.
1 Slander. qfPFT /. gTTRft- qafen. Ra/. RfrRn.
an a. v. 2 uRRrr, qrwv, qrqqrqfrw, vrgvfr.
Aspirant, n. one who desires eagerly. ?RJ (in. comp, as q%- Assemblage, n. collection, v. Heap, affetm. *}oifqr«t.

xf ##5f ,) s?qf (in. comp. iRrqf, FRpqf Ac.) S^RRC.

TT^qm. qrrm. aFfTTHITm. ar^qn. zfmm. /. m-
To Aspirate, v. a. qqrqRFT 3RPIR, qfrqRRRWITR- 3FR, *rrm. mrzm- *fcvn.,

qsrqRrarcRn. sfr. 2 assembled state. SPT&qRni- qR^qRm. Hgfirq;qn.

Aspirate, a. Aspir'xted,^. v.V. qqirtR, *RiqRIRT, Tf?lRR- ijqfir?rr/.

iTfrnnfrerfirTr. To Assemble, v. a. v. To Gather. 3WT aPfor, afrarar^.

Aspiration, n. v.V. (To Aspirate,) — act. iTfniRRT3RIT 2 convoke, convene. Fqarqq, smqq, ZeW,
qTTRit. JTfnTTilWTRn. srqFR.
v. V. (To Aspire,) and Desire, — act. «fr5IT/. a TTR f ar- To Assemble, v. n. v. To Gather. RPR, qarTCOT, 3Rr
aprr/. fR, fZR, f3R-
2 —act. vR,R?RqrrR/- JTfRrTR/..
'srrfro. mf. v. Assembled, p. v.V. A. 1. -swr taw, Wjfer, ^f?T-
To Aspire, v. n.pant or brcatl&after, v. To Desire. ^TRTi /.- 2 fjTsrqS-ar, snrrqS'ar, Ac. * »

sire/.-qqT /.-fk/.-5irvwr /.-&c. qT3!, vtstpr- v. V. N. Fitr&R, «rq§rar &c.

2 aim at something elevated. qiTS'fff /.-RTR^f& /• qT”T, *RT- Assembling, Assembly, «. v.V. A, 1. — act Sffl'f 3RT^"fn. JjfaT

v TRrwr /.-TTffTrwFTr /. - & c srr-^tr. .

qi^Rn. WT?wi. 5Tifr?nCm. ^fiRn.
, — - • — . —

2 fifamn. sramn,
Assignable, a. v.V.l. qf5rrff-kFRTre-&c. ?TRT-^T-^R]T-?fIT-
v. V. N" 1. UCt. filoiOfR, 5 Ljf ^faffi.
Ac. ®r- &c. ?rrqr-

gr-mrr-?frT i3'r-&c. ;

I body assembled; meeting, company, congregation, congress,

2 qf3rraT-^T-trirr-Ac
convention, synod, convocation.
HW JTT^t or / /- off Ifaqr /. 3 gFiFrr-'qr-#i]T-?nT^r-&c.
sruur/. Farm. mag/ mrag /. »r??r3r»i sr^rm. —
Assignation, n. appointment between lovers. S’TOm.
?iwm. bb[bm. g^rrsTn*. gg^qm. gjururm. 1
Female making a a?firarfT5T.
Dismissal of an a. ^WrffWSRn. Place of a. H^rfTq'R'n.
Full a. full meeting, session, fyc. FTmrag /. Assigned, p. y. V. 1. qfsjTH k?fST, ^TBff fcffm, &c. fc~
Member of an a. or council. ggigTm. gWTwi. g<ugrm. erFT-
2 qrmar, fMk4fir Ir^w, Ac. lkmr Ptutf.
Person present in an a. fTgfcTmrag. 3 g-ffipfr^sT, arq^r, Ac.
Assembly-boom, n. ^WTj}rt»- BWf Wfm mm fn. g*rr- Assignee, n. ^rkm. aT^qrTfm. i%WTq?TTc.
Assent, Assenting, n. v.V.—act. FUR mxpTn. A c. ffaWOn.
Assignment, n v. V. 1 act qkjret'qji- — WT Ac.
Ana. or order on the revenues. qTFT/. fTTOTw.
FRRm. FFFqn 3RFPT /. gWR/i- g*Ffq/. fTfw. Person who has an a. qmqiTc.
To Assent, v. n acquiesce in, v. To Agree, FUR mk, qrqg 2 act. wi«. Ac. 4rmr/. ftikqriTjn. fqf%qr5rq'n. kk^riR,
tur-Iir, 3RF?r-g*F?r Ac. m, miTm. fr^irm. Ac. ?^f.
3 act. amn. gRlkn. Ac.
To Assert, v. a.v. To Affirm. gp’frcr'TRf- JjffrTTt _
fgtVqVrf To Assimilate, v. a. bring to a Idleness. *TO3T-BT5T-f!Jpq4~
&c. kag-mRAc. 5?r-aTJip7- & c. qrpq, 5frpqM.-3TRiT!>'qji. Ac. recip.
2 maintain, vindicate. IRCT, qgqSf, gFISR, graM, FgRn.
3 (a system
9- °fo.
^TrPTw.-ssimr /.
m°T g. ofo.
m 5
! ff’.ofo. fspifcj».
2 convert into a
Tk, fqqrqrm- qrm fsrT#, fsrtw
To Assimilate, v. n. come to a likeness.
like substance,

) m
arfiff aikf-smqk, ^rqn.

of doctrines. Sic.) gqqp?Rn. - 3"qqfg /. - JrftPFTFra
&c. |fof-frm 5tr.
-WTRn. Ac. g.ofo. %qpO» -'TCJm. tpCR- ^C"T-q5f ^-.o/o. 2 be converted into a like substance aqfjff or a^prrra HPPT.
Assertion,?*, positive declaration. mm. iriwr /• FRIWqRFB. ^ppt, fsmfrH w.
RfsRRTWn. RFFPFmPWn. R#T»i. Assimilated, p. v. V. 1. 5rrOTf-^5r-mirq Ac. %aar or srr~
2 position advanced FFRr /. W#i. FT«.
T9^ Assess, v. a. set a tax v. To Tax. qf^-mwi.-gFqrfTR- 2 arnff arqaar or ariraar Ac.
°r«.~sRrr»».~&c. qnm qg#, ffwpff-'&c. q5Ta°rf/.-qjHl'/.- Assimilation, n. v. V. A. 1 act. Ac. qRofn.
*PFT fn. trrSYT.
2 arfjfi amn. &c.
2 set a value in order to tax. SRl'«f£t /. &c. qrTR- 5TqR- v. V. N. 1 .—act. ^rrT^r Ac. IfSfn.
%FR-&c. 2 sqfsff rtNrin. Ac. fqqrqrm.
Assess, Assessment, n. v. V. 1. act. qffqgqorn. To Assist, v.a. v. To Help. im/. JKSfiTpfl/.-qRr /.-
2 uRFifr/.
&c. TPJT-Tof, ?RTm. kC
1 assessed, v. Tax. q£\f. Assistance, n. v. Help, rr??
/. fjqqr/. a?rqn. q^ft /.
Assessor, n. y. V. 1. q£r-&c. FgqRrH-FraRTCT. Assistant, n. helper, auxiliary. JRmiTc-
2 ^JJT^1P?TO-TOq«TRr.
1 assistantjudge, counsellor, §-c. B&ZKtrn. B^Tm. 2 y. Mate. qjj-?qr»». fsgTfDTm. I^qqrm.
Assets, » effects. j€tf. graMR /. jft/. qrFw. qmni. fqqqm. Assize, n. court of justice. H(TOr/. RT^Tr-?! 5ml /, mraq/.
To Asseverate, v. a. affirm solemnly. gsriRlTw. m°T, ggjf- 2 measure ofprice, weight, fyc. fTW®. iTITm. trim /•
Btor BWrBT^fpTff&vr, FFRWF frag. To Assize, v. a. fix price, rate, fyc. PrT^w.-WRm.-q’Tm.-trr-
2 -gener. See To Affirm.
Asseveration, n. solemn affirmation.
rq-/.-& 0 . jm-wq.
gsrirK'n, gHrqm«- To Associate, v. a.v. To Unite, To Join.
Assiduity, Assiduousness, n v. A. FTgfRr/- ggfqr /. sr«TTg?n. Ac. of o. kR/.-ar/.-um /.-arm or arm/.-af-
s*rrorq«i. frww. m#r/. g?rFM. ^^wm. sqrFFm. JSf. qraa-qfamhf.
Assiduous, a. v. Diligent. FTgw, mar, amt, mfgt, gqr- To Associate, v n . . y. To Accompany.
rifft, ajTOrft,
srr, •

w. - tr^^r/. - Hf TOm. - &c. ^?yrg. ofo .

To Assign, v. a. appoint, apportion, v. To Allot,
2 designate, appropriate, To Apply.
fSf, ^ ,%PT, qRRT /.-kMur
q’fsjTg qSf Associate, a Associated, p.
-&c. mv&r, ww?\^r t
v, V. A. $qtir %^5rr-&c.
^rfr^r, m®, m* ff,

9.0/0. am-S#, fg^w. qmr Associate, m* companion mate, ,

v. Fellow,
ff- ofo.
(Note, female a. &c.)
3 allege, v. To Adduce, am, FTtFR, MWT, 2— in business, &c. y. Partner, *TRtm.
ff- ofo.
in crime, &c. y. Accomplice! ^prqTm. Tpvsfm*
Associated n Associating, j» a. v V. A. tfifpi-.^qr-&c 3T- TOm.-Rrcrf^RRrrm. ?5r, toattoa- - - TO q'Rn.-frfrerw
OTrrr, ^ii?-sje-?tptt-Ac. siotri-. Y't,WTOarR» qrc^T-
v. v. n. to &c. OT^rcr, piRT, tot!, #rtot, totto, p'nt 2 mrfe firm or secure to. Ale. qfRo}-.

(esp. in comp as PP-TTOf, TOITOt, WRHTf,) PWR. Assured, p. v.V. 1. <jrcTCl ?TRR-%5r5rr, TOTOr TOS'R-tRRT-
Association, n. v.V. A. — act POT OT°T ft. &c. POTTm. POTTO- &c TO^r^r. PTOd^rqr, jito??, jjtoot, f«r-
^NNrji. sm m* Fa^PT, fTOTR.
2 state tfRvJ/. <EWm. Assuredly, adv. v. Certainly. ?gRt?r, iR^tT, r^tpJAqf, R^iT-
v. V. N. state. yrrm. tfifiTM. TOJp/i srgtfJTm. HWw. R^T.
itfiRm. €rr^Tn. sfaSSTn. Asterisk, n. tFTRT /. j.
1 an a v. Company, Combination garofn. 3j?*?n. Asterism, n. constellation. TOtfn.

/ w. iT^Tn Astern, adv. at or towards the hinder part- of a ship &c. PRC
Member of an a ir°IT37?T^m RP, or ir5RdT%-&c. pTSRR &c.
Zb Assort, Assortment, See To Classify, 8c e. Asthma, n. ‘<mf. TOfm. -qrHra. '^renACRm- TOWorTOffim,
Tb Assuage, v. «. allay alleviate, v. To Ease, , ^grr Asthmatic, a. RTR, HTRTr, vTn^Pt, qTORWR.
POTITO.-aJOTni -TOOTTO -gwFfT/. &c. gofo Jo Astonish, Jo Astound, v. a. amaze, surprise, &c. :

2 appease, pacify, calm, v 'i’o Compose. OTTO, ’saicTTor or fri#, fTOJf ?T - RJ.WT5T- w-


yjf- &c. 3RTO, / TOTO-qKT^Tg'o/o. /. Or

Assuagement, u. v.V. 1. «<?£. OT^fir OTTO POTTOi- gTOTJTTO. jpT <70/0 rtTOrTOn. 3PR g.of o. air«RR-&c. R1T3T-
— 4-tofe TOIT». POTTTO. OT5Ri». PTSrifp /- aj^-iSic- gpRT.
2 act. OTTOn. OTlTOn. TO OTTO &c. OTTO- JfOTTO. Astonished, p. v.V. <Scc. '4^, 4^1d or 4f^4 or
—slate. sriffT / OTw. TOTTOi. WtP, ^TOT, 5T4, r^FR=r,"TiPffr, F^TOR-
Assumable, a. v. V. 1. PIOTTOT RWr-WrOTmPF&c. OT«r- FR, RTOR15T, 3TW%4T, FTWfR.
OTwrOTPFrr-&e. tot, tocpW. Astonishing, p. and Wonderful. RTORiTTOr, NTO4-
a- v.V.
2 JTJrr'rrfm -^rr-^f?rr-&c. ariRwrcqr, TOWnfRi, WRRfr, ftww.
To Assume, v . a. take upon one's self. STTTOTTOT TO, OTtOT- —
Astonishing, ». v.V. act. 44oR«- %«PT°rn. &c. PTJJTT'Rr.
to,rtoto, stwot, otto, to. Astonishment, n. v.V, and Wonder. state. (RJPTwi.
v. To Suppose. XPTOWPTO TO,-TOTOOT«r,
2 take for granted, sT^sffw. wr^4n.
tor p qrffrf Jim, wf?TO. Astraddle, Astride, adv. WTOWf , qpT^fW, fRl^S

. Assumed, p. v. V. 1 . wrOTirOT %#srr, ^'ptOTOTr A c. SfJTtpp, m rpf 4 , torwW'P.

pfff?r. Astral, a. v. Starry. qrcNr, iflTRWTO.
2 TORRfTO 3wr4-,^fsTcr, OTPfTOrOTfpOT3j?trr, Astray, adv. 7fJRf4, RTOTO, 4TO, RT, PRR, WT3THH, JT-

Assuming, a. arrogant, v. Proud. pipOT, 3TfppRf, sirSRTO, pfRftr-

frorpriwr. To go a. ROT.
Assumption, n. v. V. 1 .—act. STrOTTOT TOR- OTTPITTO- - he. To lead a. ?fWT.
TOOTTO- OTiOTTO.— «.or s. a}jfPKTTO>. TOOTT^. Astringency, n. v.A. 4Rr#/. jrarOTm. OTI4m».
2— act. TORWR-q TOM. &C
sTPriP/flTOi. TOrpFOTirTOfpFRF Astringent, a. JR, tnff, 4OT, OTR[f-R, dTC-
VTOn. TOmFOTrOTfaftOTtOTOm TOfROTrOTf^FpWrRTO- Astrologer, r. astronomer. Wt». OT'K'*
RrtTOOT?TO. ,2 or A stroma ncer. pop. 3Tr5f[oi. RwFw. flllrfm.
I point assumed, v Supposition. OTRT/. fEWn. 5OTTO. frarm. 5Te.R^fT¥, WOT?!,
&e. TORpT^r^irRlt^JTfraTOMi. Astrological, «. V^rffRRT, ffRSifiR'ffR, «#rRW#f-
Assurance, Assuring, n. v. V. 1 act. WfOT OTTO. OTTO T- 4T,
TO. & c. OTOTTTO. Astrology, n. TO*%RTO. g|R44ril«rn. OTRTO. 4TOR /. TO^-
Hand as stretched forth in a. sTOTIOTvn. qfTOOTrTOr/. ,

Proclamation of OTTORm. BTOTf&fOTm.

a. Astronomer, n. sfrf?# pop. ^rSTTm'. OTROTr,
Writ of a. OTPITO- TOTOWw. Astronomical, a. gfifOT^r, WHI, 4W-
i v. promise. otto.' irI?raT /. pot or *rw/. • grg-jrg'.

II trust in self, v. Confidence. ot/- TOT /- OTOTCf/. TOm- Astronomy, «. OTfrfTn* «?rr%H^r/» ?faTf5rni. WJrKprOT/. 4y#T-
IHjim persuasion, v. Confidence, EpaTwi. fesfSlW igrrOT-
TOf /- pitot or fr /. r=rarr/. PrOTh*- The astronomical periods called Karaha arc R, OT?,
PerfectOTOTPiTOTr/. /
a. !iw, ITT, OT3T, Jisr, 5TfPr, TOtncr, HUT,
IV effrontery, v. Impudence. OTOT5T /. #?». The astronomical divisions called Yoga are P^SoFJr, fffRf, WfJ-l
V testimony of credit. pT3jr/. PHOTT/. RT^, tpror, ROT, a?fTO3T POT, (|R, ^ar, %, 9%, ff,'
To Assure, v. a make surkff confident. WTOT /. - ?3R^T/. - <3T~
. “OTffT, fTT, ott, retfe, Rfrqrff, towr;, wtv, raw, few,
if-CTOr /. TO jr.o/o. TOTOrm. - fcTOCTOTm- -F? R- w, m, :

, . . —

&c. ^FTHTn. ^FTF^n**
Astute, a. shrewd 4Tf4(, WW, 43(5744;, 445744- 1 an
atrocity, an enormity,

Asunder, adv. Separately 4574, 44457, f*F4 J44-

apart, v. ,
^ ^ ^
Atrophy, n. v. Consumption. bTCTFb. RfT17/-
To fall a- 454 454, §*4.
Asylum, n. rtflge, shelter, retreat, aim pop. *mm- 4r*jn. qr/. /•
goods uc.
To Attach, p. r. by writ, Ac. ^TrT

'4,Tr»i. 5(Ti«* w^tten- urtrw- 4f(574n. 4T4*?44».

TfFFT-^rW. _ ^
At, prep. 4 or # or v7( ( added to the notin'). 40/445, 47, ^C*Tf>
drum, rf^fm. 2 fix one's affectionsto .

Atabvl, n. kind of kettle TfqTr|7- Ac* 3F°f.

Ataraxia, n V. Quietism. *T$JF*T m. ^rn. STIFF /•

3 pz^ to, annex, &c. v. To Add. WT,

Atheism, n qTFTPTft* qFF^^w* qFFTFPT/* ^FFW^FTb* j

^C°T. ^
STSTm. Wr<Tm.-^FlR°T«.
?l qrPFFFTw*
a qrfeT^TWr^T
3 T*TF 4T3rTr

*TrF/F3F JpTR^nTT*
4 fig.
Attached, p. v.V. L
^ ^eTf^r^,
Tq^,RrC^f, B ^JCFqT, C^fF,

2 /o?ic? of. v. loving. %ft,

Atiiirs^ a. v. Thirsty,
&c. qrf, ^, ^3T?T, r ^TFOT, ny,
Athlete, n. agonist prize -contender,
^7 ^
ip-Di. %?fw.. TnarrrsTiH*

Contests or feats of athlete. TfSTTn. Jitter /•

Training of athlete, <WFr/.
5 W wi >
4 BrrCr#^r, mfcRpt.

n. fondness, affection, v. Love* fqST/

G ymnastic qff^Rr^T ^ tf$7^RtpF3T W3TP3T-

At hletic, rt. v. , ,

W- SfFKrC, «. «-. assail assault. ^Zm.-^zd f- or

2 robust, lusty v. Strong. ^FTT, #PC3FF> 3TST , ,
qr^rwi. ^F^°Fy
^F^/* «R
C^T 07* 0
’SFF ^ with t>f o.
deck '^FFT,
Athwart, prep t v. Across. ^TF^sT,
3rnTR 5c
Atlas, a. collection of maps. q^ffHtF/.
??r% ^4, 4^55-/.
^4,434 with OTIW,
Atmosphere, n 4
the air which encompasses the earth, &fRT5]X ITK4 )
4^4 with o/o. 4^1

or &n* ^lcTFr,°T«» ^TRI^PCTw. WA\~ orS^ra 5WT-

^PT^n. SRF^-FTw.
To a. insidiously, darkly, &c. Tr^rw-Tmuirr or ipTUK*#-
v.N. ^TrCf^TRT, 4W4Krm-- & c. ^T0f.
Atmospheric, Atmospherical, a, ,

'“to a. suddenly. 3^qrm. srTTni. 4T^r, STTRr»i- 4K°T.

%mm%, ^r^fr, ?rjW€Wr, and in the
^*T m ^ DT W 2 fig. apply ones self to vehemently. In this sense,
Atom, n. indivisible particle, BTJwi. ‘TC^rF'J m. * «

as conveyed by To set to or upon. To fall to,

variations of it
%Jig. minute thing. ^TPT^T /. upon ; some imitativej>r ex-
TCW- upon, on. To rush or dash at, to,
Atomical, a. consisting of atoms , ^C^rqf’TFf/F > 'TT^FJ'^T,
4IT«i. 4R4-54,
pressive formations are frR5!, f4^4 44^4, ,

-&c ^4,^4, 5444,

44fm - WIT or 444T4 m - U4 /• - ?KTin . •

of atoms. crqqp^RtfK ^TOS’wi-

Atomism, n. doctrine ^ofo.ty
4444, 444DR. 4T44, /.-4PC/- 144 with
holder of the atomical philosophy
Atomist, n.

g.o/s. 5T44-,84cm/. 4PC4, 4*144, 44T441/. ^4 ^J4. ,

WIWw. n. v.V. 1. act. =41^ 4T4n. 4r55T4rS4n.

or satisfaction for a crime . 3T- Attack, Attacking,
To Atone, v. n. W«/ee amends 45"(4 m 474 /. 4f4rm. ?wrni. 4T4 /. 4T4/.
FF3IT- &c. 4?m.
qf^rfn. sOT^mT^tT- 47-
3T!4744n. 4^744 «• 4^74744 n.
q, qnrqppsfPr /.-Prc^n-
& c. wt _
4PCm. 444/. ArrOTm-


Atonement, n.v,V.—aet. &*• fR /-

A. of a band of robbers.
OTfipq»* qT#Ffffr /* tf'tF’TC^^*
Sudden a. a coup de main. OTFnt. tSWm. ^FTFw.
1 See Reconciliation. oc^iire, v To Get. 4444,
To Attain, t>. «. oJtaiM,'
Atonic, a. debilitated. qR?JFF-
fj7SS44, 4rir-57557-&c. 4744.
Atony, n. debility . ^toW^T/*
come to,y. To Reach, jr#, 4144, 417 ff4.

2 «,-«•»« at,
Atop, «cRl araf/ze top. 3T TFff«
3 achieve, v. To Accomplish. OT44, 4144.

Atrabilarian, Atrabilarious, a v. Melancholy. ^utrfqRTF,

Attainable, a. v.V. 1. f4a:^I47-'4r-4r4r-4r03T-&c. 44,

Atramental, Atramentous, a. v. Black ^T^FWF^r,^- 44, 4T4tf, SR-

2 and Accessible. 4*4, 444(4, *44*4
3 4W, 445-4(4, 4*4, 444(4, 4/44*4, 4T4444"(4, 4R444,
Atrocious, a* heinous, horrible, enormous^ v . Wicked. s^TFnf-
qrs,$sr, ?ft, ^frTf^i^r, wrorsnft,
4(444(4. „ .. . .

Attainment, j>. v.V. 1—act. 4444n- &e. 4444n. 44441/.

qnsrer, ot, ^F f c, ,
44fftr/- 4r44/. 4lfvr/. ^\~$f
Atrociously, v, A.-qq*Tqi%, fiqqqFq, ^iTTT W^FT ^T<r- ,
44(544 f. -state. 4T(T(/•

^FWw.OT?Tr/« ^fftfEqr/ Difficult of a. 5^4, |®(74 or 5:474.
Atrociousness, Atrocity, n. v.A.

Easy of a. 444, §474, fW.
— — . — 0 . . — .

To Attire, «. v. To Dress, pi. TO#, Tf^T RTw-
3 act. ^fTR^Tn. Hmn. BTOn, €mIv->R>"/- BiSHTn.
qr#, ^T®r, TO, TO^r,
that which is attained ^TRT m 3TO ?i . - RTO*n • - &c =Tf/. ^TO^.o/o.
I . .

Attitude, n. v. Posture. ^TRRn. 3TRn.

Attainments. pL
Attorney, tj. RRf^fR?^.
To Attaint. See To Taint.
Letter of a. ^TOr^rw.
To Attemper, Attemper ate, v. a moderate, reduce . unto, v.
& c. To Attract, v. a. draw toivards. 5 ?PTO^T, ^TRc^Ri^' ^?f—
To Temper. sr^T^r- c^-^rr- sgraqrna^r -^TrK’^r-^’^TT^r-
TO TO, ^Tr&TO, ^rRTOn.-BTrTOai. g.ofo^
2 allure invite, engage. ^Tf^TO, ^W^°T, -Rf# ^RTO ,
v. n. try, endeavour to do.

To Attempt, ,

TOn.-TOTO*-^c. 37# g.of o. #ffm. qTTO, c. ¥#•

Attracted, jo v.V. 1 ^Tf^TO^T, ^jfTO TO^^r ,& c. BTr3nTO
. ,

to^tito, twit /. tito Tr^r

essay trial, endeavour 2 ^R#v5T#c. TOtm.
Attempt, Attempting, n. v.V. act. ,

Attracted, w. Attractive, a. v.V. 1. ^RTOTf

^{Tfj/i. Win. XTTfm. TOTOn. TOiTOi- ,

Attend, v. n. v. a yield attention, hearken . ,
listen, mind, 3Tf#, ^Tr^^f, ^Tr^TOTOf.
TOT-TO- 2 and Charming. %TORr, 3fTOKr, &e. TOR^T#R-
heed .

£#wr#r, tot, toft, to, fror#.^ TO^T, TORR TO(-&c.


Attraction, n. v.V. 1. act. ^TTWT». &c. aTrcr<f°Tn. s TWm.

To a. vigilantly, wanly, &c. TO SJF^T ^fTO.

2 at; present. TfffT WTO, TO^TOPT WT. sTTO'fnt.

8 on or upon ;
wait on ; serve, v. To Serve, BTW ,
^TTf/. - ^T3T- 2— act. TOTTOn. «ScC. TOfTOn. R[TOr.

The attractions and allurements (of the world, &c.). ^IZ f.

Cf/WWTTO /* - *J W/. “ ^apPFTn &c. • 3TTO g%qf .

Attendance, Attending, n. v.V. 1. and Attention. TOn.

1-— the power or quality. ^RiTO^rfe' /• ^R\TO«-
&c. TOTFTn. wiT^fn.
Attractions, charms. &c.
2 frfir uto?l *rTOn. srrsrfr/.
Attributable, a. v.V, Vrfw, WT"FPr.
3 and Service. WTO/. fTOTO/. TfTOTO/. *J-
To Attribute, v. a. assign, impute, v.To Ascribe. <%T-
TO/- SFpFfan. ai^fpT/.
"Closo a. *TOf TOf/. vt, w^r, *n?m-
See Accompanying.
Attribute, 2j°Tm. *TO }n *
Attendant, a.
The Divine attributes ( i. c. the attributes of' Shiwa as the
Attendant, n. follower, retainer , Sfc. v. Servant.
Deity) aresT^r, JiffJTr, irftw, ^rfiT, ?ferr, ?fo?rr,
tfPbrm, (irorr/.) *?yror, r&r^hremrm.
jf^KPUT. They are called s^Efefe-
TOff, qft^PC^m. (C^fK^rr/.) TfCTOm* TpiX
Attribution, ». v.V.— act. 5?mn. STr^qq-n. &c. Vrfn^ii.
Armed a* feTfTfm.
Body of mounted attendants. TOW /• aTTCfTm.
Attributive, a. rItTO, ^TTO.
Attent, Attentive, a. v.V. 1. TOfTO", 3TTO, TOTOT, TOfTO",
Attributive, R§FTOn.n.
gfror, «rnrr tojt, tot, m*K tow, towTto\ toto, TOf* %

Attrition, u. abrasion , v. Rubbing, Wear.

f2j^T°In« 3*PB®Tw*
Jit, TOHTOr, to<to, toPtot,
Attention, «. v.V. 1,— sr^TOtt* fTO TOn. ^TTOTOn. m4m.
TOR«. ^TTO«* srfe/ TOPTOw* *TRn. Waste by a. $mf. raw^/. Vftj-
&c, TOTRX <WTn.
To Attune, v. a. make musical, tunc. OT°r, HJOn . HOT-fe-
TOn, TOTW>n. TOOTn* TOjr/.
1 Attentions, v. Civilities, WJlRffl. qTTO€^FTfn. ^rr-
q^T/^w^rn. qrf'^T'
to^toit »*/>/. ttto/. ^fTOf /« TOwrTm. Auburn, a. #TO3T, m*, WP, fw.
v.V. ^fTO-STT-* Bright a. JTiTnjT^T.
Auction, n. fsT^firn. fefTW or fsrafqn.
Auctioneer, n. p4«’h<»i< u HTrin.
Attentiveness, n. v. A. HPTOTOPn. TTtNtoWm*
Audacious, a. daring, v. Bold. PiifB', NW'Sr, *-117, 'Trf^t!qi*t .

totto**. ^rrwRcrr/. toFto^/. TOrTO/*


in medicine. «fT5H, ^T^RIfTO
2 v. Impudent, ^tr, 3WrT pop. &&Z, K[S.^
'^Attendant, a . *

IVXttenuate, v, «. to f/«X TPuTT TTT°JV' fST TO°T, TITO Audaciousness, Audacity, n. v.V. 1, fsTCr#/- tnfCEn.
2 ffcraf/. !trrstr». MFS&sn.
¥#. c.
Attenuation, n. v.V. act. TrTO~&c. 3T#n- ^jlsp'T’Tn* Audible, a. perceivable by the ear. i^qpTr-^r-StrTfiT-

To Attest, v. a, bear witness BR /* - “^3TW w*- ^iqsq, sm, Vq°TTfVT, ^JTI^T.

TOWHTO £*.0/0. TO%-TOftf\TO> &

c. fR wtVA ftrof 0/0. "2 loud enough to be heard.
q ^rtrirr - WT^ffT - Vrr^f - & c

^ A
2 <W/ to ivitness, attest. TX?Jt 3TO, STO.
Evidence,— ^o. §°Tn. Audibleness, n. v.A. 2. TumftWTorrm. &c.
Attestation, n. v.V. I*
Audibly, adv. v. A. $%?rr adv. deal. adv. dccl. ?ppf!
^ErnsSt/. br/.
Attire, n. v. Dress, Clothes. %m. or Tfm. feRRm. q%^r adv. deal.
. .

Audience, «. hearing or attending to. qqt°Tii FtqfifH iprii qq'T/i. 3 v. Traditional. qn^RTR? sfissrr, qr'qq<7TWq', qr'ffiqqpqfar.

BT ITOn. Aurora, n. v. Morning. *T^°Tm.

2 admittance to a hearing. HHTq'ql'qT W2/. •hi’lhA Auspice, n. presage, augury, v. Omen. unpTmn.
g&rmf qmivsTSsfarw. Of evil a. MH5T.

3 assembly of hearers, auditory. qff|*bs?iii HTfWyRF /• ^PT- 2 auspices protection, ;

fyc. v. Favor, qrqpfts/. dq; HSftj

gqjfm 4tfFfflT3T»i. Stivtymmpl. ^jprm topor.

f? jtpizf.

Audience-chamber. n Hqrqofcqt 5TWf /• mmfcKn. faqR- Auspicious, a. ofprospering influence ,

propitious, benign, fa-

*rrerm. vorable. 5tit, ifira ,

spfiRT, sr^rqf ,
stjtr?, rrqrqiu,

Audit, n. final account. ufqrqr WJKTm SfaZRlf • cPTRr<*fr/. JTjqr, qsrefl, qsraT. q'JT^Rqr, Ji!irr«rqr, ^ -qr-

To Audit, v. a. examine and pass, tfTrer or rTqTO°Tt °t1, %s.

!?r-&c. %it A season or period. HqrTRrrsrwi

AuDnoti, n.

v. 5fgn=nft lr^=T

ft-^irq qqrnq qrn

«nr srrS^r,
^ *nrpc. To be
2 having omens of
a. (for). Mrw
g^qqr-d qf, 3jr)iryrTr, dW.T'qRT,

q«rcRilH«i. 3Tjq ijirsr, d^.T'qfqftrff-irqr iqw.wffqvr.

1 v. Hearer. qqRrn, qqtqr, %r, «rmqrf. Auspiciously, ado. v. A. 2. HCTfdqW, ffT-fflqr, ^aor-
Auditor?, «. belonging to hearing. ^PP’TPTT, TqaTH rqr, !
HTf'T, qqqr.
a "

^fqH'qqF. Auspiciousness, n. v. A. 1. 3pfdTf- qRqT°Tn 0-

f faft'nrar,
Outer a. passage. qtnfissrn. cr/. «3fpqfrr /. wiqsrrr^qu. wtoim.
Auditory, m. v. Audience. HTqJFfHn. pop. qrqjfe^t/. ^TRT- 2 5pr». n^tf'qMwqrr /•
mfirn- Austere, «. harsh, Sfc. of taste, v. Sour. ^8J pop. ?v0T, *qT5T or

2 y. Lecture-room. qpTHPFqrqt SJTJTr / qrs’SjrHf /. ^JPGRTR- Ptw?, q^f.


lamf. 2 rigid, rigorous, severe, stern. iqTdTT, qqTdRT, qRT3T, ^diRT,

Auger, Augre, n. HIW»»- W=T«. Wf®. / Tfft'q, qr^ir ?fwr, Fqsr, sftsr, q^r.
Aught, pro.? qrtCr, f^Fw. Austerity, n. v. A. 1. 5:#q®rr»i. KR^n. frmtf d#>Un qr-

Augment, n —
in grammar. srrHJTiR. BJTffffe'/.

To Augment, Augmentation. See To Increase, &c. 2 qr^tq'qrm. ?gT*fapn>». qrcRn-

Augur, n. STjpqT or UTf-qpsfrsfFw. STf^TfST, JTSTqw, 3TJH-IP4 r— in Religion, qqn. qq^qf /• fTTW/. frWL°T pop. qqrTL T«. IJ

Hmrn-'rrr arR:r. Austerities and penances. compreh. 'SqpHFfPiWwi. tfqftq or —

To Augur, v. a. presage, betoken, ffm, STUPR, HjqRin-q- qqjflTn.
^5Tb.-&c. qRR g.ofo. HOTn.-Fq^n. aTH°T g.ofo.with Some of the numerous austerities of the Hindus are
in. con. |Ft or rsm^qFr, gnqqrf, <RrRr (&• fr^-qr-u, qqtddt or qqr-
To Augur, v. n. gather or infer from omens , fyc. 3iqr»Tfq<5‘»T frfr or fe, qqr-Tq) qrftqfqajr, fwqr, qryrqw, qj^qR,
HifspT-fr^m. qrsuT-BmRB. qr^r, srfRirte/. wir. qqrfir, wmw, srtt, #Rrp®.
Augural, Augurial, a. SJfqrqr, Wf, 5[Tf f*RT, UtF^RT, 5T- Emaciated by a. qq:|T5r.
j’qwfl-fqqqqr. Power acquired through a. qqigpqwTn. ERR^n.
Auguration, Augury, ti. v.V. N. 'STqRrqHR

HUHRii • - cfqr qR°T Practice of a. qnpqwm. qtre5Wrf»T«i.

B.-arjJTR ^T'Tn. &c. STffqqrn. 5TJ qFpqr/. f- Austral, Austrine, a. v. Southern, qfkqqr, srfearwqT.
2 Sec Omen. Authentic, Autuentical, a. genuine, true, qqrr, HR,
August, a. v. Grand. qqrqrfsqiT, qqrqraTHt, WRWsiS-frf, V- qfqFFqr, 3?H^, HqJTf°T, faqrRRr, qRdt, arrff, gsfqr, apqr, Ht-

srrcrarsft. #S?T, qy, qjrqr.

August, n. rqqf HRIRr uffqTwi. HFR-HrSTTw. A utiienticalness, Authenticity, n. A. RH7°Tr»». HRffr/. 8t-
.Augustness, n v. A. jptpthi. rrHTfro. WWf/. JPHtaRf^r/. H!?qorr«i. Fq#JTq'n nn.
Huirmr/. arrwqr/. srmR».
Aunt, n. father’s sister. 3flcf /. JJR^°T /• $"£ /. 'prtt/. fqHH- To Authenticate, v. a. render authentic. qqtr-HR-H^qftqT-
'Mf /. * nrftq- &c. qr^q-qi^q
qq, uurq qr^H tq.

Sou of husband's paternal a. srrtfPCw. Author, n. first mover beginner, fyc. qrHfin. HHqrqrf JR. «THq »n

2 mother's sister. HR^/.yiqwfiprt/. srFqqrm.Rtqrqqrw. rct»i. Pnjftfrm,

3 wife of paternal uncle. “jMqt /. qrr qft/. f'FJR'RTr f. 2 composer of a booh fyc. qfqqrfHm. HqqTHrm qTHtm. ,

4 wife of maternal uncle, J?Rt/. HRamr/. qppr^t /. Authoress, n. cfqqrrFoqr/. HWff/.

Husband of mat. a, JrrTOrm.. Authoritative, a. having due authority. mrrr°rr^T, HFdT'T, q-
Auricle, n. external ear. qttOTT TRw. qr?<TH Wffl. SfW- ’
Hpqfqfes-pr, 8Trq, arrf
- * 2 imperative, commanding, fyc. qfqsqpqr, 5TfpqT, qrq^llMT,
Auricular, a. relating, fyc. to the ear. qcHRrf, qT'TOTtff, qr4- q%°rr% ^nrqr, ^'FqRHqqr^
nrqr, qrw. Authoritatively, adv. v. A. 1. qqtTCHR ~HXpf?pJr, W'W:.
2 told in the ear. ^ETPTf WrFw^W, qr°?M%E'. 2 q^qqiwfrwR, qqqRR, a. ded
. , - . & 1 ~o . .

A. /. STRrpT^TdT/- 2 profitable, beneficial, v. Advantageous. v?RT-
Authoritativeness, n. v. 1.

anrr^n 5nrar-«FRT, qr^r,

grqpHw. Wi«* 4 in force v. Valid. ^Rrfr.
Availableness, n. v. A. 1. ^q^f^F°TRR. OT^rfFFvTft.

Authority, n. warranted power, v. Rule. sT^tTPOn* ^tTT/- qjrprr /. ^TRlTOrit^w.

fcTP^Rk<- vSTRT m. SRrTm *P<FTn- Avant courier, «. j?

Avant guard, r. vanguard ^Tr^riPft C
FTI«F /•
Full a. Wt^rprr /.
Avarice, n. v. Covetousness. *tT^ raTfj- ^fcY^TJ.
One invested with a. W^TRt.
To be in a. over. f,i/T r-^FR ^^t- «T»f^rPR'wi.

2 grounds for credence, §c. warrant, sanction, support 3TP- Avaricious, a. v. N. and Covetous. ^RTt, £^Wt,
>rncwi. ^r«r«rj«. xnrr«T«- *prarn-

Of little
*jr». jtwfrw. fq«r, ^
Avast, m^erf. JC, JC^TRr, ffft
3 influence,

credit, power, v. Weight. Avaunt, interj. ^CfT, ^^ff, ^fas’cRT, fvf.

^ ^ -
To Revenge. P[fm- - Iq'm.. -qVn

^/. *«•/. ^rrrV- To Avenge, v. a?v.

4 authoritative opinion or saying sTTFT'R’n ^rPWn, 31TITF &c. STpFT, *?£m. m, Hf%qroTn. %or.

f r$f. STpffgrFJr^m. Avengement, Avenging, n v. V oieA — ^ ^TgRr^T-

That has a. — a writing, a writer, &c. ^THT, sTpRFF* JT^ncm.

5 order, cjr. v. Warrant. SR* f. f^RTmrm. |^ai. srftT*R> Avenger, n. v. V. ^rrr-^Wrcr-^c. ^rct*
A. of his people.
Government, SRTHTn. Avenue, n. way of approach, v. Entrance.
6 ruling person or body, v
To Authorize, v. a give authority or right to . 5g^^Rf/*- 3T- Trnfm. wrcpop. ^r^rrm.
2 roGcZ lined with 3T zf-
trees. Jrf’FTf ^pft^r 'C^Poa
^f^w. - 3?fvT^rKm. - *RT J^wi.
&c. 3R«T. To Aver, Averment, See To Affirm.
moA'e lawful . Average, n. mean proportion. ShCIwi. orTOWR^*
2 establish by authority

qrstar/.-fcc. ^.%or^*.o/o.
Averse, a. unpropilious to, turned from. TfS’^RT, TO^3@f,
3 TTOvT, FTfiTf
Authorless, ft, W, 5 .

Autocrasy, n. independent power ^fR^RTCWw* g?3WR?t/. 3T~ 2 reluctant, unwilling, bach ward, hath , SfrqiT %°rTRrr 5Ffr-

^r4WPi€roR. ^rr, TOsf®', F^iFR^r, Rrw, ^r-

Autocrat, n. cm absolute ruler ^^^R^CPsTDw. 3T5T, f^5T-

Avehseness, Aversion, n. v.V. 1. 'TT3'$KcI IITrm. TO^j^sWr/.

Autograph, «. A person's own hand writing , 3FFT3T w .

ft'g’sTfrr/. JTff?r^?3cr«.

2 reluctance, dislike, loathing, §c, ?TVF£f. ST-TTW/- f^^Klw.

?snr «, - 9Rn . - ^Tm. - & c
Automatical, Automatons,

a. km'«//

power of moving f^Rrrw. f’TTOncrm. f^€/. ttg/. ft?cfe/. ^prar/. M/-

itself. ®TTcJT^T55«F, ^R?R§T. <
ftJT^arr/. fwTr/.

To Avert, v. a. turn off or from, PTTir°T, rrsof,

Automaton, n. a self moving machine.
•% & c, ra#, ^{f^rESr, crarm. ?“r, R^rr c T».-^K5Tn.-&c. ^t'5t g*.o^
; Ti

Averted, p. v.V. &c- PrvftfT, ^lfC5T, VI^T, 'RTCT-

Autumn, ». ^K^ orm\f OTSSTT^m. srqftfl*. s
avertkr, n. v.V. 'j^onrr, ^rrnirr.Arc. mivsr,
Autumnal, a. ^r?OT^r, Wjgpr, m^T, STRift,
Avertible, a. v.V. P^raT^r, Pf-
tain#*, ^nr^if^r, q^rr.
Auxiliar, Auxiliary, a. v. Helping. 3T*I%^T, WW- j
m, 'Jftfrf'.

srarnr. Aviary, n. qr^rvr Rj^r^^r^rm. qnsT^r^rwi. q-fewr^r/. f ??r~

Auxiliary, n. v. Helper, ^FRTRc. WKfftw. fTO /•
Greediness, foqrarm. fPT^Wrw. aWfi5Jtow?T«».
To Avail, r. », answer the purpose, be of use* Avidity, n. v.

OT^RT-^T^^tf ^“F, W* W inv. con . qr®S°t, 0RFT t qr^<|JT~ fTO/. pRF#OTrm. fhrf.
^rf & C. fiW.
Avocation, n. calling, employment^ v. sf<5Tm. ^FiT^T**

To a. nothing, ? or quartet wff®T* T5ITm. __

To Avoid, ?ra%
eschew shun. V>Vr, or ^i/aSr,
2 be of use or advantage unto,v. To Advantage. ^T*RT, ST- v. a. ',

#T, STf%, vWm. ?ft. err^vr, prffT enk«r,R»^ ««<* irt&ofo. ir crav,
aHT^n.-aT^r^'Tn. C- ^T'^T^.o/ o.
Avail, n. profit, v. Advantage, q=TvY or syw. qprr^ frn, OT-*

%3Tm. 2 off, escape, $e. ^PtV, Zt& % ftW, f^W*

Available, Availing, p. a. v. V, 1. efficacious, serviceable. Avoidable, a. v.V. 2. ^RTOT- Vf-ffiTT- fiW-?rnir &c< .
; ^

iTRr^r, gwrrsrr, $RfW, srpt, ^fWRqr- Avoidance, Avoiding, v.V.-—act. ^"Tn. *#r».

^-SSPfr, ^(WW. " ’

' V
^rfn, ar%?=T». srC^TKot 11 ' '

— — — ,

2— act. ETSSofri spfiWi. &c Awfulness, n. v.A. TOTOTm. TOPTm. STTRni. or TOR/. ggg-
To Avouch, v. a. assert, aver, v. To Affirm. ^^gTOT-fggg- TORTm. TOTO/. ?TOTO /.
Qr\ G\
& c. grgBr-jgorg. Awhile, adv. Tiff ffl'i?, TOf T TOTOR, TffiTO, aqgs/ 3rj:a;gr.
To Avow, v, a own, declare openly, v. To Acknowledge, st- Awkward, a. clumsy, unskilful, unhandy. ggrg/ 3RRT, STT?-


fflWr, ^FR 5!, a/ggirg, ^RTC®T, aggTTO g^.ggTORg- to, sTRjaqr, grarofr, gvfirr, argsrr, or
to sm. 55rr, Igrsr, fgg, jt-tr, TO^Cr,
Avowal, Avowing, n. v.V. act, ggg srogn. &c. aafsra

3T <r,3T3‘tf.
gfRilTm. The a. and rude, — conipieh. aigiorr^rgiTOu pi. gTOVigRr,
Avowed, p. v-V. sfvTST ^ggr Ac. aigpgg, ggRTT
Avower, n.v.V. aifggfRRRr, gOTRgRr,&c. alglgTTOgr, #- 2— of things, v. Clumsy #TO, grTOVITO or gf^ggrTO, ffr-
^rtott. s-, %rg, qfr^r, g^TORT, fiTO.
To Await, v. a. wait for, look for, abide, expect. gR/. TT?°T- 3 unpleasant, disagreeable, mitoward & c. aT'TIfg, 3T-
ii.qfo'irrifiii.srilm^.D/o. ggryg, gfragg, frog with rst Ac. gfrvr, gTRir^rr
of 0 .
Awkwardly, adv, v.A. 1. ggRTOIRTO, WITOTTf, aRR^RRI,
Awaiting, it. v.V. act. TO qTf^Tn. A c. TOTyRn. ggryr/. grg- aTf5T3^.
ggtyr/. Awkwardness, n. v.A. 1. ggRTTOr or sqgmorrOT. 'ggrgTOrw.
To Awake, v. a. grgr-grijg-Ac. m$&f.-q)s[$rzf. W- atrTOffTOrm. &c.. aRTSTTOr f. ^TTOr f.
ffy.ofo.Krw-T»i- ?rvTHi.-irtT>ii. -ggrggn. &c. grog. 2 #rmrw. Igfgqqrm. toi'r /.
To Awake, v. n. gRr-gpjgTOrgg Ac. tlR,|?nTOg, 3 g^qg^rm. qjrfpTWm-
Awake, a. grgr, WPff RR'-T, fTTR, *Tfgfc?r,»Tftr, faf%,ggFTO,
, Awl, n. gfr /. agg/. ctTOh.
^H^gg-fro. Aw less, a. v. Fearless. fgiPT, R'-ITW.
To be a. gigfg. Awn, n. fq&n. fBn. fHn.
To be a. to. grgg. Awninc, n tor. . v. q'rv, rkr /. gfigrgrw /. Rfg?r»i. Bmrgn.
Awaked, p. v.V. irTRIT TOTR or yR«r, g?rfgsr,ggv, JTRrfkpT. RRTrin. Rgrga.
Awaking, n. v.V.— act. gRTT 3Rgn. P?5IJT*T)». gi-RTn. gigjn. g- To cover with an a. TORR.
W«. ggrgiit. Awry, a. v. Oblique. TO&gr, FgrafTf ,
To Award, v. a. give by judicial determination. RggRPSTO- Axe, n. f^r ?/. fTRm. TOST jmp. TO5T»i- TTOm.*
fW3T gUTO-Pm i*RT-&c. ggfgg, Vf^-^fTfr-fTTrenft- Axilla, n. armpit, qrrer /. WWf.
'fvr^-Ac. Rgrg ggfgg. Axillar, a. sET #Rr, ^FTTOTOTOff.
Award, r. v. Sentence. pRRTm. TORm/. ftgsr«». gRnj, fg- Axiom, n. self-evident truth. TOTyfggigrWn.-^ TOn.-&c. :

opTwi* Axis, Axlf., Axle-tree, n. 3Tr5fm. grgrw. gym. TORT m.mnn.

Written a. FTORVfn. Fgggggfl. r^JHRrm. ^TORTm. g- Grease for a. affTprii.
gggm. Transverse beam of a. Rr^Ttfr /.
Aware, a. vigilant attentive. grgg,
W^NtT, ffgg, pTR. Ay, adv. v. Yes. fr,fFr, g?,TO.
2 apprized, made acquainted. grf?ggR-|5rR'-grg:ggR Ac. Azure, a. sTRJRTOft, sTr^T5R DTf.
srrSro, frPrg, rnggig viw-r, gpr, gfrlggC
A WAV, adv. in absence from. gTg#r, gfry, s?TOry, sRTOVRf.
2 from, on its wayfrom. The sense of this word as used with, B.
a verb is best expressed in Marat'hi by the use of another verb, B. This letter is represented by g, and, when aspirated, by g.
as fr-TOT 5jT°T To go a. ggg TOTO To give a. gRpT fg To To Baa, v. n.—as a sheep. ggfTO, TO n. grgof, fgJR.

throwa. qgrg grg To run a.

To Babble, v. n . —
as a child, v. To Prattle. giTO grBR.
To make a. with, mz /. 5ygg ff-of o. JJT3T efT^hj-. 2 talk idly, v. To Prate, g^g, ggwr, gr^gg, ggggg.
A wav Away with interj. to/ TOrfgg, ggfj\
! 3 tell secrets, v. To Blab. tf|g°T, TOg, gfgRor, grgn-gR-
Awe, n. dread, reverence, v. Fear. ggggrm. Zffm. TOTOTin. TOf- TO»n. - gig/. &c. ggaro g-of s.
Trm. STRiT or gft/. ggggrm. trRTw, TOTTm. v. igr.gRR, grgm. Babble, Babbling, n. v.V. act. gfgg gggn.
TOro. ?gg/. g^r/.o. gg, TOm. 2 ggrg n. &ic ggggr/. gggg /. toto/. tor/, torm. to-
To lose one’s a’."of. gig/. %qg_ggg g.ofo. g|Tm.
To stand in a. of, v. To Fear. fggR%, ggTOT. 3 gtgorn & c gfgrgfgr / yrgcigr /. ggraif /.

To Awe, v. a. gH.m-TOggr.)»-grg.w-TORr.»i- Ac. TOW, giRTm. Babbler, it. Babbling, p. a. v.V. 1. gtgg %3<gRr, gfggr.
TOstto, gggTOrgn. ifto. 2 gggggRr, &c. gggsg t
grgsrr, ggrgggr.
Awe-struck, a. grgr &e. q%rorr, TOR^ST. 3 TO^grcr, grgrsERRr, &c. gger,
^gRR, srg Fgggr gsror,
Awful, a.. that strikes imha. gROTO, TOPTRT,
TOTOTTgr, WT- CRrgrr3grr,gR/.
%vr, ggrorgr, prgtgr, grcr gRRrvr, grgrgggigrgr- Babe, Baby, n. v. Infant. gRfTOn. gfgrgg%gn. gggggj^„.
gr-UKRr, torVtYr. Babel, n. hubbub, v. Uproar, gggg/. gggggff/. ggggrppj- n .

one who indulges in reveling. Back, adv. in return, — of place. HRRt or Rf orX THH, 'RJ'B

Bacchanal, Bacchanalian, n.


PfRR, HR, H5R. ’

„ ^ „
fg-3-qxni. tJRRf, 'fKs-'ll'rf,
qRvRR, qr-
qRT- 2 behind, in the hinder place, & c. HR, qRfHPT,
Bacchanal, Bacchanalian, a pertaining to reveling .

zra-f, qRq5rrH,qr^f, qe'ffc'jHHTHT, qH'Mf-^

RPTrHT, TRrOTHWt, qRiRqfqTR or TT or X, fqRFR, J-
3 again, in return- <R?T f qH'^fT, HRRT
Bacchanals, n drinking feasts, revels. IRiRBTM, qpTOHRHm.
comp, as IJSfr *
q4 pop <j??r,H5R &
STOTT (esp. in
qRHlRqm. qRHIH, &e.),
q^^^HR&o.), q.T (esp. in comp, as
Bachelor, n. unmarried man. qfqqrff H-HHa - e ^^T”
qfrT (incomp, as HTcRR, qfrBffH).
qiftm. r^r,37^r,fTOir
word there is per- 4 with the b. forward. q[S#H or qRRRRr.
For the exact expression of the sense of this qRfqH HH°T, H-
and the II Indus To Back, v. a. mount on the b. of. qRlqH
haps no v, ord in Marat' hi ;
for the Mardt'has
qnrfR, qmtrfHn #<;•«/«•
generally hold celibacy,
ascetics, as unnatural
excepting in the instance of saints and
and abominable. From the same reason 2 aid, support, v. To Help. qR/. gm 9*/°-
significant terms qRlqr arepr g of o. qrRqr hhh, qRqsm.^lH-^HH, q[fRRf/-
however, there are very numerous and very
To the man study- g.ofo. g-qHRqTH qH, STORm.
and phrases of reproach and contumely.
3 put backward, cause to recede. H(H

ing the mind and spirit of the

Mardt’hd people the study of
in their particular aspects HrjR-qrqrqr hh-hrot, ffcq®r-
these terms (which are here collected)
3T -
and allusions, will afford instruction. HRRR,
A ^q-,
in wrestling

throw on the !>. WR-'jfHRTRrf-SRHT

HR, HTHR, H7i%H, HRRR, H^rwR, OT or qr/q (dT^H, ?RTH,

trh or qrfinHr- 5 (a
boat, with an oar). q?C TRm
err, hr qr/rerrfqqR,
H^HTH&c.). „ „
f fqqRqrHRfsqr, ^RBBv^rar, *FHqsqr or jjRHrqr-
or qRTHrH
tth <r*gcr f t^K, hrh’R, R- To Back, V. n. go backwards. HTH
jjWr, srh^;, <nrzr
HRRH-qRHRr &c. qrsPT. „ „
2 out; v. To Draw Back. HRH/

, , . .
for the expression of the sense as
enlarged as including
idea of lack of spouse and seed, the ideas qq.
together with the v. To Asperse.^ qRT-

To Back-bite, v. a. slander one absent,

uncomfortable/) ess, disconnec-
of homelessness, unsettledness , qr/q-Rq-RHqy ofo. fairh/.-
tedness and disregardedness, some terms and phrases are, HH- hr q?rfr /.-thr/-^ «•
iavv g.ofo.
htt% fqRR qnr* RFEr qH4mrR«. - qdamR m- qrcq g.ofo.
^rsTT Hifq. ipqsjf .

f^r, Back-biter, n. Back-bitinc, p. a. v. V. qRRR qfRT HRqr-

^qn srprt
trzrr R? h?RR nfafcr fltar
Ac. qrRjHqirr, qfRstrc, qfRjff h, h^i^prth, t-
btiMt prs ifr. _
VH/Rn. dsfR^qr, qframr?R, ^srq.
Bachelorship, «.
'HfRr/. ^THR/.
Back-bitinc, n. v.V.-act.
q/rarqqRm- qfl#5pr». rq'r/

Back, «. qR f fSn. PSHRm.
Back-bone, n.^RTm- WCT«>. «i«r«‘
— in contempt, &c. ’Tf&'R or TROT or
HF?(H m.
Behind the b. of. mmm, mm, mm, Fore end of the b. of beasts.

or q^H^Rn- HTHR^Rb- HRRTRti. Ht-

Back-door, n.
TOT** „
JWaZf. HfT8?t/ xxrxn. fwstrj-
Carbuncle on theb. SCTRTHt /. HR-
Back-ground, n.— fig. state of neglect or loss of notice.
Hump on the b. qRRn. TIRm q'RTn-
or HRCT ?R/. HRHR/.
Having the b. towards. qRHRr or H,?rr, HRHRr
To throw into the b. qqn.-Hqi l/.W H R, HR-
with or
qrregnr „

or PRSRW or TR^SKT. i
Rre-HRHqre crarq.
On. the b. of, pick back. qRftS(
Back-hide, n. posteriors. HR/-
To be on one’s
qjar ssrafSror
b. be helpless

«req, hhIh
from sickness,jfc.
RfiRlfl? or
2 kinder side, v. Back.
#1/ HR3-HR«.
qR/. ^ fW«». IBW*. tW>
W, HR/. WT

$**/• To Back-slide, v. n. fall off from a religions course

To break one’s b. HR/- HRRm.-HR'H- HRq. #
f^qqq qffH-R6T-&c. #fq,
Back-slider, n. Back-sliding, p. a. v.V. [RRqrH,&c.€=RR-
To turn one’s b. on. qR/- t“T, TR/ ^“T, PR/ < »R«H 0T, c

fUTHt, H'HPRJ^, RE, tfiTH.

arHPcr-iRHrH'ru Cr- ^ HRfHHrm.
Back-stairs, n. qRfiTHrfli.

PfcSTft/* fTRRRT or
2 hinder part— goner. T R/. fqR3|3Tm. *
jOTlm. fWRw. Back-sword, n. trqi'HRldC'i'R / „
qRTOr or qRRrm. mm. J8R5T™. ___ .

Back-vard, n. TCH or TRHn. qrfjn. q#n. HRR HHq». 1RI-

'At the b. of. lit.

fig. 1R>TC,
ffRlH^^lf, HR/HR, fEH:. )

qqn- • *
From tbe b. of. qRtHRH, HURT, qRH, ftR^T^TRTH- ;*

&c H-
n. v.V. A. 2. qRtqRT, qRHRRCT,
To append or add to the b. of. |HrRPR vTR. i

or or qrftR, %3Tm. fP\f-

3H^qr, qsRT or qf?HT or qf^R qTRHr
crrfH^-5HI5ffR C'- ; l
l«IfRR'- &c -
To be at the b. of.
qrlRR, tm.
- 3 -


2.— act. &c 4134T(4lm. String to draw the mouth of a b. 3n3?TTrm. sp^fxTTR!- tf°T-
Backing, n. v.V. A. qpyt^F#. 413 (J(3°r«- -

3^'71- frCTm- OT»n-

(JIT/. Jt3431 or cFfT m. lUErPIT^t/. ^T
Two-mouthed b. wmai.;’. T?3T1/ t

2 (for holding money), v. Purse. Fmfl / 3Tgr«).
v.V. N. 1 .-act. UPTfroin. tn'JT^n
2 ^Tn. 3333 mn. Ac fFq'nt/. ?3rvrm.
T5Vr i5T- Money, Ac b.of shroffs and goldsmiths, tcztz^n. 41441 m. qr-
Backward, adv. towards ones lack
qpJtfrRT, (TPT,

33r /. qratn.

2 with the b. forward. 41341C1, 413era

n, 4lfl%Q(:45:3, 41313, 3 (of animals). 5T5T or sfirgm.

To Bag, v. a. fig. pocket, appropriate, $/ r. FpstIH - TTTO"ftff

3 553, 3331, 335JT3, ^‘TTXr^r, irts-ot, ^rsor-jrOT, rtst Jfm tjr^f-vfiJTq-.
3 from the wrong end.
f4%4. To Bag, v. n. swell like a bag, belly, swag, fi 7 #, #rarm.-#T-
a?4Trm. 5^, viTT3°T.
B. and forward. 333P3331, 353141*31, 3ffi43g4rC3, 3<RT31-
2 about, hang or sit loosely. qargaST, or srf adv. sfamr- .

Fr^rprr, 4r#r(4nr.

Backward, a. unwilling, v. Averse. (TigRWPJW^l, feg^T,

Bag-pipe, n. or
f4H3431, f%TT5T-

Dilatory. few, 3P3, W, Wl, *T*?T, X3.


Baggage, n. (of au army) <Rl4i Ci3>r?Twi.

r ;
yWm. ff-
2 v. F33T,

3 not proficient. qfVff, JTR*rt?3T, unravel, I# 43?raT. ffjefijn. TOrrWJTn. 45

late in season, not early. JTRffH f'Ri'Trn. 2 (of an individual). tfRRn- ^RffTOURR.^^rm. HZVn. ?ffr-
4 3Tfir?f,

Z t^ZiZn. '(41444343 /• 4[3f4?iTr3 or 5"/. 4V4'TTffn. 433« or 43-

Backwardness, v. A. 1. fajJsBTt /• j • fXiffff/.

2 Fa-ffTOm. fail /. wqtqiw. wrc/. WF/-_ (fSfn,^44C or 334®n. 3lt4CR. BrV§C/.

Bacon, To save one’s b. sT^THl^r /• OT, 41(T3n. 4’414'’T _ Bag and b. v. Bag. 4T3f43Ff/.
wis-Sq. 3 worthless woman. 4R(?n. 4RK3R. 4T#«. 4IW«. 444fT^n.

Bad, a. ill, evil,- gener. 4TS4, (sTCH, 3l4iKl, 'ISRT, 4

Bagger, «. Bagging, p. a. v. V. N. »TFT2>, qsctJ^liT, 3WST,
ff?H3, Want, (sP313.
#f5TC or f(?rrT, or 3q?Jr.
—freely or compreh. 4ir4Hl?4, 4TSTpl3J4, 41434P&31, 4153:41-
qrerr. Bagnio, Bath-room.
n. v. fHT^f?3T ;Trwi.
sn, (3333, (fP.Hirr, ^rerarrjsRrr,
Badish. 4f?34Fll or wl. 2 v. Brothel, lur^n. 4ti4|tillv)| /.

Bail, n. the security given. oflfiRl/. 'sU'fiPPfit/*

To malce b. worse. QUAINT 31431 >n. 'KT®T ,
(I^THT (TPffT /- ®T1-

4^43 ^"T- To give leg b. JTW or §UT"T.

af5r, fra|T grr
2 vicious, sinful, v. Wicked, 32, qpTf, #40-, 3fiB3;, fSjfa, 2 —the person. 3Tr^l3c. 3fr#[34T4,

as <r3r4TCT, <333, Ac.), (in comp, as B. for appearance. ^TifffVSiTJRl?.

5 ?5fF=r, 33 (in comp, f
B. for good conduct. ^PJsrpfPr, J4r4T5Tf(lR', f4Vref3TfW3.
W*, fS*\ &c ->-
B. for pecuniary liability. (flvS'SfRt'T.
3 v. Unwholesome. 32, 5TKC-
4P441, 4T431, «rr|iT4nV4r,
Bad-hearted, a. 3#34, 32C34, 3E3R(4,^3:4eC<4. To Bail, v, a. free on bail. srwH m .
STP?! *1 'Xt /•
- 3fTf(T3 /.
1 Sfr-

Badge, n. -mark of distinction Fq^fR. <43 /. f3?Tf DTl/. SJ^PlR.

aTn. 2 stand bail for. wfr^PT fUT 5IT#t34it/-- 5rrfiT4t/- ; t&b
’fqff3 or Prer3n. 4TV V3»»- ,

To Tease. 3133% Bailiff, n. subordinate officer. 4n4T«i. (his office, 444iT/-)-

To Badger, v. a. persecute worry,, fyc. v.

Ac. g.ojo.^ To Bait, v. a. (a hook, Ac.). fft/.- 3r 0 m.-a1 rfjT fn.-&c. 3T#,
?fa% 3l3% 5 TR^5 /. -ff^rtf!?/.- STtfwi.

sTrf(Tff4ffi-3Trfiwf4f3irsr-&c. ^rc5!-
dFl-fiUT^f 413)71. if®} g.ofo. Titter 5rnBT-qT33Ttr»i- qfC°T g.of o.
upon the road. 'TrCM or -
Badly, adv. v. A. 1. 4133, (4314, 4T#3 3l3t3, 31434- 2 give refreshment, fyc.

badness, n. v. a. i. 4i?34°rim. or3iqq nriJ». 3i443q°rim. &e. ^t4raF43r». m 4UT X3T3 3B4M 4TUT.
ifr3^, «a«T, 3131313/.
3 worry, harass, v. To Tease,

tmn. qrFqsgr/. ^figg.ofo.

2 ^gq»rrw.
Bait, «. (for a hook, Ac.). |3t /. 3 Rlwi. »Tlf*T®rn.
3 ^errt /. qrqtT’irw. 4134131/.
2 lure, enticement. 3Tlf(WR* VT3 /• *43I3r<431i<i. ff^lFRTR^
To Baffle, v. a. foil, v. To Defeat. 33qfc4°T, #3%, 33=34% ,

To holdout some b. WM4i3n. 3143 31^T(T/^4 BT'°T, 3T- ;

s^-^g-f^s'-Ac. 313 %
ff3/.-(413m.-(4ltn.-Tp:ti4(:n.-X4r3/. 31^43-33.

To Bake, *#T».-&c. ffiC5! g- ofo.
Bag, n. sack, fyc. ^3Tm. dim. /• 355T)r. dim. &$! f 4r3n. v. a. 313F1,

B.-to bold paper and traps. Jr4rSn. fJKFl or 4preT3R. 2 — in chemistry, &c. (by fire). *lftf43n. (by the

sun), <3444 or (34f4tT°TT4n. (in a pit), (J344 or Zn.

B. with pockets or divisions. /. 434T»J. dim. 4341/. 4T-

• *
7frm. trtqrrwH -

Bag and baggage. 4T3{^ffr or ft'OTcT /• qT3cr3?aiR. Baked, p. v.V. 1. irr5r^,Jir#r;


ttf&n. jj^raraprrssR*

Baker, n. v.V. t?T«miTr, (T3P43TW. <

^ :

person who makes and sells bread.


Four mouthed b. irssnrrm. / J I 4T4t413T«i. 'li ' '!

/ / ,

Baker-legged, a. ^sT* To Balk, a. disappoint, deceive zjrmf. TOR, TOTfTOw*
Baking, n. v. V. L —act. TOFfR* TOR. TOR o. TO#, TO#, TOR, TOi/i.-tfTO. TO, TOTR

Baking-plate, n. iron or earthen, RTO* earthen, RFlrn. — tor, fto- Txxm- wrj- 4 r# c.

Balance, n. pair of scales. rTRTir/ RRfsT/. TOT/. large, — Ball, n. —goner 7f;&m.pop. dim. Rt %vT^ m.
%[Xm RRm.— small, esp. of jewellers, &c XFXf m TORTm. fqr- TOfm. dim Rifrf. RTfm.
csr r/. 2 — to play with i#ni. RTOm.
B. haying a tongue. TOT m., :
Object placed to be thrown down by a b. RRfTT /.
Beam of a b. X\f\ /. 3 (of medicines), jof//, R#r/. TO/. RlTOT^qp. TO^T./

Dish of a b. qr#n. ! RTOr/. Rfror

False b. TO Sp ft/.
4 (of the eye). JTOn. RRRfRwj. RRTORm.
Fraudulent turn of a b. in weighing, TORm. v. X.
5 (of thread, <le.). 3j^T/. RSfif/ R^n. RTOT/. or ar«. R^f-
Inclination of an unequal b. TORni. #/.ora:n.
Inequality (untruencss) of ah. RSni. i 6 entertainment of dancing. R[Rni, UrRTOm. TORRrRRm.
Strings of a b, fxfxn. RTOTRa- fSTTTn. RcT/i.
Tongue of a b. XFXFnu Ball-firing, Ball-practice, «. RfHtqrRn.
2 (of an account) f^TOTOf f. xmmx\f TOXf TOfTOn*
Ball-room, n. =j?TOfRf/. TORf^Rn. RFR^RT 'RfBn.
B. brought forward. c>?rTO/- ^TiTOR^F /. Ballad, n. trifling song, v. Song. TORI/- arq*ft/. RTTOtRn.

B. (for or against) on a tradesman’s books. ^RrRRnft/. Ballad-singer, n. TORITOc. TORTTr^fau

B. sheet. fTOTOTm. Ballast, «. (for a ship. Arc.). fRc?tR or fRRiRn.m.

Chain of balances. HrTORF *R#/. ;

Balloon, n. vehicle which proceeds through the mr 'Rf^T^fRTR ,

Dead balances. Us given up as not forthcoming. TO?tTO~ «* ?

TOr5TTTOn* SRRRfRn. f^RRa.

/. Ballot, w. ZioZ/ or (in voting). RRr^RfTRTORfe^TF /.

Outstanding b. /.
To leave a b. creaT-TOffr TO5!. 2 iy /«!/&)>. v. y. jjf^rsirr or ^rtrrRT p^nftr
To leave no b. HTOf/.-^TO/. 5fiX«rg-.o/o. =^fft TOB/. ^“Tn.
TO. To Ballot, v. n. vote by ballot or ticket. irfsrgrrfKT or
To settle or discharge a b, mxtf <T5f TOR, TOT/. RTOR, or Nfs-prr ?5T-^5r.

Rraft/. toto tor* —

Balmy, a of slumbers. JTi'3\ H^T^r,

To Balance, r. a. counterpoise, fyc. v. To Weigh. TOR, q*~ 2 v. Fragrant, rrr.

TO, TORT/ TOR, RRRiB' TOR -TOR* Balneary, n. v. Bath-room. TORTOp. RRRrRPCn.
2 (an account). TOR- TO#, TOTOT or TOt Balneatory, Balneal, a. TORTRRT, ^RTRIR^TOF.
TOR, RTORm. TOR-TrfR. Balsam, See Ointment.
Balcony, «. TORTm. Balsam ic, a. soothing softening.
Bald, a. wanting hair. TOTO, TOJT, TOftR, X^XkX, RfvT- RTOf^^.

RTOT, TOTRT, TOR, TOR#. Balustkr, n. far^r/- BTraTw. J-

A b. spot. ZX&n. BTr3T/.
2 naked, unadorned, tyc, v. Bare. %TOf, HRI) $RT, #RT, Bamjstkralk, n. row of balusters, qrs'grm. ^f3T3T«». SS'3TO or
&r- STwi. ^afSFrn.
Baldness, n, v. A. 1. £$?*n. R#n. RFTO«. §T3Tf TTOu. %$pcr- Bamboo, a. belonging to or made of bamboo. *rppT, ^sr^T or
ft?Rn. nss^rr, tssfr, iw,
2 ffTOTRrm. HRTOTm. Rrm. &c. |% Bamboo, n. — the plant, mfm. 4wm. ^B?cfTm. .
Baldpate, n. rTOI^rt /. Some of the kinds or varieties are, 5fTS^T or mztnK
Baldpated, a. SiTORWf, RTO, , 55 , or #3T, fwfr, iCRfw, f^rre, zwr, 3^irr,
Bale, n. v. Bundle. RgTm. Wfm; f#u TOTm. TOfni. dim. fif- ^mror JTmirrcr, nmr or ^rr, bb.
ttorftrftf. ! B. shoot or sprout,
Strap of a b. TORt/ Clump or cluster of bamboos. JpoE^T/.

Wrapper of a b. TOTOn. TORn. Manna of the b. srsfPffta/. pop. rf^^C or 4lT or tEfer or

To Bale, TO# or RTOR,

v. ct. lade out water, Sfc. #TO, TOR ^siTmr/. ^wr/.
W.-TOTR) or or TOTOn. TORR* of 0 . Seeding of a b, ^{Em.pL %55«».
Baleful, a. evil, v. Calamitous, Rfp:, TOTO1TO, TOR- —
2 a stick; single cam. t?ar«L sfRTw.
TOR*, fiTOTO* or TOot. ^rpfn.
Bakiwo, Vi—*aafi TO#»* &c. TORFm, TO#F/*- toOTpJ B.-baske‘t or vessel. fsSBPfn.
op" '

{; B.-basket or sieve (for washing rice, vegetables, &o.)*

Balk, n. unploughed. w#n. RRar/. JB#«croaL 3 BT/. >
* ''<»*.* *.*>*<*

n ,
, ' . ,

B.-fiute or pipe.
To b blows, f RPTTsfl^T or i qRTO - fRrfqtR - f RqTTO~ !T-
Frame woik of light slips of b JTrsf/. cff^rfter-&c. TO.
Outer strip from a b qrra’ark/. <T!3%£n To b. sharp speeches, v. To Vi bangle TO^TTO, TOTO -
Piece or bit of a b. straps or mfcjjZn. TOTO or ^Zn.
Pin or spike of b — to take leaves, &c« together. ^\or w«p/. , Bandy-leg, n. %3r5T 7ffm.
ferTO/. fWiRn. Bandy-legged, o. TOW, TOTO qRfW, TOTOR, TOd'WTO
S having or thin slice of a b (for basket-work &c.) flar ortfZZn. Bane, n. Lt.y?o^o?i, fig, of evil or ruin fro?. Pwn. hTRV
Strip or slip of a b «fiH f. WfRn mytj. rTOft. wwnL Rtoto?? wrjfli w?«
farm Baneful, a poisonous, pernicious fwffl, fWfTf -T TTr r r
^7 , ,
lo Bamboozle, v. a cozen, guilt v To Deceive.
w£TTO, TO- tor:^, tor, ^rrqr, =rw^.
WTOTO TOW, ^\?f *TRft TOR, TOTO * STOTO, TO???. To Bang, v.a beat violently and soundmglyl w To Bea'i t~
?z. ,
proclamation or edict of proscription, interdiction . , <§r. 2 strike against forcibly *WTO, TOTO, "TOTO,
TOTORTTO RW». TOWRnlR}?? RTWSTBDft. Bang, n v. Blow. TOW m TOWTR? TOWm. TOWin.
2 Curse, WITO. Bang, go7 'to-to-TO- ^ c.

Banana, «. — the tiee, mum sapient uni v. Plantain. *rw Banging, a. See Large.
3FSW/ #TO5J or #TO/. *
Bangle, k«/?w bracelet, See Bracelet.
2— thefiuit. #RTOn. Banian, n merchant zffvffm, qfoj^ <rt .

Banjo, n. binding, bandage . qff/. WTO. btT- — in contempt, & c. ^ijzmn. TOTOwft TOTOftift.
asTm. TORI or wrft/. To Banish,
2 encompassing binder, a hoop,
«?. e/. expatriate, exile. TO or TOW qR^TO, TO-
fya ^ffzfm. Zff&r m.rf&n.zfrzm. ^^LTOqrTW- TOf-r &c. qrw, TOarCTOfTOR-RTOR &c.
S means of union, v. Connection, ?RTw toRPTOh. 5BTTO. ^7TO, 'V^ll'TOFB'- &c. WTO*T TOjl^wf^WR^L-RWf^T*-
WTOh— TOffl'WRm.-l WqFfWraT/. WTOTO^T^f TO.)
4 company, troop, body, multitude assembled
, or sft/. Banished, jo. v. V. TOTR IrTO, &c. TORWTO,
^ Tfm. 5
TOja. cTferm. WTO. cfeVw. TO/. to!/. TOW, TOW TOWT Dr q,RW, TO^TOR, TOR#TO,
^ 3P’ W *
*Nm %ssrm. TOTO TO or TOw. TO
TOT/. TO or %ffy)A qjrSTjT. TOTO Banishment, w. v.\ . — ao/. ^STTR WCRn. <S: c.
5 (of insurgents or robbers). Top to?i. j[z or WTO. T[£[ip. ^

TOTOWTOt. fcrzft&zfn.— state. TO^IW^T/. TOC^ffd'/. TO™

6 (of dancing girls, -musiciansj &e.) »t. WTO. TOl*/. to« 2.
7 (of music). TORWRTm. WTOFTO %Wm. Banister, Sec Baluster.
Flourish or closing beat upon a b. WRnR

fj WW Bank,?? (of a river, fee.). or qj/. fftr,? TOn. dWWw TO

8 (of knaves, libertines, idlers, &:c. gener.) The word here has ‘
the power of pack, crew, gang, knot,
fye. and is answered by ETithcr and further banks. qpQTOm.
•rnfs wwfi/. wlwr/. wto. totto.
tocrt jmpi.
Other or further banks. Wff«. Wn, TO<T3T /\ TOTO/’.
rtotcd?. d tor n?.
lo Band, v. n. 'unde together> To Combine
v. TfW, TfTO $f- On both banks, cppfj*

3 TOTO/. WTO. 2 high or steep bank

v?TO/* TO^/. TO ft?. TO^/.

Band-room,??. TORTOWim VfTOWW/ WWWW f* S mound, mofejv. Dam. TOm. dim.

Bandage, w. binding, v. Band. wf)/. (largo, tdRfm.
Ww. tfhjzj n. TOTOftt. TTOWft?.
Bandalour, TOT^T* WWR or TOTO 71 .
rLittlo b. to stop water.' ?fR/. TO/.
IJa ndicote, n, \mm rnalabaricus. to/. 4
Bandit, ft. v. Outlaw.
shallow, ^iat, v. Shoal. iTRn. WW /. WTO*
TOfTOFTO. ffTR- 5 (for money) W#r/TOW/. S^cjff/.
totto. To Bank, r. ion/imr unlh Imnks. qpfa/
2 v. Robber. WTOTOw. TOqfTOftR WTO.
TOTO Banker, ft. WTORw. WT/ft. fTOFWw. qfrvrw.,?.
Banditti, n.\(mdy of bandits l\
to??, tortNt
" srtto to *
Bankers and Banking. — compreh WTOVWTT . tn
' 1

Fraternity oi body (in a town, &e.) of banktu's.
’Depredations and ravages of 1
b, TORT?;?. ??, ^RRft. Sitting carpet of a b. WTWW^fl
wffif. ,

WvTOft. %TOH/ %TOrf?T/. qVif/. Banking, a. flRSTRt, WTOKfff

gWft. Rrerq-n. Banking,
, . .
?l bankers business
Bandrol, n. kireltmwi ^o^qrjrmf pop, * , WVWVt/.' ""Bf'TWVW /* BWW-
f. WftR gfrw wrqr^fti.
Ih Bandy Jbmtto andfro;’ lit, fig, ^B'ar i^TTO B. upon a poor or petty scale
Wffiftf. TOTTOwf-

TOTO mk f tiTO, tWffl/.,

# /l-?TOTOTO?/. ^TTO $** 0/ o, &R? Bankrupt, a. fsrwS’ PTOfTOr, ^R, 3TWW Tto TOITO,
TOr/. ¥TO.
W. %
59 BAR
Bankrupt, n. n» insolvent. iTitV-qf, ITsRfTOqT, Jq^TOfT.. -
2 inhuman, /c. v. Cruel, Fwqq, WilH,

Division of the money of a b. qirfraTsT/. ‘

8— of speech fwzr or f^Tr, qrq5r, s?T5i5TRT, ^qqqrwrqr,

To become b. PfTfSft. HTOTg oj s. TRT, #f, ^SfOTg-- of s. i wrasqqqr, wqqmTOFqf'TOJ, qrqqfr, q?R3T, siq^qqrwIqRje, TOnr,
qraw g. of s. ^\g-. ojs jtt# qri wg oft. j
inf, ^rermt.
Bankruptcy, n. RTSTCt/. fqqRii prqrsrn. TITTSTOI/. [ 4—of the speaker, film or fir?r, TR3T, qPfff, q^ffTl
To declare b. fqq#n. Wf5 tfTOTO fe^TTm.
!, TO#, ¥raT J pi. vC i
Barbarism, u micirdizcdness, See Barbarit y.
^TsrSr, qjfTO f pi. qRTO ¥#. !
2 a b. a solecism, S>c. wq^rsq'm. e|qq%Jr«t Wq^TFlTOw. TOT-
Banner, n. (of a cliieftain) v. Frag. ST3 "
Br3T»/.. qqiTOy. 5=fTii

cfTrf ill * l
Barcaiiity 5 B vuRaViiOirsNEftb, n* v. A, i ^R^PT^rm. ^Ril-
Banquet, To Banquet, See Feast, &c j
q<qr-«. &c. FaJiiTTrfr^q/. 'WRT^qqr /. siTO’TKTr/. WTO^r/.
Banqueting-iiouse, n sTlTO^TOWisTn. STOqTOTT/t TOTOiTO- fqTOTOcfRqr/. fq^iTOqqrfrfqit.
TO/. tWTOTTOn. 2 TOcqr /• 5fcTT«. fqqqqr/. fqqqqqTm qqmfe?qn. .

To Banter, v. a. rally, play upon, v. To Hi dicure. WJor Z- . 3 sTrrtqiqrm. qTwfrq°rr«i. wq^qr /. wqqqrifqfeisrn. =q^-

jr f.-^tl/.# sr -V c qrAr g\ °J o. stork. w5nfiT3T'Krn.

Banter, Bantering, n. v.V . — «<;/. Tfr diTOTn. if?r or z?jf. g- Barbarously, «</r. v A 2
wrrcl/. %st /. totitow. qfTOTTOm RTr-rw. s firr^r tqr%, LTrr?q(m, wq^rwriq;'.
Bantling, m iwf, v. Child, qiTTa. TOTTn Barbed, a jagged with hooks or points. aTiqrSdK ,
Baptism, n The word qniTOT from the Greek is commonly used. 1
2- an ai row OTITO, TO°tf saTOTO W-TrTO. , ,

The word may bo rendered by gwfqqTOWTOqTOfgn. WWRqsiT- !

Barber, n. or q[?qrw. wrlqq»n fuRm. qrft'¥m. I^TOTOIFTO
sf^riTssr^n. ,
pop. fqqr€t#ni.
Baptismal, a. v. N. qritiTOTOrr, pr fag- ,
— in contempt,
3- &rc. frrTOui.
tot, trjfofsrofqr ^TOg^mwir or :
Business of a h. f- Wlfuqif.
To Baptize, v. a. v. N. q/TfrfWTM. TO#-;#, g4R#r»RWITOiT .Shop of a b. qrOqrqrrrw. qrfqqsTrTO/.

to#, w^^trorrr t«r#ifge Trot, uTspram' *rtfcrsqis?r sp#./! Strap of a b. qrFRn

Bab, n. piece of wood fyc. laid across, ipTm. atf#/. aiSTOm. ;
Terms of courtesy prefixed to the name of a b. WftTO or WfC-

arimw. TOT# or TOfl-fr /• WT hi. TO /. TOit/. TOfTO or oft/ PPTT or WfrTOr or TORI' or WRt.
Pinning' with a b. one’s arms mid logs. :
Vessel of a b. (holding wha v ing- water qtqfTl f. "

2 (of a door). TOTO»'. TOTTO/. pop. *li(3T or »T TpZf.m. 3TI7- Baud, n 'poet and singe,i, v. Poet. Vftzm, qqlw. qfqWTnl- Wf-
JR/. TOsTfe#/. JfRj. Tom. TOlTOrwi.
TOKTift. tot hi. sgRrqisqrw. tocw »«.
S obstacle, let, v. IlmimiANCE. to/. to#/- TO?/. aj £¥/. Baius, a. uncovered, v. Naked. wrTOT, <TO?r, mTagr or TOT,

TOTO#/ TOWTOnl. 31-fTO, qiTOtw/sRtfT, WRsrTqriqq-epr-’STTO-ikc.

4 (of a harbour). TOST m. -a tree or plant ITOrdl, TO^TT^tT, fqR°f, fTOI^T, ITOJtranqr.
5 preventative, exception, v. Objection. qpqm. TO /. Trier

3 plain, unadorned, bald. jjTT or JTST, TOTT, RTTf, sfrTOT,

wwr, 3tto pop. TOir, wq¥r,^R¥iq ^,^wts',5:'T¥ri;rTr- f

6 (of metal). TOT?/. TOT/. ^r, war, »!^rq, wqrorffq-f r-r - & e, o

35. of iron set round with rings. jftrjqqflarfM. SqiCTOra'#'/. ! 4 mere, v Simple. TOdf orTO.qr, fWW,%W or ZS, J T5T.

B. of iron, —
punch rocks, &e. qTT# or tf f. q?(l~f.t
to f> S«i Bareheaded.
7 (of a window, railing, &c.). TOT m. JjXffff. TO? /• TOrdTw. !
To Bare, ». a. make, bare or naked, qiTOfiRW, WTTOT-qfT^r-
\ 8 (of a capstan). s-fS’ft.
g-gsr- qTO - wqr- & c. «T.

To Bab, v. a. close and secure with a bur. TOTOwi.-TOfSS / - Baker a ok, ode. without saddle., sq.qpqf, W¥Strrqr%T.
WTO//, m. - TO3TO?/ - TO?# m. - & e, To ride (upon a horse, A. c.)b.

qi 55#- TOtM TOT# or ur- TOETpqr qW°F.

TO~&c. q# TOTO Bareuoned, a. v. Lean. ?RTO?, m&, ?T3W-
2 oppose, obstmrcS, x.To Hinder. TOTO#, TOf#, TOCi*?#, Bareboneh, n.dean ptersonl 5PC;qTITOc. WCTwYTm. 3T¥q.qrerwi.

gi tot-to#, ^\z /.-to /. qrR°T, sir w qrRkrfqqra)-
n. (of an arrow. &c.), qjjjrrw. or ^OTP^NTbi. Barefaced, a. )mt/t- the face hare. qi'TfTO, fTOTJOTSlTTO,
srnfRrw. arwffqTOa’, iqfqfqqTOC. 3Tqrs?5Fferf?r.
2 (of grain, grasses, & e.). Well /. or ^Tm Shameless^ fq(755f, !=iTO W, f-T^fTO, ,
Barbarian, n. savage. rTRTt-CRqT- &c. JTPJETc. ^W- mWlT.
TOsqc. j^xsfe. q^q^c. qqqw. a^rqrwrq/. Barefacedly, adv. V.A. 2. and Openly. 3rqqqtqm^,fqTO5ft-
2 fitj. cruel person . WTO C5WRT UR^nt. W«. qw». IfPCtn. q'qfd

53wr®iT^, Tg^wrAqR, ^rgqi%. .
wtwm. nrrftqrm. Barefoot, Barefooted, a. WTOT#, W nfTO(qRi'qT, qffqRKffir

Barbarian, Barbarous, a. ^belonging to barbarian#, uncivilig- -5TTO-&C.

‘edj tamgej *pr£t, qTfrqr, sfir^V, qw^^qwl, arewr, Barefoot, adv. amrqft or sTTOqrqPTR, ^ipsrrqRi^Y, WHWfqr*n ,$

sirarfeq, arrqiTspT^CTqnW^Pr,
— . — — , m -

Bareheaded, a. or qq, qq^qi 5T?qT, qijfsH/tqr, fsrcrtgiq- 8 — of frees. ^ferr.
qf?q-ftq-&c. ftrc^nqdcff-ftq-dic. Rather or somewhat b
Barely, adv. v.A. 1. merely, simply, y. Only. TitF, qrq, qf- 4 — of soil or country, unproductive . -TfiWf, JT-
q?r or ss f^r^foS.
t fer*r, fqqqq, qqq or irrq, qrqft, nqr*ftq, car, qrqntrarq,
Bareness, ji. v.A. 1. qrJTqqqrm. jqSqqrm. fiqqrqqrw. &c. qrqq, qqFm, sfqq^qr?/.
qffS^qqrftqrn. qqrqqqr/. 5 scanty, not copious, v. Emfty. qflTf, ¥W, qqr, (jqqr.
2 fqqT%qr»i. fqqqqn. fqqqqf/. Barrenness, n. y.A. 1. qrnqqrm. f-qjqn. ST’ffqtqn sTIiH'qr/.
3 jqqqrin. fqqiqqrnt. 3?Rrq DTfm. Ac. iTTOrritfqr. Barricade, Barricado, n. hasty fortification of trees, earth,
Bargain, n. contract, compact, v Agreement, fist/, q'sr /. fyc. /. qqqtqin. fqrm. areq/n. qrqrq|rqqn: qqr/. qrq- ;

Ifc f. qRKm. qfqrqqrrqqr/

Into the b. qq;, ftrqr#, qqfsqrcr, ^TfSTW. To Barricade, v. a fqffiq qlflt /. qT%.
To .strike a b. Slat/. frqq-tq, ?rqRTCrq?n. !qqq-qq- Barrier, n. See Barricade. 2 bar, stop, obstruction, v. IIin-
I'm. derance. arqqrlt/. air/ -qrqr/. arq^qn apfrqqm gfq-
To Bargain, n make contract or agreement for. fglq,
qqr/.-qrqm. qrcq-sqqq, frst /. qrqq-qqqq, q®r/. qrtq-qr- 3 boundary, v. Bound, fc /. HqfC f.
qq-TRq. 4 town, fort, on the confines,
fyc fliqT-q'qqfr?Wr-
2 chaffer in settling a price. qrarqrq/-qrerqiq/.~qraqrq/.- qfq m.-fq, stbi.- & c
qrqqiq/.-qrqratq/. &c . qrqq. To Barter, v. a. qqarqqs’ /.- /. qrqq g.
Barge, n. boat for pleasure,' -v Vessel. qqqtq/. qtWRrqrr/.
qr% g- of o. %"5gfq tw-qq.
ofo. ifrtn.
Bark, n. (of plants). Ffiq /. qqqqrfi. qp#n. qqn. ?qqr /. To Barter, v. n. qrmqqm qqqraqqq»».-qqrqqq*n A c. qq-

Inner qqqqrq/.
qq^ftrsrerq fqvRTm. qq, qr^q, qrqrqqvqrqr
2 cry of the dog. #qr /. Irqrqt /. Wm. 2—
rnqfrqm. qt/q, wqqfqqiqqr rnriR-m. qtqq, Tqfqqq m. q‘<q.
To Bark, v. a. (trees or plants), ers /. qqlq, tmq or ?qsq, 3—
Barter, n. 5nT5qrn. Bfists' /. qrqqiqrqmwi. %T-
qrerq, fsreq. 1

qiqrqqqrqmrqf rnm. fCqqqjn. qirqrqf!.

To Bark, v. n . — a dog. qq(q, qrqq, qqrqm. qrqq. Base, a. mean, vile; of things, v. Worthless fqqq, qiq (
Barking, n. v.V. N. act. iqqrq«. irqrqn. qfqrqt/. ?qr, <rr, %q, qfr, qq, fqqq, qqrq, fqqqiTr.
Barley, n. qq pop. offm. mwm. qqni.
2 disreputable, dishonorable, — of persons, v. Vile, fvtqq,
Barley-corn, n. qq pop. sprm. qrq, qq!, qrtrr, ftq, rwr, fqr, fqqqqr.
Golden b. (as used in bracelets, &c.) Sfqrm. 3 of low station or rank, of little account, v. Low. ffrqq, ftq,
Measure of eight barley-corns laid side by side, stars' pop ',

qt^ ®qrq, qqq, qpqq, qrqr, frqqq,

, e«qr, ftqlFi^qr.

Exceeding by a

4 See Base-born. 5 of metals. fiqpqT, ffqqrq, ifqqrq, flq-
b. «rqr a TTq3r.
qq, ffrqqrq, qqqm.
Barley-water, n. qqpqr or qqriTmn. qrfqqr or ^ qqCmn. q- 6 deep, grave;— of sounds, qtqr, qqqfqm, qliq.
tarqrn. *
( (
Base, n. (foot, pedestaf;!v. Bottom, qqqt or qqqr/.
Bar#i, n V. Yeast, qqqqm. qrlrqqm. qqtRTm. r

qrirq»i| Wn. pop. qarm. q?n.

Barn, n.- house for storing grain, fycj qqiq tt&Kn
tfiteiqq. qr- the chord or sound. %qm. qqm. qrqm.
mpft fffetrra/ in music or singing, qtqgqq/.n. qlqn.
2 fig. long, low, S>c. house.— contemptuously, qtqqs' 4
J. jqjjq in reading, qftqqqqn./.
qcn. qrqqm/. qrsa/.
5 (of a tabor, &c ) qqm.
Barnacle, n . — the fish, qqf m dim. 13 % f. jfqqgt/. 6 — in geom. qfq /. qqfm.
2—of farriers, qqqqt/. qrrarrm. Base-born, a. bwn out of wedlock; v. Bastard, qr^fqr
Barometer, n. qrqFqrqn. qqqr<Tqqq«. qTqqqqqwrawfn( ,

fqrqqrqr, qiftqr.
Barrack, «. arsir/. feqrl qrf^qrlt qraf/.
2 born of low parentage . qqrtftq, qrqqrq, ftqsffq, flqfvr,
The word q from the English is becoming common.
'if. I
qrqq«[q, ^qrq.
Barrel, n. qfq or pTTn.
Baseless, a. unfounded, fig. fqtrqTC, Fqqq, aiRKST^q.
2 (of a gun, &c.) v. Tube, qsft /. qfarqrr /.
Basely, adv. V.A. 2. dishonorably.': qqtqqiq, f5%qqf^r

Barren, a of woman. qVqr pop. qrrssr.

mrq, qsrqqq, qrqmqqqr, qqcq=qtq.


A b. woman. aTffrqrqq/. aTTOqr/ Baseness, n. v.A. 1. ?;r%w«n. qtqqqrm. &c.

qqqrl /- V-
—in contempt, grsrlf^/. «/. qnfl^t /. /. *?mm. qrqi/.
; 2 qsfiqrqrw. qqqqrm. ftq«. Itqqr/. or q-«. qrjpcprn. qntv-
N. B. Pandits designate three classes of women as barren,
qiqr she who has no offspring, qqqrqwrr she who
bears only one 3 ?'q%qqrm. qtqqqrm. &c.
child, qqfwJT she whose offspring die.
qqqf/. qqqqn. ftqfFqqr/.

ftqjqq«. arf5?tqqr/.
2— of cow or female animal. qj*r, qqf a. ind. 4 See Bastardy.
\ .

Bashful, a. modest to excess; sheepish, srrsjrsr, 5?pgTT, «ra$(T, Bastardy, n. v.A «rrCsTrTT/. vsTr^l'^W/. arr#5r^n.
55-psFnr, r«r, srearr^fP, firevr, firew or &, fiRRt, firebar, •jw^r/. 5frfr?trFR/. sq-fir^rrfr?'ri%/.
Iff?, tftfNrarP, ^r#g?WR, sewtor, shitr, To Baste, v. a. cudgel, v. To Beat. 5rf3TSR, RRRR,
fmqq-, jrr /• ^-fgR g.ofo.
Some significant teims for A bashful person, corresp. with 2 sew slightly. ehPT, or Z[^mpl -mf mpl. imfcq.
shycock, sheepface, mealymouth, ike. are aTSRTfSRT, iRRfSlT, Bastinade, Bastinado, n beating with a mdgel,S)C. ^TOJnRtti.
3TTJW, jiFRisrr, flvRmr, TOSRRr, giRRRT, gSTOR, W, #?JTrTin. sl°ITRITin. ^i^lriirTin. /. cf^rJfBrr»i.

jrt or nrr, jr, sra'sriwr, gw?#. 3 Bastion, n. qRRTm. rSTwi

Bashfully, ado. v. A. 5TS3R, RRnRRI or'iT, SRrC'RR, Ac Fortress of four bastions. Rr-TTsfl /.
RRfr, rr v^R, rw??#, wvrr, wtiw wr. Having four bastions.
Basiifulness, n v V aTsRqRrm. Ac. 55T5f /. vrsjfr /. R-lf- To Bastinade, v. a. cudgel, v. To Beat. STSOT, #CTSR, i?rT-
yTwi. h|\? /. RR9R TRlft TO
r / fRBTtPr /. ?3RRrT<«. «R- sirq- g of o. rrsrt.
mfrf. Bat, n stick, club. firm. srrfSfn. 5T2RfT or 5Tfi??rn- #2Tm
Basil, n. ocijmum sanctum , tjanFT f. —
2 the animal. Rrajstr or mqzsn. Qfir&if. ^qpipn. ®tFwT-
Some kinds arc, Black b. ^rjjpjsrFf or =TTO/-
#17- White b. rrif^FTOFft^, Wild!) VRfTarH, Batch,/;, quantity made or done at once. 3T£T/. SfRTm. SRIm.
^rrofr /.

The little election m which it is planted. Rf- Of one b. v. Alike.- CRRRtRr, ^sHr,
Rn. To Bate. See To Abate.
Basin, Bason, n. *ri§-». TfR«. rTRn q-fRrm. RTffjn. Bath, n. bathing place. =RFTT /. or
t #fft/. tfrtrJWRrm.
2 pool, §c. Pond, ffSTm. t^n.
Basis, n> foundation, groundwork Jprn. q-pTfm &TRT3>*. TPT“ Bath-room, Batiuno-iiouse,?! balneary, ^pr^n. ^RPITTm.

To Bask,
or RrcR/-

v. n. « TO^T,
wr-u 4, FtR# to«t, srr ?r /. ?°r.
To Bathe,
r. a. wash. vrrf-T5!, ^Tf 0!5 !, or RRrsr/.-W^w.

Basket, «. There are Baskets of endless diversifications of shape, To b. with inunction. =rrf tfr^'T, WPTb- tRSH.
size, &c. and of various uses. They are distinguished according- To Bathe, v. n. =n?4, aTRfar or a? ftp /.
%fw. ^FTn- 3RX°t,
ly by peculiar names, of which the most common are, #R»i. arfiTn. <
tfiTSTm. tfitffn. fTf^rm. fTf/ %X\ f. To b. with or in hot, cold, holy, Arc. water. 3R<Tr°Ft, WIPll,
# ffi/ 3R#r /. ars-/. swr;;;. dim. m®\j. or ar». staff/. jprrdic. ^rr#.
3#-». §T#F/. t
rvrf/. Ttfl /. qfzrn. gj;rTr»«. rfww. #41 /. C- To b. in a river. tpffiRn. ^T“T
<ri£r/. Cnrwrm. dim. Cr#r/- Fsprch. fergewn. /. To b. in the sea. ^KT5 'f.

RURl or grasfl/. fofrr or fiTTOn. ftr or frUm. .

Bathed, v.V. N. qr?%wr, »Trate%wsrr or srrsrarr, ^R,
Little covered b. ?hfsS\f. Bather, n. v.V. N. srfqp & c. ^RsrrF, ^RT & ^ITVl
Round leathern b. ?|=KTtn. ?f«[pn»i. dim. (esp. in comp, as 5RQRT, ffT55S5iRr, W5IRT,
Slung b. basket of a shoulder-stint/. 3#t /. and \sRRTRf Arc.).
Wickerwork b. for a cart. <£T|R5Tm. or ~&n. dim. Bathing, n. v.V. N. and Ablution. arf^P or aiNp /. t5TRn-
fCffft/. arfippa.
Basket-hilt, n. (of a TST) ^Wh. Clmnamed, &c. spot for b. RTIRt/. 4r4t or #r4l /
Basket-maker, «. q^rs'in. Room or house for b. qpTtJVn. Fire place in it.

Basket-work, n. Jt^fiRn. J*:#fttrRn. qroTWHi.

Bassoon, «. #fopcr»t. Bating, p. v. Except. #?r, srWuSR;
Bastard, n. illegitimate child, frs^m.f. STIRtgRw. sp=r4hRpT»t. Bat let, n. 'small bat for beating linen: tKTRRTl rRrI /-
(frr/.) tropfiRn. grJRgrrp-m. >mrffrz». (Xf) Batoon, n. y. Staff. ?r pop. ?-RT »«. /. ?Tf3Pr^m.
^iwrar^frin. (trr/.) wrw#tr». sTSKbrrarm. srci-i Battalia, n. battle array. / tr<rapm. ^RRRRr /-
2 army in array. /. -'IfcRn.
2 son of a concubine. ^Kqapjt. ^%rt. Battalion, n. trsrnT or R f.n. ^rrSR or 7JT5 R f. Note. All
Bastard, aXorn out ofwedlock, illegitimate^ arrtjt^r, these words are corruptions of the English,
^Nt, ^ifirwr, fri^rrorr, snxsr, sTglrr/'^rw^nr^, Batten, n —
of wood. 3Rf/.
I4hw, 'WBWfsrwri' «r?r^wr, arwrUTfr, wjfsfrfr, *r- To Batten, v. a. v. To Fatten., <jg
Arf^rsiw, st^tortv motto, ?f?rff<TT^f.* To Batten, v. n. v. To Fatten, gg aOT®r, qt#T.
f; Note. The Hindu Law specifies Bastards; the
several classes of . To Batter, v. a. beat nbM weces^ee ft&aw #0 tArow N*»w»f/
words here given (both under the noun and under the adjectivey ?ro?r^i/. ^«ir, ^m.-irom..-jtpcfirei/,
refer some to one class, some to another. wRtnrm. •fpRf, #jp^F, tRBrvwt.-tFrrtffirw.
' — ( J .

2 wear with service . q^^m.-q^fSiTa.- The leaves of b. *

qqr-qqn. T®n g'-ofo. pi-mqmpi. gr^°T, qqrm. The baik of b. rf£!X J. rT^T f.

qr^q. 2 (of the Sea). %z?n.

Battered, jj \\ Y 1 . i^fq^sr d c. Bay, a —the color. or tfcwf?T, W.
2 #q^rf &c ^7iT% q'r^ofT or q\gr§ref To Bay, See To Bark.
Battering, Battery, « v V. 1. act. ?fiq?#?i. WU &rf<Tn. Bayonet, n. gqi^T/.
&c. mrrw sir™. ^rrcPrclr y- B az A n , n. market. ^F^FfCM* fY P°jj. fzrwi.
Battery, n. line of cannon ; or the raised site. q[r^fm Yq- Bdellium, n pop tr^TTn?.
sqr or wrqM. wqrw. To Be, v. /?. exist, subsist, fpf,
Disposition or range of batteiies. qq^#l j It may bo. vfffi.
Erecting of batteries
/ It never lias been and it never will be. rpTT qqfi r qf«T.
2 —indaw. Y^qpY'STw. Let be, Be it so. 3}% f

Battle, n. fight. v&fff. zp$rn. X^mn PrrfwR Not to be.

Brave in b. YTOT, rWK, {tfq?, SfsiTC. Beach, n. ivea shore. m. qY[
Cowardice m b. YWH /- pop. y^rf. s-qrsfr !•

Cowardly in b. q°Tqtq y qqqtC- Sandy b. ^izn jfer^w. pop. qzccj n .

Field of b. qqqfq/ qqiqqn. ^ATriPTw qi£q/. Beacon, n. light erected to give notice of danger. ^r^F^f<CTFLL
Mixed or tumultuary b. Y'TOfTv^. qq^muo ^Tr^rafFTm
Mortal or furious b. qqcfsRrn. qqqqrsat/. Bead, n. q-pT or q^Fm. ytfm.f, qq^| m
Pillar erected on the field of b qq*qqm CTOFftfR WJm.
Glass b. q^rqqi/i (String of such beads. TpZfitXm* q^q?q/.;
t tv* to

To give b. &zr£ j. cETWCf »Rlw.

Battle-array, n. qqq^RT /. qTl“#T/. -‘Gold b. (rice-form), r
Trq/. qfifSTm.
Battle-axe, ®. T^fjpop. <qq5T or» *rT3tY/. *
Gold b. (round) WX^rj qofl/n. String of such beads.
Bavin, ?i. stick of a faggoU €tn qrf? or Zn. Bed
^*f qprr glass b. qlRT or qrftY WRui.
See Faggot. String of beads. qrvTf pop. qf5?/.
Baole, «. //«// (9?* show if, without real value or use. 2 — in architecture, qf^l f.
rqpfrreq/. jp^THTf-Mq-^f-T^irr^r erfiiqr™- &c. jre%^fwt. Beadle, n. ^ii^POn* qifc or (Ilk office
J]v *v *n -S * SJ* trr 3*Tl/.>
p. fw^rr sr^m. Beads-man, n. ispqrwi. qqqf srrOTw. q^rq^o,*.
Bawd, n 'procuress)
sfq^rr/. sweft/-
pup. jjrrq or jriq/. HTWc. cT%/. Beak, n. bill. #q/. ?fq/. ziwf
Beam, n. piece of timber H&if. E».
qff f f, .
^ X-irm.
Bawdry, n. practice of a bawd\ jrnpff/. fTTHf/H. ®X\f VKn.
B. over two posts, pieced), iPfFTw.
2 v. Obscenity, teumn, or I .ongitudmal division of a b* fqpqffcw
Bawdy, a. v. Obscene. #w?h, siq^rfaq-qT, T-i^C, mNl". Small and squared b. /.
Bav^dy-iiocse, v. Brothel. foqrSTSRrm. qfeqrSTm. l^r-
2 (of a balance). f]f( f.
3Jf«. 3 (of a car, &c.). qftf f
To Bawl, p. n. (from pain, $. c bellow, roar. qxgr q or s?R-
) 4 (of the weaver). XKXf.
^ T, firsq,
qr-irri#, qr^xq, q-fxrr jwf ado. qqq, r^q #?>*». 5 (of the sun, Szc ). q^qm. ^Tm.
wr, tot-t crq-^iq/q- 1: c. ij-zr 3rrqq r/q & c. <qq *t- Shorn of his beams. ?dqqq<T.
<£TS5V.. SFTfW/TOrw.-^rlfi.'t. f7(fvror rfFfwA°T,!Br-¥R'fl.
6 (of a draw-well) —transverse, with stone. sTf^qf f.

'orfWfrCOT ,
#f3"«. tp'r, 3TT-fl (q»it.- qR^m. -Bjpfcqqa. - 5?W or 7b Beam, ??. w. hmm$\ v. To Shine. qrrgof rfqVf
; - *}Z®n7r nr/. - £. c. q^q. i
2 ery out,' call loudly, vociferate, qfijq, qrqq 0 ;- s^i^jq 2— the countenance, d c .|rUwimth health, delight, z<iz~
qC5PT, qzf ZRq, -

I^Kq, shits / -sTrfS'fm.-'SKSTSHlTS'/.-J-

5*5*% f^Tn. Ijrror dRl q?T d c
- , ( . ),
WC or rrm.-iW5UfiTO or ^q-Tr^Tl/. - rz-m. -#; qrz: Beamer,
, ,

n. Beaming, p. a. v.V*l

i qtqrCF, f^qqjp
^q, srCrsfi/. qr/q, §rrO / srrzq. : ^rqrq.
3 speak loudly. SfRr/.-^rTq-'jrarf/ii. qpr^-qqfqq-q^f ^rg-_
q-f^scr Jpi qrqq- & c. ?i7f°r, ^1? zr^q-qrqq-?qn7q-^grq- Bean, n. qq^F/. qrq^rw. « Some kinds are,
qiTq-Krr^q-f.c. ?rqq, qrar qzirrq sfzq, ql^rsm. 5 ^.
ffq^r, ^rr^rsrr, ilrcf^rar, wsi^rr,
4 at; bellow at, raav-eitj v. To Scold, ^qqnqq, srqTPfq,
<*nnt s r, tenw, ?(#j gjfm. ,^q wrarTOrm. qrwl To Beak, v. a sustain," pppomt,-
f mpkoldj ^T?q,' %<0^r, ^Wfzq
BawleE, n. Bawlinc, p. a. v.V. a?fqqRr, ^'WTRr, & c.
^f- ^fq, ^/q y . of 0.
q^iT, #1^" ^rr^qr-^rwr, «rc^ir o»- »!vq;5tqr
f ffra%|«rf,. J' 2 (in (he mind" e/ a&ereti©»s). mteMainJ fIZ'qq
vf/q y^Sj-
Bay, n.'laurm cassia. '<?5T / fWT, ^rq^q, qRq.
' '
BE A 63 BE A
3 carry convey, transport qifq, qq, ^-(1
, - c.^rrfr (esp. in comp.) SKSTT (m comp, us ST«R"<r/T, T-
°T&• °f°- S-'T^'V^TO-nc).
4 endure, undergo, v To Suffer. J§Tflq, favf qq> 4 and Xupperer tir^rrr ^ 5?
W for. cow. «KRq, ?iTfq, ^fqw.-^q^T/ ^Toj^ o/fo

6 TO^RT, & c H & c rw (in comp, as^rrw,

c. (in comp.).

Ft 4T?T, =T^TFr.)
As can be borne. 0ff rffTff ^

be borne. qqiTpq.
0 wearer, holder. WTO, & e. (m comp )Af?V' & c.
’TiTr Cii comp ).
5 be capable of, admit. ifq. (of palanquin,
1 ;i o. c.). fflr» or %%T\W.m. 4l#ui ^r^u?.
G (a child) bring forth, ^#rq, 3F?fwi. ?rq, 17- Bearing, n. leaning, v. Tendency. CN'T/h. ^rarwi. ^w. 4jgr f
B T 9H • - ifHlcf j **•
qF 'Tf /
- SfgTrq* & c TTq,
ft .
yixmf. rfsTR/;.
7 fa young animal, goner i^q fwitb exception of the marc 2
). \
Beast, n. TSTm.’h'r^mfn ^WZmfn
and ass), ajRTO qfq, «. q^«T t Bfm, fan. Fd^q. B. ofburdeu. Tr^I^r (^sr, q/3T or ^lirsT
Thai basbomeTwiCc.
3T &c.), q|zrarorTJ3?srn. tpgTrs'.
That has borne thrice fq^irq. B. of draught. fr#Wm.
8 (fruit). §q, sTKw-^rrsrw?. tq B. of pastuic, wiwf. ijfern. riOi.
6 as a niaik of authority. he Umar, can y/, hold. dF^Jjvf BU T J
B. of prey. ^Tq-irmw. Win. ?TiT«r«. ffT?TvTj)i.
WWn- Horned b. fsThrrf/
10 hrooh ; endure, put up with. B,BB or BlB^l ?fif, BR~>T or Homed beasts, — goner, fsriffrr f.
®fffr BVTZflM -Bjrt j\ ^q-, qqw pi. wrr- 2 (ig. f/iW// or lubberly fellow. TS'jTr or TC^rrm.
q-iq5£q or ^qj% n qrqq. . ,

# 11 oiT; carry away qq, tRri, fqqu y.o/’o. Beastly, a, like a beaut, Jilthy, &c. TvTHrrHr, ttSTBT^l-fi. c.
12 upon, or, down, back, Arc. See To Press, To Iiuge To

^-7H^r, 73T^, T^j^Rr, ^wr'TrTrr,WrT?ii^r/


^Jkat, r. a. strike, knock, ^irby, ^3%, 3Trr«t.

To Bear, v. n. be fruitful, qrarw. t"q, <F^q, sffTm. qqq, ^fqq ^r3*r»-if!f^rn-TOr»B. ttr^.
sfFJwn ffq fo/u cow.
mutually or generally. or §T-
To begin to b. BfiffB Sjq, ^P7*ir, TOTT "iq. 'TTJTK or fr /.
That bears abundantly, qiSRE'.
the power of such words as /o thump, pommel, ) any
That bears once, annually. qqqfTt- twice qqqp basic, belabour, cudgel, drub, thrash, leather, bell,
lick, lacc,
2 ^against, towards, upon, Arc;
dq. JflT/- qR
/cwr7, //«?><? direction. ^Te?q
4 r. f<fr
qr ,
w#, saisqr, fTf^r, 51 ^r, ^t, ?-
tr/-if[qr in. - Tfw.- qq m.~qh“£pj m.-qr^qr?,.-
firm, ftjzftr, ii ?qq, ?i3qq, g-fqrsq,
qqrqr.-&c. qtfq, jr^rqqt/. ^rqwr.
or qqqrq, qp.rsq, f/arf«T, or ?traq, ifq'qq,
S on, rc/br ^pfq, Sqq-tprq
qqq f qT7?q qqq, qqCq o?Aqq, qrr^q or qrraqi, wsVf, ^ 3-.
4. upon; /dw and gall, pinch t fyc. 55ppr y ^Rq, $rqfq ,vrfq#

fhA^Tl^qq, Slwrrcq, ^nAj,q|qq, ?qdAfT, or q|FTri“t or #-

5 with <fcw7 considerately with, qrqqq or
qqqq qq ?dJff^q ^qq, Tf'T,q tjiraq, ^t?rq Tr^q y/.o/'o. fq^fq, rrrar yPTiVt fi-
or rfolTSrq vyf qfqqqqjqq qq qrqq.
Beak, «. sy^^m /fo. joo/>,

f|qw, 3pjqr
/>/)/;. qp;or
* *
qq of/o. qrrq, ?t7«i. rrVq, ^rqiq
(t.ifo.ffrf ^r5q- qr$rw y. 0/ 0 mvi.yl. trreq //.o/'o. .
>»-pi. ;qqoj
#fq q-yq (/.of o.fZKii. gSTSOf) SR^fl. qyrg'q, ^Tf-
2 Ursa major. pop
?°i, TWr/. r/.ry'o, JJTf?q or %5jqqa. tfTROT-
Bear-garden, ra. j?forc <f uproar, tumult, qrqrr/n. mg.uf a. qrsrq irq«. qTq, fWr /./V.-qrerr /.;^. B3^rq or
Beard, «, STSf/.
-n^qq- q-^qjKT|q-rqjq~qqr3^- & c. IBf, ?rsqi%. trr-
—in contempt & c sqrq«/
ij, and whiskers. %ri*jn.
WqjR. ^TqorqRqr WT qTq,37
qrR-<- gpfq.

Woman having* a b. fq sqfsz\

{/of o. qrqfr/. %fq g.ofo. Jjq or frgqw.-fSTm.-^Sr^n.-
f faff, mF'Wl'rf qiT^r/. - qrrtrq/. - qrcw: /. - irrcWrr /.
To shave tho b. qfft JriWBn.
2 (of corn).
JTfOft.-Tvrf?fqrqr WiT»H--qfwnr«i. ?q, jrt^t q q?:qrq SCq qr-
qrj or
* *’
WOTs. w^,JTr^qqr3-«.-Pjarrr»i. hqq, H3 ifmtiimrtrrifo-
^ See Barb-.
sirqi?-/. qx grqq 9 0 .
/ 0 .

To Beard, v. atoppose

to tkcfiee, qf^prq qrqm. fq, qrqrn. J- 3— sonndirigly ; -w/i«e/^ ^e. X^dTHq, q3?KT#, qTSqiaqq^ Xq-
yfflTjf yPTm* $q qrqrr^f ^fqq, #n?RHhrw. xnq, qqqtxq, qTxmq or
qq^nq, q^irarr »r qqrw A/r - 1

a. a /a qpfrqfr, <T[fiqr®T, ZlZtfrft. qrqrqrq «rfr. qrqq, qqtq.

Large b*
2—as corn.
/f ^ " ” f

4 (a musical instrument). 5pqq fifjq, qrqqqi f

f0^fqT ^Tfq, 5T^'ji ; 5 v. To Defeat, To Oonutier. rsiVq,qT h'qq^qrq «q«#

3 Sco Baebejo '..

arrq^q, ar^q,
Beardless, a. f^f^f^T or D^rr^lT, f^TTSTT,
ff?T. ® (a floor, &c.). qnq, qn/q,
B. youth,
grrqrarrqr /- x^q.
v. Stripling. STOqf, #5Rqf ;•
7 (a proclamation, &«.). *ff5Rq.
Bearer,' A:*I.’3t carrier, p&nmyer. ported.
Tff°rn:r, &c. « down, (prica, terns), tffsrq qq-qfi}-.
^ , ,


9 up ;
work up. 5W, cfTJ¥C/.“TOnTO/- OT 9-°f To bo at the b. of. ^RT ST-RPT, fiT^f aTBW, aTwrf^p^TRr-aT-

pulsate , To Throb. 'J^F, S' aTqFT DT, SRZRVT, sursf srtfT ®75Pr.
To Beat, v. n, v.

Z^Z^ adv , 3r#f, ZVJZVJ or adv. £°R^FT, Z^m. To Beckon, v. c. make a sign to. ?f°T/*

?5tr xsf. 5 q°rR®r, 7r^°T/. sppt.

/. ^r c°T-%’ r,

fra-Jf ! /.-fRTrsfr/.-fiRTWBni--^^^”!
2 (with the band). 3
2 against; dash against mz^i, f-WSGim-qz-
&c. ^r^T-TO^T. f^TraTw. - ??.TTrR'K0Tm 3HX7I. -

3 — the heart, v. T <r Palpitate. srsqOT, /« 3 (with the eje or head), itfsrrm. 3iT“T-'TP:: °r, '2T?^0T/

Beat, n. See Stroke. 2 See Pulsation. Beckon, n. v. Sign. S0%5r»i. fimf- C«Tf^'T J. CWKrm.
Beaten,>. v.V.A. 1. & c. rffl^TcT, TOfiCvT, ^rf^T W/.
To be b. ifrc»n. ^R,*<?Nr To Become, r. n. fpT, q^i'T', 73^,
I —a road, ^f£RT. *TS5$3T. To Become, v. a. beseem, suit, grace, fit. 5ff*PT, 0 jPT, ?ir?rV, q'-

To beb. 3T3RRR f
Tf5K^r, ^rss / <T3R co/?. 3PT W, filSEUT

Beaten, n. v. V A L qTPCW, ^"IKT, &c. 2 befit, behove, be meet unto, sfrw, R'tirsr-^B-wrW-q'r-
I (of bushes, for game). ^R^T^Tm. rcr-&c. wr-fi^^Bir-frrq^.
Beatific, Beatifical, cl H^JRT- Become, p. v V N. STr^^r, ^RT, ^JTITT.

Beatitude, n, heavenly felicity v. Heaven. <RlTfr /. scftjni* R- Becoming, p. a. v.V. A. 1. beseeming, graceful, tsivnrr, Wf-
fe/. R:SpiJi. ?PTn. R**TTOm* q°rr, ^nrrtr?',

The Hindus distinguish dual beatitude into four kinds, viz. HR 2 befitting, behooving, comely, v. Fit. ffirr, ^YnT^T, %-
iTHf absorption into the essence of the deity, ^RRf residence ?fT, rw^rrr, bt€w.

with him, ^Efifiw nearness to him or being in his presence, and Bed,’ n. PnJrBTw. fnT/. 51^1 /• SBR !*- 5r?7«.

^P^TcTf conformtedness to his image. Foot of ab. qr#n.qR'ff C or PT or q^spc or Kjm. IPTSTTm. or

Beau, i. v. Buck, s5FPT37 or SfaT c. gFXPC c. 3?3r3R- fin. qr=rfer«- qRTiprn. qrtrwn. qrrwn.

3T c. IraTro.
Head, of a b. >s4i|Ji rfn-

Beauish, a. v Buckish ©F?Nt, SRRrK, HI3T3TT, ^R^RT, To be brought to b. qrs&T 11%, TOT fr°T, fRf PfTO.

To get up from b. FuRPT SRPT, zzfi.

Bearishness, n. v.A. iSR^Cr/. or To go to b. Ptto, ms f. irror-^rro,

’^ _

°rr?r «iwn. sr").

Beauteous, Beautiful, gl H<ST y JSFTCT, ^WTTP^, To keep one’s b. from sickness. fvfTO, TTO,

^T*R?r, sjsr#r, ^rahra§w, jrafififfi, ajiftr- orn-URTm- &c. *PC°T, €fl J-mzfin. f Sfftq- -qftir#, ^3TTO-

wr, ^ifR pgfSESr,— to do so feigning sickness. ^riRr^T^ /• ^°T-

^ VwR, ^r ^,
*if, 4f 5T, rhst, *Ri¥, TRif^c ,
*rK*t, f~ To leave one’s b. get

TO?rr fr5!, ai-TO-'qft'-TOW/- tfiTO.

up after sickness. 3RT TO 55TTO, vryffr-

BEAUTIFULLY, adv> 2 (as of straw, for ripening fruits). aq?t or 3f\f\f.

fljEA^ITEOUSLY, *p&rf*T?T, 3RHFC, *TRF-

w. 3 (of a garden). fPSTm. 4ql"(l/- TRTm. qiiiH'in. tTrrqrw. mTlm.

Beauteousness, Beautifulness, n. v.A. a««? Beauty, gRT- Banked up b. #J%n. fTOTm. %T»i. =fffr>».
vn. 4?T'T oirm. sRTOrrr/. 4 (of a river), qr ifRu- Blffm. B'CrJl/- WZn.
- 5 stratum, layer. qT»n.
jTo Beautify, v. a. srmfTO, rfn ?T - - A'^r^T^C 'SrWff^feer- elfin.

&e. ^or,5fwr/. 3rm-?«r, ottoji.^to g.oj o. C hold, seat, fyc. v. Socket. tjKn. <TI Tn. ifT'ST \f.

Beauty, n. IfRRn. TOTOI" /. fTTOTOTm. 5JFTOTR. WWf. ^ifir/. Bed-fellow, Bed-mate, n. ai'4C rrR(#qqfm.
•v tmf. sfr/. wl-, iu^Fr5T5T=TY, 3JTOTOM. 5PTTO53f m -
Bed-kid, Bed-ridden, a. confined to bed. ^TeRsT**!!', RTrEpur
Adventitious or artificial b. sn^T^'^fWT /.
^RT /. TOm. ^r?T5srrr'Sr?i'5fq orr cr, sa'irawr,

2 particular excellence, grace, SjC. ?jfft /. ?tfT /•

%T«- rtr/. To be b J3-3TO / TO or 3'S'q 4fH TO, [
TOPTf ii^Rf aTvf-

3 « b. beautiful woman, Wdf, :

>3Wrfr, ’fSST- or-trro.
RiTOr, srrfror, jf^r, unr, srofr, Bed-ridden state. ^3rq<Tf /. STO'TO/. fRTO/.
<n£r, f tTOror, *pr-
=mr,^iBNrfI, Rw^-trr, Rrfror, TOPirfror; irsnrRr, jf^rrfr, Bed-room, Bed-chamber, n. fW^ tr^T/. trsTTOn- 5TTO^-

faRitn. W, TOPT, 3fwfr, HRTfDr, fa«r#r. ?«. WTRTCn. PTST^n.

tg\zf. & dim. RR5Tn. "TF-
Because, coif ¥!f^, W'T.
^TiRT, W, Bed-stead, n. cut, couch. /• pop •

B. that. «iri%r, %s?r 5ur^-<ff, w^rrfr.

3F /.dim. TTOm- TO or TO¥ pop. *Tr*RT or JR-
Bechicks, it. cough medicine. ^Wfr-«ra?(T?r Wf«. Rrm- q'wro.TOTwi- 5TW/. 5TTO». :

Bechosa, n. tent without a pole. ^=tHT or ppqr^Tni. B. with a canopy or top. ^RTTTOm-
‘S'-Beck, n. significant nod, v. Sign. ij%5rm. / cfipTn. C5IKTi«. Piece of the frame of a b. ifrtfn.

forir? /. fsirnr^rr/. To Bedaub, See To Smear.

Bed dee, Bedetter, n. nether stone of a mill or I ronerm. grrSj-, qr^irrer sum, ^^RTM.-^TTr/.-5)?^Rr/.
wr/. trr^,

ir?r««. T*r.
Bedding, ft.frsf/* orpr^^fm. gq»ft/ To Beg, v n. practise begging. J?RT/.-firyr/.-tS;c. WWT, W2jr-
The covering poition of b j

z^n.-w^wrf -WTrtTwfa /• q}Tji Jir^ ^srr ;

The spread portion ofb. Jn sifrtH TO“T, 3-^STf 3kKI^ Tfs^Tn. ^T”T.
To Bedeck. See To Deck —as used of Brahmans, 5T"T.— as used of Brahmans
To Bedew, v. a. moisten as with dew, v. To Moisten. ^Rff- bogging only of Biahmans. 3TST%/.
TH f
To b. about in great wretchedness. 3-75T 3T5T SfiftfT Rs'^hr, ! !

To be bedewed. ^RTr, g*rfT®T. or JTirmur ^rfl^T frfrTiTr RktSt-btr,

Bedunged, a. CRIT^T, fgT^T. sivrr =7^/. rr»r g. of s ?g$gf.

Bee, honey b. ^Rf€r/. RJTr^rf/. To Beg, v a. ash earnestly, beseech, entreat, implore, supplicate,
m<Jm JpJSRTfrin. Jpp-fiw. JT^-RTm. gr^f /. <-3 c- Rr#, mwn, vm, ^qt/.-W^t/.-irmr/.-qT-
B.-nest v. Honey-comb jfffsrw. ifl-fjr/L ^RTn. ^^/•~^ m --^ i'/--f T5r#r/--firvr T frA/.-fif 5rffFr=Tr»! -&e.
? 3 ; : :

2 —burrowing b. affaCCwR

SR^r g. of o. qrirr T?"T, ^rfriTHTr mm. arKVT, 3Tfr/. !ROT
- 3 humble b. gif pop farm, tfffrm* irfafm. ^xpr-m* zjfvm. !
mt-rn^tf. m°r, ?r£tfr-^m mm. &nm, m.pi. 4^,7- m t

Bee-hive, n.
?l wsrzrrm.

iRbi- & c.
or w T|yr-frTmr irp4 5r-37^'m.
^pjrn. qrgSj-RRTT:? /. HR-rg^r.
2 %. swarming town or house, ifffiZZrt. ^z^fk ^rn 2 ash in alms. 3Tm, f^.FT, 3PW, Afaf.-fimf. JF^T-
Bees -wax, n.
Beep, n. %£TO?l
[ ^
“i §'•

To Beget,
°J 5rmr/. - r/. - nmrj .
- ^
eft c mZrg.ofo.
: v. a. procreate, generate. SFiTfoSi 5j?irm. $B}'

Been, p. v.V. Sffr&ST, WT, 3TRT. mn. -g'stmn. mrifg. of o.

g-eq^r qruq- j «j^rnEr arm,
Beetle, n. mallet rammer. ijrTfOn. 3?RTnm, SFrnrSr.

Beetle-brow, n. fa^fz f. ^ST^fe/.

Beetle-browed, a
2 v. To Produce. To Cause. 5fq*r cRT5!, Vf ^rc5!, 3#,
^iTTgiffc. 1
Beeves, n. flock cattle . Sfcn. aj^n. ifcfa or jyk- Beggar, n.
, ;>/. HRr^qrCl, WJPTTCr, fipfilft, f^qrA, Ht^FSTT^r, Af-
2b Befall,
i^rsrpqf, qr^qqr, WTm. wmtn. 3f^f. — in contempt, anger,
r. tl happen to, hi tide, v. To ITaepen. ff^for f*T3T- & c. agreeing with a poor h. a wretch of a b. a dog of a b, fyc.
fwrcsrw. FSriTftpHTB. WiTferA, f^RTCTtew.
fKfmg*of$. B. by profession, sfrsfpfawi.
To Befit, v a, beseem, v. To Become. dTR-Fr 573T B. (of victuals) from door to door. The victuals
CfK given, ur-Pfrct/.
Jb Befool, v. a v. To Deceive ^#or ^Rot ?
B's. bowl oi dish. f»T 4Tfqrqn. rjsRt f. nmn.
a$W, *reT°T. Beggars must not be choosers, (dainty, & e.). ^f^jqqg jffgr
Before, /wrp. in the front or advance of* wfr f
Tfrdff^f a w =rq, aTvTFqf t-n snfor rrript (t aTff q-q).

<j3T, ran:?* Crowd or multitude of beggars. firFRT'«.

B. and behind, srRTjf, ^TrSt^PT, f fatT&t Obstinate and troublesome b. TqstHTm. ^sripiTm. ^sjqr, F-

From «T^ ®w,

? #q 5°rr or %vw, qTorq°rr orqmn, fiOTrsgr, w-
2 hi the presence of f£ t
HW, WlfOT, SRK, STOpST, H# mr&nmr, igmsn, mermr, iiy-
orHfw,t^?rr ;
^rspsg Pr^rrV. ^pfr.
Immediately b. B.-liko trick, way, habit, & c. FOTfC^PirOT. Rt^TPE:^/. fir^FTr-
3 preceding in time aTTPTT, q^i ,
«nff, r^OTn- /• faqrirsqiR. fvrqr^rtifsrjtt.
4 in preference to. cf^ ar?f. To turn b. #T-r hf- m, §r&t #nr Jirq^r wr %"T,fr#f FPrar-
Before, «<&>, preceding Formerly. ^r, ttBrtjT. a-m in u. eon.
/;* &*;«<? v.
, B?n4r, sp- mif. oj«. gprf ^qssrw.
#3T, ’Tffcansr, VFTf, *m, ajpfr, HT^, JffJf. mt ?fc£t /.-fq^r /.-^q?:t/.-qrrn%/. ara^rr ar-
As b. tpfriT, SPJPT ?. 5

mfc toot, ^aqr erw q^: B r.

2 rw/ro»# or in advance, q? FI3T, qSTqnR fjrwmPTr, -

®T- 2 cravingperson. JTPTPr, JJFTr.

t ,

wt, arerjmjf, <jirr, rarer, ra#?. To Beggar, v. a reduce to beggary. f*7%Fr WR^T, firaT Cl- ^IJTW 1

Beforehand, adv. in anticipation. ^Tipr, vflVff^, CTiraqrra ?KT«r,Swwii5m,

sparer, qfcwr^, srafa. qi?r arm, /. ^^sir.
To bo b. with, sfrtrrft/. w. Beggared,^. v.V. PtItf vrwm, &e. f=rtrr, Rrysr-q), ^rs# f
2 before due, in advance. STf^fT, srprpp3r. m,
To Befoul, v. a. v. To Dirty. Error# Wr°r/. 3P# g, ofo. Beggarliness, n. v. A.
, faqfrPCWw. firFPfl'PlTm.
fc£ta-tror- aTnrar-&c. qr#. Beggarly,
a, mean, poor, fyc. fipfilT, RTFftt, •fcJTPSS', PTFirTFTf
To Befriend, v. a. v. To Help. srr3j/.-%T/. err# or rfft, f3TFnrq°rpqr,
f q^r, ?-R:^,RT^r car8Er®tpfr;
— , . .


Beggary, «. v. Poverty. ftrsPKt /. ifarRt/ Rt^T- To Begrudge. See To Grudge.

To Beguile, v a trick, delude, v. To Deceive fllfin -WT^/-
*Ff /•
Beggar, R/. -g?:Sji.-j?r^n.-g^r/. w^r, mmzw, gervfT/. t'°r, bff,
To be reduced to b. v. To turn beggar, under if

FfilF inv. con.

Begged, p. v. V. A. 1. qRFFr, &c. qrfFF. 2 (time). Z&% ^R 5
!, ^’FT,

2 TfrPFT^ar,
Begging, n. v.
V. A.
Rr%fr, qrfF?r.
1. act. fqFqFm JfFlFn. &c. qiN'tw. FF- Begun, p. v.V. N. 1 & V.
srnrs-'T, ^rer, g^or
A 3TrO#srr,
^ %^5V-5rr^3r, Ac.

fff /. WFFr/. rfr/. ^

v. N. —
RWPT^n- It has not yet been b. T *Trfi 'fr’Ti^T *Trf f
V. act. irr^T FFFTn. &c. fiDIITFn-
/• fftft /•
Behalf, n. T£I«.
^trn. „
^ <W
B is a better trade than working, jfiszrflwf FFlFjflF On the b. of. W^f, ^Rrfrf,

To Beiiave, v. n. act, conduct ^T3VT, ^RFT, f^FT, afFTtFi, sir’T-

FTT. . . „
To Begin, v. n. enter upon FPFT, FtfFF, TOFT, FIFTflF, v°rn- -srraron ^"t, %et/.
To b. circumspectly, carefully, &e. STT? ^VF-^KF-'TFFi',
JTffT ?FT, iFtIF, Frttf»n.-mtW»L-3FFR»i--gi^«>*
iTf1! ^r?Fr & c. s=t ^ift.
iFtm. #i or FFF, TT3T?r« qlr 3FF, qprm- tTPSF-fsrVFF, fe" tj-rtts

Behaviour" n. v. V. and Conduct. F13 /. ^F^\f

MZ f fFF, vH Vt^F.^ FF/. STFFFTtt. aRFftern. ^r^riTin- ^Tn.
To b. in good earnest. iffTT
To Behead, v. a. BTf“r-'S'i'i°T<7. ofo.
2 take existence, being, form, To Rise. FrOTF

g-ofs. ffft, jii-h tw, /. JIRFT g of o. IJotTm. RTTFT g-of o. f5I m .-STt'TS'?' in
®rroTin.-trr<'»Tin.-5'WJrm.-&c. tr“t

W-giFfiF ff.ofs. im FTFtfr iwg-ofs. tkn. 3FTF 0- ofs. WP/O'

rff. — in covert or cant phraseology. gSTHTF^n. =ti"<
aT g.of o. f$]T-

To Begin, v. FltFF, aqFRm.-Fltfl'ni- -&c. FRF

a. FFRF,
o. z'Him. Beheaded, p. v. V. fr# FJT&arf, &c. fevlfecf^.
g.ofo. &m, g-WFT, wanm. ff3f-frf, g- of
Wfrt cfc&r g. of o. gt? frf, FRF 7 of o.
^mf < . Beheld, p. v. V. qrf#55T, Wm, f^^TFfr, «nat-

To be begun. FRIF, FqFRT. fer, on^rfcfr, cfw,

Beginner, r. tyro, novice, Sfc. FFT, FFfSTFFr, FFF 3Wl*Jt, •nfcf, Behest. See Order.
Behind, adv. in the hinder plac^. JIFF, milBItT , f'T‘<=S'3f ,
& V.A. FRJfm. HRFm. ifCFTF/. FF- 'TSWJfi, 'TFF^, TFiggFT?, Tfew^f, ^var:.
Beginning, ?>. v.V. N.l.
q-JTm. Wfrfm. 5f’T3T^T'lr«. R'TTRr^"' ^R" 1 - ^/- 2 See Behind-hand.
Gradual and gentle b. tWm. Behind, prep, at the bach of. BFT, TRtFT, ir^lflFT, TFf,

Vepj b. the outset TPWTOTm- qrs^rf, 'TVFT, Tf^SF or

2 v. Y. N- 2. and Rise. 3TRPTm. OTCTm. Close b. VvfBFi, i

'Tr?r rr3', s'irrsFT

gssrbrf, ggtgfFf or gRgsRrrF, To look b. -qrs'inTT Tff For qssSr, fefRtrFFn. F\F.
At the very b.
2 under the shelter or cover of^ 3FFFF.

B. and end. rise and close of a matter, gener. a}ripiPnffl''H. Fromb. qr^WFiF, qr^T, Bigg, qr^Ffg, thr^-
BTRffHi. OTsrRrqirm. qqfqRn. skFjFFrm. 5T3Tig>-?rm'- arnuRr- F3F, qRFfS'For
(J\ Q\
FlfF- '

Behind-itand, adv. in a state of backwardness. RFTFZTO or

From the b. qf?Fjrqrgg, wrrerg, gaicF, gR<rrgF, w* w- irrirFcfqv.

*ff, gafargg, trFFFgg.

To fail b. TfRT - qr?nrrF - irrRS'fra or irrFF?RV i^f, kft q-
in the b. gfr , qf?Fr, q^n%, *n$i, mif, m^rf. s’F, nrF^F, wvFfqF, BrvffF, vrarf f

Very b the outset. WIPR’)?. gstRWTw. FiFRRm. HW To throw b. irfrr- qr%ni-FrF^re or imiFfrF: rr^F, fr-
B1T“ To Behold, v. a. observe, contemplate, regard, view, v. To
I incipient portion or period. JT^4fRTm. ^liHcFRX
f'tm. 3IT3-/. gg-n. FVFor-TFFFRFm- qqfFfFm. See. qTSF, wRjF, fqfFF, ST^rFF, ^RFF, TOF, ffcTF, »T-

B. and end. FFIFni. qFlFTFh - fqFRTF n - TOFn.-&c. FfF. •

From b. to end, v. Througiiodt. FPFF, WFF, FWHF- Behold, interj*

Beholden, a. obliged v* Bound. v£RT^r, OT^iTfr,
=d%Tw, a#Rr, arraR, Fraggrar, FrgFrar. ,

"Without b. middle, or end. sRfcWFTftF. ??ra,sqfir.

Beholder, n. v. V. qrfFirr, 5BT, F?JF, ql^F, fFVrsjF,
II elements, v.Rudiments. rrarqrfeiCT /.
To Begird. See To Surround. FrFfFqf, Ff3FsF~&c. qrF(.
Begone, inter/, fFF or ! ^^
«rr, m Beholding, n. v.

^TFn. STSTFu. ffeJFn. F?3rF».

V.—act. qrSFn. FFFNiFn- 8FTFR>Fn. fqFf-

To Begrime, -v. a. soil deeply. ^rpFT or tefFT, PrrW. Behoof. See Advantage.
To be begrimed. tKZ0!, ^Zm sm,
. tT#. To Behoove. See To Become.
Being, p. v. Y. fiRl, RURT, tiU UUUT (contracted into fffURT), To Bellow, v. n the bull. RRR, RR /. RRR-UR, UYRR,

FfRUIR, UP|T, rTORYU. RYRR, R YRRn- - RYRRt /• - URUrTin. -3T^1/. - UTUrRlf. >FiUU-
Being, n. existence. RlitqUn RUPTUrm. RfeTRn. UTTin. UY»». JTRR.
UqUn. RURn. ferfr/. RTfeufR/. YRT/. UR or URTn. UfTTO. 2 call loudly, vociferate, To Bawl. RIRR, RC3R or #-

YRRn. Y3R, ffRUR-qRRR-RRR&c. RR ?RR.

To bring mto b. RTOU URU-RPUR, RTOwm. RR, TORT rur. 3 (from pain, &c.) v. To Bawl. RRTUR or RRRR, URn. U-
2 a b. an existing thing. Wf». RUTn. /• 3^m. UR or R, RRTRR, RrUrfTm.-RrRr5Tin.-Rr^SR'«.-&c. R^R, R^r UTf-
^fx'f nin. ru R2R- %ysr, urr?R yur-sTrsr.
The Supreme Being, v. God. qYURY»». To b. and beat the mouth. RR55R, RUT URR-RUTR,
To Belabour, Belabouring, Ac. See To Beat. 5TR--?fUm./.-q'rRR^rn.-RfrR<ni.-&c. Rro).
To Belch, v. n. 5°T- —
4 the sea, wind, &c. v. To Roar. RtRIR, BIRR, UfUR, %-
Belch, n RRY or d <*<m./. RsUYtn. Rr#, UfURR, RsrRw.-TiRni.-URR/ -RSfYn.-RURn.-ur-
Sour b. RYUrffRYm. urYRTYm. <jm -UfUrfm- TUR.
Beldam, n. v. Hag JflRIYfT /. UYRI /. RRIR / TOIR/. Bellower, n. v. V. 3. one given to bellowing, RUpUT,
To Belie, v. a. give the he to. RrR-RTRr-F^R-UR3'-&c. R- uhurRr, RURwr.
?r, #rqRrm.-RRfr /.-RfrRqrRwt.-uuRRr /.-&c. rrr. Bellows, n. UIRm. c/m. RTfRl/. JTfRRni. U?3Tm. dim. RUWf/-
2 misrepresent, misreport. RRR uraffR, UUFUR YRn - URRRWT- .
To blow with the b. To woik the b. UTUT»i. tjfTR, RUTR.
rur«. ryu> Fyrytryr. Belly, tpth. ruUm. fFaim. Rirm.ii. #?-n
3 calumniate, v. To Asperse. RRIRb.- A c. UR with UYo/o. B.—allusively. URrm RIT /• /• UrN /. TTSTm. RUT-

tftf. R 3UR with UY oj o. u€r/.

Belief, n. credit, credence, trust. UFURI /. fYUTUm. UYRUTwi. B — in contempt, endearment, &e. qfJTTsrtn. qjTURt or URt/i
5rry»». torm. wr f. urFurmFs' /• ffZTURl /.
2 religious belief, v. Faith. UTRm. fuuTUwi. URT /. B. — expenses . RTH’Rni
3 a belief, a faith, v. Heligion. UUn. RUin. U[R»i. Empty b. or RR5lWf3n. FtTRiYii. FtWUY»-—With
4 persuasion, opinion. Zfffin. UlRUr/• Win. jfe/. or upon an empty b. OTfur, Riraf RR, FUYR R3f, RURUR3T
5 object of belief. URTRUUm, iRUTUfiuUm. RRT&c. YRRn. or 3TU5TRJ-i or aruFuSr 7IZT, RTOUf.— With or upon a hull b.
6 creed, R&RfRruUTvU/. UGur irfr, mi.
7 (of a God) —opp. to Infidelity, RTfefRRr /. 3Trf?iPFr«. R- Shooting in the b. UT/. v. t, TT-
fUBUTO- Stinting or pinching of the b. RJRrYfm. qfcfternt. UCTURI?/.
To Believe, v.a. credit, trust. URR, UPG URR, iTOTUR, UT- Swelling or swollenness of the b. cfrcr RRt/. STT^URfm. RBURw.
5URI/. RTO ff. of o. fYUTOin . - UYTOm.- UPTm SRRYm.-&c.
Certain combinations and phrases expressing this sense are, RU
SRR-UTR, RYr-UR-&c. RJR in. con. Rt’rncR or tuturca- or s-rkr, rtrut jjryi Rusrr, urn
A make believe. fURIRRt/® RptRT, TO f.v. TOUT or Rinriur T3R STRSr, RUrff 51R, ?S5f Ufp', R2T UT
Believed, p. v. V. FTOFuu, Rw, *rfeR, TOfUR. RUW-CTiRUtrT or zmm m!& or RR - 3R5AR -tfr-
Believer, n. Believing, p. a v. V. fuRreRfUrYT, f^RIURTYr, f // &C. RR.
&c. Ftoiurrt, rrtrrt, uruurYr, u«-irr, rrto, rruFtot, Shrunkcnnoss and flattennedness of the b. is expressed with
rfcrR, rrtrr, urtuu, Fu-urur, uirtr, urr. equal liveliness. RRR1 UR, RSTRt
I — in theology (of a God). RfflRR. tor izm, R3 Yurroru ?r, fr^ruf TO^f-quRf, or
II (of a divine revelation). YrrUTUHt, STOBrfRI. TORt &c. R3 UTiffU or UTfRlU UR, R £ UTPCR or
Bell, n. tar f. pop. urr /. S,- dim. urff /. URn. UTra^-, mrmrfpi. tort or q-Twr, r^-r! or 3-
Clanking or tinkling b. URURtfeT/. u?ur or quYur.
String of little bells (as around a bullock’s neck). ufeUYm. The three folds across the b. (from obesity or age). f%URl /.
UUYtTO/. To be engrossed in providing for the b. RTfR RRlu RIUR, qr-
2 plate of bell-metal ( used to strike on), sfijr or Hum. RffiTO 3R RTn. arruu «». con.
n. UR /. URn. To go to the b. R?f U3R, USRUTUf TYR.
3 (of a flower, &.c.)_v. Cup. RUT /. To have a b. to fill. R£X R#lU RIUR.
Bell- founder, n. TORTY m. To pinch one’s b. q}a: uiRR, qferu RC TYR, RCW
Bell-man, n. U^URR! or Rim. URRlRm. UIRR, R3Rr RRm. RUU, qjYTrSTw. TTO, RYifURr5-jf TYR.
2 public crier. RFflUTUTm. To pinch the b. to clothe the back. T«qr 33T3R fuWfB T1
Bell-metal, n. RRR pop. Rtun- RRR.
Belle, n. smart young woman. rrrI or RTRUTURl/i «rr- To touch one's b. ROTY UTYU, sfSsf
RR or Slur SJRRTR or ?jfrR /• UqlYRn. Whip my back, dont cut my b. R#TY UfY RSTYY UI% U#.
Belles-lettres, n. ET^RTYRnYRn. 2 belly fig. hold. qfrn.
Belligerent, a. 3® RRURTYr. 3 bulging part. qjY». RUfm. RUfTTm. RUifl f
. . . -

To Belly, v. n. swell out, jut out bulge. tpiq, TTqpCq,
7TJTT>». qq, qaqq, #
3 R, Tkin.-TRm.-T^ Dln.-U 3'/.-^ 3
'/-- S.c. I^T

-j-rjirrifi. &c. qq, trW Crq. -arm, Tr^Rr-T^-&-e. ^cq-.

2 sumg, v. To Bag. qRaiq, iiRm.-gURTrin. qq. 2 direct to a certain point. iiRq, U?iq, Cr^ni. 'TRR'-^i'U't.

Belly-ache, a. Tll-auA or m. dil jnqqn qfl<4dl / 3"?T3T3'»i. 3 down (a bough, ;

& c.) aiiqT°T.

qiuqqr/. wsr«qRr /. To Bend, n. TIOT, TRq, Tffiq, 'iqq qnq, Si^q, /?)«•-

Constitutional or constant b. qll^YITM. TllETJlt ./ ^rTTni.-TRm.-qqq /.-qR" / -Ts;qii.-#[ 3-/.-& c sqfq-qq and
Belly-band, n. v. Girth. Tit/. with in. con. 5)q.


2—gener. TCITmn q^Tqiqn. Bend, n- flexure, inclination, curt a/ure. 3 <a u I» TfiTqn Tr«fT

Belly-bound, «. v. Costive. TsNffS' pop. qqqqisir. TRXVf. i(jj\ TrCf vf. $\zfn. =TKT /.

Belly-fretting, n. gripes in a horse's belly. jTf/t f 2 (of a stick, tie. of a load, river, tlie ocean, &c ). ^mj.n.
Belly-full, n qfiqUTt/. qriWT /. 7CTT iUrn.-qqqn «rr^°Tn. mzf*
With half a b. qqfrif WTilf, fqqqtlf.
Bended, Bent, p. v.V. A. 1 . and Crookfd. W,
To ’eat a b. TTUTC %/q-?7rq, ^iT|5-^^'R T-3'Tl T-'ic. :: : Pr^r, r^R^r, mz, r^?r, -m,
%#. B. about, bent in various directions . d^^FtRFF,
Belly-god, Glutton. qfDRTni. qnqRrm- frir^fm-
n. v. Tr^TTn'. 7

TTlTR-ffl- qqfFKc. jqpfe. JJfTTRiri. €Rc. 2 and Intent.

tt\ \> tt\ NS G‘ :

Belly-timber, Belly-cheer, n. Tflifl /• i

Beneath, prep. 4 adv. See Below. *

Benediction, n. blessing, or invocation of blessing. 3 T[v?fJKn?,

Belly-worm, n. qfifqRTin.
To Belong, v. n. be the property of 3T5R with ^rr-tff?-iS.c. *TrOTT^tt.
(as f qq RIR ATrl this house belongs to him). qpqq, JfRm.- J3Tm. v. 3TF 3T.

&c. sjqaj in. con. Benedictory, a expressive of blessing. ^Tr^^fsTRT,


2 be the province or business oj. 3Rtq with RMfR-&c. (as

? TTR STIR »rrf this work belongs to him). Ript, r3mfa-&c. Benefaction, n. benefit conferred. . 3 rr*Tw

g.ofo. qrrqn.-qqRq».-&c. aRq *». con.


3 have relation to. Rlfq, qwm.-&c. aRiq, 0TWT-fTOT#tRr Benefactor, n. ^<nnT^ C 0 lTO *»*

-&c. areq. ^FPnFcffwi.

Belonging,^. v.V. 1. qqqr. Benefactress, n. &c.

2 RfJR, fRRr. Bfnefice, ». ecclesiastical living, ^r-
3 sfifhfjT, sfqqq, aTTOWl, wft, #Wrq, aqfq¥, aprTjq, RJT-
T#NT, friRT, RtRitiRT, Rifl, TC TCRR (in comp.). & Beneficence, n. v. A. Tfrq^T^w. qffq^rFf /.
Beloved, a. loved, dear. v. Darling. RPbsRr, fqq, UTTOT,
fRW, fspRR, Rfn, TUft, TSB, qfa, $qn?rr, apjif r aj^fqfq, Beneficent, a. kind, charitable, §c. tTflTOPT^, qfrqqrffr, ^( T- r

qfqq. ^rtrq^r^qr, ^qqrrcqr, qfrqqjrr^j, ^q^r^qr, ^qqrrfr.

B. by all. qqfirq. Beneficial, a. profitable , serviceable useful, v. ,
Bestb. ^gqq. ous. TOTifr, ^rr^r, flTOPcqr, twi* (

Beloved, n. beloved female, wife or mistress. qnTJRT /. «BH|r /. wqr.

qfqqr/. faqr/. iwnr/. ftfqiR'n. iRtqqr /. qraqr/. qqqi/. Beneficiary, «. receiver of benefits. vjqqrr^qrqTft. ^qqTRRq^w •

qrar /. /• q^CRt/. <qrqt/. qirql /. qrsrqt/. ^qqrr^jft, ^qqrR#ft, f qrqrq-w.

2 lover or husband ITR-fRiii. STRTfifwi. JfRSWni. qfqqqm. Benefit, w. kindness conferred. ^qqrfCw. ^q|*fq/. ^OTFF«.
TlWm. SORfr^. TR^RTm. A public b. ^4Stqqrr<m. HtfqqTRm.
Below, prep. v. Under. igRqf or ^TiR, or l#. 2 profit, avail, use ,
v. Advantage. ffiTn. ^q-
From b. qn*R- qfiTwi. rpqm. ^nrsTTw.
qRR n.~qX'w.-

Below, adv. in the lower place. ?3TSrf, sqRRf a. decl. or To Benefit, v. a. promote the good of ffrf«.-" ;

qiUR, |l, TSRir, W, BRRT:, a^RR, *rWRPT. OTn."^qioTn.-&c. g.oj o.

Fromh. qrKR. 2 profit, avail, serve v. ,
To Advantage, ^q^ifw.-^w.--
Belt, girdle, cincture, §c. TST m 3TOT»»— &c. ff <*1 g.of o. with mv. con. JjqRT ^q-’Riq, ?-
Plate of a b. qqqPB/. TfrqfTqq.
Sword b. 5T55f/. qqqtijn. TSTm. To Benefit, v. n. receive advantage • sRUTq n. - qq ji .
- qiiR n .

Waist b. ^TJRTUw. qrqqqRTm. f|qn.-&c. g-.ofs.

Belwether, n. #fUMTOr|m. Benevolence, n. disposition to do good. qTOKjjfe/. d^l'TOT-

To Bemoan. "See To Bewail. jfe-/. 57wraUrqr/. qTTtr^quw. qrfiiijfe /. 5 ft-

Bench, n. arf^Tm. qq«i. FfW^sr/. <rqtrcqn. 5Rfir/. qqqqr /• qR?# /.

2 seat of a judge. RPTPfTSirRT ITr?t /. 'Jprr^n. WWn. Universal, qqmr/.
To Bend, v. a. infect, curve. RFR, TH #, TR#, 55^R, qq-
Benevolent, undisposed to do good. qfr<F57fl) ifnT^TCjfe', 7 -
< - r - —

frqqrrrerR, qfrqqrRqcR ii
r, qfrqqrFFT, qcqRqr°r or s^qr^R /.-f or oWCTte /.“%l^j>&c.
pTS--q?:-^r^-^TC-m^-^^r-&c. sRfs^fy, q^q^TR- ^*.0/ 0.

stR, rjttv, grfcrqi, wsr. Beside, prep . at the side of, v. Near, ^ilp,
Benighted, a. overtaken by the nujht. gRR q<"i .'i| - sflPT^T
f^Tm, ’Tplrf: , q-plnrnh
irf^r-^c. firarqrfa. 2 o?ze side, out of not of the course. #2rf, E:r^n, aTR,

Benign, Benignant, a. rjiacious, beneficent, v. Kind. qgiqqrr- aiR'qrfH, 3Traqss«f^, sqr^^w, qr^qrr^f, ^§#f.
gi, qgrqqrrgqr, 3wreTt5r, qgqrtgqg, qgrqqtrg’qg. b. one’s seif. fs^T'qrrg-iTRrqqr-^ftqq:-' ?fRqr-q^q?:-fw-
2 bland, mild, salutary, v. Wholesome. grRgqr, gRT, f?q- grqg a e. grtf.

qqgqr, fcqnrc 3 over and above, distinct from. OTT, q^isr, f^TO^r, qf«R
3 — of planets, aspects, & c. v. Auspicious. 57)7, qif&, g in or qrsK, (as ii^'sqfrg) qi^FT, Tiaqr^, sqfffR:^,

comp, in comp. qiJT.

Benignness, Benignity, n v.A.l. sg-qr/. qvr/. qrqrtfR5Tr/.
Besides, adv. additionally , moreover. STanft, sq>qtqi
g-qqrrgvfRqr f. qq^rg-qn. qqqrrgqRr/. qrqRqr/.
2 grP?qqRr J fiRcrgqRr /. To Besiege, v. a. qgor, qg%, qgqr or W, ^Cr»i.
3 SfRn. SW'Tn.
S3 O
JfJT-Tt'Tn. -qsnn. -qrrraTm .-qg^r«. -f^n- & c. grsw-l^r, ^nmr^rw- -
BenissOn. See Benediction. ^RiTFw. OTg'.o/o.
Benjamin. See Benzoin. To Besi.ubbeu, v. a. soil with spittle, §c wTfSrg'-S’HtSfl^ grqjfaf

Bent, ?i. bended stale, flexure, curvity. or tan* sff 7! f. jtC't, ^^“r, qcqfeq^r, /• ^^r-
^ktTnrrwi. TOTf/. To Besmear, v. a. bedaub, v- I'o Smear. JqrSf
2 disposition towards ,
v. Inclination. W£j, #"?%/. cfT^m. ^qf"T.
sat f\wm. tffVnu Besom. See Broom.
3 v Tendency, gprui. #i3Tm. fRwi.
. To Besort. See To Become.
Bent, p. See Bended. To Besot. See To Infatuate.
To Benumb. See To Numb. To Bespangle, v. a. fe^Rr-^iRSliT P-lR-^c. Jqfqfr-^*
Benzoin, n . —of superior quality. or ^TRt3rcT m> fTPjPTirt. 5TrftTff &e. ^gnj-.

^Tpfnt 5 Tm>. of inferior quality. 3^w. To Bespatter, «. a. - * 3tjq% with er: o/o.

OTRTwi. fsHFTRl w°t, feqtq, rRRFq'Tn g.ofo. .

To Bequeath, v. a» leave by wilL fer=T i#, ^Trr&^^f 'To Bespawl. Sec To Besi.ubber.
sf#. To Bespeak, v. a. order beforehand. qrliFT, qTWffilTO
Bequest, n. %wy. ^q^rf%^TFT?i. apqf^lftfRRn. 3TRf8F grgR &q°r, iriR-feq qnfaf. qRR g.oj o.
To Bereave, *?. «. </, deprive of . ^ffW, nn#,
R3jqr- 2 betoken, indicate, \J To Snow. T5JRR, gi*Rr, i(IW, g-
- ^rr^r^rr - & c* - qrr^rR- RT3T^ 4#~Fw4f-n>-?i o/o. Rqq-.
fro^r ~ ^ Tf^r - ^ rr -
f &c . g^or ( lls srfin*# nw To Besprinkle. Sec To Sprinkle.
•J^Kyfsr %^r.). Best, a. g%.f-gqmiT qw-fe. 3Rg, am, «qsr, *q?r, hrit,
Bereaved, Bereft, 7?. tVV. ^r^r^^f-wr^c. &fs t
qfBTR, q^tr, it, qPcsr, qq, sq^Rr, qq: (m comp,
%^r we/4 0/0. .as ggqg, qqjqr, &c.).
Bereavement, 71 . v.V. — nR^Ppir/* =fRf°T/. Jff^f «fr^ofn. B. of all. gqi'RJT, ST, RffRlT.
&c, ^3;rOTn. tic.— state. WW/. =TPKW/. B. middling, worst. 3 yR, gWR, qrf*T8".

qqTm. &c. I’ffq’/.-R^Tm.-fHrfr /. & c. (in comp, with o. as Bestial. ,

Sec Beastly, Brutal.
spmft/. nnnra*, &c ). To Bestir, v. a. v. To Rouse. grq T-|'5rrr-&c. ,
Berry, n. WfR'RoJn. To Bestow, v. a. v. To Give. |Sf, JfR». quCF, Mq°t, qwqvr,
Jeweller s lu (seed of abrus precatorius). jfsr/, 3j3fr /. irRrqrqvr, qr^Rr, aqqVn.-qwfaTn.-&e. qitor g-of o.
Ball of wax studded with this b. 3j3ff3T or Rm. Jj^rstw. Bestowablk, a, v.V. qTT qFro- qT-'itqiT~& c.
Beryl, n. Bffaflpr, *T«f, gJRf.
To Beseech, r. a (a person) supplicate implore
. , , v. To Beg. Bestowal, Bestowing, Bestowment, n. v.V. act. sir qrv-
q*# ^.0/0. %. &.c. qrgn. Arqorn. ggTq„. irffrqR-g-n. qrqirrqn.
OTTTPrr t#, qro ot, q-pm* «p$r, w^/* *>#, «r#, To Bestraddle, To Bestride, v. a. 2’iIR-q'qrqiq Ergqf, qm%
prefer ». r#, ##, wm,^- q^RT-^iiCTW ^rrfr or vpvrg- qg^r.

pdf- €i#, tobt kt#, rarw. qrerr^r. Bet, n. v. Wager. %sT/. q°rm- ?R /. qfq?rr /.
2 (a thing 01* matter), v. To Beg. JffJjvr, fqrfft *n?FF, To Bet, v. c. v. To Wager, qw/. JTBC'T-qrq:”!, q^m.-nf^r/,

nm, w. qqqR, ft vf. qifsR-qrRSr.

' "

To Beseem, Beseeming. See To Become. To Betake, v. a. (one’s self.) v. To Resort. aqr«Wi«. qR®T-
To Beset, v* a. set at and press throng around and worry #0. , ,
Erw with g-.ofo, aqr»OT, STT^mn. qr^RT, %#, %*Rfli-tRr/.
nr#, t#, t#, nr#*, qi K^g-ofo.

Betle-nut, n, areca catechu or fciufel ,
- tree. To Betide, v. n. befall, y. To Happen. m, TPf-

V"T, <73%, HTtT ?!%.

wf&fi test/. jtw.
—the fruit or nut. ?TTITt
qrTTSSn. mfn,
Betimes, adv. early , m good time, v. Early. 5533TV, ^^'TTTf-

B. nut which has ripened and hardened on the tree. %£«. ff- or ISfrC, or firsts?!, STfStfatt

37ft HTirr/. To Betoken, v. a. indicate, v. To Show. g^f%

T, Wra-

B. nut, gathered after it has fully ripened, qfffm. ctefw* Cf- f#, «rr°r#.
Betokener, v V. SrSTpPTITr, & c. (in

comp, as Ctpjfl, or &c. ST-

B. nut decaying without ripening. ffrJTlfft Hqpfl/.

B. nut — as on the tree or before shelling, Sic, ffqFT^ft* Ov

ffW’ft, ' ®\

TOi &c
\J Ov ' '

Branch of a b. nut tree or ).

Base portion of a branch of a b nut tree. ‘TKPft* To Betray, v a . deliver by treachery. ^^TR - fq ^T^qRTR' “ 1^-
k^t/. a piece of do. fffTOffw.).
&c. ^trr rq^r^rqr-
( j

B hut box. qffqrffn.

cFRR, fq^RR q7rq%.

Core or heart of a b. nut. ifHT'R 2 disclose (a secret).

Dunging around the roots of ah. nut tree. .OR til f* ?Rhrw. qrck.
qjRn. 3 discover, make manifest, v. To. Expose. TRE - S'SR Ac.
Fine cuttings of a b. nut.

Fruit stalk of a b. nut. VSjqZn, TO /. fir&n. V$1f:n. fffT~

To Betroth, v. a, pledge in marriage, affiance, qf^Rn-qf^-
Implement for stripping off integuments of a b. nut. pop qrffrcqm-qRrqqqm. m^igofo. qfyqR-qr^KR-
dim. iffXf. qrkqqrrl^ -xrfqirrfqqrlfff- & c. wrt /• qp?R.

Scissors for cutting a b. nut. BTRTm. ^fqTffLm 2 take in affiance, qT°fl% qqk, qfqrqfq^q ni. - qr^^qfqTK m. qr^T,
Spatbe of a b. nut. fSpctft/. qpfcTm. ipfff g.of o q^q^c^w-qr^KR^*

Y oung b nut . plant. ffffqfft /. Betrothed, jo. v.V. 1. qr^Tf, TO? ?, 5

qiq^RI (used of a fe-

Young h. nut plantation. HORru male), ^Rr^rrfqqrffff /qrkqqrff ff, fqqrffqfWff-

Young and tender b. nut. qmzX or ktfft or m£tf. 2 qpflff qc^r, qr^rfffajflff , ar^tf ff.

For Betel-nut prepared in particular ways, some of the terms Betrotiiment, n. v.Y. L— act, qr T ffR &c. qRTRra. fff-

are /* or f. *fTRT or /. ffRTRn. ^RFTt/.

^rr ftf. 3T3T m or qcfl mftf, qTTffm. or qpqq;£t 2.— act qRlff q^Rn, Ac. qpqc^n qRrfffffn.
Better, a The most idiomatical way of expressing this compa-
*rO/. gqpcV/. or / q^qt m\<X.
2-~the Piper Betel tree. ffRW/. ffRRfit/. rative is by the use of the words for good with |R-TOr-&c.
Some kinds or varieties are qrrjCq^/. ffTRT SRt/ sffT, 4% mm, qke*.
To get the b. of. To have the b. of. See under Advantage.
Irffjf. ^RfftqR pop. iR^qfRn.
Rn. Better, adv. Vide remark under the adjective
B . leaf of the middling quality. qrff*qrar ff ffC, .

Bundle of b. leaves (containing 550). ffW/. (Aggregate of Better, n, a superior, an elder. q^Rc. qRSfh. Zf&c,

as wfis jffffffn.). To vie with one’s belters. ZW f f

Case (of bamboo, palm leaves, &c.) to hold b. leaf. qRffqn.

Case to hold b. leaf with its accompaniments. qRffRru qR- To Better. See To Improve.
Between, Betwixt, prep, in the intermediate space

Leaf of b. qRn. *?P1.

Leaf of b. of an elongated or bud form, efrsSf^ qpff or qrssiffr- Betwixt and between. af4t or wmm or awffir hr sw-
^qrRn. qfrsSt/.

2 from one to another noting intercourse. *TW, »T[ff.

lime placed to be eaten with b. leaf, m%£\f
Pile of b. leaves. *rr<T/. /. ¥RTn. The sense of this word is commonly expressed by the use of
qRTRTm. the genitive case reciprocally, as cffpfff IRT qiT ^rff. There
Plantation of b.
Roll of b. leaf, of areca nut, & c. farm. qifeffTjf* ffiff^wt. qr- is no dispute between him and her, *fff% Tffif ^ fffff

qrn. qRqfl/. Some kinds or forms are qrrffff&ffr, ^TTCk'Srr, &c. Sic.

j^qrfqffr, Rnsrr.
3 — noting difference.
Roll of b. leaf, areca nut, &c.~compreh. qR^qpft/. Some Betwixt and between, or or mimmi
significant terms for this roll are ^^fq^Tn. jg^qqRTwi. Beverage, n. v. Drink, ffffn.

^kf. Bevy, n. flock

of birds, mixf. 3ETW/. ^r/.
Roll of b. leSf, &c. giicn from one’s own mouth (to children To Bewail, v. a. bemoan, deplore v. To Lament. , ffWf ff/.
m^lg.ofo.X^h^r^i, qr^T-*?R-
er women). fhfm.n.
leaf, b. nut, &c. ?TRn#r». g<ofo, g ofo.
Vender of b.
STTSW/.-^^/. C*«T. Bewailable, See Lamentable.
To Bethink, v. a. (one’s self).
, , ,


Bewailer, n v.v. v^ncr, #f^rr, Bibacious, (I addicted to drinking. qR^, qRRB^f,

5gR^prt qR^rr^T, OTTO.
To Beware, v. n W^-OT^T-pTlT- A c. 3Tti°T- rTf^T, W, Bibacity, 7?. v A. qRRprfT/. qRTOtt.
Bible, n. v. Scriptures. feRTORSTn.
Beware iotr !

. Biblical, a. R%RqTRfT, qrirWqr^Wr- fqqw.

To Bewilder, v. a . lose m mazes .
JJUTOT or TpCqFTOT, JjsrqFT- Bibulous, a. that has the quality of imbibing. 5}r^ y
OT y
§OTOT°T, ffTtOT or ^TOT.
2 perplex $*c. v. ,
To Confound. qFR"fOT, H*rF#, *rkOT or Bicipital, Bicipitous, a. that has two heads fw^cT^T.
#POTf /• *f?OT or
3TrfR®r f otot g.of o jjar or ^qrarfr /. qrsSr- To Bicker, Bickering. See To Wrangle, To Squabble, <S^c,

qrOT^OT- Bicorn, Bicornous, a. that has two horns. gf^T, Jf%7r,

Bewildered, p.vV. 1. Erring th?TOT?5T, *TOTiOT35T, &c. Bicorporal, a. that has two bodies, fgrtfr,

f^rr^Rr To Bid, v a. y. To Command. stTsTT /. ^rPFT^PTf / -

2 c#w» *nw t&5rr-grr^r, ^rer, ^Fot, ^c^tcr- ^mr / qrOT.
*tiw, *%\m t
w, «rfa, stafa, Potft, w or ot- 2 o«// /o, Y. To Invite ^PFT, frsnw, qr^rOT^IOT*
f^r. 3 declare, pr on oimce. v. To Say. ffPFT.

ot^ot, tfrzrsw, #w%, t#r,

To be b. 4 propose a price. f- &c. B’RPT-qTOT, FJOTPT5FT /.
OTOT, ’tfanTt/. fOT or ?ox/7* ^ of afrr apt ,v. qrOT.
Bewilderment, rc. v V.l. state. JTOTTTT or TT&qtfZlm.mfZZtm. — Tob. higli. W,-ra/. &c.
%— state. ^3Tc7 J\ v(r% jT. ifOT3“ /. #r^w. ^w. qtersJTm t- To b. up. vie at auctions . qTOT, ^TtqT^St f
^f°Tf /. /• Krrffi /. ^m. #errr». err^r/. $r? m qfOT
Bidding, n. v.V. 1. Order. ^PFfn. ^R°Tf /. HRf/.
To Bewitch, r. a. affect by witchcraft v. To Charm. ^TOT, r. BR.
#rOT or qrOT,%OTn.~ ifer^n.-^OTr/. qrc- s flRq^rw. btr^^b. rrot»* ^r^R°rn.
f <OTOT~qOT. m con , 4#frw #«. Rpf r^rCr /.

2 %, enchant, fascinate, v. To Charm. *TPC^T, 3TOT or JpT- To Bide. See To Abide.

OT, %°r or qiOT, iJOT/.-fOTq /.-&c. STR% Bidental, a . f’RTRNl, fSTOT, Frftf,
Bidual, a. of or belonging to two days, fiq* gijr^’qr,
Bewitching, Bewitchment, n. v.V. 1. —act, 3qfOTn. SfTOTfl. &<\ 53ft*r-
vtprAf %«*. ^Tti- pop. %^/~state. ^ssr /. TiC- Biennial, a, that isfor two years. ^R^OTT f#T, ? f^OTr,
§7i. JJOT^/.apr/ iftwtn* or c?r a. ind . §7JTRT°fT«

2— act. mtftf— state. f ?[<&/. Bier, n. FfOTf /- RTCfr /. rTRT /.

JOTn. *pm /. *p /. JOTOT/. — in jocose phrase. mw /•

Bewitching, a. engaging captivating , v. Charming. #f^qr, jqr- Bier-bearer, n. mmtfw,

tf, Prrortr, PfrTPTrrfr, 3T%r€r. Biestings, n. first milk after calving. RR^ni. qrqq?i*
To Bewray. To Betray. See B, conglobated by boiling, mm or ?3TTO or m® or WWUm .

Beyond, prop, farther onward than . # r

%T, J^T, geKFjgOTr, Bifjerous, a bearing twice a year
. , otCf, ^qrfr.
OT TO, or qOT. Bifid, Bifid ate, a. divided into two JJTRT,

2 on the farther side of mm or qRsqft', qilc, TT, Biform, a. of two forms . ftfOT,

TOT Bifronted, <z. o/rfw fronts. fl’W,

From b, qf^OT. Bifurcate, «. shooting into two branches . jqrferr^f,
That is b. BTWTrT- &c.
S (in excellence, degree, &c.) above . 3T, qOTT, OTHT or OT- Bifurcation, n. J^krw. fWRfra. or
w, stfSRr, %^5Tw- t^%n.
That is b/ mgr. Big, a. v. Large. #st, 3T^R, (mostly in comp.),
To go b. y# To Excel, mzj Z{mr ^r?T 2 v. Pregnant. 3T^fc, ^TfOTr, ?fflfTr fr ?


m t

?TfW or use to cattle and certain

Bezel, Bezil,
Bezo ar,

n. anti-poison .
n. of a gem &c. r

^ff°T o^»


To become
or ^
3TfJTqr (confined in

or be growing b.
(confined to the mure and ass).
fqOT", ^TFOT (goner, conjoined
2—bovine. aJtfi mrf ffrcmn. with R^r and confined in use to cattle and certain reptiles), %T~
Biangulous, o, fe^for. a?0|- or qtrrss%
Bias, w. leaning of the mind \
prepossession , inclination . f 3 haughty, puffed up, v. Proud. * felTUfT-
#RTw. ^w. 34r^r/* shjsTwk ?TOTni ^r, npr^r, wt.
To Bias, t;. a. incline, warp, prepossess . $Rr- To grow b/ Rrrgrqfir.

Bigbellied, a.
— . . , &

Bigb odied, Bigheaded ,and similar compounds, See under Large. B. receipted and remaining with the person cashing it. ifjrqrr
Bigamist, n. man of two wives . Cftf qfqqrNl ^nRTTm. fipTW, f§> or
w, B. upon one to whom cash or a good b. is sent to ensure Ins
2 man twice married . fqqq^ qqfqqrft, gTfffh honoring of it. Good b. or cash so sent.
Bigamy, n. the having two wives at once. fg^TWr^fra. fgrrr- Charge made on acceptance of a b. £RTfTI f or HqiTf#/
qNrTC°Ttt. Endorsement of a b. ^qriTfn
Bigger, a. s?f^#rsT- & c. Forfeit upon the dishonoring of a b qqqqTC or qqp?y^ j.
Biggin, ?i. child's cap. ff# or rrqq/i. Letter of advice of a b. passed, qs/.
Bight, n. (of a rope, &c»). zjitf. . Letter of advice pasted to a b. /. ^Tf?ffZfWfZfm
Bigness, n. v.A. 1. qfimrnz.#f37f/. 3Tf^Tpojy J?f?q n. WHm.
Bigot, n. ^qqqfWqRl - qrqqmft &c. qRsqm. TOTOraff T^Tro.- Pi ice paid upon a b. |^oTfqsr f.
qq*q-&c. Rejection of a b. ^rOw.
Bigot, Bigoted, a. qqqrfl, wrfwqt, ^qqffWRi, STJTqpqfr, To accept a b
qqrqrer, q^rqRff, qqrwr. To dishonor a b. fqrrqbj,
Bigotry, qqrfWRm.. ^^FfrfJTJTRw
??. To present a b. Jtff /. ftpw,
m qqrqr%fe* /. Tqr^Rmni.trwr%fe/.
8 (of lading). f
Bile, ??. f?qn. 9 (of divorce). ^^pqfr/.
Bile-duct, n. fqqrqrfiqr/ To Bill, v. n.— of birds. RqRPTt / -^PTCRq / ^TTot
Bilge, «.(of a ship, cask, &c.). qrrn. jqrCrm. jpjTm. f tot .

2 hollowfor b-water qqqvg' or qqqqr or TJVRF^f. (or qfor q). Billet, n. v. Note. ^qt/.
To Bilge, y. n. ypTZTn. ^<fr 7j[^n. in con }
. . 2 v. Ticket. Rqrqt/.
Bilge -water, n. XRrq or qqqn. 3 (of wood) Log. v. dim. $ftf. %m. if Hfjn
Hollow in which b. collects. qqqs' or or qqqf & f. aTpflrn. TO^qfw. ^\Zn. ffTOFm. dim. Zt*%f. ziz^iu
(or qfor q). WfP&rm,
Biliary, a belonging to bile. FtWRT, fiwMir,
%%qr. %, Billion, n.
Bilinguous, having two tongues
a. g-fiqqf or TfSpqr fgqsRT. . Ten billions. %m. %}®m. (This term is taken both for
2 speaking two languages q*Tr#f, . 10 and for 100 billions).
Bilious, a. See Biliary. 2 having excessive c^u. foYu. Hundred billions.
, fqrTfST^ SJ =5j%m
fq^trqr, mrwrq, fira?rer, f^rropr, ftwajar. Thousand billions, spRf??.
B. fever. [qR^q^m. Ten thousand billions. Zfzzrm,
To feel b. fqRRr #T/. WW (3TPT, TOW), fqRR 513^35% Hundred thousand billions. q^Rn
impers .
Billow, n. v. Wave. $\£t f.
Biliousness, n. a'cm or vitiation of bile. (Wq^rqwi. fqRSTf- Swelling and dashing of billows, fcfzz^tf intens .

9F*r«. fqq^wm fqwrRnprn. Bin, n. (for corn). qrWm, or dim . OTWt/.A.

To Bilk. See To Disappoint. fzeftf. RfrTm, dim , qfeffw. q,?7».
Bill, w. /;oo£ o/ wood-men, #<?. ^nWTm. ^rqqt/. or To Bind, a confine with bonds, gener,
, qrqsJT v. .
v. To Tie. q^T«T, qf-
qr52Tirt. qr(a?m. W€n. qtfft or zpqr/. csfqq?*. wfi wqn, M*r ;
r«.-&c. g\ of o .

Catch or lodge of a b. (fastened on the hip), sfqpfl/. BfqTv3Twi. 2 confine cohibit v. To Restrain.
, , B^rqr^,
^ (of the Blianddrl caste employed upon the cocoanut). 3?f-

qrc^f, jrfs °T, ^?R;rw.- c. qr^r.

3 enwrap, v. To Wrap, q^Sy, zfJF^T.
5 v. Beak. qpq /. ^yf/. R^qzm.r. 4 promise, duty, law, qfq rfr, qpsR qbj- 3jf,

4 account of thing sold money due
, ,
$'<?. fqqr^qr F^vRiNt q^t, 3Tfqq qq*, 3jqqoy ?

q^fm. qfqq-qrqBj-^
qm qq-qqqq^qrqrq WPm. Sq, qsfqq
^ 07 -vm,
qr^br fry!
5 — in law; account of a crime . ^Tq^RST^n. imf-pi qof.

^iqr^rq^qqn. 5 (by kindness or favors). oZ>%c, wr//^> beholden . qfqof or

6 written statement, gener. qqfw. . qq?qr5rm. Pqff/. qm W,fqqrq qq, fqqftq q^f, rr-fwr-^TOTW
7 (of exchange). J€\f fftfqft/ fffaqn. &c. qr^q 5-qor, aj^nr ^5

Bills of exchange, Orders for payment, &c.-— compreh, 6 cw^Ve, constipate. q[Zn. qq- qrrq o*. d/d, q^ ot q^e-
wrr /. ^rg qrq^r, qr# 0/ 0 .
Acceptance of a b. ^PDw, 7 — as sheaves, &c. q^ ;
qz'Rq, m^mf. q^C^t,
B. at sight*
m lieu, of a b.
|$t/. 8 (a book). #, qfqofr/. qrc°T.
B. given lost. %/» 9 around, v. To Gird. jf?R5t r qf-
B. payable to bearer. ^rf%qr#qt/. I m.
B, payable only to purchaser, || 10— magically, qfqof.
—— /

11 tightly, forcibly- v. To Tie. qrqq, qrrqrqq, ^YYPrq Birds-net, n. min. TOT m. qcj-iTm.
or sror^-^5fra5-&c #i- wf - q^-- & c . qrciRq Birth, n coming into life. SRqnin. qiqfq/. qqq>n. q|Rm. Sf-

qteq-qifq Ac. qq«. TOUT/. qrPr / mnx. qrgm. qfq/- qqqw. qtqr
12—to, unto, at v. To Tie. qqrqq or 3Tiq-|q qiqur, SR^T5! or A former b. l^qF^fmn. \sT^JT m
2— ;
6 *N

3— q
iqqf w, friqqq- A genius from b.

Bindweed, n convolvulus turpethum. qqqqr /. qq«. Another (past or future) b. ST^nr^Sffntt.

Binder, n. bandage. T5t / B. life, and death. ^r4-qreR-^r^r.

Binding, n v.V. 1.— act. Win- qrqqn. &c. qfom. fs-Tqn. fq- B. Being (or Life), Decline, and Destruction, (the four stages
fqqn. of a creature). s?^T, mtsm,
9— act. qTSiteqn.&c. fqtqqn qHUrqn. fq?TC m. B. again. B. after death.
act. qgqn. qqr stq«. Ac. ^RETw.
4—act. tN^T/u qtfqn. JTf^T Wn. &c. By b.
5 act. q'[qqn. fteq qq». &c. From b. q^prrqq, aqq^q, qrq ?qq>rq qrsFqqvRr qrq-qfq, , ,

6 act. qqfte SETq/i. q^URnfm. mVWHrn. q-qq: gpqrcw, qjqimfq.


7 act. trqn %foSq-n. %rstqt/. Ill b. in and from, the n‘atal hour, qwq ( as blind from >

Q—act. fiqqn. qrqqt/. birth, i-qqqqqarf; poet from birth, qqqqqri%; and qqsrqqiw,
Cost of b. qiqqprar/. qqwqq^r, qqqqwqqr, ^qqqwq, qqqqsriqqr, Ac.).
act. qfqqn qgqn- jJ?teq». &c. In the present b. S[f 3Fqf or gqSFqfq.
10 act. #»• In, through, during, &c. all one’s birtlis. q^qq^qfqqf, 3f-

ll - act. TOq«. ^rqgrqqn. &c. -qq-qf or sr-qrq-qf.

12 act. sfiqqqn. spr^n. &IC. Seat or place of b. q?q?qrq«. ST^q^n. qqq«i. irfq/.
I band, fye. v. Bandage, qitf. Star of one’s b. q^qqaqw. 5f?qq«.
II tie, fastening, v. Tie. fqwi. f-7m. fqqri. qiSErm. Untimely b. ST^TRSf-qa.m.
III for edge of cloth, qqqt /. qizr»i. Acquired in some preceding b. qfoFqtfjfq, tejRqrf^.
Binocular, a. that has two eyes. srqtetr, fs:%q, gTRT. Blind from b. SFqrq, qqfq, q-qrqr ajq^r, SfrU^r
Binomial, n. that has two members. fifTT. Luckless or wretched from b. qrqqtef.
Biographer, n. qfqwte, qftemq^qr, qfrqqfqm. Poor from b. q-qqftCf, q^qfqqur or SFqr^r srfoft-fiteRft
Biographical, a v. N. qfi^qqqrqr, qpRTT’faqwr, -qrqR-te- Ac.
fq’SW-Ac. Rich, fortunate, &c. from b. qqqfqq.
Biography, ji. history of a particular person, qfqqqqqn. qfc- Sickly from b. qpqCrq! or SFqrqr Cwl, Wlil^r tnff, ^TsFI
qsBsrqn. qfvqrqqqqw. qftwrrqn. enfr.
Biparous, a. that brings forth two at a birth, qq^nm, f£-qq. That is from b. qtfqfqf.
Bipartite, a. that is divided into two parts, rqrq, qtiq, fg> 'To blame the author of one’s b. qrqre qRrqr^rer CJq, «T?q
WRT. qqrcru c?q.
Biped, n. TlRTqrqrqr-qRm. To give b. to. «r?q»i. qq.
Bipedal, a. that has two feet, fqrrfl, qqrqfqr, rS'TST, faiRT- 2 extraction, descent, v. Family.

JTSs ! /. ?3Tq/. qqrf%

Bird, ». listen. term. wrm. %qqm. qqqm. qrjfqi/i. f-
— ill contempt, &c. qfeRBhi. Noble or high b. qq^grqr /. -qrfqqTtqn.
Certain of the common birds are gpRT, frsq, 5JRTt, tfffq- Of pure b. mr% j#q, qter, tsjfoTFs:,
ft, or qrter or sarTfr, qtfirr, or jqrcfteqr, 3 thing born. fqn.
. f src, f qr, fqraru, iter, iterfr/iftefl, €rarqr, toft, m- 4 bringing forth. Sfqqn. qfq /. 3mm. /. nf
srq, qrq, teite, qqter, TOrtefr, qqftnft, qqq, rterft, qr- Birth-day m
qrqffTOm. qraf qfqfa:/.
w, sure, #qfqqf, ftefr, wr, fwrr, qnrr, =?rft, irite, qpqT- B. ceremonies, qqkqn. qqqfy/. qrsftqm.
§Ts?t, tutto, qqq, Rrct teite. Birth-place, n. 3T?qqfq f. q^qrqn. qwpjfqqir /.
A b. in the hand is worth two in the bush, qrsfcrr *n?C- Birth-right, n. 3r-qjp«KTRRt!TiR. q^qtjiqrfq^PCW'.
^ sfq^rqfrqr, «nff rr^q qqsisrrqii q5, qteft #?q Tan-ur# Biscuit, n. q3T«. is something like a biscuit.
Trate sujq^. To Bisect, v. a. cut into two parts. eprrqsr )
J#? qr^> qqqq,
That has been pecked by birds. qftllUiTl!? qfspnrqftrsr, qfgjqgr. ter? /.-fqi-qqrcqn.-fqtqr^qp. mvhg.ojo*

Birds of a feather, i^qrqrqrqf uterf, Trot, q%- Bisected, p. v.Y. fqrqttq, fqrq, ^qsr, feqrfq.Mfq.
*rr^tq°rt Bisection, n. v.V.— act. fqripfn- f#3/> fCTWCTn. tq fTCTR. l

Bird-cage, n. rfsRTm. Trepan. Bisulcous, a. cloven footed. fetJTOr.

Bird-catcher, n. WOTOTtOT. Tirjftm. qd%qrcijtr». ^rqrfqqte. Bit, n. morsel, mouthful, trrer pop. qrom. ^q3r«t.
Bird-lime, «. fqrorm. fvfiilf. 2 piece, gener. pjaTm. dim. fqqqw. #?h.
Stick covered with b. fqqrrft/. dim. tenften. s@wTf. ’si’^n. qrqm. qrfqqtr /.
—— , ,,


in the sense of the smallest particle or the least

quantity , 7 SM.
such words as jot, iota 8 addicted to biting . TOTT, TOTf, TOTO, TO^FTf.
and of the grade and with the power of ^
scruple, ace, particle, pin's head TOffW Bitloben, Bitnoben, «. gf^fTn. ^T^OTw. BfOT^
whit grain
tittle , .

tott, Rtotot, Riottt, otott, §>^r, tow, TOsfarr,

wr', otto, toto otst, ottoot, ottw* wifirar, Bitten, v. V. 1. OTTO, d.c. ^feRf,

Bitter, a. 3OT and remiss ^FTTOT . &TOTO bitterish. Rf 5 ?.

ttot, RRftrcr, ot, tot, toot.
the smallest degree OTTO Intensely b. Keenly b B. as wormwood, gall, 6wC.
A b. Not a b. in ( or not in ) .

sjfff, TOff ^ OTt &c. As these phrases, like

Not, None.
a#? demand TO,
2 fig. v.
Acrimonious. OT^ OTTO, TO, -

the negative construction. See f

3 fig. sharp, severe, painful .

pop. f^TO, TO,
B. by b. filter, #TO*.
(of a thing broken) v. Fragment. JTO3Tw. itot, wr^r.
OTTO / m. The b. and the sweet (of life, &c ) f^ITTO.
4 (of a bridle)

B shaped like an axe.

4 — as opp. to sweet, &c. and used of varieties among vegeta-

B. with four rings TOSTOt or cfr^fOTfOTfW?n.

bles. TOTf.

Rough b. B. with spikes and points. TO£OTTOw- Bitter gourd, n.

5— Bitterly, arfu. severely, sharply reproachful. TOOT, HTOf^,
Under chain or strap of a b. OTTTO5T /
Bitch, n fTCT/. rtf-
To Bite, v. a. ^TW, 3#T, ^TfTw -3THm -STOrm. V”T, ^5T»»." 2 with poignant grief . SfiOTf WOT- A c. TO-
C5R«- 5T°T. ^-TOt-&c. fPOT.

To b. the lips. 5BT

Bitterness, «. v. A. I. ^TTOTfm- TO'^ n ‘ ^5^/* ^F^ m * f^TTOT/*

2 as cold. ?#T, W, TOFF mu. cow.^ TOTTOw.

I rancour, malice . TOB/* TOTOlt /.
3 as pungent substances. OTOTOT, OTFF, TOOTT.
4 trick , gull, v. To Deceive. TOOT, JOT, TOOT, TOTfw.- frogbi.

II keenness of sorrow . %’5Tm. WFwi. ^^OTFw. ^gN



as speech, Sic. sting, cut. am, Z^PT, W, Bitumen, n. f^JOTfTOTwi. f^JOT5fW«*

To Blab, v a. teirsecrets
STJPT in. con.
snake. ^rr#, v?*PT, &WI, tt#, «sTPT TOOT
There are numerous lively colloquialisms expressive of thi*
7 ants, fleas, bugs, &c. ST^PT.
^ ^ & c.
— fiercely or eagerly. ARPT, or v?l adv. fiTSroi ,
T°H uf or sense, TOn.-JOT^Fw. - qjTOOT
^*.0/5. jSir/.-w/.
/ 5 fWOT/*
. IT-

or cj- q<in^T-'^TMi-^r^2'-^rCTsr-?f'SH'3 -iT3'R'f-
mg.ofs. ssfBr/.

0/ 0 . TO/. OT^*. 0/ o. TOn. TOOT or ^TfT TTOT g*. 0/ 0 ffOT .

&c. %3%
8 esp. of a horse. TO^f, ^R°T, ^rOT- oirfTl TO/* TOOT, OTTFm.-fwir or %lTTOu>.-*^rTOTw.-&c.
Bite, n. See Biting. 2 part bitten, wound made, ere. TO^^o/o. TOOTIi W-OT
WTOw- WRTw. RR§r#r And for To ^ blabbed, / -OT/.-frOTTOTt 3j^f/.-#^
WT». «»
\sTRT/. Jvfi
ZVBm. 3TOr»n. ?3T m. 5RT<KT»m.
bitten out, (esp. of flesh). m. &c. qrOT^.o/f. WTrm.-&c. &-of s, TO^TOl TOT, TOOT,
3 piece
wwr»n. v. q, sfTR", ^Rrm. v. W, Ifww. dim. fWFOT.
Blab, Blabber, n. Blabbing, p. a. v.V. TTR^TPCf, flf3Ts°rf^T,
ifii /. rqrrm. v. g.
&c. tr^arimr,ii5rto or JTsrtrfe, vir, 3157^4 or
4 cheat, take in. ftarm. 5Wrni-
5 cheater. See Cheat. ?5iqrr, fsrw fc^rr, fsTir^rr arwtv, f%J)^ifewr,

Biting, n. v.V. 1.— act. #jn. 5TB“r«. &c. WRTm. »• V, ¥Zm- ^jrfgTsr, ffrcr, arf^rc, f^r, wr, ^qf^r flrff

pop. or STBr m. ^^RTn. #tsr ftr«r?r


2 m« #VTn. Blabbing, n. v.V. qrST^n. ^n. W^Tn. &c tgK/. ^VRlTi


3 wmn. Sic. mmf- mmsf- :/• uw/. or 5W5TT if. Wn- qfr^IJrm. #flR(pfl/. ^iVTqiJTT/-
Black, n. blackamoor. ^rrsTtJTm. fr®Tq' rm.

4 qfrwrn. &c. /. 'fiW’rt /

2 See Mourning. 3 black color. fSRjfm. or FsiCtw-
5 ifrOTrc. OTOTn. OTOTw. &c.
6 ^TOTn. TO^Fn. &c. TO pojti. TOm. TOm* 3T3H«. Black, a. TTRST, f ®T, ^7T, 3lfe?r.

Biter, n. Biting, p, a v.V. 1. TOOTFUb TOTOT, &c.

B. and blue. ff<4lfa=5T.

2%otfct, &c. tostottt, ot?#2T, tot* B. as coal, soot, & c. intensely b. ^fST^rsqToStfl' , or

3 Gratf Pungent. OTOTT, &e. OTTO remiss OTTO, TOfTT. . .ste, z or ^tr, qrrfqvr, qr^ETf^ or ^sx, ^r^nrlv, qrr-

R^r, finerr, gtt°r, €t*r. surat'T, qrr^fe^t, ^ustjet, qrrstr#?’^, qrrsniqi’q^,

Some terms for an extremely black person, are fe5ri#5r
5 Rnar, ftwr, #r. ^TO'C, w',
sr^t /iop. qr€tqr, Jimlqr, ^ra^rTfr^t aiiPCBr^, qrr^wpr,

6 grB’W, &c. <i?rar. Blackish. WT, qTRTT, qrrstfqsrr.

Blackish, —complexion. crS5%3T ? 3TS5?5T, Black-mail, n. qfrqgtqjt/.
Spotted with b. and white, — cattle. qffTf. Black-wood-tree, n. dalbergia sisu. fjl5Tqr»u. pop. RrWf or
To say b. is white. frRTT <rar =Tr?f rareqr«t.
To put down in b. and white. qf^TRT «r^T. Belonging to the b. ragqr-
2 sullen scowling
, , Sfc. v. Sullen, %3T^W f
qtijf. Oil obtained from the b. RTFtttffl.
To look b. JfTOq-.
Blackamoor, n. person of a very black complexion, tt qaji *!.
To Black. See To Blacken. rasr or rafrm ^'R'5rr?T?;r or #55^% 4frrwa'/. ^i5E=frr^y
Black-cattle, n. ?R>* wi' JTT'qiqrn. nr^m. qrrsmftrn*. qiqrhr trtsjt
Black-earth, n ^r^OTfr /. #ar tfftnST/. (%W'tRT =rrcf
Black-guard, n. With words correspondent to this word, and to To Blacken, v. a. make black. t^r3r--qn'^5nrrRr-5Tm'q &«.
words of this class, the Marathi language abounds. f
It teems qrratiTm. Ir.
and revels in names and epithets for persons, things, actions, 2 defame, v. To Asperse. qrrSn-qirKrar/. qrrRtfr /.-qrsRTw.
Ac distinguished for evil. With this word, in both its senses, &c. 53ROT-3Tr 0T“i r

its correspondent words are numberless . They have all diver- To Blacken, v. n. 3Tf3T &c. ffoy-q^T, qrfS^HR, q;rsqgvj-.
sities of allusion and implication ;
they are extensively current Blackness, n. v. A. 1. qrRTOm. 3fTrfej?Tira/- qrrstrtirm. gnm’qm.
and they are in constant use. For blackguard in the sense 1 v. Darkness, dim. qTRNff /. ¥RT^T«.
a low mean shabby dirty, disreputable person as expressed
, , , , Blacksmith, n. pop. &r?rX>a. ftfWfr»K
by such words, as scrub, scab, stinkard vagabond dog hound , , , , Business, of ab. atflT^t/. %PC^nfn.
dunghill wretch ,
pot-house fellow, lowlived fellow, fyc. are Bladder, n. VWrwr H^RTtrm. qf^m./.
or qr- Obstruction of the b.
fwnir^T, or w~ 2 blister, pustule. #?»». qRKTm. gpiTm. JfSlTm.
to, *.^r f
Rrcbor, r^W,5rrTO, rsR&mr, ww, Large water b. qtTqTRm.
fSTJT, TOSnjf%*, TO55-, wf, TOr^TOr- Blade, n. (of grass, &c.). qmfl/. ?TTOCr/. qRn-
«•, qprfcR urer, ?ir*h snw?t, nrs^rqr esr^r, ^rq- 2 (of a weapon or tool). qR». qffil/.qnTn. qR».
5 kt,
qrwrr *nr°rr, qrsrrci, *qrfr ttt^t ^ qrrggr. snw Two-headed b. tffzn.
— and in the sense of a dishonest person, as expressed by 3 hot, swelling fellow, a blood, a swell, v. Buck. qNrrw. qf~
such words as rogue, rascal, scoundrel, scamp, sharper, Hack- qRTm. qrrqRrm. 'bfim. sjrfqrqrr»». qjfrsftm.
leg, black sheep, caitiff, &c. are #rr, JpTR, 3JWJT5TRT, Blade-bone, n. jgqranR fRn.
?rwr, Tiiwt, iTRwrcr, TsficT, tprararc, rew^rr, #rwrr?r, Blain, n. botch, blister. q?ftim.
'fsfKf, *rpc^nit, qq^jR^Rr, ren&rc, rMrar, femm&r, m^ti- Blamable, Blameworthy, a. v.V. fiqr, qqnfrq, jisq, qr^TR,
RJ, liarr qtfa,#nfiirdw, wsvrqiwfr, wq^fqqR, wnrraR, R?r,R^q,r^qrqR^?wrriR,

jrtBr, q-RRiRr, wr, ^;prr, m, qrrrrr, m, anf.

or 3-, 5R;rrprsrr or ^RfwrqFrr, qwq q- Blamableness, Blameworthiness, r. v. A. qrqm. 3p<qlpr<rr/.
#qrqf sTRsar ( L e , — in %a, qr?qr, sjRTf'qr /. /.
sra^rtprf^r ?£frrr, sRvrr, s ci
r=fr, sqfar, qqrar, qnrRRiar, qr- To Blame, v. a. find fault with, censure, qw, t§JgR,
wr, srrwterr, fir or jrr tpqqr=r, € or gqrrr or otc-
fr, gr,
5R-B?RR-Sqnjr-3m-qiT2%, /. - qgTrn. - qq. m #? 3-qqrrm.
<!W (covertly from BKT), JRRJTf or ^Tfpfifr 3"R, 5T3Tm. - fRm. - Rqofn. HT# with JJ
For others such as qqRiST, *lf3r- VCST-aRST- or ar, RTm. jrrqoir, in. *m.
&c. #3rr-fw-frrw-&c. irtret #?r-wsfr;KT-&c. See Blame, Blaming, n. v.V. act. ?5Rn. R5R».& e. 3^q«. f[tfrn.
Arrant, andform ad libitum. fiqTCqm. 3rqqr?qq«. n%arr /• P%?r«. qRm. aisg-m. arqqrrm. «qq-
JPack or crew of blackguards. srRqxqfafr/ xKm. irir/.RRfr/. 3^srR*n.
#^3: /. pimss f. A bear-b. aTqq^TRrVRlm.
Black-guardism, Black-guardry, n. v. N. !• low and mean To bear the b. tnHT^T.
life or practices. ?%q<qrm. qisnWm. To See Blamable.
RR|j%/. Blame, culpable.
«rTfBqRT/. WUfTR/. I See Fault.
2 roguery, $c.
rascality, vS^frrf. fTqrrLT /. qrrprCr /. srqRT- Blamed, p. v.V. OT Rrstaq-sq&gr, &c. Rrfef,
/. pRRfr / qizrif vwmfrf ftsrr if. &m$f. wt- 3rqqff3rer,3TitfT, fq>Tft<T.
fim/. stt'snf/. Rrerfn. Blameless, as. not meriting censure, without fault. fqgfT^, fif-
Black-guard-like, Black-guardey, a. v. N. 1. sngrr, Ptrtr, srcrtv, sRq^wt, Prqhr, Prrqw, »rfR-
5RTW, arf®r, arfPTBr, |wqt»v, jq-qR#, rqRrvjqr, pRaiqqpsr,
2 ftfirCpqr, qrrjqrCr^r, >ic. PFFrqqrr, fqqswrrqr.
Black-hole, n. 3TWrC#3i/ sqqTTOit/. ^tnrwqro./. »WK. Blamer, v.V.
b. qqqr^j, ffa qRKr-S-qRKf, &c. qrqqrfrr, qwr-
^°Tr /. nitnCr /. $w:%&f. r^t^it, srqqrqqr,
Crqr,fqqr, f^rqr, srqqrft.
Black-lead, n. ^r^r^RT?!. nfTWTOn- Beamingly, adv. qtq^SJT, qiqqg^r .
; , . — . - -

(with the mouth on a wind instrument). Tm/.
To Blanch, See To Whiten. 2 See To Peel.
Bland, a. v. Mild. Jjjr, 3JRT* J-qrr m. fqriTfm. rd/. pRKm. WTjFR-Jn.

wheedling* ^F^TT^lRr, ^rf^f^T^Ttl^T h BP To Blast, -an evil eye qfe/. qfTO - TTO - RTR - ^ R tn
Blandishing, a. soft,

3 firfor.
con qfggRm -qfeqrqm.-^f^qTKm.-QfeqRr/. CR in, con

Blandishing, Blandishment, ti. so/? airs, winning words, &c. 2 a devil, v. N* 4. §T^, TO/. J^r-vSTJPT. W,
sjZCfm. TOTfw. srfcRm. ^Tfrorn. fTORfm.
wind, weather, heat, cold.
settvSt, ?rqrrrm.-&c.
qTFqft%, qiFq’fq°T, \sTi^^T
^ or ^1^*7
^r^RT^r^t /* /. ^T^Erqrqr^r /.

3j^rifr^Tf(tt/. ipajaafrer pi- jf'-T^TTr^ft / toottor- TOcfR qr- 5nK«Sr.

To be blasted. q;TOT, ^ fpf,

A foil, ruin, v. To Defeat. 3?fTO, •TR^T, ^Tqfe-

Blandness, n, v.A. ^rJT^qqT??!. ^T3TvRf/« "STTHT /• fyc.

Blank, a. See Pale, % unwritten. qnrr, fC^TF , ^7f^f?Jcr.

or ^f^T,
A P a P er b at the backj ^fsCn. fqqpTm. g of o, qg-Ac. qTTO.
B. at the hack, grTOfTT. *

without rhyme. qrFfR”Vffg &c« JifTirfB 5 (rocks, &c. by an explosion of gunpowder). TRBR fR a l

Blank, n. ^PCr3rr*T3rw.
A c.
Blaze, n. glowing flame* «T3j or KRT /• m . Tf^qrr or TTJfTTm.
2 (ofa lottery),
?3‘R‘^Tn. RsTf/. STFJTRr irq or ’4rqm. ffftfni. ftfism. tfsrrm.
3 t*oiV? $joo/. sqDfgpor.

Blanket, n. The wo-ollen textures resembling this article are $T- To set in a b.

jfsfr /. (It is coarse, loosely woven,

and usually black). qnTOPR. 2 mark upon a horse.

(It composed of two qRvff joined breadthwise)

(The That has the b. ^TRTf.

and less definite word). 3H- To Blaze, To Blazon, v. a . noise abroad, v. To Publish*
same as sfripit but a less particular
disparaging form of is qr^, m^K m . m . -- m.- r«
*&n. (An indefinite and a it ;

texture gener.) qpT^/. qFTO g-ofo. qFTO,

applied also to a woollen cloak-like

(A finer texture, usually white). ^RTn. (A very coarse TO^i). ^F3flTrm*-5rq^/. &C. Rct g-0f o . tor #.
qRRf) To Blaze, glowingly, v. To Glow. VTTF-
A worn and torn, old and woithless b, (i. e % qftq^F or

fTTfff/. qTTOF or qzf£n. JJ& or

2 up flash up suddenly ^FOT,W*“
Aggregate of four blankets {i. e. 3FFW ). f(T /.

Blarney, See Flattery.

irreverently of God. Blazing, p. a. v.V. N. 1.
To Blaspheme, v. n. speak
Blea, n. skiffs'/- «r5^«.
- a#?T- To Bleach, ^row? white . ^TFT^T.
Blasphemer, n, v.V.
Blasphemous, a v.N. . i^C- Cloth exposed to k ^IFTcfn.

To Bleach, v. a whiten.
. ^Trqq^q, ^IFT /• 2T°T,

Blasphemously, adv. v.A. f*TFR3R &c. Bleached,/.. y.V. A. sTm,


Bleak, exposed to the winds 3nj2'A[rflMi r(r, TIT''Tr£l ,Tr,

Blasphemy, n. fTOTOf/. C^rq^w, fTOT OTP a. open,

Blast, n. (of wind)' gust, puff. SfTOl/, SF^qOTM. Rq^Tni, ^fqRFw, 2 cold, chilling. «fNr.
aa’^rm. qrcn. Bleakness, n. v.A. 1. WZ 'IjlflKimm. f^FT «PtWm.
Hot b. %zsf. TO?'/ 1*^/. m^f ^qqrfw. dim . 5Tf^/. it-* 2 gmrt#- %£ff-

Blear, a. remiss, WCfr.Pmr.
2 (of a planet, &c.). «. Blear-eyed, a. fq^wr Ik^rrqr, Prw remiss, fcpqqrr-fq^f^r,

3 (of an evil eye). ffeqRm.ffE/. <pf /. ^fef^K*n. <pw/. ar^ffrs;, firara.

4 (of a devil), mzf. 5T^f m. ST^RTw. §r<m/. To Bleat, sheep, WT, Wn. ^roj.

q/. qr^pcrm. mmmf Bleat, Bleating, n. v.V. ~4n. qqR°Tn.

Blights, diseases, and diseased, damaged, or corrupt state (of To Bleed, v. a. let blood. X.%n. 3TR%, f.-faKlf pi* ^IV’T
/. - ^c.
trees, fruits, cattle, men, &c ), are lavishly ascribed to devils, qqrqt^T.H-

goblins, evil eyes, and malign planets and they receive indica-

tive or allusive names. Not aiming at closeness and particularity To Bleed, v. n. run with blood . TT^n. qfTO

we throw together below the nouns and verbs ex-

in this matter, spm f
qTfrrqr sTfq^m.-qr^qw.*- & c. li^r,

pressing generally the sense of To Blast or To be blasted #, TRTRR.

or or #rPR, TPRR or wm, $TOt/. To b. at every pore,

55T3FT in. cob. ffe/. in. con .

To b. at the no^e. qRFw.-^qqrDn. jr^'q-qFf^F'-^fq^T,

fgfOT, mWi^i in. con qi^frt or tf^-^RFT. Bleeding, p. a. v.V N. qqr^TFft or qTOrr%, i^iiqrfh
5 (of lightning). fftr f* Bleeding, n. v.V. A.— act. qrfsr^rn.

6 (of the wind or weather). SS’qE/* qfTJw. qqrww, TWcT'Tn.

- /

2 BLE 77 BLI
v. V. N. ^Tfr ?rf“Tn. vff-Tfq or VTfWffm Ill a b. — as in the gift of a saint, god, See. Tdm. v T.
To Blemish, v. a. deform, impair, v. To Injure, qr#T, Granting of a b. q'TSTRn.
s#-fqW-&c 37#, ff'Tm. T#-3T#, <pr?H'-&c. sp#. Granter of a b. fp? .

tarnish, soil, v. To Stain. *TSim. wiff, ^^m.-srNR'n. Blight, n. mildew, &>c. #w.
lit. f%WTm. or inrr^rn*.
-5K#n.-5Tf^rr/'-&c «t#-vp#.
Blemish, n. mark of deformity ; lit; or,
». TO®. WT or Wm.
soil, sully, fig-, v. B. as attacking fields of wheat. grr^TF or WHIm.
Flaw, Stain. ttf|fir/. fpp». §#«.
IT, JTW f Win.
ffq»f. Wm mzm. v. B. attacking the grain dzondhala. 3TWrra . ^TPsf#/.
B. attacking rice crops, q#f.
Blemished, p. 8, a. v.V. 1. ipr wi#r, sq'JT-&c. %5rar. B. attacking the mango, iVc. flTT? or jq^Prnnt. (To be affect-
1 faulty. Irfi, ffqw, ?nwr. ed by it, fi?T# or ipEf#).
To Blend, v. a mingle and confound, v To Mix, To Con- B. as indicated by curling up
2 /. (To be affected by it,
found. ftps#, fires#, WT#, TW TP#, gWm.-WRTITn.
3T3RT g.of o. recipr .
To Blend, v. n, fe^T Wr°T, jflrfri. ?<£[£% g of s. recipr h^TR^T. .
To Blight, v. a. rpvrsi. - ftTVTm
To be blighted, li#,
• - VFr«) . - fFTm &c.
& c. q#
• m
in. con
Blended, p v.V. ftre#?rr,&c. pHT, ftjftffff, #K#. 2 fig. See To Blast.
To Bless, v. a. make prosperous or happy, - qr^ren .
Elmd, a. a# pop. 3#ssr, flWf, fft-
-#n.-#Wn.-#ren.- «PTte» -csftrfo-/.- &c. qqTarr or Fairer, wt, nwra,
^ g.ofo. PTW/. #, f<fr-J5PT-ff75T-&c. 3fT<#, PF##
-###re-&c. 3im, gmq1 -g?ffrreTr-gwwT-&cr qg-

3 in covert phras.

B. by night.
VPIP-TW, OffP-TST, w4«T,

TT, gw?!*?? qp#, ^J^rT^Tyr - ipsqT TOT5F-
& c. qr#F. B. by day. F^qaia^qT, f#ra, Fqqr-i.
To b. greatly. qp# g.of o. Blindish. ffer WtnpffT, 3TWIW, 4wi.
2 pronounce a blessing upon. wfFTPrni. - STr^rtTTTR.- 5r#T- Stone b. faqr alasr-
#, qqferqrTffw. qr#, iFTjT# String of b. men under a blind leader. /. vvp-
S'#. q#vr /.
Bless (thee)!
3 glorify for
q#q. To become b. g#-f# g.of s. f(iz qrq#n.
benefits, v. To Praise. aTT^rT-lfR? pi. <mn, fmf. m, $fcv'tfi%(fc;n.pL ?#, (through
«T#, TjF#, T#, gjfq /.-wg«.-&c. g.of o. riches, honors, &e.), #35irNv Ij-Cm. #.
4 invoke a blessing on. ?ffm.
SBferWffn. -qrSWfwqN. -OTFf#gn. &c,
#n. ifR# g.ofo.
qp# g.ofo. —
(of one eyej. ffWIWr, sfTPTT, W, pop. ip##-
in covert phras. ?pnWT.
Blessed, p, fy a. v.V. 1. %§v!T, q^aFFT g# g«qn#f T€- 3— boils, tumors. See. jpf{[.
&c. fcrcsqpr, f#J?, qgrqrsre, qipft, Jrnrrc, wrrefnr, Blind, Screen,
n. v. q^iuni. wqiJffrni. a7ff '-#!«. Wqrfwn.
WgftT srffiq?: pop. arfpcqrm.
2 sir## fetar & c. wr##, wrsft: vrawfh 8rr#:#5r,
, , , 2 (for a bullock, &c.). #4#!/. 3fr#t/. STW#/. 5'iqT'qi /.
3 WTYT, T#?!T, 4f#, gqf#.
qaft /. tr§f3-'F#n - fisrgfq#n. -
W# /.- 5rfqSr«- -?ra#w ,-3T#n.
3 (esp. for a horse). #nrf /.
4 Tqrf?#flr, jnfiT# 3T, r%Fwvt£, &e.
4 something to mislead. /. (T5W#t/. q^sfaf/. qvB-
1 happy, prosperous fyc.
g#, trar, gwnq,
, gTfPTFff, TrrPT- # 1 /.
fsr#, wr4, ttto,
gtr, wqrsqpq, wav, srrffqrrepT ww, Asab. FvfiiqrW.
-&ir-fw-&c. T55rpT-av-&c. 3 qrretrer, w-l, # -, To Blind-, v. a. deprive of sight. VET ST T#T, &$ ##-
-g^wvr-tic. q^-Frer.
qpr# g.of o. ppz? /. f#^.
Blessedness, n. v. A and Bliss. «FT/. tpwr/. fefe/. Wf-
fig. darken the understanding, ##, yfg'/.-q?-
W/ ffTffW/. w,toifirw»t. qh#, twiffc vsssn.~ siw/, &c. ur#,
n. Blessing,^. a. v.V. 1. qrsqpq
Trvvr, &c. qr?irpq- fwifwrfr/. nr#r, **(#.
^ar-^rw-^rKf, vwqpqf &c. ^TWrrf &c. %r?qre. Blinded, p. v.V. I. «tsrsJT <s#®vrr,
2 wMt
twr, & c. vr#, vraFr-r^r-^ffrr, tot. Blindfold, a. Blindfolded, p. v.V. srS ##^1,

Blessing, n. v.V. 1 act. EFTPzrr'T ip#«. &c. H# &c. wsrfeff vrf#T.

To Blindfold, v. a. cover the eyes of. qp# g.ofo.,
2 and Benediction. «TI^flW #n. sTRTFK m. arrsfl^^n. qwm.-3#d/.-5rrqi'>flt/.-&c. qr#-srr5#-#, w^rmF
qT^TTn. TOH«. qr#r.
3 ^f#n. W*Tn. &c. ^Vn. / Blindly, adv. implicitly, fyc.
4 pTm.
pr #n.
divine favour.
W VT#n. ?n, ifpfr# v qrffrr. -
^ -
Rpig, if}& sf

i*irf<nf sf'TPrf'TT /. HWfVr/. vgvCm. Blindman’s buff, n.

II a b. a benefit, a good. g*<r». k?n. 3T0PTw. srgtrfTaw. Blindness, n. v. A. 1. aprSqurfm.- stIWk. ®mPFt!Wf.

Night b. ^rfarSft. Blocking, n. v.V. — ac#. &c. ##/ #S#/ #vr*n
Blind-side, it. weakness, infirmity* jp}^» efiRn. ar?/ftrm. fr-RTTi. ^rrfr-Rrn.
Blood, ti Rfn. W^n. 5rr5rqr#ii
To Blink, v* n. wink • ^ or f^CPR, FtefqSR, B. vomited upon the bite of certain serpents |T3rm.
feqrr#, f'Tsrfqr fn#, f^zfw: qrfqr. In cold b. spmiaTR, 5#r?J3Tf?r.
Blinkard, ft, fa^Jrwir, vjfSfir^rwr, StSffaw, fir^r^sqRr Vitiation or disoider of b. RfrpRrR m - ^rftTiq'm.
3TTTO»i. 2 high birth. fs#?rr /. aTr>T3rrRK. #^svr/
Os, ?ir4mr /.
Blinking, n. v.V, act. ^RRqr#ri. &c. S’q^rqr/. 3 See Kindred. 4 blade, swell, v. Buck. TTRvSOu
Wm. 5fNr3TM. JTJRo. Wi».
Bliss, n. felicity, blessedness, happiness . 3TT- BlooK-colored, Blood-red, a. TaFpaJir iTTi'Rf. arff#, #TVT?T,
ht«. torot/. atem. wiresrr/. g%gr/ sprst/. 411^.
fimfcrf* Blood-less, a CffrsT^-rUTT-fFT & c
Highst b. Blood-shedding, Blood-shed, n. VfFdnTm. tTORm.
2 beatified state, heavenly joys, v. Heaven. 'RfTqTn. ?W- RKTRRRf))!.
*Rn. To be great b. CSORT 7rrRT q#T.
Blissful, a. full of bliss . HSJPfT, ^RSTRT, qOT^^r, TOTPf- Blood-siiot, Blood-shotten, a. Rffr remiss. ZtlZ, ®TR7IT,
SHRT, sfFfrJFT, WGm. JTTp, HR!'.
Blister, 72. bladder, few. qpjRItn. tpirwi. qfq^rrm. ^KRTm. To become b. Rfarq-, fraROT
2 application to raise a blister. TpgSte^Tm. q'^rqffTt <wq 7i. Blood-siiottenness, ti. oar m HWTrJT'B-
from the English common.
JaTRsRft* is Blood-thirsty, a. v. Cruel. fffRT, riorf fto, fsRtf , ,
To Blister, v. n. rise in a blister. qrJJTw.- &c. qor-^roy q?F- Blood-vessel, ti. OffRIflRt/.
q°T, Blooded, a. scajnRT.
To Blister, v. a mise a blister. . &c. 3TRR. Cold-b. #3TWRr, JRT#.
Blithe, Blithesome, a gay aeVy, ,
v. Merry. ^TRft, Hot-b. ^CffTf^r.
fRqjra*. Bloodiness, ti. v.A 1. C7SIRT ^TJft^WTn. ^rfaraTRs. & *
To Bloat, ». grow bloated. #RR, qtfTOT, TOTfw*. ^2R, 2 VfifTR- HT^tFlTTn. O^fossWTit. &c. Zrfimrrf.
qrqqg: #r. 3 orfrqqria. trrjswm. &c. rtofrr / far^rer/.
Bloated, jd. v.V. #W[ or ^W, qtfTSTT, qSfHT, ^FCftT, tJfcRT, Bloody, a. stained with blood. V7fT% SFfNT, gTJj rf ar,
*rtsqr, qrero. ?m, o^rfiR-fr, Jr^tferr,
Bloatedness, n. v.P. tfrqrafr/. JOT#/ JW/. fJR4.Tr /. fJT/. 2 covered with blood. OiFR J1T%5n'-liro%v!T,-Pft^3T, <gSm-
WfTm. #BT/.
Blobber-lip, #5 or ffam. #y or ffein.
^ or ttk # trfRr, v*rrr#53T,

Jrafrro: or or ar, owcair,

ji. «rn? ofrrrar, rwr.
Blobber-lipped, a. #511 or gfsjr, 5TR #5TT or fpsrr. 3 bloody-minded, sanguinary, v. Cruel, jj#, JCasfxTJ?, fwar,
Block, mass of wood, chump, chunk, clump 3rt3T or SFRBTm.
Tforf rto, trr?#, Fsrw, f^ro.

?nfrSTm. ^RRTdi. Wfm,

3TTO"t». afr°T7i. iimim- itmn. Bloody-flux, 71. Oft'#?/ ^Tfirf^WTiw.
2>TfT». far#/. #r«. Sfrarw. n#/. #r/.«. #? n tarn. . Bloom, n. opening and ripening slate. ft¥RT«i. ?#arm. f#rtHT-
2 pulley-block. CTsi. rfiVo. gr# or /. Hope confining it, ^*rr/. ^o=R4rr/. /. wrnrw /• ^r^rmzrr/
2 freshness or clearness of look. ZlZ%f. ZHS #/ znEzr#/.
3 chopping block, (of carpenters, fyc.). «n#/. #OTm. ^#f- ararar/f / afarar ei. rfafary m. arsT#/. srarstrm.
ZR or JTti. rTRr=f cr #71. %T7».
Chips of the same
To Bloom, v. n .
— plants v. To Blow. f^T, RVfro.
b. apf# ttfxfnpl. 2 look fresh, clear, glowing. 5T5#, 5aFT5^r"T,
f ?T“ir, ToWa#.
JRT OTT# Blooming, p. a. v.V. 1. f araTT, f#roair, ^#1^.
To Block, v. a. stop up, fyc. v. To Obstruct. fSf#, «r;sp/ 2 rar5#ar, 59or#ar, ^njBtar, ^^#ar, aRarft^r, rar-
#ar®f, jsr or j#'r, /m, cwtn. -ar^/N'm. -&c. W^r r#RT, JT5R#qr,tSrc.
g.of 0. Blossom, n. qTaan. qwn.
Wv V3

Block-head, Tti. v. Fool. ig£ t yrztm. fmr, afar or 5Rrr, ijt- —of the mango and some other trees,
#r, z. To Blossom, v. n. jhot, qr?rRr W, qo}*m, con. ysq-
Blockade, n. OTJTPCTbi. OTVITm. ## / #?#/. JTIZOTt/. m fiR.
w#t/. /. sRCrsnsr^fERn. — the mango and some other trees. 5qTf^R,
To Blockade, v. a. v. N. Blossomy, a. zq&£m, ^TWIRT, sTSRsfT^r.
#t/.-&c. sfTCT.
Blocked,/). v.V. #$3rsr

J5r%sr-&c, 5^jt )
sTTnTS', Jtff-
To Blot, v
2 sully,
3 m .

a. (as

m, vrftB*
blur, v.
with ink),
To Stain,

or ^R^T, wmm.

To be b. fsPT, #4^, #417#, or js#r, ##T. ^rw, RqR,

, . — .


To Efface. TOP or TOP 5RKP CTSSTm.- 9 away.

8 oat; obliterate v. ,

-&c grTO-foc#, cror crp, err -sire /• stop. 10 out, v. To Extinguish.

Blot, n. (as of ink), fibrin. fstraTm. RRTn i. Blo%v-pife, n. W^iY/
j/wr, stigma, v. Stain. PTP or 3TPm rWTni. CTTOn 3- Blowing, n. v. V. N. 1. —act =TTf%n. ^rss^fi.

TOm- TSIR /. ^rf^JTfm./. 2 ^rqoTn, vrrqT &C. zmm* fff %fv. 5SW.

Blotch, n. prapstn PPTSTwi. or PCTSTn. PfiRm. SVl’n 4 srrsFTn* &c.

5 qrmn. <fec. Rrarom. f^ffRER». foftPTn. #7'
Blow, n. (with a stick, sword, &c.), stroke. aT#!/. /fPTm. PT-
SITfrA. Plpm PITCm. P2PTPI / SERPTm. SRPRT»n. TORTm. ^TT^Tw. TOnO’w.

v. V, A 1. act. &c*

dzc.), thump, TOt /. RTOCRn. STOfm. STCCTm. 2 j7T#n. &c.

2 (with the fist,

srpprm. PTOfn1 * PTOT»*. ITCfia. TOT or PTOTw JjftPITCn*. S fc^Wn. 4tt^m*Frrn.

sa Qs

gfE%CP>n- 4 J^orn. j-RR^rn. jra&c. JTROf«.-!?rw rn.
— in the sense and with the power of such words as, whack, Blown, p. v" V. N. S. R«^r, &c. Rrafeff, Rrarfeff,

whap, bang, swinging blow, fyc. C^RTm SHOT or ETPRTni. jrafer, vm, tor, xrpKfc<r, ?fe?r, ft*ra-

trap*/ cr^TOm. crpcsrm. cst or csrrm. TOrcrrwi. Rcrcrrm /V. A. 1. ^33rr.

CPRTm. zmm 2 qppRSyr, &c. ffTJTR, remiss. JT^, JRTjRtff , ilffff.

^fJTRTr^t ^Cfl./•
3 — gener. box, buffet, cuff, hit, knock, polt, punch, dig, fyc. Blubber, n. fat of the whale, £>c.

frarw. CPRT or paraim- «JTP/ PPRr«» PTCTPot TOT™- ^RPm. 2 fat- like substance cast up by the sea. SfRin. f. irviJjrttn.
prrrrpl/ To Blubber, v n. v. To Cry. JIR COT.
B with the bottom of the fist, TOt/. Cffprr or f SPiT or CPPTm* Blubberer, «. one ever blubbering. sigST^ir, ^RTSrsr.
dim. JPTtft/- Bludgeon, n. qfcffm. »»• W/-
&c. vrit^Tm. TORT or pTOTm.
Dead or flat b. TOPP?/!. Blue, «.-dark b. ^
pop. Rrt, 4t3R"r, ^TR, W®, WW,
Heavy b. fpprpm. fwr, ?Rra.— light b. sky b. STPRpft, aiRBr^l RTRT, ^
To come to blows. 5r£tC PCPHC CP, True b. ^I5T CRT.
&c. qp. Blueness, n. v. A. fff§R”ir«i. ^RTin. ffRTn. ^Rn.
4 (of calamity), v. Stroke WwWin. TOraTm. PPCm. Blui^f, Bluffness. See Bold, &c.

PSTm. tnwm. TOCTm. To Blunder, v. n. v. To Err. ROT, or JTCTT, KRR, W-

CP, TO, COT, W5RT, R?T/. grCR, JPTTffw- V&t.
5 (in trade, &c.), v. Loss, sfraTm. v. TO, PlPfm. v.

m&sf. pern. TOcrnt. top f. prar/. Blunder, n. v. Error. RCT dim. R^)/. PR/* TOC"T/* JTPTCtn-

6 (of a fly), arelt or PTOPt/. PTO3Tm. 2— in writing or speaking. aRTyCn. aTTOn*

To Blow, v. n . — the wind. PCP, PTOP. That is full of blunders. SRTgTR, CRfepST, TfUTfera, CrN^T-

2— softly, in gentle puffs, &c. v. To Breathe. Sjarap, STar- Blunder-bus, n. TC?R or TOP1R/-
Blunder-head, n. Blunderer, n. Blundering, p. a. v. V.
adv. CRP, TO-PT P?P.

one given to blundering. Rq,°TRr, ^RRIRf R^iCT , P’hvifft or

s' puff, v. To Pant. prqp,prTOP, WWfph TOPP-TO, PTTOP. ,

4 sound on being blown. groP, PlPm- PPPP- m, n&'trr, ww, psjgr®, prct, pr^ or sscr, yscr, akRrr,

5 bloom, blossom, open, expand tjTOP, PiPTOP, fTOTOP, TOT- Kfrorr, jrrrotrr, ai^ar, Rfysr, «r#-
Blunderingly, adv. "qpRWRTff, RCiffCraff,
p, pprarp, ptop, pptop.
6 over; pass awaij without effect. faCP, RRP, fejssp, TOCffTOCff.
^Rtraff-JRB'TRf PIP, PPPCm. ?fP g.of s. Blunt, a. not sharp, ^fpr remiss. ff'TO, CTOT, qfRW, ^®T or

7 up —
from gunpowder. 3^37% ^TrT WfW,
crar, pcp, pr, per, p#.p, PffR, pr, fiP,?rac, prar,

8 out;—a light, &c. PPM TO^-fcaVflTar#. c;rrar, prero^w, trp^sr, &c.

To Blow, v. a. — the wind, &c. CffiCP, PTOgP- 'To become b. cipp, CITOP, CRP, 3®P or ffsp, CTSRT, fRPj

2 puff out, v. To Inflate.

J^m, CTff PCP. C6P, CfPP.
(an instrument of wind-musick). JPTP, jPTO IIWI, jPT/.- 2 roughly plain and open, free-spoken. RRCfTO CIRfCT, PT-
3 ,

grac™-- jrarcr™. wcp-stop. gr pRgf, PTCRT praff, CTRoKtSTp or RRRRRCgM PfPT I

4 (with the breath). |pfp, fRCP, «ffcpciff, cpcph, gp^piff, «r-

PTOTm.-jPiRTm. TTR°t- Rr^V. Rgrappr or TOgTPRCT, CRTTO, TRRC, RgiK, Rfpfe.
5 (the nose). fclPRP or Wa RraCP, Bran. %PP-g>TOP To Blunt, v. a. PPgP, CstgP TOTP, PR / POP-pfiP &.of o. ,

-torp. STfC/.-PPln- RffCPff* of o. fpWPt RCP-

6 up kindle, v. To Excite. jPTO TO $PTP, %TOP, fepSf.
Bluntly, adv. v. A. 1. P^gPTP, &c. Jf?, 5fiC.

7 up ; (by gunpowder). prTFP-%5SPrP TOPP-TOTO ?P- R- 2 plainly, roundly, downright, outfight, plutnp, smack, flat,
slap TO, TOTOTff, faSTIRP, fPtfT, fpJgrrRCr,
5^5 5T"T.
S up; rate vehemently, y. To Scold, wm, crcrara, ct«ff, pcrotn, wit?, PTOTiTOr, ww, w-
^t» feir, yraiff, crrgr, ctcto.
B .

2 BOA 80 BOO
Bluntness, n. v. A. 1. ?rafqaTrm. qRq<qr«i. &c. ifrt?/. To Board, v. n. mess with. ^qRrH-^'q'qrq^W
^JTT?/. 3T#[Wcfr/. aT^fra’crr/- %qqwTi>.-^ivrR'ETn.--&c. arcq.
jarq^goTfOT. J3TJTdtrq arrni. aaTO%Tq'’ir»i. qpTCr#gq gri>i. ,
Board-wages, n. qfcift/. qRiqTm.
*mrqtgqorrwi. sgrqqrjrriTfq'aTm. & c. tqfgjnrrn'in. ^gtfwsty'. B. as paid in grain. 3T3%^r /•
Blub, To Blur. See Stain, To Stain. Boarder, n. v. V. N. frqojrqafcfr &c.
To Blurt, v. a. utter suddenly and inadvertently. a> 3'=fiK'T, To Boast, v. a. brag of, display vuuntvngly. qgqf or qSTfCl /.
sr^r#, frearraN, SRarraN or q-argrrar q^,H3qT3m, *re- g- ofo. qfeqTVm. ^ripr g. ofo. qrqriT^f or qrqrrcT/- gf-
arraSr- mg.ofo. qg‘q».-qr^/-qfqsr/. qr?[i/. f o,
Blurtek, n. Blurting, p a. v.V. g^gnqcnn, iT^RrrqjT araFir- ifftqn. qvrfh g. ofo.

Tr, &c. vzwz, qrr^rrss', qrqgT or g^f, qr^s, qrsjrqrqTr, <sz- To Boast, v. n. brag, vaunt, glory J^rrT T, 3T?qq. qrSTIft/ - s

ars or fiw qrcgrs-, grTgr?vrarr, srssr;?. qrm^r/. arq-q-^m, Mt/. Turw, fzztif ripcq^r-eijM-
To Blush, v. n. betray shame or confusion by the face. rfM't- qraaq, greriraftw-fr#^ &c. ffrqr/. pi. qnq-
&c . grrsTfiSir-arrsq^-arr^r#/ or arnzt/. or axrfsnqr /• a^r, ffj, ^rsT^r vrsr/ pi q^iRr/. ^fSi.
pra^ar/. - aigifr/. - =TT'»i - - &c fqrCT-q^w, fisre qr'ftn q-
. Boast, Boasting, n. v. V. N. qrSTlT^r or qrarrfl/. 5T#/
ssvjr, Jpata^qn fTT g.oj o. Note. The sense of shame is evinced RNqsvfn. v. 3Tq, 3TR, 3] tqt or qz qin. qjr^T/ OTqjrqqt/.
m the countenances of Marathas by a dark, not by a red color. q^Hr/. NRJTwr/. sTsqqjfqfgn. agrqn. q’r^RsrrR-
2 See To Bloom. 3KNn. Rrwrt jqtarqm.^/ yqqrr /.
Blusii, n. color in the cheeks raised by shame, confusion, §c. Boaster, n. Boasting, p a. Boastful, a. v.V. N. TTSi'irad
v.V. vrrt’Tt ^qq^qn. qmru, &e.
q^rr#^, qrm^fT, gfiTgir^qr,

To Bluster, v. n. — the wind, v. To Roar. gfgfq% %aT, •graar ??mru, Rcaart w?q trrsRrvr, fqwrrv^R, ftgqnRrr,
wm, #rar-Nl%-§rii-^nlr-&c. arfer-aw. sqRirmqr, srirnr-tl, 5jcwrt.
2 puff, swagger rant, vapor, gasconade, bellow
at, roar at. Boasstingly, adv. 5T?qH, qtrqTT, qfeqrTR, qr3TR:^t%.
awca, a°rm, 5TJFi#r, g#r, cWm. arr, Boat, n. v. Vessel, qrq). qrarr/. %/. qrtqn. qrqr /.
qr^m. tR^r, araraaar /. pi. rqsiPNr - ^a°T -^jraa ,
aram. ?rr- Boat-man, n. •rrqr?t or qnisaim. qrqqrJTm. *Trfqar«!.

3R,fatTT/.p/. aRR, ^rsTSTT BT- Song of a b. whilst rowing. RaRTin.

m, airr afararr fpi. To Bob, v n. play backwards andforwards. azatEVT, Wivfi'ff-
Bluster, n. Blustering, n. v. V. 1. — gfargefn- &c. afaRm. gt- m, gq-iarq.
STRIm. eranc or ff^RTro. $mmor HOTJTwi. mtztm 2 up and down, (in drowning), irgaiser, irafrqer, q^artRr/.
2 N^rraaft/. Ntvral/. granaSrav/. tfrst/• pi- qiqi or pi. Rrq.
ijiqin.MNZOn- /. •jNn./. ?g%at /. fRagr or IRR-- Bob, n. v. Pendent, qrqarrm. fqairw. 3X^1 /. firafeft/.
arm. q^T^r/. a^rm .pi. 2 (of a song), v. Burden. NaTVarqqn. qrsqqq or qrwqq'n.
Blusterer, n. Blustering,^. a. Blusterous, a. v.V. 1. #rar- sqarsraiqqn.

gairr. &c. frwr, irsar, trersrr or mm, B'qrar. Bob-tail, n. tlqct/. aTSJTRrqrt/. 3r}3iiqq'n.
2 and Bully, Hector. qurTITVR;!, Nc. frr^m. ^asr, Bob-tailed, a. 5ii3T, ftJWRS
arsgrwr, isr^rar, tr^gr ater amrer, -ffim. Bobbin n. (of the weaver). aTRT/.
Boa-constrictor, n s|fr or srrfPCm. NSPlKm- 5TVm. Bobbing, n. v. V. 1. WL'rfivin. &c.
Boar, n. jgRCm. aVT?m. 2 jfqarsqn. &c. jq-Raraarr/.^. rfzmm f. pi.

Wildb. ipar^ar j-pi- RjRSRFtfqqiT/i

Board, n. plank, §c- tfRil /. qr§n. TOcffni. To Bode, v. a. foreshow, forebode, presage, portend.
Writing b. qrft /. aSTaN, q?3T (used with the required noun). 5THqer. fT-aHn.-
2 entertainment. %utr. %qorrq5J/. ^q'TOWn. qgf<g«. igroT- HRqr/. -qqrTn - HT5H n- qq^qn.- qqg=T=Tr/, - &e. affk'g.ofo.

. fq%n. - iq-g-n -qq^j'qw. - qqfqwn. -

. & c. "m<h in. con. s, g.ofd.
Service in which b. is provided. arrrrt'aTgi'Cf /. Boder, n".' oding, p. a v. V. fRqoTRr, Wq°irvr, &c. HRai,
Service in which b. is not provided. Fqqfrt NRRT/. q^fax.
One that serves for his b. qirraf, grrarrarT, qrarairr qrrqTCT- ni-b. 3Tfqff-NJTjr-NifR5r-&c. ^qrar-q?qar-3R#af-&.c.

*mirr. Ill-b. sign or mark, art? cTiOTn. Vs'aTn. 5fq^?n.

To serve for one’s b. qterarcf W. Bodement, Boding, HRaRn.
n. \.~V.— act. &c. yRrTn.
3 cost of eating. TSpqtq&f. tqqrqSr /. HRqr /• q^fqn- qqfpqn. qq^RTn. qaHT=Tr/.
4 body of counsellors, § c. WfTqfWqPTwi. gareTm./;/. grRT- *B. of ill. Nfqs:-NiiiTff-Nar5gr'T-3TiT3[-&c. HT^n.-qq-

mq-in. pi. grtm%aFTO? m. <rqm. pi.

5— at chess, draughts, ^ic, (or chequered cloth). =qfqr/.n. B. of good. ?E-ifiT5!r-*l5r-&c. eRqn.-qcraiR'ri.-&c.

q^wi./. Bodice, n. /. aritr*/. arw /.

To Board, v. a. See To Plank. 2 place as boarder. ^qp!TH Bodied, a. qfr, ff5T, aTift, qjftqt,

“tq^rq^H &c. ^q%-trrar#. Bodiless, a. incorporeal, stqft, fqqcf, fMt¥, NBfrftrpq.


Bodily, a. of or belonging to the body . tffRr, To mortify the b
®tpt, ^ifrRr, srriw, srrctr, eorlR- -&c. qRojr
3WT. To purify the b. Byipjfe/. 3T rfe/.-& c.
B. defomiity or defect. 2 a b„ v. Person. 3?RUn.
B. easo and comfort. Any b. some b. ^r°ff,
B labor. SlftaRwi. Any b.-any whoever. a?$3cTr,
B. strength. MfTRRm. cfi^?T#On ^J- 3 troop, company v. Band. 3J ®[m. ife3[or£\J.
, z{$n f.
cR^rfar/. T]Z or T[?m, 3T5T?n.
B suffering, /. ^PJfSLu. 4 TfWW f. ^W/. In a b. ftegT, q^SEdff, CT^Rf or ?T^R,
B. vigour or health. ^^OTirT/. 4 corporation, community 4R¥\ pop, q'sjcf /.

B. violence or effort STRAIT or 3TWf^T[#/. ^fiPT^fC or 5 (as of a house, coach, tree, vessel, &c.) main part, qfr/i
/: *rnr«i.
Bodily', «r/r. united with a body. <T£perf|r?r t ^Tuffcr, ^T- 6 (of a garment). or
£?, S?T«T. 7 a substance , a material thirty, q^pfin.
Bodkin, ?i. instrument for drawing tape, §c. sjivft ^rg’PTPTT 8 strength , good quality, v. Goodness* Kpl^sTm. fR 1n.

3FT55#, / 3# STWn. t^flL ^

Body, w. 3?RT?i. Wd^m, n.pop. ^mrf 3T3T/. 9yfr?r texture (of cloth, &c.). WTTRTIWm. fffln.m.
f #T/. 3R/. <FT/ in. m^Oi. ffem. *Jn. 3?f%/. 10 (as of fire, &c )
volume, mass. 3f[&m.
Some descriptive, allusive, or significant terms for the body Body-cloth, (of horses, elephants, &c.). f.
are, aTtflWin. qTJTn. tfsrc orifaftm* ftRfm, ggTSn. Wyt- Body-guard, w. |sj5Cf?TO«i.
^rpTw. dw/. nmrirn. ^fr^PicRn. f?wr?rm. JTTOm. ^r- Body-servant, n. ^^Rrrm.
*IFJP*. aT^gnTRTSTn. 5IPRTO. Boo, n. 3TcT0j f ^q-nj- f.
— and with implication of loggishness, lumpishness, inert Bogle, Boggle, n. v. Bugbear. zrr?r& or
heaviness or huddledness, fyc . JT-C ^i\f iffSTf or Wffllff&fm. Po Boggle, ?;.h. v. To Hesitate* djvr^oy or arg3B[a$jr,
mf 3T*£if, vmj ^rkT"r, /. 5rt°t, KFctr?/.
B. and soul. fT?TJHn. Boggy, a. swampy, §c. ?t^3tT,
Celestial or glorified b. f^si$%m. To Boit, v. n a liquor, . — or or XfZW'i'u’l, 3jar-
Contortions or writhing of the b. aTR^/n. ^TRRfSZTwi. jrSt or jttjttSt, s^rssor, mzw, ^ajor, w-
Daily operations or business of the b.
—compreh. eTSTRT- cTi! . - <jr5" »i .

in. con. sTtrsrqrfW.

- « qTo^r m - 3TTf<ZT m
. . ?». con.
g^folj'/. WW
Destinies or lot of the b. 2 be in seething. fsrsPT,
Every b. tout le monde* m%ffini.pL 3 over, g-fpj, ^5 STFT or ^ 3%, grffm,
External or material b *?; r^fm. r^^JKKn. BTSTC^rST 4 (with passion, &c.) or, — passion, &c. v. To Fume. 5|a»i
«\ «v r

or ym. ^cfspiir, cnira m.-s^r&rm. - g^qr^m. -sr^m -&c. 5®r.

Hair or down of the or rf^Wn. To Boil, a
b. ffffn. tfffin, cf v. (liquor, &c.), ?rrT#, ^T#,
In the b. without dying or dropping (he b. ww. f^r, s^s?!/. 3tb%.
Lightness and nimbleness of b, STPT^sr? /- 2 cV. in boiling water,
5T- tfress, scet/i. f3TST#r, ^IW, f-
'JHn. tRiyig-.ofo.
Lower extremities of the b. aRT:^7Rm. snfr^w- Boil, n. ir&n. %^3T or %g#pj'»n- #3’m. gracjnjji. fqw^ra. 1ar«.
Mortal spot of the b. JtTO«. STRUCT/. ^ 37 - mn. nftnrw.
In a by or mortal spot of the b. sprpffv. &&[, B. arising on the palm. dim.
•Tv?, 3RK&C Heart or core of a b. t^t». 3?^/.
One, though in the b., living as out of it. %£t Piicldy itching or burning of a b.
Plump and roundish b, Boiled, p. v. V. A. 1. g'gr^B'ST, &c. sra

Relation of the b. and its members. ^rfWHw. 2 fesn-Srpsr, &c. 3pr.

fir mm. B. food. CWn.
Symmetry and beauty of b, B?3p§tefn. Boiler, n. boiling vessel, y. Kettle, qi%if. 3i3Tfni. W^t/-
Unguents for the b. sfrlTRM.
arp^PT/t. A fixed b. %r55ro.
Whole b. b, arid its limbs and members* 3frfr?T«* br- Boiling, p. a. v. V. N. X. qW’XT, ^TST^, &e.
JTsfaTn. sTr^w, arrsjsT, arra-ar &c.
To anoint the b. .
- By [TRfOTfl. Boiling, n. v. V. N. 1 .—act or state.- igtpgvr or ^pcf^f or I3T-
To cast or put off the b. S’# _ §proy, ¥?ot. Wn.
*3%f. g=T3l /. 4]rRrr or iR^Tm.». ,
2 r^rsr^n. &c.
To macerate the b, cf^. 3 jfFTn. g^r m. H^srr^n.
2 BOM 82 BOO
frH'otn. ^3T%-fi^tfr5i5Tn. 5TS?'JTR' WTURPTn. PTPT-
4 and Ebullition. iCRTRTr
Bombastic, a. 2T?RRt, Ir^l, iRr^T, HHTP^r-
A b. (or a burning) to do, v. Itch. JFBSRul 3'SS'-


V. V. A. 1.— act. n. 57Wf». Bommelo, n. a particularfish, flffawi.

&««• #»• CRTin. Win. C<FT». ^FT«. WI«. Bond, n. fetter, v. Chain.
Boisterous, a. —of wind. 5§rersjT^T or STOFSTP^T, tfRWMI, ?T- 2 ligament, v. Tie, i^in. ^FTti.

^sirar, sFrnsn^rr, mrsjrrr, wwr. 3 cement of union v. Connection. ?5Tf /• ^3TT«rrefTw.

2 noisy, turbulent, fyc . of persons. KriifBT’F^IT , yitO-TWT, ^rnirff^rm. frcr^?. mn.

4 writing ofobligation, v. Deed, vn . CfW m .

fin^rr, 'gmm, Jisrparr, irwir, FRrsrr,

3 of proceedings, &c. 'srPT^FFJrr^T, iFFrajRT, ’J'ppifiRT. gR5f^Tm. ^fTfrm. ^sf^n. nRrifrqR'^'n.

Boisterousness, n. v. A. 1. gWJWm. fHltr/. ?P?rarr». f- Dead or bad b. arfrTOPi. ST^fUTTn.

^for (rrerram. ?RRrm. wffif- »>• Discharged and thus cancelled b. Sf^tPaR « R’RTSNFTn.
To pass a b. sirTST PH 5TPT
5}', THRIFT Rrbj, !»».
2 SFJPJ^nHTni. &c, KfiJ&tf. qFKRTflT/. PFIDT-
rffPT gofs. PtTO^lTRM-
mtf. rnnf.n.
intrepid, dauntless, daring, 5 obligation Wffl-
Bold, a. brave courageous®fearless,

sifterc, Fcrrix, fptrir, Fp^tr, Fpjrt, Bond-maid, n. v. Slave. 37# f- /•

IfaNrr^&c. Frr, Bond-man, Bond-servant, n. v. Slave. fST or
Fjrr, Frw, *r?R, vfta nr, wp§t, irer, *raRrr, «rrt- 3Tf7r?T)?i.

jt#, ffipror ^?rpc, frcrsrr, srsra, mfcwR, JTrrr.jrcrr, Bondage, n. captivity , v. Imprisonment, tft/. ^/*
r% 3Tffppr, srarPR,

5pr fa 5T #MT5r, wii^- m /. w=rr^r/.

2 standing out to view, prominent, bluff. 3RPC, '3TPT, PTR, 2 *See Slavery.
Bone, n. §T%n. dim . or or fR^Tw.
s-iTHr, prrc.
3 free, spirited, liberal. 3cfR, 3TC, tf5RFT, JT^FTIRT. A sin in the b .

4 See Impudent. Dryness and decay of the bones.

Boldly, adv. v. A. 1. 3WH, tSRlspjR,

e W ^TPFl,
Ulcer in the b. frs^r«T°f^*

5TPTR, 3TPm3r, &c. fwmR -

Sic. T<3^5T, FtPPFT.
Uniting of a broken b. spfer^f^Tw.
False or bad to the b. STSRT or &c.
Boldness, n v.A. 1. JgTPirtn. WfPETn. srnfftsrn. STT-

4 n. srFPi. urI/- wnfizm. fer^ifl /. «prt/. Fpjr/. fkmrf. «r- Fever seated in the bones. fR JUJ'fr/-
IFmtff. *nrf#/. wmtf t*/. ^ITffr /. ffrtif. vstif. w-
Seated in the bones — fever, rheumatism, &c. ^?feRTcf*

murf&f- mwm. True or good to the b. fRIRf or IfRl &c.

?ror/. <tm
2 ^pcpirm. HpTnDTrwi. ^prntn^Tr ?« . &c. To have one’s bones standing out. ftfinpL f^qR-g^qf-fgr-
3 gr^KPrrm. jrwpirm. m ff-of o.

4 See Impudence. To lay the knife to the b. ^Rf^m mm.

Bolster, n. (of a bed, Sic.). 4+ ffm. t To make no bones. f- =T WW'
2 (as for back of people sitting), m& Bonfire, n. *r%~ *TRT~ &c. H^-Trar^-STTO- & c* ^rferw.

3 (of a saddle). pf^Pr^t /. RPRl/. Bonmot, n. JWm.

To Bolster up, v. a. v. To Support. #TR"itf.-B7r^/. 3^. Bonne-rouciie, n #R^ m. mrnEfm.
Bolt, n. (of a door, &c ) metal pin, v. Bar. 3jTt5£/. Bonnet, n.
tfmu. 3FTar /. Bonny. See Beautiful.
2 See Arrow. Bonny-clabber, n v. Buttermilk. .

Bolt-upright, a. TC^ftPTT, WRTR. Bony, a belonging

. fyc, to bone, fRIRF, ^T**

To Bolt, v. a. fasten with a b. v. To Bar iftss /. &c. 3TPT

2 having large bones . #R4T i'RHf, W&G or IT^H.
2 See To Blurt. 3 sioallow at once, gulp, JjiaTin. tTIT 0!, 3 having many bones , fR^R or *

inriff^rm - jctr™ - mffmm.- . vifmm - mMni. . ztrrt, Booby, n. blockhead, ,

^*c, v. Fool. <Tm. #Rfm, WF, (fem.

rpr-jkpt3:-&c. frsVpFr, *r 3RR. (fem.

4 sift —grain, & c. STPFRR ^R' «T. Book:, n. ’##/. J^n. thrm. f^rr.
To Bolt, v. n. spring oiit or off suddenly.

pT0W, Pl^T RR, Ff- Books —compreh. or indef.

FTtr, 50T5PT, w^or.tsr^5!, siFfr'i m\f. Books and papers, —compreh q%R7qfR^2T or ^rf^TT^n.
Bolus, ^fs^rr / pop, ijr^Tm. JTf^r /
n. Board-cover of a b. qj# /. ^7# /*
Bomb, n. shell, J aqftlterni. 3Rr^ JTfaTm.
<Sfc. Cover of a b. jfgF'Rn.

To Bombard, v. a. ^q^fsaTNr^WTm. Stitched b. # /. %r#7* Leathern cover of.

Jo r or
Bombast, n. high-sounding words, fustian. 3rfPTr%-2"ff^- pfw.

Torn or worm-eaten b. JpffSJm. Ornamental b. ^rsTFTi'in- 'T^Tnt* Wrirt.

One b. explains another, m^ mm ffaiT /. (as of wells

To Border,
and tanks) raised edge, ipjf®- If”4 /•
n. confine upon.
^ /. /
Book, a. belonging to a book . CP-If 2!, si*T- v. 55 if i^T fiTT - WfpT

OTf. B°r, fir^Sr, srp nm g. ofs.

To Book, v, a. enter in a b. q'OTC - q'fpEF - ^ufFH &c. ^fq^T- Bordered, a. v.V. 4. qTTf^, ^isr^r, T^r^r, qtPCf.

^r°r. B. with working of gold or silver, & c. apcW^f, ®TC5TK, 3T-

Book-binder, nu jfST^f qt^FCr, 'TfF TOPTBCr, f^f^^TIT- wwnTTTPC,

Book-hater, n. ^T^RT^F^. B. with trees and flowers. ?rr3' T

i i
Book-keeper, n, fC3Tfa
• Double b. w(f, J*TrCf, or a)

Book-keeping, n* TOR foTO*Tft* Rffr^FRf RTOTn. Narrow b. <5TJmT?):.

Book-seller, n. qpfrfqw, T^^fTOcTr, f^qpT- Silk b.

mmt Single b ^^T5rO, fW3f or st.

Bookish, a* v. Studious. qRTRT y

* Three b. f^RTf, RfKrrCf,PriT«rST or ^r.
Book-worm, n. 3FHK/* Xf* Borderer, n. Bordering, p. a. v.V. fVT'fnTT, vTJI'ff^T, 55ipT^r,

To Boom, v . n. sound at a distance. JJPHFT, <pPT- fTir^r^r, m^rr, RT^wr, ffTO.

Boon, grant benefaction v. Gift. ?R/i. "FOu 1 close neighbour. fsHfrsrrrt, fefSffl, RT^traTr,

C onferring

a b. qT3T*T w •

TOTSTR « II person dwelling on the border, m iffrsrraaT Trf^rrr,

Conferrer of a b. STS, qT?TF3T. ^ tffi^rr

Boon, a gag, blithe, v. Merry. 3TFT3T, SWBT, ^ RT, IT5TF, To Bore, v.a perforate, v. To Pierce, FT4H, &*»

Boor, n. rustic Zow£, v. Countryman. %%’qpTOc.

*rr- m,^mn rmn-Scc* g*of o.

BRIift, JIHftc. JTfTOir- Bore, n. perforation, v. Hole. \<%m* Rvq’a, ^VTw.

1 f»s
<K 4, V*. «v

Boorish, a. v. Clownish. jrnroas*, *FT(T, *3T^T, iTRT^.

CfS 'O
arrears, spt®*. 2 (of the ear). ^TFfm.
Boorishness, n. v.A. if^TC^FTw. afanT^RT/* arfa^fr/. *sT33TS£^T/. 3 (of a gem, bead, &e.). %5f».
To Boose, r. n. drink hard, or 3§B3P*T, 3ir3fFH. To he enlarged in its b. mm*
To Boot, v. a, profit, avail,

Boot, n . avail, profit, v. Advantage.

v* To Advantage.

oSPTwi. cjyssrn.

HTOT ni.
4 swelling tide,
5 a pest, trouble,
zm> srySrq^.
Plague. W / ^/. f mn* ¥1-

To b. orer and above . ^FUFFrCf, ^KT, ^rtw or 37F&FF- Bored, p. v.V. 4V^55r, &c. ^ffenr, sllriT, &c. <fRr%c5T.

qifr, to, ^Rsrre Borer, n. v.V. ?WV, &c. %T?T, ^?T#.

2 leather covering for leg. Tf^Cr ^l^rrin.
TfW- 1 v. Agger. 6T*f'Tf«. W*-
mw m> Boring, n. v.V act. RW. &c. T-TVn- twin.
High b. Top b. sjm ilSTm. Born, p. ^q5T,Vr, wf^ffT, «F<T, VW, am, qv, #4^ g^fr, W
Seven league boots. /,
(in comp, as %PTq, VVfVq, V (in comp as %fl w).

Booth, n hut of boughs, §c. ^rrPTn. TFeTn. mXn. OTTF /. 3"- First b. ilfS', afV^f, qsrar Next b. qrar^f, qrSfSIV^r or qr#T-

TO^^r /.

TfRr^, qqi’qrst or $rr, qrswr m vra'^f. Middle b. war,

Bootless, a. v. Fruitless. Ptt*Nr, s*PT. nrawr, n^qar- Lastb. qrfss, w^r^ilsr, f^sr, ^irsr-
Booty, n. />rey, pillage, v. Plunder, 5?r /, lii-b. Low-b. 4 isjrar jh >41 d , h 4 «f ^rqrats.
, w ,

Bo-peep, f^n- That is to be b. ^fsstRTS-

Borax, n. W/. *J¥ra?r / qfl^RTw. ^FJSFF- Thatis being b. wTPPTR'.

fc°fr X 2jncwi. Untimely b. TO^, N4Ta4=JTT.

Borborygm, n. 3JT^C/« intern* 3|T*ITr£m. Well-b. High b JST?, f fWT, wffSTRT, WrRff? ,

Border, n. irml, margin, v. Edge. ^riarw. /. fNr.

Circular b. To bob. 5FJUT, OT3UT, RTVS, VU#F,S?:VT,3FVm. ?R-
2 (esp. of a field), /. |rq£/* tfriH. g.ojs. 74, 3F4®. ^t-
3 (of a country, a village, &e.) confine* #l^TF joop. =5Tfa/. or To Borrow, v a. SS4T 44-^44, VRf or afRW -”Tr
5Tt*F /. or ffam. fmzf w, sR? srm-^r. SVSS,
Passage of the b. ^%ftqR*ra, 2 (money,' at interest),

Unto the borders. sqrwf-RRurr


4 (of a garment of cloth), qrferw. IWr or STOTm. aRT^rs?! <?r 9?f- Borrowed, p. v.V. 1. S64T &e. SS4T, SfmrCrvr, ?r-

arsft/, ^1/ 3Tfq, VUT? Nr°raar. . *

B. esp. as narrow or fine. WTft/* pFTFTt /* /. HTvft/. WOl B. for an occasion, — trinkets, furniture, utensils, die. WRrHT,
B. as woven separately or as appended, efirwt /. ^fr /. wumr, qfRvrqr-
Hemmed or raised b. ^TRTm. #Rn.w. 2 qraff ^ra-^ar, 4r5nRr, kit#, Rrarar,
Borrower, n. v.V. 2 and Debtor. &c. ^r<T- Of sound b. fr^t^r ^spcr-^nrvyr-^*

w, spwrfr, fVr£r & r^rafamc. That bash, and pluck, —horse, &c. %TO,TPTW?r,^r-
Borrowing, «. v.V. 1. — act. SfRT TTn.-3TrBTW«. Wn. BPR- frcsrc
3JPWn. Sic. Bottom, a. jr^r or fiw, W^TF, tr^f trqfr^. ?

Bottomless, a. 3?^, or \?m, ?3T^, WT,

B. from every quarter. grOTT?/. 5T5THr3Tm. hlZThfZf. a- Bough, n. v Branch, ^iarrm. flzVw miens %%k\ln
^Trm. tRTff /• dim, qrffrct/. and intens, qrf^r or qTRf^na

B and lending, money dealing, ifa ERf aK'TPlrn.

Bought, v. V. fq-^rf q^r, far ^&55T, &c. ^f?T. m
for^rrm. B. of a private hand, ajr^frf^r fV or
Bosom, n. v. Breast. Sun. srfr/. Wit. stflsrin. CSWn- TO- Bought. See Knot.

Bougie, 71 . ^scf/.^r/ qf%/,
B-foe. aTR^rffSr arraT/. To Bounce, r. n. spring or start suddenly .

B.diiend. RflRT ftT^T, WsT ftisTT^T #T?fr, fMrV RRTsrrm. JTr- &c. sr^ir, /•

°I<U§IT, tTfWPRm. 2 </iwnp. & c. 3TH ?iT.

B. of the eaith. ffipTiH. 3 See To Boast.
B.-socret. qfr€r jffff /. frffRl aff®, VR /. Bounce, interj. & c .or & c. ^ e.
Boss, n. hiob, <§e. JR/. #?f»n. #Rn. Bouncing, a. strapping, v. Stout, 55
^ ff|3T, BTTr^*
Botanicai, a.
t3'ffs5rr# ^r,gT|'«sfPt?rraf4t, Bound, a. Zzmz7, boundary . ^kr/. ^rqr^o/7. or ^rfq /. /.
Botanist, n. sffs^fwRrar.^gprsf^TOr^r. 3Hfqm. q^crm. q^asrm. 3?qx^m. 37P3T/.
Botany, b. 's«t f4 <JT /. RWrtnttJT /. Bounds, qiTRTC»»-
Botch, n.— on the skin. Wi%n. ?lRVn. (K
Overstepping of bounds, arqqhr /• ^ftnfHWTn.
To Botch, v. a, patch or mend clumsily. VTJqTf^r qiqqq. The bounds.
Botcher, n. v.V. qtw qrq^PCr, To observe no bounds. m^\f q S'qq, g'qW/. qs’qot,
Both, pron . 3W (Cf or sqr / q or qffl), wq, TOW* 2 spring , fe^n. r.Tfqr, ^fa^FTn. fTO°Tn. r. ?rrr,

la both ways. wqqF. erq, rrqr, qr^r/. «. ??rr, % /. sarnr/.

Bother, Botheration, n, fuss ,
vexatious stir or toil, 3 (of a ball, &c.) rebound . ZT^fm.

f erir^rr/ to/,/ srtw « j»f. swqm. To Bound, r. a. /m?Y, circumscribe, confine define, , ixtqr /.-TT-
bothered., ( distracted, &c.) state. qftqss /. q[S£m. ^fohjjfCw. qr^q-qr^r-qm, qr^r-
qterssrm, wrqte /. qisqqrw. qcqrqisrm. qrrrqX/- arr^m. jq~ ^*. 0
/ 0 . yH^t3=r ~ ^~ f f^r^r - ^rqf
^RT/ JriKftzf wk&f & c. qrcqr, qftfwi. ^. 0/ 0 .

To Bother, v. a perplex bewilder . , ,

v. To Confound, To Bound, v.n. rebound, hop, §c. a:
qfm. &§f W,
tqr/.-qR^n. sfiTW g*.o/ 0 . tr^fa-^r^q &c. qr^q-qreq. &€tf-
Bottle, n. ftnaTm. cftm. Rr^/, jqrm. cto. jqt /. The word 2 spring, skip, jump, leap .
^aj ;
farW, qfl /* qf^bj-qrof
qf£^t from the English has become very common. qrfeq, %q/. srrq/.

2 (for oil, ghee, &c. made of skins) v. Dubber. ,

jqsqni. or Bound, v.V. L qfq%v5T, &c. q^r, #q^ ^qq* y ?
qrf^iq^ qr#^q.
J#n. JrX^F/. qqqfm. dim. or q#?i. Firmly or fast b, fqq^ y
XjfvTf^, MPqq*
Bottom, n. lowest part, base /oo£. rfsrw. rRTm. qqn. 2 ^rqr^^r, 3TrqFfeq,rqgqtq,

prm. jqrcrm. jrorm. wmn* ?mf ^wf ^Twrirrn’m. 3 qs%^r, q^r^55T r sj

«& c.
2 (of water, as of the sea, &c.). q&n. pop %o&m. Xffm.
. 4 ffr^trr, &c.
That is without a b. ora shore. ^R^TTIT. 5 ifa&ssr, &c. qVr or ffsr, ^pflar, Rr^^csr, ainrn'r, 3-wru,
3 foundation, ground work . affiSTCm. ^TPTTin. EfSFjn swi^r, imR^raf, grTffr, rw, 4'(?ir3T,F5J Eir®r.
r !

4 v. Breech, ijNr /. qqx To be b. aprar Sfjuj".

5 low ground, v. Hollow. qfflfarn. arq^n. 6 ^r^ 5T,«fac

6 lowest end, W^rfNar/n. few. qpttw. qrqqqtt. qrqqn. I going or intending to go. STIWR, SfTO^r, STWRr, %WfT,
7 foundation9 beginning . 3J30l WWKm* %sfn. farqrFTtt. far-

^TOw. Boondary. See Bound.

Sifting to the b. qar^rSTm, Bounded, p. v.V. A. ^rprfsr, ^IHFVC, frMp-T, wk, aTffevT,
That has gone to the b. of. qroTtf. TFcRjvrjf^irfr, ^rarc, ?4r?TfRR-
To get to the b, of. ^TFVTKTB ^RFT. Boundless, «. unbounded, unlimited, v. Infinite. KpriT, »T-
B utmost profundity or bound of feOTTm, farqOTn. qvrrc, %c,
sT^ffrunc, §f it.

qrqm, ^R7m a qTtw. STmiTm. ntf

9 (of thread) v. Ball,
Boundlessness, n. v.A. ffCTOm. ^TirCtir/. ^ W HT ^ r/. W-

tffif 3jw£\f w??rr /. ^Nnrifysrn. &c.

10 power of endurance, stamina, pluck, <&lc. v. Shrit, Bounteous, Bountiful, a. v. Generous.
tffim. isf. fl sfftrqriXn» m*Tn. WfCm* ^ 55-, 'jtrr^r, ^r'tv.
ijr?K, tfrrlT, srrsft, ?T-
/ —

BOW 85 BRA *

Bounteously, Bountifully, adv. v.A. afpiRW, Mucus of the b. voided. «rrf /. sifTTMi. or 5TTf/.

aTIT IPTR-, ?rr. Sharp pain in the b. tfits/. *T5rni. RrffiT /.

Bounteousness, Bountifulness, n. v. A. STPCWwl €3T3rq- Wind in the b. ?3"w. "TPTrfraTm. Xf^HT or Jj^RTin.
if[m. ^TWSJl^r/- SPTRn. 4fTf?fra. TR^Rii. ?!RTjr /- Bower, n. arbour xfW/. jisTnun. TfOTm
Bounty, n. liberality. See Bounteousness. 2 a liberal dona- Bowl, n. cup, Sfc. dim ^riC/. 5rrif«i or qw[ra.
tion . JffR’R'tt* PRf/* ^rrxir«i. ?rft /.

Bouquet, n. nosegay . tFTST^T m. ST^jrpu. 2 (as of a ladle, spoon, &c.). f-C^T or

To Bouse, r w. drink hard, tope . OT3R or URR, Iff^r, ft- qrln.

3 (as of a Wind, &c.). %0)». irPT^Tm-
Bout, n. of cm action as is performed at once. %qr 4 (of wood), xtrrsrc /. TrSn.
^RTRw. 5 (of earth). ig^Xpop xgTWn.
Bovine, a. pertaining to oxen and coios JRRTf, 3RT, 6 (of a guard). m. jfl /.
1 ball io bowl. JTTrrw. 4TrS"3Tf^4Tn.

To Bow, t\ a v. To Bend. . To Bowl, v. a. roll as a bowl. ifZH T^f, trsxfT 3tr~

To Bow, v. n. v. To Bend. TORT, ^”T,

% make obeisance. g?R RoT'BT adv. r
ggg/i.-R£F- Bowlder, Bowlder-stone, r. %rr»i. t/e'w. XTfff /.
mf* ftrCH^rn -f3RR^rn-&c. Bowyer, ». maker of bows. xfrrTrDT«ii'X;%TrST, SiT^'^T.
To b. and scrape. adv. gRR. 2 v. Archer. frpoTrsrc iTgvtc, «T^«ltO.
3 to; obey, $c. reverentially , f^K^adv. Box, n. ete/', <r?r«//. qfl/. <27 /b. q^n. /. — large fTTr>».

RIOT or Roff JTif H /.

4 (through age and infirmity). «jy*R3T - fRm.pZ. sf- 2 — as a snuffbox, &c. Z>oa% a^rrm. tfim. >?5fr /. qrsrn.

°T or toy,
g-.o/tf. OTn.-qRA.
JJvflfrn. />J

2TOT, 3J^m.
ifff U^T, 3RR.A ?
T 3 ctyf, v.
ffrerm. —with
Blow. with the
the open hand.


TOT/. ^TTCI /.
dim. J^RT/.

Bow, w. reverence, v. Obeisance. fe^R£Rn. feu^Rpf /. To Box, v. n. fight with the fist. ^fBgsrn.-gfgTrflTm. 47^,
Bow, n. — the weapon. 3RR or ^f. ifffcT or ST m. vT*JRn. cRX ffrar?r#/.-j47R¥T/.-&c.
3RRRn. To Box, V. a. strike with the fist. prOT, pr^, >Tff4T“r,

Armed with a b. ^RRgrf^f. ?rar»».-&c. JTPRr-S'hir, ff@f%?-y«i.-gfe!rfncjM. ^r-^r.

B. and arrow. or zff. ftrftr&T »*. Boxer, n. v. V. N. gfe#nsrr.

B. and arrow maker. RjyRiR or Tjr^m. Boxing-match, n. sfcrr^rat/. 44Tr j4i /. s?cqrvr cifl or
B. of Ulysses.
End of a b. ijJOTm. OTif. Boy, 71. JT^irrm.. qr Km. ?iw»». JT
5»«. imm. %3T7H. fsr-

Twang of a b. «u[X]W^ OTrrm. fmrm. qriRrm. f tnr pop. 4rtto-

2 thing bow form, gcncr. sfRR 0 r ^ f. gvpg/n Big, overgrown, lubberly b. ^rS’BTw.

3 (of a slipknot, & c.). qft/. qrf^Tm. jTJJT/. Boyhood, n. qrrTffn. m&mn. wtrn. /•

4 (of a saddle). Boyish, a.w. Childish. qfOPr, qrC^r, %CWr-

Bow-leg, n. qrij^qrgm. =c?ffr.

Bow-legged, cr. griRT, %3pqr qpTRT. Boyishness, n. v. A. & Childishness. flC'T'ffrw, qR^a'm.
Bow-man, w. v. Archer. qFpfcm. qnc^WRw.
Bow-shot, n. fcRPir mrm.-WU m* ~ iTRWm. SOTW- To Brace, v. a strain up, make tense, v. To Tighten. flRT^r,

3RR^* Wff, 4r|5 sir? /.-frRTia. t?r t ^g-qq-.

Bow-sprit, n. ^rarsrferw. 2—as a medicine. jfe/. 5^T-^«r, siqSRf,
Bow-string, n. ^Jtgn. [Wi». W/. n
«rj*f ra»* WiT/. #ff/.
3g°r«i. Brace, n. straining strap or cord, =fRf°fl/. ^TRRT/. 3 TRT <%/.
Bowed, p. v. Y. A. qtaSrar, &c. W&f.
v. V. N. l. &c. 2 (of a dram). WFC or W». aqjgn/. *UfM.
2 ga#sw, gfw, TOJTjR, WRF, spR*. 3 pair, v. Couple. ^TJ?T or /. 3fSn. #fi /.
3 3j3^ ^r^r, $ w fagRW, & c. fr#rr#?r #- Braced, p. v. V. 1. &c. %r Rrsleff, qrq f?5f3T.
RT ?TRR, TOW. Bracelet, n. ^3T«i. 4iT«. gtJXfTii. qr^J^RTw. Certain Brace-
Bowels, n. intestines, entrails. ayijRf or 3fgpjfn.^^ fcyrcfn.p/. lets are srrarr, xfrr, qrgrq, qrrOT, tirnt, grexp,

xnrxrr, qrar^, rttr! f\m, q ?, 5rt, sjsft or

—in poetic cant, &c. phrased. a-xr?r, TfRt, fRT, ?rTOC, ti^T, qa-ar. .

Discharge of the b. v. Evacuation. §TRr»n. JlsSfajrfw*. H5T- B. set with gems. TfOTirir f.

3Rft<ET3Rra. 3T5T*TRjr/. 2 (of glass), srixpft /. ^fxpr«.

Disorder of the b. through crudities, sTPRft^ro. ^TRm. Bracelets bound with (gold or silver) wire. 5R£Tm.
* BRA 86 BRA
B. given to boot (m purchases). HlWff. B. — offsp ring . .

Seller of bracelets, ^n§Tn£W B .

— property, .

Bracelet-maker, n. ippft or ipuR, B — town. asTjet /•

^RT/T. B — tribe or cast. ^'WfcT/.
Bracken, n fern.
a. belonging to the arm. W^TTsf!, Company or assembly of Brahman's. 3fT^wi. — in contempt
Bracket, in printing. iflrji Curse of a b. WlTRTw.
Brackish, a. somewhat salt v. Salt. gm: mpz. mzs or Endowments (of villages or lands)
, to a b. 3T?T^7T»i.
Feasting of Brahmans. WT^#nsRn. STST'TOg'Rm
Brackishness, n, v. A. ERSsrl’ /. WFm Irr^'T^ITm. wrwrcr/.
To Brag, Brag. See To Boast, &c. Feasting of 1000 Brahmans. W^*TPSR» -of 100,000. sr$J-
Braggart, Braggadocio, n. v. Boaster, tffcsRfl.

Female b. Zfflrftf.
Braiiman, n. Wf&aTm. mm. PpTm. There are numerous tribes, Fit or suitable for a b. W&vTfT.
of which some are 37°^ or ^Afsff, TOV, Glory or lustre around a b. TO^sT#. TO^ETk
RT, trwm or Fw'rr^ or Prqjajqj or jRg- H ate to Bnihmans.
ZWT cr ,
W, #rr, fclTaT5S or jsr^rr, sfcfap, Hater of Brahmatfs. iT^irgl
, pop. jnvhpr or g#5<fr or w^r-
^3re*F, Learned b. <fj

# or W, wor JIW, tiwmtpoj?. mffAt, m% Menial b. WOTPSRw.

^r, WRIT, Some titles or distinctive appellations are Money, &c. given to Brahmans. ^fi-RT /. gfg f. or
&5> fir3F3?r, wRsgr^rr^, gntn.
mmAfaf apr, wNriT, ^rwrRf, 3TOW°f.
and exalting and epithets
To the above grand Outcast b. mm Win,
titles it seems just to append some Religious duties of a b.
of the current designations of the opposite character.
^rf%¥- The Six acts or duties of a b.
aprrw, or g^r, qfawwr, qrstrr, 3fa»-
srr Slovenly and dirty b. SRs? Wm. MZm . mm. 3j-
* W, Jlthcr, *!¥, Tfgm Numerous pzjfe are Warm.
demanded by Brahmans, and upon endlessly diversified pre- Give a b. an inch and hell lake an ell. JTHTfH jpr
texts or pleas. Some are W'TFft, WiTcPi'f , -rr^R-T, m mt.
or VTfsgT, R?7f%, WR, ggfe^, Br^hmanical, a. wTirPT^fr, wfOTsrriftJr, arsr, wnl, m-
#wg, frRr^r, w^Rt, §T ff:
pop. wr, fitfeg. Brahmanicjde, n. — act. 5r§Tf?srr /. M IT-Tm. ITST^PTm.— agent
Bra marts are by the ska sir as divided into four religious or-
3?tst, siranr^r.
ders (gqf*p? or srrWw. referable to the periods of
) life. They Brahmanism, n, 37®r ll
r<T irm. HrfF?Tn.

are, 1. Order of the Student; 2. *rrc*wr or 3TCW5R /. Insignia of b. feWH^n-

Order of the Householder; -3. wnTWW
Ordci>of the An- To Braid, v. a. v. To Weave, JJOT, U0!"!, ItZH-
chorite;^ Order of the Religious mendicant. A Braid, n.
Brahman of the first order is of the second order, Triple b. F^lrir/.
zjj^q ;— of the third order, WTOT or - of the Braided, p. v. V. ftq'&srr, >lc. ^qrtV.
fourth order,- flSSTT#, WTO), WTO. A popular divi- Brain, n. WWn- JlRrWa.
sion of Brdhmarts is made into two classes viz. orm Creation of one’s b.
Clerical B. and 3Jf;R Lay B.
To rake or weary one’s b. gr Tra^ 2r/.-^TR:'tr 3r /.-grtrr 5>r

B. from thread-investiture to marriage, -
gaff( €tf. - ?|sptf /. - i|o3T^ /. - ike .3T0T.
B. from thread-investiture to maturity,
mm. mmm. «fg*cff~ Brainless, a. v. Stupid. PTjfe-, VfWr^-rfffr-sr^ &e. q-
*R m. ffTftT.
B. devoted to celibacy, study, and religion.
%fg^ sT^T^TTBa- Brain-pan, n. v. Skull. JrrCJTrspTn.
(and the life of such m aijtaifhw. WTO- Brait, n. rough diamond. ff^p?T 'riRTm- sTW^f T flr^m
Brake, n. thichet of thorns. ^fSTFTR, ?rr?-
B. upon his begging rounds. m. srrir /•
rounds of a b. ^mKm.n* Alms, &c. thus obtain- Bramble, n. rubus indicia. Tp5Cf/.
ed, l^rrg^m.n. B. berry. aft^tqvSTn.
B, who bog?- dressed food from door to door. JTnjgrfim. 2 thorny or prickly busk,-gcmr. 3ri?3rp?n.
Dressed food bus begged. 1
JTPjgr^/. Bran, n. mfm.
B — cloths or apparel.
2 (of
sprinkled wheat), or
B.- -mulcts.
3 — as remaining in fine flour, gpr/.
New. 3t, sphjt^, Jiff, jrrt, Pfiirfi, ffMrfr^r, r^zr^.^fcf'rer,
new from the fire or forge, v.
Bran-new, Brand-new, a.

(of a tree) bough, m&m.fiim. 1$\i)f. &c. intens. 2 magnificent, noble ,

grand ,
fyc . — freely, v. Fine. IdlffT , JfWf,
Branch, n.
$ tos ^ f3r- rTR^TT, 3W, H3T, or
CTT/. TfeTm. <«»•

IgWZn v. a. defy, challenge, v To Dare. fTOFm- 5TT3''J-

*»• ^/- To Brave,
arorqnsiWffl. «Hferm.
Sr, irjRjrR ff?r#r, Rf «. ^rft
rfm. w^ff/- &c
Bravely, adv. v. A. 1. Rrs^TTPT, Bff-T, RJRR, 4i?l JifH,
Dead b. TRn. ^ ,

Small leafy b.

2 (of a river).

3 (of a subject or
discourse), v. Division.
or ?r?aT»i. dim. ITf^T or ?t?stt/.

qTF?f/. qpfiTBn. qSWn.

STRIT/• sBTn. W-

Bravery, n. v.

5KRu?f /. apft /. Jjff

fin. SITW«-
A. 1. •-F?0n-

WlWn. #f«-
5ifrir?r/. W I


2 5TPT/. 5TR?lft/-
JDTn zfT*lBTPTfli-
Bravo, n. murderer for hire. TTrt?rft»H. Hfllt ^TTtF Trnt. )

Minor b. OTPTn* w Bravo, H?, 5TI^T5T or H, ^Tf^T, IRIT, TOTIIT, TOsfR,

To Branch, v. n. shoot hi branches. qCT, %V*\\J pi -W£)nph interj.

57i?, ^ffr, urefr.

qOT, qrfeaSr. ^ ^
fig. '‘KRr^, qT FCS’qf Acclamations of bravo ! bravo ! STRTTFFt/.
2 out; ramify, spread diverse!?/, lit. ?

v. Squabble,
Brawl, n. clamorous contention, f.
pi JTOT g\ of s. %v5T#'.
Branching, Branchy, a. furnished with
branches having ma- ,
*FT/ TSWTTORrtii. H"rrsfift/- sTTOTP-T?^/-
&c. <Rfass- 3RDn ?lfjPT«L PTRRiR-
ny branches qpnRTS
To Brawl, v. n. v. To Shoabble, To Wrangle. TsRT#', >0’-

%55T, ^rrer, *tr3%

^F^r, ?5T)/i - I3TOTP-T?'5Tr w • - fRJfrPFRRf/.
??Sf-!J?*eT-fr"f-RR' T,5i'R- l

B. and bushy, safari,

qTWT, ^F^r^^RT- ^/.-irsr^/- ??"T-5T#r. _ _
2 striking or spreading out —-boms, &c. jffTffZm.-JJ^^f.-
2 speak loudly and indecently.
Branciiiness, n. v. A. 1. tRT^^TTTM. ^rr^PT- / ^c«r- ff#T, TsT3^|fT t'R'f-

3 — as a brook or a stream,

Bra.wlee, n. 'Brawling, p. a . v. Y. I.
2 qfjkrqoTTM OT&/
Brand, Firebrand. sfr^lcfn. ^fssft/.
w. v.
^FFut ^’Cdffw* s aSrrsFr, wm%*t it^ow.
2 mark burned, vfPTwi. '3T Twk sTRSTwi*
? .

with dung. ^qHTfm. Brawling, n. t. Y. 1.— ^q^fn. &c.

B. burned (upon hand or arm)

Circular b. ip«i.
2— act ^S£373$T?i. ijr^TT^- & c. ofT^n.
S mark of infamy ,
v. Stigma. 3DTm.
Brawn, n. fleshy or muscxdom part.
To Brand, v. a. burn with a hot iron. 3FFT or?piPT, ST#',
B. of tbo arm or leg, as full and prominent through exercise.
SI#T, 3FTm - 5TO«i. -STTm. " ^c '

3jtar /, orjiff ph *Rqn/* q^(/-

2 fig. SRPT, SWira. - ST??«. - & c. 5ST#T. tSTcft/.
Brawninebs, n, v.A. aw^rrssqorrm. qrt^F^Wrrn* &c.
Brand-iron, Branding-iron, n. ?R°ll or TOPTT/. srf°Tt/.
Brawny, r. mztsculous v. Fleshy. ,
£fW& pop. ^TF^


Branded, v. V.
2 ?pts?t, sr^Tts, s'rfes, Swffefr,
1. ?f3T^WT, SRT ffwFTT, Ac. SRJT, SPHTW.
7 o Bray,

r. a. v.

r. w^m
To Bound.
ass. The Marat/M has no rendering
fOT, ^^ °/°*
for this
To Brandish, v. a. flourish, wave. %5TOT, 713#, W^fS^T, ffc-
commonly used, but it expresses the cry of an
7<#, drss#, irrrin. otw-Iww with g.of o. word. ^Tf^CCTT is

animal generally.
Brangle, To Brangle. See Wrangle, &c.
Branny, a. v. N. Sfitw^rPCST, t'fsrmr.
Bray, n. 3T^#Tm. um
Brazen, a. made, fyc. of brass, fwt, RrtrSRT or fqwar^T ,
Brasier, n. TTRiRnT pop. *TOPD».-- in contempt ^reK?rm.
Brass, n fqvT? n. pop. f7?ar /.«.
2 v. Shameless. RrST^RT, ,
gtRR«W, ^Bsr'ITT-
Calx of b. crTOfTn- 5®T%fm. ftfcT/. CrfSJ^Tw- tlRpfir/-
Sounding b. fig. TOW/ Breach, n. See Breaking. 2 break, yap, rupture, opening
2 assurance, v. Impudence. frT#». (lit. steel.)

Brassiness, n. fqTrsTvrrm. pRTSrTn.

made. HTT3P3- or jtiFTRR- W^n. WSTn- mftT«. JTRuWm.
timsgm. or FTOR/- tW/- 1%3TV«- f%“
Brassy, a. fSRrsrar, fTvRTJBT.
?(Til tfRrrn./. pop. W-jf.
Brat, n. v. Child. 5RnRT»n.-(fr/- -£».), 7i<ifm.-(?r f.-'irt.). ^
3 violation, infraction, infringement. qfOTTir. vTfOTn.
Bravado, n. v. Boast, prrcfft or fsntlf. Vtltn. ««M»-
tfifm.(much used in comp.) (in comp.) 9$3FTft.
a. courageous, spirited, valiant, gallant, fyc. v. Bold. 4 rupture among friends, v Quarrel, ^ff. S'
srwten:, ®r€P% srsrer or to- «T«i. f^Tf?m. af^w.
5iT (
firsrsnr, <7P3#,

* B RE 88 feRE

To heal a b. OTT<T£l/ 3^. 4 violate, infringe, infract. HRH, fR^T, JfiTiii.

Bread, 5TRTT/ (This word means a cake, and of the flour of

n. qiT"T g.ojo.
bddzri, dzondhald , and other inferior grains. It is not 00222 - 5 interrupt, §c. v. To Stop.
monly applied to a wheaten cake.) qfsSf/ (This means a g of o.
cake, and of wheaten dour : also of the dour of rice, dzon- 6 in; tame, train, v. To Discipline. q£q"T, W°i, ^PHP’T,
dhdld &c. boiled.) ffJm. dim.
, I'm. These words CTf/Sr, q3>qi?r-q5: DTt5r-^T5?tqT-&c an 0 .”!, qn^rr or qpTJrr qrrq.
mean ca&e, roZZ, or loaf, and usually wheaten but they belong,
7 up; dissolve, &>c. v. To Disband figv),

though they are current enough, to the Hindustani .) TOn* 8 up; burst or force open, y -4^1% or c

(This fermented bread or a Zo^/of it. It is from the Portu- 5rsvr, Hf^rr/.-TnrqiR- /, s&rqr g. of o.
guese ) See also Cake. 9 up; take to pieces ^'3q, fqiisrot, fTOSJ 3), / -gqa^r
—-in covert or jocose, &c. phrased /• HT^RXt/. HJT- <m&f. 3iT“T, H'B^rroT, fq^rqr^iTn. 5P°t.

^^rr /. SpfcfaRn. 10 (wind) crepitate qrq%, qrTm. qi/^T-^rqiSivr, q^a.

B -r-compreh. Z>. 022 fZ 00 /20 ,
//. 0 ?’ 00 /20 . 'TiSEl <T 3u3Tw. *TRiT- iii -5HTzfxf- qr^.
11 disclose. q^R5!, qrrg%, g of o.
B. made of flour of various grains parched and ground to- To Break, v. n part, come asunder. jfRoj-, H5T“T, 5n“T
gether. tpriTa. HRRtftyRR/- 2 v. To Burst. qpiR. v>

B. baked m a leaf. qFRTTm. dim. fTr=T3jf 3 become bankrupt. jfR'T, jqRROT, rpw, qgof, ^5f, pT#r,
B. and cheese, humble fare. vrrft HRR /. fR HRR/. HR Rrq#fi. Ptmg.ofs.
HR»n. 3RHRm.
4 (in health, strength, spirits, &.C.). ^RfuT, ’1^, 3TJR, W34i’^i°T,
B. and water. SRrqFttn- sT3fa3T». #s^re-iiRrerq°r, w^t, wit 5!, qr^ftB q”t, frrfRw.
Daily b. v. Livelihood, ^n. sRrqFrtn. aTRTTFftn. 5T°TT- 5 — the voice, become hoarse or cracked. g3:[m. qrJ^T -qTaj-rq-

'TT'Ttn. pRT»L qR'T-q?i5t.

That has eaten the b. of. HSTIRT. 6 fallout, v. To Quarrel. <pr, fqtRot, fqtTRm.-qpr /.
To beg for one’s b. ?FT g-«f s. IfR, 3RT -fHT/. fW g.ofs.
W adv. ififR
To begin to get one’s b.
f*Ri qretm. 5®! g-ofs.
7 down; yield, fail, %c.
8 loose; grqr, sqRTSrr fW.
#Rrq, #3T#, ^RqTS^T, RIFT-

To be reduced to b. and 9 out, forth; appear in eruptions.


water, (to a crust of b._&c.). '=^T3

SfiPT, tfiFW, -
r< cT t J
fjRqft®. ftrssr wr. rw, wr, sTPTq^°Tt f. Ift.
To deal out b. 3RT€W». 3vRT. 10 out; become dissolute, §c. v. To Run wild.
To destroy, or injure one’s b. qRRT TPTm- TH, qtarr^nc aR®r
f-roq fw, wr5 ),‘ ^tft.
On Os


or q-«T, qriT HR or aRTT HR W, WIT HR°r, H5TR HRt/. W- 11 up; dissolve, as firms, associations, companies. HipT,

m or mrrrwftm /. trt. RCTr, qFTfz-Sf, qrRRT^ar or HZRzf.-Hgm.

To give the b. out of one’s mouth. fRHTW«i. SRI. -ifsfZfn.-feq[Zm.-&c. m g.ofs — with implication of com-

To lose one’s b. H5T». 5IFT g.ofs. 5fT‘m.

^ g.ofs. 3R- pleteness
12 up; come
and ruinousness.
to pieces, jrjysjoj-,

y.-yyoifyQ'o4 f.
To put in the way of getting one’s b. HvfPET RTT. ff5r, qfrr'R: /. fR
To quarrel with one’s b. and butter. qtr qR^spR hHW HR/. 13 with; fall out with, v. To Quarrel', fqq/at, tprot,

hitr, HRRr hstft unit/. qRH w, tth. Break, n. opening, gap. fR? f. dim. f%3TqT5?t /. or%n. or
To stand in the way of one’s b. H5IT ^THST qy. EfTSt /. &
^n. 3it?/. dim llifrt'ii. and, enhanc. RRITji. or
To lake the b. out of one’s mouth. HRHT q'PETm. TRy-ff- fn.
j§r qvj &c. 2 opening, interruption, stoppage. ?!Z f. *Tf£f. f
-fTC /.

To work for one’s b. ?RRC HHRwi. TTT, ?RRC qfefl. #3T«. aRta. sqqiJT^n.

HTT. 3 (in the weather). WR /. or g-q-RT /• qtRRr/. v. qq, It.

Him laud whose b. you eat. «qrqt 33TTt qRt Rpit qTaRlft £ Rt. 4 intermission of a time. 33RT?». qRTm. sifRn.
Breadth, n. v.A. idit /. HRHR*. HTWm. fqVT(T»i. RTHiit. 5 (of day). See Dawn.
2 (of cloth). cF?r»i. Breaker, ji, v.V. A. 1. qRRTr, jfR°rRr, &c. %BT^r, iRr^T, fqqr-

A single b. qRm. qfrn. qRir or qRij-n. zjzfzn. qqr, Rqr#r, jfir-&c. qrqf.
Of a single b. IRRft. To Breakfast, v. n. ^qrfrftf-Sfc. 5RR.
To Break, v. a. part, sever, sunder, fyc. qRR, HRH, TR“t, Breakfast, n. Fqfrqt f. qrdRTn. MR^RFfn. JTRRRTm.
#3%, rrh, *npr, %tt, tth, Prot, Hn»»--fqqROT.- Breaking, n. v.V- A. 1. act. qT3Rn. qRRn. &c. tjir?n. *f«r-

&c. g.ofo. „ sfn. fRrqn.

2 v. To Burst. q?R®h Breast, n. $rn. pop.^m. Sift/. 3lRRRn. qtfn. qtJ^SRn.
3 make bankrupt. f^Rn. SKT3R g.of o. TElfqSr, ffw- qysflvrm. lRq«. men .—in contempt, auger, &c. S^Rb-
fw, hrit ?r5?r^c q#R, nrqrr/. $th g.ofo. 3RRn.

Hollow of the b. 3Tr#IRN /. Woman that wears the b. ^RTt^rcf^T/

Pigeon b. projecting b. vSTnfn Jb Breed, r. a. procreate , generate , engender. SFcTir 3ruC%, ST-

To beat 01 clap the b. STOn. &c. Tm, S’-Ciq'PTin. 5KT"T. ?qrqq-, sgm, m*f*rg-ofo.
To clasp to the b. gwf-'TiJror &c. •tfT'T, 2 occasion , produce , v. To Cause, v^qrsr qrC°T, ^qk*T. 3rjT-

2 (of woman, &c.) VRn. STPTft. jpTift. 3RT /. «RTin- 3iT°T, TOFHH.4C.
TgNT»n —in To Rear,


Mothers b
affirm- ^#sr*n«
or iRWvTfn. pi.
ajifrni. iTHTn.
covert, &c. phrased. TT-
3 bring up,

g. of o.
m. progeny

race, v.

Family, Offspring, fq^q^,. qfgTm.

To suck the b. ^TrTn.-VT^TPT=T«. 'KT°T 2 (of cattle) v. Stock. 5n°rr/». ftTsT^Tn. ^ /. Rqrq f Wff/.
3 heart, conscience , mind, Sjc FCttn. CTTOffTn. (answering Of a good b. q^r^f.
to temple of the breast ) spr^JTS'n. T^n. Breed-bate, n. v. Incendiary q^Rqr, ^HT^Fqr, qi-

Weight upon one’s b. STHVTr Rlfr-’T^-T?TIT)i. &.C. ^rm. qTCTgf^Tin.

To get a weight upon one’s b. ^m. ttfdf g.ofs. Breeder,?!. Breeding, p. a —of female animals, not barren.

Breast-bone, n. 3T?T ? or gTTTIT'Tn. ifMRifn. ;

fqqiqraqt, fqqrqr^qt, wft.
Breast-plate, n. TTTra' /• STWrn. :
Breeding, ?i. manners ,
^rc. jrr'ff^^lT f- R'^Rffr /. OTf-
Breath, n. ^^mpop. TOPETm. sripn. ifPTw.

In a b. Breeze, w. qrox /. qr=qpfr55fT/. ^Ifm. ^TRT^. ^f-

Sweetening the b. (as after a meal). /.

Thing (betel loaf, &c.) to sweeten the b. JTJITPEFTfl. Balmy b. qrjm.

That is out of b fTJT. Cool and balmy b. ^nqgifvT qrjin.
To hold one’s b.
3— Breezy, a. K,
To stop one’s b. ?Ifm. #3^. Brethren, n. JTr^.p^. t'JZfHmpl. qgqif yw.p/.
To suspend or restrain the b. iTPTOWm -TP’TPrrJTm. 3fV°T. 2 g’ener. and near relatives .

To suffer to take b. <TJT»i. Brevity, n. v.A. 2. atitqgrr/- fTOTCmpr»«. arf^gTCm. *

To take b. ^R-W°T-'<0T' r. f
TrflSTn. SSPTin. €^T3rr /-
To waste (or lose) one’s b. W#, m. 7b Brew, v. a. devise, lyc. v. To Scheme. TOW, T^°T-
To Brew, v n. fig. be hatching , — of mischief or evil. Frapr,

2 (of air), v. Breeze, gra^ /. T=iJpff &&:/. tranr,

Breath-less, a. out of breath. f?JT, grip73T. Bribe, n. 31 ^f. a tTBTTRirn. qT^WTPCr/. qT'gTT*. 5gT3T»n.

2 See Dead. fjrarrr /:

To Breathe, v. n. respire. Vrar^iTT pop. ^reP^Wm. To stop the mouth with a b. ffRX
-snpr, w»*. #?®r-rRrsr, ’-rram. g.of s. Airg-ja. To take bribes or a b. vs'm /. ^PT, ^TTRn.-^PTm.-iTWrni.
SPOT m. con . irr^°T, TSTPirrsf ^vh, ^r#,

2 take breath, pause,

\ v. To Rest, Bp.ibe-eater, Buibe-taiceu, n. ^aTTlTr, sr’WfTc. SSTTOTTc.
tlie air, blow softly. 3pEp°T, SpSgoS’ ado. qrpT, SpOT, WRJjiFfl-
mm^r, To Brhjk. 3'rnf. t"T, 3i^rr#, sH5fR». ^r,8TPrw.-^r/. 3rm-
4 hard, laboriously, &c, con * Tf tn. OT, ^Kv f, ^TTS5*rr fTTf^ t°r, fl^f *rr 30T.
sT3^T, rw. ^r^PT. To b. extensively. CFTn-
5 out; expire forcibly . Bribed, p. v V. wiTprs^r, 3f=T WTS3r, ^#3T. 5RW
£Rf°T. To be b. be won over by bribery. 3HIW.
Breather, «. Breathing, p. a v.V. , 1, er?2 <£ Living. ^TOt ?
Briber, w. v.V. 3Nt°rRrr, ^Hr-TqTTr, ?gT3r-W3Tf-&c. t°rrM,
pop, mwr, nmrflr, otft. tteTf^rr, ^rf:
Breathing, n, v.V. I—act, pop. ^rHSTm. Bribery, n. ^#0/ vtrttn. ^fTTFUrTPCm-
B.— compreli; b. and corruption, venal practices.
5 HOTRojn &c« m^KK or gWftt 02* pOTTrm.v. STCT, tfr/. 3N35/ ^rTOr’TTW!/.
1 (through the nostrils, as practised by followers of the Wedcts Brick, n- izf. gflOT /.
or Tantrds ) qcqrni. JTPTPRTO»»* (These words Kiln-burned b. Baked h, fr/. T^S^T /•
express differences in the manner). Sun-dried b, %n. iRTm. (this is a large and squar-
Breathing-place, n. spiracle, wn/, air-hole. pop. ed mass of kneaded earth).
Vitrified b. ?PlTm. /
Breech, bottom . qk/* jpjj^OT. *£*1*.
3jcfn. Vitrified excrescence upon a b. fe£>Tn.
2 breeches. The varieties are knee-k apffqt /. %ssqrm, JB. Brick-bat, n. fVZXi or ?£qPC f.n. ffVrrn. fr^m. iRTm.
just covering the posteriors• JS. covering the Brick-clay, n. g;rfr W#!/.
thighs, .
^ri^^fo^r 07* ^^^(osrorrw* Brick-dust, n. W/. S^V/.n*
— — W ,

Bui 90 BEI

Brick-dust, a, of the colour of b. or Bride -man, n, ^TPf^rfin

Brick-kiln, w. srfqtqFf /* Bridge, n. qyTm.%Jni.

Brick-layer, n v. Mason, qqfr or iji^rr or B. or float hastily constructed of rude materials. nu

Brick-maker, n ^TRr^qpOh t#Km Cfe^T^TfT. A disposition of bridges. /

Frame of a b. for carrying earth. Tpf i/. Wooden b. or or ^fVT&m
Brick-mould, n. fzrarw. qfarSn. 2 (of the nose). qpqfMT or fmni. qRT&n qratf
Brick-work, n. frgrRn. £zi£[f. 3 (of a music instrument). qp£l /. j qiT^TRt /• ^XZ j
. q-
To Brick, a. %z4iXj. SRTq, 3utq, CHTFTt TOPt sqir /. qsqr /.
Bridal, a. arflrqr, f^lfr^T, sfrSff^T, PTCTftfwf, farf Bridge-building, Bridge-laying, n. q^rqft/.
Bridle, n lit. and fig. qqrqin./. afqtq /.
Bridal, w. nuptialfeast. srsfcqqiiu Grooming b. gqsnfr/ 5T5TBn.
Bride, n. q^ITt/. ^rf, q^Tff qaRT/. j’o put one’s b. in the jaws of qr^f TOq /. qpTq g.of o.

B.. and bridegroom. 3T3T or aJifTfl* Bridle-hand, n. ^qrqr^T IRm.

Cloth interposed (at weddings) between the b. and bridegroom, Bridle-road, ?i. qi§qf?r f.

sftrsqzw. — Figures or lines drawn on it. qqwi. qff/. To Bridle, v. a put a bridle on 5rqrqm*/*.

Full grown or big girl standing' as a b. ffiyPprCl or /. 2 restrain or guide by a bridle, lit fig. v. To Restrain
rJfvfcft'tfZZ'ZfZfffj. sqRRT qpq, arrarsq, qpr^q, ^qrqf erpfq.
Mother of the b. ^qqpr or ^mf aftfqPT /. Bridled, y; v.Y. 1. ^qrq^.
Party or company of the b. sfviTOm. —Member of it. 2 ^qfqfcf &c.
To dance, holding the b. and bridegroom upon the hips. Im Brief, n. epitome ,
v. Abridgment. WTm.
qrwr. 2 pleaders case . *f^f% Kfqqn-feWn. g^T^Ff ifqqn.
To fix upon a b. (for ones son). ^T°T- 3 See Writ.
Some of the numerous terms expresshc of rites and ceremonies Brief, a. See Short. 2 concise, — writings, speech, &. c. WTRT,
observed by or towards a bride, of presents made to, and of wot, #w, 5twf^, ’t-t Prwnrr^r, qRw?T-
persons and things pertaining or relating to a bride are insert- , 5I5TC.
ed here. Particular information can, whenever desired, be ob- 8—speaker, & c. wm, HWWfqt, Fn^rW^-
tained upon consulting the M. and E. Diet. QTRqT, In b. trf °T or q-,

^wprr, ^mqqc, %*r, f sxrqqq, TORq qrsdWqr Briefly, adv “v. A . 2. WSTCW !, 5
HOTr-T, WfW:
or 'rrsTRs^rr, w, w, q or qqssqq, 4—
qrcrcl, qrqrd°r, gf#qr°rr, gard or g-fr^qjq, apr, Briefness, n. v.A. 2. HOTni, Hiiqqr /. wqwq«i. ar?q^r J. fqwf-

f*\ '
wwr, Wtfrar, wrst. ' fts,
ftar. ' sj 'J 7
sRrqrft. / ,s
Bride-groom, ?i, q^rw, 3RT«i„ q^R^Tm. Brier, n. wild rose. UWpqHnt. rTTRWTw. #irrgwqwi.
Alighting of the b. at the village of bis intended. srRTOfm. 2—goner, v. Thorn. qrt^tr'Tn-
v. 3vt. — House appointed for it, sffqTOSpC or *rrqraqcn. Brigade, n. ^'qJTRTw- OTq^n.
Brigand, n. sfs^O, SS^TSfr, j?.
B. inferior (in age or size) to his bride. ffq^T. Bright, a. shining, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, resplen-
Departure of the b. for the marriage. ^TOTFFri. dent, refulgent, fyc. gisqw or 55,
Father of the b. ^qqpTm. Tsrwrc^srer, Mraq, Wstww, &c. ^^riaf.Wsr:-
Flowers, &c, bound around the brow of the b. Jflfj’wt or q~ ^rrat, ^rmw, ^Ffnrr^r, %-
f or ggpr^t /.
Full grown or big boy standing as a b. — intons .flaming. Hazing, §c, v. Glaring. STrefrqr^r (
<fo£ q^TTwi. 'jqJTR, ^rrsqpqiTR, iwq, OTst. Sec also Brilliant.
Man sent to bring the b. zr^FUnL 2 not dull, v. Sharp. WFVtfff, TOT, OT5T, q'wfefT,
Mother of the b. sfCqnr /. qT^PTr /* TfriT, ^rar^raT.
Offerings and honors paid to a b. qqw?R. qfqfaprqti. 3 a colour, clear andfull. STflu or if?TT.
Party or company of the b. — Member of it. fYTOPT* the moon-beams. fq^T, icqTfWW3T, qiOTflT.
Presents to the b. wsfmrfi vSm^T ffNT m. To Brighten, v. a. male bright. WsRi-W'iqsJ-asrwi
Presents to the mother of the b. qT^qq#, &c. &e, qrwr, wr5rFq“T, gira^re arm.
Procession of the b. 2 up; make ehver, sharp, 5 r
0!- ifrfr-
fyc. g’jpC'T, qPT^ 'qt T-;

Pole carried before the b. in p. qnwqw. TOT-&C. qr?T”T.

Procession $£ the b, ajd bride towards home, TOcf/. q^Cqt/. To Brighten, become bright.
v. n. S'Sf^Sr^irra ^2%,
To fix upon a b, (for one’s daughter). 3T qTOT SfcTq, TOq- ?’T,f;Tq3%.
2 up • become clever, §c. g'JTT'T, qP'T-qrq- & c. ?r°T.
Bride-maid, n %$\ f Brightening, v.V. A. g «fq g '^’>i.
. .
n. 1. act. gsfsg 3iT°rn. g^faiiTn
w , —— • .


Brightly, ado. v.A 1 q5fR, STrFT qqTTqr, Summer b — the plant qfJTrj*

—the fruit, gvfrar dpi.

3q|€, K 'hlir'T^i, ^SB'TW-
Brinjarrie, n. carrier of gram, 4'c. qq in<T or qq’sfPCT-
4fr TC- i

_ ^ _
gtsfsrqqr m. &o. sr%€r/. STW/- Camp or company of Biinjamcs. qq5TiT«.
Brightness, n. v.A. 1.

tfr pop _d?r / dq/. Brink, n. v Edge tiP? /. T? or qg /. fdfPT»i.

?nfr /• f§Rif/- if.
Brinv, Brinish, a salt. ?ncr, yr^TO.
g-is^^n sTri^R- sststm. FT^rm. ?rt^rm. gt^r/. 5—
Brisk, a. sprightly, gay, v. Lively. s>TR?r, ««THT, qRTqfq,
2 and Sharpness. tfp<qqr/. qfqqiwrr/.
or jfvrqiqr, ?prqi€r.
Brilliancy, n. v.A. 1. 55'3T«3>t f qqTrRiT/. ST^TST^TT

srqinT or sJ^sr /. sr
=*fr /•
sr^d /. qrqrqwn. 25 active, gulch, S,c. v. Smart qqvr, q'qsfj ?5TR r
sT^q, 34f-
fg^flrifr /•
or q«f?q.
_ miens. g^r^iHTiii. ^qrrd/ qqrrd f. qqrrd/. 5jr,

§Rqsrj. sport / »*» stsssrpjtu. sr^d / 3 busy, S)C. v. Bustling, S^aTf, srarqrr-
sFFrsrqrRm. srqnd /.
4 of towns, c. Swarming, qqqqrq, qqwiq.
lively, v.
2 v. Lustre. qtqln. gifn.
sparkling, glittering vRRdd rRPTdd qof- trade, sale, Ac. ft^WfRrr, q3Tqi% ^Tq^r, >Rqffqr.
Brilliant, a.

qqRdRr, gnraqrq or fsrqfswrd srft- Brisket, n. ST^in.

qdd oorodR, £' c.

Briskly, adv. v A. 1. 3sTRR, 3TRL|RR

aftFr, sppsrdd srsi^rsftT, sroi ,
^nror q^or ^risr- ,

&ee also Bright 2 q^RR, &c. qqqqor qr, qB'qr or gq, or qrr,

•2 a gem, v. Lustrous. q^OTR, ORTTR, SR^fR- sqqrq~3R--&c. srq?rq,qqqr or qrr, irqsrL, otstl, w-
Brilliant, «. diamond cut with facets, TCTCrm. «T, WTRLf*
Brilliantly, adv. v.A. 1.
— inions. wTr, ^Trqr, gTRt. grirsTT, ?rqrqr

qqrqqr, vrqRqr.
5 qtrq, rlrCr, skspc, srqrfrq, & c.
Briskness, n. v. V. 1. gieTRtqqpu. &e. -*TR?fRJ'.
Brim, n. v. Edge. d*/. OR / FoRRMl fan.
& ado. d^RR, feHL, *RfC, RW, d?fdd 2 qqsrqqrm. r^rrfI qrqr /. qqrqqr J.
/'. sr v&f. f qLr/. q^rdor
Brimful, a.

rtrtc, orptr, Cr?r^,#r*c, to*, f&fa, **Rtord

*- /. qq^qr /• qrqwn.
qqqt /. €iqm. fsr^rar (Tarr»».
srrfdcr, gqdd or gqdW, jRirdq or fqdqdd sr^qdr, qiff/. /.

jpr, fdf, 3d fj^r, r « ' B. and dulness (of trade, sale, &c..).

To be b

srsnm, ^ WT-vdi. to the brim. 'T’rdfPT -MROR -&c.

Bristle, n.

RSTm. TF2Tm. aTqr»t.«-
qsRffipn pi-
Brimmer, n. glass, fyc. full
q^rm. qftqqqrTn-
To Bristle, u.V—the hair. iRiRq, fOJ^q or qLWr, >1-

Brimming, a. v. Brimful, gqsfPr or fff?ld dW • qrcq,qqRq.

To Bristle, v. a. or qpqpr#, 3RRq.
Brimstone, n. qqqrin.
Brinded, Brindled, a. streaked. or qr?®lr , Bristly, a. set with bristles. T?Rr, anqrfSfi,
“TsTfoET :
®T('3T , “fT^rdr-
Brine, n. qpraiTin. SSiTni- British, a. f'RrqqJTrqr, feq%5THqq[, sOTd,
Prepared with b. garwrqfw. Briton, n. FjprqqsTW qqrqc.
To Bring, v. a. arm, OaTqqq, sgqqqn. 3Rq g-»J o. Brittle, a. farqar, ^qr, RSFraR.
/•-&<>. ^dq-fFT in. 2 esp. of thread or cord. iJ'Rr, dlT-
2 produce unto,
Brittleness, n. v.A. L. fsRprqqrwi. fefr3?qqrm. «S’8'd /.
eon g.of o.
3 about;
. <$r

To Effect. qgqq-Rqqq-qqqq-
v. &c. srrqq, tRqq. To Broach, r. a spit, gsqre-qstrqq W.
4 forth v. To Bear. ; . Wq 2 pierce in order to draw. WqTn-qr^'iJ. qf3q.
#3rq, ddr, qtpjq.
5 forth—or to light; v. To Publish. gfadR-qqRtq-sq- 3 (a Store).
q?5ra-3%gf0-qq^ra-&c. sTm^fesr ORq. 4 give out, disclose, v. To Tell, tfforq ICT, T^-Wrz-lkc ,

6 on; occasion unto. 3TFFT, «F^T* qrq, qrqtq qm, wrfqiqrn. g.of o.

7 on one's self; (a trouble or evil). btpTSHT qPTPR tfm df q Broad, a. wu/e. td tUfTf, PrRR, fqT^r.
qq or qrf q qq or JTpt*q Wq, SIR^q TJRST/• ifTfirq, ^fSTRr —of cloth, ffisrrq^qr.

8Tqqqr»L3Trqq,#q^nn. fdrqqq. b. as long, gfqi-qrq, ^fqSrfqR^iw, qqqqq,qf qF«-

8 over v. To Persuade, qqn. qqrdr,
fossf-T '*#, IWSfOT, tiqqqrq.
^qsTrfqd/.-^iMrqlvr/.- &«• £-°f o. Broadish. d?R-
9 under v. To Subdue. irtTr^fd- qt?r - - sqrqiq- 2 gross, coarse, rudely plain, blunt, 8)C. tTSWqr, q^^ifl-

&c. aqqq, qsrq^q. m, qqqrsqrqr,

vr3r^w^,q^^qr3d, tqqfe.f^rftRq-
10 up ;
v To Rear, To Educate. *rp?a# t STPiqq, TT^q, Lffq-' '5Rq-& o- c.

qi #r qrerqqpTq?! -OT. daylight,qqqqlq, qRTdq, KR>irfrq.


1 1 up pull in, curb, v. To Restrain. eq^prq-stPirq- & c. It is b. day light, qqqqtq, g%qs-.

qLq,9THrs5-q,5rJirqi q<q- Broad-breasted, Broad-chested, a. iRerrqtqT, STqilT, Wq-

Brinjal, n. eggplant, the plant, qfq!/- f^ld /- ‘pndw- qyr, fqsTRqyr,
—the fruit, qfqn. qqRla. Broad-Brimmed, a. tz d*Rr,df fqrqpqrqr.
. .

Broad -cast, a. Broker n. factor, v. Agent. cf^R7, gJTW.
Broad-cast, aclv. gar. 2 seller of old apparel, §c. gqrftggr, ^^TRT grw/l,
Corn (esp . rice) sown b gar/. frjRrggr, r,

To sow b. gsr /.

g^q or STOT g.of o. 3 v. Pimp, spjgr.

Broadcloth, ^RR* or fRH / or Brokerage, n. v.N. I. business of a broker /

n. $ J. .

Of or belonging' to b. ^f3RRT\ or ft, gqTffRr, gRR<flTT I hire or pay of a broker /. ^g<TI /.

Broad-shouldered, a. R^jr^OT, Bronchial, a. belonging to the throat ^srj^T,

Broad-sword, n, qRrff ST^RC /• ^ ^T^RT/-


To Broaden, v. n. grow broad . 1TRR fiq\ 72 .

Broadly, adv. v. A. L ^T* Bronchotomy, n.

2 wRTf tg^rw^, Bronze, n. gfcgRT sirPT grPr^FirftfWJjn.


73T-&C. To Brood, v n. incubate, g mKf. 5T/.

Broadness, n. v.A 1. ^tfl /. ^TRfm. pi. ^fg }

fm /. f^rgfq-^Rwt.
2 tg^gcfgorr m . Kra%Wm
^RTlffWn. vT^cprr/R. gre^r.

Broadwise, 0<fo. 3?^, V^Eg-T, qWTPT qr 1 over; ponder over. tzffQm.-f=^rPTn.-&e. W, f“!gf

Brocade, n. 5IO»/. vsRRPT orZRgWfft f. ^t / TORT/. \

5PKTm. grrig g#r, ^P%cr
f^TGTfn*. Brood, hatch, the ivhole hatch. q\q / Wl
False b. or lacc. ^r^rsFCm./. 2 breed, progeny, hatch, §c. v. Oefgprincl g|5Twi. fg^fgHT/i.

Old b. fringe, & c. SPCtsRgiT / Brook, n y. Rivulet. qpAHn.

Old b. lace, &c.~ merchant. \fff Tfm. A clattering b . sg^Tofl/.

Brocaded, a. ivoven with gold or silver thread. \fvTfU, ’sTOt, To Brook, d. a. with, v. To Bear. WT, Hfpt, qf^r«T
Wd^T, W&ft. ^a-f-Sgq*.
Full or richly b. Broom, n. ^gqt or^§mf. §3T^qr/. SlRofr /.

2 a border of brocade or gold thread ^qr^[^ ?

3jf- dim, €^p?r/. greq°T/. grrft/. Trr^^r/ ??r-

srtc, wrer, q^rre.

Brocage or Brokage, n. v. Brokerage. 3r55TC?f /. qptfpft /. B. of strong and stiff stalks. ^U^rai.
Brogue, a. v Shoe. ifr^Tm. B. of twigs or cuttings.
2 corrupt dialect f. &Tr$fit§t f. B. with handle, 07* /
To Broider, Broidery, &c. Sec To Embroider. B. worn to the stump. qf^RJ ci. ?gcfer72i.

Broil or Brawl, n. noisy quarrel, v. Squabble, gp Stock or hindorpart of a b. rftfm. f$Tm. ^TfUm. or

bpr/. wfr/. grerfR*/. ^r^r/. q&FxStf. cRott- g3T'Tf 2H.

e*17* To beat with a b.

To Broil, v. a. W#T er ajspr, iTTSPfr Broomstaff, Broomstick, n gp^qqt'qr 5T?Tm. . g\oj o. Broth, m. nOT^^flf /• IMm. STTijraWn.

To Broil, v. n. V{m. Brother, n. ^r^^rSTw. ^r^r^fw. fssTTSWRTm. fiTsr^RTni.
2 %. sufferfrom the sun, Sic. gra$T. wrr^n. l^r^n-
Broiled, p. v.V.A. ^fT^RRT, wm r
*Tfir?r f 3jS\ Brother, n. irr^w. T-Jm. «rr?rrm ^3R»i. Vf-TTw.
To Broke, v n . «<?£ rcs # broker STSTIW/. ^Tq

Brothers, Brethren. ^TjT^Thi yl- T'J'TIT m.'pl.
Broken,/*. & a. v Y.A. 1. &c. grgrr, qtarqrr, JT^r, Brothers and sisters — collect. 3-TT^w.pZ. 5

srf§R, w, w, fb*r f Sfer, firNw, Brsr^r^. ®rfHt / pi-

B. and battered. \9 J>
or TOjWf.
S3 O
B. of whole blood. 55?r?T, S|3T, 7#?^, Hipf ^JtA ,

1 discontinuous, interrupted, frrgr, qargrr, gr^gr gr^grr, ^rarr. B.’s wife, jti firs' /. ^rfirnir /.
II —a discourse, utterance, &c. <T£gr, gzgif. Elder b. f#* 3T5T1T, of5f^.
Ill not entire, incomplete ,
or/rtf. gRgp, gTHRT* Ilalf-h. b. on thefather’s side. ^rffq'aTr^, TO *Tr3T,
Broken-hearted, a, ^grsrg, JTiTf^T. Husband's b.’s wife. 5Tff or SfT3T/.

Broken-meat, n. aggrn. wff^W^ gTtffr3R>?L/*Z. Twin b. ^eSnTT3T, isfPTsrr Jfrsr.

^TS* B#n. fesgftn, trgfvf/i. Uterine b. frfrrwff -ffTWiTfi- & c. f'fni.fPTrfjf

Broken-winder, a* grzrggr gRT^r, ¥,« Younger b. JTR-^OTT, qT^^DThY, fTflT, *1^^-
Brother-in-law, n. wife’s brother. %|®rrin. ijfrW'fTwi-
Brokenness, n, feeling of luxation relaxation, v. Exhaus- 2 sister’s husband. %?nrrm. ^fTCTfrw. W^ irt - wfipflffiTm-
tion. =gcr«R gTCTTm- or JTnra. w?r#«i. (used only of an elder sister’s husband).
arm. aTPTpgr or^grr^w. 3 husband's brother. pop. flfia. Wfrm. iTI%€r»i.
To have the feeling of b. Brotherhood, n. or irrcff Cl /. HT^ffr or Jn^UTfin.
2 (as of a door or pavement/ &q/» I
/. f^fn. «IOR|Ffn.
— .

2 fraternity, association, v. Company. 3137 poji. tfiTi/. 37- 2 away off; whisk, flap, 8,c. gT3i”T, ?RT¥FC-
TjiTSTm. ®r f sr^rm -5rr5rnu»
Brotiier-like, Brotherly, a. JTT’SW’gr, 3Vj77T% 3 up; retouch, polish, S)C. v. To FiNrsn. WWT,
arr^rw, t-wr^r, worer, *rr3t3, t-m. qrar-FT/. s
=ft’C t, ^qRbj_
or J7r#r3Tl/ Ac ).

v. A. 57T373337I

Hrt^KT/. 77TT3TCfm.
JTr 37737/.

f.p7T3m. 3-

4 up
(learning, qre^T, ^jfTbr,
sjqorn. ^b'r,isrr3r T-^fcffff- ?firrc-&c.

v. u (by, along, against).

atfSpr^r ^STfbj-cpjSi-jrcipf^

Brotherly, adv. JTr^'Wr^, W?3TCr3, t-nTRFT, 3f- g-irzbr, ?rs^T, srrtfFr, ^c^bi or ^cr-’TB^r-wr
f€t3. -&c. 'Sarq'srrbr.

Brought, p. v. V. 1. 37T3Fr33, <Ac. 3TF7FT, *7rc3 Brushwood, a. grrfl( ^TT or STffr/.

htP/rw- 2 blanches lopped, vn. n.

Brow, n. eye-brow. 37133 or 373# or fir^r /. KTCjfr/. 3 /.

< To Brustle, i\ n. v. To Crackle, :
httens. TO'J'T iFC- )

2 v. Forehead, 3777 ot:n. pRar or fasr^n. J7T5T». *T5C®r in tens. nKifn, intens. •HCRT'T,
By the sweat of the b. 7333x37 373773. 2 v. To Hustle ,
?T3' To?bx

Trabj ( ^g-qjbr,

3 (of a bill, &c.)

irsriR. Tfzmm. irr^rfi 373 /. Brustling i. y, adv. or rf intens. ’TTfcr or ?fC-
To Bjiowbeat, V. a. i&m.jil. W#-?- HCor U intens rpCRT or ?TOiTC-
3TfC^-nc^m-5rrK°t-'Trr3;sT- rrirru'r, f&m pi. ^r^-jjc^T- Brutal, a. belonging, §c. to a brute. Turpr,
f3-33P33'-37rjp-ffor^-&c. 3733 -3733 - 3333 & c . ?rrqfr/. B. force. 3?nT«[a«.
-jp^rr^rr/. 373333 33-3733 , qwm . 2 savage, inhuman, v. Cruel. ^rr fjjfir, )
jqTJT-3"JT, fi
Browbeating, a. v. V act. trar 3333 3733n. &c. tprrTm. Brutality, n. v. A. 1. crtWoi. quirtn. TST'-Titwi.

37737T/. 33377337/ 2 iR-rgr / qfTffn. fafnAr /•

Brown, a. sfr, 33lt3r37, 33737, pppft. N .15? Those To Brutalize, q3iprwr-'T3T l ;(-& c. iKcbr.
v. a. :

words express different shades of brown. Brutally, adv. Bee Cruelly.

Darkb. 3337753,371337, Brute, a. senseless, irrational. 37511^, &' c.
Light or reddish b. JT7J or J?rCf, 3®37. 2 See Brutal, 1 .

Brownness, a v. A. 33W37m. >33tCJjw. Brute, a. v. Beast. (TSTm. ^HPJTn. %Rw.

To Browse, v. n. feed on branches, leaves, fyc. §773 r7737M.- 37-
2 cruel person ; ruffian, monster. 3773737, 375IT73', 37^37 *rr,
«TTRnn.-&c. 7373. 37337747311. -33*ry3«. 37/3. 33WlT37l7f, BITS', 37*7^37^, irRm! §Yq-»).
2 graze, 333. 3T37.
Browse, n. S7ri373rm. 'TRTRTfCrai. 3f737m. 1&n. 3 stupid person, v. Fool. f3Rm. 3PTTw. flUTTrin. (/. Ef®!?!).
To Bruise, 333 remiss, InfaS) 333, 33PC3, 3333
v. a.
, ,
33- Brutish, n. resembling, Ac. a beast, qunqr, T5TB3'4 l,

33 $333 7373 3377:3 ^rsrrf^r 37773 333

, , , ,
. q-^JefPf.

2 (peppers, fruits, seeds, A’ c.J pound lightly, break coarsely. 2 rude, uncivilized. qrOTRRT3T, 33pr3 33TB37T3’, aifsrPjB, ^TOWr. ,

*sPC3% 73777733 if^bjor 373733 ,31333 dim. trpr^tT. ,

Brtitishly, adv. v. A. TSTBIT^r n. deal. ffST'TP’ir, ffSTffiT SRrff- ,

Bruise, a contusion, dint, if c. 373733/. i?737m. dim. #3l/. vzwKi-w-mi

73737 / uIt/. 73737 «». qNr«t.ff^r>»., n. v. A, f. qualities of a brute. r
T?T?fr/ q^F^Tn,
Bruised, p. v. V. 1. M3W7, ^r%«r, &c. 33377, sP^Wl, 3133, a
'd33. 2 BT^fvpT r/ ^TfSTfe^RTw.
2 TfCiTsSraT, *33^577, & c. Burblk, n. -of water.
J ST3T«i.

337 /
n. v. Report. 333/ spfi^T/. 37*37/. 3T5n3737m. 3- 2 person (/ ut/ed, v.
8 cheat, false s/tow, v. nffrf W?f
Brumal,®, fi 3753737,33, 333. To Bubble, v< w. fk «« bubbles . jjTOror*
Brunette, n. 37f353 t 3a) or %•(£[ sfasEt 3733 7 /. *

2 up; ^ ebullition. ^^07*0/ WFWZvr, ^TOrfof ?

Brunt, n. heal or violence of. srqTSTm. 5RR5T or TRFgTm. 337- 37^^07 or

377 m. 3737377m- tr Cm. 5CTJ?2?r.
2 (of a blow) v. Shook. 3333 m. 3$7 m. To Bubble, p. «, befool, v. To Deceive. TOW, #r^F^n.-
Brush, n. 3r3=ft /. 3731/ 3331/ fffliin. ^qrr#,
2 (of painter), spit/. 373 dim. 373Xf, 375T3«- ifa%\f tffo- Bubbling, n. v. Y. I — «6if.
Y3 -O

377 f.xftf. 2—acL 733'<J3'bTn. &c. 733733 or 33RTm, 337T3Tm.

3 (of weaver). <pff/. g'qTTSTw. SfitiTBl,
4 (of peacock’s feathers, palm leaves, &c.). |737m. Bubbungly, ar/o. 733733 cr 31, 73?J33 or 3t^ or 31, IJ3-
5 mb, rude collision. qmnm. 33377m. 3STm. %q/. qp- or 33, 3333T or 3(, ^swar or arr.
6 skirmish, slight encounter. 337337 / v: 3-?, §7 CT 3 fr /. Bubby, y. Breast.
ft. 33=Tto. aTUTTm. fiTflV/. 33JfSfw.
To Brush, v. a.
f 31% &c. ^3-^337^7,57733, j33bfr, $ ^r. Bubo, n. — venereal. 33m. 33J>».
, . — .

2 — sympathetic. BJWrpn. spWRn. Buffet, ?i v. Blow. ?r€Uw. ?OT?n. qslqt qR /.
Buck, n. beau, blade, blood, spark, swell. 0RS3T or Sr 3T, 3jf-
or mrx, <rraWhRT, jttpst, Msre- To Buffet, r. « v. To Box. q^erq, qf^q, fW/. qfqq.
rnr,trchRu, ^r, sar, s nRri^rr, =r- Buffoon, ?i. jyzcT; pudding , merry Andrew 7 o//? ,
^r, tocstt, ^rer^rw. <?/ow/2 , harlequin , macaroni . q[qn?.
2 male of deer, gn'sfjjrm. fPcoTw. q^oqfm or jrarqrwi. qqi^r^pcm. qrqft.A.
3 male of goal. ffqrrm. TOm- URw. % jester, droll wag, fool, §c, ,
4 male of sheep. ijgTHt. tR^Tm. s-l^iTc.
5 male of rabbit. ^rRm. Buffoonery, w, business of a b. qrqfrrqrm. q^qqqrm.
Bucket, n BTS’m. dim. ff55Rt f. ff3%« ifaofn. ah^n. 2 low jests, drollery, waggery. q^H/. /.
Some particular kinds are qTSTDn. (of metal or wood) tram. Bug, n. 2Rrq?n fq^q/r. qrj-qm. qqrq’m.
dim., ttaRl /. (of leather or wood) ffafr /. (of leather or — in covert or cant pliras 3TfR?n.
wood and used esp.on board ship) #£/. (of a draw-well) a?r- Large and fat b. or 2 oi|Thi. ?Rf or ffoq, ? n qor
%f m .

/. (b. of the transverse beam and stone). Bug-trap, ?l little box drilled, fq^fr/.
Buckish, a. 57R3TT, ^TRSTC, SRfaT, STRSjfW or star, <Rfr®r, Bugbear, or qpTm. qrqq or
n. fi qrq^RRi. qtqqq^m. qfqrm
SflRsffftT, 3Ta%HT. #rqrm. These words correspond with Blackman, Bag mail, Beg-
Buckishly, ado. v. A. SR3tl^& c - W=T. gar man, Bull beggar, &. c.
Buckisiiness, n. V. A STRipft or STRSpfr or 5TTO/. To make a b. of qiX or qhr ^Tq or qfqq or qr-
®RT /• zrerarfc*rr»». cntruF^rm. Vrtqrf/. rqf. 3q'fq.
fram. arirtram q-siHm. Buggy, o. abounding with bugs, iqrq q^%^r q^qRI qfS’S’R
Buckle, n. 3 ^
/. tyisTRRtr/.
To Buckle, v. a. 3TW=T sr^qrfipr,
Bugle, n. v. Horn, jqrfl/. qfqi%qn.

2 make ready, v. To Prepare, fast-aw JjriCTr, $js3f°T 2 bead of black glass. ^fqqr^Rrqqrwi qT^fqfq/* .

Buckler. See Shield. Build. See Built.

Buckskin, n. fftirR- grr#n. sr^Rn. To Build, v. a. construct . ^fqq, qqq ?
qqiqq, qqfC^q,
Bud, n. pop. ^\f. mfcwf garrfa-irr/. qT^TH^Tm. g- ^qqg*.o/o

^P5Tm. To b. castles in the air,qfqRff qq 5.Rq qq:qfe }
jf. ^q ?
b. q&fm. qqrcriqn. qqq, ^rq^ qqrqqw ;//. grqq, qqr qt^qrfq afrfq-
Nipper in the b. qfqqRA. q-qr qrtq.
To Bud, v. n. v. N. JOT, ^ETSSTT »q£q-Rq m. con To Build, r. w. depend on, rest on. JTq^Hrm.-ft'-qfqm.-qqq/i.
To Bud, v. a. inoculate, fqf 3Rq, ~&c t
Budded, v. V. N. $r&3JT, 3Rqr fqq. Builder, Mason
n. v. q#r, qr«Tm. qqfjqqprr.
To Budge, »• w, move *fir. qqq-q, qqq f^q f£qr f|qfq- Master b
; > ? q^qfl.
^of eon. feq/. o<w. Building, n V. act ^}qqn. qqqn. &c. ^iqqr> qqrqqj.
2 for; (i e. by ixnplic. care for //imtf, 7/een?). srqrqm Sf[q ?
/. qfarqm/.
qrrq-THq, fqRq all with neg . 6yu?„ ^.'Vorsq o/o. Cost of b. fimtwf.
Budgerow, n, a particular boat qqqftn. o
I b. structure, fabric, ^‘feqd’ / fqfqq /. ^qqfm.
n. v. Bag. ft§T#t/. q^f /. B composed of four slips. qfqf%/.
2 store, v. Stock, fq^ft/.
q(m. (csp. in comp, as HJRT qqqr
Wrc qRiin. qfifa.
J# / qq- B. having a roof of two slopes, qqrqft/. J* — of four
b, of stories or tales, qqq- slopes. #rqRt/.
qqr b. of tunes, qR qqqr b. of songs, & c.). B. of two rooms lengthwise, gr^q| /,— of three
qqf /. fif-
B (of business papers, of accounts, & c ). frqqqRm. /.-of
q*qr?r/)L qf/. four qfq#/ qr^/.
Buff, n. tf/zm o/7/ze Buffalo. aqwn. qftqqqn. Buildings of some other forms or constructions are desig-
2 s/zm of the deer. ?qqr%T#R. qfjRn. qqqqn. nated by the epithets qrnqrf, qqrqt, fqrCt, &c.
To go in b. qrqqrqtqf fqqkqm. qqq, qrW'TPHq m qqq. Division of a b. 3qq?n. qqqn. qqn.
Buffalo, n.—male. ^qr, M, qqf or qqqr, frqqr, Public or largo b.— gener. qpSTm.
qf, t^T, , ^RT, qfl"?,- — ill endearment or contempt. £tq- Built, /?. build, §c. make, structure, form, construction «ffq-


% or
[m* fqqqn. F?Rq?:n.
fqq, or ffrw,
qfqssy: f\m&f ^fawf mim. Mi/, wa
3#ff iu en- qqnr /.
dearment, disparagement, or contempt. or Bulb, n. round root
3fq- qfTm #rqm.
3?vrn. 7b Bulb out. See To Belly.
B. carrying eleven months, Bulbous, a. v. N. qiqrqr, ^qq^T,
Young female b. ^€tf /, To Bulge, t>. n. jut out, swell out. - qqrn. - , .
- jRTm,
Buffalo-calf. See Calf. -jrqrqrm. qq m. co«. qqrq«. snqq gv>/*.
— — « . •

95 BUN
^rqrifr /• rararra:/. urac/. toffrO- to#/ tomrrm. bb-
<2 Seo To Bilge.
bb*1 /. , .

Bulimy, n. JWKPnTw* »TFT-

B. of bodily might. toto#/. totolT/. HPTTCT?/-
Afflicted with b
jjrfc or BTPFrff/- rail#/-
Bulk, n. size, magnitude. NRnTBTBn. raftoRn. BfraBRn-
Bulwark, w bastion. j^RTnt.
mass or body. BisWRin. B?R 3T=iii»-
the body gWRm. TOW™. 2 defence — genei. BtolRm. WWWfn. BHRn.
4 main to- ton-
n. v. A. 1. Wi & n -
W ^'1 - 3Tr* Bum,
n. breech, v

Bulky, a. v. Large. f'-R, tt-T, WW, to Bumblebee. See
BBRR-BR fcc.
BR-3RW &e. B* or WBR-
Bump, adv.
q?B (in comp.). ^
YRRBira, BRRH, 3R &c. cfTR-BR-W &c -

o a s used esp of man or animal. Bra=r,

(or the body, &e.) swelling, blind tumor.

raw, tor, rato, to, ywr, **,&*
it. f5Titi. qWn. toOn- raWtn. T* 1 ' 1,
Bump, it.

rfmm. wen. ipkn. Btom. to-

BIB /. enhance. BTBT*«. BTto. ffto- P°P- ^

Bulls and b.-calves,— compreh.

fipm sfCTrrrift. toi or wm or w^tf
B ’s eye.
W^fTitt. 'fRTnt. )+i JirFftn •

Srfr^it- qTNTni. ifsTB'ffRTiJi.

Castrated b. See Bullock.
B as from a blow or pinch, qs^t/. <h


pop* ^
Dedicating of a b. to the manes, &c.

so dedicated and enlarged

and setting him

*J». UW
at largo,

To have a b.

v. d’HUMP.
w. «. v.
ripor, Sipn.- &c.
57 A/. 573-^Tot. 5TYT /.

To Thump. ttW / - -7^Trm •


3ffA 5r.
Gross, overfed b. ipRS^ran.
Bump, v n. To Thump.
thump against, v.
Learned b. sfifforw. to or toton. TOR or HPISUtow- 7’o

-qrR-iffur-Rrqr&c.-^-^-cf-i: &c. ato, ’w

mendicants who go about w ith it are called qrfJprin.
The class of
V7 ?T f.-WThii. &PM-nm in- con.
2 See Blunder.
Bumping, n. v. V. A.—act. W^/- ^Trm. ^3RT/.
Bull-Beggar. Sec Bugbear. ^
Bull-head, n. blockhead, v. Fool. %m. ton* v. v. n. c7. t73Rr/. —
5r^rm. •gs'qr/. sj^frriR.

B. (of a calf, kid, &c.) whilst sucking. zm\f. ZJl^Xj.

Bullet, it. BRl/- ®. btc.
Tff^rn, r^TTin. ?<mm. fapfr/. fFftf.

B. pouch or case. BlvRRt/.
Bumper, n. brimmer. Wtm WTftorni-
Bulletin, irffTOR^R. iff ffT^#BFTRTn
Bumpkin, n. clown, v. Countryman. ^BRfTc.
Bullion, n. Tfptf #T to
BRGin. #Ytrr»i. torrm.
Silver b. BlTf/.
%?>m. RRr-toW-BBRr-f'rar
^ Bunch, n. hunch, protuberance, v. Hump.
or zwn. ZW CTT».
Bullock, n. castrated bull.
ri]Tit. TTffnt •

Bnrto-&c. %Tot— in contempt. %rarit.

neck, BfrlRn- B. of a camel’s back.
Boll-band (piece of sackcloth, &c.) of ab.’s

2 v Cluster. t7Ym. W%ni. Wm. Brew-

Hump of a b. to* or Bn.
Nose-rein of a b. BR/- tor or B/. «#• ^T^Tw. jsRrrm.
v. Bundle, qft/. fSRn-
Nto 37#».--esp. of 3 number tied together,
Single side or half of a b.-load.
f*BB or BRn. WTn, dim. Rtf/-
the leaves of the Piper Betel, ton. Wts m
jirHIF/- BtfraBin- 4 tuft, knot, dump. S^Xm. ^Whn. RTOTm- .

String of bells around the neck of a h.

& c.). 3BBT/. 9R°T. 5 (osp. of flowers). Strain-
fore legs of a b. (or buffalo,
To tie the
To Bunch, v. n. Zijm orZijW, Wm.
2 young bull. #rw». afr^fTm. A. WWX^m.
Bullock-driver, «. Ww. Bunchiness, n. v.
Bunchy, a. growing fyo,
in bunches. 3TBTBFF BTBra,,

Bullock's heart, n. Awnona reticulata . the tree. HiHi®/. ,

yrR/. the fruit. aTBBB or ARR /• toHr, Bitor-

3TBR or
Btto. dim. BI smf. to«-
Bundle, n. (as of clothes, &e.).
BrraSn. qrBB». „ «. _
Bullock-road, it. qarafBTin- BBlfPTin*
Disorderly or loose b. %RWn. flRTn- Btcram. dm. BRra, it. v. Hector. ffRtolRRm. SRRtoffTM. tofrcm.
or BR, ftlBR, ’g’TOT, Jjto, **, v) 8 Pti.«H»».
oi-sl/. #R^n-
KTpg'ifg'm. BR — gener. BR/. mhane. Bfrram.
2 things bundled together,
SWR, and tot.or 8* tton.
To Bully, v. a. BBtoir, BTIBB, OT1#, rfiflt.

R3Ttn. • *
or BBotf/. 3|BfS or TfBTS'n
jttbTR, BBTPW, SRPR. tofff?/- ?RT if. &c.
3 (as of hay, thatch-leaves, ike.)
load. WJm. tow. WCTm-
Bullying, n. v.V.—act. OTim«. &c. OTWi/- *to/- to /• ton.

4 (of Karla or grass). M /. dim. qsrqft/. 8c 8cg?^w JTTOT^, Birra-RT, WTlfeff.
Burdensome, a. grievous, <§c v. Afflictive. 3fT, iffft, STTF,
<p5Tm. dim Jcft/. .

Aggregate of five bundles. qfsprfm. f:Hf, qreqtc, vjttc.

5 ($sp. of rice-straw). Jfff/ 2 v. Cumbersome. 3TTC, TqfiT, STqq3-, STTSTS'. v^J 7 ^3 7 f

6 — long or spheroidal ;
straw-case . 3T3T or Burglar, n. We. RfTOrW, Hmw,
7 (as of marches, greens, sticks, &c). bunch. ti&Xj. Burglary, n house-brealdng
c?m. Spit/. ^57Tfw.
W or Burial See Burying.
Buried, p. v.V g^^oST, or

8 (as of papers) packet qqsrqr / qvqqtrm. or q«r%n. J3Ti». To bo b. (m) lit. fig. TfgBj-.

dim. qfr/- Burlesque, a. tending to raise laughter. ?F^T#-

Tape or tie of a b. 3Tr°ft/. ITO^n^R*, fR^WFf.
To Bundle, ». «. tie or bind in a b 37f5r f3

a.-JJo3'w.-il}5f3;». To Burlesque, v. a. B’^/.-^FTO/

-#Zf. &c. W-OT, tr%- fffqrrfl qrq°r. ch'SC^T, n . .

T'o b. neck and crop. qpTT g.of o. Burly, a big, bulky v Large, ipjr^, or

Bung, n. STSTwt. ffST/n.

3tf£ /.

— w&zm, mtm, && or

2 (csp. of clubbers, &e.). gTf/ To Burn, v. a . srr^t, 5TOT, OT, 5TfHi.-5T^Tn.-^Tn. SHT°T

Bungalow, n, house. qip^Tn!. g of o.

T'o Bungle, v. n. perform clumsily. 3T«ff^qrffM.-=qrqq''-Trq'3
To b one’s fingers. To be burned, sustain loss, tyc. qfaSt,

^rJTn-- si it 3T^7if».-^ ?5S5rrii«.-<s:-e. qrqw, stsr-

; i STT?/. TO^T «?. tlOT, OTT#.
o^rRFff ^St. 2 (the throat, See.') — rancid, 8cc. substances,

To Bungle, v. a. cobble, botch, arr^tff^ ftflff 3iT°T, SMS- vgi^r, «rr^%.

&c. (food
37— in cookery). ^rs^T.

Bungler, n. v.V.N. and Awkward. stRtqrqt, JpRT ^RTT, JT^r- 4 * corrode , . ^opr, v3T^T, STTosSr.

jfrurft, Jrnw, enreqrar, qqret, *w&rr, wzirsrr, jr*r- To Burn, ^re. ^T, ffor ^**n/ o.

srtrcr. —fiercely, &c. v. To Glow. ‘epj’LJpt, qr 0 !^^.

Bunglers and cobblers, — compreh. 1 ;

3T3T 7t5rsfr 2 l'»n. pi. B. it! v. Curse it! \sT5?Tn.

Bungling, a. clumsily or confusedly done, v. Clumsy. sfRf- 2 a lamp or light. rfW.

g-srr^r, qrqraqrqrr, sfifif, >qrq£r, wq^fr. 3 (with anger or lust). cFFW, mm,
2 unmethodical, blundering. 3TTOTr or Biq^fCT, qroTOT^r intern, mm, otff m, zr?m. ifir g-of s.
JTr-qssprr. 4 (with emulation, eagerness, desire).

Buoy, n. fffffn- tlWm um,

To Buoy, v. a. keep afloat, ET^^T- 5 (in being cooked) ;— food. qpcqtT, ST^Sr, atf^T /. frm ««

Buoyancy, «. v. A. ffqtq'UTffl. cI^STl^T J. <TC°T- COM. vSPPT, 3P73Sr, qraNpt.

VTjfw. TCOTfqm. 6 corn fields, country, &c. be burnt up, parched. qtTqW,
Buoyant, a. that will not sink. TO3JTBHT3T, fTCW- «ra:°T, Fra°r, qtcjr cr4 it% f^qaff or fn:qat«T.

*Nr. the mouth, See. under acrid tastes. qf^T, Fd?gTrq Et, f%W>
Burden, n. v. Load. sfrlr n. vtKm. ?5ri«. /. qRSTRn qiq, sm^cr, quro^qr, wwrm, m&m, wmrn, FitcFm:'!-
Beast of b. ItZISS or q|3R». ^TPSTm. 8 (in the throat, stomach, &e.). «rH'ufSt"T«. impers. (as qf$fcf

Skip of b. qrcqiHn. fstvTtft qr%"n. -iT&Wn. - Wffln. See fi ft -!?crT-^5TPr-&c. ^arsr^l), srVf, «rwq (as short &c.
&.c. qr t w or vrqir#).
Fit for b. qrfTqr, wreff- 9—the body in fever, Sec. 5T(W, qqtq, CffOTT, stfiTr'qt fr®t
Of b. sYlipr, stltsl. fw, kiwft, qr'qqm, 5r^qra%, trs^-or, cnR'Dr adv. wiyr.
2 fig. a grief, an anxiety, a trouble, a?ftf». itrTm. STRC or 10 tingle fyc. with heat, v. To Smart.
irsqrqq tri? /. /. ottm. f*im. srqr3r»t. qwqt“r3r.
3 (of a favor received), atputm. afltfn. STqC°Tn. £TTBT« ^Cn* Burn, n. ^qtrm. ^7jm. urom. qTfajiTn.

4 (of a business, as imposed ; or as reposed or rested). Jqfipn. Skin peeling off from a b. qarqff m. *IffTP». qrsrqTw. Btffm.

JTrU'ii. arqvTn. JBTm. Smart of a b. ^TcfTfin.


5 (of a song). SPOT tfiSq or sr^sT^ffl. q^TFTm. qn?qqq or Burnable, a. v.V. A. 1. ^rrasTETr - - #r JTf - &c. wraqs ,

qr^rarn. vprn. fffflq, ?t¥,

To Burden, v. a. v. To Load. SSRR) %ltrt. tTrvUT-HTOT-’Tr- Burned, p. v. V. A. 1. STfs^sq, &c. BWfq, qrffff,

fenq, sqf^iT, aisrqrr dim. srszr^rzr rather b.

2 fig. oppress, encumber, § c. afrg'n.-lTTFM. &c. 5JT3W-OT* v. V. N. 5. ^Tqlrgr, 5ps3t, &c. gtcq^.
w^^-werark &c. qr°r. Burner, n. Burning, p. a. v. V. A. 1. Sfra^TCr, &c. arrf^r, 3TT-

Burdened, p. v.V. 1. cffqWsff, a?lf tqrfisw, &c. ?qrqrr, qfqqrvrr.

v. v
n. i. srsjqirr, qaqr, sr^r, qqfcq, spirqrq, qr?'Trq
. Burying-place, n. v. Cemetery. vfRff/. TO^TOT/.
3 Angry. Lustful. ffPTS'Jrr &c. qrq'qqtq, qqq, qq.
v. TO°T71. YTOfrr/• OTTOn. YTOFfn.
4 See Impatient, Ardent. Bush, 71 . sm or ff j??. §jn2fii.
5 g-qsrqtq, 'Fqqrqrq, qqqqrq, qqqqiq. Close and dense b. grf OTn. OTRn.
f «rrs?r
I — as poisons, medicines, Ac 5TRc7 ; «ffR or ?tr. Place overrun with bushes. or OTfe or fOTw.
Burning, n. y. V. A. 1. qrsjqn. &c. 5Tfm. qpfqn. q§q B To beat the bushes (to raise game). OTP?. ^TOT OTT?i.
v. V. N. 1.— state. iqarqn. qqqm sqqqn. fiOT.
52 v^sRn. t#n. 2 leafy branch broken off (to beset 4*cJ. , ?[fOT?L
3 qaSfrt &c ?W»i. qqrqrm. Bushel, ?i. (of the nave of a wheel), ^n.
4 qrqqrfqn. &c. SW/ /. qq or qq/. fqg or ffa/. Busiiine&s, n. v. A. 1. 5TRTOL Wji, ^TfsT/j. fOTt/.
qssqrrm. i7. qr. f. 2 %mf. srrtncrwi.
5 qqqq/. mfews. qqqqrnu. ?1W'T/ / i/i/cw. qar- Bushy, a. tjrick, fyc. like a b. ^FTR^ ^rrOTr^F,
5rsm»- Ti¥ or 3Tf >n gwr / ^pqspqr /;>/. qqgrqr /. ?Ve»s. To grow b. §TFrOT.
gWTRiw. writ:/. intern fqqfqqRTm. qq»iq/. 'miens, qq- 2 full of bushes. ipTRT,
qqpnii. Business, n. employment occupation. , ^T^fn.
6 gif or 3Tf m. fiq or sqqiqr fkwi. qqqq J. intents, qqq- sqTOToi. OT^Tw. OTfFOn-
qRTin. irq^rm. intents, tqqqrqiZm. 2 work to be done. OTT n. ^fWj^f
/. W«i.
Internal b. sfqgfl'iR. SfSlija/. mm- mpfmmrmi. ‘othotw.
7 qrqqq/ =f°r<qq/. qq'qq/. qrrorsrfm. qrqgrrm. qqqrrrm. Daily or settled b. fOTOTw.
in tens. 97°T cF7 CT
rr2:/?2. Load of b. TOfm. ^RTRT TOT
Burning-glass, qgqfqn qqqiqrq-qqqrqi fqqn.
n. Mind your own b. Expressing the sense of this phrase, and
To Burnish, v. a. polish. fqgrqqrq, qsR$T, qqarqr /. Vqq, of the similar phrases, What's that to you, Tkafs no concern
RpR, jqqsriu. - a-Trq / - fet f.-m& f.-km / - &.c. of yours ,
You go to Bath— be hanged, ,
S>-c\ — as used in re-
qq-qrqq. pressing interference viewed as impertient, there are some strik-
Burnisher, n. v. V fqqqqq or fqqqqrq, qqa;^, %T-&c. ing colloquialisms in Marathi SfR OTr, .
qqirr. otjto, jiOT OTt ot m% m §psft ot ots-
^^ Ftot
1 dog's tooth, stone, §c. used to burnish, jfffqrm-. %'T ’ft/.
J^r, F^ot q-r^t 3 sir, ^ arr# to store*,

n. hole of an animal. pop. wy
r bttc ^ jc^r ^r?r ? ajr# w ff&'mff mix rt
qfern. qq-pCTm. tof ot, ^r^Tt «TrPr TRre otwI.
Ppqn. To he sent about one’s b. OTTOT
To Burrow, v. n qarn.- qjqrn. -TORTm.- fggr 7i. qr^q-cR'^rq- To do one’s b. v. Nature. TO^RTTO 3TFT.
qri q. To do one’s b. (i.
To Burst, v. n. $rq, iqrgq, qq;q qqjzq.
c. the b. of) v. To Ruin, mm. srtot
g-* ojo. Tfcwr /. pi qrrOT or TO°Tr f-ffear/, to 5! 0
/0 .

To b. in pieces, Jqqarq, STO^q. 3 a a ^

b. 6c ofowe, ^Wn. ^p}n.
To b with laughter. qjqqr f fqqr STFrefn.^i/. qsqrq XTOTq'n.
qq, f rq-
qr ffqqf qr qqq qsqrq qrqq. Light or easy b.
2 <S < \

2 forth, out, away, &c. TOOT, HOT, frTO OT~ Losing b. W$m^n. affirm. qTOT/.
^TOT, / - ^eSt or TOFS?1/. ^PT.
Troublesome b. «T%3Tw.
3 through. «#f|5 w°t, otot Fstot,
qrs?r toot, 4 a matter gener. v. Affair, JRTCflTw. J^SvSfm.or
TO°T. ctw. ir^OTn. mm.
To Burst, t>. a. <FTOT, OT°T, ^fTm.TO#OTn. 0/o.
$*, 5 province, office . OTTfl. ^TSRt|/i. JJEWfw. WOT«« Ww. r-
Burst, n. sudden explosion of anger, &c. — cqrm.
Burst, jo. v. V.N. L JT£TOr, &c. JTOTT, jrOTY, 0 Trade,
* " OTT- Y. OTOTn. or TOr#l^ /.
fcr, fOTOT, fOTFOT, f^of, fOTFOT. Extensive or vast b. ^TTOTRfw. ^ipr “TOFr-*
Bursting, n* v. V. N. 1 — ^ofn. OT^t/i. &c. wFxwmm. qrr^TORrrm.

mmm toott^.
i%?rTOn. Departments of an extensive b. b^toF
v. Y. A .—act %Ti OTn. drc. %jfifZ7fn. Man of b, OTfrft pop. |siT€hn. €r?FTm.
To Bury, t?. a. inter9 inhum ate. jot, 3TOT, OT^T, JTr^ft or Skilled in b. sTOfPC'qr,
^/* ^T, 5TO iTOT, iTRTOT OT%, ^OTn. To thrive in b. ^TOT g. of $,
^OT^*.o/o. 7 bustle and stir of buyers and sellers .

Burying, Burial, n. v. V* — act *?OTn. 3jrOTn. TTf^tOTn, &c. 8 profession , art vocation occupation, , v. Livelihood. J


^FTT^W- OTfn. ^T/. (

B. and burning (of the dead). afsppT or 3=T£ix
Self b. (of a Sanyasi).
mtfkf.m.pop, mm f. v. % Buss, n. Im. TOfni. #OTw.
. a — / -

To Buss, v.a. v. To Kiss, ’jhPT- B. imperfectly separated. cfRTHT/.n.

Bust, n . or qwr»t. fsrfWTifm Vessel for heating (and claiifying) b. jq^off /.

Bustard, n. Clarified b. |qn. uf n. ^Tr^n. ^T«. Win.
To Bustle (about), v n. sjrw 3133, 3^rTm.-sqrT»i.-3r3- — in cant or covert phras. qg’n.

urNr/.-^rwr/- &c. <5^3. Clarified b. fresh and hot. ^qaiq^fTqn.


Bustle, n. stir, hurry, lively motion, tfl / 3RT3Rf/• Clarified b. washed (a hundred times). (a thousand

/. ip?«rar/. ir^ffr/.
be in a 33^3°!.
31333/. times)
Dregs of
clarified b fft

2 (as of business, &.c ) brisk and noisy stir. JSfEIU /. ?i3- Dreggy or badly clarified b. or ^Zn.
/. 33PKT or 3frw. fRTin. qrr^qn<&s

3 confused hurry, din, S/c. pother, pudder, row, clutter, coil, That smell 3 or tastes of clarified b. jqr.

ado. jjfaafm qi&m. WTt$rz>m. qp333/ 3r3TC». 3333/. 2 soap palaver, ,

blarney , fyc. v, Fla.ttery. 3jsrq[q^f/ qf-

JTrffrf. 1 3f3/. z$z%r ^% t n.

Bustler, Bustling, a. busy, stirring, active, 3133, 3131, To Butter, v.a c?r aTf/^ .

.ktjts-, ^srcw, ^er ^, 33?T?qT, 337#

¥ iff, srr, 5 or srifr or B v. To Flatter. or sqrOT. \3 \>

5jr, 3;3raT, 37g3r3, 7i33?7r, wrar, 373S7r, 333*71, 313- Butter-boat, n. sWwi. 3t°rrwi. ifiTTw* These words signify a
§333 3##, 3#n3iW, 331337 331333T,3353-. ,
vessel made of leaves tacked together to hold clarified butter

Busy, a. engaged in business. 33X313 3T3357, 3313X, aT773n<T, or oil.

313353 37357,33331 335X57, 33313 tt, 33#, 33T3F333,33- Butterfly, n. W%mf. f5rqra%n. fq^Ffn. fqrw.
wpr, ^rr^ffkw, 3#337- 2 as applied to A spruce and glittering but empty fellow ,

The sense of the word is often best rendered by 333T7, 331- and as synonymous with Jay, Popinjay , Gossamer Flutter- ,

3H-&.C. as 3X33313 ^Tf He is busy. inp Spark, Airling, Fop, Cock's comb, Baweock, &c. some
2 stirring, lively. See Bustler. 3 full of stir and life , — correspondent terms are
town, a house, &c. 337313, 333313, 3WT13, 3773171, 3- qa:, tsrar
Os ? 7

?trrrr?irr^r. Butteris, 72.

To Bust. See To Employ. Butter-milk, «. ^RT«- d^Tn* Some terms of abuse for But-
Busy-body, n. J3T 33T3TCX?r. 5731 3333rClw. f3TOTm. (— termilk considered as weak and wishy washy are rTRTWn. W-
female b. 7# 3333ITP7-&C.). qfe-c qpftfl. qr^^rq°fln. wqqtn. qrr^sqr^r Stssrw,

But, conj. v. Except. i%i7ir, #C13, 7133, #33. compreh. or loosely, i. e. b. curdled milk, whey, §c.

2 yet, nevertheless, however, howbeit. 73, 73, 7<3, 33,371, ^rqrqnqtn.

5rtRt, 33rPr, Prj. B. mixed with rice-gruel,

There is a « but” in the case. 3# 37 3# or 3W 37 To scald b.
3 no more than, v. Only. 317,3X73 orifass, 7131. Butter-tooth, n. qfcf m.

But-end, n. 73«. J337M. jqrurni.— esp. of a musket, &c. Buttery, n* v. Pantry. #135irrtt#?r/. ^Rr-
Butcher, n. 3Tffin6». 3X317ro. 3ri?3w.3rrc:3fM. Buttery, a, #rqrer,
To Butcher, v. a. kill savagely, <5rc. v. To Kill. 3r7wi.-377m. Buttock, n. J3Tw. fqr^n. faTfor or zfan. Stapr $c.
37 g.of o. ?|3jn.-333/. -377«.-33l/-& c 3177 g.oj o. ffOT. . c5T or qr^T7n, ^Kf RfS'n. q^fm. (used esp. of beasts) fq-
Butchery, n. business of a butcher. 313173iT3n. 3X5ff73>77i/. qqm. ^pfr /.
laRiTWm. Ulcer on the b.
2 slaughter-house. TrTflk'TRTm. 773T157 /. H31 /. To move along upon the buttocks, yj^or or qTUq-
3 fig. slaughter, massacre, v. Killing. 433 /. v. 33, 3f37, qurqrOT, qruqr^r, ari^q^r-aii^rf qruq^rr
37T/.377«. 3T77». qr^r-^qr*
But lee, n. qRufrBm. The English word is common Button, n. Wf/.
under the corrupt form of q£§T m. Holding by the b. /.
Butt, n. object of aim . froffi or oTn. &mn. n. q&Tw. qferpqm. 2 (of wood, to fasten doors, &c.). /.

2jesting stock ,
laughing-stock. qfsqssra. qrsfS£ft, aqs£q°rfw. fq- 3— gener. BT^qr«.
4 knob or bossfitting a loop . Tjsrgt/. qp^Tn.

3 (of a horned animal), ZWZf p3T/. p# or t-Jjdfr /. £fq« Button-hole, Button-loot, «. PR^*«. pufM.
wfzqf <p#r/ sw /. pqrrm! g-qqr / gqqr /. qrr^rm. qrter.
To Butt, v. a or izpz |v3T^ £**/.- Buttress, n. v. Prof. ?qrrm. zqfifm. fmf
p#/.~&c.qor. Butyraceous, Butyhous, ??rqrr, qq%rr-
That is given to butting. n5ttFR>, 3TPC3Tr dim. *?RFF£* ?3?qr.

Butter, ». #fm. mwm. zmrffn. TOSJTw. 2— of milk ;

rich, fat. ,
Buxom, a, gay, blythe, &c. v. Lively. CJRfT, CJTT, ^ijST, By-stander, n. 3R5£Rr WT JfPTOwi. rFflT^^o. ^sf-
Orsr, wrer, *pmraT. qif^rr.
To Buy, v. a. fW?T gSf, Sjrfpr STfCf/. - . - sfm«. Idle by-standers. ajr^rr^T
g-.of o. By-stock, By-store, n. arr^HfsTm-.
Buyer, n. u-V. frenmrcr, &c. ?rerrerC, fipir- By-story, By-tale, n. aqpg-^r/.


n. v.V.

act. RJfTtfqq-n. &c. ?afffr /. *EVm. sFrren.

By-time, By-season,
By-village, By-town,
jl a^q^/. srrrof^/ m^ j \

n. grr°ff Tar/.
B. and selling-, v. Trade. qBr^n. tfaih'm. SHlfrePTw. tp?- By-word, n. $$vf
f. ssTPTm, ^TOreRTi*.
#3- or qgmte /•
To Buzz, v. n.— as flies, A c. jjipT or rfrajof
JTTflT^T or ^fijrq-
%^W ( 0 I°r intern Wf°I^T. . C.
v. To Whisper. J^WF, JWT°r, ^qroj.
C. For the account of the two sounds of this letter as repre-
Buzz, Buzzing, n v.V. . 1. yoppr or f^PTFr/ intern jjot^T 0 !^
sented respectively by K and S, see under those letters. The
or fjrr'TfjpTTr or jorqrqT^Ji. #r§T«. miens, qfqiRT«i. §RTf°T?i. *T*T-

*r°T or pT'TJTl’trr /. intens, JJsfZfsf /.

combination Ch. is represented by % and when aspirated by 5T.
Cabal, n. v. Combination, wrztf. ^Zm. srr m. ^Zn. =T-
ipTRCTro. srffefcCPTwi.

2 yipp/. ttwh/ ?/. fsrjsr/.

To Cabal, v. n. v. To Plot. fr?m.-JTO5r?r/.-&c. Wiyt.
By, prep. — noting agent. 3F£=T, frj^T, 3R5R-, TTH^T, T*J. Cabalistic, a. v. Occult, qjir, ipr, i^T^qr.
2 with ,— noting instrument 5^^ cRT^T, TPCT. C. letter. ftiTRTCn. fMn.
3 at, as soon as, —noting time. (ex. STfxf XTK*T %52T 3T Cabbage, n. :

5Tft/. or ^ff/. from Couve Port. zftKTqn .^tjr~

smr fr=r me f 3it°t #r^), qmr, qw, <fr ?
w, mum f.
By this time. By now. tfSff 3TC°T, T5fitff. Bulb or belly of a c. tjMPqr ^rkrin. - irSTw.
4 through, — noting means or medium. qfpcff or ^prf
2 (of wick). ^tip§f /. ^KTSpst/.
§rer, quiw'r, q^re or qrere-spr.
To Cabbage, v. n. form a head.
5 noting passage along.
VW m - ?PT-W in. con.
Jflsre, Sprapr, qR*T, SHT**?- 2— a wick. ^rsE3"r, %s{£\f. qof in. con.
By, adv. at hand, in presence, v. Near. .rear, ^rafrq, RqrHT- To Cabbage, v. a. pick, fyc. v. To Embezzle, wt, ^rTO'T,
By, in composition, implying indirectness, inferiority, irregu-
^gTiq'ift/. fTNia. with re of o.
larity, subordinacy,

& c.
STROTT, ^TPrer#, NRnTTT, »U33T4r, STRT'Rf, ST^fStr, s?Rr-
is expressed by a?r3 ,
TJT, aqpq, =fiT, Cabin,
n. (of a ship),
cottage, cot, v. Hut.
qgpzn. return.
jfrren. dim.
^m .

%gz\f. is\w£\j.
^rrr Nrere, srr^a) *rr3r#ir, srrrerfr & c. ireFpr,
, jfrrepq, &c. Cabinet, n. v. Closet. srfFr
Other examples see in order.
2 private council-room. ?qs^rerRrin. ?3TO F^TORIm. Jf-
By and By, in a short time. qriftSTf qaq%, 5T?ttar=l", JfiT, 8JW-
cfT, arestsrpr, re.
3 box of drawers, cells, fyc. rel /. ?3T%?TT qfl/.
By-affair, By-business, By-job, By-work, n. 3TF^«FTRw. rt- Cabinet-maker. See Carpenter.
TfTCRfl. %Cr«f¥W^. faxtfss ^mn. Cable, n. vqmrCm tKWTn £tf£n msjfn
Cachectical, a. v. n. ftf^iwrre^r, f;^«rrerrW.
pn . . .
^ .

By-corner, n. %C ^PTTirm. Cachexy, r. ill habit of body. f.'fspTimrrer /. JjyfffT

By-day,, 7i, f.
arr^TOm, Cack, n. ?5Tt/.
By-design, By-end, By-object, n .
jfr^rf^BIT^w. a^r- To Cackle, v. n.— a goose. ?0Rrein. - w, qrreT.
2 a hen. qr^cfr or
By-expenses, n, T^0H#m. a?reag^rm. &c. 3 v. To Giggle, flflf?/. ^or4
By-gain, n. pickings, Sic. «TR Rsrqr^f/. #f{ST feRT^ 4 v. To Prate, rew^r.

^/ 3j5rrfw/.
xrrirr /- ^Tfccmnr/. to- Cackle, Cackling, n v.Y. 1. cry made. — . ^tRrrrem,
f et/.
3 a?r%3r qrr^ or act, fyc.
By-eane, By-street, n.
Ff itf?-/. WHf.
arr^Tf^r /. RT^CTOf/. ajf^^rrm. ffrSt /. act, fyc. rere/.
By-law, ti, ^Tr^iTnRrm. f$Rf*r ^’R’^Tw. #fr^T ^FTHRIm. CAcocuYMmAL, «. v. N. ^f'pstfirqrpcrNn, frsrferft, wr-

By-matter, n, ^T^ifrg*/. #frR?frg' /. ^TiRRWm. Cacochymy, n. vicious state of thll humors. q-

grron. tfqfrerrem.
By-name, w. ?prrir# or Rkn. ST3qwr% &c. qkw. Cacophony, n. ctrarem.
j?rfw. ^rk«. Cadaverous, a. relating fyc. to a corpse
By-path, By-road, By-way, , tPT^T'Ft

%wrr/. fzwrfm.
». ayf^ffsr #
srnsX^frm. ^rrefr, wtot, aw, srresr.
2 ghastly, pale, v. Wan. tTOSqpr, WKZ or mvm-
2 fig. by-manner, by-method, &c, Sj^ChT /.
WCTR/. ^rarr,
, — — ——


Cadaverousness, «. v.A.-T. TTOf3IriT/. StfHm* aTferqf, &c. ^Pis:
2 BBBu3T/ /. 3 involved in distress miserable, , v. Wretched,
Cadence, n. (of the voice). gqTCBTCTOn. VBIT»i- ra*, 5?rTOirr, Pqq?w, rqq^^, Birq?r, Tqqvr.

2 tone in reading, §c. f-^Xm. Calamity, « misfortune ,

disaster, evil w 3?f^^fqRTm.
Cadjan, n. branch of the cocoanut tree, §c. g'fTm. STB^t/• -BT- sTWfl. TOtfn m^f/. ^Tfq^F / ^Tarn. ». q,
q^ w?zV/i qr, sjq^arn. or SDM. 3Tifqm. siqfcfn. ^tfto /.
A matted c. gjrq«i. -TFq^r/. Rq^r /. PrPrqRw. jfv?Rr«. TOrqrn. ^rirm.
Caffre, n. qipfift or ^prO. qrr^qr^qTm. —
intens. an overwhelming or extreme c,

Cage, n. rWPn. qiSTOwi. ftsTYn. <T5JTn. 8T j nrfTO’in- B TFqFR m TOCm. m.

Cairn, n. heap of stones C from Heaven, — as drought, deluge, lightning, &c. ^FW^fl
#, bur, ti Zor <r.
n. knave, v. Blackguard,

aroffin. JpspTsnBTi/i. ?Tf- S7FTO/ Wt

C. fiom Kings or Governments, —
fa T&Wnu-WtffM'
as oppression, marauding,

To Cajole, v. a. wheedle, $c. qfJET ^TOT, JSTBPT or tficrr#, =Br-

3f# m&r ifrj&r bbt btib, W5W, zpznzzrrjir/. qroir g. ojo.

5tot, qm-Brbr, qr%5rref or Srftrr tor pi

invasion, &c.

C. of season.


TO/. HTOF^ /.
Seven arc leckoned,
CF^T^fR pop.

viz. Drought, de-


w-vhg- of o. ?ram: %«• b5!- luge, rats, locusts, parrots, ravages of the State or of Banditti,

Cajoled, p v. V. to -A
5B#BT &e. foreign invasion. These two last, consisting mainly in the
Cajoler, n. Cajoling, p. a. v. V. TO ^R^ITF & c. TO^Mr, devastations of marching troops, are equally with the others,

*» 1
HR, 1
no 'O \»
qRW. calamities of season .

<ts os,

Cajolery, Cajoling, n. v. V aetf. TO &c. ^fFoS^rf. Calcareous, a. having the properties of lime, RHTO, RTOSRr,
^TSS^pT/. ajTOsrqTTvft/
Cake, (of bread, gcner.) Bread
W*FFTOn. —

V. TOfl^T“rfr”T, JT^=RT onf.
n. v. Cfft/. Rqf^ft /. Rqft a. v.
or ^rTfr/. ^rtbtz!/. Bisro/. Brnfr/. btjtoi/. Sift/. qr- Calcination, «. v. V act. 5TK“T»- vr^qr^nrn. sTKTn.— a.
TWt/. or s. iRjfterffr /. qqrqrqm.
2 (of wheaten or rice flour), qrb /. fib/. To Calcine, v. a. reduce to a calx. ^^n.-HOTqrC^n.-3ft i:'rrrc.

3 (of flour of sfnsifr, fbTO, & c.). mWXf. Some of the com- S-°l o. iTTOT-
mon Cakes, Puffs, Puddings, §c. are qCTqrb, Calcined, p . v. V. *pr,JT %^r-§rrff3T, HJsqtwr, WTO
JFTH'Brfr m,
bbTb1 qrb, tost/ aar^r to#, ssT^^r, jpjmt, $?rr, 5TB.

3Tbb, trees’, w, bibb or Br, fab, bfb, qrqb, qrrqb, Calcinf.r, n. V. V. ¥RJT BTCBITT, JT^qr^f, ^rrCBTOr, TTHTBPCr.
writer, to, qqr, arqq orqq, qer, btbbbbt, firo, Rfer, aari^'T«. Calculable, a. v. V. iprW, TT ^,

fatrcr, Rrsqsr, TOabar qsr, tottr. H^qqr.
Eighth of a c. fBBbrm./. To Calculate, v. a. compute, reckon. JIBB, TPTBn.-^TsqRn.
Fourth of a c. TOWT or vrBTO) n.f. TO/. TO /. &c. qrTf°T, fttrBm. BT^.
Pile of cakes, /. roughly, oonjeeturally, v. To Estimate. aTWTPTB, 3T1-
Stool, &c. for rolling caltes. qfssqRrm. BTiTB.
Thick or large c. tfXm, XlXWn- TTm XU or XStfm. XXn. 3 in astronomy or astrology. TTOT, BtHTB, qTf”T.
*f^T3S‘n, Calculated, p. &. a. v.V. 1. Tpr^ur, Bf^TB, 5W, TjnflBB.
4 fiat and circular mass goner, j, xfrft /« RqSl or ^r- 2 sTSTBras^r, arsrargt.
mf> rtof/. 3 3T°TB-3T, Tff&rB, B=BBB?rr.
5, v» Pat. qgff qfr/. , qfrsfrr f . mi f \ - I adapted, fit, v. Suitable, qriq, Bqfffr, qrrB&TB, #BB r-

6 concreted matter . srgFm. gq /. few or f^off /, #ijr (in comp.).

fOTRI/. Calculation, n. v.Y. 1 act. iplBn. ip>TB«* JTTBr /• BTsBTBn.
7 (as of dried mud, &c. &c,), ^Tq^rm. qrq^r or fltrq or fcsirqiji a. or s. ifibI/. qcrqqrq- or qsrrqff/.
qrfqT^r or iftom. *%rq-£tf, ^V/. C. — by or months, &c. by or in candies, maunds,
in years, —
To Cake, v . w. gather into a cake, concrete . fe- (fee. qtiiFTBl/. TTOTTOl, lrftBm#r, &c. TB'ffTpBBt, BBT-
g\o/ TTBffr, trOBBBr, 5fytBBqr, €f#B°TBf, &C. v. 5rrB, (ex. BT
Calabash,^, gourd-mssek rfft/ jsrrm. afrqwrm. SNr/. 3Tfgt3T BBiiFTBl vTSTBl).
Calamine, n, impure carbonate of zinc ^sr^rrqct/* , Rustic or rude c. qpqqt ff^rBwi.
Calamitous, <x. v.N, distressful miserable^ of circumstances, , — 2 act. SFBTrreBn. 3T5TTirBwi.
&c. ^j%@fr^rf , aTTOTORr, TOr^r, fr^^rq&^r, 3 act. ipi“Tn. &c.
3TR^r,^SRq"Rf, $Tfrc y TO3T, ^Rrgf, I result of a c. JTf’BBM-
«TpfBT?S*r, BTpflsrfprqcf, fqq^T. Calculator, n. v.V. 1. JT'BBBrTr'TKr, TT'BBlBiT'BrCr, iprBqrqrf,
2 producing distress and misery . <T:^, TIBBT, ^WBBvCBncr, ^reBprSUBTf, 53 WBf, ffBTB BT°1HT.

3 irw, TOTOfrr, <rre«w.
—T®r— — 101

3 out ; speak loudly, exclaim.

frag, #1, JffTRg.
apRffg, gRTff gi*IM

Calculous. See Stony. 3—

out to ;v. To Halloo, fra/. PRR, gram. grag-ffg,
Calculus, n. v. Stone. gTO^Tui. f TOT, Ntraf/. PR°T-
Caldron, it. v. Kettle. |tf/. fRFm. qF^Tfm. 4 Calling, n. v V. A. I— -act.
Call, Jf#». Ac. gnpln.
To Calefy. See To Heat. 2 act. fraqM or ffRpRTn. &c. JgJTg'ffn. 3Tl^l-|n.
Calendar, n, almanac TORT?** ‘TIcRn* .
6—act. #fsr#n. Ac ffgrRTm.'frar/. HRm./. J^TR or gr»*.
To Calender, v. a. smooth , <§•<?. (linen). jf[/. 5
Tf£ Ci
T. fraR or Um. 5r5raRT«i. ff^Rire. fRT J. NrarfRw. NrfRn. ^Ti-

Calendering,?!, v. V — act <jrCt /. ^tz^fn. ztftf. ift grRMn. — with implication, &c. fratER*. firaRTtn. dim. fT-
Calbndeer, n. v. v. f fr WKr, f toft or Tire, wre grrfr /. fraRTw. rrarcr^/. rra?^/.
Calends, n. first day of the month . xrfffTO /. TF^TTfui. A— act. fi3T#a. ajpjifm. &c.aJFRW*Tn.&c.
Ad Gisecas Calendas, at latter Lammas, %FF&(T 5 act. grar gr^n. srrqrfffn. &c.
Ste^rcifT, ^firwer, ssriTO act. vrprpffm. [gggorn. Ac.
2 ti. (of a cow). t
TrT3Tn. v. V. N. I —act. JTfrer-qSj-M. «n' Tn. TsfffrR 3TPT*rm.

Bull or male c. 3TTTO or JfFWt, qfTST, TOT. 2 3TR3- /. ®TR3- /.

Female c. grgT or ggl, qrst, ffffgffff , fffgr. !
rraraRorr /. ^ararfr/. jraKrm. gram. Nprat /. frgr/.
Bull c. (or bull) branded and set at large. TO. To answer to a c. ffR /.-Bl'Tw ff'T. «
Female c. (or heifer) do. TOfH. Distance or reach of a c. fira/.

2 (of a buffalo). 'TCTOn. TOJm 1 vocation, v. Business. >T?Tm- tRTRn. ggrgm.

Bull or male c. rTfaTf or STSfr '
TOB Called, p. v.v. a. l. ifj^sr Ac. gprrrar, wr, gregr.
Female c ffR, ^ffl, qRffl, — in endearment, disparagement,

; 2 frara^^r, Ac. Nrarfgg, ^Tifra-

contempt, &c. gATSt/. gffffrn. 3 giapr^r, frqrRwgr &c. grgrrRrff, sirag.

3 (of a cow or buffalo) Stf#)!. ra(q«. gpfffn. grffn-w. 4 fraraargr, qrraR^,

Muzzle for a c. (to prevent its sucking), ifff SET or iffStf m. I 5 3rrarf|-fr, srrar, sTrarf^r.

#ffS or gran. 6 fij^qwr, &c.rff/raff.

Pen for calves. raff /. I Callosity, Callousness, n. v.A. 1. ffff^TTTwi. ffftRRfl. H%-

That produces fine calves. gTffff grig. I

t i
P irni. &c. graitfiliraffT/•

4 (of the leg). qrffTffl / WRl or qragt/. Sfffr /• 2 ^raJrq°rr«i. fffSr^q'ffriJi. tffgfrq'grm. &c.
5 dolt, blockhead, v. Foot. ffistraT PTEIT***. ff5Tm. TO4i«. 1a callous part, callus, gif ortpETM- Z&i. fT-f n. ra°Ttt.

Caliber, n. ffraraffr-ffflRqr- &c. ffiffrar rareM.-gral /.-Ac. Callous, a. hard, insensible, qffgr, qfgt, HgT,gg,
bore or cavity. ffirffr-Ac. rafffffriB.-qRJi.-qraral /.-Ac. ggp ,
gRrra, gjgqr, ^Rfwsr, MqqRq^f.
Calico, n. cotton cloth, v. Cotton. ffTffgrg ffTffffr. 3TPrf- To become o. lit. fig. gffCPFT, JR"!.
2 fig. hardened, in mind, v. Shameless. ^RUIT, f-rgif^I^r-
printed cotton cloth, v. Chintz. €\Zn. gqrsrg or gigqrrR. grqlrrT.rffggr «»• rpii, fraraRrai,raTrgr, %-
Calid, Calidity See Hot, Heat. ggfft* Some terms or phrases for A callous, incorrigible
Caligrapiiy, n. ffjgggqffif. gggfffPr /. person, answering to hardened dog, shameless brute, Ac, are
Calix, cup of flowers, Sj'c.
n. qrffrS'n. giffn. qiff <£f /. gTffgn. crag-raff, Bgwgr, sra-jrar, srfffrar, grawc,
To Calk, v. a. stop the seams (of a ship, &c.). ffOpifft/.-cR- qgTT, jrrraaffr&wr, fg^r5rgr,gSg3- grgtsr gig grff, srgjsfit g-
rarg/r/. 3oC°r, gigM-piggra g-ojo. sEmr*rc«. ffR«T. ffrg?fr.
To Call, v. a. v. To Name. raqg, ftSSM, NFfR®T- Callow, a. unfledged, qg qras-gr grit, tRST, gffT, %R, ggrff-
To c. one’s self. Jfgffg. q^r, ggrggqsir.

2 v. To Summon. qiWffg or ffiHrqg. Calm, a. not windy, fgffrg, fgffra, Nfflff, gff or gg, griff, fgff'g.’

3 summon by crying out to. fRRM or fffffffg, fraRg, fi- 2 not rough, ruffed, §c. gff or gg, grfff, gtpi.gff, fffffizr,

wcm, grafg or grar-qg, ?reg or gr?%, qrarcg, jraRg, g^rar- Tggr, Pigs’.
gg,crar/. ffRg,r;r$g,Hrerm./. grara, gmg, gp^rffg, qrffR- 3 fig. serene, tranquil, quiet, still, griff, gff , feR, gigg, 511-
“T, granra, ^r^rr^».-w|Rn.-Nrffrffff«.-'TR'n:oT». Ac. ffRra. ffffgr, griff%frr, grrafrara, grigNra, gggr, ggffiT-
— with implication of loudness and vehemence, and of multi- Calm, n. stillness, lit. fggffn. fffffrffn. grgw.
tudes, whether by or to, fPfiTC°h 2 fig. serenity, tranquillity, quiet, stillness, v. Composure.
4 v. To Invite,err##, grgggn. ffr/Si tram, qpffRg. ,
grira/. griffraigr/. gsqgr™. grgw. griffrgra». grgggr«.
5 v. To Invoke,gfffrw. gRg-ffRg, NRRR. To Calm, v a. lit. still, quiet,
. gffrffg or gg^PT , griff- gff - P?T-
6 convoke, convene, v. To Assemble. «rgffg, fgSEffg, STOW- g-&c. ffrgpr, grgfffg, Rffrag.
7 for; See To Demand. To Reouiiie. fig. serenize, tranquil ize, quiet, Ac. v. To Compose, grfff-
To Call, v. n. come into visit. gfrg -ffgTffra Ac. qg-rafg. ffg or giffffg, ggp# or ggrag, grigr#, griff-4ffig-Rgg-gff-
2 out cry ; out, v. To Bawl. NR3R ?R~*, gRffg. -Ac. ffRg.
To Calm, v. n. become still, &c. 5rTO,RTO, RTOor, RTOFW. Rubbing c. c. that rubs, ggit tr, —Soreness arising from
Calmed, p. v.V. A. 1. TOT#?ST, 5TTO5P, &c. SITTO, 5TRT, g- rubbing, gijgt/.
toto, TOrrg. Sacking for the burden of a c. grfggr or J#rgrui
2 5rf?r#!3T (
& c. gtrfro, 5TRT, gqrsng, toto, TOTRiRr, toto. Saddle for a c. T3T°T«./.
Calmer, n. Calming,^, a. v.Y. 1. OTIYTfCr, 5TTOW &c. Young c.

?frPT-&e. gRW Belonging or relating to a c. grpqr, arts’.

2 5mr-^-&c. grew, srrraw, srrfr Wr, srfggr, trogr. Camel-driver, n. FI1TTR, ?RRFl or ^t.
Calming, m. v.V. 1 .—act. mm n gjrogn. &c. TOTm. STTOn.
. Camel-necked a. TOtrRur, tg^Rr.
tottor. Camp, ». ground, gaim. if(Zm. HgTRT3Ti/i RT5Tw.
2 —act. ?m#n. &c. TiRRn. TIKgr /. 3Rin. 3TTOn. BtffPff. Appointed spot for a tent in a c. fiRR/.
n* Following a c. (for subsistence &c ). vTTOrTfTOt’ /•
v.V. N.—-state. &c. ^TJT rTn. Quarter or division of a c. JIR'iii. j%rfpn.
Calmly, adv. v.A. 1. T5g,shpRT%, rTOTOR, R:5TTO, s^OTlgr. Camp-follower, n. g^grctW'TO c. ar^rgrTrgflgrT'TRr, TT-
3 stHr-, srTfgrfgr, wfg'ent, ggrTO, ttottofI, w4H:^°rr- giRC

%, TORRR. Campaign, «. level tract, v. Plain. TORn. q z ppr n. TORT f.
Calmness, n. v.A. 1. RTOn fggRn. qRi'TO'in. gRTlfCRTn. RTOPT pop. TRV^n.
2 ?pw»» See. fere?rr /. araatorm. gprgr /. 2 (of an army). TTf ftf. TPTT /. #fftJT /. TOgrRrr /.
3 and Composure. srrfg/. TOfif /. TOWm. STtggr /. 5PTm. Camphor, n. ^ PTCm. Some kinds or varieties are
grjC»». to-
fre>». smjra-/. #RmTqm. Mr ttpit,ffRMtgrrTcrtJTOTO.
Calomel, n- TOTOTw ? qrTOTOTfl. ? Camphoe-liniment, n . grr^^^r?.
Caloric, n. IfaRTOn ? g^ggr/. ? Camphor-water, n. grrTOpfln.
Calorific, a. gmggr, gwrgragg:, grfgrrTOT. Camphorated, a. girTORr, giUCR, TTriR, gTTOiRf^g, giTTf-
To Calumniate, v. To Asperse. TOfcn.-gqrRn.-TOr-
a. y.

Tsf.m.-Sic. toT-toto W uh gg of o. qfirsrsgn. TOWsrrqwi. gr- To Can, v. n. v. Able. Ttgraf or grgSR.

^ g- -of 0. Canaille, n. dregs of the people,
v. People. i?rgrNr ijToTin.-
Calumniation, n. v.V. — act. TOR U«T« &c. STfiRTHgn. TOT- to^b. pm. ^rgrH3 tot/, torttcm. wtr Rgrm.y>/.
TR«. fTOTOn. Canal, «. grrwgrm. hr'tT/. gr<to/. grRjRfr /.
Calumniator, n. v. V. and Asperser. gqrR TORI', &c. TO?- ftwraftg/.
;r#c,jtf55?r, TOfcg, groMt, j»rig?3fc, jwt, §TOg#c, grost, To Cancel, v. a. cross out, obliterate, v. To Efface. ugR,
yr?RgfiT, RfrgjRgrr, gfrorrqgr, gWsfgr, firTOfroMr. #3R, TRT»i. gR-URR-graR, %Trm. UR«T, TT giTR, T3fn.
Calumniatory, Calumnious, a. v. Slanderous. gqrRRT, graR, to/- to.
TOfcrgrr, fRigpgr. grolRr, &c. tort, TOfct frost, gfrosrrqgt, Line drawn in cancelling. sgiT»n..
WTK3T, farorfira#- Cancer, n. (of the zodiac), gr^m.
Calumny, n. v. Slander. giftjg/ fiRt /. RfRf/. toss/. g- 2— the tumor. T^l/. 'grsr or RRTOs?r/. ? RrsrfSrm.?
mrf. gqrrgn. srrirsrrgm. tottr-mi. C. of the breast. gggfeRrni. -gRUfR-gm.
To scatter calumnies. srpq/. gRp/g. Canchorie root-plant, n. gR^lit/. TOaTgiRm.
To Calve, v. n. Fto, qgqor, gro^n. -grom.-igr# or ^fqn.- Candid, a. fair, open, ingenuous, sincere, v. Frank. fgegTTO,
Wln. &c. TO- TORT. srgra:, jRT^rgrgr^r, «TffP, fg^rors-, m^vpop. 555:-
That calves yearly. qfgW, TORTO, SRlTOf, HIRraft. irfg, grsETR, tRrgr qrgr, fggqr^.
That has twice calved. pnfg, pgr, fctrpRRt. Candidate, n. TTTfTe. qgtRTRgl, TTOTOgr, TTOTTp.
Calx, n. ST GTn. Some of the calces are gRTTOTt, qpWTOg or Candidly, adv. v. A. fgugTTO, gTTOHRg, TOfTTOTiRR, TO Wir- .

i'iWK, tnrrsRerr, roff grroR ,

roirog, tor to, tortor, ro- st tr, fgqaf, gpRfrrg, to^jtttr.
festropr, toto tot, rorgrrow, ttegrropr, trtoto. Candle, n. — tallow. RTORT/.— wax. gTTgi/. TO^g/.
Camel, n male,— gr or tz, g^. female, tor, TOT, TTRR — C. of whitest wax. grqfl^T qi[\f.
(—in contempt grg%:n.), ggr or RpTr.—in jocose speech 3g- Candle-stick, n. v. Lamp-stand, tor TOn.
gnrogfgm. Branch c. 5TRn. gtqgajm. fwrggm.
Bridle or nose-string of a c. WT!/. Pin of Candour, Candidness, A.
fgRr»n. it fixed n. v. ppsgrTO'RTM. PfRT'R'gr/. 1r-
in the nose, ggfl &n. igrrTO'n. ggrgr w^q'Trm. ^TOTOm. TOsgfe /. ummif. fg-
Bunch or hump of a c. TOR/. gTO«. vTTf^t/. gg:grTORn.
C.-gronnd, C.-y&rd, &c. gBCeTgrm. To Candy, v. a. conserve with sugar, fyc. qfgRT, TtgrfTO.
Gun carried upon a c 3TgtRrg or fgTRrsr/. Cane, n. ggw. ggn.
Line or string of camels. TRIT/. grgRfm. 8 switch, &;c. tgpg) sgt /. m\f. ggr?r/ f grg) grot/. *
Rider upon a c. ^gCTOITc. gRRt/. ^mtf.
Rider upon a female c. TriggrTOrr c. To Cane, v. a. ggrigrof-^r ?3T??f-&c. grTO, tgi%-sgl% &c.

gr ?/. #for,^£r/. ttrhr, grrgRfT, gRRrroi.-sr- 2^ Cap, a. cowr with a c . or top. /.

gre^nrn. grc®r. SR-TO«Pr.

iRR g- To The amongst scholars corresponding
C. race.


JT-urTr, THT-ft,

vfyw*, m
c. verses.
Capping of verses are ^Tr^TejO/-
Cap a pie, «<fp. sgra^jr^, str^tTsps', =ref5niFr-

0/* srfrRRf /.

Canister, n. vjfrm. dim* Capability, n. v. A. 1. JTrREj'uiT# gpgfTr/. 3N5T5ITTffFr/. «TRT-

Canker, n. v. Worm. SjfftsT /. «?ftern. TORiUn.
Cannibal, n. ^RPT, ,
^r#, ^TFT^K- 2 srfijr/. gFufrr /. tjjprr/. ^rmnw/-
Cannibalism, n* 3T^2rr3Rn Rr^TPSRn ^TOTOT^- 3 /. 5rfe<rcrn. zmn. grrPrst/. ^rfg^g'urm-

Cannon, n* m^f =TR* /. W^iu ^TTOm. ^cnRTn. Capable, a. sufficiently capacious STTf-T RRT- sTl <lf- WIRT- &c.
Blank-discharge of c. ^PTfPOa* sr^raipifff, sT^RTqwrftrRrfsig', f^rewir, tjnrwtR.
Cannon-ball, Cannon shot, 71. Tff&tm. ifmf* 2 q/’ adequate ability ,
v. Competent. STRf, «?TR£d3T,

Range of a c. 3TT53TRT Z^TTni. JTRgTTl JflT°n/. (or jffstor

zrcrr&c.). 3 —mentally ; able, talented\ See * v. Clever. 3KRT, ST8cT,

To Cannonade, v. a. #toT #3R-Rrvhwith 3T of o. fr- * s»

grrr JTrcm.-Rrcrm.wrcfjrcT /. 4 See Susceptible.

Canoe, n. '?l°n/. R-Tf m. WC>». TRT m. ?rfr/. dim. fR<ST /. fy
Capacious, a. wide, spacious, v. Roomy". URffRlRr, ^¥fg?T,

or 3Jn. &Tni jRrR, w^rsi, Srera F^tr, ,

Outrigger of a / —Arm c. vJ5?\?f of it. ^rTOTTn. 2 (of mind) v. Comprehensive. stfTftlRr, ^Rfr QRfRRT,
Canon, n. statute institute^ v. Law. , 3TR/. ^pr^TM* WWfw- ^srrsTRwrRr,
5rcrm. ww». f^Rm. pRR«- Capaciousness, «. v. A. 1. TOTTltn ?T?rg€i T 0ir»i.

Canonical, a. according to the canon ^FWfOTC, SRT^RTvfT, jrrwrii

^rrerre^-rfrer, flwrar, fgyRurm, F^wcr, Prfqra’ra) *m- To Capacitate, v. «. make fit. ifiig - Rgtfr - atf - grrW*T - &c
STreraWRT, tf?, JOT#/ «B‘ 5C®T.

Canonically, adv. v. A. TOTfrfT, W5TR3) fawTJj^g, faw- Capacity, n. v. A. 1. power of containing, room. R’fm. agrfS" m
gwr. TfFa-qrrw. m;m. qpm. fimf/. ^irrgrm. #r /.

Canonist, n. TO#»- TURfm. W5TRW, FtTsT. Of c.— a • measure. Iri^, ifrqF, (ex. &c.
Canopus, — n. the star. sRfRm. urgr^-iTor &e.)
Canopy, n — , of a bedstead, couch, &c. n*v* *HT, $?- 2 reach or power of the mind, v. Understanding. 3TRT3R
cqf^n. %zmqm. 3Tfe/. aTrgR5Tf%r/. 3R/. afgRTfm. YRrgrr or str^Twi.
2 — -of a carriage, native palanquin, &c. fTSRt/. T^fOTm. arnrm. fsKrarm. jfiRtwk/. m^m.f.
Cant, n. particular phraseology /* ftfTOT /. 6T3T- 3-
Suitable or suitably with one’s c. ^TTjfe, ^TfirFfT.

Rfk* JTrqrr /.
To be within one’s c. 8TRTC ^Wlg- of s.
2 — religious, gT%Hm.n. ^aricTf% fl^n. JTfWrft %#/. 1 condition, character. sjffFn. ^iTIT«i. arfvRrrOa- TSTfl /. ffTw.
Canter, n. the pace. — f. /. gcRftf /. Caparison, n .

of a horse, irrairti. ^TC5fJTT or RT?j5friTr»».
2 v. Hypocrite, TOURt. •
. —
To Caparison, v. a a horse. irr^rm.-^fCjUTTin- ZTl^-tfr-
To Canter, v. n* m-iKVn, H«1T ^•T.
Canterbury-tale, n. fiction* ^foqRf vfcfCWn* 2 dress pompously. R - =TZrf% R - 5T ipcW.
Canthus, n* angle of the eye. ^pjSl^Twt. Cape, n. promontory. WIT JRTn. T5TR^r/.
Outer c. ^sprfcrro. sr^rafafepw. 2 (of a garment), neck-piece. %&f-
Canto, n. (of a poem), To Caper, v. n. v. To Frisk. fe?w, ftpra^, mm,
Canton. See District, zm, mmf. pi. JTRSr,
Cantonment, n. Capers, Capering, n. v. V.—act. frszmn. &.c. fiaTSTm- ^Rw.
Canvas, n. sailcloth f^qsrrn. RRRn. mtn. . J-pi.
To Canvas, v* a* sift v. To Examine. ^r^ sr/. spR, ,
Capillament, n. pop. mWCn. Sjm.
Cappillary, a. small like a hair. ^SITOlWr TT<W,
2 debate, v. To Argue, qrsR, STR^T, STRoh %5rr, arl?n^t*r.

To Canvas, v. n* solicit votes * wmn. ^R^»pRTrC^r. Capital, a. relating to the head or top. f^Km, F5TOWrJT Wfr, ,

Cap, n. covering for the head . SfqY /* %OT9Rn, gCTT, rcarr,

C. worn by women and children, a^r^n. ff# or 2 principal, y. Chief. gW, Wfr, %, WFT, SS, SfW.
punishment iTRlRFf, JTRR, I'fR, JrU°Ttff.
C f that covers the ears. 3TR?fft f* crime. ITPTOT3TTT, ^tFFRTt, ^3T.
Military c. ffqt/. 5 noble, excellent, Sfc. v. Fine. JJ55T or mi, ^OT,
2 knot of brass, Sfc* ^f* or f*
§r# or /. a'jrarr, tf^r,
f — . . , ‘


Capital, n. chief city, CfWRF/. gWPTCn. ^RTT^t Captivity, ». bondage . f^/. RFTffr/. OT&ffr/. ^q^Tf-
mm TORT/. ffFTOIn
2 trader's stocky v. Stock. JT^Tt/. TOTqeS’ or^rf^Rn. Captor, Capturer, «. v. V. TO STTOPCr, qRF ^FTTOCF, *3T-

ajTOsqw. ^rcr, feffSFr.

Capitalist, n. HTOqp3T *TY^RT, TO^ftTC, ^TCWCT, W^fTO

Capture, Capturing, n, v. V. — ^Wfn. & T
c. <rrOTm. f^T-

Capitation, n. numeration by the head feHTOHT/•. ^rfm.

C.— tax triq-ft /. Jff'TO <rrf/. 1 V. Prize f3Tff3W»-

To Capitulate, ». draw up in articles . grasrpNft /. To Capture, v. a. mK ^


Captured, ;l v. Y. qf^TT, gt&ST.

2 surrender upon terms, TOT 5! “31^ ^BT^T- <S:c* Car, n. chariot of war or splendor . ^m. ^qff^Twi.

?^-to sr®t-&c. ^ttoet m. C -warrior, n. ,


To wave a flag or cloth m indication of capitulating acTJJTOnn j

Festival of cars C54f^qm.
Un caned warrior. fqCffftC.

Capon, n . ^iwr m Carabine, n, qrrf^FT/. ffRTrm

Caprice, n. v. Whim. TOT/. ffiTOw- Carabineer, n. ^FTC^m

Capricious, a. v. Changeable. ^TO}K3T ?

Caravan, a. q^T^vfcTfff f ^TYm.

ft, ®sr#c. C. of horse dealers. qFTOTm.
Capriciously, czefo. v. A. TOFftf or TOTq^Tff, ffr^- Caravansary, n. mitf wftsn ar/. qfff^^r^f /.
cfTO, Caraway, «. sTfqrwn ^nsT#rffrw* ^qr^Tw.
Capriciousness, n. ^^TR^TTTwi. TO^lTTrm. fSTO'PCT/. ^F- Carbuncle, n, ruby . J?rf°FFT jooy?. JfRFqr m. rfm. JJfTCF /•

^TOn. ^TOr /. /. Writer*. 2 red pimple anthrax, , ircqfaT #3*m. qst/.

Capricorn, n.-sign of the zodiac. ^sfrOn. 3 *(on the back), qrr^q^/.

Entrance of the sun into c. /. JfTOWTw- This Carcanet, ?i. w*rrvffjf.

holiday is especially observed by women. Some of the Carcass, dead body . ffffn. TOff or^f^T/«

numberless rites or acts upon the occasion are $r3T 5jrf¥r>

%5£0J <p*FT, HTR TOq*, and some of their offerings made to 2 body, —in contempt. f^F/. ^T/. #^Tm. TOT/.
Brahmans, or gifts interchanged amongst themselves, are 5=cf^/.
%m, ^TOTfR, Pto%£f, ftetp, Rrasnr, 'vwv, Wro, to- 3 skeleton, v. Frame, Skeleton. TOTr3T»fc. ^tFTOm.
Card, m. playing c. Jfi^qrFff^ qRn. <q#F/. qRn.

Capsicum, n, v. Pepper.’ sffJTOt Back of a c. TCT/.

Capstan, n. 5TfiTC Face of a c. F'R-
Capsular, Capsulary. See Hollow. Pack of cards. Tffsrqrrm-. There are three packs of cards, viz.

Capsule, seed-vessel /. flTOKT^Tm. , Cw, ^srnrarfr iffeTTr, and ^rorreMfsiw. The

Captain, e/iiV/* commander sjfqrqfffm. tspfffan. TORtw TO- . first has 8 suits, the second has 10 suits, and the third has 12

STCfi. suits. Suit at cards rijm. CTn. TPiT or *rrw! /• The suits of

2 (of a
ship). trttsrw*. fw- the first pack are
^q- The
^ STm,
suits of the
TO5T, ^UrST or 0,
second correspond with the 10
flTST, Ijarw,

3 (of a band, gang, &c). ^Trqqr pop, TOWTOn. incarnations of Vishnu; and the suits of the third with the 12

TnroTOm. signs of the zodiac. A few of the numerous terms used by

4 (of a body; — as of spearmen, couiiers, peons, public laborers, Card-players are thrown together here. ^\t <hR u?t, 3TR°Tt
&c.)- fTOTOFF, OTffiT, ffitvT, ffKTO, TOC 3
? (bis office 3R°fl, Tr#[, %t<TR, q°fr, or ^iriTr^f,

&c* pncflt/.)* qg ^f T ,
or %r, giaroff, tiT, ^.SirtsIT, 3TTC,
For the commander of a company in a Regiment the English Tffw, or rn, ^rr?T, qrqfr#, f£t, rst, t'KR'
word is familiarly known as TOffTO or trr^r, tvsrk’ m, vittrI, ^r, %wr=rr
Captious, a. given to cavil, ff^TOCF, ffTOTfc, jffqr srr, srfRrr, wrfqr, ht, its.
mm, B^Troterr, P^ra#c, %mwK, fsrft, 3tr 3V, TOTr#c, 2 note, ticket, §c. qqrqt/.

totor totoct, Vf£ #$°rrcr. To Card, v. a. comb. IWT, pTSTT^T, fWT,

Captiousness, n. v, A* fTOTORt/. g^TOhft/. &c. Cardamon, n.— the plant. ^RfR-n. (rjrr/.—the seed. f55T-

To Captivate, t>. a* take prisoner . jnrfff *FFT, ^rTOT Mrt/. TjrftTrm. tprsfr/. T^r/- T^rft/.
TO*T or m, Large c. Wtf- P L
2 fascinatef enchant? v. To Cham. sfrffsf TO 3iT°T, Small c. T3T/
vrro, %w.-3Rtfqt/. qrsBir, frfcff Carder, n. v. V. fWITTr, f'isrrT'W, RSTltt.

Captive, n. v. Prisoner. IrffF, f&ZfU. Cardiac, a. cordial. TTrvfTHTT.

Captive, a;. qFTOT %&5ST, Carding, n. v. V -act. FWT»- (H'sHTT*.
Price or cost of c. nTW^/. FTirO°ir?55/. 2 ijitKRqirrm. f qiJC or g’qJR /. TT'FRiT /• miZm. sRiWRqrJ.
’ardinal, a. v. Chief. tpsq, q8\ vr^T'mn. sTfrir-Rr /. toarwR^/. R-hcrtrot. ^ffqRwu
'are, a. solicitude, anxiety, concern. qqarifl/. Rqr/. T'Cfr/ irqR'Rrm. See. ^s^RPTm.
3? rmf. «mf. qrqq\f. rqqfa:/. rrfr/. fjfsfrsrirt. fqqrqr/. To Caress, v. a. v. To Fondle, &e. SR^R, qtHTRR, isfaR-
from. q>3-^sj. fstfst/. quqsq/. c§riq»n. st^rw. qfq»n. qq«- q-, cirsr»n.-®feqR5«i.-55osrm -SRqn.-&c qrcqg’o/ o.
ijfq/• OTT/*. Caressing, n. \.Y. — act. qpRRn. Ac. SR®. qfeqRw. WR-
2 regard, heed, attention to. qqq«. sqqqqiTt/. ^nr/. 3oFFf €t/. qrfqrqqmi.. ^nfRRi/. %xn. qRn.
/jop. qsjr/. Pfirr or fqqr /• fqqrqRq/. / Caret, n mark of omission, qrrqrT'Tii. tBlYn.

Takec.' Have a c ! tqqRTC, qq, qqq riflra:. Cargo, n. v. Freight. JT^irfFn. uffqre. JRq /. qRTRn. vrq-

With c. qqq, ww,

qqq qr^R. ^R/-
3 ccti cfill heulment or usage. qiST/. SR? /• RAT or fqqr/. Caricature, n. ludicrous likeness. qriT". •T'K’53' j iTRSfqqr R-
Fqqrqreq/ qcqrqq/. qqnf /• qrqraq//. #rraqr /. qiqraptroi qw.-qnrrr /.-TrPrfFcT /• &c.
wrqr^rr^/- Caries, Cariosity, n. rottenness - of a hone. qrSRqqTm. 5f5T%-
To take qqqn. qRq-qqVCFfiq
c. of. «rqq Wq, ff.of o. qqrm. jrzrqqrm. qfeRFqqqrqm
aTisr/.-^sfr/.-^c. xm^g'.ofo. tgqq f.-tw-j m. £qq g-.<>J». Carious, a. v.N. jqqr, ^qqrr, nFRwrqfqfeis:.
fqurqrcq /• sqq-qrr°T-qr?q g.ofo. qr?q, riqraTq, spreppr, Carman, n. qfqqrftm. qRqRfm. Tn^TlWui-
#ns*q, #qm, qrqqq ,
qifrqq». qrc5!- Caraiinative, ft. that expels wind. qrqfc,qRiT, qRqr^TiT, qr-

3 keeping, oversight, fyc. v. Charge. ^ff-TTfui. fqqrrq /. qRTqrqqr.

To commit to the c. of. fqpSt T“T, fqwiqfcT- & e. sqq Carnage, it. havoc, slaughter. qRPT f. v. qq, qTRrrqiTJ' f. ^TW-
To Care, ». n. have solicitude, anxiety, concern. Piqr /. qrf’q qr^r /. qrrqrqrrqf /. qcw.-Rtqqm -qfr/.
g.ojo. qr?q-qRq-q^q<r-o/o. ?mKf- g-.ofo. There was great c. qr*pq •TR^'-

fqqr/. vTPPr*7 -ofo. in. con. Carnal, Carnal-minded, a. not spiritual, fleshly, v. Sensual.
2 he inclined, disposed, desirous, v. To Desire. qr/q, qfTT/. fqqql, fqquraqr, fqqqrfwjq, fqqqqqq, f'TqqqTqqq, fqqqqtttq, tj-

-3qqT /.-qp?/. WRPT in. con. qrw, fFfuq^r, wip>it,crsr^,qf?fqq, arr^Tpq^-

3 for; mind, heed, f qRq, 5jqR°T, qjq^rn.-qJTrqw.-imrqM. ;
Carna l-mindedness, Carnality, n. v. A. fqqqqfe/. fqtpHrff-
qr^R-^R. qr/.fqqqrHfq' /. fqqqrFw^qit. qqr/. qqiRqr/c#ifT«t.
iARE-cRAZEP, «. r%qrfqfefr, i%r. Carnation, n. -flower, qqqrc or gr5rqsTTC«t-
Career, n. race, course. ?(?/. qfq /. qfaq /. Carnivorous, <t. qfajJOT, ifWraC JTreqtqr, qrar^rd,
2 height of speed. qfsqr^tt, BTriw^.

3 course of action, v. Course, qR /. ®TRT»ju #qqrqm. Carol. See Song. ITybin.

Careful, «. v. N. I . anxious, solicitous, qrprqtqr, fWfTr^TRT, Carousal, n. drinkingfeast. qRtRqat.qR^W<w. qFRWPCiTw.
RfrwR, fqqrfrqq, fqqrqq, sWt, qnqqrcr, sn#inbr, To Carouse, v. n. qr%«qw. VStn, #(qq-grqfq-
. qrRqq. 5T|qq or Hr?qq.
2 heedful, cautious, fyc. v. Attentive. W, |5IR, ^rq- Carp, n. Cyprinus denticulatus. ri?Tm-. qiRfl-

q-R. To Carp, v. n. cavil. tqg-ql-Miji/. qq, qr3'qi'ferOT-- 3TnfqiiS'«i.p/.

To he c. wPR, W»t. -qr(?i/t .pi. qq-qrqq-qrrqq, fcw,nf. qrqq-qcq, aTrqqn. qq, q-

Carefully, adv. v. A. _qrpzftq, FIRq, Hqpjfo. qrcrc/. qq-qr^q, qq^n-qraiq or ^K^m.pi. qraor-^-
2 ^qqqrctq, gnqFqclft, qrrqqqqft, ot, qrr?q, ?qq / qrqq, mmf. qq- qrrqq.
Carefulness, n. v. A. and Cake. tfflsjgfIf. f%qr /. SFfqqqr /. Carpenter, n. qqrq, AW, qajr, ^-TK, WWfO, q5«T,
2 wq-TRO /• qrqqqqfm. grq*rrqqr/. muar€\f. wq, qrrstFTqr,

Careless, a. nnsolicilous, unanxhus, unconcerned. foMlpop. —in contempt. qqrC3T,

mmm, & CWRTT,
fqfqq, Pr^Ra^, %rc:qr, qqrff, qfqrqfc, fipfNq, *r~ Business of a c. qqfCqrfqn. fpiwtftf.
qqq, qqqrm-qfrq-kc. fqqqaj, spjfgqr, qffl-qrq, fqqrd, Work executed by a c. y<riK<h|Jfft.

qfre, Ftoc Carpentry, n. qqrcqft/. qqfCWqn.

2 neglectful, unmindful, inattentive., fyc. or ;qr, flT- Carper, n. v.V, and Captious, qrqqiqqqrrr, &.c. qrqqfajT.
TR or qrw, JTfTT^, t<RHT, *NRt or «qr, ipqqrr, r>CT#r, fqrfer#c, qrrat.
fffr, qqr, or fur, fwoR, sitort, Carpet, n. f^mj. qqqr/. Vc/. TOTC or qqTKm.n. qf-
rroffrq’-T, wk, jt?r, itm, Wr, R^rnfr, aRrqHrqt, srsttrorw^ q.qc°r»-

3 arising through want of care. aTRTKRr. ^TfRrrc!', Carpets <Sr Floor-cloths for ornament and for sitting are of
-*T^trrqRT, WKRr, unTtfeT. various compositions and fashions. The names of some are
srsjlessness, n. v. A, 1. fagrrs?#/. PrfWRrm. ^ET5t'RT»i. qrfsRTm. -qfsrrui. Sfcq». ^torthi. ^rstqit- qrf/. csmirm.
/-Sto^/. «RR«rr/. »7r??qr<Tf|ar«. fqnrif- PRfoRrrm.
frnwrw. sr^rym. Carping, n. v.V.— act.

f%frorf|Rn. 3?q aR(i^fjrn. aqr^qrrrf qrqqrfeTm. qS'll'in.jt)/.

^rf^rsrr/- tqq/. qqr?q/. v. jtr.

. —


Carriage, Carrying, n. v.V, 1 .—act WfTn. 3T1TO. Caruncle, n protuberance offlesh. TOHfe/-

Price of c. WTOfTO/. f arm. TOH^/. WTTR^/ »/• To Carve, v a. cut wood, stone, §c or form by carving. #-
vrt«. TO, iff TO, TTOT or TOrTO, fTOTO
Of c. of burden, WTO, %TOt. Carved, p. v.V. WTOW, %TOW & c. W#T TO#TO, 5

3 TOTm TOT1/* TO#, TO#T.

I vehicle, W/. TO. qrfTfl. Carver,«. v.V. #CTIW, #TOfCf, & c. TOFTO# or wr, TO-
Certain sorts of carriages are TOlfl/. ©TO Bn. TOW/* TO»n TOW,#TOrTtor jajr.
TOSm. ^TfTOm. Carving, n v.V . — art.* W». iflTOn. &c. TO°TT/. WTO /.
Pleasure-e. sfTTWTOni. TTOTni. Price or cost of c. iffTOITO /. WTO/.
Wheel-c. TORn. 1 correct w;or£. WTOfTn* TOTTORn. TO^Jfm. TO^T /. ^T-

II (as of cannon, &c. &c ). WWwi. &%\3Tm. toRtcIt/.

III deportment, v. Conduct. W&f- W%/‘ Carving-tool, r. ^fTOl/. ^FTOn.
Carriage-maker, n. TOWT. Cascade, n. v. Water-fall *TOTOFw. sffffw. vfi^Tor

Carried, v.V. 1. TOTOr, TOW, &c. WTO /

Carrier, n. v.V. 1. TOTPCr, TOW, TTO, Case, n. covering, sheath . WTO°T^ fST-Tn. ffTOn.
toT * w£l, wtoto, towt. #5Tw. #sr /.
1 that carries well #TOt, WSfter, W#TT. 2 (as of a pillow, couch, &c ) cover . 3jTOm. if^TOf/ sWn?
Carrion, n. gTTO or g^ITn. TTOFTORTn. WT or WT f. &T- fTOft /. ^TOm.
mvtfan. 3 (as of a mattrass, quilt, See
) case jfo stuffed, iffss/.

Carrot, n. WW*>. 4 condition, circumstances. 3P3JT /. feRf / qf?T

To Carry, v, a. convey ,
transport, &e«r. WfT, TO, TOTOfT? pop. TO/. TO/ W/.w,
^TO-TOW la that c. j# TOffRf, TO.
2 See To Imply. 3 remove the crop . TO“T, WTOt/. TOT- 5 case adduced or occurring instance , . TO'sthi. xrfl^Tn. ^"TO
^•.o/ o. TO°T^.
4 — in arithm. CRfW TOTOTO. 6 in medicine ; state q/ Z>o<ip, v. Health. f'fftq’Rf/.
The number that comes to hand to be carried is called $T- TOffr/. TOWTOF/.
TOf. To be in good c. ifTTO PrTO btto.
5 across ;
convey over WfTO, TOTOT-TOT*
. 7 history of a disease . TTTOTTOn. WTO
6 off or away. v. To Rob. fTO or ffTO, TO, TOTn. TOT, «TOR«.
&’•<>/ *. 8— in law* state o/* /czote, question. TfTOTOn. ffiTTO/.
7 on, (business, So.) v. To Conduct. TO^ffr, 1TTO, TOr. TOTOn.
TO, PprffT, tMfem. TOT g\o/ o. 9 suit at law , v. Cause. TOTOn.
8 through, v. To Accomplish. frWTO or fTWITO,ffffarc> 10 — in grammar, variation of nouns. ff*rfw /. WTO^. wfe”/.
TOT,fTOfm. TOT £> 0/ 0 . fTOmV- TTO-TOT^.o/o. The six are TOT, TO°F, TO^R, ^TTRTFT, ^f^T-
Cart, n. WWm. WW dim. Sl WTOn. TOWm. TOT, or TOW, fcrtW, ffflW, TOTf, TOW, fSt, TOTt.
TOWm. ^?M.m ^TOTm. 11 (of instruments), ifgfm.
Bottom of a c, TOt /.
H{ff or Case-worm, n. TOflm.
Child’s go-c. Tfg-ss- TOTm. qtjp WW/. Casement. See Window.
Cart-grease, n. WTT or fwiX Cash, n. WTO/. TOW/. TOm. TFTn* WWor WTO
Cart-load, n. WWm, ^Tr^PT^T (with the noun). ^rTOfw.
Cart-road, Cart-way, n. W3TO/. WTOWBm Cash-keeper, Cashier, n. W^lTOTCo, \srrTWW. WffTlB'm.ffr-
Cart-rope, ra. TOfm. TTTOfw. ftm. ^tWTo.
Cart-rut, n. WTOT/. Private c. WfTORR5Tm.
Carter, «. WTOCr, WTOW, WTOFF. Cashew, n — tree, or apple* or nut. TO[/.tn.
Cartilage, n. 3TWm. TOTJTfWn. 2 apple, pulpous portion. TOm. TOn. TO«. TOffTOffw.
Cartilaginous, a. ffTOrf^WI* TOTrftWFT. To Cashier, v. a . v. To Dismiss. TOffTO TOT,
Cartouch, n. fiTOFTO. rn^m. to#/. TOTT-TO^jT-qrors:- & c. tot.
Cartridge, n. frerm. Cask, n. fTTn. OTJJjn.
Ball c. 3Tl#TT fform.' Casket, n, TTOm. <rZm. T^ft/. ^TTOw. TO^Tw. ^TOn.
Blank c. pTO. frTOf TO/. Cassia, n.— fistula. TOVfm. ^TTW^w. g^Tor TOTOTw.
F bring of ba^i c . T(#WCm 2—woody c. /.
Firing of blank c. TOTPCm. To Cast, r. o. trTO, 2TTO, TOT, f~
throw, hurl,
toss, fling.
Cartridge-box, n. ffTORn. WTO, WTO, fTOW#, feWTO, fTTTO, TOTO, %TT, T^TT,
Carucate, n. TOT or <qfcr». WTT?L-TO7m.-&c. TOT ^“.o/o.
2 — as a fruit-tree, a bird, Ac. v. To Shed. ffT#,TOTO%##. Brother or fellow by c. snffffram.

3 sendforth, give out, eye. v. To Emit. TO#, TOTOff. Ceremonies of receiving back into c. ffifflf/. ffPT/. qff /. fffff

4 in law, non-suit. TO - ffSTiff - fovTTtf - ?Fm - FFTOT- A c. ift /- ffiff/.

to #. Circular notifying an ejection from c. TO3trTW«.

5 throw in wrestling. #?r TO#, ST^T, TOiftffSTTOr TO#. qffn. ffq'rfFqffn.

6 found. ##, TO#. Confusion of c’s. q'TOTOTin.

7 plot, strike out, v. To Contrive. ur#, TORffT /• TO# Distinction of c. WffTOTffin.

g. of o. TOT#. Ejected from c. f\B, qpziff, TO’TOTOTOSyTORT

8 away give to the winds,

fyc. v. To Throw away. ffTOff- Ejection from c. TOSS f.v. TO S', T?, ffRfcfn. qr-
ff, ?TO# or FTO#.
fffff#, ffffrzrin.

9 away, off; v To Abandon. ##, #fff #, tfTOff #, Extinction ofc. TOffaTOTin. qffTOqm.

TO#. Falling from c. TOffroffTOm.

10 off; (clothes, A c.). TOTOff, TOTOTT TO#, TOTO#. Fallen from c. ffrRf»srSi, TO^ffT.

11 out ;
v. To Eject. TO#°t, TOT#, TOTTOT TO 5 #. Feud in a c. qZm.
12 up; v. To Add. ffTOFTw. TO#, tfr Hf. TO#. Of or as to c. SJT^lffT.

13 upon. ffr# adv. ffr#£‘. of s TOTOff with gty of s. Of mixed c. or blood. ffTOfafj fffff.

Cast, n. throw, v. Casting, 1. TOTm. SjTm. Pride of c. TOTTOfffffRm.

2 throw of dice. TOTju.d. TOTO, The peculiar duty, virtues, &e. of a c. WrTOffffMi.

Turn to c. TOTOn. Cast, p v. V. 1. trTO^TO, Ac. fsffl, fffeff, ftfiJR.

3 mould, make, fashion, v Form, qmf F#t/. . TO 2 ffiareTO, ffpr^rr, fff^, firrrfvffT.
4 air, turn, manner. %TO /. TOTO m. TOT f. ftsTm. 1 down; v. Dispirited. TOHff, ffffffflff.

5 smack, smatch, savour, v. Taste. ffPC, ®yr/. "•J-

Castanet, n. TO^n.m. graft/, fffff /.
=tto or -totto /• wto# /• sr##. ffra m. Castaway, a. v. Reprobate. Irotff TOTOTOff ,
qTOffi , ,

6 tint, touch, shade, tincture, Syc. STO f. asffrft,f. m f. TOUT/. ffffeff-

7 See SauiNT. Caster, n. v. V. 1. ffTOfflTr, orTOffPCr, i&TO,

Cast, Caste, n division of the Hindu body. 3flff/. TFT/. TOT- 2 ^tow, %rrfr.
(jt /. TO#/- fffff/. #m. The four original Castes are arrgPT, To Castigate, Castigation. See To Punish, Ac.
and to this are added fffffffjr, *#5T, TOTORTO.&c. Casting, «. v. V. 1. act. %tFffln. rpB%«. F%qm.
all terms expressing collectively the low and impure classes, se- F&7°rn. feW«.
verally designated by ffiTC, iriff, F#, TOTOr, HZ , jfSR, &c.&c. Castle, n. fort. TOTOm. fwr«i. ffft /. arg-fSTOTOw.
Certain of the Castes, Classes, or Tribes are TOST, TOTff or Castle in the air. fffflTfff fe/. ffTffffHfe/.

tot, TOarrf, to#, tort# tototo# or $## or ^rffroC: Ac. to- To build c. in the air. TOlWCf TOCn- TO 5 #, fffff ffRw.p/.
ut, toto#, tort, towto, ^rrarc, torto, fto, TOff#, %ror#, TO#, ffTOTffffe /.-ffRTOgfe/.-fffrrsFn. TO#-
tout, to##, tm, tot# torto, totc# TOrf#,Vr#, urst, Caster-oil, n. plant. fCBrti — the oil qfS'S'n. . — — the- seed ff-

fffTOTO tor #, JJTT, ifr-TTO, fflT, fffTOTO (distinguished into TOT- ff f /• trf#r5f«— the root FfTORtt. Some varieties or spe-

ff RTO and fTffRTO), ^T3t, TOT# or TO, f#rTO, TO# or 5Tf,\f- cies are ffffr, ff#T, tiff# ff#, ffRT F#, TO^TO ff#,
ffPC or TOTOrr, TOTOT, toJtotoTOT, HR, TOST# TO#TO or TO, TOT, %qf^ni. ff#-
ihr# totof, to ;, 5 ffiTO, tototo, frcffir, Truro, uror or toto, To Castrate, v. a . ®pgm pl TOT# g of o
. . . . TO# TO#, a#-
ffTOro, Jf5T, T^fTTOT, commonly TOT#, qroff, q#r (
TOTOT, FTTOTOr, TO#g-.o/o.
ffiTOi:TO,T4 5:TO,5^,^TOST,li:«r,TOTO 0TjTf?', UTOT, fffft, #Slft, Hi?, 2 (by pounding the testicle). ##, %#.
UTTU, fffar#TO, {p°P- #TO or ##), UTOTro, UTOTO, (or tffTOTO), Castrated, p. v. V. 1. TOTOtTO§5ff, TO#, ferorar.

HW, fTTOff# TOT^r, TUTOR, TOUTOrTOTO, TOW# or TO, 5##, B- 2 &c. ffTTO or ffRJT.

TOff or ruru, mrror, tototo or %toto, Trurror or ft, Truf, to- Castration, ». v. V. 1 .—act. TOTO£T#n. TO#/. TO#ffnt. TO-

to, ffofl, rsjqr or rail, TOTT.TOrffT, wtoc, tot, ^itoc. #3Tffn.

C. and lineage,— compreh. TOfff TO /• TOTOTlff/- 2 TOT#«. %#».
* Casual, a. fortuitous, v. Accidental. TOTOTOfer, TOTOTOfff'TO,
The €. collectively, —as assembled m investigation of oifen-
ces, &c. qrr^flffrffn. ffffiffrffn. jfiffa. ffrffffffr/. ffTO qiffn./. srr- 2 incidental v. Occasional,
ffTOff/. ffTOTOr or fff^rsffm. /. ffrffffTO/. fffffffRTn./. ffTff Casually, adv. v. Accidentally,
ffntff/. TOrn. Casualness, n . v. A. L in. aqrfaff-
A mixed c. or race. ffTOTffrfff/. TOFffm. TOSTf *
ffFTOTO $P3TjSn. Casualty, «, gee Casualness, 2 a, c. v. Accident.
A lo w c. person. TOfCTO or 55T # ffiffTOf TffT, fffTO¥ii% pop. fff-

8 a chance producing death • maqftgm..

— *


Casuist, n. one skilled in casuistry . Catechetical, a. 3T#W% TO^, qxsrxrfrqiW?^.
To Catechise, r. a. instruct by questions . qrpr-qr^T-
Casuistry, n. science of determinmg the lawfulness or unlaw- fisrar#, RfRcqwF^r/ -qhq-m.- &c. sr*°t.

fulness of acts . /. 2 interrogate v? To Examine, jgnj, JOTW /. qRR'-^L Tj


Cat, n. sriWU or m f.n. fq^or f^ra^Tm.— -male, Catechism, «• RRCRf iT^iRRRf/.

he. c. ffqrr, VFSK. — female, she-c. 3?r^T, tflft pTift/.
— in en- Catechist, n. v. V. 1. ferqrq°TRr,
dearment; corresponding to p uss, pussy. wf[f. Jjffpirt. 2 vmm, q^rr.
\D 7 N3
— in endearment, disparagement, or contempt. TfNp^n. — m cant Catechu, n. terra japonica , ?cfRRm. qRm. (The tree is

phrased. qRpft f called %^7ii. ?3 ^ot.)— in cant or covert phrasool.

Wild c. <C[ZfWsfOnfn.
2 To let the c. out of the bag. SRfm. it rffin. *#r <T- Categorical, a absolute ,
express, v. Positive. WTT, ?TC, f^T-

fr/. mm, Pf^iRT.

Cat a mountain, n. 72 . Categorically, adv. v. A. Positively. r*TOT, W'F, WET.
Cat-eyed, a. Category, n. q^r^ni.
Cat-got, n. mf. sjfr^N'r^lT To Cater, ». n. provide food. ?TR?fR[ %sf^l /. ^"T,
Cat-hammed, a. HrpsqrrsTr, HTSSJ'SIT. 3Trirw^r/.-^r?rcf^ffrm.-&c 5T”T, ^st.
Cat’s-paw, n. dupe ,
v." Fool. frTORRn- Caterer, n. v. V. QT^rfr ^sT^r 5TorRT,#?n». ^sTrHw ajr-

Catachrestical, a. v. forged. ffgr. fK?r3T5T.

Catacombs, n. ^jqqffqqq/. Caterpillar,?!. ^B-OTTm. 'Sj
#«• WWm.
G 0
Catacoustic, a. or
Catalogue, v. List. Sfr^^Tn.
72 . ?f 5?/. To Caterwaul, v. n. TffWkiu ¥^°T, JTfsKRrrTOT '

Catamenia, 11 v. Menses, qsqn. . ^qnjwi. Rn.m. Caterwauling, n. v. V.

Catamenial, a, q^fqq’qqu Cates, ». v. Dainty., f^gr^Tw. ^TJ^n.
Catamite, 72 JrjTfm, iFFSWS’w.
. ^feH^Rcrnn Catharist, n. pretender to great purity. 3Tfrf%q^T, 'n~
Cataplasm. See Poultice. pwr, ^r^rrar.
Cataract, n. v. Waterfall, sfrgrr or srnqrm. sfpqpft /. Cathartic, a. See Purgative.
(of the eye). ifitffn. %qffqjm. ff qn. q£*rn. Cathartic, n. See Purge.
€ A T ARR h, 71 . q^n. $TO»t • Catheter, n.
Catastrophe, n. (of the drama, &c ). ^fRn. f^mf FMf^T Catholic See Universal.
or fRRm STOCITm. Catiiolicon, 72. %^fqqpqqrirFaTm.
2 ruinous issue , <$ru. 55*?tefn. ^qf^Rwi. <r:*3*qfi> Catoptrical, a . v. N. q^TfTrfe^TOq^t, q^jq^u 0?^.
f?fm. Catoptrics, n. science of reflected light . qUf^Fu^fqqqqr-'
To Catch, a. a. lay hold apprehend v. , ,
To Seize. kroj fRR

TO, WR, T3T^f. Cattle, n., ST^n.^/.— comproh. great and

2 receive in its passage. If gpRR, ferqpy. small. Tr^qTO^n. Some of the diseases incidental to Cat-
3 Ao/cZ 0/; ^ ?«Zo one’.? power. TRT^T5?f -STCH- &c. tle are ^Im^ jp*m. ^forn. gRrfnjm.
R°T, W in. con gRTST^RT
, ttt. <?<m. /. qfq^fqr^R. qi^orqrl^t /. qq«. #TRr%w. WTfm.
4 (contagion or disease). <sfR in. eon. RipT in. con .

%of m. C.-lice. C .-ticks. i%^/.

5 (a song or tune), take up and follow Hire for the use of draught
6 (as
speech or conduct), lay hold of
T^vR, ^^1#, q^fR,

qfif^ ^ Picketing line of

Mope by which

are tied to


qftn. dm, ^fq<#f f. Loop

To Catch, «?. 72 . be co?itagious anfJpT. of this rope, (it consists of two). ^pf\/. q^%7i. q^i.
2 hitch, fasten on, fyc. ^RPT, 3T^^T. Spot on which the c. are assembled daily, to be driven out to
To c. and tear, to be scrieved. &TRTR or 8TT?I^%. pasture, #3f}n.
S takefire, ignite ,
v. To Kindle. or %rR%, q£W, Tending «r keeping of c. KmWf. W'TPJSS /. WS
/. v.
qq,fem qps, tr^TOTn- 'T^'TPR'o. Hire of tending c. ^nrr^sr /. ?;r-
4 sustain some morbid affection, vjr. Ktl&xf,
Catch, n, seizure* fyc* ’See Catching, 1st, Wealth, or property in c. HflVH’fl.
To lie upon the c, Caudle, n. ^r^T^RTm. feX'n. BT :TT’fl».
2 c/asp, Aoo^, hold, ctype. n. Caught, p. v. V. 1. ajftw, «f5T.
Catching, n. v. V. 1. act. qqRRn. &c.
ffin, 2 |W3T &c.
Catching, p. a • v, V, <mcZ Contagious. #gffnr, 3 mT^#5?r, 3TRr?sT5?f srptr^r, &«.
^fqqrra'c To be c. ^ff'T'S^T or
Caul, n. v. Omentum. afc|?g=Tn. Caution, n. prudence, providence, care, circumspection, icari-
Cauliflower, n. >| ness. fCT5Tr»i. Fr^TPKt /• OTmrm. pTFCT/ TlRt^'Rrm.
Causable, cl v. V. ScqTiFftT, ^K%<Tn?T, f^iT^T^ faf*R3T5*T. WWf/. WrU^sflTm. JTTJT^rTS'STR^Rm. ^rfrq'^RfT^K'in.
Causal, Causative, a relating to or implying cause. iFfT 0!- 3Trwjrnr?r Wcm.
OT*3FT, ^TC^T-tj- 2 monition, y. Warning. ^Pt/. HRfl/. srffR“rn.
WrT 3 provision against. 5‘q^'^r 'T^fq'F^i*
2 — in grammar. qpT or s^rf (£. e. ^ or Pf 60 Mrf having ^ To Caution, v. a. admonish, fyc. v. To Warn. =R7R
or fa added at the end of the root) -t°T, W”T, ?TPfr/. ^"T.
Causality, Causativeness, n. v. A. 1. WiK^n. f- Cautionary, a given in pledge or security. ffFRm, ^dTl'Jd,
J?TTj. T'-T^fWd ,
ffrr°T in comp.
Causation, n. V.—act. &c. ^qi^n. gyr^n. 2 conveying warning. frri%?iR‘, «r?TR Tt^T, II

Cause, efficient, producer author , 37K°Tm irrjpm ^TK^fwi. Caution, a. prudent, provident, careful, wary 41 f 'IT , fp?nT,
XRTSRTm. SqTfam. ^TlfiTiH f3T5’4 fF,
TRST, 4IIWR, ^TRp^RT, Arq^pT^rCt,
Efficient c. ^RT3FFc’ T 01 . :
irrir #- q?rqi'?-qf'fq€f &c.

Oeneiativo or originating c. tHTTm. Cautiously, adv.

sir^r, &c.
v. A. WW. 3RPT ffi

Tnstumeutal c. fafa^qrir DTn.

Primal y or remote c. STTfasrrPJTn. fljPfrWCffn- fffTFTn. Cautiousness, n. v. A. and Caution. HrTsrRTwi. i^rrt'r/.
JTS-n sTraflffn. qrR'TTTK'1!!!. qjT^-qqr/.
Proximate or immediate c. g'lKR'n. OTR'R'TriiT'ffm f'TfaRT- Cavalcade, it . 4FITC] or VtttXf- qRT/.
qrpc'Tn «rarfSKK°Tn. wisnrnRn- Cavalier, n. v. Horseman, 4ir-

* Relation of c. and effect. ^fTORWRin. ftm. BT^TRiu. oTW^rm.

irqra^Hrfwi. Hmrrwirfm. Cavalier, a. haughty, i\-c. like a c. f5T>5TR, f3R3Rt5%qr,
2 reason ground, motive.
, «jnT°T». ?5 irt ’ ?RT /. F*T- fyr^rfifiwqr, qrqCRTrsRr, q^rCr, wft, *t-
fiRT/i. fNr%.
Without c. grr^riNp", f=TRnT°r, s#r, wz- Cavalierly, adv. v. A. fST^rr^mU, fer%cTRt fr-
S — in law; suit, action. R'TCRR'PTm. IgZ&n. JpK- 5TR, &c. trqr^r%, jpptvCt^.
srifTw. qp3T«». TRR'Tn. Cavalry, #. fersr«. J^tRCwa^/. W4RT/.
To lose one’s c. fTR. Cave, n. hollow in a hill or rock. rjTf /. ifTFr /• dim.
4 side, party. qsjm. oRT/. sTTf /• 5TOT /. JKft /. It vsj. )jqrc». mz&tf ^n^Kf.
Espousing a c. t'fKwv v. if, SR, 3ST- 5R?rr /. sRqrcn- tzxmn. ff3Cn.
Espouser of a c. %qpft. In caves and hollows and dens and chasms, &c. <R%5B"qrrf,

To Cause, v. a. produce, occasion, effect. 3FC“T, 3F7FT, 3T?TP3FT, SFcWsft

5T§m, ^75TsSic. 5RT«T (
WT g.ofo. OTTTOff Cavern, n. hollow in a hill, lyc. v. Cave. JJ?T / TTHTn./.
- fafinTiJjT -fffWtf- & c. #T- 3T#r in. con. 2 deep mountainous recess or hollow. ^‘FSTm. ^fvTn.
Caused, p. v. V. %W5rr, &e. grirfor, 5TRfT, «F*J, 3TTUI. dim. srfr f.
fafiRT (m comp.) IjifR;. Cavernous, a. abounding with caverns. JJiTiiRT, JJ?r*nT, JJfT-
Causeless, a. v. N. 1. apfim, 3TsFTR?rr, PtiTRR, STtpT, R3T- ifftq.

=fT, ^Cft. To Cavil, Cavilling. See To Carp, &c.

2 sranVT, 3FKTC°TT, Ptb^CT, Pj^TOTOf, WtjTi, f^ff- Cavity, «. v. Hollow. ?&tx[\w,. dim. ?355I/. /.
pr, nr^’Trsr^T- WJTrm. 43TOTr»n.
Causelessness, n. v. A. sr^TC'ffffn. &c. To Caw, v. n. SRrTTrT /. gTRT^Hi. qFC«t.
Causer, «. v. V. 5KT°ira, &c. w, 3RHr, wF=T?Tr, fffrsnf, HT- Cawing, |t. v. V.—act. cKTT4R?i. ^IWFf/. intens.

3TIT“fflp. sR^rirrm.
Causey, Causeway, n. qhrm. ?:w«l To Cease, v. n. stop, desist, leave off, give over :
crf°T,'pC adv.~
Caustic, a. =TH adv. SfrttT, R>TCT#, few WT, 5PW 4.iT®r

Caustic, n. nrasirarorft #fW«. ^Rfre^Tf^ or TiTT-fm- st- tfSf, f^irrfpr, fqcram- tpr, fqr^,
fqgr#, hctR, ^sw,
RRiOn. wVot (ex. fr3TqTH-fqmre-tTMrqrer-&c. #s®r), 5 ^-
Causticity, n. ^T4fir(fRwTn. JTR^rFrafo/. |T /. ^5r, ?H«i. ^R“T-^r?fr qat-srfrqhT.
Oauter, n. <?PFrn. STfaft /. 2 become extinct, be no more. €CT, WFT, TFR,
To Cauterize, v. a. fire, OTiFT or <rriFT, 55T4FT, SFR, OT«.- trt, a'C'PT, Rfwr tr°t.
aHm.-Jjsrni, Ir, sfllRn. 3 come to an end, stop, v. To En^. 4WI11 #1,
Cautery, n. — actual. iSFfm. STTCto- ^RiT^Sr,
Circular c. ffrerrm. Ceaseless, a. incessant, v. Perpetual. »

2— Potential. 3Tffm.
— — . . ,


Ceasing. See Cessation. Censor, n. corrector of public morals. 3T*rKwc. ^rf^RilTT,
Cecity See Blindness. mkmsc.
Cedar, n Censorial, a . belonging to a censor . ^3?hw-
To Cede, v. a. surrender yields ,
y. To Give up. 3=rp3% ; m^ t

qftarnrg^fr Censorious, a. addicted to censure . *pT*T5rr,

To Ceil, v. a . ^f# ?
fTffn. fmtit, fiqrM, feg^raff, fo^Fwr, fesrrg^rd, tvrr-
Ceiling, n fifaPTw.fn. wpi^rf, R^r^tir,
To lay a c. ^cfn, WT. Rrar^r, PtRttT^c, qrf®nrr
2 of cloth, ^f^rrm. ^rw^rird/. Censoriousness, v A, 4rqrfe/. fmmwf . fesTffS'/. fe5T-
3 of planks, /. ^qfOTn. OJfRWn In reprehension of
To Celebrate, r. a. laurf, extol, v. To Praise. 3fPtFl ?
Censoriousness there are some phrases and proverbs. These
3TFT, ^°T g.oj o. sufficiently agree with “ Physician heal thyself ; First pluck

2 perform solemnly solemnize , tWOTHf iiT*T - the beam out of thine own eye, then the beam out of thy neigh-
*Rrt*ri». - gfcercw- - & c. % K*t g-of o. bour s eye ; Look first at home; Keep your own house; Dress

To c. humbly. CT^T, WT yoiir own garden 4 C *” ,

sra°r. *TPT5*rr 3irr°T vrr^rt, «?afr-

To c. with pomp and style. iffisT^of. »mwr ^kff

'iF^rrsFr^F ^r^r^rrer wrarfr.
Celebrated, jo. 4* a. v.V. 1. ^lf%rr, tf€tf%5T. Censorship, n. wff^r^rrm ^3?fR|'¥C DT?L
2 ^rroTR %§terr, &c. Censurable. See Blamable.
1 V. Famous. ^tf%RR, ,J
S TPT, RtoetTcT, IT^TRT,
irf?r- To Censure, Censure. See To Blame, Blame.
fw, ^rter. Census, n. enumeration^ of inhabitants ^fSfF^rpT^F /. /*

Celebration, a. v.V. 1. act. ^T#n, &c. ^Irfan.

sJ^Irfsfa. Cent, n. |j^v2Tm. ^Tfr^Tn.

2 HRfCVfR ^KT^n. &c. mKWm. Per c.

Celebrity, n. v. Fame, pop. sFfan. HFf^Ff^w* Centaur, n. ^f^Tm. f^PTin. ^TTOi%rm.

mm f wrifaf. firarfir/. Centenarian, n. person a hundred years old . STcTnr, ^Trf-

Celerity, n. v. Swiftness. cHT/. Wm. #£[*!%/. 3*PTfcT/.

Celestial, a. See Heavenly. Centenary, n. ^T^n.

Celestial, n. inhabitant of heaven . ^c?RrP-T, ^T- Centifolious, a. ^I^T,
W#, Centinody, n. WT^rf/.
Celibacy, unmarried state PfWTTm. STf^Tfw. Centipede, n. mj %°T /.
st-jotm. ^f^fc^rorr/. wiw/. Centr^vl, Centrical, o. belonging to the centre, v. Middle.
Life of c. study, and devotion. (««c£ Leader w^rr, wm, wm,
of it), %^sr^r<W. 2 m v. Middle. TO,
Cell, n. small cavity, v. Hollow. *FCw. ^fc^F- Centre, a . v. Middle, ipffjf-

iprf/- 2 (of a circle, tVc.). ?TfPTwi./. KJ or TFWF^fw. 3W (in

2 s»w/Z apartment, igHfm TTTwi. comp, as |tT^, &c.).
C. with bars. pi«R/*n. To Centre, r. a collect to a point, - ^rf^Tvf - &c .

3 — as in tables of calculation, &c. C'rg'5'rii.n. tpj*. ^T.

4 foifi/e bag or bladder f of animals). ^RJin. fT3lft /. To Centre, r. n.

Cellar, n. gpr^Cn. iT^ITn. fSTsHErJ^Rrin. fraTC or ?RsriT«. Centrifugal, a. that recedes from the centre .

C. for grain. TTn.

Cellular, a. consisting of cells. igs^Nr, ^ss«lHr, W-rRr?rf- Centripetal, a. that has a tendency to the centre . 3P-^rfinTr5ft ;

JTf r, wtjfirrrfw.
Cement, n. ##«. tr^n. e'vTFr?rr<S';rn. ^TFR^fn.-S^Tn.— Centuple, a.

of glue, paste, &c. fatten. gr^^Tn. argr°T». of mortar 3]T- — Century, n. a hundred. sfaST m. ^IrT^Tn.
5“rm. PT^HDn. — of tin or qrej-Cm.n. 2 a hundred years ^ffF^w. ^ST^Frfn. .

To Cement, v. a. ^TPSPT, ff^T, #m, W».4c. Cephalic, w. medicine for the headache . TOm.
g-ofo. BffWn.
Cemetery, n. repository for the dead. «?T5IT :T pop. itOTn. tr- Cephalic, a. belonging to the head. JRrf^RT, %-
?m£r/. *r«wrm. «wroif/. wsrRirfir/. 3Wr». w-
tfrwx. ffa^n.^PTPT«.
irfir/. f. ?HT5nr». %grsrgn. Cerecloth, n. waxed cloth.
Os **
C & <JN

Cenotaph, n. monument. /. Ceremonial, a. belonging to ceremony, consisting in cerem -

Censer, n. mz*i or wm mn. <my, ritoa/, §c ^pff,

. ^'T^KT^fr,
good character, &e._)
2 ?;w,rw, arr^TO^m 3?fjffT cR' c* of pre-eminence; srr^T^'c. of
To Certify, v. n. testify to a thing in writing.
-fwqqr. ^ T°t-
RRr/. 5Rn- P^/-
p-f 3ini. - gitr'qP^in.-^rfrspqrP^'m.-Piti’fr qrr^)».-& e.
Ceremonial, n. outward form or rite
Pr^q' T4^' r®|5?%-

#53TfC«» ^^ sTr^W?*-
To Certify, v. a. assure of, apprize, v. To Inform. urP^T-
Ceremonialist. See Ceremonious, 1st.

Ceremonious, a. observant offorms and rites . 3r4FW F37WW ,

qK-^R-5nfr?r-&c. qR«r.
^r4^rt^, strk- Cerulean, a. sf[wft, sTrerar^0!.
Ceruse, n. white- lead. ^PKcfr or 5Tm.
observant of ceremony, formal, Vr^fTT^K- Cervical, a. belonging to the neck. tfR^fT, WT, XXXX tft^r^-TT.

Cessation, n. ceasing, stopping. Cil°t n ^- c - -

$ consisting of ceremonies and rites . See Ceremonial. mxfrf. (RR®. P’cPr/. Prffvr/. Pi^rPtw. qnrm.
Ceremoniousness, n. v. A. 2. WfW- v. Intermission. Uffft/. st^Rot-
B'rf =T T°Tn. 4.ftq;qnT qR?Tn.
#3-qn. RTfiT
^d^r^fe/. * Cession, v.V. act.
Ceremony, n. v. Rite. RfT^r/* dtRf/. qqqiTRn.
— gener. or loosely. sRTSRMtHlim Ceylon,
n. SPOT/-
Chai’e, v. a. excite by rubbing.
. f%f^r/.
qitR & c. Rrf :Tr/.-'sfIf'iL
Cloosing c. — gener. ^RPRn.
: ;
3'qKTni -%tTT»».-&.'c. a?r°pT, %*T TOMK4i'R<< T»-
Conductor of a c. qrfstdi »*• __

Civilities. RreTfoRPCm. RKCR- 2 wear by rubbing, fret, abrade, v. To Rub. Rf55

2 forms of civility, v.
g^r/. ssrh /.
&c 3 To Anger. %<m, fe^fR 5!.
3 /or»« of state. sRr^ttfajn - fsiwr »n. - Ct<T/. - v.

OT- To Chafe, u. n. rave, boil, v. To Fume. 'SRqre5!,

'Master of the ceremonies, v. Conductor. WRPFfini.
TSifR /. inlens. p'S h4iAn».--d'2''h'!f/.
TRT m . #IPr£«n.
Certain, a. sure, confident, undoubting. Pn$r5R, PfWS?', Rg-cFr^rrm. ^“T-
Chaff, Husks, wrm. iqRn. W5jt/. W^n- f«-
pp#r, Prrt, Pmt, fsPtsr, rrPtsr, fsPr«R,^Pr*R, n. v.

pop. tffin.m.
PtRrjrrt, Pwrhr^, PwrPrt, sfiRPrek, Prafcg^, It- j

JRRPI, IrHS"?, R5FT &c. Crd-Cf^iT-^pT, pRfrfR- To Chafer. See To Haggle.

2 indubitable, undeniable. PmRT, pTSRRFF, «Rlfe*V l
Chafing-dish, n. §iRr/> rsft/- 5H*tt /•
Pfsr^ PrPnr Chagrin, n. 5 SWT/^
Prea^^r, Ptrsh, Pritrt, "SRtfr, , ,

PtrP, PRfirsfftT, pRRRifPrr, Rfra, ft four. To Chagrin, v. a. vex.

3 of sure occurrence or action unfailing. JT^Pr, ,

PwNi, Chain, «. dim. ^Rsp£t/. 5T^r/-
RRr, Fine c. (as of a watch, Sic.). 'SlPRl/-
PreifcR', Prat?, Prasnr, rphrsf, arf^r,

Large and tMck e.
4 ‘settled, stated, fixed. tURf, PtpR, pRpTf pop. %PFT, Litile c. C. of two or three links, *f£tJ-

2 fetter, bond, shackle, lit. fig. 4sr«t* W’Tw- Wot* FWf/* 5T-
Proper, rrPt, *m.
5 V. Some. tpjfCRr, PrfttRT. ^r^r#«TOT.

A c. 3TfF, RJFKr, RRRr or R.

person. To rivet one’s chains, m^f 3?m*
Certainly, adv. v. A. 1. pTRtif, PPSTRT, PpqfdWt, ^TSHRPtR, S series, concatenation , BRWtjf* WfW pop, Vfffif*

&c. Pnarra, ^t¥, Pm^Nr, Pramrat, PrPrerj^tP, f» pTvtfeTm. 5f5Tn-/. %Pr/. »TRiJ4f/. STRJRn-
aRPt. To Chain, v. «. HreRR,
3 without fail. R^fT, STaRT. sTaRTF*, RaRTRSF, sUPf’f'T, »T- Chain-siiot, n. wflrO Ptst/- #R>fRt/.
IRT jarac, spHR, ,
aPT^**, Pr«FT, PWPfNt, PWTRaFK Chained, p. v.V. WFRR ^TRpR, 5T?45tR®-.
PrafftR, Prat?, PrafeR, sreteR, or Rr, f*w
3 fiw, Chaining, n. v.V.-—act. tTRRRw. 3T^RrtT»n-
agra, Rre, aqTRR or fl orx, Tr?R, PlW, PRRt or
3 ?T, g€- Chair, n. ?JC# /•
pRrrra, qferesr. JSasy c. or seat.
pTMW4 uil»nPr-
A. PTRFT/. 2 seat of authority. "jTrlt /. ®WTCHi*. H^RRiRn- ^Wra^fn.
Certainness, Certainty, n. v. 1.

Krrctn- Pr«prwi. Pt-rpm. Rr?fT /. rptc^tw/- PrrasRRn. Pra- Chairman, n. v. President. 5mT=TPr5im. ^WTqPrm. *WPWm.
^?c4n. st?-&c. Tflrrtn. ^fWROT. ^OTRRili.
2 Pr^i?f/. Prara^mrm. Prer ragr/- ®Pr#i/. 2 See Bearee.
pR#rRrar/. g-f^t^wm. Chaise. See Carriage.

8 pT^rm. =rf«IR«. aTf^WflT /. 3T^Wlft3T/. RWflTO/. Chaixebony, n. fewrfOT.

1 a e. a real and fixed thing. a<r^-pTrtR-PwlRR- &c. Chalk, n. ^pHt /. PaWffli. #^/.- fRWlt/, The English
aftE/.~PW»».-&c. word under the form of RRT is common.
Cirtiyicate, «. Rit/. ^XUn. <RT«. (in Red c. sRlWrjm. fCTTRm.
comp, with the indicating noun, as Rf%qpfc. of purification j
To Challenge, v. a. call to contest. 5RTTif. HP# with 3Pf»
\ , , , — -

&c. qRq, crRt/ wir v.V. N .—state, km. ifcm. qf^Zm. pqqqqwi. fqqrfq/. sjq^qf-
wM®o/ o. fzqrq. <TOi. ftqffeqji. ^qfcfTr. ^TTOm. ^-qqwrqm. qf^qRoi. fqq-
2 See To Claim. 3 — as a sentry, fZTq, qqqTFTq. nrqqqw.
Challenger, Challenging, n. v,V. 1. act. qzrf qrqqn q- I small money. 3qqqTm. (copper change), iffy?/.

scnprn. g^fTOFTn. prFqqqqw. Keeper of c. for traffic

To accept a c. fqZT«n qq?fq. Changeable, a. v.V. A. 1. possible to he changed, ffeqiqr-

Chalybeate, a. impregnated with iron. qffqq frrpJTrT, R€- qqqrqr Ac. qr-%qr~^rqqr-&c. qrcqrrT ^qrqr#qr-Ac. fq-
qqrfR-q, RcqqrRqr. qjtqqqfq.
Chamade, fqvc#7i. I changeful mutable tunable, inconstant fickle
(of a gun).
n. apartment
?I#qrm. #3Tm. ^Tst/. qZfli.
v. Room. ^FRf/. itT^t /.


qzz^q ^rq^cj^



Chameleon, n m&m m. m?m* vfisr, arfen^rer, ^rfq^qfe', Sgriq^r^f', aTftqrfqq,

Chamfer, Chamfret, n. v. Groove. kfqql /. ^prtjrt, Rrvfro Rr, |-fcs:rTFT^'q#q, ^rqz
Chamois. See Goat Changeableness, n. v.A. 1. fqr^qfqf Ac. qiqqqfin.
To Champ, v. a. ^fqq, qqsfq*. 1 qrq?qw. qrqrqn. ^^zqr/. ^q^qr/. ^qvrqfk/. qq^qfe/.
C hampaign, n.flat, open country v. Plain. , qfeq or qdqqn. qR^jfe/. ^fqTjf^/.-fqqrcm-k^qm-qr^qqr/.
TOm.^rsTtt. Changed, /> v.V. N. qq^BT fqrq&R, qrq qz^R-?rr%?rr, Ac, ?

Champion, ?i. warrior #e. v. Hero. qtTm. TOTPRlPCfli. qqn- frofttr, ftf q,%fq, ^qq.
srr»». qrarrm. Changeling, n. changed child. qfzqfqq TORn.
Chance, n. — as tlie cawso of events, v. Fortune, qqw. %qirRr/. 2 fickle person, v. Changeable. ^zrq^ r To zzzzvqc
By c. t?pr, ^fnjr%, %^tt, Irmrnt., l^rfr, irre»*PT?irr, Channel, n. (of a river, Ac.) v. Bed. qpqn.
2? (for water, for irrigation, Ac.). qRTm. TTrTRt f f-
2 fortune , jfatfe, tfwrra «/£>, /wc/e, v. Fortune, Destiny, %q- vwf.pop. qrr^qrm.
csrr/.^iTfr/. %ror/. ^qrs^r/. sr%r»» twfcfrn. fafMfr- Raised c. or course. cTfTfw.

3r»i. nitR-fm ™. 8^e%r»*. *hr«. mr5^. 3 (to carry off water) gutter. #fft 0r qfk /. TO-
3 casual or fortuitous occurrence, v. Accident. 5^T3jr». Rqrr /. qqr^t /. m°Tt/.
cf=Rfcr?i. ^rr^rffrs^T)*. sjsrxur f- 4 (as of a pillar, Ac.), krqqt /. q^^t/
4 possibility of occurrence, fen, fefqqr/. or fpqnft-q- 5 strait. ?qf Zf/.
^rnfl-Ac. w^r/.-wq^.-wRr/ qzqrqftrm. qzqsiqqqr/. medium
6 ^Kpop. $Rn. qfafm. qjr/.

Chance, a. casual v. Accidental, tqrqq, tTSjfkr, tw#, To Chant, Ac. See To Sing, Song, Ac.
^rr3ff^,fqRrimr. Chaos, w. primeval confusion ^qqWq tfqferfff /. ir^TOTCw. .

To ChInce. See To Happen. wrsqqw/.

Chancellor, w.-one of the ministers. •ffewOTm- Reduction of c. TqrT’Cq?*.
Chancery, n. TOT TOTTO /* 1

2 See Jumble.
Suit in c. fig. Wfr f w W^T Chaotic, a. v.V. N. L smrfff, ^ rKlfTqffqqr, ^TqqTfq^q,
2 Confused, ^oqqfqqq^ wmff,
Chancre, n. ^grm. To Chap, v. n v. To Crack, qr^rq, feq, qzqzq, ^arf^rq.
Chandelier, n. pqm. grRTw. or fqRr% 3rnr«. ffTOJm. Ready to e. qrrqr.
To Change, v. a. put or quit for sA(jfc qq^rq, qR£q, qgrSt/. Chap, n. v. Crack, irq /. qrz/.
T^q. 2 v. Jaw- qqr^/. orlkn. fq/.
2 interchange . v. To Exchange. TO55JTO35T Chaps. ^PTZf or n#i.ww. wTlRTn. EJRfn.joA TOftr/.
&c. mftg.ofo. To lick the c. %qssqr / qf~
s ato, rory. q3Rq, qrzarq-, feqqq, qfeq, q^Psprr qrq, ^qq.
%^w.~^q7rCw,-^m.-^qrq^%,~^:q^m.-*^c. qpcq g\o/ o. 3 (of a channel, river, Ac.), qfe.
4 (money), ijtqq-. Chap, r. v Fellow, Zwrwtm. qqffiqm.
To Change, *>. n. suffer change. qqsfq^ Fftrqr, qfeq qrsszq, Chap-fallen, a. qrz zqqqqf, jfTj^T §fwr,
mm “qqm.~3Tqrw*~ Ac, qqq in. con. or fuqg'.of o.

rfqz or ff qz.
<H> “ fkPFKn* - ^T-qq-miq w. -Ac. qfqq. To be c. qrex*qrrq-qqqq g.oj s. qfqni pi. qqq g.oj $.
To c. for worse.— esp. of persons. qqsrm. ^rq,fqqR /. sqr- Chape, n. hold, hooker. Catch, sqzqrqrc. «TTOrq«-

% Fqqqq, fqqqq, qrrrft /• fqvcq or qrqqrRT q^q. 2 (of a scabbard, Ac.). %qRT or qfqRm.n.
Change, Changing, n* v.V. A. I*— act. qRZqn, qq^qx Chapel. See Church.
2 TO55TT5T5*/: zzmz^f fqfqqqtn. Chapiter, m, upper part of a pillar,
3 firrrori. qrzsqn. Ac. 3fc«n. Chaplet, n. garlandfor the head, v. Garland. qcqqfR/. tr»
4 #fqq?L mm. qrerrw.
CJllA 113 CHA
C used at marriages. /. urfmssmf 4 enjoin, exhort, §c. v. To Command. T3TR°T, f^T
WT, qrrWOT or T3Tr|vr-T'WT ;T-?3'JT^-&e. TTWt.
Reticulated c. Zf&tf. 5 rush upon, assail, v. To Attack. ?rafm.- :3Tvr/.- f3 :

22 string »n.

Chapter, n
of beads,
division of a hook.
v. Rosary. STTirfSTf J.

ni qr’Rn
/. ^TOJIFT f.
. q3jm
, -TRjT 5jft with
of o.
6 lag against or set to as a debt
stIwtC gjr

-TrT!-*TfTf T'C fsrft-JTf^T

^ .

T^R. SRTOTtt qfok'm. ^FOn. tfF^m. ^Jm.n ff-of s. wrwra irt^t-^r#.

To Char, v. a ^imFm. o 0 0a
j 7 ask as price, payment, S, c W5rn.
Char, Char-work, «. or/ri or dag work, JTrtn.-
Sjsi^rRTa. ^T^FRn. &.c wipr-sm.
^RTRrrm. ^ jn Charge, Charging, p. v. V. 2 act. ^TfVYTtii.
Char-woman-, r BTnrqrrtfr / qr^VUT ^spR-rPr /. /*.
/. f-TTTT'T'TT /. HJTT^l
#r^m / 3 nrum. arfafiirm.

Character, Mark.


writing or printing]
Tfsirr j£.

3T?JCn* qcf/n.
4 fsmn. wmtn. &c. ffr^/.Ttmr /.
5 ^rar f.
m nf. ?imrz or ft f.
f3 manner of writing v. Hand. fkfq pop.kfttfj. <F&cfn.
C. by a body of horse. Jrl ?/.

Arabic or Persian c. apRf&fr qTqpff

f. f. I powder, S/c filled in a gun. THTm. JTCm.
Common business -c. of tlie Maratlias C
yjfT f\ T^pefr p^fq- f. of nails, stones, balls, &c tJTTfm.
frsrnc f*wf tflrcirr / or fr^T/o It responsible custody, control ^e,
4 (of a person) distinguishing
, l^Tw.
die, fjpp^n./;
qualities. qq n. ksrpr/. ?Fmmf. fTOw / ^^qr^lr/. cr^/.
JTf'Tm. fq^qqoy/??,^. fqsrqq^u. qqTrajqn.
^aTRT^f V'tphnpl. gener. or freely.
That is under the e- of. fSTJJTqqiT,
4 (of a
thing, place, &c ). 3J3T /.
m fq- Under the c or care of. or sSf or Ik
/ III command or conduct of fcwFT/. mmf. TO?riTrcr /.
5 personage sqfrfT /. fiffgSRwi. IV object committed to the c. of.
6 (in a play)jyarf.
mimf. a?rqf/. f

Costume of a JTfinrr/.
V {as troops under the c. of,
Of an assumed c. qrq^ql. ) f,
VI business, Sfc. charged, trust conferred, commission,
To act in c, act tike one's self, 8TPT5?Tttf cidv. qppL
qrwn. ^ifk^FFVm.
We must act in c. qq)T% qrcfc WFim VII expense, v. Cost.
7 certificate of the c. of. STnnqn. mnmmn. mmmWn- To Charge, v. n. make an onset ^f.-^Zm.-^Fm^&e.
^TOn. Charge d* Affaires, n. v. Conductor,
S credit, reputation. &{[&/. mm. qf?n. qq/. Charger, n. v. Dish, m.
To lose one’s c. jr^ ^ o/ s. 2 tear horse. STgT^T %%Fm. mm&Fm*
Characteristic, « c7y Tn. k^rqiR. sqrfqw. r3
Chariot, n. v. Carriage. V4m.
Characteristic, Charactehisticae, a. Wf?Ap°T¥, nwwrm Charioteer, n. WCp-T or urc^F, m f
ktqqqfrqq/ Charioteering, n. WCWr-
i o^miaracterize, «u. designate by some stamp or mark.
a'f- Charitable, a. hind in judging, §c.
RTcT- qfeq-&c. qrc4. fQR&ff,
m%k. eiq-fei-- &c. ott-W
2 describe thee. of. arOTn. mm ff.of o. &m- 1 alms-giving ^Ry4f, STR^lf qTC^fTr, Wfe, ^rfJRT ir-
3v*UT n. - - qq?} mn. cjfCH g\of o.

Tfcrr, fRq;qir
Characterized, p. v.V. ?
1. affair, orfafT, ^d’WFufT, 55OTfi|r
’ ’ wrwtf
frsrfar, frfotr.
Charitableness, n. v. A. I. ^rqf^fe/,
Charcoal, n. ^fs^OTm.
Red hot c. fqqqt^j* or
mn /. wrfwwm.
Charity, n . love, kindness, benevolence. f
Charcoal-burner, n. %%Ff* SPIT/,
q^rq^T^jfe/. qcfecfjfe /.
To Charge, ®. a. See To Fiu. To Load. 2 (with some bus- 2 liberality to the poor.
mess, matter or thing,) commission R"
entrust, v. To Commit, ,

—compreh, charitable
TTT*’ ^
-TfHfT- &C. CTRof- acts and tvorks. ^TOTtn,
°T m ^ ^’fjTr ^fat, afltn.-JT.Tm.-W3: /. A charitable impulse,
-wsswn. Jr^ffrqrsrt,^^ 3rt°T. Note. In all these ren-
dermg-s the business charged is the
object of the verb, and the
C* begins at home, mfa fer
C. is always on the morrow,
m kw.
person, charged with it is in the ®!mv.
genitive case, TTfTFr tJT5*t Object of c.
' ' ^Rqr=rw.
NlfiTt with ?TJ-.
Woi'k or act of public c. ^T^fq^rCw. OT^tfn* '

3 (with a crime) accuse. NTClW, Nrd'rm.-NRrtJTm. ^TCt To devote to c. (to charitable purposes). mrZPT
with HT^rr or JTRt JT^t, Nrojt w i(/ t
m or mm.
! — , "


Chary. See Frugal.
3 aims. Prar^op. w vf. *nrm. f arsre’sr ttr«.
To Chase, Chase. See To Hunt.
C.—paper. SRTFT 1 t\ f- <T#t /.
Chasm, n. cleft, fissure, breach . &RT/*
By or on KTuN’^f, STArT^f-T.
In c. For

c. &c. START, AAtVlU, WKTW- 3jr^«. *T*r 3T3 n. 3 1Tf^STR. JT3

T^ 7 t. W&m.
out for sauce 3T5T9Wf%^T 3Trf&T RTC- Chaste, a , of females. ^ET^Tt,
Dine upon c. and call !
N. B-
TAARFr woman for words appli-
Quack. These words apply chiefly to married ;

Charlatan, &-c. See

^ cable to unmarried, See Continent, and Virgin.
Charles’s wain, n. v. Bear. <sH£& qPSRn- <0Tty»R
fan. fWfl- t'R’Tr or 2 not obscene ; decent, pure.
Charm, «. magic words, spell, S,c. fam
die. qftw, Ptr^*, ti^.
fuirrm. mvftf
Charms and spells,— compreh. ^OTTTn. TTWA or JTPIT- 3 — languiige or style. ^BPJ,

To Chasten, To Chastise. See To Punish.

mim armcAW /.
. mf Arerarerm.
«nCI»- Chasteness, Chastity, n v. A. 1 . £pfA.
Charms and incantations to produce death or evil.
and SToJTfinTnrm.
There are amongst the Hindus charms
addressed against all the afflictions and
charmed things
Some are 3 fe/. mvftn. /.
tive apprehensions of life.
Chastisement. See Punishment.
$fc*rfr, aaT, Pcrtcr,
wfnr, faxrm, act, atct?, tfte,
familiarly or easily. r?ISr/. pi- gBFT-
*nfe 2’o Chat, ». n.
ipgrycr or fsrrafl fa, AiRfirt, aarja or af^rarvrr , ,

3Tife i:!T'^ n “ c •

pop. 5?/. fa,™, crater, cn#T, rrawr, rarc* ^“T, flffe pl--^ fe^RT^f f-pl-- '

> *

*CT, mvw, imf-pi.

orTATti', 2—
/. pi. faj°T- Tfrrhr.
Command of charms and spells. AAfAfe'/.
Idiocy produced through the misapplication
of a c {fa ) fa- 23—
Jalk idly, v. To Prate. #,
WZm. (and the person so affected, AWA^TT). V. or mf. V-
Chat, Chatting, n. v. 1. Tfrfefflffl
To acquire command over charms, &c. AffATAAn- TTCT-
To apply, set, or casta c. AAATRTm- AfCT, fam.jjrfa-W-
mszrn. m or mf- ’ffrrsrr or wzmf-pi- ififewn.
aa-jaar, Air«n-ArcTl f- ara-arta, atct! /• arca.
2 and Prate. *RTr fpl- W^f
Trifan. or
Beautv. tAAT Al$ APSAA
2 Charms; v.
ChattlEjR. moveable possession, qcft^jfl/. W<5°*n. •
subdue or by charms, bewitch, $c. W- Chatties. flRTft/. frfaKf. mmrf ^x^». t^rr?«•/
To Charm, v. a. affect

qfvr, it# or aaca, ATfA, atvftf- w-wr,

wr«- apta-ct C^ffesrfm.
— as a pie, & c.
_ ^ ^ „
f.j V^Vf To Chatter, v. n.
ypr, aFaAAA, Afffm. - AlAAt f-fffz

&c. AIASA-AfCT, %EATn- -jfAAii.-ATASn.- & c. AiTA, AFAA-

intern f^T-T-f R /• ffr^T.
monkey. or intern.
as a
&c. arca.
2 enchant, captivate, fascinate.
^ ^ ^
AriA, Wffm.-AtfAl/
- 1 WW, #6 "T.
the teeth. tfrC^TCf adv.-^T^S adv.WV,
IT55-/. &c. SpJA, APCA, 43TATCT, AAAA, tAAn--AAlt*lAn.-&c.
fawg.ofo. Aff?T-qrfsrA-&c. atct.
mv- „ „ .

-&c. 4 talk idly, v To Prate. 4#T, f pi-

3 off; (scorpion-sting, &c.). *hH-AA Zffif-fa Al'AH .

&c vmfpi-
- ^c°r-
&c aFaaIW, TfROT-qr^. _
Charmed, p . v. V. 1. AAC&5ST, AiffA,
Chatter, Chattering, n. v. V. 1 . fwfaftf mWm- r
AiHA. . intens. or-
tst. fm. Z*VKf.
2 arc^at, AvrarsT, ArfiA, tfef,
WKf, AACTTO, & TV^faiZm. 4T^PTm. Rp^FUt.
Charmer, n. Charming, p.a.vV.l. c.

2 Rf^^oTn. fsmn. &c.

fax, fa fa, aisat.
2 and Agreeable. W?3T, ARF, NWCf, NlWCl, *RTfC,
aakat, tAAT, 4 and Prate. WZWKf mr«. irqorJI=q/. *F11OT«.
jT%nct, aaita, ir^fRrmr, aart, . .
fiff, fiTAf, atta^t, ArrA^ft, or T-^r,
Ciiatteu-box, n. v. Prater. JFffSW,
s swtkt, ^rfr. ^
qs’q^rr, qf^iRT.
(Farming, n. v. V. 1. AfAAn- AffAn. &c. AffAn. Affm. Affff-
Chatterer, n. Chattering, p.a. v. V. 1 . and Prater.
pop. nfaf. favn. AfAAAAn. tstIarcar. ifamrf^
2 AfAAn. AiA wfain. %%A AiT°t«’ &- e -AffAn. fam. ARffCTn- qqrqpi: onTr, qrfflf s'qrcr, ii'fflewr,
^HfeRPT 5Tfrsq«>fr^
J^i'«pr«..< srirn.
Chatty, a v. N. L and ,

f^rfCrn. ; m£tn.
Chat-wood, n. little sticks, v. Fuel. »!$*
Charon, n. q«T^T«i.
Chart, n. ^rggORT ^wrm. ^rrSTTStsTf^Tn. ifflC^r^T Ifan. pi. m^vmrfpi- mm mm f pi-

iSTHHWn- To Chaw. See To Chew.

t .’karter, n. deed of grant, mzf. STTHffn-
— . , , — -


Cheap, a. mm, W*, ¥*TO FrrfRr, Wir S acclamation, v. Shout. ipsTOm •TR*##®*- ’SFTffrsffm.
&c *RT#rrft, yot- To Cheer, v. a. gladden, v. To Rejoice. WITtn. gKT°t g °fo.
Dirt-c. potato, qsrrfiTrffr, waRqr #r^RT- jat.qfpir,

'POT , *TP?t% *lNiiff fi^T ! - ?“t- sfR , m. 2 comfort, To Console. 5tRRq,
v. aTP4Te“T.
To be dirt-c.
s- 3 incite, inspirit, v. To Animate. tfqn.-tflTw- ff°T, ^rftrfwi*
ff“T g.ofs. Tim- irrOT g- °f ^
*C®r, TOT#, SETOI#, Rsift/.-^u. ejpFr-ijvTj srr^raY , siTYrfi-T a.-ffftgtfff «• -y vl «J Hn. - & c. tFC°r.
To Cheapen, v. a. Preff

TO#, 'Traff-ff3r-Y3T &c. g.ofo.

qr3®T-^r#r ,

mm ¥#, TOP#, mm, TOTP#, wwi, 4 salute with cheers. Yq5r j

-I 'RTT m .
qrfff /• g.ofo.
To Cheapen, v. n.
Cheered, p. v. V. 1.
#rrfn.-fTOT f.-mim.-mm /• &c. q#-aTO#q#lf#-¥TO-
PtflrffprfrfT , , Rfff
2 eiffqrfrfr, & c.
Cheaply, adv. v. A. TOTO, TOTTf^, ,
#3W TOIff- 3 s?rYrerf®r, YrYri%ff, ffk*rrf??r.

Cheerer, Cheering , p. a. v. V. 1. TfpfTWIU,

n. A.c. TOq-
mmif- mmif- TO/, qnrqr-qriTf, s.TR? 4K4r-5T tqr- & c. etrffg'qr.

Cheapness, n. v A if TORT/.
2 3t5Tff ^n-YTWTTj&c. gt^rfqr, TOWNS', 3TPJTFiY, *TTYT-

To Cheat, v. a defraud, trick, v. To Deceive. TO#, TO- ^qjf-qnfr.

#, Yar#,##, Jnrnc“T, mmf. mm, mum mum. Cheerful, a. gay, lively, v. Merry. argSTEtt, Adul, ?T-

Cheat, n. fraud, trick, imposture, mzmf- TOTff/. mtmf- 5?rq3Tff, UTOYtsT, TOvtqffff, ffSiR'ff, ^51^.
TOYT, TOW, TOM Wc. 2 (of disposition) habitually cheerful. afRft, 3WYt,
2 cheater, v. Rogue. ’fffW, TOc.
sire, fro, totto.
mrmor sTR'fffFvr, HfjffPff, ta^rtreqr, ?q?r#r5Tl.

Cheerfully, adv. v. A. 1. 2. with gaiety, willingness, fyc. spr-

Cheated, p. v. V. TO#rfr, TT^r^^srr, &c. qfwr, fffrrFw.
or ’pTCSfr-
Cheating, n. v. V.—act. TO#n. qtTOTn. TO#\f TOMTO/. PTR, HirKTOft
•srfcrw- tom€i/. imn #rt/. uror**. wpcm/-
q'ltff, TO5T Sfff.qROT W=T-
Cheerfulness, A. 1. BTRffw. awfeatn. spf^-
To Check, v. a. repress, curb, v. To Restrain, TO#, ^TfTT, n. v.

grqm. stpp#, y##, mimm, wtotr.-Frnrnm. mm wqw. ceFffvrn.

2 stR'ff^trnrm. BTRffirrqin. ®TRff|fTr/- ’ffsrra-
g\ of o.
2 (an account, paper, &c.) v. To Compare. F?fq«.

&c. <rr#. Cheerless, Cheerlessness. See Comfortless, & c.

Check, Checking, n. v. Y. 1. act. !WT». 3Mr#«> &c. sp?- Cheerly. See Cheerful, Cheerfully.
Cheese, n. 'RlPm. mmrn. Tfflm.
TTOP/. WTOffn. fWffin.
To be under the c. of. araFTOrffTOrff#T-TOfff WT. Chemical, a. v. N. CWffTOlRT, CHnra^nr^fTt-fqTOT-^-
1 person, fye. cheeking, TOW™. 5TWC, TOTdT, 3TRT <f#t. g-irrtt-&c.

II term at chess, Chemist, n. YPrrTOvff, CfrPRWqYr, PPfTiR3JR3sr, PtffSRt-

*q ?r mi.
III order for money. Pfft/-
Chemistry, Chimistry, n. CRR^T^gtr/- YtU4H'4fl-
Check-mate, n. f -

c. with a pawn, mtopt/. wm/. mcmf. mn. qqT 4?RrFtqYqrft?rr/-

To Checker, v. a. variegate, diversify. fisPTOl<?TT 3tT°T To Cherish, v. a. foster, fyc. v. To Nourish. 71-

-#Tf#TT-&e. mmr. arorn -q-rrfYf'qn.-Trrf^qmn.- &c. of o.

Checker-work, n. &c. «KT*In. 2 harbor, indulge, m&m, Ktm, ‘-TC"T.
Cherisher, n. Cherishing, p. a.v. V. 1. qTa°rRT, '11^,*!%-
Checkered, p. v. V. FjffTOfrTC, WH#, f^wRPrf
Cheek, n. irr^m- TIRT'ET or a or C«. or grrTOJrn. 3T- TTrfqr, qtrfff- &c. atvtf-'KK'E'.

ftrfm. mm. mmsrm. mm — . in abusive or angry style. Yf- Cherishing, v. V. 1 act. l&Wn. &c. qRR pop. PTOTn. <tf-

MSn. 4prrat /. or ##tf. osprftqn. irflr'Trrf'in.

The cheeks, Cheroot, n. =pTi».

Flush or color in the c. Cherrymerry, n. present. %ft^F(t/. PlYTa. PRHTTCt/.
Chess, pop. jJfqsrn. or ^«)cfcNI#S5in. PifrfJT or JHff-
Flushed cheeks. fTO3% To get one’s cheeks flush- n.

ed. fcmg.ofs. tarm-

Hollow or concavity of the c. puffed out. or an. ffT- To play at c. jrrS or #55«T. Some of the terms

used at Chess are aTTOfft, STOtTST, fraurff, ff?5IfT,

rffrft /. tort /.
To pinch and pull the cheeks of. or JTfrfjrft /. Proa# FffffK or ft, or PT, TOt, RltffTff "KTjft, f- ,

JTTrfJI ^ iw - JTrrfjq Wlm. -irrrfRTm mg.ofo.

sft, wrarf ,
%rfl, #rftqr€t, m* t, ?^r, or star,

To smack or slap the cheeks, v. Face. 4Hi#. ™r-

Ciiess-boakp, qrm*/. » *
Cheek, n. provisions for a feast or meal, v. Food. m)(n, pi. n.

mmmmpop. Chess-man, «.

2 state of gladness, v. Joy. agtrem. STPfffm. WTOPTW/. Chest, n. v. Box, 4^f fmm. W^f
, / .


2 (of the body). W^STtz. ft/. pi. To be with c. v. Pregnant. qfs:r#"RiTf C-&:c.

wm f pi Children g^Rf &'»./>/. m&n,

Pain of the
c. STRim. TOqrffm.
pi ^W %go? g2*5fn. qiC^K'n jy/. qrRq^/t

Chest-foundered, a. *K§W - qpr^ Amongst, by,

3>(\ with, dec. c. WTi ^ f, 0.
To be c. sncT 3T? jraj, or ^T#. Fondness for c.
Chestnut, a. of horses, rff^f fir. — Trinkets, d. c. worn by

c. qfsr^of or RR.
Chevaux be frise, n. ^Rfsft/. qrR^ft. Fitting c. — ai tides of clothing, Ac. or oft.
To Chew, v a masticate, ^pRT,. 5
!, WTn. qRoj g\ ofo. M Readily fRfpT,
intelligible to e.
2 roll in the mouth champ =qr=RT, zsr. .
Child-bearing, Child-birth, Child-bed,
n. the state of be-
3 %. ruminate §c sjqrni. ^fa^T, SfTO^s /. - ^Rofrj. ip?
, ing in labor ; also, the act of bringing forth. q,sqqajfni, qf-
g.ofo. ^d^r/. qgFr^r/. rrudm. rrgFr
To Chew, v. n. ruminate upon qpfi Easy c. giqqHTin
2 eat tobacco , opium bhang $<?. jffsfl /. ^gr^. Pams
, , of c. wlarqr /.
Chewing, n. v. V. A 1 —^ ^pRTm Ac. =qW/2 Woman after c. (just delivered), qfspf J\

/. qqFdqrr /.
Chicane, Chicanery, w. v. /rtifices qpnSTTni *S%q§fm. gFqqrr /.
or q-f^q^rm pi. W*F&n. iTi&qjjRn. Woman in c. 3?R1 FffqF^<-%#r /, ^Rp^qr-f JTfgfTn. t

Chick, Chicken, n Ff|/?. Attendance upon a w. in c. qRRTOm. qrffr^JT^f/.

Chicken-fox, n . ^r^F-qr /- p/. Betel-roll, baby-clothes, Ac. presented to a w. after e.
Tb Chide. See To Reprove. To Scold. ff 3 Tm.
Chief, a. principal, capital head, first. SRjjq*, ipqj^ qffR ff-
Bracelets given to a w. recovered from impurity of e.
g^c°r or oft, g^;cto, srrFr, 3 trt, *rr&*r, wqosr, ^?n*ft,
w, w, WHT or 37%BT, %, 3rW, qrq, IRH, ffgiff, JFHT, Caudle to a w. in c. *Tw.
frfcrr, ^mr,jVrcqr, mmft, comp, as usrtt, TRi-
crsrr (in Chamber for or of a w. in c. #f?f /. qfssq
*T M OT chief priests, &c.), qx <A qq (in comp, as
, fe- Disease incidental to a w. in c. IRm .

g^PT , qcrf), Rff (in comp, as tffar RFC, Rt3\ XC- Foul clothes of a w. in c. qrfoSf/i. q[sr#n.
r%, fftrcrc). House in which is a w. in c. qfsrqqTn.
Chief, Chieftain, n . commander leader, v. A. cmc/ Conduc-
Necessaries for her infant given to a poor w. after e.
tor. RqsFjoop. qrC^Tm. ftdtii.
Chiefly, acfo. y. A. TTHTT^ir^T, «T- Rice, A c. sent to a w. on the tenth day after c. fqgojn.
fffwq, wren, qpTF^t, PrSw;, Stiing cast (after consecration) around the neck of the w.
Chiefshif, Caieftainry, n. v. N, XCST^t/. /. qrq- her infant, ^f/.
^t/. sn^qoiTm.
Worship of deities on the fifth day after c. qpqff
f — on the
Chilblain, n
^RTm. fro&qrr/.
mss- sixth, m
or mf. ygnmn. W$lf.—on the tenth*
Belonging to c.
To be affected with c. — a limb, spfRf Child-hood, n. fr &Wn. ScpcWm.

qRqojfm. c^fRq^/n
Child, n. TOTm.
qfOn./.n, (fi{j\ Tjn.) jpr m j.n. g. mfzwn. mmn. zrrtmmf trgrew. ijmn. fcrsmn. fwvrmr /.
^rm. (ffr/. qfasra. ?ii7Rn, srato. yR^ mwn. F^r-
—carelessly, generally,

(^RTXt/.) ctf&rin. T3RTm.

(vfy*. 1*71.) qK^ztc

Second c.

Practised or versed in from

Childish, a.

e. WWf^Tt. %RFWR.
TRqrr qrOF>,
qfiCXTOu — in endearment, qrFfTm. ffpm. qprr orkfsqTm. jT®-,

^r#«. STOTm. (#1/. ^n.) qwfm. or^tn. To be e. ^larOT, frsSr.
Wfn. TO (hkc roywo) Wi/ui. tfRJWm. %qwrni. BR^m. CniLDisnNBSS, n. v. A. %wr«.
Wfff or
or contempt, as brat,
— q2Tfw.

to a female c. W /. in anger
qk%zm. mrjfe-
' ‘ f.

, S?c. qfcsrm. (itf. Itn.) qftZf xrtfm. strife/.
or SFR^Tm. (iff. Zn,).
Childless, a. aTOcfR’, aTfTffffr, ^rgir, aT^TTftr, snnr, ^TTJJTftqr
C. of one’s old age. %& TRn .
g- ^rPRpr, &c.
C. woman. ^TRPR
C.s pky. fr^^r/. ^rra^TTO" /. qrr^Rrq-n, ^r^irffn* Childlessness, n, v. A,
Cds speech,
fg^rfR-it. gpqTRwi.
ff^grqr/. Child-like, a . resembling or becoming a c. qF£RTR<§f ?
I on sure of the head of a c, (to form
* qRn. 8 fro«nnr.

g • »
Chili, b. capsicum frutescens.
fqc^/. PfKWf or %jif J\
c. jtrgacf, afrqsrr.
Chilis pounded into a mass, fqsgrn. 'qfqqrm.
Better no c. than a bad c.
JWRrWF fTOffR #, Red chilis pounded. /. mmftf. g^^Tm,
^ — — D , .


2 (of stone, &lc.) piece chipped or sliced off. 3KT^Tm. dim *
Chiliod, n. srrS^Tm.
Cold. ?F^rr or ixra. SHt or or
Chill, Chilly, a.— of the air or things, v. 53CT, qFTq=ft/.

g-cpSIm. or S'B'gt/. or kf^TF & ^^qTm. iam fcTOTt &


2— cf the feeling, v. Cold .

f f (f or fc-T- g-^qt/. & >sp7qz: or^^Zn. Pjrq^t/. fS^S& or HT^I /.
Chips, Chippings. ^TfZ^r /. ^’TTwi.
Wf^-Scc. nr^r.
v A mftf. fSPOT/. Chipped, />. v. V. ^rra^ST, iTE.
Cihll" Chilliness, n. 1. f

Of which the c. is taken off. fsmsr, Chipping, n, v.Y. — ao/f. FffOTn. cfF^m. rTr^ 0!!/• cTF^ETWr^Rr n . TO°Tw.

To take off the e. of, or to lose its c. ( — water). TT^RT ClIIROLOGIST, 71. V N. sfT^TW^F.
Chirology, 71. art of talking with the fingers . ^qraff^RFF jf
2 chilly fooling, fffn. Rh^ft or f?JTn efT^TTm. ^v3T- qr^qjgft/.
Chiromancer, Ciiirograpiiist, n. v. N. f frPTFf TRT 1

fift/. tter».
"Chills and flashings. fJfT^OT^Tfr, f

n be affected with cold, f 'f°T ffiOTT Chiromancy, n. divination by the hand . HF^fe^ n *

To Chill, v. . f ,

2 be chill-struck,— plants f^iarE^T. Fi^r /.

To Chill, v. a. make chilly . &c. ' To Chirp, v. n . of birds. f%qpTq"^T,


2 v. To Discourage. #i^r> qr^°t~Cr#f. 2— of’ insects. adv. or adv.

Chime, ?i. (of musical instruments). ym/n H*F- WL


Chirp, Chirping, ?i. v V. 3. act. #^7R

?JCm. ^

*C. beaten at the end of a watch, 3 TjTC«h v. Tf^T ? ?f. i

— noisily, See. J^vTRTm. fqF«F°Tm.

Closing c. or peal (as of a &<\). cfcFF*>?. 3*q]T qrsn J 2 Ft l«T or Fr^tpRtn fc^rn.
Chiruugeon. Sec Surgeon.
To Ciiime. See To Correspond.
Chimera, n. fabulous or unreal thing .

Chisel, n , —of a carpenter. F%TiT'R R“T°T7i• f^vkn.

Some particular Chimeras or some significant terms for tin un- Smith’s c. /-

or 3Tr^r5TJ r-T». (sky-flower), (cam- Stone cutter’s e. ZH\ f. i*m. Incision made
reality arc ^grjrsqr I

phor calx), or fe^F (sand-oil), urafoqPT or 3f- 1

with it. Z\%lf.
(hare horn), qwjrjsrm. (son of a barren woman). !
To Chisel, v. a. &c. ^fq^-rFf^T, ^FF^T.

2 vain fancy or thought, v. Fancy. ^T^T^TTr/* 2 (stone) roughen with incisions. STTFTT, ZWftfph qT^°T.

PHr/- * Chit. See Child.

Chimerical, a v. N. merely imaginary ,
v. Imaginary. ^T- Chitchat. See Chat.
&c. srr- Chitterlings. See Bowels.
Ciiives, n.—in botany. %30Tn.
Chimney, n. vent for smoke. iJTfvt'fl. fcTFO*» v^JHP^RT/* Choice, n. Sec Choosing. 2 power of choosing option, ,

Chin, n. ¥^Z\or fspft or ¥mi\f r^/. ST^RSt/.

Chin- ache, n. f^pTf^TcTm. ??=5Tt/. TTF^r/. /* (ck, ^ ^fF

Ciiin-coucii, n.
China, Chinese, a. MI, #T5^F, 8 object of choice, /.

China-root, 4 best part, fsf T3r/. ^TT?Tf^T7n.

Choice, a. excellent precious <§yr PpTFT, f^FT^qRF,

Chine, tl OT>». OTF^F TOTw. 3»wrr*rr ST^rrm. , ,

Chink, n. v. Crack. fTPIT /. Nt°T /. tffarw. pop SPT /. orTO

, T^r, #^Trr,
srrm. =%*/. -fW /. ^tfit, 9>r, ftto. 5

Chink, air. &c. or m (in- 2 careful , cJ*o. in choosing , TCfel^F, ^TF^T^jf , TOT-
tens. mtm, mwi). Tfr^rqr.

To Chink, v. n. make a sharp sound . &c.-OTiy0T Choir, band of singers. ^fW#F

or qf qrspr, TTFm, JTRTWTW.
To Chink, v. a . ^aRg’ssftor* To Ciioke, r. jl fie tinder suffocation. JJ^JPCT of ipfflT'T',

Chintz, n. s?ter», trxft^FWn. Some of the chintzes or fashions jot) jjms'Sr or ^jrjratSr.

of chintz are 3\Z, 3Tf*ft Sfr, J’STntrfte. 2 — csp. through violent emotion. 3T^in. «!TS®T g‘-o/ s. J| Aifni..

Belonging to c. fiyft, ffeff. STCT or W=T W g-.ojs. 3Tff5fC“T, in. con. TO-
To Chip, r. a. ^FPOT, J^«T, B^rercT li^T.

To Choke, v. a. WT, 3Tfff-WjT-

Chip, n. (of wood). Wf or »i. tfwn. fcPTcflF or 3rq*?T/. TO- &o. ip^T, =T^m.- :
T3:3'n.- :T?c€i'/.-JT5rr«i.-&c. ?T# or snRfT

/ & & qmzn, &c -

q£n. qr^qr & dim .
STSTfl /. /. *nvr, ir*r~ srrcr ,

or jssqzrm. gp£t/. f ^ /• 2 block up, Y. To Obstruct, fm, ^I^T, jsrf#.

fwr^r or 5 Sf5RT*». dim. mfn» & Ciiokefull, a. v. Brimfull. 5^, or iff, aTr^ m:s5rr.
. . .


Cholagogges, n. medicine to evacuate bile. fq^-ftrRra^- Christendom, n. fe^R?i. pi.
Christening, n. v.Y. 1. —aoA vsT^^ncfKr figRsff 3R°?b.
Choler, n. v. Bile, fq^fn. 2 qFrsqqn. qnren.
2 irascibility. pRfn. rRRFTm. ftKfffRr/. fqRTXWPrm. 1 was present at your c ^Tff
3 See Anger. Christian, n v. A. fe^TOxfr.
%3rr or

<TX°s /. ?W/. PfT- Christian,
a. feR#T
fer^ wfrqw.
Tm% mfmwX, Rrot ^mt\ t

Inveterate or long standing c. XpfrXR'Hl f. Christianity, n. ftgTpftTTcFn.

Spasmodic or epidemic c. vsTXtefXl/- JURrclr/. 1^/. Chronic, Chronical, a. of long standing

Choleric, a. irascible, v. Passionate, frrx?, fqFrTT^ft, RcRI",

ffrtrer, xnral, cr#flr°fr, fwir^f?r, Chronicle, ??. v. History m.

To Choose, v. a. elect, prefer, fx?!? 5!, fx?3rfT ipr- XX°T, mMn. Zm. q

TOrf tfX"T, faXf-T f fT 3rX°r. Chronological, a v Y. .

2 select, pick, cull. pTT3%, W°T, ^RW, qfXX'TR, 'rfXX'TXn.- ^qff^#qr- &e.
'rfomr/- 3ix°r g-ofo. Chronologically, adv. ^l^RilTFFFTOPT.
S3 7 \S G\

To Choose, v. n. please. jpffS - 5RTX - f^RIXf - &c. Ciironologist, 7i. ^rr^Rq^T, ^rrrf?l trrhr^

in con Chronology, ti. ^JTRfq^rr/. ^T^JFf^cfuqfq-

Choosing, ti. v. V. A. l.—act. fq’T^Tn. qiyfn. Ac. fawf- ?rr/. qrr^T^^fwr/.
2 Pr^oin. qqqn. Ac. qpRRRn. qftqqqr/. Chronometer, w. ^m measure r, —gener. <2

To Chop, v. a cut off. #r^T» . f%5%.

2 up; c. into pieces. fprrwi. g.ofo. a?^- Chrysalis, ti. qfhTOTw.
wf. Chrysolite, n. ^°Tr or ttRVZTTm.
Price of chopping up. f. Chrystal, n. tfT^f. f*T*fcn.
To Chop, v. n. c. and change ,
c. about , — the wind. qt£rs$% Chrystal, a. qrr%^r, Pr^a^rr,
Chubby, Chubby-faced, a. having a fat face, jrsrlr 7[f&fef t

Chop, n, piece chopped off, ^Jn. JS’R’n. qnSTm. zru^t pk r, jr^ftw^rr, *u&$**n.
2 (esp. of timber). #R/. qfSTm. #J /. To get c. and plump. 3Tr^iqC g of s .

Chopped, p. v, V. A. 1. #R?Rr, &c. To Chuck, To*Chuckle, v, n . call as a hen.

o * >*

2 Ac. ?|T/.
Chopping, n. v. V. A. 1,— act Ac. 37SRrn. To Ciiuck, t?. a. ifArow, piVo/e. qrqFT r qFT^r^fl-
2 €Rrs°fri. %2Tm.
v. Y. N. qteToSTm. 2 (grain or powders or dry food, into the mouth). tfTfOT or
Chopping-block, n. sElfa&zq'n. or qprrqRf.

Chopping-knife, n. qqrm. Matter (parched corn, meal, Ac.) chucked into the mouth, qr-

Choral, a. belonging to a choir, *?rrwi. qrfq?rr or wk, ^wnrm. or # /. v.

Chord, n. string of a musical instrument, rfqm. pop. cfrf or Chuck, interj. Ac.
mf mf- To Chuckle, v. n. laugh inwardly. JlT^x^rr irr^-fr^^trr tf-
2 — in geometry, ^qif. <T°fwr/. TOT ^TOT.
Chorister, n. one of a choir. tRTfq^qTqPCr, JTT^JpTR^ Chuff, Chuffy. See Churl, Churlish.
3TFT!Tr # W^RT^r. Chum, n. v. Companion.
Celestial c. favKm* Chump, n. (of wood) v. Block.
Chorus, n. band of singers, v. Choir qH3RRr?n. Chunam, n. ^Rfm. ^JT/,
2 recurring stanza of a song yn?<fn. n. 37- Terrace or floor of c. or C. work. ^R?TWt/.
mwifl arfcrrm. pRt/. ^m^\f VZ(&toroftf.
Chosen, p. fy
a. v. V. 1. fqq^srr, &c. qRFTiq, Making of a c.- floor, Ac. ^TwiRTt/.
2 Ac. q-ft^F0!^. —
Of c.- work, a floor, a wall, Ac.
I select, V. Choice. ppr#T, fqq^sjr, SRfqfa. Church, n. place of worship ,
v. Temple, t’arsfn, t^rastF/i. ^'^T-

To Chouse, v. a. gzdt, fyc. v. To Deceive. qrrnn. qifqqf^Tn.

Chowrie, m. to7 ojf the Bos grunniens used to whisk offflies fyc. 2 body of believers. TOfql qz&tf. Wrqfm. qr^WT?^-
#Ct or qqft /. qpFRTn. Holder or bearer of it. #[fi qrirf^n.
To Christen, v. a. v. T*o Baptize. ^^f^TOTrcr Churl, n. surly or rude fellow.
-Proft «r#r *rm a f
c. WtrpOTTm.
S sOTn.-srlfn. 3w~l%, WGJfl. «K<%. 2 See Miser. 3 See Countryman.
CIP 119 cm
a. rude, surly, v. Sour. fTOT, 3«*T, or To Cipher, ®- n. ffSJKm.
Ciphering, n. See Arithmetic.
=3TS- t p, *3Ttt, 5Tft3T, J5,
^TOTot. 5TV5IT- Circle, n . TOTh ^'331 f q3Tm.
. ITL'STot.
Churlishness, n. v. A.
TOT/. f: ^R ot-
Fourth of a
Great c.
c. crth.

Churn, tl irm/- wft’/

Small c. 3qqqn.
Loop of the fixed part of a c. TffRtt f.
Segment of a c. iggife&n.
Churn-rope, n. lW;T.n. JP-TC/- WTt/- <TrTOn- TOT#!/.
2 compass, circuit, district, region. JjTOii qqrn.
Churn-staff, n. eft /- iPir-TOT. ^
3 band, body, ring, v. Company, or £tf. ^P?R: or
Knob or head of a c. qpq or-Wm JPJTm.
qpjfiS'n. qroiSSn. TO5Tar»!. t
rfir/. "i^n.
Hand c fltTCft/-
move circularly. TOTtn. -?i < !/•- IT^'t ot.- fq-
& c. with which the c. is connected. tJfR* To Circle, v. n.
Post, pillar, stake,
XtXf & c. qrpT-TO-qPTO, FtoTST or Tqiftf. tTr^^pPCfJFT or
RRot. qnfrqq /.
or IPPT, TOTOn-TOTOn- WT -ipCJTC or ft (and intens JKPTC & iffRi) foL3!-^.
To Churn, v. a. qqTO, rpT°i
To Circle, v. a enclose. Sec To Surround. 2 revolve round.
Matter (curds, &c.) to be churned. y«M«rn. wrrm. %fi/.-7iT5TOT.-<&c. irrc5t-^-&c. with ifcfrr^o/ o.
Circuit, n. passage around or about, compass. KG’)R- tfuu/- t

Churned, p. v. V. gtjM&BT qfqq, qPpf- ,

RrT^t^rOT. dim. fjnrtrNI/- »- 3, we, 3,

Churning, n. qeTOn. 4to». TOTOn. RTOn- JPFTn-
BT- falfxf V. qr^-, IPPSTOT. V. q, qrc, TO, TOfTlm.
Chylaceous, Chylous, a. belonging to chyle. TOTTOfiTOf,
To fetch a c. qPCTm.-SvCf /• ^TOTTot. HTTO-^T,
TOot. HlfTm. aPTOTTOT /• arrfPCWFTOT. fq^fr or fqrft/. qTtTO.
Chyle, n. JTSTTOw.
2 circular, circle, region. JTTOn. %%'n qTOS^JT /.
. TqfffiT/-
Circuitous, a. not direct. cfi-tir^T, q-^RT tlC'Hfl ^il PT^'hlsdRl ,
Chylifactive, Ciiylopoetic, a. styj ri^TPC^r, =’15T C9'f'TR'^'. : , ,

Chymist. See Chemist. qGRTRr, &c.

Cicatrice, Cicatrix, n. v. Scar. ttr/. TOn- RSTot. TOM « ^ Circular, a. v. Round. 'q^n'qriT , ^=Rr-T, q’«sw|4rT


Circular, n. letter or notice to a circle. 3rrf?TOT/. KWIffln-
To Cicatrize, v. a. make to heal. qrTOf- Wl&Xf- qT-Bf
&c. qTTO- 55^q gf/. aTTOijfrTO 'TTOb.
To Cicatrize,

m a.
v. n. heal,

former, late.
JflTO, qrTOqj ffTO-Or *HTO TO, 13-

qpqt, RPITO, TOTOf- m

C. order.
qr^iq/. ^ritot.
». v. A. &m

. afrarTOfOT. RRfqn.

Circularly, adv. v. A. in a circular form. ’TOTO, TOTOq,

C. minister, officer, &c. qfTOTOn.
Cieling. See Ceiling. frTTO.
I with a circular motion, 'qqrqqlq, TOTORVf.
Cigar, n. ^STot. froT /.
Ciliary, a* belonging to the eye lids. qiTOlMT, qn^TOfar, To Circulate, v. a. cause to pass about. pKTO"T, ^ITOar,
TOTOTOt. tot, ?i#;?TTOTOrTOi -?rffTO -^ffsRrfrfsr^i
qfC»qqarn.-lR.dit(ni n. g.oj o.
Cilicious, a. made of hair. S'PKTRN', ^SlWif'T, "TOfqfqq. ^ ^
Cincture. See Girdle. To Circulate, ». n. fffiTO', MOT, ITqrSTff'&c. RnC°f ,

Cinder, «. tpisr^^r-ffr^sT^r TOTOrm. trfioqtprn.-'TftqrJHn. 3.V3-

Hot cinders. $-TOr.-». •fftCTm. pfc or q^Om. arrSTtw. Circulation, n. v. V. A. — RvCTOr. TOrron. &c.

ClNERATION, fl. V. ASHES. qtfltqTTO It. v. V. N. fqiTOn. WTTOn. «ptot. JqqTn.

Cinereous, Cineritioiis, v. Ashy. I (of coins) currency, 'qrsr /. “qTOn.

Cinnabar, n. vermilion. TOmT-TOT. TOTOrTn- Circumambient, a. v. Surrounding. %qr, sTGTOf-

Factitious c. pi if* pop. ftfip & rTOTOiOT. GETOfqOTn. To Circumambulate, v. n. TWlTO PfTTO, q^rm.-qrorm.-
Cinnamon, r. qr^PTOt/. qrwqtqrqfqql/r TOrw>.-&c. qrTO-qrTO.
To c. an object keeping it on the right. JRfe°Tr/. or qrq-
Cion, n. graft. ifiTOR.
Sprout, qjqm. sppcrn. feBqri. qrTO-qiC 5
!, qft=TOm.-qiTOr*)qn. qiTO.
2 shoot, v.
To Circumcise, v. a. TOq/. - gTO/- - m. qTTO,
Cipher, n. arithmetical character. TOTot. stI^ot.
2 mark for nothing. cpTn. 37TO«. g.of o.

3 occult writing. aWfapT f* i$f?&$Xf. HVkfcffiTvftf Some Circumcision, v. V. act, 3TO/- ^qf/ qft-

particular ciphers are or ^qrmrf. Fq^lft/. wfqtfrr- q-=qq».

wr, Circumference, ^RJot. qr»i. %?Jot.. ?pcto. qqw. qfirpirni.

/ ^rrff or iwrfl/. or qrowct %5St or ij.
qtfpft or irpsrr

sqqqm. f.-qr&r:/. qro». ^f%/. qrqrrOT. srqr/.

4 mere nominal pen . a. W-ft, Circumflex, n . — the accent. ?qRrq»n.

Circumjacent, a. bordering. qfrOTCRr, STfETTOqT,

. , . ,

Circumlocution, n. circuit of words. Pr^ferr^T- Citizenship, 7?. v. a. ^^rCtTOm. ^TFFFFferr/ qiK^efr/-

tfOTTn TO/' qpC«FT^n.
Fellow c.

Circumlocutory, a . v. N. PlPRTC^Tf^r, WTWI’^T, £F- Citron, n. the tree. pop. /• ^rCTOn. $T~

ftoTPirTORT &c. frTO».—“ the fruit.

•* *
^ffsr^iT?. ij£n.

To Circumscribe, tl ?? limit, v. To Bound fC/* 3rOT-*^rfaP*r, 5Rn. TTflWn.

- - - 3uC°D ac
nt*3®r > ^TK^Fm. City, n. 3J?Tn- =TJRn rf»». =Fltr /. qqpT**. qCjwp- qTn.

WT. Holy c. ••qsqqfr /.

Circumscribed, p. £ a. v. Y. U^fc-UFqfY3r «fr*<3T, &c. qfC- Walls of a c or town.

City, a. urban, oppidan 5Tffr, '5Tir^r, ^W^r, HJKHT-qr,
1 confined, v Narrow. 3TT5Rq. ^ptc, =TRTfc^r, qnc.
Circumspect, a. v. Cautious. TO^cf, q^TST^ft, Civet, n. gqr?f JTf sT^Tr^r /. UrSTfC^it^r/.
-<r£fa£f-&c. qrfojrcr. Civet-cat, n. Sfqrft JTRCn. Jpqirrarcm
Circumspection, 7i. v, A. and Caution, <T?K^<Tr/. UFWf’FTF/* Perfume bag of the c. Sfqrft/. 5ffR'«.

Circumspectly, ewfo. v.A. JjRT qff^T, ^FT^F- Civil, a. relating to the community , to civil affairs, usage, fyc.

y*lF(, &c. sR^qffTRT, FrasqqfRRT, sT^arqfirfqqq^, sFrsqqrr^wt,

Circumstance, w. appendage adjunct accident , ,
^r^J3vWm. erqs-sqqfrdqqqqr-^f-Tr, #Frq^r, ^rrqfqiqqqr.

2 relating to a man as a member of a community. SiT'Tqqr-

CRT^fm. - fqq'q w. - &c. q:qfPf?qRr, srrqqqrqiqrfq^ ^q-qr - fqqqq; &e. ^Rqqfq fq-

2 incident, matter, point. Tfi fe /. SRrFKwi* 3Tf rn.

?qrcr, 5rrqq?fq«q*qf, srrqqqlq.

By the force of circumstances. TO*Ff 3IFr, TO*prtr, TOJUTO.

3 not ecclesiastical or military. qrf+IHI

Under such circumstances. ST^TlcT. qqrcqr^r, qrrq^qr^r, Jik^pqrqr€t5r, jnwRRrs^r.

3 circumstances; state of affairs. affS /. Nq^TF /• $*- 4 complaisant, polite, courteous, fyc. ^'[JT^T-^'?-
&c. filers:, fir^rrgr, 5qK%5qr srf^qorprr, pw-
orrqr, &c. ajf^sfr, g^Tts-, strt^Is', srraroir^, sisktO, ^si^-
giTfcT/, fere, fesgq^rql, sTr^sr, sig^qt, sq^nfr, aw-
gOTTn. tfSKf'iffif 3 TPT« qqff, qTfrsirqfrfr.
Straitness of c.

JT^/. %T/. felftfST €f/. toW/. TO^T/ TOTO/. s®t- Civilian, n. one employed on civil duties, gsrqsl JSTJT qrr°n ,5f-

xrritf^Fn. qrf°iru-&c. 3Tfa?sT?qr% qrrif qrf'qirr, &c.

Of easy c. v. Competence. ^F^F^T FTTVF isT^r^ or Clvility,v. v. A. 4 complaisance, politeness, co irteousness. f5T-

^FcTFFrFF, ^F%qqF, TC^r ?pft ggr/. qrnjijqft/. xrg-iqqvrrin. Jrrjwq'qrm.irf^qfirC'/.^Tf^qq'qrm.

Circumstanced, a. srScT^F, ^N^YN^F. , qqrf J. JT^JTf°i5frf /• hjw /• gst^r /• h3Rft«. §‘ra?qn. 37 ^-

Circumstantial, a. appendant adventitious, v. Accidental. ,

5PTm. aTgqftq J. aT=TU’eTm.
Civilities and courtesies. a?r?THf qrnC»»- 8TR'C*TTJTin. sfRT-
^TF^ffiT, STTSTsf.

2 particular in ,
detail, v. Detail. cfqf^Tf^f ,
, •RferFC 5-q^rrrm pi. qr^mqqr^/. ^^rqr^/. 3Tr’H?qriTflrn.

Ff^cf. JT^Tcq /• qrrqrnru. z^ TrrTrqjir pop. qrcqiTfn-

Circumstantiality, a. v. A. 1 3TRFF3uTrt. 3?F^F^ T«* r

^rfiqn. g-STO/. 33TW /• v- qrc, ?q.
2 fwro?*. ft^cmr/. Empty c 5r^fcrqrC»i./jZ.

Circumstantially, ae/v. y. A. 1. See Accidentally. 2 ^FT- For the civil civility, for the saucy sauce. ^ qT 4iR' sifftTC

utefrc, fwruto, qqr^ir, =bF^^t^. qrrqfr, j &s qc m.

To ClRCUM VALLATE, 7?. a. 3\T°T. Civilization, n. v.Y.—act. Trj®JRT «WT*. &c.— state, jjw-

Circumyallation, 71. =qfr¥t ^#>/-cT2:4fF/-#C^q#F/. ntTOq°rr»i. Hfsrfeqqr/- HfeRjqrqw/-

To Circumvent, Circumvention, Ac. See To Deceive, De- To Civilize, * a. TrWrq-WTO#! STPn«T, HTJH^t/.-Ut^ERr-
ception, &c. srr /. arm ofo nq-j^rer qr^, ^rnc®r, fefer src !.
To Circumvolve, &c. See To Revolve, Ac. Civilly, adv. v.A. 2. urj^t-f, STf^WR, JJ^TOqR, 3Tsr-
Circus, ti. area for shows and games. ^prfiT/. C^FFa. ^Tm. q<qR.
Clack, n. unceasing *Sr wearying speech, qsqi/. Z^f. A4>A4i‘/
CiS,— as used in comp. SSurqr or 5$T, z%S\j. z^z-aaf. isziszf. jqrqvipqr/.
Cistern, n . TRft/. yj%n. WWm ^fsRT-m. $£«. 2 vociferous tooman. qjqiflqiT/- qjqr qTC'qrCt/- JTsfq^T /•

Citadel «. srrgrar^fem. affifST faWw. toF^fsTw. Bffi&fn. 37^511/.

Citation, J3ee Sui^mons. To Clack, v. n. v. To Pkate. 3-qsrq q^qr, qqrqqr°r.
Clackee, clacking instrument (to frighten birds, §’<?.)• 13Z-
To Cite. See To Summon, To Quote. n.

Citizen, n. resident of a city, ^C«KTf, WC^FUl, W^F3>F f

^F~ tfin. argT3% or zaKZffn. tftzfzn.

TOTOT, Clad, a. v. Clothed. iTlRddf^T,

CL A 121 CLA
To Claim, v. a demand of right. ifWq-qrsqrq- S’RIT- 2 to, on, at, m, &c apply smartly. WRq, ijmpq-grqpT-
qr-qqsrrq-Ac. qrqq, 3rq«i. qrqq, / isqq with err or qqq'q-Ac. q(qq-qrqq-qrsq-qrqq.
13 of o. qfrqrqq, qqTqrqq, qqmqr qrqqr/. qrqq, qiqq. 3 (the hands). zf£t f. fqrq-qrqr^q qrqq.
Claim, n. demand. qrqqn. <T^^/ qrqppqr qrqqn. 4 (the sides, exultingly).
jq %qqq-qqqq qrFlT (
title, right. ?5TOTm. 5Wr «• qrqqrm. srfqqrrCw. f^in. fcftfpi ?ra#-ww-qrqEq.
Claimant, Claimer, ». v.V. iqrrq qrqqPT, &c qrqqiT, 3Tq- Clap, n. loud noise, §c. qqgfiTm. rf7pqT«.t«. qi'sniqrw 'qqrqTRi.
qrql,qrqqrqfqqru, pst mmrrr. 5rqrqr<R
Claimed, p. v.V. Cfqqr qrfqqqqr, Ac. qqqrq, qqtfq. 2 (of the hands). Zizz]f.
Claiming, m v.V.— net. fqfrq qf qqn. 3T®n% qrqqn. Ac. srfr- 3 (of thunder), qqpirjn. qqqqrJTin
5TCm. sfift-TTrCw. Clarification, n v.V. A. act. qrrqqjt* qsr gRT^qn. &c. OiT-
To Clamber, ». 1ft. climb with difficulty qqrq qq^q- qqq "ifipp. q»R ^frqq®. state, qfq- /. ^frfqqaqR. rqiffB-qrqm.
- rqrqr'Tt -

? rqqq ?qrq- & c
n. v A.
fqqrjq-/. fqqrqr#/. fqqsr/. fqqrqfqr/
Clarified, p v.V. sjrqqsr, ^ &c. ^frfqq, sfpqff fq_

i«fe?w. fqqrFqqrprj/i. fqrqqfiq/. «wie»s f^qFqqn?:<)!. Clarifier, n. v.V. A. #qqrqr, &c. 311^.
Clammy, a. v. Sticky. rqqrfqqfq, fqqfqqrq or Pqirfqqlq, To Clarify, v. a. defecate,fine, clear. gqRqr, qs"m.-qsfr/. qq-
fqqfqftq, Rqis-, iw or fqsrr. , qq-qrafq g of 0 rqq5rqq r 5rftTr-g-^--i;^fj-fq4D5'-&c. q-qq.

C ooze or adhering matter, fqqrJTm fqqrcF /. To Clarify, v. n become clear from feculence qsq, qsrm.-fif
To be c. fqqrfqqrq, f^gfqqq. q^t/. TOq g.of s.
Clamorous, a. v N. qqqsqr, qqq~qr, qrqnsrr, qqiw, a?ICWr, Clarion, n. v. Trumpet, qqrqt/. qq#/ qq/srqn.
qqqrqqr, qqqqrqr &c. qr^qrsqr, qqqq-qqqq &c. qjrqrqr. To Clash, v. n. strike or drive against with force, qqqqq-
Clamorously, adv. v.N. qqq??tq, qsqq-qqqq-&c. qr^q. 3Tf qrqq, vrqq/.-q^rm.-qqqrm. qqq, qqqqrqrqr siqrrin.-q-
Clamour, m. vociferation, noise, outcry v. Uproar. qsrfrni. qTtrm. - qqrqrw - r rqrrw. - &c. qqq.

qqqrrm. ipsqq/. qqqsrin. qffqsr/. qqqq /. ipipirm. qrqrqr?r 2 fig. meet opposingly, interfere, collide, fye. qrqq, qrqqt/.
or qraiqrss/. #?rr§55-in. qiqrqn. -&c. fjq g.of s. srrq, irqqqrq qrqq--qrqqr-&c. qq, qqrq-
. —intons. qqqqizm. qrqrrrm. wrirn. qrq qqq, qrq^r/. sjqq-qqq^.o/ s. trqqqq i%qrq»fi.-f^tqrrfr»i.
To Clamour, «. n, qqrrrrm - qtqrq/n.- qqqrr»n. - qqqrqm.- &c.
qr- qqq-lfq g. of s.
qqf qrqq, qrsqqaq adv. qrqq, qrazqrsoT, Clash, Clashing, n. v.V. !. act. ijqrq st?f 55Tqq». qw &cc. *iii
2 against; exclaim against, qpf tr-T/.-frqT/. pi. qrqq g.of 0 .
qpr Wiii.-fkq Tft/.-5T?3Tq«.-iT^rupR.-s'rarfi /.

qr*yrg-of-o. 2 qrqqi /. qrqrrqrq or qrq/. qpq or qrqiq f. qrqrq'qi/. ffsrqq/.

Clamp, n. <#/.
To Clamp, v. a.
/.-iqiqqft /. Iq-qK^T.
qqqqr /. la&wz f. m<fm. mqwn. WWn
sfrqrqq/: :qqrq«i. n&i&m.
— intens. q-qqqrqm.
Clan, n. v. Family, qrqji. %, n ijqrqn. arrqn. clashing sound,
Clanoular. See Clandestine.
1 qqfqrf or qrrm. qqRTrm. qqrqT or mm.
—intens. qqqqfqin.
Clandestine, a. secret s(//, & c. qtftqr, ^RTf, f5rqrr%qtqr Jj-
1 1 (as of mu.-iwil instruments), qqqm. g-qq/. ^qciqm. qiSHSTTm.
<Tf«rtqr,q!Rrcqr, bkkw, <*qq®qqlqr, qqq<ftqr, qutfr^qr. in (of swords), qq^rqtqr gqqrm. srqrsrqi /. qqqqr/. qrarq-
c. doings, qifqum. qqrrif. v. qrq,
q)/. qqrqqr /.
Clandestinely, adv. v.A. qpisrq, Fqqrq qr^rq, fqqrr%crq, Clasp, n. hook, hold, v. Catch, tfrrerrm. qqqjq«. qqqqqji.
qtqqqitq', qqqjj'rq or qqqwqq. 1'liafc has a *
To give c. qqsqr ifrqrq qo£
2 See Clasping.
Clandestineness, n. v.A. qfqSqqrm. ajqqqquj w i . To Clasp, v. a. hug, v. To Embrace, qrfqqq, qnra%, q’qirss’-
Clang, Clank, Clangour, n. sharp, shi'ill sound.
?qqqfqw. q, qquq, qr^q-&c. myt, qq/.-q? /. qr^or qrw-qqq qqq.
qq^rw. arq^ncm. orrrm. grqfqrrqw. z\mm. z\z•«„/._
§rqqrrq 2 ca/0/1 «w2 Ao/i2, ^nusp, fyc. qqaqr q^arq qqfq- '
*v »s T \j
intens. ?qq?qqR:TO. sgqrqm. qqqqfqm. qqiqrwi. arqarqyZm. z- » •>»

^r^rrer *r: 0 l
qrq»L srqqqmn. gjqrqm. 5qrcfrrm. qqqqizm.
CLASPED /; v.V, ?
t L &C. HTff^lJSpr.
To Clang, To Clank, v. n. ?PT<3qq, srqs'qq,
sjqgfqq gq_ 2 wss'^r,
fqrqq, qqqqq, qqqqq,— intens. ?qqrqq, qqrqq, ?rqrqq q. '
Clasping^ n. v.V* L —act. &c.
mvtffn. #3qf, aT[3T^^^r/,
Clanger, n. Clanker, n. Clanging, p. a. v.V. <T Hj u iqi qr
2 a^^rn & Cfc

^qqpcr, &c uqKrq-g'qg-q-&c. qqqrqr. Class, n* ra^, order : set, number, body, 4

^ffivf /. STfcf /. .
Clangingly, Clankingly, adv.
^iq-qrq-^T &c. g’q^q or ^ w1 - fefXT /* fefr% JRT /« w/tn.
“iT, ?rqsq or qr^qg-q,
qqqq or qf, intens. ?gqnqq,?qqiqi, —
srqnrq, ?rqrqf, arqrsq-, qqrqf.
2 (of scholars).
To Clap, v. a. strike loudly or smartly.
qqsrq-ITq^rq-gj’j:- 3 (of people or men). «rrfq/ «rRT /.
sqq &c.
qrcq- arw-^q, %[®q irqroqq.
m$[f. (in comp.
I rs arsrqsfar, srs^iqr, &c.).
— — ,


The higher classess,— compreh. IRTWm. 4 —ceremonially. 'TSW,

5 uncontaminate , fyc. v. Pure, ?
Pl^FFT ?
jrr?r?rifr «»./>/•

The lower classes, —compreh. ®TP?rIT?r /• 5Tr3T°l'jfR / af£kli- Clean, quite> utterly ,
v Wholly 5Ffr^r,^T^*,

^\ JiRtlTrsl'in.pZ. f55% S& STfTJf, HqW ?

afRf/.-slT^/.-inr/ -f^5T»»
- 2 a clear, dextrous happy fyc. manner ^I^Tj
To Class, To Classify, v. a. ,

Pr?t/. am,

Classed, Classified,^. v.V.

TOTOT-TOmF-fTONrc- & c.

5TTOTT &c.
#»«• «T5nT?r, ^c?TT[Fr, srsrrar.

To Clean, To Cleanse,
^0f ?
j^m.-TrsSt/. ^rrsnT

g* 0/

5TOT, #Kfm. -OTT-
& T
H-arffar^, Tsffq-, ^TTfJTcT.

Classic, Classical, a. belonging, &>c. to ancient or superior g><>J


authors. sTWTWfRr, STlfRrfRr, *?T5Pffft?fr 2 (with perfumes or unguents). %Z$f ^£^n.-$Tr#lT /- 3

#Wt, 8TTf??rfff fT.

v.V. TOTTOr TORn TO- 3 out (a well, pond, ditch, &c ). JTT2$T, g»of o,
Classification, Classing, n. act. ;

^B'f5T, TO'ir or ^nrerw. ^t°t o.

tor». &c. ^FC°r»- apfavcw.
asZTOR, aaTTOTOR, 3?- Cleaned, Cleansed, jo. y.V. hand Clean. ^TPF-&c. S'^f,
To Clatter, v. n. v. To Rattle.
spjvjr or JRirm, “URR, TOFT. # ^rfKrSr^r, ^ps, qfc^, ^rftcr, q-fc^rflfrr

— intens. ^aqczSr.
Cleanedness, Cleansedness, n. v.P.
2 chatter, rattle away, run on, v. To Prate, TO- /.

Cleaner, Cleanser, n. Cleansing, p. a, v.V. L ^r<rr~&c.

fm, ^ptor, tottot
Clatter, Clattering, n. v.V. 1 .—act. TORTaRn. tRtmn. ^roir^T, ^rmKr, w, qfcin^r,

urt m€tf. srpt^/. &C.

See. cp?rw or agrm. •<reraTt».

—intens. afeaiTOm. aSRRMi. tKSTTO: or .I'iJfTO.nt. ^armaiTm. Cleaning, Cleansing, n v.V. 1. —act ^fPTT &c.

m. TgoSJ$a5[Zm. ajiAERrm. TrSTTriST^r s'l'TKm. tfhr j». ?SNrn. qx^rn. qfc^rrt^. OTTn.
mzpgm. -

2 ^Tti. TOt/. SlTTf^n.

2 spJ'imn. &c. Z%fs\f. /• 14H+'/.
Uproar. ajRRRl /. VTORl /. %aTf£»». Cleanliness, w. v.A.
1 hubbub, v.
TO^Pt,/• /•

Clatteringly, adv. v. Rattlingly. tRip? or 3T, IRIK or Cleanly, a. careful to he clean . ^TiT^RT, ^Tf-

mm n.
mpm, arsrer, qrerm, <iRm.
mf/. 5R«-
^rqr, ’thars,
Cleanness, n. v.A. 1. graft/. ^(WlTm. Pf^q^TTw ftrt^fr/.

?TWaaprjn. waa^n. TO
8— w^s^rf /. /. IN”n.
Clause, n. (of a sentence). 3'i'HirafJi. =li

Clear, a. 'pellucid, transpicuous. HfqT, PT-
Annexing of a c.

2 item of a stipulation , article . mz^ n. or 52T

TOvT, 5T3T, ^T%BTCW, mfBTC^T.
Claw, n. msn.m. sp#/. H^n. TOT®. Very c. water. #0% ^TBn.

(of a lobster, crawfish, &c.). ^riajTn*. affaff/- aTNKI or aff- 2 freefrom clouds or haze Pt^, . XTfiSf^, TOvT.
^RTTOft. 3 manifest, evident, apparent, v. Plain. oXfrfT,
TJT3T or ari-fiTOn.

3 nail— in contempt. g^gr, hpf, irar pop. wv, irsTSiT, arfirsarTfr, nfR^r,

To Claw, v. a. TOR ^r-trc¥, PiRfTR, fmy or fffTO zxz&m,

or'frTOTO or
g-°f °-
ffmm, l%3rjTr»».-%R3iTr or %^Ff3T>n. W“T 4 perspicuous, free from ambiguity or obscurity. 3-11?, ^sr-

g%r, ^rsrw, sarar, srfir^Tf
afaKR^, %5TT, STar^slrT, ZZZZft.
pop. wr, ^Rr^r, ,
Clawed, p. fy
a. v. V. TOi 3 %'S 3 ST, rH*i<«wr-&c.
5 guiltless, blameless, y. Innocent, Absolved. FapCJTPT,
1 having claws. Haft, HaSTHI .

Clawing, n. v.V— act. pTmaRn- pH^TT®. jmTf or jm- farfpT, fHfR, fafsqtsR, STf^lT, 5RT.

rrm. ftRciRT or Tim. JT^T®. 6 unobstructed, unencumbered, — of places, v. Open. *Ji4®4f,

Clay, «. f^TTOt/. ffcHRTt/. tffft /. SETTT or #?/. #f/. afsrrer, aa^raiRr, sf^r, irtr.

7 not entangled, that is free of. *tr%o4| W4T, 5^.

Potter’s c. jarrorrft/. f ^fftrerr/. ,

Clay-ground, Clay-soil, it. TtfhSTff 5PTR f. HRaf+itar/. HR of sounds, clear-sounding. ?I>TOrW, ’ETH', STRT,

spar, fapflT.
or wrf. TOfft «RtH f.
9 of stamps, marks, &c. clear-looking, conspicuous,
Clay-pit, n. 5|Tv|rY aiR/. tlWT /• HR ^°T or nTTOR /. letters,

Clayey, a. srrrerr, trtt^rr, distinct, bright. SR?nTOr, ra^lgr or JSrralRT,

TO.’tW, msr^, To Clear, v. a. make fine, v. To Clarify. 5T/OT, ajssw.-
Clean, a. lit. fig.^ erfT, 1%^, sre ,
TpTT, |

3rf%, q^rsiier, Rrw. aflat/. TOR g-ofo.

Bare. $r^~ 2 free from obstructions. - frT'Tr-ajRTT - aS'jrRTRT ~R 41-
2 See Bright, Clear. 3 naked> void, fyc* v.

jrr-&c.* spracro, ^rsR'.

— \


3 free from grass or rubbish. %THHTr«L HT#T, Clever, a; capable , a&fo, adroit, <§<?. STTf^r, ^TfJ-

nrer hth, qqr^, tj, ^H°r, hhh, h^, HrqT^Tr, qr^r# sfrrfi?r, h-
4 off; (debts, &c )
liquidate, discharge. sffr#, %#, qRH, ffe, fijrvrjrar, #, or sr or #qRr, qrr, *j#r, w-
q|# HsT HTH, qqiTTm. H# g of o fHHrfffqrrm. -fHHrfffqnTrm. 5Tr#, JPJ. Of this word the sense, viewed as combined, and
%fSt°g\of o ##-qrr#=F or Q'-ftRT 'TTR- H#, as expressible by the combination talented and expert and as ,

Hirer re s#. usualljr expressed accordingly by combinations or consecutive

5 away; remove. HT#, HR/i #, %"t, H^re ## ffrrr^HT f.- utterance of two or more of such words as, able capable , acute,

qrCTHPC/. HTH g-ofo. aytf, sharp skilful shrewd smart, quick, prompt, long-headed,
, , ,

6 up; free from ambiguity, &-c. v To Explain. rerere#, quick-witted, clear-sighted, fyc. is conveyed in Marat’hi by
^OTT^Tot. H## -
of o. rereHr-HTl?-&c HT°T. numerous expressions of a particular construction, and of strong
7 free from guilt. fres#- FreHTTire- frereTHrer - frfffff' - Hre^ref- significance They are mostly imitatives and onomatopoias and
vrrrer h#, rerearerrerrerm. re# g-of o. compounds and phrases: they are in the commonest use and most
8 gain without deduction, rewire- 9# qr#, H^re-fre^H-rewire extensive currency; and they would, as the most cursory inspec-
qtgvf m . con . tion of them will evince, have been imperfectly and very injurious-
To Clear, v. n. — as the sky or weather. 3|^r, ly exhibited, had they been scattered abroad in the Dictionary,

#r, rerere/.- retire /.-resjr^ft /. qrere-iire g.of s. or had they been gathered together without a notice of their
Clear-sighted, a. v. Wise, UTH, WrqF(, wlrer. power: HHH#, fff# a#WHT, bj?#, Sfrtffrsr, qrr?H, HHTfff,
2 See To Clarify. qfrjHor Hirer, q/srer (-fe?<>Tf^_ff soIrH-HrqnrR:-Tr=CHH-&c.)
Clearance, n. iT'~'Tffpft-&c. rerarefreft /. <re?r, q=rr, freTfH, #ht, h#>t, hhhi#, hhhh, sth-

Cleared, p. v. V. A. 1. *|o6 urJHHT, 5Tffrere. Hr#, HHT#, a?gppri#, aTHHreH, aTgV, pop. =lreH,
2 irrqreT %hht, &c. ®rfH#, qcrvqr#fffHT, hit, hthft, 3-HHqs, qrnTH, Hrrenr
3 rerarewfrr, Ac. felTT, HHf, H-fHHHr, §# HTH HR# ffH qi# ^retH. Aud as
4 qresrer, qrererer, &e. %*rrer, #w or #re%, rer/ter or jg, f#r- viewed more particularly under the form of a noun as in “ A
rere. clever fa talented, gifted, highly and variously endowed ) per-
To be c. ##. son ” it is well conveyed by apft, JfTOR,
Clearly, adv. v. A. 3 and Plainly, sir, JRT8J, M9^t, HITT, #H5R-, yarm, jfrHnrc.V '^,
Jfrerrsr, 11

hie, f#re, Hrrere, H^rerere, rere, wsr#. HTH, HigH-y, ifTHTH or HH^irqHTH', H#HJJ#, HIHTHHl, HHf-
retire, Hrre, hie, rerereretre. ®r, h#hhh#, qrqn#:, iwh, ch§h#, fn^rr# or m, rn#,
Clearness, n. v. A. 1. Prearq°mn. HH55WM. freffsrr/. freff- IHHHH, HHHH, HITOT or HtTC#, HI?Hr, HTST,
fre#mrm. nr# /. Hresrer /. frerearer/.
sre if. #HHf, HHTr#HH«'^^r
2 ftqsmrm. nrenrer /. freH^rrer/. nrere™. Cleverly, adv. v. A. 'HJH#, ^HHH, TOnre#,#5rFH-
3 rerereqrerm. &c. nr#/ HiErer/. sqfrer/. qrerern. sqfjRirfHr/. #qr, =rerre qq#r, rirnf#, rH%H, fffqr.
Cleverness, «. v. A. 'SJff'OTffriR. refHT?/- jf^/. =TJ!ln. #-
4 HtjtqnTrm. &c. HTEreT/. sqi%T /. sqifHT /• ffrHHTn. t^KTu. 5T?qn. HHHr# /. HHTRrw. f %mn. f HO /.
HHHRTot. spp f. fH?rr# /. gm(f- srrwn.
6 #5§rqoTri». JJSTHTm. iTSTHTHr/. ffreRHIn HfffJrH'fm.
To Cleave, v. a. v. To Split. ##, HI#, ##, urq#, Clew, n. ball of thread, v. Ball. Hfff# Jj#/.-ip?r#/.-&c.
’T5# J#OT. g-ofo. 2 guide, direction, qwfrnrm. ‘H’fffHrin. qHt». Wl'mm
To Cleave, v. n. v. To Stick. f%H#, frererre HFf®T. g?rni.
Cleaver, n. chopper . grr>». HfH%5"#/. !#?#»»• C- to the bottom of. BTIHHCrH tfftn. ». HPff, fe, 8t?j.

Cleft, n. fissure, opening, v. Crack. HH /. H#m-/. pop. To Click, v. n. make a small, sharp noise, 4 qi' 44>/.
HW /. <§r HH«. 3# /. %T»». Rrsrfrqr ?|2:hh - frrrqrr - qrqre - ftreqrH^&c.
C. between hills, &c. \W$f- intern. lljrefT or Oi. #H/.n. qr#.
Client, n — of a lawyer, &e. aqgp# f ?r5J7i.

Clement, Clemency. Sec Merciful, Mercy. Cliff, n. 5T3Tm. qffjqrm. qfTHw. Hffm.
Clergy, n. #fq%IRHTHm. HSt### qfer/. ’rfq^WTfir /. Climate, n. air of a country with reference to salubrity, fqp/,
Clergyman, n. q# from tlio Portuguese
wreHT, fqrqr#«. l^nrfRr/.
is universally applied to a Christian minister. 2 See Country.
Clerical, a. HHfqffFHHHHHlHt-fqq'qgr, HHT3'HffSFrHri#JHr-H- —
Climax, n. in rhetoric. HTTm. HH ClHTlHK'T>n-

#1, q###rer. To reach its c. — a pain or trouble. HSqfqifff q#

Clerk, n. v. Writer.
, TOT. N. B. This is To Climb, v, a. 'gf'g with^ of o. ^#or q#, 8Tf#yarB .-»T-
the name of a particular tribe which usually follows the trade fi-rfriHn- H#.
of writing. Climber, n. v. V. HTHITr, q^Hirr, sir/r?H ST#.
Clerkship, ». grRj# /, crHf #T5rTw- An expert c. ^srreff, esp. on trees. HTHfr#, H13TW, H^ff.
, . , .


1 climbing plant q?T/. c5rfr/. Hooded c. (against rain, &c.). zmT or Z[-

Clime. See Climate. qrc /. #3Tm. TOFffl. TT?T/. fffl/. jaft or qfjft/.
To Clinch, v. a (the hand) double in the fingers. JRT/. Bjqsr- Hooded c. (for children). j^T/. #f^/. Ww.
%q®Sr - srT«3f«T. 2 fig. blind, red. oqr^fn.

2 (a nail.) qfaFFT, fr^T, 5R5R, qarfq&T. To Cloke, v a. conceal ,

v. To Hide. STfqPT, ^T#, W,
To c. the nail for one’s seif. a?RT?r ^T^T. TR°T, qi«T5^rn.
To Cling, «?. as for protection. qrrcfcT RqR-37R/. qftRg*. To Close, a. together or to, v. To Shut. STPCT,
o/o. |^RTm. BTOT-&C. ^-o/o qpr/. W°T, W- zm, ten, (as ir^m, ^ftrq«T, #ki%qqr, & c.).
3RFF, HFWT, KfTOT g.ofo. 2 conclude, shut up, v. To End. ^ ^qr, ^T-

Wn. g-of o, TH, JF^fSSH, B T?i TdT g* o/o.

2 holdfast upon OT°I, SR2R, facWFT. 3 w/iefe, whole, v. To Join ^f^T, Wt,
3 adhere to y. To Stick, P^TOT, 1%2RH, SRTfT N^ZJT feqr
W, 4 (a quarrel, &c.) v. To Settle. JTRH, filZ®! f«

2b Clink, r. m wia/te a sharp sound, miens . t5°Tr°FT -'Tmrm. 3\T°F g*°/

siwqH ««&.»*. RTm, Ww, ^TO a

r-fe‘°rfe' crT-^q^'iT- To Close, v n fall together or to, v. To Shut, S'f-

N9 O
3F &c. qr#r.
^qr, FW, F3F^H,—esp. of flowers. qrjfo5<T t fe°F, (and, at de-

Clink, Clinking, n. v. V. ^oRqRfl. <S^c.— intens. cline of day) Jfpraffr, ^r^n. fTH, g* o/«.
2 conclude, v. To End ^ flq*,

To Clip, v, a. itrcVA shears. ^RTH, CTH, sSRR, ^r3R% 3 coalesce unite, come
, to. !%ofqr, f^cRT, fiT^T’Sff 0!.

faf^PT, ;£C°T g\o/o. 4 grow compact and firm • qsfqf, ^T?fq* ; vsTJPF

2 curtail,f cut short, ift- ^ir^r- ^rfer- ^3T- ^nrr-

On 0
^TofT^r 5 — with; See To Agree.
-&C. Close, w. conclusion, cessation, v. End. ^FHTFfT/* H^KT/.
3 (allowances, expenses, &e.). 5p$T W, BR^r^Tn.
Clipping, n. v. V 1 act tfiTWTw. 3T£%«. &c.
. — srrroftj. ST?- 2 See Enclosure.
nsj. qrifa «. Prffr^n. PnG^n. Close, a. shut fast, fallen to. qr-Tpir
Clippings, IKIZTOC/- 3d zwpj.m. rnZ&zf.m. 55rcfTn. SRH^jm. &c. or
3 sKTqfoTn. UCTn- &c. 2 dense, solid, v. Compact, qr or qr, qrqr ,

C. and cutting. 3TRTO£/. SdZWrft / $rZ3T5fC/- 3 compressed, condensed . ?Fqr or q°r, 5T7,
Cloak. See C'loke. BT^rfC*
Clock, n. q(S q-SKSn. 4 contiguous, v. Near. \sR52TRr,

Wliat’s o’clock? fitfft 3T3F*, few fe?t affST. 5 o/c/o*? HTOT, ^TOo?lrf,
Clod, n. t'Tn. toss or t^n. rtfiss or t%zsn. afern. 6 reserved, incommunicative. HFFqT ^RrrRTRT^,
«K On

Implement for breaking clods. Sfrqrm. Rr^flTRT, i$t& 9

Spade for turning up clods. Tgvjqin. 7 hot and calm, sultry . ^qRTrRT, 3TT-
Clod-hopper, n. v. Countryman, qtr/RT. «T5RW, OTz:.
Clod-pate, Clod-pole, n. block-head , v. Fool. #Rfm. ?r- To be c. OT«T, (All
qr»». &Mfm. impersonal )
To Clog, v. a . encumber embarrass, , fyc, lit. fig. ^fgRn.-BF?- To feel it to be c.

8 without ventilation . ^r f
TR - R, 3??:/. br /.- &c. RR, RR &c. HR R, %5sr f ^r#f7r.
Rfm.p/. RR ?
mmrm. RR£*. ofo, mw$hn,-qm\%n. qRR. C. and hot place.
Clog, n . — for cattle, &c. ^fg% or RRn.^RqTw. mzfifn. #- 9 private, concealed, v. Hid. tjtT, 3Ffar%55T,
^rm. qTRf£w. /. Jn^nsfcn. ^R#3Tm. «WCTn. &T^R°Fn. 10 penurious, v. Miserly. {%qr°F,

2 fig. or gener. RR or 3F2Rw. RR qf 3Rn. JTca&TCw. qr- 11 strictly adhering to the original. ^RpT ^R^f-
TOTm, Wfffl. pRt/ qRm.
or^ii. BftrsfRfl. bj^Rtl
srqrSTw. ^BTiTTfli. ^P3*m. RHm. ^ Jrf^nr,

12 (of translation, &c.).

w>p, wm, p|^r.
W'Wjj'ti’lO, ^WPifr-
3 wooden shoe, w&ffi (pi. or ^RT) t
TTprr/. g-grd, ^^niTwrlt.
Clogs, clumsy shoes . «frg#t %3Tni. JTPTn. Close-compacted, Close-set, a. v. Compact.
Clogginess, n « v A. f^CT/. Close-pisted, Close-handed, a. v. Miseklt. gjsrgfe, to-
Cloggy, a.— mud, &c. f^°r, f^T, frf
jfe, fw.

Cloke, n. qbr^r/. ^fiftn. qr#3T/. mmn. Close-textdred, a. ?t'TH°ft5T.

Cloth thrown over the head and body as a c. tqf. ttflfi Closely, adv. compressedly, crowdedly. irW, 5RJTW, <TZ,
qr^F/. fpircrm. qr^rft/. z\ *TFC — To be muffled or covered snrfr, sriz'^r^^.
with it. 2 tightly. apgW, 5TT.


3 immediately after gfsrgR, TORR, spfcrRL C. for daily wear, working c. wg€l/» W&
4 Attentively. tfgifqRR,
v. 3>S.gg3R. C. to cast loosely around, qfa^vfn, JU^vfn.
Closeness, n. v. A. 2. WWfif qTg°Tfm. qror/ 3Tf^fn. dtem. C. for the loins or waist ^BOT/i. ^of».
3 gift / q^RTqqTm. *HHn. C. and ornaments presented to visitors, &c. g^Tr^°ft f
4 mmr /. C.-line. linefor wet c, 4r°T/.
5 qw<Rm. TOqtwi^. ufcqr Coarse c. (or a coarse garment). RTRfw.
6 wsrorni. tort iwm. wRm. ^w»n. Fine c. splendid apparel. gr^TRT or gf^tef ?Wn, pL
7 STOTm. TORn. TORTm. sr^RTrti. srJPKTm tegrg^?2. i?frg?qrn.
8 &izq*rrm. torn^nn. &c. TO%-?t iqr/. Presenting c. and ornaments to visitors, &c. gf ^m\f
io f^rSqqrm. fromrwi. gr^g^fe/. TOtgRsrc/. With one’s c. on.
Closet, rc. TOHRtei^/. TOTOTOTm. gTOTOn. To change one’s c. TOJT?TT IPT^. of s
Closing, a. final, v. Last. TOrter,RTORf, 3j?rgRRr, TO- To hang out c. to dry. g^Rf ^Rr RgoT.
RRf. To punch and thump c. (in washing). gfRRR
Clot, n. concretion, ajSoft or TORt or fegsr or To put on c. TOPTft^Rn.
ftepi. c?m. ftesSl /. To tear one’s c. off his back. grCgR^n. qriR g* of o.
2 v. Clod. ijrRm. ggn. Iron- Clotted, a . — the hair. Siter, ^gsslRr.
3 clotted mass . Clottedness, n. v A.
To Clot, w, ybm /ȣ# o/o^, concrete, 3jfSR ?
%5R, TO^R, Clotty, a jp^ter, 3TRT%R.

HrTOR, flftOT, vstto, stzSt, Cloud, n Z^or ZTfm.n. intern.

SRR or SfirKn. or SRRfm. %Tm.
Cloth, ra. ^mn fTOTOn. TOn. TOTO gRRn. g~ 9 T^7i EFTm. Wn. ggpT^in. %pfm. Tl&vflf.
TOw» gpfln.Mi. Some kinds of Cloth ave TOTO, ^TferiT, (TOR, The clouds, — collect. The cloudy sphere. q^sK’n.
TO¥t or Tmft, m£\ TOR, TOCR
or g, W^tftor sft, cv* qrq- ^n. ^giTRI*/.
3r, mr, $te, tortot, jttoT, qrogterg^TOff, 3thr, to- Canopy of clouds. %g^gm. gp?tn.
te^R, ^gRF, WTOR*, TO or Z qTTOr ,
tlRT, fPRF, TO, Dense array or mass of clouds, qprgzr /. qzjf
or §*, tort, to*to, tfte, war, utoV, HTOr, & #, sw. W& or vggs:n.
C. worn threadbare. STO/x. ^R°T/. Empty c. griirqrn.
Coarse and stout c. RTOTm. TORm. Gathering of clouds. qr^Rn. %q‘5fT5Tn. qzpWm.
End of a c. ggTm. vfw&m. TOT /.
Light, fleecy clouds. TTPC/ TO /.
Piece of c. Reddish streak of c.-~ as indicative of rain. TORn.
Rising of c. (through washing). qRR«. Threatening or lowering of the clouds. %qv#gc or Rgp|rgT«»
Roll of c. (as for a wick). qTITOTm. The clouds have gathered, are lowering, &c, RqfRt S=f
Shred or or W\% f
slip of c. vjfcf TO®S\fi TOfff/. RRRr or grgurR §rfg^r qrq #t- BTpjqrrg^r - wnct -r r qr^r,
Threads (unwoven) at the end of c. g'STf/. pi. ^TOs^ TORn. or TTTOwi. ^TTR, grTO 87IW f
Upper or outer fold of a e. g^RYf /. gSRTggTm. To he covered with clouds. ^T^ot or StT“L
A wetc. aTf&n. or ^n. To Cloud, v. «. cower with clouds 8jgf^,-^c. BRcrpg %qf- .

Cloth-dealer, Cloth-merchant, n, qrfq^qRt, TO^fgggr, *T- RqRvT- A: c. TO^r.

to, toWto 2 mahe sullen and gloomy. ^gTO°T, grr^r#/.-frR^ai. a?R“
Itinerant c. iT^grff. °r, grr^r grTO.
To Clothe, a. rern. TOR, qfadR, grqTOw. TOR, TOT- Cloud-capt, Cloud-topt, a. RqRRfgR, ^qrf?*
q ferf - gsrorfiro & c. qTTO. Cloud-comi>elling, a, agqrgf.
To feed and c. a? vlT^n. Cloud. covered, Cjloud-spread, a v. Cloudy, . ^qfrqftof.
Clothed, p v. V. grfTO, TOr«ITft?r ; Cloudiness, n . BRRn. v . 9,
v. A*. «?. g, qRR«*
*fft?TTOr, wtfe, TOT (tu comp, as #TOT, gfqprT, RET- v rr, afrqr/. BfKrrCt /. ^TOn, 5i^grg«. m-
^f^T, TTOTOT, few). fcrRTTn.
Clothes, Clothing, n apparel raiment, dress , $•<?. gfUTOfn, Cloudless, a

4 fggss, Prw, &.c.
TOT»- org^/i jo/. TO5fw. fftf^Tn. gfi^Rn. ^r4C°Tw. Cloudlessness, n A.
. v. fqfTTO/- spsrrHR’m. RUTL
—compreh. or gener. f^ajrgt^^Rn. g^JTfg^oy w . ^ {T?gn.
cRRRm. The ordinary articles of Clothing are of males — Cloudy, a «n^rr,
%qf^>r, %R?fffertT ;
®utw, Star, swtrqr, g^r, ^wNr, g%tr^r, ^Ngr, rfaft, irwftg, ^ggfer,
t€lr, fg$T, Purr, ^^r^gr^and of females #s?r, grr^rs?!,
gr^- To become c. 3Rm. &c, q<g, TOfTO.
^rifeiW. And the names of some of the parts of Clout, n. doth, gq^rgrrm. fTO^w^gff^n.
them are ^w t
wet, grrttrr, ^m f #Wf, ¥Rgr, ¥tfU- ^Rff/. JTOrt. R3Rrm.
Cr, ^rga:, fw, ter* 2 contempt, g^grrm, %5STm.
Article of c. for daily wear, Wftfn. 3 See Patch. 4 See Blow.
— —


V. g#f?r YT^tn. YT^Tn. &c.
Clutch, Clutching, n. v. act.
Clove, n.— the plant or flower 5TO /• UR rK m
I clutches; talons, hands, power 3Hm. ®TR i
JT^ni- ! -

Oil of c.
c rRT^t/- srm^Tni. R'fir/-
2 (of garlic, ginger, turmeric, &c.).
In the c. of SHitH, STRTJRhr, 'TSfR,
Out of the c. of. cfr^H^T.
^ ^
Cloven, p. v. V. <fiTT33$w, &c. qfiT'ifa or
To be caught in the c. of.
Cloven-footed, a. fs^TTT- or JpPT
HFTvS^, S^T/
Clown, n. rustic peasant v. Countryman
, ,
tTaOTf traSTTO, ,

^rromT, nwro, ^rr^rr, crTOcr.

See Clatter.
Clowns and boors, compreh. — srnJT'ft ^\€ Clutter.
Clyster, n. / o. JTIT,
2 zany, §c. See Buffoon.
Oily or unctuous c. ST^PFFT ^ffef,
Clownish, a. v Countryman. afTIT, iTR?®,
Ununct^ous c ^fer
^rgsrr, cr*,
#?r®, ®^ar, irfir^r,
Clyster-bag or -bladder, Clyster-pipe, n.
forsfR^N .

Clownishness, n. v. A. iffK'TTn. m&zWn. UTO’Tn. Uc. Vmm.f.

Coach, n. v. Carriage. 5ff^l/. OTm.
jfrrt\f- „
TOin.-STRiKr/^ ®Tr'T- Coach-maker, r. TTT^ ^^nTT,
To Clot, v. a. satiate, sate, glut. fiTH^FT,

st arf^Br/ 5rt°t, fast/ toSr, &- Coach-man, n.

wrrt, =Ttrroe Compulsory.
Coaction, Coactive. See Compulsion,
Cloyed, p. v. V. fiRl Htldssr. ^
fer^T ff. oj s. Coadjutor, n. assistant
To be c. fTRflW faSt/. TO”T, SreNrnri
To Coagulate, t?. g. f^CSTT, ^i^T, ffrafw,
nrer ?graiTOcr»D. tot, ifa.
Vessel for coagulating (milk, &c.). ftcsrft/
Cloying, jd. a. v. Y. first WITO, fa^M^r or TORTRT,
To Coagulate, t;. n . P SWT,
SjtSFJ'fc- ^ „ Coagulation, V. N.—tf of. RPOT». spftn state.
Club, ». v. Cudgel- or #RTm. SR3r»L W/-, n. v.

3n3T3T»». TZ™. f^=C^qqT7n. &.c.

2 knot, gang, v Band. RWlS' or ^|<f(3n.
Coal, «. Sfilft ^fssHTm.
ifSTm. rgm.f. 5pr«. ;
- lr
r, Lhe c. fTOfCf^n. or sJ^TKw
v. n.Join or contribute together. ^TTRft f. *R'*C
To Club,
«pr, f^r, fir^T-^r-
faaSrr, &0 ^wn W- -
Mass of hot and glowing coals. ^TffKTn.
&?p?% qrqrafRf
To call over the coals, qrqrsrnr^ ! 5

Club-foot, *. gri'z: TPT or ^OTrum.

Club-footed, a." ijfcr WCSTT qTYTRT. HW, rrr^r arfir^r, ^sfr hmf
To Cluck, v. n —a hen. ?TOpt, WX&f. W- To carry coals to Newcastle. cTi Dft« HlfF BR«r, i(-

Clump, n. (of wood) v. Block. 3TC5T or <rRio5rn». gro wr*. tTraSr.

To Coalesce, v. n. v. To Join, To Combine. fir^°T, ^nr^T ,
fast/- toW-
2 jklump, cluster, tuft, tff- JpSm. ^n -
irr, jfrcrn. firsiSr, ir«rirrn, firmoT-sru^T^.o/^.
mrg-of s.
»wiMFr, stw, q^irnrB.-tr^ gfr«.-q:c!f^n.-&c.
Clumsily, adv. v. A. 1. &c.
Coalescence, Coalition, n. v. V. act. fir^q-n. «rif®tn.
stjp'jjt =mw, sraiwtr iff, arf sepsIf^.
— state .

2 ^ffare-, ^r.
sRPftOTn.-Wm. I confederacy . See Combination.
Clumsiness, n. v. A. 1. sr^pft'rTn.-'RlTOT.
Coaptation, n, adaptation , fyc, rTF^Rw.
^ ^ ®nr»fc
2 ifirswm. <5'rw% 3" Rrr»j. fr^SqRTin. ^rsT^wm. : &c ^rrsnj.

Clumsy, a.— of persons, v. Awkward, arr^rg^rr, ®T3T°ft, sRf-

Coarse, a . — of cloth, paper, &c. 'STf^, «iT^rt

KTTCT or TfZ t
*t,sirararft,«rjsrsr, "nr-
S' or
^ ^
«T3T5r , H3TOT,

<r ( iKTrdf, hy?, rrerar, stor, yijr, tot, sutj,

2—of things. *4t^3T or arPTBYK ,

— indef. or carelessly. 3JT3T yfiRT, ^TRrrvrW or mil-

jfcarorisr, 5C5T5JT,
qrrr or %ur «rror «rrTOC?r.,
^frrRT, 1THF3T, iTr'TSEgjffl,
2— of things, gener. rude, rough, v. Clumsy.
Cluster, n. bunch. WSra. USm, VfZhn. qrefm. fTOw- Spratrm.
or arr, CCTST, WTTO^t-
T3T^rm. STOTbi. ^
To Cluster, v. n. — blossoms, fruits, fyc. 5 PUT, tireFT 5'Wlr, 3 not delicate, fine, fyc. gross. Z[, %JT'-IfET , W-loHlFTi, *rer-

3r, r^r^r, rcrs’, .

T^PCT, tRin.-'T^N",-
4 — as a workman, Vr Rough, Awkward. STf^iFF^ or PTr ?

2 produce fruit in clusters.

TiKtrrar, arerrsr, trewr, tresrr.
fW«t. fi3! in- con ... 5_as a work done, v. Rough. OT3T, JTC3T,
To Clutch, v. a. gripe, grasp, v. To Seize. g^ffl-fRrFT-'faT-
^-&c. 5JT"“T, OT,W, 3T5TOT. miT-imth^oJo.^
2 (the hand or fingers) clinch, ID t 3
tjff. «r^ r-% f T-
^3 T
_ ^"WSt- 6 as the hair; dry, stiff, fyc. ^T^T, TOTO?, or K%.
COB 127 coc
Rude. CRr, Cochineal, n. MCRtsTa*
7 unpolished, inelegant, §c.
Ball or lump of c. fotfir#5TOw.
5ij|5T?r, JTTIT, mrafcf. .

W?, WZ\a.decl. Cochineal, a .

Coarsely, adv v. A. 1.— not finely, 8,-c. Sffm ,

Cochlea ry, a. Wzmi^K.
a. decL Sc.
mwtrn. Cock,?i. 3?fasrm.
Coarseness, n. v. A. L ifrjR- ^ ^ ^ ^
C. of the walk. *TITTFrm.
qnyfjn. ^T'S’Wfwi* &. c. vsfrft/.

^S^rrm. ^qorrm &c. ##m. Rr#fr?n.

2 §ffimrw*.
C. of one’s own walk. ^?r T^T
^TIT, ^Tr^c^TT Tf'sff.
3 ^rarq^rrm. #tswm.
Wilde. CR^T^rm*
4 ^^rr/
2 male of birds.
5 amfSwm- &c
shore ^rrsTwi. qrrSTwi. dTO** ^^S’^TfSTwi. or 3 (of a gun). #ST?n.
Coast, w. .

3KWwi. ^tf^TlTTw.
4 (of hay, &c.). 3psfm.
Down the c 5 (of a balance) needle . SfTFSDn.

n wfam.-ffcsnUm. &c. *T*FT 3#, 6 (as of a hat, turban, &c.).

To Coast, r.
Having a c. cocked STf^T^TC. .

&c. 3TPT.
Coat, n. %Wn. f mff/ f 3^»-
7 5 3% ^ifr /.
mil /•
To Cock, a. (the ears). (or Wf5!)
Cut your c. according to your cloth. 3TfW°T 'TTJ^f TR'TOCR'. j>.

^T3Tn. Wffl. -amrc sr-3'»lmT'sr or 5r^fr<rfr adv g'iTmcm.

2 or coating; tegument or covering, gener.
2 (the nose). ^TRTn* qC
3 (a gun), qr^r^* ^ST sf°T-
3 (of the eye). WZZTm, qz&n.
Cockatoo, n. ^TqBT^rn*
4 layer, fold, crust *lTwi. T3X?n» 'T^STTw. qTT^TT or qrj4<Dn«

5 (of paint, mud, cowdung-wash, &c.). 5Jfam<. ^rr»n. F^OTn.

Cock-crowing, n.—act. &1PCRT or %CWT/. ##
55Wm. %C3RR‘ ^k^rrtt or ^r/. ^Nroicr f
w $&&&&/* €t^tf .ff^TRor
persuade by soothing words &TRT#, 2 early morn, v* Dawn.
To Coax, a. fyc.

jjspc 3 !, WR or #RR, WI#,

/ - ^prn* -
Ate. ## 3TRR,
«Tr^f^r n
. .
mwK^r, vtffrzi -

&c. 3R°r g* 0/ o.
Cock-eight, n . ^ t n *

3RR. To Cocker. See To Indulge.

To a female. s?|f TO?


c. a male. 3TTCT ^RT 3TC*T f W Jdr

Cockle, n* testaceous shell*

<hr?gftr/. vsfv^rRfr/.
f« ^tsPfTf^t or

Coaxed, p. v.V b^ss^STT, &c.

Coaxer, «. Coaxing, p. a. v.V. &c. 5yfir^rar, c7rf§r- Cockroach, n* STC^n. qTaj^rr»n*

Cock’s comb, n. of a cock .

qRT, *TRft, ®TPsff>

Coaxing, n v.V*—act. a?R#n. &c. m^FZXf- —

2 the flower. jprCSI #RF^f Sit/, X ^cfwr/. /.

RvRra. xrjT?n.
^t/. OTTn. aiRfn,
Coaxingly, adv* 5whfiTft^, ^rj^w, 3 /op, v. Buck. eW^nT, f^TTC,
^rc&c. w=t* Cocksure, To be c. #f#T, W mh Wff TOf,
To Cobble, v. <2. mend {shoes)* (^RDn. &c.), ^TRT^R - ^T^TRf^BT a?#r.
Cocoa, n * the tree . STT^m. ^nT^/- ^fFCsfl/*

2 make or do clumsily bungle ,

• bJR'ST iR0!, ^RT^^R Branch or frond of a c. nut-tree. SBfTTw. saTf^t* /. — a half of

-&c. ^r, 3ti 3 r. it ^TOTtt.

{a$ &PP* 1°
Cobbler, *. v.V. 1. #R ^(WC or ^TC, C. nut-tree kept for fruit.

ssrac, TOfrw. one kept for toddy).

2 #CTror, sHrftw^ *wcr, ^R^rar, tot*#. Fruit stalk of the c. nut tree. fOTf^. fmiXf
Matted branch of c. nut tree for roofing. OT?m.
Cobblery, 71. ^WTV$t f <RIT
Cobra de capello, n. 5fr*r»». apRTw. — in covert, &c. phrased. Spathe of c. nut tree. ?nft/. qt%f
Young c. nut tree, plantht » ^TTvC/-
2—the nut. ‘
qrcss'm. ^rfc %5?n.
Figure of ten fancied in the form of the hood of a c.

f^Ff tuously

Gem found in head of a c. 3?ffTTm. A couple of c. nuts. W&n.

C. nut of which the kernel thin and scanty. HTTRf ^TC^.
Cobweb, n. m^n* Vttn- #fe£». is

Cobwebs and pendulous filaments, —gener. i}fr€Tm. ^f&n. Cluster or bunch of young c« nuts^ ^ /.

pi. ^
Filament of a
or qffm.
c. f|Rf?|<>S2Tf /* pi*
Dry and rattling c, nut.
Empty c. nut. mirror zfem.
zflhzm. q$*£%n.

Stretched line of a c. TOqfm, I

End piece of a c. nut. "ift/.
- -.

COF 128 €01

Fibrous integuments of the shell of a c. nut.

SfTRfan. ^r?n. Coffer, n. v. Box. STT3T /. fSTTm. #re/.
=qrW«. a single fibre of them. Coffin, n. wr^^r/. ^IW^r/.
Fungous mass in the middle of the c. nut. JTKSTFml TRKFw. 2 grocer s gaper-case. TSTtn. dim. W§\f* dha. ?3T-

Greenish c. nut; nut of which the milk ts not dried , 3?R-

STOn. BThsToFT To Cog, v. a. (a wheel, &c.). #!#, 3##r.
Half of a c. nut. grfvg*/. Cog, 7i. tooth of a wheel. 3T0rm. 3Rfm.
Half of a c. nut shell used as a vessel, vfjxsft'/. ^TFC°^ %Fgn» Interstice between cogs. sftrpft f-

P?f/. srrS/. Cogency, ti. v.A. ZZftf. H005TT/. HHWn. #0m.#-

Hollowed c. nut, used to dish out water, for keeping things in, 0TCr»n. Wfam. #5Tffl
&c. arfoS^ft/. Srsr /. or 3Y or fhn,. 3F3W m. 3|wi. Cogent, a. forcible. H00, WU^r, #0M0, 0sr0PT.

W^Tm. To Cogitate, Cogitation. See To Think, Thought.


^5Tm. <R«fer55 w.

Integuments of the shell of a c nut drawn into strings. ^F~ Cognate, a. born together. 0f5|T0, 0f5T, ’T^FTsTra'.
^Tarwi.— twisted into cords.
Mor ^n.
N* N>
2 v Related, 30#TOt<f|-, 0R#, 0T3lT#r,
Kernel of a c. nut. Cognation, n. v. Relation. srrt#PT^*Tm.
Oil from the kernel of the c nut. *fpRS5tt. snT&srn
Oil obtained fiom c. nut shells by burning them. 5R£3T7t. Cognizance, n. judicial notice, ^TWTO/. ’^Ri'Sifi'y.

Oil obtained from heated scrapings of young c. nuts. STPT^n. Cognominal, a. having the same name.
Oil obtained from the kernel of the c. nut by squeezing with To Cohabit, v. n. dwell with. ^rerm.-tr^-
the hand. qz&n. srrerm.&c. ^Sr, qrtfsw^TrfoT.
Piece of the kernel of a c. nut cut out from the shell. /• 2 live together as husband and wife. ^ •ITSir^'

Ripe and dry c. nut. or g^/. Tr?°T- ^r®t ,

^qfiruK «r^r ?q-Rmr^ Tff ®r- - &c
Ripe c. nut fallen from the tree. 3ri#r or 3RT wTOgJTm. ^ot, /• - • - ^c .
Scrapings of c nut, Cohabitation, n. v.V. 1 —act or state. tr^.«TR
Shell of a c. nut. TO?!/, -iT£t /* ZittStf. Sfitit/. g&n. ^F-
nr /. 2 trfqcT TOgwa. ^5Ti!!T/. trqrfTWn.
Young c. nut. JQWFcT m. qfaETm. 3Tf[S*«. TOF SRT- Co-heie, 71 . q?r=TRr3r»ji ftwifr, wifi, *rrir-

<fi\ST3ii. fT, RfJT^JT, shat,

Cod, pod. §r/. Co heiress, ti. r<vmiHf RmfiRf pop. TwriftT/. &c.
Code, n. collection. Wfm. ^rffrfF/. To Cohere, v. n stich together. ^JT^T-fsRTr^ 3TR-
2 (of regulations &c.). ^RsTPr^Tw. ^TSSUpfcftf. &1Jgigm q ,
^fpi- & c. srg-or.

Codicil, n. gcTqrWPft $<$' 2 be well connected. spSjr, H^rrrTr-f^oit^T-HJT^T-

To Coble, v. a. parboil. SR^MF «KT°T, W^Fjpqp. s?^r^T ?TTR3ra:- & c. 3TB°T.
Coherence, Cohesion, ti. v. V. 1 .—state. #4TJTm- /.

Co-efficient, n. 5fJ7p?rr /- *3^f-

Co-equal, a. v. Equal, mmr*T y
m$f&, afrsWT, %it^F F¥~ ?
2 ^STRiii. 01# / 0T-T>rt. /. #rTOprf(0»!-
q'srft^r. Coherent, a. v.V. 1.—0sm, 0jf}r, 00^.
To Coerce, v. a. v. To Compel. 3R 2 and Consistent. tfoJThr, H007, WFT^TC, 0^JT5T^r, 0JRf.
Cohesive, f#rr, f#r®r,
a. v. Sticky.
2 See To Restrain. Coiiesiveness, ti. v.A. f#ilW7». &c. 00?n. %f7n.
Coercion, n. See Compulsion, Restraint. To Coiiibit, Cohibition. See To Restrain, Restraint.
Coercive, See Compulsory. To Coil, v. a. gather into a ring. #rs#,1r#7n. p/.-#fssrr j

Co-essential, a partaking of the same essence

. ^f^T- #^?:irn.-3f3’5#iT ii
r7i. xiyi.
rar, Coil, «. (as of a rope). #r*T«i. aiT^r /. ##«• juarn. /.
CO-ETANEO0S, a. of the same age. ^nfRTOT, OTT, RSFTn.

OTRTfy ^?#F. 2 coiled mass. 03)/. tr3#7i. 0?!^/. ##ti.

Co-eternal, a. gjrfsRT *FFfF ? Coin, n. 0^71. pr/. 0T"RT«-
Co-eval, a o/ */*? . a^. Some of the Coins are. q0r, J5070r, r®| , /. ^erfr /•

'fr^, <rr#t, v#/, ctut, m, mv,

Co-existence, n. Hf^f^Fn. $OTm. ^refr, 0R2r^r Ttcr flV. Sec Rupee, Money.

Co-existent, a .
FFCFHWFW, Bored c. 03T?ft #Wr &c.).

Consisting of various coins. 0T(“V'tl 'O


Co-extensive, a, HTOIK. Cracked c. JZIFT, TTHT^fT, 003^:^, irft (JJW&c.).

Coffee, — the berry.
it* * Payment in various coins. 0Pl^RT I^T«.
2—the infusion, ST^Tm. Stamped or marked c. SfT (^TT^IT, TOf &c.) 0000#.
— J —/ — . ,


Cracked and rubbed, — coins. 374t2-54. rTRT-jrrcsr or srr^rarr - 3rrTT3T - TrrPcsrsT-arrncr^sT -

To Coin, v. a. stamp metals for money. TP?5!, ftnfTMi. JJK®T- 3 ft? or iffan. 441/. tram trlcrn. ftvfW fiwr/. 3773741/.
qre4, ar^«.- itpftm. 3774 . 4 43-qu/iin. STl^argoiTm. 71771/. tfKTgf^fn.
Coining die. ftTCTni. 5 4a-w»i. ^r4f /. *rRm. «Tr®rn "srr^n. offeirrm. Rr?nr*n.
2,fabricate, forge , v. To Invent =0#, 4ra4, -%3T- cstwr-ot. arvRr/.arraign-
qr/-&c. ^5r. 6 4^qqrm. 4?rif ^ %wm 4%?m. f4?%?wr/. . .
Coinage, Coining, n. v.V. I. act. qT34«. fe^WPOTn. ir- iTprm.

8— act. 744«. &c. tw./. qpsRr
n. qrrg/r or qrrgoaw.
arw^^in ?rii3TS!-3)i.
^ pop. zpsra. qf%*r5Jirt. qft'TT-

<S\ 6, Os.

1 matter coined See Coin. That has c. 5T^T.

To Coincide, v. n. v. To Agree fifaiop, gs4, ?ipir, 4ann.- To Collapse, v. n.fall together. q44 orSffr^T «n4, 4174, ?44
«T»rm.-5prrm. TO4 g of s. or ?TTOr4, wr4.

On 7
Coincidence, n. v.V. and Agreement, ^u, 5P7m. Sf^Tm. Collapse, Collapsion, n. v.V. state. ^Wfn.&L e. %qr?!/* #<T/«
RrSTqTm. ^fqrrrfm. Collar, n. (for the neck). afr^q^/.
Coincident, and Agreeing, fiparunrr, &c. fif^rTTr^T.
a. v.V. C. of silver worn by the worshippers of Khandoba. arf^Tf or
Coiner, =44 TPT'W, 3fa7«T3Jrr.
n. v.V. 1 -
Coition, Coitus, n. v. Cotulation. g'ljm. 44rJT»»- g^n. Ornamental c. of gold or silver,
Co-juror, n Tsrgrejf, irf4?rrtff. 2 (as of dogs, &c ). or or f*RT«i.
Colander, n. strainer.

7fa5T or 3 75711 !. dim. 7T751 or spcarr/. 3 (of horses, &c.). Tl^q'i’n. aar Cl/*
srrA /. qsjfr /. f wrcf /. w*r/. ^rrscnft /. To Collar, v. a, seize by the throat. aT^pcfqjf j .
Cold, n . as a principle or cause. fpp^o^?. fff or ffrn. 43T if- jf. ~ See. g.ofo.
4€\f. sffan.
2— the Coldness.
Collar-bone, n.
To Collate, v. a.
^ /-
sensation, v. V3t /. fc? or ffan. rlpnff or v. To Compare. or W*
itfprl/. sftrTn. wzw or q^gr^,
3 catarrh, qwn. 7(731 /. W«n.
4 (in the system). 7?73f/. -/fr /. ftrTTar?/. tfar». Collateral, «. being side to side.
C. in the eyes. 3FT3rt/. v.
Cold, a— of substances, gener. /tt, snVrsj pop. ftr<TS7, ffTOr, 2 (of relationship). 20T€T#f^t,
2— esp. weather or wind. 7rrr, '4?, 3TH, 7t7 t, f?JT, ffJHR, 3 '/xoif direct, —of testimony, &c. q^tqfqf.
4 See Parallel.
Bitter, biting, piercing, icy, & c. c. (also — of water). ajlC, 4- Collation, n. v.V. — act. g^rs:qn. &e. qtfHrqrpTw. cfgr?rr®r»n.
37nr, ’itwv, 37747 or sronr, ittcpitc-
1 repast. qRrrsym. mt%Km
3 having the sense of cold. 7Ps)rf«i, rtW75W, &c. 4- Collator, n v.V* qffojrcf, &c.

jsj^srr, ft-T^rar or ff^ar, rl^a^r, Colleague, n. sRrirr^r 4lW, w), Tlfwjift. rrcrf^rfr,
sft- W-
tfrtfcr, 3jfrr4, 5rtiT5?ff4ir, &c. TrrO, 1
To feel or he c. 4#t /. f^CK.-fPsFT inv. con. r?q4, f%44. To Collect, v. a. v. To Gather. frfs?74, 5TJT174, 5r*rrar4,
4 having c. or cooling qualities. 4s -

iSjtirsrpop. ftlTf**, 7PC5) 4r^r tt44,

, tt44 g.of o.
Trfajpr, TTferftq,
2 (monies), 7r44, 3^4, 3^74, g-ir741/.-3sTr4l /.-Tnnrr-
5 frigid, apathetic, phlegmatic. 4?, 42T, -
fesT, 5Ttf ,
sR, 7rm.-&c. 7744 g of 0 .

4?, 4? Hf4ivr, 4^HHr*rr, froir, sr^^irfRrgr, #377 - 3 infer. sTJ*lRiL-cr4».--&c. 7774, 44, ftfST 7744.
BfT, ^r#7, f^TT?- Some terms for a cold, phlegmatic, apa- To Collect, v. n. accumulate. aflST H4, 3R“'r, 71T44, 7(134
thetic person, are f^rarrfsHnrm. 3rf4w.
OT?m.-7f =7Vm. 4r4g-.o/ s.
6 reserved close, not cordial. 4'?, 43T, 43T?3T, f4- 2 assemble, v. To Gather.
FijsSt, (T77744, 31ir4.
4ir,%riTRrqT,3T%rvr, s*t?r7tR7. Collected, a. self-possessed, 777^=777, sr?|5^f4R r, !

To be c. Tariff 077 f(4,437? /. V7T4. Bm, ttww, Tnrrfl-fiir^-irTrr.

Coldly, adv. v.A. 5. 3-7T7IW4, 43T?4, Collection,
'tpstrI- n. v. V. A. 1 act. fira44«. WflTWn. &c. 5PTR-»n.
?NfT, &e. W?ot. 4?r7w.
6 4^4, %sm^r, 3t%?<jt37. 2— act. g7744n. 37pf4n. &c. iTJrrTTm. OTpiPT /. gqj74l /. 3--
Coldness, n. v.A. 1 4ft/ WTOwt-Ysr^rf/.
4fer«. INrn. JTTts'/ 3vr°Fr/. iJTpfTC'/. ^ssoft /. a^7-
Wlif -
f . 9-77^737713- /.
2 44t/. f|7 pop. fc7 or 4fTfr». |far». m$lf. v.V. N. 1. — acf. 5r44«. Bl44w. gi?4n.
Rigors of c. extreme, intense, bitter, biting, &c. 2
c. 441^1- fir 5-4)1. q^44)i. w44«-
/ , —


1 collected body ,
v. Heap. tffcrro. tfqqm. qr~ — the fruit - csqpcqt /. pop.
few- jo/?. 3TRJ /. ^SSTTfm. OTfrfw. OTm. ^f^rrqrm. (used esp. in Colon, ». qs^n.-qqwt.
comp, as ir?[r ,
f^TT 3RPT). Wmdin the c. qszqjqm. qfjqr/
Collections (as of sums, monies, &c.). qqqq f. Colonial, a, v N. ?TO^T, *hd^*R3TOT-
mvitf. qqfte /. qqRTm. q^sfiq/. q^Prqqr/. sqrrsqm. mmwt, 5ft TOr#^TR?T5Ff%^r,
Contingent collections (or levies). ^nf^^fPC qqf /. Colonist, «. qrcqrqr.
Extra collections, fsrqf qqr/. #ftq qqf/. To Colonize, a a. establish a colony in. qPT^r I’OT^r-BTr-
General c. or levy (of monies). q£\f. q’ffaTOTiT /. qrRF T ^ferm. & c. toPw.
Miscellaneous c, OTtfSTfui. 2 ?nigrate and settle in. TORoT, R^TOfrf/
Collective, a . v. Aggregate. ^qqfq^r, Wqifq^FT, ^R^rftRT, toY /. ^..o/ o.

snjfar. Colonnade, n. row ofpillars.

Collectively, adv. v. A. (PK^T, #q*^T: ,
OT^fW'T, OTTO Colony, n. body of people migrated to another country and
Collector, w. v.A. 1. qqfaqrqr, Rtss^tfCT, &c. Sfaft, Wr- remaining under the mother state . WT^f &WW or
set, OT^irr- sror- 3rrfr~ &c. ^rw^rr w'm wfiRfd *j4raaf.-*ntfr*iK vr^m.pi &. c.

2 qqapTncr, ^^°rrqr, &c. sqsarr. ^srrRrfeq qq??jp/*

1 (of revenue). (his office ^qiftH^rft/. ), 2 country colonized . err'T^r r^ft

<TfT. ^OTfcrm. twr^r/- cr^r^rrar/. ^f^«nrr5TOn@rr/. %^xf«

College, n. society of learned men. OT^T /• fqm ^r^rr^r /.
fesqqfsrn. Coloquintida, See Colocynth.
2 for students, qr^sriw /. q3“m. fqqfqsrqtf*. Color, n ^fqm. pop. qq or qprw n.
Collegial, Collegiate a. v.N. 2. qrrar^TRRr, qrar^rsT^^ft, To change c. v. To Blush, qferq qrrqln. qs:q ?

fiRTTOTEf^ft, itvg-ofs.
‘Collegian, Collegiate, n. fR^TT^ffm. iqqw. fqqTOpqq#. 2 coloring substance or composition . ^Tffszfn.
To Collide, v k n. strike against each other . i^5rcNft VT3^T/. S v. Pretence. PrFqxfn.
-irorni.-&c. ^p#“TO°t, ^pr,sar^,?r?i^ 4 colors ; standard ensign , , v. Flag. fq^TFT or q«.
&2VF, SR^q. Hanging out false c. v.
2 fig. interfere with ,
<5c. v. To Clash, qRq, ^T^TRtjC ffq ;
To haul down one’s c. tR'Rm.p/.
ssreq §>'-of s. To Color, v. a. tm, bFT%t*rm.
Collision, v.V,— act BWmn. ^qvqn- &c. Ww. 2 varnish , ^/oss, To Embellish. fqHq 5Bfq»

<?ro. v.

&c. m%mi. BTRTqw. q, Rr^2Rl3T7i. SJTffT W.

Q—act TOb. qpapft /. /, To Color, «?. n. See To Blusii.
To Collocate* See To Place- Colored, p. fy a. v.V. A. & N. C-
Collocution. See Conversation. 3fr,rsftcr,t^, ^hr?r.
Collop, n. ^rnr^FOTw.-J^ran. Coloring, n. v.V. A. 1. act, t*FTn- <q^qn. &c. ^qq w .

Colloquial, a, relating, fyc. to common conversation , q$T- 'Sfqn.

^rtr^r,WTOr^,^wrv5T^rr, 1 cost or price of c. tw?s/. tilTf/-

% Colloquy, n. v. Conversation, fRffRt/. ffcqqRt/- pr* Colorless, a. f^"T,
&c. 5r4ft=T-Kf??r &c.
To Collude, v. n. conspire in a fraud, TOqqtqr- &c. ^Zm.~ Colossal. See Large.
\zn,~T{ixf.~ &c. wnm *•». -wrqqqfcrm.
n. - Colossus, n. gigantic statue qOTgOTfw- .

WqrM.-&c. qRqq. Colt, ?2 . r^rqfm. ^qfm. q*q?TRr?u. — in contempt, en-

Colluder, COLLUDING, p. a v.V.
71, . qqqq^F ^TonTr, &e. dearment, &ic. r&TRZn.
qqqqr qqqqr, sqqqfo
? 2 big and giddy boy. Wfm. wqrm.
Collusion, ft. v.V. q?OTTtqr Colter, n. —of a plough, qqssm.
qqq^»#iq?Fn. Coltish, a . firqT^.
Share or concern in a collusive agreement, srqn. fif&rKin, Column, w. v. Pillar* qf^qw.
Collusive, a, qqqqqRT, yqwqr. 2 (of troops), ql^m. q/q^qfm.
COLLUSIVELY, qqqqcTFT, PWR, irrfKTOTO^. Close c. ^T2T?n.

Collyrium, n. application for the eyes , qqqn. q#r- 8 (of a page), q^qw. /.
Colures, w.~in geography. qnqrxTq?q7u
C. of antimony.qqqrm. Coma, n, v. Lethargy, ^fq*/. ?rfqr^/.
Wire for applying c. q&ff, Comatose, a. v, 'Lethargic, qr^^BT, qfqfq^Tq.
Colocynth, n the plant, —
^TR-qt pop
‘ 3&Hq /-
' ' .
Comb, n, jqq^qt or Rrqqql/- *mtf tq^rw.—-in ^contempt
^W/.fcSTT*/. qrqsR-rn.
9 out, forth; c. to light, appear clearly. aFPR or arjsrF,
Small toothed e. /•
forcibly through the hair. 3TRT/. ffm-3TC“T. aim or aim, irrrfr, auTaR- swra- aftrsfar- & c . w, jt-
To draw the c.

2 (of a cock). #*nsrr€t sret/. g*rr /. 3R fR.

Tf st/. 10 to; recover as -tom a swoon, f fyc. g&tlT- WTRTCT - dufr-
3 honey-comb.
To Comb, ®. a. ^T-lawaRT- &c. 5a, unur fra.
^ 3?OTT,
To Card. 1 1 under ; be included. cfr^rirf
2 (wool, &c.) v ri"SFT, ri3TrC°T.

Comb-bag, n. <5FTCb. 12 up, out ;

—a tree, a peg, stake, &c. ^Trot, OTOTT.

To To Amount. To c. short. See To Fail.

To Combat, Combat, Combatant. See To Fight, &c. c. to. See
To upon. See To Happen, &l c. &c.
Combination, n. v.V. A. act. fifoi «)>)«. STf'C'Tn. 3T3 T /.

5r<’ r«. ?wrfTO«. fwr?c°T«* Barsurn. bVr«. Come, p. v v. 1. &c. *nm t

^afn. —
state and Union. tWfJTm- 5JrFiT/. "HRm. c5T3T, rrRfgf (used esp. of epistles).

BJfZf. Bifflin. UHRUTin. Comedy, n? fRTOWR W ^PT».

band, confederacy, cabal, iTm. Sfrm. Comeliness, n. v.A. 2. 3BT?fqqrm. 'FrrqfCq aTr^.
1 combined body

SIRt/ mm.f. ^fin. ip: or jjtiu. qarrm. &c. /. gfT/- JflTO /*

Comely, Fit.
II confederation, league, conspiracy, &,c.
ff m. a. decent, becoming? v.

afCm. ^im. mtfm.gftf. fam/. OTfw ^m. £C». 2 graceful, handsome , v. Beautiful. afftWC-

3prn. ^jpfJprn. gJTJprn. #Tw. ?Wrm. tniff^n-^gjin. W^*’ qr«rr, gqqr, f^q.
— mathematics. if^sWc'Tn. Comer, n v.V. 1. TOH, &c. &c. ^T#, ^PTf^fT.
III in

To Combine, v. a. unite, v. To Join. <33T Comet, n.

qrUT, in.- ?f*f IfC °T n. - &c . 3TC°T g.of o. Tail ofa c.

To Combine, v. n. coalesce, mingle, mix, v. To Join. frrsr'T, Comfit, n. ^ry sweetmeat fJTST? /.

JPF#T, wPFT. • To Comfort, v , a. enliven , &c. To Encourage.

v. ^?r-
^ - &e. ^vh g*0j O. wiVm
2 confederate, conspire, league together. fijaR, )fi uT f3'“T-

^T-ifRin. fjm.-^Uirrn. F*m-3m g-oj s. Kt3r« 2 cAeer under trouble . v. To Console.

iim or juft, arrm. ^rmn.--HTrnqRr»-“&c.
&c. <I3I^n.-C€gffn.~<far#r?rn. fiR Comfort, ru relief or rest from pain, distress, fyc. v. Ease.

g.of s.
Combiner, n. Combining, p. a. v.V. A. fiT^nTCT, &c. UURT- 2 zmdfer affliction, See Consolation. 3 enjoyment,
g?m-&c. comfortableness .
^n. f^n. f^ffqrm. gOTCTm.
v. v n. ftmrcr, smrcr & c
sprrat/ ^rfa/. Wr/. fWw/. agtiarm. ^^r-
2 Ac. ar/.
C0MBUSTIBIL1TY, «. V.A. 1. STf^facSTn. 4 or cause of c. ^etfrn. HOTrw. BWPit-
2 siftsR'FftoRcn. ^ffsr^FwrftRn. ^n. wgetraFTn. pPlHn- UCTWCn.
Combustible, a. that will brim. SfafifRr, 5f3raTOrC?3T- STPIT" Comfortable, a. v. N. I. relieved, easy. CfC*T, ^TJTPTRt, 3Tr-

-&c. ?f^r, ?nr, scaH^arfrrr#. cr*r, ’tkr qra^yr, sirrm w?r€Br-

2 that easily takesfire. qvnxr-saRFrr - & c. #sr*W-
5iiErsTRraT?l', 2 consoled, composed, §c. 5TH, UWral, UiRr or U-

Combustion. See Burning, Tumult. iRcar, cpr^w, jmremrsrRf, sTRuremFr, nw#ar.

To Come, v. n. arrive, approach, advance, S/c. a°T, SRSE-^nTTf 3 having enjoyment, c, or ease . spqps', or oS 1

-&c. trur fr®r, arr^trOT.-^iRiRn.-8TmHii.-&c. grur. gwrar, ciferSw, wrffnr,

Come Come along ! ^5T, ^5rPm*r SURirc.
! wftra-, gear.
Toe. and go. WifUrr/i.- & c. qRUT, To feel c. 7'?xr -
W- CRFT - inverse fy

2 draw being, v. To Rise, To Proceed. I convenient, S/c. v. Commodious. gOT^T, BTSTrC

3R5T fFT, OTfWT f FT. wturc, genr, g^w, g^rw, asrig^r.

3 attain to, reach, qrf#, ifh#, HUT W, ftR^T, RIR. II affording c. or consolation, v. Consolatory. iEfrfcf'hR^r,

4 about; c. to pass, v. To Happen. &c. W, wr^rOTar, wJwrr, tssrnff, f:^?rcar, sfrcrfruc.

sm.SFT. Comfortableness, ». v. A. 1. aTrCTR4'/* CrTOTfir/-

5 closely upon press hard upon, be at hand. %?ZR or %r°r,

fjT3R, fm, lift, csrr#, wajtSr, frarr^ a5!, surr^nc 3 g#wm. gn^mrm. fiw/. gfe?rr/. gi3Hc*ir/. 3-
a% strttcw. csr/. efcq-fa-/. CCR«T«-
6 off; be detached. PpFT, 5RFT. i mf. OTCTOm. BnfBrmrm. .
7 off ; escape. gzvy, Pm, f%WT, <TTC 13^, CU#. II 5nRKUT4v3Tn. Sjt^f^PC^^n- &c.

8 — an impression. Comfortably, adv. v. A. 3. gguT, gUBBPrUTFr, HWT,

off, clearly or prominently ;

Pur, 3-3R, gnp^j-. gt%, f^nw, gernfr, gf*nr,

— — •

II srrrw-fr&rr, a. deal. Commendable. See Praiseworthy.
Comforted, p. v. V. 2 #H%5rr, &c. 3TPJrfa?T, JTrtWJfWR', Commensal, a. v. N. qfossfqfftFRT, &c. OTfrftvrr,

5TRT?wr«irR-. tfirw.
Comforter, n. Comforting, p. a . v. V. 2. STFmirr, SOT- Commensality, Commensation, n. eating together.

ijRwwr, &c. %”Tn. ^fvr^n- f^T-

prfpcsr, ffr^CKT. ‘TR!)fr5r ;Tn.

Comforting, n. v. V. 2 — ^3%. ^OTSRn.

ac<f, srN^n. Commensurability, n. v. A. 5Tif'?lTRf',riTr /. Wifi.*)l“l*Tnr»i

gmmn. sStaf*«r». ?i3TirFrdr/.

2* -

Commensurable, Commensurate, a having equal §c

Comfortless, a. v. N. 1. 8 am€t, sqW-fRl', 3RR-T, WJg - extent,

fr=r, &c. HJTTn:3Tr aT,

britr, ?mr?, frmrrw.
1 vwriw, rrz&rtrwr, ^mrv^r^. To Comment, v. n. make notes, annotations, fyc. fl^TT f.-WWfn.

Comic, Comical, a. droll, queer, odd. STffpKT, ^RRiKRi'-SRlt -sqr^urr/. -ssrr^Tr^n- - fs't'Tarn - fe c 'T°rt
- &i e. tR^T.

&c. ^rciwirr, fr%nr, d%r?37. 2 remark censoriously. ZRdf -m^if -TfCRr^n. -&c.
Comicalness, n. v. A. frpTtt.
Coming, n. v. V. 1 and Approach Wzi.
— Comment, n. ziwi.f JTr®tn. srr^STvn- f^^CTn. ailW/.
^rwrn. Commentary, n. book of annotations, §c. ficr /•
C. and going, m Wmn. m «TRTm. VWf- War n. atrf^jn.
To Command, v. a order, direct
, BTHTl/. -|«FRT >». - &c. 3POT- Commentator, Commenter, n. v.V. 1. StqKT&c. ^TCTTCT,
I?, 3?raTT0T, Trm, STiFft/. aHraff/- - =fr<Sf. — strictly, positively, ftatPSTV, ftTr^vrr, wurarr, Wiiif, strr^rTr?:, s^r^Rt^f.
&c. enjoin, charge, &>c. *3TPr°T, W#, rRSHT'f, Commerce,?!, v. Trade, qof«. ^wnTm- spTfrTw.
w*#, '
sr?rr#, • Q\ d\ Gv, &\ ON
*rr- aqWJTm. tfSTM.
ipf-flBM-dic. as used 0 f the intimation of their pleasure, of Commercial, a. v. N. gfs-JrrsIT, amiTORT, &c. gr#tn?IWt, E*R-

kings, &lc. tRW#. firafwt, pop. siRfrct^, trsnRr.

2 bear rule over, f qr*7?T/- - 5rr^r=T«. - - STrf^Tq'^ «• - ^ET^r/. - The c. interest. 5frTORTTCr?n-
-^C^d/--^W^/--3T*T5i'ni--5IRV7' rfin.-&c. l
37^-W# To Commingle, v. a. v. To Mix

fifgsvT, if^r^t ?n.-?fTJTfe:T«.

with 3R of o. grcSr g.of o.

3 overlook, Sfc.ftwk, a’OT, JRFT, aRmra’-^RW- HIRPT To Comminute, v. a. v. To Pulverize, ^n.-qr f.-Stc. 37-

-WRT-&C. S’# and with in. con. aps5! (as ?r ifR HTT 3RT- r®r g-of o.
^pssrr ifFTiff sift). To Commiserate, Commiseration. See To Pitv, Pity.
Command, Commandment, n. mandate, order, precept, fyc. Commissariat, n. iffftQRT?^
sriwjf. srrt^rm- 5rm«. froHn. =fr^rr/. 37- C. -supplies. SFRtjf.
J*pf|TJ m — as used of the Commissary, (of an army). ^stqraTm. #rftm

m«i. j%5T5rm. .
intimation of n.

ikeir pleasure, of kings, &c qXJTRr or ?r /. SFJsfT /. Commission, n. v. V. (To Commission)— act. 3TURK qvfn.

That is under the c. of. |37iffit, 137#, ff ipfrr, sTnrifefT.

> fffRT ZRHn. &c. Prfra^Tn. FTUfiTm-
2 v. Rule. J37ipr /. saTORa. =TR3?t/. ^rfTWn. 2 —act. ifRJITtf 37C®lR-

*HRKt/. 1 See Committing. 2. 3. II authority given, charge, trust.

3 military charge, TOSHIPT/- STiTranTt or 3ftlT3Rt/ fqrsrui. WTOn. 5K!»i. tffriria.

Commandant, n. Commander, rt. Commanding, p. a. v.V. 1. Ill paper conveying authority. 50VT5T f. ^IjlrilR^raTn**

3?r5fr-rfJT-&c. ^rc'Tfcr-t'Trrr, srriTTfr. RTCRWm. fiRJRrtfr?)!. m^n. ariW^R.

2 |5’irfr-?rfHT-? TrfiicT-vT4l'T Tr-&c. ^vnrr,
: i:
arfir- IV—in commerce; order. tJRJtrar or g'f.
iffr, ^ttw, stcrr, srsr, srurTrfT or srtrprR. V allowance made to a factor, &/c. /. <Zv5I$\f.

C. in chief. ?Rrqfir, %;trfkprRr, or ft or fejt, %3r nW,

: To Commission, v. a. authorize, empower, warrant. ^RddlRm.
- -IJdS' /.-&c. I“T,
Commanded, p. v.V. 1. nTIWRtaf, &c. strarfer, arnTH", srraTFT, OTg.»/o. HqT-3lpT373'-&c. 3RR
sT^rrar, arrfe, f^pr. 2 — in commerce; order. qvCirro or tfRJTRI/. RTRUT- R°T.
To Commemorate, v. a. call to remembrance by a solemn act. Commissioned, p. v.V. 1. qrq^T-f^R^r,
r^t^r-qr#7T, Prq^r, Rurwd.

g.of o. gvOTr^strsw/. Vc^r g.ofo. 2 TCHT# or #r 37rffq, TRT3T.(

Commemoration, n. v.V. act. ^tfq^RTJSPrw. WR- Commissioner, n. person commissioned. arffPr»». sTRSTRt,

eHfw. 5=tW»i-
Commemorative, Commemoratory, a. v. V. at^TOtTT, To Commit, v. a. consign, intrust, deliver to. #IW,
SfllTST, ^^nfPRT. ijsrRT, ffew, 3?rqw, ^R'r-^qRf-frdi-^qrfr^- &c. 37^-yvf
To Commence, Commencement, &c. See To Begin, &c. q?ft trra-^, stw, -frvi'pf.- m^n. & c.
To Commend, Commendation. See To Praise, Praise. ZXWg.ofo.
That is above c. SRR'K'T, 3TWRT.
To witli confidence. pRFW, TFITT.

Toe. to memory.
9 — in grammar. i
10 ceremonially, neither defiled nor quite pure. ^H^T -

&c. ^°r. &.c.

2 (a work or business,
unto). JJSPR, JTR'T, W,OT, Common, n. n. common ground. vsT^t=T _/.

h pturqtTT JTRIITRn- 3Tf'RlK«i- Ffr^Fni-

-^itpr tjfft, FlRq ef r-Tr-nn ~
Common-place, a. trite, fyc. HrflfFq, ©8T,
5- JTr;;!rrH-'Tr?rH-fef€-&c. «rw-f^-'f"r g- °/ s *ntf or -_

jfpifi jk-^cTj ipsurr srrvR, ^rib.-wmi - jtr

/ - rtrs’t^n.- & c. rnrrqiTNT #3RT.
*^- w€l sra%. Common-place-book, b. tm^ Xfcn. IHRIT^'O.
usaitT spr, *n*fw -srct- & c. jifr- 3%
3 perpetrate, v. To Do. 3FRT.
^ ^ Commonalty, n. commons common people, v. People.
-&c. cffS'OT 3RT f f^PBTSrt

4 send to for imprisonment. ,

pL WW&f from Commoner, n. common person.

Committee, PTJrfTWr f-
^fS'^RT ^PTHm. ^r^TF^T 3Jf
the English word is common.
^ Commonly, ado. v.A. 4. 6. OTEflFRT:, «Tp^FT,
Committing, Commitment, n v. Y. 1. act. HFOTn f^TFT/i
&c. famU. Pt xm^f. *t kn. Rwren TTPT:, ^TR'^fL

Commonness, n v.A. 1. ^TrflT^Tw. ^RF^Tcfr/.

2 act ipfiytn. YKf'FTw &c. WCi’T'Tw wCtTm .

^TU? craT n OTTOfi. wsffTWn. 8^^PTR7«r«.

4 ?r^n?r <Tp£3°Trt. &c. '

To Commix. See To Mix. ^ t_ ^Rr^wrfir-

2 ^TOr^rKYcfr/.
Commodious, a. convenient accommodate comfortable
. ^ilsRrr,
, ,

appro, T-gr- ^tqn. &c-

wir^rr, #t T(T, ^rim, otto, ottptt,

3 ?r^ii#nir/. aTFPPFiRPRfTr/- sirqmiRRF0’?". ^c.

ror, TOTTO. ^iftr-
HtCHrCOTrm. 4 ^ffeWTrm. qfe^q'Trflt. nfefe/-
Commodiousness, n. v. A. ITT?/. 'ETfC^TT'T'Trw-

anr«- ^fin. atqiFfl^r/. JFrFm.

otwt/. sroHm. «n^pr/ /. ^

TtiPrarnrj- ,nw-
5 t ps u' i STOw*. ttht/- qr^fn. qr??Tn.
Commodity, n. item of wares or goods. fsTSTHm. 3>°rn. GRTi». ^n. siftscar?rr/.

6 qrf^r/. nrfjRpqn. «fPPC55i)T/.

&c. -anfFW/
Commodities, — compreh. wares, goods, merchandise. Fsfvf- 8 iro^i'Ti'm. qr5TFF DTTm- f«r%q°rrm.
^fRTrn. io ^rq^q fiT5FWFPEr»».pf. ftfsTroin-pf-
Commonalty. 2. See Food.
Common, a. belonging to more than one. 35PTF?, WNK u r, ®T- Commons. Sec
Commonweal, Commonwealth. See
qfeFrrro, qfGPRFg, arroropfr,
SrroniFtr, ai^ropfPt'ir,
7— Commotion, n. perturbation, v Agitation. SlFTm- 'trfSIW»<1 -
aFTOr- .

itoftotTO, iroriRroTO, roronf+i si *« "-g ,

W, 3tt?6fTR>.
having no separate owner. ^RT,
#rrq-m. sw^rr /.
2 combustion, §c, v. Tumult. IRT?/- «**»«*/. ^
2 belonging
^rlNuT roror, meraTTO,
to the public,

mrcrorftar, OTiqrfro, aTfroqOTfTO, ^FrFwe^rrfcRr ^iR:-

or ?»?/-
To Commovb. Sec To Agitate.
fvT /. qifRS or SSt/-

hold intercourse. IFT-

FswFro, TjqroiOTNrt, Hffww, To Commune, To Communicate, v. n.

%gnNFRn - SoR b* - graMRSR n - 'R^ES'Tn. 4 o5<it«-

jnj- fjT5j%B. - •

Ac. woman, prostitute, ijc. HPTF*1T/. (

3‘f'T- qi’Tr-
OTRT OTIOTr TOl if -qKqrrira.--^tT£ :T»>-B?TSRr /.-^ff3Tin.-&c.
3 belonging to all, universal, general. ,

o and with in. con

T-RGFfr, OTFqqqqr, 3Trqrifc 5i’'Trc r,

To Converse. ^TTRT«.-^in.

2 confer together or with, v.

srTO%r, otot, anhffar,
4 public, popular, general. cti+NT,
5TI BFTT •=I3T WW, -&c. tcfp: ^fpi- sph-W'

v. a. impart, v. To Give. UR, cTRn.-^q-

^Nrrsqqfrnqw, trFro, irftrsr, ^rroferae, Sjrafa®', To Communicate,
rogfOTnffror, &c. >IFT«,-&c. ^Vhg-o/o.
sFffror, W-
Abundant. T~ 2 reveal, disclose, v. To Tell.
5 not rare or scarce, v. qipf,
??r,P^tb. wftg-ofo. 5TTftt-irrttfi’-^fe?r- & c ^°T
' - -

pa-qr, mfro, arPrro, roTO TOUarr, ^tnrrs garl^r.

To Communicate, v. n. have a. passage from one to the other.
6 ordinary, customary usual, frequent. qfCTiSRT, qfOTFT-
stow **»• eon

c 6?rr»w- - ^rnt — -
t- »«.
qfcqi^r^,TOwrfropo/>. siprfrfRr or^^sOTfrcror, ^cr*
Communication, n. v. V. A. 1.— act. %°Tb. 3FTb. iTSTTn, Hf-
ittot, jrrPrqr, aT^T®, •o'^T^r, Pftrfst, qF?qiztqgr,

of persons, not noble. SPIRT, JrtffT, ^WFq 'K- WW ?Rn.

2 — act. qpEWn. ?TPFT«- Pfq<FT«.
f^r,^iwc^Tr^,.HPP7rq^t^, mffr, ftjrfsr, f'wwrar-
Intercourse. .qsRw. <^“1-
I communion, v.
8 of things, ordinary, not excellent, for daily use, jfye. 1'^KT,

i^r^, qmprr^T, qFPRrr^T, f^^- cppqn. win. -

II conference, colloquy, v. Conversation. WHRt/- ^r^"
^r, usft, m&, ^rO, wbwf,
OTrar, ©Tr^Rt, *iTftr.


III line, means , fyc. of c. v. vsTTOrWpqT #Tw. 2 assembly for co?iversation, 8fc party, /. ^ry.
or c^^fSrw. ^FIT^^/.
Communicative, a. not reserved. HRT^r^r^hTrTr, tfcRKT, Address in c.
tfftrwiRprr, Bold or confident in c. tftfpfte', HaTT^C.
Communion, n. v Intercourse. qs£oy n, qss&TTOOTrc. Boldness or confidence in c. HaTf^n.
W«. The grace or ornament of a c. eJTrft'T^m.
Community, n. common possession or enjoyment ^n?fT 3T ?IT?r- Self-possession m c. mmftf /.
^t/. ^TRTff^ KpftTOm. W$K*I JTTOn. ^RTC°T Wlk^n £r<3K or~ Suitable togood c. ^afjf^^ ^tr-.
Sweetmeats served to c. at breaking up.
ffer^rq^T /«
2 commonwealth public body, public TOT/.^nT/. ^^T»n.
, Timid or diffident in c Ba-Tfaqt^".
pL f mim j 3TTO./• /. The sense of the woid Timidity or diffidence in c. ^aTRTqm.
is often expressed by the words. g^Tm. U&n. ajpTm. &c. 3 companionship, society, consociation , consorting. ^nqfcf
To Commute, &c. See To Exchange, Ac.
Compact, a. close dense solid, v. Firm, sr or sji* zjgzrz:
, ,
W/. mm. Win. OTaRw?. Bmf *l£\f. pop.
W- mmm. m^mn. m^n. mf mkwn. mm.
3FF, *T*, TO *TOTO, fSTO, w, qsrlfrr, sf-
3firq$\ Bad c. prwr, f.m, fm,
2 close-set, thick-set, strong-knit well-knit. 3T£TT, IT, Good
c. ^r^iT, ^r#i, *jm, wmftr, wmim-
w, w^ g, f^fRr, tot, TOtqran:, W- In the c. of (or in connection with). $Jpfl or^ or
1^, TO, fTOfto, *rw, s<TO*Tter, qfrsSr, S' 0 / o.

otto, ster. The keeping bad c. ffrf m^n. 3?^-

8 disuse or veritae. TOTTOIT. TOTO, TOT3T, OTW, <T-

£RT, JST^RT. The keeping good c.

Compact, ». contract, v. Agreement. tr??r/. fpgr /. irfalT /. Virtue of c. ^JTcFJFrm.
^%rTw. *nqqm.
To Compact, v. a. v. A. I, Sfix&r,

leads to ruin,

according to his
apHTTr^f m TO.
c. There is
2 See To Compose, To Make/ also a Hindustani proverb of the same import, qferff i^ijr
Compactness, n. v A. #fqO/.
1. qpTHrwi. Ac. wr? twm Ma?r wr.
wnf/. ^rr/ mjmf toN. s^wiT^pfo. tPn&rn. ?r> To bear c. To keep c. with. v. To Accompany.
TOin. T^rff/.
2 BjOTqaff m Tfgq&ff m. zjifqjq&Wr m.
mm g--ofo.
8c c. TORw. ' /. 4 body corporate association , ,
society , corporation . ^n.
girpRTT/. wRf /. &wn3Tm. STfrw. feft/. ^r^Tm. qfrfTpop. qajcf/.
3 TOfqrerf^qofrm. &c. ^rm&r%r/ HWtR’frr/.
5 (of a regiment). The English word under the form of ^q~
Comp ages, Compacture, naked structure, ^r?°r?r/. */• is commonly used.
wrsj /. totoss/. Zb Company, v. n. associate with, v. To Accompany, ijjfm.
Companion, owe who accompanies another . TO^T^rr
or Wrfr, #RTt, W&mt, Comparable, a. v.V. 1. q^TcfRr^I ^ f-\ti'ar|T-&c.
m$\ mm, m^K,
} qfflrcr, wm. £tiw-inm-&c. ^Rr#irr-&c. ?r^r^rrl
Companions and associates, — compreh. or gener. m^r.
or #r<rr m€\* 2 g-q-jfr^qr# j3rr!ir#iir-&c. gtr^?r.
2 associate comrade partner, v. Fellow,
, , qrpqt, CoMPARATES, ». in logic. !JtfJIR}TT%rn.
wRr pop. or ^rot, ^ret, tot, tort. Comparative, a. estimated by comparison. ®T?-
3 intimate associate v. Friend, *R3T,
Rrerw, *r^?rrw, «r»n%, w,

2 in grammar. See Comparison.
Female c. or friend, to*/. snsFfr/. qftmfCTr/. Comparatively, adv. v. A. q ?:fW)TR»n.-3T5CfIKr». rrif^ ST^rgr, ,

Companionship, n. v.V. 1. $rfm. m^f #r?r/. tth'O sr^rfrf, firs^r ai^rgrr, sai^r.
Hf*?Rr/. ^rawm. To Compare, v. a examine by setting or bringing together.

2 #Trn. pop, m%f. w$f $mf ^Ff^tWfrn. Tfitf. #3r°T #r=r g ^'gr
, qr3rrr~^, !
<Tf?"T, q^i55rm.-?rr5frm.

-T^rerrm.j&e. rr^rg.o/o. di^wfT-?!rfT-m^r-&c.

qrgvr, ^ir
C. or fellowship,— compreh. or indef.
^°t, g-JTr°i^, wnm,
In constant or close c.
-&c ^rfff-qifor g.ojo.
3 SRR^n. Wrem. Bf%5R*n. mmn. qff% pop, qijrf/. aT^ifw. 2 — in rhetoric, illustrate, liken.
&TWf. - J^TT/. - ^TfrO/- -
wrwmn. &c. 3WT, 5^, ^3%. -

Company, ^oc?y, jfroop, multitude, v. Band, or o?t/. Compared, p, v.V. l. frfT-rrnrjr-q^erR^ &c. qrrif33r,^ &c
f. ^ <K
5T4TW. §R/, JRRT.
Compassionate, a. v Pitiful. 44T35, 4?7?r^(, dib. 0!'
2 <p5§3T 8cc. OTf*f*r,

Comparison, Comparing, n v V. . I
— act . qf^TT^n* TOST- 444:foT3r, f=Tf, ^^ fr3, l sK'^iirr5

q^TOfwi* g'^Tf eTfw* ^TSPjqrRsSTwi To Compassionate. See To Pity.

oS^ mil'll’ &c. cj^rff55T?n.
Compassionately, adv. v. A. /?4,4?r?7iF4,
j^r/. sotr*
Standard or measure of c, 3 Hfam. Compatibility, n v-A. . WW/ 4474 /- WT». srf^aqrm. f?~

2 rpRT/. OTJTT^n*
twrmw. wnFrfRnfTT^n-
are expressed, 1st simply by the Compatible, a. v. Consistent. f344r-^r-74r4r-#l447 &c.
I m grammar the degress of c.

particles f*T, q&f, qftH (answering to f/*«n) at- ^Ncrr-^r-^mr &c. #4R7, sif^^sr, 44r4rp447407.
power of the
Compatriot, n. 44^371, 3?T?, 44743T1, 47T3T.
tached to the words, as ^rwf-2T5PTUH-fr
&c . there being no variation whatever of the adjective express- Compeer, n. v. Equal. 44744F47, 4744f4, 443757.

To Compel, v. a. constrain, force, oblige, necessitate, make.

ing the quality : 2dly, though less idiomatically, by the use, for

the expression of the comparative degree, of

(more) sjarn.- ?3r;#r4T /.- TS^RlTni.- fr4/»-- #CTm- !#i4T74l /.-& c.

before the adjective, as more good, and, for the with 4T of o. &c. OTT-TOJ
(ex- qvr-&c. ?srT?4#-^44-4?#?07-& c. 17szm. 47407,47^1444
expression of the superlative degree of 3jfff qT3T, tFTC, ;

(or ri^r) 47444.

tremely, utterly &cj before the adjective, as *^Rf ex- trrf=r

&c as 3dly, Comp ellat ion, 71. style of address, word of salutation. Zfqor-
tremely good or of ,

Sanskrit adjectives, of the particles & srfan. OT^r-JifTfe?i-&e. fm. frft-frar#-

by the attachment, to
for the comparative superlative degrees respectively; as &.e. 57Rn. The terms of Compellation are very numerous, and

TOR, higher, dearer, highest, dearest. they are in constant use. As we have but few corresponding
vT^cfC, ITgrfC-
II illustration , v. Simile. vTqflT /• S^TFTwi- terms in English, they cannot be inserted in order, yet, as they

Subject of c.
are valuable, they must not be rejected. Here, accordingly, they
arc set down. Some are respectful, some tender or affectionate,
III possibility of being compared, proportion fyc,

sr^rn. w/. some familiar, and some contemptuous. *7#,

Coftn artment, w.
q* «i.w.

cell, partition, y .

Division. am, ai^rr, mr, R=rr, 37rwr, rr,

grrr, fnrwr, ffrfprr, srsfr, srr^r, ^r*fr, ^r^r, =rr=/t, jrihfr
Tr^r, ^ , #,

Compass, «>. g. encircle, environ, v. To Surround, qpC^T, sfijrrsf, 4177, 47T, 47J, 4T4T, 4747, 474, NTsRTST or RITTPT, W% or
~&c. q'F^T. ww or urTr^t, nstttr, *77*7# or irmrfr, ww, m,
2 «««<«, y. To Accomplish. 47f4”T, 444744, W 4744, fe erwrtf, 7#, 4f?4f, ^flibr.

names have commonly three forms,


may be here noted that
the simple, the respect-
47407 .
3 See To Circumambulate. ful, and the contemptuous ;
ex. *7f|3[ or Jjprf;, 44 simple

Compass, n. v. Circumference. ij4Tw. 44»>. 'riTfi’TMi- form; 447447, 4474^,444^, 4 44T4T respectful form ; 4?raT,

2 circuitous route, v. Circuit. f*F C^K’f 3T

5 l
t«- - dim. PT'C- 44p4r,4®7r contemptuous form.

xltif. ssfsrm. Compendious, a. v Abridged. 5&4T4T, niMw, W7-

To fetch a c. f4447F4Tm. - 4747«i. - 4447r»i • - &c. j?4,5rri7rFg-4r, #44.
-nn^r, f44?t/. 473 4

Compendiously, adv. v. A. #^47#, #SfT475^4, 4744474.
3 comprehension, inclusion, embrace, sphere, capacity, <HTn. Compendium, n. v. Abridgment. #&-
47?/. s^rcgrrm. W4M.
To come into a small e. #4474 4<T. To Compensate, To Compense, v. a. recompense, make amends
to for. 4T4, 4^4 44, ^I#^B.-?rF4fC4n.“«i4f# sf'F4/.-fr-

To contract into a small 4PJ8T4 Wfor.


4 range, extent, v. Reach. 3tfrWm. sTfhKTw. f4F45ff4 /.-& c. 444.

4T?/. Z747m. 2 be ‘equivalent to. 44l4T- 44i4r- & ! c. 4flf6r/. 4TT4,

5 (of the voice). %Tm. 44"n- '7r#4r0T 4T4 with neg. con.
Compensated., n. Compensating,^, a. Compensative, g.v.V.
6 (of mariners), fft77»)t.

Point of the c. f'T5Tr /. f?fr?4r4»i- The eight points are 3TS - 474T 4^-4 ^rrcr,y{44r4T, frf44T4T, rrf4f#^rT4v.
fZ5j( and with inclusion of the zenith and nadir srSTfew/. Compensation, n. equivalent given for loss, sufferings, fyc.

pi. The minor or remaining points arc f?f4?0T/- g47W4t-&c. 444l0r«.-^45rw.-^Tfl- &c. ?r^PJf4«. ff§4RTn.
To Compete, v. n. cope or vie with v. To Rival. 447441/. 47-

pi. The points collectively are feiF4?7». ,

Building open to all the points of the c. 4774T4?"«- 44#5r 4fiT444^r, 43507,
4S7 S-of 0 . f
/. 4W«r, «r'[f[Tr 4(4r/. ?•-

Determining the points of the c. fsFRfT&T^Tn. ^4 444, 40r44raf 4074m- 474707.

Elephant of one of the eight points. m. Competency, n. v. A. 44t4«7Tm. 47r4W». 3374^7/. 4l474r/. teW-
To box the e. fcr$44»i. 474“7, 4r/.4rr%44r/. 474574417. ,
7 compasses, 473v!:»i, t?T4wi. ^fz^Twi. I easy fortune, good circumstances. 44n. 3"M774^-

Compassion, n. v. Pity. <f4r /. 47C°rr/. *TC”4«. 4T47/. 54 n. <4141 4f4r fC4r (

43Frr»w.-#trfxr/. 5°4«. &C.) 4l4%l}q4f4-

fir/- 4FT«. 4r#tuft/.

— , —— . T


in easy circumstances , comforta- Complaisant, a. v. Civil. jins', NTTCiUYt,
That enjoys a c. that is

bly provided, well off in the world, comfortable, happy &c. flr^irr, siYfr-fr, amiff

jjrarffcrf, wrinr, ijrraRvsv or wft, vcvrmit, Fvr- wwv Complement, n.full quantity or number. ITK^f- WPJPT/. H-
vrc°Trw. VKf. iTOTfS' /. T^CWt/-
<nv or fc;rirar,Hslr, wrirwFr.
Competent, a qualified for> equal unto , adequate . J7T3T, J- 2 quantity, fyc. completing, supplement. Tl/kfl/. TY'In- j

5rgr, frav, vprv, iw, ^nfajstr, saw, irfew, vakr#!, 3Pkt/. W/'
SOW, IFT. C . of an arc to 90° . SRtfr /.

C. of a segment, qpr/.
Competition, n. v.V. and Rivalry. Wg\f. ilftRFWf/. , k<t»iTi

Complemental, «. completive , supplementary.

or IiafFr/. ViTVit/. TO^rPT^Tfin trspmWtW /. 'T^RT-
^OPsp^Tfl. yTT, J^°Tr^r, TP¥. l

Rival. xrRrwff, To Complete, v. a. make full or ivhole. /.-vr ro!T»'.-

Competitor, w. Competing, p. a. v.V. «?2 <#
q-i%/.-j r?rr/.-&c.^i;aT g.of
3 o. yrr-7i:?rr-q DT-& c.
trvreffirs#, ifvr^vf, t'vnfcfv, <rvr>Trftr, TPiiRr.
Compilation, Compilement, n. v.V. 1. act. vcnRF'Tn- 5f- 2 execute fully, v. To Accomplish. OT-W-^fTT-Pirnr-
v?«i. wf°rn. $ir£U< u in. einTC'Tn. wrrcRr/. &c. fearer-

1 thing compiled, gffir/. W?t». gUflFTm.. 3 (a period or term). JT^, T°T-JCr &c. ^5j.
To Compile, v. a. collect together. HSTCni.-WCTn.-BSTlftT- Complete, a. Completed, p. v.V. 1. T"f &c. %^r, T3"r,
rn.-Hft^r-&.c. viv g-of o. ?ir, ifci 0! , gw,qfc?r, iv, wrff, f wrff ,
nk, trrarr k:3Ti ,

2 write. See To Compose. 2 cpt &c. 'TfT.i^r, iirnr, ^wrir, ot°t, fwsr,
Compiler, n.v.V. 1. JTCTC VVf-Vlfr, vitflTIFiT. ^nrrPivr, #6^, kfv-
Complacency, n. pleasure, satisfaction of mind. IsfSJT /• TO5T- 3 jnvvr, lyfv^r.
mf. krvroavr/. fwireiYfli. Fw^aRwr®. krvmmi. ftrara- To be c. JPCM.
Completely. See Wholly.
2 See Civility. Completeness, Completedness, n. v.A. 1. qxW’ft. &c.
Complacent, a. v.N. 1- JpJRPT, JFraPrv, fVVIHvr, frr /• iFci'wr/. Bqvir/. vv /. ikqfv/.
Vp,Hfr0FRT. 2 j^wro. &c. fj^r /. &c. miTwf F^ifv /• vfefe/- Prffv/-
2 See Civil. ff^f-
To Complain, v. n. lament, repine, mourn, See. Y?°T, Va - r Completion, n v.V. I act. Vjmyin. &c. IViPlt/. JCI-
jpsir or ^afesur /. pi- in, rrfWT, fssfav, mm/. ejeKf. HPifl /. UPOfTm. I^°r«. — state. qTItrrM. fh-

-NTm.-PFriin. - m^fTm - j: ^PO» - &c 3FN, <T:?jrn. VCSt-. # . . cTr /- iffTW/ wlftr/- iFcw/.
ktcSt- TT r=r°r- irraror ^f.-T^hmn. t
^r#. 2— act. wk'ii. ivvtv ^vjn. &c. BfHn - state.
To c. peevishly. f^^/--faorR7.-&c. IFN. &c. gfifirf. &c. trJirfff/. fvsqfv/- hFair/ kfFv/.
2 represent injury or crime . fenfe /• 3F?*T-?RFr, VrfvSW /. To draw to c. aTrvrprv W.
-VrFaVTt /. VCN-WiFT, ^-ffan.-faprrm. #, cfPT/. am.v- Completive, a. v. V. 1.
Complex, Complexity.
nflvr, WXVlvr, Ipir.
See Complicate, &c.
Complainant, n. v.Y. 2 fklfovCNITr, &c. feFpft, TFlfr, OT- Complexion,?!, color of the shin or external parts. ajiFTorm.

qrirct, titot. 3TiT€rFcl/. PVm. f°Tw. IPIm.

Complainer, n. Complaining, p. a. v.V. 1. ap^'-MNFT, TV- 2 temperament. See Constitution.

°tf r, f^vsNirr, &c. krfvu or -err, Ftoft or -m, kr^ssirr- Compliance, n. v. V. act. JTFI VffVCVn. &e. ar.ft-

Some terms for a person ever complaining ( ever whining, ^nrm. vviCiH- tfmrf. 3 aT^Crsuii. ^wvw^'n'n-

moaning, &c.) aro^^r, Y^'pSJT, ck- v. and Civility, spjffv/.

A. 2
I (~r, ’CYIFTVrr, figTar ;
— and for a female esp. flE? SitiT, TYiT- Compliant, a. yielding, tractable, v. Obedient. flVft, fl 5!-
5f^t, iswfr, STYTcrri^Ysif. iw.fivfiT, Fi^wtr, iv^rvrflr, fw, a^fFiptr.
Complaint, Complaining, n. v.N. 1.— act. ^2%/t. flefaSbi. 2 obliging conceding, v. Civil.
, sFffPi't, Nfivf, iTVVT, V-
&e.f qT/. fort® op pfcrsm. Fvirvr
feir^in. irFrav/.
Peevish c. FvC^tT /. RtSIX/- ‘Zffffff-
To Complicate, v, a. involve, v. To Untangle. apR'i, iJT"
Piteous c. ^/. t>. ffiir, NT, C^irfirn. TJV or arr^CTTVoi or IJCVOT, TTSTiSV, /• OTff. «/ °-

2 f^q-fer /. =ri#5r or Jfrfvl^ or # /. 3TC/. fiiarw. ir#T». w Complicate, n. Complicated, ;l v. V. ike,

ifvnfTwr, iri-
TrrsSr or irnTr®!/. vr, jfqrrii^vr, iivTrsrrvr^irrsirvr,
To go or come to lodge a Rpife 5TIN or jJ<t.
c. i^tvr, sjWrvr.
I— in law charge, v. Accusation. IFfro. TVRfwi. *n%Tt/j. Complication, n. v. Y.—acl. ippFr«. apr^IVn- ^c.—state.

ground of c, sr-.^n. X'Z /• f^ST’H^'fT'Tw. Teijin.

II cause or jfrfF/. ifirSTm. 3JVV5^/. Jj^qFr or W or <KT Un. IT^T-

III malady, disease, v. Disorder, ffirw- jk°T». IT?f.m.n. iTri/, vr &n.

Complaisance, n.y.A. WRTrm. /- Nf- Compliment, «. expression of approbation, civility, §c. ?rf-

klFiM. IjfWWft. VI%fV/. STRVfV^n.

COM 137 2 COM

Hollow compliments, qo^ft sfF 3fOn. "SpqTfq^Kw® IV — in mathematics. aTlXTft.

— as sent or convened. pi. Compost. See Manure.

2 compliments ,

Composure, n. adjustment, v. Settlement. /. dT^'^FT /«

Interchange of ^RTf/. c.

Pee To Praise. /. 8i qr#^/.

To Compliment
calmness, quietness tranquility ^TITtT /. ^q^ufRf/.

A c. orrern^T, sTiTTr^-nx^r - & c. 5j3Tm. ^SJHrqr-qr/. ^iq^TF^JL ^RDn. ^TF8«

Irqq^/i. gfruMrq^R.
^q^FKr^r, _
yield accede to, v. To Agree. 3TT?*r-*h- Computation, n. drinluny together. OTITqj. OTlfd’ f. Hf TF^'H 1

To Comply, v. n. to,

yST-fcc. sjtfojr, OTw ^F^K°T, Compotator, ??. h^tf^ qrxr-qrF'Ct'-qiF'Cqr &c. ^tf^f*
To Compound, v a mingle, combine, v. To Min. fifSJqoT, fr

constitutes, forms, §o. ^TOJfT, FrpFJT^prw.-^Rj^^fft. qr^CT^*. ofo.

Component, a. f/W
2 constitute, form . Sec To Compose. 8 adjust, v. To Set-

To Comport. See To A cure. tle. %/Tr^f^/. qF^~^T“^C°T,

Comportment. See Behaviour. ^ft / ’.
s' of o,

To Compose, v. a. constitute, form,

~A 4 — in grammar, TWH m .
- ^F^TFf FC m &c. ^K fr

z^in.L'OM.V^,^^smor*{ZfF$L To Compound, v, n. come to terms of agreement F-

2 lay, calm, still, tranqudi ze, quiet, <$ o. SFH'PT or ^IHd ,J

T ,
WF- q^Hzf f-~ 8ixw/-cCc.
qaj or OTrW, qq&Xl#, TO#, STRf# frdf#, Compound, a not simple. Rr^f^r , ,
f^T^T, pRf^Td',


c&ro g- of o. qr# $*. of o,

2 — m grammar. H^THFXF, HF^FfOT, ^sqf^fR^.
Compound, n mass compounded, v. Mixture JrpT^/, frr^r^Tni.
8 (a discourse, &c.). qr#, C#, TO#, X5# ;
du#. .

Certain medicinal
4 adjust, v. To Settle. df#, mw, mzm.-m^ ft-Sic. 2 in medicine. ^ETPHtt- Tt-Tfai. qfqPTm.

g* of o .
or chemical Compounds are ^FFFf^
See To Dispose. or q^r, 3T tTT, f%qF^ ^TCFf^r,
52-place in proper state, §*<?. ?

vzrrmv, OTrqrqr, zjWKrf YFXf-

Composed, p. §• a. v, V. L %§wr, TOFTO^F, Xf used with the noun tt¥, fxcFF^fqr, grragrr^TT ,

(as ^PTFTr, tf^r^FF &c.), m (in comp, as ^WPT&c,), 3TF^T Tffqr, wr^qr^ic, TffC,
rtq, qrwx 3

3—comp, as HTOfaTO, Cl TOTO), dfcd (bi comp, as ^tf^fcnT ^8frT, fwm, £wwi, w-

wm, TO^dfeddF^ TOdR:##.


qfzK, wipr^r, gq°r 3Tff^ qw, wr&^srr, Shw ^ l'

y ?

2 and Calm. &c. ,

5TFT, 3TOFT, HJRFTT, H*R^. ?3?W.
gsiScT sqfcr, &e.), TO 3 in gnmmar. TtJTTHni

fm, W
8 rTO^F,&c. rfTOT, dfcf (in comp, as
(in comp, as ^rOT 0?FT, #TTO#Td,

I *tei77, sedate, steady . feTC, or WJJT, WlT.

Explication of a
yard around house.
c. fqvfZm.

TW or or qr5rfif» l . ffPTrm.W^rw.
Composedness, n. See Composure, 2 sedatencss, staidness. ?rr?Jr«. w?«. t rjkn.

Comi’oiindki), jh v.v. a. !. &-c. fq«r, ftTf^Tfr^f^'T,

TOjaft,afjTRTWm. JtWW n. f#l“dF /.
Composer, n. Composing, p. a. v V. 2. qqTdTOHT, &c. 3QFT- frr»3Tf^5T, ’irwrNfT-

STOT &c. ^CTTCT, WF~TOH8~#Fd &C. ITdF'TfT 3 qpJTTjartTr, ^#3" Irl^T-SIT^T.

•“f^F-frcqr-^rd. 4 wtBr, mm -

rrrirrDrar, ^if#T^r.

8 qrcror, crorcr, &c* ^rf, rro, m^K, mffil Compounder, n. v. ¥. A. I. prosper- &c. tErfnTW ^f-^T-
Composition, Composing, n. v, V. l.—r/cA q^r#w, f^fppqt/. cr-&e. „
— act. 8fd#w* ^Tfq%. ^ilf#rc. & c. OTTn. TO*H«* *3T- y. V. N. frarfr? ^>rw, ^rtrarwmr, &«•

q^TTOFn* snrm. SJWfn. STifrr (csp. in comp,

as ^F3T5Tifff, ^TOSTlfd, ^f^Tffd, %T3Tifd &c.), &&mm. Compounding, n. v. V. A. 1. — «<?A fearorn. fe*. &« Sr-
firet®/- fitwriu.

sf°r». ^riflrs^rn.— «*<<«,


®m\$f f 1
.jprrn. 30rF?*r

3 frswn. tf^d grC"T«. 3i3^r3 grwn. &c-


r#R. &c. OTTn. «hpTn. dT*TOTF/.

or s. q*FWTO or ffW/. ysR'PTm. IdWw. ?pq?n. 4 See Composition.
iFo Comprehend, v. cl comprise, contain, include, embrace,
4r—act. ^srorn. ^(feaTn. qzqz^ff.— a. or s, #F^ f v * qr^, sirarfr, WT, *OTT, TO, arijqSr, an^, arrarwsrn.-wir-

%sT$RT or #r^df^/. ? 5r«.~ & c. sot g*.o/ o. ^grqr to®!.

I discourse, §•<?. composed, v* Book. ?HIw. qff^Tn. ^TF*q^. 2 conceive, v. To Understand. siRTOTT, U“T, W,
0' I
i5r®- ffSt-'ra^’ g- of O. with in
qfFferr/. ^C 5
T6*'- °f°- 4r4'w-- ;

II See Compounding, Compound. Ill— in grammar. *8- con. EURRT ^ in con. • *

Comprehended, p. v. V. 1. DTrsfrs^^T, tSTC^rf, &c. STT^f^?,

3Rn0rm. ^WFfKm.
The chief forms of c. are a?s^ftiTrq, but wnfte, «M?r, JTlwfcr,

of these there are many subdivisions. 2 q#7r,%r5rr%3 T, &c. srRrf^r, 3131^, fterfe.
— . & —

COM 13 0 CON
Comprehensible, a. v V. 1. WHcA|4r-WT-WTWT-&e. WTWW- To Compute. Computation. See To Calculate, Calcula-
ww, arrwwwqpw tow. ,
2 WWWTO- WT- WIWT- WtWWT- WTOST &c. wFwTOT, WFTWTO jfV- Comrade, n. v. Fellow. TOWl, wr#, WWTO, HWT?r, WTWm.
TOST, (HOT, #w.
Comprehension, n. v. V. 1 .—act. TOWTOm. &c. WfWTO». W- Con. To this inseparable preposition correspond Hi/ and w? or,

#rtwTO»i.—state, srwr/. wwwt/. wwwr/. wror/. as substituted for them, W.

TOwfaw. WWIWSTw. wfTOIK'm. To Con, v. a. fix in the mind.

2 —
«cf. WWWWn. WWWw./. fiWw. WWWWw. WWWWw. -WW-*?WW, WPm.~W#Ww.-WWWWr /. WTO, UP#.
I inclusion, sphere, embrace, v. Compass, W7/. WTOm. Concatenation, n. v. Series WTO?!/. WTOW/. Fwwfrorw.
II capacity of knowing, v. Understanding. WWWw./. WW- Concave, a. hollow and arched. TOWTOTWfw, WTORWSWWfw,
3TW/. jfe /. arrWTOTOfw /. WWWTWiw.
Comprehensive, a. v. V. I. TOTV, TO7l, TOWWR5TW, WfW¥, W- CoNCAviTr, n. v. A. WTOTOrfPf/. TOWTOTWITw WTOrWRT
gwrfr, w*^urerwro51. m.n. WTOrWTOWT5T m.n. UfTOrwwl'/.
1 ?fw¥,w[vrtr, Tfftqv wrft-wr?w, toww, tow. Lac. Tom.
To Compress, v a. condense, concentrate. WTWVWW WTWW, W- Concavo-concave, a. concave on both sides. WMrwiWCrFTwFr.
WFr^pop. WWsfrf WTO-WIWW-NW, WIW^n.-WTO¥n:»R--W- WWTO WTOrwfw.
fTOfRm.-Rnrw.-#'Rr/-&c. WTOg-.o/o- WW\W-WTO-&c. Concavo-convex, a. WTOfer WJff fir.
WTO, tfTSrW-aWJSWfW aim. To Conceal, v. a. v. To Hide. STfWW, WfWW, TO-7W,3KW, <TT-
2 force together, v To Tress. TOTW, %<TEW, WWTO, W3WW. W WTO- TO, WITO, Sq7 Dfl/.-7?rqWi'i. & c. WTO^. ofo.
Compressed, p. v. Y. 1. WRWWFT WTwSto, &c. wwfTO, WWtW, Concealable, a. v. v. si wrw - WT - WPTf - WTOf &c. wr^Fr,
WrWffeW, wfW'CW- ww, arosrwwlw, to, arr^srw.
2 %qr^«f, &C. %Ta:,f%®Rfrr, rwwr, Fwto. Concealed, p. v. V. gfrwwar , &c. to, arTTOfow, Iwwrffw
Compressible, a. v. V. 1. wrwwriw 3Trwrwr-wrWT-wrW?rr-&c. w- Concealer, n. Concealing, p. a. v. V. iriwwrwr, TOTORT, &c.
WWWtW, WfTOfrt WTO &e. wniw, arpCTjrww.
2 WWTPW WT - WIWT- WfWWf - & c Concealment, n. v. V. act. wrwwn. 3tto«. wrTOa- &c. sjq-
Compression, n. v. V. 1. act. WlWTOicr 3WWW«- &c. WWTO«. TOW /. STTOt /• «!TW5Tft /• TOW». SwtrWTWn.—state. SflW^W^
WTWTOn. WRTORTw. RTgfRm.—state. wfTOCfW /• WWI^fw/ &c. WTO/- WrTOf/wWM. TOWTSTm. TOTHfe/.
2—act. RrqW». WWTO &e. 1 hiding place.
COMFRESSURE. Sec PRESSURE. To Concede, v. a. allow, grant, yield, v. To Admit, giro,
Comprisal, n. V. V.—act. TOWTOR. wrfrWTOn.— state. WWT- to, wto- wto- c. www, wwrro.
?5Tm. TOWWm. Conceit, n. image or idea formed, v. Conception. W^TWr /.
To Comprise. See To Comprehend. wrwwr/.

Compromise, n. compact upon concessions, ifT/. ». TO, ips- 2 high estimate of self or own. wfaWTin. 3?fWWrWm. WIWITw.
wrw/- irwwiw op trwwrw/. www. wwrww. fwwrwrm. qwwrer/- ww/- ur or utut f.v. wrw, far?,
2 — in law. WTOWWWw- WWWw.
To Compromise, v. a. v.N. 1. and To Settle. flfTO, TO/.
tow. v. wrw, wr, mtf. w«r/. wrwm.
%r, wto, fwwT-, aTpwrwm.
w# /. Fwwrw/. wrwm.
wrwrwr /. v. aTfiwS%/. wuwrfwwrww.
TOW-wrww, to#w/.-towTw/. wto, irfuiw uw. wwfwwrww. TOffwm.
2 put to hazard. 4iWfr-R I'rfr-?fRsifr-aT3R'Ri5r-&c. TOW-
C. of, pluming one's self on. snwrm.
TOWW. To lose one’s e. WfWw. WfTO-1%TOg\ of s.
CoMPULSATOEV, COMPULSIVE, COMPULSORY, 0. V. V. To COM- To take the c. out of. UffW /.-WTWw. &c. wrww ff.of o. wrW
PEL. tort, towttow, wwdwr, wswtottow, wwwrwr, wwwr- wrrot/. WTO, wwm.-TO/.-&c. Fw^w.
fSfWtWr, TOWTOf, TOWWW. 3 See Fancy.
Compulsion, Compulsiveness, r. v. V. force applied, v. Vio- Conceited, a. v- N. 2. WWUT, WTO, TOW, WrWfvT, wrwTJ or WT-
lence. 73WWIT.?wp. WTOWPQn. 3pJW»*. TOWWWft /. wwwWT- wfwt, wto wwrTOr, iTOTTOfr, jw, to-
Fwwr#r, wwrwr, qwwrar,
W?(/• WTO/. w^wjwwrwr^wrw^frw, w?wr6', wiwwriF, wrFwwrw, wWwiwr,
Compulsively, Compulsorily, Wi\ v. A. to, srwwrw, ^WWRT, wrtwrc, wwwriwTOfl, TOfwwrw.
fSWTfsTOl, fffwrf WWtW, 5TTOW, TOWW, w\w3TOl%, TO- C. of or respecting. TOTTO, W^WWT, WWITO, WfWtWrW.
TO, TOW, TO#, TOW. Conceitedly, adv. v.N. 2. srPTWRT^, fVwrefW, WFWWTWWW.
Compunction, n. v. Repentance, tot-Ww. W:?irn. WWWW/. Conceitedness. See Conceit 2.
CTO/. TOTO/. gque/. WWTOWw. Conceivable, a. v. V. A. 2. WTOWT-Wrwr-WITOJT &c. WST^W,
Compunctious. See Repentant. wrwfiw.
Compunctive, a. causing remorse. TORUT WfTW-«rWW-&e. s wwwiwr-wr-#nrr-w'rwwr &e. jfewwr, itwwwr, wwrwwr.
WWTOW WRW-&C. Conceivableness, n.v.A.L TOWWf WiWWw. &e. WeTWlTOff.
Compurgator, n. qwwryr, wprwfwwr/.
2 TOfWWrm.&c. jferpwr/. /• &c. Concernedly, adv . v. N. 2. TR:rUR, ^T^TU
To Conceive, v. a, form in the womb . TOT, 5UH TOT, 3T#f Ttt,
&.c. ?

'TOT. Concerning, p. (or vulgo, prep.), f^rqt, ^wf, fe'T’TST in comp,

2 imagine, To Fancy. v. TOT, fl'TO in comp.
3 apprehend v. To Understand.
, *TOT, ipr, *?qfT^ar, £FT~ To1—
Concert, v. a. contrive together. t^FTR - »r yf an% - HT5E?
\sFT, &c. fFTg*. of o. within . cow. - HUT# &c . ^TSTT-TT^T- ^f 4^r- mrHj -

To Conceive, v. n. become pregnant qrERf ^TWK°Tn. ^T- qfr#sr-&c.

TOT, HtfSRn. ^T.
Concert, Concerting, n. v. V .—act. cr^T CITr% ^TST^rn- cvc.
2— of beasts* YRTO «TPT, 3jW°ft fFT, 'TTS^T, — esp. of mares. H'TrjfHn. Hf%3FT«. H)HI%sHTf. H^TC^HT/.
WIT or otc cru. of music, &lc. qvsr^rr ^wtot. HJmnrHHTrrtHOT. HffTrTTTHr-
3 Aare opinion or idea of, v. To Think. ^R~WPTRF-i%~ EHTin.
W in. con . C. of singing, playing, and dancing. HiflfTn. %«?«. ^rwff^Tn
Conceived, jo. v. Y. A. 1. qRTRT TO?«T. C.-room. iJT'fJTP^r ariTin.-TvSTm.
2 trh «rr&55r-r^§ ®r-&c. r
grfc'ur, II v. Agreement, irwir or ^n»- mjtm. ^iTa f.

3 to^t, &c. srrarfatfr, strsw psn^r, frar, ssrer.

Concent. See Concord. Concession, n. v. V.—act. t^Tn. JK«r?r gTTrsrn. %3W». Ac.
To Concentrate, To Concentre, v. a. bring to a common 1 point conceded. HrSHc?! ffrsr -&c. HT/.
centre, bring to one point . Conch, n. Wm. #T-Tm. f^TWIn.
si n»

toqtot-&c. tot, &c. arm-Ffr- C menstruum. WaTPTm.

^qroi.~^^/.-*uffcr/--&c. ^vhg.ofo, 6i \m- Conchology, n. zjlS'Simn. smfTraT/.
W$-&c. 3TO Concieiar, a. pertaining to a council H^P^T, HWHW1, HT^T.Hr-
To Concentrate, To Concentre, v.n. JTrfSfqFr, mmfm .

tt®r. To Conciliate, v. a. win, gain over. ^TT^TH %%,

Concentric al, a ^nr^sr, q^ljrgr. 32m, STRftT, arnrm, arrT^rHr-sTH^H-- W5T- & c. 5TT?#, JR;
Conception, n. v. V. A. 1. & V. N. L act. qfaFT TOT a. jpr- trVfr/.-sTrcwHr /. &c. tfrrTg-. o/o!
‘TOTr*. WTOTn. i
Conciliated, p . v. V. JPTr'Wr, 3232 m ,
&c. *urrtkT
act. eRiWn. *T#TTOTrc. &c. ^RT/. unur /. Conciliation, n. v. V. act. iRTT^rw. aTPCW^rw. Aic.
3 acA OTTSPTn. &c. ^T^T5f m. SHTSpR. 3|^pw IRTTHTT#/. THR0!!/.
( JTHKTT^fl/. 8Trcr*T°Tl /• Hd4°i uTr/. 8TITW-
Clear c. of. ^'TE^f^Rr/. •rr/. mm.
1 imageformed, idea. WRnutRm. vmfCm* Conciliator, m. Conciliating,^. «. Conciliatory.', a . v. V.
To Concern, t?. «. retoe to, belong to. - &c„ JH'-K'#l srr, HTJTRT, TTHf^r^, ftST'3T,
in. con. &c. BTipr, «rffe ®fwt, g\ ofo. Stittw,f^Hrsirw, tGrfR^r,l^rqrfiTTfr.
&c. &tm in. con Concise, a. v. Brief. hStTP^TT, STFqfl^HKT^f, 3T5T31^.
2 (one’s self) feel an interest in. /. - f%rr /, - Concisely, «r?o. v. A. '?l^HTf?r r sT^TffHrrTrrH.
?rmr/~&c. 5T min. con. With faqqf ofo, Conciseness, n. v. A. H&Tto. H&W/. fTOTTPTTf w. apTfreTprin.
-&e, ^TOTOF#TO^TO g. of o. 7’o Conclude, v. a. finish, close, v. To End. HJJTff-fWPT-^cr-
3 (one’s self) intermeddle, be hasp. fTSpn. *TR%, 3TWTOT, «T- jHr-&c. ^T^r, ht#, hrw, arem,
m ^Tir #r.
f 2 determine, v. To Decide. 5Tj#^r, f^srirni. - fspron. - fHHfr
Concern, Concernment, n. matter concerning or belonging to, m.-&c.
v . Affair. ‘TTPTn* ^TWw. (as ^r^f^JT 3FTpr) 'tQZ&tm* 3 collect logically, v. To Infer. HW^-ST^JTRP# ^TS^T-^T-
*3mn. irarrTn. Rw. HHW'T.
To prove a losing c. TORT ^RIFPC SPt To Conclude, v. n. fnish, close, v. To End, arffOT, sr-
2 passion, interest, engagedness, feeling, emotion . 3Ffr«F#I/. iT-HJtrf-TBTW-'Sic.
r%<rr/. B^nerr/. qtenr/ f. fam. wmm. F^mm. to 2 in logic. 8T^flRn.-?r^m. SRT^T, STJTTTH'Sr, TTf^T.
wn, Fttfvwf to/. imrf to/,™< Wife: /. tot/. Concluded, p v.V. A. I. HTJTTFT
. &c. TETTTrrfTTT, HTW, H-
/. aarflr/. TTTTT, «n@T, HHTH.
To cease to take any care or c. about. ir>Tr/-^TRfR?/“ Concluding, p. a. v.'V. N. 1 . and Last. flTTrsn or ^r, tTTfriH',
TOTOT /. - TOn .
- & e. #sRT g\ of o. wf^r, BT#f^r, HJTWt^r^tcra-, hcitt.
3 importance, moment, v. Weight, ^TTOt/< wcTWTm. Concluding, Conclusion, n. v. V. A, 1.— act. HJflW Tfr^w.
4 connection, interest in. -TOfft* #Tm. cnfftn. 8TCTWR. &c. HHTTHn- 5TO?PC»».
Concerned, a, v. N. 2. TO#PCt, ^rfew, f%s$rwr. v.V. N. 1. and End. «T%Ct/. HKTftt./. Sf^W , STTOT-
^rssgr, tot, ^rarSNrt, r%r$T, fSRn^r. 3m. mmirf.
4 having an interest in or connexion with. Wfl, ijJafviHT, 2 sTfHTH mW3n.
¥rr%nt) fwufl, «fcfflr, ^©arrac. I c. drawn, consequence, deduction, fwrfm. f^ri^rptia, q-fr-
, m . — .


rfPTiB. JTfqcrrqOT. Wfcrr4nt. f TOTm. w|», g-?- q«. qzqr^ qqq/i. &c. sVfqqrqqm ^fquw^r^R"-*^^.
trf^T/. ^T'-Tm.

Grounds or warrant of a c, W^n* 1 ground or reason of c. ^Fffr^Fqin. ^3f^T =qt «T=TF«rR: m

Illogical c. sraftratfqni. qMqqqm. ^Rqi^qrrc^n.
Conclusive, a. determinative v. Decisive. PfqrW, fqqrqqr, Condensation, Condensing, n. v. V. A. 1. act. qj ^aj- /4 ,

tmrawrar. &c. qqFqrC°Tn.

2 — in logic ;
regularly consequential, Ifeifqqr, ftpgrfq xrfqqp- 2— act., sr-^w.
To Condense, To Condensate, r. 5 v. i’o Thicken,

RFL ( . y;o/A

To Concoct, Concoction. Sec To Digest, Digestion. q-^nr - qr - ^

- q^rrqqq -Ac. ^c^t.

Concomitance, Concomitant Sec Accompaniment, Ac- 2 v. To Compress. ^rf^.o/o. f-ifec.

companying. qrc^t.

Concord, Concordance, n (of sound) harmony. uqqNr P°l> To Condense, r. n. v, To Thicken, qq qq-q?: A e. ?iq.
^Kb(sRm &c ^TOTfRTw ^K- To Condescend, r n. deign, stoop ^‘c. 'qfqqfq if; qq- q[qq. , jjjs-.

3PT/i. OT^C^Tf/. Wfli. q'^tq^S'qq, ^F^^qn.*»rqqrrLm[qF Tr cq/? ;

A c. w Srccqr^ /. - & c
q. .

2— in grammar. q^qqm. fq^qfqgqr/. Condescending, /». «. v.V. qq, fqqqt, ^rfqqq fqqqunq, fqq- 7

3 (of intercourse, &c ) v. Agreement. fq^YlTm. qurin. ^T- fTOf, q^Ff^iTRFqi^r, qf^rqrq.

qr»» ^WTTCwi. ^FRcFn. Condescension^ ?i. y. Y, qqqr j. fqqfqqrqm. 3|fqqfqrqrqm.

4 compact, See Agreement. fqqqm. qqFffqqrqrqqqn. ^qqrfqqrqFn ri"a? qsqqRt or qrqqr- .

Concordant, a. v. Agreeing. fqsqqfr, fq^iqrr^r, qqpqr, qsqYF. qaft/.aifq /.

Concourse, n confluence . to one place. SRpTm. fqarqn. tr^^- Condign, r, v. Suitable, qprq, qqfqj-yq, qqprqr.

#Tm Condiment, n. v. Seasoning. Sauce, q^r^rwi. qrtt &F$fn.

2 v. Crowd. vsRiqm. q©qM, Qqsrm. 5J W«.
3 Sec Junction, !
Con disciple, n. Tj^rm. aj^rTm. qCjm. H^-qrql, <iql 4, Hqtq. r

jPo Concrete, r. tl v. To Clot, afrafq, qsq, qqq. Condition, «. state, present circumstances, Bjqyvqf /’.
q 5Tf f,
To Concrete, r. a. sfjq#, afrarqq, qz#. fer pop. JjfrT /. JFr/. 3T?frW o/- fqrarjft./ ^nRn.%-
Concrete, a. v. Thick, qg“
? qq 3TZ.
PjT'TfT /•

2— in logic. aqf^TQ'Rfqqqqr ? qFRT 2 state of body. m^f. /.^flTPRr/. 5rCTffr?ffiT /'. Tfrt-
Concretion, n. v.V.N.*— <zcjf. affzqft. qsq/i. qqqq. W/.
1 mass concreted . afrarwi. arsost/. fq^czr or f^- That, is in good c. frrsrr, trrfmmr, zrqzQff, d'T-
?q£f/. tqa. To come into c. ^TF^/i. qqq-qq, <qrFF ^q.
Concubinage, n. qffqqqiqq%?rqm. To get out of c.
# BTFq/i.
Concubine, n. inferior toife, fyc. 'SrqqqF/. /. qfqzqt/. qf~ 3 v. Hank. Rqfq^o/;. qqFq /. qqft/,
amr/. qmr-frzflWpop. wto^y&c. mitf- 4 jferw, stipulation ^qw. qfqqr/ y; qjj. sjqqr /*. q-
(among Shudras) ; —one of many qTCjqqr/. qq^qF/, q^CW/.
Conditional, a. implying terms, depending on conditions 'q-
2 kept woman . v. Mistress. T(¥/. TOT/. qfqY /. ffrr^TfjW, 3T^RRr,flt%f?r^, ?rG^r, gi%, mw,
Concupiscence. See Lust. srpM^rt-
To Concur, v. n. v. To Agree. Fqafq, qRq - q:q~ Conditionality, n. v.A. HF^fdT-Tn. fnrffr^Ttfn.
&c, m f ~ /-

Conditionally, adv. v.A. 3T^-3li?Tr-irc-&c. fTr^-^T^-iFr-


and in. eon ffq ^. 0/ ,s.

Concurrence, n. v.V. ««£/ Agreement. qqqqw. *S?J?qn. qr- To Condole, v. n. grieve %oilh another, p^rif C^f,
fRfr/. SOTfa/. qSTjW. <TCpi0 f:f%5T-?rJTp€r-&c. fiSr^iKTRr flrrm. W’T,
Concurrent, a. v.V. Agreeing, fqssqrqr, &c. q-. Sot/. eK-C^r— on account ofadcatli, jjsr-
«Kfqq, ^qq. s&im. sjr^ot-sFrra'ST.
Concussion, n. v. Shock, q^nn. JT^RTm. fqqnfw. Condo lement, Condolence, n. v.V. pRIT% pTiTFTisWw. H-
To Condemn, r. ft. guilty and doom, 3?£q|q-&c, 3?rqf
mfl fmif #, &c. amr fcwr ^q Condoler, 71 . Condoling, p. a. v.V. pf^irr fi^lW ^T"TRJ,
^qrqJWq, 3jq^fKf cTfar w^rftrMt ^mf qrqq, ajqtrflr^r- qrjiJsT p#.
^T°L ar-qrq &c. qr^q ^qr€ tq, To Conduce, v. n. contribute help, tend towards. , T-
^^S^^^rfiTjrr^rn. - £^qsrqn, qrqq. Sr-im, ^wwr-Hfr^- 5ffwCr-grKrsFr-Jr#'ra¥ &c. ;
ffq-, jrt/
2 disapprove, sqq-sqqq, &c. SRT-
q^Rq* Conducent, Conducive, a. v.V. 'T'T’JiTRT, HRT, :
3Tr%iTr, W-
Condemnation, n. v.V. L— hsm?a q^qrq qrqfsqfq ferajF #L- fff , wc»ir, a-wrd, swot, w, ^ff^nct.
Conduciveness, n. v.A. ^T^rrfwr/- To Confer, v. n. speak loith, v. To Converse. %##'ji.-3TI <5'-

DTn.-3rrr?rr5riR.-?r#r^T#'f /.- %^rrr#r/.-#iOT‘Tm~ &c.

Conduct, Conducting, n. v.Y. L— ^ STO^FT^Tn. 3 TS- with #T.

£f ^oTTn. &c.
^BfirrT 0!^ To c. iii private. TO“T.

2— act. Pl3T€<Trt* &c. qff^(T/ /• To Confer, v. a. v. To Give. TOT, TOT, HT-

?ror r ^qf /. arr^rrn. fwRXf /. /. qq-jj.-s-g^Rn. &c to°t.

:3 behaviour, deportment, carriage. ^tPRT f 3FFTn Yf^XXa. Conference, ». v.V. N. and Conversation . liWe, -TO^T-
sTP^rc^w- s ?rR(Tw /. ‘h 3! /• ^r^r^TW/- Rr^/. yPt/- #r/. ?r#tTr#r/. ff^rnw/.

RF^R^TTm. ^qrsorn qff^pr /. sipffTOB- fof- 1 meeting for discourse. - &<• 3T-
RRf /.
RtURF/. 5#T/. n. T I*vn. q^TOtfi. V^T / -#^/.
Bad c. JXrKXm ^RPOw. <rjf[n Conferriblf, «. v. V. Wf- &c. ?TTTO TO, oT-

Goode ^thtfow farer#/- to, ?nr#.

4 jstotC'm* TOXRja. qxirm. To Confess, v. a. own, v. To Acknowledge. HR #,1

1 management ,
skill, v. Address. ^TR^^TX! fdT /. YKXm. YR- a< JTt^KT, ^J5TTOI ,
f TO
R;iRRRn. o^qfrfrfn. 2 grunt, concede, v. To Ad jut. JfFT TOT, TOm TTO-
To Conduct, v, a. lead, accompany to guide, fyc. mz XFYFT- Confessedi.y, ado. avowedly, undeniably. #T»5ri?T, #T?3TTO, Pt-
-ix-qffRpiR &c. qfNftPr, ~^wrm T#3TT, TO?, TPT1T, T?#r?,LT?qr?t?, f?R?PT.
gMj o. 2 with avowed put pose. <?fl?f,??TO',

2 ccJy 071 , transact ,

manage . pRRR, qR^F^t, RT^T, ^TRI- Confession, n. v V. 1. act. tutor. &c. ^jfraiTw. TO^TCm-
or wm, W&W, YFKX, pT^wi.-tff’Tn:/ -&c. Full e. TO?^T?/. qTTOt? /•

fvjg.of o. Confessor, n.v.V. 1. TfTOTOrCT,TO55'TO nTRr,^. TTTrC-&c. TOTT- :

3 ones self; v. To Behave. RT^R, *?rRXR, W, ?

Pfjr. I one who hears confessions. ?[TOPJFpC'iA. 3T TTO DigC'«tt

4 v. To Lead. c. 37X% <gV>/o. Confidant, n. bosom friend. TOTm. TOFTOTOw.

Conductor, n. v.Y. 1. gr^RTTfT "hW, &c. CTOfTOm. TTOTOn.
Sfar, xfxrqRT. Confidante, n. wf\f. TOPff/> H#5FT«. TORTTOW/.
2 4. person p residing As tins is the sense
and managing . To Confide, v. a. intrust, v. To Commit. BTTO, %TO ,

of the terms and phrases Manager, Foreman, Headman, f°r, frwm.

Leader, Leading man. Captain, Corgphieus, Charge cF Af- To Confide, v. n. rely on, trust in. fWfTOT, afrarro, TOITO,
faires, that holds the reins, that sits at the helm, that mounts qTTO, ?r?TO, r?Tf«iii.-TO'5rri».-TOTOR.-<<£C. 3TO with.

the box, that plays the first fiddle, fyc. fyc. and as many of the of o. ^-qrSSm. ?TO, fq^TO^C-TOSTTO TOF^T *«. con. with ff.

Marat’Id terms which are employed to convey this sense, bear of o. and TO? with g.of o.
also a latent sense agreeing* well with th<5 latent sense home by Confided, y>. v. V. N. fq 5.?TTO?r, &c. JP#PT.
one or other of these terms, here wo have collected the terms v. v. A. arrqTOT, fq^FTOwr, cCc.

qftTOTO, TOTO &c froCST, 3TO*TfD, Confidence, Confiding, n. v. V. N. Pf-gTOou TOrW or TOTOfm-

of both tongues. ,

sr^?rr, q-ffTOrrc, tofto, totTO, ^tocttotoT, yrrfl, wro- iqpfwi. TfpT ?r /• TOTm. pTTOfm. f?5T /. TO?rD». SPWm.

tosit, #i?=ot, trf^tr, 4r^, toff, q&c, toff, qrror, gror, or qrarC'oi. or

gropt, gTOro, TOKrorr, wtotoit, ?npir, totoi- firor, to C. (or assurance) given. arqfTFr<u.

4frc,tfWTr€r, frokr, TOWorirovr, g^ntpft, 8

^, vgTO, Violation or abuse of c. PrvrTOrTOi. fC-TIWrin. f?TO? i ??»-
! :!

HRTTOl, TO*, TO'#?, TO, Jtgw (in comp.),<jCtTO: (in comp.). Violator or abuser of c. fWTOrTO or TOF##, fq^^TlTOT.

1 (of ceremonies, cap. religious ) i aipTpf , ^TfTOT. Inspired with c. WTOOT, 3Fr?f? J

Conduit, n. aqueduct, TO in.


TOC 0# /* I firm conviction or belief. i?FTOTOT /. IsTfTO J- W*KiJ-

Cone, n. ^^€r»». dim. gTOpf /. gf? J, iThTOff? /• TOPw. f=T'TOT)». fTOFT? /• frJOT/. fTTOm. f?TOm. 5W»n. f?-

Confabulation. Sec Conversation. •TOTm. TO^r or H^lFrrm. Wprm. flRpfm. WTOF /•

Confection, n.v. Sweetmeat, frprnf/. gT*iT or gTOpm. fTOTni. Perfect c. qr^qisrsaTFRl/- ?r#rqfTOnvct/.

Confectioner, «. fTOt or Tf?, RrsTSTO". II trust in self, assurance. TO5?/- TO/. 3Tpqw. TO?)- TO?-
Confederacy, n. federal compact, league, v. Combination, If- TOT/. 5-JTm. *8TTOH«. /. ff&f. ?Tf-

TOTOw. TOM. TOn- fas ?/. TOT».

«rr«i. 1

#3T=TfTfTn. 3^T»l. vmnuj. irorm. mf. ft«r? /.

2 confederate body v. Combination. 5frm. mzm. III cause or ground of c. TjfTOtVr- &C. aqriTCw.-^rPTTm.-
STJTn- qrrTO«.
To Confederate, v. n. v. To Combine, vsiref, grtr.Firsr&r. Confident, Confiding, p. a. v. V. N.
a. f?Tirfu Kl, TTO?- l

Confederate, a. ftr^r'St, fita^ft^r, tTRTO or ;ur. •

TO, f¥?rcrTOTO, &c. TFTTOT, Hlftf »TTTO, ftTFTOT?, ,

Conff.derate, n. ally, associate, accomplice. firscoftTO, «raFRfs^, firwSt, «rr^, Prw.

JTO3T, ??r#r, #TT5ft, #wpft, OT^TJMT. I convinced, assured, sure, v. Certain. f#T^[5T, f#^F?t, !#"

Confederation. See Confederacy, fTWF,

— ) F


II secure,
be or feel e.

qrrw or qnqfl f.-kc. in. con.
assured and bold. arTOFTl, STTORT^T,
w qrr^». &c. xiif.
corroborative evidence, wm/-
zw3T, fqqq, fqqqfar, qqwnr, fqqq,
f^T'eprr, iqqsqrqr, Confirmatory, a. Confirmer,
sratsir, FfirwR:,
n. v. V. 1. ^at4iA

Confidential, a. trusty, trustworthy.

trrffq ^C'rru, &c. Hfqrw^Yrr, qfeqrq'f, wrwr, wr-
fqqrq), f^T-^T^T, Jq-qrg^ 'PRT'trf.
W5rRT s fi’-qrerqi', ^rartef , *am «rqqr, fwrer- &.c?&mFtrw To Confiscate, v. a. take in penalty.
&c. fir^mpr, fwRq, fwrcwrq, wrHrqf qq, ^qrrCfiT qq,
qrq, 3th.
ff^rerrerq, ai%q, aran?, m- ^^rqirq n - •
? ^qn. - wrqfTI'ITm • - & c. qm.
Confiscate, a. Confiscated, p. v.Y.
Confidently, adv. A. 5Rrfqfq qq?.?q &c.
v. fwrarq, qwq &c. Fwre-qTwr&c. wrqfqw.
r^ssrjf^r, 4RTm\ Confiscation, n. v. V.—acl. Hqrfriq qqn wiqwqn. raft-
i^fqqqrq" fq^3rqqr^, fq4r<r or f%»5rf?r-
II fqqq, fq^far, fqwfqrqqR an? -
3iqfri: m . arqiT'qn. w^qpi'qn.
q^q, qqqft, qqrq, s^5rr- ,
Total c. ^WWvTm.
qrq-, qqqq^q, &c.

Conflagration, n. general or great fire
Configuration See Form. aTHTlW ffqm. aqq-
qre /. qr-?m. q^rgin.
Confine, pi. Confines, «. frontier, border, grgsqm. frqrim C. of a forest.
^c?Tw. xrx^f. ccfqrwrin. raqqqqqrwrin. *mrm. qnrffTm.
To Conflict, v. n. v To Fight.
To Confine, v. n. v. To Border. .
qr^q-qqpr-fq;rq-&c. aim. -Sisfn. -&c. efr^°T, or in. con. with
To Confine, v. a. limit. g". of s. arqojr gjaf F
qrqq, qia-q, qq.

W-&C. with w
m^Hqor(ex. Rri
sf# ant Conflict, «. combat, contest, v. Fight,
n.-STra^r^Hi. - qmn. - Wr?T /. g&n. qsfn. jjfWn.
-qtqr/. - Win. - wm„.'
«&c. ?fr

^’r€t/- rgr«. ^wrem. wrum.
Confluence, Conflux, n. (of streams, &c.).
2 v To Imprison. wim. mm.
g.ofo. wi?r
#?q, qrqq, #ft /.-*feqr /. gm ’Ef^T^*332'.
qr?^t-2T5r^', 317% qm. C. from opposite directions.
3 v. To Restrain. arr^q, 3TRmn.-Rtqm -fq*qqB 2 crowding together
IWfn.. -ftxrfqn. . Rfr^Tra..- Prer^^T«.- ^fbr^Tn* .

ifRWm.- & c. tFRoj-. 3 people crowded^ v. Crowd, vnjffm.
Confined, p. c$- a. y. V. A. 1.
3rr^5Rr, NTSRRr qrqiwr, &c. To Conform, v.a. make like.
NfSTfSR-. WW-tqrqr-^q^r-aiq^q-aT-
2 wfcr qrqs'^rr, &c.
To Conform, v. n. comply with, act according
3 wRTK&ar, &.C ?TTO-q-
mraR, fqw, to.

I not roomy, v.
STrraiHr, q#qrqr, arqqr^q.
Narrow. aprqg-, ^
fq*r®r, rqjpfiq.

m-Tr|5-&c. ^m-Tm-airwq-qrsrq-qrscq- &c.
qqwrq, mm°Tn,
Conformable, a. resembling,
mmw * ’

Confinedness, v. Like. grpOT Wiqr W5T

n. v. A. I. want of room. awm f. tfwqm. xfjrwi.
; ’ ’ ’

To suffer or feel c. aj^^trfq*^

2 agreeable, congruous, v. Consistent.
Conbinement, n. v.V. A. 1 act. aipqsrSj-n. sfrqqn. fqHT'FTqr, WCTT
&c. aqqr..
srqn —state. airsqqfqm. STRTm. 3?qqrq (in comp.), awtrifr (ill comp.),’
WTWn, Win. Wm. qrww €wiw, wjjr.
3 compHcmf, obsequious, Obedient,
2-state. Win. Wt/. %<f/. aI£gr/. jfpfr /. w^r/.
fqmr feqrT ar-
C. to a place wqiWm.
qfrqr, q^ir, fwtq, wRrt
Place of c. W?3HT or Wtmqrm. #ferRT/. sfqTClTvfl/. at-

Conformableness, Conformity, n.v. A.

srqr/. Hrqw«- Brw'qn.
mmurf. mxm f.
I. ?fiT%qon- m , ^
Wm$VTm* or gr^'qn. m-
S— state, fqqrcm. rWm. RqRm.
1 delivery. See Childbed.
2 fnsr^m. wm. aqqrm. mmrf. *TFq /. OT!m. Harm,
* *
To Confirm, v. a. corroborate, establish,
make sure, &e. enrr- 3 swawn. aiqfrq w argq^qn
TO-Wftq OF ?IPPT-q¥r^--gw-^-rqter-&c. *- aiqfW/.
. .

Conformably, v. A 1. WPOGIT.
vr, or wutt, wwar /.
qq-tm w%-&c. qrq- 2 cm<f Accordingly. WrYWr, a??#,
°i, wrw, aw^T, aiq^rr
ww4/.-wn.-^rrm.-q%wrw.-&c. aim mzx- comp,), rqr (in comp.),
x:m. <KTq g.of 0 . q^wrq, qqrw.
jfir/. £5^

ratify, Sr c.

then, fix- a disease,
wr^-ww-prV%q-& c wq, mf. .

&c. qrqq
m 3 qqfrqr%,
Conformation. See" orm.
Conformed Conformist,
To be confirmed.
TO#, W1TW, WRq, sprm
n. v. V. N. mqwrr srqwfqrrr
* '

Confirmation, n. v.V,l.- ac arjHYT-&c. qrqf-wfr, qqmr (in comp.).

&c> To Confound, To Confuse, t>. o. mingle
T^ SS* n
: WWta. WTWn. jumble, derange, aww, qs^rq, irq55qq
confusedly, disorder,

W - {" state'

*raf«. jfe/.
, ^ncrw%7'irr»n. &c. ^ft/.
J qsr- qr^Rq, qrqqqq,
q^^rq, qw wsft frqrq,
irjfwq, %raqq Wi,
— — , — — — —

CON 143 con

Confutable, a. v.v. k^rur - qr- qrqqr- #qr- & c. qrsrqr-krqf
/.-qRqq/.-qsR/. -^fTr^/.-^^rs-sr/.-^cm.-
-&e. kqqtq, kqqrt, kqq qr’q,
q;qqraqq«--& c qrqk g-ofo. -

2 -perplex, puzzle, bother, bewilder, &c. UN<kq >^fflr3'rr, 3¥- Confutation, n. v. V —

acA k'Sqiu qNkn. &c. ksqra. qrq»i-
or kqkr /.
cEm or qqm, qaqkk, qssqqkk, qiyk, qiyfkq, qnrek
To Confute, ®. a. prove to be wrong— person or statement,
wkr#, qqkk, rraiw adv. grqq, *qqk qrek-qRk,
iqwk-qkq, qRiq - q^reuk - qfaiTSTH - & c. yk-qrkkjqqqq/-
kkq, kkq, ^r?k-|'kq-fqqqrq-&c. qqq, kr^rq, qr^ui.-
or ft/. - qfcq f - qirr^Tm - qRAi . -qtqq m . &~c. yk ?akqn.-Mqr/. ^frqq g-oj o. kiq qqq srakk.
g.ojo. ws/.-qqrqq f. w-wi g of o. qsfr/.-kterif/.- Confuted, p. v.V. k-svJril &c. kkq, M Ri f q Jkq, ^iT?q
Conge. See Obeisance.
, ,

kfr/. qqqk-qqfk-qqqqk g-oj o.

SHTW, ^T#, 3*Bk or To Congeal, v. a. change to a solid state, srqw, fqskq,
3 Mast* disconcert, v. To Defeat.
-g' TlT fq7i.-JTiTfli- -)T3rq!i. -fWRTwi- -&c- ^kk,

qr^q, qra #, qiq^kr, qq-q?-&c. q'qq.

gqjkwi l i

g\o/ 0 .
To congeal, v n. srqq, Fqqk, qfsk, erkk, qr^kq, qq-&c
Confounded, Confused, p. v. V. 1. jffvTsr^^, Tfrers^arr, &c. tik.

Prq^tq, ^j^rqyy, kyy. Concealment, Congelation, n. v. V. A act. qqqkn. ikq-

qkkq qtqqk, q iMik, qcE'V-k, qqn. &c. fqqqq-q/. fqqfkr/- qf zztfif.—state. srqqkkqqrDi.
To be or become c. q'fSRk, ,

&c. qqlfqqr/.
v.' V. N. act. qqq»- fqqkn- &c. qteqlr/ state, fqqk-
m, q#r, qqq

2 qiqqr, qkq, qqrqq', qc, qiw, «nqs,«r-


^i|^wr, qqrin. qqknqw. qqtqq?q».

fjiff, «rk, qvqq, ^rqsrq, swr, kfenr, ®nf
Congeneracy, Congenerousness, n. v. A. qqrsllWlim. ?q-
q^kq. qw^q, q^qnftqrr /. qqtfwqr/- qqrqqrftqqr/. &e.
To be or become c. qnqk, qkRk,
qkkk, qkk, q'mk or qkkk, qfkk or qyr, yqk, Congener, Congeneric, Congenerous, a. of the same hind
or qqqqq, qjqqk, or stature, allied in origin, &,c. ?qqiq, qqikk, qqqrqtq,
tnjfk, firo or qqqq, qiqmk, qqqqk
qT^q, qRqql ?rk, ?kqql fik. qqqiqtq, OTqqiqtq, q?rqrtqq^r, qqffwpq.
Confuser, n. v. V. 1. Congenial, a. See Congeneric. 2 agreeable to the stature of.
Confounder, n. Confounding, p. a.
qr?jqrqr, sqqqq, ^qjrqrqr, qpprarqr, qrqtq^ijq,
qrqqqrcr, &c. qrqq-&c. qqqrqr, qRq-qr, qq^qq
qkrsqr, ,

aqqqqrr, qRqq#q, q^r, qfcrsqrr, jpererr. qqqrqqqrq, qyi ^^q-iqqqrq-sT^qnct-

2 qrqqkqirr,&c. >qq-&c. qrqqrcr-qrqqrcr, >qqk qrrqrqr j
3 of the same stature or disposition . qq-itiW, qqrq^ftq, Hqqr-
&c. wrrqq- ^
Confounding, Confusion, n. v. V. 1. act. gqarqn. qf'«RR». qrq, qqqir, qmtqqrq, q^qrq, qqqjk, qqRqffkq, qqqfrFq^r,
Congeniality, n. See Congeneracy. v. A. 2. qrfETR. ®qq-
&c. &c. qqqr ^r^n. —state. f- qr qqq/. qi^m. %vmm
qfssm. qqrfl'SS'm- qrkgrrqm. qkqqrm. qqssm. qp-iRonn. q»?rq Jjoqn. 37Rf 5q». qq^vRr/.
or-S[m. qqqq/. qOTr/. qsqsr/. q^CTin. qizTRTiii- fC- 3 qqrq^tqqr /• qqkfRqr /. qqrqqfRr/. qqqRm. qrqkn.
(rt or q?r m. qrqqqrqrm. qpqqqrqrm. *krq»». qqrqr^m. kq-
qqqqqr/- qqqrwETn.qfPrerfqR.
qqr/. qqqrqqq/- qqq/- qqqrq/- spra- qqqrrw./. qqr- Congeries, si. collection, mass. TjThi. qrfkni. affSA- (in comp.
qqqqrq, 5T=rqrq, yqrar, &c.).
jjqsrn. qRq/. qqqqrrqm. gqksqqt /. qqqqsA. fqqfq&r»i.
Congestion, n. (of humors into a tumor), iffqai.
qqq/. qrqqq /. qqqq/. qqqq/ qqsrq/ qqqq/ a'^affw.
2 (of blood), qqrqks*/. qqrrqCrqw. qqKSq«i. qqrqqqn.
g-^req^/. qqqq/. qk^/. qiqqqfr/. qiqqrqkq/. qrfrq«.
To Conglobate, r. a. collect isilo a ball, qfsqq, qEqkTw- -
qqqjjfqrm. qrq/- qqrq/.
Every thing there* is in c. and disorder, qq qiqrqr qqrC qrqqrm. q'qk g-ofo. p(qt qrqqn. qkk g.ojo.
To Conglomerate, v. a. qruq«i.-i|qrm.-xjq]k'7). i“qq g. of o.
mrsr srrt.

2 act. qRqkqn qf^rkkn. &c —state, qqqq/. fgqq or jfetqqpsq qnqrqrqr qqk, ajqrar ^rqk.

sf f. qk^/. qfarsswi- qssiRZTni. uknqin. qfskTC«t. To Congratulate, e. a. qfRtfRr/. -qqR^qqqn. -HfFk

qrsqqrwi. qqqq/. fcrqt/- irrqqq/-
qqr^»»- jraram.-&c. qqk, gqq^r/.-qqqqqki/. ^qk,arrqqkq«.-
qq/. %qr/. qrurkiq/- qrakqqk/. «rq«»* q«rqw. fwT*"- BT^qrqq». q-qq.

kfkqn. fqqqqrpqu. Congratulated, p. v. V. qfqqkq, aqjkkq.

I v. Shame, tfrrkrqr/- |
Congratulation, n. v. V. qflkflfk/. qfR’spqqqm &c. BT-

Confraternity, «. a brotherhood jqqjfek/- JTlW*/ 5

J~ PrqkqR- gqrq^i/* iqnRrqfr/. 3Tgqrqq«.
iks'n. qqqqm. Congratulatory, a. E^«f^-qTO-JRrraW-&c. ^qrq-
To Confront, v. a. Sec To Face. 2 bring face to face, qqrr- #qr.
qsim - ^'»ii u
. • - qqqq / - qqjq / qkk-qq 7 qq- <§••<>/ »• To Congregate, v. a. v. To Assemble. 5fqr qkk, qf^f WRk,
^qqa:f.n. -qq^rqqiT/.ft.-frqrqkn. ^Vhg.ofo. q-qqr-qq?j- ®wqq. » m
&c. ^qq with qf. To Congregate, v. n. v. To Gather, fqarq, qqr?R-
Congregation, n, congregated body v. Assembly, qqj /. q-

Confrontation, n. y. V. 2. act. or state, ^sfqijrrqcqwi* 5^" ,

qqrm. 5^nr/. JWqqr/. qsk /. wqrqm.

o — . — . - -


Congress, n. meeting, v. Assembly. tOTft jfeoft/. 1 conjuring tricks. Wl^w. sf^n. ff?TCifdT«.
Congruence, Congruity, Congruousness, n. v. A. *$sm. &n. JTr^n.
f tr&Wm, m. m To Conjure, v. a. charge

by oath.
^aftr-srpjT &c. ur-
RYot. arfar/. %Jjni. ^jw. Hfr nm-fiffq-OT, mitef. ^5t°r,r^idr/. ^Tq^r/.-arr-
Congruent, Congruous,
ent. terror,
a. agreeable suitable, $c. v. Consist-

srrt, ^nriRr, sr-


2 enchant, jc,
-&c. qr?H, m miff .- &c iftc 5!.

v. To Charm. iTf^or, 3Trr cfl/.-&c. ^r-

otto, otw, OTf-w.
Conic, Conical,
G’T, mXVRm. Xiyr, C3TIi». 'qrff^Sj- with m ofo.
a. PrfpTf or Praterr, JrPRJT, %^rf frf, #f- To Conjure, v.n. practise conjuring. qrf ?r«.-3fi5'n.-iTdTJt fTCn*

Conjecturable, «. V. V. 3R^>T, br^R?!^,

- Tf^n. m^nm 5PC#r f.-rrefdnu-zmw.-Sie. gr^or
Conjurer, n. v. V. A. 2 and V. N. iff Tr^irr-JTiTirFr-iFG-
Conjectural, a. done or scud hj guess 3} aT^TRiRr,
^rGr, Jiwf, irrcsl or inTrfr, wwr??r, w-
°rc> ,
s?wfR¥, sRiTR^r^^r, crerhrr, srpt^tt. ^wurr, q^ry^v, fsr^rHT, irr-
CONJECTURALLY, V. A. BTR^R, ST^RR ^rfi, iMRrrc, irnnwiR, sr^jxr, "trsrsrrfs-^fr
J3?FR ^R^R. Connascence, A.
: ,
n. v. 1. ^qrqr-ihi m. %%s{?t[n.m.
Conjecture, ». apjjjFr n. J.
/. ^«i. sTsPRHm. ^T^TT /. trtffrfn /.

3F[fjtfT /.
2 FTf5FIf}!. 911 . SErfiTqflT /.
conjectural statement. s?riTa;^Mr^-friR'3Tq'i t^--frjj?T3Tr-

£ Connate, a. born with, connatural. ^JTTTr, ^JT^fFw, FroifsT,

T-d:c. frsr'5r».-JTrq-'T)i.-&.c. STgJTRrfo/.
I Conjecture, v. a. v. To Guess, arr^sjuf in. con. 2 born with another, srfsrfas) ^STT-T, 'TvT, 0?3 Fjt.
3Tsgrs;^‘ ^rq--&c. ?ErnpT-ff!5or

&c. sf^irr^nT, ®T^rirR».-&c. ^kt-

®T ff.ofo. Connatural, a. born with. Sec Connate. 2 haring the
To Conjoin, v. a. v. To Join. #^ 3 fira^T, OTittot. same nature with. jprara\ 03TnTt7, €U5Trfw, ^Wr-
S'- 0/ o.
=T5ir% f
Conjoined, p. Conjoint, a. Conjunct, a. v. V. #js?W5rr, CONNATURALITY, CONNATURALNESS, B. V. A. 2. (r^'WPIWni
&e. *hrer, sipr,
^iFsr, *mrfjFr, sT^pr, sgfrr. stwiitto. ^ripiRfrr/. oirFrorJirB. aTrft'^nufTr/. tfgrsrRlirfrr/. &c
Conjointly, Conjunctlt, adr. jointly, together. fijoJir, ?jjy. To Connect, v. a. v. To Join, ^r?5!, ^Nrni.-qnrm.-^%Jr»!.-
€l%, §[#%, URTT,
Conjugal, belonging
J3TTT, %in?rR'. &c. wr
g. ofo. ?f!nsr-5fpr-5rwjr-&c.
a. to marriage. fsRWpqr, Pr^rfffTW fq- 2 join coherently. aT^HqTTn.-^ipfm.-TqfqG SWBi.-flJjfiT/.

2 belonging to the relation between

~W2T& J3R <-fR°T«. Sl c.^TOT - 5^ - - VJ^oj.
husband and Connected, p. v. V.
wife. ;fqp=r- 1. &c, mtfm, mh
sTwrer, qqFr vrqrqr, jct vr^r^r.
To Conjugate, v. a. inflect verbs,
^ Pw, mw, mw, ot.
-3m3T/ -a7mFFn. SFfFT.
^qrjsqfqvrtt 2 *nr, mm:, wzm, ^mvse.
1 v. Related. *m,
Conjugation, n. v. V. act. 3*"q ^T5i?°tn. — WTI^Rimn. qnspiT/ II goner, or freely, as by blood, marriage, business,

&c. 3?f-
3J3R, Rj|;, STR ^fjr, Raft,
a a
I c. class of roots, tjojm.
Connection, Connexion, n. v. N. I — act, $i^n* See. ^*kr«.
Conjunction, n. v. V. act. & 0. jjq'pjpfji. — slate. OTfarrwi* mhn. mfaf.®-
—state, y. U mow.
f —m astronomy (of
tfqRM. UmftT m. ttfWm. tffepn.f. %q%m. 5f5Rn. mmt/.
stars). %lfw. OTfifm. TTJTJTj/i. 2 ^mRii. $&tm. WKaru.
Auspidoas c. $%,». fflfsmtey. This term I coherence, Consistency,

is especially
v. pop. 3?^wk
applied to seven conjunctions, viz. to the oceur- vTRm. ^sraftji.
icnce upon Sunday and thence in order through
the week, of II a. e. person connected v. Relation.
the nahshutra §>Efr and thence in order respectively of
itm i
n^nftr, ajftft.
mmrr, fcnft, frf^. III goner, or freely, as by blood, marriage, business, Sic.
Inauspicious c. ffpijM. gqiij-j/i. qi^m. bond, band , /M, thread. otj m.f.
C. of sun and moon.
Day of
c. of sun and moon.
3T%^iTtrw. ^71. HrfxfrrTn. mm form. tmn. mn.
sqirfqr Wpop, sfosf. ?5rm. Indissoluble c. ^TfTjR/.
II grammar connecting word.

Conjuncture, n. juncture, crisis, mijm. #fip

arswn. IY — esp. of matters ; relation , link, fyc. ftYfw. RTfr»fRfm.
TO . 55 Wm. mm. Z&rWm- m&Wm. mKfm.
or rtf, BTTtrfir^r /. fzrqrrn.
Conjuration, Conjuiung,
in c. with, Tmm>
m. v. V. A. spro Y carnal c,
STTn. &c.
1. act. wrarir cr-
“ " y.Copulation, mm.
Connector, n. Connecting, p. a. Connective, a. v. V. I. ^jr-
2— act. lT/T"Tn. &e.
B'W, &c. ^qnSRT, ^%5Ff-&c.
T v N
- * - F&wn- wr^fmrm.
Conned, p. v. V #3fST5ri &c. gfqnq. ?rc-3Tri¥^jnq:-&e. irRaq, utowt, stiwr,
Conning,/?, v V. act. tfrqr»T». qfam. qrsrtam. gf&roy. izfar /. nmw.
»• 1',^, ir,iT°T.
Connivance, Conniving, n, v. V .—act.
Consciously, adv. v. A. 1. tCJTRR, aq?fr, pq.
vffSE 5r#qq: aqRq, &c. snl-fiTR, jb%^.
or ^TRrffSTm. ^tri^RY /. Consciousness, n. v.A. 1. >qfer /. qf*rfe /. iTRn. tf^n. W-
To Connive, v n. wink at, let pass unnoticed pi. T<qfiKr/- «mq^rrm. %fpsr«.
'zthf nfprm. g?rr /.
q^q, ¥i^rti3rrm.-3Tr^r=ft /.-f^Rr/ - & c. sftSt, qrft % ^q- r Bereft of c. v Insensible. %ffa, i%%rafr, fRsr?r=r,
fi^Rcqrq^/.-qqiwn. aqpr?q.
5tC°t, %erqsj.
Connoisseur, n. critical judge. qTC#, TUftRr, Tfr?,TR?r, To return to c. l’fRC-^CBRr^-5r#RT-ft«r!ffqq:-RR'rqq:-
srsk, Km, Tfaqr, *rrror, *rw, fw, gwlt, fq-feW WfTRq:- & e. q5f, J^sTT /. tf5! ff-of s.
— ironically v. Wiseacre. ^jr^f^'TfC^T or 2 3qrftifp-T»«. aqfrqr-Tni. aqjsqq^rrirm.
Connubial, a. matrimonial. fHrfl^r, ^TT~ 3 m*rm. mfkitf. g-jqrw. V. q^, JRT/.
1 conscious feeling, sense of self. 3qq3prCw. aqf-jqffq /. sqfJTrqm,
To Conquer, v. a vanquish, overcome, suhduc. fsrqpq To Consecrate, v. a. dedicate, gqqqjfw. ^rqjSq g.of o. jqfrTBR,
q-»».-qOR?i».-3Rm. qTC°T g.ofo. few- qfefeq
qmrfr-&c. wr.
’fqffer - m *rf mf. SR-qR g.ofo. qq--^r qq-_qrf'5q-aqqorn. tp-q-hq with q#.

ft\ 2 (by distillation, streaming, or sprinkling). aqfirqqqiq, aqfiq-

2 acquire by conquest. RRRT, r%^^-5PTqr^-TO^r^-&c. Wm.-aqfwq-^rn. qq^ g.ofo.
$&f-fiqsR°ir, f^aifr ^5f. Consecrate, a. Consecrated, v.V. I.
/?. gRTfsTfr, aq(3qjqi%ff r
To Conquer, v. n. 5Tq»i. qRN-fifSEqSr. 3-^?, fqqf fT, (vrrqrl- &C ) srrqesr-qqfearBT &c.
Conquerable, a. v. V. A. I. %?pq %q, 3f?q TOiTT^PT, qrrjqsq.
2 aqfiqqqrssn', sqfwrcrtf., aqfirqm.

Conquered, p. v. V. A. I. PSRqwurr &o. qqjfspq qqjWff fw Consecration, v.V.

?t. 1. act. jqfffSrSq«. g&STT^n. 3T-
ftfirr, PrfSnr. fiqjpqqrn a. or s. jqfqgr /. tfKXrKm-
2 &c. fsrfr. 2— act. aqfjqqqqBfn. aqfiltqrjn-
Conquering, Conquest, si. v.V A. I. act. ffqfcqn. &c . Sfqm. Consectary, See Consequent.
fwum. q^RRsn. Consecution, n. v. Succession. qtTO/. aqgqfr*r)». aqTspqrw.
2—act. fspfrT feln. fefefei 3Tr53?f/- aqjqjrm. aq^ff^/. aqgWn.
1 thing conquered. ^istqwn. f^cT^n. fiqqWn. in close c. q^rTV, ffClfRT, frrfrdiv, sTVfTfs', 'rrst'rrs', anqr-
Conqueror, n. v. V. A. I. fisRRriTr, &c. TO^q-qqqjqq Ac. ®qr, BnfrjqnT'
2 — in logic ;
train of consequences. f^RRraj/• f%^firrgqrirM.
2 rar^mcr, raw uwr- aqgrrrTqtqrr/.
t. v. n. isrut" fqsrqf, sptwt, sprjtir, mu&. Consecutive, a. v. Successive. aqgqnqrTr, anrPTr^vrr, qqst-
Consanguineous, a. v. Related. qfqqfVqrrq'r, &c
t[< ffrrqqraT, Trar^r, WJffiqrJT^r, . qrcqfcv, aqrgqrfipir, srFqPqqq, ^rfqfevr
? ranirarer, qqrvqr, q^rarfic, zrUrm, KX’ztirrzm. ^Tm.
Consanguinity, n. v. A. qwre'qf-Tm. Consecutivfxy, adv. v.A. «TqrWrykr% qqr aqgqriTR, aqgqnq3T:

^^Tm. qwrOCFqtTm. aqgqrjqq;, qqjqqq, anpr, aqgqqST: qrfpTPC, ?rCr?IT.

Conscience, n. There seems to be no word in Marat' exactly Consent, n. assent, concurrence, fyc. v. Agreement. CWCiw.
answering to this word. The following words convey, under Irq^rr or fiqqpcni. aqgHtTn. aqgjqfrf /. qqwTcTn. 53 «qf?r /• Sf^v-
suitable connections, the general sense of it. jq:qn. ^fe/. afeqp. Sfr-fqt/.
?tqni. afeWTn. aqfiqwm. ?trr?». fef /. Tacit or implied c.
Clearness of c. f^rRrfe/. sfeWT^rfsC/. With free c. (or choice). CT#-
No witness is so strong as one’s c. IRT tprsT TTfCf fW^PFritT csrr^rq, garrcsfR^,
To express c. (or concurrence). 5RtTT°r, ^SKTTw.-?r f. ^oq,
To resist or fight against c.
qq>. w°T , itow.
Conscientious, a. influenced by conscience —person,
v. Just. To Consent, t\ n. assent, concur v. To Agree,
-qpqfdv, tcPts ,
5PuPrsr, iR:wr- -tteiTw. ^r-iTCor, qRK-aqgTqg'-qrHqqr-&c. lr”T, aqgiq?rn.
^rfr, fiiRt,?TiRr^T. Consentaneous, a. agreeable. See Consistent.
2 regulated by conscience, ^t^T, CRRIRT. Consbnter, n. Consentient, a. Consenting, p. a. v. V. 57-
Conscientiously, adv. gqqRrfe CBI^Rfg, qj^'rrer, &c, aigirtt,?tHTfr,
Conscionable, &c. See Just. Consequence, n. result, issue, end, product, effect, fruit, qqsr
Conscious, a. possessing one's senses, v. Sensible. or
qqqqtT, qq- qqs?n. cfrsRqf^ /. qq#CTm. qq^wr/. qrar^rw,
fw, tfBHt, ^r%5T=T, qrfarqplin. qfir'qRm. qfcqrqrm. aq^m. qqpfn. pqqq^«. gorm. tr»Tm.
2 knowing internally. iprtfsR, SRtffFr, qsranf, STR^ST, aqr- trurirm-.

2 connection of cause and effect. qipfqrrW#Wn. ^TpteW-

3 knowing, perceiving, aware. fRT’RTPC, JTlffTmT, or qq^rq- Igtjjqsr^qqw. qrr#ff^fsr»».
, . .


Weight. II for; deference, S) c. jflW/. WW'sffni. WOTW/ WIW/.
3 See Consecution, 4. moment, importance, v.
III for care or concern about, v. Concern. fwWITrn. WOT /•
JTSrraTW- ( neff‘ con -) WPCih. WOTiWKl/.
wcfawnn. ;

^rww or f\f. rwwr/. wtw/.

5 dignity, respectability, v. Weight. wfcwwrm.
IV motive, reason, tjm. ^rOT». fwfWWw. WWW/.
/. -
WRIPOT, WjTWRT, WW- Considered, p. v. V. A. I. Eff^WSJT, &c. fwWTlCW, IwfOT, fwWT-
Consequent, a. resulting, following.
^wrfOTr, ot- pRr, or TtfOT, wrtrRR.
arwww, siwct, wRwfwwr, wotwwotwwwt,
To Consign, v.a. intrust, Sjc v. To Commit. 5ffWW, IWRW,
pOTFW, OTW. D ofo
See Consequent. 2 bigflofty, v.^ Con- ROTT, fwW'W\/.-PftWOTr/.-WWW«.-OTW T».
Consequential, a.
wrwpwrwr, A-c. WWWW, WW, OT W.
wrott, Consignable, a.v. V.
ceited. frsrersrc, Swrrnsr^rr, wwrwr or wt, wrcwrc,
Consigned, p v.V HfW^W, fWOTOT, OT4W, WFWW, WwfWW.
Consignment, n. v.V. — act. WIOT«. OTOTn. fWOTTn &c. fWTW-
FototP ^ t

Consequentially, adv. v. A. 1. jj°*> OTwl^, WWfT, WiPTWiT-

WWT/ PTOTW/. OT»i. fW%W»i fw&WWn. WOTn OTWWn.
Nff : WTlOTFr ,
To Consist, v.n. subsist, v. To Be. WWW, f!°T.
2 fOTTWR, WRTR, &c. _
2 be constituted or composed WIBW with g. of. s. wfew— WW '

Consequentialness, «. v. A. 2 and Airs. OTJOTTm. WT\T»i.

WW-WPWW-&C. WOT (in comp.).
otto /• firwrsr/. fret/ weir/- OTWW,WOT,WOT, WOT,
3 with; accordwith, v. To Agree.
Consequently. See Consequentially.
fifSjvr, «fOT, OTW»L WWW, WWfw.-WWrHi -A c. WRW g. Oj s.
To Conserve, &c. See To Preserve, &c.
To Consider, v. a. ponder, study, weigh. OTT?! WFOT fWOTW ,
See Be-
Consistence, Consistency, Consisting, n. v.V. 1.
aTfopT, trOT, JOT, OTW or WOT, PiWR®r, WTOT,
and Agreement.
ing. 8. fOTfWTm. iptit. WWm. jTWTWwi.
r4^Mi.-^fwrn.-f4NKorr/.-&c. wot g.ofo.
wwm. ^wrwwr / wwRr /• ottot- ^rwin.
2 view, regard, hold. W!#r, OTOT, WOT, %OT, WOT, WOT,
1 agreement with self; WOTm. WTOTWin. WRT-
NOT- ^ &c. W3Tm. OTWWor OTCOTm. WRWV/- WCm.^WW-
W»». WITWW»».
3 take into view, respect. WlOT, wfsw, OTtW-OTWRf-OTWRT
^t)TWw. WK'°Tfl. or OTTWWOTWrOTn- WTiTw. WWWm. WIOTWfe/
3TfOT, OT#. &c. OT with SRW of o. ~
To Think. fwww, WOT, fw- wi* /• wwrqrrfwOwm. wir™.
To Consider, v. n. deliberate, v.
m. WWWi J-
II degree of denseness. OTWWrwi. W'WW'WTw. <S I4H U II
Considerable, a. worthy of consideration. HWlOTtW, fwWIW, WOT r/.
Consistent, a Consisting, p.a.v. V. 1. WWIOT &c.
OTWfa, WOT'-
2 v. Respectable. WWOTPr, WflrfwW, WOT, WOT, WOTWOT, 2 m (in comp, as WWWWW &c.), OT (in comp, as fTOTOT &c.), ,

(ht- been or being

WWW, HWKTOT wfWTWT- 3TFWWT (in comp, as 5JOTOTWT &c.), JJW ;

3 moderately large, S/c. WTT, WCTOT, ,

much and elegant use is made of this word in comp, as 3Tr-

#rrr, tsTWH wwwrwrwr- &C. ww, aTWWW#r, & c. in the capaci-
OTWW, WRKOT, WWWWOT, being, standing,
Considerably, adv. v. A. 3. WWW, ^OTTWr &c. all decl
ty, quality, nature, &c. of ), wfOT (in comp ).
Considerate, a. deliberate, reflecting, pondering, fwwift, fwwr-
3 congruous, consonant, accordant with, &e. FOTTWWWr fw- ,


fwwrwOTrwt, pTWRRwrfr, wrw ,wwR,

2—-of 'measures
w ww, jwrw, PtwotwrI.
5inwl, fOTtwr, twrwr, wwrwr, wwrwrwr, ^^wwr,

ottot" wwott, otw,

OTrfww, w-
nrwrw:, otwwt, otPww, wwwit

or acts. fwWTCJWWr,
(in comp.)," WW^fOT (in comp.), WWOT (in comp.).
fWWPCWOTfW, wfeTtWI, wfejOTOT, wfeWOTfW. t
I agreeing with itself, coherent. OTWtWr, OTWWRT,
Considerately, adv v. A. 1. PfWITR, fwwftWRFW R-WKWWWT, ,

^irfwr, wotwst, wwfwcrfiOT^, otw,

Considerateness, n. v. A. 1. ftWTWOTTwt. fwwrOTftOTT/. RWIC- otPww, wot.
II firm, not fluid. OT pop WW, Wt, WIW, WiWT, WOT
<rfe/. fwwRwwRrm. fwwrrfwwr/- fwwj^wwrrfwwr/-
& IwWITni. fWWT- Consistently, adv. v. A. 3 and Accordantly. W"WTW*, W«*W-
CoNSIDERAXION, 71. V. V. A. 1. tjrOT». 0,


ot». ftwrwrr/. fwrwwrn. fwwrwwT/. wrrwwrr/. jscrwrfm. wot
qrqr, ,

(in comp.), 3ROTT (in comp.)

or WOT«> wfOT or WfWWn- WOT". OTT /* WOTOTn- PtWSTfti. ;

I in a consistent manner. 0OTWPC, WTOT WOT^WTOT W^W-

war/, wwf/. WOTTW/.
^^r-&c. uwfrwrw, votrr, &c. qwfwMfwdwtw, wwfwcrfwtr-
C. of pros and cons. WIwNotPtWIT HOTOTfwWlT,
OTfor, &c.
Fwwrr, otototswPrpc.
Consociate. See Confederate.
Mature e. OTWftfwwiT.
Consolable, a. v.V. gfaWPJT -wr-tRT-&c. 5TOTIW, ^RWWW,
Minute c. OTWftWR, ^CWtjfwWOT
Upon c. If we consider, dec, wiOTr?, wiww^rww.
To Consociate. See To Join, To Combine^ ^
fwWRWOT *KTWf. • ^
act. 'ftOTOT’n- HtWOTn.
Consolation, Consoling, n. v.V.
v. V. N. fwWTVr)i. fWWOT- WOTn. fWWOTT/.
worthiness of regard, v. Weight WOTWT/• WOTWT/. W*rW«. &c. Biwwn- wfRWwr / wrwrawn- OTOTwrww)/.
I .

j:€rWfOT«-t^TrWWOT’L OTWfOTii- J:®WRWrOTa. J:OTR?IT«»-

. —
. &


—state gUTOHn f^TmJTPTOrn. fNrT^RWw. f^TORSRr/ ST.SsT- Constant, a. continuing, v. Continual. fror, fTOTO, ^KR.
srifr /. snrsriftr /• 2 persistent, steady, firmly adherent. fRT, f^TO~
1 cause of c. comfort. ?BTPTOrt$in.5WWRra TOTOTn. 'EnTRT- %?fr, feKf^, *«TRt, 1WTO, SRR5T, 3RT5T, aiRf^RrCl", *TO-

TORn. TOrranTOPTOw f TOTOftf^rTO’fPTnj / - RW1» - &c.

: . vrfe,

To Console, v.a. solace, comfort. aTRff or arfqn. pZ.-iff- Constantly, adv. v. A. 1. and Ever. PdR, %*TT
sni. pi. to5! g-.oj o. ritto, arr^repr^iSTfr 5rfffr/- or W%,RR5r:,f=TR^ l
STOSTO, aKrfcfT,
;TO“T, T:^n. g.of o. ^JTWR'n.-fWHJTR'r^n.-^ftR^w-- Rf^fsTTR, aifRR, PriMsfr.
spror/ -NrNr€^«.-j:^rroc^n.-^rTO^n.-&c. g-ofo. 2 FaTTOTO, R'-T^RtIR, TOTOTOf-
^Rw.-f¥?r». W
3TOT g. of o. Constellation, n. =T$Rn.
Consoled, p. v-.V. RSWr, &c. NrarftRT, 51TTORTO, STHTO- 2 fig-, genius, star, &;c v. Prodigy. ?TFCrm. ^rjsrw.
jnNnr, nrfreNTO, ^towrr, sTr^f:^,smrsm, siwivr. Consternation, n. v. Fright. j. TTi'TOirw. ^ar-
Consoler, n. Consoling, p. a. Consolatory, a. v.V. BRW- W)n. gRR'^TR'T /. v. TO.
?r, &c gm arrarcro, np-tor stoi-to- Constipation. Sec Costiveness.
t2fr,T:^C-fR5'-&c. rtto- Constituent, a. elemental, essential. WRWT, ^pRR'TOT, :
fRr-&c. I^rrqf, 5^c-f^r-&c.^tn^-?r^-&c.f:ij5R?r, ^pjfT, twr, 3T^7, 3J55RT5T, mwm, fium,
To Consolidate, v.a. make solid, dense, &c. TOr-3rfTO pop. Constituent, n. v. A. essential part. WC5T^R-&c. 'TTOTM'.-R'-
JTOR-TO-TO pop. IR-SiC. SfTTOT, EfJTRDT, NZTTO, JTPm. Will.- &C. 3RifWTO5T5riJTO3Tir>Tffq-i?-R«i.-ftqVOT.
&N On <K

2 Sec To Join. 2 See Constituter.

To Consolidate, v. n . become solid, §c. aris^r, TO^T, <T- To Constitute, v. a. See To Compose. To Mare.
rr#, ?r. 2 nominate ,
elect, v. To Appoint. W^/.-
Consolidate, a. Consolidated,/?. v.V. A. 1. ^r-Efj-Sic. %- ?r3RT/. - 4r5PW /. - & C. of o. fiTJrRrRT.
Sr, torr, fftf fr, Brscrf f Constituter, n. v. V. 2. TORCT, 4f5FIKT, &c. HfrSR, Fw-
2 See Joined.— v.V. N. &c. ijffc, N£fa,tRto?r,f#r- *T5Rf.
JTfl, 615^. Constitution, n. native state or character, v. Nature. TOkT/.
Consolidation, n. v.V. A. ]. act. TOsTOTR. stsIRRh. spfr- iff fawi. Fr^ptm. Pr^rifjTr^wi.

'¥TO». rePTOTR. ;5 #PTO°Tr. II (of mind or body), particular temperament or temper. TO-
v.V. N. SPRR. 3Tj5'r»i. &c. Rf/. /. siiT^Tr^mA^TOPTiM-
Consonancy, Consonodsness, n. v. A. 1. and Concord. to- III form of government. ^TOTTOIT^Tn. Vrs^pftf^WTn.
tron. ^RRfPRm. HTOTO*Tr/. ^tutorr. scRiftRr/. pi- ^rRJr|FvRrTOm. pi
2 firOTTn*. 5PPR. 5RT»J. <TOTOm. z&m. Constitutional, and Natural. 3TRRT, ^RlfTOT
a. v. N. 1.

Consonant, Consonous, a. agreeing in sound. ^TtRTO, tT=fT- pop. 5OTlfTOor%^, ?TOT?feK', TO^F^ITO", RWTvT, ^TOTTO, TC-
2 congruous, v Consistent. fiTOPfTrVf, fatWlflj RJTrRT, TO- 2 legal ^c. dstRrTO ‘Jfg€tK: , RfTOTpTT.
: 5

RT, «ScC. ?WfT. Constitutionally, adv. v. A. 1. ^nr^TR, srrdR, ?T-

Consonant, n. TOspTn- TOTOwi. OT: Rt^PR:, ,

Conjunct or double c. TOffJTin. 2 5crWf¥mr^6'n:, &e.

To Consort, v.n. associate with, v. To Accompany. *R»n.- Constrainedly, adv. by compulsion. TOT^j TOITOKTgar, 5PT-

^#T/--?T?TR>Tm--^fV?r)n.- a'fRVii.-&c. :

Consort, n. husband or wife, q. v. vRSflRT grr&sr To Constrain, v. a. force, oblige, v. To Compell. TOil-TOT-
Rqrar-fRrqrl (andfem. 4lRl°r &c.) 5TRRfl>. TOPKT/. TOITw.-&e. with TO ofo, JRTjii. ROTT.
Conspicuous, a. obvious, v. Plain, gsvr, *J3pR, HS’SPTRT, 2 confine, bind, v. To Restrain. BTITO^T, NITO^r, fTOTfm-
WfR, TOTOT. &.C. SfTTO g. ofo. TO-^-&c. grC'T.
2— of marks, &c. See Clear. Constraint, n. v. V. 1.—slate. TCRTORTf /• <PRSpfrrorr/.
Conspicuousness, n. v. A. 1. WTRffT/. wsfTRR /• ff®Ttw/* srrTOSTfTO^frr/-
/. 2—state. Pto^m. RTOm. Vri°fl /. Nfafm.
Conspiracy, n. Combination, gjpnprn. 3rr«*.
v. \tn. NiapiNTm.
Conspirator, n. #JFRdt, WTORT, f£ITOr. I constraining power, v. Compulsion. #C«». «TTO1/. TOT-
To Conspire, v.n. v.To Combine, firsso}, fTOCw.
W#-3rRT, frn.-q^f'Trm.- S'>T=r*Iir«.-&c.^'^.
By c. «rror%, wtoIrt, spiftip, c.

2 concur. See To Agree. To Constrict, To Constringe, See To Contract.

Constancy, n. v. A. 1. gTOTOTm. Pimmf- HRifn. vfTOifn. To Construct. See To Build, To Compose..
?raw?rm. Construction, n.—in grammar, v. Syntax. *PTOm. TOTTO*r«i.
2 *ro». *mn. ferc^rr/. ferPr pop. ifiRtf. sirPtrpcot. Pto- mgpsfaf. ^rtow/. TOi^prr/. «F?'trrf»rr/. N^wir/.
^rr/. VRRRn. n%irm.

2 See Interpretation. 2 inclined to c. ajqqrqqqr, srrHHyqt, aircrew.

To Construe, v. a. arrange in natural order, 8?sqqw. HTqq- Contact, n. touch, close union. RS] m. HR51 m. Hqq /. Hirqrm.
gqfqm. Hqfjfqn. qcqqn. HWin. HqiRn- HqSHT/. H-
f#~qr#,g-. of o. 3T#, q^r^sfr/.-ST^aTT^n -*Fqqqr-

qfqqrr /.-^mn.-^TqH^T /• qr#£-. Of o. fqr/. HHfqr /. HHqm. H%qrqm. qiqrafvr /. HrarfH^Tin.

2 See To Interpret. Ascertainment by c.

Construing, n. v. V. 1. act. sFqq5q#n. &c. s?qqqqiisHl/- In c. vJTFrT.

sTRqsTqfqiT/. «rqqn. HrqpTqrr /. Mediate e. or connection. 3T?PC ^TO’^T^Tni. ^icTC-

To Construpate, See To Ravish. qr^qxrWTw.

Consubsistence, n. v. A. Hffqqfq/ Hfqqqn. To come into c. a'qSR, Hq^Hn. fR in. con. org.of s. reap.
Consubsistent, a. existing togethei H?f#T, HerfHqrqqr, RH- Contagion, ji. communication by contact . ^'T^W^fOn.
Hqnprn. Rqriqqrfir/.
Consubstantial, of the same substance. Hqqq, HqiqqR,
a. Contagious, a. infectious, fyc. qqsfrSr HRFqc, qq^iffqpft, R-
qqrqiq, qqqgqr, qqgrsqqr, HqRstRqr, qqrsrsqqr, Hqqrqtq, qqr 5fHqr#, eqrq, ararqqr, Hmrrfqqr, qqsifqmTqr
3i#q, HarraW. !
Contagiousness, n. v.A. qq^HRlr^n. 'tqSiHqrfqqr/• Ac.

Consubstantiality, n. v. A. Hqqqqr / *WR<mr/. qqHr*qn. To Contain, v . a. hold, comprehend, comprise. HCq, ^q“l, Hf-

TO5THTJI. HRHIWn HqTqfqqT/'. frSTFKTn. qqq, Hiqqq-irrfr qq, H3qrqqrm.-&c. iiq-sreq g.ofo. with
To Consult,!), a. ask counsel of. TOq, fqqT#, fqqpCm.-HKn/. in con. The word is most idiomatically rendered rcveisely
- TOa^/.-9TRW(TrOT - qq« .-&c.qtf g.ofo.
To be contained (q. v.) as, This vessel will contain two seers,
2 regard, consider the interests of. qr#, fqqTHw. qr# g.of qr qrqrq frq trr JrrqqtR.

o. Heq?i.-qfB/.-q3TH/.-&c. #-&#, with qr ? or qq of o. 2 See To Restrain.

To Consult, v n. take counsel together. qq55q/. - f#TH «• - Containable, a. v.V. that may be contained. JTrqrar-HRqfqr-
qqHqrm.-&c. qr#. Hftur &c. Rqr-Hfqqr-&c.
Consultation, n. v. V. N. qHvsq/. f#TOn- qqfprTm. Contained, p. v.V. 1. HTHR, Hqfq5T irrHHr, &c. HRfre, ®T-

Secret c. qpjrqqn. qq#®. qqm. f?vPpr«. q%, qprq, w, 3Tq:qrlI (in comp.).
To Consume, v. a. devour, swallow up, burn, #q, 53T3R
fyc. To be c. rrnfq, HR#, HR, at#, Hr#, sr#.

rrqrq, qrrqr qr#, sjr^fr sr#, Hrrer adv. qr#, fq#, nr#, Container, r. Containing, p. a. v.V. HTHrC, Rqqq°TKT,&e.
OT«. TOT g.ofo. qqf adv. Rq#, Rrxq q^r- qKV/qrql.
=fOn. qrHxrRqrq. To Contaminate, Contamination, &c. See To Defile.
2 expend, use wholly, v. To Exhaust. Rqq, Hr#, qrarrm. To Contemn, v. a. despise, scorn, disdain, disesteem, fyc. fra;-
-qrHvrrm. q^-qs#,®-. o/o. srs#. q, rlrrqr#, fqnxsr#, tangrt#, qqqqq, qqqrqq, siqqrqq,
3 annihilate, ruin, fyc. v. To Destroy. Hqjn.-qrsrfiL-HR- «mrqq, qqrq#, g^-qqqr-qrqqrq- & c. qrqq-Hqqq-srr-
HT5T m. 2jq»i. - & e. mfgg.ofo. HTqr qr#. qq, Rqpq qr#, qqqrqm.- qwqm.- fqsqnrrni.- fqq.qrrH?«.-
To Consume, v. n. waste, be exhausted, sqm. yqm.-Ac. ffq |rra#/.-fH#q/-tqHrqqr/.-?arr/.-&c. qr# g.of 0 In .

g- of & this general sense To hold lightly or To reject scornfully, but

Consumed, p. v. V. A.
1. RT3R HP#5ST, qrrqr qr?TOT, & c. as better agreeing with the more expressive and emphatic
2 qr#Hr,&c. rhth, qrr^c,HRrr,qr3m%'HR-5rrH3-r,P r?5rq. :
words To Scout, To Flout, To Fleer, Sjc. are qTHqOTRq
s qrsTRvrer, qer. qr#-qrqq-q#q-qqq- &.c. qrcaq or tirr#, fqqqr#, r?r-
Consumer, n. user, &e. — as opposed to producer, productive. qqrr#, ft?# or if^nr#, qrcrqrqln.-^xqrcrw- qr*?q zrqfq
qqqrCr, qqqrx, qtqqvct g.of 0 . qqqq, fqqqrqq, ?qfqrqq, adv. qr#, fqn in-
Consummate, a. Sec Perfect. terj. fqrrqq, tsHr#, sq# or arqrfq, |#r=qr adv. qr#,
To Consummate, v. a. complete v. To Perfect. qq-qHHr- , qot. qr#, €#, qrjqqr qr#, ipirqjn. q»q g 0f 0 -, . sprrer of
qHr-HW-qqrr~&c. qr#, q#r /-3fHfe/-&c. mfgg.ofo. gqrqin. qtqrq with H or qr of 0 . (with nig. con.) fW#,
Consummation, n. v.V.— act. qqqr#n. Ac qq'qrqq«. r^q/.-^f/.-qrsrq/.-qqqrRjq/.-qqqql' /.-qrq#f/-&c. qr#
—state, gofer f. qi%/. nfafe:/. fear# /. htw /. g of 0. And some phrases and idiomatic expressions are qftpj'f
Consumption, n. v. V. A. 1. act. #n. qrrxq zrfgn. HTqr srrqtq qrff (rtr, hr &c.) qq qwqrnr aqqqnc 't wqr %-
gr^n— state. qrHTm. gfqRrm HR®. RtrfHm. yqm. qrqqpc qift (jaq Ac. i. e. 1 hold thee unworthy of notice
2 —act. H#qn. tf-gqrr q;#n. &c. Hpbl — state, qqrHTm. qrq- even as a beggar), qr &c. qqqr V^qrq qrfi g.of o. or qqq qt-
mm. RRJ/I. sqqjn. qrHTm. qr-qrrq qrqr- qrrq qrq-qrrq fqrqq-qrrq fi'5rrq-qrrq qqw-qrrq qsrqrH
3 See Destruction. - & c.g.of s. xiqrqrqrqrqr qiw (qr, A c.) ?
Iv. Phthisis. rgq#r«». qrOTgin. qsqrorzWTqrqm. frnTTSTm. Contemned, p. v.V. qqqqgrvJT, sqqqrq^Hr , ^3rHR%aq gxtfqr-

II— gener. ^casting disease. or sq#T/. aft/. qrqrrqrn. qq-qr, arqqfqq,qqfqq, <qqqrf#, aqqqq, arqqrfqq, qqrffr, f-
Sfcss?*. axm. rlmr/. qorsttf. h- qslf q, fqxHjrq, qwrq, Rqlfnar, Hfjrq, fqnrf f
ht#!/. Contemner, «. v.v. fqxHqrrHqpcr, t^qixr, &c" arqqrq-qqqrq-
Consumptive, a. affected with c. sjqar, #t, ,
aqCP RHf
I . 3Tqrqq-&c. qrqt-qrrCt &c. Rrnwqi, RrHHqrncIr.
— / ' C


To Conxempeh, To Contemperate. See To Temper. Contemptuously, adu. v.A. 3TR5TR, 3TTORR, FffRARR,
CoNTEMPLABLE, a. V.V. 1. WTR55TW RfFTRIRr-A C. Ac.p® ^r?F=T-iTR^, 3THKV* ARR- R1RAR- A c. rV-TT-
2 «4«r, PfscrrHFT, r^rr, rtr. TV TRR, VIA fVf=T, *TR TT^,
To Contemplate, v. a. regard or consider fixedly. 5if44, err
STjR-vStR eTfR-ZT SRR-&C. R§4.
3at/. w,
fsPHir 1
!, &c.
To Contend, To Contest, v. n.
dispute, strive, v. To Fight,

2 (abstractedly). LRRn.-WRm.-TRRRn -F4iRT /. Ac. skt4 To Quarrel. eTCR, HiRq or 5R^°T, flfr/RM, 444 or
g-.of o Wf"°T m, mzw, trr44, 444, ^srf /.-trw.- A^rm.- iri^rn.- srt-
3 have in vieio with reference to afuture event. RRRT—JTRPT 3T»i - fTVRw. -STfRii. - A c. AV4.
-5T ;rf?-trC crrffr-trRifr-&c.3TO'5T m. con. Contender, n. Contentious, a. Contester, n. v.V. and
To Contemplate, v. n muse, meditate. unRn.-fRRRn -tRRn. Quarrelsome. A^TTSTr, TPs%#V, JlRjffV, q?RT5ir
Ac. grv°T, RRrT-Fwr-Ac. «ro4. ^Tr4r, TAvm, fTTrfr.
or ftrefsrar,
Contemplated, p v.V. A. 1 «tr Trff^R, Ac. 55f%R, Content, Contented, a. satisfied, not wishing more.
JTVT, 4fV, 44fifr, (IT, !jtTfRr, f4ijf or r?tt, fr^Rr,
2 «tr ^tsr, «mr, F44 t ^TT:TrV°T, TTO?RRR,TrRVRRR, IFTTR, FVTTRT, f4-
Contemplation, n. v.V. A. 1 .—act- wrRSFpR r?4 n. Ac.
2 UJR ARTn. «TRn. RR« Rfe'TR pop. fvRRRiii. f^fTW- Easily c. TRTOTTqT, 3RTOJE.
RRn RgWRin. RWRRm. 4?dr/. 2 See Willing.
— esp. of the deity, or one’s own soul. «TR«. RRfRRn. R- Content, Contentment, n. satisfaction, acquiescence, (j'c. OTf-
*TR«- 44tT»l NRfRRIRn. f4R44tq»i. qRSTRr?/. s^njfir/-
Absoibcd in c. of the deity. WRRR, RRriRTR, RRrffrT, W- tFet/. qf4/- ^srrf^rrfR/. Fq-Tri4Tf4/. c^raifT/. H^rOTm.
w, RRrFRRR. arefR-m. ST^fe /.

Air or look of c. WTRSTST/. 2 contents (of a receptacle).

v.V. N. 37R=Tn. fRfRn. WRRTRr imiTy.n. HVlT/t. TOT». 3TVT¥n- iJJrrFTe-a'RJTir-aiiR^-Ac.
Contemplative, a. Contemplator, ji.v.V. A. 2 and v. N. VRn.
meditative, thoughtful. WTRSTlBr, ifRRsfR, *RRf, F4fR3TR, 3 (of a book or writing). fs%4r4m-
RfTRlR, «TIRr, MTRRR. “ C’s. received” tTCTT#.
—esp. on the deity, Ac. wriRT, UTRfRST, «rr4l, irafaff, RRr- Table of c. aR^ftjpfrr/,
RRR, RPRITR, Rrfpr, 4#%, ytRl^Rf- 4— in geometry. jf-spjRR.
Contemporaneous, Contemporary, a. living or being at the Superficial contents. TOTTSTn.
same time. qRrTRRr, tr%qssRr, OT#!, BTOfef, fRR^r- To Content, To Satisfy. jvt4, g^rRRn.-44[T»v.-
v. a. v.
sd, totcrt, rrrtiFr^. ^Fir/.-^fiFv/.- 5A3m%/.- jrstrF? /.- Ac. ^ftv4 g-ofo.
Contempt, Contemning, n. v.V. act. FdVV$R4»i. f SRn. R- — Ac.5-v4.'
wi«. 3NJm«. &c. tzrrsRt/. %ss%fef. targRrffr/. fawrr- Contentedly, ado, v.A. 1. ?RWRR,fAROTRRr4, Ac. H=nrr-
vrm. f4?A3iTVi/!. 3K?3Rn. RWr/. fW f. af'TRRRn. RfRRRn. vTRgRT.
8T?I1«I Rn. RRRAr/. FpsyRVRn. FTCVfjR/. fdVRlTVRn. Contention, Contending, Contesting, Contest, n. v.V.—
faVrRVR). RWOft. ftJtiiTRn. wpffVRn. jRfrv'm.— as better a- act. j4?«rn. srrr'it'f or grrqr /. vrertrrfr or 4r /. toto or f4-
grccing with scouting, fouling, Ac. RISER /. grgRRt/. R^TIR- mRfi ura°ir/. 4f-ft /. 4«r or sj^rn. /. ?r avr /. 4q?Rn,
qrRinat/. Rftirz or statu. muRm. tptqn. rg: pop. qrferwi. pop. tf&f. Will.
mmHm. sm^RTf. %ziw4t/. =rr wwif. qfv- ?MW. or jrfjtr4r/- mizf.
Wm. sTTOrf^Tn. RWrfRRvTJi. See also under Disgrace. To Contest, v. a. controvert. See To Dispute.
I— the sentiment or passion. FftCWITwi.. far^iTF, sprRFR f To Contest, v. «. See To Contend.
R3RRcrr/. RRTRVjfe/. tjxSRiRwi. fRVRfiTVRFTnt. Conterminous, a. bordering. onRrRT, f^WTRT, 44F4>Tr,
Contemptible, a. v.V. and Mean. SARRiRr, %*5flfsr 3rv[RrRf-
iir, Ac. |RirrrRRr-itrTrr Ac. Fttwr,
rrrrrIr, rrrrri#,
f Contestable, a. controvertible, fyc, TSTTVrTT^rilT
R'Trpr, rrrir rFr, «r#T, rhrt, fR^rwirtf, r#wr, -Ac.wr, wvrvtRr, fqirf^T^r, 4trFiTTF-ff#lR, fwr?rt ,
JTsf, 3Ttmr=rrf,3TTORrf, Ac. r, f^Rrar, tewr.
Contemptibleness, n. v.A. RsmRm. tR^'Rrw. FRAAFf- Context, w. fRiRWm. ^TU^'TRn. gRT^m. lf*r4^fni.
5TT/. RRlHR^tW/. Ac. STTURlfFTf /. RaRRRf&Tf/. Ac. aRRFTJR. WPRTin. ^r'RR^jn. ^rftPTO^fM.
Contemptuous, "
a. scornful, disdainful.
— person. f- Rule or law of c. JRTRFr RTgm.
v^tetir, feRrarcrv, feunlr, fsRRjRrr,
frrarrW, Contexture. See Texture.
nwrIi, r^rr, finc^a vri, grRi'i Contiguity, Contiguousness, w. v.A. and ontact, stir/, gr-
2 expressing scorn language, Ac.
siiRRiRr, Rf TETR I' 5FTf’n * Pf4>^rE4sfifr/. aiHfpfn, IRTOF4/.
f^iKRT, fernrisrr’qr, Ac. sHrarpr, ^rw, 3t#5rrjdt! Contiguous, a. v. Near. viRiRAT,

aR4v, rrtF, 45T-

#rr, RJlRtR, JRTO5T,
— .


Continence, n v. A. 1. BqJFfii. PpraTrFTn. Rprfqfv/. HW^rf- 2 stay, abide, dwell, v. To Reside. Uf°T, =rte%, 3TBW»
Bn. *m|F?T /. ww,
2 $fWirPm»i. ^mPntr?i». imvfqrr?™. gq^rRmin.. w- 3 persist, v. To Persevere. used with the
fsprJTm. present participle of another verb.
3 srnsqsEWm &c. Hii^Tfcrr/. ai^nf«. ^trfiriw/. sqrfqw?qr/. Continuity, Continuousness, n. v. A. BC^n. BRcR'ii Fb-
4 sravrftfrr /. wirqqn. qcqRreq?qr /. ctcbt/. BrfiTBm.
Continent, a. self-restraining, v. Abstinent, ifjqjft, fqrpq^ 2 BCtPTit. Frrtfftirr/. ST^frr/. SRir^Rn. 3T5qT4T :T?rr/. arfir-

Rprarff, fqqqfsY. ^Scf m. 3Tftf^U5Tirr/.

2 moderate or •pure in the indulgence of sexual passion of — Continuous, a . in time, v. Continual Rfi’grc, 3Rf?TC, spT-
men. trOTsft, «r*wfcrat, sFqftrqrcr, T^rrd#?T, PnRnirnr,
Rrar^rw, Pmarenr, srorPrsrfl, qcfPirat. 2—of space. RrttIT, stkttopT, STaRffiT, ®rf7-
—in covert phraseol. qrorSTRir ^RT-^sronT-^, WKIRT f%5T.
t&tt-isic. To Contort, v. a. v. To Twist. gt^R^T or ina^T, fqztnzvf,
3 refrainingfrom woman. #TaT, oMBrfT or jfreSr

BftawgBr, ? ifrpTgia - fqcsr - Prcq? ,

wra^nr, Riwir, Brastr- Contortion, n. twist, fqfiiriW»>. gt^T^rw. fern.
m. — as used pi. contortions Zi&fq& fzfizmpl sthSrt-
A e. man. jfsrard, jTSFWfaSt, Brf HIT, BBTf?

5Tif[^, fq& Bjtsjrffewrfpi. v. ?•, sT^Tf^sjJj-it,

«Nr, Contour, n. outlines of the figure, ^rq^qr /. ^qt^rr/.

4 refraining from man. JCfTO^J Bff - fqgqjfT- f=Rqfr , aTSTTB- Contraband, a. qrteqfqTqrqr, qqifm, qfirq, fafe
srcrar, To Contract, v. a. draw up, in, together, sr^^'l or sT^qqr,
A c. female. griT^rft^r, T^T^RTr. sTr?^, srrqrqq-, arnrar^qr, zjzin, aqarqerr qSt-qr'St, gqrq'm.-s-q-
Continent, it.— in geography. qpsRFt or jpqft /. fffRTiii. qroi o-.
of o. or Hffw-qq5rcq-&c.
Wn. -ergsj'tftFsvrwftr/. 2 draw upon self, incur, fye. HTCFT in. con. i[FS®[, RTo5-
Contingency, n. v. A. 1. possibility
of occurrence. ffEWPRIT/. q°T, ^qr?%.
tror«mr/. qqqrBftqr/. q^rarwrar/. 3 epitomize, fyc. v. To Abridge. eyqm.-ie^iTm.-
2 accidentalness. Tf^ssrf. tqqpini. ^ErfcR'n. ^qra-=TJ!.-&c. g.ojo.
lac. v. Accident. qqqpqn. IfqqfrqjfnT /. 4 See To Betroth.
Contingent, a. possible of occurrence. 1?- To Contract, v. n. be drawn up, in, tyc. sjigijtrr or
qrqtq, 3Tf ^urtrJNfw. arrqarqroT, #?»]•, aTrarw or aqrffw, aqqswr, sTi^r, qr^r, qr5!,
2 fortuitous, v. Accidental. sTSPrY, ’t'qqra', tt- ^rr^rSt, 3%c®r, im g.ofs.
qwprer, ^??r5r(cT.
qtor, 2 bargain, tqqm.-ir?Fr»).-&c. qrC^T.
Contingent, n. fortuitous event. qqqiHrn. \qqfcT %5 f. Ibf- Contract, n. agreement for work, fyc. v. Agreement, Mono-
%3TRt W /.
poly. r^m. ?t'TTO/. UrFfm. gqqrm. g^Ttn. |qqr or s'^Tm.
2 proportion, v. qifaft/. spiff/, qferm. By c. g-Tjrr, qqsr or qqq.
Continual, a. continuing, constant. PrtvIT, Rtht, BrRT, WiT, Contracts and monopolies, — compreh. ^HTfiTitt.
W, Nf^T?r, aRTTOr, 3HTW, ST«tifr, aRqqffiT, fqsqrqr, %- Work to be done by c. ?tT4iT*Tn. ^tfqqqTRTn.
Hfqr. To give by c. qor, fl^T ?^T.
Continually, adv. v. A. and Ever. FTt^T, F^?, pTRT%, PlR, To take by c. qqr frjgqS}-.

Pwrsr, fqRrRr?q, %*fr, swt, fcrojr, qsfcpft, q£rqs% bw, Contracted, p. v.V. A. 1. srrqc^ar, &c.
BBtf, SrfarTr, T^TT^f, ##, 3RBT. tffifwir, BTrqriqT.
Continualness, it. v. A. Btqqn. PrtTOIT/. €TT?!W«. BEfSTn. 2 #q?raT, &c.
BtBBTprin. 3 5}§q%§w, iB^FT.
Continuance, Continuation, v.V. A.

WW /.
2 -act. qre-#». &c.
n. I .—act. ’fRH'Tn.&c. 4 See Betrothed.
v. Y. N. 2. r=i'R-q,

Contractile, a. having the power of contracting itself ^T-

v. V. N. I —state, fr^rn. &c. or R^HTm. ftsrRr pop. Yt, BfRwqr.
BTtB/. Contracting, Contraction, n. v.V. A. 1.— act. sm^ln.
2 Cf^Tn. ^RNTit. &c. BT?njcfi-/. fejfcf
pop. BSjfa /. sTrizvin. 3Trqq“Tn. & c. 3Traq°rn. Yrf'qqit. B^qn. Btpq-
3 ipjfr /. ^orn.—act or state. «twff/ srrqacql /• Yrq-
To Continue, v. a. carry on longer, not to cease from. ^TTB- /. arRTTn- STRCra- aTOTm.
^nsrcr, vrsm crew-s#, wffcr-ivter- &c. 5rr°ir. 2 ^Sf n . &c .

2 extend, carry on in length. qraT’T, SWOT. 3 B5r#it. WTJfn. qqWRTm. OTBCfMf.

To Continue, v. n. remain, last, v. To Endure. R^r, v.V. N. 1. &c. Btrvm. vrqaT'fr /. YRirc°rqr /.
wr, qrcm, Ricr#, a^r. 3 wq°Tt /. /.
2 WOTn. WW WOT». WOTWjf. Military c. Warn. WTOTt/.

Contractor, n. v. V. N. 2. and Monopolist. JiWWCf, WW- Contrite, a. penitent, v. Repentant. TWTWrql, aRwrfy WW-
wrc, wtwar, #r, *shrwwt, wwwrwr, wwwwr, wtwar. qprwrPT qrfww-w:iwrw-&c.

To Contradict, v a. oppose verbally, deny, wsrr-&c. qiwcr,

. Contrition, n. v. A. and Repentance. qWFWPTin. aTWWHw.
#ot, wot, otwot, otot, otot, writ qaww wot, wit qyfc Contrivable, a. v. a. wwrw-wr- wmwr- &c wwrwfrr, wot,
wot, wRtot»l wfwqnrm - ottot-tot. - Prwwwm - &c wot. . . WWWfa, WOT.
Contradicted, p. v. V. wfwrOT, OTfOTW, frWROT. Contrivance, Contriving, n. v. V. A . 1. act. ?rsffrn. WWW«-
Contradiction, n. v. V. act. war WOTh. wfw^Wwi. WWT- &ic. wwwr /. wrwww /• cott/. otw/. otww /. Ftotw.
IsWWb- WRPsWOTn. WWWTOTn. WOTfrCTOTi. WFWWW»1. tWH- I inventiveness, v. Ingenuity, qfw /. WT?T/.ffWOT /• FHKm.
wwm. frw?wr /• f. rarr»i.
1 aa contrariety an inconsistency $ c.
c. , WOn. frqqqin. ,
II scheme, device, plan, jfw f. 1I3T /. W?qW /. jfe /. aOTra.
frqwwm. ftirFfr'rfv / towi. wot /. iiwiisr/. r«nr™. wwa/. waOTFrn. mm.
Contradictious. Sec Captious. 2 Sec Inconsistent. III engine, piece of mechanism. qw«. Waifan. WOTTiT /-
Contradictory, «. opposite, v. Contrary. WOT, ware, fr- Th Contrive, ®. a. plan, devise, invent. qp'OT, WOT, COT, W-
cr-ft, frw, frqfrw, PwfaOT. frqfr, ffrOT,WrOT, WOT, WOTT /. - wnw W /. - &- C. WOTg-.o/o
2 inconsistent with itself, v. Inconsistent. ajiJjpr, frOTW, To Contrive, ®. «. qfwi.-OTflW /.-OTRoi -&c. WOT g- of o.
WWifeTW. Contrived, p. v. V. A. qrsr5arr, OT^W, &c. wfrPT, TfOT, tj-

Contrariety, Contrariness, n. v. A 1. OTJOTIjr. waPTw. few, wrwFrw, frr.

swwwpog. wwwm. frqwrw. frqwww. qqFtwn. frqcrwwr /. Contriver, n. WOT ITT, WIOTICT, C-
Contriving, p. «.v. V. A.
qa?wm Frqfrw whir. frwwrwr/. OTRT, &e. WWW, WWW, WOTT WWT, OTWWWr.
2 3re?OTrm. Fqfrww. frq<awr/. wrfwwOTw. wfwwawr/- wfw- I inventive, v. Ingenious. WWW, WWW, WWW, OTWf, fl"W-
wawHm. wwr or wr, otFI, wcnrwt, ottotw, otw, wwotri, w'wrwr,
3 WCWWWWm. WWdTOTWm. aTWOTOTWrM. WOTWT/. frw- wrwwt.
^wwrfcrr /. Control, Controlment, n. v. V. act. arPTOTn. srriqw».8cc.
4 warwm. &c. FwtOTR. frfWTB. ariWOTM— O. or s, WHCm. FwWfi»- WW /. W-
Contraiiily, Contrariwise, adv. v. A. 1. warw, war, WOT, mm. wrarm. wrwrwNrM- 3 nmf
OTTfZ',WWOTT, OTWTW, WIT. At the c. or command of. OTWtW, OTTWf, JWWpT, wrffw or err

2 aTWOTTIW, frCOTTWW, FOTWr, nft'Wm, frieTW:, Wfrwaw:. otiw, wsriw.

Contrarious, Contrary, a. opposite, opposed to, adverse, v. I power or authoritg to control. W(Wm- fWJTw, WWT /. IrWT-
Reverse, WOT, WOT, frqdw, frCW, Filler, frqwrwrwr, ' W /. wwaww/. arfirwrem. W7 /. frpffWM.
^wrarwr, frqwwwr, frwrw. To Control, v. a. v. To Restrain, To Rule. WROT, wfl-
2 cross, repuynant, hostile, fyc. v. Adverse, ajWW, wfwww, OT, arrWOT, aTrWCWM.-arrqWin.-WrWOTn. arwini. wrrfflf WWW,
frew, fqqfH, frier, qwrwgw, Pppr, wuc. WOTM.-WOT IRTiH. WOT-Wtw W,- &-C. WOT,g‘. ofo.
3 contrary willed, cross, v. Perverse. WOTWT, ajWOTWT, Controllable, a. v. V. ai-rqwrW-WT-WfWWr-wr C WT-&c. OTTWl : ;

^OTirwrDT4rc^cr,aTircrr^f,^wa'r,frfid T^rcr,Fi rft5Ti r ;frf. ; ( :

WOTrwrwT-<Sic. fwww, arrwwwiw, wrrwwtw.
4— wind, tide, &c. WOT, WIOTT, HWiCW, WfOTOTT, Controller, n. Controlling, p. a. v. V. aTIWOTRT, OTriWr-
Contrary, n. an opposite. FlWw. qfwqtfm. wfOTsftm. WfwWWfr/t. wiwot WOTixr, &c. wiwcw, Fwjiwr,5TRwr,

On the c,. See Contrariwise. Controversial, «. frrr?rwr, frwrw OTWt-Rrqww, Prwiw<rwfwr,lw-

Contrast, n. opposition
of things or qualities. JjpWSJ'OTWt'Wn. wfwqfwwtwi'-fr'sprw, ^OTWOTfwww-wOTt, sOTwwwrwrr.
jjwirwfrr^n. OTmrfagOTn. frCwm. wwfaswirwm. Controversialist, n. frW7t,Fqwr7WWf, WTWtTF
To Contrast, v. a. qCOTOTrOTqT3TWM. - qOTTOTfOTirwrTTm. Controversy, n. dispute, discussion of contrary opinions, fr-
wot, wwifrOTfrrw. wot g-ofo. WW»». WWTWWWm. WtFOTWw. W7m. ffwfwqf^/- W^STn. WP3TW-
To Contravene, v. a. v. To Oppose. aiTOT ifr-fi5 }'.
wot. wfwrWwrw«. pi. qqqOTwrwrw«. wr&qwwmTWn.
Contravention. Sec Opposition. To Controvert, v. a. contest, v. To Dispute. qfWw.-fqqrWin.-
To Contribute, v. a. give to a common purpose, v. To Give. FqwFwqfw/--t^qrOT«.-nwrOTrw».OT^rc«i.-Fw7OTn.-fw cr- ;

ww^r-qftwr-frqwr~&c. ot, wt/- wot, ot, *Wm. wcwn.-Prcrf Fr/.-&c. wOTg-. of o.

-irrrm. &c. ot. Controverted, p. v. V. frwfwq?T, WWWCI, Ffqrwrr.qftWW, WfW-
To Contribute, v. n. v. To Help. w?TW-?rfWrFt |r°r, WOT /. OTW, Fwcrf 7, fWOTT, w.
WOT-OT. Controvertible, V.
qrWTOWR, qfWW OTrwrwr-&c. frwFw-
a. v. ;

Contributive, a. Contributor, n. Contributory, a. v.V.A. qw, wwotw, FOTC ;ftw,ipw^wwrt,OTrwww 5rwr. ;

4OTt OTirr, JTTWOTrcr, ahrrOTrcr, &c. wcfrrr, wot, Contumacious, a. stubborn, v. Obsohnate. «fww#RT, fwet,
v. V. N. and Conducive. WOT, WWWPCt, WOTW WWf-Wrfi. fwrcwrc, wrarlt, strot, arqwjfe-.
Contribution, n. v.V. A. thing contributed. 1OTt/- WOT/- Contumacy, n. v. A. fwr/. fW7#CT /* OTto. fOTH'w. ?3WTn.
wr /. ar^TOwwrferwrsfwwn. WWWwl
— - — — — — .


Contumelious, a rude, insolent, <5rc. v. Contemptuous. R- 3 have sexual intercourse. ?H m. - OTTrOT™- - OTPT m.-UOTIOT/
tnr, Preir, Horror, ftchtott, fofok. -&c. qTOT.
CONTUMEEIOUSNESS, CONTUMELY, ». V. A. and CONTEMPT. Converse, a. contrary , v. Reverse. 3H£T, sq?jT, 'OTRTTIHr.

Converse, n. opposite proposition. W£f. OTJT q!cTni. TUni.
pter /.
Contusion. See Bruise. Conversely, adv. v. A. qrtK^, 3-^JT qSIR', WZ JW-
Convalescence, n. v. A. 5HT€t5T5Tr/. Tr^rft/. FfOTfOTHOTr m.
arifNqqfqw/- Conversion, n. v. V. 1. act. qTOTn. HqJT?' YOTn- q-

Convalescent, a. recovering. rfHHTOTr, fC'TOTR- state. 5?qRT» feTfaiRTm. W-

qrtwr, ri^rqrawr
ftOTrfivwr, fisfqnsrr, q?lfOTn. qfcTpq«i.

To be c. ^rrrRT^r hot, we/ OT- 2 act. OTOTTOTfifT 3Tr°FTn. tflOTB state. STWYir.
To Convene See To Assemble. ^rflrT^n-

Convenience, n. v. A. sqqPTiM. $f?/- §/T01TOTT»*. ^RT«. sTf- 3 act. WWW' JR: qft^Tf^n.

'HHUi'i. 3TU=POTf /. sqOTHif- ^=Tn.

At one’s c. OTTTO. To Convert, v. a. change into another substance or form, v To
Convenient, a. adapted, accommodate, v. Commodious. 5TT- Change. 37 ^% icith of 0 (as
. spft ’TF^TR' TO
=5fjft, trefre, tr&OT, otott, shots', WfW g\ of 0 TOTO .

Convent, n. religious house for men. JjS'm. s}r<Wm. Tim. ?TTO with ^q* (as 8 TTOT qfTOR %W), fTO^"TO"
2 for women. WttfSm.. &c. ^TTO,

Conventicle. See Assembly. 2 change from one faith to another . IT^T R*— &: c. qT^f°T“
Convention. See Assembly. 2 See Agreement. RfTTTO g- ofo . ^^TOTOn.-^cTTftTO^n .-&c. ^fTTO g, of 0 . iT-

Conventional, a. formed by agreement. HPTpHT, Bf- ermrw. &c. ^cfto g- of o.

%{ott, s%OTfJrer, S change from sin to holiness . 3T^Tn. qT^ZTO-fqrC^ 0! ,
^T 73?!' 3!

To Converge, v. n. tend to one point. OTH? JTOT - Hfi"qOT - ^ JT^T: ^Tyig.ofo.

^%rfiT5ird-«T5HrgaiHg^-&c. Ch. Convert, n. v. Y. 2. JTfar, «F«I«r-

Convergence, n. v.A. iH+sOTPOTTii. <HHT- JTFTOft.

CTfTOOTB. Convertible, a. v. V. L I^rqfcf37-&c. ^T^T^rfvyf nrf

r ~ &c

Convergent, a. Converging, p. a. v. Y. OTTWH® (kWET- ,

ww, ir^rlrsnr^'T, ^%5jf»rerr€t, otwot. 1 v. Interchangeable. q^rr^rr^T.

Conversable. See Affable. Convex, a. rising on the outside into a round form .

Conversancy, n. v. A. I. qf %mf. qmzf- OTH/. sp- ^JTRTnc, ^5qqST^nT, PrirRTPC.

OT f THTTOCr/. qrqrqsnft /• Hftwd/ qP/OTw. qfeiHn. Convexity, n. v. A. qtlW /• /• fq^T^F^/.

ffraton. ^OTTn. sTHfHn- Win. JTfq/. qROT/. qTOTH/. SW- Convexo-concave, a. qrqiiqfWrqrrT.
To Convey, v. a carry, transport. tjfFT, ^R 0!, qfTO^ qr^-
Pjft/- .

2 and Intercourse. qfcqir/. qsOTn. qaqstTin. OTH /* qR/- or, qfNw.

qpppT/- Ble'fn. qR/OTm. WWET®. 2 transmit impart, , fyc. v. To Send, To Give. ITITOtt. ^T-
Conversant, a. versed, toell acquainted. *TWret, JTrffW, 3OT- to, qpqqr-q|r TO-&c. :
frr, qrawc, qrqrqqnr, wFIotot, qffqrOTfcqr, wototh, =c?rrSr- 3 See To Transfer.
h, qrqrsrsT, &c. irqW, faOT,amH, farfear, Pthh, qfeiHr, Conveyance, Conveying, ti. v. V. L— act 3fr°r«.

qpOTfr. &c. =T^Ff«.

To be c. with. qf?qrOT, qrqwr, citot, CfHH, sjotot. 2— act &c PTfl.

2 having intercourse. PHtH, qTSTOTftHr, qftqrfrqT, OTRlW, I means of c. v. Carriage.
traqzfcrr, qit’OTiHr, troth, c^w'qftfOTr. Human c. syTOFftf- ^TCFTTO^*

Conversation, Converse, n . v. V. L and Intercourse, q- Water c.

SOTn. Wm.WT/. q[ T{f. qrirqqr/. WqiHm. OTOTt/. SHff/. To Convict, v. a. prove guilty . &c.

2 throti /. w^rat/ Jfrelr qrqr or h-ototwi. *r*rr- -Hrftq qrOT qr ofo. 3TOTrqf-^qqr*ft-WTO«r-&c.

OT«- OTRrm. ipqTB^R. WfWOTR. FFOTHn. Hmi'm. <OTTqm. sfiff stot, qqcr qrOT, qqft mq«. qfOT, mwm. ot^t, arqcr^r

OTTRRfor YHr/.®.qrr. 5«irOTn. w°ig- ofo. grqqTsft w*rn. ^Wg-ofo.

-3 ww™.
qOTnqr /. trqnwn. Convict, n. spHTRl- &e. arOT^T, q*Trfqwrqn>q.

Conviction, V.—act. &c. HTTF'-fT qTOTn.

Conversational, a. qrTTOfWt, arPTOHOTfr, WfOT WTf. n. v.

To Converse, v. n. hold intercourse with. qflqTI'/.-Cfqra'ni.- fr qtqrOT«- 3rqcrOT^OT». ^qqrroii'Frr/.

fr^/.-q®qrr«».-q5OTn.*-tfqg'/.-#rra'/- -&c. OT^cra^-sOT I convincedness. HHYOTr/. WOT/. WOTf/. OTTOT cr JTW-
with Ht of o. or spgs?f with g. of s. ht». Prar/- jrqWiw- &wBWm,.
2 confer or talk with. qiwqOTf /• - OTTTOT n. -OTHTm. -&c. To Convince, v. a. satisfy respecting. ^JpfTOT, WWR^fff/*"
rfdif pi- #ot, ototh! or qrrrr/. stott-wot. w r w r lPr/. - wwt/- -wr^t/.-wot/*
-WOTt/- -wotottt/.-
— — / —

coo 153 COP

firsrr f.-kc. g- of o. topt srcp to-*ptoj4 g. of o. bt^- To Cool, v.n. lit. fW, ^Rfl 5!, S*WT/.-&c. 5fFi-%-
jHre-if^fRra-^TO -fTF!rre-&c. arPTff 14 g.ofo. gfc- fffg.ofs.
-^r^rfftr/--&c. fe4 g. of o. 2 fig —
zeal, ardor, affection. «T3Hor ( PtW, W ?fSr, aT^HOT,

Convincer, n. Convincing, p. a. conclusive, compelling assent. ZT&mfar, fr^'sl'ffn qY0! in. con.

44c45rqr, «3pt ffefer, fenr ffer- 3 - anger. Prf°T, sf^m, PprssSr, =5rtff - ^3- &c. fr^T.

ITH¥, Cooled, p. v. V. A. 1. 43 -
Ir&ST, Pm&srr, 5?T-

Convivial, a. relating to entertainments, §c. ferJTRPffT, %f°ir- #fff (

?ffffrq, ? fw.
s&m, wcfqfiTtfwt, srrfrcPrfiT frprar. v. V. n. 3rer#3r Prqrw^r , ,
& c.

2 jovial, &c. JnUTrdwr aTr^r, arrflCfiriTCTC. 2 &c. f?Tffrq, ftaKm, fiffRTnr, uqRcsi^ffmPr.
Convocation. See Assembly. 3 Prqr^rr, ^riff aTtar, &c. ^tvrnftff, flsrcnr, tow.
To Convoke, v. a call together v. To Assemble.
. , %^°T ?
Cooling, a . —
an article of diet, a medicine. &ic. 'fs, ?T3T, SSJtrT^T

isra^r, ^TFfR'TW

To Convoy, v. a? escort qiT^RsFT

qrf^r ^r.
. W pop. f^ar, sfmrq, TO^irnqr, ffrqfC-rrTO’, &c.
Coolly, adv. without passion, ardor,
q°TR, erqffTRfi^, TJrrerr^f.
fyc. «f3rt%,'4'2 q aTf^T, SjfcT-

Convoy, w. v. Escort. m qTT^TT /. Coolness, 7i. v. A. 1. ^TWTtft. ’4ft f- 4?fif. fiffffssif / #?-
To Convulse, v. a fqaR fqss^, fqosprarwi. of o ?
. tf^n.
Convulsed, p. v.Y. fgsswr, 2 m &c . . 4rr# /. 3Tg;5tri’m. unrqrr^fl /.
To be c. afrff /. 3PT, ^°T, 55^a$T. 3 ut?rt-&c. 4fr/. wr if. ^rfw-
Convulsion, v. V. — Pra$Ttt. &.c« state. ftrarr^OTm* q’sr- WTiM.
j. crzr^JTwi. 1 (after heat). 4^RTm. 4ttW«i.
To Coo, v. n .—as doves. J?PT 7 Coom, 77 . Pfi-TOTI. qftoB. irarin.

Coo, Cooing, n. v. Y. qqprn. qnn. Coop, n. See Cage, Pen.

Cook, ti. dTUftw- (and^ir^TTp^- ^wT fe- ! To Coop, v. a. shut up, §c. ^Rvr, #|TOT 5#, #-
male e.), airfet, (TOffe /), TO»». (lTOd /•), JTT1- ft / %vhg- of o.

sffm. qRRFtrfm. — in contempt. qS'^qr. To Co-operate, v. n. act jointly with. &c. ffTf-

C.’s mate, ^zqsrr. JT7i.-3tprr»».-&c- 'ST°r, fff qrFcw.-frrqrTOTi.-qrrqrrft'ffr f.-m-

Skilful c. (female). (TiTTO /.#23TOr #3rSKT°Trd. ?ro«.-&e. jftto, uTOr-w^rCt-WFr feqrqrffr-&c. ffS).
To Cook, a.—goner.
v. TOl'TO pop. ffqRwi.-TOjn.-'TRrfyfe'/. Co-operation, n. v. V act. HfPffqr/. ¥T-


Pesr-ronr 3 44

roasting, broiling,


f qrrfw/.
F4ro qrrroT'Trcr, wf^nct,
n. Co-operating, p
a. Co-operative,
wr, ?wr=rfer,
a. v. V.

Swept and smeared square to c. in. ^f^Tfui. 4TOrrqraw,

Cooked, p. v. V — gcucr. dlRT %%3T, 'W pop. TO", qrf^ff (in Co-ordinate, a. of the same rank, Sfc. q3T tPT'ft :;
Tr, TOW^t^T,
comp. as%srqrftcf, pT qiPpT, or mm irfaff, ^iUFfe), TOT, Hnqqk, wto, wrfffH-
ftrer. Coparcenary, n. joint heirship. JEUnTTPl^w. UWlfjpTOwi- :

Under c. f?W, ffUTO. JirfsTOn. irnTTOqTi. ai^rHri’Tw.

Cookery, Cooking, 71 . v. V. — goner. 5pP?qPn.W. WWm. qT- Coparcener, n. co-heir. m; 3TT3Tto. fUTprft, ftmtg,
qrm qpyfafe/. TOfferPtr /. qprfw/ tot/*. tot/ tot- misrt.
Coparceny, 71 . equal share. qilTORT or qrTOTWT WOTf ’tklun.

1 skill in c. TOdTOTfe/ TOlfalTOii. TOTOPPTti. TOFrfTOr fcw^nmniun,.

Cook-room, n. dlRT TO*. afecr>». WOTTO/ TOWWr*. TOrf Copartner, n. v. Partner. UTOfreTT, qTfft?TC, TOf3TPnt,?Wr-

*TO*. TPRTCn. 4ft, ^j^rarnct.

Cool, a. coldish. »qV, afjjar 4p 4a"W, fe4fe, Copartnership, «. v. Partnership. T^stf. WJTt /•
2 fig. not zealous, not ardent, &jc. W, 43T, 43TTOT, SrSTO', 4wrag?TOr«.

TOraPr, ppsrfr, ar-japr, aurrar, arptrro, er^rrew. To Cope, v. n. contend or vie with, emulate, v. To Rival. ST-

3 not affectionate, v. Cold. f4*CT, TftrirtRT. to, fspr, ffi4fr/-^frtft/.-&c. qnftu fed/,
<4, )T%€H1T/. ^4 or^TO 3T#T.
Cool, n. sfSHTiw. 4f rarm. 4ft /.
C. of the day, hours of morning and evening. Copied, p . v. V. 1
^cR^r, 34TOT p!?-
rassrrrin. fercr^»t. §‘^T*
To Cool, v.a. make coldish. 5p?-&c. '31S0 RT/. war-trr- 2 3TO:455T, &c. =R3t.
g.ofo. r=t#r. Copier, Copyist, n. v. V. 1. g-ffTOfCr, 4°rrtr, sWsT-W

2 fig. (one’s ardor, affection, &c.). sfTC^T, f=TCT- -&c. f^vrrqj, Stok .
SPTn.-feffm.-f^Wn. tJT3rB) qrcfss Error of the c. (amanuensis),

3 (anger), sf^-^sr- & c.-^W Pr#, ’JfrPr ^Xn. ?ffm.

— — . -


2 SrST qqRT, ^r^CTTCT, &c. ^gqRFlW. ^r, qg:, fsr, q^wrargr, f^srr^r, fr-

Coping, n. (of a wall). afeqtor gift or gsfif/. g^WITni. J


zft or ZKZXf. 2 strengthening, jfero,

Copious, a. v. Abundant. qgg, qgT, g^Ts, fipp. Cordial, n. strengthening medicine. -Qftf4iK<i>-&c.
Copiousness, n. v. A. jqrastpirm. qrfWn. a?rr^».

Copper, n. qf*rn. ZlHn. Cordiality, n. v. V. 1. fq^qzw»». ^crgrin. fqs^TqSTs. *R:-

Brick (solid and flat mass) of c. gf%£t /• r/.

Calx of c. fl-raPRJTn. fTW». Cordially, adv. v. A. JFrr'TTgg, fflw ^rirgfr, qg: sffl:-

C.-piece. fff3?g5Cr/. — in cant phraseol. qT3T£T qKIWm. 5T°rTW-


Coppery decoction, — as a vomit. y+iBrr in. . —

Cordon, n in architecture. ^3Tf?:rm.
Sulphate of c. qjTvFT or ten. grarqqrm. Core, n. v. Heart. 7pS[pop. 7fmm.
Copper, Cofperv, a. rfi®irRT, fTF?, qrfe «ti ,
<TI Jsf W. Rotten, Sz c. at the c. ?tter - gTSRKT- & c.
Copper-colored, a. frisqi^TT tqHT, ffWf'T, drags’. Coriander, n.— the plant, or ^rnT^TC/* WWfm * —the
Copper-plate, n. fTRJTWl TT^l /. flrEFFSRTi*. seed.

Copper-smith, n. gfar, dW4TC, Cork, n. hung, stopple plug ST?Tm.,

Copperas, ». sulphate of iron, v. Vitriol. ^r/.
Coppice, Copse, n. a wood of low trees, &re. STSt/. gOT or Cormorant, n. SfiTgt^Tm.
p-qrsPCRn. fWrfcSir/. 2 v Glutton, m%, $Tmk.
To Copulate, v. n. unite in sexual intercourse. spFT, Corn, n. m^n.pop. WRn. OTTm. Tfmm. qRm. &mn.
Beard of c. ftftZn*
Copulation, n. v.V. gqBjn. &c. fqgqn. qgqn. ^PRRTjr. K- C. (esp. Badzri or Dzondkala) husked and boiled. WTm*
fq /. ^/. mm. OTW«. OTPTqm. gCfln. Wft. q- C. as trodden out. c. and straws mixed .

qTqm. 3FRn. qui^FTn. gJJFO. qrfWqm. C. (rice, wheat, Dzondkala See.) soaked and puffed by parch-

I in grammar. WTRTOm. qg^Tm. ing, ^rai/.y?Z. or

Copulative, n —
m grammar, v. Conjunction. gqqRPTl. C. which ripens before the close of the rains. 7T-
Copy, n. transcript. m&f- gflPCrm. m f. qR^fcTCtt- ZSVZim. qgqr
or qrijRT esp. of an official paper. ffr^FFT /• Grown c. Sprouted c.
Foulc qR^Tm. qg^fwi. Head or full ear of c. or ZZ\f\f or qfsrCTw. 3|r-

1 one booh of many. JFT/. (and To come to a head m).

3 archetype, v. Original. JTff/. ggJFT /. gsrn. gsrj^n. New c. (of the year). WRn*
4 model, exemplar, v. Pattern. ftrflTm. Undressed c. (as given in charity), #CPgn. ajRra"»«

5 piece of writing for scholars, Whilst you’ve c. to give out, you’ll have friends round about

6 paper written by scholars. JTflt/. sTOfffrr fsft 3T bb.

To Copy, v. a. transcribe. s-FTpr, ger^T^T, TOg/.-JTfl /.-q- 2 a single c. ^forrm. OTm.
qfg^w.-gffPCrni. &c. tf^ytg.of o. S growing or reaped c. STfff /. tfB¥t /. tfffB-
2 v. To Imitate. 3qT°T, ferfTw.-^Tn. ¥rg-- of o. gpcl /. Ut/.
gq/Sr- g- ofo. arg*n:°T:n.-&c. ir/ot, gr^r, Bare or blank in c. ^52Tm. ^frBfm.
Copying, «. v. V. 1 act. ggrvjn. qifcrf qfiT°rn- &c. Breaking off the ears of (reaped) c. %3T°Tt/.
2 act. and Imitation, mmn. &c. qg/rcyTii. arg^^n. Bundles of unthreshed c. ip or %?n,

To Coquet, v. n. m<lni.-Wtmpl. -8T5Ti».-&c. Carrying off (to threshing floor) of sheaves of c. ?lTfaf)[/.

iTC5!. C. blasted whilst young and tender. BTFTft.

Coquetry, Coquetting, n. TOff«. 3TTm» ITWRinyj/. 3T?T m if C. (or a stalk) blasted before coming to head, (or of which the
or / qq%m. pi. fawRfm. heads have been eaten off),

Coquette, n. TOterfC, q^^rrsT, CWIT, vTT^ir, ^T^FTR!/- C. just sprung up. 3TT /. B“^°T or
qr^T/. Ears lying on a reaped field of c. BUffwi'* fTOCTfw.
Coral, n. stZtvSn. pop. qfasslr/. or qfasrn. R<rq». Erection (as of sheaves) over a heap of c. ajft/.

Calx of c. w^qyrn. Erection amidst c, for the watcher. dfzj&fm*

Child’s c. =giRvft f. ^tgor or oft/. %r°Tn. ’qteFTn. Grass and weeds amidst c,

Imitation c. 3>fqr<C ifasn. Heads of c. tied together.

Corahne, a. v. N. qrwnrr, qqrgqg. Patch of green c. amidst withered c* /.

Cord, n. v. String. ijfxf. ’fPffern. gor m . fpcqrm. Rich or fine patch amidst c. sSTfBTm.

2 v. Rope,
grgn>/. ggijr /.

a. hearty, r, i-4i\cere.
gor m .

qflTirgg^r, "tzfq’fm-
Shooting of (reaped)
Weeding instrument of c.
ber of it is vTRiflT,

a cheek of
it is


( the blade or iron-mem-

Corpse, ». efeae? ^n.^Tn. g^f o>* g^fm. WdtiTR* 3^*
To tread out c.
To tread out c. with stalks undetached. f.
Collecting the bones after burning a
To weed and clear c. fr#, WZ#, WT#.

Ground for burning or burying a c. 3FT5TFT pop 3TO°T or *T-

4 (on the foot). \sFf3SST^T ^
To Corn, v. a salt. fesTT-fo# W, JTfcn- qn#, *sTR#- r
Bin. dim. fWl/. <n#n.'#n. fefcXf- Corpse-bearer, n. ^i’SlT, OTRTrf 3T, ,
Corn-bin, n. v.

CoRN-CHANDLER, IJ. HOTTt, ^TfS^PClT, Corpulence, Corpulency, n. v.A. 5*^r§rq^Tm-

Corn-chandlers, — g-ener. or collect. f0K».

Corn-country, n. zjffm. ?RTf^n.
^Trfw. SPT^PTtt* JT^^^T^Tn. Corpulent, a. fleshy, bulky, v. Fat. g'TfrcS' or S"5FfT^r, ^RTTOr,
Corn-field, n.
ifrrar, wdrfir.
Corn-floor, n.
Corn-land, n, f^STf^/* tr^TST Corpuscle, n. v. Atom.
Cornea, n. ^rf^T ^rOTffWFTn. Corpuscular, a. v. Atomical, ^g^FT.

Cornelian, n. 8R?t Corpuscularian, n. atomist. ^TJJT^Tft.

«. chastise chasten, v. To Punish.
Corneous, a. horny ftPTPTT, ^Tir^T, ^pPFT,
. ,
To Correct, ,

Corner, n. 3>Tm. ^TTw- ^RT^rm. ^RTTm. rT/.-TT C T^~ & c.

: ,

a^tt. 2 v. To Rectify. HVTKH,

(as of a cat with kittens). ^RTR£w. 3 (a literary work), gpftt fpl* r<=r°T ,
Changing the c.

Holes and corners, nooks and recesses. ^fTR^FTf m .pi. ^pfr-

g.of o.
— in medicine
W .
frqffr^m.pZ. WfvRF.
c. «K’ 3GT' , STf ®T'Pr*CRET M - ^T^T-
In every hole and c. OTTORf, qff^cqn. ^yi g\of o. fsnf«nrr/.
^ Right.
To drive up into a c. stop one's mouth, pose, fyc, Correct, a. ^itsA, proper ,
v. •FCf’T’C,

g. 0f 0 . ^rr fers', =^^r.

2 secret or remote place* ^RTsTfnn tnfT'TR or V3iP0TwL
2—-esp. of conduct, or of language.

in a c. <rtrotet, <r^ndt $hr,

Thing done W. Corrected, p. v.V. 1. feradT fefSfrT, sfferf*

To do
in a

great things (mighty


feats, &c.) in a c. W. 2 ftrOT^rr, ^ &«*

Corner-stone, n. &c. OTRTTOm
3 &C.
Correction, n. v.V.
^L— *wfc

RHOT ^T^n. fwr ^n. &c.

Cornered, a . ^RRT, *€Rt (in comp, as #$Rt &c.), (in firar/. ^rr^n. or snpRT/. wwn.
comp, as f^Ff)* ‘act. fer#n. &c. f^T !^ /•0

Cornet, n .
— instrument. 5TJT pop. RFT^* act. &c. #>Tn. 3rfe /. Pr^jfe/.

Cornice, n. ^TWm. ^R°Tt/. 1 a. c. an error corrected.

C. under a cieling. Sheet or paper of corrections.

Corollary, n v. Conclusion. . fe^T 3TT?/. Corejectly, adv v A . . . tow, *&;, %, wot, «r*ngw,

Coronation. See Crowning. #r

Coroner, n. vmKFtt Coeeectness, n. v.A. 1. 5t^rt®Tr»)t. ^TRi 4 ^'!/-

Coronet, n. OTm. 8TS?rr /. feert/. ^Rr/.

Corporal, a, relating to the body v« Bodily. WCKT^r, 3T^f~ 2 ^wrrm. ** fe/. firagfe/. ^r/. Mfwr/. ^TOflOT«. ^
d,OTCix, m£\fcw f Cobkectok, ft. Corrective, a. v.V. 1. R0W-&-c. ^TC^rrtf ?'-
2 See Corporeal. °TRT-!?r?i3Tm', feijr-srreR' ^ :
¥r C-&c.
Corporal, n. The word corresponds. 2 gvnrwcr, =ftr ^“rrvr, &c,
a. united in a body authorized to act as one

3 stirrer, ^
^r? aiRT, &c.^#vnr.
4 tfspjr, ?w«rrfr^rvriTcr, &c. Ifegfiw-
Correlative, a. having a reciprocal relation. fHOTOT,
2 See Collective. ar^UTOTlOT, a^tOT-^TV Bl^lOTrOT^, 8?OTrOTtfefr,

Corporation, w. ^ ffasr ^rn? ^ErSN *


#3T5?t/, m£t
Correlativeness, n. v.A q<OT< WI»' aTOTTOT^tsTTO- WOT^r-
rm.-&c. prm. /.

Corporeal, a. embodied, v. Bodied. 4#, SflCt^k Vpjm. VTOTpiTFOTfti.

Corporeity, Corporealness, n. v. A. H^rn. 3Kt~ To Correspond, v. n. be adapted, adequate, fyc. v. To Tally.
ferr/. fjpvr, i^^r, 1^, ^"T, ^5, 5r*T»i.-3iqrm.-

Corps, n %RRTSTn. Some of the Cfcrjw or Bodies of &c. TOq- g-.of s. recip. #f1/. g-of o recip. .

Troops named in Hindu writings are g<% *T°T, ^rg^T, 2 (by epistles, &c.). wrqf<| qfeqir/.-&c. §•#,

^ fRT, W5IH g.of s. recip.

—— — , •

cor 156 COT

CORRESPONDENCE, n. CORRESPONDING, 71. V.V. 1. TOT1)1. V. U, II — in grammar. STI^Tw.

tothi. 3rfirrw». «j=4°rt/. «j 3t- III See Bribery.
<?rf, <?'?, gT3iJiiyr»i- 5T*Tn».

5i/. 5rrir*)i. eflTwr/. hhRt/ wm. Corruptness,?! v.A. I.

2 isrire 2 See Wickedness.

an event with a prediction). HW/* Corselet, n. v. Armour. ^X^f°Tn.

1 (as of
corresponding with a prediction. SRiT wi- Corset. See Bodice.
See Train.
ll — in commerce, Cortege.
bark , &c. cT^F^T-
«fR6T^t ^{^ Cortical, cu belonging §c, to
Ill mass of letters,

Correspondent, a. Coresponder, n. Correponding, p. a. T#t,

Coruscation. See Flash.
Corresponsive, CL. v.V. 1. ff^TFCf,
Cosmetic, n. wash, fyc.for the shin, ^uh n. m.
wnqr, arg^r,
Correspondent, n. v.V. 2. qTRTq'q^Nt qf?qr£ STTHT. Cosmography, n. f- 3JHfe

1 in commerce, TrffR^R. qfRTqi'w Cosmopolite, ??.

Corrigible, a. v.V. 1. feOTW, feRJrq, Cost, n. v. Price. m&n ?Rin*
Prime c.
2 OTR:Fr#nrr-
2 expense charge sq^rm.
To Corroborate, v. a invigorate
. v. To Strengthen.
3T- ,

^w.-dic. £q-3Tm, qfe /. - ffEteTC- Free of c. or m,

The costs exceed the profits. W ^rf WFi.

To Confirm. To live at ones own c. qqTm.

2 establish ,
£•<>/ °* To Cost, v a. -&c.
Corroboration, a. v.V. 1. —act qs'qrft sTFFTn . Sic. TCTFTC-
in, con.

constipated ^Tq^-
°r?t. q

^^^ n. Costive, cl. ,

act toss! otr. &c . jetarOT*- toottot». 3^fF a

i«- Tr^rq^KT,
— state, qsOTKt/. TO«*
Costiveness, n. v. A. q^^rSTwi* ^TqiT9'?R. q^qi'n-

Corroborative, Corroborant, a. v.V. 1. HTJTS, irfe^, J- qwqm. WRSFm.

C. with flatulence, ^TRqfqm.
fesrH-OTOT-&c. TOTOTT.
2TO3rft t^rOTrOTro, &e. Costliness, ». v. A. ^/. #5T». mrnmr /.
To Corrode, v. a. eat away. ^RfRTOi HOT, HOT, HPFT, HTIOT Costly, a. sumptuous, high-priced, v. Dear. JffSTf HTW^T, HT 5,
vTOT. qfHIHT, HfHTpr ,

Corrosion, n.-v.V.— act. ?OT»- FOTn- HOTl/- Costume, n. v. Dress, mpop. ST5T or Sjg or mm. or

Corrosive, a. v.A. HFTHT, WfPCT, &c. totm. qfnra or q^rvui- wr»». fOTTHw.
To Corrugate. See To Wrinkle. Co-sufferer, n.

To Corrupt, v. a. make putrid, rotten, fyc. qpsiOT, H^OT, Cot, n. v. Hut. ^rcFn. #qft/. ffc orfft/. q°TfJr/ OT-

pPTOT, PfSTSOT, pFTreFr or fOTH 5

!, WT, *OTPT 3TOT, firC- srrar/.

hot- 2 v. Bedstead, ^girn. <f<m. igrHTvTn. HInTTw. ld*T»i.

2 fig. deprave, vitiate, spoil, fTOOT, fTTOOT, HreF^E’-W- Cot-quean, man who busies himself in women's affairs,
n. <yc.

^F^e-3FT^-&c.gFF,fmFT, fT-TC'T,^ ;rt^rm.-&c. 5T- toot, ^fOT, nNrr UTOr^stHTHq^rr.

tytg.ofo. Cotemporary. See Contemporary.
To Corrupt, Coterie, n. club, qr^fSn. op
v. n. become putrid, fye. JOT, HOT, faqOT,
fOTIOTT or PHTOT, HIOT, riHHOT. Cottage, b. v. LIut. #j£t/. »«. #7/. trqfi/.

2 fig. become depraved, fyc. PftTOT, tOTOT, fOTOT,fOTOT or %73rR. f fr or fit/.

fOTTOF, HTOT, Fm-wrS-JT' T^5-3TrVrr‘OT-&c. I

fPT. Cottager, Cotter, «. STTOTF, #TOr, ffrfOTHl, f^Ff.
3 fruit, article of food, &c. TOTJOT. Cotton, n.—the plant. OTT?fr f. qjmHw. wfHi/. Momo spe-

Corrupt, a. Corrupted, p. v. V. N. 1. putrid, rotten, fyc. cies of the cotton-plant are ^T5ft, HRqTF'STf, €f?T-

HIW, f OTT, HOTT, HTHOTr, JOTHT, &c. jiw, ?M. qrrq#, q^qiirat- — the produce, qrrTO^R ^qfew.n. fJvTm.

2 vitious, depraved, fyc. v. Wicked. Jff, HTHHHT, fqrfOTHT &c. Bow used in carding c. or

srrwwrB-, otkte, fopr. Carded c. JTrs:[?R. ^r/. ^"ot,

Corruptible, a. v.V. N. 1. TOOT, PfTOt, OT, SjfOTr. C.-seed. TOpf/. !W/-

Corruptibility, n. v.A. 1. fOTTfalOT. TOOT/- C, -thread. BJTn,

Corrupting, Corruption, ». v.V. A. 1. act. JSTOT, PftR- Cushion or case stuffed with c. ^FWRfm,
OT». HTHOTn. &c. fWJ^T/. ^mn.— state. PtUY or PfOTOTi. Dry culm remaining of c.-plant, qssftSt/,

. 2— act. Jtmn. HfTO ^ sfOTfoi. &c. fasTOTTT/. Flock of

Flocks of

(floating in the air), qfffffyrm.

TOTn. |OTn.— state. See Wickedness. c,

I purulent matter, v. Pus. U«i. • I

Pat of c, (as steeped in a dye, &c.).
cou 157 COU
Plantation of the c.- plant. qtSgn, 1 member of a council. TOFTO*, TOT, TOTOlfTO, TOTllTOw
Silk c.-tree. TORI or T1 RT f —Gum of it. ifjpqnGETwfc* — Pole II (as of a king or ruler). *pft , TOTO,

4TTO ? tftefar,

of it (used as i after, &c.). TOFTOm. jfeTOTO

Stuffed with c. Quilted with c. JTOTIT, III See Lawyer.
To card c. cFT^TT. To Count, v, a . number reckon , , TOFT, TOFT, %TO ? WRftf*-
To seed (extract the seeds of) c. qTOT, — Instrument of TOTO/*TOW/.~TO?T
C. o/o.
extracting the seeds, qrofri, 2 account, regard, v. To Value. TOFT, ^TR«T, 3T°Fr,
2 cotton cloth • TOf^ q?rWn. gqt Some sorts are q- Countable, a* v. V. 1 . irfoTrfsq",

^TJI. ^Tf^rm. W It/. Counted, p. v.V. i. ipT^T, 3 TpT 5 f,

Cotton cleaner,
a. belonging
to c.

^ TORT, qTORr,
—the instrument of. gTOfm. qTTOn. 2 See*

Cotton-gin, n. qTOn. Countenance, n. visage, features, v. Face. Wfgn*

Cotton-press, n* TOqm PrpRT/. trvg-qssrm.%irrw. %fCRfcrw,
To Couch, v. n. lower, cower qsR* qro-^TTO, T^Tm. *q- . Change of c. (through shame> alarm, &c.).
^-JTRTT or TOV WT. Freshness and liveliness of c. srqrft /. srqTS'qu /•

Couch, n. v. Bedstead, q&ifm. TOf/. poj). WZf. and dim . mf *

/. gpQTPTm. g^rer/.
TqiTOw. *R or or *TRtm, Of a fine or handsome c.
2 sofa, fyc* seat for rest, —gener. WWf* 3ITO n. Of a laughing or smiling c. ifRWitq,
TOT5TTO/ ^thsr/. gTOTOft. Putting out of c. TT^j^sFfn.
Couchant, a. torc^t, qqr vitot To let the c. fall #f^.-g 5T /. g* of s •

Cough, ». TOW or TOTOTni. m$\f. sfiPETfli. 2 air, look, aspect %fCFm. g 5T/ W/, Wi^/-
Consumptive c. TOWw. 8 favorable regard, v. Favor, Patronage, ^rqrqfe /. «jf«*

Dry wheezing c WGf. qrq^H’n. /. mtKf fkwfxf- feqircH/. «rr«piw.

Hopping c. vgfanr #Wm. To Countenance, v. a. v. To Patronize, To Favor, fqf-
Lingering and moist c. TOfn.m. One affected with it, %- f-^xf & c. Ktmg> of o*
to, mtm wrm, %cfRt /.
Obstinate dry c. cTO/. Counter. See Contrary, Contrarywise.
To Cough, v. n* tfOTor#^, TOTO#, TOTO, TOTO, SWT* Counter, n* piece used in counting. m&f /. qf9Tn.
To c. whcczingly. #TO, 2 hoard or table of a shop . "ffqrf/- ^fFTT^*
Council, n. WTOTO^Rt *rTO(/. WM/. TOT/. To Counteract, v.a. ^^^qrfgm.-'^^rqROT.- &c. qrC^T^^R
Award or decision of a c. ^g^Tm. or qr^“ &c. &c.
Member of c. v. Counsellor, TORST, ^TWT. ?R-m.~q?jqrqm - &c. qrcqr or qrc%~&c. to--
Member (or other person) present at a c. CRtT TOfTO. few, TOHVT, %TOf, qRR.
Council-chamber, n* w/. fTORTOTOm* Counteracter, n. Counteracting,/;, a, v. V. ^qfq qf-
Counsel, n, advice, TOTO/. TO^TOm. mm- ifa-m. jfefffiTwi. L^Kr-¥^R %TOirr, &c. qRrqrrrc, -«w.
v. #qr. &c. qfqqRTt, qrrqfdT.
2 scheme, measure, device, fyc. counselled out . FtTOTjh* TOT- Counteraction, n. v, V. TO^: TOR ^TTO°Tn. TOTTOTiTw,
to/. <rsrfter f mf- grncwR'n* ^rrar«t. spw. qfRm. qfqfqrqr/. qrr#TOr«.
Band holding c, qRrsba* Counterbalance, n, equivalent weight, fyc. cpf or gszq /.
Betraying or divulging c. TOTOw, w». srnfsror
Deep or complex c. 2 s/afc of equipoise* TO?F^/« iTir^FWn. ilfTHTOf /•

Of deep c. TOTOt, TOf%, TOgTOF. To Counterbalance, v* a * act against with equal weight ,

Nice or delicate c. TOTO f* equivalent to * itm, TO^C- OTFC- m-

Well digested c. TOTTO FtTOTml ?R“TOR-&c. QTA
“ All whose

8 See Consultation,
c. comefch to pass,” W0 TTO. Counter charm, n, qftqrR€TOwi. qFqqqRm*
Counter-evidence, n, TOOTF^, / vfqqfR¥
To Counsel, v, a, v. To Advise. gferTw.-*|fe/,-f%WFCw,- To Counterfeit, v* a, copy fraudulently, v. To Forge. q?q-

W, TOTO/.-Wm/. 2:f% TOR /.-#Rn.-fTO


Counselled, p* v. V. TOfTE, #TO, arfirtffTO, qFqrrgqrTOw -^rg^Rm.-qfqrrgf &/
Counselling, n. v. Y,— gfeqrar ^rfiPTn, &c. jfforn, 2 See To Imitate.
qr°Trc. %TOn. nlfKF^Ftt. T?Rm. Countferfeit, a v. False. TORrt TOr^, ?
Secrete, TOgfq/. #Rr^r, wirt, TOft, f f%*r, Fw.
Counsellor, n* v. V. HRFTFCr, &c» *fft, a?i^TOT, TO- Counterfeit, n. thing made in fraudulent imitation* Tvfflpop*
grq^rar. gRn. #3Tn.

cou 158 cou

2 See Deceiver, Hypocrite. The common words expressing certain Divisions of a country ,

- &c. ^-3rC°T, and thus, somewhat answering County Shire Circuit Dis-
To Countermand, v, a. f TCT to , , ,

trict, Province, Hundred, fyc. are q£J ? fJfW, or

Countermand, «. <3*OT TOT f^Tm. SRf^^T irf^r- mr, tof, err^r, uh, m&, ®w-
Coup be main, n. ©rqran. URTm. v.
Countermarch, n. marchback. ER^FT^n.Mi. qc<T- Coup de soleil, n. srfRT ^rzrqrrw. /. %&ff.
Couple, n. brace, two, pair, tffsfl/. #q5St or*r&\f. £%n.
Counter-pane, «. (of a bed), qsfrrqhSTw. W$n. (in. comp, as q^n&CT, f^^T, f3jn. m®n.
Counter-part, n. 3?TRJ»*. SOTTm. Jjfiirarttm. srfaTwi. q^fTw. q’TI‘55‘71.

rrRr^qw. 2 Mflfe § female. #3Tin. #ftn. tzn. fif^vfn.

To CouNTER-PorsE. See To Counter-balance. A married c. cfqstn. t|°Tn.

To Counter-sign, v. a W5T# /. 3T^T, ^/. qr^T-*t*T.

. 3 frame of transverse rafters, fyc. §Tt/. mifpcj. ^qrm. flFTt/
Counter-signature. w^THt/. To Couple, v. a. join two together, ifftt/. - qpTT - UT5IT,

To Counter-vail. See To Counter balance. wm,w

Counter- weight, n. weight to counter-balance a vessel . 2 See To Marry.
or awfe or sqffe. Wfi«. To Couple, See To Copulate.
v. n.

To Counter-'work, v. a. v. To Counteract. srf^Kw*-^Rr- Couplet, n. reTTm %t/.

fiRT/. 3T*?T. Courage, Courageousness, n. v. Boldness. f?HFT/- ff^/.
Counting, 1.— ac£ ^i°PTn. &c. JpUTn. qfiTFR’w- tf-
n. v. V. mi\j. Kren /• rrziif. n£irfitf. *r€f /• sttoftw. arrqm.

mmn. m$\f- wrr/. tftwrr/. #rsr^/. ^rra/. wm. To lose c. tftc»».-3T^rRn.-&c. ^ftm. tpft-
Countless, a. «T*F*r, ^WTRT, »nrPRT, rem. grct-iTfr m^f-mm.pi. #3f®f

#5*#T. g-.0/«. qTR-m.jof. unre, qrJfT/. itsclor

Country, ». region, land ,

territory . shOto. or ^rfq'T g-.of s.

TOTm. 0 ?n ? Jjftr/. To take c. To pluck up c. rem.- 3TTOR«.-SFTn--&c. sreT,

At, in, to, &c. every c. reFTST. ^rrreqgn. qrre.

Centre or heart of a c. gwtreTm. Courageous, a. v. Bold. 3JC, fpiirenc, ftnfft, fenr^tTT, fl’t-
Customs and manners of a c. reT^T?* /• 43 JMK.’m* rePClfir/- tk, snftenc, &ritwr-

reererre. Courier, n. v. Messenger, strg? ,

Ttgl?', or fC5KT,
Foreign c. iR^Tm. RreTm. tSTRTTn. qicgfJT/. ¥RTt.
Inhabited or peopled c. TOR or TOTf?/. SRqSfiii. Course, n. career, race, run. re?/. WWf mre/. TR°Tn. STk^ft/.

Native c. grre»i. gtgfft/. SFIPtSt/. €f#FPir=Tn. gsgtSTm. 2 (as of a river, road, &c.). g^Pr or gret/. ipf)R. i(fd/-

Rarer/. arru'm. ret %m.

Of a fare. rerere 3 race-ground. SRTjftTt or ref^i ^TPIT /- Tt’ft STHTt/- #?-

Residing in a foreign c. qgret, JRTRf, TTJp^t. ret!^ 5tnrr/.
The low c. treffTm. 4 progress, proceeding, process. 37Td'/. Tf3 f. ijggn. -4 Kir.

Inhabitant of low c. freuft. refg-/. rerfm.

To return to one’s native c. rerf 5fi“T. Hobbling and halting c. (of a work, &c.).
2 rural parts. itqftn. vRKT^ltC^T rtretm. 5T- 5 method of life, train of actions, procedure. a|far /. afr^Tm.

fWraT a». qamrn. gr5ZTi». pTfqpBrgm. PtHT /. ^^5^/. fftf/. fvTn.

3 villages and hamlets, — as distinguished from towns. Jltf refvr/. rer/ rpf\f. reitf. Ci%/• aTr^ren. ^g/. wm. irfagfat*. srpmar /. #tqftn. frretg/. re«. fter/. TOFr«.
Country, a. v. Rustic, it mwx, ire qmr4T, flret qr^Rre, Devious or evil c. tgCff, aT^Rf-
tt imriftg, gore, irfsr, mre. To turn to an evil c. qwt /. KPCqg or /• ^“1.

2 produced in the c. irNTRf, ipret, gMf, litre, gHfipCt- To enter on a right c. K?®flg (and To set upon &c. —
Countryman, n one of the same c. %$r3TT3:m.
. <nr- wmj) urg-fg gm, qrreg re.
reft, rertsfar, <rerf5re, gurre/sre, gre, grtsik, gMk, 6 train, tenor, line or order of proceeding. Nra? /. stfStTm.

g'rretre. mm. mm
m. ftRr pop. <ftf. gnf™. mf. Tirrm. TRifref-
2 rustic, peasant, swain, hind. %t JfR'^T *tlW, tiWdre, ostm. viftrertw. q/cir^m. grertrm. Nirer «./. geft or
SretrRrr, imre, ifnr, ijtgmr, gripur, #gr, §re- grerf/. #3/. rerre- ?%• rerfr/- rettm. q^eRr/. qqfqm. grg-
aftT, iNft, — as used contemptuously, and as corresponding with qff /. Nrgren.
Clown ,
clodhopper, Ivor, lout, arr^T^^T, C. through ages without beginning. SRlR'I^ W /-

utimr, grre, reregt, rerargg, grre, 5HRre, swat w, m- C. of events or Nature, gfir /.

srrreRt. Of c. As a matter of c. as a natural consequence. gfH, gr-

County, n. fmn. ^stiwrilm. f^^,gi3Hr€ig,gfggw,gfgd^,gfW^r,%^R^)?g.


cou 159 cov

as a matter of rule . f^TOFT or Courteously, adv. y.A. TirJj¥fqrt%, &c. sgfrgvwqr.
Of c.

Of due c. txm ^rar, r. Courteousness, Courtesy, n. v. A. JTr'TOgft/. JJfS.srf’TCt /•

That is of c. of natural consequence . ^Ensrp^T, !
ajiwmrm. «5fJTmr?/. swrar/. farntf. mrsf. gw^Frr/. «r-
isRrTn. sT^vprm.
^Erf^TCt^Kr, ^TffSRT.
That is5 of c. of rule. pT^TTRI or ^fr^TL Courter, «r v. Y. 1. eTJireiat ^SRt-TTRl-&c. SHTW, f^T-

To chalk or mark out a c. for. or ^fff. aqRR or ^KTg^T 3^7*

2 To come in the c. of (conversation, &c.) W. 2 grcTm, &c. arrsfflor j, JFTqrqfaT, €t or ^gt-frat-

To fall into or along with the c.
or custom) of. J5T&T grTw-smin, sTirr^gr, ^msfgr.

To take another c. TRw. Courtesan, n. v. Harlot. gpzrgft'T/. ^Tflfl^r/. gr^Rt/- ^W/-

7 regular succession^ v Order,
. aT^^FR‘»>* qf^TTft/. Courtier, n. ?-qfpPTgWi». rf^rufUm.

qrakw. Courtiers — collectively, ^J3fjp?55'j». f-pl-

8 (as of ceremonies or works).

2 See Flatterer.
4 Courting, n. v. V. 2 .—act. «nmnn. aTPCrWw. &c. aUsfam.
Conductor of a c. SEJEHt,
9 courses, v. Menses. jprn. n. jpr«?T«ft/.apremr/- ?tot/.
To Course,
5 v. a. chase , v To Hunt. /.-fW/* Courtliness, n. v. A. Wf
/. gift/. HSRHT/.

-3Tg«TH Tw.-&c. IrWfrofo. Courtly, a. belonging, suitable, fyc. to a court. ?"qrd, ST^KT?!,


To Course, v. n. run, $c. *7T#, srgfd Itstrt, ^r»rgt, «wr, fee ,

Court, n. (of a king, &c.), palace . CfWfRfw. 5CT5T- Courtship, n. act of wooing in love. STHrar^f ^TPsH W#.
3|fd> rnspjfn. UsfT^w. raRTfrtfeprer^rr/.

retinue fyc , of a king body of courtiers

, . ^rsf- Cousin, -n —gener. JTPfsrn. W3Cm. qft®T/. g>£». W-
*TTOW/. />/. tST^lf /• €fWfW OT /. — on the father’s side. grWf^wi. “fr'-HiTf'T/•

8 audience ,
aFTfTw. grwrtsrn. — on the mother’s side. 3rrg*rr3T»*. aTr?gft°r/. ®ir?-

CTSreRT/ 5Crsf3?^H/. or 3^(511^/. —german, or first c. ^prgur^ra.

Familiar with courts and levees, CTfcW3EJJC CTfotfTO, f
ST~ ;
=gr55?pfijm. q w - ipr^m. - gspu /. - airwr^ m. sirg^r Sgrm.
^PCTTf^T. i
qrggijw. 3irggft°r/. arft#Sgr/. Bprnrwm. rrra^tirrHriR. *irOT-

Friend at c. gTRtm. #vjin. JPfSiBgft'T/. — paternal uncle’s son. ^55 ?T Pfr Iw.
Full c. or mrm /. /. — pat. uncle’s daughter. =qprg?fpir/. — pat. aunt’s son. srrgHT^wi-

Holding a c. or levee. 3TTgiffm. — pat. aunt’s daughter. 3TTgTft lir/. —maternal uncle’s

In, at, to, before the c. S^TC. son. trirpTfarwi. IMW®.—mat. uncle’s daughter. *TWfH /.
In open c ?igK+i —mat. aunt’s son. JTTsrPf warm. JTTJPf'J.n-—mat. aunt’s

(of justice). atartcTiT /• ^PKITn. fe'tr u UdHf»*. Ufuf- daughter. irraTFfgfH/.

§rc». ^ifenw/. «nrow/. *raff^T«r«. Cove, n. v. Creek, pgpfl/-

Civil c. fggra 9T5TrsfT /. Covenant, n. v. Agreement. ?uprm. Trig^l /•

Criminal c. WSprif 1 a?raT5J5r /. .

Covenant-keeping, a. mrrfU, ’TfWfgg, ¥1^^,

Highest c. the Sadar Addlut. TFTU f. To Cover, v. a. overspread and hide. apr^K”t, JPS5T- .

g-oj sgrTOT, SfigiH, ®Tr^gH'n.-T5®rg¥rn.-sTK¥ r«-- 5gPTjr«--&c. ,,

(of public business), hall, fyc. qr^Tf/. TfSnfrTn. t

6 meeting for the administration of public business. /. g.of o.


W/. 2 conceal, v. To Hide. 5TRt?T, srpPT, ZV*\ ST^r I'Sf'-tHi'T,

7 body ofjudges. zmV-R’ ^PWOTr/. q-fg^q-vi. - W'TP'Tn. - gr^ [7Tn • ~ A c. gT55”T.

8 v. Yard. or sripun. n=rar or w%n. 3 close with a lid or top. 5TRT®r, STIT 0), ffRiT, ffil®!.

C. before the mansions of the Great. JTT'>rIqr^hr»i'. ^raTJPTn. Cover, n. —gencr. covering thing or cause. RuxtsKvfw. aTPT-

Square or oblong c. ^i^m. ^ifurrs) /. ¥°Tn. FWFTn.

9 See Flattery. Under the c. of. ®IT'3‘.

To Court, v. a. seek in marriage, woo. Jjrimt/. From under the c. of. 37r3jT.

Rr^f^r^rfnt. #ti >

.o/o. wurarsr JT3r=ff wm g-oj o. Tm- That is under the c. of. arrWr^nfte

2 concealing cause ; screen, blind. siHJWgfnt. *g?T-

2 woo by praising, fawning upon, fyc. v. To Flatter. «rpr«. Rrerwurn-

arm#, aTirr<T»r, »T5Rl or TpsRrer w, Sft or sflsfr-f'rgV interj. 3 sheltering cause ; shelter,

pillow, couch, cushion, &c,).

arm™. «riW«». ^mf.
sR^-SFPr. 4 (as of a Tr^'h"™.

Court-martial, n. zrsTXrtnzrm iPrapaiRl-WT /• ^Rrur- v^m. feirfl/.

zfii&n. is in common use from the English. 5 (as over a carriage, palanquin, Snc.'f JT^KT or «np@T»». JT-
Courted, jo. v. V. 2. arow^r, &c. ernaftriT, 3'HrrSr?T. $[f. swrim. iFPoft/. nsg^rn.
Courteous, a. polite, v. Civil. qNRqFTg giw, W^tntfNr, 6 lid, top. 5rk°m. samn. ?*OTn. grqorn. «rkm. afaoft/.
sw, fsre, ^u*Rrnd~ ar-pr*ft, w-fur. SgRPTn. THTTWot. frTTn. fWRn.
— .

cow 160 cow

3*rs3re§W, &c. qrqqfcq, qpsssr, mm- C .-track, ,

Covered, p. v.Y. 1. ijrffzm. qrq j.n. qpsq cT«. qfaTn. #fqCn

f%rT, JU^vT, qRqlq, arrew, W^T, qpFtq (in comp, as %qr- C. wholly of one color, qftrqr/. (as black c. qr°Et3ifTqr, red c.

qrq, qsrqrqtq, prePr, %=qrqtq, qqrqtq, jqrqPf). qrqftqftqr die.).

2 qfqqqT, &c. W,
qqftq, fqqrflq, qr«qftq. Frame work to confine a e during milking. sTP^t or qrflf/.

Coveber, «. Covering, p. a. v.V. 1. qrsqqqPCT &c. qp«q- Hair from the tail of a c. airarqm. JiqRqn.

zm, qT^sreqr-&.c. ;rqf-°FnTt-&c. Milch c. qqfUnq/.qjrfccel/.

2 sirqqtrr, &c. srpprr, qq-vr, star, qi'ssreqr, qtrqnrer. Reach of a c.’s lowing. qfqRTm.
Covering, n. v.V. 1. act. qi^sreqn. qRTq«- &c. qr^T^qn. Tie of legs of a c. during milking, qrqrm. or qferwi. v. qrq.
3TRTq«. q^rqq'i!. Twitching and quivering of a c ’s. hide. qfCjrcqn.
2— act. griqq?i. qrq'qqn. &c. Wild c. f. qnmf.
1 thing covering; thing concealing. See Cover. II clothing, To Cow, v. a . v. To Intimidate.

v.Clothes, qrqqrqn. W<q». tsq». ifep#, ffWPf/.-&c. #3f«T g. of o. %W3Twi.- §r^f5Jw.--^rC-

Coverlet, n. q^qqiYTm. ¥fjl7?l.-&C. g.of 0,
Covert, a. sheltered, not exposed. qiqftqT, qTq'VHT, Cow-dung, n. $T°T n. ^ffjnrn.

pop. mtmwr, mm, q^vrqr. Basket for c $F°T irfl/. $T gIHq‘?n*


2 hidden, v. Secret. qrYJT,inr. Cake of c. or

s disgmsed, sarcastic, 8)c. qgfrqrqr, qqjcnfr, aroqlq, qr<r- vftf. ^prr /.

frwq. Cake of c. as dabbed upon tbe roof or wall ^irWr^Tm.

4— a married woman. qJRT% JRTqtq- &c. q^qtq, qfosr. C. as found in the fields CR^t0? n. /* /*

Covert, n. shelter, hiding place, qqq/. qqq/. qpTT/. qrqq»n. C.-wasb, — to be used in smearing floors, &lc.

pop. arrerim. qrfrerrw. Swzr»n. §°Rrr55Tw-

Under c. qrarqllff. ‘Crumbly or crumbled c. ifhnCwi. \J. RiiWw
Covertly. See Secretly. Kindled heap of bits of c.

Coverture, n. state of a married woman, q^qtqqr/. qqqsidf /• Lump or dab of c. S’aTaffSzrfw.

To Covet, v. n. be affected with strong desire. Lump of c. — as voided at one time. % T frtr
0 ,
or fRm. "ST !-

qfq»i.-?if/.-&c. JJjrq in. con. ^q-q|lUpr-qrfvrS>&c. ffq. cgm. tforqrm. qfflrm.

To Covet, v. a. desire earnestly, v. To Desire. qpi»i,-qrq- Lump of moist c. in which fire is preserved under ashes.

q/.-qfqqT/. myi g-of o. qfirqraq, qfSrqrrm. ^rq g-of o. Pelting with c -clots.

3Ttrm. W g'-ojo. Piece of c. (cake, lump, or bit). fFTn.

Coveting, ji.v.Y. A act. qiqquqn. qfireflqqn. &c. snffm tr°Tf;2:n.

v. q, qfiraTq-m. Pile of cakes of c. arranged for kindling. /«

Pile of pieces of plastered over. or ^FT^R^Twi.

Covetous, a. cupidinous, avaricious, greedy. qpTT, qrqqt, c.

iKur, qrfwir, qfiqt, trfts, qnirf-qr, qrqjqr, Hist, Srafasr, Pit for the daily c. ^qqt/. tfqq# or qff/ trq-

qRTq, ferret, qjqft, qfaqpM'prrq, qjj, q®c, %«f, Jctij- wij. iimdxf-
qt, urh— in high degree. #Tpftq, qftrcrqr, qwipr, qWnqq, To spi inkle with c.-wash. or ^T^ n T - ^ x T.
qiqrftg-, qrqrq'tq, iprrf q, #JTTJU, qqqf. Some terms for a To smear with c.-wash. HKW, ?flT'r cr««

covetous person are ^RTPJjT or 3Tr^r°£*TcT ? ^TPT^'Tf^rr or To sprinkle and smear with c.-wash,

urrpq, jqqqq qlg-qrur, qrafaft-.

2 (of wealth or riches), qqqjqt, qqpjf, qarataft, qqsuq. Cow-hage, Cow-itch, n. or &tf. qFrq^f /• ®TW-
Covetously, adv. qiqf%, aUlf^JT, wiqq^qr, qRT- wf- _ % .
w#T, somq, Cow-herd, Cow-keeper, n. TfXtW or jnCI^TT,
Covetousness, n. v.A. 1. #q«t. erqq/. fir/, tie®, term- qiqjct, qrqq, vuziq, qrqq'r, ®rfW, q^, qrv-

qRrewm. fntrqffli. qrtrm. Fqqrr /. Female c. jrssH/. qqr(fq/. jrur^tq/. &c. qrfqqq/. qrq\f.
Free from c. <?pqtrfS5T or fqjqaT, qfqftq- &c. fqqfq. Quarter or station of cow-herds. JT^sr^T^Tm.
2 qqqrnm. qqjsqr /. tot/, tow. ^sfwi.

Covey, n. v. Flock, mtm. qfq/. sf?/. Cow-house, Cow-siied, n. ijkoSrn. vffiXf* ^/- Jirar^f/.

Cow, *. unr/. qq/. qr/. nr/. (in "comp, as qiw, iffuq, ifr- Litter of c. ^Tf^Ct/*

qe), qfqq/. — in contempt, iffipcrn. qpT^n. — in endearment, Cow-pen, n. sfr^Tw. fltSTn.w.

qruqq. eiqqf f. qr#t ( or qrefr & ereqt), qiwn- Cow-pox, n. afr^FT tftcr^r/*
C. conceiving whilst suckling, Note, The MaraPhas do not distinguish between the cow-pox
C. produce, (mill? butter, &c,). iffCem. tjtrjn. and the small pox, but use the word srft for both.

C . that bears annually, rfflq/. Coward, Cowardly, a. fiTTO, ^T-

C. that reconceives in sis months, eqJE3ft or qrqRUf'f/. CTT- 9T^fiT, ^rfw, or srr,

er#/. or &c. Some phrases, pro-

t , C

verbs, sayings, and various formations convoying the sense of 5 emit a cracked sound , — a rupee, &c. afRTq®!.

a cowardly person, and answering to Bastard, Poll toon To Crack, v. a. v. To Break, 'To Split. iprsBt,

Nidget, Craven Pusillanimous wretch, Faint-heart, Lack-

(a whip, & c.) make to sound loudly. grgafiT'W, qRfdr, rfi?-

pluck, White-liver, Cream-face, Pigeon-heat t, Chicken, Wo- ?f!rqar


man, ax<a rte / 5fc?rc. yra'de. sfrncrron. «nar- Crack-brained, a. crazy, v. Mad. ^s^ra:, qK^sraw.

arram? /. qrcrr, f^rr, qa:y arrsjr, rarsyw, *in:fan% w- Cracked, p. v. V. N 1. 'irajsjrr, qrqr^3T, &e.
ij yrfy q3sn%# yq^qsm. 2 jzqrr, q^qra:, qrftr, fry, fq^yr, r%yr, remiss, fqgr or fq-
Cowardice, Cowardliness, n. v.V fapwqnjria. &. c. yiyff /•

WII. ardacirr/. ftanMn- CldWn. yffyaim. ^qrrytfm. c°l- 5— esp. of coins, or qTF^^,
m/. Colter/. C. and ru])bcd 7 & c.
Cowardly, adv v. A. fayyrayaraar- Ti 'Hf- qaf - &c. Cracker, n (of gnn-powder*). q^r^f or qTST^FTr »i. (dim. q^Tf-

To Cower, v n. sink . in at the knees, fyc. give wag. %<vh, qq- ^rr or /.)
y% g oj s. sapr. Cluster of crackers closed up. qzi J\
Cowl-staff, n. yqipr/.». C. that makes seven reports, 3Tfd3Rl c F<rRKTi».
Cowrie, n. particular shell. yf3T«i. dim ypfl/. qaCPTyin. q- C. made of paper only. qr^T^Twi. ®
xjfexrf. yqqym. yrfyyr/. 2 cracking whirligig RT^nT^. .

Some kinds are, V<fe\, JfqHTypflr, qpJlyiST. Crackingly, 20^4 o/ cracking . or

Coxcomb, n. v. Fop. yyqqpST, qrarqiW, or
To Cor, v. n. affect reserve, &c. sjryrm. 2 briskly, swimmingly , §c. or or «ra^fiTf,

^FT, ^rsFTRpr, ^f^TRT.

Coy, a — a female. mryaya:, Jja~yr aTIWd, %T ajarst, aRvrsy, To Crackle, v n t . — substances in the flame. ^^TC^T,
5T3^T or — intens. JTr^*
Coyly, adv v.A. qftr gT^far, rpey aqr^T. 2— as stiff paper, cloth, 8cc.
To Cozen. See To Deceive. 3 burn rapidly and cracfdingly. or inlens,
Crab, n. afysTm. or'in. aqy^n. fyq^rn. q57yg», yaf£n. jp> WRT®r,
fef. Mftt /• ^nrsrm. g-srrm. yym. y fen. yyfcym. M^rm. 4 —
substances under eating, &c.
Claw of a c. STySTm. Ceackler, n. Crackling,^. v, V. L

Crabbed, a. morose, fyc. v. Cross, ajsrr^, Fsrqr, flTqy, fry, 2 yg-yffr, yg-q^d, ya^rctar, ars'fT^ar,
asrrft or nr^fr, fares', feyr, yar£r aqarsfrqr, srg. 3 y^yglq, ys-qdg-.
2 perplexing, hard, v. Difficult. aj-TrJT, aSRTH:, WS, fy- 4 ys-ygfer, y^-yirq, ycydq, ya^rfrq, fsgftvr.
=^C, ry^arr. Crackling, n. v.V. 1. the sound emitted. FT«fT(T?n. —
Crabbedness, n. v.A. asrrgtqyrw. 3TSWm. &c. yTift aqa:# /. ?T^Rrw.
2 WSKZmtm. &c. 2 ^RTSTm.
Crack, w. chink, fissure, cranny, cleft, crevice. XZf. Xjfem.f. 3 fWRTm.
pop. fv-Tj. aqr-Tr™. afJT/. MT /. #?/. artf^ or Wi/. Jjsj'. Crackling ly adv. v. V. 1. 9or z\, or d, intern*
Nr°r /. dr/ yrrm. rqw /. xx /. #*/. wqz/. tarm. qrir^r/. ^z\^z, ^Z[Z\, ^rpre, ^rvt
Cracks and crannies, —compreh. »fe, crevices and corn- 2 or d, F2PH &c. F^f, or d,
ers. d/tyrd 3 or r‘r,

2 (as of some vessel or thing), sfta: f. yy /. ^TTm. Hyqrm. 4 F'3'F'3T or d*

ar^y/- OTm fte/. %Twt. qrrcfjr/. Cradle, n. FW or
3 sudden and sharp sound. ggy/. qqryrm- <T®TW»fl. 5Fo?r- Cord, bar, &c. supporting a FT^/« c.

a^rm. cRar^Rm. From one's c. gf^FF^ff, FS^Ff^FFHF, F^F^TF^F.

With a c. y?-yar -afTT &,c. HT or ^X^-XX-ikc, Leg of a c. ^hf/
&ef—intens. fTERTr, %Z(Z[. Rope to swing a c. %TOfw.
4 sounding stroke. yryranfm. aqryraTm. ^rsyq) yjy/. W- 2 — as for a broken bone, &c, FlcSTf /.

y°r/. /. aramrrarrm. 8 frame, bed\ 8?c. q}#,f.

With a c. qiy or gX-XX-X^-ikc. Craft, n> FW or F^T/. tePTn. f *VOn>f.
manual art,
v. Art.

5 See Lie. m
2 Cunning. FRTrl FTF^lFm. FffWa. F<fZn.
artifice, guile, v.

To Crack, v. n. break into cracks or chinks. irapay, yryar f Craftily. See Artfully.
?T3vR%, intern. gsrey, ifagy, qrrey, y?y /. 3TW in. con. Craftiness, n, v. A. awo? unning. FRTw* F^Tn. Frf^Tn*
2 open, split, part. yay, fjrBf qsyBr, ;
?T3T#, firqy. Craftsman, n> v. Artificer. FTfdlT^
3 burst with a sound. or yjyqBj- intern, vRTE^T or Crafty, a. v. Cunning. FIWW, Ff4<K, F’lft, f#,
arsis^T, pry^, arjyar-?iTyy-&c. yr9r. Crag, n, protuberance of a rock, fyc* OTw, silTWn. go^FTw.
4 make a loud sound. I’gfgB}', ag'g’fgBr or <3Xfxof.
, , — —— &


Cragged, Craggy, a. HoEfqNT, Craw. See Crop.
To Cram, v, a over fill .
v. To Stuff. fqqjT adv. qqq sr- Craw-fish. See Crab.

To Crawl, v. n. creep, qrqq, KWI B'CqCT, SRTOer ^T^T-WFT,

2 force in drive in v. To Stuff, ftrqq *qqq aqqq, qf-
Hrqrsir or q^qqqcqf qr^q ~wr%, cqq ^q-qrq,
y ? «c?o.
STOJ, %^q, qRprq, £qq ST^q-^
qqjq, fqssq. } ^rqq ^q-qfq, qqrq qrqq-qrq, qfrqqqw. q-qq.
To Cram, v. n. eat gluttonously v. To Gluttonize, ^qr^rq- , 2 — a child, qpsr or qt Y^fm. qr^q, qfqq &c.
& e. 8 fig. wore slowly, feebly, heavily, fyc. qq^fqqq-
Cramp, ». spasm . ^mf qYOTm. qqrsqrq/. reqqm ^TCrRCq - qr^q- c^qq o?qq ^r^q- &c. qrq-qfqq
wurrm. -Fq^-qrqq, qrqr?qr^f qrq, qsqqq
2 or cramp-iron. qftf. arfa^qNft ftfcf- 4 wore secretly and slily• ?rqq- qqq- ?jqq ~ qf^rq- qrqq^qfq -
To Cramp, v. a. "
affect with c. ^TRqsqq, qqrw qPTR--&c. m^q-srR'-qq'&c
W3Tqf3rm.~&c. qqqg*.o/o. qqq. Crawler, w. Crawling, y? «. v. Y. 1. qrqqfTf, qqq^qrqr,
2 See To Eestrict.
^r^rror, &c. qfrqnfr.
Cramped, p fy a. v. V. 1. effected with cramp. Crawling, n. v. Y. l.—act. qqq w . qfqqn HTqzq qr^Tn. q~
aqjrosf qqer^r. , qrqqfesqn. f-cqqw. qfrqqqr
C. state (of the limbs, &c.). #3Tt». lir&rwZTm. Jtfarftft/. Crawling ly, adv. v. V. 1. qqqqqq, qqgrq, &c. &c.
qafr/ or 4, qqq^r.
I — of language, &c. stiff, constrained . srq^lYq, iqqjpq 3 See the adverbs under the Verb.
Crane, n. ^¥RTm. UPCHm. (WC#/) pfaRTm. ffqm (#qr/.). Crazed, Crazy, a. crack-brained, distraught, v. Mad.
Descent of a flock of cranes, qps /. q^r, q^qr, qrqq^^r or qp^qr^Bi or qrqq'^&srr,
2 machine for raising weights, qnft/. qpff /. RfUnET.
Cranio logy, w ^qi^njfisrn. qrqpqfqqr/. qqr^Rqn.
To turn or become c. qfq^sfq or qfq^^q
Cranium, n. v. Skull, q-frft/. qxft/. ?

^rqq, fqqr^q.
Crank, a a boat, 6zc. . —
Zfr&zjr, ft&gT 2 See Weak.
Crannied, a full of chinks. qTqqrSqr q^rq
" ’
Crazedness, Craziness, n. v. A. qqqsjqqrm. &c. qsr m qpq-

qsrw. Rq3J“?i. fq^rqm.

Cranny, n v. Crack, fqqq f. qtq/. W^f. To Creak,
q&f. *Tfq f
r. make a sharp noise, fyc. qrqqTYY, fqrqf^q
Crapulous. See Drunken.
Rqqfeqq, fefqqq, ^qqrq qrqq, qrq^q ?rqq.
To Crash, v. n. v. N. qrsivPT or *qqfqq or ^<TCq. Creaker, n. Creaking,
2 esp. as a tree, branch, &e. breaking,
p o. v. V. ^q^qqjqr, qrqqfq qf^qRT .

qqqrq. or qrcaq=qr.
Crash, n. loud mingled sound of things falling, Creaking,
qr’ST- n. v. V. act. iTYqrqqft. &c, q*qqrq/ intens. q*Y~
sqrm. qr^RT or or sqqpqm. qrqqrerr or or qrrarw.
qfTT£m. qqfqm. q^q^TRTm. qr^RTiw. ^T^RPSt/.
With a v. Crashingly.
Cream, n — of milk. Biff, qqr /. or ?R^/. ^fCn.
^q-qrq-qrx-&c. Thin and poor c. qiqzn.
2 (as of many musical instruments). qrqrxrm. Z£&rWfm. q- 2 fig. marrow, <$re. v. Essence, qrq^.m. Yrqfem. qcqn.
Ww. qqrqm. qqrqr^w. qqw.
Crashingly, adv. qrqqq, q^IRTST, TORT, ^Tr^J, qpqrqf, ?STfqr,
RT 3 f, TOT.
Crease, ft. weer/e ftiae?e doubling %
qrvj/. qq/. qqq/. qsr w# .

To Crease, r. a. v.N. qfa/.-Y^M.- &c. qqq.

Crassamentum, ft. qroi. qRw™. mmm. To Create, v. a. make, fyc, fqqfq-^q?r-q^r-&c.
Cratch, n. frame in which hay is put. qsffq or oft/, qrqf\ft/. qqq, fqfqq ?

^qr^q, ^rqq, qc~qrvq?2 . - qqqr - fqfqfq/. ~ c qqq g*of o[

Crate, n. a texture of sticks S)c. qpfrpqm. #T3Tm. ft/. 2 produce, occasion, v. To Cause. q??sr~&c. q-qq qqfq /.
^TTm, ftfitf

-q^qm.~&c. q^qq^.o/o, qrqq.

2 See Basket. Created, p. v. V. I. Ir^r, &c. fqqfq, fqfqq, q^qfqq ?
Crater, ft, qqr^rq^ qfeft. qqr^q^Wn. q<rr, ner, vjsr.
f\> Craunch, v. a • cr?w/i «n7A Me teeM. qrq^q or qf or Creation, n. v.V. 1. act. q?q^r irqqr. &.c. q?qqqn. q^qf^T/.
~ or X\-adv. qHq-?qfq
- qrCRrq
Cravat, n. neckcloth
# fqfqfrf/. state, qfe/. q?qfqr/. qg*q w .

, qfefqm. qqfqqn. I v. Universe *|fg/. qqqfe/. qqw.

^ ^A I!!
v a*
' s WP licate ’
v - To Beg. qrqq, ftqsfq, fqsrqqrq Creator, w. Creative, a. v. Y. L qrqqrqf, q?qv qfTYqrqr,
-f^^-qjqqqoTr^q-Scc. qrqojr, fq^rq/. qqq. -fqqfq-&c. qrqf, qfqqr, qqqr, qcqrqqr.
2 long for, hanker v. To Desire. qfWfq, ?qwq/. qrq
**• con. <mithg.of %
C . of the world. qq^q? y mm®, ^ST, vsTq^qRY.
o?r^Tf/. ^rqq m. co??. ^.of o. .
Creatt, gentium cherayta fqqifq or fqqnfqft. Some va-

B ravenously hungry y. To Hunger. WWf^T, qr^Rq, rieties are fqrur^q qfS fqqrfq, qfft f%qrfq or fqqr^q.
^°iwqq, qqr #.
Craven. See Coward.

Creature, n. thing created, — gener. Jjqn. q^ft. fqqlqqft, hs:-

qqm. qqfqw.

The creatures — compreh. or collect. %ddT%ddft. dTF'dT ft- Credulity, n. v. A. ^R^FTfni. /. ^HO^df /•

Crawling or creeping c. — gener. (dim. dddTTOft.

Credulous, a. that believes readily or without grounds, dTRr-
... . ,
dddfror, arrfar, w^r, arspft,
Dumb C. brute, SfC. ipPSTOTTB. OTOT/. f^qrr,

Living c. #Tw. 5TJ»e- COT Krftm. sotarroTO,

Living creatures —compreh. sffasfijw. pi- 'fftfsOT'iE pi-
Creed, n. summary of articles of faith fdWdtdfqdd HyPOT-
Small living c. — gener. ITiT^Ff a< • fSH'JT®. STHf^FPSTw.
3 See hd a n, Person. 2 v. Religion. Jjpj’wi.
2 dependent See Follower.
Creek, w. cove dFdTn.
Credence, n. v. Belief. RrOTTm. OT*T3T,/. ,

f^ > Branch off from a c. qrf^/. ¥F^ru

Credenda, n. articles of faith,
To Creep. See To Crawl.
Credential, n. warrant for claiming belief. fpJTCmn. fr^r- Creeper, n. creeping or climbing plant . ^df/- q$r/.

CTWT 3OT/- 3iTJR»». ff^WTin. JjHOT^Trarm.
Stick planted to aide. 3TRTW. S'Rrw.
Credibility, Credibleness, n. v.A. fir^reWf^RTf/- FPdnjnf-

frr /. f^raiN?7«. fa^^rar/. Rrwfrr /.

uraFTn wmf 2 creeping creature, reptile . F^T\|w.

Credible, a. worthy of credit or belief. 3sTCT ^Tf-TPIT sj| Jir-&c. C. creatures, — gener.
fNra$K Fr<rrerr#, fw, Bwerw. Creep-hole, n, subterfuge , excuse, /. ^F^IT/^

Credit, n. credence, faith yielded, v. Belief. "RT^TcTT/- f^dTSTift. qrs- /.

«TST/- _
To keep a c . RtR ^3* /
Glory. ddTft- dTdHT/* To Crepitate, n. See To Crackle. 2 break wind. qf-
2 honor lustre ,
eclat, fyc,, v.

Wdft. nrdm. ^f^t, q^dn. ^?cqr.

w *
3 character, name ,
v. Reputation.

dfdft* B?rd/. aTTdfti- ITC- Crepitation, n. See Crackling. v.V. 2 ,—act qrdbTft.

JRT/. CUtT/. OT^Tn. WT*T»- ’SFOTift. M/. Hr#/- qifdn.

Crepuscle, n. glimmerings of dawn, v. Dawn, ^F^q^w.
To sr^^T-^TROTr.
destroy one’s
preserve one’s


qrOTa. or 'TRrr5Tr%'T^m-;i/- SfaT®

5!'- Crepusculous, «. f^rq^r FWdT, qW q}qOT f ( fdFg'f

4 mercantile c. Irtf. OTT/- wiif- mini freely or —

compreh. Crescent, n* qfdqr ^TRTjr. qrac^SCw. qr5Fr|feqr WWw.
c. and character. 'OTrerfr/. OTTf/. OTSHm- sftNsTffd/
Bad or low c. ^fTcf /.
Crescent, Cresciye, a. dFddr, q^TdFd, dF^^J.
Cress, n. lepidium sativum . BTfF^id or ^TFdcJfd or f[o?fqw.
That is of bad or low c. dFdd
Testimony of e. fddTf/. Chest, (of a cock). Suit /. /• ^F/.
2 plume, tuft, dCFm. fqj^T )• FtT?dT?L "d^T /*
To grow in c. qdftT

To lose one’s c. qtfPrT 7! "Tltt . <mr ff-ojs. *JT3T«i 5?i“T g'-ofs.

. TFKZpop. 3J3JT in, PrCfem.r. ^TddHm.
v. Weight. 3TPT or Jewel worn in a c. m. feidfTFRTm. F^TCF^tRtW'* Rd?d-
5 estimation, consideration, influence “'a*

otshm. jtrjpw/. wmwt/- TTtf'Tw-

as opposed to debt or debit, q'qn. 5TRT /• 3 (of a mountain, &c.). rfpJf m. fSMTn-
7 as given or taken, tick, trust. 'S-4H5I /* 'J’iTCM*'. 4 lofty mien, v. Pkidu. feijiicfm./. JTFT/. *TRT«. &MJ-
On c. g-siflT.
To let fall or lower one’s c. TfFT/- TT^,
Letter of qns-Sr*
c. *T551W/.
To Credit, v. a. v. To Believe. &c. #, To lower
the c. of.
See To Humble.
Crested, a. v, N. 2. ^:rqr% ^dfdT, ftRSTspC, ftndd,
2 opposed to debit. 5WJ or vSTRr s-K'T, sFfc# OT°T.
Creditable, a. bearing or bringing credit, v. Honorable.
arnreT, nfinNrr, qsKqrT, s^OTTr, trarurr. Crevice, n* chink , cranny, v. Crack, q^/. /. "dtC/* ^W"/*

2 worthy of credit or trust, v. Reputable. 0TO, Chew, n. company, body , v. Band. W^t/. ^iTfd/« dRfm» d* s

fCdcfr, an^rrc, R^r.

Creditably, adv. v. A. 1. CP0FT 2 (of a ship), dTdT^^ d’Ffddi'^w.
-#3Tf5^T»cfec. Crib, ft. manger for corn, fyc. v. Trough,
Creditor, n* person to whom a debt is owed . dt^rquCt, qi^d, 2 stall arpdft. %tft. frfdqd/.

dSTdIT, dTSRFC, XR bonds and notes or 3 cot, cabin v. , Hut.

in free phrased. £R*tr & (from «FF Money, &c. To Crib, t;, a. pilfer, v. To Steal, ^ qT^-
ana as opposed to Debtor (td# & dW from dFT Debt). Crick, ft, (in the neck or back). apTOTf or dTdfw*

C. of. ^fqqTFC dddTaft.

C . . — . — /


To be c.— the neck. Rwq&r, fffiCqm, «fas«5»T or mz\zfi[, OTryr^r-Ac. fSrq-^n mf mm\f
sqqwq-. mmXf ^Tr rt^T fY^T la? j,
t cr
g-fegw. rr^ir?!!.

Cricket, n. H&f. XJZf. ftfif!/. Crisp, a, —an article of food, kc. ^vJfflff or g-^-
The mole c. qrjfCfm. tn^PCTffl. ffiff,
\3 *
'\Z> O ' SD \5 * rj

Chirping of crickets, f%Rtf44f or ftuRtTn- f%C«- ftWlYfui. 2 See Curled.

Crier, n. Crying, p. a. v. V. N. 3. ^qHT, &c. ^PTTOvlf, Zb Crisp, w a. (as by frying, loasting, &c ). 53X4“!, •¥ t 3r-

cfcer. ?3Tqg--qi3-qr3- adv. arr^fSr.

v. V. A. l. proclaimer. ^q'vft fqpronrr, &c. sierra, sYftfqsrr, 2 See To Curl.

srr^tfqsrr, &c. *rr»qr, wMrqr. Crispness, n v. A. EsT^-nTC /• T^irqTTiii.
Crime, n. transgression, y. Sin. qrqn. qrFfqrn. trfC3n- r^cln. qtqrm. &c
2 a c. an offence, trespass, fault, misdeed, misdemeanour, § c. Criterion, n. mark, standard. f78jirn. f3|«. 3T'
7irJT 0T'^ia DT?G
STTO^m ST^rnTm. Wm. 3?qrifn. gTYSTn. ^4«. q33nTn. Jj iirf4°riwf4f n. wgqfrii^)*.
fftr^r/. mn. rp?r »».
qrcr^r?i- frw.'WRr/ Critic, n. r^sT, ?:feT, qdyqr, simr, iT'qfrq'q^r, tqr-rqr, frqr-
Capital JTYq^qr siTOqni. spfTqpr aqqcr'-Tm.
c. fiTm^qr.
C. of high degree. JRT'JnPS’n. These are / grPTHTn. Critical, a belonging &>c. to criticism 3ra'?iqfHT3r3r, fiT-

Tpr°r#rn. iffqfqq^^ 4i-fqq-qqr.

Criminal, a. v. N. 1 2. guilty, faulty, sqrqrqt, 3Tqcr4l, JY^f, 2 judicious, discerning, S,-c. C5RT, CRT^T, qfW, aT°rf7T qfqq- ,

srqnff, qra4% jptirir, 3rro»r, ftqr, nfrq, ?PTjTr,Crsrqnf, fqr- ^qr, g'qfiqqqrr, Jr'qrJT'qrCr'TFr,

qcrar, fq-Fqpq. 3—in medicine qfc^m^qiiicr^^Tr-iqqtrqr, qrc'qrtfsTRrqficrar.

I contrary Wrong. sf^rqRT,
to right, v. spfrqfaT, 5Ti-Tt)f- C. discharge. :
Cf3T 5r cTrn*

=qr, qrlto, ^-qiw^qqwl, qrq?mr, qmsr. 4 relating to a crisis. q^RTTJTW gijqT^r, ilTfSFTr% qS^r,
ii — as opposed to civil. WsTSTKl. ajr°ftqr aTt% qS^r.
Criminal, n. Seethe Adjective. To Criticise, v. a. notice beauties and faults. Jrqriqm.p/. qrr-
n. v.


$mi* frcmrm. qTT?z. zjKf4m.

mn. &c. fmumrf & e.
5"T, 3fT?fqrfft 3;rn.-gor?i%^riHR.-&e
2 animadvert on as faulty,

3rC5T of o.

ftfirzzrwm. Criticising, Criticism, n. v. V 1 act. g<q?PT qTR^Tn. &c.

To Criminate, v. a involve . in a charge of crime, fffqf m. &TI*- gorrgurFqq^n. gq?f4rsrr3n. g^trqTrqrra^fl- ^Kngqr^nrw.
wkwith ^of o. frqrfrTm ^qfiqwr^qr /.
- wr~ &c, 3?rs%cr 87m. 2 act. 3IT S'q°T«. t4t». &c sqreqr/ ftTr/.
To Crimple, v. a (puffs, frills, &c.). ^Tfrj oj
g^or or TrC^TR, Critique, n. Jj'Jrliq-^fWr/. flTRffiraTFwqrr /•
f°fr/-^T/.-r^fr/ mm. To Croak, v. n . — the frog. STW or 3X44, 33^4, 3TCrq ?-
Crimpled, p V. V. 3TRwr, , Ac. g^ifr. 3TTiii.-&c. qrc°T.
Crimpler, n, crimpling instrument • ffTFTOX (and the cuttings 2 — the raven or crow. 3X^4, 3TR 3X14 adv
made by if qrRFff?&.). 5 fig. prognosticate qRT /. TT33, zWZHFHf.
evil. 3r-
2 instrument of tailors to crimple cloth. F3/. «Ri;sr,
f- awfr44-«r#r.
Crimpling,?!. v. V. act, mmmn, g^g?i.grffffr^Tn &c. Croak, Croaking, v. v. Y. 1.— art. sxq^Tn. &• c. snTTt/.
Crimson, tgm. g^r^<7p/?.
n. garret srsgrerr? or
jYfff- !TRJOT«*. c^fqciiqarfu. zzrz^f. £<£*:«.
Crimson, a.
g^, y&m tgr^r, ga^rst tgrgr, *Mrmt tfff-ff, 2 —act. qncqrc5 3T3T /. YCiqYCf'Til ?)!.

3 B7iraqf!3"Tii.-&c. sT^rnHY^m.
SS *!V

To Cringe, v, n. bow and scrape make , court, crouch, v. To Croaker, n. Croaking, p. a. v. 3, ffRoiRf, & c.^T^rffrwr,
Fawn. RTffor *FSFrR adv . # gRg, g^t/. ^TiTSTWfft, Terms or phrases for a person ever croaking (i. e.

-g^rm. Iiott, >i£m grerrc, qm* mtf. foreboding ill) and answering to Croaker, Screech-owl, Ha-
ven, Damper ,
are ffrflif 3TfW, TOR fffff^l, ^iwr, tK-
Cringe, Cringing, n. v. V. ?2ffqr ifsfgn. &e. arnff^n. $mi #f^rr.

To Cripple, v. a . ^ff^r“-q fg^r~q‘fgr~g^r-8cc.

Crockery, n, earthenware, Tfrfffff Wffl^fgrffn. pi
a. Crippled, />. v. V. gpi^r, TT^nrr, nTgar, W pi g^qifn.p/.
qir, fRrqRrfflr mm, gw, wg. Crocodile, n, g^^c/. ggOR.
Cripple,w. WCC or ^gs^tge. See also the words Cfs tears. ^sfm. qRK'S'^n.
under the adjective. Croesus, n, v. Rich.
To be or become a c. qfgsEcrf Cropt, ffRt/. dim. ffr^Tn.
Crisis, n. — ox a disease, or - 3T- Crone, n. old woman . ^^tiTrfffCt/.
iff n ~ n qft'ffRITRrTOCw. Crony, n. v. Intimate, mtft, Riff, W, gRT-
2 critical time orjuncture, gener. q^TRTf^f^T - f f^f^Tff IRf- #- gr
& f/

Cronyshif ,n RTf/. *Tm°rrm. 3jft/. TITTn %TrTm. TTSSTn. I — the tail, &c. RTr, RRT, SflET.

Crook, n. carved e?uL JT3Tw efT^Tfl. Crop-sick, a. ®TRr%^?urRr aRTiTWRt.

curved stick §c. , ^£\f. STPT /. Crop sickness, n. ^RfiTRlTn.
By hook or by c. TOTO3TTO, TOTOF, %*%*• Crore, n. ten millions. sfiTTm. /. tstfY /.

TO=T. Crores or by croi'es. ^T3T.

C. used to pull down pods, flowers, <§^c. ^r^Tfft/ Cross, n. W».
82 curvature . Sec Bend. St Andrew’s c. an oblique, a couple. %Rt/. ftfifl/- ^T»i.
To Crook. See To Bend. 2 line drawn through. fJ^Tin. WSTm. VEf f.

Crook-back, ?i. 3 fig. obstruction, thwarting accident, §c. sTR^Sn. j[R^r-

Crook-backed, a. 3FTT3T, spsT. 3-n. nffRRn. fcr«. *Kf. ^&hn.
Crooked, a. curved, to/. ^rf^FT^T, or 3$rr, TO, f?T3T, frTTOF, Cross, a transverse, falling athwart. ST34T.
^Rrsr, *tto, =^r, fro, to. 2 opposite, hostile, v. Adverse, sfgrfr, KT^RT.
7 ' '
fi -s

C. and curved, bentand bowed and turned and S peevish, fretful, ill humoured., testy crusty. feoi%3TT,>(3T~
5— ,

warped $0. ,
OTFTr, 3TOT ¥TOf, ^FTO FtoST, ?3T 3TO3T, 6—iirRwtiT,
er, ^far&orzm, ^rsjrar, fsR^nc, i%-
tost. TOir, 5 ^ 3-^, 3nfnRr, f5r%fr, r-
2 %. See Perverse. chz:, iRSRrr, ilc^rr, ffc^r, 33^, 5 ^,
Crookedness, n. v. A ^TOfm. & c. 3TOm.n ^Vsf. frsr, frfTR, lift, ^tr^r, grc, Try, TTHt^r,
mif. ettoA f to/. ^rfTO/i. =tRt /. toto or^wnrw. Some terms for a cross, crabbed, testy, crusty person, are,

Crop, n. <7\a?o. JFJpn fTO** TOTO TOTFTO1 PT^TfT /. TtotRCT, fTCfRR, 3TR3rrcT.
toJ, /op TOfoi. TOFm. /. A crooked, froicanl, awkward, cross-grained, v. Perverse.
8 (of a field, & e.). TO/i fTOSHni. fTOTO or FTOTOn . fqTOft. aflTinw, ^rTTrtTrr, srnrsjnr, fTTfATr, #^ 3 -, %^r-
TO*/. ^TvsT'Ri. — freely or indif. 'Tl^T Tr°ftn. T#T.
Crops, growing corn . §1fw.p/ TO13T/.n. fTTOt/. 5hI / tr- a marriage, &c. RRRrSTfRr, aTTR TTTt^ir, TTRRT. 5

cRKt/. f«T^WTM. breed, &c. ^CRT, SWCTR.

Blasted or patched c. Xftf&n. TOT or SfWn. To Cross, v.a. lay athwart. TrrTfT ^TT-wT#.
Brownness of ripening c. grrarqzt /. 3Tr^#t/. 2 pass over sif^tT or %?rf3nT, TTCT, ilAr, TiftR, vftFT, %-
C. cut and stacked (yet unshared, unascertained, &c.). ^#T- SR, TIT 5TR.
xm /- tocfb/. mxmf. 3 thwart, counterwork , Po Hinder, To Obstruct, rt-

Declining of ripening crops. “4 TOTH Win. TPTR, 3TST5SR, RRTT-TRTr TR, %TTm. R^R, TCTT/. TCR,
Failure of c. TOl^n. TOn. 3TTfRw.-Vl%TR»i.-&c. T'TR S- of 0 .

Failure utterly of c. qTTOn. 4 cancel, strike out. 3TR or STR, #TR, STTiR.-TrilTni. TR
Inspection of blasted crops. HTTOfaft /- -JTTTR-TRR.
Plentiful or good c gqpfTfl. Cross-rite, n. g'S'TTrSTR /•
Share in a c. of the land-holder. TOtq’jrfm. TOTOFw. JTO~ To Cross-rite, v. a. TffPKTTR/. TiCR.
^PTfcTni. — of the bullock-owner* ^TOZTm.—of cultivator. &TPT- To Crohs-kkamine, v.a. 355TfrRR«i. grWR, Jtffpr<T'm.-JrfTT-

TOTm. ffftr«Tw. TKR.

Share of the lessor or lessee of a e. s^n. Half share. |

Cross-grained, «. lit. sTra^rfspcNT, srr^TrfirrRr, rfrv^Tr#t¥,
or /. fatpq&tu /. fro #, Third share fTOI^ 2 fig. cross, crooked, v. Perverse. sTlTijr^r, arrTqiFJSrr, s?-
or frf^FT /. fgrrar.

That hears but one annual c. TOfTO/ TO^Pft. —two. ^fqr- Cross-legged, a. 3TTtRfRR SYTTrT.
tfl, TTlfh— three, • fafq-#, fcRTCt.--:four, ‘RffacFT, RPR^t. Sitting c. arraR*ri#tf. VvTJiTTTS^T or R34TTqT5J?T?/. sifi /.
Vernal c. (or harvest), TTT or ars^Y v. tfr^RTOR*

To cut the c. m m, H’TRRl /. ttr. Cross-purpose. To be at cross purposes. TTTR TTRft TT TJTRr-
4 (esp. of fruits or flowers). vSTRw. ijrsrm. srrY»«* «rtfiT or R 9R5TR %T.
S^FTCm. To Cross-Question, v, a. question closely, searckinglg, &c.

Of fruit-trees, & c. which yield two crops, the first c. is called S3R, qrfft, TT€R, STrPTTRTT /. - / - tJTRT/ - & c.
ftpsPHT. the second, ^TfTTT. 3PCR g- ofo.
To Crop, v. a. pluck or eat off the c, wgTR or freTTR; 5JT- Cross-road; n. sTrTRTWm. siRfftfR:/.
r, f^f, ottr, ffsrrTR. Cross-way, n. place where roads cross. RTT3T mi-
Crop-ear, Crop-eared, a. ^fTRCTr, wbRrTRrRT, fe^TTR, cro ssed, p. v. v. 2 #5*3^551, .&c. s^ftnr, srfirTfT,

f TRlR, TtR.
Crop-full, a. |#JT.
'TRiRT, 3 ST3Rsr»55T, &c. STTCrRjT, RfrfrfVT,
Crop-tailed, a. sprr, ^3 3^, fSsPps, 4 s^tarr, #?5*55t, iKlcf urT^rr, &c.
Cropped, p. r. V. %*i33W, &c. #rigT. Crossing, n. v. V. l.—oci. spsTT ^T®T«-


2 sJr^vsrafTi. &c. aftsfatft/. SfSTO'rt. 3- Crowded, p. v.V. N. TT, JTfTW,

To be c arar^w, H^“T-
Crowdedness, n. v P. Wt/ /• sP3r^°T/.
3 act.

&c. ^TO^n.
&c %TOf/. S^npT/.
irkw fiRTTB. fe^rfr/- WtiTT/- JR?/- ^ or f^^-
%r/. or f^rfeRpft or Rfy+iWt/ stct /• wyt/.
Crossness, n. v. A 1. sTO^TOw. & c.
2 srr^wrm. &c. %rcfarn. xrk^OTR'w- tr/. #rr». ftrsf^55Rm. fttiR or’Zmrzf. 'gz or g\Zm. zvf.
Rrqrftwirm. s^f. %qrrrw. %/.%5T3'/- 5CiRr or ^iir^Tin.
3 jfafx* smrm. iffgqqrwu &c. Crown, n. diadem, v. Crest- JJST pop. f'^Ki'Zm.n. ^T-

4 Brr^^qpiTw. ^r^Rmrm. iirjfyjn.

Crotch, n. furcation* ^oS^ or ^arifa. fi&fn.

Assuming the c. fsirCteWIT'Tn-

See Crotchet. Gem or jewel of a c. jj'Silf'Tm.

2 furcated stick £c. ,

Crotchet, n. furcated stick, 8>c> sfi&n. =jp?snCjh 2 (of the head, of a mountain, &c.). JTPTf'n 2T^/.

2 — in printing, tzrn.
Lock of hair on the c. fllfsr or
3 completion, &,c.

rafe /- 6'fnfe/. pop. w4^n. W^-

3 conceit, v. Fancy. c3fT/* cft^Twz.
To Crouch, n. /*<? fow? o/o^o. 3“#, ST^R#, ®TTO" Bm f^rtmgm.
4 See Government.
sro-TOpr-TOr toto&c. TOq-qqq, f#7- qrrq ,

To Crown, v a. invest with the c. JT?fT«fi W'C TSjar arajT

qsror faq.
^'"THn. ^X-
?T# qrct - & c. TOT, T- ffHTS^rCm-
3tm. aST“T, ^TC"T,
2 cringe, v. To Fawn. TT^rf - fRTT Tftff -

?Tt»-ro'5r,5w4«r^ tot. n, pFTG?r-&c. ^rq-.

Some species are wi- 2 (with success). W'4'Ff pop. fiRT'frn.-BI'hptrn.-fefe"^--^-
Crow, n. TOTOrm. STTOi. TOTTm- f
fh^rTO or Shrorar, st^t^rt R#r/.-&c. tsr^f g.of o. ^

Carrion c, ^CPC^RSTwl ^cTifiwi. Crowned, p. v. V. 1.

Offerings (rice, Sic* thrown out) to crows. P°P* ^T- srrq-jmr gj^anr*
tffs* & ^RRSEt/. ^TRrd f To be c. with success. HPW pop. s
9T*T?R'R>- ; c.

2 (of iron), ^h^in. ^ipcw n. ffq g-of s. ^ ffq.

a? RT^/. ^°Tt or <p&qt/. Crowning, Coronation, n. v.V. 1. TSTfiPT^r-m-
3 (of the cock). STH7T./.
qS’t-T Hn.
*far/. sir/.
Second c. (in the morning). ^PC°ft/. Crucible, n. melting pot. gH/. cTqifls-nqt/-

Third c, i%^K°ft/. Dipping rod of a c. STRST /• 'df^'diT/.

To Crow, v. n. — the cock. 3TfC#, or 3TTOj 3TPC#t/.- Crucifix, n fffRl tjf%/

&e. 3^, TO/.-0RT /• %®t. —the second time. TOfTO. — the Crucifixion, n. v.V. sprite %“Tn-

third time fTOP#. Cruciform, a. qHpajf qr^TirraT, ^fftfiqrrfPr-

2 fig. sarwfc, v. To Triumph. gRTwpZ. #TZ°T, m- To Crucify, v. a. TORT Rarq-TR.

wf pi. to#. Crude, a. v. Raw. 3TRr, 3?R, aTW,TOTaT-
multitude assembled, concourse throng, press. ^TTm. 2 undigested. a?rq, TRT, PfTOT, VRIR.
Crowd, n. ,

ZRTTO^- CTOFw *Tm. *TZm, or 7[£m* Crudity, Crudeness, n. v.A. 1. tK%qqr«t. ?/• qqfR»-
%qrrcrw. sp; or srrzrwi.

jtstw. crRwrm. ^rTOr-TO^nrr &c. tortrt^. jsr- 2 tfr%iqrm. PrTOT?rr/.

c?r enrm, ^°Tn, 1 a c. — in medicine. RPCTin. pop. qTT /• aTWI 3T»w. TITtRii.

In crowds. ^TfZ, *T£T% TT^ &c. OT5T:. Cruel, a. pitiless, merciless, savage, barbarous, brutal, inhuman.

MV, 5 ^”rlrr
TO, TO, fqf ,: 3 !rr ^ ;,'>

N. B. The words under Crowded ness aro used idiomatically ^. >

i3r;!:rr :;:!r

to express a throng, as ikssTcf *0# 3T£t* RTTOT, Vj:^0dn?I, 'TT'ltsrTOVtT, filWil, »iWt,
2 promiscuous mass ,
v. Jumble, tff ?zrf5r / , Jjppzwi- t|f4v4fZ)n, HTTfT, TTO, Mq, TfTO pop. T^tq, 5FTOTO, Tf4Y, RITOt, SJT-

^Rrron. ?ttT, iqwf, ttov, ft^r, arrgr, Try#, tarn#, Tra^qqi, vht-

To Crowd, r. to excess, fill bp pressing together . TOf, qq’qflTOf.

^r5^,#^fr^rrs''5 r,sT^ rf^T,

r ) ?'rfr/.- CJi'3'r«!--5T#f/-&c.
: Cruelly, adv. v.A. Mrqq#, fqTOff-f,Tf If'TTO.

TOT witA arfcr of o. Cruelty, n. v. A TOqr /. fdTTO/ Plf TiTT /. fafTO/. 'ITTrTO-

2 press confusedly together. #aRT, 5T£#, 5ff£t f.-<mf- TflTm. TPl«.

<rnrqt/. -%<rr%<T/.-&c. tot-toto g.of o. Cruet-stand, n. Wm.

3 incommode by pressing on g\Z[f.-&Lc. TOT, aTOTTfTT. Cruise, «. See Cup. 2 v.V. sruf ft# n. TOTT4 TOn.
To Crowd, v. n. STeV, %cV, fi)TT, ST#/.- 5T- To Cruise, v. n. sail about. ?qr fTOR, ^TfJ^TOn. TT°T.
^ot, sjw, s’?5' sr, ^c»r, nzm. ^tg-ofs. %q wt.-%qr%q /.-%-
, ,

Crumb, n. — as opposed to crust. itVot- #Tw- RRm. iTJT'Sr®-

qRTm.-%ZT#o'/.- ZZf~3B&V or ^f.-^f.- fw’r /.- &c. 2 (of broad, &c.) bit. fT3Tw. fqfTTfTm. fTOvrTm.
or g.of s. -KZiif. -fz(fzf-&c. ^!, Crumbs, crumbled mass, f flfTT or fTTOw. 'fTtn- fTTi«-
fijawn. tirsw or with g.of s. 73^. To Crumble, v. a. break into small pieces. TOTTq or R-
——. . - .

CRY 16 ? CUB

ttyc °r> rv »»• * rum. - Rcmm . - jh ji <t«i. &c . c- v. To Bawl, ski?5 or !'
arrc^T, VraTrRT, STr^TRT »n. - 3Tr=RT5T m.~

?r S'°f °- aTr^T-rn.- &-c. ^T®T' —with plentiful tears, rfocioi- g'oiicAf- SSbJi-

r^-rarrsEr-vT^irar-vrOTrsEr-^s^ss’ - wax^s- t=g-

To Crumble, v. n. RUT, RURTni. &c. Cft g.of s. Pruir. -

2 down fall ;
to pieces —a wall of sand. & c. ^5RT, 3TUT ZWf-ZW^H-&- 0 . rRrrRR-&c. Upftn. in. con.

Crumbling, Crumbly, a. soft, friable, fyc. SERP^^T, TRWT#?, C r/. #?“t, VRr/ pi. UPRRV arm.—un-
jrew#fT, fjfslfr, wr, jsf ar, fturr, fircsr, fer or nr, governably, unceasingly, &c. y +tdH'l'a.Tf adv. V?or, 'gotm.f. §®r,

%uur, mf. rrfrm.-aritm.

7b Crumple, ®. a. rumple, &, c. RUT, ;

fU3^T, frRJTSR or fR- ^“T, sCvTT TOTm.-TOM-- tmm.- &c. rr f.-f^n.
uurr, Rterefarm - JTP3W - 55T#'.— sohbingly, &c- rW"I, or 5Tfvr-
mw, ipr^r or ap^rur, pR°t, jjtut ,
«jS5 or stf. trRR-^RR, RUFfin.-RT^m -SUJTSRn.-R^nrtRfl. g-JTf% U3R or^RT^-nrrt ^3R‘4nr=T-&c. ur5!.
-&c. xfxg.of o. 4 — <K

esp. of children; agreeing with whine,


whimper, wawl, pipe,

Crumpled,^. & a. v.V. RURr, unwraw, RRRRT %R5rr, &c. snivel, fyc. $Rrot, ^TTr’0!, "izpff, %5FTrr°T, RTO5!, if-
1 a horn. j2T, JT3TT. gruT, frsg-wq, srrfi srn'f-rr-r^f adv. ^r^r,
rrff or zwrm.

Crunk, Crunkling, n. y.V. 3TRRR/. ( intern sfTRlRni. grRRT- RfVOT, fucw, f^TOor, jcrgOT, •>«rg?T5r, 5 « «'«/•-
Rf cfTRRRir RTRRRRrm.).
or &c. grrSr-erruar, furvfew, PrvftR^r, ftwriwr, wrur^T, T-td/-
To Crunk, To Crunicle, v. n. cry the crane. UiRRiRR or — irr%, ?rr?f or a-rff w.
fa^feiRTr intern. 3TRTRR. 5 — an animal, gener. or 9T'G3T a r, T¥K°T,
Crupper, sit/. JRRt /.
— a bird. ar,TU% —the elephant. or ftf^TfaST, RT-
Boss (of silk, silver, &c.) on a c. tf^ni. 5T%,f^Trr5T, r?rrR"T, &c ^rrSf.—the crane. f^RffUT-

2— a. belonging to the leg qPTTRr, UPTtfcrT, SfifuT.

Crural, or qpepft ^ii'r,
RT^T rrffni. ^“T-^T- — the bandilcote. ^rV“T, VT-

Cruset, n. See Crucible. u°m. g^tr.

To Crush, v. a. break or bruise by squeezing or pressing» rR- 6 out upon; on; against. =TRR fksvT-fR/. *flTT-3T^»i.

rut, ru?r, %<°t, rrut, jflfuir, %5Tj». urur g.of urvSr'&c. g.of o. ^rrurRT j uunu-fPTrrrm.-&c. urv-

°r, o.

2 mash, jam, fyc. by squeezing, v. To Squeeze. fRTRR, fR- ng.ofo.

fRTRR, To Cry, v. a. See To Proclaim. 2 up; laud, v. To Praise.
R3"R5"fli. - RR «• - & c. tfrur g of o. ffercm -gtdf.-mntmt /.-firftTr f.-grg%f.~gTmf-&c. m-
3 “overwhelm, S>-c. v. To Subdue. RURRRR - RTR - TFTreTR- gg g.of 0 .

«r«R:-&c. spur, few, rpsr ^Rrin. rtut, rpsr- 2 down; v. To Depreciate. g%Uorrm-3-oim t/-V“rR/.-
qten.qRR g.of o. tp /. <FUTgv>/ o. sptR firaRR. ^Rul/.-snriwOT &c. iVT-am
Crushed, jt>. v.V. 1. §R3RT, RTRRT, RRvRT, &e. Cry, Crying, n. v. V. N. l.-act. #V3Rn.-&c. aTrr or mKgf-
2 iRRstsT, RRRRRr, & c . OT, fciTR. J^TITTO. JSFTm. STtl£[f.

Crushing, n. v.V. 1.—aof. ZRRn. RR°Tn. &c. 3RRT/. RRRt /. 2 tq-furnt. uiTWn. ?TC /•
act. fRT3Rn. RRUTn. RRRRn. &e. RTRRin. RURRRn. 3 5C3Rw. rf. XX f. x:xii. rrtm /. or KXHn.
Crust, n. external coat, case, incrustation, fyc.' tfiRRn. 3uNft /. —aloud, &c. %CsRn- STV3" or aflT®' /• STR^Tm. SfXSffiXSf.
urn. RUTm. STRTPTfl). STTOVTin. sTr^Vn.
C. of dirt, fqrUTn. f\Zn. 5 4rU3VTn. ariT^/• ^XXSf. 3TSTJR- — of a bird. aTPCWl/.
2 (over a sore, &c.). RRR or zsn. JRU3T dim. WFftf. RPTRn. STITVTn. — of the elephant. Rvisit or f%qfTR?l/. —of the crane,

RTRR/. rrfrnt. — of the bandikote. ^KPTn-

3 as peeling off, v. Peeling. qiqRTin. UFTt^f or ZXm. UW3TW- Cryptic, Cryptical, a. v. Occult, rjf, urp-f.


RRTRotn. RqTRT)ii. Crystal, n. xfrfcXm. VHTfrgrn. ^TRRTf^Twi. fUciTVn- ^TrfrRTfWfu
4 outer hard part',— of bread, RaRTin. ®krw»»-
5 piece of bread. #T/.in. ^TWm. fR?T#tM. RfrffCin. tRR- Crystal, Crystalline, a. ^qrfr^Tpfr, TUifr^iTU, ^EUnir^r, XX-
#cm. RrauNr jgrsrm. fr^w, wfrurPnr,
To Crust, v. n. gather into a hard covering. tfRsrn.-y'Tviim.- Cub, 11 . fcRfn.'UWm. 'RT^nWm-
&e. RUT. Cube, n.— in geometry, tprrn.

Crusty, * Cubical contents. tRTOwTn.

a. 'RRRTRT, $iRtRr.
2 crabbed, v. Cross, URR, I3TRT, RTS. 2 — in arithmetic. tJRnt.

Crutch, ». JR37/. Square of c. tHURnt. UJftRm

To Cry, v. n. speak loudly, vehemently, If c; v. To Bawl. Cube-root, n. tR^yrn. tRUcfn. FyTn. 15m.-
fr^Sr, %OTr, j^rrvr«. Cubebs, 11.
/. grfVJTTrtTn.
2 unto, to; call upon in prayer, IfC. fmim.-vgffn. Cubit, n. measure from the elbow to th£ lip of the middle finger
wmf. pl- TtrubT. fRrnt. nsrm. xrh'ftf.
3 weep. V?“T, or xfn. in. con. Kf. \f.-^t 2 — to the tip of the little finger. apC^fm.
%%n.-^3R or ffggn.-Scc. gr?MT, W^ U^.—out, aloud ;
8 — to the hand clenched. 4?rfR»». jaTm.
f ' J


Cuckold, n. husband of an adulteress Cultivator,
. 3\OTPTirrro. n. v. Agriculturist. §TO r
iir, ^' nrCl,
Cuckoo, m.—the Indian. pop. §^r,
fPrt, f Stay, &RisMr,
f fErftfr.
or t(%&f ) STO^m. Tw pop qtgTm. Non-resident c. %-ff,
Cry of the c. ^Wn. fqwn.
To Cumber. See To Encumber.

Cucumber, w. f%Um. ffrfgro&Kn* Some of the common Cumbersome, Cumbrous, a. burdensome, embarrassing, un-
species are e^BFiSt, 3r5Rf?TO, p#, TTOFSt Wfr'TRt wieldy, §c tnfc, sRrar, a?^, aqqifg- j jjRvr, frs,
Cud, n. fp-Tm. ^rTO%TftflBWit. ’TOTft^ftFflvrti Cumbersomeness, Cumbrousness, it. v. A. apRS'qvTrm. ar^-
Chewing the c. ffipT pop. tP-Im- Ciqn.m. /[pm GT4 /. &c. t^Tr^nrr /.
*r?jnr /. Cumin-seed, pop. i^rn.
^mf. STSff Htf
To chew the c. CRFf or p# or TOYRT, CPTm.-CT^n*. aRTO.
Single seed of c.
To Cuddle, v. n. he close ^TOT-fr^Te^-ST^R -&e. Cunning,
rvj £v * ^ G, Cv
pFsT°T,? VS a. hnoioing, v. Skilful. 5rrf°Tr, sTJT, pI3, fftFR^l,
ffSRRT, 51TW.
Cudgel, n, #Tf or eirfm. dim. fljraTn. ff'g'Tr or Eprarr or fm™. 2 sly, subtle, crafty, wily, artful. STT^TST,
dim . ?m or ?r°T 3T«. or dim. or %\ijf or fh JiiiTt, ^qfr, ^rwrral,
-f#, 5rr, m, m^nr,
-gcfiiu C 7fm &fzirrm. &£ru>n- zwyfn. fSJTm. «WRt, arrwRrr, rrt, p°0,
iTcr^ft, ^rrRr, flt-
Conflict with cudgels. &$[&£[/. w, p, pr, ?r(mr, Jis^Rir, or it,
Cudgel-coaxing. d^Ff^FTw. #£gFiW?i. swf^rrar.
Cudgel-playing. mmf\f &%{&$[ ^rqrtfg/. Cunning, b. art, v. Skill. srff°mh. p'^F if. pq/
To Cudgel, a srfem,
v. . 0 ?’ ?FRFT, ff°rPT, S«T- ff^TTfr /. RTfjfn.
f5T?lcrr/. ^hEFeJTn. W».
^T^r, fi#, grCT g*.o/o. 2 artfulness, craftiness, craft, subtleness, icildiness, §c.
Cue, n. v. Tail, tfasn
Gv "vS
3T y/. WW/. SPltSTPCt/. ^7?:n. *rriWm.
2 hint, Sj-c. Hpr/. Cfpn. ?TRTn. grrqsrit. %a^Tit. 5Trsr«. 5T5PTF /. RRn. fpr/.
To give one his c. ^m. l}/), Cunningly, adv. v.A.2 and Artfully. 5TRR, =ST5IFr?'FRr^',
3 humour, temper. |j% J. jq^n. fpTn. rrtw-&c gr^r.
To be in the c. for. ^ MtFT or ETTf'T g-ofo. Cunning-man, it. one who tells fortunes, discovers lost goods, fyc.
Cuff, n blow with the fist, v. Blow, pRUm. pt/. JjfenilTin. wr,
tfiw, srjtrst, c^r.
gfesiRTirt. Cunning-woman, n. J'gssor or pr;%T /.
2 (of a sleeve). Jjfart/. Cup, n. mzRJm. mttf. «5TSr or Wm. CTR». 5fk or STRitt.
To Cuff, v. a. v. To Beat. tTRCRFr or •erw#, gfeiPirJTm. To have one’s c. full (of joy, desire, &c ) zm n. JTY«f
3TOT, ^TO3f°T.
g °f s-
2 (of a flower, &c.) ^l€t/. ifRtt.
Cuirass, n. v. Armour. TOtSFTn. g'5TfrtT«. 3 See Cupping-glass. 4 cups. See Carousal.
Cuisir, n. v. Armour. tfqrfPTB. To Cup, v. a. p3)/.-trfr/--?rfn.-&c. Rq5j--4rr2r5T or ssrjq
Culinary, a. relating to cooling, fyo. ^TOIRT, <TRT- 5CWM. 5Tr5R,ryJTRYiirM. SST5R.
fsro fror¥-3#t, r^stowf. 2 —by scarification. qrooR nR^-JTOT-RT^T.
To Cull, v. a. v. To Choose, t^T, *3R°T. Cup-board, TRffa: or qtirfrrss or TT^tTlTn.
n. JBR/. /•
Cully. See Gull. fSTfm.
Culpable, Culpability. Sec Blamable, &c. Cupid, n. JRTifni. aRRin.
Culprit, n. aprtnft, aTTO#f, TOTF^it. ffoRITn. Cupidinous, Cupidity. See Covetous, Covetousness.

Cultivable, a. v. V. 1. rFTOltRr, RJFPi&Er aTrRflnsfrrjT, &c. Cupola, n. prut. dim. pet/, tperefqrw. wrarHi/t. 3Tnn.
To Cultivate, v. a. till. RT^rSf, =TPrc°T |opir, ^rf/.-TR'Tt/.- Cupping, b. v. Y. pit amn. j-p ^tf^Tn. See.
n^pr/.-fRr/.-qf#'ir«.-&c. ^xfig.ofo. Blisters raised by c. ^
iFFaW-ivc. arm. Incisions previously to c. HTWQT J pi. v. IFIT, arr^T-
2 raise hj tillage, qfon. gr rfi\ g.ofo. «ft#/.-^m=fT/. 3TOT Cupping-class, n. cupping instrument, /fi} or ^ftn. rfp [
g.oj o. CTf pt%-&c.
; l

fTOW-TORT gvJ[«T. 4TOor%5rn. RRn.

3 (the faculties, &c.). iTSim f.-mmi/.-Sic. JjTOr, 3RPR, Cur, n. worthless dog. gTcT^n.
q®#, fiR#. Curable, a. v. V.
5IP-tr f^f^Rr^T,
1 . 2. g-qrTOrW, (

Cultivated, p. v. Y- 1- U#5T, &c. #<r /iTOK, Gpgfp, fR-f^TWfk, Prfe*iF, gWRET.

GWp hphsP, irr%, fR,

Curative, a. v. V. 1. 2. (p TO Wir<T, friTR4r r^-& c. ;

Cultivation, Culture, n. v. V. 1. awe? Agriculture. GRTn. Curator. See Keeper, Guardian.

Src. th?V- ^Rn. fPT/. fftRjfn. /- YR^T/. "5TT- Curb, it. (of a bridle). mi\f. if^/r /.
afrf. ifitif. q^rn. ^r#twr or g-f|ar, 2 fig. check, control, v. Restraint. 8T(TO«i. STITO 0!*!.
3 ^UT#K. WRr? / JT5TR5r/. aifRin. fzRn. aTP^r^f /. arfeiifr/.
— — , — — . '

To Curb, v. a. check , v. To Restrain. 2 qFcrrs'm. TO^m. JT^lTm. V|ivr/. VWfe/. ^fg" /. f-
urcSr-S-#, m/. sr^iiffife'/.
f atvirioqTPr / ^Rrfrffrr/. frorgf or ^rsrm.
Curbing, n. v.V. act, 3TFTC°Ttt. &c ^Tr^n. ^Tr^U°T« ^TiTTIm, Wfef.
Cubby, n Jriei stalks o/holcus sorghum,
. m. lac. particular coin . ^[07??.

Chewed and trampled c. stalks. Current, a as money. . —

Curd, n. coagulated p art of milk ^Tm. fesfozr or fevfaSn. %- Not c. iTTO^.
2 prevailing popularly , flowing TOSYrTr, Wrf, Iffe^T, TOfsFT^T,
C and whey, 5Tff n. 3>Tn. TO^T^rFer-se, sr^rir^trrfr, mCt, ^^rvrfi^r, at-
C. conglobated by churning. ITST or £T|J m ^TTHrq-TOTgTTO, ^rwff^T, TOJTR, arTTOtt^T, SRTPTTO.
Nodule of c. 3vfit or TOri#ETTOr /. TTOrar or FciTOn. ftTOZl/. 3 as the year, month, &c. running. TO'^TOT,
Ftort /. 4 a word, &c. WZ.
Rivers of c. and whey. ^PTOTO f-pl Current, n. flow, course, lit. fig. v. Stream, afrqm. TOf m.
Vessel to hold c. and whey c#r? fr or CCS) or TORT/. TOT- •-irv/. #fTm.
W?». 2 rivulet, &>c. v. Stream, sfrgfm.
To Curd, To Curdle, v.n. 3TTO, iffTO, Fto#T, TO fpff,ctf«. Currier n. v. V. ^klT or =TOflT, TO?T, 'TO^rRT.
#r ff- of s. Kubber of a c. TOrm. VWfM. VWt /•
To Curdle, v. a to#, (toto, qz JfTTO Currish, a. hlte a cur, §c.
f TOrerTOr, fV ^rff ^tTO^r.
Cure, Curing, «. v. V. 1 act. TOTdtTOn. 3?rVf*TTOn. See. f[q- To Curry, v. a. dress leather. ^TJfrro or gTWrTO, VRTO,
TOrfrorTO«- Ac — state Pr- TO.

Cnflwni. fiviTORr/. vrffgrv/. 2 (ahorse). TOTOm.-TOiU/. o/o. ^fr5TT“T.

1 remedy restorative. TOPTwi.
, 3 (favor). See To Flatter, To Fawn.
To Cure, v. a. heal .
—a patient. Curry -comm, n. iroVTm.
vnT7-^rrcrcrJT-fwpr-&c. c&ro, 3Trrw«.-5Tfr?:4ifTr/. 1%. To Curse, v.a. SfiTO, VrrTm.-^TFJTOr'Tm. TO, STfelTTO, stPt-
2 remove, heal a disease. —
TOr^TTO,^ TTTO, SiTOTO, PT^f- SlTTOn.-TOTn. SfTTO, STpfSM TOn- - ^T'd, t>4 1

v| f%TOn. ^TTO, ff^n.

^«.-Tltfrrm.-^«^n.-f^vrem.-5rifcr/.-&c. totos ofo. -
. p)l. JTfTO, %oj-.

3 preserve with salt, §c. ^PCITO, waTC-FTOr^ TOTO, JTpTn. C. it ! burn it ! blast it ! foul befal it ! ruin seize it ! &c. 3fsr,
giro, tito. TOr 3T3T5?r, TO3J BTJT^r with «r or *T, ^q^f ^TOTr, STTTO^,

Cured, p. v.V. 1. 2. TOrTOTOr, &c. jppfflT, PrfTOftT, ^CfJT, TO stort g- ofo. srvsrrar with Fwitot fldfl-
toPt, Ftototto Curse, n. Wim- TOP^Wa. 3TPT51Tq-»i. FfS^aRTm. ?mm.
Curer, n. Curative, a. v. V. 1. 2. TOTgrTOTO, TOT CTOTOTO Delivered from a c. STiTTO, fTOPT.
shrt- frtr, CrjnTO,.uTOTOr, Uto, stow toto-toU-swto Effect of a c. 3fftRTO»n. PTC m.
&C. To deliver or free from a c. STrfpsnTm.-^rrTgpfi/. 3TTO,
Curiosity, Curiousness, n. v. A. L ^T^TWrw. ^W¥jf§:/. •sxfJfq-m. pop. 3;5TrtTOJ- S'^rT or 3^5IPTi». TO.
Prorat/. wror/. iror 3mV$f^gTOr/. to 1
To take effect, —a c. gTffni.///. <TS% with TO of o. ffpT^Sr/.
ttostoftoto/. TOTOimfw/. TOTOTOTOr/ TTO with TO ofo.
Idle e. TOTO/. Cursed, p. v.V. 5TPT5TO, &c. ?rfTO, STff, arfJTOT, ^TlfTO, PTT-
1 « c. curious thing. TOTTO /. TOW. qflpTn. TO f. TOff, vrrTOTO.
Curious, a. inquisitive, prying pfrTOfT, FliTO execrable, detestable, v. Hateful.
I ^PTT#, 5FV, *11%^,
fsiwnj, grog, arT^^ror, tottostoftof, ^totcw, to 3TfffirolTO, srPrlvrc, 8?fffpr?r,
TOT°TnErffr, #RrTOrv,ViTOPC or Ittoto, cr#, totoT, Cursing, n. v. V act. srrq TO«. &.c. 5TTOn. sTW5TrTO«. 3TR -

srorr, srRrorr. 3Trf3TORw. CrffTT^ar or -TOfs? or ffrfTOT-

2 novel fyc. v. Strange. PfTOIT, ^PjTOTr, ST TOT R T. limf.
3 wrought with art. grar[f eCr^T, 3rSTO[?prNr, TORfflRT, TO Cursorily, adv. v. A. SHTTOT, TO%TO, TOTO, 3-TO3-TO,
sr^fsTwr^r, grorfroNr, itort, cTOrraTrr. TORTC^ff-
Curl, n. (of hair). 3v5iTO TO^n. %TO 3TTOTW. fff'Tn, Cursoriness, n. v. A. TOraUwr™. TOTOTOTw. ^TO^TVTOTm.
3TTO /. fTO or gr3r?rm. ar^m. Cursory, a, hasty, superficial. TOremr, TOTO’TT, ^TOTCTT^r,
To Curl, v.a. (the hair). %TOn. ejt^T, TOm. Ipt. 5TTOt^r, 3-TgJf
2 twist, bend over, crisp, sftto qpTO, "^TOTV 3TTO, IJVTO, To Curtail, v. a. cut, abridge, shorten. c. ?-
vror toto, toto, ato /• gtTO, or'Azm. to. % TO, Sizv), ^TTO, f(mm. TTTOg-.o/o.
To Curl, v. n. bend into ringlets. TOra^f, ^ttoCfK Curtain, n. TTOfm. TOSTTOTOwt. TOfffSRT/. vfTQtCr /- fTOW-
Curled, p. Curly, a v. V. JTO or pop JTO or JTOZ-
• fTOl/. *
Curmudgeon, See Miser. Mosquito c. ipcTOPHt /.
Currency, n. v. A, 1. ’qr^f. TO=Tn. String passing through the rings of a c. TOTO!/.
Cessation or depreciation of c. srrar/. Curvature, n. v. Bend. Tfar or mmn.m. ffTTOn. TOM».
. \ T

cus 170 CUT

Curve, n —in geometry &c. ^rqi^frT/. srjqfafm. JpT wi* #F^T¥, ^rOT^iTFrr^r, cfr^fT-

Curve, Curved, a. v. Crooked, 3T3u 3T, Iter, W, ^for- fflm, qmi^r, ^c. f^rfrwT-
^T, vz, &c. wpt^Ft, wmJRPT, rt-
To Curvet, v. w.— a horse. qriw, ^r^T, f^T, \3^T. srnipsgT, ^roniftrar, ^fwnrRRrc, ottttPrt, sm^frR^r^- 53fT“

Curvet, n. v. V. &§tf. &q?fn. ^fRn. fF?C¥, Trrfi-ir, trpRr

Curvilinear, a. consisting of curved lines . ,
2 habitual . pTcq-qT^Trf^T, qT^FT^r, WTfST^T or R-
FRwr, wror?T5T, TK^r^rr, Tff^rr-

Cushion, n. stuffed case to sit on. JjTcflr

/ ipfcSTwi. sRvft / 3Tf5Jfw. fr^T, &c.
2— to lean against. F^TT^rm. dim, fcprrsft/. cJWwi. ^RTni.n. Customer, n. constant dealer with . ^cJTWF or TTF^Tf, ftFfrfqr,
Cusp, n. horn — of the moon, &c. ^T3jn- fWFTn. ^rf^r, ^ftwre, w?tr.
Custard, n. CfTfl/. To Cut, v. a. WF, qrm^T, %^°T,
Custard-apple, n. the tree. ifftVK&n.pop. fecfPTT^ or f^RTHTT- 2 (pay, wages), clip, reduce. ^TW,
^WT/. 3 hew, c?^ oj?; 4rc. HfW, ^FW,
2—the /rwfc. #Tnv5^o/?. ftHTTF^n. ^TRTrc. grFPF^w —
4 as speech, &c. bite, sting, tq^, sffW, ^TW.
Custody, w. cure, keeping,?. Charge. / Cf^T 0!/. fc- 5 off; away from. ^rW^TST^T-W,
WPT/. PfOTT/. ^^Vn.-pTfWn.-pFffcf/. ^TT^t,
2 imprisonment . #1/. sfcm G off; render extinct . or qT-UT (esp. in comp,
Custom, ?l fashion , manner practice usage.
, , /. as w^pc^rf?*— cfT| f^cS' if— t ^^ oj)
f^qT^pop« f^: qTcf -m.

(tfapop. CRT/ qPTni. WOT ww. r^rfeeTr or rW- - r^rqf c, ofo.

cm. wPrpop. tot/. qfwr^i. qr^m. q-rcr™. qirrcSterw. qr- 7 out ; shape*form. ^T-3TRT®T, ^f^=T
?:qx?r5n. tRrit/. qfa/. Ftto or t?nsr«. *Tr*p». srcrm. ^t- 8 short; break off (a matter). HqFT^T -ff m =KT m %- . .

crm. c^rft/. efr /. c^r/

to/. otrt«». wrem. wr/. ^ or
SRPT, W^fm. '
#RTm. arr^rem. BTHTW^ STTSTtwi. ’sprf/. ^TCHC°Tn. 3WSTOH. 9 up to pieces; v. To Kill.
; 3TRW (and ^zvj To be cut up),
According to c.

Ancient c wr^PCm. 5#5»n. |OTtTO/. srqf°T, To be cut up).

Customs and manners, — compreh. or collect. aTI^ITf^PCw* To Cut, v. n .
— teeth or a tooth.
C. and course of the high and honorable. %2TvTR?n. Cut, v.V. A. 1. ^TT^r, die, 31%,^^, fevf, ^fe?T, f-
Family e. »i
jjjwq m. fcr,
General e. wfsiT^rwfc. qfsrfeTWw. 5Rfer- Cut, «. qfTm. %Rm. f[Zf
fwrm. 2 shape , cu^, v. Form. W?n. ^/. /, stfEM. %F%ni.
National or local c. S’^r^FCw. Of the c. of. wr^rr, ^rft^r.
Popular c. ^TiFfRTW- 3 stidpc, v.Lash. tfiJcRTm.
Right or good e. Rtoq'WTTw. 4 picture, srfl^rq’n. /.
2 a c. a practice an usage, , OT'SfpTm. ^[Vf. ^Ifff pop. 5 ^/mr^ ro«<7. vsf^5^^|T /.-^^Trm -&c. t

A fixed and firm c. Cut-purse, Cut-pocket, n. ^r^T#C,

According to the c, ^r^lwr. Cut-throat. See Brute.
3 wo»f. ^T55* / TOTro. aTwrow. ^(ZT /. ftfir/wjp. Cutaneous, a. relating to the shin . cTpf, ^$#1,
Tf^fZ/ qftWm. TOTJTw. ^cT»i. OTrfrm. *Hw.
4 practice of dealing with fiRT^T/. . C. disorder. rWTTTjn. WffTO/.
To have increasing c. j^TRn. %fZ*fg. of s, Cuticle, n. scarf-skin , v. Skin.

5 perquisite upon purchases .

2 pellicle, v. Film. iTWw.
6 jto goods . srerrff /. tyr^r#* Cuticular. See Cutaneous.
Farmer of customs. ST^TfcTTn;* Cutis, n. /•
Custom-box, C .-booth, C.-stand, &c. w. ^r%n. *EPR> Cutlas, See Sword.
Custom-house, n. qFSrrt /. Cutler, n. %RT,
Custom-officer, n. «nKW, Some particular officers of the Cutting, p. a. v.V. A. 4. &T°T^T, *n¥f, WT, Fff^,
customs are SPRIT, ertefr, qrRW. Cutting, n. v.V. A. 1—^eA aRTWn. &c. %STw. I^w. ^F^w.
Customarily, v. Commonly. iTR:, xtfTkT:, RT-
qrwRTt C. and clipping, lit. &l fig.

Customariness, n v. A. 1. Z/. n%f'fef. fefe/ qf?Z~ Cost of c. mmf^f

ww. wTi/i. wrtfe. xrrFwtrr/. I cuttings; chips, shreds, clippings . ijf ZWEm.f
2 qftqiSfffc. ^mf <Tfm. TOCTm.
I See Frequency. Cuttle-fish-bone, «t. OTSTTOw. Rff™-
Customary, a according
. to custom or established usage . SFFTftt. Rfrffwi.
, — . ,


round of time. ^T«- WTOVr- Dad, Daddy, «. y. Father. *rri». ^TRTm*
Cycle, n.
Dagger, n. Some of the common kinds are 5faT or
tW, T5r^TOn- fRT/ m. RTTm.
Year of the c. of sixty. These are V W?, ^ $. lifittm.
m, V° To be at dagger’s drawing. HTfCW ~ ?RW?TO- JTRTOTTt^
\ «Wnr, * $tpr,

•nr, 3 tor-, K jrtptRt, ,

\X ^ (d v8 V\ fro-
9W*PT, ^
v^. top?!, fw*r,
-&c. TO.
To Daggle, v. n. f«RrpFTO, 553TTTO.
V-sTOPP, v«. WPPT,

efwvt, & ^ ^ ^ ft-ertfr, ftm, ftffr, to:, Daily, a. ^Prf^RWRT, FTO, f^-

^ ^ toto,
3pr, ##t, w TOsft, frofr, frairt, tTOTr, Pr^rR-ar, 3rrf?f^, HFirriRr, Isrpth'

V 3 W \\ topto,
\£ twr, TO
8t, Rvs sfppff, firar-
D. allowance. ^P^ff/.

TO, 3 ° TOTO, 31 STO, 'd'i tor, TO PTO,

83 vTOPTO, bread. f=T?trr5rJi.

fTOPTOn. PpiT^Wii. STTf^fTTOT-

g^'r^, 3* ifWRt, trtrrtrt, tor, to to, k°
3^3 8^ D. duties, business, or work.

jr, Ppr, <TO n-^ror, TO fRSPTf, K3 rrr, TO r4tr, TO b'lJi. *TrFi-?rn.

tofisrrcr, to rroft, TO to, tom.

^ D. expenses (as of a family). >CFsPTOr ))l -
Daily, a. adv. rrR, fRfWfrsr, CRrfRT, fR# ? 5
or fRHTO, RRPfR-
Cyclops, 7i. affaraft^T,
^TTrsr, f%^, 5trt r-^th ^pj-
Cyclopedia, n. circle of the sciences f^f^f/* fWRp*/. 3T- rto, irfdFRTOf, frfTOr, frsr

^ f^rraw.
Cygnet, n. ^l&i^m.
Daintiness, ra. v. A. 1. JTRT/- 5rfR^r PTr ,,( ( ' •STf R"/ fPSRT/. *T%-

7fl&nu srrfr/-
Cylinder, n
Cylindrical, a ^f^^TFC, ^f^Wr^TC, #I^fT, W, 2 ^JfRStTOT/rt.. RPg-RTOrm- §PT^TOr»i. &e.rrfRT«r/- 5T-

5iT% armcr^r.
TO n sjTSRITr / ’sR/. /-

Cymbal, n. SfnET or % /. dim . gferd/- ^ jiop. cfR: or Dainty, n.

RflifOT. 7^PJfTn.
3TTTORTM. g?nR')n. xm^n. tiXVZ^n- T^RTw.

/. gsrft/. Sqrm./,
Dainty, a. nice, of exquisite taste, v. Delicious. ^P?,
Hurried or animated clashing of cymbals, rrsrqr^in. STSSSTf?/.

Tinkling c. empty professions, qw#^/. ^rfsrsr, fe.

2 dainty-mouthed, squeamish, fastidious, nice, delicate. >TP?-
Cymbal-player, ?i. arfoTePCt or sqr, £R^rC^, gisRiTf,
trrsrr, afrawr^, jffR^raT, jff^fsripr, rtor, rRK'r^%-
in contempt, HTSSf^TT, gfeffWr.
Cynic, Cynical, a sour misanthropic. . , J<EP3T ? fcfT^R:, 3jr^r, %^Tsr, jfrrr^r, #pmr, ^hto#p, {psrRPiPc^ipt'P:,
ftTRr#, ’t’PS-JBT, fRf^fPRfp:, RWf5f?^, rST^ffSR®, BPT^,#-
Cynic, n, ^ff3T«R w*

^fSZ^Tm. strrsi
=rr^r, wpnr, f^r^rO, f^r^rd.
Cypress-tree, n. tSW- or W&m. To ho d. qTTO, RT/. 57TO, RrRTOt^T adv. RP
One ready alike to bear c. or myrtle. STWr# 3Tfc£fl. 3 TW- °T-%TO, Him i?RRT RTO.
TO^m To become d. gRn. PTTO g-of s
Tall or straight as a c. Wfl or JJ^TT, H^FO Dairy, «.— the business. or TORn.

2 the place. TORTOt^tr^l/* TOPpr»L
Dairy-maid, n. TOWUT/-
D. Dale, n. v. Valley, zfjf. #krw- r?Krw. 5TO«. ?/ W
J_) softly sounded is repi*esentcd by «3f ; and when aspirated by Dalliance, Dallying, n. v.V. 1. act. TOPTn. &c. 5TO%Sr/*
Kf ; as harshly sounded it Is represented by S’, and when as- sps^RPlt/- ft«pr^ter/. i%'prFf3TH»»- fTOrem- tfrw%r^/. np^j-
pirated by gr. TOPTm. spTw./j/. t^r./.

To Dab, «l a, strike gently with the hand . ^PT2$T, ^TfW, ^nTZ$T. 2 JTTOn. & c. #nro/. 'Sppprf /• urpwv/. jfipsr-
2 ocwtf (something soft) against £TfW, c/. irort or fir#/, g^ar/.
8up;on;&c. feqvjr* Dallier, n. Dallying, yi. a. v.V. 1. VTOTCf, &c. ^rq%er-&c.
Dab, n. soft blow . 3TPT/. TO or ¥RHTm. gpfrh
tn^WRT, %IR,
2 sojft top, gr^rarn. ST^rwfc. 3151*^ ?raT5TM*. 2 TOFTPCT, &C. IPRWT or 5TO3T or Rfptrr,
3 mass dabbed . f^Tirr or JT^^RTm. CT^Tm. OT^rr or frroffJTOlT.

4 expertfellow. See Dabster. To Dally, v. n. toy and wanton. ^%er/.-C^P^/,-ffTO^

To Dabble, v. n. play in water or mud , gW, or ??oT, ^J3 T/.-&c. tR°T, 'CTO.
jro^r, KTsr /• #^r ?
errf^h 2 delay, idle, lose time, v. To Dawdle. WTO, JTTO,RfiTR-
2 fig. dip into lightly ,
c$re. gTW, f^^T, or ®T, #^"°T, IJTOTO, JTTOTO, jjtWTO, ^f< 5TTO, gTWr/*-3j^»T-
aqf^vfor. zxLgn. - trrffTOV/. - & c. iPTO-
Dabbler, n v V. 2 TOt^TT - .
Dam, n. v. Mother. «rr if.
* r
Dabster, n. v. Clever. cRT^r T, ^rsNf. 2 mole, lank, embankment. ^fWm. dim. y-TP?l/. TO°Tn. W-

Dactylology, « art of talking with the fingers.

# TO«. TOPCrm. 4wV°Ti»- WvC/' # cr/'^ Erss or TOTOrm- 3P^RT>n. ,



Dams, embankments, &c. — compreb. TfoTWKrm. Dampness, n. v. A. 1. STf^RTm. 3Tr5!'H2:q' airm. ^TTTm.
D. to turn off. g%T ,1
Trm. &c. n. ait&GKf #SRT«i. VTSoTr/.

Field (for rice, &c.) formed by a d. 2 g^ft /. 5rfrHr7°TrOT. &c.

3 (as in a field, across a road, dec.). xtffvtfm. Damsel, n. young woman / ^TR'TrWf/. Jf-

cfR/ e ft/- f
To Dam, v. a confine by n dam, WITfin. - qiq m.-6ic ^r^T, Bevy of damsels.
To Dance, v. n. ^iTN^T, &c. qr^°T.
&c. m&fi
Damage, n. damnum ,
v. Loss. grqpBRf* /. ^TORt/« To d. and skip about, v. To Frisk
srqrqm. To d. attendance on &c. ^fTFT
srsnft or qrc%/.
2 harm
detriment, injury, v.

2W c?’
3 reparation for injury,


J^TFT*Tl/* ^rFFTl^Tr q-
/. ^T- g\ of o ^rtfCTrn.

d. for joy.

#r, tq|q* RT^T.

w w,
WWg- °f °-

’Fpin. - trqvsf m - & c.

To Dance, v, a,
or Dance, Dancing, n. Y.N. npq'ni. qs'qn.
To Damage, v. a. v. To Hurt. sTrff®T, F'RT^P’T ,
i%- v.

EFfaT. D. m a ling. ThT5?T5Jcq«.

Damageable, a. v.V. ^Tr^rr^lT^rHT- &c FYT^rtnWJTf- & c. HF5T- D. with gesticulation. cTFrqn.

*T, fl'JTSJt,
Lively and merry d. mt m?-W ^ln. • Wqt«*
Damaged, p. v.v. &c SfKpr^'^s'r-irrH'^r, ^fre^r, w- 'qqtqRTm. irqsqqrH:?2i. /.

Pre To to tramp about,

lead a d. make
jpfcr, srm'fft, ^Fspt,
The d. and spoiled (goods, &c.) — compreh. or collect. ?37CT- Dancer, n. Dancing, p,a. v.Y.N. ~^q- & c. qFdT

(fsreraiii.-itr^M. &c.) qr^r, =T^qr, q^xRT.

^Tirr-Hre^r f
Damask, n. pprfln- \ disposed to dancing, qf^f. r

Dame, n. lady, mistress of a family. ^Tf/. WCHITT/. Dancing-girl, n. or qr^qqt°T /. / t^r/. q&/.
2 elderly woman, mf. *Tr#/. an#/- 3TF^ or 3Hr or sTYafr/. qqr*/. qr wrf-vwrf- mtfmf-

Dambier, n. particular resinous exudation. BTHTji. iftPTTni. Attendant on a d.

doom sfCWT sR- Bell on the toes of a d. qRKt /* or %Fn.

To Damn, w. «. to hell.

3f^r? Gallant kept by a d. §fqFC m.

2 cause the eternal punishment of. ^TT ?rr 0'- 3T'?nT€OT-&c. ^ °T
: ; Girl bought and bred upas a d. (or actress). ^Rrqr^RT or qf-

-TR?sr, 3T«firrRr/.- :T’r^'W' 3r't5T-?’5r. ^qrHr^/.

3 censure, blame. 3TTtn. sflW-H3tq -&c.

ERT°T- Male dressed and dancing as a female. qpqf qpqfui.

3T#. 5rw«*. qr^r /. /. qqt°r/.

Damnable, a. v.V. 1. 2 Master or keeper of dancing girls, q^qpqfqw.

Damnation, n. v.Y. 1. 2 -act TOTW STPTn. &c —state. 7- Musician attendant upon a d. OTtTrw. — reproachfully.

T[\Hf. ST’lfiTiY/. TOT»n. WOTm. sWJffirm ^qrm.

Damp, a—of things. aftsrJHC, W&£, TRT, ariRH:, 5TPRT, Tn**, Robe worn by a d. q^Tr^fw. f

3^:%^, %£ or f^trrrFr, sr^g^rr, ^Ti’T^sfrr* Dancing-master, n, "m, ,


To got d. HR2I"T, ^sFor, JJYYT, SYSm, 3T?T#, 5 -J|s3t, fm.

Dancing-room, n. ^T^r^r/. ?pr-
2- of the air, places, &c. SEKT, TTO-C, ^TSTYT or ##^r. OTm.Ti,

Damp, n. moist air. /• HT^T'iT/. Dandi-prat, n, urchin , Pqzf^Tni. f^TO<3Tni> F^TTf^t/.

To Damp, v. a. moisten, aftar# or nffsrW, #^r-%TH2:-sT|-- To Dandle, ». a. irfflTC-^r^ VW^n. wyr g. of o.

5>&C. tRT°l. Dandruff, n. 3WTT or irRRTw- "

2 depress, chill, dnllen, <§c. F§rFff 3" m / - S'Wrfl^Ti/t . - ®TT5I r- Danger, Dancerousness, n. peril. Win. >TRiTm. BTf-

JftTm.-finrrYr/.-WiTiii.-vIrc. tFTr°T g of o. jgW/.n.^rni. JK^Tn. tFFF«i«.
g. ofo. ^^TSPfn.-gRtM. «qr^“T with spc of o. itifvr, 2=R#. 2 (of life) v. Jeopardy. nmfaTn. fsur# or gpTOlHTOrw.
Damped, p. v. V. 1. %5#®r, sTr^r Sra^r, &c. v. grTOtfin. Jn^nrin.
2 &c. flrgg, ff*rer&<*r, JTtrsar?,nirr5T. Dangerous, a. v. N. 1. WTr, YfWRT, #237ir^r, «WT, #?!#,
Damper, n. Damping, pT a. v. V. 1. aftssiYnTO) aftsTSKW- toty, par, *ratp-.
*T, &c. 2 gr DT5rTO' ar, :
trr T
ij !
3?'fr Tr, f«nnrc^T,
; w°t-

2 ft^r? nrs-qro, &c. #srr, ^rfKSRr, ^rH'snr. UPcf^Ft, f^rTORr, tU'Ttff (in comp, as HT»rtd^fe d. counsel. JrPT’KT-

Idamping occurrence (ye. JfR^fB'n. S:

Tffnr a d. business).
'Damping, n. v. V 1.— act silaT ^?Tn. &c. To Dangle, v. n. hang loosely. ajrssY’T, or jw, 5n-

2 —act #3%. q-Rtqi^tn. &c. Ft^R/.m. ^BTfWSPTB. STT- toot, vzvm, 5TS# or tr®#, trs^irw, f^®r, m-
5rr>f«Rii. ®Trar>TJrm. 3FF, flaripr, F?5nr35r, aTR^^rtm.-^r^^rm. ^-5SW.
— — /


2 fig. hang about or after. 3TraT5T»n.-&c. epC'T g. of o. /.
2 — esp as used in amatory phraseology by Lovers and Mistress-
-*£cr /. g-ofo. jrr?r-5E"555 rt-Tr3l i
g. of o. es. itacoft/. TfR^TM. 5 ^/. fq-^r or fq-f m. or(Tf»». '^m.
Dangler, n. Dangling, p. a v. V. 1. sqjsInKT, sflot'HI, Ac. qpTTTm.

gr^ir, To Darn, v. cl gojBf,

2 ^rrer^r ^rrfr smprrcr, & c. ^rflRrar^irtfir. Darned, V.

Dangling, n. v. V. 1 act. &c. =7r^^r or Jqrin. Darner, n. v. V. L'TT
VSKWCf &c. LTT^t
(is '

SfRTTT or jWTin. Darning, n. v. V act, ^ tT

FT?? . L -fTni.

2 —act. xp:%. 3-iiqrT#».

On >S
=rrfi ^R®r«. & c. Price or cost of d. jarqTCa; /. TTCfC or gpms /.

Dank. See Damp. 1 part denied. TTTTf.m.

Dapper, a. short and brisk s?Pfir, SJTWrjW, iR^rrW, spr- Dart, n. v. Spear, errr/. mm. dim.iTSl /• #T/• dfifi

Terr, h^rt, srarolRT, sstR^nr. Bearded d. I1T0M.

Dapperling, n. dandiprat. farf%ir«i. RJRRTm. /. D. or javelin with a string attached. %Tl /•
Dapple, a. variegated. sqsREfT or *J, f^Roif q^jft. ,
To Dart, v. a. v. To Throw. TPifc, CRPT,
To Dare, v. a. defy, bravo, 'challenge. COT - rtfs' - S/C’-IR - *T- To Dart, v. n. See To Bolt, To Spring.
fjRPT3--&c. sttstSt, ctsr %5tr°t, c^rr fr^r#, wwmm. cr- To Dash, v a. stnhe against. atCw'T, aTTJNT, Atrqr^ir, DTpr,
tst#, Rfn. trra'Efr, qpr«i. c°r, ^rare^rw. am, TpfF0!.
^r^oT-TTR®r. 2 throw water in Jlashes. RTfnf5!, raTltm./j/. 3"Cq3r-
To Dare, v. n. '<-n^ /.-&e. trot in #TTr' T. 1

con. with g of s. siitf TTrC^fR. 3T5Fr g. of s. 3 in or to pieces. (ErCW, f g. of o.

Darepol, Daring, p. a. v.V. N. and Bold. xflTj xT^TRf'iT, 3'- ;
4 out; cancel $c. v. To Deface. qTRTm JTrTTT-cSr, jfrcoT,

cft, sfr, 3TqTfr,#rr, *rr?€t, *rrti%¥, fmft, arr#r str- ^ T3 f. WC 0


°Trcr, crcrrcc ate rsr wru, ^ojrrsrr tisttrit, erfr^rr °ft- 5 confound, disconcert v.
Po Defeat. <>r ST-lRRi, vr-

srjjT^r- JI)it.-PrqTiTm.-&c. TTCq- <>. 0f o.

Daring, n. daringness, darefulness, v. Boldness, fxjTr ?/• *TT- 6 See To Dispirit, To Shame.
fen. TfrCHn. To Dash, v. n. strike against. 3TC5T“T, STTOT, 5TC5PT,
Daringly, adv. v. A. PrzilR, ’ffTT'TR, ^r?TrT3Tl%. dzz: f. vim-img- of s.
Dark, a. st^rCRr, «?RS, TOOt, 2 splash tip,.fly Off, iyc ; of water. . — OTTC^T, Ff^aor or |?raoT,
pTiW. teT^TTfT OTT'^T, ^C^-3-^TTT-Ac. ZZf.
Pitch d. JPPT or T. 3 at, amongst, through, away, he. (C^s#, ZUtztf.
2 not of vivid or showy color. tKT®EPC, TRT2:, JrCTr or Jlff- arc^r
4^%Ticw-tT3’^-sr'TRirr^-&ic. snVr-fer?:^.
Tf, *RPJT. To d. through thick and thin. vT^fr-^^T STW, /• Tir-
0 — the complexion. grrsReT, qTR55T, ^RTOrRT, 3TraRC. ts^thw.
4 v. Ignorant. ^R5r, ^RTCr, ajvrssr. 4 down;— rain, fruits, &c.c.fall violently. ^TITS^r, 2TO®“T or
Dark, n. v. Darkness. afarOn. WWm.
To go in the d. TTr^gFR'- weror-*
& c. sTR-pTm. Dash, Dashing, n.v. V. A. I—act. mfdu. arqsSrn. ,

2 v. Ignorance, sforW. sTCTRn. D. and hanging about. OTTSJ STT?/.

To Darken, v. a. 3TKnTw.-^t^ ^)iL^C®T- 9?f 0i"T- n'3R, afERTIT-
v. V. N. 1. — rtCit 3TT5i“tn. 3 Tizvin. HZ^if. xr^fm.
^-pr-&c.*ftbr. 3 and Rush. 3-Har"trt. f
f. /. /•
Darkly. See Obscurely. I display, fash, v. Snow, zmzf or tTTfCTTT j. feRSlW /•
Darkness, n. v. A, 1. fttiTpop. sj^nTin.^RTtR' or SKisfam. To cut a d. (fee under Figure.
^RTRl / sTPJTn. fR'n. ffrfflTM. II east, smack. I5TTir. ffitf. f”pr/. mf.
Pitch d ^fTERCin. qccn- <RRTOT«t. aPTDTO?i. 'l'o have a d. of. JUT3! as ?T iTR fTTOf RTTfr also TTRItf fTl-

2 Ac. srtqTrw. Rrcfr.

•3TrpZBRStTqT or ^raRRaR'Trm. 3n°t3r§!q'0]T«l. &c. Dashing,^), a. v. V. N. 3 precipitate, tearing, fyc. v. Impetu-
4 f'dKm. sf-TTITm. 3Tr«rn. sTsTFIn. ous. wpit, Kr^arr, tr-stt,
Darksome, a. z^mzfzm, TqpTFmr, wjfrtPfiT, 8T?mrr3T. I cutting a dash, v. Fine. CTRnTjSRt^, 3R^T,fT-
Darling, a. dear, beloved, favorite. 3TPT3crr, ^RTfR, vrfeT, f'TTRRR, Pirr^.
sTctfrar, *wbrr, gtfNr, ifiRTfasr, fw, 'irncr, fsprsrr, Dastard, Dastardly, &c. See Coward, &c.
«Tt^fr, HTTO, WR, cr?cr, Sttf, W[4TC, aprle, aiJTtPfifT, I/fWf, Data, n. v. Ground, germ. *nmm. iRTfin.
§RT, CmpF, Tfw, sfinfir. Date, n .— the tree. imfm. U /. RPf/.—the fruit.

Darling, n. dear, jewel, pet, love. TfrTirpT'm- HT'Tw. fsiti^T Ftt- —

TT^rm. the stone or seed. ATtsj^ /. /.
5?t®r«i. f%c??rm. ^farsrr or i%cr^T Tirana arccwk ^rar- Dates plucked and dried whilst immature. /.
4fr^(y«m. 43mfor«i. grrarm. arptrflrirn. ^tF^PTn- ^r- Lumped dates. qSTSTSjTTm. Not lumped d. W?yt ®r5fC*w.
Oi. CTdn. Spirituous exudation from dates. RKl/.
, / .


2 (of a letter, &c ). RIElR/. day of the moon, considered as By d. and night. f^rfelriR.

a d. FerF) /• RRw. Close of the d. f?RR»i. R^RURr/.

Actual or true d. RRURAt/. D. and night. ETTfTTET, 3t|rr, 3Tfi%5rpo_p. aifRSTf, sier-

3 time or period of. RTRt». ERtTin. TTUEftri. 7TT pop. BTRfqTR:.

To go out of d. jrnfMref adv ot, f qm, : RiuRr-f^Rr fR- Declining d 'SRERt?^ /• 'SRTEtTTEfin.

To Date, v. a. E^-f^R-RER-%R. Half of the d qsxm./. During or through one half of the d.

To Date, v. n. See To Begin.

Dative, n. Rpf/. RiRRn. Fine (clear, sunny) d. RfsTRm.n.

To Daub, v. a. v. To Smear. 3R°t, f^rq-or, or R- Fine (clear and cloudless) days. Pr?3 E’ DTt% fsTElin.p/.

Foul (dull, hazy) d. 3T3R»»i n.

Daughter, n. RTF or RUT/. pift/. JRlT./. jrfR'FiT/. TROT/. TRC- In open d. %n broad daylight iRTOT STRUT, ?mT ?T»7T.

Rift/. siRRr/. fTpr/. rrrt/ ffw/- ffi^rr/. efFuet/ ru/. Of a full or whole d. pJW WRRT.
Bf[f. pr/. — allusively. tSREKfFl/. '•REFTR'a. RraTTEF/ Rf- Pay of a d. ^Tsfr/. ETRin. fufEnTRTin

Whilst it is d. before night closes. fosIR, RWR57, REfTTR-

uR°fr f
D in law. RR /• TURRIT /• -RUT/• UU J #f, Rtr, RrTEfT'srT.
Son of 5fiWpm. tlffUm.
d. To go down — the d. 'TTETC RR — ITTET.
To Daunt, «.o v. To Intimidate. JRT n. - Nidi in - 3TR UR-URR, 2— natural, femm. f^m.n tlUm. urETITwi. ITirfm. <ETTER/i.

iruruRpRETiRR, urm, re^t#. AT?TiRfl. sjfjqj^m.ri. Some of the terms for the periods into

Dauntless. See Bold. which the day is divided are RER, ETTTTR, RRRRIRr 3TfR,
To Dawdle, v. n. trifle, idle, play, dally, work lazily or lan- jtp-r or ffrcR, TTfr^fR, or sifwrRff, ETgqrfTr, f-
and sTpust, 3Rifqs, EfERSU, RRqar.
guidly. wr, #RR, #7#, PrEERR, ERR, ERRR, RTRRR 7U, ftrrg^rf, ETSTHlta:

itucr, rerrr, Irtrr, fr^f, ifeRR, ur /. rfur, rrjira- 5Tafq^, &c.

vtf.n. dTER-RFUR, Auspicious d. Hfr^m.n. HRTETnt.

ir?/.-3W/. tier, i?r53T f.pi. rteFt ter. Auspiciousness of the d. fpRRT

To Dawdle away, v. a. (time, &c.). gR^FT, EtotHstTRT RUER, Biduum. fgXR».

refer, srnm. D. of the week. UR in. RETEm-
Dawdle, Dawdler,«. n. v. V. N. RERIET, EWEr, &c. REEF, D. after d. fuUETrHFuUET [yulg. fUEiUlEf ).

EW, RERR3T or 3TERT or 5TETET, fERFRJRRF, RE*, fjwfipirr, Declining days (of life oi fortune). RTR fRUiii.p/.
ERERIR, frirr, RESTR, tiWUT—and as agreeing with Snail, Eating d.— as opposed to Fast day. %RURin.
Sloiv coach, Poke, §c. some terms are EJRr, EfRRFEUf Every d. ERROR, UEER, EYR 8 7rR fEUR.

rFere, qRRRrr, rtw, err, ERlmr, err. Every other d. CRT frUEf TfE.

Dawdling, n. v. V. N, RERn. %3Rii. &c. RTRUR /. WisttrY /. Evil days, dark, blind, &c. days. /.

RiEURdF/. ERE*RE/.n. fUE-pTm. ERET?/. EE*E/ 7Er/- E« From to d. RRUTHR, sRrsfiTfT, RE1TTR.
% r/.
Happy d. afaustus dies. FFqTRrfUUEr, HrURwi.n. RRTRm..
Dawdlingly, adv. ERR, REdEER, EEEEER or E3RREE, ERE Inauspicious d . UTRRin.n. UaffarUETm. UR-TTEm UTRUTEin. TTEf. .

REE. Odd (by, extra, blank, &c.) d. STPR fuUETin.

Dawk, n. post. EIRT/. Of one d TOff TT.

To Dawn, v. n — the day. SR3E, qrrqFER, TiTTOH flR, El#». On the d. after. JEFTT fVugf i?RE fTURf ,

RER, EiME /. flR, c. CfR. — brightly, glowingly, kc. On the d. before. "aRcRT fuuef.
fcsufpl OTwr-WTR-pR-qrrw. On the third d. (past or future). %EUt.

Dawn, Dawning, n. v. V. qf|T /• EERFir.. EERREni. ^ETRT /. Roster or rotation d. qRRT FsTUETni. UTE«i.

fTETfe'w. RFREm. EErRn. 'Through the d. All the d. <RTER, RRTqUTE, ReTIfE.
At the peep of d. EREE, qRfEqff. Triduum. F^ERn.
Early d. UfrET*/. gWR». 3#«. To d. STIR, R5T; to-morrow, 3UTT, ^fuRT ; the next day, also

First glimmerings of d. RFERE ErEWn- fEEUfEEUn. STREf- the day before yesterday, UEUf ;
the third day, future or past,

^TTfprn. 3FfEE)i. REdm. tfEjpfru'n. SfrcFTj- ^EUf; the fourth day, REEF. Those words are also adverbial.

ffUTn.grRE g’rRE or grREETREm firfTET orfn. firfiTEdiTn. Unseasonable or wrong d. 3TR fpETin.
Time of d. ERERIERSFin. ERnUTR or arm. EElRn. EfJTTT/. (jp to to d. aTiRquu, anRufYdr, rruru ,

sff^|Tr/.fwr^Rr«. ##Erqor ;cr/- ^fTtqfR/. xtriewitm. To win the d. §E ?R.

TqiSFRm. Thy days arc numbered. Rgft ETriET 717^1 RF
Day, «.— artificial. f^TErwi. fcTTw. Day-book, n. EfR RERFm- EUE3T«l or RER«. EFRRYu / 7TRF R-
Advancing d. R5'#(sr/. E3Tm. f\if. ETRURrm.
All the d. long. EnTrptET, or fegqi?. Day-hbeak, n. v. Dawn. RRiUFR or arm. drierUm. WFF«. R-
Blind by d. iRTR. CRTRUm. E7F:RTRin.
— . , , - ,

175 DEA

At d. roTTOT, gtTHT? or gTOFT

Day-labor, n.
Day-laborer, n.
or 5Tt.

Trrarorc, (
w0 "

To Deafen,
To Deafen, ».
v. n.
pi- or

5TPT- J^“T g-oj s.

^ ~

XHig-oJo n.pi. or TO#' g-°f °-

man or child). t ^ A. #TOWm. #rr^»- ^TOTMKm-
^WSTni. tJTf^r 55T?m RTO- Deafness, n v.
Day-light, n. fro^TO roRfm.
^oS‘7i. pop. srTOITw*
Deal, n. See Quantity. 2 fir-wood
At d. «%TOr. „ „ .. ^
By or with d. before nightfalls.
fSTOr SJfTr frTO m- Of or belonging to d. cfTOr-ft.

3 — in card playing. TO°Tt/.

To Deal, v. a. distribute, dole, v. To Divide,

xm, fwm,
In broad
It is broad d


*»/• ^^ n-
^r#, ^
r^, «/-&<=.
To Deal, ®. n traffic in, v. To Trade.
TOTHT^Cih-. - 3"5TTT»x-

frTOFTl#/- f*TO
pTTOr, f3TOPB, frTOt^TO.
scr??rc:in.-&c. g-ofo. xw „ ^ ^ ”
In the d. 5fTOV- ,n>
OTT, «pCTWT».- 2 with; trade with, have business with. ^rffTO^T ,

To Dazzle, v a. fro#, Iffif, ff^nTyi-srsorTOnTB*

— ot, qfror-&c.
5-By55^ji.-5?T5qTm-&c. qf# with Hf ofs.

Dazzled, p.
To be d.
v. N. fifTTOTO,

fif# or fTOT#, 'TO#

& c.
TOT OT?cT#e.

To have to d. with,
with, by; v.
3-TO-^R# with

To Behave.
f. ^ 5§f

of s.
in. con.

Dazzler, n. Dazzling, p. a. v. V. fTOTOKr, &c. *feuiTOr, *T-

^I W ^ ^Worn«W,
TOrror. ^C°Tra, &c. ^TOr^t-
Dealer, n. v. V. N. 1. stTTCIT
Dead, a. exanimate. (
2 twr ^r^irr, &-c. TOnf.
m, JicWT, rnprarr, ror§, w*, fanrafr, P#s, foun or

fa%e-ft:HFr- &c. srrsro, from, roftrr , uro or ifro , ,

Dealing, r. v V. N. 1. XXshf «TO«i.
TTf#rm. mVHXJ-
^ _
2 and Intercourse. #TOn.
irmrTOrro-fro#-&c- _ .
TOTOot. ’jfiBW' JTT % f-
mentioning a dead
Some covert or softening terms used in
(if lie had been a worshipper of Wishml ),
3 and Conduct. WfXf- TO*Tn.
person are Darling. *TOP»n».
Dear, n. pet, love, §c. v.
%55TH^TpSt (if a worshipper of
Shiiva ), ^ ^r’T ^T^C-

w w Darling. ^jTT-
2 inanimate.
3 without feeling



insensible, v
, Callous,
™ WCT>
Dear, a.
2 high-priced,
€l^r, ttpt,
beloved, v.
costly, iff r if,

w, wfr, Tr?m#iTOqr, xzwffi,

. nrmWHH, JJXXtt-
sf|gpr ,
d. IF3T 3fid«'i

high degree; exorbitantly, enormously, fye.

3?S^r, WT-
irrvr ^r^r^rr,wfr-3rro-^ c T-^- &c ^’T- ;

a limb or member. ^¥1“, spj,

fTOKT or $r, f? *1®, ^TOTC fo"TO?T, To he or become d. spWT, TOUT#/- y®fa
vapid, v. Flat. H-
^ ^opfojcT ^r#,TO#T g^»-jP ? T# g.ofo.wxxf.
5 tasteless, ,

( )
iTrRnT, ’ with wr «/0.
jjErr g. of s. ^Trfrorcrni. ^ ^ ^
6 of sound, flat. BfSTr BI'^M
jwf- Dear-bought, a ifSHT
7 of sleep, &c. v. Deep. =7iT, UTO,
8 without spirit, § c. Sec Dull.
prefix, as tiTORT Dear-seller, n. JFTIW, ^F'TT, TSUWimT,
Dead, n. midst, v. Height. <# in. comp, as a
TOff^roFT in the d. of winter, &c.
in the d. of night. ^ ^
Dearly!^adv. v. A. I.
To Deaden, v. a. rom, romrrem.-rofr-
^pETm.-&c. 5(7# g-ofo.
2 ffsrr^a#.
Deadliness, n. v. A. ^rTOWm. srspfifcmrw. g^X'Jn SnWTi»’
Dearness, 3T5r%OTr«- tun. ttfftn.
». v. A. 1.
Deadly, a. mortal, killing, deleterious. #C#r, HFIOT,
2 usrirnr/. fr?#r /. ^rSf^n. ^f#lfewrfr/
grroft, ^rror, Fmro-?ro-¥rror-?nfr, (rmifror, urorrorC, *rm- pop. xxx or
^^-¥Tror-<fcc. Dearth, ». famine, v. Scarcity. mHlif
qrfiqr, iTFrorarer, *rrror, v -

^.^^^-nrRqr&er afro, Mr. pn osm. si^rCr / /-

Deadness, n. v. A. 1. JrnTOi^n. #TOrf#n. Plf». 3TO

Death, n. m^n. fffm. #/•
Jimr/. &c. greater part arc exten-
Of the following significant terns, the
8 W^T'TTw. #l«lfi». #TTOr».
sively current, sfrm. ^TTOFTn- %mtf- *1^ f^ r0Tn *

5 fetW w. pjijtAWm. &c. iFTBHdr/-_ ^«rRn-

remiss. Tftd Cw'tiHNi, HTojf^7I',n. v;x^fm^n.xnsmnt.
Deaf, a. srftTf >
SW remiss. lTOTrJT»R- z?mv- xmm- ftwPiCT/.
^'FrjTSKT ftTOKT, s rf^fC , *fa-
arsfel/. JTfrtpWFTn. <£Xm.n. JR^rWJDHfn.
f^FT«. jmp
^af# — as used of the ear* *JT¥f. ^ ^

A d. person. 7#, or WT5T HTf^ or OT Pff# /. PrqFTm.

ar&, 5firit 3KRJC a#.
. — — . /


D.— as personified gtfS' or grrsfm. sn®SPfr». cpTRlnt. Wm. 2 TfaT^r^f%&^T, ft°R£'.

spitfWm. Debasement, Debasing, n. v. V. 1. act •TRTl f^f

Accidental d.
Anniversary, &c. of ad. 8^ffrf*T/. *p- ^Ttt. &c. m^n. state. JTRfrf^/. MlffP?/. —
2 act. ffq-TO OTii. &c

Bands of
d. Snare of d.
till d. sFlFUnfirSf.
JnmTttt. To Debate, v. a. discuss v. To Argue
JT^fir/. - 5TTZT3I£ /. -

To Debate, v. ?i.
^TR^T, ^fS^T,

dispute , v

/• - ^T2Tfft
To Argue.
c ^

D abroad. fifw*rc'ir».
D. at will. f^nsTC'Tn-
2 v. To Deliberate. N^w. ^T^T, f^T’Cnr ^TOTT.
D. -struggle. The mortal agony. The pains of d. TTFTO^PTr/•

5 5^' n
Debate, Debating, w. v. V. A. awe? Arguing «FTRr^T —

^ ^TRTjft/. ^Rrr^rr^/. mtmf

2 vfv. N. TOTm. ffcErm
To Debauch, ct. seduce corrupt,
D. upon the bedstead. JaTpUTTB-
qrOT -
Exempt from d. and decay
Debauchee, ?i, loose , licentious person, Pf^Rt, T^fl, spypcfirl or
Fear of d. sftfFTOSWm.
Feigned d. JUTTOPTfl-
Debauchery, practice of lewdness „
Flour of d.

Like d. D.-like. grr^WTST,

To Debilitate, ?l a. v. To Weaken. PflT-WJC-fW*
Livor of d. «T?3i”£r j •

<Szc. ^ar,
One lean as d.
of d. tfTSt'T, *&&&, TOBPWT, Debility, n. v. Weakness, wsfrft /• OTf ^rfTOTOr'/.
One on the point
arra^KT, JK' fr^g'€, j jrv^rfwFsr, jt3<st*f, i r^w or t?- STJTcIT/.

or ^Tt^rrer To Debit, v. a. qtm-W&l-feW,

s-sr. 4^t or srpKref fr «r^r, ^ut-cr
Debt, n. monies due from ^Fvsfn. YTIT^T^.
qntr Sr#®*' mft, gjfcr, 3 $,

sleep of d. grr^Prsi /• ftqpRrr/. Debts or debt — eompreh. indef. &c. cfT^TWn .

/ OTcrr^U.
Tidings of ad. from abroad, Jjfl/.

Until d. eTR’C'drar.
Bad d. ^sflvfn. ST^TO^r/. —Account or register of bad debts.

Violent or unnatural d. S’JTO’Tm* STTOPTm. 3TRT:T».

tfSTUIm. Closing payment in discharge of a d.
Voluntary d.
D. upon easy terms.
Worse than d. UTOfalf
%3UT 3TTT TTf“T, Discharge or liquidation of a d.
To await 'Or wish the d. of. Rpi
qmtrim g.ofo.
wm*mn. 5R«TOhj m> WWn. tpft&j.
Disputed or disputable d. - be desfft.-
To cheat or elude d. W5U^Rr/- OT-

W^Jn. &c.
To draw up in d. fFTTW
Free from d. ^T^T !,
17 b^oji.
To worry to d. f3prr*nfte #1 ^UT or qt, TUHiTUT.
of d. SOT or JpT, Freedom from d. BTI^Tw.
To be on the point jpCPTra
Load of
j-tot, tm or JTunra t^ra srppr, 3rff sur <atfr, «wrilw ,

One overhead and


ears in d, cff^dr^TRli, dTSP-TCt, ^nSTT

?nfr/. aprTT g-ojs. srrfl fsrarrer sur 3 T°t, tt% v-
sfrsr #pf ^ ^ra fur, fRiur jjsm, ^raf trur ^r, # r wzizn, Kr=fr, fro, or y?, ^tjw.
or grgsur, 53:^ 2%, Principal of a d.
*p"T, ^V'farcr shut or z-suf, =rr-

Trer^n- w. Recovery of a d. WRb. dtRCTdRw.

or flickering in d. TqfT ifPT WT efUr Released from d,
To be quivering
g-.ofs. J?i? JFV cutv -f?r% Wf ado. feT R^FT ado. That is in d. WR.
Written acknowledgement of a d. ^\sFdrT«*
To have one’s eyes fixed in d. fl f*fWlg-ofs Written release from d, dTHC mn, TTC^dt/.
To Hinder. SHUT, fodT- To settle or adjust a d. or
To Debar, v. a. preclude, exclude, v.
or 2 monies due to, outstanding d.
sTR-wr^^T with,
§’ tr
RK', ¥^1-
srr^jfr- ?rtrR - & c. &R?*T. Debtor, n, wtfl, ^FlT^cf,
To Debark,??. c<
To Debase, v* a, reduce lower, v. To Degrade. TPJft/- S?T- ^rT, ¥¥¥ft, aTOHRFf f
¥pT¥, ¥^« —in bonds and notes, ftqfr

W, ¥-

&c* or PcTCFfR (from debt : and, as opposed to creditor «FT¥f

& «. or ^FT^RpfT, from T3R money).
wr, ¥C*r.
fe°T" Allowance made to a d. in durance. or
2 (coins or metals), CPtjl
Bad (bankrupt, &c.) d.

Debased, p, v. V. X. %^5T, v^c.

^qf^, mm. Good (substantial, thriving, &e.) d.
Hard (tough-fisted, &e.) d. 53RRT3n. Deceivable, a. v. V. 55HfqT-^T-#irr-TrrC?3T-&c. tFuFtoT-
Shutting up (by a ci editor) of a d. in his own house. 3T- fnrr- &c stw, sqfefTR.

tore/. To Deceive, v. a. delude, defraud, impose upon. 3"to% f ifTTT-

Debtorship, n. v. N. Rttotoii. Ac. RPlton. T%, to%, tto, IRKT, 3TR0R%. iTi-arf#, grayTin.

Decade, n. aggregate of ten. T5RT P°P- RTHTm- htrttrrt /. qrfr tto/.- w/.- uRK Tr/.-"&c.
qpfj g-.of o.

D. of soldiers. gtoton. — freely, with the power of such words as, to gull, bubble, be-
Decagon, n. fool, bamboozle, bob, bite, cozen, cully, chouse, diddle, do, fyc
Decalogue, n. SRrrsrrto/. Rrtorsrton. j?% or 4?q°r/. nrto, or sqriw, to5!, totor,
To Decamp, v. n march from a camp, garni gsto-'JS'gR RFT toto, tjfrrto, qrto, toto, ?TRrto, fsnirto, to to, toto,
-TJlto, Tfafin. 33% in. con. g. of s. 3RTm.n. RT%. fftr¥%, rpzrm. to°rg-.o/o. %irrufm • - - tona. - qtor/.
2 run away, make off. qa%, eTRii 3TC%, RiRTM. ?R%, tor/’.-ifi ;rrm.-#rqrrm -•-jCt /•-•-tor -TrsTm.-&c. to, tor^rm.
JHiarn 3TOT%, toOTm. toto, RffltoTOi. to%, tojIR n. gr- to%, frifc fR to or feto, toHtortor toto, tora to
t%, sri /• sto, sqr / §to or tor, to%, srqrrto, spto, %- jto, wirttc -ito, VTTW.-WUW. srrato, toi^«. totog-.o/o.
^r%/.-^^i^/--f:!rrjft/--giTrcri)i. to, <mirrm. to%o?-gr- ?RRC ffr/. to or to=T to" T
<q%, R3R/. ^<°T, R33n.-Rtor/.-Rtot%n. grto-sSlto. Deceived, p. v.V. StRWr, TTHTtor. & c. TRR, JRrito, RffR.
— esp. with implication of previous cheating or fraud. qfsajT / To be d be taken in. ^50%.
pi. ?R%, to-to%.
rfJTiTrm. Deceiver, n. v. V. and Deceitful, s^ornrr, ^^^TrCf, &c. qr-
Decamping, Decampment, n. v.V. 1.— act. gar grsq%n. gar- ^^rr, ht^t, 3:^1
wr, wk, to,
33%n. ijsmtf 33rton. n. A gay d. RRf, >f#.
To Decant, v. a. pour off. grtorg-3333g %R%. Deceiving, Deception, n. v.V act. 3RR%n TTHton. &c. 5RT-
To Decapitate. See To Behead. w/. RfTTRtR- / qrtor/. TRRtt. qto/- wv°m- xmrw/. st-
To Decay, v. n. fail, sink, become impaired, v. To Deoline. to*.—sfrifc. 'KTTRff/. WWf TTQVTR/. qT2R°r/. TRirTiil.

3Rt%, to%, RT%, to%, ygm.-^Rm .-&c. UR% or in. con. vmf.
img.ofs. 1 artifice practised, cheat 'Tim'/. 2rtfR®r/- qrflTR/.

«to». m
Decay, n. v. Decline. ggtRr Tfton. ggrVm. g’fflff/. STCT/-
Decayable, a. v. V. gtog, ftolto,
f% qiqTRr to-fm.

n. v. A.

wto fftor to ton. totoffRT 3RTTR ®Tr-

ftoyPr0Tfm. fegT?sft/. feSTf/. 5t*H*trf. #-

Decayed, p. v. V. §Rtor, to%3T, tog, ftofto, toTPC, pRtoi. /.
%RT3 or ^ or Tsfto, *sTBR, to, Rtor, tot%, STIRR. 2 3SRT/- iw/ Tr3*u?rr/.
Decaying, p. a v. V. gRTtoCr, tKtoT, &c. to, &rfto. To keep up d. tRRTm. toto.
Decease, n. v. Death. JH%n- m?Tn. tflWto- f^tor /. toff- Decennial, a. consisting, fyc. of ten years. 3T?RffRr.
VRn. CRTtoimn. Decent, a. becoming, beseeming, befitting, v. Fit. rSTR, i%-
Deceased, a. v. Dead, JRg, Ttotog, qtotolTlT. TiTTpr, tocf, RTO.
Deceit, n. fraud, guile, knavery, tjrq Tn. grton. RRT/. JTPT/- 2 wo# obscene; modest, SfC. vTsRVr, totof, TT3«3r,
OTton 3?fn, %gg«. THRni. <33 in. to joo/i. torn. g3T3/. TrJTqf?-, f%to, fwtoc, tofTWRspr.
Rtotor/. gg-rm. ggrrtor/- ggrtor/. J?g3/. %zrqrn. Decently, adv. v.A. 1 fsKTHTf R * faTRtoC rtofR, , tolfRT,
R^ViRT/. ®3»».n. sqnr»n. ^Zn.m. RfR n. gntosrr/- 3gr- fegrto, 3sW%, H35R, 3«Rprto, TRsrrvra'R.
ftojT /. In expression of Deceit as understood in the words and Dkceptibi.e. See Deceivable.
a cheat, illusion, trickery, false show, amake believe,
phrases, To Decide, v. a. determine, settle, arrto, ZKl^m - ftoRm. - f%-
an empty flourish, Sfc. some words and phrases are, JJP1T /. *prm -&c. Rttog-o/ O. PTR3TTO . - fell! ./, - toton . - &c. qfto
to/- tor 8rr°r rwr grr«r3, toRr ^t«i. kit tot (nr- g.ofo. fRfto-ftofR-Ti fH-&c. qrto. :

#g), torr tofto ( sq-^iY^-sarpTi qy—Ri qrir—rW— c. ), trggfe /. %- To Decide, v. n. come to a conclusion, ftoton. - &.c.
ton. rtfcr /. qrm/. ?rnW’pT/. fSRrfi'qt /. wr- to«T.
°p>/. stotorrm. irr^S3T)». Decided, p. and a. v.V. A. mtor, %toT-5nto-&c.
D. and knavery,— compreh. gRT TOgrrm. STtotoTv?/. 3%r- toffr,
trfcr™. grqntorm. I unequivocal, energetic, prompt, &c.-of measures, &c. ^V*T-
Deceitful, Deceptive, a. ffqrRT or g or ^r, 33jT, ggrsr, 3RRTT, to, tortote, tutsit, torr^Tr, mtotR, ^rstolFr, srr-
tor, ttw, tfrqrr^r,
f !%%r, f[ftorr, ?- Rto.
wirt &c. irtora', srto^fsT, ®Tf Tr, ippfl, II resolute, determined,- of persons, v. Firm. tflV, WtV, f%-
%s5Rrcr, tswrfeqr, jtwr), to%TTtoif«rr, s?p?qi, 3#%, Vrto
®ar, =crai. Decider, n. v.V. A. STBtoCr, RtolTr, <fec. j%ofiT-&c. to
Deceitfully, adv. v. A. tpcRTR, 3TWTI%, &c. Rr, ftoto.
OTqr, toSFTW, &c. Deciduous, a. not perennial. iRRiTSTrto,
Dkckitfulness, n. v.A. SRvJfi#/. artoMl/- OT«. Decimal, a. to^RT, 5Rrf?r,
, . & . . , • «


2 numbered by ten. rer*JTO, ^5TJpfrrPC, OTTC. 2 — in grammar. 3plw. ,

f^5TFfT/. pi* HW°T

Decimal, n. SfSlterni. ^cfC 0!, ^°F,

To Decline, v.n. lean downward, incline
To Decimate, v. a. take the tenth 3TffqF 5T1KF
or m. ^ ^ ^ ^
3Fr#, 2 deteriorate, decrease, decay
To Decipher, v. a, ^iiTpRT f^qf^T -
TOFH, ^TTHF^T, 3j^, m - &c. trr^T,

v.V. arrRin. frVSTm. f^T^nrm. TT- A c. im g\ ofo

Decision, n.
3 (in years).
of s. qTg-qf^H-- !^ !^
HWiRRTf/* 4 (in the world) TOH, TOH g* 1

I determinedness, v. Firmness. KP-fai.

PfPj-*&c. ^KTHRT, T^T- •TO^FT, ttf Hcf5C%. Of s.

Decisive, a. conclusive, determinative


arhrar , Pthiw - fnqnqr - otto ht ,

# c •
5 the day; pass noon .

a. v.V.
N. sF^^PCr ^FH^IRr, & c#
Decliner, ii. Declining, p. 1. ,

Deck, ^?fe(of a ship). 3T5T55Tm.

To clear the decks, fig. v. To Eat up ^mm.-WKtWS- ^cPOT, ^°r.

2 ^^irr, &c. ^Rrccir, ^T^rqrRRr, wi^r,
To Deck, v. a array, adorn . HSFFT, H^FT, Hl^n^^rWT-&c crrTd^r, ^ r

3 ^rc, ^rr^r^r,
«ktw, zfzzw, *jjrrur, w’Tw. qr# g* 0/ o-

(in^comp. as one-d. Declivity, v. Descent. On* /.

Decker, a having decks.
qr^-jj^c or $[ two-d% TJTif^r or c?t, three- d. pflTsTHr or &\ ). ^FCW/. ^c?r^/.

specie rhetorically harangue.

Declivous, a. ^FrOT,
To Declaim, n. ,
“ ^TT^fT in
r^r m.~ ^F^If
HITHw. TO To Decoct, v. a."-— medicinally. HaFS£°T,
& c. HT- -&c. mwg-ofo.
Declamation, n. v.V.
Decoction, n. thing decocted, decocture. ^T2Tw.
Wi. *
& c. ^r^FTfa 3**#, ^T^T, Preform, ^zm. TOm*
Declarable, a. v.V. ,

D. (of acids, &c.) for scouring metals.

srrp*r, ^fcTBJET, fTFT.

aF5£#n. 8cc.^T°T^r/. sTPFTw* Hff- Second d. Pf^TSTm.

Declaration, n* v.V. A. <zc£
To Decompose, v.a. resolve into its simple parts.
fostfwn* JraSfonFTn.
I matter declared.
pi. Tm%x$g' of o .
To Decompose, v.n. pl.-^T^ pTiTff 0!,
II SeeAffirmation. ^
To Declare, v. a. tell plainly, make biown.
f^Sr, arr^-Rrf^tr - ^rCtc-
T, $FT#

c. qr#, ^qc-Hr^q-Hrqr &c.

rT#7i. PT^T
of s

Pt^r. 'HcTf^Pr/-
r. v.

V. N. ^^ Pl^pfl ^THTr/. ^PTO

OT#, W3TW. ^#g**o/ o*

To Declare, v. n. See To Affirm. To Decorate, r. a. v. To Adorn.
Declarer, n. Declarative, a. Declaratory, a. v.V. ^<*1 g- ofo .

Decoration, See Ornament.

&c. snw, ^rt, wrrt. «.
Decorous, a. N. Po^fT^rTr^T, HHiW,
Declension, n . — in grammar. PfHpir/. n. fq^pOTirfq/* v. feST,

Declinable, a. v.V. A. 2. qrsf, HPfHpf*3T*

Decortication, n. v. Feeling.
Declination, Declining, Decline, n v.V. N. . 1.
Decorum, n. decency, propriety of
behaviour. WZKtf feST-
^w/. qferm.n. qfarqrB. JTRFHfl.
^WT?R* ^tttw. ftrerf /• feerpKt/. H^frPr/. ^
i% g-frPTw. ^qiTt/* ^rfVT/. OTro.

3?wa =hhi». faPr/. ^ranRTin.

?TRnrrw. qsqreFrrwi*
g^rcrerm. ^r^gqpT Tffl> 3F-
or h/. sefort ^r/. HtFcft-
To Decoy t
v. a, lure , entrap,

^trf qr^r or arm-qRaw^^,
draw into a snare.

nr#, h^ w
^ *
qr^rfer qr-
qrEpft/. 3W1W/. HVOTf^DiL ?T#rerH«i. =¥R3FT'
w/* 3 j°rihm ^feRr/. .

^TPCfirTOm. ®7WRrrarm. J- Decoy. See Lure.

Time or season" of d. Sftf K^ssf
To Decrease, v. a. v. To Lessen.
To Decrease, w. ». v. To Lessen. qz®(, #3^^, 3^,
I (of a star). sfrfpf/.
g-orr-?^T-&c. fiw, ^5'- °/ 4 '-

Sine of a planet’s d. ^TH^f /• ^tfrT^r/.

2 as to force or intenseacss; remit slacken, ,

- Sine of the sun’s greatest d. 'IFHTWw*

II v. Consumption, %[€tf.
c^r#, fs^TOT,
^iT 33T5TH°r, #snirR®r, , ,

III declining years . /.

w, Pm, Pnwr, g-?rr=oa. - Jkif /. - ^/- - 5w*r™ .
- g-^iFrn.
^rroi/- ^THf°Tn.
accept, fyc., v . To Re- - MrHKT«t.-& c. §r"Tg-- of s.
To Decline, v. a.*$void, shun , to
Decrease, Decreasing, n. v.V. N. 1. 3’fflTm. *ft /• ^Tw/- ^T*
fuse. ^f’WF, TSf^T, with JTTHfr of o.

BT^HTw. - - TOftrOTTfli- &c. ^C"T. zftf. ar/. mm. win- sr«m«. feRr/.
DEE 179 5— DEE
2 grfK-fli. WZ(i /. itfr/. awn*. aqsaifif/- or 4 grave, solemn. 5Er#^, ipftu.
%TOfm. of sound. SFF y afaffr, TO, 3TW.
Decreased, />. v. V. 1. ^ETaft &c. srqftpr, TOTO, of color. or Tjffur.
7 deep-sunlien , — the eye. frarr or t'rsff remiss. or tfirsfr.
Decree, n. judicial decision %fT5RTJTPn. ff^RTJlTiJi. 8~of sleep. TO, TO?

ap!W/. Deep, sea H*r£m. W^TOn- ^hm.

2 edict, v. Law. sTf^rr/. pTfTm. SVn. 51T 5R'«.
TfiyJm. C3xjr 2 dead ,
4’0. v. Height, (m comp, as a prefix, as
To Decree, |TOm.-*nw /•-S0T3FT«.-&c. TO^T.
<Rt in the d of night. ^ ffTO^TB in the d. of winter, &c.)
zl a. To Deepen, v. a make deeper,
Decrepit, a. old and infirm v Old. ?pTTTOT or^TORf ,

to*, 3rcr?rer, ^fTOor #ro, #to, 2 make brighter, clearer , filler, fyc.
Decrepitude, n. v. N£rO/.TOT/ TOS^n. #TOq°Trm. ^-^f rr-&c. toot. :

To Decry, v.a. cry down clamour against blame, gffiiztm, -, , To Deepen, r. ^row deeper arpif^* Tff5r-&c. §r°T'
wmztf.-Sic. ^lyjg-.ofs. arff ^hr/.-iKT/. pt.-&c. irr#-^- 2 yro?o brighter clearer, fuller. vJTO^T, TO^T,

??»i o/o. arkn.-?Wi)i.-&c. 3#. Tfr - arsar^tT ~ ^T^'Cr - Sc c. 1


7b Dedicate, u. a. devote, consecrate, 31#, V# _

^Tirf^T , Deeply, ado. v.A 1 . W?z f

JrfrSV, nfiTBT T# g. 0/ o. ?rrqq-?T°T with qr? o/ o. 1 profoundly, thoroughly. jtlvR^T, sfSrfvt^qqr, 3?fiJ3R-
2 (one’s self). jypFTor g? j3HT TeW-aB# &c. q^'qr.

Tod. one’s soul, body and substance. fpr jfq q-sT gfifqoj- n , ^Sj. D. versed, Sic. UOTif.
3 (a book, &c). =r'rm^-^fRT% *F5|T ^#-3?#. II to or in a high degree. qTKR, 3T5W, 3TRT5PT, JfRqWT, 'i-
Dedication, u. v.V. 1. —act qr?5rn. WTfqSin. &c. grm*. sr- qtw ?3rqrH=r. <iv

Wn. 3-fFTsfni. JTfrr^T /. Deepness, Depth, n. v.A. 1. J#f3)/ ?#RKTm. qfRqnrrm. vr>T-
To Deduce, v. a. v. To Infer. sT^qR#-?Tqrf%-& c. qtf#-#. qqrrwi. H^qoiTw!. itrptw.
Deducible, a. v.V. aRflV. To get out of one’s d. lit. Jig. jffsr qrv-qff f^r^r.
To Deduct, v. a. subtract, qpr qTrTC°r-qr#- 2 iwrrm. jR-frr/- ijjumi.
trra-“T, WlT#, SFRR, qr#, ^°T,«EJTv5W, P*T=TT EJT^t. Deer, n. fftRiw. pop. ^T'Tm.n. zrijm. ftifm. Some species
Deducted, p y. V. qrT a#3>T — \j£ C» 3r*rr are pR3T, ?fJT55, or K, JTr^fe^rfl WW, dfl, H«KT,
f*r=rr to?sw, srroffetr. fsnirir or ^®totc, et*nr.
Deduction', n. v. V.—~act. TO TOHV*. S
T5TT TOHn. & c. TOftTOw. Bounding of a d. %m€tf.
1 amount deducted . TOFT /. Deer-catcher, n . qrsjft.
II See Conclusion. Deer-eyed, a. jjiyvfjrq-.
Deeu W 00^ V. Action, TOu. To Deface, v. a. disfigure, deform.
3 TOT?i. TOfu. <p«rn fTOT/ fq?rq tifiy- & c. qfT-
2 exploit^ achievement /*«*. , TO/. WdfTO. TTOTOn* 3?TO- vt, Pw#, »fq«.-&c. #R-iq ff.of o. iqvqrRf-^qr’R- & c. =rr-
%yr/. arrjsrn. TOTOm. <jto 5T»i. qTL"°T ff of o. a?T^n:»firin.-^TO’ir»i.-&c. izxfig.oj o.
TO»l f rfPTm. firiTT«prm. Defalcation, n. diminution. ifiTfm. sfiPTr?"/. sfUrf /.
Deeds, feats, exploits . ^f^n. Defamation, n. v.V. act. ^Tfa qvn. &c. qrf^f/. q'TrR'n. STT-
To perform a mighty TO#, TOTO itw.
d. iff TO?t /. qr^in. vf»?5r«qr».
^^,{^T3nrm. TO°t* Defamatory. See Slanderous.
3--in law, y. Bond. to**. q^ n §^m. Z&faKm . To Defame, v. a. v. To Asperse. SRor a?r-
ff.of o.
D. of acquittance,
D. of agreement. JffnrfSfa^rn.
qrrftTO /. jTf-fKmf—&c. m ff.of o.
&c. qruiq ff.of o.
D. of gift or conveyance. TOTOtf* Defamer, Defaming, p. a. v. V. and Asperser. qq"=rr^l
D. of lease or tenure, q^j m. &c. ^rfr?, ffrrrotr, wsitrr, snrr^qr, arfirTfgv-
D. of purchase, TO>TOn. -

&c. srvr.
D* of relinquishment, (of divorce, manumission, &c.). Default, n. omission, failure, fault. af^Tn- tT'fiVra'/.
T%lf. «ff-
D. of sale. qrffTOTd'ft. OTS^Tn.
«r/. ijsrrflv/. Tzm. z&m. ^rferqzdw.
To Deem, v. a. think, esteem . TOW, ip# 2 want. sTHRm.
^^T- defect,
«r, ^rf°T*
Defaulter, n. & c.
Deej, a %rT^, #l^nqr
. (remiss. deepish), Wiu, ^rrarft^r tfqrrqsqr or frqrrq^r, vrr^liKrv.
#g- or &TRT, (wk ifew, D. in accounts. f?3T!WL, „
Very d.
To Defeat, v. a. beat, overthrow, discomfit, fsfaoj-, jjrC”T, W3‘-
2 ooow/if, <§rc. v. Abstruse,
3 artful, Sfc. v. Cunning, Insidious. aTRCTr ^mr- 3Pfm.'-aTqWn.-4tirm.-¥r5rqr n. ff.of o. q^CRT#, IT# or
3T[%rrc, grmrsr, qrfn^t.
jj#, 'rra^ qr#, mysf. g.of o.
, , , — , — m , .


2 baffle, foil, frustrate , disconcert ,
<^o. #-*. 4 a d. or pomt wanting . Fw or Rijn. f%5”n. «j}JTw.

-Wr, -fTOffwi. TORFm. -TOTOTm. -S^rp?*rm. -See. 3TOT

g. ofo.~ utterly, thoroughly, irrecoverably, &c. Correspond- Defection, n. revolt, l\c m . PErf^f ni . feCTn.

ing with To Defeat as bearing this implication of utter- Defective, a v.N. 1. imperfect, in complete, faulty. OTT, TOCf ,

ness or completeness there are in English numerous veibs mxm, mfj, 3dt ^rqr, ^rfq^r,
and foimations, strong, and stnking, and abundantly current; &C. fiff , r^, Pr^rff,
yet, of rather low estimation as vulgar or fiee. Equally 2 Faulty.
numerous, equally significant, and of equivalent estimation, Defectiveness Sec Defect.

there are verbs and formations in Marathi The words .

Defence, Defending, n v V. act. TRtRT n DTP n &c .

therefore corresponding with To smash squash dish, mar,

, ,
blast, confound, knock on the head, §c. fyc . — as applied to per- 1 guard, fence, §c
^IRTO n TOTiTo^ fff

sons, affairs, schemes, measures, &c. we have collected here. fff^KOTRm.

The whole answer to the whole m the general import, whilst par- Ii shelter, §c. afforded, v. Protection silOT P°P

ticular ones agree with particular ones m particular aspect, ^r- 3rC°Tn. qRTOn* OTF/.
toto, srrsrm .-frotfw.TOTO- HI—in law ; defendant's reply, TOCn. W-
adv otrt or ersjnar, otfot, frr/ 3rg?:qrr /.

wytg'Ofo. jsrft, otto#, w^/.-^rr- IV defendant's cause or side ^TtTC TO .

oft/. -f^qr/. - /.—rj^-KTTrra'r i?? . —^ m. - g*- An evidence on the d, TOTOTO.

fv? /.— -TOT m. - TO3IR or TOSR Defenceless^ a . unarmed, exposed, he, ^“TO, *if3Rvr,

sr/.-fto or w«— ^r^rarr or 5rre^rm.-5rm- -Uffr <1 c. fTOff WrTOW^CfffT, fTO^,


^/.-«TqTOn.-^rrw.-^ or /.-qtew.-far- To Depend, v. a. guard, v. To Protect. rTOT, r y°T, ^y°T«-

v2" orfTO^fw.-TO'm.
- &c. TO#, 1
TOOTHER. And correspond- -rra°r f.-% g.of o.

ing with

To be defeated as involving the sense more strikingly

. j

Defendant, Defender, n. v. V. ^ra’TT^r, §e. TO^T, KTSFPK'-

expressed by To be smashed, squashed, dished, fyc., To be w.

done for, To go to pot, To end in smoke, fyc. <3fO. the fol- I—in law. JjffRlft, g^RT^rft, H%TOI, «T?irat,

lowing are some of the words and phrases. ?<f#, *f-

Defensative. See Defence.

TO#, TO#, qsrq# (intern. Defensible, a. v. V. =

Tn3'nTr- 5rr-^RTr-& e. 5TW, JTf'F%,
57#, jfgTS#, T),

&c« g*^#,
vrras# or
^#7 *#,
ott#, ftgaSjr, fTO#, ^to#, or totot,
Sf#, CfOT-
a. serving to defend. qRKf RETORT, COTTO, TO-

yjsr 7i,-&c. f# g\o/ s. 2 carried on in defence. 'STPir^OTRT,

Defeat, Defeating, rc. v.V. l.-T-actf. f%TOTn. &c. #n#Vf. Rf- To Defer, v. a. delay, post-pone, put off. g'^FPCm.-f^S'^w.-

qfT'TO /. ipsprw. — state. f^orfK/. TOm. 5PTw. TO’SFTwi. T- ftftirm.-feroinr J-~ &u - zmnu ^ ,

& c.
vs# ?TC

OTSplw. s^PTm. OTTOn.
d. by (or inferiority to),

(both phrases withneg. con. and with

^TflpT W# or
c5T oTO
g. ojo. ^qySr.
qrr^T'-r^f, g^^ftT^r-^frrwrrfTTTTC-Pr^rH^r^tT^'-


of o ) *eff ^TOT. 2 See To Refer.

2 ao£ #i#n. Sic, ##!/• tfTOTn. state, Jprrm. qPcTi». To Defer, v. n. yield to another's opinion, ST ?T <IFT-^T^)Ri'-

f^?TfcTm. See also the numerous nouns given under the \erb. er=rn. ^"T-&c. ^ 5 *'-

Defeated, p. v. V. 1. fsRT§r«rr, &c. qrOT, ferTOff, TO%T, TO- Deference, n. regard, Sjc. v. Respect. W13" /. aikWi'/. Rt^-
rm\f zizTjmf. gcmr#/-5Tw/. to, gssr-

To be d. fK OT, TOOT *#r. 5fr»n- =?r?/.

2 'sTre^r, WS'OTr, &c. To pay servile d. unto. H *Ti H *sT adv. 5'^'T.

To Defecate, t?. a. v. To Clarify. Sir#, Deferential, a. v. N. fipsr^r, or tz, urtfarSTlT, JPTfV-

Defecation, n.v. V.—act ^rpfffn* Deferred, jo. v. V. 3rp55HKHT Jir^BT, ^fT^vST, few-
Defect, n imperfection, incompleteness, want of something re- Jim^r srs^arr, &c.
quisite, ^TTOm. TOftTOm. SOTlf /. Wffi / 3ROT /• TOIOT* /- Defiance, Defying, n. v. V 1. g5Tf|Rn. srfcrrd^rfRn. «rfr-

*rcr*pr /. wc/* stfiyn, ^rrflrer/. /.


TOG*:/. OT#f/. ftef/. In d. of. SZ3R,

Slight dTor excess. qffJTSFTOfn. TOWF#/. wmm. Deficiency, n. want. S°rcnf/. 3»TR3/. OTKTm. mf.
2, moral imperfection, failing, v. Fault, ^rar/. OTtft-/. srt mf- W/. Prwr/- $mif. htt or Pttc/. *r-

TOW/. $TO%0/ qr /. ^Tjc^qr/. ^/- t^rm. s^rar/

8 natural imperfection. W^f "'Slight d. or excess. ^*1 W#/. ^RTm.
Deficient, a. v. Wanting. srqf, 37qt ? qrqqi? qrqqf, STJ- |
Defunct, a. v. Dead. %5Rf, tr^RTCW,
j^r, ijir, tRC
qqr, wtf, ^ftrr,
-f5 ,
srq, Cfar. To Defy, v. a. call to combat, v. To Challenge. aTf^TJPiT-
Deficit. See Deficiency |Rn ^Rp, TO|R-m. arfrj^P^r/. Tr^P-^RTP.
Defile, h. long narrow passage or wag. q^fss* or q^frafw /. cftwi. 2 brave, v. To Dare. 5fKJ JfRp-^P, ^"T^PrsfP.
q^St or q^crssr/. fisreqrr/. q^qq^qz /. w/ n. Degeneracy, n. v. A. q^JoratT^ry. q-snjif-^fg'ra,

To Defile, v. a. makefoul or unclean , v. To Dirty. qs^qq, ^rrirrT^^ni. JT^TjprfTfSfrr/. ^ijq^rggrr/. 3j5r-qp^g?rr/. P-

qasqr-q^q-sic. qqq q^jfn
2 corrupt ,
vitiate , contaminate ,
taint. qqiqq - qs?rq - *3Trq To Degenerate, v. n. decline in goodness q^qqm.-q^cqn, .

fe^r-r?5Trr^r'-^’S-&c. qqq,fqqsqT. -&e. PrirP, ^fra)ii.-g^rew.-^Re;Ti'3Tfrr/.-&c. fiP V°/«-

3 ceremonially ;
pollute impure
, , fqqssq, qf£qq, sqq- sttP, Pq^P, P-r?.P.

Defiled, /l
v. V. 1. cmc/ Dirty. qszrq^err, qstq, qr~ oryt°r,

w w,
Degenerate, a. Degenerated, />. Degenerous,
aTT^rCT 0!, qnr5rr?r,pJT'T, Kre,
a. v. V. »r-


2 3Tqfq^-&c. fqq^#ST r-&c faq, fcqRT. Deglutition, n. swalloioing. pjotpn. pj^Tw. PriK°r«-
3 jqqa^aq, qRrq^r, qirqr, qrsrr. Degradation, n. v. V.—acf. q?ft ^Pn. &c. state, ur-
To be d. qizq, fer^q. q-JTJTOT. ^rsprrsrm. vf^jrn. ==jp/. T^jp/.
Defilement,?? v V. 1 —act qszqqn q^q£ qqqn. &c. P /• &e sm'fnt. TrpRn.
state, q^qwqqrm q^tqqqrm. qrqq^qf/. To Degrade, v a. lower in rank, dignity, fyc. tRpr/.-p-
Q—act qqfqq qrqqn. fqq^fqn. & c —state. qqfqqqr/, ^gqr/. R?rr/ -pR?r/.-HRm.-&c. f5rqrr wyt g.ofo. r^r-&c. g^cP,
S—act f qrrssqn. qrsqqn. ho.— state. fqzrszrwi. q(Zm. qR;qq~ qmwr- Ac. ?rf hw'it™. ut^rvmi ,

qr?n. qizqsrw. * 5T»i. - arcRsp >n. &c. ^ryig.of o. tFT^P.

D.-gencr. ffJRpRaim. Degraded, p. v. V. f^p TT'Tr^T Ac. icRiR, Tar^,
General d. ^TSTT /. KfOTKrn. ^?Tr=T^rer, qp?r, HRwre^R^fr, jicrr, ^ejtr, «r-
Defiler, n. Defiling, p. a. v. V. 1. iRqRIXT fyc. JRRI', ST^TTST- CTR, JlPrfRR.
2 Pq3p<W, 3T<T^-KT0'-&e. ^r-q7Rl-«KR4r. Degrading, a. lowering, disreputable, v. Dishonorable, arl-
3 Ptrrrt, qiJRW, &c. \Pr, C5^t°rr, grora, ^rwwr.
. Definable, a. v. V. 2. ?ry“T tRrqMRT- Ac. fMRpW, 5JMT, ar- Degree, n. rank, station, qprft/. ifCRT®./- ^Cn.
q ^%f.
SRP. 2 grade, step, stage. qiTpm- TRCi f.
To Define, v. a. See To Circumscribe. 2 — in logic. S^PTn. By degrees . tpiPmfgip, =fR5T: OTif: , ariW:,

^P-HpP-qwP, fPNP, 31RJT*r m . - fPsPr/. 3R- 3 See Extent, Measure.

°T g-ofo. In the smallest d. 5TCT ^RPCT, ai^TR, grrsiBR, Pi-
Defined, p. v. V. 2. 5T£FT qRpR, & c. Pr^fT, fgfa*NR, f 5f- ifp with neg. con.
W, a^JR. Lowest d. qrPjsrqtfiR. p4iyq<uni. grtiW ". 1

Definite. See Determinate. To this d. RqFf,

Definition, n. v. V. 1. &mn. Props'/. p<RRn. 4 — in geometry. epTm. JTRjn.
Justness of d. argnraip^ir. Equation of a d. sfrfTn.
Definitive. Determinate. See 5 ( of latitude ). araTST m
To Deflect, Deflection, Deflexure. See To Deviate, To Deiiort, v. a. exhort against
To Dissuade. v. PprRRT-
Deviation. '4-pTfRR -&c. JpRRm. «Rp“^qt^Jn. 4TCp, jfe/.
Defloration, Deelouring, «. v. V act. Prt S'Rpn. ?rff^r- HRP.
To Deflour,
f’wrwirw. PfanPrsTm,. wtnft^rn. 5^%. To Deign, v. n. condescend. ^TqTPr/.-fqr/.-a^irfffl.-TOr-
v. a, deprive of virginity. Ppcrm. 3r[TP-'?Rp 3fwi.-&c.t|Rp, p?qRR-1TFI5r-&c. tip.
g.ofo. inRprPt/. ^yng.of o. trJrrJf)Prni.-^wf4?fRiTO. ^rr- Deism, n. pq^srCtT-fn. 5mRpTOfPPJfCqr?»n. - JRn.
P g- of o. 8r-*rr qpp. Deist, n. ^r^pRTf W-
To Deform, v. a. disfigure, v. To Deface. p^TT-ijr^qr- c. qrtr.
31^, ^Tn. %tpg\ o/o. STraTOpTw-- irqnPrm mx^g-ofo. • Deity, n. divinity> v. Godhead, qqq'qrw. tqcff /.
Deformed, a. distorted, fy c. v. Ugly, ^str remiss, cr^qr, sjif, 3 the D. y. God. pfm. JT^R^qp- Wia». qW-Rm. &{Km.
, IPfrr, Pfgjjr, Prer, fairer, #R^r. Sad. v. God. qq??i. qqqr /. qqqn.
D. in all hi 3 limbs. pop. sTgTfqr. To Deject, v* a. y. To Dispirit. -• &c
Deformity, Deformedness, n. v. A. ®}JTn. ®flTdT/. q^r-Un. gr^rP g.ofo. fPvr- 5TTH- 3-«n#- & c. ^P. ,
app^n.^cir, pT^ffrr/. Prararnr^-B. Dejected, p. v. V, %5r-&c. ppR-^rt^rJ^vf, 95!PBr, aiqiSW,
To Defraud. See To Cheat, To Deceive. aqcTO-.
To Defray, v. a, bear the expense of. pRrTCTP, qRR, <rPP, Dejection, Dejectedness; V.
«. v. state. iarctWtpgrJWi ^NT-
**P IP, brI^P, a^ srP, PRpm. gpp g. of o.
, €twfn. %5Rr/. aiqflR-w. PqKm. pqwrRfr/.
— — -

To Delay, v. n. put off, v. To Defer. f%5?7 i/i.-f5TT*r in .-3^fr f sot rrjt, #to, #to or #73, hs-tt, ?37r, g^rcfl', ?r®ir,

73m. am, STOTT, £R7iii. OT, f?TOT#W- A c. STfETTcT, f3irr^ or

& c. 3 slender, thin, slight, feeble, Sjc. v. Weak. Hf^+ ,

stop, detain. #37#, #OT, #a7rin.-#rr/.-&c. OT# *frr, ag.

g. of o. irHHJTjn. -TTt%fW«-- &c TTOT g. ofo.

4 soft, fine, s, c. 3?BT,
gj, gi-JT, #H3T, garrJT-
paying minute regard to feeling. fiM fi#Trr3'^T, gTT#-
To Delay, v. n. See To Dawdle. 5 -'ii

Delay, Delaying, n. v.V.A. 1. act. T5jW amn. TT37 7TT> ^r, w#r, ipnV^, w?r-
%. &c.f|37m. f75?OT«. JTIOTOT/ 57T3-/. SR7HI. %07r=7r.
Delicious, a. luscious #7, -STIRT, cftTT, iff-
2— act. #37#n &c. state. #Tt /. #37rm. FT##? 1,1 *1- crrr, T«jrf7NT,Ptre, ^rr, wrrars\
Deliciousness, n. v A. rfl€\f. 'TR /• C^ffr /. ^{RT /. ?RITl /•

1 lateness, &'c. W&On. 7 3in. fcf#T or fcfgm. f7S7»i. HOT#-

7TO n.f.Z^f form. Delight, n. v. Pleasure, f^/n atRT’b. 3^RTm. A^-Sli# /. TW-
37 m 3fT3Jpr /.
D of day fTROT?/. #7)0.

Delayed, fTmJHRT FFraar &e. [mfffT, T(F?737 , S- To Delight, v. a. v. To Please sfRff#,

p. v. V.
frsr^oT, ATRarm.-fqw.- &.C #, jpr-67S'-^Rf5r!T- tft5S-& C. <

2 #3sr#3T, #54733T, &c. #r£t, irFfr^r. 5T°T.

To be d. #3#, ti°T g.of o. To Delight in, v. n. #, C#, <W or


Delayer, n. v. V. A 1. P737 amiTr, &c. grOTOTIT, 5OT.

zizfiig.ofo. gjg n.-STR'5T)».-f^i».

Delectable, Delectation. See Delightful, Delight. Delighted, p. v. V. A. #, ^TR#7, gYFTrffff, gTfffer,

To Delegate, v. a intrust. See To Commit. 2 commission

To 3TRRm.-?'Tm.-&c. 7r#T in. con.
be d .feel glad.

and send. Tofts’- &c. m<*OT. Delightful, Delightsome, a. v. V. A. and Agreeable, srr-

Delegate, n. deputy, agent. 77>ta, OTR, 75'f7.R'7r, &c. ffTT, g?j-sTr#-f5r-&c. TPRr-aRT-^TCFtr-Trr-
Deleterious, a. v. Deadly. *TRf37, pRRTTITt. ,
#-iAc. sTgtsra, wr#, trt, trptRt.
weigh reasons for and Delightfulness, n. v. A. tRRRTn. 3TR'3’5FRrR"». Ac.
To Deliberate, v. n. pause and consider,

against a measure. pRITM. Tmt-TTOT, TfOTS/OTTOTTm.- 2 See Pleasure.

f^rrcm- -im«.-«5c. ttot, fmrcnr atot, tt# s Tmr-qm

w fT-dKSffs, ff-
. To Delineate,
WWW, ftfg,
v. a trace the lineaments, sketch, fyc.

7If3R, ATTRn - MiT#/. - FTFF51T

sfTTT , C-
m .-TfR-
Deliberate, a. circumspect, thoughtful. •

f^TTtprpft, ^rfmrc, seRTterarct, ?s7n.-&c. ^.qyig.ofo.

2 formed or done with deliberation. mKIRf, mfCT# ,

fr- 2 r. To Describe. RJ##, f%C7°7«. g. of o. *

Delineated, jo.v. V. 1 sRpRT, &c. f^Rdd.

^ncf€3T, W7KfT>Kt^f.
Deliberately, adv. v. A. and Designedly f#T(Tf%, fWtC- 2 7RT, PR.-FT.

sr^r, f7RT7T#, fr^rrycwr, m® rsrr#%, «rr Tfr,

ij Delineater, n. Delineating, p. a. v. V. 1 sp^RITT,

^ q-gmirga, gssrr. “rrcr,&c.

Deliberateness, n. v. A. fTTlTSfe^r/. PrsfrRff f /• f7RT?TR7r- 2 fFRRfT, pT^qTOTrf, TfRTT.
Delineation, n. v. V. 1. — act. a|7rRfi- Ac. s|3fRr f. «r-

2 fmrT^w/. rmirfs^r/. sri^rmr/. 3Rn 9Tr3Is7».

1 See Deliberate. 2 pr^fcRn. fR^qRw. 7 TRu. t

Deliberation, n. v. V. mrr TOTTn. fmRT TTOTn. fa^TOn. TO- 1 draught, sketch, fyc. sRrrar»n. =T^5Trm.

OT/. TOmTm. fOTiOTn. POTOTT/- UTOn. qRlTtfOTPCm. TTPT3T- To Deliquate. See To Melt.
7^f7^c»».^rJT^'fJTrJnrfr 7TCm. 3P?MraRN Pr^rcm. 5

strafar- Delinquency, n. failure in duty, fyc. v. Fault, srqrpirm. g-

tPrOTw. arris wRmRm- ^Un.^ffSlKfsVmaf.W^f.

POTT Delinquent, n. offender. siTOiqt, g#JT(T, o>-dl ##,^TT-
Deliberatiye, a. having a right, fyc. to deliberate. 3iT- ,

OT% tKTRT^r, fsRTC #7777X71. FR-URT-&C. fT'FTR#-

Delicacy, Delicateness, n. v. A. 1. iropr/. #T/ WFZf m Delirious, a. raving. TTSRTCr, 7R7 A c. qsreaT, 7-

?sfmrm. & c. ssrqt, Ispsr , ot<t, qlrsr.

gfeRWFni. ’57T Jff7 ,1 >- FTTRr-
2 arTOT/. srgTOTrm. otrottw- &z?zqnrm. &c. §rpmn. Deliriubi, «. •/• fRrTpP^Tfwi'

ottorx #TO?rr/. qmf.

am*. To Deliver, v. a. liberate, release, setfree, v. To Free. W'?-
3 Vspfrrc/. hrstt/. FtrfFfiwm. ^rrRr^rq^rran.

4 TRWw. JJfOTrm. apr?7n. & c. 3RTM. #, & c-

5 iftar/, tor/. TOrarf/. TOfssftewr /. g^rarrflOTn. grroFiRm 2 rescue, save. FTP#, ^^“T, W?#, 7RRR TRHm. -^Kw-- ,

1 See Dainty. ^g-rarn.-3STRr7/.-Frr ;C',Tn-' A-c. 77# g- Of 0 .

Delicate, a. nice in eating, v. Dainty. OTOT, TOPRa, #p0Kt. Z present, offer, v. To Give. 7R, f## W, PT77‘ ar,

2 tender, soft, not hardy. STOTT, #TO, gfFIT or TOT, 7- sWr, i.7r#R aFRoi, Rff ^rrsw.
tsfam.-TOUn. ttPtg.ofo. 3T- II price asked. ^rfJT^^-?rrftr#S
4 (a woman in child birth).

Tf W T
-^-&c TOPCT/. 3TTO g. of o. #?TO, 3T- Exorbitant d. high terms .
Demandant. See Plaintiff.
#TO, TOVW tJTTO, TOf TO, TTOf Demarcation, «. marking off.
5 up give up.
To Demean, (one’s self), v. a v. To Behave.

gRTOn. arr^TT,
Deliverance, Delivery, n. v. Y. 1. act. SrTOfl.

&c. a. or $ trero/ ^r^ra'm. irrorsr/. qW/.-&e.

2— act. fTlTOX 33TTOR- &c. cTITOn. SSTWn. ^T°Tn.
state. Demeanour, n. v. Conduct. /• ^TB'/

WOm 'H’STYTd'/.
To Dementate. See To Madden.
gvjn. spUTn. &c.TOWn- WTOTft- iTOTOn- fTOPTB- Demerit, n. ill deserving , §o. ^fqm. qrq«. HT^RTqTt /.
3 act.

4— act. TO? ?TTOn. JRjr 3iTOn- TOWfTOn. &c. Ira??TOr/. Y-

TOfwi. wf ?/• TOW / Demi-god, ?lv. God. otItwi. /* ^rPT/*
TOTTOn- state, v. Ciiild-bearing.
Easy d. ?jTOTO»n- Demise, n. v. Death. /. WOT^«
Month of d. HpTJTWin. To Demise. See To Bequeath.
TO? s?PTO rTO-TOTITO. Democracy, n. government of the people*
To be on the point of d.
1 See Pronunciation, Utterance. qf^rwt/. ^rOTr^rr^rPTq^.
Democrat, n &c.
Delivered, p. v. V. 1. ipTOTO, #TOW,&c. ?TOTTOf, TO?-
'- Democratic, Democratical, a. v. N.
T*’ ’f5 - Rqqiu
2 errc^rr, tottoto &c. ?rfu?, ssr?. wfr-fqqqqr, vft

3 &c. atf*?, tow?, F?1Fto, F?fs?, fafrsr, to*?. To Demolish, v* a r^e, dismantle . ,
v. To Destroy. ^qf^FF,

4hFr sraFr, qr^r, qr^r-w^ Hrr#r, ifr^r tf^r htrft, or

4 fr^rr%&3T-?rrTOr, &e. to?.
A woman d. to#H./• to?/- frorTOt/. toF? yt/. Hfror/. qrqFf.

lRTm.-&c. TO g\ Demolished, jo. v. V. ifresrasT, ^RTT-q &c ^qsz, ^r-

To be d. TO? TO, ^R». f?TOg-. of s.
ofs. ST?f TO ??TO-0TO, TO FsPtNt F?TOm- tUT.
Deliverer, n. v.V. 1. D
Cfr3' T TrYr &c. 3RPTOT, WffitWWT- YITY &c. ; ; Demolition, ti. v. V.—acL #3Ff CT^FT^Tn. «\
#rr<3N «*.
IRTW* &<-

2 totot, sww, &c.


toyto ,
?tot, 3iro-?rTO- f^ra?«ir or Pr^epffr/- ^qf#1/*

Demon, ?i. Devil, qqm. t’^RffT/

&.c. to?.
3 Iwm &c. stto, toto, F^Itou 2 — in mythology, Titan twm. 3FR*w. .

Dell, n. hollow among hills, Sfc. WT^Tiii- YrTOfR- ?Tt/- TOPCR. M ater d.
fir^r^n. 8TF^r /-

TORY Demoniac, Demoniacal, a. v. N. oj^ri Devilish. bth-

Yo Delude, v. a. v. To Deceive. TOTO, TOW, 5TYTO,
3crqr, BTfCfq, bipbc.
TOnt.-ir^riw.-TOrm. TO.
Deluge, «. inubdation. TOSpsTOn. TOTO/- TOfTOi/- WTO- D. possession, influence, &c. See under Devil.
TOm. TO5T?m. TOfTOn. Demoniac, n. possessed person. iTW^f, fq^Fi^V^xT*

To Deluge, v. a. inundate, flood. T3fTO, TOT YTO TOTO- WY- ,

Demonstrandum, n. — in logic. ^fFTn.

nnT1-, rrf^, T

5rmrf-&c. qFR.
||| „ ,, n ii iii ui
i r r-MWW,
To Demonstrate, v. a. prove to be certain. teHm, qFCF* g«

Deluger, n. Deluging, p. a. q^pTBCf, &c. 'TFT «f SfTSf ofo . hfft, qfqqrq^r, qfqqr^n.-^qqraFT^-^e. ^/o.
tf, &c. ~ ^?iT3qr ,t7
T - ^rr^rfr irf^fqrf^cr - wr, m-
Delusion, w.v.V,— act. mmm. &c. qr^Ffr/. %r srr^q^T.

q>war/. wrqq/* ^°t /. wm* wn. srtRf/. Demonstrated, jo. v. V. ftrar %^^r, &c. f%FST,

1 illusion . 3TT^T /.
Demonstration, n. v.V. act , ^qf^FTn. fe^C ^RT^Tj*# &c.
Delusive, Delusory, a* v. V. &c. arqfrf^r, SRRT ^,^-
3 qfqqRrqn. ^rqqrqFTn. fefe /. ^rqqrf^r/. qfqqRr/.

ot, wt, wrr, #r^Tff- I matter demonstrated, v. Conclusion. flPS'fq'm. ^ff^rTFTw-

&C. II imposing indications preparations ^*c,

demonstrations; , ,

Jb Delve. See To Dig. BYR-m. BTRTCrm. YqTFFqw. BYF^Vm. StSTw. #3r°FK/. ^Roft/

Demagogue, n, leader of the mob qr*rw. . qrrqm.

7b Demand, require of right) v. To Claim* Empty d. %qr^w.n. 8?wr^.
^-WT^T-&c. mrf ^f$with or^eofo. w, B-T^r^W Demonstrator, n. Demonstrative, ct.v.V. ’^T^fCT , ftOTRT

3Rnpr,OTfw. ¥^r ^ o/o. l^iRrqr, ^rqrsrqr, q3?r?rr,

2 See To Ask. I See Conclusive.

Demand, Demanding, n. v.V. 1. act. ?rn#n. ffr^^RT- To Demoralize. See To Corrupt.

#rn. ^RTm. Demulcent, a. softening 3?<£ qTCW, . ^ ^TPIT
^ ^
I call for, requisition. ?PFTn. ^TFfrferf/ ^T- &c. qnrt.
t^rr/ To Demur, v. n> v. To Hesitate. ^ROTT, *F$
General or great d. for. f^KWwi. f^ftrw. ?HTw. HTOm* <fec. or JpTf! a?Ff •T

— —


Demuk, Demurring, n. v. V. &c. 5dtf. To d.
* ^ flatly. Prsrmm. ?Sf, ^T?Tiu?rfr TO/.
'TT’T/. HWqqn. 3Tmm.

Demure, a. affectedly modest, v.

To d. one’s self. ^m . SfRq-qRq.
Hypocritical. jffxf«°i(r, irq^t, 3 disoimi, conceal , — opposed to confess. or qr^TIT^'
anr^rfr^f, fit?roret, *rar«ir=¥t. or qr^nrm. qr iq g.ofo.
A d. villain.
qraw qr^qar ffSjJ
fjRcfcr JTPCVft, qTVrqjRt. wn.
Demurely, adv. v A. ^3Fr, To Depart, v^To Go.
W=T, v. n. WR, fqq/f STW, T^RT-^loStfr-
'P’lH. =qr^-qrifqq-&e. fr“T, qr3Tm.-^rra:/.-&c. gfa\ qfq-kc.
! 5571701
Demureness, n. v. A. and Hypocrisy, qqsr/.n. Trwnn.-n&nqn. qr^.
2 See To Die.
Den, n. (of a wild beast,), f'ws pop. Department, n. imn. R?t /. JRi^'Tii. i%Frm.
ftarn. mif. WKtf.
Tiger’s d. qrq?lS'n. Departmental, a. v. N. jpET'Tgtql,
Denial, Denying, n. v. V. 1 — act qqnT'Tn. &c. qr- Departure, n. v.V 1 act. fqV'T aTn. &c. 'qsrq’n. 'sT[
q^uqn .

^/T or qmCm. qfqq’qm. 3i^ft5TlTw. NqilOTCm. IRrqii nmn RRTqm. Sfqqir/)! "sqrqirirm.
q^r^iqn. f^T^Ffn. pRT5FT«. fqTnET°r». fTOffq/. srrlrim. rq^'Tn. fqqjfrqqn. rqqrnrn.
2 act. qqrrq®r». fqqqoj-a &c. or qr^TRrw. fqqvm. fq- 2 See Death.
^r^nru. PprffRr/. To Depend, n hang from,
v. To Hang ^Roj $H&Wfpop.
3 —
act. q^TR^rn. &c. or qRTKni. appfPjTPCm. sFfiTt- s tr#,
. v.

yron- msfaf. m??m. 2 be subject to, influenced by connected with as a cause.

. Sfc.
\9 ‘

Denied, p. v.V. icith of o.

1. qsfTRT^r, faw^ST, &c. faffilff, fqfsrer, u%- zimgofo.
^reqrcr, fqcV, *x, «nfinr, wffv, 3 trust to, rely on, v. To Confide, sqpief#, zflvf-
r t
To Denominate, v. a. name. ;gur/. -qrqn.- qkn. - vfir<JRn. ^#r-HfsT with *r; of 0 . m*f with g.ofo.
Denomination, n y. Name. Tow. $$rf. .
4 be yet undetermined . ff OTpj-, 3 tMT?T- Sec.

Denominator, n. (of a fraction). W.

To Denote, v. a betoken
. ^RTO, 5T5T#, TO#,
Dependence, Depending, n. v. V,— state. 9ffih[m. m&^n.
£Wm,-*j^n.-WWn.-(k& g.ofo. 3TSFT
2 and Connection. ^f«rm
and g.of o.
in. con apft^rfTr/.
3 and Confidence. 8^5?Wn. OT^ir/.
Jo Denounce, To Denunciate, v. a. declare in a threatening irqrsr-

way. Tsrq-TRg^r 5PFT, qnrq

fifipr, fr^r/.-rr-
1 state of being at the disposal of another.
wft/. wqs-^^.o/o. cjHTT X\f

Dense, a.— of liquids, v. Thick,

r crrr?/i Tcr^m. qrcnrr=rcrr f TCcN'rrr/. qr^rf^m,
qz, srrl, «Tr3T, IR
Dependent, n. retainer, v. Follower.
of solids, v. Compact, q$ qrqr ?7.
t (
3 of a forest, &e. v. Thick, fqfti?.
*rr°m, to, ^rg#fr.
Depender, 7i. Dependent, a. Depending, p. a, v.V. 1.
Density, Denseness n. v. A. 1. qmrro. Zfzq*i[m.
2 3?#r m'$\.
2 qsww. \zm\m. vjrqrf.

Dental, a. belonging fyc. to the teeth.

3 ^TOcr, &c .

4 BTfcPT'fa’, ?ENTOt or OTffrf, TOT, flT^rT
Denticulated, a. set with teeth, 5ft, ^PTRT, Taper, sfdftfe'S'.
Dentifrice, n. TEWTn. TRPTn.
I at the disposal of another. TOK, crcfe, TO, qTR^T,
cTRrfsrTf or TTffN'qrwi. TcTTCTn.
To Depict, See To Paint, To Describe.
Dentist, n.
Depilous, a. toithout hair. TOf\=T, iro^T, i%^f57.
Dentition, n. teething. TFT cpSjm. TfrfTni. TTifTm.
Depletion, n. act of emptying Rj=ff . fi^T°Tn. ?^«r-
To Denude. See To Strip.
To Deny, v. a. disallow , contradict, —opposed to admit. FT=FrnC^T Deplorable, a. v. Lamentable, Wretched. ^TOT'fRIT-
or qrar°r, shirt wqq, fFTKFT, jrfTT«r°r, wwyr, wwk or ^nTcrr-&c, satanf,
qnirpcm. trt g.of o. ^rsfafr^rrcMi. - aT^ft^RrirtT- f^rcsar^Tw.
Jb Deplore,
-{%3cr- a. v. To Lament. 3^07, %ST.-Rrq55rqrw.-#^rw.
^qyrft.-fqCTffd/. TR°T g.ofo. TTRTH: §TiTM. g.ofo.
xw, ^r^rrm.^r grr^rrcr fram. qrsior, sTfirwIc-^fJiT Pr-
Deponent, n. v. Evidence. 5ETr?S^TC,
TRT decl. STT5!.
To Depopulate, v, a v. To .Desolate, gnsTR:- #r6f-

To d. one’^word os engagement. q^arpqiTC^r.

2 refuse ; —opposed to grant. F5r(T"T or qRTRT, JRPC To Deport, v. a. (one’s self) v. To Behave. ^11707, 3RFJ;
or qjqrnrm. sror, g.ofo. qr gTqor-^fipr, arrr tust™. w, Deport, Deportment, n, v. V. and Conduct, arnw^n,
fqrrairF nrn--fqcrfra/.-&c. g.ofo. w&f* ^mrf /
— - . . - — — . —


To Depose, v. a. (from the throne). Depreciated, y>. v. V. 1. few TO fWF Ir^F, &c.
-tRrT7«r5-Rrfre^ff-?:Rq-^-&c. gpc°T. 2 ctof sna^Sar, flw^r, &c. wre.
2 (from an office). ^“T, grnr-T t^T-q'o), W^^-SVPTSTcr- Depreciation, tl v.V. 1 — few &c.
<R^re-5TfwKKrs-&c. gr^ 2 flw^Tn. &c. wrq^qm.
3 give testimony. W/.-HRVm-tfRft/. 1%. in writing. 5f- — Depredation, 71 v. Robbing.
^ri /. fs?^ Depredator, n. v. Robber,
Deposed, p. v. V. 1. & c. ^rTO^rS', To Depress, v a. press down m

f%fr*waro, 2 deject, sadden, v. To Dispirit, fer - f^F^T-

2 *Km 7 &c. 3R0T, g\of o.
To Deposit, v. a . lay down, lodge, v. To Place, tot, wTO/i. Depression, n. v.V. 1. —ocA 3RqRa.
2 —state. #TRtWn. fWm. wfe/.
2 place in the keeping of. TOT, fe?W - feJT^fe - cfr^^T^T - & c.
S'# *I°T, TO<£f wfe. I a. d. a holloio, a sinking, v. Hole. &55T[rm. dim.
8 fe/ as a pledge, wr^T wfe. m&vrm- tost/.
Deposit, w, pledge, pawn. WFTn. fe&Tm. sqfefem. StfRrwi. Deprivation, v.V.
n. act. &c. ^FW^pr/. STRW/.

Use of a
from (through the use of) ad.
d. irfPTRT TO®. a?rfeOTTm.
ifrWPTm w
R^5/.—J/aft. TOT/.
Jh Deprive,

r. a.
To relinquish part of a d. payment of a
in loan. *]7fPT/i. 53T- ^rj5 -fRT“fer^R--&c. (as Rr rrr wr qnTferr
f 3FTO
FT ^ that thief deprived me of my turban),
2 thing committed unto. w/. W )f. STOTT /. §TOra. &TWFT or vj^rr-t'R^r-^c with Of o. (as RR Wf
TOTW /. —compreh.
feifrm. indef. &c. TOmi. J^TTfwt Rift ¥§r), (in comp,
D.~ money, charge for keeping a d. STORcS*/. as io deprive of reason, & c«).
3 pledged, — TORcf/.
fyc. state. Depth, n. See Deepness.
In d. ST^FTcF or WPffi, T[f(W. Height.
I v. W
(in comp. as^Rlfe^the cl. of winter, &c.>
4 matter lodged. w/. Deputation, n. v. Y. acif. qrar^rw. few" — <TFar#n. %w
D. of mud, as from a river, wif* fiTOro. XfVZf m. &C. fejTOWTl.
Depositary, n. person with whom a deposit is placed . 3T*TFT<T- 1 Z»(9c/?/ deputed. %w URT^'^r Tf^TRyi.
<k, km^K, fe#srpc. io Depute, r. a. appointor send as a substitute . %^vf~fej.
Deposited, p. v. V. 1. §*#^r, TOUT, airier. rFT 1F 2r#, ^iT^r-^fr^T TrS^r.
2 to^st, §ro# or S-^q-^hnr, 5*^r, s?*rrw, wrw. Deputy, «. lieutenant, vicegerent, ^Fjt, ^cTr^ir, srer-
firrd, Tf^rjrfsr, f^tr.
3 WT^TO^r. 2 factor, v. Agent. srtrrCTr, ^IWfT.
Deposition, n. v. Y. (To Depose) 1. act . Deputysihp, n. v.V. 1. gf^/. /.
See. crmzrmm. tow™* To Derange, v. a. disarrange, disorder, v. To Confuse, rfr-
2—act. SfTCTtt. &c. TOW*fm, ^TPT^PCWw. «r^”T, Il^f rz% 3F?T3^r, !ire^E%, qR%r/.-i?few/,-
8 ^rraj/. greSt/. JISfRrrw.- WtfoSm.-ikc. ^oj- g.ofo.
Written vWRt /.
d. 2 disorder in mind. jraT^^T ,-jfeffgrTin w .
- f^-
v. V. (To Deposit. )—act TOrn. feSSfam. fqviRn. NrfawwMi. f^Tri?>^r-&c. g.oj o. RRnr ^rt^-
Depository, Depot, w. place where things are deposited . Derangement, n. v. V. 1 act. jfftrsSm- irq^fFTn. &cc.
f^PTRw. %rsTYn. $|3Tm. #?!/. HRfiFJTn. HTO^TFTn* WfF state, qrrsr$F*/- »WW/. irsfrrr or STm. iWsToS/.
*t&m. %tmm. Tgs&m. ^TTfrFf /. jfRiK/. g-^rqrsr/.
Jh Deprave, t>. «. vitiate, v. To Corrupt. 3r^-^CPT-&c. 2 ««(f Madness. jfe^fSTw. mxTft^OT. pT?T-

Depraved, Depravity. See Wicked, Wickedness. Derbysuire-neck, «. JfziKftrm,

Jh Deprecate, v. a. pray against /. - $p?T/. - ^T3TO/. . Dereliction. Abandonment See
&c. #^o/o. tot wr, Ftotosttof f-mmrm^rf To Deride, v. a. mock, jeer, v. To Ridicule, fsfispr,
%rvt g.ofo. -T’Tfrg'm.-W /.-R^d/.-rV or J C/.-&C. ^Efr g-.o/o. 5

To Depreciate, v. a.

wtototototot ^to»&c.
lower the value of. few /. rft&n - apcm. Derision, n. v.V aci. —
v3"c[fre«i. f^RT/. 3T?F or£^f. 5J1T/.

g.ofo. I laughing stock. 3‘q^rfI'TR're. g-tFfreRTSTn. f?%5T?Kn. #ar-

2 fig. under rate tinder value represent as of little worth
, , sprrm.
?ror or few, toto, iwin. Derisive, Derisory, a. v.V. 1%£rNt, g-qfrer^rr,
-^Rfr/.-3?IT%9T/.- &c. wfeTORPr, ^reiriRr.


fs*# 2TO# ^.o/o. miyrg.ofo. Derivation, n . in grammar. sjKif^er/•

. . .


a. received from another « qpFSW, ^T- 1 sort. v.

Of what
d. OTT.
srrfif/. ^ /. XRJK’m. 5Ffr/.
Derivative, n. word derived,
, <§r<? s§rt3Tn* ^fiwSFSrm. tffcr m.n. Descriptive, a. v.Y. 2 ^poHT^^T, W^T, ^TF3T ?

To Derive, v. a. draw or receive as from a source. ?m<K.

src^T, OTj *TR%, 2FT with in. con. To Descry, v. a. spy out ,
see from a distance. gT^^~#|^~&c.
2 — in grammar, trace qrrs^T, 3T3FF g*of o. ^C-srfar
Derived, a . — in grammar. sq^ST. 2 detect, v. To Discover. #*rm. o-.o/ o.

To be d. crrijoT in. con.

Dermal, a. belonging to the skin « f?r^. To Desecrate, v. a defile. Rrr^or, H%ST-
Dernier, a. final ultimate . v, Last. fhJZ^T, tRHTFf, PfinFFTT, WTm.-irRT8fr^0in. ttyt g.of o.

aitffcrr Desert, n. wilderness, waste, wild. sfj|?rn. jtc-

To Derogate, v. n. detract from. ^%Wm. arm, STFFff- JTd». *rct5T»«.

€T^3i. - ~ ~ &c. ^FT^r^T ^-o/ o. mim. Desert, a, wild, waste unpeopled. , aPT^T, fCPT or =T,

ct.cbt, ?ry, 4rer, f=rr, «^KT,Pr«fsr, ^r,*prr5rir.

Derogative, Derogatory, a. v. V. a?T|Wr,
* ^TR -

2 of or belonging to a d. arr^, 3TRW

^rcrcr, ^t^RRr, erg^sR^r. To Desert, v. a. forsake, leave, v. To Abandon. 33te°T,sr3r-
Dervise. n °r, frf, rrar:r-&c.
7 <K
. .

To Descant, v n. discourse expatiate , . To Desert, v. n. run away from ones regiment, fyc. ^RFrCtf.
^PaFTra. ^TR^Tw. -TORT^m. - & c TO^n.-forcr»i.-&c. srm, izfi 5rr®T f^w^rr#=pr m?rfr/. ^nr% f

Desert, Deserving. See Merit.

To Descend, v. r. move come or , <70 down. 3TiT°t, 33To?f vSFfq'- Deserter, n. v.V. N. qsm 5rmPI, Wr,^5T%3T, ,

2 proceed from as a source fyc. Rr3>°T, 5jof, err#, qot?i. —
Desertion, n. v.V. A. act r?re nTn. rRT°Iw. &c.HIPTjii. (ift^upTm.
3 proceed from an ancestor 4^TT3T - T5Jf - ^ aJW-& c. fR^STF-
. —state, myf. firmer/, tmwf.
rT StFT IFt Spiritual d. V^pRrsrr/.
Descendant, n. ^5TRT, =f# f^T, jjfaresrn. ?
W, v.V. N. act. —
wm. ^Rrfl OK ^m».
Decendants, v. Offspring. J&tRt/. ^cFRw. To Deserve, v. c. merit, be worthy of. qjnr-ST Rfr- 3Tf- TTT- ! (

Descended, />. v. V. 1 3?#fW, writer, SRT- ^$4 &c. fr°r- s? H^', in.
con ;

WT5T. Deservedly, adv. iPTmPV, JRTgxfr, JPUmW, *PTTf.

2 TORT 5r3T5r 5n$OT, &c qfc^GT, SSTtavT. Deserver, n. Deserving, p. a. worthy, meritorious. 3FT3T,
Descending, «. declivous . 3F?FC?rr remiss grtfC'fS. ^fVST, ST55T, *lf (in comp.), <rr? (in comp.).
Descent, n. v. V. L —«ic£ SRRqn. ScfRjn. To Desiccate. See To Dry.
^Tfrirfq/. STTJTfir/. «TOCTE. ^FTFCm. 3TTORW, STCTOTm. Desideratum, n. something desired, fgm. sprtg'n. ?P?iTr«.
To Design, v. a. purpose, intend, mean. 3tvm, rj$W“T, ^rfw-
2 ^imn. mn. &c. Sr, aRRm, at'5T«.- V%1vr»».-TTm.- ?n?Tm.- iRr^n.- (Sic.

D. from time immemorial. ^rfsfTOKT/. ^vStjJrTO JPrniaT^T in. con. ^n.-^n.-arfinTra'm.

B. of a fashion, practice, &c. ajicPTn./. ®TH°T g.of 0 .
3 Tt'TfrtCTR'/; JTifRTiyrf. 2 plan, scheme, project. %5Fr, 3rfm, %rrjn.-#'f3r;n' /.
Of pure d. v. Family. fqqN*r,f afr, ?5Tfw (
-^RT/.- V^TT./.-?T5r%r/.- & C. ^r8f.
1 « d. a declivity . ScRR /. /. Vtfljitf. SfiTPCro. 3*3T- Design, n. purpose, intention, mind. tirm. iRn. jfe/-
W/. qt*R/. tTT /. t#ra. gtvr m. ST%lvrm. ir^RRm. JT^Rfrn. TP%3Rnt. ST^m. tjni. 3T-
Descrirarle, a. v. Y. & c. %gn. UVSRm. ?fJTfTM. JTIRen. STRUTw. fjrfirVn- 'aTfiTTRin. arfv-
3TF,&c. fr-ra. C3R«. nr (pop. its: or eft? or er?)n. ?w#.
2 tiw- ^rrar-
^^nrr- &c. f^r, fasMftr, , f?wr/. fV¥t?f/. i^TTw.
Preroffcr, fwqqwr, swr. 2 scheme, plan, project. TRVT/. SRHRRn. JTWV /• 5r«r^5T/.
To Describe, r. a. mar/e ottf, s/teteA out TOR, ^35?T or t- trrm. flaRT/. 5%/. n'vm. mf- (ex. 5TDTRF TO)-
*3Tr4, ^Isr*, ^TOJTm. TOR £• 0/ 0 . Designate, a. Designated, p. v.V. 1. f=T?3T^Rf, &c. Mtv.OT-
2 represent, depict portray, ,
cpjR. f%if?0R, fWfFT, arRjfr, Prafrr, m<rf3V
~&c. g.ofo. To Designate, v. a. mark out, point out. ft?5rm.-R-
Described, jo. v.Y. 1 . to?RT, & c. ftK5-R'Tf?e-&c. ^of.
g.of o.
2 V. To Appoint, ^RjWJ^/.-^r^rr/.- &c. SfTTrSr

Description, n. v.Y. L— oe& tor?i« 5r^£Rn. Sic. g-.o/o.fqw^C^.

2 — act. m^n. Pr^Rvrn. Sic. 3R=Tra. T^mn. F^f- Designation, n. v.V. 1 .—act. Pr?3pr». ft?'3T»i. Rq^STm.
^rw. ^aTtt. sqr mff 2—act. %#rn. &C. ymjuf. ^f^r/

1 mark, indication, vt'tg^in. JWIfi after, to long for, to hedging for, fyc. 3fT?!RxT ( WT, PTrfirf'

oj or Pnfpjvj, TRoj-, srPr^rspr, adv. qfre^, %stu-

Designed, p. &> a. v. V. 1. tf*S#5sr, &c. sffS, B3#fer,
<5pTm. or 'sfiTT m?r,
rfjfffr a T?R g- of s. #r=JTRpT, ^TC^T qxfiT
33533 3PT53, ,

^c 4%m. Fw-W3!, or RPCW, ST-

2 frir^r, 53353
1 v. Intentional.
- oPn3, Porno.
$P*J3r, Br3rPq3r,5r3uOf3, *jfef3. ^Sr, Rrrr,
r, ’<3T?m, >tIr, dr^, wss^, Srw, ^
Designedly, adv. v.P. I. 3TF33 'srm'TfPT 3r3335p, BB33- , trwm. ITCW, iTFTm.

3OTr, jfoTNr, 3TC3C5B5, 33333 330 |3rr5t3, 3F3- ,

2 request, entreat, v. To Beg. ITT*!3!, f^D°I*

^r^t=r, ^353T,otjP|3. s bid. erm, srrsir/.

Designing, p. a. v.V. 1. H3533T5T, 3Tf5F 3T53F- Desired, p. v. V. 1 &c. cf^T, ®TTfer, aiRTlfe?, ^F-
Designer, n.
iw, 55:, wtg', swrpRT, 5p€RT, ^f^FT , #ff7
cr, &c.
2 fr3r T!Tr, cottrt, &c. 333 -&c. 353T.
JTR'ff'W (xwlg. 3t%fed).
Desirer, Desiring, p. Desirous, a. v. V. 1. sJ-^ilD,
I artful, crafty, v. Conning, 33OTF, 3<i'.OT<il5,3n'33T5, 33V n. a.

3T3F, ^or 3t,3r3r533T5, vfT. &c. evur-Tf^r, ?{RiW, 5^f

&c.), arr^rw (in comp.), 5SUTl?r,
( es P- in
comp, as '<5^3,
WireTf, ^r,
Designment. See Design, #rl^3
Desirable, a. v.V. RTT- 33ITW &c. W, *^€~ — in high degree; craving, fy c. 55 3T, ^3TT or H^iT, 'Rjiferf,

sfimto, »rrirt- tP5T5, arPiv!#, ^%^r,^w?rer, swrPre’, twri^r, 3thtr5, sr-

35 3PTRC, 3WRT3, spTR, mt&s, vrawT, errarr-
fsraOT, 3fs#3, resr#, 3rnrnr , 3fwr, #3313, c^fPot, , 3prr5Tf?T,

Desirableness, n. v.A. 35533!/• 5353133!/. &cc. 5^®fi3T /. To Desist, v. n. stop, leave off, v. To Cease. ^T? 0!, ^TR^T, >RT-

Desire, n. eagerness after. 3TF5F!/. ^353!/. 33!/. f35F/. s T3?jr/. 3#1 /• 53, fRin. STfrqEff-^RSr, PT5#T.
wm. 3333r/. Bj?r/. Itot/. flftnasr/. Desistancb, Desisting, ». v. V. 5TV3«- fT*T 3Rf53Tn. &c. Pr-
^rsf. farrewi- 3 ot/.
— m high degiee; thirst after, panting or hankering after, 55pFn.
Desolate, Desolated, jd. v. V. 3'S{[5 5F§3r-^r33F, 35FP5,
longing for, fyc. ?r3 f. 5T3if. 3<5n- 3OT5S f. ^rgrTm. <33,/. PT3F-

3 m. #?n. 3333/. OTfar/. OTKT^r f- fwrr/. 33T/. STpTOTIin. 37r€F, wor

3, T?VC, 555cC, 5pTO3or td, HJire,
33553/. OTrcor /- %fw«. 535533/. f&mf. arro /. See also 33r, 335FF, 3^55, Pi33, *R5, ^JraTC.
Itch. To Desolate, v. a. depopulate. 33F3-%9T 5-=5tfF-3f^Tr3-Pr- !

Carnal d. 3FHTi» 5F3- &c. 5X3, ^srrft/^rsrit/.- &c. 5553 g. of0 33 #, r- .

Object of d. CSn- 5OT5fn. Cferm. PF533 with 5T of o.

Snare, fetters, &e. of d.

sqramrm. 3furi 41rfn. BTOrfrprn. Desolation, n. v. V. state. 33Pft/- ^ITBVStf- 3g333T /- 5R-
off or z(Xf. 5i%5T?ft/- Some strongly significant words and
Entangled in it. eTrSTTVST.
and figures expressing this sense are fFJpCT-
Void of d. Exempt or free from d. aTpfS®, PlTCOJ, *HW, striking phrases
3tar unfefF3,33 ?3-
Pf:5t?, Prcvr, Pfvb3, Pf^pt. jfrsEt f. 3fr5333n. 333313 or 33F3w. 3F8J3t
PrcVsr, Prefer,
To gratify (intense) d. 3rB3n. TOT! (newt. fwr). V'l3T RFT33T 3rl',i5r35TRT tStc.353 3«i33rf (3CI3T &c.), 303

To mock or balk d. 3rB3r/. 3v3l3 3T53. 3TF5rr 33 f33 5FO%' 30t3 3Z3 3Fft, Pf5T 3133
3f33Tr 3II3,
To mortify d. 3F5T3T/. ROTT-T^OTT-JR3! (ex. 3T3T3! TlfPl- 3lff (Or 55TF3-3RT3 &c.), qT^r 3JIW (t5OT3T-3F5P3r),

art 33 tpsr g<rrd), €ffm. srrOTi-qrc 5!, 33 3IT*

Despair, Desperation, n. hopelessness, v. Despondency. Pr-
-r?srPTfPr /. ot,
To repress or restrain d. f«f3<3f 53, Pi tl $»*•* vrerr/. 33rorn- ^r^triPTrn. ^rsrrPF^^w- 3F3^(3/. 3Rir3K3r/-
To Despair, v. n. v. To Despond. «?r 5TT/- 3133-33:3-53333
33 3l3m. JT3T3 5 3T3m. #33, a333?3r3w.-3F5!r#33n.-&c. 5iT-
2 a d., a wish, r*ST/. 3R3! /. 3F3F3!/. STTTO!/. 3TF3!/.

jrt /. 33;3>r33r f-v^rf- tf pop. Vr™. B3rs3m. irpront.n. *r- 3, PF05T-&C. fl3.
AXu pop. 3333 orvrxmf. m^mf. i#Pb3b. ir^Rpm. cir/. b- Despairer, n. Despairing, p. a. v. V. and Despondent. 33-
ototto. f%a=Tn. m &R§-5rr, 3F5rr#3W, &c. Prcr^r, *r®Rr, 33rvr,3?rr5r,

According to one’s d. (or purpose). ^-cSjiDWF, 33T+.TB, 33!- 3T5T, 3F5Frft3.

wot. To Despatch, v. a. send off smartly. 3133, 3333, 5 <533, 3T3- 1

Evil d. pfflvr/. 3RRHT/. 3FT3ra3!/. C3, 3353, PCT, f3ZTS53, 3T33, 305 5333, f3\IT3, %33, V3R-
Virtuous or good d." ynnra^r/. snfarsHr/. bsto3f/. ijF/. 3TFT3, 93 j».-933». ^Slg-of o.

2 perform or execute promptly, dispose of, knock off, rattle

To grant or fulfil a d. ?OT5T!T3 «•— STI <h [SFF3 B3n ~ iKiRJTT-
tP>Tn. HOT. Off. 3233, sofrSr, 33333 aura#, ,
3- ^3, <

To obtain a d. C^eWm. - /.-SBT- 53FIT3, 3T3FC3' or 3T3F33, HT^FOTT, «PC3F53, TFV^i^r, 3iW-

qfR/. in. con. 330) 3333, 3Kw»* SOT3! with 3iW3T ^c, OO^T-WTFFV^ adv.

To Desire, v. a. wish for. f'rpss^, ®TraVPT, P^rar°t, f%- 3T!:3 *.e.-f^53-3F33-t33-f3m-&C. 3533, OTOf^T, BT-

fprn. tcSt g.ofo. s^/.-srnOT/.- 3Tre/.-^^/--^^r/--& c- 53; 3333,0^35:^3.

TT'T-fT*T.—-in high degree ;
to crave, to thirst, pant, hanker 3 putito death, v. To Kill. TRjMrPr/- WlB sm-Pf-
, - . —


s#, RSTRcra-^-q RR-RRrqrR - &o. srpR-qR^R, sfkh-
2 To Destinate, Destine, v. a. appoint by previous determina-
xjr jr«t. tion, v. To Appoint. Tff-qftRIR-Ac. 4r3R3"q°T, qqqrSRT/.
Despatch, n. smartness, expedition. grqgrfro. Rqr<r f m. gsrqzf. -qqlxqRjn.-qqix^nr^. qrRr g.ofo. qqprqrf^
rsnrfi/. R-sfr/. Destination, n. v. V act. qqqnRT/. qqpT?RHt- qqpRRRn.
' 2 letter sent with expedition §c. Jjr^'fT-5TfTir t
r3?5T5'W- 1 purpose for which a thing is destined, v. End. fxqfPsR
?"ni.-55T§rJTm. &c. qr4«. fRqri%frfqqqwi.
Despatched, p. v. V. 1. ijRSRr, &c. II place to which a thing is appointed fTRRqRn.
3Rq?Rr, 3Tqr?Rr, &c. Destined, p. v. V. qqT qfaR &c. qqiRqrfsrfr, qqRRT, R-
°» v» 7 7 N3 7
G\ <J\

To be d arm, s-rr, adv. fr°r. sfg, R1X.

Desperado, n. desperate, furious fellow. STRiTRl or aTRRrqb, Destiny, n . — as the power destining', Fate, Necessity. Rn \-
rchY, qjr?faqr, qrqRFrRr, srprarqcRr mm. fqqrn. ^ign. qrr^m. mn. qqx4n- xxiTpff- irPr/. %wfq/.
Desperate, a. despairing v. Despondent. fjRRr, sTrOTSfar, JlPr/. tnTRn- qr?iRn. l|RRqr4n- =T#q«. ffRr/. or PTX-
terra", xsra, =qg*R, ?*rara. RT% or ^ffiqr% #m pi. qiRR iqqrqin. qrqgorw.-- considered
2 rash, reckless, hot brained, v. Madcap. fapntx 3TiT, HT- as absolutely irresistible, inavertible, §c. x4?feq'fT,

s#, xrtRrqr, xqrsrairar, qrrteqrtfaRrf, tra#, emrer. qRqrx, qs'RTqrir, qrfs'.rqR, gfRrrqRr;r, q^qRX r-tr- & c.
3 hopeless, remediless. RRRT, 3"qRRR, 3rqR#R-raR-&c A ppointed by D. RWIT.
Rtrara, g-qrqrafq, arerrar, qRR. Persecutions of D. Trouble or evil appointed by D. sTOTT-
4 Sec Excessive. mn. qrjfxRR.qr4qrqrR.x4qrjqrc/.
Desperateness, n. v. A. 1. Prrf5rr/.%rr^Tn. s?T5rr Off'Tn.

R- Subject to D. Irqqsr, tqr4 rq.


trrfRtr/. 2— as the state & e. destined ; doom, lot, allotment, fortune.

2 grttr». qfriwrrm. Ifcqror %&mf. mt^rf- or
3 Praqmr/. witw/ sqracrftRa. qiqrsitqr/- xqrsrqfr /. otrIw/. ^qrssr^m. /.
Despicable, a. v.Y. and Contemptible. fqRR qrXra-4Rr- qiXRrqriT«i- tRrrvqr or fmf. qrqr s». gfeqn. xgqr^n. xircr-
tfiRT-&c.%)c^rt, srciRRtq, csrgrr, gx®, xxftxr, ttRRr, ii’w. qrr^fxqfJTm. fqPrm. r^ttrxw- wire/. sifqcrRM. fRRw.
fafg, am, qrfr. I'rqtqr«.
Despicableness, n. v. A. t^raWm. fttqqnw/. aRRT^rcIT/- Fulfilment of d. qrJRRm.
srqgRrrfrr /. Of high d. v. Fortunate. gRxqTRIT.
To Despise, v. a,, v. To Contemn. fttX3iTT°T, ^TW°M, STRT- Man must fulfil his d. XRlft ESRTXRff.
^.^rwPifjWCT, iw5T-f5er-&c. w, qratr*? xot- Man must labor and fulfil his d. grfaq qrffRT fCT®'
XR^r, fqxroa.-tsrr/. - f avrr /. mmrn.-kc. 3Rvjg-.ofo. SIR xrf f.
Despising, n. v. Y.—act. fq^XHRn. &c. ftRSHTm. fWRTro. Destitute, a. forlorn, v. Friendless, Poor. fvqXTpSTR,
spRRm. «RRT»n. aTfiFRn. 3RWTT/. ?SRT/. fR/. srqlfsxrt. aRr^q, r^rit, R?:r^q, aqqfqR, aqgqqR-, gqgrqRxr,
aRt5RT /• 2 wanting, in want of, v. Wanting. frOR’-RR-STR-ffa'
Despite, & c. See Spite, &c. -XfffT-&c. all in comp.
To Despoil, v. a. rob of, v. To Deprive. sjnHT-'&c. grtR Destitution, n.v. A. 1. PrDfgfrqRm. 3q?qqrm. fxxr-WR/.
with fqqqf of o. ?M-TO-S;e. XT“t, SYR, R3R. Pr^rxrRr /. R^mrfcRii. arqrqrqqqr/ aigqqfR f
To Despond, v. n. lose hope, despair. RaTT/- ^RR-JRfR-R- 2 flRR/. xrflRn. awrqm.
w, Rrar/.-vftoii.-R*k-&c. OT b «-.
of s. Rxrar/. img.ofs. To Destroy, v. a. raze, demolish, «.$•<?. 4i3R, 4T3R tf^T 5RT-
fR qR hi. pi. RR g. of ifp3R g. of s. ?R in. pi. RT-
s. “t, wg- TRX-ifJTR-& c. srrsfTR, qr^Sr, fiRq^T, sr^Rifter
°r, sfrqm. ztm, trr°r«i. #sr, RrarraR«mrar%RR». &c. xrt, Rqrr
gr- or xqrz: fq>-jso TR fiRqSr-qRR, qrrr q^Rrm.
rt, faM5TRgra-Rg%4-&c. fpr. qrxST-Rreq^, t ix m. - .
- fqwg- m - pqaqgqB -
. - ^fcr-
Despondency, n. hopelessness, despair. PTXT51T/. %CPRn . if- Ym - fqgrqm - FqiJTRn .- 3=E%5-m. - &c. mfng.ofo. --im, f^-4-

vTrSTT/. ®rraPRM. RraRScfr /. lt*RXTn. fWRm. =rrfter xg qxx, 4frRr, s'^qvr, PrqfoR, xq?4t /.-
Despondent, a. hopeless, despairing. fRtra, XST5T, f3T5r, iq- ecfr/. srx'r, XRqrR qtqfrm. fqrxq^.
3TST, 5W5T, gfETSST, *THT5T, ftRWRTf , FrRRffir, tff- 2 — freely ; ruin, spoil, devastate, lay waste, excessively in-
Rrf, flfwr, arcw, tRitt, xgtq, 5 Rrr, ampr, jure, &jc. q-RR, =TR=T 2TRR, XRrm.-fqR^Tm.-RRr?!^.
Despot, it. absolute sovereign.
xrRRtnrr, Zjtr'ftZ pop. XRqpqto /• - q RRT in . - RXRt /. -^gqRn - ijtqR'Rn - R-
. .

*m, ptWPT^CIW. 5T4)Rm.

f. -sqaxsjr/. -YfYumm.-
Despotic, Despotical. See Absolute. tRqr /. - qrriR' f - q?RTi or q?Rrem ./. - qjRXTXui'. - gra r/. - r-
Despotism, n. absolute power. XfrTRr/. S0RR». RfMRraiXRn. Rm.-qRn. -fWa'in.n. -fqwgTm. - t:R/.-qrp3Tm. -qRqrfXRl/r-
*Tfa«hreren/.‘ f4?R'n.-f4qqRr/.-qr5rr«i.-&e. xrt, qss^-RgxSr-qr-
2 an arbitrary government.
Dessert, n. course offruit after dinner.
XRTOrf’fei M n. rt, fgror^rm. 3^r-qwr^,qier««fo.RRErad'®. x^xrrqR,
IfqRR'tTtRT qiTRin. XXR5rR^5t (neut.5n^),»f3r«i.-)f5Rfl.-fff?/. 5R|-.a/o.
8 hill, extirpate, annihilate, fyc, sflffer qTRT, fxqifR, 3 xS'-
— — — — .


sr, RrR!».-RSRR»--fR7iR pop. fR:TfRm.-ftg3R«.-fRR3Rn.- To Detect, Detection. See To Discover, Discovery.
RfTRnx. -R5TRn. -7rRfni.-Rsr7?«.-^r T»i. l
Detention, Detaining, r. v. V. 1. — act. t-pfri. 3r>SH».
( comp.)-&c. 3RR,g\ ofo. R|3R adv.-q^adv. 3RR, 2— act. fi3TRn. -W^Rn. &c. ’qm’Hff
0 f— state, '
jf^rm. iprrm.
RTRR adv. R37R. #fl/. #r^rm. ^sFrprm. arr^RTni.
Destroyed, p v. V. 1. RIRR55T, %RR tlRR rRTRRr, &c. EffaR, To Deter, v. a. stop by fear. 03 3P5JMFT STTI^RR-BR'pr-lTRtr-
wrer, f^*f%R, r^rr, fRRfRR, rcr. ^FFR-fec. 3T3#-0T3T#-^JR 33R-&C.
2 rtrrri-, rprr vttrrt, &c. sfirt, RrfsiR, fcnfisfR, rc (also, To Deterge, Detergent. See To Cleanse, Cleansing.
in comp, and with much elegance and oxpiessivenoss, as Rgft- To Deteriorate, v. n. grow worse, v To Degenerate. 33-
sf, rerr, RCTW7,RCTf3,RCTrr3R, &c.), frre',^- ??T,ftqRR,0Rra RRTVT-Rr^Jm, fiR, yTVr^m.-iFTr'TRUm
Frr,>tst, rIr. -&c. tiR g- of s.
3 Rr?fRr%RRr, r^r-sri, &c. r^rst, fRRfRR, rrr. Deterioration, n. v.V. — state. RrKRPWm. gRT^RfRTR/. 13-
Destroyer, n. Destructive, a. v. V. 1. iffRRiTr, See. fHfRRT, mrmrm. Pmfem. strirIr/. arsRRmrRm. Tpr?mm.
fv-wr, f7RrR3,ftRr#t,R?nc3, R?rR3RT-RrcR-3rCt-&c. 033, RRrqRRm. =§TRm. RRRTRm.
Determinable, a. v. V. 1. 3RTW-RT-RPT?ir-&;c. H'-VCRtR,
2 ^irw, Sec. ^rr^Rr, rirtt, RTRU, PrRra3, frRrat, 0- FRRTR, aT'TRTRRlR, SPRTR, PpfR.
33, rtrr, rirtB, ?mx, RrariRf 3fR. ,
Determinate, a. ascertained, settled to be, v. Certain. fR^Tf-
3 Rr?rer TOfKr, rir 3, RrRRt, Rn5T-Re%R-&c. ^rwrf-^TCt-&:c. RR, Rf9fiW, RTRH, fRRfBCR, fRRfR, 'TRRBrT.
PrRR3PCt, 5T (in comp, as tiRR, *TOT, Rt=TO). 2 settled, definite , limited, fixed ; — csp. of time. RTRr, RRr, RT-
Destructible, a. v. V.
0fRr3-Rr-#Rr-#RRr-dic. etorBt,
1. ^Br, RT^BfR, 5RRRT, RRRr, pTRRrRT, 3TrRRr, fSRt-
f 5TFTfR,
pvfHRFr, fRRRRk, RRsRRpr. vr, RRirrR,
f R^rR, qPcfeR.
3 Rrenvr- Rr-RrRr-fmRr- & c rtst-ir, wfasy, 4rs?r. Determinated y. See Certainly.
Destruction, n. v. V. 1 — act. #3 R«. #(^T3fCTn.-&*c. yf0- Determinateness, m. v. A. 1. fRRTRRWrni. BrarRRRT/. RfRR-
Rn. ftvfRRn. R£R<Pf»- *fRR n.— state. l-70w,. Up-fRi/i. fftiRm. qRrm. {RRffe;-T)i. &c.
R^SRm. 0?PCm. RRRwi. 2 RfRn. Firfr/. rutru. iriV/. rt?r/. §rrt/. rirBt-
To sweep with the besom of d. T3TF£Tm. &c.
'2— act. RfRRn. Rr0R£r3R»- state. Rrafm. pRRTtn. Sift/. Determination, n. v. V. A. 1. act. rrirrji. Btrrot. fR0R»t.
3 mm. faRRm.spRRm. RRIRni. fRRPCRw. RRRTTRn. iRRRlR3R«. Rffe/.
N.B. For more nouns refer to those given under the meanings 2 act. ffRPTRn. %RRn. &c. 3R|Rin. fRRRwt. fRRRm.
of the Verb. 3 act. qfcf^R VRRn. TftSRin.
Hour of d. fiR'Rmarm. v. V. N. act. 03-5:7 RoCRn. fRRR 3RRn- R3^7Rn.
The universal d. 0§T7RRm. 3TF#r3RRRjn. JjgriRSrRR or 1 decision, decidedness, resolution, v. Firmness. 3?R f. aTRT-
HrfPr^ipnrm. Will, or ww». RRfRRJT- fm. fRRfiii. |0T0/. RRTm. rrm. Bt3Rot. RPRcaRn.
5nr»». HRRm. II a d. a resolve. fRR7m. HRRTm. 03?7»i. 3RrR»n.
Desuetude, n. v. Disuse. apCR®R». sH^rreM. STgTRtsR/. 4—
Fixed d. 7RT0357m.
Desultory, a. passing from one subject to another without or- III matter determined, (settled, fixed, &c.). ufern. trf?3Ptf)tt.
der. mm r
<rfr t JTT^g^tvr, 35R7#Rr, tRrR, 7RR7n.
sreifcr, 33^3, r^hr. To Determine, SRRR, aTTRKR, BtrRot.-
v. a. ascertain, settle.
To Detach, v. a. disunite disengage, , v. To Separate. 0,-33- fRRrRm.-fRRfCTn. 3CR g.of 3RR. 0. Ra Tf 7 -lR'R|iTR-&c.
R, WR-fv5r- Brjtfr 37R, 33RR. 2 settle, appoint, v. To Fix. 3RT#, ^RR, ar^Rm.-fRVRm.-
2 (troops, &c.). ffssr/.-j^pfr /. 33R htstrSt g ofo. fRTR pop. 5fRnt.-&c. SfiTR g.of 0. RRlR- BrfRft - fRRTRR- &c.
To Detach, v. «. come off, cease to adhere. Bppt, 0HR, 3333. 3^R,
Detachment, n. body {of troops , fyc.) detached, g3#t/. ifeSt f. 3 settle judicially, v. To Decide. ^RRr«i.-Brwrm.-&c. 3-
%RPsfRM. RR g.0f 0 .

To Detail, v. a. relate, Sec. in particulars. R70tRm.->|RTRin./.-- 4 To Bound.

define, confine, limit, v. qfc%Rm. 3RR g.of 0.
tortm. -& c. RRH- 37R-fR?R- & c. rtoIrrit -RRrar3 c-&c. s
TftiRvr 3RR.
#lR-fe?°r-&c. ifiTZTm. 3=33 g, 0j 0i ^0533/- 5TR% with 0 5 resolve. 0357OT.~fR3Rm.- RRtR &c, 3RR
or RT, qfrRRRn. 333, g.of 0.
Detail, «. detailed statement. fPR'0te'«i. fURT or 3m.f. WR or To Determine, v. n. resolve. R3?7ni.-fif3trj». 3RR,

Rm. rpft /. qrtrrm. v. 3 rwFr/.

, mf. ?rr%.
In d. fRRt553rv, PrRFsrtR, ptrirr:, rRrp:, FsraRfir, c* Determined, p. fy
a. v.V. 1. STRRRr, sr^RRTRRr, &c. fR°ffR, fR-
snrcrv- * *
fer, fRRrfRR, r^rtBcr, Frsc.
To Detain, v. a. keep back, v. To Retain. 5rr, rr33, 2 3RRR3T &C. ?gpRTR ’t-RRT-^r&RT, &C.
2 restrain from, hold back, v. To Stop. ^Ffr«T, 3R#, ?ff- 3 qfRS3 3RRT, TfcfRvT.
*R^%/. tp^-aTRS^r,
, #rf/.-?t(355n'«i^-&c. g. Of 0. agent,
f RfRSJR, 3R037R.— object. ^rfiRR, RrfsrBRRT.
Firm. fyC-qT'TT, ST'CTORTf, 3TVr^, f*PTT- Devices, (5#s/.
1 decided, resolute, v.
*rrW, wtv, fsrvr^r, PresNr, 2 ingenious machine, 8>c. ^TCr^T/.
Determiner, n. Determinative, a. v. V. 1. STf^fTr, &c. Devil, n. fiend, demon, fyc. (For the Devil — m theology the term,

though much misunderstood, is, of course, or tlrlT-

Prorfinir, f^n^far, f¥fa-&c. it is

The Devils of toe Hindoos are nu-

2 armin', &c. ^r-&c. smrirr. ?fm from the Arabic).

3 %H?rr rnTirr, frfrer rrror. merous, and are distinguished into orders and classes. Pre-

4 ?KW-5i, 'Tfv&SPF. tending not to any accurate classification of these beings, we

(a sore ). y^PTOFT^ii. have collected below some names and titles answering generally
DetersiON, n. cleansing SJ-

to devil, demon, fiend, sprite, goblin . For the particulars of

Detersive, a. v.N. aFT??! 5 ^, ycTf^Fry, y^ilfe^K^. their natures, offices, haunts, practices, &c , M.
consult the

To Detest. See To Abhor. E. Diet. NHT,*Tcr, fqvTPT, ^T, KWS ,**&;, BTP^TRT, %^T

To Dethrone, v. a. JTfflq^Ff ^T°T ^qfqsrr^T, ^r, ^rfr^r, r«nr, =^r,

q^r^rPr^, m 0
?!, 5sk <w eoror, fksft, ^rkr^r

To Detonate, v. tu explode, burn with a sudden report . '<F$- _pop. fvjsr or oSt, 1^, 8T35<cf. iSca further
under Ghost.
To Detract, v. a. take away from the reputation or merit of. Devils and demons, fiend3 and goblins, —compreh.
ajcf^cT <?r %cfn.

qiwTm. ~ qw^rerm . - & c. WT g.of o. A very d. BrfeiPnaw, r^WT, ?lfRr.

away from ipy , f’C0! n . - ^T TflT ni ^iT 0! g>of o. Ceremony of summoning a d. to occupy and actuate. ^CFTrc.
2 take ,

Detraction, n y.Y. . 1. and Aspersion. arpqfqqFcpft. «?. qrsr, 5Tf5fT.

ajonrosrw wmrc. apqqr/. Ceremonies, gener. to lay a d. ^TTlvT/*

Detractor, n. Detractory, a. v. V. 1. and Asperser. ^?T- Dr—-dealer. OTRT or

m q^irr, toW, mmum- sur,

D. —
it?tNt, jfnrr,
dealing, raising, exorcising, fye.

of devils.
^¥rfxfr/! f?*?-
tTI, 2jcTf5^, ^TOTRTK¥,
Detriment, n. v. Loss. ^^RT/. qRTm. fffHf *£\f. m^ffq^TR-ft^r /. wmztifi
2 damage injury v. Hurt. 33Tff);/* •p£€R’»*/*
, ,
iTpTjfi D. mcited (to assail). %SRalt%3Tdr.
#T/ 3T^ITw. D. — world. D.-creation. illusions of devils . spHfe /. ^TR-
Detrimental, a v.N. 2 . Hurtful. WhiCKf, Tterqr/.

^cw, Disease, affliction, or mischief, gener. ascribed to a d. qTtl“-

To Detrude, a;, a. thrust
down. ?3T5?f
^fffwcqr, stPffqnrqr.
w or qitr^kw/- R^rw^rr/.
^r^7n. ofRTbc or’srpfiT/- srrarjprm. ^rr^qrferm. srp?qoim.

Deuce. See Die. q?n. vr^qt^r/. qmr/. tqfOT^r (^-w-qkr-^T &c.),

Deuterogamist, 7i. owe w?/^o marries the second time. RnSHT. nqrsrr^Cqnqr/.-f^R &-c.).
Deuterogamy, n. ^JTn. Haunt or lurking hole of devils. ijq?qRT?n. WiqfT/- ^Tcon.

To Devastate, v. a, waste ravage, ike. f-'HlWtfff ~

, !
Influence or working of devils as producing disease or mis-

tjo£3OT/. - “ qm#f/.~&c. qcF1g.of o.tprm.-^TOn.- chief. 3TT3*3jqr7n. BTr^RTm.

Offerings (of food) to some d. (in appeasement, &c.). ^RtTw.
^frTt^n. g >of q. wmyjfiTW qnrr.
Devastation, «. v.V.—act. =TO’<re &c. ?I2TRTF«. ^Rf~ qpfr/. HOTn.
3g#m. — qpiWt/. -TTWH /. *TTOTf
sitaite. ?r
/* Of or belonging to devils. Produced by devils — esp. of mala-

^qf[cf7n. 3T^rrT/. ^3Rn. ^fTTm.

affhT^grsrn. dies or troubles. ^STHT, T^f^RT f ^q^T,
To Develope, v. a. unfold, make known, fyc, srr^torqr, ^qr^TF^r.
Ike. «?#, swt^r/.-irf%fC“&c. zgtyr g*of o. Pranks and tricks of devils. ajrHEf/.

c. aim, tocpt. Stated or established offering to a d. 1*, OTL

To be developed. qrtc W°T, fcc. W, String or company of devils, ijqpfs;/,

^zTsqr. Subject of possession (man, &c.) by a d. ^ q||T\2'n. to quit it.

7b Deviate, v. n. lit. fig. swerve, stray , wander . or H^T- HTTfl* . w/« m.

To be d. -blasted, or d. -affected. or

or mzim. or with g. of $. q- To bind a d. under engagement (not to molest. Sic.). -3X4-

ernr or & c. fTtqr to#*
To cast out a d. JTffn. &c. TOfCffn.
Deviation, n. v. Y .—act. f^*Wfn. &c. ^in. x^^fn.
cqRrqrcw. ^vrm, <r<wm n. mmmn. ;w«* frq Rr^rn. To inject a d. jprn. qT#-9#', WTf/•
To setup d.-dealing. t'sffCfw* or\n. WStqR qrb2%-~ qpjqSh *-

Device, ti. scheme , v. Contrivance. ^v’HT /. qfe /. Devilish, a. of or belonging to a d. The following words, being

TQT?T7)1. ^3T<T /. |
derivatives respectively of the terms denoting particular orders


or classes of Devils (See Devil), express of course correspond- 2 fig. swallow up, v. To Consume- OTR, fiRR, TOT adv.
ing shades of the general sense of devilish. qWP'T or TOTfTO ottotor.
3T (from fTOR ) WfTOT ,
(from iff), 3TRT & aRTCt (from STfT), Devout, a. devoted to religious exercises, <tyc. imrl, HW5ftR,
scrro r (from tort), PreiSrar, frormrr, wrorr, 3Rrmrr, irPirm pop. wfffru'fr^R-im, wPftc, HfrrPrH-, JiRfr-

&c. Prarnr &c. q?frsr, WurRTqr, 51%, rttow, a - -

2 See Wicked. qro, RffrRRj%^r, gq-.arrRl.

Devious, a. v. V. and Erring, siiiwt, fiTTOIRt, Devoutly, adv. v.A. HpiWRFR, Hfek, &c.
Devoutness, n. v. V. Hl^WRni. HRif. IrPtHT/.
1 V. Irregular. TOfeTO,
ffiTOT, *fcmrNr, TOfTO JTmfqT, qwwjfe/.
Prsr /. jRDTafteqrr/.

TOvStt qremrr, frTOmrr, ^rrormrr, Dew, n. srffTO or Wr«. TOm- qqRm.n-

Deviousness, n. v. A 1. $RRTm. sTWin. sqf*rqTO«*. Dew-drop, 7i. tqrRT %m. pTFI%OT plTWm- ffTOtTm.
Devisable, a. v. V.l. WTO-TO- trur-RTRr- &e. TORtu, tfTOT- Dew-lap, n. the pendant flesh from the throat of an ox. grFT-
To Devise, v. a. excogitate , invent, plan, v. To Contrive. 41- sfi/. qisfr /. irtoto/1. rrrarj.

m, fi¥/.-TOrfnr/ -&c. Rtror-qrot g-ojo. Dewy, a. relating, fyc. to dew. ^qrRT, 'TftqrrqT, qqfRtpT, fTfRAH ,

2 See To Bequeath. jitor.

Devising, n. v. V. l.—act. WTn. qTRRfn. &c. RT5TRT/. UpjR- Dexterity, wrv.A. fferfl or or mTOrm. fTO-
qr /• f%q*Tw. Rt f to?/. TOTO3r?q». ??wra?n. sTfa'm-
Devoid, a. not possessing, v. Wanting, 3TR, ?R, PrCT- 5T5-qn.

3T, all in comp. fiRT, RCRT. Dexterous, a. adroit, v. Expert. frW fT5I3 ,
Devoir, n. act of respect. TOTOin. JTTOTm. fTRRte-, qmtj, SW, J3T5T.
To Devolve, v. a. deliver over, tffft, ST^fR, S?RR, 2TOR, Dexterously, adv. v.A. ffTOlW, ^r5IRTR,
arm, wr, tojw urm (mm-m-&c.), sjsrr. Diabetes, n. q?3T^ji.
To Devolve, v. n. come to, fall on by succession. arrinTO-tlT- D. mellitus. mfe.
wnro-TO-&c. q^air-^sf g-ofs. toto to iqrs^n. jtr/ sfr°ft/. Diabolical. See Devilish. m
—8cc.) arsEf qror, anjjrro ssr. Diadem, n. v. Crown, itjt pop. qTjZm.
To Devote, v. a. give by vow, v. To Dedicate, TOOT,qr?R, Gem or )ewel of a d. ^jTJiPrm.
am, tow, 3mn.-?Rrkn.-&c. rto g.of o. Diagnosti6»^*i. sign or symptom ofdisease. /fTOOTn. 'CRlWS'H.
Devoted, p. and a. v.V. TOTORf, Rfftw, atm, TOffo. Diagonal, a. rnffPr, m/urfffi, %T°TW,
up Diagonal, n. Rr°fm. m/ur/.

I given to, addicted, intent upon, v. Intent. aTPER ,


TOrfror, frirfrir, <rrr, rror, w, tor, tow & to (in Diagram, n. geometrical, ^c. figure. 3JW. Jfifl /. arrqrffT/.

comp, and forming valuable compounds endlessly, as ifTOTO- Rqrarrjii.

m, irPsTOrw, wttow, tottow, wmq, ^tow, fer- Dial, n. afmfn.

trrow, (TOrnm, wffrqa:PT°T, &c. or jtPjtto, tort &c.), Style of a d. 5fam.

Dial-plate, n. '5f|T|Rn.
Devotedness, n. v.P. Rff^RWIin. &c. srfTOTO. TORTOn. Dialect, n. mw?m. ?OTfUT/. RTOMTOTm.
I arrePrf. *rPr/. 5j*ri%/. F=tst /. TOrorr/. TOtwr /. & c. Dialectics, n. v. Logic. TOTOR5T>i. g'tfq^rr/.
Devotee, n.v. Ascetic. 4W y>pp.Rfifl,^ift, TOW- TOR,TO". Dialogistic, Dialogistical, a. ‘having the form of a dialogue.
Female a. u/mryjoy>. #4W, &c. wRTOr, TOmiRfr, tr#?TCTOr.
Devotion, n. Y.V.—act. TOTOTn, qrfRn. &c. 3T%Tn. TOfe.— Dialogue, n. BUlWn. gqrsrm, Tr#3T». or ^rrf-
state. RtfTOJTOTM. Kifeqn. TORTOTn. RTOa.
I See Devotedness 1. II. v. Devoutness. iTRRHni. TOT/. Diameter, n. ipraR'R. RRTir. 5IOT/. |rff-
#TOfror/. •//qr/.
Hollow and interested d. f<TTOri%rf. Diametrical, a. describing a diameter. RIW%.
Ill or devotions, worship. TORn. TOTf/. RRf/. TOITOtj- 3R- 2 direct, downright, out right, flat, tyc. 'Wqr, RST^T,
<T31T/. STTOMn. wrar, fromr, tffz, To
Some phrases and sayings
Morning devotions. HMR*Wn. expressive of diametrical opposition are FtJTqt
2? ^ sTW'€t

Devotional, a. relating § c.
TORrfmfaT, TORT- to worship. wtff airTOt ?Kfar,wrqr ?r qr: ainror ?isr
TORT, mrR»qwi—rRmrR7, tototto, tori% towr. to arrTO qrR, arr% «rRrt to srrTO w.
Devotionalist, Devotionist, n. person superstitiously given Diamond, n. flrrm. ftSfgfm. ftrln.qsr m.n in contempt. ^T- —
to d. wirorTOjTOn. twift, tortt, rrmarr,
wrcr, Ftotot
To Devour, v a.
mr tosr tofikt, %%%
To Eat. tqrro ST'P'T,
v. TO TOR, ot-
tit- w
to s%£n.

The following terms express sorts or varieties. ifTOfBft,
dwt#, pRqiw, ^arofTOT.
cut with facets. TOTOfm. FTOrfftn.
to qtan. tor g.of o. otto totto:™. tor g-of o. D.-bit. fTOWt/.
To be ready to d. Rf TOPi. D.-mine. ^fTO»t. TOITTOm-
d. cut d. trwsr *w?r, urerar jrrcr, trcre sqrsrr. q^r, airsTfn?. gNr5!, 3T?rq°r, arrqjM.
Diaphanous. See Transparent. w^r, wrer/. fpr g.of s. qarw qif^w, 'qrwTrqajqr stft, qr^ur-
Diaphoretic, a. causing perspiration. qqqfrqrqqr, qifc qrq'qr, w-arrr,
f ®rqor |fw g. 0j s . amr interj. 5nq'5ir, anarm. If}-
?3'3TjM3r-'=KR <ti -&c. inv. con. qrarq-, iTWRn- afsI55 5r-aF'q'5r-qi-
Diaphoretic, «. sffWi. iqSr, irr4far«. g-.oj s. Vqr% qr?q- sift, faspnarrer stht,
Diaphragm, n Jpqw <Rarr»i. qa: wft, wifqral-% 5jraqret-%s-qr# §ft qa^?rq;irq-waK'rqa:iiq
Diarrhcea, n. PR°r/- f ipref. sfeRt or tqfersJr-^^-^irs);- -fqqir^ &c. frSr.

fmixf. zTfzf.gfir/. srRretTm. sfarrqr/. To d. by inches, flar^ter jtfT wqof.

sriwl/. qfpfiMt aTgr/. qwTrwNT w^m. To d. suddenly. qreaFRreqft or ?pqqnw€l culv. aqaFT, qr^T-
Affected with d.
Violent or general d.
fifqTO^ or tfiTCf/-
5^1 a<f».-ftwrr qfwrr aia^, 3 ^ 07 .

g-Jrwqrt/. tzsiixf. fles^rSTm. To d. suddenly (in the height of vigour, plenitude of enjoy-
To have a d. mzn. SfFt-WFir g . of s. or efef'ZXrf or ment, &c.). ajrrqitqqior aqrqiFqqr-w^qrqi^qi aqa:'5r ir^^r

fzzw, stipft, znafe, st^ot, 'F'rqra-qr, tptIr. Ift, srstm. qrw^r atrar^r, q? qrrWwr qRrer war/. aqraFT.
pi. ?ft. Tod. in great numbers. aKFRl/. WS%-5!TaFT-ff“t g of s.
Diarthrosis, n. ^FFjfsrm. 2 away fail, cease, fyc. aqaiSr, fafJFT, ag^FT, fRajqR.

Diary, n. fcqqqjWn. f^rp^rin. To Die, v. a. See To Dye.

Dibble, n WTmf. Diet, n. v. Food. aqFTn. STifITni. aTWn.
To Dibble, v. a. 2 — in medicine, qwjn.
Dice. See Die. Bad d. or regimen. qFaqn. arqa.qn.
Dicer, Dice-player, n. spirct, fifRir, gqqrsr, 3rfrqnT. Change of d. #n?RT W&Zm {%5t^Tf qi&Zm. aT5TTftTrfm.
Dicing, Dice-playing, n. qprrw. srqqnqt/. fJITCm.n.
To Dictate, v. a. tell to be written . fsirqrw ftfipir, Rs'f'HJFFftqrF
Hard and rigid d. or regimen. WWn,
Milk d.
9FFT, WfT Wap fe?#. Nutritive and fattening d. or qFT 6 ^ /.
2 v. To Direct, fWRm -arRTr/--&c. ^wr-q^T. Person under d.
Dictate, n. order, precept, §c. ppm. WITT/. fqfiT»n. q^PTB. Vegetable d.
TtP^Ttc. To Diet, v. a. put on a diet . WRIT W. PPFT.
Dictator, n. one invested with absolute authority * 2 v. To Feed, mm, tf mm, W.
Diet-drink, n. qn^rc. Win. Some of the common
Dictatorial, a. See Absolute. diet-drinks, answering to gruel, caudle, posset sherbet , 9 fyc.
2 dogmatical, imperious. W^fVTTTr, wf^IRT, are g^rm. fern. XTS^n.
wtst ^ flRTT

qwFrirr, wwfa-srfw, arrsFhrr, jpprrrwwqr.

Diction, n. phraseology, v. Style. AFFlFft ^f/.-WC^/--
/. mwm.
Dietary, Dietetic, a pertaining to diet . qw^fr, <TW^T,

W3-/-0f?r /.-&c. qmwfw/. mm, f

Good d. wrrfira-ji. srsr^fe-/. Difearreation, n. The ceremony answering to this is ^FTpft #-

Dictionary, n. ^f3j or #q«i. ^ssr^RTm. ;i^Wfw. or W?t (the breaking and mutual giving of a
Dictum, n. qqRn. qrqqn. rfprR?T«. qfpifn. stick or straw).
Didactic, Didactical, a. preceptive. 3"q?5!TW, ^qq-STPJTqr, WT- To Differ, v. n. be distinct, dissimilar or other; vary, dis-
«r^q. agree. -mmf* -NqTn.
Die, n. gaming cube. qirerw. qrar»i. sj-ftm. &e. &c.-
g.of s. recip.
False d. cfiqjqrremn. pym. qrrrsfwi.
Mark or dot on a d. qipsTm,. blfm. 2 be at variance, v. To Disagree.
Of or belonging to dice. aTZJT^r, anftW. A few of the nu- ~&c. BTOT-q^or g.of s.
merous terms used by dice-players are thrown together here.
3 (in opinion, &c.) v. To Disagree. ni. - 1:^ . c.

^ pf)
^Irar, qrfsft,
iT'FF, ^r,

qpr3% w, wwfrft,
sq^sigr, arfr, q^tafr,
g.of s.
Difference, Differing, n. v, V. 1.
c. btot.
(also in comp, and
or frfafv, ifPrqrr^r, ffaq-Fr &c. much and elegantly, as SRFPC, ^mfcTT &c.), $Tm. 5item, (also
2 coining d. foqjTm. in comp, and much and elegantly, as WF<f,
To Die, v. n. expire. 3TWT, tqTUT/. #FT inv. con. 311%, f WFf° r ^3t5T, m\^f kW or

vwr, wvr, wr,

fw#r, t=m, wsnFr, ftp tf«. &c. Tmwqm.
q3%-WFT &c. g.of s. tfFTm.-qfm. ZTqW-#3^-tq^-fqpFT- ^prfSmw. KprSwn. sjsrrfir^rm. ^rr^m. or ?psrr-
&e. The following words and phrases are cant, covert, allu- %3jtnrn. TWV. qR^n.
sive, &e. but *hoy ar<?too common to he omitted. jfwsFT, &T- tf¥%n. ^HET Wn. q^wrra.
wr, 3W5ft }
ijrirwi ,
aaarrqoj-, qW^r, ^pqw, D .
great as between black, and white. 3TR7RT qr^fRRT i^r.
WT, wTEwTR^r, Vs?#, ^XiVm. Wlg.ojs. rtf fen. aqr- Slight d. (of one thing with another). fT
——— —

193 DIG
Splitting the d (in bargains, Sec.) JtNW/- ^TaRTTS/. in style, &c. crsj, F^^rpr^r, R^r, f^rR^fir.
2 variance ,
contention , v. Disagreement. ^PFTn. Tf" /. Diffusion, n. v. Y.—act. RPTrphTJi. %3m«r &c, TOrp'Pn-
t?Tn. fWPTni. IpDi. —state. mmTM. TOirrm. %WRrm. Vr^m. UPrpw.
s ir?rr?rm F^rPrT^r/ wqm. t?m. t«r». Vfoqn. 1 (of style, &c.). SPqrRjprPi/i. sr4 ;TR'iii iri’Tm.
I in arithmetic. a 5cRn» 3rR>, Diffusive, a. having the quality of spreading. TOP°T5ffe‘, TO-
II in astronomy ; ascensional d. ^KqR’hr/i. P'P-TPP, SPPT^.
Sine of ascensional d. qpcwr /. 2 See Diffuse.
Different, a, other , distinct. fTOW, ^-qpT, 37=fT, Diffusiveness, n. v. A. I. JTRpir^jte^rr/. STR^FPr /.
3TO, Fw, srqrc, qr, w, fcwrqq, tsjt, <rc, r-JTdTr o?* w, q-f^c-
2 See Diffusion.
w, 5mr. To Din, v. a. #r, #3T"t,
2 dissimilar, v Unlike. 3THT5T, Rr^Tnft^T, fr- I
Digest, n rompendium, summary, fyc. v. Abridgement. qTH'ir-
jft. Pt^ut. I
otp?piw. ^TJir?rpm. pF^fir/.
Differently, cuAl y. A. in a different manner . Pkrt, To Digest, v. n. he digested. 7#, fsR^r, TTPe. tmg'.ofs.
aT^-fVST- Ac. ^R-iPfrrPtP, 3R75TT T T"Tf-Firp'pi is^r.

Difficult, a. hard woZ <rv/,v//. ^rfarq /;/?/;. , sr? !

2 —a wound, ike. fquPT, cpf |f5{.

fflfr, f^7, gsraK, ftnj, ftq-JT, sptr, srpp, Jjvipw, I’d Digest, v. a. (food). fjrp# qrsr5r«.-1Rr»i.

g-.ofo. Tw-F^f ^p5!.

in high degree. PiR#?, TPPT#?, iffSPT, HlWr?, i
2 in chemistry, &c. f3T3pPT, ¥'TP«- ^KP 5!, STdf ^PP5!.
ptsttp, j?T*rr.
f#s /
3 See To Arrange.
2 (of understanding) v. Aestruse. sjpsTq, Tfzr
jpr- Digested, p v. V. N. qRr^ST, Sir. fiTP'Tf-'PTPf-WrPt
ipg, mw, jtfa, jqfq. sr«5P, ^r®f,
3 /*<m/ to please or win, v. Cross. V. V. A. 1. eVc. qiPP kc. %%55T, Tppf «V. prP^r
fern) T?jawr f -Trpppr.
Difficulty, ». y. A. 1. ^T^T'Triii. fa^'FITm. &c. TfpP, 3TP.
qfapqr/. wtaw/. &c. ft3PT». x&ittrf. &c. Digester, n. Digestive, a. v. V. A. 1. TT'TPrpr, &c. fjTPPI-
With d. sprtrpr, sprarrpp, 'Tppi qr^prrr-siwrpr, pr^t, pfpp, arfar-T^T, atfiprr, arfir?,
*Ff, ?fw. Cfpp, «rrpr.
2 ^Hq-qrni ^T^ETsrqmrm. aj^r^rr /. Pi'qqr,/. D .-powers. WPPlfkm. PfPprPPm. ^rSTfipiA. P%pm.yi/.
1 « d. a knotty or hard matter point, tyc. Zfjfn. ajsr «. 3T2'p|m. Languor d.-powers.
, of' s?F’3'Pnq'». JRTfjrw.

scttb. prafte /. ffiTrm. Digestible, a. v. V. N. PPTPr-PRir-^fPPr &c. pppfp, ppp,

To foci in a d. T^rrq/.ATPTPi/i. P# in. con. sirpqTPr.
II a d scrape, hobble, $?c. v. Trouble. afeRTn. 5T:^n, SfT- Digestion, n. v. V. A. 1. —«cA TP#n. &e. Plupn.— ,s/Nfc.
’PIPw. R'TOm. q?|f«. prPTP/ #*TT«. 4f^rjt. PT5TW. PfpPrPTw. PPPPPin.
To get into a d. sjgf^pq-pT iRfqg-u'r, V. V. M. Tpp & c ;1 . . qpTPn.
To draw oil' from or out of a d. prRIiqfyp «PTui. ^FTpr^T ifip. Of bail or weak d. aWfFjr.
III as made, started, he. v. Objection. 5|'^T/. F^fR/. aqr- Of good d. piffffsr. m
&P*«. F4f«i. arr?/. ®. TP. Digging, n. -v. Y.—act. mPn.&f.Tqppn. Ufppr/.v. Spr,
Without d. Fqqf^por qfrfFT. Digit, n. (of the moon’s diameter). PT^r/. “fpPiPT /. S'rPTwT/.
Diffidence, m. want of confidence, distrust, v. Doubt. srf<. r^ipr/. ppqpa.
’OTffl. spft /. arrsfor /.
2 (of the sun’s diameter). stpFrTw.
2 of self, want of confidence in one's own ability, Syc.
distrust Decrease of digits (of sun or moon). 8jp»i.
Trq^rFfT#rr 3ifTWTiu.-wr.TOrm--H?rjrBi.-&e. ?#cr». pr- Increase of digits. |f5T /.
ifraf^KT/. mmrsiurf. snjrsprn. timm. sxpr/. Dignified, a. marked with dignity, noble. irrPqoiHT, PRTqipr%-
3 hashfulness, fyc.v. Modesty. v^sSTf /. apfSTT/. frpprr, prp, ftfhrr, %p, pr?pppr, 4nfifF, I’fermr, prppT^r.
Diffident, <i. v. N. I. and Distrustful. H5f=fT ’ ?fejrr- To Dignify, v. a, make honorable, illustrious, Jr. ^KPPTm--
’ «

#*, anrPTft. PfP T Prm.-3Tfvrw.-#JTr-fkc.

l l

sflP-'diP - & e. tfiPTf.

2 mi?, wir-mf-mi nsfar, pqsfar, mrrsf^t. Dignity, n. honor, greatness, §c, qr’S'T'frm. >ffPTPrwi. TplPt/.
3 V. Modest. B^srrsrrsr, Rr- pr?ppr /. ^tppn.
pr^r or xtlff, af-fS.
2 high situation, fyc. P'PPPPI/. arenft/.
To Diffuse, v. a. spread abroad, To Spread. ygTftW
ftpeff* 3 quality of inspiring with awe, commtmdingncss, imperative-
p“F, m=rir»i.-%rr-TiH.-TOpor TOrpm.-irp?:^ or pppprw. PPFfm. Pffm. PPm/. HSfWPPTni.
ness, majesty, fyc,
^TPtg.ojo. To Digress, departfrom onds subject
r. a. PPTn. .

Diffuse, Diffused, p. v. V. r^rpr^^T,

%5TT^?rr, Rr?3TP%^55T, prpfp farp, ptpk. #sw-PTOT-qrpi' Pipw, *&&r, m^r,
&c, r?^rfptr, fppfH, I||®-. t^rgefr, impst m. #?p-Tp, pr?#, =PTsfpor.
— .


Digression, v. V.—act. tRTWn. *jr Wn. &c . 5 darkish ; weather, &c. v. Dusky. stiTO, '4f, aiwr.
lad. passage deviating. <FRT«w. griTOm.
crtm. smif. TOror /. TOKPcrorr/.
grifrrrwi. RRT/.
(. To Dim, v a . — the vision. JIT-W-Ac. JTOTn. 3TTO.
2 See To Obscure.
Dike, n.v. Ditch. i^TOni. Dimension, n. Wffln. flWn. TOn. qilTOn. SfRis. ^RtTOi/
2 mound, v. Bank. TOm.
To Diminish. See To Lessen.
To Dilapidate, v. n. go to ruin. Ir, Diminution,
', n. the act of lessening. TfR-?W-&c. gRRn.
&c. TORn.
Dilapidated, p. v. V. trTO ate 3RTOT, &c. RRrgRRr, q^T 2 the
state of becoming less 3TOm. $Hm. RRTm. sprWm.
mmn. w^/.
Dilapidation, n. v. V.— state. #fTOs?te strtortot. TOIW- Diminutive, a. v. Little. TOR, TOTO,
{ 'IRR, TO, S 5T.
rcir»i. torItot/. gTOlwrr/. r/.
qrarsr Diminutiveness, n. v. A. TOrR 7 °rr». TORqft/.
To Dilate, v. a. spread out, expand. gTOR, {%3E3T^T, %Y5RR, Dimity, n.
, ?RRT»)i l
TOTRn. TOTni. TOR, TOHR, qrofw. Dimly, adv. v. A. 3. 3Rgr, TOqr, fTOR, v:pR, TOT, TOTO,
2 tell or say diffusely. fTOlTR-fTOK grTO-ironT qqgr- KTRTO, TOTOfR, fTTSfr^CTO, jraiqrfrTO.
&c. trnpr-grspTB. gRR. RfTOR RRqR.
To Dilate, v. n. open, expand, widen, tor, q^oj q^tK^Sf 4 3j"TO, fRojTO.
TOW, TOCR. Dimness, n. v. A. 1. afRrO/. TfeTOn. TfTOTOn. Ri?r?i
2 speak copiously on. fTOTC in - TOfTOrRm . - TOR (WTOm.-
2 RTW^rm. RTOfeqw. JqRTn. Jf^gn.
1RPM.-&C. tor. 3 jR^-qorrin. TFtrqqrm. &c. a7p-r/.
Dilatorily, adv. v. A. Rfiwte, Tfror, RTOf, TOlR =PTOT-3T- 4 sItotohi. t#TORf /. TORf?r»L grrPrTORr/.
|5, wgrTOT-TOR, RTOR, & c. 5 fhizqvrrm. &c. irsi#/. to/, rdf. grown, grir^n.
Dilatoriness, n. v. A. rtoif. Iwm. Ftorwim. TO-
grrtrwrM. <fcc. fetro/. fro/ TOgrral/. wi? or tnif. Dimple, n. ?RgftRt-jrrsrfr toi/. fggRfqgrr/.
Rirarrf/. tott/. %wtf- rwgiriw/. Din, 71 . dang, Ac. ?3TOr»)i. TOgrrin. TODn. z\in.f. jgTTO or ?-
Dilatory, sloic, slack, procrastinating. Ftewsgr, RF iiT W fqfc*- TOgr/. RJTJTin.
55 /. -RTOrgrrw. TOrgrrm. tort or igrm.~
f^w, ^,^wrw,w',f ,^wr,fl3^,CraVfr,

Jrj i
in tens. TOTOfRin. min.
Dilem&ia, n. vexatious alternative,
f^nfr, fwfwr, srPto, tor, r^fmrr. p, To Din, v. a. stun loilh noise. grR3T?f or ar; R /
strait, difficulty, fyc. gi'fVR/. pi. TOW, TO®, pi #W-Rrf7 grw.
fwr»i. Prwr/. jtotw. from tout!/. ?w graror/. ; To Dine, v. n. v. Meal. §}qbj, 4f3Rn. gr54-
To d. on or off. %qb| (ns # TO tq^'r).
To be iii a d. grr!T ;fffr-3?3-pqrsif#-&c. rwr. Dingle, n. hollow among hills. stiTfin. or ~^n. qgtrrin. arr? J.
Diligence, n. v. A. gRRRgRrm. TORggRrm. TOrRlWTm. Ac. WfM- dim. Wt /.
3-^rirm. qftrorm. rwr/; wtotm. ^tordh. ^_ Dincy, a. dirty looking. JRTO, TORTfR, TOFT.
5i w. rr%/. wtnw. torm.
TtefiT/. sfar/. tottorm. fwr- Dining, Dinner, n. v. Meal. gqf Wi afrwn- .
&win. TOfrfw/. TOriTOrtegr/. Ac.
Bad (poor, &e.) d. grRYTOn.
Diligent, a. assiduous, sqtfulous, industrious.
RTigar, mvjot D . of friends. fS'JTfTOn
RRt, grofar, gntf, wm, stfr, g^nw, toM, S^CWtot’ Goodjl, a blow A c.
grsRtft, gwr, grTOte, grri^x, tori, TOfRSTte, srtot, fro-
out, fTOHITOn. TORI/. W»). TO
, <m%wr, tor, iprft, TOsite, gwrt, wteff,
rtort, xnrgr, sttotorI, aRTOr, jettoh, srtgr, to.
] lard pressed for a d. tot?
RTSTfR grTO y. of s.
To lay for d. qjpr/. TOR,
Diligently, adv. RfRifte, A WTOPTRqr, &c.
To make one’s < 1. of a glass of water. 5*31 qiTPT tor
Dill-seed, «. WR#R or 3T>T/. ffqmf. mvm. RftTOTOi. D inner is waiting. TOiTRr 5R RR'^l.
To Dilly-dally. Sec To Dally. Dining-room, n. tWRr TOT/.
lo Dilute, v. a,, make thin, weak, ^e. qrfR - TOTOCtR - TOR/tR Dint, n. (of the forming hammer). TOrwi. snrw. RlTm. TOSTw.
-WWtR-Ac. TOR,
Sjnarkof a blow,—goner. qRTm. #R/. PilRTiii. dim. wKl/-
Dilute, a.
giro, TOXPCfcr, TORTtR, TOt/T-T, TO^TOT^3T.
#r/. ftrc/. ?tnrrm. Rrgrrw.
Dur, a. dim-sighted.
ifir-SR, tow lo hainnuT down the dints '(of a new metal vessel). RR(TR,
RRTOir, 5?.
The hammer for doing so. RTlRRn.
2 of dull vision,—the eye. Rsp^fe, TORT, TO.
STTOT, 3 power, v. Touch. Tom. Wn.
9 of dull appearance, obscure, indistinct,
dull. qror
" qiHT
’* To Dint, v. a. indent. #tor, Kjqrrm. or z)%m. pi,-
JTOS, ziw, a^f.

or 5tRw. pl.-fyc. qfRR.
4 not brighter lustrous. 5^4 f?T, ^RT, Tf?d5T?.¥, Dinted, p.
1 v. V. ?ti% TO&Rr, A c. qN ?,

qlRrrr, ^i%-
F5#3r, srffsr, f*T 0Tf4r aTr or ogr Rr,%Rgrr.
JTRRinr, tow, jR-rorfr, ajs^. Tq be or become d. qRRR, WTOR-
— — , , ,


immerge. 330550 or 33033, 33050 or 33f~£\f- Directly, adv. v. A. I. 37£, 3^;, 0T^, &c.
To Dip, v. n.

-jrjar/l-jfr 0700-33^ 3 3F, 0RIT, 033T, 13337, ?3T0.

33-kai0 or 330550, f30, 5 and Immediately. srr^tPT^TT, 0raPT.
2"fig. (intcTa science or subject).
6 and Plainly 03, 3037, 31S
#00700. _ „ 1

1 instantly v. Immediately. vOTp^HO, stpoN
To Dip, v. a. immerge. 330550 or J30550, 3030, 330557 or 3- ,

Directness, n. v. A. I. 30qaTf«i. Pr^IT/. ^-ca-'q’OI m. 00331/-

/.-jrfKt/.-^c 30 3fr/.-^Tft/---ic. 737330 ,

0r0?trn. ?TT#3n. 3i3p3n-

Dip, Dipping, it. v. V. N. 1. 307/- J037t /• 330551 or 330557 /-
spr^r /• f 30 T /. 03 / 03 m. 370301 /. 00073 )1 330rc3«. .
2 003qnn'Di. 0q70r3q0f)». sTqs^oor /.
3 R3If/. 0337q aT(M.
^D. or plunge as of a paper kite, 0737)11. ^Tf'T /•
<pr0550n. & c. 330551 %°T«- & c. Director, n. superintendent, manager, v. Conductor. *rf0-
v V. A. act.

Descent. 3300 /. 030 it. 37f0f, siajy, 3fC3r33T0, 037FOr, 037R3T0, 0rO37, f3R33r0,
1 declivity, v.
Diphthong, n. 0f3030ni. H0T0)n comp.
03 3 /• Directory, n. booh of directions. OTYrOtf-O in. q 5"t 3/. in

Diploma, n. writing conferring power, privilege, 3>c.

Directress, n. v. Director. 3Tf03rrfi: ,,
n pop. 3710377010 /- ^ <•

33n. 3337n.
V. N. 1. 3341^37, 330557 0103W, &c. 030,'3 Dirge, n. fund al song. 0037Tni. 57137013)1.
Dipped,;). v.
Dirk, n v. Dagger. 070t0m- 00Tw. qRW33l/-
330rfi3, 0fs33.
v. V. A. 3303^ 0T, ,

't-i'h^t V35? 3T ) &c.

; Dirt, n. 03w .n. pop. iRiii. 031)1. f370n-

Caked or thick d. 3777i)i. W: /. 37r3))i- faSTn. f370 pup.

Dike, Direful, a. v. Dreadful. 03730, 370, 03370, 3X1.

Direct, a. v. Straight. 33, 3t3, 000- 030. cfRTii.

2— as opposed to reverse. 3307, 300707, 33073, That hides cl . 05Rr0 or 3, 007370-

Q rubbish, 3)0. 3 0m- 37007m- 0737/. 7300 Srni. 3T°TJ.

03070, 3R0-
D. and reverse. 300irf000707, *75373337, 33073f330t3, *T- D. and rubbish — coinproh. %037007»i- %'0373370ii.
(as amongst grain, sugar, vVc. 073777m- or i, n. 0733 ».•

8 ).

370, 331037, 3037, 3707 30?*37, 3T07 33-

8 not circuitous.
Dirtiness, n. v. A. 057%q07m- 057m°Tr)». & c. 0rf0Rw._
4 not collateral. 30075503T, 3*07303007,
5 not mediate, v. Immediate. 37€73 WH,
073ir3#3r- Dirt y, a.filthy, find. 057377 remiss. 055370, 0^0 pop. 0070, 0-
370, 03E, 3307, 000 00730, feftTEr, f?35T7, 030, 000, 00f3r, 003103, 370373
0 express, explicit, not ambiguous, v. Plain. ,

or 370373, f00373, 007373.

To Direct, v. a. point against, aim. 0TT3#, 333, 3f5T3, ^3- —
Very d . black with d. 37707007.

RRd /-f33TR>t.-0737)ii.-<-l c. 303 g.of o. To become d. 000, 003730, 3703730, 3730, 377 30, F3730,
2 prescribe, order. 000111.-07377/1-37073/. 3T C''T-3°r, 0PFT.
00030, f00030 or f037f 30.
To Dirty, v. a. 00f-70, 00 T0-00T7-&C. 000, 000T30 or 00
3 point out the 'way, show the course, §c.
3y,ii _q-fcTr^r /.—Tf^:^ rfeqrr/. - fifa/.-&. c. 3rw33-3t03^j3 0- 0730, 07330 or 073730.
2 cover with filth, befoul. fo?0730, t€'ft07-fs05T7~ el c. 03 it,

3, 0r0335T3n.-& c. 003
4 See To Regulate, To Govern. 0f030, 000, T0/. 3700 -if oj o. -

V. %W^5T, & c. Dirty-i.ooking, a. 0073, 000013-

Directed,;;, v. I. 07075707,
Dis. This inseparable particle is by 30, 0, 730, _37,
2 0tfjT3W5rr, 07337 , f3rev, Fv-w, Tirrfao, ^TrfTe,
ff3, 00, 3, 33, f, F0, 3, as, 30703, aroFff^, -03730, f30q0,
3 M^otpt.
deterioration, or depreci-
Directer, n. Directive, a. Directory, a. v. V. 1. 07073707, 3737773 Ike., in its scuises of negation,
ation and by Ft, 3, of undoing, nullifying or
in its sense ,

frsromT, &c- jrri, 00707- ;

Some words may be sought for in vain un-

2 and Director, g00 00370r, f^BT, f^€l, ^r^Sl, OTW depriving. Note.

7717 * 10 PrSfar' der Di« which will be found under In.

aT^^rrar, ,

Disability, See Weakness.

3 OT 37*013707, qR" u ll(^'hf 3T*a33T0T, &c. n.
07310037/- 0OT37/. 370r30r /.
Direction, n. v. V. I. act. 07073 m. ^03«- <Sic. ur-sHm 00r0*R' 2 want of qualification.

2 command, v. Order. f333rm. Pt^STw. 57733m To Disable, v. a. 5tF37/.- 30«.-&c. 0r30 3'-"/ 3Tf373T5Tiit.

-5rf000»i.-&c. 000 ff- o/o. f33?O3r-05737-?nF37fl3-7J703Tf37

fqf3, mi.
Directions, rules laid down. 30T»». 000, 0T703-000-& c. 300-
4 -d i m. Disabled,^, v. V. 3B?of37, 3E30, 33^37, 3330, 831057^0, 0-
I clew to find.
II address, superscription. 373737 337m. 3T*nWr3r T3Tin- 357f37, &c.
III bearing, bent, v. Tendency. Cretin. ?ff 0 i», 0f0- To Disabuse, v.a. undeceive. »3’fPT/-- »30m.-8ic. 37730-3030-
5p5^oj-_^f 3%g-. of 0 0Rm.;^.-3 fS'»i# ^“3;r iI%3t'W.p^
3330 !

37/.33T3«. 03m.
>-^0m. 3330 g- ojo. 0R»n./i/. ffig.ojo.
IV point of the compass. Retto/". g.ofo. 3R373037 SETT

Disadvantage, ». v. Loss. ’stF? 3«. 3fF3/. 0F3e»- 337-

In every d.-fleeing, &c. feoffcsirr, Slffifeot, SSrPrSIT, 0ft-

FGo, 3T073157. 0O3n./.

& T


To sell to a d. <TRI spr^T-^T^^r- &c. jfldT
firmer f. stfiftwft'm. mm^f. FtfritFnf. FqirFfr/.
Disadvantageous, a fter fRTPff,
tfaTRT, ^Ffcf, srfj- To Disapprove, v.a. ^rTOq-arqr?rr-^r^'^-aTTrm-^rqr T 3-- 5. c ?

mw, ^Fl^ ? grnr- ^Rvr,


®pfi}hrR:i«^-arifrgrrr»i. &-'c. ^rrfq-^.o/'or

*nsnr-q c . rr^rf ^ Disapproved, p. v. V. ^TPWT ^T&E^r, &c. o?' spr^UT,
Disaffected, a til-inclined to, t
frjJTOr, ff*FTT, f^TT, TJTJrm, STJjFq, ^rrifft,
^iF> ssrar, firttr, ffcrcnr, tost. Disapprover, n. Disapproving, p. a. v V.
Disaffection, ^rT^TTgrCTIT^rr
mXtff vwfaf . .
&c. brwm =rra?5r, ^pr^q, arirr^q, sthupt,
, fqjpT,
Disapprovingly, adv. fiqTSYrr, ffqTSTir, STewrpT'jqqr, Xic.
Disagree, v. a. diverse, dissimilar
, c»r distinct, v. To To Disarm,d. a. 3T5f3Vi pi &e. qSjg- ofo. irsTJ^-STt
Differ. 5r?H-
-^TJR.-d'TTPTrf / -&c. <?/$. rtf- Pnrryr-Ac. %Ryr.
3?#i\ Io Disarrange. See To Derange.
2 £«?&/ variance,
-f^qTw.-TiT^n -
Disarray See Derangement.
S^PTRiw -&c. g\ o/ s. c<?/p ffT^tfr^at.
3 (in opinion, &c.). ?rRrjar

^-3*#, Prumfo /^-fasriTPTwi.-

Disaster, n /dust of a planet, JpqrFf sTf^”T«. W
2 nu s/tap, v. Calamity. &Fr*Jm. arq^rrrw. STf-Tffit.
srf^r jfqrqin
3T5PTTwi--icr n.-fTORrT n.~ ft. &c. B^af ?
&C. 3f^0]*,
Disastrous, a . v. Calamitous, Unlucky. sth 5", ifFcc ~*
4 be unwholesome, T-
fyc. to . 3T*T°T, 1
R^t, '
«rpT\ 3 T- Tr^T^T - frZRJW,
m^-VTwr-&.c. arger.
Disastrousness, n. v. A. srfrg- n . spiTn.
Disagreeable, a. unpleasant. ypmrf. f-
^T^r, Tf-TST, 717^7, 3TT77, To Disavow, Disavowal. See To Deny, Denial.
3TPrs:, ^l^rTOfr^r, srfor, «wrsr, sr^r, Prfipr do Disband, ?>. a. dismissfrom military service, ij/ifo)
sket, mm, #tw, to, qrj-gsrr#, qrurm. §5r.

Disagreeableness, n. v. A. =TR v* rj M uff»» TTTTWdi. &c. Disbanded, p

*T?7b. &c.
. 5?fjr- . v. V. iftuFrer, & c. qrrqr.
Disbelief, n. STOSTTwi. arFrww. arifm^r/. spRPlSrB. STimrruq-
Disagreement, n. diversity, dissimilitude, v.
Dipeeuence. sf- Ww. STflPWTfw.
frr«.^rf. ftrvrwfm. ftsnru. aromn. aTTWcrr /. To Disbelieve, v. a. #ra'-aTgFq'-3TJnrr oT-&c. jtr^T, 9T5rrapKW-
2 var ian ei misunderstanding,
f difference, dissension, discord.
fwi.-BT^rirrj'fiB. fi'OT-JrJEloT' with fqqqf of o. and i/ir. con. rfprr-
7fat». v. 73, 777/. faWor PPTnTM. *£/, qf- 3Tprrq-&c.
Km. Hrwwtf. fijnf. zrmnif. J inv. con arfq-srrem. & c. J-for.
i[zf. kmmn. faqrw. f'dsn. Fnr- Disbeliever, n. Disbelieving,
wtm. m^f. fawy. rffn. %7>n?«i. h-u. », ^M . fira- sTUrTT^t, arff^r#, arurirrviRrrfr.
p a. v.V. ®TCT J}R DnTr &c.

7 o Disburden, v.a. 3rra

n.-&c. 3^T^r-^rr2%, afFwnPfH'- &. c.

3 (of opinion). srSITw. fi*M*/.

rRt/ ZiWmn.
firau^n. Fw- #m, irirg^^, prr^r^n. iRytg.ofo. ’

%ftur». %&qn. To Disburse. See To Expend.

4 (in a statement, &c.), v,
Discrepancy. 77777/. 7770^ f. /o^Discard, ».jx. turn off, castaway, v. To Dismiss.
mm. aFTTit. 7qffcqx ifRZW,
To Disallow, Disallowance, &c. ?rrwq5r , grrrfr §«r, ?r qrr:“r, qr?H sm.
See To Deny, Deni- To Discern. See To Distinguish, To Discover.
al, &c.
Discernment. See Discrimination, Judgment.
To Disannul. See To Annul.
To Discharge, v. a. disburden, unload,
7b Disappear, ». «. afrsfn. &c. ijqT'iq-
^rfwr-^^T43T%^rar-&c. fr7, 577, m- ^Tfs’^rg". o/o. f^qrrjrr-Fcsrf-iTRisir-^T^f— s>ic.
v'wfan t
m, ^77kn.-#CtoT7n.-&c. Undofs.
cfrr/T Srrfvr
' rrrr-

' ’
%vr^r«. crB),
TV% g\ of s, t%\obn.

Disappearance, n. v. V. differ #i®Tn. See,

2 lct
y, give vent or issue. tre^T, W^T, fq«^B. (esp.
sTSTsfan. BT^RRn. in comp, as
mm, sfaKTRn. f?r fnsTRn.
-vr^5f5lV- JTarFTO3f^r-Tr#TO^- t^c
/>. v.V. qrrt fer ITr^f, fs^rrer 8l%&r, &c.
^fHrftJT, fffifj?.
c 3 (a gun), tre^r, sm, irrr:"r, srraqr, qron.
To Disappoint, e. ^ Cf liquidate, v. To Clear.
a. 'FpsT'T, grr^or, ar^f ^5)
^ 7K“t, Tr^/.-Tqfrjm. ^vfff.of o. tTr^rTr^.
Wg, ofo. arm/. #sSr-3RR°r g- ofo. ?
wm-^er^r-iTflTir-Si c . To do in part. 3X77 TiC^T, -

p .

Ad, irRnrr, «re^^<r,

y. V. sTr5TT

&c .
^ ^ J)T5r) ^era
v. To Dismiss. f7Tr7m.-&c. |%
let go, v.To Release. #3%, «!3*rl^, $mR,
J ^

Disappointment, «. -. V.— «c<. arrsrr #r?®rn. srraHsf^n. <jr5 7 perform, execute.

7rr'5j 75rr7«T.
or #. )

Discharge, Discharging, n. v. V.— aet

-state, arr^fq^rry. . affg- 77^0)11 FcTTWT-
r/ .
mxmwf. Wro. TOTre. ftfvjn. wr:#r77«.

Disapprobation, Disapproval, V.
b. v. ^rq^/- sr <&%/. sr D. of the bowels, SjfTTm.
— . — m ' — ^—


2 net. # 3% 3nT°TB. Preripri!. tojthi. To Discolor, v. a. v. To Stain. PtR! 4", qq 0!! n .-qu[R4i Km.
3 srr^« &c qrCm. -See. TROT.

4 act. &c. qr?/. 5%CqT/. Discoloration, n. v. Stain. qoff^tKITHi- q'T^f !%/ f®


5 —act. faflT&c. ?°Tm. fTOT/ft fCTO?! /. Rn. fiRWin.

6 act. &c. yffT qfOgn. W^ !/ 0

ft f. aRPTF)!. Ciicular d. JTRfr /
— state, mf. wTHfrr/. §rmy gfxfr/. lied d. in tho skm.BTRn.
7 act. tftiyin. T^RRii- Discolored, p. v. V. fRW %^5T, 9TW°4, ^Rf q.
or issuing out. f'MDw- ^rfm- Discomfit, 'J'o Discomfit, &c. See Defeat, To Defeat, ike.
1 flowing
II matter emitted .
Discomfort, n. qwn. awrrf-TRB. aiRR^n.
D. of pus wif.
D. of thick and bloody pus. ?3rr nu To Sec To Blame.
III V. Acquittance. qrr t^RTm. ^wmn. To Discommode. See To Incommode.
Discharged, p. v. V. 1. %ii &.e "pzr^ST, ^POJFqr, To Discompose, v. a, derange, disarrange, To Confound. v.

2 &c. vrn^vn, ff^raiBr, sr^q-, fc^zf.-qt&mf.-w^m.--*m?-

8 & c. fir srxw. w/.-&c. of o.
4 qr^^r, &c «
2 disturb, perturb, dwtjniet, rvj/lc. 8T0R«.-R0*TPTR''n .-RCTf-
5 fTO! fir^arr-^arar. ^^qT^err-srp^r, &c. ^xrrqpr, f'4qii.-5riT"<'.-? ;cr'#r tjHmrrm.- rnfawm.

Disciple, n fsTig, %ST, feiv4f, StrfiT#, ?7IT, «Tfqm, "T-pinft. &c. sftrt A '-
of o.

l’cmale d. % €l /
; &. C. qR«r, tprzt’f, 5" ff5CTT or SffSttq, arm, Risr^sm,
Head d. iTTforar. 5T?-ott, qir /.
Discipleship, b. nawr°iri». srrMf /. ^lfq4w«i. to Discomposed, 71. v. V. 1. fqTOJr%^T, fqn^ariror, &c.

®rsrn. ftnar^srr /. 2 sqcr &e %^5ir, ?rr r, sw, ^rPr^r, ^fq^r,

Nrt, Fret-
Disciplinarian, ft. rfricT, severe in disci}) line. qnrtoTRT, 3TST qqr, T^r, f4^qr, “Firir, irr<#r, irqiiwrq,

#r, ¥^r,
i'o bo or become d. ^WT, MfW, tqqaMT, s@[SR3Mf.
Discipline, «. culture, tuition, S)C. v. Education. toqrq°T/. Discomposure, Discomposino, «. v. V. 1 act. fqCRvCRn. fq-

fqggm. rerar /. toarrn. gtosrr/. Hfea°m. iqqTOTi n. he.— state, fq^qrar /. /• jfw^ni. 3RWRJT/.
2 training, regulating, taming, §c. qa^Tn. 3Tr*r*Tfl. aRiilf- 2— act. oqsq qrrofn. & c. — .ifafo. st^rutu, RHifrKrPTB. RH-
5FT«. SITC^Tn. tokpn- famn. WW’Tn. *rfWm.\zf. (p-TiT- ??r». qrq«i. c-fqrqwi. upt-m. ^nofr/. % cr qiTq/-
i |

mf. f.wwxvffif. sgr^Wni. uptjirf. jjhwtm- mmtrm. srifepfipn- tr&*n*r /.

To keep under tight d. VIR^f KT^r, qprm- qar/. gsrijar/. Rurra:/.

W^T-SR^T (or Wf4-&e.), 5iwf OT, sNrhjfT 37R°'r, To Disconcert. See To Defeat, 'fo Confuse, To Dis-
#qraiwf wr, qrcqqpn: vr 5 !,
3 good order, regularity, subjection to rules, fyc. tpfpRrfni. To Disconnect, r. a. v. To Separate. \iF5t-T<P^ATYr--V e.
qsr to!/. w/. qir.oT, mm, qOT g. of 0.

4 chastisement, v. Punishment, fsjgr /. 5IWn- Disconsolate, a. sad. sorrowful, pift, pfRfr, fR5T, ^qrfT,^-'

To Discipline, v. a. Sue To Educate. To Instruct. 3t(fi, aranr-TRi, sH'jpq, fqtppsr , fa*Rr.

2 train, regulate, break in, bring into order. q£q°T, MiTi '4, Disconsolateness, m. v.A. ^qRqoriut. 3^rkt1/. ^WdRn- aq-

OTr#, mim, g.of o. qa^H- ^q?>Hr /•

y#, qs4w-qs*4rer-&c. armor, msatn. asm, qreirr 3^4, 5jr- Discontent, Discontentedness, Discontentment, n. apET-

^B.-3mrra r«.-f; tr?r Tn.-<s.c. ^ig-. of o.

: : JTrdRw. *mmM. spjfjg/. 3T<jfs/. si^jewr/. aprrq/.

Discontented, a Tfff, »PJ-

3 See To Punish. a. aqgiqTKfRF, STOTlgt, STOPS',

To Disclaim, v. a. disown, disavow, v. To Deny. ariiTWiC- qjTFT.qr^qqgFr.

arto qfe^-siRT facrsr-aiinr qjjssr-&e. arRm-gnm, srsfafl- Discontinuance, To Discontinue, &c. See Cassation,
^RTOT.-3T5Eft^Rm.-&c. tfdWg.oJo. TOR, faWTn.-pRr- To Cease, &c.
Discontinuity, n. rafe'frrTn. ft-cSsm. qRqqqprqr /.
ifrr'Tn. ^=c5j s . ofo.
To Disclose, v. a. uncover, lay open to the view. 5TP£' I7».-&c. Discontinuous, ft. aiRCTC, #^3 , fqfx05r, Rfsqqinq.
with qra*r of o. ^g?-;?g3rr-irjr2:-&c. 37t°T, ureter- g-g- Discord, in music. q.q^Fnrrqwi.’l^n.
v?aritrr-&e. aflofor. 2 a d. discordant note. arq^TCin.

2 To Tell. #3r4, strOT, grfm. WRW, RTR,

reveal, v. qmr°r, 3 dissension, v. Disagreement, qqqrqia. qrgTFn. ’ItTFWR*

SW/.-sgsW/.- TOSTm.- & c «FR°r g- Of o. FiT5PTrq«i. thr«.

Disclosure, n. v. V, 1. act. aw 3rc4n. TCE^TRTb. state. Discordance, Discordancy. Sec BiSagrpement, Incon-
3W/. arq^jor/. sistency.
2— act, <mdin. g-EFJHn. &c. Rf^gqFPTw. — state. 3igr- Discordant, a. not harmonious. ’RTp'i •W§p , (r> finPRT,
>rd/. /• gr«rsfci< /. <smf. aiTO'c, qrorJrc,
— — . -


1 See Inconsistent. cr/- ^f^cTT/. g^rgsK^rfa^irw.

Discount, n. allowance for prompt payment HHT/. STF^ /. — a- That is arrived at years of d. sfFITr, TpT.
mong bankers, qjzgTffRT TOF?n. Discretional, Discretionary, a. left to discretion . f^TZr-
To Discount, v a . gfcr, g^ur^r, g^^rO^r.
To Discountenance, v. a discourage by cold treatment
. TPT- To Discriminate See To Distinguish.
^kg-.ofo. ffg^Kr^gR“ rRR rr--&c. c ; Discrimination, n. discernment, v. Judgment, fr^TOn.

ff^I in, con, °T n .~TR%Zn SfleR* 5TR?W».

To Discourage, v. a. v. To Dispirit. feC^FZm.-TFOTiZ - / Discriminative, a. that observes distinction

37371*^ 0/ 0. fcR<r/. 5'. of 0

wr* Discursive, a. See Roving. 2 See Argumentative.
2 attempt to repress or prevent . /.-<TT- Discus, n
-Rrcsr>rn.-&c. qTvR. To Discuss, v a. v. To Argue qiz°t, qt^, fTZJ, mziT& f
Discouraged,/?. v. V. L ^EiTBIT, fqiRilT, ^kr,T3v3\ g'ofo.
Discourager, » Discouraging, />. a. v.Y.l. qKT°HTr, To Discuss, v. n resolve — hnmois. ?

&c. %rt, qfR#f^°TfTr, Jr%f«nr, OTiftfsr*, Prgs^r.

qr~Ac. |4 ot-&c, Discussion, n. v. V. A.— act. qr^ji.&c. qw/ mq&f. btf-

Discouragement, n. v. V.—act. ffOTi®' qfOTn. Ac. state. qq^r». W4*T or qqzfn.

f| T#^*/ URRZ/. ZRrpfgm. JFTPfJTin WwJTm. Disdain, n. v. Contempt. fqrOTOn. fe^TCPm. bfit^Or.
1 discouraging thing or circumstance. qrspRP3‘n. W- tot/ ar^^mn.
tti. f To Disdain, v. a v. To Contemn. -fq^Tr
To Discourse, v. n. v. To Converse. c. On.- Ac. g*. q^-f^r~&Lc.
o/ o. JTROT.

¥Z°T, Disdainful, a. scornful, v. Contemptuous. ?TT^T, W^rfr-

Discourse, w. v. Conversation. WfTTn. #nrw. ^r, kw^K,
2 treatise . SPIm. qr^FTn. ^frcTF/. Disdainfulness, n. v. A. TfTFCCl/* f^Rre’m. qT3T?w,

Discourteous. See Rude, Uncivil* Disease, n morbid state.

. sfUrm. ffoPCwi. ftffq/ /,

-Ac. Bfropt*
W iV/i W
To Discover, v. a. uncover /wy open ft? -i^ezo. STf^Tw.-^^Tnu
of 0. OTaT-few Ac. qpTTF,

2 a
Cure or

d. a malady
alleviation of d.

inherited or
v. Disorder.
a connate d.
CRr^rifrr/* ^RPT^r^Tni*

vsf^f^r Ctqfw.

2 sjo^, <&cn/, /eew, v. To See. qTf% §&?n. pi fR The seventy two orders or classes of d. or ^TfRT

inv, con

3 find out, detect, 5 WT or qrOT, ^Tw.-& 5 T- Diseased, a. v. N. and Disordered, fraft remiss Cr]Z, ^T^T-

oin.-Ae. ^rW-^TS-% £\ 0/ 0 . VlV$m.~k^Wn -Ac. 3T- fiqrf-qj,

ifoT m. cow. To Diseaibark, v. c.

4 (new things or places). sifrcpr «FT5T®f, ^2%. Disembodied, a. divested of the body. W%W,
Discovery, Discovering, n v. Y. 1. «<?& zqz 3F7 Tb. Ac. . — Tiitf , g^f, ^wqrrq-^rT~Ac.
To Disembogue, v. n. (^g£B*) J^FrCT DrsPT-TR^Tm. |f^.
2— act. erflDTn. 'TFfoTn. To Disenchant, v. a. free from the force of a charm, sf^g^-
8— act. %m*rn. TOr®Tw. &c. <sr% afwgg #3#, wfr^r/.-&c. ^i*r.
4 To Disengage, v. a. disentangle detach, extricate withdraw, , ,

Discredit, w. v. Disgrace. &TSricr8T/, sprg^Tn. v. To Separate, zqrsq-, z?r#, #r^, #2"#, ^f^T,gqr/^.

To Discredit. See To Disbelieve, -gqrq^/. %^-qrr2%--Br^# gqrgq/.-gqfTrm. 7

Discreditable, a . v. Disgraceful, ^sTTOTST, WT5T- Fro^r-Ac.

gsftsr. Disengaged, jo. v. V. zqr^vTf, Ac. gTT,
Discreet, a. prudent ,
v. Wise. sr*n5PSTT, OT^RIT, ^F- I unoccupied, unemployed. ^F^f, %^S5I*, fTC^RTl
afcrcr, i-r^nr, fi(W Wwsg, hit, Disengagement, n. v. Y. act. TOvrotn. Ac. #r^T°T/»

Discrepance, Discrepancy, tl difference, disagreement. %*- #z^rw/* ^3Tq°Tt/. z^vjvfr/.

On- TO 7 ^/* qrfzrm- firrrftfoftr/. t«Tn. tftwTft.

— state.

mtern. mfctma* «Rfercn- I vacancy , ft‘TR T0Tn.

TOSrq^Trm. f=TC-
Discrepant, a. v. Inconsistent. qFTrC^Cf^rr, forfiTW, #3jm.
To Disentangle, «?. a. disengage, extricate
Discretion, Di^creewess, n. prudence judiciousness. 3 EIW- #^r#, /- Ac. w’ot-

Disentangled,/?, V.
^FZ^oT, Ac.
jfejf. / v.

2 liberty of acting according to one's own judgment g^W“ Disentanglement, n . v. Y. — ac^. A c. ^FF3F-
199 DIS

^TOor to^ot- Disgraced, p. v. Y. nsflR iTRSR-TRR?'r-&c. JJRSRr,

spjffif. ijipriir/. smtftf-—state -
sr^fr, RfT, W»re.
To Free. See
2 3?qjfR 3T3r#R, RR
To Disenthral.
Disesteem, «.v. Contempt. arqiTOn. «R*iH®- fTOWTm. sRirq.iRrf^ir.
Disgraceful, a. shameful dishonorable. RRRT'TT , sqq J^RqTY ,
STsqT®- =rraW- RqfT / . „ qtSRra^',
«PmR«T, siqq^TRiR, ^TT5R3iT fI, 5

To Disesteem, t>. a. v. To Contemn,

kc aFtf%fY-?K'fi-ST^l-&c sTqTrr7!^^^, aTWiiHr, srRRIRT,
Disfavor, n. discountenance. st^'F/. qJTtfWSif /• TOS'tqi'-
„ ,
5 ^rW, &c. iTRrtR'r^r, f3R^°rr, ^rf siRRirf.
pop. ?T-
To'Disguise, v. a conceal by a strange dress, 3>c. ?q
ttr/. jttjrV- rTORt/ m®mtf. »nwr«. TOrfe7 j- .
pop- wrm.
^m.-BRR.-'SR'qs^qni.-qrq^qm-^c. qq
qfe/. g. ofo. tyqqSr,
rctrr— 3jrqrrRfrR n. sTr^Hfifir f.
2 state of unacceptableness. BTqB’TT/. •TFs'S/. 'TR'S'fl'TTm* ®T-
q’[iR"°i»- ^rvR. „ „
TOT/- V. act. «RY-
Pr^'T-f^T^JT-RTHRr-^r- Disguise, Disguisement, Disguising, n. v.
To Disfigure, v. a. deform, S>c.

m.-kc. WC°Tgofo.T^- ojn. if?r kc. stRTrWRn.

g-_jgXW-V'c qTRT, ^RT5T flRn.
« a dress, form, covering reality.
PTOTn. TO”! g ofo.
Disfigurement, n. v. V. state. ^TR^Tm. TOiRw. Fq^TTF /•

^m .

sr^gm. qr <mrr».

^ n. ®5Tw. W or JUT or OTm- Rr-

vomit out. 3?RR, RPR, 3?rqrq-Rr^5-& c. Disguised, p. v. Y. HPT-W r^tR-^a^r, sr-
To Disgorge, v. a.
#qi, qri33?qt, sqncprr^r, srrqnrniPpT-

*T"C'**f ***• 'TT'flS’/- ^RrTHT/- Disgust, n. k\ zm. %zmm. fqRB/ m. fvRH /. fFKRTRni. ^R« 7 •

Disgrace, n disfavored state. -

tw /. far*»iTr«i. hqRt /. FTqR?r/. FsTg^rCF/ fer .

3TT3T3TH.TOSTm qrTOTFTrM. qTOfqrqTm. qtRRM* qqBw/-

fwir, m.TOrrfq/.qfi-^Bm. hr4ihh. m^mf- rpt./- qFc-
?q'q f.

erer or fsTQRt /.
fqmrw. fqwr»i’ r
' ^
Tm. FRifa f- fqqqm* qwR>R qqgrq/'fqgRJ-

W^w. as involving sc sense of ridiculousness and of
ridicu- f.
lous or pitiable state through ridicule. Words and phrases To Di'sgust, r. «.

hey are mostly of F=q5R/.-&e. 3TRY, F^-fjl F-HRt-&c. t RR.

conveying this import abound in JSIuruf.hi . 1
& c. tsR,
lax or free formation but they have extensive currency, are in
Disgusted, v. V. qrWR,
strong, and vivid, and impressive signifi- fqrqrr, Fenp, fsr^, fsPT^W orfsrq^W^'Tr, FqF^R,
constant use, and bear 0/ 0 -
but ill render such sober English To he d. with, v. To Loathe. *RZR, FtzR, S''
cance. They would thus
words as disfavor, dishonor, derision, ignominy, exposure,
kc. gi ofs. SRPR,%RR-
Disgustful, Disgusting, /i.o.v. V.«h<?N. qiCRqRr or 3T-
shame, scorn, opprobrium, tyc. vet, than these we arc aware
fqrsgqRr or qRtjf^gqRr or qRt, qRR,
YR-rr, qf“rr?r,
of no English words more closely correspondent. '\ hey orr,
3Rfft, 3Vr^,
?qrr, ffRfi,R??rEr, 'flr^RRr,
might indeed well represent certain other formations hut these

being necessarily excluded from the Dictionary, they will he ad-

Dish, n.-for holding food. A c. qR«. qPHn.
mitted, we apprehend, to have been rightly collected and insert-
*tp^i /•
ed here. qyfsftr/. 'RRfsfiTl f- itin.mj.faqf.wzf. HJZZ-
Dishes and platters— comproh. »Itat
5Tr /. --TpRRrm. /. ’rp'-TR./- fzf. vpqr/.
Earthen d. JpFTCRw-
f. jpxrff, /. q%tr/- »Wr /. ?#'l /• tfyqr or jfiw /. jj-
Flat, earthen JITTER.
rf?i/usr/.%o»Ri7w. qstrr®- **- <1.

'J’o lick the dishes clean. ^PR qH 1! ^R.

5TR or q sr/. qqfl if. mvf, zq#t f.xizn. tt°mr T®- TR’C- TOT®- l^/- ^Z'
2 prepare lion of food. tr<KR or
qqrr /• %?RRtR- /• fRrafl/. fR-t/-
tost®. mmf- common dishes are. aTHTT,
giFlvTit. qTTVin. Some of the
fqjqgr /. 5fRr/- Rr^rfr/. br€f/. pq?qr^#r,qrRr
TO a^r, tj-TT, rr, ^iw^Ttr, ^lfr
2 cause of shame. STTWRl-Yq^Rf’-FW-' o. 3?i S' /-—fTGFqr »j - ,

<>r %3t, tqJTTOraiSt, q, ©’RdF or
TOR & c RRn.-YYn .-qriTTn TOTO- •
qrRf TO, TOTMrq,
wrriyr, urTOr,
To Disgrace, put out. of favor.
v. a.

^7-qfR^r, tot, rRt /- skt°t g, of o.

^3 ""
=qr, jfiT miqqwrq, 3TP4T, *nr,

qrff #> i;TsqT, ’qisir’jr^r, 5JOTT,

°r q, qR^RFr gnsqR °r
or ?rTOr -
ir R.
^ 5 ,

ost, qiqrqt, qr^^fF, ftRR


2 put to dishonor or shame, RSPR, Rsf/- v. To Humble.

-Sec. RTR, 31R/.-C5Tfi/.-&fc. Ifiit-ErRRjlf- °f <> BR1R®.-
Dish-clout, n. ^fPR or gr-Ro. JTOn-
Dish-water, Tti-Tq'qrn- fq^TOltn. or FqHTOlIn.
Wtwirm. - JiRf ikf. - totor- - toFfst/. -qr'RTOm. - te qr-

totf qrrfeRr w-tot, tofc g;mvttf.-kc.
f^g-.ofo. 3iR°t ,tt-
Dishabille, To dross or be in d.-of men. qR-aTF-q-Rr-TO
TOi.-TOn. !3Rf 'FTRT g. ofo. BFRf TrfRR ,— of women, aim-
g. of o. FsifS/. ITOR*?"- of o. FqjtfRg ^TOT, SlWSFT/. or 3TO»T TO-T %R t

pi. . <?trRr g.of o. /. 3R®r g. of 0 . 45rf»n. jRRT w qgor-%q 3Rrt qqq r, r


5H%«t. pi. g. Ofo. jjifRKR 3(13%, frW? 7*- «Fi^:5T ST'S'T To Dishearten. See To Disvjrit.
R/.-RI?r/.-&e. 3tJ5R g. of o. To Disherit. «ee To Disinherit.
" 3 — -


To Dishevel, v, a. spread loosely , fyc. — the hair. FRR> Disjoiner, n Disjoining,^, a. v. V. PnfPT gr^urRJ. &c. fVuhT-
°T ? f^RTF, or pr^C^r,
Dishevelled, p. v. V. rWRT^, kc Disjoining, Disjunction, n v. Y.-act. if? %ifiTn. & c. f^-
D. tresses or hair, flsmf. pi
Having d. tresses. fif'TRr.
f&W/. p/. Hn RrtRr. »F?Nfn. — state, ffS«rm.
To Disjointed, a. put out ofjoint,
Long and -
fyc. ^hirr»n.-,^m.-?rr«r/
d. tress, f&qft/. /. fsrtrfl / &lc g^5 5r-3B5T°r-g-qT5T-g-qi3'OT-#??DT

Of d. hair. )

-Hf^rFfi^TDi. - & c. ^XYig.ofo.

To be d. rfsr^oj. Disjointed, p.
v. V. 5 RTF & c. f^^FRTFT, ?FfYR iW, ^rR - -

a. v. Knavish, stw, sgrrcr, 3r$TT f

SfcSRT, ^r.
^T^TRt, ITR twrs:,
pop. $RPJ. Disk, n. jjgcTn.
2^-an employment, profits, &e cm, Dislike, n. aversion, distaste, disrelish,
dissatisfaction. FTFf 3/.
smNf, mmhr. am^n.D,
®TFTrf3-/ q-, TT, ST^fFF/. STiTpjr/. aj^/.
Dishonestt, a. v, A. 1. / srirqvrf m. WWiffFfa'jWm* faTSftf. *KfXf. aifqRr f. st*TB!T /•
ZfWn. ST&f^n. sp^ni. I’d Dislike, v a. :

RF^rFF-FTFTOFr- 3Fi JR-$:c. sw“F-?ri°F inv.

Dishonor, n. v. Disgrace. arirf^ST/ 3?rwV»i ^RfrPr/. con. ^3-/.-3RT^/ &c. sjm ff.ofo. inv. con. sfR-
^WffFT/. ttmWf&m. aflPRTn. BpftTn. ^TT^flFr/. vjoj inv. con .
IV? Dishonor, sl cr v To Disgrace. 3T7^m.-'3TirPrgT/.-?TnT- Disliked, p. v.V.
Wm »* * TfWdTLr ni . & c. SFRoy g-.oj <9. arfsT /.— f.
m or if, ^TTOFf.
^TR^clT, Rftr^, ^fr cT-

|5Cjt^/.-&c. w-^"i g.ofo. fe*3rr jtpcm. epto, fs^r fto. To Dislocate. See To Disjoint.
Dishonorable, a. disreputable, r. Disgraceful. sftr^R’RT' Dislocation, n. v.V. — act. FfrfvjT BW^Tn. ^fwURt 37sF3WF/
73jr5r,^ir%-f?:-fTrf-?r^-|[d, ?r?jr-^-f=?rf-&c. sttupt-
&c. state, fifirtfifm. gfHrStem.
^rr?r-^fU-&c. cspnaro, ysratar, csr^mr.
2 destitute of honor. TOf^RP’P&tar, aTfmftr, 8T3:^%,
iffiTO- d " e
To Dislodge, v. a. remove from a place.
W^FFTm srtb^T
|f#, qmrffa, qmt.
3;2^*t «r#, wwFr^n.-w;r^5r-5E5TrFr £3-Rr/-&c. ^xfg.ofo. :

Dishonored, p. v. Y. arqRRtTOT, &e. aTTtrrRFF, arorro, Ft- kc.

Disloyal, a. scrafTft, scrafitft, OTWrasimiR't, TTWrTC, ^TOT-
Dishonoring, «. v. Y.—acl. arq-iro =jF#Sfa. WTOfTOF/. ifFWiTw. ’wrProwJT.
TORPTm. Disloyalty, n. v.A. n«T5T¥in. FTFSTtYm. n 3IR%/.
a W5rrfw.
n, want of desire. aRTTO/. RTO/. &tHkiS[f. Dismal, a. gloomy, dull, weather, &c. sir-j^ JfsFjor, — aTtrsf.
fTOrorffli- RroprFn'/. A d. day. figgm.n.
Disinclined, a. v. N. argsFPR

aRFSrfTO, finR.
, 2 See Dreary.
Disingenuous, a. prr, TOft, iR^r f^rr-wt-^grr-^r- To Dismantle, v. a. v. To Strip. 3'^ciT'T.
#sr, qrofe 2 (a town, kc.). ^rCYT^rw. - JTf^ 5fn.-&c. # 367 1* .

Disingenuously, adv. v. A. fr^TRR, EFTPrsn#, TORTTF^.

To Dismay, v, a. daunt, dishearten, v. To Dispirit,
Disingenousness, n. v. A. J3WTO. f^RRm. TOIRT
pr%W«i. 5lWin. ff.ofo. ffR?T/.-&c. ff.ofo. <s^f.
&c. TOFSTu. TORRw. :
^r-ErF'-^r, urs#, sf^.
Jdo Disinherit, v. a. cut off from an hereditary right, t^r- Dismay, n. r. Fright, zwsjitf. W. tjTYm. twr/. f.q f-
FY-TT «TFYaT /. v. TO.
^ri%»Trst[-g'rirRi’-TisT^-3T3'riTrir- ai5iftR'-3T^5r-&c. qRSj. To Dismember, v. a. a? #TO-%TO-^Tsr# &c. sr?rTO-
Disinheriting, Disiniierision, n. v. V
totoT qrTO?!. act. tJ?'M.-37i7g5'Hi.-jfr^S3'i)i.-&c. 3FTO ff.of 0 .
mffitn. &ic. ?rt%to». fq'^KPTr^mfjT yc Brw- 5T- To Dismiss, v. a. send arcay, give leave of departure,
— state qFTOTw. qtpftfj %$Wm. ^Fto^FTOb. -YWf -THKilm.-^r^f. to, fTOf? /--YFrTOF /.-FTOTOn.-&c.

fftto ff.of 0 . fror TTO.
To Disinter, v. a. ^TOrrTO-TOTOTO&c. iror q;rTO
To d. an assembly. TOJ3TO 3rTO.
®mzKrn. YTO. 2 divest of office or employment, discharge, discard, turn off.
Disinterested, a. not selfish. FtoFTR, Ftorf, fSpT*T, 3TTOF’Rr ' qrrro, w&m, ^rTOTO-YY6T TO-^TO fr-?r#R-&c. qri#, ^rr- )

sRrok, ifroir. ,
?r or Eff^ 3T#, 'FFTO'Kt/• - FFPirf/.-^ FYm - FfSTm - 501^1 Y TOFra. . .

-?m or m fpl.-zizsm. TO, qTTO ff of 0

Disinterestedly, adv. v. A. FTO^'fl^d PpiYnTTOTF,
, &e. . f[#f ffKtZm.
Disinterestedness, h.v. A. FTOFFjfe/.
RRP%fe/. FTOfaffe/. or TO, TOYfYTOw. 5T^TO,
fitffstn. tTTOfar-JTTOF5'-&c. fftffit.

fa^WfR/. Nw«. PT^Tg-Ffr/. F^Fc^?rr./. SRqpfm. ^raRPTm. Dismissal, Dismission, n.v.Y. act. — arraTTOn. &c. aTFIT/.
To Disjoin, «. a. t.To^Separate. F3TF./. fTOPTm. f^Kftlf. fTO?/- ftTOTt/. fofftlftf. TOFTOt /•
ff-of 0. w»i. tf^ g.oj 0. tirsEr-ftTO-&c. fTOsN'n.
Disjoined, Disjunct, p. v. V. and Separated. tirssr%^3T D. with sweetmeats, &c. of a company. /
&c. f%grfr, RrR?g-.
Presents on d. Prt?/. pFTO7t /. kztlftf. YTRift/.
DIS 20 1 DIS

D. family or circle. CTpriRTsirB.

2 —act ifrTOfi. ni^HR'Rii 3iT3R 3RR- |T TORn &c. nr-J|
3 lawless, c^c. v. Licentious. ®Tf5TS,qf?TU, nefeE, t^fl, ^iTt,
qxqft/. RiT/ nFdfr or 33rqrs/. 3?TO/
Dismissed, jo. v. V. 1. RFR FV-IR ,
&' c. FTOr5FT , mT'FsFR.
To Disorganize. Sec 'Jio 'Disorder.
tor rtor, nrog FrIr, & totott, nifar or tric, Fstrc c.

nn^pr, td32, rkttoi:- To Disown, v. a. v. To Deny. nRR® nR-ffT, nraKR, =Tr fT-
qrq^r, ^Tgfir, sTf-mvsfT, wtiPrit, -
“R, nffHTRm 'df ifr^Rim - c. ^C"T ff.of o.
?R )». cow. Disowned, p v.V. qnrFRFirr, &o. RlfRlT, BR'iftgR.
To be d. R%n. p/.

3RR, ?TOR, TOR, TOW-** Sr. Disowning, n. v.V art. srr5F#». 3l?ltWTm. RRTfrRTRvu.
To Dismount, v. a.
V c.
JTOt TO, 3TO(R, TOTO<n.- To DispAii.’.c.r,, v. a. depreciate, undervalue, f^^Fr— ST T- <

To Dismount, v n alight. , j

f5-ie ^•fBT,3T"T!qOT(ft.-fnT^'ra)ii -37qiJFrf t n.-&c. ^St g.oj a.

sF^Tff °T nSR. it.

TOTk'-PTI/. ?®%W<n. •3B T1°1TJ«. STR#, FcTCT^iTW, or ffBIRR, %*!-

Disobedience, n. CTOT-Hiriu* VraiMTO’. TOFirfstRn.

^T%Tr /.
r?Rt rkr irraq^g-.o/ ».
„ „ r
3' IT H^JTflrsrr, TOR 'irTOT/R'?!'#, JR” Dim* uiaoement. See Disgrace.
Disobedient, u. RTiF TJ :
rr "CT ,

tosVtof, vrstoT, 'nRfFpK#.^ Disparity, it. v Difference. rFTTFF'T f. 9vCm. RRfN'H ». R-

irpq, _ j

v. a. nrsFr/.-'fKiTm.-& e. #f'l--?i'3R, STfuRR/u. ntR'FDTD/'i. 31eWRnr/.

To Disobey,
See To Separate.

-WitHitt.--5Tf;rf5T?F’Tn--&c TO3. To Dispart.

^ __ i

sToT^PN-iTfl-f Dispassion, «. v. Quikiism. sripT /•

To Disoblige, v. a. offend hg unkindness. |

-M^ro:Kr-&c ^gtjRSTO-Ae.TOR, to-#i/.#to-<3£f Disp assionate, a. calm, impartial. aTPT, W, f ipRi? , fR?gf 9?F- ,

l?R, srifiRr, 5TOPTT.

nrro g--of o. ^
V. KrgTOiTft, f-T^T^rfr, TOFTTOTT, TOT-

Dispatch. See Despatch.

Disobliging, p. a. v.

cKTC^ffe, nqnrncTOf, nq^rCTO, 3q*Hfqipr. To Dispel, v. a. disperse, 4c. 3TW, VR ! 0 , T^RT

Disorder, n. (of tilings, affairs, &. c.). v. Confusion. 3TR R'1T/. !
itrfirjT^qpr/. Tfn g-«f <>. qrnqRm ®r“t.

jpj-fR /. iRsrTO* or 3®nrTOR /• iTRI® n. f-Rqi®/. TOriTH-* Dispensary, n. TVRRDh- ^iqiqsrRT/.

rqr/. irTOTf TOTO/. STnERm. toTtoR'i). RW£TO«. ’Tf 7®/. Dispensation, n. v V. 1 —act. fm n.

nftps^t/. vrWp-mt **/• to/, nnror/. nm/ tor/. 1 dealing of God with his creatures.
It license to do what is forbidden or to omit what is command-
Cm&f mwim.
2 disturbance, commotion, v. Tumult, TOR/. TIT® or H£t/. ed. f#rfRRm f'-rfafiW /• htti/.
To Dispense, v. a. deal out, distribute, v. To Divide. TOR,
I[w-R /.
3 derangement of health, v. Sickness. FiTIOii. FtoFt J ’.TPTwi* TORt/.-=TCT«. - & c. qnR g-°f o.
2 with waive, give up, ifrff, Zlffg, #/-
tow#. 3?fqrw». ;
4’c. 3RTP

4 a d., a disease, malady, ailment. ffJTM. Tift ®Tn. ?jnr/.-TO^r/.-& o- tFC«r-SR, =r^r gm.
To Dispeople. See To Depopulate.
Z'.TSn. arrSTTCm. TOf-Ini. TOT /• 3TT/. fcffa/. TOTOin.
See Indigestion.
Dangerous d. FsTTOTO fR in- - JTOTn -?Wir m- & c. .
Disorders and diseases, — compreli. flTOR/. To Disperse, v. a. dissipate, v. To Scatter. vj3T«R, 31TOR,
qrri'RT, itprr or iriRr#, #3 rr, nr ®r, nnOT, i®R‘r, firnrl' Ftrt-

Exaeerbated or supervenient d. (through error of regimen),

qpffcfl. To be exacerbated, & e. —ad. JiHT'iR. TTnrR ^Rr, Dfwr® nrRr, tfikTrini/- - /. &«>.

Natural d . — distinguished from preternatural d. aRfiJJ'rti* nrfn ff.oj o. tof. ®r# g.of a.
To Disperse, r. n. be scattered, tfit'dif, TOR fn J3R fef^^T-
5 (of mind). See Discomposure.
, ,

To TO jTR-^R, TOfTOF/.y^. #”} g.ojs. TRPW® ITnRf ?!#.

To Disorder, v. a. disarrange, derange discompose,
Confound. FqTOK®3, ttor. nTOTO, 3®TO»r, 3?OTr®f,
TW/-n®mrTO or g^putisr /.-nre® /.-&c. tor /.-w

W ’

Dispersed, p. v. V.
Df SPERSEDr.Y, adv.
A. 3TTO®T, Fr(nrqS ®r, &c. tJTRTT,

t r

Dispersion, n. v.V. A. act, nTWTOn. &c. state. 3'-

2 derange the health. front w. - FrfffT /. - 3T5:f m .~R>JT /• TOR 3TR3'T/. nrforTrigr/. nraren/. ft^TO/. fqnvr/-
Dispirit, n. a. dishearten, depress, dffcct. RB.-ffWT/.-
wi, fpT»n. 3?ro tor. JV>

3 ruffle, disturb. See To Discompose. mng-of o.

-3i0rTOT5rw.-&c. strRr g-of o. F? :c#3/-’R.- i:

Disordered, p. v. V. 1. froqr®^v5T, &c. fTOTOFFT, TOTTER,
aTOTr®TOT; ssrssr. g.of o. etsrnrtR g.of 0 . «5T5!-wgr-nfTO-Tr®®-^ C.

2 ill, ailing, v. Sick. prroN


sirsrr^, PfTrfr, 3T- TOR, flR, #3^.
^«r, srerfrq-Rr, wjr or frogc, jot. Dispirited, p. v.V. JR #3W®r, &c. 3ura, 3TO#, *®R TnFHr- ,

Disorderly, a. disordered, confused, immcthodical, fyc. STTOT* r, fR#Rnr, *ratRrif, fg^ror?, nfe®, mffsfr,

fenr, «ww, ,t?iwcr, ®r^rfir'T, ^nsT'n-Tf?'- iwR^wvr, ft*r%5R, srnnspr. .

ar, ww, »dwr«ri?^rr, wft^, &c. Dispiriter, ii. Dispiriting, p. a. v.V. JR#3»nTr,&c.3R #-
2—of persons, &c. ^RT, Jim®! or ir^RTr, *TWa: or wvpzm, Rr, fircflmrr, ir#rt, ^9KW,^fir5r?fr, TOtnRr*
ITNt, #>1®, >TH#piT*, *111®. 5f^-nrar^-&c-
— . " - .

DIS 202 3— DIS

Dispiriting, n. v. Y.—act. qRRqR^Tn. JR #3%. &c. f|q> act. qflqrr 4TCTn. 4R ?V£ JTFFTn. ^WfJTtn.
JH%Jmf. JRfiRm. SRIWIto. WTITot. act. ?Rn. ZRWn & c.

To Displace, v. a. remove from its place. 5Rar«. qrtrraT g.oj o. I disposedness of nature, v. Nature, Tendency, qjWRnt.
?SRRTb -STSrfaOi. *Xf\ g.of o. IRR^E- iRR^- V<RKP2- SFURURm. 5^S*H7 jj». ITRjtt. ?3ten. afe/. (^URrRt &c.)
&c. qRR. II (of mmd or will) temper, fyc. RUKm. TFKdjf. 5rUrn. fe-
2 derange, 8tc. See To Confuse. 3. See To Dismiss. 3I”T«. JTf F?T>TR?». 5TRV?T f. iTCsfXf. iT3T/-
To Display, v. a. exhibit, set forth, v. To Manifest, To Show, D. and temper.
otw, trurerw qrefsr/. - &c. q^Rg-. of o. gw-RU^-trf^sr- Evil d. sq^jgTqRm.
&e. qRop, qr?T qTRR. Good d. PIBT'TM.
Display, Displaying, n. v. Y.—act. SHsPRa. jrh: &c. Happy d.

TttfSPTn. arrff RR°rn. srrfiraT»n. Of an evil d. f:3TR, pOTq,

1 imposing array, v. Show, 3?rq?i». STRKfm. *TiT»». qtZWZm. Of a good d. *T5Tter, pop. Siteq?, 3TRTRr.
?Tr?ra. qztfm. rRTE or ztfzmf. vSTiT f^n. III method, v. Order. *PT?b. Ng5TtT»». WRUn.
Displeasant. See Disagreeable. To Dispossess. See To Deprive.
To Displease,?;, a. v. To Offend. qTiqqa'-jq'qr- sT5fTC-^E- Dispraise, n. v. Blame. RST/. UlT/.
&c. qrv°T, 5v?r#, JK^sfr/. afrsrBr g of o. Disproof, n. at^rR^fPR'n. ^tmUR^qT'RK.
Displeased, p. v. V. qTJqvr%aRr, &c. qppr, jqqr, ?=r5T, 53T, Disproportion, n want of proportion, disparity. ffqTT'FT/. Fr~
*?rrt, T^fRr, HTO?r, ara-pr, Sroranrr, ^gvftRrrnqr, fe?rr«rr- #?TW»R. ^frrfSRTHR»n. STUrtlTn. WltTHTRin. ITUFR^Rn. WT-
Displeaser, n. Displeasing, p. a. v. V. and Disagreeable. ^KTn. F^rUWfm.
srr^r^iRT, &e. aujqiw, N^qrqqrRqr.Rwr, ^rprer, 8Rr- Disproportional, Disproportionate, a, v. N. Fq^T?, Fqqu-
•TTT^T, 3Tf=re. qf^rraqr, iqqiMRRT, ^RrfSrqr qfuirRqr, srenr, st^ttr.
Displeasure, n. displeasedness, v. Offence. fjt^KRT/. qR3t To Disprove, v. a. confute, &;c. ?fRr-^qrr-&e. qr^R-qT^R-
qR?tqRR /• R533TFf Cqnwt/. aTHfrf m. 3T?f TT/. VJT- * q'Rrqq', tfitqorrm - %iif /. -&c.. s?m ,
R3-=m .
- sth vq^rqRn . qr-

?RRT/• ^ g of 0 .

Disport. See Play. Disputable, a. v. V. A. qjr ^RKlRriTT, &c. ferfrqqr,

Disposable, a. v.V. 1. J7f3WIRT-#nT-&c. Sfqnr^RpT. arr^r, fqqrqrf, qrqvrR, q^rifr, IrqRT^'ur, otjr,
Disposal, n. act of disposing. Sec Disposition. 2 poicer or atsraw.
right of disposing, arranging, Sec. fRm. fTW/. RW/. f£fn. Disputation, n. v. V. N. 1. —act. qTTin. RrqR'm. qRirfprqiorm
PPTW/. PfifiTRn. 4t5Rr^R«ITm. fpqRURr/. qRRTn. IJ45Tm. R3Rl}?Vn.
To Dispose, v. a. arrange, set, lay orderly, iff 3^, siRRM, VR- D. -club. qrerRr arirm-
Sr.wr, RqR.fs^RRR, Rqw/--URR/.-qRT£/.-%RR/.- D. -rooms. qr^lRT argUn.
qfrwrm. - fitsJTRTm. - SqRR m. - & e. qRR g.of o Testimonial awarded at disputations of prc-cminenee. o^Fsfq-
2 frame the mind or will, incline. IR qisfqqr - TTqfqtq - qr^lq- qm.
°T-qRfq°T-&c. JRrR#qrw.-qR?n.-aftR/.-&a g of o. R- Disputatious, a. v V. N. 1. 3tFfrr 1, ferfl, 4 R r, Fqqrqr-
J*PCq5T,fqrrn. ST# g of o.
rtr. '4f, qrqfipT, qrqqqq' ) qr5THTF,qr5Rk, qpit fqFqgrq- qre qru°rr>T,
3 of v. To Apply, To Use.
; qpspq, qrRPET- &c. 5JT#, sqqw/. ?Rrrrd-
- qflqn/.-RR-%irm. - &c. qr?R g.of o. qrr /. qru°r-R# g.ofo. Perverscly A *qaR#f.
4 To Sell,
of; V. aqarq zrqR orJRR, if3R JT4RT or qvf, To Dispute, v. n. contend in argument, v. To Argue. qpTfu. -
qrtr shr, frerel? srnS'-m^r-si^r. iqqRm. - qrarfqqrerw. - fq irftqfRf - & c. .
struR- u'R“r- &c
Disposed, p. v.V. 1 . unravST, &c. vFrr, fqJrfRR, Stfsnr, To d. vehemently. qfiTrqVqprq'SRqrqTO. URnr.
arawffcr, anfepr, First, srrrt, Jrfqfqf?qr. 2 strive, contend, v. To Fight, To Quarrel. *T!3R, qr-
2 fST4%ST, &C. SPR, JRrr. «3rr?n.-Vr'R'Tw.-&c. qRvf.
To feel d. JRirqqr /.-JRpRSTjn RR-RPR-RSR. To Dispute,?;, a. controvert, contest, call in question, qr 5"»n.-
3 &c. ?r qrnr/. w-ur 5 ! g.of o. q^ruq /. urn, sqr&qm.-st^r /.-ur-
To be d, of. qffqpR, Yzf. strr g.of s. qrrajr/.-qryr/.-&c. w wuh qv ofo.^mm.Awwt^m.-s, <..

4 i|c*H &f<K?.cs[ a"3^r a^R'SJT,

&c. tst-qr^, qrq-?».-fqq[q-?».- Ftq&qFfi/.- fqqfqqrqRR.- tr?qnrRRn.
Disposer, n. v.V. 1. hrw, TRW, &c. qiRqr, RqRrqq?, %- - f-TUBV n. R^rqr^'q n . - aTRiqrruw- - & c . qr^-nr g.of o.
srmrr &c. sr?, are^rrar, «rqw qRrr. Dispute, Disputing, n. v. V. N. 1. and Disputation, qpVm.
Disposing, Disposition, Disposal, n. v. V. 1 act. jqRBj n . fqqfT?n.
VRStr. tSRn. URRfr/. f. URR5T /. TTR'TRST /. TfRm. To be under d. qrsrm.RR°T g.of s.
vr/. r5?nsFr». frFdtrirw. s’tpirrum. r^rwm. jtFtFt- 2 HRRn. qr«qrr»»- 5TIT3TM. #Rn. qq^R/.
«TR?i. — state. siRTijr/. ^RUfl/. EfZFTm. Take a loss but settle the d. fT JfR ?riRr qR,
• I disputed matter. jqrRw, igz&n.
-—act. Tr=f WfiRn. sjfqr l^n. &c state. qrUUr/. WWn. Confused d. iqrqiR /. fevR3" /.
. — f .


Disputed, p. v. V. A. WW, iTSiTlffaT, ^CR5T, 3K- Dissension, n. contention, discord, v. Disagreement.

Rufa'rar, jiht^jrt, f^ri^rar, Putt, HWS(m. ifrar /. »TTm.
Disputer, Disputant, n. v.V. N. !• ^TUTTCr, 3T- Domestic or intestine d. qriqqRTro.
3TfWV«t. *FC- <5

?I, qrarr, Stem.

To- Disqualify, v a. make unfit. aririir- STOT-quqtRi'- &c. To foment or feed d. amrft?T ^TrFT.

3wr*5i5rr/.-&c. ^rw. To sow d. 3?prr/« CTJft/. HTCT or Wm.-

Disquiet, Disquietude. See Discomposure.
To Disquiet. See To Discompose. To Dissent, ti. disagree in opinion. SfOTF !- 3

Disregard, Disregarding, n v. Contempt. Wjh w , sr-. 3T?# ?

Hm. sTWRiii. ZRFZrm. 3j^r m 3%rf. 3R%r/. STWr/. 3T-
3TT . 3TOT of s. m . S' of s.
?5H^r». snrwrn. arqvmr/. ®mf?r/ Dissent, n. v. V. \n* /.

To Disregard, v. a. slight, neglect, v. To Contemn. stW^T- Ftowt?t». nmzm- ^TThrcn.

°r, srhot, srqriim, 3mw, 3WT, g%r /. Dissenter, n. Dissentient, a. v, V.

«r«OTT, fiffror, JTdHwrf^r-qrft,
Disregarded, p v. V. sprflRSTSST, &c. *Pmrfa?T, amrm, s?- Dissertation, n discourse . . $hrm. ^T^n. ^r!%^r/.
^RTDrT, SqfiFT, SRTfer, sputT?, ARPTfT, ^RIFT.
Disregard er, n. Disregardful, a. v. V. «N'*iH u IKi &c. )
at- Disservice, n . ill turn injury. , sTT^TOn. ^T'T^FT /. cfw. ITFt/*

^JTR &c. AR-q-y. To Dissever. See To Sever.

Dsrelish. See Distaste. Dissimilar, a. v. Unlike ^TOTFT, fw.
Disreputable, a. mean, dirty, 8?c. v. Low, Blackguardly. Dissimilarity, r. v. A Win, ^qFTFrf/.
fsqrr, prr, sTW^r. athwR-t, at^t, =rrq?r, ircarrsurr, SHPT^n.

^EjR'I’dlraT. Dissiaiulation, Dissembling, «. v.V. owl Hypocrisy.

2 causing disrepute, v. Disgraceful. 5C5jcR3T3r, fSRq'T, %- ar^rrm. Ifetr ^ ‘TPicr mm™.
^irr ’

Disrepute, or want of reputation disesteem

n. loss , ,
discredit To Dissipate, v, a disperse,
. v. To Scatter,
3TWtf%/. ARt(%/. fttfaTSTm. 3Tf?ffegrm. amPTni. tfrarBr, w#,
ATRrrfff /. arqRRTji. mfavij- *nT«. rto/. 2 See To Sotanrer.
Disrespect, n. aTOTTm. ARRTm. *re«nTn»- ITOVJJT- Dissipated, a. v. Loose,
=T m ATfiTR'Di. AKirr^Rr /. % 9T«r% /. Dissipation, ru dissolute, irregular course of life .

Disrespectful, a. v N. AHT5TRT, ARqft'^T, erqiiRT^r, & e. sr- tcHTm. f mU°rn* aSTCRT’Oiu

WT^-, ATqiTR--aT^RT &c.*FC*'-*tO- Dissociable, Dissocial, a. v. Misanthropic. cr^OTT,
Disrespectfully, adv. v.N. erqqfer arkt &c. wSnjr, wm,
5T^RT, SRRT Ac. W- Dissolubl e, a . tfiai may />c melted , - WPIT - &c
To Disrobe. See To Strip. gw,
Disruption. See Breaking, Breach. Dissolubility, 71 . v. A, STRFfn. ^FWft^F/.
Dissatisfaction, n. discontent. aTTfff /. afflJTR'R'n. STTOvTAT/. Dissolute, a- licentious , v. Loose*
AR^W'D. 2T^ r
Dissatisfactory. See Unsatisfactory. Dissoluteness, 71 . v. A* af^^t/. ^sfe^Tn.
Dissatisfied, a. v. Discontented, arue, are%fr, a:PT?t5r,qr-
^ c „
Dissolution, «. v. V. A. I.-«rf. PnjstfrTn. 5TW«.
To Dissect, v. a. anatomise. (W«.) qTr3 3r-3>T<T 3r, srfivwtt.
2—act. #inn. &c. JPTm. vmn. — State Prt?w. V-
2 See To Analize. srm. #3T^rra’B’B.
Dissection, n. v.V. 1 .—act. qq^fn. grpUTw. $nar#5Tji». 3—«c<. 5^-!?5Tn. faersfrn.

2 See Analysis. v.V. n. i. Pm%.

To Dissemble, v. a. hide under false appearance, v. To Con- 2 JTR X
gJTrfft'/. KT /. qrrew 'UrrHT/. WTm. lERTm.
t .

ceal. wft, sqiw, %*vr,qiqRsvrfl. 1 See Death.

To Dissemble, v. n. act hypocritically. q|r°IT 7n.-fJW pop. J^tSTR. Dissolvable. See Dissoluble.
-f%f^n.~wn."WTn.-&e. mr». zn&fir. To Dissolve, v. a. liquefy, v. To Melt. fc=pF#, ffEJC#', 5r
Dissembler, n. v. Hypocrite. fiTTOTC, qwfft, qm.-VETm. ^fing.ofo.
To Disseminate,
w w^rifr T¥. ,
2 disunite, separate, take to pieces, fy*. v. Tf JTreak. #OT,
To Spread. TOOr. - WITm. - irt-
v. a. v. #r9r, iuurft.-ii'>Tm.-&c. cR;or.

rw.-iijfvr/. qrRr g.of o. qr% trfq-~irerfcr~&c. qr^r. 3 (an assembly, &c.) v. To Dismiss. #S^,TOara
Dissemination, n. v.V. act. TOPCm- USTUTn, ^,0/ q.
. - — ,

D1S 204 D1S

4 See To Solve. Distiller, n. v Y. A. 1. OT ^TfOTru, HHfH, ^TOT, HYFH-
To Dissolve, v. w.v. To Melt, kdOT, root, fRT otf, H?r¥rr, trRr^,
g.ojo. Distillery, ft. OTfHfRt nf[f OTOTRRT^ft.
2 break up be disbanded
, v. To Break. ?fot, nT^T f Distinct, a. other, v. Different. kfOTr, OT^F,
sf?r, Wvf, k-
HOT OT »i ,
• -F^YH m - & c fFf g'.of
. s. HOT.
Dissolvent, a, £/jo<r power to melt, 37OT, £3^fOT~3nTt, 2 disjunct, not conjunct, v. Separate. fOTF^r, ^OTT, H^F,
3N*T. Fh^fhh, Fot, vmw,
tfrarar, mw®.
Dissonance, Dissonant. See Discord, Discordant. S conspicuous v Clear. hFR, OT, h*TO.
To Dissuade, ?\ o divert
. bp argument exhortation § c. <ff?f zfr- Distinction, Distinguishing, n. \„V. l.—act.
, ,
gfOT??. ke.
ft &c. pOTOT o/* OTrc.-W/ firOTHft. ROTHr / F^srrOTft. Rrwq^rr /.
“f%TTn.-3iH:^ cT?L-&c. fqOTOT £*.o/ o. ffKTT'W ^OTOT/L-fOT- 2-~acf.m HOTft. o.o. OThi. iTOTft. qFc^feTift ^TT-
r^/.-f?RTOTn--&c HJyf g-of o. jftr-TR’m. HfOT, xOTwi. ipj^TOTrt. state. OTff^T/*
ik^%qrOTm. SfTOT D. of own and otlier, (relations, tlimgy, &.c.) regard to me wm
Dissuasion, n. v. V. fH^rOTRTSF hi fWOTjP^F^Hi. TOTOTr- tman.
et 3iF7TT or OTC W'rTfti.

# ^TFq q C
or ^qqr qfe/.-H-iqrft -
9T5Tm. sTiS Jf*-*Rn.-&c.
. c
Dissuasive, a v.V. . pRFOT, D. of persons. JTT^F^ Srq - 3-^r^T^T - & c


^- ?3rr . trfgj.-*if&f.
Dissyllabic, o.
Dissyllable, w. fl^OTvT^HL Nou-(l. of persons. fP?eri-TiTq'-3Tr Tr^0WIT' r-&e. #^/.- i

Distaff, 71. WZWt or z£ff ^FTB.-TRn -vmn.-Vftfvi.-m&f -rfz f.-Lc.

Distance, n. space between . qr^rm. otThi. HR^f j\ 3Rfsf Wl# 1 diversity, v. Difference, jt^w. efrfm. qr^tn. ^rr?fWii.
3 TOTft. 5TJTR5T,/• s?5PCD»* s?TOHft.
2 remoteness, far ness. HRr/. JOT /. JOTft* FPFOT/ft. II holding to he different. ffoflmPTM. rfwr^m.
At a great d. HFOT HR, HR% HR, JOT 3X %
?f/T ?rf !T5?rTJi!. frrffwrTra. fomrfEf.
At or to a great d. HR, jjc. To -
treat without d. q-^r qrrfffq ffOT, TO irr^ff 3?R trr

To keep at a d. be or become cold towards . f-R* hot .^rrr r% ^rq-JTOT.

#F. III note or mark distinguishing, fqltqjft,
To Distance, v. a. outstrip , leave behind. ^[if-qrOTR]' IV eminence, superiority. Jpwm. fqstq'qr f. Wjfqr-
OTOTOTOT, %OT. Wm. Hhn JTfomf.
Distant, a . remote, far; — of time or space. JC, JOTf, sxfcr, Distinctive, a. that metrics difference. JK^ifr-g'sffr-^c
jthf, jototf, hr, HRRr, HRofrRr, a^W, Distinctly, ado. v. A. 3. qrrTT, qTff, ^qipr, squr.
JOT.-in high. degree. HRRHR, HR% HR, HJT, Distinctness, n. v.A.l PrrrSrqoiTjH. |il^'l®rr«i.
To be put off to a d. time. HP#, Hl#R3C - HRofl^rnf tp#, 2 fqqrs'T'TTjn. ^arqnrrw. f^Srr^OT'TT m. ivqqqn. 3T#fTP: ? t»i.
2 See Reserved 3 qqq?rr/. aj^r/.
Distaste, n. disrelish, v. Dislike. brfRH/. kOTt/. *R#ft. To Distinguish, r. a. note the difference of, discern, discrimi-
^ wfar/. R^rr/. srctk /. nate. ?n nmn. qrm-zw-v^,%zm.-fa$iqm.-%i:M.-?THr-
Distasteful, a. nauseous to the palate. 3}£rj%- [imn.&e. qm-mm-wh yim*r,m^7i -kq^r/.-fqmqkn-
5X, STOTk’H, JOTS’, -km^rf. g-.ofo.
2 See Unpleasant. 2 separate from, malic distinct or particular. i^op w^i/i.
Distastefulness, ft. V. A. 3. ROTOT/. WlfcOT/. <tc. n. •.?qx%q in - qpCxfeTm
. -Eq^qw. g-
() 0t
Distemper, m. disease, malady, v. Disorder. fOTrCw. Pf jfj (one’s self).
/. 3 ^0cq-».-qfqg^M.-irarn.-^H».-Jl^eT/.-&e. F*r-
mWCm. OTftt.
To Distend, ?\ ol stretch out, extend, swell, v To Stretch. Distinguishable, a. v V. 1. Pfq^fq, fwrT%T, friTFtr.
iJTHOT, ^F# r
'R'OT, 2 Priiwrq, F¥fr*sv.
To be distended. HOTOT intern . OTOT, <T°f°T, HOT#, HOT#. Distinguished, j). v.V. 1, fqvm, f#fvq, fqprrfr
To Distend, n j*#,
J#, . w, fTOTOT #. TTOrff^-.
Distension, n, v. V. A.—aet, fflmn.—state. $z\z\m. mz\m. 2 tjqfcm,
t tftfevr, sqqfeir, fiffT, F^feig-, fqtfqq.
flRTm. d. OTOTOTrm. &c. 3 eminent, c$-c. ^rffvr, HTswrV, Tffrfa'T, sturffer, swsRfrF%,
Distich, n. couplet, W/. suspriw, srw-TK’q.
To Distil, v, a. (spirits, he,), «ETOT, OTf fHOTOTft. - Fh^R Distinguisiier, n. Distinguishing, p. a. v.V. 1.
OTn.-&c. *#g\o/o %
mj-bmr, &c. r#ro, ffq^rsr, a^rsrV, ^TJqqsf^.
2 See To Drop.
2 HT^T rrvr, n &c. sqr^xS^^" fqffqir
To Distil, v. n. fall in drops, v. To Drop, otot, Rtnot.
Distillation, Distilling, n. v. V. A. 1. OTHHTHn. OTFT?*. To Distort, v. a. v. To Twist. ^Nr3T“^JBT-i^ir?r-&c.
?fw^r/. inrfTOfrr’rn. arrfRr /. #r/. fq^m pi. %°t.
- — —— — —


Distorted, p. v V. & c. ?ja>r remiss. tgzsqz, j?|Tfr , K- Distribution, «. v. V. act. TORn. qkf §Rm. &c. ^Uwiy. Tf-

cern. f\zrf\zf
To bo or become d. 0
f^T^T'T ! or RTIpr 0!. General or copious d. iPTHl/•

Distortion, n. v.V. — act. gRPT/i. ^iTCST 35T°Tw. &-c. 1 in logic. spwrFfsfiT /.

state, v Contortions. 'q^c^n. jrjjrsfr i/i. fl^T »» District, n. circuit of authority. ^r^Dii.

y0 Distract, c. a perplex, bewilder, v. To Confound. gpT- 2 division of country v. County. UFfiii. ,

TfgTB'/rt 'TFJWirt.

4fgrm T/--T'Tr/
-mtq&f-Hk&f -ht- fsTSTin.

f.-kc. ». Throughout the districts. iffr^Tpr^TT.
<g •<?/

To Madden. To Distrust, v. a. be diffident of, v. To Doubt. ^TpP'TRJm.-

2 greatly disturb , or discompose, v. tirr-Prfer-

P?rTf'f»T IT m .
- f^Trf *^5T tfi -f^^&'Tw.-Tfe^Tw - BT^iririJi cfiTir-s-#, 5i'Tr/.- 3 Tr5'f^r/.-H^arm.-& c vp^T g-oj ».
ff-&c. cKT'T,
Distrust, n. diffidence, non-rcliance, v. Doubt. BlF^^Treift.
&c. ^kkg.ofo
3 divertfrom a point,
ffTTROT, ^r?°T,
Distracted, p. v.V.
W 1
draw from an


rpT-Cr, frJHl, fraR?*.

'UNf^T, Vra^T/. aURPIiii. ^Tm.
Distrusted, p. v.V.
StF^T, Tr5if^T T, ST^TWT.
a. v. Suspicious. siff^Rr or H or
,3 ;

2 ^jT^Ssi-sr^'^T, f-^fcfyir, jfeRS fNRfaasRT. , W5i¥, 8PRT^-

3 %C#W,&c. To Disturb, v. a. stir, move, displace. fWzk, g’SJ'fvr,

Distracter, n. Distracting, p. a. v. V. 1. RTCfa'TKT, aTR- PTR^ST w al in g.of a.

sPritt, &c.
Distraction, v.V
1 .—act.
m^n. &c. immmj-tiimmf
2 disrjniet, §c.v.
ai^ri 5
To Agitate, To Discompose.
!, >T* P; ’T-y
: ; r' -T-'"-'R—F-
i c- ^Rir.
iTfSR, JT-

state. Prcftr /• ^K^f- Hk^J- STCPTtC/. 3 impede, v. To Hinder. To Interrupt. fr^?r/.-F T5rK-»i-

hmz~.f « Vir /• FT-v^rcfTr^fr/• totor. RRVfiRn.

. .
3T”T, an%T«i. qR'T-aTPIof-^Tvr.
To Distrain, v. a. seise for debt, ^sTH??* qT°T, Disturbance, Disturbing, n. v. V. 1. act. z&qkn.
mn. err. &c. ^TFfKj-STin.

Distress, n. affliction, v. Trouble. Z:t%n. act. and Discomposure. HTO“t»i. ipT3wr». &c.- sto/c. mm. Rrr<T>«. ^reiMrj. ito/. ywm.atrryww. w^rffr/. #3Tm.

afrs^rr/. Imarfrr/. &c. 3 See IIinderance, Interruption. «
To bo m great d. apTMiTm. fi%, t%\ UTOn. W. I commotion, combustion, v. Tumult, vjk&f. KTKWTS't/-
2 miserable Wretchedness. zkzqpzm.
state, v. J^oTn.

pi. fRST'Tsrr /. /. §%ri/. ansor/. srskt/. Disunion, Disuniting, «. v. V. A act apiarr 'F’P’Tb. STtPTb. 5t-

3 strait ness of circumstances, v. Poverty. 'T3R3'

Zm. ipTR'n- l‘'tft«KT°ra state. FpIPTM. ^i/LpiaTm.^^r/K.
wn /• errt^/. PnNr,/• are^m’/- afar /• artearefr/. Wcf^rfl/. fckmf- Ppw^r/.
fsspfr/. wwj. j
1 fig. of families, f-T^m. Hf f. fCj dZm.JlTffr^irm.p!.
kc. t

To relieve one’s d. SR /. JTiSR ff.o/ o. /• Wnr«t. spfTTii. FtrvPfcw. PrWrr^ui. Iwri«.

To Distress, v. a. v. To Afflict. To Trouble. Pngor, fTsT- To Disunite, v. a. v. To Separate. TiiaT -kvl-FTOstr-.V.

#, f:^n.- %7l §R, ^T^i, ar^^r, Jit'Tm- ^rsk-^ikip- °J°> iTT/ii.-prafirw-f^Tw.
ke. 5?^ g-.of o rvr°r-&c. crtr. 8cc UPfqTff. of o.
2 reduce to want or wretchedness. Z\tZinpl.-ZJtZ%q\& To Disunite,* v. n. ^irsrr kc ilk, hktrm,- kc. oj s.

c. i?r*R g.of o. ^n<hk- Disusagf., Disuse, n. neglect of use. ipTFa^Tm ffz-

c. tr(3%-fr^T-^m ^^c7^0T_ (
qfcmzf. vmitrnrfuh srgifeiPT /• ^qkc-Tf. sw (osp.
Distressed, p. v.V. 1. <r:?fr, ftfopf, W, tsffl, fee, ftfeT, ill comp, as aTPTtWT, 5tffr%T, mm, ), ^f-
r*t, BfJF.^rpTnr, JrWj:R,trrw5i, &c. sTC^Tn.

2 arrfir^r, ,
pr^rr, f jfff, f^ppr, aTrrer,f<tfvm?r, a?r- To faill into d. qrsfcpsvt,

TvirrF, arrrf 5T- To Disuse, v. a. srfcfpr f.-Kmfm.-lzmn.- Hr-

To be d. a;?#. T £, ofo.
v?o aTWreJ».-8TS?r T?T D».-&c. of ! : o.

Distressing, p. a. Distressful, a. v.V. 1. fT?°TlTT, &fi. f:- Disused, p. v. V. ^TWr fr^ST, &c. aT^^rFtfr,
asrrwr, tor, srtr, 3re?rtrR, Ivm^wr, %-.m, v-mz, t- Ditch, n. trench, fyc. WKm. ®TfT«-

^r?, tort, Irh?, & c. 2 moat. mif *Km, dim. T /- qkwf-

2 RiRjztR, rritotr, Pre€tR, strr, fisr- Ditto, firar, ET4T.

tojrt. Ditty. Sec Song.

Distressing, n. v.V. 1 — act. f<T3Rn. ftra^JK &c. ?far- Diuretic, n. a medicine to provoke urine. ajvT2TS5»i. aifcf5(f-

tR-«.TOlTOTn. KR-n. axfffSprm. sifeaif ST*rm. Cfean5t«T5Tn.

3 ar^RIRTw. 3T3RR TOfat- &c. Diuretic, a. v. N. ^rrsf^r, t£W, J^T,
To Distribute, v. a. deal out, dispense, v. To Divide, qk- Diurnal, a. quotidian, v. Daily. firTOf^r, fraRTf.

“t, ^i^r, f^arnf^r ^ arrzrcft /, - ^rr^Tn- o.

2 belonging to the day, F^TORT,%PT^,^, fiRfiR.
— » , I


Divan, n. council-chamber. frrnj^TRTin. 2 ITT ^^iTr, f3T®r-&c. OTig, &c.
To Divaricate, v. n. fork, part into two. qpjvr, TTSIErw.-TW- 3 titw, tent qTvr-^^r, &c. aisniR-.
JTm.-&c. fT°T^'. oj s. 4 srmrcr, jtt«pt.
To Divaricate, v. a. divide into two. TPOTm.-TW?/. Divination, n. v. V.
TTTUPT, W-5rf^-3Wr-&c qrr°r/i. or grfo^f
cr-vBt g. oj o. Fwr/.
To Dive, v. n. /. - /. ZfHyt. Divine, a. pertaining §c. to God. iqt\, TvfiT, T-TO^rr tvr-
Dive, Diving,
Diver, n. v. V.
n. v. V.
jft/ vpi'zfitf. qwwitf.
% shrift, srs#!, ^st, F?^, ifi-
^°r, 3Tt4f“rr.
7o Diverge, v, n. extend or spread m different directions D. favor. JTJT^fTf/.
from the same point .
jrsvp, TO^, qFTf^T, qrf^^. D. power. iTiT^g^r/.
Divergence, n. v. V. qTO°rn. D. will. WfRragr/.
Divergent, a.v. Y. c^^pTfTr, To Divine, v. a. predict, prognosticate !RTm--3T3rvrm.-fffcr»i
Divers, a v. Various. sfRT, ftfgqr,
ar^T^T. - wF^ffn . trri'q'- ^rfipr.
Divers. See Different. 2 See To Guess.
To Diversify, v. a. v. To Vary gr^or, qr Divinely, adv. by the agency 8,-c. of God. fW=FT^r,
w.-^TT5rCn.-&. c. sft- in comp, as d. instructed, d. prompt-
K*r g. of o. ed, Ac.
Diversion, Diverting, «. v. V. 1. — &<?£. fqpr^gojn. ^rsrgaTn. qfc- 2 See Excellently.
3 tRr. Diviner, n. v. V. •
5rj-=T ‘TTfW-'Trp'm'W, ffRT-
2 act.
VPT°T». tnftvfoi. VsT^n. #3fr, fR-frsfr, f'rvsrt'rsfr, irri? Iror.
lobfect or cause of d. v. Play. ipPT/. RrtrRTm. Divinity, n. deity, godhead. ifTT'Trni. sx?rr/. I-Mn.
trjqrn. i^n.
Diversely, adv. Variously.
v. TOTVT, ^TRTqfl, fiTvPmm, 2 theology. ?WRn qTJpfslR'n. JRTffRn. tsriifm. fft^sIRn.
TOVTTO%, TTPIRiTR. ar^w^R-R. zmwsimn.
Diversity, n. dissimilitude, v. Difference. &c. 3 a d. v. God. 3Tm. z^^rf.
Srepfr/. mwrrf. mmn. Iipm. Divisible, a. v.V.A. 1. 5t?|irr#iTr-&c. il?r, ^Pr, &?r,
2 See Variety. 2 iTT ^rrtrr wi ^rr- &c.
To Divert, v. a. turnoff. f%T#, 7V^m, %rrm.-TPTn. for- 3 &c. JTTW, arw,
1TPTT, sttt^Pt.
ofo. $tvf-rfapin. t^r, gfVpfrn. <p:°rg\ o/o. nrr- Division, Dividing, n. v. V. A. 1. — act. itTYrn. ©TTr- &c.
jprriTm. JlTwi. iTT^Tn. STm. tT=Tn. fr^Tm. Tft%Tm. aiRx%Tm.
2 entertain, v. To Amuse. VJffpT, F^VJJSTwi.-^vGT- 2 VT^TT^TR. iTTm. TTT^Tn. ’pj^VTTB.
q^-/.-&c. ursvT g. ofo. 3 STlJNrji. T1TR" T^f n.-^afn. fripfiroTn. &c. f. TfeiTn. ajTHn.
To Divest, v. a. denude, v. To Strip. 4 ttiiftr. irsr^n. TTTn.
&c. I See Disagreement, Disunion.
To Divide, v. a. part, cut. ifcajr, IhpT, «sm, apTraPT, TTTtJpr, II—in arithmetic;— the rule. JTRTPiTTrm. Some of the modes
WJPT, fwrif^T, iTSTin.—qfvsT«i.-&c. sfiT”T g.ofo. are MPiTr WVrTTrv, TTf HRr^R:.
2 sever, sunder v. To Separate. jfeiM.-irgtfn.
'gifflg.of o. III ad. place divided off, a partition. Ttpir m. TTTPTwi. feBTrn.
f3T^r-Fr?:rs5r-fir5r-9Ta-3T-&c. Wn. TTm.n. ijTTm.n. ^TqT»r TT ccrrw. 3iTT°Tl/.
3 deal out, dole, partition , distribute, dispense, share.
IV dividing body, v. Partition. q^TTm. TTTtjf. FTTfreRn.
itiflipT, TrefSr, Triipr, ^fent/.-firqm.-&.c. V portion, part, v. Share. FtJTRTwi- MTJTm. a?5Tm. Tf^TlTT/-
g. of o. -Bi^^fS( g.ofo. VI order, class, qipm. #fr /. irTm
4— in arithmetic. WT, HfJTm. T5!, ^5r%, WiFTn. g. ofo. VII (as in a bag, &c.). jTn. TT^w. %5Tm.
To Divide, v. n. See To Part. VIII (of a book) section, book, chapter, aftrn. STRTr/. TTTn.
Divided, p. v. V. A. ErTaw, ssf$rar-& c %fcr
1. . Fssr, fflfcsr. iraT Drw. mm. mrnrnm. xtfirm.
TKR55C, faST
2 tijar &c. %%srr.
Divisor, n — in arithmetic. JTTSrqr, TV, ?!T, TTViT.
Divorce, Divorcement, n. TfTcTRTT^Hl gzrar/. fqqr?^«r
&c. Fwrfipr, fwiir, ptFsht, ^r^a. f^TrTW^/. TPTPT#5R«.
Writing, hill, &c. of d. #rr[%fl/. ?rRrTTT«. TTTTTn.
4 JTRtrsr, *rft#3T, wfipr.
To Bivorcz, V. a. FTWW<iT».-T'qFw5iq in.-&e! ,

qrrei f.
Dividend, n. share of a divided thing, v. Share. TOThj. WTm. i?r|?T"r,ffTr?HWPN'^«.-&c. ^vb).
5r^T3f}ir/. fr^r™. - To Divulge. See To Publish, To Blab.
2 — iu arithmetic. irTTVa.

To Dizen. See To Deck.

Divider, n. v. V. A. 1. iTT°nvr, IraroiKT &c. irar^T, Stt, Fqaf- To Dizzen, To Dizzy, v. a. make giddy.
iJT-fPsitT- & c. qp?rr-TTTT'-&c. T5T/.--&C. arTT5!. .
20 ? DOL
A. ttf- ^ / • m*f ^*/- ^ffq^rq^Tn. —compreh. or gener.
Dizziness, n. y.
S^nRPTtt. %5ITO/- r^WTOfw.
5T5TS?r /.
D. of doubtful meaning or authority.
Dizzy, a. sTfarar.
^ ...
Forged d. ZHZZR&ln.
OTFT in. con. ffstw. pi. -^JfSn. rR°T.
To be or get d.
Documental, Documentary, a. v. N. ^^TlFTT^rr ,
^TRT, S’-
To Do, v. a. perform ,
act. SR 0!-
To be done, Jit, tyc. to be done. 3RW1Y,
mindfully. 5iqsT-tfm^-&c. Dodder, n. J*P°P° ^r^FTf^T^/on.
To do carefully, cautiously,
Dodecagon, n. §J<3T^TWn.
gR^T. „... .. — Doe, «. rftvftjwp. rc^ft or PFT /. 5JRf/-
do carelessly, indifferently, &c. UT5? 3RT =T *T tiuTO
Doer, «. Doing, p. a. v. Y. A. 1. skT°TKT, TO,
or occupant
^ (in comp,

W^TrT°r. and in the wide sense of tvorher, laborer, dealer ,

To do dashingly, grandly, gloriously. JTTWr, _
Yr^fr, c-
irrw/r, *rrt^d,
To do easily, readily, simply.. s^WRT-^-^rr
in, as tffr^rfr,
(these three in comp, as doiny
rgrO, Tr^rd),
jrrfrr-frs'ffr ease, Syc. K-
JfRnft, doing or making light,
°- yood, 8>c.
To do over again. SYRF, YRrY/- 3R°T g-°f and YRffTR, TTW4TR, ^fTWRt, PRR4TT, TT-
WraRcC, HlffTTC,
To do roughly, rudely, coarsely. SlTO, STOTT, W5°T.0 ew^R^r ,yr^-
IR'dR TT- imtt, erorO, ffe4TRt, ,

To do smartly, energetically, overpoweringly . !',

as fRHTIviT, ffRTr^T), ffls^r(m

^TR^T, ffTTTiR^r), TRf (in comp,
rtct, spirt, Frr?°T, ?RR°t, ttirr .. _
comp, as 3?r#TfC3T &c.).
To do with effort or toil. SH'TRPR R'RUT) 3Rf TRT TUT,
* 5To Doff, v, a put off.
f«RFR SRR, tfTRFr-fffTR &c -

\n ^r^Tw.n. (^pR/-) ffFm-(ff-

qrTO, Wff, ^FRR, Dog, n. fTOm- (TT»i* Cl /. .
2 transact, execute, v. To Manage. Jffiii. TTRiraffm- Some sounds ut-
?Xf. and pop.
f^rfin. of O.

in. con.
tered in calling a d are
To have to do with, iris'/. 3RFT
To Accomplish. SRFT, WTRRT, WW, Every d. has his day. YR fffTH BITT% ^R RrB ^^T-
3 achieve, $c. v. (or vr
Givc a d. a bad name and hang it.

5TW or tlTOTiT) TTriC, TT?TY.
4 away v. To Remove. fi^Rr/. 3R°r g- ofo. ^ ^

n. act commonly, v. To Behave. aTR'C'T, “IT* Like d. and cat, — agreeing, &c. sRT 3TfFT %ToR.
To Do,»r. TRFfRT '3FT-
To go to the dogs. ^T?fcT SIFT, ^
TFT, TtFT. ^
To Dog, v. a. follow closely, indefatiyably, fyc.
<JR/. W-TF-
2 be with respect to health, tyc. fare. «OTT (as fTTfl
TRlR Slfi, |RfT TT-
How do you do ?).
3 succeed, serve, v.
^JTRn.-W fa/-&c. 8TOT (as

To Answer.


ffg.cfo. qrroriT»M- 3R°T, fflTFTTTY STH“T,
a. iRT^T^Yr

Dog-latin, n. gibberish, UtfHWPTr/-

v. Obedient, Dog-louse, n. g{fx?m.f. dim. jfmrl or ffrf^tl/-
Docible, Docile, a teachable , tractable, ductile
. ,

?-tr-fera rffBr-5rrT T- Dog-sleep, n. waheful sleep. JTiRPft tfff/-
oTltr, wstpct, RsiRRftr, TOfe

Hfsr^T, Hf5Ta
&c. fsrargT#, g^trur, n%T f
gf%nsr, Roy, gw,JRR, hrrt, 3T /. wro^hr/.
Dog-star, n* rj5KRT?n.
tfnri? ^Kr-usTUranrr.
A. gFsPWRT /• RSTRTWr /• WFTn. &c. fcOT/. Dog-tooth, n«
Docility, n. v.
Dog-trot, n.
Dock, n. (for ships). #RT/. *

Dogged, a. v. Sullen* f^C,

2 tail-stump .

To Dock, t. a. cut off 'the tail. 5rT3T~^- <Szc. ^C°T, WT, &- Dogma, n. principle* tenet. 3?cT?Tt^rn.

Dogmatic, Dogmatical, a. positive and overbearing in opin -

Docked, p.
the animal.
v. V. tail, &c. MWT tR'viwr, sr? pop, tJT^T 4if.— to». jRrPwiffft,
Dogmatism, «. ^rfWRw. STtHRin- «»

&7Z goods €tC4Tn« Dogmatist, n. See Dogmatic.

Docket, w, to .

lo this Doing, «. v. Y. A. 1.—«< ^R°T». ffff/- 3R°Tji. (in

Doctor, 71 . learned man . ^f^TT^wi. gfvF?Tflt«

comp, as making separate, and M^RtRT,

word, as prefixed to the names of learned men, agree,
®rtft5T«Fr, R.qfgmrR'R),
as affixed ; as ^rW^HT, R£teR°r,
At one d. at one handling, in one act ijapr# orf{ <OT TO1% ,

2 v. Physician*
A fig for the d. when cured. JpCST sft’W wr sttori^, tot ?rffrfRST.
Doings; actsftransactions, v.Deeds. W^npl. YRY«- YlStTu-
Doctrinal, a. containing or relating to doctrine . fe$P3T, f%T-
The doings of the LORD, faft ^f/.
8PW*t, fe^TOT, .

Dole, To Dole. See Share, To Distribute.'

Doctrine, n. firor /. W#* *Rnrsrn*
Traditional d.
Doleful, Dolesome, a. sorrowful, v. Sad,
Document, n. — in law ;
a written evidence* or #ypffr, tfiRsrr^Rr, ^rt»


D. countenance, /. Doom, Dooming, n. v Y. 1. act. fTOTOXn. fmxer xtqxn.
2 v. dolorific, #ror, #ekt. SfeXPT qtfxn . &c.
3 dismal. Dreary. See I senfen ce . f^TS’XT— Yc gqrq rn - .
XR /. f

Dolefulness, Dolesomeness, n. v.A. L XTOXrw. Door, n. RXr. TOTO™. gTX/i. qqRFm.

&c. 3F?TC^TOn. XTOTXft. XTOFr%n. At, in, to, <Kc. every d. JTrfrqrX, qftqx
Doll, n. puppet. TrfsSt /. / qrf^T/* T?%XT/. Back d. qX^qfX or <W^Rn. mfTfWftn,
Dolorific, tt. V Afflictive. cpTOr, ^TOT,s5fa3r, Front d. JTO m. BlTSTXn- ^IK r TO«i. TO^RTa.
JRsPT, J^RXT, OTTOX3T -SRST -tjSfT, In doors. qn ?
yjFTqT <Y c. Le?f or fold of a d. /. TW /.n. gTXSTT^F/.
Dolorous. See Doleful. O pen d . freen ess of access, § c. qrfXf X n *

Dolphin, w. f^TTOTm. Out of doors. qTO§r xxpxtx, f

Iff X.
Dolt, ft. blockhead v. Fool. , Too. qqxc. TOTc. frqqrw. Secret or private cl. XlqqXn.
(fmr/) fwrrM. (f#t/). Shelf or plank over a d. qiXvfiXn.
Doltish See Stupid. Shutting: up of doors. XfXir^ffqf f. pi. or ^fXqr^Xi f.

Domain, n. dominion ,
possession estate, qriqn. Bjpqqqxf^qRTO Tenon-slip across a d. TORT or Efm. yfzrWj.
qqqOTtX/. XFTOqTTihUM.
SfrTm. To dance attendance from d. to d, ^fXFTf W or

qq£m.tfm. qqst/. qrrfpim. 3XfM.
«. rw/wfo.

Domestic, n, v Servant. qxTTO~qxXP-&c. TOTXfti.TO3iTt-

TOTOftm.TOTOrx/. qTO*qr orqxqnw tox™. »pjj-
t m.
TOf.o/o. ®
lay at the d. of. JT^f or W ^ of o. Tfr^r or flP-ff

5*rm. To shew the d. (g^ERh^) Sf^n. ?rw#.

Domestic, a. belonging to the house . qTO, qXFTO, 3jqr, Jjf^- Dook-case, Door-prame, n.
fqt, qf in comp. Cross-piece "of a d. — under or upper. tfTOfli. TWTm. 7^r-
I), squabbling, TOft /. STni.— under ?jrK^r upper, spc^r 4mm. f.
2 not 'wild, qXTOF, TOT, in comp, qr*T in comp, qq^- Door-keeper, n. ST W5T f S'ffr, gTT^T TR PR.
, , ,

rqr, qra&v&r, crr#r. Door-post, n, «rrf t/. ST CTO/. TTS^rrm. STC^Wwi.

3 produced or made at home. q^XF, qqiTO, qXRqt, qXT3T* Tenon of a d. STTTSTHR. ST#«
4 belonging to one! sown country, not foreign, Door-way, n. STC«. TTSTirm. STTJ'Tn./. 5TCS3T or mm. STC-
Mt, Shato, ^f¥brfr, Dormant, a. not in action. ppjf%3T, gjqt 3T^T-
To Domesticate, a. to??£, accustom to the house. SKmi- |rr,irir, aTJRrr. .
sNw-toto-&c. qxx, xrTOsxx. Dormitory, n. sleeping/ room. tr3TTPCn.TPFn^»n.». ^^riTRTx.
Domesticated, jp. y. V. &c. qr#r qx 7
xrxter, qx Dorsal, a. pertaining/ to the hack. qr^RT, TT^^T, TffTI, .JSTTT^.
qx *fcnhrr, jtttosst, Dose, n. %?rrsr / TST*T /. JTRT/• WTqfciTpiT'R.
Domicil. See Residence. Dot, n. tjSTn. fqjin. dim. /. ftfsffS'R. ftTS'n. rtin, *f?q»
Dominant. See Predominant, Jb Dot, *. a. T«r».-?gwrn.-& c. %oT-irfe5r &. e.
Domination. See Dominion. Dotage, n. imbecility of mind from old age. STRTC^m. WSTdj.
To Domineer, v. n lord it haughtily .
qrxqf BT^in.-vSRloy 3?- fron. ^tSm. 5TKn.
m£\f- /.
win. qrxxTO^x, to#, to-
3RT#t toft /. To be getting into one’s d. tTR^T.
^/* tot, <n%*. tox, qrqqsrrqm pi. to#, to/. tot, Dotal, a. of or belonging to a dower. qift-fqqqsr qffr-
qqqw/.m OTt'-ft-fsTrqr.

Dominion, a. v. Rule. Xf^qw. sqf^qcqn qxqn. Dotard, n. person in dotage. fTraTC^TT, HTSTT, ^pqTf#RT, §IT-
2 v* Kingdom, Country. XfW». XTfn. shSTm. 3TpTOXR$rr~ 5TRf^twr. qOT srRirfi/. *rzm,
srqr S"5Tjn. xr^r^fqtxnn. To Dote, v. n. (through age, &c.). sraSr, fqqrs^T, fir*
To Don, v. a. put on. qjWx, 3TR1TTX qx. 5TK^Rr»»p/.-fTRR:%gT/. 3>T“T.
Donation, Donative, n. thing given grant , ,
v. Gift. stRa. 2 be in love to extremity. Jpr°T, JT^=T 5TT"T, t^rlw, JT^JPT-T-
TOw. tojaft/ TOWa. #=I- JTrfffT- ^TFTWSr- &: c. fi[of.
Done,^. v. Y. L %TO, |-q. Doter, n. Doting, p. a. v. V. 1. and Dotard. ?|®rq^3T, &e.
Donor, ». v. Giver. £xrqr, ^rqr,,XrXTO. *rsTfe, sfti^.
Don't, xtr (TO pi.) ii. 2 Ms*r Jr%5Tr, Ptct, sr^rnTTfr, ?fjw srr^r, & c.
Dooly, n. litterfor sick perso?is. fl&tf. dim. ftoff/. Double, a. composed of two. i^refiRr, TT^r.
Dooly-bearer, «. §TOX, ijfif. D -fruit, vtrgrqrssn.
To Doom, v.a. v. To Condemn, To Sentence, fogjr /-TOFTn. , 2 twice as much, srqr or ^TT, |^r, ^TF, fS'lT'T.
~&c. B‘RFr,f^r&xr-&c, |¥3T^*-^Tr?rr/--&c, tox-rx, f^j&x D. work or trouble. |%srWn. iJITSrPT.
3 two in number, twofold, §c. p-^t, fS^FT, gTJRl?qr, fe-
2 See To Destine. TCfCSF, Jin comp.
— / .

4 — a letter. (ex. C, ”T, 5) feu. sT^rwfrrTO, ?T^rat55-, Ktw, birrs', 5?irTOfr, «rtfr-

v. Doubled. flfr, prr, ffen, S^dt- *r#, #r3^n#r, srfr, P^fr, fsr^fnlnc:.
5 folded,
6 See Deceitful. 3 questionable, uncertain , ambiguous, §c. ^fsnrr^T, ^'3TT^'f,

Double,)!. or T rrtz f- 5r°fr/. ^TTr^r, &c. ?jRrTi-T, rrsr^jTfr, wsT^JT^r, ^rtPrt, €5T-

2 v. Fold. dit/. TdT'«. HiiJrrqvF, fr^qFir^, sreNw, HriPr^r, «rifWj, Krrf^r,

TSTbi htc-t, JF'-rr «. tnd
3 thing doubled over. <T3T »«•

4 artful turn To leave d. . S’W/r* °f 0t

To Dour* i e, v. a make twice as muck *T' 77-5. c «KT*r. Doubtfully, Doubtingly, adv. v. A. 3. ^tqr,

2/oW arer, v. To Fold, if#, or Tim, ^5TT-&c. pV, 5T%^,

To Double, v. n. c ^r,^n^T, tWVW' 3 ir?rqf or V, fprr, wfir^, *rr<s,

2 fww or Doubtfulness, n. \ A. and Doubt. 1 ^STirwi. in. 5T^T/.

3 up ; as through ago. f srjq g .of s. «rrPr/. prr/. wewj’ri/. &c

Double-barrelled, a, T^rsfr, 'pTRl 3 Ac. ePr^r/- IwsTjn mu. mm. mw:&-
Double-dealer, n. Double dealing, a. v. Deceitful. Jjn. f HSirnwr)/!.
tifett, fWr, ?rr«n, ti^pt Doubtless, adv. v. Certacnly. FtoIsTT, PdJfTf^-T,

Double-dealing, n. T£ rf
If -ETPTf^M. -7Tr^/. -F^** fdsrW'W.
- 8 c c. • Douciir, n. qtarn. mttj.
Double-entendre, n. wore/ or expression with a double mean - Ball of <1. thrown into the fire to be baked, tcfqr^'ai

?X<7 *
or iprnfl fmn. - Wn- -TRFn. -&c. TOfa/. 1). rolled in a leaf and baked. qfRTTTai. dim. qR^fr /".

Surm. s£p|)R Tainip of kneaded d. dim. g^£l /. frit

Double-faced, a v. Deceitful. jfrift, T^hsir, Doughty, a. brave, illustrious, 2>c. ayrgr, JT^f^fPi^.ir^rn^rrsr.

^ ^rrrr^T, wtorft, w?fer. Doughy, a. fqarp?, fqffss, fqsT, fw, or f3T3rfir^CT.

Double-minded, unsettled, wavering <fpT iHfFf, qFW £RT~ |

To Douse, v. a. plunge into. Ac. ^f#-
% f^rar, rf^r^n. mm.
Double-natured, ft. fs Wd.fetTrjdT, Dove, n. 3?f=rr or^r^ra. qrfru w.

Double-toncued, a. ^rfsrf. Dove-cot, Dove-house, n. jjryn^Rrin* ?J qit/. tJT-

2 — a padlock. J^FTf^F, m j. qrfraqrr^qrr/.

Doubled, p. v. V. A. L ^qr %^3T, & e. finqfaFT, feapfrpr. Dove-tail, ?i.-in carpentry, &c. ^fsrrw. i
?T°!T;!fr /.

2 ^qrff T3PFTT, or or ifTfCT^CT, fO#T. Dow, n. a particular hind of bout. STR^a.


Doublet, w. inner garment of amain ^vSft or sqpf^t tf€lf Dower, Dowry, n a woman’s wedding portion or jointure.
Doubling, n* chqrticaturc, v. Fold. Jtcfmii. n. ritd^n. f&mK'jrmn. ’tffoflln. IfbC^tn.
^Jf.fftf. ijfijf.

(in a rope or string) curl, loop . f?J3Twi. frpSfm. cfT^ /. *ETfm. Down, n. soft feathers. r^'T or cjfj. JJTWtlTR.

3 aged double over . JjiTvgp or Jpo? /• Bed of d jig. TTJ?3TW / /• TOra^Tn.

4 artful tarn . 2 (of plants). ^TTOai.
Doubly, «cA. v A. ? Tr, fiDr^Rrum, rl
nTdiFr. 3 soft wool, hair, fyc. or /. or f^T f. ^iTTO«i.

Doubt, n. uncertainty of mind. ^nTO/i. 5ftfT/. STTSMiT /. mm

rut™. fivrr /. «r*r/w/>. «rif^r /• dW)». ^“T^r/. *tr- 4 open plain, qrzm. JR7=T».

«rr/.j«. ^ofm. s&srrin. arfe'draw. ariRPTm. Down, Downwards, adv. §r. prep. JJfS'f, TsTRStIT or tf or fj, 3T-

Of solved or removed d. ftfiTg^PT. 5-T

(esp. ill conip, as vp'Ti'FFT, STtf:q|cT, Ac.),lr, BT^.
Solution of cl. HSRfaffdr/. 2 on its month, belly, fyc. 3W, qr^qt, 5

2 a cl. a questioned point, fffm. sjmwf. wfarf. vm&fn. Downcast, a.dcjec.ted, v. Dispirited, ntfrg^, W^R 1

, 3?%-
drSTO-m. fe, arqpfqir'r, tow, fiR-jp, #toqsr;r,
To Doubt, r. a. withhold assent or confidence from ;
to ques- Downfal, n. v. Disgrace. ^»TfrRPSifw». PTr:R3F T/- tR^fri'/.
: ;

tion , distrust, S)-e. tf5irrm.-^Tfi«. -5f^T/.~^'5rTm.-S>'c -K- sTfirqrrrsjFfr/-

oi-^ipx-q-ar-irr^oTg-. ofo. ijwnn.-sfar /.->% rfe /.-&c. srevr- Down hill, a. v. Declivous. 3TOir,
q'Sr g\ ofo. in. con. 3?Pr'4Tfl«i -^inqTfwi. s^xty-Sr#. Down hill, «. v. Declivity. svR'ir / W
To Doubt, v. n. be in suspense, fyc, WT, stf*iNi% «rtTcT/.- Downright, a. direct, tending straight. Htzr,^iq2T, tfpTJrittilRTr,

g!?«.-^ 5 7r».-w»./.-&c. i ar w[~mw\in. con. ?jr5f?r-5r- STCyT or ST, q^H’Cffrr-STfiT.

3k-3r%?r-&c. 2 unceremonious, jc. v. Blunt. ifiqTJtMr, WPrJtnrfRr, *PT-

Doubted,/), v. V. A. srpfeT, aqrajRRfT. TO,

H3H- 3 See Arrant. - -
Doubtful, a. that doubts, grsfr, W^f^T, W^Tff, aTRffW,
pr, wrFT5T, ^rsTw^fT.^nm, «rf?r, ?f€r, 5rjf^?r, Downright, adv. outright, plump, v. Bluntly, tmifftef,

^hr?r, sjnre'OT, 5TFr?if^, itoi ^rp?r, tn^irr, w.

2 disposed to doubt, ever doubting. 3-hsPft, 5
ff5PT13',B'- •
2 completely. vmifr?, i^.


Downy, a. w, Course or arrangement of a d. ^r^STI^ m.
2 See Soft. Denouement of a d. qrPTn.
Dowry. See Dower. ‘

Dramatic recitation. JTHoft. f.

Dowse. See Slap. Phraseology of the d. ^rr?fri%/.
To Doze, v. n. vpfT^t or m, Religious d.
/.gw in . cow. frssmf ifnrg, fr^rm. sgjpr toft£ $\ 0 5
/ . Science (rules and laws) of the d. ^U^n.
vfr^m. pi 5ITOT»,
Doze, n. light sleep. prs?t or g^ft #g/. s^gf^r /. Dramatic,
/, a. v. N. ^R^RT, ^rz£\, ^gr4#r, ^qr-
Dozen, n. grgr, STSTSTSFTfl. ft^T sqr^ir/. pZ.
D. of years, ^g n. Dramatist, 72 ^pr^fr, .

Dozing, a. v. Sleepy. 'T^fafjT y Draper, 72 seller of cloth

. ^rg^grfr, or cHiqrFmr
Dracunculus, 7i. guinea-worm gg^rm. gKfw. . Drapery, 72 cloth-work .
Draff, 77. v. Refuse. Jnrarw.H. irr&M. ssrwi. m 2 cloth, §c. qnqfrJTRm. gfrrqfrfsTvrFm.
Draft, m. Zd/Z 0/ exchange v. Bill. rft/. #3tfgrft /. 3 dress of a picture,
or gfai.
D. on Aldgate Pump, gfofaft/ gRTFlT Drastic, a power] id, violent,— a medicine.
qr?gr, sfg^*
2 SeeDraught. Draught, 72 . See Drinking
To Drag, r. w. v. To Draw. %r°ir, qrOT, %foi, 2 quantity drunk at once . gra:?n. *prgrf?m#
STTOTOi. 3 v Drawing,

(along, through, over, roughly, fyc,). TOqrrgqr, TTW#, Beast of d. tiT c.

qruFfcg% ^c^crg°r, &c. 4 sketch, v. Delineation.
^ 5 rcw.
d. .
3?gr^rm. %gqrg 721 .

To Drag, v. move along on ground

q^rr o^w. sri^-^rrOT,
n> the . qvCg£°T, qiTg2Fr~qvC~ 5 (of a ship). J\ $faf9
6 bill of exchange, v. Bill.
0\f. jftPrfr/
2 proceed heavily . ^SRTScT or 3^n$Tv3cT 3TPT-^7e5®ir, 3> 7 drawing force or power , sftgr /. aTCT/.
8 07WT6Wif ofair. WC /. qpqr^T ^Tm. gr^T'-ft Krhr/.
Drag, n. matter to he dragged affg*
in a a. grew, gpgr% ^rrcgc“%2:rgc, &c. gpngx.
Track of a d. a?fe /. q^CWm 9 draughts. #gTSTf /. ^rgr/.
Drag-cart, sqfgrgig or ofo. Materials at d. (pieces, board, dice, &c,). ^Tt^gRTra. *TR>
Drag-hook, n. if&nu
Drag-net, n. mm^n, sftCm. qpr«».
Drag-rope, «. /. ^
To Draggle, 0. a dirty by drawing on the ground,
Piece or
at d.


S?c. sgasg- To Draw, v. a. drag, ^ 5%
°C gfqfoS’RBr, arsssm, ifs#.
To Draggle, i\ n. trail on the ground, in the mud, S>c. csfeSf
“T-w, arr^r^, t

That draws well — a

pull along.

bullock, &c.
w 3Trs'^m^r-iS:c.
g-.of o.

SfassSr, %s-t- 5 lc. ^oj.

Dragons blood, «.
Dragoon, n. horse-musketeer gTCRm.
2 cause to fiou-from.
•4K f-mv-ww g-.of 0
3*2%, #?oj, ?rfPw, fHin.
^ g-.of o.

3 (from a scabbard or sheath).


tre^T, or TOT^T, Pttoo).

To Drain, v. a. draw off gradually pf^srBf ? f^^vr
^r^Tj^rrar^f^rr^gf s(jr?Br,
4 (as with a rope from a well). frgfS^ 5 ^ 0)

5 (lines, figures, pictures).

2 empty by gradually drawing off the contents*
* ggc- 6— as a blister, &c. ajfj-oj.
3 T-&C. cKC^i
Application (of leaves or drugs), to d. sjfSTm. v. tfrB’.
3 (ground, &c.). ^/.-q^«i.-& c
g|Zm . 3^. 7 out, off, from, &c — freely, v. To Extract, To Extricate,
To Drain, r. 72 .j^o?o 0/ gradually , fasjozSr fqr^roj. 6 c. 3iT3%,^T? T :
c. ^'Tg’.o/o.
Drain, w. «oo/cr course, channel, tyc. IT »rRl /. #^f/. 8 out, up, (a statement, bill, &c.).
qrrm, qar/. qssqrw. HTCoft/. JTOTffc^T /. srcRftjf.
arraKoj-, fsrfnr, zrm
W&Wtfm. mM.
9 up, in, together, &c. v. To Contract, arg^ffr or aj^rf^r
Drainer, n. (for boiled rice, vegetables, &c.), gsrojl/. f^Ffr*. srre^r, 3TRT 5r, BTarqq-, 8T2:wr W_v^5f
Drake, ti, ggqrpqT j 3TrR'w..-W
roTn.-&c. g'.of 0 .
Dram, n. draught of spirituous liquor gr . ^T tfrm.-q^grrm. 10 See To Attract.
Dram-shop, n. prFfn. qr^FNiT/. afsrr /. afl^r /. To Draw, v. n. shrink, &-e. v. To Contract. sng^Br or srm-
Drama, «. Style of dramatic representation or
3%, a?CT,9l33Br.
composition. |fvr/. There are four, viz. jgpeft, HFR 2 be strained and stiffened,— the eyes. gr33Ta$T flTTTBj-, fuaB)
Certain species or varieties of the " ’
drama are oScStrf, cksiBi or srifas-^.
w*r, &rfr, mm 9
far, fmw, &c. 3 back; off; out of. qrsnpr or jj|q- ijq- _
rq'^r/.-wm/. m, qqsq, ^rrstw. Drawn, p. v.V. 1. aTrf^ST, &c. ^TROTT, ^RtT, STRfTS', mf 2.
m t
a? Rift, or qrifq qq, Dread, n. v. Fear. ktT^/. t^/. ?f5rfr/. or *?-
Rr^wi./. qrrq or Prq^q, qrrq. 5Tr /• /•
That draws back or off. aTPT 5KT^TT, SRTf. WT Dread, a See Frightful, Awful.
4 m; feel abashed or repressed qqrqq qqqfq, .
? q#, 3TFT To Dread, v. a. v. To Fear. fqq qr^/.-qRqT/.-q^^rq/.~ ?

qriq-qrr^T qrqq. qr^rm.-vve. ffr^qq-qrrq-qqq--Wq, &c. ^q^.

5 off; <70 down, subside. qrfTq, qq^q. o/ o with inv. con.
6 on; near, approach be close at hand, ,
& c. qq, fqqq, Dread-nought, a desperado, §c. v. AIadcap. fqqkq,
qnqf. qcqq, qqrqrerr ^r^rqr, qrr^rqr, qrrf^qf.
7 up ,
— the skin, &c v. To Tighten. 3T2:Tq, BTjqq sq- Dreadful, 2. terrible, v.
< Fearful. Bq^rrpfqrs: , BT^qr^rq^qr-

?qqq, BFrsqq,
8 up or in
contract ones
self, qfq n. q|Tq or %qq.
wq, qqrq^r
2 See Sinful.
? w, qqq, qiq, qr^q.

Draw-back, n. allowance 3J?:/.

. qqrr/n. I
Dreadfully. See Fearfully.
Draw-bridge, n. 3Tf qjqrqT qiwqrqT

i Dreadfulness, n. v.A. I qqqqqrm* qqrqsfTtffn.* qr^qrTn.

1 ^ <i

Draw-well, n. qi ?qt fqftq /. Dreadless, a. intrepid, v. Fearless, fqw, qqqffq-ftq, fq-

Apparatus, — collect, over a d. ^TT/. T3qq/* qfqq.
Basin or receiver of a d. qfqfS or qrqSin. q<prr m. qpFFw. Dream, Dreaming, 71. qq^m.m qqmw/ TZffn. fq^rfqqfqr-
Bucket of a d Mizf. *
Inclined plane of a d. qpf/. '^ilZ^f Bad (inauhpicious, &.c.) d. TiqqTTift 7L TSi^m.n.
Inclined posts of a d. qsqtmpL — Cross-piece connecting Creation of dreams, the illusory world of Morpheus, qqsr-
them. ^rqRJqft/. qfe/. qqirqqqm.
Rings of a bucket of a d. Int erpretation of dreams . ?qfi pf qrqin*
Rope of a d. qfqfin. Interpreter of dreams. qqnfqqRF.
Rope attached to the nose of a bucket of a d. HRqfqrn. Like a d. ^qsrqq.
Side-pieces upon which rests and revolves the ^qf or pin. To Dream, v. n. ^w.n-qr^q, %y%n.m. qqq-?rq in. con
OTsq frr^r fpl or m^hpl %zmrfpi. 2 thinh, imagine . wiRf qqf-qqf qrq^«qqf fqqrqf-^fq-^c.
Wheel of a d. qRDi. qr#[ /. — Axle or pin of the wheel, qf- ^q in. con .

Drear, Dreary, a. gloomy, dismal, of places, qqrq, q^fq- —

Drawer, n. v. Y.A, 1. qf^qpCT, &c. qjqrfq, qpw, qr~ qqr or qr qqrq or q, qqqqH,
? q-qrqflT,
qMqrqqr, &c. *pr pop. qqr.
2 qrrsqrqr, trqqrqr, Ac, Dreariness, n. v. A. qjqqqqF^L qqqql^qqfm. fee. or mm
3 qqrqrqr, &c. faqrft, fqqqrrq. q«. q^q^rrqiiu qr^R
I (as of a purse, & c.) draw-string, %rqtrrm. qffqpR, Dreggisu, Dreggy, a. v. N. q^fTf, qr^F^f, &c. qffr^,qf^ ?

II box in a case . ?qqm. qrHTni. qqn. %2T?qqm.

%q?qqm. qtqqqn.
Secret d. Dregs, n. lees, grounds, sediment qR£u?,. qr^qRm. q-
III Drawers. —long. WWXf qFTSnWm.— short. qc^IFm. qrm. qqq?n. qqq or qqffjft, OTdifm. #qfm. qf-
Drawing, n. v.V, A. 1. act. #?qn. &c. qiqi iqft. qrqqa. r
5@rrqrm. ftrrw.

3 acA qrrerqn. &c. qq^qt /, ^nqqr/ To Drench, *>. a. .wg/o toojf thoroughly. fqq or fqrq--fqqfqqtq-
5—act, Bfqqn. qrnrqn* afoqt/. orqqqqtq or qqqqrff~qTqfFff--qtqorq|f BTfqff%q-qq|q ^r/?A
6- act. mum. fqqqq-qiqq qqs?qq. ,

7— act. &c. q$rqq«. q^rqm. ^5psrqqft. qrg^ciTm. q- 2 (cattle, &c.). qfqq frarq qrqq.
qwrn. i

Drencit, n. physic for a brute. jqrqrq-HT^TFq qSFPTr% #fW».-

9— act. STRF^qn. qrcqqn. & c. qRTw. qiqqqn. qffqm. qfiT-
qqn. qrfqq?i. OTwrqm. Drench-horn, n. ff
I a d. a draught, picture, qqrarm. qqrfWLR. Drenched, p. v.V. &e.
fyc. ferql/. fq- fqf fqqq^f-fq*

Drawingroom, n. room for company qarqftqt sffqr/, qqqff~ . To Dress, v, a. clothe, attire. ^^n.m^n.pL qqqot-qfqqPfq-
vtw. sTrqltwywu qqrqfeqw. F£qrqqqqrw. qsrq/. qf^qn. qr^q,
-§qfqq, qfqqrqn. ^qfqq,
To Drawl, v. n. utter in a slow way qqff-vTlf^-qfg'cf-.&c. * q^-qqrf-qq-&c. qrqq.
w, tefssq, w qrrsrq qTqq-frsrq-& c. 2 set to rights , trim , #qqq qqf^q, Pm€*h f %T qrqq,
Drawl, Drawling, n. v, V act. —
qqq frsrqw. or ff- ?rdy. Tqq g*of o.
?fRm. CftNnrqn* SjfT^qrqiqrqm.
Brawler, n. Drawling, p. a. v.V.
% prepare by labor, JT^qrqq /.-qrqrr mm ,

t*nr-& c. ?fsrtmj-w?r- Fq#r/.^qrftq/^it^rq^R^qrq^fqm qrqq g. of o. qqrq-

scr, j%s?srr, gfasrrer?.
Dili 212 DILI

4 prepare victuals, v. To Cook. OT'TRT pop. 3>T- Acidulated or cooling d. gpfjt. TT^dVi. gRqr<i. Some are

g of o. for sot. N^rg°ir«. Ac.

5 (ground) manure, <§c. qqPC3OT. Drink-.monet, n qrryrn

5 in the military art ?TFWF#, ^03T“b c. 3OT) OTfDfl. Drinkable, a. v. V. 'grM-^f-lIiiHI'-A c. gg, gfripr, grswig,
7 up, out. v. To Adorn-. 3OT. gragrr, gRgpg
To Dress, put on To Put
one's clothes, v. on. Drinker, V (m

t\ n.

q^qiCOTn 3OT,
^rr?t or &If?f sffi.
^ 3R<5fw. 3T< *T. i^rgRr,

as mn
n. v.

fg°nrr, grvTvrgr^l, ^TVigr, qr=Tt

yirqr^r), gr (m comp, as n3TgO> t



Dress, n .apparel, garments, fyc. v, Clothes. TOFa or qiftn. Drinking, n . v. V. fq^T/u ^Tr^T^/?. qr^- (o^p. in comp, as ^3qq-
pi m, wqr=r f
fw, H^crqr^, aiiTipr, urn* ).

2 habit, garb, costume, qqw. or W or qpTTw g- To Drip, ?\ m fall in chops. Z<lWf feqOT, qj-
4— V. — act.
5— p. v. V. N. OT be TOOT,~qr^?r, Drip, Dripping, n \. ^q^hj/i. i\ c. femtflj.

sj ;
N# /. zrqr^Twj, ^TfT/u. ?:rq/n

n. v.V. A. J q?5r %0gonTr, gfgvgr gr^iriTr, &c. 1 matter dripping. ZJZZ f. J\

2 wi-iRq-Rr, Ac. Drippings (from a tree, be.) after a showei. or ^Tt'd-
-3 ^srr^irr, Ac. jr5Tfir?-^nr#-&c. gr^nri. pi
1 See Table. Drip-stone, ??. Tj^qt j. tq^vibT¥ 4^.
Dressing, n. v.V. A. 1 — act. g*sr, Ac. ^5tgg». Ac. Dripping, y>. a. v. V. Ac. ^P?I b (m comp, as
2 act. 3?r:smn. tfTfT°Tn. Ac. 3?rsr/.

act. gnrr#/! Ac grnif/. gDTrfqsTt/. wfw/. wztmf- D. - wet. s?r^rr%q, qrq%?i, ^q^rqffT or wt4>t nn or
act. ^ TO pop. #TP£m Tr3Tm gRiP^r/. . . To be d. Wqrq-qBf^ cl d%\

act. griT^n gr^m/i. Ac.^rmfr/. Drippingly, adv. intern mPW or qf, zyzq or qf Intcns.
v.V. N. 1 —act. ^^n.g^gft'4'Rn.git'''Tr :r»i. or q‘r &qf2rq or ^qsrq or q(.

Dressing-room, n. g'ra^-f gugrer #3l/. #^f/- To Drive, v. a. force along , ^qjot, Tr^TOT, 'f[Z^ 7

Z&vfcWRrmm.n. ^^r^qRrq-, vrzmzft rcm.

Dressy, a fond of dress. grvTRTVrlrSir-aTrg^r-Ac. 2 force in, v. To Stupe. ##, zim, #^ror,
To Dribble, v. n. fall in drops. fffgOT or fcsRTvr, ZT- nrxm or or fecqrrq>q, ^q^q” or %qzf farwr-
JV-^mr-Ac. TO be. miK^t.
Driblet, n. srfFT^gTJT/. 3 force in by hammering or heating, qrpnq, ^qr^r, ^q^f ?

To pay iu dnbicts. wvr s^fft-sTTil sr^gR-^^rmrr^ STf ^ Km.

-'TOiwriSr-Ac. gtgSr-|"T-&c. 4 force awmp from, of $c. o?^(q;qr r

Juried, p.
2 miT^r,
v. V. a.


& c. sjcgr & c. %^r-
or im f
fqf5 am,
ww°r w&gr !%
*fsm, jqr#, ^ or m> interf "

v.V N. gr^Ssrr, H^srr, Ac. Particular words or interjections arc used in driving away or
srrarcirr, gr^grirr, gra;j'?f. off Those used—-to a beast, gencr, to a eat,
Drift, n. thing driven along. &[STm. $!Zm. or 3THf b STT, fer - to birds, fS^Tor — to crows,
D. of dust. grgipi/. b c. psrr.— to a dog, W,

fsrfar, rRr.
D. of rain or spray. f. 5 (a flock, a beast, bo). ff?Pi or IF^PT,
'2 forceful current, afts"/. %?Tm. M?IZ&f. Particular words or interjections arc used in driving an*
3 tendency of action, speech, §c v. Meaning, spfg /. 3?r3Tm« Those used— to ahorse or bullock are, ?qf, gqqfeqt— to an ele-
Wfm. after mi. TOm. fi^Tw. 3T3T in. TOiTw. •'-TIT
aTR. phant, vRflfc, wm*r, mm or ^rJfrJr, wr— to cattle,
To Drift, v. n. fined along, grfg°r, -MIVfaTrTC 3FT, ^ferr- %qT, to fowls, m— , to sheep or goats, far or far.—-figs, J.
srwr grsjr *rr°T, Jravgfar i w. 6 (a vehicle). Wim 0 r f f#T,
To Drill, v. a. perforate, bore, v. To Fierce, ft '-TV, t’T’T'. 7 (a trade, a bargain, b c.). or fFOT,
2— -in the military art. 3rgr?T or 3TM $!j. RTgT'TV, s^ffSTStT/. 8 urge or impel vehemently . S’qr^q', fq^r-
sot, fsr«m. Pot, f^rOT.
Drill, n . v. Auger. ^TOrm, q-Rn. WHWn- To Drive, r. be impelled along 9?OT^T.
2 military exercise. tfiMCfT or f. 2 aim at or tend to. %g- c. with
Drill-plough, n. v. Plough. gw*;/. f^wf. g.ofs.
To Drink, v.m.. fqft, RfivT W, srrSHn.-qFD!. vra'°r. Drivel, n. v. Slaver, f^rar/,

To d. eagerly and largely. #[jvf, ifcTni. urgnj-. Zb Drivel, z?. «. ^rer. ^FOT, vpsf, *fmg. of s, ?yr-
To give tod. qraPT. 55/. 3TFOT'5rOT.
Drink, n. Wn. gRpTn, 2 See To Dote.
- W -

215 DltO
&c. 3 v. To Lose. uTOn'T, iFF^tPT, Jiar^, OT^ 0!.
Driveller, n. Drivelling p. a.s.V ,
1 ito* iirsoiru,
4 let go, give up, lose regard or care for. jBTJ'T,
grrssqr, ST^rs’Tr g-of o.
^qnt,i!T5TO, ^"T, TOTit-TO Tf/-qr3rTO/-&c.

•2 Seo Dotard
- c- #?/. qTTOT.
Driven, j». v V.
2 3jra s!'?'r,
3 pr^r^r^Cr^^r,
A . I.


5 omit, leave out*

To Drop, u n. fall ui drops .
&c. q?*0!.
v&m, fTO, ^
4 fRTs^sr, r?r^wr, otto, rtorto. §**
ifo^, °f
TOTOITn, TO3TOTO, & c. 2 fall . q'joi’y
Driver, it. v. V. A. 1 . ,
fq^5!, ^-tkc.
3 eeose, cowe’to nothing. TO?% q^"T,
2 ifrTOITr, STOTTOr, «Le
3 ?r€°rrrr, ittottot. _ „
4 in came unexpectedly. bt^TO-W^- & m. e.
4 and Coachman. ?RRm\ JTPfnrR,

TOTO-^WW-rr^r m,
To d. in regularly and constantly.
To Drizzle, v. n. nun m small drops, f 5T%T"T or iH^R °T, f-

tjm W- „ -
Tr^Hw, ijP4S' /• w,^'nrr Tr5R'»t- ,

^rriir, I'W 7;T,

T?^T, ^P-^r,

V. N. rr^IT,
Dropped, p. v. 2. ,

3Trm " TO?,
5- J5TPT,
Drizzle, small ram. TTOC/- J<iTO». TOT''-

Dropping, n. r. V A. I— act. JTR^R. TOTO^fTOTa.
rpSTPCM* TfWr^Tr ^RT'3T^»
Drizzling, ,i v. Y.-act. iJTOpf. ffl^ { ^ 2 — oc2
. » ptoh. etc. to? /. fTpvrqrj. TOTfft /. irr^t-
ftpf'Tn WTOn- A c. TO3T/. BRiTTi/. ^TO/-
Drizzling ly, tirfr
finfrferfir , Rafrirffc , J» 3 fa 'faT-
y' u (/*


4 «<•/. g phi it. qrrsTOn. Ac . gi?/. gi^afi j-

Drizzly, a v. N fqfl% jerRlRr.
5_fteif irrsron. irrsro/-
Droll, a. odd, comical, facetious,— of persons. FTOarnfCTOT f-
v. V. N. 1. TOOTn. iTshrn. Ac. TO^t/. /•
tromr, #(W, giwrar.
*ra^FPir **- 2 qTOfo. 3TTO«. qq=T» TlftTOTn. Wggn.
2— of things, a c. Sr^r, tiw^r, ^irr^Tr^r , ,

1 matterfalling in drops. IF*/. iT^r/- __

m, ffTOrrqqr.
N. UTOT, STOTUiri^r , ^cingwr.
Dropsical', rr. v .

Droll, n. See Buproos. or vaneties

Dropsy, n. TOTji. TOTT /. Some of the distinctions
Drollery. See Buffoonery. ^

are TTOTTO or 1%T, qrfeT, ipgTrqr^aiff TT g'lf^PC, i


Dromedary. See Camel.

qvj’ijfrTO', fq^fST, qr'hfqir, f^wRT, stort-
Drone, n TOTOftf^FFin.
fe /io/>. 4TIW
MTtm.n.pop. qSTOi.

Dross" n.recremcut ofmetals.

2 For this word m the sense of un unproductive and burden-
iheso fq-TOTn. tpzqrni. ZfZtm.f.
some consumer there live numerous words and phrases.
Dregs. Refuse,
2 v. rq^m. TOTTtt. Tw^n-
differ from one another in aspect and reference
and exact impli-
general ^sonse just given. Drossy, a. v. N. 1.
cation ; but they sufficiently convey the
wr- 2 See Dreggy.
jjiiwii, TOTfitrsn vrnrTirnqr, fpraripr, ^CTrftr,
gtffqr w BjaffTHI,/- S’./*

Drought, n. want of rain. ^pTOn- .

r, Wswir, rpR^n , qtrfrsrr, nrrfrer,

rTarstrqni. BITOT? m
or BpprprqvnTO", -jTTOTii.
iTPTfPFj, w*tr», %-sF^rr, itiptr, snrJiT
There are. also some smart proverbs Crop destroyed by d. gqfqn.
vfftptrr ftspre <[cf vjiS'OTRT.
3>- Time of scarcity fiom d. iTOTTTn.,/. vT5T T^T^iR
or saymgt descriptive of and reproliensive of tins character.
'^ffa 2 dryness of throat, v. Fauces. qrKT/- SIPT jii. ^
srorr, wp’nrP'TBT irfrlr
Droughty, a. wanting rain. f-TTOTT^rr,
'FR =T^r IRIW Sfirfw, 51TOJTOT *lPff fasTRTTO' JJW ^fal

ft stotoi^t ?\%m, totto *nz wfw wrr. oTprr.

nsjf, trrTOTKr

8 hum. ymm. *F?m, /•

Drove, b. /xo/// o/Vv^/e «Mw#. !»/. W-
Sec Lazy.
Drover, w. owe who drives cattle to market. t®lT*
DnONisn. m
3aRT“t, 7b Drown, ®. «. TTO^T, ^prTO ¥1.
To Droop, r. n. languish, faint. IT &A,
tfTTTO, #TOT, WT, ^SS^VSj.m. ITO g. of s. 3T?TTO - TvHT 5!

'*Tfe' fT 2 (one’s self) — as an act of religion. SFTOirrf-T >«•/• R“T*

To Drown, v. n. TTOT ITTOT, 5TiTOC nrft--^^ f' n ! -

Ac. trej, istPt /.-J 5T rftff /.- &c. q°T in. con.

2 hang the head OT, TOTTO/- g- of s. To struggle (sink and rise, & c.) in drowning. ,
ar “ ^sttrf.pi. j#t, irwr.
Drop, it. %m. !%w. Jrm. %tRTm. %cr»»- %3T«»* or ...
1 0
T-fiTitt. fawrirt.
To Drowse, v- «• he heavy with sleepiness, ffari if ! !,

By drops ; drop! drop! TOTO or Tf or TOST or TT, ’'WRor f\. iriT-^-^c. fr"t-Bi#r, (pit/. q«T.
Drowsily, adv. V. A. ijgg, ggfl^.
2 (of a sprinkling, spurtling, splashing, of spray, &c.). firs/*

frorrm. rtrfpjrrw.

3 (of an ornament) pendant.

To Drop, v. a. pour in drops.
^it + :
/. vfiAttiwi.
- A c. qr-
b. v.

W A. 1.

with sleepiness? v*
.-V Tv

3?t-zRtT-TiR“t, TOTO-«iq*rq-%%-&c. trrrot-OT'T,

2 habitually inclined to sleep, v, Sleepy , Stll®, SWf,
2 let fall, ^iror, qrs%, qr^r#, #3%, ir^t.
3 See Stupid. Drunk, Drunken, a. inebriated. REhT^anr, £Rrf, ^7%^ ^fjpqr-
To Drub, v. a , v. To Beat, ^r^fqr, 373T#, TO- &c.\qr ^7^r, <far, w, jrht, frr, wsm,
^,OT J
OTn-&c.iTf{ wr, m*m, gV tfta. f

Drubbing, n. v, V — act
gr^T». &c. JSTro. 37£°rn. ^T^Tn. Dead d. itw, TfJj
i. t£\f. TtK^Zf. D. pranks. m£\f.
To Drudge, v. a. v. To Toil. ifi'ftpZ. f7^f#f37Rn.p/. To be^d. r%JFT, gr^RTfOT, ^®r,%qi-m.-ViT3-m.
f7Tf% T{vilmq>l 37C°T, con,
5T5tt /.-Sic. ^T, qpffite. i7C°T. 2 to %tor. fSRIT, iw, JT^TT, TPErOT, TT^^T-^c.
Drudge, Drudger, n. v. V 37^, 37&,TO7^fr, 5F9T,^r3W ^TJTffr,

srr, 37^377^7. Drunkard, n. 3T^rrW, fTOH- WTHT, r^, rt#t?IIT, iT3T-

Drudgery, a. hard labor. OTFrr™. /. ^ITTOm.^Z. '
tT, f^sTr^rsr, s?ir#r.
Drug, n.
substance used in medicine
f /.
. arhpfteszj’A .^iTTn. r^n.
n. v. A.l
or famf- rlfifr /• 3T^TT- V c. V
Srsm. 5—a. not moist.
Dry, #T;3T, or jpPTT, 5T^fT,
Drugs. 3rer^f7?i. f^-T.
Heating, &c. drugs, Stifly d.— a washed cloth, fT'TO'I?r=r, J?rfir,
fig. a commodity of no demand in the market,
^ilrcftjq^' To be or become crisply or stifly d — .cloth, paper, crops,
grass, &c. grs^T, ?33Jr
Druggist, n, seller of drugs, arjr^r, 3dT4f^Rr, TORft or q^prr 2 not juicy. or
^fJir remiss. or 3J1T, 3T r ^T, ^ir0,
%r£i TH?l=T-3Ty^-&C. T^r^frr, TTfr^g.
Drum, a. Wb, ^TCw. sTR^Tm. These three words, though 3 jejune, barren, without pathos, §c. v. Spiritless. ^fpCOT
they, in common with the words following, express hinds or 3T3<Tfr ( 5T0T, C6J, W^r, r^, %TT.
sorts, yet are, preferably to those, to be used in the general 4 as the hair, coarse and stiff. qr^3T, Tfsr, tTW/lT, fspT^T.
sense of drum, 3?R3um. grrsrwi.
f fZT{$\f. ^3?- as bread, &c. by itself. ^r:3T, R€T or H^rr, =T?^r
or firm. fr^n. ?f^37 or £( dim or fTOT.
cpT^qr/. crqsrrm. err^nrm. ^nrsrjrrm. zwum. qwfflsrm. tt- 6 ununctuous and crumbly. ^'(K^ or OTTHtT, JTgJTfir^
^CqFTT ?n . *?Ro5Tw. 3fj3Tfli- #*«*»». or JT^rwffr, Tr^tR-^r, iT^rCrC
Band around a d. bracing it. *7737 or —
7 a milch animal. ITTW, 8TI33T,
Child’s d.
— gencr. %q<fAn. zwfcn. To become d. g^T, aTr^T,
End or head of a d. jTfm. <Tfn. f. sjsTjn. Sfrgjm. End 8 hard, poor, not bland or savory. 03T?3W, 5T?r, 57.T.
which is beaten, qrSFTr TO. Bass-end, KHTC^TTOT, 9 See 'j’niRSTY.
Frame of a d. zmn. To Dry, v. a. 3#,
3T or & c.
Hour-glass 4, or ffa)m. rpr pop fr&Gm.
Paste applied to the end of a d, qff vror qfqapa* 2 alw, Bam,

'SJlij'. up. or srzrftr.

Swollen as tight as a d. — the belly, v. Belly, To Dry, v. n. or HOT.
jfTf #r-^£#PT~ & c. sgrw. Matter (grain, &c.) spread out to d. 3THOTH.
2 (of the car), 37RRT creraTTwi, 2 up.
To Drum, v. «. v. N 1.
g?3T"T or HOT”T, WOT, 31 ROT or #OT f
srRPOT-fW. ^TOTr 'TOT.
Numerous formations are in use imitatively expressive of the 3 up ; become meagre, v. To Waste, sjot, 3TOT, HOT.
sounding of a Drum. Some of these are Sprf^rf or ifSfqrqr or 4 up
(dom dom 1); and the verb,
; lose succulence. H^iOT or H=fiOT, HOT & c fr°T, T€«i-
or gqTJ?#, and, in- OT ff. of s.
tensely, 5TW3T or 3RT f
ST3T[g“3T, 3T3T73T7 ; and the verb, Dry-land, n. /.
or qf (rub a dub !); and the verb, Z'WZ'fvf or g'qgf qr^PT, Diiyage, ( of grain, spirits, &c.).
fef- 7i.
STTOTTn. v. sir, HOTOT or
^^*7 or (tim ! tim ! —the sound of the tomtom), fqfpf HOTPT3 /. H^TOTw. qtf.
or (expressive of the dead sound of unbracedness, &c.)
and the verbs,
flat, Drying, n. v. V. A. 1. act. %Fzmn. HW 3OTn. &c. yps€t-
q^Tq*, ^OTw-
Drum-stick, n, R:q%: or in. fiqfif. j\ 2 — act. 5frOTM. &c. BOTa. ?fftrm.
To Drumble, v. n. v. To Muddle, or ^fiezSr. Dryness, n. v. A. X. OTT^OTTm. wtOTTin. 3TSWn. OTTJfTrjf
Drummer, n. v. Y. &c. qr^qqTO*. The following terms BWftf.
are particidar, and signify the performers respectively upon 2 HtOTTm. OTW^m.
the sorts of drum, ftpm the names of which they are formed
3 Sff=COT°Tr^i- ^#OTrm. ^STffr/. CrWn. ^iTTOT/.
(beater of star), (beater of £{$%), ^sift (beater Drysiiod, ado. without wetting the feet, qj frg q r qT^TTMt hot' TT-
of q'W), and rffC^ or
or W, qw^ff
or gft, fegf, die.
or ^wfr, 3T^«ft ott, m firTOn%®ipr.
Dual, a. expressing the number two. fgHOT, fgH OT fl",
— — ,

DUL 215 2 '


Dual, n. in grammar. fgypFTn. To Dull, v. a. make dull, v. To Stupify, To Dim, To Blunt.
Duality, n. two-ness. fe^lrJFq’n. RR-RTOFR#rR-R?rrR-&c. gncR.
To Dub, v«a* confer a dignity ,
/• m.-^RPTST /.-q^fr/. To Dull, To Dullen, v.n. lose brightness, clearness, freshness.
-&c. T^! } Rrr, tot, -tor, r^!r fR, rtor.
Dubber, n skin-vesselfor oil ghee, fyc* ,
or J*#n. dim . lose sharpness, smartness, briskness. qffRRR if TO R.

or or <?iw. 3T# or v?# or vg*^% Dullard. See Fool.

or \i"'T^Frn • <a^w. f. Dulled, Dullened, p. v. V. N. 1. fqrSRC, RSPR3T, Ac. Rrgrr,
Dubious, &c. See Doubtful, &c. Dulness, n. v. A. I. R^qRTni . RTOTRlRi'. &c. «T3Yqri. srr^Tn. qfe-
Duck, w. tame. IT RTn. 3TF?ri?F%T». Jjg-ffe /. TTTJrf? /.
2 -wild, f Hm. 2 g^tRTin. wT^-q-arr/ii. J^Wni. gTST«. / 3T^f% /.
3 Muscovy or the Brahmany. ^T^TRT ^Rfm. 3 !??rewrm. ^err #/.
Ducks and drakes-— the gfay. iTPfrtt^r VR^^ 4 TrfjftPRrw. &c. 5 WWw. TtfearqtTTm. sf^qcrTtn. a? R/- 3r4T^/ STWr^f-
To make ducks and drakes of money. 3 0^ % .
VTS^mpl itoTO. srrq/.
4 v. Dip. TOt/. TO3?t/. 0 ?Tf#/. tjznrfcwmm.
To Duck. See To Dip. 7 #r/. at^TTriii. wri f. >Jft/.
Duck-legged, a., Rr?f 3 TOrhT, RRfTIT. s ^rar /. ;

3'3Frq qr«i.
Ifwrwn. frF^rg».
Duct, n. tube, fyc. rst m. Rfero /. qrfl'Rl'/. Duly, adv. v. Rightly. WiFTTR^-TrqRT, wfeq, T4f-

Ductile, a. capable of expansion. TOTTRlR, TOflTTOTOT, TOTHR irrif,

2 See Pliant Dumb, a. incapable, $c. of speech TO, -RfRr, R^T, RR,
Ductility, n. v. A. 1. TOPC"TffwraT /. tTTOTtfRilT/. qnrffR.
Dudgeon, «. ill-will, displeasure. ^qtRSlT/. CHTOn. fqjTEn. 2 mute. See Silent.
To be in high d. qr iff or. Dumbness, n. v. A. 1. r^Wm. TOR)!.
Due, a. owed. URTRT, RPTRr, TTW^T, 3R, To Dumfound, v. a. confuse, strike dumb.
2 appropriate , /<;, v. Right, giro, JmfRfRr, gRPTRr, URRJFT, z&fhg. of o. fRRRi:-ATRRr-ftl'rRi:-|-^fr-qp'JT3r-qrgr^5R-
RFrqr, qrspfr. & c. ir-TR, qprrRwi. r^;rr«j.-&c. g. of 0 .

Due, n. thing due. qSj n . ufm. tRn. qrron. Dummy, n. dumb partner. aTFTRsl, sfeiRl, qiTTfl, ?RSrr, 3|r-
2 legal perquisite, custom, fyc, pffn.n. ftERTRjii. qTFT/i sifR5C®r, fq?qr.
Dues paid in cash. Playing- at a game with d. RR5R f^Rni. R'-tS FcrrSh*-
Due, adv. v. Exactly, 3jr, q<OTC. Dumpiness,?!, v. A. RqqrqRri/i. &c.
Duel, n. combat between two. TOTfR TOTn. fSTJSTn. Dumps, n. gloomy state of mind. R3TRTTr?it. 33TOF/. R3TR3Fr/.
Duellist, n. #gyfc5T. 5Tf smn.
Dueness, n. v. A. 2. ,
iFftot/. W j
Tf»3T?IT/. s-RRft/- Dumpy, a. squat, low,fattish, fyc. %1E, WT, ^T3r ‘RTRP, =qrq-
Duet, m. song or air for two performers, Rf-iTif ipvfn. gp3\g WZ or 3T, mw or SR or or ssr or f^TRI^r, 4R-
RSrfTOit. tffTRRn. q?tRr, TOT?, stto, \m, by { 0 ?' sqr, ,
Rgcirc o?* ^r, or
Dug, n. mm. Rpro or RTTOm. arrersrm. fj-Rm. !R, or Tfrerw, jr, RT.
Dug, p. v. V #f^r, Ac- #?(?, ?gf=TT. Dun, a —
the color. 3K?T, Rs;qr, tfirsir.

Dulcet. See Sweet. Dun, Dunner, n. v.v. wmru-^mru, frRrsrRTC, fTRr-

To Dulcify, To Dulcorate. See To Sweeten. ^RTC, RiTsrqrft — in allusive, covert, cant, &c. phraseology.
Dull, a. v. Stupid, sr, if?, Rg-Rfq or Jrfaifr, RT~ RTTqrO' or R^TOcr, ?gqrerr, rssw, rSr^, wf=r, zm<nr.
ffe, sproFsr, irrqrsr or Rrro*t. To Dun, v. a. press to pay a debt. RJ]KT»- 4TITR - 5RqR- RRfR fR- ,
2 unready, backward, v. Slow, Sluggish. rto or RtRr, ^f.-^f.-hc. arRR, tgsf. tiw, grmnr/. rt’cr g-ofo.
J?T remiss, Ri^r or ifcvf, 5T?, If? or R5JT, W, F^cffipf. In the shade of the 3onso of this word as appearing under To sit
3 gloomy, dismal, <§e.— of places, v. Dreary. R3TO, RTOEf- or fix one's self determinedly and doggedly at a persons door
qpfr or ofr.
whether in exaction of payment, or in enforcement of com-
4 not bright. R#T, RaNRfa, RTO, 3FITflR. pliance with a demand generally, there are numerous terms
5 dim, dusky, gloomy; —of weather, &c, Kj?f f or and phrases extensively current and strikingly characteristic; as
sf’P', rsFir, RRiftor, stvtrtt, ^frwRr. vHRn. gpCR kpcr gjjform. RRR, RRfRrtf TOR, /• R-
6 not merry, lively, <§r c — meetings, &c. v. Spiritless. Jprr, R or

TO”T-^TR“T- TO, RRl/. RTSR TOR,RPT/. qr=fR T-

wrrrFri-, r^re^t, qarqBtfr, st^raRr, tor, Ftoh. rr, fenzor/. ^r-Rq:R, crrRifi.n.^jqrqrRfqpr q'r-jR tor, Vr-
7—trade, business, &c. R3T, ifZT, ?TO, Pr#sT, RflRT. flH TOR-5SRFT, RfRRRRn.- RPTORn. TRR, RigTiRtR-RTRaTf-
To become d. ifr TOR g.ofs, flR-R’CRifte-RKfRqtR’-qlRRtR- & cT-TO ^, RS?1 TOR.

8 melancholy, v. Sad, Dunce, dullard, dolt, thichshutt, v.

n. Fool, ^tfgr 8?f5pi|T, ®T-
9 See Blunt.
tfCZlfm. 3TiTOro. rtot?». 3jfRm. frorRRRl?)!.
— f .

i) as 216 DAL
Dung, gener. ?JT m.f. ijm. Vm /. 'TU'Tm.n. TO>n.». Wf Vn. TORT or -r/fSfr or TORT or TOTCm. TOTO/* TOWf "Sj. ?TOr-

3|TOT«. mm.n. in comp. nrriii. ??rw/.

Cloth, &c befouled with d. TOVn. WRls W%r. PfWTOn. &c. To lay the d. ^TOTm- WTO (and to be laid, vjrsrr m. TO4 ).
Lump or nodule ofd. Tor. WTOFiR. dim. 4tft /. To lay one’s moutli in the d. WTW'TWfW /. W3%.
or €\£f. If C/. To level with the d. sparer fl'TOtafW TR^T-ftr^#, Sf-
2 (of birds). ^T[HT

3 (of elephants, horses, asses, mules). 5?f % f. flTRfH TOW.

4 (of the cow oi buffalo) v. Cowdung. tf°rn. tflTOni.n* 3 y. Powder, ^iu
Mass of d. as voided. Iflfwi- dim. Ifflf/ ifTTOit Rf*Tf»». 4 fig. row, kick up, v. Tumult. JTW/ '41TO /

5 (of man). J Jm. To kick up a d. TOWm. W5FT.

To Dong, r. a. manure. WTO*- &. e. trr^nf, WWTO. To Dust, v. a. free from dust. t
vp/. ^[TO-3Trr T-?T7TO-3Ta:- i

To Dung. v. n. ?TO,TOrTOT»»*- TOfTOTTOR - JTTOTOT»i.-&c. WITO, WTO, mS!-|frTO«- trTTO.

TTO. 2 cover or sprinkle with dust. # -TO*/
birds. fsrsfSr, IrTO. Dustiness, n. v. A sror^WWui. WTOTTOT 'ffafTOr./
3 the cow or buffalo. IfTO. Jfrfln.

Dung-hill, a. See Base, Mean. Dusty, a. covered, tyc. with dust. -TOT?, ‘-TOTO, Tf, H-
Dung-hill, Dung-heap, « TOTW or sfTTOTm. TOTOtTOi. WT- tto )fcT3T, TOTOr, -toiw, ffa'hT, tjPww, 'ffTOvr
tOi TOTO / TOTin. Duteous, Dutiful, r/. v. Obedient. TO^l, TOA2TTO, TO^-
Dung-yard, n. H W/-
TOTTftf- TOT ^ /. TOW 3T, ^TsTfWVT, Vlifi'LTOf, TOr-TflArR°r, flTOWC, TOUT",
Dungeon, r. dark close prison. st^TCt'dIt/. TOTTOTOnt./. 4- ETT, W'-TWHifT, W-m?TC.
TOGTOl/. TORTf/. Duteousness, Dutifulness, n. v. A. ffT^lTOriu. TOr-TOfw. TT-

Dunning, n. v.V. TOfTOR. ft-tp?/. TO/* TOTO* W-TITTWit. %WR?n:?fr /• WTOI9Rr/. WTOTTTRr /'.

Order or token (from the creditor, &c.) to stop a d. JRr?/* Dutifully, adv. v. A. HTWtf'TrwC, fPTPwifl
TOtMT/* *rf4fl /. Duty, n. -yJT>« TJfw- TTWi- sir^TTPLi. TPi n.
Vehement or general d. 4T2T3?rsT/. ITOfT/* Daily or regular d. faTOTOn. FTOfTRu.
Dupe, n. person easily deceived. qw, inTO, TO. Discharge or fulfilment of d. i-TWfl'wFfl' /•

To Dupe, To Cheat. totto,

v. a. v General or common d. !OTCT hAm
Duplicate, n. copy, error to /. TOTTO«. =T TO/* TOTOTw* Neglect of one’s d. ^XTWifr^iR.
'To Duplicate. See To Double. Proper or peculiar d. TOTOm- RrlfqvRHi. Wt4«-
Duplicature, n. a doubling, v. Fold. WTO/. TO f. #?/• To become the d. of. JTPTni ?IW or WW?! TO with Tr 0 /
Duplicity, n. double mindedness, v. Deceit. TOTPTOw- JTOT- ^ of s.
TOr™. ffsfliwrm. fciftwin. rsf4TOr/* 2 a d. w4m.
Durability, Durableness, n. v. A. fwwrrm. Minor or inferior d. TO'-TOn. JTFP-t4i».
totFtotoi. froTOrProi. fvrorr/* 3 toll, tax, v. Custom. SPOTT/'. TROi.
Durable, a. v. Enduring, few, feWr-WTO- Mr- 5TTTOT- Dwarf, ji. TOFTO- tHHfR /. sT^TOK /• WTOTfW /. Wf, ffSTf-

iRT &c. tort, FtotoptI, fore, FroTTfror. ^IWR'.— in contempt. 5T2:3TTC«i.'44r4Tiii.

Durably, adv. v A feWTORTT- TTOTrawr «• dec/.

. . Dwarfish, u. WsTf, tfW?, WTO, MW, fOT,
Durance. See Confinement. TOW, WTO, WTO3J%,fTO "or fwr,fof m, TOT, WTO, W'T,
Duration, n. v. Time,
pop. qflsstfc. wffr /. FTOfeWm. 5T-
To Dwell, v. ». v. To Reside. WTO, WTO,

2 lasting, continuance, v. Endurance, feTTTOR. few«i- MTOg". o/s.

felffT/. 2 upon; «?«/« unceasing mention of. qr-TO, /• TO-tTO-

During, yw-eyi. fr, TO, TITO, TO, TOW, TOT, AT (in comp, as ot-wto, trem. 44, tTFrriw. trf°T, #r« irw, mm. wtto-to,
FTO0TO, VTOT, TOTOTro).' It is often expressed by ®THWT (?s MTOrs / TO, 3fTr4, 5TTO, Irf or TSftfw. TTO-WTO-WTO, TO
sTO sTOWt %|w4 dont eat during fever). TOm. TTO, MtTOTTOR. TTO.
Dusk, Dusky, a. tending to darkness, TOTO, 3fTOT or sf- To d. upon, peevishly, & c. WTOm.n. WTO-JTITOTOR'TTO-
fT,MWiMr,4rwrMr* 4, w4n. - ?TOT/.-FTTOSTT:/. -flTOIT /.-fCTOW /. - & C. STTO-3TT-
2 tending to blackness. WTOTO, TTTO?, TTTOFTOr, fTOTO, TO-
Dweller, n. v. V WTOTCT, ^rtTOITf TORT OTIE

Dusk, n. wNfl/. w4r. s/TOCT/* TOW/* WTOTOR. Dwelling, ».v. V. 1. rrTOn. RTTOn. RR'TpT /• RTTOT?/
D. of evening. WHTO or Cry#! S' /. TOTJCt TOT /. TTTOTO/. 2 IfTO/i. ITW/. RitRin. iTTOiii. WTOfl/-
Dust, n. -TO/, Krffe /. TOpi. CMR* CMI/* l place of d.v. Residence. Tor* f^TPRn. fsTTWm. *TTT°r otRr.
Particle of d. TOTOtVm. 7b Dwindle, ?j. n. become less. trrfRTTO, WTOTOR, WTO, f%T-
To throw d. TOTpr» Tt4. °r4, toc4, r?4, ;=fign(.-XTOm.-&c. 0tg. ofs.
*2— as flying in clouds, or as lying in quantity. >jw or sir or Dye, n. ^m. TOTTOtR*
EAR 21 ? EAR
To Dye, v. a. #r, Om, <JTm. %q-. Matter whispered in the c. /. /. !£-

To d. o\er again, to give a clip. T^r.

2 (by sprinkling), ftSTiirSr Outer e. TORn*

Dyed, p v V. 1. tJT#ST, &c Oft, tiTH. Ringing in the c. ^q^TSOn.
Dyer, n. y. v. i tJmrcr, 3-°nTr, OirO, OitsT, rrifr.
. Root of the e. ^q^ff ft.

Dying, n. v. V. To Dye.— act Or SHk. &. c. OrXHif. Seibhiness of the ears. /. j\ Tf &f
Cost or price of d. tflW /. Orf?/. Stoppage of the e. (from cold, &c.). ^T^RT 5T5Twi. v. TO, 3 RT-

\ . V. To Die, and Death. JTIH^nTm. Wniraif m. 5JRT Tl^qrw.r. TO.

Dynasty, n. race or succession of kings. CrsHsTR'P*/. CTiRSr- That has passed the e. — a matter. qrrqrTOH’ SFTq-

yp, ^RqRgT.
Dysentery-, n. VICK'S pop. 3THTr?irt. STPRliftraiTn!. 37tOnTn). That has learned by the t\ 3T? RT, Wi\ ^T.
iTfW or q-fqr/. That has been learned by the e. ^FR ^RF, ^
Byspepsy, n. sTfeirt^M. <TPfrf~?jn JTTiram. To the c. ; —drawing a how 3TOTOr, ^TF^q.
Dyspnoea, «. v. Asthma. TPTj ^.fJTPjrm. ^ra^O'-Tin- To abuse, poison, &ic. the c. of. R^q - i?qq- WTO -
Dysury, n w\f*r, /. ^qq.
Hot cl. S-cr ipprff in. To boio the e. ¥fqfti. frqq, ^q^qin. ^TCq.
To give or lend an e ^rqm.-fqqn. ^q u

To prick up
E. one’s oars. TFfq,
K Of
men, and that
the three sounds of this letter, viz. that in scene, that in
m prey, vein
To pull the ears of. grRm. ^q-vjqq~fq^^q # ^Rpq-
, the first is represented by i the
f tof /. m.
second exists not in Marat! hi, and the third is represented by q. To set by the ears. RFnFTT or % qrqq.
Each, a. every one , — singly or distributively , TOTO

To stop one’s ears against. To turn a deaf e. to. SfiTqm.j?/.
tost, tow, *r%r, irPr (in comp, as qfafaTO, jrferr^r, ^Rq-s5rr^q, ^rq^r^r/.-^rqq^i/. ^q, tr/. q, ^rqr qr^rnn
vfrm, sftw, vffim), q (as in smears, feror- 3Rq.
qfaTO). To whisper in the e, of. irrqf# or ^RF^#/
E. other. E. the other. fTO, ^q%qn.-&c. qr^q, ^Rr^jr or qrrqf ^rqq.
E. (his, her, its) own. qFTOrTOr. They came each bring-
ex. The ears sicken, tire, &c. ^TRm 7;/,
ing his
proves of lens
qraqt &c,).
own books,
q aqTOITOT JR%R3R 5TR. Every one ap-
disposition . qpffq ^ttoftof ^ 2 (of a vessel or
of corn,— gencr.
article) v. Handle.
^HRm* ^rrq'Tfm.

Eager, a- keenly desirous, v. Desirous, Earnest. 3cgqr q~ 4 (of wheat). qf?T/.


stfer, fTOcflT, tf?^, 5 (of rice). qFqTO /.

2 impatiently desirous, v. Impatient. gqrTOF, qq fTOF,TO-
G (office, wheat, ^ T
c.). pendulous car . /. #PT/. Sfar/*
otf, grjsqr, TOipqr, frTO or g*». (enhanc, Wfqqft. irfqrft*)*
To be e. STE^q qq#, q?Rq qRiq-q.. To Ear, n shoot into cars. TOTO, fq^q/.-fq^Tqt /.
r^„' ss
S3 » \» • S3 • \9 i
^ vs ,

q, TO°T f/2. cow. -P'Wft®' or Ftoto/. irq.

Eagerness, n.v. A. 1. ?fr/. f-ra or Ira/, srsfrar /. urarfm.sTr- Ear- a cue, ?t. qrrq^rfr/. ^q^ro pop. ^rrq^prm.
sra^nr /. fnrar?)«. Ear-drop, ft. qfcfn.
2 fszzt f. /. sr/. f^srgiRrw. Ear-lock, n. g-^qn. qrfW?Jftu
3*TR: /. OTfsr /. g-jrar /. Ear-pick, n. ^rq^%.
A flush of c. fC^fl/. Ear-ring, ft. ^qf^iT{Tw. Some of
To cool, &e. one’s c. /. - & e, firm- firVM g'-ojo. the common ear-rings or ear-ornaments are, ^q*TOrt. qFTOt /.
Eagle, m. frO/.? fTTm.? ^RTjm. ^T'Tm. f^rift.orgrf/L f^/. f%^TOF«^/
Eagle-eyed, a. v. Hiiarp-sighted. fro? ffsni'^T, firwr ^feSST, fno*?rs?r/. or ^rt/. gqrtL Stto-
hut?#, wsrsfs-, ftwrflr. qr^T/. TOm. qOTm> qf^ft. qr^TOft. qmuzxf
Ear, ft. sfiRm. qqqw.ft. *jfq/, qRn, or mm* qrqqr^r/. qr^/. yrir or
Curved edge of the e. qrs: /. ^ofolfar/. ^ofqrfelRr/. E. made with gold begged, fir^raf /.
Discharge from the e. qFTOTqm. Eak-shot, ft. fr^qt ^irm.
Hollow of the e. *qqqfTOft« qfirqfern. Ear-wax, n. q^R^Fm. TOqn. qrqijWftL
Hollow or line along the e. or vn. qrrq- Ear-wtg, ft. qrofrq/. ^h^tf *
m or ^ft. ^r^ft. Ear-witness, ». ^F^f^RTefl*, ^€fq 0 F^F^
Inflammation of the c. Eared, a. car^. ^Tqrqf, qrqqR, er^f, ^qf*
Lobe of the e. qfqrr-m, ofr^fvrftT^T/. 2 —-of corn. ^q #

— — .


Earing, ». v. V. fTOT/. Pratts or FTCt^J? Serpent upholding the e. Sqm.
Early, a. ofgood or right time. H'Tar^T'TkT, ^T5T5e? 5?Nt, %&- Shade cast by the e. 3T3TT’/.

mfNr, 5rr§wr-^r(tw-%°rr?:r-&c. To the uttermost borders of the c. fqqiff, fTOq^f.

2 of ancient time. tINtI, 7f#T, irpFfFr. To wander over the e. f^^3T?n - f^r^opn - & c qr^. . .

Earlier, irfsnsfkT or ST, qfs^'srs (or &c.). To commit to the e. (treasure, &c ), vrjm^ qrTO,
3 that ripens sooner. srPT'T, 3TFTST, 3FTRT (disting, from JTF
*TT, HFTfl, JIFTW), ?arr ( remiss fS^TCT earhjish). 2 the element. JU^F /• 3jl%qrr/. 'pft /. Some of the common
Early, adv. soon ,
betimes. ?rerra>3PTt or ^r°fr, JJ3TFT or tt- earths are W^PTO, mf f

W&rrcf, NnfiPrff, sffkt, surfr. ' 9 *

mTor ft?, ft
' <9 O-

It is still e. 3TSR
G\ i
ar^FfiT srrt. Lump of e. iif3T5iror iffi-TSir in.

To Earn, v. a. v. To Get. Pfs#, 3FTFFT, #Tre"Sr, OTSFTn.- 3 the present woild. sprrn. SfJTifl/.

OTrsfar/.~&c. g. of o. 4 the ground, gfif H/. WT'Tt/ s-TT^T/. 3T fJT/. Jf#/.

Earner, n. \. V. femiTT, &c. OTS'^TT, IflW, 3Tiimr, 3FTFT. 5 arable land, v. Soil. 5f AFT/. )TW/.
Earnest, a ardent warm, zealous solicitous
, , , sqr- Earth-pit, ». TUd^r or jgr ! /.

WFcr, srrfeEiT, stiwtfi, TT'fr, g^wi, sHrqTHfr^r, qfrrJTRrr, Earth-quake, n VT^-Tkni- «fJWTm. (•TT'^I^'Ti/i W« . .

s^rfr, ^c^rrfTR, Earthen, a. JTf#¥r, RPaRfriJiT, nRSST^T, TTn^RT,
#F?rr?, »igr?r, *rrew, fare, toft. irfH
Earnest, «. seriousness. SFWITm. Earthliness, A.
n. v. 1 . Cf^fiTHWn. Ac. WW-
In c. TT'iftS. 5TfTn. &c.
To take up in e, JFTPiT ^T-^R”T. 2 /. /. ^ff^pTtpTrafTfr/. & c.
2 money, fyc. given in token. ftfFTTm. TT=Tm. Earthly, a. belonging to this earth; mundane, not heavenly.
mm or sffm. ^rarR'r, 3Ts¥f^r,?f^ qT,<&c. waRr^'ifI,JTr?RrPr- :

To pay down in e. ^rffS’ROT. w, &c. Fff^r, 4k, JHrfJW.

3—as iu plays ;
notfun or sport. RFR-qr ITFTT/. flmr JTRl/. 2 or Earthly-minded, v. Sensual. R‘f|'iirtRK,lr,
riRr^r/. sft<r/. fSEFrc/. sjtwpcm- q-fl^r#qz,qf|-^pqiFr^, Ac. jpj^Prar.
In e. icRTRT. Earthy, a. consisting oj e.v. Earthen. ifr^Ik, JT^tET.
Earnestly, adv v. A. 3TF3FT, arr^ITT^r, affFmtpfST, 2 belonging to e. JTifFlT, Hpr¥rif74t,
&e. i?i2:r#r, &c. gr¥r, wtfft. 3 having mingled— sugar, grain, &c.
e. IflW, tflrTT, 3W5TT,
Earnestness, n v. A. &rmrf TOT3T/ &?tto/. TORTm.
wznrf /. ^r^Rim. s?^:i%/. Ease, n. quiet, rest, tranquillity. %Tn. OTkETn- HJ?n. ^3JTC?1/.
^fcRr/. fw«. ^#qrm. wg-Rrm. sg^arkm. H^rm. ^rfsrt/.
Earning, n, v, V . act. fSps?Prn, ?#n^Tn. &c. OT^Tn. to- W’sirn. $twf.
^TR» 'H'TT^Rr /. Ate. Ine. decl. J’5J5!',^TW'''<5ni. sere^gFfr.
I earnings, v. Gettings. S?a^T5T/. ^TTSf/. qSTCT/. ksr, 3TF, RRR-, afrrw.
Earth, ». the terraqueous globe . <r4t or qfq’ft /. iTfir pop. 2 restfrom pain. %q"n. g^n. ^npn^n.
/. srrTFTm. ^TirTRT /-
*T/« pop. and KTTOt /• ‘^Wf. srflr /? / \*f- 3 rest after labor. PfrTto. ff^TFOn. Pf^iPr /.
^Tf/* v
^f Tr/-TO?F%/. /. TO/. TO/. ?TO /. fefcT/. A freedom from difficulty or great labor. ^fSTWin. ®kT-
^ /. fcfpqt/. or ^iTOl/. Some descriptive or allusive terms '’TTtTm- IlffFTR'm. ^IRr^rW-Tm- ^ftETOw. «THTrfekn.
for the earlh y corresponding with the habitation
of mortals, the With e. See Easily.
theatre of action, thefield of labor, the nurse of beings, $c. Sfc, To Ease, v. a. alleviate, assuage, mitigate, mollify, allay. aTT-
are* ^TORTm. TOF%3fiT»i. TOfSfcfTm. qrwfiT or qrwfTOF/* ^FTm.-g^n.-%Jrfl.-^qTr /• -& c.

^itr/ TOTRm. mm^m. nw8rwm 'ffSFT or qtjcr with in. con. f3^KT-tirflt-&c. TMOTr, =gf-
^gSCJ^rST/. ^?€iT/. ^‘TO or TOTO^HTO
/ ^fTO rT^“T, W«. pop. ^f^n.-WW^n.-^TOJTw.-TOiTJii.-g'qf'Jir-
3Wf/. ^^TORTT»i. Nine divisions (^3Tm. IFTn.-&c. g\ of o.
are made of the earth. These are OT f
To e. nature. See under Nature.
%PP*, TOTilsr, f^T^, TOTjV- Easily, adv. v. A. readily, fyc. SfW, BWW,
Belt of mountains encircling the e.
^RFFr^RTm. flfsnkrr, sssirciiFf, ?t?5tr-
Burden or load upon the e. 3j*nXm. cir» ?ffsrFriTt, wsrrftrr, wrsrrfkk, wirrwkf, k-
Conquering the e.
•TFTW, airstfr or^frr, arfe’ffqw, 8?l^r, aiWR, ®qw^r: f STAFFS',
Conqueror of the e.
5^, kCKw, ^rsFr'r, srrrrr otr^Efr^Rr^r.
Corners otihe e? pi I gently, softly, without shaking, &;c. far, ai^ar, «r-
Eace of the e- ipB* pop. *p zsn. SRTTO^n. .

Regions below the e. WTff&n. zffif- II leisurely, composedly, not hurriedly

, fyc. HTOr-
?ft%, erwrsjuirwf.
. — .


Easiness, n. v. A. 1. 2. and Ease, 957 n 77799T/- 2 into —an
; ulcer, &e. 47%.
77i7«rn. TisRn. 57573)/. 351391 /. 95717741 /. 35i3r- Eatable, a. v. V. A. 1. 57171 -99r9t-9r-4t9r-41491- & c. 9-
7941 /• 57, 999t7, 4feT31, 5937, 9y9r?, 5714, 5717419, 47414.
3 (of performance or attainment). ^f^rT'TT m. 9f37n. 991*491 /• Eatable, n. 57f%». 9*9n. 5714n. 9157 m.

wpw/. 4'99i*79i/ Ac. gr^n. Eatables —comproh. or freely. 57R %7%n. 95.7 41®4n —
4 917791m. 9i9*9n. 9?r49i/. 71371941/- Ac. amongst children. 57131m. 571?/.

5 97s%479Tm. 973791m. 9733)1. Light e. (as a fruit, a sweetmeat, &c.). 9193«. *4733 n. 71-
6 533791m. 93791m. & c.
7 941%) 97915 /. &c 979791 m. ipsTpirw.

Eaten ‘p v?V. A. 1. 4H431, &c. 9(94, 43, 57l(%4, 4)5T4, 19-

East, n. 77f55ri /• 74 /. 3-1144 /. 7191'/. f34, 454, 9)94.
Lying e. and west, — a building, a field. T37f%9, 714(7149. Eater, n v. V. A. 1. 57r4171, &c. 9tf9-Ac. 341, 993 and
Towards the e. 9715713), 571%. 4411 (in comp, as 43433, 544443), &c.), 9)4t (in comp, as
eastern regions. 77 451 m 99747r59T55r. 43%4f, 4 r441 %t&c.), srisft (in comp, as 431151), 45415%, P7-
Easterly, Eastern, a. of or belonging to the east. 74, 7s41, 35%, 7471511, 47715J1, r44ralt), 43 (in comp, as 7174347, 4r-
77(55141, 744-444, 773513, 7r%19, 7R7, 4*14. 5743, 4343).
2 born in the e. 74 ST. Hating-, n. v. V. A. I. act. «71%n. &c. 4OT«. 45T4«. 474n.
3 facing thee 7%9T, 773513, 74)9957 , 97H45JJ7. 57144m.
Eastward, adv. 7735, 77(45133, 9979, 7T3. 2 57l%n 57 °1%«. 57941 /-

Easy, a. enjoying quiet, rest, tranquillity, fyc. 9571, 95799, 57- v. V. N. 1 . %7%n. t7°Tn. 4134«.
573, 9)73, 7779, 979. Eating-house, n. 454% 73R«. 4717541411)!.

To feel e. 9?7r9 777 - )% - 7ri% V. impers. Keeper of a c. IRJTrfor 4717r.

2 freefrom. pain. WJfT, 4r5T9), 9<7t. Eaves, n. 7 ^mXJ.pi. 7r7« ft 3/ t&J.
3 not difficult. 9171, 973, 91?)93, 9957, 53473-, 7931, 937, Eaves-drip, 7344141 4T7 /. 7(9131 /. 71731 /.

97%4, ?T99i, 979)93, 91971,

55144, 5331-7, 4e79iyr, 991*9, To Eaves-drot, v. n. &T144- 7349144- 'Ac. 3R79!m.~3R7r»i.
49i999rw, 95759*7, 573, 7331 <57 ,
331917571* ,
5 (in comp, -314^31 m. 9%.
forming valuable words endlessly ; as e. of access or passage Eaves-dropper, n. v. V. 4144 - A. c. 3R 741 -&C. %917r.
55414 ;
e, of apq/rehension 9714 ;
e. of cure 991*9 Ac. &c.).*, Ebb, Ebbing, n. reflux of the tide. af(?7m. ^r34i /•
To become e. to from practice. 31799r|3r-73915713f-7H.7rft 2 wane, S)c. v- Decline. 9417i». 94741 /. 34741371m.
57131- Ac. 73%. To Ebb, v. n. v. N. 1. 41779, 3Tr|-7m.-aTrf7t /. 4R%-3r9%.
4 (of apprehension) not abstruse. 5%7r, 9714, 949, 9977, 7r- To e. dry. 5457%.
3%4, Hli7, g54)f7, 77777. Ebony, n. diospyras glutinosa. 775R)/. 47 or 47)m. RTTIIjm/I
5 unconstrained, unlabored, §c. 5373 pop. 71573, 475 pop. Ebriety. See Drunkenness.
37, 97314, 4)59. Ebuiosity, n. v A. 51577131/. f45ri5717l/. 15r9I%T!;f / f%-
6 gentle, moderate, mild, §c . — in numerous shades. f331,4- 54714)/.
77, 73, 93, 999, 9917141 9)341, 957141. ,
Ebrious, a. given to drinking. 513714, 979107 97571, 4931,
7 that affords ease. 5]57r41, 9577r73, 554-73, 95717?-. f95957T7, f45T1715r, r%9r or f^f remiss. 1399 rather c. !%-
& complying, kc., v. Soft. TRRT 477, 49T4r 571434, 4914r 915717,

14357, 477, 7134. Ebullition, 11 . v. Boiling. 33m. 4499.

To Eat, v. a. 5414, 49%, 4£,7’rn.'45Rn.-Ae. 417%,—in signi- 2 (as of tenderness, grief, &c.) sudden swelling and bursting
ficant, jocose, or free phraseol. 9^774141 413%, 54444 273%- forth. 57(31)11. 545/. 943U». 99r3r»5- 34171 in, JWm. 959-
913%-347%, 447744 /•* 717754 /.—Ac. 417%,—with the power sim. 39131/. 34m.
of such phraseologies as to eat up, to clear the decks, to lick Eccentric, a. divergent. 357773^57, 931493}).
clean the platters, to make clear work, to dispose of, Ac 54T- 2— in geometry. 49933, F79935E*.

34 £441%, 194314 344314 or

541314 447 417%, 9591-33 37%, 3 fig. v. Irregular.
anomalous, devious, j)7419?41, %7-

3!ro.33493%, 4T34 744

544%, f4TT4 f5T754 541%, $139r/. 4r5%4T, 537317, 93731741, 939%41, 97/5139, ¥5179, 3)3-
3[7%-t%, 4519STm. -43S1I31M. -4373n. 'f4:714m.~f494R«.- 35T, #3137, 45791917), 4-99I7%f.
471471 f.-mUn -f47fH771»i. 37%, 4174 744 414(4137%, 3- Eccentricity, n. v. A. 1. 35971355791 /• 94Rrrf99! /-
3T47m. 37% -3574 413%, 477 or 4717 adv. 37%, 774 adv. 2 4993591/. 49935417m. 3cfW4n.
531%, 7717%, 5T7r7%,47r7%, 37m. |% with 47 of 0 TTf 37%, . 3 97F5r74791m. 7F5T79791 «i. 9=94r4I7w.
4774541%, 991m. 3374-7557% S', ofo. 743%, 7717%. 313715141/. %l397151^99n. 3l3935rr939m.
He that would eat, must work. 54777 37! %4 717471, 32)3 Ecclesi astic, n. person holding an apflbintmml in the church .
4i4 45iter. 4939/433 9557 m. 4977)473 9f 57m. 49f 75513m.
2 corrode. 541%, 544%, Ecclesiastical, a. belonging, §c. to the church or religion
To Eat, v.n. take a meal, v.Meal. 47%, 4194ft. ~77'rr». 37%. 491 774)91
497379191, 43t7379f79 53, 4973799441. :


Echo, n, xrf^rPrjw. ^TRf^rnrm- irRHO^m 2 rapture transport v. Joy. q^lTFPfm.
, , fTR^Tf/
fig; mere repeater of the opinions of another. jarfiW, ff-
fr^rrr. Ecstatic, a, rapturous
To Echo, v. n. xrf^^FTin ^-TTf^FTr^m. - Xcf^rsTm. fi°T, f*FT, ^T- Eddy, n. contrary current . fiZRIm. ^?f«.
%m, CTFPT. 2 whirlpool. ifPTUttn 3TRxfm.
To Echo, v.a. Jtf^ rPrm.-TrflRR w ?

3,C°T* To Eddy, ». t?>. ^tseot, €kf^ot ijfasSr. ?

Echoed, p. v. V. A. JTRFTffeT. Edge, n. (of weapons, & c.). HUT/. *TPCr /.

Eclaircissement. See Explanation. 2 ftrmA, ?’er^, margin. /. ^f^m. j%^KT»L ^IT J. A

Eclat, n. applause honor $c, y Glory. , , t^Tm. ^f^TSirm. ^fr- 5T/. /. 3TFT|»- TTPTWirm. ^T^ 0!/.
*rr/. srfasr/. irrsjnrsirw. Of broken —
e. pitcher, L c. qrfarj^rr.
Eclectic, a selecting ,
choosing . pT^^-^5 - &c. liaised e. (as around wells, mouth of handmill &c )

Eclipse, n. CTforn. ?T?m. qTEm. STTRTm. — of the sun. W- To be set on — e. the teeth, afaqr,

f^fn .
— of the moon, 3 (esp. of fields, &c.) border margin , ,
^ /. ^T//i- ?T/.
Day of an c. 3pfc$tt. rrfpfw. ^/. f%r^rPCT«*. j-qr /.
Duration of an c. ft-ijRr /. 4 fig. sharpness of weapons. Tr°fla.

Immersion or ingress at an e. m — Ablution at it To Edge, r. a. (weapons, tools, &c.). Kffr f*

wfeFTn. 2 sharpen , «TIT/ qr^m- 5^t,

Obscuration of an e. ^aTTFETw. ClWra’M.
Period of a lunar c. ^ZTSn. 3 on; v. To Incite, tt&diif, /.
Rising during e. STTOUPn. fq^qrr/joA ?rr#.
Setting during e. ^RrTRfTm. Person edged on.
Total e. To Edge, v. n. move edgewise . c* rfR'
Uncovering of an e. 37jjtss*rn.

To Eclipse, v. a. OTTO, ?lTO»t. g. of o. 5T“T. Edge-less, a. v. Blunt. pT^TfC

2 fig; darken , obscure, $c. v. To Excel. PfT^T-iTr^f-&.c. Edge-wise, adv • qTi^T^r, t?. ^pr, TO T,r

wm, w*r vfzsr,fir£Txr-irm?r-&c. $m. aim with gr or Edged, a.— of weapons, tools, &c. KTIW, tqrUrjfF, tjnufffsiE,
?r, qr°fV«. surf jr3!^. of o. fryrr.
Eclipsed, p. v. V. 1. UTfR^r, 2 having an edge (or border). tqpC or srrft (in. comp, as grvriT

2 fqTO~&c. qr^Prer, J# qrr%55T, Ac. or ffsrrO, fysrrfr, ^r-irfV).

To be e. fc^r, fTORT, fw tR 3
!, if#T fUT. Edging, n. lace, fringe, §c. at the edge. fif. fgr^rift/.
s-T ^ Tj.

Ecliptic, n great circle of the sphere. jfrirayfTn. idfRRvrn. /. miftf jfr zm. qjnrin.
sriffansm. That has e. iRnTteTT.
Declination of a point of the * Edible, Eatable.
e. 3TTRT JTfirm. ft. v. toQT^T, Jqr?T, JRtr, JT?J°fUT.

Inclination (of a planet's orbit) to the e. qRffqirm. Edict, «. decree, fyc. v. Law. UtSTIW/. CrsTSTra^a.
Motion of the nodes of the o qri'PfqrRlfy /. 3frarw». Prwn.
Nodes of the e. ^rfRnTifia. General c. or enactment. OTiTTO'^rTO'.
Obliquity of the e. qRRTpr/* Edifice, n. v. Building. ?JTrCfr/. CERrm.
Economical, a. v. N. 2 frugal. of , — persons. grrrRRT, sfifRC- To Edifv, v. a. instruct, improve. RTTINffe/. ^3t—
w-Tmt, fq^rRwT, suf^frs#, arr- ffTOJrPrsT/. 9q^sr»».
siTO^^lKT, sjqPTfT, &c. TO,
2 — of expenses, &c. 'TTRwft^r, 3TR%ft, IR#- Edition, n — of a book. srrfRl/ Sfq»t. 5?rq°Tt/.
ffrd^nrr^r. Editor, n. person who revises and prepares a booh for publica-
Economist, n. See the Adjective.
To Economize, v. n. ffff^rfrr^-7r Tfe''fH- yr?r5fiyfr%-&c. , :
tion safaT) qr
2 conductor of a neivspttpcr.
m irgrr^ ,

^yr, fspmry f?r?r^r- srrqmfYT jrst /. gR3!, torto/- To Educate, v. a. instruct, Sjc. fsRTr/. iTC3!, Mf3 ! J-

tR?r-qn?«T, Rpft/- qrr m/>. #,
fefer-‘fi9Trqr3Ti^rfefer grot.
n. management, disposition, arrangement, <§e. sqq- 2 bring up, rear, qfssor, iffy3), qra^T/.-qTTOqrOTn. &c .

? 5ir/. tffm. tfprra'w. q5rrR=r-m.

Political e. rPSpftf?/. UST-UIm. Educated, p. § a. v. V. 1. f»irgr#5ir ( &c. fefefT.
2 discretion of expense, frugality. qgV&Kf. ^RtrTro. qrrer- 2 qrar^W, &c. qlfqfr.

&c. ^r#?n.." tjTOT?r/. r^ith 3?!/. ?re#r/. ag^hrr J furnished with knowledge. qffttFT, qS&ST, ,
fTO’cftn.-rrqffT/. apajaRm. qftfrrasflrm. fqqrreqvr.
Ecstacv, n. absorbed state,— gener. smfirm.f. rFWTRWf- Education, n. v. V. 1.— act. feqi'qStn. feqrq'q/. Fmwf.
wmwrf. 3rr?5Tm. I state of being furnished with knowledge, v. Learning
, , . — . . ,

E ?F 221 EGG
iw/. sgprPfT/- wrqtfTsrqr/. b^otr*/. qrqr, 3Tq'3-rc37-3ir6'“&c. arrqrqf*^ qqrqR3T, qqqrqqr, qqqq
aj33r/. qqf'TTTO, qqi73rq37, M*Rt, 37fitqc or q*,T, 37rTOfqT37, 3713-
That has
To Educe,
finished his e.

«. bring or draw forth

|733 W 33 ,
333 ,
3*3r33ftq. B3fT37, TO
t\ . ^fg-oj-
3733 qoj-^fap^ Efficaciousness, Efficacy, ?i. v A 3gr3n. qisfw. ajqm. qqf-
fq^frrcrqn- 3rq 5T»» 37%q?n-. qq37rfqqr/. mwmf $&m. ¥f3-
Eel, «.
37rrT3f/. qqqrf37 f. 37rW3373T/.
To Efface, ?;. o. expunge, obliterate blot out, erase, cancel. Efficient, a. effects or causes, v Causative. 33337 37ru-
333, 333 cfOT #33, #33 31373, qfSTm. f ?2373, %- ^RT37, HRT37
3Tia. 3733, TF3fM. qq-qRq-qRq, <T3rc q 1*83- Effigy, n. image, representation.
^ 33, 37133, 3r- or vtf, or &n, 33-
33 *1373 ^^3-fe33-&c. grrg^r.
, sqw. qfqfqfq??!. qfqqr/. qfq^qw. qfqqf^/. qfq^Rm. qfqgrfq/.
Effect, n. v. Consequence. 3T3?l aj3;n. pop. qr^n. qqw. Efflorescence, w. in medicine; eruption of humours. 335s or
3RT/1. q^FST/n. qqq/i. ^qrqqn. qqqq/.
Cause and c 37(3 37PC3/?. Effluviusi, n. 3fq33qr qwi.
Evil e. rqm. Strong, stimulating e. Bjfrrm.
Relation of cause and e 3dq%nC 33EPn. Effort, w. strenuous exertion 3W?R. qf3W?R. l?r3TH/w. 33f?q»m
Without e. fqsqTST, sqq. ^qai. qqqq^r/. 3*33*/. 3^3/. R3f133333 ni. VlfaftM.
To take c. succeed . 3373 33 ?
q-f ;eT 33 ,
3i3rr mf 3fZ*rqr3m./. S7f3rqr3 /. <3qrq?n. qfrqqni. qfr?3fl3m. q-
To take c. upon. 3733, 3 TJT ffq. srcrer™.
To take evil e. 3733 3^ 3 , . With e, 333;, 3333? qS 3S*

2 effects ;
goods, v. Chattels.
313337/. Wiiliout e. 3?333:
To Effect, t\ a, perform produce r/o, wm&e,
v. To Accom- With nian^ efforts. wqfHRT^Tqt.
plish. tfqrsq, 33 3*33. Of tins word the sense is further distinguishable into two
2 Z>rm^ Zuw/ to pass. ®Tf°f % 3333 shades; and there are in Marathi very many and very lively for-
* 7 ,

OTT, TO 5 ?, HfiW, q7W*ir/. - A c?' 3733 mations involving the sense yet respecting, some, the one shade,
Effected, v. V. L TO^55r, &c. #33, ftBT, fqcqrfeq, 3T3~ and some, the other. Here accordingly, we have collected the
373. formations and we have distinguished the sense that they might
q##, mrfcar,

2 3333 qrq^r, &c. be duly allotted. In the shade of a vehement and concentrat-
Effecting, n. v. V. 1.— act. TO^m. &c. 373337/ £17- ed exertion of strength as expressed by such words — as a
qqn. 33733 /u fqqrrqqm 3 *37 / strain, a heave, a pull, are 33»R, 333 wt.
2-— act. 3333 b?733?i. 3333a. Ac. qmqr/. 3333733?/. 33?h. q33fq«. 337333?n. ?3m. qsrpTwi. aiqq?ji. qrqn. &1fzmf
Effective, a* that produces effect, v. Efficacious. jq

3773 37 - With one vehement

with alt vigor concentrated, with
TO 3 r.
yum, qqrwqr, ^ 337337 , 37 pmw, might and main.
fqarrq, ^^rqfff^qrq
^33(333 or 33rqrqfRf3, q|33rr3r3R, Rrsfff
or% ^33^3-^33-33:3, fqfrq* 333 or
2 fit for service or use . 333731, 33373737, 3T3T3r, 377313373?, 3% f33373, qF33f 373^3.
377333, 3773333, 3773^37. To make a last and desperate e. 333? 3331 ^r333m.w/. ggrr*
Effectiveness, n. v. A. L 3jqw/, apqTO^n. 37rTOR3r?3tt. qq.
33 3i rrCTf /» A c. 37333?n •
In the shade of a brisk, smart and short
, exertion of strength,
2 <3*3313frmm* mwfmrf* *Frmmrf 37 pfvrffcf. ~as (expressed by such words as a run a spurt, a go, a stretch ,

Effectual, a. that has produced effect s?qlg y sspfqr, a rush, a dash , a start, a heat a snatch, a , fit, a brunt, are
0rq, f 3ftq f q^q, mK&, 7 Tf^q. 33R77 ni. VT3ff37fwn 33<q/. 3^37 v. eTffr, qr3, itftdf.
2 that produces

v. A.
See Efficacious.
mm m. HUUm, 37Vm. v. 3733.
I. r ^qrsqn. 3T3fqr3«. Ac. With one brisk e. upon a stretch, at a run , at me dash rush,
To Effectuate. To Effect.
Effeminacy, n. A.
See spurt, go, fyc ; in a breath. 33T mmT%, ff3T

v. 3F§*337'm. 37f#73r?R. 3f#r337m. gprff/. 33l3qr%, Ac. 337 or ff37f %?!%, 33R,337f qpWFT,
Effeminate, a, womanish .
mtfwf mtmmm.
TO3T, TO3f, 373^, dw, #3fe, !
Effrontery, n v. Impudence, fs&lifi f3 Mn. 3f3n. %Tmm»
^ 373 ^33.
f Effulgence, Effulgent. See Brightness, Bright.
An e. person. 37^3T3^m. $€\ f To Effuse, v. a pour out .

3*537 m. qqrqfqw. Effusion, n. r.Y.—act. qrqqa. qrqql/

To Effervesce, v. n. work ZrnWe <mc£ kiss. 3t#, Wm* gS? Egg, n. pop. qlw. 3733 of 3a.
in . cow. ^ *
Contents of an e. %>m» 333T«u
Effervescence, n. v.V.
Golden c, f3\3r qrffm.
Effete. See Barren.
Efficacious, a, productive of effect, powerful
To drop her eggs —a bird. ^€fnpl
Of effect. 3jqt, if- To Egg. See To Incite,
— A . - . / 1

EL A 222 ELE

Egg-plant, n. ?f)fff. Elate, a. Elated, /?. v.V. PM PTJ^, l^g-

The fruit of the e. ^n. jprRTft.

Egg-shell, n. tfirft/. sf^r% ZK'SVn. Elation, n. v.V.— state. f#f3nTFm. f4jfe/. ^fvrPl
Egotism, n. iftTOm. W'l'Tn. sri'TOm. stItTR- STPTf /. «Tr Elbow, «. ^prrm.n
arfifrfM. 5T?j?ffir^r /. stp^pt/- E -j oint. ^tqrnfl /
Egotist, n. Egotistical, a. #T7r WHUTHCmr 2 flexure or angle — gener. ^T^TfRi TO
u, sTf^rft, aiiTTRi, i gmirr, w- Elbows and ears, — compreh. corners and projections . ifR-
To Egotize, v. n. sffe^Tw.-^rT^r *Ri?/.-3Tr?st 5T3TC- 7b Elbow, v. a. w^&f.-€m?rmtf. BR*
^r/-&c. ^ppr-firTfor, srrR:arrtrr/.-sTr?wffr /. - ?rm.
Egregious, a. eminent , v. rrant. RvYgor, ^WRT, Elder, a *frrzr, jf^T,

Ecregiocsly, adv. greatly , enormously, Sjc. v. Excessively. Elder, n. 3JE" SR.

cpcRTrs^r, 3?^, Tr^. bilders, v. Ancestor. or xirTOoi./?/. jff-

Egress, Egression, n. going or issuing out. «TFT Sff'Tn. Pt- 5jK <TRB'n.pL
q%. ^i%atJT=Tn. ^ff ifon*. PTWfn. pHOTE^t. IWOTE.* Eiders, elderly people. m?
Eh, inter], g, *T, Vr, 3":, T. Conned or meeting of elders. /.

Eigh, interj. TO, 3fp.

Eight, a. 3?r*, Teach not your cldeis ! Jj^r FfStrr UStW J-f 5fJT-irr i^K^Tr
Aggregate of e. 3n*sft /. m^n* 5Trl5T.

Consisting of, belonging to, &c. e. arrar^TT. Elderly, a. v. Old. aTr^Rfrr, ^PT, or =r-

Eighteen, a. TOrr. TOT,

Eighty, a . lfc$ff-one. OT^f, WPpjf-two. STOSjf, sqflprf- Eldership, n. v.A. /. iWfTn.
three. ssrftsff , sqtqjsfff-foxir. #FTO5jr or ^Rprafrfi ve. <b^#- Eldest, n. wf^ff ^-sW-&c. ifssr,
six. ^rfq^ff-seven. ^cTO3jf- eight. =T~ Elect, a. Elected, p. v. V. f^KT^rr,
strr^jf. Ac ^r, |f.
Either, pron, which soever of two STOTC, ITTOC, ffTTOf* To Elect, v. a. select, choose, 't^r, tfS}-

2 owe. effort o/
^TCT-^w-t'riFr-p spot.
Either, v. Or. f#T. Election, n. v.V.—-act. !*#n. & c. qryr». fzpftf.
7b Ejaculate, 0 a. dart .
, v. To Throw, prff- 1 power of choice, v Choice. fsT^minfr fixrr/--3?fTOrr»i.
qfr^r. Electric, Electrical, a. pertaining, .Jr. to electricity. H?r-
Ejaculation, n. v.V.— act. ZR^n. &c. fsT&gni,
I s&or/ pr^r, #<?. SirfrcF JTPRr/. WIT/. 2 containing electricity frjpTi^,
7b Eject, v. a. cast out, y. To Expel,
TO°f 3RT#, TO#, ,
Electricity, «. electric fluid. feraJTTrsjVj. jr^jjprm.
f^^fT°rn.--r^T^n.--&c. wyrg.ofo. Electrieyinci-maciiine, n. (ftfiT or ^Tm
Ejection, n. v.V. act. TO#n. See. qfPTO°T«. Pt~ Electuary, «. iu — medicine. H’fw. ar^^fw.
WT°Tn- farSHto. fTOTOn* pTTFSTm. Eleemosynary, a , &®m <7 on alms. fiT^rc qrr yt^oikT, fHSjrar-
To Eke out, v. a. make to serve /as/, , $-c. yc#, qT|«T ft, firtrT^, firarsfi, «rra^«ir »?w^r.
2 given in alms. frf%W, W&^rr, EjlTf^r, fWMT-
To Elaborate, v. a. and dili-
prepare, work up, fyc. with care OT,riryR»r.
gence. toi#, grimr f-^mf/~TOrrM/.-TOrTO/.~ wr- Elegance, n. v.A. 1. HsflfJTrf'Frru*. ?OlW/• ^rfffT /• #/. ^RvTr/.
rm.-qfl7SOTirt.-Ac. *ftajT TOPT ?T- 2 fr&/. ^rwl"/. snf^rn.
TO 3?#. Elegant, it. v. Beautiful, Fine. grWW, ?»^nT,>T-
Elaborate, a Elaborated,^. v.V. WTeT, W$Tfw, qfp^rf, ar, fi?ar, ^tre, dw, TR^rorr.
%pw#r, &c. ^rsrm^ tost, ^TOrf^nr. 2 -of style
[flowery, jigured. STK^fO, srr^rfOF,
To Elapse, t>. «„ jwm. 3#, ##, &m % *pr# or frs’,

JT?I 7?TffJFK', H in comp.

Elegiac, a. v.N. sri^iir^Rr, sfl^JTRr^.
Elapsed, p. v.V. ij^f or fp7f & c. anr, tt^¥T or tj^W- ?
Elegy, n. mournful song. #PTfa«. ^RTiIFTn- i%55Riflf n. Wj-^-
Elastic, a. that has the property of returning to the form from
which it is bent, &c. ftqflnOTW, E. sung by Muhammadans during their Muharram. jpc?^T*n.
^mjxr, Element, n. constituent principle. ETTf in. ^Tn. J|y5dH»i. ^sqm.
Elasticity, n. ^ A. See.

f^^qpTfm. q?r^fTf {. The seven elements of the body. W-THT )«•/>/• (These are
To Elate, v. a. elemte with success, v. To Puff up. ffpf

chyle, blood, flesh, fat, marrow, bone, semen; or X^, WW,
wwt, 5rtt, *T«rr, arftsr, ^rar).
223 ELS
To Elevate, t>. a. v. To Raise, To Exalt. ^° r’

2 — as ear tli, air, &c. WPTcfn*

fire, air, ukasha). q'riri;
The five elements (vis. earth, water, 3TPR3T, ^F, &c.
Elevate, a. Elevated, p. v. V. ST
BririeTnyiA Bririr /• NtqsiUn. JTfffi/- &c. riraW/-
Elevation, n. v.V.—act. BiTrin-

and order of the five elements.

It eduction into union
I See Height. Dignity.
Eleve, n. one brought up by another. qf®T,
. _ .

(or the elements) with its (or their) com-

Relation of an e.
Eleven, a. aRD ^RTST.

binations and modifications. q^frifqffriWqin-
rirrq'T, fri®q5T =ffe°T
< -
amphibious. ri^q- To Elicit, v. a. strike out, Sfc.
That lives in (anj) two of the elements n. v. A. rifraril/. TCBtWf /- c -

Eligibility, Eligibleness,
riT, nrqprfq- „
The five rudiments of the five elements.
qririFriPB qRqrirA srpr^l/- , __
Business. JWTTTn. foPT*. *&n. Eligible, a. fit, Lfi. to be chosen. Eqtqr-^r-WFrr-&e JR ,

3 province, sphere, $e. v.

Rqfeiriiq , qqtqrVT'tq, aiTiTrq.qr-
g-qr^q, qcqtq, qq, qferiqritq,
v. Rudiments tjfiH'
4 elements;
belonging, ^c. to the elements. nr, srrqqr.
Elementary, a.
UTOTril, WffiT , Wri ,
ririrife ,
Elision, it. — in grammar. %Tm. sKSRn-
the elements or an c. qriri- Lost by e.
iproduced by, consisting of, Sfc.
Elite, n. flower, choice portion . PpT'3* /.
q^qt^rr, qq*pTFqqr, &c. qfariffqqr, qTrfwn^.
Elixir vim:, ?t. PHn.
3 initial, v. RudimenTAI.. JT^qftTFfT,
Elephant. IRtm. ^ r,n ‘ * Ipi,rw ' Elk, n, wfaTm.n. ^
qq^Tfir/- WTTOT / VHCmfi

& c. Ellipsis, «.- in rhetoric.

spftm. ^qqr°fin.— in contempt, ^n^RFCin* STPFSitffTF'Tn.
Supplying of an o.
Bell of an ri^tfer/- JRqfe/- BCW-
(Word, clause, &c.) required to supply an e. (q3T,
fTCT or *3T»l
Body-cloth of an e.
& c.) sfitgiw.
Carrier of spear before an e.
to supply an e.
(Word, clause, &c.) brought
Chain or rope of foot of an e.
fqvFTFfun RSTri or ril-Wri or Igqqm, &lc.) NWRTT.
Driver or keeper of an e.
2 — in geometry. ^feRTPCwi.
Elliptical, a. v. N. 1. <Rwp%%
rut. Jpffiqfe (^SPT &c.).
E- in ,
^^Rr. ~
E. without tusks. q^rififrit or JJOTHriftH**
2 sT^rqrnc,
Elocotion, fluent, tfc. speech , v.
Eloquence. W-
Elephants —considered as au arm of an army- qfSpTf^Tni.

qr^Tfqqn- qrsq^rjqn* qRqrsqn.

riWC>«- -.
Bee Panegyric, X kaise.

sfFWrw. *TO». fef «• Elogy.

•Exudation from the temples of an c.
Lengthen, &c.
To Elongate, &c. See To ~
qsRTriB. sMCrwl/-
To Elope, v. n. v. To Run away. q^T m,
Female e. ffeW/. ffMt/• tsFXif
Flapping of the cars of an e. ^mm. —5^1.
fPTm. ^n - VWfi 5fi-
2 of a female.
Foothold for the rider of an e. q^RT or fovTfrw.
% ofo. qrlF f=m-
Frontal globe on forehead of an
Goad of an c*
c. qpTm. trf

with f

«• v. V. 1. OT- ^ ^Tn. <WE»*

Head-cloth of an e. 4t/» 2
Eloquence, n. <spr«.
^ ?|
_a€r _^ tf
JTTO3TM. ritiOn TT^Pr m
Large or 5i^rfq«- oswiPwrn.

fine c.
JISfriRW-W' qr^fw/. qr%fe/.
Nail of the foot of an e. It is used medicinally.
stm. qr^^qr/.' rawt/ ~
Pad for the hack of an e. ririST m.
Goddess of c. (or speech).
^/- ^ ^-r

Place where elephants are tied up. fariqpTrm. ritrifRm.

A qrfpqsrfeqt/- *rr«wft/- „ „ _
Scream or cry of the e. f^grsft/. PtiCfo'd/- rife,
tfri ^t^r, fr^r, WT,
for the page. *qqrerifTriTm. Eloquent, «.
Seat behind the tower of an c.
HtriririCri, «**, fTfqr,
Temple of the
Tip of the trunk of an e.
Tower of an e.
c. afaro.


miff/, flirfFVm.
Some terms
^qRrm. vitmf.
4 S3- 3-3Tm^rm.-for an
for o»
a. person (male)

e. female.

rw w “e
Tower of an e. (without canopy). ffarwi.
eloquence.—for an «. oration or
terms above for goddess of


riWCm. rinSTJRm
Troop or body of elephants. [TW[fe/»
FiPnin- Other.
Else, pron. one besides, v. .

Young male e, S3T3T*w*

Else„ adv. otherwise. rirffriC, (

Elephant-eared, a.

Elephantiasis, tl
fffeFL 2 beside, ^
Elephantine, a*
* f


Elsewhere, adv. qqq ffeirqf ,
qq-vr fqqrqf, arwrfs^iql, spKRq- 2 fig. engage m
a business, qqqq, qqq Ijq, fRiu. qRq-
To Embarrass, v. a. perplex, bewilder, § c. v. To Entangle,
To Elucidate, v. a. v. To Explain. qqqf - iFW-qrS'- ssTtf- q- To Confound, q^qrq or qrsrq, qrqqtq, q^qirq or qirq or
$rf5iq-&c. qqq. qirq, qqqq, ^ffTnfqr/— &c. qrqq g. ofo. rqq,' qqpT-qqrrtq-qf-
Elucidation See Explanation. qfe-qqriq- &c. qrqq-qrqq- qrqq-qrqqqq.
To Elude, v. a. evade, escape from artfully. qqqq, jqfeq, ZT- Embarrassment, n. v. Y act qsqrjrqii. qqqqqn. — &. c. — state,
/.-qqrqmfq/. qiqq g. of gfaCTm.-5t5Tin.-sriTPCrnt.-q- 0. qaqrrr orqqsrHi-fYFT or qrzr or qrrzrm qqqq/.
qp?r/.-& c qq, qferm. qqqq-qn:q, fTsr/. ferVq-qqqq.
. qqqqqr/- Pirqqqrm. qpnffqrm. irirjqft /. ’mtfurm.
Eluder, n. v.v. qqrqqrcr, &c. qqrsr or qqrrq, ffefeir, ^fqq- 1 v. Trouble, Difpiculty. ht^Kh. W?n. feqfqr, jfeqqn,
OT3-, ; P5FC%\ qqqqqrq, fiqqqrq. II encumbrance, v. Clod. qr€m. igtqrw. qR^tferm- q-
Elusive, Elusory, a v. V. tending to elude, 5S"5Tf J)2»
qrrffer, ifer ifeqtqr, &c. Embassy, n. functions, fyc. of an Ambassador. qi%WT f. qfe-
Elvsian, « i n. qrqfer,qrqfq, rjqqqrqr. srq f. sRrn. f^qn. qqqrqn. qqfeqr /.
Elysium, )!, Indra' s pleasure-ground. sfiTiTqqn. qqqm. qqq«. 2 See Errand, Message.
To Emaciate, v. n become thni or lean, v. To Waste. qiqq, To Embattle, v. a. arrange in order of battle. qqRiqqT/-
fqq, qrq, qiqn. rrqrq-#?q, frq-f $r-&c. flq-Cfq-
qrerqq, qqqfeqr /.-qqcqqr /.-& c. tufSjg. of o.
urq-qp-q. To Embellish, v. a. v. To Adorn. 5irqr /. ?q-qrrq, fSTTMT
Emaciate, a. Emaciated, v. V. and Lean, qp? STR^T, gp- -qfeq-&c. qrqq, qqq«. qr/qg-. of o.
irferr, ffs. qrqqrr,
f5r, qq,*sfqn:,?jtq, fqjqqr, 2 fig. (a story or matter) dress up, trick out, color, varmsh,

4 c- qqnfq, qqrqq #r, Ifeqqs


qfr». qrqq qiqq, irqqrqm. pi.

Emaciation, n v. V — state. qpgqqfl/. CrWlTiR. qiqtwm. qrqq-qrqq (and»e«i. qrqq-qrrq-qqtq), qqqq.
To Emanate, v. n. issue, flow, proceedfrom. fqtpq, qrqq, q- Embellishment, n. v.Y. 1. q^rfeq qrqqn. Jfeqn. qqqn.
m, fqqqqqw -<Ac, frqg.o/s. fqqiq-&.c.ifrq. 2 qqrqq qfeq/s. q^q pop. qrqq & irihh. sprrw. q4qp?»/.
Em ivr ATro?r) v. V. act —
fqqq &c. fq?qqq». fqqNln. fq- qfqqn?ftqrr/. q^ir«i.
iflpfH 1 v. Ornament. sT5RTrr«i. qqqn.
! that which issues. fewq^n.-TTRIirt. Embers, n. hot ashes . jjrqTEC or 4^^* or TFWTjn.n,
To Emancipate, v. a. v. To Free. sfejqsrpFT or jgRrqiw.-spffp. or mKvi.n.

Tqr f. - XxHxf. - jqqRtqr . f.-qrqrrf. - qqqrqqn. - &c . qqq, xtzf.- Cake baked on e. qTfr/ra) /•
#ir/. s-q. Mass of e. j'csgRlTn.
2 — in theology, deliver from migratory existence. xfftfm.- To Embezzle, v. a. fraudulently appropriate. ?qrq, feRq, Yf-
qq, qqr qqaqqnrq qqfqq. ?rrqwCr/.-frqf#0/.-qrYrqni.- qrqqrqrqqr/.-qrr-
Emancipated,;;. V. 1. feqRrq, qqqqqr, Wfi. ?/.- aifirqrqm qiqq, ^rqsft'/. qrfe. Formations and phrases
2 qqr, Fqqqfif, qsqqffe qrqqfe. involving tlie sense of this verb are numerous and exceedingly
Em a \-c ipation, n- v, V. i .
— ort. qp/qn. qRqq/. safqqopr/. #- expressive, q-qjfq, fqqqq, qqqq, qqqrrqq, qqqq, qrqqq, ?q-
t/. qqqRfq;». fq#qq«. qfeqn.—state. #?qq/. qr/. qr- qrfe, qsq -qq- qqqq - qqqqq-qz -qqqr- qCffr- «ife. SKTq, ** J

5T/. qrqiqtqr/. qfe/. qqrqr/. qw. q-q-qrirq, q^q^iRf qr3q-3rrqiq-qqi:q, q«qnqTqf qqq-q*
2 — •c/oi'. ffrtr qqq«. &c. — state . v. Beatitude, Heaven. <q, qRrlCrar/.-qrRrqra-in. qqcq g.oj o. q%qa-n. qrqq,
fife/, qftfm. q«rqqq/. qsrro/i. qqqq»«> qqqqqfq/. qjqqqw. g.of o. urgrq ql^n. qrqq g.ofo. wrqn.-SBTm. qrcq g. ofo.
Desirous of <*. #Wqf, qq%T. ffeiqq or qqqqq TLq, qTfWtq qqqq or qqqrq tq, qriw. ?-
Way or course to e. qfeqrqui q with qq of o. (?sqrqq- qwrqt-qqqiqq &c.). q^r m.^ g.of o.

Working out of e. qfeqpqq?i, qqfq ^feq-qfeq-qqqq, qr zf. aqqq g-of o. ^ir'qrqqn.-qRq-

To Emasculate, r. a. deprive of virility, ?fql qqq, qqqq- q/. qrqq g. of o.
qqw. -TqqqqriqjiL-TiiqqqHi.-jqwr^iA.-qqqq^feqfeui.- To e. daringly, bravingly, Ac. fqpi ifeqwi. qq, ^Zm. m-
tkc.^vxg-ofo. qfqV-qsfiq-iTqfiq-&c. qrqq. qq vqq, qq qrqq, feqrq ^ 1
q qrqnr 4rq.
Emasculate, a. Emasculated,;;. v.Y. &c. qgqpq, Embezzled,;;. v.V. qTOSRT, &c. qqr,qfqq
nmfm> Embezzlement, n. thing embezzled. RPr/. /. |rrJj#f-
To Embalm, v, a, (a corpse), 3T0|Wwi. SJT- xx qqntrqr/.
Embezzler, n. v.V. nrqiTr, fqarqKr, &c. *rrf qrqlq. ,

Embankment, e* v. Mound, wirf/u. To Embitter, v. a. make bitter or grievous. ^:lfTqr-ifefrqr-=[r-

Embargo, n. restraint on skips. ?T5ir^r^i Zfffif.-itlf. - &e, Aq-&c. qrLq,fi¥«.-t?n».-&e.t^, f.qf-j:qrer qn:q.
#r> jpw, sn^^Nro ^rrrm. To Emblazon, v. a. adorn with armorial ensigns, qr^iq fe-
To Embark, t?. d£put*on ship board WW^C~&c. ^•rqtqsfrfqqqicq.
To Embark, v, n, go on ship board ,
JT^OTC- & c. 2 publish pompously, v. To Blazon, ifq^qrq qqqw, Tlfe,
®T~WFf« qq^rrm.-qrqrqrqr»i.- &c. qri:q g.of o.
n. sign, symbol, fyc.

5rH%5rf^ n.-^rj».
Pnsrpff ortf[f. tfnf. ?PW- Embroidery,
5ft /. ^nrRRTWtt.
n. flowered worh. jff/. ^Wfm. ^
Ev hematic, Emblematical, a. v. V. H%^T- To Embroil, r. a. set a quarrelling, v. Quarrel, cr T/.- rfs:/
3ifir?r,€r%Rr E,5Tra'for^r, : sr
-f5T^, sfhrwr, sthtset, -firqrm.-^c. f-BTfw qr^q-, <3*rrzftf qrc°T.
Embodied, p. v.V. 1 ?fT, f r-Tirf, ^THT, SPrTvC Simfor,
. =r^- Embroiled, 7?. v.V. and Incendiary, qrst^r^, qr^rsqr, qr-
jtr, fqw^r, sriwr. 0?* q^qzsqr, arrq^foqr.

2 qqf ^st, &c. tfarster. Embryo, Eaibrvon, n. foetus . qq pop* qiHiin W^rTOI-
To Embody, v. a invest with a body ^CT-5TOCt-qrTr- & c. 37\%
. qqm.
2 form into a body or system *j?rf Murder of e (or foetus), sqqiffqr /.
qflqr/- qrqq g%0/ o Emendation, n. orc^ of correcting — a writing, &c. ^rf^n. 5TT-
8 /orw zw^o a military body . g*. o/ o. Jyqqq- TTn.
^ff^g'.ofo. 2 r/7z alteration for the better . jr .

To Embolden, r. a. v. To Encourage vflTm 4q^Rr>n.-%JFq- qq,

Emerald, n. q q/ t
q^^qrq /. CRqr^i. TvTrfpop. q.

<t/.-& c.^f. i
To Embowel, v a deprive of entrails. . ^rfcpffn.p/'. fqggaj-^fjoj Emerald, a. 0/ c. <?oZor.

g'ofo. To Emerge, v n. rise out of hC m,
To Embrace, r & c/axp i/i the arms . oTH^qq, qq^q, frq «* 0/’^. qreq.
qqq, qqrq or airfaqq- qqfq-qqrpr- 2 (from po\ erty, obscurity, 6. c.). y
frq g*. of s .

&c. &c. KPC®T, ^4rqy. %Tq, tr?/. fitn.qrr^q-^

frrr qqq, qq/.~qg/.4q£r/.- fg^rm -&c. qR°T, qq/. fast/, qfet frq g-. o/.s\

w, #3?/* aTrfcqqn. gqq-gq-lq, ^g^qr /.-^r^r/. Emergence, Emersion, 71. v.V. I -act. Wn,
-&c. mytg'.ofo.
To join in e. qzq, Sprite/. firq g\o/ $.— eagerly, &c. qr^- 2 ^arqm. ®TvpiTf».
grer iteq, ^rcaSr, Mwasqr ^rgrq qt^r. I (of a planet).
2 comprise, v. To Comprehend, qqss^ ^T?2TR%, aq^sjag. Eastern c. qqfeqni. Western e. qf^Rfiqqan.
3 «<$>«£, r/oooptf, /dte, qq, qqqrqq, II occasion , ra/Z arisen : exigence, urgency. qfqffqfTqft. q~
TCq £\o/o. fqFqqr qqr -qq ~ qrrq^ . *- &c . ^rqiF^qr nmm. sTrqrftq^rqftw-*
Embrace, Embracing, n, v. V. 1.— r/c<£. arrRqqw. &c. qr^°ftf (
qqrqTn. apc«r/. fqqr^/, wft/* qrrq».
f iwtftf- ®TrfOTr^r«. *Trm?n. br m. first wrn. Emergent, suddenly arising urgent fq^qr,
— state . fqSt /. /. #g /. Rrar^w. ^qrqr,

qrrqfqr, qr^ftq#qFcqq,


Close and fast e. Cornish hug . qrqrqfq^f qq^fq?F/. Emery,

/, 7?,. qrc^rqr
Friendly e. %qif 7 qqn. OT?i. Emetic, n. qqqw. ^7Tq~qfqf%
/. aTr*T»Tn.
Mutual c. (on meeting*). 5tef5fe/# ipr/\ Emetic, Emetic al, a. qfqiqr^Rqr, qiEt^fTqr.
2 — (T/o^. grgarqw, sqqrsqn. &c. aTRR^qrji. Emigrant, Emigrate, a v.V. . sqq^r qH^T^qq’^qr-.
8 — r/c£. qqa. qqqrcq/i. qgqrq gt qqqdTrn. qr, Hq*5TtqrqT%qC?5Tqrq!, q^^rqr#, qqrsr ; q.
^Km. ^ftgrqq?n ^ftqrrrm. qqqn. aq 3“q 3J%^r.

1 comprehension of the arms qg /. qrq/. qrqsq m . qr~ To Emigrate, n, leave ends country
, ?». to reside in another . STf-
gsq/Tgq/. qqrr ^T-^yprsTFT, 5^r?qfqm. qrcq, qrq% s3r-
Embraced, p. v.V. L aqf&q?*srr, &c, gqq~&c. qr~ arq qpr.
aqf&fqq, t^r€f qq&srr, arif^s.
2 ^rqsr^r, airqr^^T, & c. ^rr^FTR^rf, sqffqq,

EMKiRATroN, n. y. V — net BJIW ^5ET ^FTn. t^KJUJTm.

?A5j^riTT% tc^tow.
3 ^5jt, qqqrt^r, &c. a?rf^rq, afrftpr, Eminence, n. rising yronnd,v. Hill. g’^ETSTm. 3TPfr-
Embrasure, n. opening in a wallfor cannon, fyc. “
sspjf f qr^r-
"" 3TI u. ^r?n.
" ‘

^rTmfiXf ,
* 2 cocaltedness, celebrity, fyc, v. Fame, Greatness. ii'id'tr'Trin.
To Embrocate,
v. a . with a lotion . ajiqqrHT %55«T, 4rqq*n. ww/ irffrarr/. irrafe /- Srs^r/. t'ssrn.wfkcm. HRBrfwm.
3 excellence, v. Superiority. g'firsgr /. ?TS^r f. %rajn.
Embrocation, w» lotion for rubbing a diseased part Bye. PrifipsNr.
^ . - qr°Ttn.~^ c. ^4fWn. Eminent, a. dignified, elevated ,
exalted, v. Famous, Great.
To Embroider, r. a. ornament with figured work $o» qp^rf- 3ft, Fr^, nfes',?i8',3o55r, fare, uRi^rr, hrt-
^rm. w, /. ^oj-cRT^r,

Embroidered, p. v. V J^TPC, Eminently, adv. in a high degree.

* ^sySt^Tf, J- ,
to?1 ^?'

srNr. ?rir, stRtsh^^t.
E. with gold, Emissary, n. v. Messenger, Spy. ^ff, tr, WIT, JjT^lT,
Emission, n. v. V act. tftS'OTn. TO^n. ffRT“T«.
• — — . . f f .

EMP 226 EMU 5

To Emit, v. a. send forth, give vent to. (fROT, TROT, £RiOT , 3OT. Public e. (or post), wm. STR^Tm. f^Tm. f^PT WW$\
Emmenagogue, n. 5ROT $R3f - JOTTPfT- & c. ^Wn-
Emmet. See Ant. That has e. or service. CfOTfTf, frsTJTT^r, ^
fT^wr, ft^rr^r

Emollient, a. softening, suppling. rpTR 3TCOTTCT, OTTORr TO* ,

That is out of e. TO^T^nT, TO^f^TiTF, ^RTIT,
To be out of e. qrfr cT?f *TF?tRT Zff * T- ;

(Hr, to^ri, 3jroifr, i%Rr, toototr. ottstototw. %?ot»-

Emollient, n. OT^OT-TOdOT-TOOTlf-&c. OTTTOTn.
Eaiporium, commercial city. ^3" /. ^rrrfqar/. 3jkw.
Emolument, n. v. Advantage, Gain 'TRii. 'TROTTt/ fTO* n.

to / win. nr iff/. To Empoverish, v. a. make poor, v. To Beggar. ^Tr®T^T „

Emotion, n. agitation of mind, v. Discomposure. yPTiii. TO* WR‘~f^ T5?T-“Fr^N;T“ & c. r

2 (land) destroy fertility of RTqriT-^H- & c. fT*FT, /.

§ra»i otto™- toto /. toto'Dir
motion or working of the mind. TRrffOT /. fOTOTOTIR/. OTOTf* RT^or.

froro». OT%fffR/. ccrm. UJfin. ffarrcm. Prfffr/. §- Tb Empower, v. a. See To Enable.

3TO). 2 v. To Authorize, ^FTT^T.

To Empale, u. a. upon a stake. TOTOTC-OT^f TOT-^TOOT - Empress, n.

Emptied, v. V. 1. fF^Wf~iTdT--&c. fFTT^’R', 'Tf^T

TOitiOTm. toot-
Emperor, n. supreme monarch

^T^r^ffr, ^T~
Emptiness, n. v. A. 1. ftRWm. RcRTRWm. & c. ^Tn. ^T-
^Fr^RTPsrr, rrlrsh ^rRncr«r f
*r- ft^pnrm.
RT/. ftrRT/.
2 fr^qqrm. rtr^t^ww. &c.

HfRrsft /. ?iRr^tRr /*
Emphasis, n. sfress of razoo pronunciation ^T^T^-S-c.
3T^rrr°rn. TOM- ^rjr/. ftwr- 3 Rr^RqfaTTw. g^fqonrm. <ic. spr^r/.

^rrafnrwi. 4 q=rf%qr(jrriR.

N. ^THT, HPTWH, Empty, a. containing nothing fr^T^r, fFuff, FCtF, ^T-

Emphatic, Empiiatical, a. v. ^T-

Emphatically, v. N -vSflTw- %T=T, ^^RfnFT, 2 unsubstantial hollow , ,
fF^TWr, FfRTRTf, ftdT, ff-

Empire, n. imperial power, or RpqfR^r, TPT^rT^OTt or

2 region of an emperor . ^Tn. ^T^FT'Cr^^* 3 unfurnished, unprovided, fyc. iT^T3Tr ? HRT, HR'RTf, ,

Empiric, n. v. Quack. -rr^T^'f^r^T W, fTOKir.

To Employ, v. a busy, exercise, keep at work. ^T3%, FfTT0!, 4 blank, barren, void, wanting. <7fRrr or 'FfiTr, W^ }

5FTRT#, *rqr°T, ^rr*m. ¥t. remiss, q-f^r, JTRT3,

To e. one’s self (in, at, with, amidst). ^PTC°t. To Empty, v. a. make e.or void, evacuate, exhaust, §c. fOTYT,

2 entertain for service, engage. 31%, RTPT^.- ftY#, ft^r-fctrr- i3T^f-&c. i

/.^OTOn.-tl c. 2 out; (as by baling, ladling, &c.). 3CF T0

i' or 3TO°T, OTC^T,

3 mw. tocot, riotitot, TOr?rc®r, ^rfsTOOT, rotot, 5i#f- OTir or 3TOm.-3tPT'T or sTO^/.-TOTO or 3TO“fl'/. ^C°T.

toot, hhUtw -MTOOTM.-?rTOr/.-&c. toot. Empty-handed, adv. Rr^fJJir fRT^T dtR;*WI lT#f.

Employable, a. v. V. I. CTOrTOOTT-TOTTr - & c. Empty-iianded, a. R+l^irfidHf, fCWCCrf, fC^TOR,

2 ??prr-^r-#rur-&c. Emptying, n. v. V. 1. act. R^rWw. fc^°T». &c. RWC°T/.
s jfTqRrnTr-^r-#rTrr--&c. aw?, totto- ft^rar,/. Rrfi^c'T®.
Employed, p. v. Y. 1. ?TOTOr, TOTOW, &c. 2 3FTq%n. 35TTr or 3TOTm. WOT or Simf. TOTO or TOOTTt/.
2 ir#3T, TOUCte WTOT, Ac. Empyreal, Empyrean, N. a. v.

3 totor, torr, &c. toto, tootr, tot, ottot. w, Empyrean, n. highest heaven, titiisfarm. d^pjOTTn.
Employer, n. v. V. 1. TOTORI", CTOOTirr, &c. To Emulate, v. a. cope or vie with, v. To Rival. TOfCT^-


3 TOrorcr,
Employment, Emproy,
tow, &c. tor, torr.
n. v. V. 1 act. OTOTTOTn-

TOTOTn. &c.
» 3|OTtf.

-crcurtf/ ^tcot,

f zrzw,
with Rf of
trarn ^m». gR-VR

ffifr /.
iffCOT-OTfOT with ST or
*n;f.-i3 Z\ ofs.& r
?3 of o.

2 Sototb. TOTTOTOTn. &c. 3^r.

of o.
3 TOCOTn. &e. Emulation, *Tv. V. 1#%#/. *dnitf TOTG/. fmutff. 13-
work wf. vlhmff- v. srT, «rc, Itgotj-wk
I occupation, business, to do. TOTn- TORn*- TOOTCot-
of I desire of equalling ?OTT or pop. ?Zf ffr«i. fHfS'wi. fsf-

II service, trade, fyc, means of living ,

v. Business. ^t^PTTCw* 1TlTT/.
* Emulative, Emulous, a. v. V. #qt, ST^T, rc^r, YfrTST^r, JT-

K— compr<‘h. W ’ffsnnT’m. RciOTff,

Emulously, adv.
cr 4f iTYf^r, fsnflj,

A. ttlTO

Fat, rich, lucrative, &c. e. rfr^WFm. \f.
v. igl,

Home or stationaiy e. fp.m fRRf.

To Enable, v. a .
^q-Bqqq, SHfr, To Encompass, v. a. v. To Surround. q ^q j |g-oi


-q^qr-wq -qrrfeq -iiwd ~&c. qr^oT,

&c. 5Tq. Encore, adv again, qr^FT, ^Tq^t.

To Enact, v. ft. decree , establish by law. ^qrqqn.-iqfqqjT/.- To Encounter, v. a . v. To Meet, qf^q, qfe f. q^q in. con
g.of o. mm, m. — f^nr*r «»• —r^r^* »»• — rtht- until g\ of o. fq^q in. con. ifzq m. con susqr qq
. tnt C on. arq-
srrm. qrqq, ferar qr<q. v#fS«i .pi frq in. con OTqq. .

Enactment, n. v.Y.—act. ^«, ^rr«PTn. WrRT/. s*rram» Encounter, n. meeting, qfar/. l&f. VZFTZ /. mmz f. n

— stafe. fefe/» 2 See Combat, Battle.

1 matter enacted v ,
Law, ^TRSrfwi. sn’RR'w. To Encourage, i\ embolden ‘cftqni.- qq rj. - qqn. - qqqffq n.
ft. .

Enamel, n. fqqfm. - mmf - fT^rqf v)?.-f^qqq^rqrm . - fw m.~ ^ c, |-q ? aqqr^q, 33 r-

Bit of e. ^©reform. ^Tf^q, qjqfq, qfqqVq, q3:Rqr/.-3Tpqqqn -qpHrfqn.-^e.

To Enamel, v. ft, fiRTm. qrqq ^*. 0/ o.

Enamelled, p. v. v. fqqr arqSwr, fq^qrar, fqqqrc Encouraged, p. v. V. vftq feqfqr, cLc. ^r^rfa=rq, Bf-

Enameller, n. v. V. fqqr mmU, & C fqqrqrC or fqqqiT, fq- qqrfoq, xmr*?rr, arqq4 ?

%a^r. Encouragement, n. v. Y. act. qRqqn. 8cc, iJspFFt/. aTP<lT-

Enamelling, n. fqqqqfl/- ftreqrd/. ^TRn. mn. qqqrqqn. qfqqqqu qr?qmqR. qr^qrKM.~.^ft^. <?/z-

Enamoured, a charmed, captivated with qq%3q, &c. apqq»?rar,

. . couragedness, assuredness. ni . m
q^T, #rf!a, Bqqqf, qq (in comp, as qqiqq,fwqqq, qrqqq, Encourager, n. Encouraging, p. a. v. V. qiq^qrqr, m qqKf,
qqqq) tot, fqqq, qrqf, qfcrqt, Hrjmr* &c ^qqrqr, ^mqxiT-crr-
To be e, q<3W, <m, km, ft?l°T, qR$r, SFr. qqr-^*iqqr-&c. aqqrqq;,
To Encamp, ?». n. pitch tents .p/. - ^TR’ter J.-tfvSm. qq and E ncrease, & c. See Increase, &e.
inv ctm.
. qvgrSf. To Encroach, n. fhtmde on anothems rights or possessions.
Encampment, Camp. qfrw. n. v. j^r-qr^qr ^qfq-qfq^iq" ^c. ^rrq/ ?rr#, ni-
2 place or ground of encamping . qoEwi. qqrrqrL qqrqri. qf#qqw. qrqq, CTq qrqq.
g^oui. To Encumber, t\ a. v. To Clog. 3?ft~&c. Tirq s?qq^fq^.
Searching of an e. upon leaving it. qa^fPSTm. q5£*qfe/. ?far- ^fqq, qqqr^r^i.-Tfqq^. ~ ~ &e. qr^q or mm
#Wt/. W&tfm, mmim.-Sie. mwg. of 0 .

To Enchain, v. ft. qm, sfg'STTO Encumberance, n. v. Clog, qpngpsrfm. qrqsftf-irm. qrqsqfr/.

To Enchant, v. a. lit, fig. v.Charm mm f

q#T or qqqq, qr~ qrq^ffr/, qrn. qqr^L
m \ /. mmg\ofo. mmtf. Encyclopedia, n. circle of sciences,
mn. ^Wn.
Enchanter. See Magician, Sorcerer. End, extreme part, extremity, fr^nu %Wm. frqfm.
Enchanting, a. See Charming. trq^ar qrqm.qqqrqm. q?qqfqm.qqqqrqm.qqqr^iiL 5iqw*.

Enchantment, n* v. Charm. qr^qt f. qpf /. qqqtqrqi/. qqqqqf^r/. qrqpfqw. qJpTm. TITmi.

Enchantress. See Sorceress. m.n TO/g qjqrar/J. qfpn. qqr^rwG


To Enchase, v. a, v. To Inlay, srot, qrqq Extreme or very e. HCqrtr^m.

&*•<>/ °* At the extreme c. *rqq%q£.
To Encircle, v. ft. v. To Surround. ?hrnn.~qqqrr?ft ~ At the c. of. 3f#r.

&c. qrs^r-qn^r, %q, mm, mqq ^m. From 0 . to e. syKHTT,

To Enclose, v* a shut up by a fence $£. . qr^q, ^qq/n-jqqn. Standing on <*,. qqfqq.
-9Tr^m.».-«rr^n, qrw-qrqq. To the c.
2 shut in See To Surround,. 2 cessation ,
<5'o. v. Conclusion, fr^rot. sqrifqr/.

8 (a letter in a letter or envelope). fqqq, qftq, q^^TT qrtq, qrfq/. q^qrqw. qq^rqut. qqfqm.
qqtq. To come to some e. (settlement, stop, & e.). qrqrH afq orqq t

Enclosure, n* enclosed place v. Yard, Court, qRKw. ?R5f»i 8 ultimate state, qffqrqm. kqqm. qfq pop qq/. .
or qr/«

mm f mm.

ZF&f&n. qq^RTm- arr^rWTn. » qqq^rqw.

'•> c
2 (esp. of arable or meadow ground). %F§\f dim qRrqn.
. qn~ 4 remote consequence, qfqqrqm.fqqqm. fqqqm, qqq-
qrrerw. qr^5fq qrqqn.
\? Sjf

Proprietor of an e. qr^SKT. Until the e. qjrrqrfq.

8 enclosing wall, hedge , <^rc, qRKw.n, qftqm. tgqftt. qT- 5 object, aim. qfqqpTm. arr^qm. 3?fqqqn. muffin* q^qn^-qn.
qrrcw. spern. To answer its e. qrqq'f ^FFT. a
Encomiast, n. panegyrist ^qfcffiqr,
^qpRT, Suit your e, to your means. 4qcqWqrq-qrq

Encomiastic, a laudatory. . End, ft. of or belonging to the end %qn:qT, .

5qf5*r?r, To End, v. ft. conclude e/ose, finish, terminate , , qqrq-qqfq-

Encomium, m„ v. Praise, ijfq/. mfmf 43T-&C. qrcq,qqifq/*"q%^ <?*
/ , ,


trrc3), trerm.-ris/. TT-stm, 3farra-?W[ift?r-&c. m bear with fortitude or patience, v. To Bear. 3HTTO mv. con.
-e5FFT" aTr ,I 0
T T, ?PRT H’R-— &c.
g . oj o. — with an implication mm TO, 53TTO.

of completeness, finish and clear off. PiTlfq' qzr »i. - farrpf q- To Endure, v n last through or out ,
abide, stand ,
remain .

rrf !, 0
Pm, fwi, ^r^: 5 !, m,
To End, v. n. conclude , close, finish, terminate. 5W, airfqoj-^ qffqi^Sr, qr^<B«r, fi^n.-^q- n .-f^%n.-PnTr7Hi.-&c.
mpr, mm, «rm, -3i#ft/.-qfi: 7rfTM. &c.
iJ wr-flor, Will. 5t°T, f?T®T.

fpt, ?mra'-3T#^-5raf*r-&c. fiq-, hth. qmm or qpsFT. As long as sun and moon c. STr^5'C¥.
To Endamage See To Hurt. Endurer, n. Enduring, p.a. v. V.A. 1. JTfTOITf,&c.
To Endanger, y. a. hazard . TOFTOOTriTO c. suto- 2 ^TOTOKr, ^fiarrrr, ^TOtTi #rars[, Hr^fr^r,

tr ^to or mm, tttofto ttu toto, tohtoI me, ott, -jir, shr, ffffirtj, f^ ?. 1

(and To be endangered, gTOfTOfef TOTOOT-#TTO, TOTFTO v. V. N lasting durable , ,

permanent abiding , &c.

WTOT, TO^TOTfeTO). f^mr3T, vmqr, wrfw (in comp.) faTOTRt,

To Endear, v!a. pTO-TOW-WT-ftc. mm. qprrfr, aj, g<rr°T, P^nr, w-frr, sry?r, 9?fq-

Endearment, n. tender affection, loving ness. mK j 5TOn?. OTf- msrr,

ftitfitf. SJi
Jmmn.&scfm. n. public foe. jfTOT, 5T^.
Endeavor, n. v. Effort, ar^wi. tppTOi. mji[m TOTOOn. . 2 foe, adversary, antagonist, opponent ^^TTO, K-
To Endeavor, v. make effort or essay v. To Try, To Strive. , t ®rf< ,
fsftq- or cjT, TRtsT, sfprTK, "fqqy, xrPr-
TO^-TO^n.-TOFTO?* &c. mm, STTOrTO. qufr, ftqT.
Ended, p. v. Y. A. ottow, &c. ^nrrFtT- Captuied or overcome hy one’s e. ^TTOld

v. v. N. r#<st, &c. w,
tor, ?srsro, arr^c. Concealed and deadly e. s^toTtoI
Ending, n, v. V. A,— act. ottor. tos grTOm &c. TOTOr. The six enemies of the soul, viz. lust, anger, desire, affection,
— state See End, Conclusion.
* pride, envy. gfe'T.
Endemial, Endemic, a. peculiar to a country . %3jpf, TO3TfcF, An e. I must expect, but let him be a wise one. TOTTO bj.

er^rr m mi mmi .

Endive, n* ^rTOT Energetic, Energetical, a. spirited, powerful, vigorous . T-

Endless, a. v. Infinite, b?TO, TOr, fTO#I, TOrf, fTOOTT, ^T- ^rCr, ^?Hr^r=r, mm, m~
to, Ftoto. mifl, r^T2T, TlFtZK, 5CTORT, TOF, TOv5*/^RTO, ^5q^Jr,
Endlessness, n, v. A. f=R^tw/. ^TWr/. a?FTOn. ,
mimmtt ,
tfzr , toto.
«nPWw. Energy, ». vigor, force , §c . v. Spirit, Power. TO¥/. ^TOI/.
To Endorse. See To Indorse.
To Endow, v. a. furnish with dowry.
TOm. Tm$m. m /. TO?n. ^3fn. ^r»n. ^fTOn.
%TOn.-B?TOtt«-&c. to, 2 (of a deity) active power personified as his wife . 5T% /.
f - mm%m- &c. mm. TOH or TO^T/.

2 (with some fund or provision). /.-TOFTOm-^FTOin To Enervate, v. a. v. To Weaken. Pr#- JTO-HTO^fT-^r-

~|l%/.TO^ron.-&e. to-^^to to, -|frrPr« ^TO.
fere -&c.

mm. To Enfeeble. See To Weaken,

3 (with some excellence) mm. TO, ^F-TOgr^-
* '
-TO- 7o Enforce. See To Compel, To Force.
mm. 2 put into execution hy force. c^TO&c. ^F^TO-
%. property assigned. TOTOT/• wjrff TOTOn. 3EF- ^

Enfranchise. See To Free.


Religious e. TOFTOwi* TOFTOm. mW¥Km* To Engage, v. a. enlist, bring into a party or affair. ^qa)

2 /
0 nature . TO?u. TOOT?*-* ^Tt#, JTfiT-^TFr-&c. 3m
That has good endowment. TOf, arf^TTO, TO^f^T, TO<#T3T, 2 loin and attach, gain. F^R"°T, l
»Tr T55TJ3T-f5r-3Tr iEr- ;

^«Tl,TOOT. ftr-&c. mr, %»t.

To Endue. See To Indue. 3 iiwrf *?/ agreement. Tmi?!' & c. jfr^T-offr#
Endurable, a. v. V. A. TO, -VmFfiT q-5j-5frKpW3T-&c. F%w^-FPrirnfr T-&c. :

totI , mmnm, 4 hold under occupation, use, fyc. employ. jfN“T, Jpf^T, qrr-
Endurance, n. v. V. A, l,— act. 3RTOn. *?RPTw. &c. §FTO3r/* rjR'&c. jtrot, jfm-&c. qor.

^TTOn. 5 See To Pledge.

2^re°rn. Qpfr^rn. &c. h?*t« atr*rr /. is#r/. Rrfirar /. To Engace, v. n. conflict with, v. To Fight, 55?r if. ^"T,
v.^V. N. frqPTft. mn.
fmn. &c. fWlfm. fr^TRrm. PwiTiu. «5TF°r.

Pwmf. pTJTfT“pr7- mim. 2 embark in any business. WT, feF5T, TTm, ST^rT- 3^^ ff-
I fortitude, patience. tfFOii. "T, mm . trim, #nf/. t^r, iltn. w,
To Endue®, ®. a. (pain) undergo, v. To Suffer, 3 promise, agree, pledge one's self. T«Rn.-lTRr/.-?3®5fi».-
tfPFT, 8T^»T#, €f5Tn. &c. g'. u/o. &c. I”t, Ffwr/. - fr^i f - TOFm. ^i'^.
. ———


Engaged, p. v. V. A. 1 . sqTOT, FTT, ofo. gg’n.TO-qrivr-TOTOg^.o/o. g?qn.-gTO»i.-€ Tm.-&:c. r

2 ggrqggr, qsroraT q5T f'3'^r, Ac. qTqDT with qrggo/o. g^n.-&c. qiTO^- ofo. with mv.con.

3 qggrggqqTOr, &c. qggq^, TOTOST, &c. 2 holdfruition of. gfgg lath direct arid inv. con. gqilrTO, qfiT-
4 and, Busy. TOTO gqq^ST, & c. g3. tot, TOgqg,grgwi.-Tqgrg»i. w-TOg^gTOw. w-^g"r,gf-
To be e. gqg, TOT gqrrm.^qR:/. tto, grT jfrwr -i. qrw.
v. V. N. 2 . TOTOR,TO^, TO. gfafte, To e. and communicate, fqfg FiRin. TTO.
Engagement, n. Agreement,
promise, fyc. made, v qgiii. 3 (one’s self). Tgg, giiqq, gsiR. aqrgTw -&e. qrqg, g^n. -

TOt/. qrgrgm. ^PTSTift- Ff^SF/- TOFm- fgqgm. -&e. qrc“i in. con g?ft~&c. argg, ggrrg qrw-w-qTO wiper.
E. upon oath. STFT grqr or q /. TOTOTOTOgn. Enjoyable, «. v. v. 2. grgrqr-TO-gfgr-&e. tot TOqr-'Tr-Tfgr
Faithful to e. gHiqfgsr, gTOTg. -&c. grig, TqgTO. toto
Written e. TOTO /• g TORg /. gTOqfpR. TO*gigrm. TOrg- Enjoyed, p. v. V 1. #fgggr, &e.
grgrni. C^rr^fWrm. qfgHTqg or qgqgi. 2 gigggr, &c. gqgqr,grR-, gggg, gggfqqr, ^iggqr.
Written e. with fixedness of time, q^fnirm. qrqqfqfr /. Enjoyer, n. v. y. l. "grggrgr, grgl, ggrgl, gr^r.
2 occupation, v Business. qsrqii. TOTgiR. 2 gfgTOrgr-Tggrgr, &e. gqgrift, grgf, girfir, gqgirar, g^C n
3 See Fight. comp, as TOqgg,ggrgf qfggg, mtto). ,

Engaging. See Charming, Pi.easing. Enjoyment, n. v. V. I. act. gfiRTii grgm. ggrgia.

To Engender, v. a v. To Beget. gggn.-qgggn qrgg,TOvf 2— act. grggn. Tqgrgm. gigTOni. ggq». gfgr /. gggqw. qf?-

qrgg. qp:/.
Engine, n. machine, $c TOR. 1 ctgreeahlc feeling, v Pleasure, Haptiness. giqn. qpf-
2 See Instrument. 7m. f $m.
Engineer, «. to FggqgrgrTOrgqgrgr- & c. tor qgg grggrgr. II sexual e. ggrg«i. gggiqn. gqgrgm.
English, a. #tot, ?to 3t, t^gg^ror, fr^rwt, fqgrqggqq), fr* Hi sensual e. fqqggrgm. fqqqg’m. JTfgfqgrgm.
grqggr. To Enkindle. See To Kindle.
English, ». — the people. sjTOigfqrm. pi- sffgr- To Enlarge, v. a. v. To Increase, qf^qg, gr?r-g5T tq~& c. ;

5T^fqr»t. pi. qigg, qfe- /.-fqgqrgm. ggg, fqqFrrgg-

Rule or sway of the E. 2 See To Release.

2 — the language, ?ggf/. To Enlarge, v. n. v. To Increase. * qrTO, gfgqr §T“T, qfe/.-
To Engrave, v. a. carve, &e. #gg, STTO, fqPCqg, gqggg. ftgrrgm. qig^-. of s.

Engraved, p. v. V. TO HR, &c. €lffq, #5tT, gqr#r. 2 expatiate. fqqqir»i.TOqqfqqqrg>».--;!fgfgggrg«i--^i' 5!'r q

M tt-

Engraver, n. v. V. #TO[Tr, &c.ifrTOTgrr, qrggRjr. g-qr^g grgg-fgfg, qpqr&m. tot -qrgg.

Engraving, n. v. V.—act. TO TO. #fg». #[qgT /. ^1TOt/. Englarged,p. v. v. A. qrqqggf, &,c fqggrfTg, gq^.
1 engraved. gqFTOwi. ^^Tt/1 gqirg qqg«- €f<? W. Enlargement. See Increase.
To Engross, v. a. take the tohole of. gqgqpqr gqaq-gfqNT gf- To Enlighten, v. «. lit. TTOni.-qqTOr»ii. qrTg'qrTO, gqilTOT,

5cr-gr5ntgrrn.-&e. qg. TOffTO qrgg, ggr?Rw.-gfgg«.-A-c. q^gg.

2 engage wholly, v. To Absorb. imFT, TO5!, Wg, TT^^T- 2 fig. instruct, fftow. qigg, ggr§ggn--ggwgw--iTgf ;Tr5rwi -

g^tg-&c. ggg. -suwggm - ghqggrqri;gii. -^rggrgn.-&c. tpgg.


Engrossed, p. v. V, 2. ?ra!ter, &c. qgqr, Fgqsr, TOT, gsR, 'Enlightened,^, v. V. 1 TOreyWr, TTlf^Tg, FTryTO, gfTO.

totto, grFqe (in comp, as qrrgrPrsr, gftrrfrer, fqggrfqs). 2 gsq, ^rrgt, grgwg, uterr, cqfgigg, ggrgqrpr.
To be e. fggg, TTO, TTO 5fig. Enlightener, «. v. V. i. gqrRT Tggtgf-qrqgrgr.qqg^iqr, qfrTO.
To Enhance, v. a. Advance, raise, fyc. v. To Increase. TOW, 2 qgrfg-fgf-frgqr-frgi, ggqrrgsr, argqr?rr.

TOTTTTO, -Ac. q|TOg. EnligiiteninOj n. v. Y, I. act* TO®.

Enigma, n. riddle, fyc. qrgrrgrm. TOn. TTTu. pngZTn. f zn. gqr-
gn. wrlw/. gtFsrqg/. qqig?qg. 2 —act. gqrr5Tw. TORPTn. ggf?ggn. gtfggm. ggrgram. fg-

Enigmatical, a. v. N. TOrqr, TOTOr, TOTTO, TOTTO, TO- fggggm. at^irgm. sfgqrrgggai- sirggrgw.
gg, TOTOtgr, sqrsroRr. To Enlist, v. a. engage in public service by entering the name
E. speech. gqfsrgrr /. sqifrfgr/. sqrgrfg/. in a register, gfafgaft/. gfeg g. of o. gfqrg€fg to, qfk-
To Enjoin,
tort - toto -

gpftar /.
v. a. charge,




- toto -

*V lit
To Command, grow, TOTTO,
toto-A c giro gzTTgy srgrqg
, , ,
qrrqg-q?rg grgg-qrgg-qre'g qrgg-&c. or gigg-grgg-&c.
grqrgtg ^qg, ggggrgi/.-qrggqft/.- &c. Tgg g.of. o.
To Enlist, v. n. qgrqg-&c. agqar gk fe|g-Fgfqg*g?fg-& C.
Enjoined, yi. v. v. TOrgaro, tortt gifggsrgr, &c. fifty ,
sirar- grgglggr?g.
ftg., tots', yrfirg. Enlisting, n. v. V. A. 1 act. q^rqg gfeg*,. &c. ggiTOt/. qf-
Enjoining, n.v. Y, and Injunction. qyRTO. Ac. grTO /. gggrgt/. qrrgqfr/.
gnft/. gwrqgn. figim. To Enliven, v. a. make alive. gitq-f3rqg-FigT-&c- qrgg,#T-
7b Enjoy, v. a. feel with pleasure. gfyg, gRTm. ^T-qTT“t g. qrgn.-irrgqfgn. qigg-
, ,


2 make vigorous vivacious , v. To Animate vsffain.- To2 Enslave, v. a. 5T5r-3TvrR-&c. 3TTO, jBTJT^tq-jrreTtffT-
- TOm. - n. -^spftjf. - t*T m. - &c . BTrqq~t*q 3"reqrq-Tr??irf#T-5TRtRi?r ®im, sTHTO'Tvr-s'RurTO- &e. grroj,

Ent-mass e, in a body , gp; ^rar^TOTn TTO g of o.

To tumble e. ^55 q. To Ensue, v. a. v. To Follow, qraro 3TJR g.of o
Ejtmjty, n. x7Z w?e7/, <§•<?. %q>. ?i|q'TTni.Pn. jSHRi/l priFT-
Rift/. snrfm. sr^rn. Iwtur srqtrzrn. fcehqm. To Ensue, v. n. succeed in a tram of events or course of time.
Deep and deadly e. W£{E'Wn. ffqpTf g. of s recip. TrrRTr-TRlFrirqr to.
Enneagon, «. figure with nine angles, ^TrfPf/* qrft- follow as a consequence, fro, 3^TO, TTO, <?TOn.-'lft orrFn».

differ /. Ac. fft'f.

To Ennoble, ». a. sr^ftr Iq, £f~ To Ensure. See To Insure.
qrqw To Entail, v. a. (an estate, &c.). ^Snt'TO' Ri IJI TO, ^'SJTOTOr-
2 See To Exalt. TOTOTO, 5’R'^qRPT qr*s' T TO. :

Ennui, n. lassitude, weariness. &WfZm. s^rFfwi. 2 fix unalienably, q fqqsBT 5T?TO-5'TO.

Enormity, a. wrongness, v. Wickedness. sjfajOT /. ^ifq- To Entangle, v. a. twist, interweave. arfjTOT, JrqTO, IJTOFTO
or irf^TO or jfrq^q-^qrTO/.-irst^CTirt.-ir-

2 ^ e. an atrocity. W& qpTn. qr^HTn. JTRT- FTOm.-TORrin.- Ac. SRTO g of o.

qJFfri. 2 involve in difficulties. jfrTO, TOTO, RTTO -Ac. TO, TO0f-
Enormous, a Wicked.
atrocious, v. srfpprPT, ^.nTTOP^T. TO, tJTm, TTO, RfqiTTO, sfi qv rSTTO-TTOTO— &e. qrTO-

2 immense monstrous v. Large.

, ,
vjf^, STfq,7 g'fqqTO-'TTTO-qTO.
Enormously, a<fo. v. Excessively. 8TffT5rq, ’WllT. Entangled, p. v.V. 1. Tfi#5?r, Ac.
Enough, ». <jto?T or sqm. <PT?ftr/ qTO /. To be e. JJTO, RWTO, RfETTO, ifrqTO.
E and plenty. qq’TO. 2 sffqar^r, RfTra'rq qrTO5rr, &c.
E. and to spare. TOTC/ mW^rn’T^i To be e. qTTO, RPHTSinT giqTO-qTO,q TrJfd' RNTO. !

-&c.) TOTTOin. —
Entanglement, n.v.Y.l. state. TOT/- U^TTO/. irqr7r«i. T- *

To give e. of it. JCTO ft? 3TO (qfTO-STW-tfcTO- & c ). TOr in. JTTORFI?/. RTOTOor TOTTOm. JpCq^rm iTST^rin.
Enouch, aJ». q?, TO, Jfrfrr. 2 — state, jfiqrm. tototm. qR^r/. qrTOft/. qrq-
To be e. and over. qr^R 3TO. TOiTOm. TOTOI or ITSTORTmi. JjqrJp /. ITTO^T or Ttf or qifTTw.
Enough ! TOTC, q?qt,
To Enquire. See To Inquire.
^ ,
TOFT?- To Enter, v. a. (upon a roll, list, bill, &c ). qR TO“T, fffTO,
c^qiTO, fito, ^sto, rto, %q”T. 5tto,
To Enrage, v. a. v. To Anger TOUTO VPTO. TOTO, «FiqfTO, To Enter, v. a. come or go in. erfq 3TR-TO, fSTTO, fij^CTOT,

TTO, fisRTO or fesffTO-

**&!¥ ftTO, qqsiq, qq^rm. ^tto, srrW'-qfqe Hw.
Enraged, p. v. V. and Angry. TOTtqvRrr, TOff, fFTlfro, TITTO, 2 engage in, embark upon. TOTO, fr^m.-IFTm. qrTO-f5TT-
*OTf 5T, STraraf. TO-Sqor, qrsTOn. TOoj, irqqr ft°T.

To Enrapture, To Enravisii, v. a. v. To Rejoice. 3TRT ijr- 3 take possession of, —a dtvil qq to or toto 5H TO'5T B^rTO-

£=rrer (or irtTOrer) tor, wef topifro, str^to m. TO°t, m- 4 (into the system). 5RTO, TOITO, fit TO, fTOTO or fTOR-
?ITTO, HTTOTO, qfTOtTOn.-TOTTOre.- qTORTOn. TO°f g\ of. o. 5T, RTO or ifrq 3fPT.
Entered, p. v.V. A. 1. TOTTORT, &c. RFrfqff.
TO°T. v.V. N. 1. 3TR TO3T, m3, FTOff.
To Enrich, v. a. TO5

vr&T- Enterprise, n. bold or hazardous undertaking. 3TOrTOiTlT«.'

TOTn. VTO. €r<qrqn. ^ig-irrt qtrRfl. nqqrq^f qrrFn. t^rm. wf^ri'Rn. ??r-
2 See To FerMlize. -T-TT
Enkicher, n. Enriching, p. a. v.V. i. HTO ^TCRT^T, &c. to?- Enterprising, a. v. Adventurous. or eqT, ^ST^r,
TOT?, TOPIC, TO4TTO, TOfTOlW. ^f£ qrrrirr, «r^r^ jfe ^rnt f
m€\ i&wm,f

To Enrol, v. a. enter on a roll, register. ^TRFfsfT/ TO®r-*Ti-

to-upto, srhPrajffr totopto, tot». fee3!, qdtr-qciTO &c. m- To Entertain, v. a. engage, hire . &e.
TO-qrTO-TOTO ^TO 5#, c. 5#,
Enrolment, n. v.V. qfcfvrat/. TOTOCI /• TOiTOrct/. 2 receive hospitably, treat, feed \ . - q’rfqqm. - 3?r%-
I See Register. MTn. /. - ^TraT^^rqrrn. - stfcwn *
- Bflfa-

Ens, n. v. Entity.
TOp. mn. «rr^or y
Ensample. See Example, 3 phase, divert, v. To Amuse.
To Ensconce, vr*a. shelter, cover, secure. vTTTO- vTTTO to with & c. g of o.
of the object.
STP? 4 (in the mind). frSTFt, qrq;3qq*
Ensign, n. v. Flag. ^TTOiu. RSTR or ^n- 3T5if. v?Sfm. Entertaining, a. v. Amusing. or ^T-
Ensign-bearer, n. HWR?rr, fdSTRTOR, TTr^l

Entertainment, n. v.V. 1 —act. mwfWfjfn* &c To Entreat, v. a. solicit, v. To Beg. fklW, FF-T-T/
TOFTTOn %sFTRT/- IT^FTOT/. -fir^ft/.-w^Trd/ -ff5f#t/.-&:c. g.ofo. fiHrrfrF-&c.
2 ITf ^TOn. arrffiRTw-
E ^daily upon a general invitation. 3T#»i Fm.
<mn. b RT3R?l Entreaty, n. r. V. F^^'T'k f. /. ^HrT/. Fippft /. fiFFRlft/-
3 tm*Fn.
^RTsnr /•
4 ff^#Tn. ST^n.
v. Feast. fiWTO/ Jr*!RT/. ^TsHRl^ 5fYT«. Entry. See Entrance.

To Enumerate, v a.v.To Count. JT^, f-m^\/.-&c.
Tb Enthral. See To Enslave ^rk-WJPTg-. of o.
1TO- Rf rH^TO-&c TO?^,f0ITO^r*Fcf-* To Enunciate. See To Utter.
Jb Enthrone, v. a.
To Envelop, v. a wrap. b?n^t, 55?2R, . im,
Enthusiasm, n. fervor or excitement of mind in pursuit of an -Ac 3v!R.
flTfRETTFwi* s ?^RRf/ Envelope, n. wrapper . ^THTar n ^ - 3TOR ^
object .
E. to a letter.
aRFRw* ^f^RTOTm. dtfTO m .

(religious). TOPT%n TftfTn To Envenom, v. a* poison. ^ e.

Enthusiast, w. See tlie Adjective. Enviable, a. v. Y. ^Tf°Trtr ;
^ ^
Enthusiastic, Enthusiastic al, a. v. N. I. Npfsllr, TO^RT, Xf%iT.
Envilr, Envious, a V. fRRr, or 3§3T~
rjurrt, urur, YTOr, r (as rt<rrt - n. . v.

#£l, ^37Rr 3qr?TPT, sTOfSTT or 87?|raV

&C ), %2T, !TIW, r f

2 B-^fTOr, S’TOST, ^HRFWRT. im or ^RTf ^fs, CRR, ?

#r45RR, t,

To Entice, v. (t. To Allure. RUm*

v. ^CRTOR, TOW^Tr. ®fRR nqf^, CsqfipT, — m high degree. 3T?6T-

g.ofo. m w. ?RR, aHfan- % T.

?j rfm.
Enviously, adv. v. A. f^R, SFRUR, & c or
Enticement. See -

To Environ, ©. rt. v. To Surround. q ^T,W^ ^P».-


i Entire, a. unbroken undivided , ,

<§•<?. v. Whole. JTT, J T, ?ITR,
f 3 f

qr(*iH. 3Tr^fi>i. qr^DT,

3?^V ;
srsfr, snrer.
2/m//, complete . TO, TOdT, #T*T, UPSR, SWT, U~ Environs, n» nciyhbou ring places* sTWTT^Rr
ift^lfTM^/. SfaTM.
w, sgfjgr, ^rnr,

Entirely, adv, completely ,

v. Wholly. TO : ,
Envoy, n* ambassador . TOR, YjT,

5rrf5, firmer, w^, w#r, RTO&TOrroS? Envoy,ship, w. ^fcTw*

Entireness, n. v. A. 1. qw /. OTTOr /. *I3 ?Wh. TO#. Envy, n. ^cqf or sfqf pop. ?^rm.
^TOTf/o sF^^CTot. TOTO-
2q-<: T,Trrwi.qRcrr/' tfqRcRn.qf%/.
&c. eiR^n.RtiTOT/*-
To Entitle, «. a. give a title or right to. ^TOTm.-tWI /•- I qfw?r«.
f^ni.-iTRrm-§F^r/.-&c. V"T, To Em Y, 'r.rf. f-uq-j oriq\ pop. iff ,-Iy - 5v e.

CT5T-&C. SfrOj. qjTn. jj^ot °/ s * cT^Sr g* °J •?* TI^T^F TOH

2 See To Name. ?5R, wvii\f* mg' °f <f *

Entitled, p. v. V. 1. <$.c. ^ft-T^ITT, fllP-TCIT, Rr act, n. excess of

the solar gear above the lunar . * '

*kk$TC#T5r. ^TPTOl
Entity, n. v. Being. 3TR7^h. *FOi. TOpTf /• Ephemeral, «. lasting one day ^FrTBDTf, fe^TW,

2 cm e. a being. ??jn. ^m.n. srifni. OT?kt-ir.

Entities. appfRrn- 2 short lived. fr^TOr^r, sr^^qr^r or jrifqpr, sRtraf^rat.
v. a. v. To Bury. Epic-poem, n. TEST or JjRTSPTn. JCnT^r=T«.
To Entomb, srrnTfc-&c. qp^T, *ITS°T.
Entrail, an intestine. sfTft /. or%n. sfkn. Sfn.
n. =qFrf«
Entrance, Entering, «. v. V. A.— act. =Trr 3KTkn. *tPCfsT5ft/* Epicedium, m. v. Elegy. ^rraTfkw.

Double e. or entry. ^Tcjft fjf5j«r»i. Epicene, a. common to both genders. g^FTftkl^T , 3'iPTr %J]' i

W 1!-

v. V. N. 1. STPT^ 3 rn.-&.c. rr?3T«i. Jf^SEFTn. R?$Ttn. WTM5T«i. Ff-r.

Epicure, n. one given to luxuries of the table.. tTCTFT, J'3Trrc

fftfm. fc?l7w frJTRTw. fSPC^rrTm. :

Door. 3T t f. FWn- kfOTrsrr, griif?r5r^,#rsr

C- 3 {raTK- &c. qr^r4F-
I avenue, passage, v. SPC pop. 3TC».
#k». JksrSPRfl. 2 v. Sensualist, tr^ferer, ferd.
Front or main o. WSsTITfl. Epicycle, n. trr^nrn. ? qfrPrw.
To Entrance, v. a. put into a trance or ecstacy. ^rjprpTW- Epidemic, n. disease which seizes many people. TXfff 5f CwCt/
Frfw-& c. «jr*:«r. jrrjftf. JifRtfr/. trrF /• q&s\f. wfcf. «rt or f\f. mr«. *nfKf-
To Entrap, To Derive. tfiTsrk Kr^-arm-TROT-
v. a. v. IK¥». VK%m.
#m°r, tFkrl t^-qrsk, 'khjtet /.-ttotw /• &c. §. of o. Epidemic, Epidemical, a. v. N, W%rr, tR^T, ^nrar, &c.

To be entrapped, q^rf iROT, 'F?r5T. I

i|*irc?F f sif^rr?! ,
' .

EQU equ
E. fever. 2 make equal to.
5TO3TOT, ?PHr- *RtTO- 5fflr- & c. JfTTO.
Epidermis, n. outer shin.
ffiprf /. Equality, n. v. A. grtiWm. TOTO/. fp^r/- gar /.
1. TO-
Epigastric, a. v. N. q^qfcr^r, ^fwc#F<ft. wftf. |f?n. SPPTn. W/. STWTO.
Epigastrium, n. upper part of the abdomen, q^qjrrn. 3#rqT?i. To claim with,
e. j/rfts ##1,/. Zf^ TO°T, fRT/. ST^PT, TO-
Epxgeum. See Perigee =r/i/. rt.
Epiglottis, n. ^iri^Nr ^(m. ^srfrcqr^m. To Equalize, v. a. make equal. TOTO-HTTW-RTOTOR'-HIT-
Epigram, n. pointed, lively piece of poetry. %FT ^ftcTr/. trs-& c jftto, bitww, *nft<*T®rn. ^fifig.of.o.
^rr/ um qrfw/ Equalized, Equalled, p. v. V. HTOs!T-&c. ?T^fT,
Epilepsy, n. m^WCm.q^qfn. qfr n mUtf 3^.
. fiffTltf ftn, qtSTm.
mimm. mfrfawf Equally, adv. v. A. HTOr, TO'HTTOT, TOT5T,
Fit of e. qrqfn Equanimity, n evenness of mind. ^fiflTOfV/. hij^FtT/.

Epileptic, a. v. N. qpj^TT, mmtr, fa- ?WR4rpriii. wjrr^Tfffr/.

Equanimous, a. v. N. 5fJTT^g% HIF^T, fmF^rT,^^, WR-
Epilogue, n poem, fyc at the end of a play . af^jjsrn 5qr£^fa irfffr^r.
2 Equation, ?l making equal. iftjfRrTOn.
EpiNrciOJNT, n« song of triumph. mWffln. sffifbT n. vgppjfaui. 2- in algebra. ^jfrTOTn.
Episode, n separate incident in a poem or story* SFTqrqT/. bj- Reduced to an e.
#rcw/. qsrrcrr/. Equator, n.— terrestrial. f<jf-
Episodiacal, a. v. N. &c. 3Tr#W,TO#RrTf, stoJt- sfearn. W-TO5T f JT^n. fw^Wn- ff'rFcftnw. FtoJhi-
Country along the e. POT^Tm.
Epistasis, «. suppression of urine fyc. ^FRTfm. £f Radius of e.
2 — celestial.

Epistle, jl v, Letter, q-^i. Equatorial, a v. N. 1. ftjfwnrr, <^c.

Epistolary, " " "
cl v. N. qfmhr, mm. >

Equerry, n. ^FW W^Tf^fr TPRT.

Epitaph, w. inscription on a tomb stone, ^nrpr^f Sr^ni. Equestrian, a pertaining . to horses .
Efithalamium, n. nuptial song.
tfrra#T». srffRT mmm- 2 mounted. 3?^rdft, W(l?, jWr.
Epithet, n- adjective. FrSTT’l’B- ^W^ yaiTOn. '

irWRn. Equestrian, n. v. Horseman. ^TWCt, JOT*

2 Name. s<nftT»i.
title, v. Equiangular, a. mtm, RTOfTC.
Epitome n. v. Abridgment. STOSTSfam. HRWfm ^PCFSTOn. Equidistant, «. ^R?§qT 3FWRIT,
Epoch, n. fixed point from which time is computed. 3T3rrFrm.
5rawn. 3[T5Tt*rm. STTm.
Equilateral, a,
wc *

See Equipoise.
Equability, n. v. A. 1 . *rrc/IWm. TTO!T?3Wm. giWtn. fl- Equilibrium, n. v. Equipoise, TO^r/. /. J-
JiFmm. *wmr/. suw. J^f^rTr/.
^THR^FtT /• ^TfTfFrf/. HJRfrTcfn. la e. with. WHWC, WTHFC, ^PR%r,
Equable, a. of uniform tenor, equal, even. STTOrwr, Equine, ct. relating , /o a horse. %V%mq\ 3

swr m, -

, sjzgfirftnr, R-^RFcrRrffr, ^nror. STT^.

2 equanimous. W^RT, 5ER|f^, WTOra, ?TIP?rsr. Equinoctial, a. v. N.
3—temperament, (Ac. WIRT, HraRJTfT. E. circle or line, v. Equator. fqqfKWf- J^T«.
Equably, adv.^. A. 1. i^ncw, HK^TT, TOtTW, &c. E. point. fffTn.
Equal, a. HIW, ?HR, SETflF,
J57, WTO, TOFIW, TOfClVT, E. points. ^rffrFqr^m.
fTHRRT. Equinox, n. f^jqrn. feqpr^w.
2 uniform. See Equable. Autumnal E. fifjTOTw.
3 matching, par. TO^r, #fHr, %sp?t, ir^trsrrHrr, Hay of the e.

*nTW, OTRTO. Interval between the equinoxes.

4 exactly correspondent, answering closely. 5FT, fraRTiT, 5W- Precession of the equinoxes.
«*TR. Shade cast at noon by a gnomon at the e. q^r/*
5 adequate to. See Competent. Yernal E. JTlTfqjqqn. fpfTSrw.
Equal, n. match, fellow.
TOTOR, TOTOTO #£f?T, WT- Festival held about the vernal e. ff oft/. S%TrqT»n. —Dust-day
%?, fUTO, fjj/^TO/. after the burning of Hoi i. —Holy-day after
To Equal, v. a. he equal to. €F’TW-TOTO-HW~5pr-&c. NCPT- the day of burning. f^HoS* ^T??irr
w - Light rain which falls

tPT, gsSr, WTO/. /. - &c. W ff. ofs. rn or about this time. frs?t% —Mud-pit for sporters to kick
yqofo. and dance in, — Obscene verses sung at the festival.
BWTT/. pi . — Pile arranged to be kindled, fi^t, |BT?CRl/.— Pow- Equivocality, Equivocalness, n. v. A. SB BBT/- SBBBWn.
der thrown about. JT^T3*ni.
— Glass-ball filled with it. B^TvT-

jjfITm. 5B5Br»i. — Right of placing tlio cake upon the pile, Equivocally. See Ambiguously.
f r##r qr^/.— Scattering of colored powders ^BitTTBn. mfnti. . To Equivocate, v. n. speak ambiguously, use terms which ad-
— Song in eulogy of the festival. ffU / Sport of dust-throw- — mit of different senses . <r£ r ql 5T*fEn^r
ing. — Sport and fun on the last day. fpsir, ^ -BT5^OT2T/.
Sporter or fun-maker duiing the festival. ffSEtKT or ?r- -die. mzn /. pL-wz[\%m pi
— To burn the holt. frs?l /. 5TB.
To Equip, v. a. accoutre. BspTB, BssTBoc BBB, SBfBB,Hsrf- Equivocation, n. v.V.
^ r
qr J7rqr®T«.

fH^r-&.c. 5TB, BBB1/.-&C. 5TB g-.o/o. J wrfcprcn.

Equipage, n. attendants-, train, v. Retinue, Bfltl or Blltr /. Equivoque, n. ambiguous speech . T^ifrF'/.
r^irrtr»i. BBfsrBr™ BTHrm. Era, ?2 See Epoch..

E of a“chieftain. BTBBBti/. 2 succession of years proceeding from a fixed point, =5T3fTm.

2 See Carriage. ^rr^n.

Equipment, n. v. V.—act. BTHBn. BBBf /. BB^Br /. BBTBB/. Founder of an e. ^s^f, ^rr%^c.
Bsbb«. BSBBr /. bsbIttb- Bi, from, &c. the c. (as ^?T).
1 tiecessaries, v. Apparatus, ftnim. BTBrB»i. To Eradicate, v. a . y. To Hoot out. jjsrr WF
'O 4K
Equipoise, n. equality of weight, equilibrium. bB%Bhi. BB5- BR'B-JrR'T, BBRRRB n. BBRBRin. - bB^Bm. - tpn. 5TB.
bbt/. BiTBBirr/. BirBwm- f^rerurn. /. bbbgbr. Eradication, n. v. V .—act. naTOBi BQTBn. BB^RRum. B- 'O \a
•v r*. t r~. f
In e. with. BrtfflTT, HTTBIT, BB5TB*, BiBlBTB. ^{rtrrsrwt. Ff3t^fn.
Cfv 4\ ttv

To hold in e. qrBB(BT~5WrJT-BiBIBT~ Sic. BTB-TIBTB- To Erase, v, a. v. To Efface. '

O' *> On
Equipollence, Equipollent. See Equivalence. To e. much, confusedly, &c. %%!%{$ f ^ C%. 3

Equiponderance, n. v. Equipoise. qsfBRt TGTff/• BBBfBm. To e. completely.

BiTBrrcm. bbtccBji. Erasing, Erasure, n. v. V. — act. #rOTn. &c, Sfcfwt.
Equiponderant, a. of the same weight. BBBTBrBT, BTBfcBBT, 1 place where a word has been erased,
^TjTBI, BB#T5r, BBBTT, fr^RT. Ere, See Before.
To Equiponderate, v. n. be equal in weight. BBBgBBf-BB- Ere long. See Soon,
tf5r-B3TRfT-&c. wr-frr. To Erect, v, a. raise upright . ^T?r°T, WRf°T,
Equipped, p. v. V. BW&Br, BB53TBT, &c. B.3T, BfefB, BW- 2 v. To Build. fF^t ;

5B, B*B, F5#BB, cfi-tfr^TST. Erect, a. upright not leaning,, mt %r^rcr, ^s?OT $Xt,
t f

Equitable, a. due, right, v. Just. BtfRr, RPrRT, BBrtBTB, =Br- mtv.

w, BRrr, bbibIw, BB,BrBhrr, titb. Iligidly e. WF.
2— of persons, v. Just. SiBBrat, RTOi, Rrur^r, BtfitlT, vqpi- Erection, n. v, Y. 1.— act, OTf??rf«. sJT-

fasr, BtPnrFr pop. BfitBB, BtPr% &c. BrBrFw.

Equitableness, n. v. A. 1. TUrfB5TBr«i. -TIBm. BBFBIBfrr/. 2—act. mm. rmr

«k r.s

2 TBrfB5TBr«i. -qTpTBr/. ^RpTST/. UTO B®. BfBrfBBu'T n.

Erect ness,
Ergo, adv.
n* v, A. m . ww &c.
Equitably, adv. v. A . BBf'TIB, tRRQBgr, JBlBrBBIT, Erotic, a. v. Amatory. *f Brit ^pop. ^BTBBB-
=Br5B:. #Mt.
Equitation. See Riding. To Euu, v. n- deviate, stray, v. To Wander. =
Equity, n. v. Justice. ^TRui. fBBTirw. BtfB/. Jf5W,'ff=T BIB.
Equivalence, n. v. A. tObt)/ BBfifBm. 2 mistake, blunder. R5“T,
1. Br^TTr-fTBrirBl or B5R, SfB<%, ?RW, =55"/.
TTTTTt /. 5BT, mf. Bftt.
Equivalent, a. equal in value or worth, lit. fig. CRr fllWBr, Errand, n. message, something to be told or done by a messen~
BtfeBfrrr, fr^rBr, bbt dRrw, BBtrBrBr,HBBrsr, ur^rr tstbirt, ger. FTfrJ«». Bt^Tjoof. BtBTm. W>R. tiWn. Bits-
BffTTBr, BtlTflBT, BBBpr, BTBpf. %mn.
2 of the same import. TTP-TlTr, IRTR^T, BBRfBT. Empty e. or trip. ivRCT or fBCTTBrn. tRaTwt, WRTFnft/. BT-
Equivalent, n. that which is equal in valve, £§c. BtfBTtBT-B'f- $m>
c q^rB«n.-fwq»i.~&c, BBrBJjTBTSBTBTn.
. Running on an empty e. tCWfiT or j.
Equivocal, ambiguous.
a. gratr-tf, B.RBT, BtRT»Nr, spoT,
fBT- Running about on empty errands, ??rcprf^r^/.
BdTTBT, BSSRCTB, fsB, s#r5TB. To send upon an empty e* W^TFW*
E. generation. aTBifBBBT, ®T%fB5T, #T5T> Errand-boy # n.


Means of e. rTF^nT^m.
Errant, Erratic, Erring, a. v. Wandering. >Wf-
v. V. N. 1. ^FPTW. §^T STfOTn. ^c -

sfC^r, MpmrO, &c. 3TRTS, TOnftT, *Sf^T-

Escharotic, a. caustic. ^TfdFKb
3 deviating, straying. ’pTK, »Wt, »^Sr,
Escharotic, n.

Escheat, n. land, §c. which reverts to the state th rough failure

Errantry, «. v A. 1. reT^Tri- ^FPTn. TRY^n.
of heirs. %fFT*rr^ or WRT&n. tdTFW
Erratum, n ®r5pi*n. ^Sj
Correction of errata, PTm.
To Eschew. See To Avoid
Sheet of errata. STRWn. srfVl^ft.
erring , mistuking. ’pT'TKT, »?4t, Escort, Escorting, w. v.V —act fi&mn.
Erroneous, a.
fed°T¥ /. ^
I attendant protecting body .

2 false', mistaken, v. Wrong. ,

^^RT^rr . *3T<TF3T, <^TFf-
% 8Tjr*rr?^r.
light e.

Cost or hire of an
sriterarft /.
e. ^RT or /.

or TOcf,
^Jepr, *3HbT,
WfT orjft-
, "J^uT-
To Escort, v. a. attend and guard by land TORT- 5
# - &c
«rr3T=T qrr^-qrtRR'u-'TF^w. ^5r, &c.
Erroneousness, tl v A. 2. #iuqp]T«i. sfruFF/. ^WR^FT<Tr/.
Error, n. wandering pom truth. *Sf3Tm. ^Tfcf /. *lF3W*T»l. tfFcT-
Esculent, a v. Eatable. ^F^F-Rr-^r^Tdl-^c. ITOTR,
«rtRr/. W'/i. Brf%^rr/-

Tlie two grand sources of error are aTRF°T an(^ Rw or Ike

Esoteric, a. private ajE,
covering or concealing (by the object contemplated) of its real

nature or quality and the casting forth of an appearance or

E doctrine. /.

Especial. See Special.

seeming differentfrom reality.
NWft. Especially, adv flOT y
2 mistake blunder inaccuracy. ^FT /. ^p€t/. .

, ,

sfawu ?rcrrFT/. tfmftejf-
Errors and omissions, — compreh. s
sranj55‘ /*
Espionage, n . employment of spies. RrFSTU R ^TF-

« Errors excepted/’ =f srr% S’lF^ikn.

See Before. Formerly.
Esplanade, n.
Eructation, «. v. Belch. <FFF orSN-FFm* Espousal, Espousing, n v. W — 1. acf. ^r^TFF^*

Erudite, a. v. Learned. ftwi% reW, c s ?l

T^r, 3TR^/.
2 q"F®Tn FF°Tn. qfF°TF»n. UfFFFFr.
#qvf snfrr.

v Learning, ferrf. fBTdT/* qife*Tn. $FP|cfn. 8 FftFr^n. &lc. #^rF«i« %qiF^

Erudition, n. #

^?JFetf^/« 4 %qiFwu gri^T»nT«r» &c.

ojtc'tFtT /. sr^trTO'rr^r/-
Eruption, n. breakingforth. JOTf/i. FFRTrl ^W^TOfF0!?** To Espouse r. a v. To Betroth.
2 — Sam/. TFH* or J^s?tn. ^TF^T ^-o/o.

in medicine.

after fever. 3FTZTm pi.

2 rf, v. To Marry. &? TF°R m ,
or ^T, gfFFFtin-

55Tf3Tm. (as ^?t^-*fr^FP3T-

nr 0 ^0T^.o/o.
qrft‘0TF :T«.-- Tfr T3Tf Tii.

Fulness or copiousness of an e. ^ ^
take up (to maintain, fyc.). STFT^TF^T
8 adopt, ^Tf^TFTT f
FFFW~&c. vSTf^r).

ants, gnats, &c.) sudden swarming. SKHSTn. f^TF'n* SFrF^t, •eTF^T,OT, srfWFHT or 3?fWRri. KFF^T g.of o q7^TFm. .

8 (as of
q^T-¥F%, TfFr^F ^TF%, ^f#FF TL
"fan. r. jzojr.
4 ifa/ro woc/er protection. ^T%^F ~ ^TFTrFFF - FfF^-TF
Erysipelas, w. rHT or srm ? fTOgm.? pTFf'kr/. ?

Escalade, Escaladinc, w,v. V.

Esprit, n. srfiRRin-
To Escalade, r. a. scale, fsrajT vTfJ^r
To Escape, v. a. avoid, obtain security or exemption from.
E. do corps. FRRpTFrF m.
E. de F^drfiTfFr^in.
qm r
ufsr, raf#, frsrRfor, §^f#.

To be avoided. (as f <TF TOST fauTT *<r E. de pays.

f f-
To Espy. See To Spy.

paw unobserved. tfe /. - F^FF/ ~ & c Essay, n. attempt, v. Trial. Win. ^Rw.
2 -

1 tract
Frw, «ri«r*

and To Essay, v. n. attempt, v. To Try.

To Escape, r. n.flee he secure . ^fPT,

^FTF'F, qs£T-&c. tR®r, &c. ^F^T,

Essence, n. constituent substance ,
v. Nature. r^VTft* fc?FRFwL
«ni«T, ^tNr.

2 paw unharmed , W -^r-^TC-^IFr- &c. Ff^h TOpT/. ^f'fd FWRoL r ^n.

Escape, Escapi*, nf V. A. — 'prifyi. rRRtf. &c. Oneness or identity of e. cffSTTc^n. ?TFFF^^f r /«

W/ v. 1. actf

CToS^Tt/. PT^R7T». PreTRTm.— ^F- 2 substance or virtue of. ^TITri*?L WFRT^R^*

stftm. g^r/. 5RRTW.
3 — in medicine, v. Extract. C13T m. H^iii. pRRm. Large e. FiHRTRrm. 'FraS'TORrm- RTRFILRRfm. sTflf-

Fragrant e. —gener. TW».

4 substance, virtue, pith, marrow, cream, flower. <fJTO» n. Estate, n. land, possessions, §c. RRn. RTTIT)' /. qpf /*
6Kf5Tm. JRift. qFqqre- *Ffn. fRTPTM. ?TRT- E. in land. 3RR/. f*TRR /.
irr srm. mn. FHJTfSRRm. irRROR or JTpemtsr/. jfitrrm. E. and establishment, — comproh. lands and cattle,family and
FTTRfni. JTiRITTin- qpfiii. v. qriT, CRRin- fqftlRn. followers . /. qr^qTTKm. Ttfftn.

5 See Being. Extensive or great e. f qcFfft.

Essential, a v.N 1 pertaining naturally RHILPfST, RRT- Rise or falling to of an e. %ffifZjm.

fqqr, nfPrftrer, PreRfa®\ 2 See Effects. 3 See State.

2 necessary to the existence of. ^RrqfRSHR'qr, ^WTqpTvff- To Esteem, i\ a v. To Value. wm,

rt, hPtrhirt, hP-trut, trfPrPrPiTrwr, hruIrt, HRfHRifr, 2 value highly, prize . ^ri^TT-Sic. ^3? IPT - #r^~3T - ^f^T-

Hpqnqrtfqr, hr^tIrt, HRrqrsrR. «t,

nr CfrRq-.%^ox-&c.

Essential and inherent character. ®tPHrWm. Esteem, n. high regard or value for . jfe*/.
3 highly necessary, and important. qRRtRr/fiK Sf^CPfCHT- JTFRRf in. MiRrrfe /. UfR^r^fe /. *TRT?rr / /•

rtf, ppRTRRr, HRpq?Rr. Estimable, a. worthy of regard or good opinion. iffR, IIR-
Essential, n. constituent principles. See Nature. ^r^rcrw, nRr# ( jtrtr, hr, hrr, #tr.

2 chief point, point of great importance. qR'TI’flRfS'f. iH- To Estimate, v. a. adjust the worth of, rate. #RR ;
%=?%, Hf-
5FI°T, &c. S=R,
Essentiallt, adv. v. A- 1. RHfqF’SR, URHR, RHTR:, Pf- 2 (expenses, amount, Ac) compute, rale. ^IPRRR, H5IJTRH,
RFP. sTcsTERRiPT-fR")- TrfSf-Ae.
in. con. H- WOT,
To Establish, v. a. settle, fix, set, place. RreP, 'TrqRr, HITTR, RfTw. qT^H, ^t^ssf. 5RT, HHRnt. qrfH-^Rcr-qtW-^CH.
frcnR, trrsR, vEWn.^iq-^r/.-^r^n.-’TprgR’ii.-piTRn. Estimate, Estimation, «. v. V. I act. ^ifiRn. fRHw. Ac
FRT g-.ofo. RrfFT-fRT-&c. FRT. /. /• /• fl trqm.
2 set up, institute. Rrqp, WERT, URR, 3HTRT, i>W#- 2 HamrqH a c. HRrrc'qf/-
WT=rr/. ft°t g- of o. I computation made. »7i[iRi», HTTRin- HRT55 /.
3 substantiate, evince, evidence, To Prove. RTR, fe® -

JrsfRRr or Hrqr?fRriit.
SFTRR, ITCT FHR FTRraqp,RrRn.-Rr<Rr/.-A c. FRT<g\ ofo. Precise and exact o. HRJTRn.

4 See To Confirm, To Ratify. Random e. qiUqPTn.

5 (as a rule or law) v. To Appoint, %jr Pip RT. (
Rough o. qrRSTrqTRm- ^RHRn. or
Established, p. v. V.
RrqPBT, TiTRRT, Ac. RrftcT, srfT-
1. HHq^rrm. H^HRrPfr/. mKm? qiiLHqft /. fRTnrw. *&&&(*?-
m, srrfer, fitn, HRFPr, Per. Mrf.
2 rir-r, &c. ritr, HRrfFr, 3Rrfqq. Upon a ough, l A c. e. RjHcl.
3 RrqP-R, pMf F5T3T, A c. Rrfq?r, F6®", RRT or HRFT, a'T'TvT. II weight, regard. ijRn. qt®m. SpjTOn. fftTT or FfsFRm. T1R-
Establisher, n.v.V. 1. RIWR, Ac. R-TRF, fRRF, fRRT, qr /. h°tr /. %-qrm.
FrrffF- Light e. fRnHPCm.
2 Pirw,Ac. rtff, uritf, swic Of little e. fjRir, HqTJpTq, HJTPr?f-
3 w<Rirr, Ac. rto, wt^r,
Ac. Ppripr. Of the lowest e. qrtRT,
Establishment, n. v. V. l.~~act. Rmn. RrqRn. RPHC/- 3T- III judgment, v. Opinion. jfe f. RrtKiu. Tf^fr /.
^rn. HRRb. fRRn. Pt? 5R».~ .state. srSTfm. pRTT m. fll'g- Estival, a. relating, jc. to summer. HFiTRaTHr, ifFJTTOqHr,
2 RTRn. Ac. RTRn. RfTRT/. ^>W«. ERTRr /. SRIWn. To Estrange, Ac. See To Alienate, Ac.
—state. qPrsrr/. Estuary, n. frith, wfl/.
3 —act. RTRn. W». RfcRn. Rr<Rr /. H3R«. PprF?m. Et C/ETERA. This phrase is well rendered by afrfif & IRffl',
— state.STTpr /. Fafe /. arrfi? mean 3 first, ?fFr means thus . «rrfir is used in comp, anil,

Document or writing in e. RHHqsrn. at the end ; as'RRfT mangoes, et cectera ; qRlfT, TRrfsr, ^«JT-
E. of a position. RRfafe /. k, HfRlPr, dRWRfrPr, SKtH trurPr, i. e. Fruit be-
Means of establishing (a charge, claim, suit, Ac.). FRRRqn. ing first, flowers being first. SRrfer stands alone, closing the
I appointed allowance, FIFTF/. sentence ;
as RHr?! arfiTqrj 3R SRlf?T A’hdsita, fire, air, water,
II body (as of officers, servants, fyc.) established. HHFF/. thus first, these being principal or precedent. To JRTrfir the
RFJFPft RRt /. FR*3Rrm. letter m is often added See ®?lPr SRff^T, and 3f[pRRjR in M.
State or domestic e. spj HRm- 55Tr¥Hrm. «3T3». A E. Diet. Frequently the Persian ( Xjifj and the o-
III Worldly e. one's fortune, business, retinue, train, <Src. a- thers) is used.
RRTm. gearn. BTrCRfm. aRRWm. fl€RrRT HTTfw. HT- The et emteras. SRcMif.
®RRrm. wFwrcm. FTqp?rq«i. Eternal, «. without beginning or end. sRl^T, sRT?pffr, WRfPr-
— — / —

Pm, ^psTcftftrr-srpr, P^rfe^, hsttfr, *rfh. The evacuations. ffS'JrfrFfl'tfiR.

2 ivithout beginning. aRlfl, aRrfllW, ff JT. 1 an e. v. Purge. gr3Tm. jrsrm.
3 without end everlasting , endless ^3TRT ^Tfo?f<cr sT^,^jr* To Evade, v. a. escape, avoid, elude.
, .
# qpqrqor, rim. §rHT£T /.-ST-
mr, ^rr^fer^, sw, Hr, hItt, Prar, smc, HiRra!, srPm, ^Rr/.-^qrrj^r/.-^iiruin.-aRrrw - <frarii!.-&c

Kiir, Prswrret, ^Fpirmsrrat 2 elude, divert, turnoff. 3"?q5f, Sj-r#, qqrPf'T,
Eternity, n. duration without beginning or end. aRpSTRrn. ar- fr^Tni. t°f, jrRfJTar/.-R^qrfFK-qJ.-^q-fg-^y. ^xyi ff. oj o
Hrsfaerr /. mraHRm. arm^Rr/. =prr£\f. - fr=prqft /.-f iTrcrfi f.
2 exemption from commencement. s^rf^T/i. aRrfRT/. sq- Evader, Evasive,
n. a. v.V. 1. s
pR'iriTr, JrmRr, 3T5T ^RT
HTR-fer^T/. & c. arwiRT, fFjrrrft^r, girRfRr, tc.
Succession or series from e. *Trf% 'T^T TTT
2 jpRirrcr, z &mu wmrr
&c. , , as-qra-
2 duration icithout end. aqqfpq?.. affHarn. 51TYFfty. ^TPTFi j.n.
RqrqmqRr, finrqftRr.
htrtb. #pib. srmFrr/. HHRmqiravrR. Evanescent, «. v. Temporary". sqf^ aqpiq^^-ifrqi
Ether, n .
— the element. arr^TSTn. 2— of colors, 3T[ar
1 t

Etherial, a. y. n. arrwsTf^r, arptrrarPr, arrarnsrt, arrarransr, a?r- Evangelical, a. according to the gospel. H'qirrf'RPTt', g'qfRpr-
5T5TW, 3fraT5T^<r.
Ethic, Ethical, a. v. N.
IrfaHRI-fqimr, ^f%5T?wT-&.c. H- Evangelist, n. toriter oj the gospel. FRlrffiPH'^r-
2 preacher oj the gospel. FqqfTTfqiqFir.
Ethics, n. science of morals, sftPr/. IlfqSTRFrn. ltPrfq?]T/. |s- To Evaporate, v. a. convert into vapour. qr'K' f. g~. oj o.
Itfl/. Rni. R5TR5T«- RpR/. atsfsiReTB. qr?WRn. Frrqr qrm-frqfR 3‘3’q’D
ir-^"r-aTrOT“T-?T?3'PT, qpsqirrr-qTRqftoTf-
Etiquette, n. forms of ceremony. HRfRITRrPr/. fwrqiTlfPr/. iRr-&c. grRoj-.

To Evaporate, v.n. qpjrf. ftR, qrW^-TrqT IR ^"T-sTlSr- jj-
e. *fT <
5T3R, RTq" jTPT.
Etui, n. case of instruments, or efoqn. Evaporation, n. v. V A .—act. qfqr «RRSr». &c. ^r%KT<Tn.
Etymological, a. v. N. 5rs^mfwr^ift-P spr5', Y. N.
apjftre'- v. qrqr I'm qpsWFTn.
8sc. Evasion, ji. v. V. 1, act. zf&8fn. &c.
Etymology", n. derivation, analysis, §c. of icords. SJSRfW'T- 2 Rqrq“r«. 3YqSfn. &C. RSTlf/. g^qtqqr/.
Prerr/. apqfcr/. irfaqr / ^hr-Ppet /. <r&tsRn. ^PtcTy/. 1 means of evading, shift, subterfuge.
greYT / ^RR/. pq-
Etymon, n. primitive word, jpsjsfm. srsjlrpf/. lisqltefB. ^y.
Eucracy, «.— in medicine. HWrpT Jff fHf. II evasive speech or arts, ^tfz^n.j. armPmn. smPr-
Eulogy, n. writing ofpraise, v. Panegyric. ^riqn. RPrqr3"»!i. 5Tr#>n-;jf. qlqrn. fprrm. q^qiR-m. s-rmf.
^PplPTm. Evasive. See Evader.
2 See Praise. Eve, Even, n. See Evening.
Eunucii, n. R or stem. #fiR, trj^ni. HRiftm. *km. Psvm- 2 evening before a holiday. qqqq^Rr/.
Even, a. level, equal, plain.
tfqrrJVlW, sRRT, Hr-
Euphonic, Euphonous, a. agreeable in sound, ftHTT, H°lV tt, Pr?r3F, Frsqr, hrr, ?m, btorpt,hw, srfn:.
fc, jjyrt, mm^. 2 level icith, parallel to. RPR, TW all with Iff of o.
Euphony, n. smooth enunciation of sound. 'F Dfrrr^4'7i. WWJfR-.
YITni. ipjlJWOn. 3 not odd.—oi number. gtf ; qvjf,
Euphorbia, antiquorum or tirucaili. frTin. fwqrpJTm. PfR f, An o. number,
Ppplf/. qrftfTT or tfrrsqTf^fw.
— tortilis. or PfqHiTM.B. Even, adv. notwithstanding.
Pnsrjfjprm.w. Pif^ifn. 2 so much as. qqgV, |#Ff.
European, a. TOT^rrqr, FKfW'qrFRr, PfsprH, 3 also, likewise, ft, Rfpr, qsrqr, q5JYt.
PfSTOTHr. 4 — as a word of exaggeration or emphasis. ff (
European, n. f%rifi, Irfi-wr, Ifqtm, fpPfiT. Even-handed. See Impartial.
Euthanasia, n. easy death. H53TR tfCTn. HHPTHnTn. qqjq^oim. Even-tempered, <t. grjfqrT, iEPTqfqr, HiTRffcr.
To Evacuate, v. a. eject, void, discharge. gRifin.-qFqr- Evening, n. URT or a; SjPTqrra'm. FuqRFRm. grqqs /.
f .
«f Ffa • - pFRi JR- - PrYsi u n - FUfipni , _f^^fR°TJi.-iSic

2 void ly stool.

Jjqgrrr S^jjf m.-& c. 5TC"T g'-ofo.

cfyRof g-.ofo. Pr wmf pi. ftftemf.pi. fjq^rra /. frnrrrm. awm. Pprrror-
fjpq. FTn. fqqfq™. fl=Tq3ri5rr/. Iflqiw- qlrWRm. SRJq^sfw. Ir'-R
To be evacuated.
3 See To Empty, To Purge.
w*m -
^Tr^gfpfm. qrrartaF /. srmqar or aq/.
About the time of e. twilight. Stqqrfsr^T-
Evacuation, «. v. V.- act. stgifm. g^rsprn. fqq-pTm. Pr^SpTn. In the e. aRTtsrf, HR.
RRTm. Ftmnr In the dusk of c.
2— act. tr^Prerifm. JTYiffgiSprn. ir^RWtnt. aqlpH5pT«. JT5Y5r-
To become or to draw towards e. hNot or HRFSRor HRT2R.
Pr/. srfan. srrranrsirrw.
Evening, a. nrsrqr, H^-Kramr, h!«t, irrlrq.

tiTRl/. RTOT /• TUT- Evidence, n. manifestness, v. Clearness, RpJT/.

Evenness, n. v. A. 1. vffqfr j .

2 proof. RRRm. RRTO- RKr>». The e. of sense (perception)

w. huttot/
or tTRy a- — of reasoning (inference) 3TRRPR«.
is JTRytrtfFT?!.
to to!/. Trokrorw. arw». tort/.
3 grwit. tori'/.
— of comparison or analogy RTRfR — testim ony TOR m And,
n. .

(as in cases of disputed property), the e. of possession or frui-

Event, n. incident, occurrence. iff §/. TOTn.

No’s el oi strange ARFTTOOTf/ OTTOHr/

e. RTS/ tion is iffiRlfFTii. or RfRm. — of a grant or other document

2 result, issue , upshot, v. Consequence. TOT />o/i. IOTh. (documentary) ROTRIRn. or Stow. or tlft /. — of witnesses

to the right (testificatory) FfP-WURw. or 6PRn.— of an appeal

qTOTWm. qfOTOTi.
TOOTOTJRrr, -frtrTfff- by ordeal f^’TWIRw. or PTRh. And, c.— compreh. (docu-
Eventful, a. full of incidents.
5TRBT ^isr )«•• n>
mentary, oral, circumstantial, Sec.), 'i
qRRmR- & c ffkie’-JVff, fTOffTOTTORT, eVc. fTORTOT qfCTR, Pf-

or — compreh. and freely (proof, presumption, argument, ground,

Eventual, a. happening as a consequence. STTOTOqrTORT, ^T- &e ), gfTTOTr or TOTTfSTw.

qfROTqOTiRff- Ocular e. STRSTr*. RPg<r«. RT^^fRn- T^FRTjh.

to^rp-tr, rotkft ‘rfcRnr ^fr ,

2 See Final. Oral e. 5f^F?r /-

With due and proof. BRrPRTTf’TOf or g^rfTOfff^f5Tf.
Ever, ado. at any time. TOT, TOT, 5lwr *pzf, TOTRT ?5sf ,
3T- e.

To have ocular e. of. irBTRRlvT £' o f s.

sf f , TOTR (wt/Zi «e^. cow.
2 at all times , constantly, continually. WRTR, OTr TRTTO3T, 3 witness, testimony. Wtf f. mfitf. SlffNl/• RTft/- 3rR=Tt)-




fTO,R5R, TOR, 3TTO,— emphatically corresponding with ;

ConoboraUve c. nm/. HRfiRtTn.
morning noon, and night, night or day, summer or winter, JT^PRh-
False e.
early or late, %c. TOrfOTTO*, TOriTORT, TORRfft RT 4 witness, —of persons, srejft, RaRfF, Rrff, Rff 13TTO 'Sm tl ,

Rrar, totottott, toottoot, totr or TOrqrcf, Sror Bror, Pn*rr- ?OTfffRTO, RrfR.

Pott, faRpRRiR, Potr, Ptrtt, Pottor, trarTOR, fepRr, Corroborative e. bTO^TT, VSWS,
TOf^5tr, STRRf, OTRt, RRfelSt, Rtrqror, RBiTOT, RrTrr,^ False c.

RRK, TO#f, 1%#, RRRSt 5 sign, indication, thing evidencing. ROTn. or f^^TIRt orfl\f.
spfer, RfiTHT, PfrafrfR, TOFTST,
or OT, OTRT or srrRRwi. TRIRRin-

TOTROT, mRf, qitTO.

E. and anon. To Evidence. See To Manifest, To Prove.
For e. €WP, TORffR, TORT, RTROT RRP?. 5RW, Evident, a. v. Plain. TOTS, TORT, RE SW,

ER2T, WT pop.
Evergreen, a. TOSTfPffqR, TflfZ,

Everlasting, a, ever during, v. Eternal, Perpetual. 50R- Evidently, adr. v. Plainly, TOE, W, ER?R: ,

tot TrfRirr, rr ,
Prrri ft, ^nrorrt, sim, srrcfircr tor, ,
faror, Krrorfpr, err.
RpRraP Evil, a. ill,— goner, v. Bad. 4ITO, TO, RVR, f FTO-
2 the deity, existing from e. to e. v. Eternal. PfRTfTO'S’, 2 v. Wicked, Sinful, q#, Tlfqff, qfTrRr, f (in comp, as
sTRpTRRR, TOrTOR. &c.), sfHfT (in comp, as sTHRiJT, WSSf^, ’’TTOTOTO ,& c.),
3 time or duration, ever and continuously flowing. TOTO2 TO (in comp. asfTO, TOJR, &e.).
3 distressful, afflictive, §c. v. Calamitous. 7:®TRr,
Everliving, a. v. Eternal, Immortal. PrRRTflr, aiRT. W, fST, W, J:TOTC, f.RRf.
Evil, n.ill, —goner. v.Badness. ?rrR°H«»* TOIRf 1 - TOR/.
Evermore. See Ever.
2 v. Wickedness, Sinfulness. qT^n.
f CTn. fST t.f. fR-
Evert, ft. TORT, TO, TOT.
2—.singly or distributively, v. Each. ffTOT , RTOTOT, TRv- pf /. TOfe/. fTn. fTWRm. tT5rw.«.
CTTOf. To up the e. in. #3/. VPTO g. of o.

E. body, E. one. TOf^fl, ^=TW, In enhance- 3 adversity, $e. v. Calamity. srfirg:«. arftBw. RVTO- TOfi«.
E. to him who e. thinks, lloni so it qui malypense. TOTR

ment of this sense there are in English the expressions, all

without exception, the whole world, tout l<‘. monde, high and f ? Rr% fk-
low, rich and poor, great and small, old and young, fyc. fyc. To anticipate an e. TOrff JTOT sirw
To bo waiting to do e. unto. STTOT TOT ROT.
The correspondent expressions in Marat'hi arc collected here.
Provide your remedy before the e. RTOTR RFIt RT^T Fr3T%,
RR, RROTR) qrvqr stir! otr,
E. one for himself (on his own bottom, &c.). Rfifrqft. 4 mischief, v. Injury. a?qR»L STIWCm,
To, by, per, &c. e. one,—singly. aTTORtTO, or atf- Evil, adv. For this adverb and some of its compounds, Evil-af-
RTffRt. fected, Evil-favored, &c. See III.
Everywhere, adv. fRTOfcPJR, Evil-disposed, a. OTRr qiOTr ~ kOT - f 3T - f - 45T &e. qRT-
TOffTORf, ftTOfTOWf, pRR:,
— —


Evildoer, n. spprf, 3?qr4f, TOTO?, JTOtff, TOTO, 3 See To Praise.
f 5pr.
Evil-doing, n. aiqqrfq/. fTOTO. f%H/. Exaltation, n. v.V. 2 act. TOTOn. r
q, 5TOn. &c. FTTOWfl/
2 an e. a sin. qTTOTn.
3rqqjq». ^T^TRn. TOFipi- ^^TOTa. sqq-
N9 \> C
q^rqfe/. irTTOfe/. trrrorqfqir/.— State. Sec Greatness.
w. ^
Exalted, p. v. V. 2. TOqTOr, WiTTO ’TOSW, Ac.

Evil-eyed, a. qgfar Tm or tqizr, qrqqfe, TOTTOrqt. 1 See Lofty, Sublime.

Evil-genius, n. — considered, as pursuing, &c. WTOFfra*. atJT Examination, n. v.V. 1 act. qr5TO orq^fl/. TO/. TOSr/.
torth. 3—«cf. TOrfWn. &c. ^qregt/. qqrfTm. Sjfiqm VlT-
Evil-minded, a. v. Wicked. TOtro ?frar, TOTOT qrof, TOTOrr- to /. TOqrot/. s^Tia. 33T33'/. s^vpr /. qrvfTTO/- qrsrq^ft or
toit, tto qiTOrorr, TOfe, toV, TOqftr, toitoi", qrrTO, toto qr3fT?r/. uzm. ft™. Ptto/. Ftop:™. fq^FTO/. fq^TOr/.
to, je%?rr, fSTiRr, TOrofr, qqqfq, f tot, qrqgfir, fqfe, qrqjrer, ftTOFTn. q/ryvrn. q/tyr/. fqTO'qr/ TOr^rgn. Fifi'g'Tn. totto.
jcVr, p,V," 3T-qq°rn. fq^m. ft-iqrq^rn. fqurq^r /. q/fe/.
Evil-mindedness, n. v. A. tort/. TOqfq /. qriqrq»). TOTOqia. Public and open c. <53TO /.
TOjfe/. jTjfc/ 5TOT/SXTOm. qTOn. qriTOTn. qTOTObi. TOTn. act. qr^OTn. Ac. qrTO f. qO?jrf. qr#fr /.
irowiq™. TOqrqln. truwn. frTOTOn
4 act. frorTOB. &c. fqrrTOf/. tr/. Itot/. ?ro:'qT/. q?#-
Evil-speaking, n v Slander, fr^n, €\ f. 5tt/. fq/mn. fq/rtjr.

7b Examine, q^STTO or q?:€w /'.-

». «. interrogate, question.
Evil-spirit, n, v. Devil. qrS’SRT/. TOm-pL-Hqr^m.^/. qTTO-TTO, q^qrqrTO/.-q^r/.-Ac.
To Evince. See To Manifest, To Prove. g-.of 0 . — closely, strictly, &c. TO! in. or ETOPTO/. TOrSTO-TOTTOT,
To Eviscerate, v. a. take out the entrails . /;/. STO, TOTO or qT3l TO, TOTO-#qiqrTO - t?f TO"— &c. fqTO-
g'°fO' TO-TTO Ac. jf[TO°Tt /. TO, qTTO.
To Evolve. See To Disentangle, To Open. 2 investigate, scrutinize, explore, inquire into. 5JPTO, "giqr-
Ewe, n. m\f. to, qqravr, qrTO, q/f?ro, /frvqw.-TO'm. TO-qrqvr-qrqF g.ojo.
Ewer, n. to». or =r?i, dam, ^ mini -3TOqr/.-S3TST/. TOTO-qiTO-TOq^tg-.o/o. Bq^q^^r-
Exacerbation, paroxysm, TOt /• - qqrem .-qqr^rqt /. - fTOTCTO/--A c. Wfff g-.of 0 .
ZT^EfTm- 3 try hy experiment. qTTO°T,"qrTO, TO"T, qrr?q/._qfV 5j r y._
£. and remission. totto.
qiTO-qrTO-TO x °/ /. qr?«r g-.o/ 0 .
Exact, a . ?2 d<?<?, correct ; — of matters done, v. Accurate, to- 4 — closely, narrowly, &c. inspect, survey, explore. fqiTTO,
tphtt, fw, ?TOr?rr^r, mfew, ^Fto, sits:. PrtiTO, Ito, ?toi /.-rfTOr /.-&c. qrTO, fq6'a"r, fff-
2 closely careful strictly observant; , — of persons, v. Accu- TO or qfeTO qrq“T, f[TORT TO qfTO qrTO, fTOTT qrql^ WTTO, WS
rate. ^r, JR^t. 5FT?Tt. qt°rrni. to jtot.
To Exact, a;, «. catforfc *pnn% Spr-^fTSTO, FtszSt, Examined, p. v.V. 1. qV5TO gfffffi, TOqqr^q tTOT-aT^TO, A c.
-^TO-&c. <3S\
qrrr°T, qrrqTO??.
Exaction, m. unjust requisition, extortion. ^tTTOq/. tTOm 2 TOTOTO, qqrTOsrr, &c. fq-TrltT^dfeir, sT^qf^T, fq/r-
y"i uTl/. VP? /. Certain common exactions of official person- f^TT, rqJTTfqfT.
ages are, WNTOr#/. iftPFt/. qTO5TTO»i. TOTOTni. 3 qrTOr^OT, qnqsTO, &c. qfrfeq, sroq/ter.
Exactly, adv. v. A. 1. TOITO, VTOT, TORTO, qr/qiT, TOE?, TOT- 4 ffzfffff, fqv^TOr, &c. Fto/to.
^ totto.
Examiner, n. v.V. 1. JCSItH qrTOfFr, &c. TTOqr.
* precisely, strictly, cte/y. TO, TOFT, TO, TOTTO, 2 sfmirr, ^qrTOirr, &c. q=c>jqr, sw#r.
to?, jqg. 3 qiTJTOR:r, &c. q/r?jr qr^Kr, qfrvr to??, q/lyqr.
Exactness, n. v. A. 1. TOTOKTOTm. tt#TOT»i. crq'rtq/. JTOT#/. 4 fqqrs'qrqr, fq/tq^RTr, &c. %ror, ?fror.
2 gtqarrni. gfrtpqrw. TOTOr /. Example, n. pattern, ensample, model. fTOflm. :T!JTO or q%qrni.
To Exaggerate, v. a. heighten in rejjrcsentation. totto, Following an e. TOFTOn. sqqF.Tm. aTOfqrqT/.
!fTOTOTO|5-&c. TORTTO, FnTOVten.- JTl<5fi?TOft/. TOTO-TOTO To follow the e. of. q3r<qRr-FTOqrqF TOTO-
^nrq, dropping. srrq'5T- ¥rTO or TOpr-wro ^ito, arrsTrar
To set an e. fTOJTni. TOTO TO.
?rrTOrm.-%'ct qT ;
tom. -xrcTO ttow. - qq:rTO tn TOm--qq:rTO to- ;

2 instance, precedent. JTqlqrn. sTTOfm. TOrfTOn- TgRia. Pt-

TOrm.-tTJrr^r TOm--TOpff OTTOr. cTStJ^f n

Exaggeration, a. v.V. act. J’lpqffn. JTirTO ?TRPtn. TOT^F/. 3—in grammar.

sjfromiffr/. FtTOa. arTOixw. Exanimate, cl, v. Dead, Lifeless. ziT^TTlTtf, pT;^rr°r,
To Exalt, v. a. See To Raise. To Exasperate, dc. See To Excite, To Anger, &c.
2 elevate, dignify, ennohle

, Sfc. qrTO, TOq^T, qTO- To Excavate, v, a make hollow scoop out. WTOT, ^FK^T, ?f-

q°T, #rs'q tqT)n.-'qrTO5rirt--&c. %vr, #iTO°rrfr bipto, nzfif. qr?- 3Tsr~& c. qxyi.
^g.o/o, wiT tot*/, mm,
^t^/. - f%T^/ ~ &C. ^#^*. 0 0 ^3Tb.
m ^rmf m, Excavation, n. v, V. act . qRK^Tn.

/ .
g.of 0 , I— the cavity formed. TRTOw.R. $mUm,
To Exceed, t\ a. go beyond, greater or more than .
TO^rST/ sTf^T^Tf/.
fpq -'5re°T-5TPT— Ac. ^TOT-’^fTO-T'C^r- sTRriVfi' & c.
- 2 superabundance, superfluity .

3Tf'Tifnrm.-STi%5rfl rn -Ac. q5T°T. ^Prft^rr/-
srft’srq-ni. ^rfro^-

To Excel. 3 (of action). In tills sense there are numerous and forcible
2 surpass See
words of combinations. Corresponding with these, there are in
To Exceed, v. n. go loo far, pass the hounds of propriety, iprr-
English but few single words, and the combinations, to which
gq /. ^fjcqr-gf^T 5TFT JTPferfTOffin.-TORrfaqW^Ti.—

the English idiom inclines, though abundantly stiong and strik-

-&c. mfn.
ing, have of course no place in a Dictionary. Ideas, however,
Exceeder, n. Exceeding,/), a. v V. A. 1. crfs'^r? "'sTFiKT-Ac.

(and, in comp, as TOrPTOSHT, TOfFTOTTf^, sqfi-iqRS-f, and judgments, and thoughts, and feelings, are, when expressed
Marat' hi and the exhibition of the
TOrfTO prsrfr, &c.), 3rTC (“• comp, as q#dT- in English, expressible in

wprarf^), a?mr sETOr, 3 T^r^r (ex. mode of expressing them, howsoever it may violate the forms
5TT, ^rsfrar
frr 3W^r m, ITT sTTOf sTRR^TT (esp. in comp, as cr?T3r and rules of Lexicography, cannot but be acceptable to the scho-

fqfTO, rTTfafr^), q*T (m comp as qc^T, qT:€f^r, qfm &C.). lar who is in earnest. For this sense then, or, as more com-
Exceeding, Exceedingly, ado. to a great degree. sqfqSTq, 3 T- prehensively and more strikingly expressed under vehemence and
fqsjfqff , 3ifq?T , qcramr qrrqrr&^r a. ded. arfq ( m comp ardency ,
or violence and intenseness of action, and, as con-
, ,

as srfqqRT, &c veyod by such words and combinations as extravagance exor- ,

\S f / *v.

To Excel, v. a. outgo, outdo exceed, surpass transcend

, ,
. fflR bitance, outrageousness, wild intemperance, furious vehem-

err^-Tr^r-^OT, Rrr, *faT°T, qr i*r, sir mi*r, wi\f - ence, fyc.fyc. arc, qrr^rST, %Kf f 3Tt?/. Cw
^ qwfhg.ofo. ®\Wdf BRR, 3T3T? or tr^*T spTm. ai^PTm. ^‘Jirni. pop. /. vJWTw.
%fTf\Zn, g.of o.
arm with ht or *r, aiTOr-^fro-irs'- Ac. #r, ^rrm.-sTPr- arr^Hm. rJ3T /. -Vimf. W/. W*r«K mzrn. p-Rn-BT^Tw.
5TIT m .- 3TFTOTO n .- Si c. ijot.

To Excel, v. n. he preeminent. q< vii -q^Ut-STO?- iTS - &c. JTf5Cw. 3TRTWK /• 3J?f /. sTSrr^rem,

3T#r, ^?n.-q%n.-TO*qfl.-q^qrrr/. shew g-: of s. To cany to e ^ g- of o.

Excessive, N. exceeding. 8 TWI^T, *T-
Excelled, p. v. V. A. Tfrijr JTO^T, <&c. fTO. r/.v. 1.

Excellence, n. v. Goodness. JTToi. FTfqn. HTfffn. ^?qm. TO- qftrRh, x-mk, &mmk, %c,
qm. jjifffqrqm. ^°rrfrrTOm. Pier, an?4Rrar, ^Rprf=m, Fro?fqr, btF^t

2 an e, a virtue, good quality, i\c. Jj'qm g jTU| m. n JTTq n .

. (in comp, as &c.)
g^TO, qfcr, %,'VsjTST, UfZ, TOR , comp, as

Excellent, a. v. Good. 2 superabundant $c. ,

%F3TfT, (in

^rer, #£rt. ^c,), ^Tpc^tcT, wc*

Most e. hII=to, a?ffqrq, qrjjqPcs', qTFTT, qr^TOS, mfrfs. 3 — of actions or agents. As this is the general sense borne by

Except, p. exclusively of. Fsrqif, qpfq, fq=Tr, WTO or aq, ^TST, the following and many other extensively and emphatically us-
ed words, extravagant, exorbitant, outrageous, intemperate,
#fq ,
?tof , wzf?.
To Except, r. (Cleave out #(l1T-tTOr-FTO'5 r-?^'-qflpT-&c. ?; wild, mad, 3>c. here are collected the Mardt'hi words which

<ct s r, qspr, qqaSr, #qq. the most closely render them. qcr^r&^T, ^rNr r
SfOC ^TCt,

2— in grammar. sqTfi% /.- BTfxSrqm. -sqrofesr m .-Ac. qvC'T strait, pq-

To Except, v. n. See To Object. frhr, srtiRH or *Tf?rw«r, ^V,xr-

Excepted,/) v. V. A. 1. TO^r, &c. qsf, ^f-3r r ^TrFqTrFqT, «ra^r, ^rtz, r-
qrlrq, s#rfWr, amiFfq, #diT Fw, ^ifTOR.
2 3?qTxs55T, sqqf^ug-, stm^, PtFsTTOFto, ftfcrTOrFTO. Excessively, wfa. v. A. 1 . b-tFto’T, TO!?, ^TPqr
«T^?T, TO^T-
Exceptep., n. v.v.a.i. #ci*t qrdW, TO°rrrr, tto, to’TI -

t^TF («. ^c/.) qu^r5T,qrK^, arift, Hmir, & c. ®r^hr#

qrf-qnfr. To Exchange, r, a, give for, barter, truck,

2 sqfqfq cR^ftT, ST'T^TO, s^FRifTO, s^RTO. Pt, gf^Rn. - qfC^rr^n ~ W^ipm ~ famw - & c.. . .

Exception, n. v. V. A. 1. act. qsjSfn. qq^oxn. &c. sqflTOm. 2 interchange, ^T^^^/*“ B T5W Rn?p / s /.-qq^FT-
q^-qn. qFfiqrfOii. sTT^Rm o/o. ot,
2 sfq=cS5-, ft . mzfrif. fqfa^rqw. to'Th- 3 (monies or currencies), sfsrqoj or q^rq^T or qsrqhr.

I matter or point excepted. .frfKnfTOn. fqfTOW’Tw. fqq^e. Exchange, Exchanging, n. v. V. L q^fn. &c. qFr3TFT«.

sfipTSTw. TfRTRw. PqfqiFTwi. fsTWw. RfuqRau,

II See Objection. 2 3? mwt or W^rni.^T%q5T^fm. or

Exceptionable, a, v. Objectionable. OTPT, fTW, #rqr^rm. cq^rir/.

Exceptious. See Captious. I traffic with monies . ?B 5 Tm. JETSBIST or TOTTSTm,
Excess, n. greater ness or moreness, — gener. ffOTm. =RT^rzzfm. II balance of currencies. qTfq or . q^Tm. qerff /,

3TTfvm«. JTTSIFqn. eiTO ». qrqss /.

By great e. to a degree much beyond * or HfTO'Tf#. Surplusage or gain on e.

E. and deficiency, ^3?WRSTn.^3TWR^f« III person changing with,

IV (as of a watch, a body of troops^ &c.),
— — - — — —— & ^ . .


V place where merchants, fyc. transact business. Excluder, n. Exclusix’e, a. v. V. ?5f qR’T'TKr, &c. fgV, ^af^-
qrqm. &c. gr^f-^Kr-&c arR^, JrwRff--iT, irt^rr^fw^-yrTfr^-
Exchequer, n. SWR'frqt ^%rr/. VT5T-&C.
Excise, n. v. Custom. 5R7RT /. erqqn. srsSTn. Excludible, a. v. V. 5"!CRr#f3Tr-&c Tsif,
E. booth, box, stand. ?fRTn Exclusion,?!, v. V. act. ajfiT ^ 3“Tn. Ac. utsorefP-Tin
Exciseable, a. Sfifriqrqr, SRTral.
nl^rFrfra'm. TrtsTJrfd^Tni. 5ifri^Kro. Rr-
Exciseman, «. «PET?qr, 3Rrr?reTT.
?i. cutting off. sTWqqn. Exclusive, a. possessed to the exclusion of others. nT^r^TW,
Excitable, a. v. V. 1. %TRr#qr- Ac. ^ClR, «%Sf- CdTr?rrir, sT-JTRrp, 3T^^i?rriT.
qfr, sffaqtq. To Excogitate, v. a. strike out by thinking, trr ijf 0
2 %?RRr-Rr-#irr-&c. & c ^mnr, sf^r-.
-^or-sKTSR, grfrqR, Tr#t.
1 soon excited. 3Jt|fapr, Excogitation, n. v. V. act. =fT5iRr /. JHRTW UTW^r/.
Excitation, Excitement, n. v. V. 1 .—act. qqsjqn. qaqqn. Exclusively, adv. v. A. & c. ^sr^-
&c. qqq /. qsml /. qgiqqn 3 %«h». q?qr<rqra. qg)-- m sfT^T^r.
oT^fn. JRTqqn. %qq«. ^RTin. JRT^'jh. ffq’jn. gfsqgfqqn. To Excommunicate, v. a.
— state. q%fsFFTfl. qgfffqqtfn. SITSTT/. JppsrRqiqT/. &c. -vr^ff5 TO .- _ c. ^xprg.of 0 . ^rsr/.-^rsiiin.
qrwm. sifagtrrf.
trr^-^RoT, wff 5f?r-^j|w-5?crfTir-^rf^?r-&c.

2 act. fjfijqqn. qtprqji. &c. figqpfqt/. qgffqty

. fqaqqt/. Excommunicated, p. v V. act. &c. _

^T^SToSl/. ^fdTTTw. WI». —state. ^PSRriaTisR/. gqsqiw&>f. ^rskr, ^rff'sfd', ^<rrar.
mum mwm. sjfhsrm. sqrafrvim. Excommunication, n. v.V. act. t^n^PT^T WSRn. &c. s-TRfff-
8— act. qiqqqqn. qarqSRqn. &c. state, cfarq ary. intern. qFTTm. ^SJld'n.
cjiir|o*i4»». rfSTrs
f. qaTigat/. qRiqm. iHKrqm. 3T|tifm. Excoriation, -n. abraded shin. 6iw». SEtf^Tirn. W&f.n. HrdT-
See also Impatience.
fzn. R?r»i. Tfrrrm. v. «rr.
To Excite, v. a. arouse, stir up. %?Rq Rg'^T, qRq, qqsq Excrement,
} n. v. Dung. RST/. fczn. nvm.n. pop. ipzm. er*
ffRROT, 3i
srf7/.-iJ3'R'>ll/.- 3"%isR'n.-5f fqFrn.

q§gqqn.-q#rqqn. 5rTf5y«.n. sirar^n.n. <TTlfn.

-TOti-nwm.- &c. 3rqq g.oj o.^nTr-HRnrr-srPTd- &c. sncq. Human e. Tfm.
2 provoke, enrage, exasperate, v. To Anger. figqiqq 0 r {%- Excremental, a. belonging , ^c. to e . ftriRT,
«fHq, fwr=rq, %?q, qqsqq, ^HRqRq, jqr-
°T or
fffl gq, Hcftm, STW#, #3•/. SRT3R g. ofo. E^crementitious, a. containing e.
§ e. f^^qr
mzmj. ifRR o/o.

v. To Agitate.
3 disorder, flurry, ijqqgqq, qsyqsqo^ ir- Excrescence, n. (upon the body) v. Wen. /. 3TO<rfe“/. 3T-
^/.-^a^/.-^frs'/.-^ir»)i..-&c. SET5! g- ofo. WZ 71 . m>qm.
«s NS
Excited, p. v. V. 1. qqsyqsrr, qsq^srr, %gr#qr, &e. q%fsnr f 2 (upon a tree, &c.). or )T or ifZflu. pin. £1ftn. ZiftZn.
gpp, nfr^rfr, tot, ngfg^r, qfgq.
2 %5r^%3T, fe3r#55T, &c. 5R, wrcr, pTfaq, wfirfr.
n -

^F«- grc*- W«-

n. evacuation. RRTw.
To be or become e. qfrarq or qffRq, qrtgrq^ igrqq, 5q;f- Excrement.
2 See
fSEq-, ^fa%, 5rr 3IT”T. Excretive, Excretory, a. TRTf5T5ffT, JTOTTTSRr,
3 q3qq#3T, &c. STJTRar, B^rPT. r^SRrSHFT.
Exciter, n. Exciting, p. a. v. V. I. qsqqiqr, gwiRT &c. Excruciating, a. extremely painful or distressing.
3R^-&c. ^CTTTr, sarmr, s^srt, snfmr, mw, r, T?r- srfiHPr ^rrc¥, f^rq-^Tr, ?t?w, sm c, f^TTRtRr. 1

irr, g^sR-srsfor- &c. ^^f-^rnfr. To Exculpate, v. a. v. To Absolve. ftTTO'T STRoj-

2 wqirr, fearer, wrqqqrcr, &c. #nw, -Tuq-, fi'«rm.-&c. f'fq'^rq'qn .- frtmfqr/. - - &e
3 JT^fTO, &C. ^WTSfT, 3TR3TWC57, &c.
/ ^cq-.
To Exclaim, t?. n. call out, vociferate, v. To Bawl. jqsjpq %sr- Excursion, n. ramble, jaunt, trip, tour. HfS'/. l^F<if.
q, =t #r m. TZ^lm. %TTni. tRiPTn.
2 (against). SrerRTm.- STOTT/. 3P[q, JJKWg.ofo. 2 See Digression.
f3?% Btipig'. ofo. Excusable, a. v. V. 3. jtptt TURRiTTr, ^ST^ranrr, S’UTT sTTiqfr-
Exclamation. See Outcry. wrirr, sifrrrw.
To Exclude, v. a. shut out, fyc. lit. fig. str str qmjTRf To Excuse, v. a. extenuate, palliate. PrfJptTn.-5W/.-&c. iBF-
#1/. Vftg.ofo.
Tfxvg.ofo. ftof, fsf-^i%rr-#Tr3r-&e.5rc5r,^n.-^^ron.
p sfift pqq/. - fqfinrn - ^rqrm. - & c.

-ffl i^vC>rfl.-&c. cuSr g, ofo. 2 disengage from, obligation. W^oT, /. - t^F /• - #-

Excluded, p.r.Y. fsf f^yr, &c. ^sf, #Tlsr, ^FrRTfT, RT- ^q/. tjmpuf. - /. - mif - &c . ^r^q -g-q, qrep ^q, jq_
p-, ^31%, <$\f. gq.
. , - , — -


3 pardon v ,
To Forgive, To Pass over. 3?rqr Exercise, 72 . practising v. Practice. sTVrraTm. ¥«0T£r/» %W-
Z^fm. 8TWH*n. *nCHni.
Excuse, m. apology, plea. mvmf pTftRTn. 2 employing working <§*o. , , qTTF^T/i. sgfgFC^? s^ffTw.
flPT^n. 'TiT^PC^R*
3 labour for health, fyc.

False e. qtan. t^FFTn. pFT/- Wm, fesqfr /. To Exercise, v. «. oa?orf, 2 /^ 0 , pwjf m ?ao.
#m.- &c.

Framer of excuses. f^TF, STTOfawi* vTFf^r, 5qr r qTCw.-5trTfrCin.-?3 qr^oj

g 0/ 0 . ^Ff*

String of excuses. T /• v« 'HF 1!, Wl^Tfm. VmVni.f.v.

OTT, 3T3*.
2 employ engage, work ,
at, in, §c. sgpTFr^F,

Execrable, a. very w/e, v Hateful «rf?|Ter, fOTT, ^rszSr.

5tRfr-?t, sif^cst.
To e. one’s self at, m, &c.
To Execrate. See To Curse. Exercitatxon. See Exercise.
To Accomplish. aRT^T, To Exert, 0 &. put forth, use. c?m, iTW, Wp.
To Execute, v. a perform c/o,

2 punish capitally.

HF’T3!, HTFOT, fe^T

HC *T°T, TOT#,
WHg'.ofo. ^>Tf%T2jr/.—^C°T**

^ To
g- ofo.
e. ones

self, v. To Stride,

c. *rWg.ofo.

-TOTOin.-TOfTO*. WT, Sffr %ZV[, ^n. gr^or, fm *&n. ^or, qm.
Exertion, n. v. V. — act ^TRf &[Vqn. <^c. qqfifm.
Executed,/?, v V. 1. tfpgwr, mK^r, <Lc. HipFT, ^fsFT. I strenuous effort, v. Effort. ifWoi. ^rqTO'iR. WF^Tm. 3FTf—

2 ^RtffocT, TO^fe^T, SfnmTTS’. 3TFH2R. qRlTm.

Execution, n y.V.l—act. mmn. &c. WVVn. Exhalation, n. v.V 1. act . qreg^qr tqrnijii

1 which is exhaled, v. Vapour, qrqr /. f F^T 12

Jfff B?^ST5Tn.

2— aef. ffrofafTOto- TO^sTn TOro. To Exhale, 7;. #. e?/2 zV, send out— as vapour. ^rTR
Place of e. ^l’rff[/. TO*4T5T».

Executioner, ?2 . v. V. 1. aw^ Agent, Performer. 2 iff ifm.

sfamm. jpit^m. Wir^Ttm. —

2 draw out as vapour. See To Evaporate.
Executive, a. that administer the laws. WVq feP-T- To Exhaust, v. a. drain, consume, use wholly , 3£pf®T or fvf-

Slc irqsTV-ir^^rf^rfr. ^oj'^ srOT or #^0T vvfn,

wmni* ^Wfm^ TFm. c

Executor, n. (to a will). W&tfWU-zfWmrU? -v^c. g-ofo. »5^?OTq=rrct^ -fW^nn^m.-f^jqrcrwi.

srr^i - Pr^rm. - & e.


Exegetical. See Explanatory. -&c. qrF’3T.

Exemplar. See Example 2 tire out consume the strength
, of, v. To Tire. ^TT^TT’T,

Executress, Executrix, n.
( to a will ). JjrpTO ^Rf^TT- -Ptc€i^F“~&c. stfW, ijprnu
£\~& c. -irrTr^rwi.~&c. btfft, ^rtm, •^rsTwfc-&c. g>ojo. w®n,
Exemplary, a . worthy of imitation. P^T^T^r, jqrar eqrRT#f3FFF fC qqvk ~ TF^-q- g ofo. q-sfF V e. .

-&c. stptot wrqr#*Frr, vmm Star, r erg/BT*, Exhausted, p. v. 1. fq^Sq* ^C^F, OTW, *Ff*-

^Tf^T°TF#, ST^T^T, 3DTO, *Fe3T. or qFTFCtqi or 3^.

2 such as may give warning to others . ^ & c. To be e. tm, wt mv, f

wfRt f
wmr-wfw^wrOT &c. ^qrr. ffVffrofs.
Exemplification, n. v. V.—act Certain phrases and free formations in tins sense, and answer-
I See Copy. ing to To be out, done, up, clean gone, fyc. arc f>
Exemplified, /?. v. V. ^ %&#r, &c. 3rr#^r#¥, ^ST«T -w«».
^xg.ojs. «rOTcff®r,
sfir g.o/s. ^mW<pin. ^ng-.ofs. %zm. 5rrrr'sr- T-
wor, wzf. st mg.ofs. Tto-

^Rfw, sstto.
To Exemplify, v. a . illustrate, example. &?F1 g^Tn, fm.~ PTWm. ~!JWC / - f^STBr *
-f^'fTfTw. - tfrafr m. - aTR?-
c. ^ot or WE-&. c. ft / img-ofs. ^rsroT.
To Exempt, v, a . immunity to. TO^FTF/.-fliiF^l^/, 2 iTfJT#55T, >^c. fsrrr, ?3TJT r ?53T^ or 1$, or
~wr/.~&c. 3rrqpr Sucqr. jarre, Rr^, Ptot, stt, g s
Exempt, a. Exempted,/?, v.V. gEr, #3T%^r, TTfT, To bo c. SIFT, i%m, *rrm, or liftT, aTI5? or
m«r, jort5!', w, q^r, fjrfef're W, ^rtr
E. from tax or duty. ^CT^T, qTq'Vff, TOffoR*, qiar. & %% sff 'prq-, qrft /. qrqfiT g-ojs. f PTRJ W, adv.
Exemption, ?z. immunity Sfltfit/. #1^#$“/ g£3Tr/. ffe/. . fpr, #rm. rpk g.of s. grrmr i^r, =Tr€i niirra^,
To Exenterate, r. a. to/co owif /20 bowels of. afasffflu tf y«. firq-'Sr-cpjoj g.ojx. #ff». 5£f -^Sjg.ofs,
^C^T. ^TiaST,^#, fTCH'T, ^TSiTc?rST irnpers. or nith^^i, ffli, <5fc. ass.
Exeq,uial, a. V N. ^CffPlNr, 8cc. Itif. r#r, Jrfrjtw ?mr, |W"i-
Exequies, ». funeral rites, v. Obsequies, firqr/. <fr#TCtt* Exhaustbe, n. Exhausting, p. a. v.V. 1. S^W, WSTf
Rrw#er:». tototpI*. TOtffrw/* ^fe/. ifMWfow. grwrr-^wrr, ftwar &c.
—— —— . —


&c. Exorciser, Exorcist, «. v. V. TOfTOEST, 'fRRRt, 3R5R1 or
2 wat^ i r t, f^TORr, &c. wj^sii-^ri, ftpTRr, 'rfCTiiw I

srtcsf. srt, ZivzTt, vifw*, totot.

Exhaustion, n. v. V. 1.— state. PPEtfsTm. fcgrsrm. err- Exordium, n. v. Preface. TOteRTm. TOTOtfin. TOpTfl-
TOm. For the expression of this sense, and Exoteric, See Puelic.
IHttf- PTiTRTffl-
Exotic, Foreign. ar^^nETST, ^TT-
with particular implications and significances well worthy of ob- a. v.

servation, there are some lively and striking formations. ST- cFF^f.

zmtm. sofyirTrsm. igzmzizm. sm°r tray. Exotic, n. fw?rRr-&c. /,-sTrrfl/-- & c.

^W^rrm. TOUT TIT m.f. appTn. TPTT or 5rrm. tja^ar q£f in./, To Expand, v. a. spread out, v. To Spread. TOP°T, ,

srrsr ml /. /.
%vimt f.-^mm.- & c. 3R"T g-ofo.
2 iTOTin. writer/. #°Tm. SPTm.n. fSRt/. 8TR•/• To Expand, v. n. spread out. TOT®!, fffPC'T, ^n°T,
enznrrr /. arratrrr/ srraite/- ?v5pfF or # /. fteBw-n. pr- 2 dilate, open out. TiTO, 3^T5^T, ,

3Tm. URb. arnniwwi. or §f/. TOnTRw-/- |t»n. ®. 3TR, fTO, 3 fig. with delight, &c
(pf, ^XTte/. gr?llT»n.
or ^r<FKO»- rTOT or i\f. g. ofs.

jvpFw. rTOTRTm. fJTfm. JJTOT orW-IRrin. W». V^TTm. TORB/. Expanded, p. v. V. A. & V. N. 1. q<-Hriv5T, RTTPC^^T, & c. <T0-

mfkf. ^ftwr/. tsrr/. Kt, ftwrirff, F^ror, r^?r, Ftot,

Exhaustless. See Inexhaustible. 2 3-afT5!a^r, &c. TORTRT, WpTO, ^F^ff, F<-

To Exhibit, v. a. v. To Shew. ?T*m, TSrFPT, HTSifTO, JR- ^F€?t.

^jr^/o. 3 FWT f
Mri 'gr , ?J®RS:5rr,<Scc. HWe, JrqfifsSPT.
sfon. i

Exhibition, n. v. V. act. 3T*P%n. &e. IRSPTB. Expanse, n. wide extent. /. ffarm.

1 (in medicine). ifunTm. Expansion, n. v. V. A — act. TOOTa. FilriR^x &c *


To Exhilarate, v. a. v. To Animate, To Cheer. ?|3r-*rr- jRnrw. Tr^rncTn.

JiRrfr-cef^rr- srrgrF? ?r-&c. toto; v. V. N. 1.— state. fR?TRw. ^TOTm. TORTw. TORm. TO-
To Exhort, v. a. v. To Charge, To Advise. TsirPT, ?TfipT, ?T"rn. IRR'«. fiRjRr / tf'N'w. |fe/.

€pfr/- srw, jfe/.-ffeRRm. toft, g qt?r»n.-frari)i.-&c. «stt.

2 act. iz&<hn. J3VT71. &c. pRRRn-
Exhortation, n. v.V. act. TOTt/- TOFTt / jfeRm. Expansive, a. TO^rW%^r-WPpn'-&c. T^fRI 5?R JffTO Tf-&c. I

®ijni frT»w- ff'-T-Tn. tr^R^.

Exhortative, Exhortatorv, a. containing exhortation. TO- Ex PARTE. sr^TipSf, if^PFr, tRTTOt.

tsrrer, E. statement. iT^Er^T'TrraTSr vn -

Exigence, Exigency, n. want, need, distress. JR3f/. #f?/. ^f- E. view-opinion-statement. tRF?5ir SRii.-^TaPTf /.-3Wn.-

snji^-/. spr^pr/. hirt®/- tot«. FtFrrrF/. .-^rs’m . - XT5f^-=Cv». - &c

Exile, n. See Banishment. 2 banished person. l“5rKifiT?ur, To Expatiate, v. n. range at large ^RTar-JW^TR - 3?f 3TR - Fi =fT-

^sttr %33T, tsreFrsp'. &qtTf-&c. fqRBr j ^TpRFrn.

To Exile. See To Banish. 2 enlarge in discourse, v. To Enlarge. fRrfRBL - 'tr^PTni. -

To Exist, v. n. to be. &PEPT, fSFT ^Bfn.-&e. ^Rot or SF^T fBSr-FsrfT.

2 See To Live. To Expatriate, v. a. See To Banish. 2 (one’s self). RlRvT-

Existence, a.v. V. TOmrm. vfeprn- TOTn. TOTT/. TOTm. fwfrf. pqTirm. -5T5f?!irrrm-?.#5lFfH^Tn. RT"T.

Attainment of the end of e. 'sRJRrpsNrR. TOTOTOcRn. 'StTOT- To Expect, v, a. wait or look for. ^R/.trr? 0! g.ofo.

g . of o. irifrsrr/. - irTa^w . - untn^r /. - &c .

g. ojo.

Prior e. JTRTRm. HifteW. — ^intently, anxiously, &c. grricficijr f-pl. ?5T 7#T, 5P?-

Existent, a. Existing, p. a. v V. aTTORT, *?fTO#f3re, pRT- 3ra;or, sSb. pi. sprt.

t?r, tort^, totrir. 2 have a previous apprehension of ajifl f.-fmf.—J?lpfin.-

E. and non-existent. TOTO, mRTRlRfes'. wrffr/.-^HR«».-& c. g. of o. with inv. con.

I extant. ITf^TOvTWrJTR', TO^W. Expectable, a. v. V. TORR, irRftR, 3iWPT,sTW_._

Exit. See Departure. Expectancy, Expectation, n. v. V. 1. act. llf^n. m UTitff-

Ex officio. RfTORRR or qRiRirTOf. €tyr/. Jrfisirr/. toIotr. FrfRorn. Rtimf m&rf. vmf ?rr-

To Exonerate, v. a. free from a charge or blame. JTCaT- iRUn.

ffir-^Tfi-&c. ;fk?F, ^<TrfTO^r-^trcrr-&c. srr. 2 «TRT/. tfk /• TO*. ijTOm.
Exorbitance, Exorbitancy, n. v. A. *Ti%3JW/. snfaRRTn. . To hold In anxious e. ^r°PT.

To wait or stop in e. f%9%.

Exorbitant, a. lit. fig. v. Excessive. aTfrrafTO', aTTOf?', pPT-- Expectant, a, Expecter, n, v.Y. 1. mz qT^^rrCr, 57RTiTftS3T-
rht, srSwr, See. *r^t,
2— of price. 5T^C, 5RT , TO '

To Exorcise, v. a. v. Devil. SB'5 !', Tr?RR, RTORn.-TOmTO- Expected, p. v.V. L mfm, Vtflfm, Ppftfij?T

t°r«- 3RR. 2 r^Tr^fecf.


To Expectorate, v. n. discharge phlegm by coughing. ?grg- wm, «rgirgiH.-JTr3Tin.-gd^r/.-g%T/.-&e- gg-gggg'- 0/ 0 -

^W'fSTO’Tn. inv. con. gr#, grra^t, gs’igre-gr^grs'-sigJTgre'-rgggrgr^r-f^ggw

ggfgsgrag, ggftjrcgqgg'-X' gg inv. con. grraugrgm. gg°r-g*gg qr?g-g®r, fEigm.-gw-
Expectorative, a.

Expedience, n. v. A. gqgrg.grgrgqggr/. vrfa*gn. *f- 5Tm.-&c. fig g.of o with in. con. ftZot'itl ap g g- of s. ftaffga.
g‘. of o. with in. con.
*nft/ (

Expedient, a proper for the purpose or object. grqrqqRn, 3TT-

Experience, Experiencing, a. v. V act. sq-pPign. iTpTTr.

jfrqrg, gf ig, gqgrgr, gfag, grgfg, grgg-

&c. gggqw. gigm. gggrg™. gfrsrr /•

experimental knowledge. qgtfg pop. JpglPT or If4tg/. JT-

Expedient, n. v. Remedy. gqpTwi. gp?/. gfg/. gfg/. *PT/- I

ggg/. srgg/ #gg»- tfftr/.

pjgm. sTgggm. ggtar/. un3 ugrg>n- <rsigm. ggrgr m. zrmr m.
Fertile in expedients. OTRIT, UP-igT, fSPTT, Tqfgggrg JWJTR. ,
gggfg /.
To Expedite, v a. hasten. PT(q?:-5raftqT-3ftERT#tT^-Xc. By or through e. fggg'gf.

sffi-arm, ^rETllffT/- “ f'TRrvPTRr /- of o. Personal e. ggr^WHi. ggrgwfg/.

Expedition, n. despatch, haste. fttsflf. f TCT/. ST^TJ/. That is under e. ATgffqTfR'

2 light, &;C. armament, ftgt'Wlsff. Universal or general e. ?TgfgJTfg/.

Within one’s personal gf33qrg?gg or gf, wp’irgu, ?g|s"r-

3 military enterprise. JTf?tg /• 5T3 /. e.

Expeditious, a. quick, smart, speedy ; —of persons. SUrg, gRT- ^gr sTu^rg.

5T or grggr, grqwr, ^sPrsr^nxr, grangrgr. To agree with the e. of. gftgjgrH ggg5!-

2 quickly executed or done of matters. — gTW^tfl’TT, aTlfl- To bring under e. fggsfgru W.

To come under e. gBFggflg-fggsfgr^r w, fgg^rgf -

Expeditiously, ado. ^^^,^^,gR^f- 5T-Xc.grqT, ;

TJ:'Tr. gggg.
To Expel, grfg ^1-51^,
v. a. drive out, eject. grg°T, Experienced, p. v. V.— agent. aupTf ggggr, arwgggr, &c.
tfr^oT, ggg^ gg ggg, grtgr mvh, rg^ragn.4gggRgn.-^5g- sTgggr, gggg, gggg, ar=pmfag, ^rgr^gg.— object, sggir-

ggn.-qff*grg«i.- Ac- ggg s- of o. gggr, Ac.^Tgggrgr, ggifigr, &c. gggg, agg^Rg pop. arg-
Expelled, p.v.Y. SRtar, gnrg fet®T, gfl^fg, fgSSlfgg, Tft: gflg, gggg, srfirgr^g, gfegr^g, qgtfW, ggtg.
grrag or Fgtgrfgg, fggrgg, fgqrfeg. 1 exercised, practised, knowing, ijc. gfggrg?raT, grgg^gr, g-

To Expend, v. a spend, lay out, disburse, iggSt, 'Ng , sagm.— Hggggr, g%gr, ggrgfgggr, ggpggaw,
sgg>». ggSi g. of o. ggragg3-3T, grgggrc, grgggrt, grfg, m
pop. ggr, gf^E, sg-
2 use, consume, employ upon, jggg, 5SIW, UspSTif '-ht u l, W- ggigg, sggfrgfsr, fgggf, gfgsrRrr, ggiRgir

gg, grqqg, ot#. #gr g».grg srr^sr.

Expended, p. v. V. 1. jfgggr, & c. Experiencer, n. Experiencing, p. a. v. V. appUChKI', & c.
To bo
grgf ggg.
e. sgjgg tgrgr, &c. wgr, ggilrgg, wgr.
2 and Exhausted. gR^T.&c. grgrer,qggg or qgglgor Jg. Experiment, n. trial, grgtg /. ggltjr /.
To be e. tm, grqg. Experimental, a. pertaining to e. gfptJgT, gglsrewi, gf\^rr-

Expenditure, Expending, Expense, n. v. V. 1 act. *gggn- fgggg.

jg^gm, ggm. (esp. in comp, with the word ?gg, as gHrgg), 2 knowable by or on e. ggwgr, qflStgT, arg^fur-Ae. g--

srgm. (also, in comp, as ggtgg, BTffSFgg, qg®jg). airgrgr, srgirggTg, arggggg, 3T=w#g.
Eight e. SEJ^cKrq-jn. 3 known by or on e. aggwgr, ggiS^T, arrggfgg pop. tgg-
Uncalled for e. ggiT gfrg, ggrfgg- fgfgg, aTgwrg^tg, g^yi%3T-?grfgg-
Unproductive e. Jiftgjg^m. &c. aTguVgg,
Wrong e. 3raSfgg>n, Experimentalist, Experimenter, n. ggfar gg^RT, g^OT g-
1 money expended, gpgm. grggrgr, qgteg, gdsrrggf.
Contingent e. grrewg Experimentally, adv. v. A. TO&g, ggggr%, argxrgg^g, g-

Extra or odd e. ftggiggur, igglg *sng. ifter^g, srgggq^g^ &c.

Minor or miscellaneous e. ATR^pf ,gggrg, flW, fgggR- Expert, a. dexterous, adroit, skilful. grgpgr ggr®, ftg-
ggggr, grggr gte, gr^gr, ggg, ggggigr, ggrgg, g^fi, ^tr-

Original or main e. tfgqgg. grg,ga ggga, gj, f gt, ^ggirf.


Expensive, a. given to expense, v. Extravagant. Jggfgr, igt- Expertly, adv. g?rgg4, gfgrgR', gi^gggg, gggf'H, Ac.
grg, gigrr-gr, arfgsggf, g§sgg)i, sgggrR. Expertness, n. v. A. gputgr or frgitETwi. grggft or mt£\f. R-
2 costly, gizgr gr^rer, r
gf^aggrr, fgwgpgT, Fggggrg, gf4r ?r, ftmf. gwgrw. ghr/. gngg/. ggwa. grgr^igr/. ^grsra. w-
q§sgggp-g, gggg-§Tgg~irgf. grwa. g?.g#gr5gii. sgg^rnn. ?sgr^rg?g». 3n>g». fgrargrfg/.
qfgpg , srg g ,ggqrgggtgr , grggg ,
Expensiveness, a. v. A. 1. i^gfgqgrm, grgrgqgTw. &c. glgr??!/. To. Expiate, v. a. atone for. HTgfggn.__ggoT g. ofo. grgfggr
sggartargr/. g^rg grggg, fgm, fgggg, or PrsEarg5!, tgg^r arRR%, g-
2 ggr /. #5rn. &c. gspprgr/. &&• fggrgga.-gurggn.-f;rggg».-&d. gg^^-. cfo.
To Experience, v. a. know experimentally. ’ggwg,gpT'g, 3 -
i Expiation, « act. grgRugr% WP55#n. Fgggga. &e.
— , —


qftrursRn, tran^n. rsjPt /. Rr^. ^Br, flTOrw or |?r|3r

General e. expiation at once of all. FTnrrqRT'T. To Explode, v. n, burst with a suddeti report . S’sf^T,

I means of expiation. eiw, ^b*f, btrf^ff qCrqr

Expiatory, a. TTRfsR'^'T, ^R^rTPlpfr, TW^nN", TrqpT-f ff-

3iT-3fIT3r. Exploit, 71
feat, §c. v. Deed. TTFrf / cRTjqrn.

Expiration, n. v. V. A. pop. pTWHni TO'ri.

1 See End. To Explore. See To Examine, To Search.

To Expire, v. a. breathe out. ^rra’m.-PPdTO' ^ojp.pT^TOm OT- Explosion, n. v. V. N. JT^n.
rrw-^R'T. Of one e — squib, ci acker, Ac. ^=FfO, — cf two & c.
To Expire, v. n. v. To Die. ST^ot, irr^Tm. #?V£ROT, W^SIOTm. 1 loud sound of e. report. «TlXm. kf^T^RTiw* 3T^T^m* cF^T^u.
Explosive, a causing exjdosion. ^FiT ^^F^F-^^KF,
2 end, terminate. JOT / -^PTm./. wi-OTT-Ac. g. of s. me ^wnrr, me immr.
HOT, JOT, WT, JG- t4-&c. ,

SFT. To Export, v. a carry out of a country in traffic JT^T

To Explain, v. a expound, interpret, clear by note or comment. FfqrnrraRt turRu^r Sj% - trot- & c qnf%g- ^i

faqOT, 3PTm g. of o. fq#r/ -Photto. -®rrw/- Export, n. commodity sent to a foreign market. OTaPT 'TrTT'TT—

sqfmtfn.-im f-&c. WHg-. of o. irrf7m. l'5rrfiTrer wnfr T°rar/.

2 elucidate, illustrate, make plain or clear, afSOTOT, To Expose, v. a. lay open or out giqrer ITTi^T-TTOT- tlOT-JTT-
aril?5!, ot, gtram, fp-m, ^nmrfr-twsp S’ !, TlS'E STTOT, EFOT, fsr^rir S'OT.

^f-^TE-^-^W-TOferfr-^c. cfTOT, a^rar or ttFm.-a- 2 (to ridicule, & c.) v. To Disgrace. 3‘q3T TfOT, TR ?! /•-

5TIT3T)n.-ifiT3'm.-irJ(rr5rm.-&c. 3TOT g. of o. IPKT5OT, STffiOT, -qrfar4r/.-&e ts^g.ofo.wsf-f^^un.-kc. ^rsr-

ar^ri' :Tn.-ir^ra^J!.-#TTn.- & c. SfiOTg-- of o. °T-EfTOT£-. of 0 . g-?ia:%riar /• ^R'°T g. of o.

Explained, p. v. V. 1. f^PC?3<3T, &c. ffqfr, SOTOT?!, 3q;W. 3 (follies, foibles, faults,) v. Fault. arKT TTOT-^TOT, ariiV-

2 a-^ararr^qe^^r, &c. a.^;, ^rfer, wifwar, aifrfear, sqet- %?f ararfra- &e.-
3rr°i f , ar^TR'i , Fottot, ff^rm.-^?rOTr/.-

f?r, tifftr- fTsrrOT»--FT?'rOTr/.-^E:q-7!.-&c TFOTg- ofo.

Explainer, n. v.v.i. fqqOT $x°rR:r, fqqOTTO:, sumrfrr, otw- Exposition, n. v. Explanation, 1. sqreTf/- FtOT°T«- fT|Rf/-

Nfrr. Expositor, n. v. Explainer. sqrrioirrTi'r?:, fTT^TOTT, STT^TRr.

2 g-^frOTirr, errrsrrf^ %°Trcr, &c. irarerqr, Expository. See Explanatory.
Explanation, «. v. V. 1.— act. aPqraOTn. &c. l^fOTn- fqqfar/. To Expostulate,®, n. remonstrate. 3TF1 frOT-3ir-

PrwTTn. KTr^Kn. otw/. ^iotwr. OT,3T!OT 3W°T, JriiOT, ^TOT,

2 — cteA HJTsimn. ^TOTti. &C. *qElqrOT«. sq€t-
ttr.afn. to"5), isriOT, ^KT rr% fqri-iii. pi. grrOT.

5KT<Tm. g-^r^w.qir^Errm. qR'in. wreFTn. rrqrrsira. #OTa. Expostulation, «. v V. qrFraTS !!/.

qTRa'gr^qt /. #T%l%rar-
state, ^?T3T«i. or S’efiT&w. qqiWwL Wlli. #q<5T w.
a long and dull story in

Minute and tiresome e. e. ^n^Fft. Exposure, Exposing, n. v.V.l. act. a’tl3TJrqi° in. <rra%n.

v. S^T, &c .—state gwroirrm. /.

Popular or familiar e wf#/- fBarfly ^mjif 2 and Disgrace. V-1 % f. fw^ZTm. OT#1 / /. *farn. Jfairr/.

1 explanation given. sqfSoqF /. ‘&<KT /• 3T$fw. /. ar^OTf/.

Explanatory, a.v.V* L £fc1Wt Fr^W*?, fawwarar,
3—act. TOf/i. &C. R^ofr/. a-^qflar/.
f f.

5?TFi3 wr ,
c. ^rsqn. <r,ifi;gTOT«- Is%tot». fq^iOTrn. Pq<r ;C'Tr/-

2 ^tstf^ff, qFamwcF, smsr- rf-jxcTl/. sqreqr/.— state. Fot^tw.

qrrcsr- . To Expound, v. a. v.To Explain. PrqOTn--Pr#Tf.-zqmWf. - &c.
Expletive, n, toot'd used to Jill a vacancy ,
or for ornament zxng.ofo.
fmr^Kw. 'Jtzfcyrn. q?tfq<T3r or gr~ To Express, v. a. utter, declare, v. To Tell. awOTr, SPOT,
J be expletives in general use are qrcTf, qrrsrqr,1
N» •
Tr^Sr. gS-jg-in.-gg^n.
or %ft or tcq-RF, ferassfar. ”&c.
To Explicate, v, a, unfold lit. fig. v. To Open, To Explain. a I can not express." HUT^fF ^Ffl, TO^TF ^3T ^Fft.

2 squeeze out. f?^0! or

g. ofo . Express, a. v. Explicit. ^PF, *3%,
Explication. See Explanation. Express, r. messenger sent on purpose* qfF^^^F-JCF^-
Explicit, a express, plain, ,
HRS, ?3TTO, W- qrar#er*'tfF 5r^F^^T“&c. FFHcT nu - PrfFFF

*HsF§fET, srap", Expressed, a. — in grammar, & c. opposed to understood.

Explicitly, adv^ expressly, plainly, v.Bluntly. grsjvgr, PfTO, Pf- Expression, n* v. V. 1. — act. &c. ^[Kw.
ot, qftftw, ^r, ^rF, wqrffr, t?*fr Fr^pr, Pnrc.
Explicitness, v. A. STOTOin; &c. SfTSFr/. %—act FF?%n. fq^oft/. fqOTF/* pT^F^n. pROTOTn.
To Explode, v* a, reject with noise or contempt fcftFF- I (of features), qfof\n. ITT/, mKKtf* Fq^m.

II phrase, term, v. Word. W-Tm. TO#. ^Jr^Plm. To such an e. tRqifa, T-TfC.

Authorized e. sqfir TO WW To what e. OTJ-qVn, ^Stpc.

Figurative e. apSETT /. 2 v. Length. /•

Expressive, a significant of. TOft, or qfiR'qi' (in comp. To Extenuate, v. a. palliate. 3raF- 3R- f ^Fr-^'T-A c. mfpf-
asimrat, ifr-tirt, tsTqre^r, tow), fhrer, (in W=T ?Tfsr#- A c. ?55%wm - RiRf /- A c. aTPOT. .

comp ), 3TV5T (ni comp. PrqTispfr), srfirqrPEF, 3TW. 2 make thin, rare, §c. qRk. qR55-n8.Tr-8Jt' T-&c. ]

Expressly, ado plainly, explicitly. 3W, qqjj, iBT'TT, qfrfevT. Extenuation, n v. V. 1. act. f5RTf sfOTn. sg^tpHT 3Trof'4».
2 with special design. frrWV^T, WCW, aqSTTR or T, sTR^fT, Ac. ra-rPFTRn.
8-TI%qR,gcT^R, SIWTr^R, 3ThfR, 3if5T?r:. Exterior, External, a v. Outer, qrfx^r or gr, qrfVt®, Trl-
Expulsion, n. v. V To Expel .—act. 5T?“Tn- Ac. qff HTV«i. l
vrt srmrar, qrir, qltnpnTTr.

qftiqroTR- PnqrrfR or Ftstto=t?i. Pr^raRn. Ptwerr. Prvr- Exterior, n. v. Outside. qfflR RRn- 'TfeilfiTni.

qrv°Tn. PrirfHi!. ^wrrq-n. To Exterminate, v. a. extirpate, destroy utterly. gqzR

Expulsive, a having the power of expulsion. F^RrETR, F=TOn- Rfinr 5
qr?: !, PrqR”T, f=T0dRn. iiixizn.-

tat, PT^re^PsfffeE, PiRTraTOBV, &c. iiRRrT/.-gTjj^n.-g-iqirJTn.-Priirg'Hi.-Ac. ^f^g.o/o. «-

To Expunge, v. a. v. To Efface. qg-T m&rm. Pfr^TOT- mnrvrm. Tfi°fg- of. o
strSt, srr if. w, Extermination, n. v. V act. g’qrq' rrq>Rn. &c.
— «\

To Expurgate. See To Purge. state,

Exquisite, a. consummate, being in the highest degree. TO^iT- fg-iITTm. ^arqrn. ffRrqR /.
SRr, TC3TR#rr, q^fruiT^r. Externally. See Outwardly.
Exquisitely, adv. qqjqrrlRT Ac. Extinct, a . —a family, &c, Jrr^'IS'R, =drf far 5TR3T, jqqg
Extant, a. not extinct, forgotten, §c. vfFRT, fspTT, WT'TT, fiT- Piqfsr, Rfr^sr, Pr^rfeir, P^e-, ritt-
fo, ,
^r^Tcr, ^r, trur, firernpr, ot-ziit, 3-tt- To be e. ff“T g. of s. Hrqqr t adv. fpq-qgar, Rr#mf
jqifR. fm.
Extantness, n. v. A. RR^Wift. STRETT’rrm. &c. OTfi^Pl/. Extinction, n. (of a family, Ac.). Fgqfllii. Pqqf /. PpTfn. qtT?/.
gqarfaq/. f^rqrr pop. PiiqpTw. P#qnrrrPT <>r PrqqrsriPr /. ; issqjrji. sew^^bi
Extemporaneous, Extemporary, a. made, $c. at the time, un- Sjqnt. ^q»i. fqg^m. #Tq»i. FT^RTwi.
premeditated. train Hwiiwr, rarraFsTiT, WTrafira. To Extinguish, v. a. v. To Quench, fqgqor, fqST'qn. qr^Sj, »ri-
Extempore, adv. v. A. qqPr^r'CVfffr, WliqfeiRPr, nRtraRRfn. ?r#, 37rsr?°T.

To Extend, v a. stretch out. gfq qra°T, #TpR. To Extirpate. See To Root out.
2 spread abroad. q0V^, P^ tRC'Br,%Rfi,
T,%R r'^f/.-%'R rm•-
^ ^ To Extol, v.a. v. To Praise. qraTTOT, ^fvf =7n . 3iT°T
&c. qR°T g. ofo. g.ojo. ?-ra5r.
3 continue, carry on. grqFqvf, qfSlR. To Extort, v. a. draw from by force, or injustice. qar^nft%-
To Extend, v. n. stretch out. gppT. ^•TTTR-isITO^-qarrfTrrR-^^RR- & c. ^ 3:%-
2 spread abroad. qgr”T, TOKr«R-fq?.iTITi»-' Ac. ifirg.ofs, &e. qsrqrr#, fqaf«r, fqKR-RV7rTfr-5Tcirrsr
> O r
T-?g' TT-Ac.
O'. OS, Ml ©1,

3 reach. qlhra, isfR, quf. SKTsfcT.

Entended, p. v. V. A. I. gfq %ggr, vRrTkgr. Extortion, «. v. Y.—act. qg#rCt%- &c. Wi.

2 qgxggr, Ac. qgiR, PrarrFra, Prafr, Fraff. qgr^rrq'fqrg'ir'qn sT?*rpr TWsrrorn.
3 wfqqsR, qrg'-TSBT. Open e. ferqw
Extension, n. v.V.A.I act. giqfqoTH. g{q ifri:°T«. state, ST- Wealth acquired by c. ?qrqpir ijT^in.
Extortioner, n.v.V. ^gifM- Ac.qtqru-pRDTS:r-&c. fqrqr%tf3tT
2 act. qraRn. Ac, %g|R^/. TOSRr. TOVTn.— Stale. %- riqgqqrrcr.
srqm. qtrrvw. Extra. This prefix, in its sense of “over and above" is render-
v. V. N. 1. stale. gRl/. ed by fsTqif (as fsmi STITT, FffirTT? ^TtsT (as itCtsJ-
2 state. q^Emrui. Ac. qfTKTm. Pranrni. FfwpT/. fraTCm. WiTr,#fl5f l^f), ^rPrFsffr &c. and in its sense of “beyond, by,
TOVrn. miscellaneous, non-descript, S/c.” by #117 (as arpTW^, aTf'?-
Extensive, a. wide, large. <m, gprivT, ^fPvfPTT, TORT, Pr- ott, aTRTfiR), ire, grzr^rr.
or ar, frarperar, trsrr frarirrarr, To Extract, v. a. draw from or out,-— goner.
2 — as used of business, establishments, &c. WV^, TORTIRT, PttoPt, Pr sqrre^n.-3TT^#®r«.-F;r§'kOT.*-&c.
g. of o.*'
%a;iqiRr, 3Tsqf, 5qrf^5t?iwr. 2—in chemistry. kH tw.-PWW Tn.- A c.
l :
qR'T g. of o.
An e. business of concern. W^TOPCrm. WTTTOfiCfM. Extract, n. subtance extracted, essence, mvsim. OTPTw. «qqr»A.
Extensiveness, n. v. A. 1. 4f3T PfWVm. JRTRq'TTin. tr^TTr/. PWT«. pRWm. g=trn. ' **
iirwr». PrsiRq'nrm. Vegetable e. FsTCCot.
Extent, n. degree to which a thing is extended #W/. xqxqf^T /. 2 passage extracted, "farm, zr’ frit^trferm. SirCTm.
srqprm./. stnfir /• Book of extracts. qRfm. qfftT or HRn. iFTr^iPTm.
— , ^ — . ,


Extraction, n. v.V. 1. act. &c. PtWIVn*. Saviour, friend, helper, &c. in e. Pp?MNT or pT3TRf?r WRTf-

PrtiRn. TO ror-'TOiTTOr-&e.

2 PrsfiTTOn. The last e. articulum mortis. ITFTORiX

1 descent, birth, v. Family. <pst/. 3T3r«i. m. To be in e. storr or stottotto, =rr€f Hfin.

Extra-human, a. aWR^T, TOR?. To be reduced to e. CATTvT fPT, [ff IfT-

Extraneous, a. See Foreign. To Extricate, v. a.v.To Free. §P?qvr, ?TPC®r, ^ SK'T,

- 3^TOw.-B5«n:ni.-&c. qrqpT g. of o.
Irrelevant. qitlRT or 3T, TOITO, RJTf?, TOTTOT?,

2 v.

TOfTOfro- Extricated,^), v. V. ftPT^T, &c. rfrPTfT,

E. discourse or matter. RTreqrqT/. fiTTOR PfqR^qf Extrication, ». v.V. act. BRq“Tn. &c. §i 3 fvpr/. qK'Tn. !?-

CTOpTTOn. fTOpTOTR. ^-pcui. gt3T^°r n. FtTpiKm. ftg^nqn.

Extraordinariness, n. v. A. aTOfpFTqrq'TTin. &c. TOR?/- TO- Extrinsic, Extrinsical, a. v. Outer, qrt^f, qPfqsr, qr?“

^<mrm .larajRn- ^arrsTn. qte, qra .

Extraordinary, a. v. Strange. HfTOTRT, fTOOT, pTOapiflqT Exuberance, n. v. A. 1. tTPsfni. TTHTni. qrSTqf iT'Cm.

groPra^, ^rgrPr?, TOrfror- qur /. ^Prffsr /.

Extra-provision,, Extra-stock, n. reserve, §c. STOioii m. 2 q^tmtan- qT»l * 5TJC/• T<q m Btftrtq; m.q^fqn.

Extravagance, n. v. A. 1. and Excess. TIRifST/. WM /•

Pq^qr/. qq?qn- irrorr/. w^fn.
tnpqm. Conveying this sense there are woids and phrases
m'4m. irqroqwft/.
absolutely endless. They are lax and licentious through all the
2 and Squandering. STOTTl/. HTOTOTO/- RplTOfiii. TO-
RHot. ngmm. 3WRftfqY/. gradations, and they may, by some, be termed low, gross, vul-

Extravagant, a. outrageous, fyc. v. Wild, Excessive, s?- gar, §c , but they are in the general, strongly and strikingly ex-
and they are strictly constituents of a popular tongue.
topt, Pwrom. W’rfw, tiro, torI/to, sreKir. pressive,

They are to be held as rendering the English words lots, piles,

2 prodigal, profuse, lavish. 3R3T, T<TOtl, '3'3*qr, 5T3T3T, SF-
or JTfrfCt/- 3‘-
<Kvirr<wTr, groqsRr, RpMqLsqrotte, Rq^qt, sto^st, toP:- heaps, bushels, oceans, power, §c. JTfTflT ;

PrTOTCt. qzf. tpfe or f. vfirsr or Sp/. ^jjarqlr/. Pw/. HWf.

3 copious, profuse, v. Exuberant. STORin^T, TOTOPT, R- q-JT^qfr /. rgxf. enr i\f. %fff /. "t^f ct/. jiw-
ssto t?T, rtottPr, RfTOrrorr. qr/. Ivor tzf. f. vmzf. TIT
^m. ZjZf. ^Kgf Vimzvftf
Extreme, a. outermost, last. ?&KRT or 5ST, tiro!?, ^SrHA^T, smt^r/. sr^^r/- m&f. rk?i\f.fvf q?ixf q€/.q-
Xt^mf XXXff %5V or %ar or %qs!/.%-
totoTkrt, TO5rK?r, Ripnff, TOgr, tor.
2 utmost, of the highest degree. qiRTITOTr, q^RTOKTO, 'T<C*Tf* ifrxf. TTstjesf. qtmr^n. rirq? or ft/, zzf tr zf. pqr^t/. z m.
qfRrr, rkiTto, Rprafro, arPmrw. v. Jir5f r IJIT?/. -TJTm. -nTvTrqn. fttar^t/. »Tp?tTiTm. qRTflTr/.

3 belonging to extremity. 3TK?r, PfqpT, Pprf°rPrr, TORTr, f=T- zxx or zmx f f. zxtztzm. ?fPT VVf tS*3 f *3* orZ-

grrorr, PrsfK'ftrr, qpKmPrr, ttorPt* - sf zf. frqr^/. srxzf, zrzm.

Extreme, n. extremity, v. End. tlKin. TOm. TOTn. 3iqrqT *TT- Exuberant, a. of rich growth, v. Luxuriant. yqi/qqpqT, ='>.!-

3j ?3i* ft • ^u^f, qqir^qr qrfl^r, Rirqi.

2 (of an arithm. or geom. progression)—the first. RTpr'TOn. 2 over-abounding, copious, profuse. TH'S',. qfL, ti^, ^
A?rf^rsr=T». — the last. aiHTSRn. ^qarqr or ig-, qgu, srpgnr, arPrafor, arfqltTV, grrPP^r, qgw,

3 utmost point, highest degree. TORtrOT /• /• ??/• #HT /• qqe, spjir, H1J3E', atpttR. There are numerous vulgar words
expressing this sense and these, as vulgar, should, ordinarily
TCJTWTT/. T^JTRprw./. TOR«n. ;

be omitted. The omission however of vulgar words from a

Extremes are ever bad. Rpre#TTO3r.
To reach its e. RtRT f.-mtZT f.-mz'm.-&c. ififg.of s. Dictionary of the language of a people of which the higher class-

Extremely, adv. in the utmost degree, v. Excessively, qcr?T- es stand but obscurely distinguished from the lower, and which
indulge themselves, not infrequently, in the use of them, is a
igr, ATfifH’, Rpf, 5TO 'f,

TOR (in comp, as qTTOfTO, TORTOPC,

qcRPr^q, totojc). measure of somewhat questionable, propriety. We insert them

TH^HtnL then with this introduction. Htr or 5V, tfVf, ifrq, ®T3jq or ^TOfT,
Extremity, n. utmost part, end. rNtn. 5rKni. TOT».
ArtTwraM- tortort /. qrwqPr»i./. tVtri. tr?rw. F^tor. sprrm. q-trrq or q^rq, fpr, traraf , to?, totor, totto, TOrqqrv, to
qrern. qriK«- qfaw. sttorrr alarm. trhrw. tototoib. sror- %sf >
gsgsstfr, RfrTO, TOTO, TO??, Rkgsvor srr,
or 3T#rgjfPT, or qf^r, mZ, qsitRig, WHI, ^T-
qftrm, TORRrRm.
2 utmost point, highest degree, v. Extreme. TOT^TST /• TO- q^qqs’, giRqifaT, ik, TOrs'Kwr, & c.
RTORT/. Exudation, n. v. V.— state. qrTOiw- sTffarm. q®/.
3 extreme distress or necessity. PfiRRii, pRTR qpST or pTSTTO jn-

giqr \f. gtttK^qra/. PrePm. tortw/. TORrsrr/. I matter exuding v, Qoze Sweat. ?

At the last e?"pKR.

Reserved for (or useful for) one’s e. Prqf'Tfqr, PttrP^IT, Pt- To Exude, v. n ooze from or out. TOISR, %f5R qr^CT, TOR. ,

<rR?r. To Exult, v. n. v. To Triumph. 3r;qrTOm. TOTOT, W^lfpl- Tf-

— . " . .


«r#, feSr-w^T-sfrn^T, frc?r, mmr gr?- To get heavy (from want of sleep, &c.)— the eyes. q*fTTE°T ;
Sr, sara^. rflT^OT.
Exultation. See Triumph. To have one’s eyes about one. qsr tfnpTT, ^TRT fq^ST qff 07 .

Eye, n. irarrw. ^n. qqqra. Sr^Tn. arferw. tffef. qtOTn. To have a twitching in the eyes, &i$f.
/. (in comp, as ^4, ^ifrec, ^ffcflPT, qr^|37, <?PFT¥). To keep an e. upon. SEffcm. g. oj 0 .

Apple of one’s e. fsTTr^T qTfsDw. q^qp^f rfnfrT m. To keep To obtain the desire of one’s eyes. ${a£ fqqcy or spg* f[%.
like the apple of one’s e. 5To5?ffn% TOTIBFdsT Wf or qR^TH. To open the eyes (to one’s folly), cKffim.pL
Before one’s eyes. ^ ssqf qqqq or qt. To see with the corner of the e. qrf®T.
Black of the e. pupil and iris. qq5£ or 3TRT qqszrw. To set the eyes and glare, — a dying person. ^Sm pi. qrf^or.
Coat or humor of the e. vff^Rf qWm. arf&qrsrn,. To shut one’s eyes (to, against), f& 5TPK% vft^qfq^
Darkness coming over the e. 3rr#n. 3?T2%.
Drawnness, strainedness or stiffness of the e. /. qrST»i To sink into their sockets, — the eyes. ^ qRflo^fff 5TRT,
Dusky suffusion over the e. ajC / iJTt f. &fam.pi. qrs^r.
Evil e. qrqrfe/* Blast from an evil e. ^feTTSTro. To strain one’s eyes, ffssqfft ^ /. f. q5T%.
Having an evil e. &£mt gfqt, fSRT ,
qf~ To stream, — the eyes. §& SfTSror, fr^qfrffT qm\n. STSPq.
q^fe, Prqrfe. To remove the blast of an evil e. srfe/. To turn up the white of the eyes, tg& qr^f St-

^^-3jfqr^T £r?pr.To suffer the blast of an evil e. srgTRT, &m.pi. $ sq- ^qrcr^^Rr^i.
or /. q^H -FR%- OT~&c. inv. con .
To wipe or dry the eyes of. ^&mpl. g*ofo.
E. of favor, fqr^fe /. ^qrqSraR’n. ^TT^ZT?I»». We can see the mote in our brother’s e. but cannot see the
E. of the mind. Intellectual e. HR^n. ITRcrfe/. fe- beam in our own. J*RT% vffssqt# (fcw) a?fq?:qT ffssqf-
\9 (Rrw qrff).
E. of sense. Material e. 2 (as of a peacock’s tail, of a potatoe, a cocoa-nut, a grain of
Film over the eyes. qz&pop. q&Zn. corn &c.). tfS2Tm.
Flushedness of the eyes. qqCPTni. 3 ( of a needle, See.). or %lb*. Rf«*
Glaze of the eyes (as in death), v . vrfJT, 4 catch for a hook . #fS5Tm. q^T^rrm.
Gum or mucus of the e. ^*TRT 3 Jmi. pqqsrn. pqqSTm. f^f q€\f. 5 small hole through &rs?Tm.$[Z£m. ^oo^m.
0\ W\
ZCf.^n. iftRTn. f%qr£ or %n. qrWfti. Covered or To Eve, v. a.— wistfully or wishfully. ZWW, ZW
foul with it. fWT, trqqr. -zwzw-zwnw-zwrwi adv. qr^r, fr^.
Homunculus of the e. 2 intently and pointedly. ^tftjpT T!?St*
J udgment of the e. spspt qpOT/* 3 fiercely, &c. v. To Glare. Z&mpl.
Language of the eyes. qqqiafr/. 'jrnror or -&c. qr?°r.
Magical application to the e. Eye-ball, WCZn. arfyitr^m.
n. 3Tfyr3Tr??^])i. %-
Of upturned eyes, q^^feqr. wrhrm.
Outer corner of the ^q^fcTm. Sj^pricTm* VFfofia. Eve-brow,
e. n. *zf. pop. JT^T? or stiff. ^fSTTn.
Red spot on the white of the e. Intimation by twitch of the e. ^RpfrJTm.
Sealedness of the eyes under stupor. &{q/. Sjfq^T /. $rfqqr/. To knit the e. imifT JJHt/. pL-wtlf. tn^.
srfar/. aarr «r/. v. q%, qr^r. Eye-lash, n. qrT^lnirwi.^/. Ts.trn.
Skill to judge by the e. H^Kq^Wf Eye-lid, n. <TT cT0tY /• «rf rtf.n. qHn. IZm.n.
Speck on the e. Eruption oa the inside of the upper e. JJWwi. ^qftf.
That draws or strains the e. ^oStffpgf, 3[fe#3\ Hair shooting from the e. internally— a disease. qrgrqrq —

That has come under one’s own e. mfpi.

That offends or pains the e. <rfeq?nr* Eye-servant, n. ®ft5irrT3^fr
' '
vrraT, fKfar
White of the e. qfer j^szrn.
With one’s own eyes. sr^jT* Eye-service, ji. t wrwflf.
Work to catch the e. cffnq. Eye-sight, n. v. ?%/. Sight.
To be in one’s e. Eye-sore, n. ipzimr Wfzr m. %f5rwn. % ?4~g yi«
To be inflamed, look fiery, & c. —the eyes. §r&m*pL ^q-- To be an e. unto. §l^iT(fT or &?ffr, wfw.
Eye-tooth, n. dens caninus. wztm.
To be gummy, — the eyes. f^q^ gqRf. Eye-witness, n. graft, nrwrsff, grW?Tgr, grtf m.
To be pained at the sight of, — the eyes. f[i$mph ufSPr. Eyed, a. having eyes. ffarg, •

To close in sleep, — the eyes. %sqR§f fnaqm. Finee. g#Rvr, vT^'Rf^'. °

To fear to meet the e. of. €t§T qrqq /. XtWl. Large e. fSTOT.

To feast the eyes upon. feqpq qTCTTn. vfr&h, f&mpL Little e. ffsqp fs^ssqrr %sifRr.
f^RTOf j

m«r, qiw. Eyelet, n. fRsrm. Wi or %g-n. %lf». sfiRFn-

2 Confusion off. qfelR qTRR3t/.
F. Long (whining, rueful, &c .)/. qfen. CRlgCd/
To get confusion of f. qqTin. q°T g.of s.

This letter has no corresponding symbol in Marat'hi. The To make a long f. g^^bx-qRhj~-
sound of IT approximates the nearest to its sound ffer W or qc#.
Fable, n. tale, fyc. v. Story. qrqr/. To make wry faces. ^R?n.p/.-t*Rn fT^RR, 2TRn. qfqrl" ^TC^T.

Me story. 55T=T^T^T / /- To make faces at. firq^FTPC fpL-ft-

Fabric. See Build, Building. qrRr/pC-ferqRr/.^L
To Fabricate, r. a. See To Build, To Form. 3 v. Surface, qR/. 3T[3jn.
2 /orye, devise falsely. #5T~&c. 4 fore part, v. Front. qRn. g^/?. 3T?Tn. g^q^Rm. qq^RTtn.
Fabrication, n. forged story, false device, v. Machination. On its f. qrqt v. q^q.
or sen.
JJTfen. fqRfe or f qvCPTn. fT^Rn. J^Rn. That lies with its f. upwards ^FTf,
^R or sqrqfetf. gfa*Tf»». /. 5R^«. v. fe 3PT, WR or To fall upon its f. feq or Rtq adv. feq— as opposed to. To
3:». %^S*n. qRfeft. fall with its f. upwards, qr adv. q^.
2 /Me report. titf. t^tf v. SR, fqqr, tfqrw.jf. 5 confidence ,
assurance , effrontery. qqqTn. feu. VtfZlif
Fabricator, ?t. v.V. 2 (of lies, & c. to injury). qRfft or sqT,
qr<FTRf or sqr, ^CRL or ^Tf, ^R#F, 6 (as of a cut gem or other polygon) qqg or few.
qsrRT or a,qr qfaret, w?t- To Face, v a. meet in front, fefq qRw.-qRrqC qRn. q°T.
Fabulist, n. sf^r^RFT, qtftqRL 2 stand opposite to. » ^?g^R- &c.
Fabulous, a. fictitious, founded on fable. q%qr^riHT, qfeqq, crf«T.
To Face, v. n. turn the f. ?Rn. fa^, qfen. fqTTjq ^Wf.
Face, surface of theforepart of the head . fen. g?qn. sjfsRn. Face-clotii, n. TRrq^ft.
qqRn. qcprrc. g^Tn in contempt. — or g#- Face- wiper, n. fejRqn. g?qq^n.
IRSn. mtn. JOTC!/. g^qriRt/. <ftg^rn. —in poetry, &c. g- Faced, <x qRf^T, g^r^r, fefr.
g*SRrm. Facet, n. qq?7 or %?rm.
Before one’s f. qferjfe few, OT^T* Facetious, a. jocular, witty — of persons.

^rsrt, S'PJIT,
F. to f. ?RWf, tfe%qfef, or ^q^r, OTITR- 3-t^r^r, s|Tr#¥, rf=frfr, Ue^r.
#r, OT^rr. 2— of sentiments. f^rTf^r, UHT, f^r^T,
Fair and soft to one's f. 3HRT afR, qr^rqTcjX #3*. Facetiousness, n. v.A. 1. Pr%-ni. arlfra’r/
Hairs along each side of f. fespqr Facile. See Easy.
Of averted f. qcrspf, To Facilitate, v a. malic easy. #qr -#TO -HHW -H5TIT -
Pouting or puffed out qrqcrm. girir-girr'q' &c ^"T,
g of o.
Rigidity of the muscles of the f. and neck. spfgqRTni. Facility, n. freedom from difficulty, v. Easiness. 53fT7°rrm.
Side of the f — .specially with reference to slapping it. qTR- ^rrwFrr /. yr^tn.
qT£ or \Zn. qriRSTtsr or or 2 casein performing, v. Expertness. fTFR^T /. foTfo^Tn*
Stripe along the f. (esp. of the horse). gRRSTm. fnr»i». /.
That is in one’s f — wind, sun, tide, &c. 3 means by which performance
is rendered easy. «/-4
To one’s f. In the f. of. $RRC, ynTOmn.
To be afraid to look in the f. qWr SjfcSrhft gnOTcf/. <XW*f. Fact, n. thing done or occurred. or aTRE?t 3fr5r /.
To fall upon one’s f. qfeq^Tf qvST°f. srrwi? 9Fpfii.
To give a smack in the f. qfeRT -tRRT-^'RqT^R-'& c. *f|T~ Founded on f.

or or gy?».-4RT5TRtt,- 2 — in law, the matter of_f. ipTn

&c. *n^-qRlOT-^OT, grorzSr, qfen. fer#, # Facts of a case, f skW?/.
prrqq arrefe sfeqrqc ssrrrqfe 3 actuality, reality, /. y^T^rr/. ?P?rf^5(rW»«
. %
To hide the f. in a cloak, g^qrfe In f. ^yr?r: ,
T^iTRrr, w,

To meet f, to f. qrarpFC qfen. qgR-tfe Faction, n. parly, firm. fRm. 'UST/. Wtn.
To set one’s £ against. qferc. qfe 2 dissension, public discord, frrm. l!ffn. ^faTff.
To shew the f. appear publicly. fe«. qrtr TOR* Factious, a. given to faction. STip^T, wryrF, #jr, ^r, lf#C,
To throw in one’s f. (favors, obligations). qtfgR.
To throw upon one’s
fRqsff tR-qrsfe f.
2 proceeding, &jc. from faction. qiSEl 'Frf^rr^f,
2 cast offeatnmV, countenance look. tfen. , g?q?i. %?rrm. %~ ^rfrRrr.
ftnSfcrnu %=crw. g^tT/. Swqn. qfef^rw. Vfn. q^Rn. «rr- Factitious, a. v. Artificial. %Sw, ^tRrt.
=T*fn. Factor, n. v. Agent, areurr, irurw, ^TIT»Trft.
Bold f. , iTRf WWfrn,. Factorage, n.v.N. sr??/.
, —— / , - ,


ppm. bepi / ijs/. Ejpprfi/
Factorship, n.v.N. PPr^qP^m. PPripfPCF/. 6 fq^iTTw. qrpR«i. ^^ff
arirw-^/. rr'retr/- 7 ^qr/. 3-sim. TXmnf PSTTflP/ ^n- PTriPP/. PwTT-
Factorv, n.
2 v. Manufactory. ^tK^RFhi. q«r or psrrjwn.
8 pqjpn. gqpn. TH°IT /•
Factotum, n. fPPTPt or JPT, ^IPPP PTSTm. PPu. ftPn.
1 a.i. a weakness, §c. v. Fault.
Faculty. See Ability, Power
Fain. See Glad, Gladly.
To F addle. See To Fiddlefaddle.
To Faint, v. n. swoon. iT^Sprf - P^T/' - ^P ,n qp in. con, .f

To Fade, v. n. wither, 3PPP, PTPPP, fittsM, 'STPRP, #Pr?-

p^sipq-pMer lip, ®ipd /• pp.

P,^TP<w Sm.PrfSP.pNP, <-3T.'H. 3TiPg-- of s.&JC*T. 3— pTr m.—PPHTPn
2 lose courage, ardor, fyc. v. Courage.

2 1 of colors, A c. fpep PTP SPOT CPm.

PPP-PSTP g.of s. ,

Hfpp, psp, Ippp, TPP / iqpp-pop-qpp g.of

, ,

STPP ft^PP-fW-PPlP-^- ftp.

PP5P, tP PPPT, A c *5PP TO. qpp g ofs fir/r or fj-srr pi- PTITP g.of s.
Faded, p. v. V 1 . . ,

Faint, a. of sinking spirits. qTPpS’^PT, qrPP^ PTPPT P/®T-

fqp%PT, <p ppcppt, A c. fqzpr, wot, ppc,
pppi^, ppIp ,

qpT, P^PFW, P^PI-PIP, I5PP, s ?qP5T-

spir^r pppp, pippi

that quickly fades.
excrement. pPm.w. pop.
if &m. P m. jftTn. PPm-n- 2
To be
of colors.

Rt^TF remiss
PP, fPqrr, PPCt^, PiPRP-
of sounds.
fw, a i vT^T
W 3

Colorless or wliitc f. aTVPPPn.

4 slack, sluggish, unanimated, languid. PP, RPT, #IP, PS'-
Frothy and mucous f TTPP 3TK/-
psstp, fppfppr, fppfq, ferfpp, ppTf P3 ’, P^i, psrtpr , fatatpr.
Thin and watery f. PP%f. <EnF»n. cftRTPP/.
5 ivcali, slight, little in degree. qH^, fPPP, PP^P^q, W5T,
To Fag, To Toil. PRP, qrPP, ^m.p!
v. n. v.
/--A c. PTVP. p or qrarp P q>srp or qqar pqr&fpq>T, Pe?- P PiSrPT.
qq?T“T, 3T37r 3TrPm.-pPRrPm
Faint-hearted, a. v. Cowardly, fpqfq, i-PPPP, P^TPlP, fir-
2 grow wearied, v. To Tire. PPP, PP®i.
To Fag, v. a. See To Tire.
— &c. p5Tr//>f. PT^m. J. Fainted, p. v.V. I. P^ST apPSP, Ac. pf-eup, ^Rsppp P^sfqvT, ,
Fag-end, n. of cloth,
To twist or secure the f. FT?/, PTPP, XWf- PrOT. prqpps.

2 See Refuse. 3— n. v.V. 1. P^Pf /- P/3PT/ OT»i-

WT». aTPTPITm./. HHTOB:«•/• Faintly, adv. v. A. 3. PP, PPJfP.
Fagging, n.v.V.N. l.-aef.
PiPPi 3 / ^fs^sm.pi. grp^ren /. 4 pp, f^prfqv,fppffFC, ppqprp, mppIp.
aromrm. surPreT/. sqrrqte /•
5 ?PPT, P'S; P qrs-pr a. decl.
Faintness, n. v. A. 1. qrpqp/. isrfp/- ^rfp/.
Fagot, n. ptsp/. PPFP PTUm. Prft/
Fagot-seller, n. Pfsfqw, pr^PPr, Pf^PfSP.^ 4 ppTPfm. fe-pqPTm. pSEp^fpqPTm. PPip/- P^PTiT/ fp3T?/.

To F ail, v. n. fall short, become deficient. <JPP,PPP,JpTl--PPr Fair? c&. (of complexion) or —the complexion. sjHT remiss . 3|RT^f

and ffr^c^r and 3|K?5T fairish > or^RS^r, 3TR2T, *TfKT a

-;pp-&e. qqp, pp/. -ip//- qrrrm. -qrqpT/.-Ac. qpp g.ofj.
2 become extinct. PUP, P^P, PPP, PPP T3P STTP, P^^T, HT, ^5far,3^3C, grasr ^r^°T (and attributivcly PW).
, ,

— intens. /a^r the lily , snow-drop, $c. W-

=rrfT^rr §tp.
3 sink, decline, decay, <5f<?. — hopes, spirits, strength, Scc.^ PT- vt^ or 3frFr, ^TiTr ^rrFr ^Tirr

,?rqp, pipqr^p or #r?q;3tu 5}p. ptpp, upsp, jpp, pipp, pt-

Fairish, v. supra* pT^PCr,
top, ptop, wr, sipp, pw, pstc'p, pp*-p*-
m, pafp, *rrp,
2 of weather. PPPT, ftoftpr, P^TPtPT, PPTPlPT, PPTPtPT,
top g-.o/ «. %2trr/.pi. ptsip.
4 — eyes, ears, &e. become impaired, qf5P. fpp«r.

5 yield, give way, v. To Give. W, *PP, TO®!’, Interval of

of wind.
f. weather. PppP/ PPRl/-
6 miss, miscarry, v. To Defeat. PPiP, sqrvfST
<sl ss°T , fPP, #PPT, p'rppr- ^
qrafy ftrarcffi, p?rrp, w, tTOpqfr/.-qrr4fqqfp/. 4 equal \
equitable, reasonable , v. Just.

ItP g. of s. PRP, PTPrfPPT pop, qprf^FF, PfjPTPTPr, WPPT, qpr^f.

7 be deficient in duty. fSTP, raP, PPP, fpTPP, PT£ adv. PT- By f. means. PPPfRP or iJPpfRPrp.
F. and foul. fFPTTOsP.
Bf or qq, afapn.- TOTW/-- if STRIP/.- TPP/.- &c. qTKTT, and
with g. of s. Ifp-qPP- F. hut PPPT PP PPPT.

8 become bankrupt, wf, TOP,PiPP, TOP.PPfpSf. PfPPTP PTvfPw. parpqpt/.

F. words.
DT 5 upright, honorable,— of persons. PTPrfPPT pop. ppripp"
To Fail, v. a. forsake, leave in the lurch. ®4cT^r»»- ?P, qiSlf '«

-qrpp, trqqvrr Wp.

Fail, Failing, Failure, n. v.V. N. I. and Deficiency, gr-
fprpt, pprstp,
mv pop.
FRgKrpr, ^P
irprpisrpr, gpsfp, wssprsr,
pwt, ppfpr, Mrpr,
Pn. qr/. Tfff. ffJTin. PPP/- W/. 6 moderately, good. PVT,

2 TO/. Prro/.n. tfisTTw. Fair, n. great market. PPT or ?psrm. m pop. fTP or fPm. 3T-

3 and Decline. #3%. &c. #3Ti». ssf- tPTPTPTTm- PPTTrPTPrpITm.

— - - — —


Fair, Fairi.t, adv. v. A. 4. stRK, gFftg, gfqgrg, gx?r- 2 subside, decline from intenseness, v. To Abate, qgg, gg-
'TWR, SHTflffigg, qpjf%, 3TFTR, XWfg, he. JTHr- Xg, SUTRq-, T5DT.
3 be degraded, ruined, $c. tggg, tggajg, jgg, tg5Tro. W,
1 completely, v. Wholly. grqf, fgxggT- -^qfq/.-Ac. iftg.ofs. qfgg-tgs-- 5gg-gfgg-Ac. frx. :

Fairness, n. v. A. 1. Jjtxrr# /. JTKTTr m. Ac. %^cRn. —

4 leaves, blossoms, fruits, hair, & c. ifSR, ^Zi^z adv.
2 s^wm. fgxtggr /. wffgxrftsrn. qxx, gar /. xsrt/. 5T3"/ -xrrqs' / -qwar/. aqtprg-.o/a.
3 gwmfi». ai^5Rr/. str^b. coi-r. ggtpgr/. 5 (in battle) be killed, qsrg, q;rg, qrrtJR tig, sqirrqg, Jpig.
4 wfrofm. ggqgrm. -trp^Tn 6 away; grow lean, v. To Waste. %qg, %q?:g, ?qT5ig,
5 wfTC'T’rrm. gqr/- gg/ gX^gqgrm. ?r5fWtn. align • rrag-grifg-gR-g, or gqfg, gxg, gqg. qgqR,
Fair-spoken, a. J7T3%gr, fXOTrqgt, VIV, fr?fT gtR'-irgT xi^-qg.
-gfggr-grg-fgsT. 7 in; sink in, be depressed. XTfgiprg, jfiTTig, qgg, q^g,
Fairy, n. qxt/. gig gig.
Faith, ti belief of revealed religion. gixgwr/." 5TR5mft/. 8 off; become worse or less, gig, ggxg, fqg^g, fgqgg
2 triost »'m God. WTw. /. /. 9 oil; to; .w/ to eagerly, qgg, raqgg, ggg, gg#, ggqg, gg-
3 trust,—gener. v Belief. -Pwram W/. CgRIXm. fJrafqjn. ggg, g;x/. qg^r
grTOfm 10 on; upon; v. To Attack, gggqgg with qg, gigrffX ggg
Done with f. ATSTf^g. qgg, grgrqx qg, ipzf qgg, ggg with qx, gqrg u-ggg, g'rgq or (

Strong f. steady belief. grgRf wrgg.

To break f. fganwgin. qpxg. 11 out; v. To Quarrel, ggg, fqggm.-fqgTjn. qgg g.ofs.
4 a f. religious system. tf4w. *fg«. BRm. q'gm. gfr/. rqggg.
5 See Faithfulness. 12 short of. 3-jgxg, g#r qgg, grg, gqx/.-gqg/.-girrin.-
Faith-breach, n. fgqnxfgrgm. grgx/.-&c. aT gg.
Faith-breaker, «. Fg'4Tggrggt, fgiiTOTrggr. 13 to; apply one’s self to. gig, fgg, qgg, gpfg, gaqqg,
F aithful, a. /r» in belief of religion. STreWRl, SnWfTrW, gig.
'sirerfgs', sntqxrqg, ggrwrg, nwif-gg. 14 under; be ranged or reckoned with, tqfgi gfgg-W3g
2 trusting in God. qX^TXFrX-gqprX- Ac. RrwsWXr-ff- g-°fo.
xrer, x*<rxfgi?xg. 15 See also To Apostatize, To Revolt, &c.
3 stanchly adherent, $c. rJTFTf, fXFmT, fXRFfr, PTITXI’^R, Fall, Falling,n. v. V. 1 act. qgg n & c qggn. qrgin. . .

=nrwffr, Twurf,, ^rfiriTxF, xrxr. gggn. ggqgn. ggfg /. Xfgm. ^ggn. Prgfggn. ggjggm.
4 keeping faith, observant of promise, <5re. qvXTXRT, tfiXrxT, fqfgggm. Frgggn. txrggn.
ggiqggt, xr?£rrrf%§r, g?qgg, ingrfgqr pop. gtrrfgg, xrxr, gsr. F. of rain, qqfgm. qrqgrgr qqiqm. qfe /.
5 conformable to truth, v. True. tgXr, g;q, *PTRPT, qgPf, 2 ggrxm. grerxw. grxrxrw.
CSTRWjT. F. and rise. g'giXgf m-
Faithfully, adv: v. A. 3. fiiTXR, CBR FRX, gggfgr- 3 act. Xpggn. &c. state, v. Degradation, xqpf f. >g5Tm.
W. qggjfg/. qgt-ggm. xTrg*ggrm. grggRjm. grgggm.
4 gsr xrtfg, xnjqgr xwg, qstqgrg, & c. 1 See Waterfall.
3 spfwr, Wfg, qgrqg/' Fallacious, a. sophistical, deceptive, agjggrgr, STfgfgpggr,
Faithfulness, ii. v. A 3 . sRiR/i. sa^TTfin. ftfrXlW'ii. ?TJFT- tgrax, tgggggr, tgrfgggg, fegigrgrgqr, feiggfgiTregr, €r-
xrxl/. Prrof55ist/. fgrflrfgr /. wPrer /. Jr*ptfgr/. rgrsr.
4 xitqgrm. xrxr#/. ggrigqrggrw. &c. xhtr. ggrgr/. e?xqfg- 2 not wellfounded, mocking expectation. KfigigT, gisTpgr, qqg-
srgr/. tw^ggr /. fq'gpgr, KriFggggr.
5 *3Tw»i. xr?tr?rr /. irrwn. ggrggr f. mnwn. Fallacy, n. sophism, Sfc. stwiHw. FggigrgrXui.
Faithless, a. unbelieving. gFgyWr, iXSfffrg-ggg- Ac. gpq- Fallen, p. v. V. 1. qgfrijrr, & c. qfgg, x^g (esp. in comp, as
STTET-.&C. xgrg^qg, qcRjg, gFgxrx~gg,) gFgg or fqxrFsrg (esp. in comp,
2 perfidious, v. False, qgtrr, %?UR, SKrgr #zr-gi?r, fggqr- as tooth-fallen fqgfgqgfr, hair-falleu Frgfgg%?r, and firgfgg
?xw. gtg, fggFagrs-g, Prgfegqtif, he.), m, «ffsrg, sgqg, x?gF<g.
Faithlessness, ». v. A.
gFpqrgm. «rf%wri%?rr/. pTWrgrgm.
1. Fallibility A.
n. v. ggrqrgfiiqgrm. Ac. tgrtqtrqgr /. Ac,
irappjgr/. armsprgr/. Ac. »gTJqgr /. >grrg»x4m.
2 #rr£/. tfWw. qsxrrgt/* fggqr§xr#f/. Fallible, c. Uableto err. gqrrqr grggr- gixr- he. ggxrqrgrggr
Falchion, n. v. Sword. ggri/i. -gmr-Ac. mw, tgiRitg, wrgrl, «nrqrg, tgiRrggr, ggrfqg-
Falcon, n. qffXtQjgigrm. ggigf or grin. xffxtin. w«i. >ggqr.
ST? Fall, v. n. q^, ir^T, qggn. &c. qrg g.of s. gqqg. Man is f. >?ig: qxt|w4g' .

To f. asleep, gig/. grrgg in. con. F allow, «.— ground, qgter, qgigr, firgisrggglgr, xrgrx.
To f. along senseless. tfiSn. ifih g. of s. F. for years, ggqrg qxig.
Fallow, n. ground at rest. 73" /. q?T?r 3WR./ To lose one’s f. fesf?/. jf urqq.
False, a. not true , — morally. iff.HT, TOW, TORT, TOTr?, 2 rumour, talk bruit, , v. Report, aqqjf or sqqff /• aqqrqr/.
w.rws?, kwrr, «qr*fRrr, Ac. fawn, srwir, wfw, jfcww, q,-?rqr /.m. sumtf. qqqr/. qrgr/.
Rlftf, ST^TT,- freely, indef. Ac. TOW STRT,
W, TOW TOW, Famed. See Famous.
TOrewqrTO Familiar, a of or belonging to a family. qrw, Iff-
'2 not true, — physically. jffCT, TOW, TORI, fa«rr, TOW, TO- Rqqqr.
7rafl7T,9T7R3f771, sTfRW. 2 unceremonious, free, easy Wsiq^FT, ?ITO3rsrtfr,qarq5?Fr,rra-

3 treacherous, perfidious, faithless. WiW, WiTOTO, WW-G", sTsrqsSlq or s^rqsk, farqw, anjqskr rrssqwq.
tow, TOfTr or ww 3T7fl, touw wrI, TOrrwfsrw, TOrra To become f. ^qqr g. of s.
fflT /.

?#lTr, &c : rjttocr, tfjrr=T, surnrrfwr pop TOrarfTOtr.srwir,

£ well versed in, accustomed to, fyc. v. Conversant qRf-
JKTOJTfr, WRW, f W?r, Z, fI7RT#5r-7r^r- A c.— fieely, indef. qr?:%TO, qrrrkvrr, crqkw, qrqrkw, Ac. TfCr, w, ijurr, wffq-
&c. tow ww, towtow, irrc, qrqrwrc, qrqrqsrc.
4 counterfeit, not real. #CT, WRRFW, ffRqr, fitaT, •TTW, 4 well known. TOqftw, TOqtkw, qfcqrwiTTO, iirkmw, ur-
WTlW, qjRpT, WT?1, WRTW, WWW, 7WT, TORTOI, wftfw. flqirrflw, qfcwqr, qPc^qraw, qkN'T, ^vr.
The f. and debased (mpees, money, Ac.). nfjzRTW (TOT, 5 intimate. HvnftW, qf^iTt, qm, ^Tifrw, Tjzqz^l, ifWflW-
WTCT &c ). w, %-iww^rr, w^rvjr.

False-hearted, a. v. False. JRTW WT?1, TTWTWr TTOT, JRTW Familiar, n. intimate. ^f?gq, firsf.

N> 7
Familiarity, n. v. A. 2. qqarqsrttrqqrrin. iiasqailsrq’qrin. Ac.
Falsehood, Falseness, Falsity, n . v. A. 1 . TORW/. TOTT- 3 ukm. qiqsfjTft/. ijfkqjrrw /. wrq/. 3fmr^/. qrqsqqifi f-
i\f. mztif. mzf urowm. &c. arwwr /. irrc» wqsrn. w- sriqfHin. mif wq^rr/i. or mzf. srpql q/.
fWTn. sTTOfTn. ^7f7rTm.— freely, indef. Ac. fqqrWTOTpfr/. mm- 4 srqwq; /. qgq /. /. ifr^r gm%f. cfratw/. gff m-

steraret /. totIrwO /. arretorqrft/. wtTOf n. qz f. gHRT/.

2 iCTfm. Ac. #nr/. #r/. TOffiWTr/. F. breeds contempt. ff€t *TfWT^l WR^IRr.
3 drier if.^tzf. nfiiwm. Ac. ww«. wqwn. Isw-it/. wit- To Familiarize, v. a. habituate, v. To Accustom. qrgkRqrkt
W JWiWm. Ac. PmTOCnft/. —
freely, indef. Ac. STOtTO -qflqrrtiirsl-qitqFrik-wqtqRr-A-c. ww-qr^k, qrwrm.-w-
wft./. TOrfrwdTsr/. TOrwTOCPtr / wflrorSt /. tottowi. crqm.-Ac. qpjtq, rmqr.
4 jfiSwm. &c. firr if *fnr /. To become familiarized, qq#, grTOTOT, mif. 5WT in. con.
1 a. f. an untruth. TOKt /. *TTOfn. fqi7Tirr7 0Tn. fiMRWrn. with g.ofo.
firwifk/. Familiarly, adv. v. A. 2. WTOr^tTqorr^r, Ac. yaqsskT, *t&q~
Falsely, adv v. A. 1. kfrf, a. deal. TOlfFl, Wl^q'HT^, Ac. TO- sStcr, &c. rr^rfewRiTOT.
WT, faw, TOTIW, TTW. 5 ?f^qirrqr%.
2 ftPRT. Family, n, household, S$c. tTT3TTn grn. wqrm.jof. %-
faer«. .

3 wrwqnsR, toisrt, qs^Rtw, wrewi. F#RT qfer? m. qftqrcm. sckqrcn. «rar». tsz^n. jp-
To Falsify, v. a. render false by interpolation, §c. dfiST °RT- 5Tr°r%n.p;. qr?a-R3iTn. qrf^q^rw- W5fK»»-
'7, WMtrtcw-Ac. ftrcf^^ErqrwT, TO&qPqqqw wr. Custom or course of procedure of a f. Civtliin.
2 prove false. ^IT-TOCT-Ac. WC^-iRk- WTOT WU'T 5!, F.- quarrel. TT^^pop. tf qCTOni'. trC^JWm. Vfi-
rliCTBirni. - WORn. - Ac. W#. mm. mfe?n. TCTO/.
2 violate, break by falsehood, dflST WW-TR5 !, drlr/.-A c. F. -cares and anxieties. qrskT or qionjTm.
aim, wwr. F. of little ones. qrs5T or qR^qroi.
Falstaff, n. fat and happy fellow, v. Fat. jprfW apRST or F.- circle, qwrdtri^ait /. tJT^Ktn.
jprqF<Tm. F.- stock or store, m’Snfitf f
To Falter, v. n. hesitate in utterance, v. To Hesitate. aRT- Of the f. trrw, afqc>T, »lfrc#qr, afa#rr, wqfkr.
or STSqpSr or ST3RTWT, W7WW, TOrTTOT, JJ7E“T, W- Pension or provision granted by Government to a family. 77*

m, wwpwr/. pi. jstpt, %#r/.-qrq<>/- ^g-ofs. wrctsJ!/. TT^TCTraft/'

2 fail, yield, sink under. W#, WTOT, qrWPPT, ^^oT, 7»r- That has a family; a family man. <TO#}, fTjWW,
WWT, ^<°T, TOF7,
Fame, n.
Jia%, JTW^RT,
reputation, renown, celebrity.
^ /. #.
wfqRTm. =TR
?rf fr, q^qrcr,
That is the
scTOik, gz%qT?qr,
earning (or sustaining)
member of a family. Wf-
pop. srkn. wqlifk^M. arr^rr/. /. wr/. jn»qrRr/. Ffk- wrr, krcw, TO^wirkr, w^^rqr, qRrrqwqq.
fe/.^rq^-qn. qrq^nft/. sttjrt/. wwsrm. irkm/. qsrn. mf 2 v. Offspring, Children, ^ fi& Wc-
irf^Rr/. fq^Rr/. ^kf wimm. irrsrrqrsrrw- ^rm. rrqmf.v. tot, 7(
TO.sjqrqrm. That has a family. wj-WTrvT or a:r,
To acquire f. qtRT€ RsRT, WqR.-Wn. Ac. Spm, WOT^t 3 house, lineage, race, tribe, m&pop. tfrarti. q'sfrm. ^TC*<
xmyr, €li%/.-wqn.-iqwr>».- &c. jnw^snrrm. TO«Tr»i. tpa'Tn. wfsr pop. «rriT/. fe?q/r?|5«. ?gkr^r/. ijRTr-
sr, §2Tm ,-fCTm. - Wf5r*n . - &c, 55R®r. J7fl».

«T7 aT3'/. ST-TTm.

, R , j ,


An emigrated or extinct f. To Fan, v. a. TOTm. ^|^r, sTTT),:. r^goi^rnwi

^ ,
tfi ^'<n,
Extinction or ruin of a f 3FR%qrm. q$r<%Tm. |T55OTw. JST- sr^rqor, srr^Sr, f^qoT, ur?^.
^Tf5/. jSr^rm. Jjfjh#Tm. m- Fanatic, Fanatic At, a. v. N. ^Prw, -T3$f3T
w/n. ?rrcRoE«ft/. Fanaticalness, Fanaticism,/? religious phrenzy,
F .-practice or rite. J^RRwi. Jejq’jfm. sfalTJ-
^rfer«. sfsfterOk/- &c. Fancied, p v. V. gffrqrfr, Jl^^Fo'Trr, Him
F .-honour or respectability. ^STJprkr /. Fanciful, a. whimsical, humoursome , — of persons. JT'JWs’Tr,
F.- quality, trait, &c. ss-jfrr, 3‘fr, ijlsTE', f5fr?ff, ^fr, ^0^, ^roi^r, 3=?^-
F. -pride JW^RRm. FinrrmfiT,
F.-ties and connections. 2— of mattei s SRSSmrr, ?TTCr, JTRfo^r, 3T=T:^lf“-qTr, Q:N5^r,
F -priest or spiritual director. jRHR/n ?p?^r, ?r%rr, T-f^rsV,
F.-tale. jRRr/'. /. Pancifulnkss,m. v.A. 1. tjfmrm sT?wmm & . c UT^?f|TJ/'.
Head or chief of a f eprqfrfM* j^RRm. ^iar,/• iRr^foartt.
History of a f. Fanc y, n. imagination. T.
Line, order or succession of a f. qRqRTf /*. q7Tq<qTr
That is of a good or ancient f. v. Gentle. cireSFT, uTfTiRf, |
Creation of the f. JTf^OTfg' /. jfiffr.jFfCgr i.

sfr^er, PrfRr^ or ^fcRtor, Play of

vsrrar, srf5T*r, *ffor, :
f. jfofavTPTm.
&rk. 2a f. notion, a thought, ^cfiqr/. HTrrm
^Tr*Tf#T«t. ff-
That is of a low f. v. Base. CHqR.
Of the f of
Religion or a religious observance of a
^#qr, ^ f.
ff'Tm. cTprrin. ^RTff.
Fancies, fantasies, phantoms.
Pretty f.

m. ^qrrm. TO?rr»i.

^TSTTfr^riJ f.

Tutelar divinity of a f, J^TriT/. jJR^IRtm Wild Crude f.

f. fSFFKTHRr/. tpflfim. qi?n
To be reduced— a f. SRn. ^PER. 3 taste, conception. Jj^n. qUff. qr? >n, ^~.^T J.
Fuch designations as ornament of the family , glory of the 4 a whim, a humour. ?r?T /. ^ jfm. m&f. . 5[j «r /• iPTf/n.
house, lustre of the tribe , honor grace o/* ,

or are answered by
fRR fefiRr or To indulge fancies. sfcsVm pi. JT^f yi/. «r|or.
fer, JSRR, fRRrR. And as applied to females To the indulge the fancies of. ^rw»—fyrm.y;/.-5?[isrw.- & c.

5 55^, 5 57 ^.
* *

by epRXRF, Such designations as prop, pillar, ^rrw^r g. 0/ o.

stay, defence <§‘c. of the family, house, race, fyc, are answered To Fancy, «. n. /. grro^ /- TRR qB) in. con. ^Z’h
by qrfRTR'T, ^TTTOk, ffaStar *rk, qrpr f
TfW T,
in. con. ir^?q'i rr/.-3T :Tfrr3T-i'r/. vrr#.

?lK5ir, and espec. with ironical implication RPRr- To Fancy, v. a. imagine. ^FTr^'Trf ^r*q~r/- JTf'FTT / ^rof «.
, ofo.
TRm. Such designations as ruin, bane, pest, evil genius, tyc. 3 like, approve. JT'iffg'- l

THtfte-7f^frtH'-J !~iT»T-&e. qFf-qgq- ; n


of the family or race, arc rendered by JRRST, JRRfr, ?pr- ! con. airq'-T^T in. eon.
3T TOFT, or sRRFFT, tTO’, qpTR *RR. Terms answering Fane, ». v. Temple. tqrwTw.n.
to brand, blot, scandal, reproach, disgrace, &c t of the family Fanfauon. See Hector.
are, fiffiST, qRRRRf qTFRrFf, ff^T, f MR, 9rFiRRfkR, FRPTF Fa no, n. pointed tooth, §c, fJSRRw.
qRt RfRRTFF; and as restricted to females, sfTvfZT. f'WWi/i.n.
4 birth, extraction, descent 3Rlf /. FTR /. ^qfrT /. k- Fanged, a. v. N. fpri*rr, sr^^r.
RF/ PiRfau Fangleo. See Gawdy, Showy.
Famine, tt v* Scarcity. TOjriH/wp. f^tss* or strrm. Rfsrm, Fantastic, Fantastical, a. See Fanciful, Imaginary.
ff%n. RfRiT/. Fantasy. See Fancy.
F. occasioned by excessive rain. affW J^Rnr JRRw, Fab, adv. wfa, TP^r, srmr.
F. occasioned by drought. RRr prRm. #RT JTOm. As f. as. f3T4W, fsr>TTr1#r, fsPPRCor & c.
7V Famish, v, a. v. To Starve. srqi# RfFR. As f. as this, Wf^f, tpprr, T^RyT-
To Famish, v. n, v, To Starve. i'qfHtRFR, RvlNRF From f. fJpT,sr^.
RFR. How f. #sqqfr, ^rWr, ^1?^, ^^ 11
Irfk, feirrr.
Famous, a. celebrated, renowned FRRfFt, FR3TF, R~ Of
. f. aud near, f^^r.
^JTirra or <r, Hhrer^raV, sfrtffar, ufal^r, & c. So f. r
^'<prc •

simra , Pnsw, TrffrFs?, ?Rrar, wfesr, ira^r, Far, a. remote, distant. 3TRRT, fCi?TRr,
(TJCRT, ^Tftr.
ssral, Jrnr^^r, ^rarhj^r, ^rsrr^r, W?, Ff- Far-aimbb, n. fhreNr^l.
*pr, fflrfrwrfw. Fab-aiming, n. fltf^PTRn.
Pan, n. TOfm. RSpTf or oq^-^n. tfrr^rojn, g’TT'Tw. Far-fetciied, Forced,
a. v, %f, $HW, «rr-
2 winnowing basket. JJT«. dim. H75?f/. ^<fn. Far-piebcinc, a.
— . . — , — .


Far-sighted, Far-sleing, a. STiVfe, fisfesff, XXrfe, 3X?#. ’’

F. or ulterior division, side, country, &c. 'XrJXtrPT, SMX^X, «T-

Farce, n * — ni the Drama. IHHH'T n. YTXTy, XtXW, 3XXT3T, 3?W, &c.) am -

(in comp, as ttT-

Farcial, a. v N. Xffr#, U^Wt-fr =crx, ^xenq).

Farthermost, Farthest, a. mreX-OTiTOr 5T, TXfJT, X35J-
Faiicy, n. JTX/. &fi f
' * *
1 ? CK Q\ Os

Fare, Faring, n . feeding, living , ^FTw. vT R . ijTIFFft* fr^r,

Coarse or hard f. BTRIWfwi. ^f^rr NX^X^* To Fascinate, v. a. v. To Charm, lit. fig. in-C^t, irffm.

iTr?%, s-rs/. ^ g. ofo. g.ofo.

wxqql/i. XHfSfXn n.

Damty f. pudding $<? wi . fcrf^ n Fascinated, p. v. V. ^Ra7 "5 !', &c. Jjrff3, yT^",

BTRPFDi. TO, qsTtfT.

Rich f nutritious diet ^XRfm XTPT/. To be 1 ,
%C3lr / JJ3% or if JT ?[% g. ofs
Sumptuous f 5T^3T^r%^°r«* Fascination, n. v. V. act. "
mfm. Sic. 3TPC°ft/- m^n. qsft-

Good fare’s a good Doctor. TXT iX^ssTP?. eRX°rn. — State. #?m. q'srcqfl/. F%tWITw. WK&j'
2 passage-money W&n. %7 n. m. jj^qq- /. ij3 /.

3 — by ship or boat. XTX?h Fashion, n. make, cast, &c. v. Form. uTRTIXju. 3f3'i». ifi? 0!/.

To Fare. See Fo Go,

To Be, To Feed, tryofr/. winf. wzm.
Farewell, ado v. Adieu XX XT, ^T^f°T M%, WT XXL 2 cut of clothes, 8jC. ^m. %<#l /. ^T3XTt/-
Farina, w. in botany, yiqXXm. TOXTm* 3 general pi actice, v. Custom. /. Oftf/- 31T^J. AffSTTm.

fqSTXr, f?CTX, PTO?W, fqr2XTXX7. srsarn. 7Xqr?m. Hffm. JPIFTm. #fflISFrTO. xpir /.
Farinacious, a. mealy
Farm, n. land leased on rent £TRJT% sRtX /. ^TRpff 3JX 'Po go out of f. 3:3%, qxt qs%.
4 See Manner.
n.pJ. Sf^lDirm.
f cRnTm. sprftar /. SwftTm
Out f the parish. XR3TM To F'asiiion. See To Form.
f. out of
Fashionable, ft. popular, current, established bg custom, v.
Out f. holder. ##XXt.
Customary. SRT'TrsFrr, 3R^'5t ;qT, snKftj®?, srfxqr, 3Rr-
2 (of the revenue, customs, &c.), C^PCf - *pTT«i* ajd'Xfm* j-

3Xr or #XXX /. ^iXfeST, STWXrsST, *T|tFf.

Roll or schedule of farms. ^sOTT^h. 2 observant, %e. of the mode. WOTsTPim, HWrd€lAfr,f3TS-
To Farm, v. a. (the revenues, customs, &.c.) lease out XT?#, x-firsrPTrgT, &c. ^iraiirfrP^r, w^rsrrg^, wftomr,
#55 xt, RrFfm. - rirrerw. ~&c. qr*Fx xx, xxxr- «iTOJT3TiTR55fr.

&c. ifSjr.
To Fast,®, n. go without food. 8T5TRfr vf *f - sTSTrOT^f- s? vTffSrxr—

2 foAem Jmw>. #X=T ^T, Wx, SJT-fec. 3^%-rr?%,3qT?f))t.-iTiT5I T«.- 3T ;irfrCni.-&c. ;:

xGr and,
&c, -x<xx m f
^Ttnr^srPTR -& c. m. *Tg%-T3'T in. con. 3T5IWrn.
Farmer, n — (of fields), ml XXl, ST'TXt (osp, as opp. to XF^XT or 2 religiously. 3 crrHm.-OTqrHm.-3'?ff iTJi.-&c. 3TCT.
3 dieteticaliy.

5?tT-T n.

X3XITX landed proprietor), ^T^rO, «p#, SftsrWt. See also

Agriculturist. Fast, Fasting, n. v. V. 1 .—act. sraFrm ^r?%«. stTOn)..

2 (of the revenues, customs, & c )> v. Contractor. §;¥FX” JITflXm. FTC5FT«* W'Tb.
xt, #Fr* 2 xqium. xrrnjm. XqfipTn. fTOlTCni. FTOff 5C3' ff». -T^^FWTn.
Farming. See Agriculture. f^TT^RFirn. C'rarw (among Muhammadans). -

2 (of the revenues, & c.). #Rt/. 3 5itFT».

Farness. See Distance. Breaking of a f. T(T%«- 'TfiC'Tr /- ^fn. v. m, XX.

Farraginous, <i. v. Medley. TWifar, tsfJTSrd^r, F. and eating on alternate days. XX^ or Xr^% qR%w.
F.-diy. a Banyan or hungry day* or cfTF^HR*
Farrago. See Medley. F. to death. rrffrq?5TXn. —Thai is fasting to death. 3Tr%#r$P

Farrier, 71 . horse-shoer, XFHt, Rigid or utter f. PfW 3qm». fxC^TXn. ftX¥fX xqre«i.
anr, aw, sifar, &&&, bt^x, Xr-

2 horse-doctor. OT^faXl, Fast, a. fixed, firm, tight.

Farriery, n. v. N. 1. =TT5i^ft /. ?jt, ft«rx.

2 ur^rr^fs^'V' ^M%xrr/. sr^^ra#. To play fast and loose. XTWX/. XX%.

Science or art of f. WafcTC or 3ffff5T?ft"n. Fast, adv. fixedly, firmly, qr «W, f

Farrow, n. litter of pigs. 3iKTr%ter«. xfx, H3r|?r or x, fx.

Fart, a, qRm mRXPpn. araftlXin- TfspRIgin. ’SFSTf. St^TTm. F. asleep. W? Prwtwr.
arose/. TOf^r/- To sit f- press together. %%.
Fetor of a f. qr TST 0!/-
2 swiftly v. Quickly. 3iXC, 3TX2T,

To Fart, «. q^T, q«frn. 3;*%, qrTm. #3% aX3Tr m. RPCX. F. by. See Near.
Fast-day, grqXTerm‘-«%XtTr^T- feTOm,. 9rq^qfJprn».n.
Farther, n. more remote, sjfaTSjC, STOPt, XrTX (in comp, as, n.

F. half. qRfXTst F. or concluding part of the night 3 tRXW Fast-handed, a. v. Miserly. fRTHTXX, ®ra^r.
, • • - -

254 FAT
invincible necessity. tR'-flriRr/- 3rfqT'?n. ZrfW-
J- Fatality, n.
To Fasten, v. a. make fast,- gener. qW'T' , -*f
Ac. tf^r- rlHtf.
&c. ^rt^r,
RFf- 2 See Fate.
2 make fast to, tie up, §c. v. To Tie. q'PR
t?R, tqtiTrR.
mor or SFTfR #, W*T. Fatally, adv. v.A.
2 Rra q%Rr, RraircRr, RrMq'rr,

§c. RR'T,
3 up secure by closing, locking, bolting, FDR-Tfl.Fr-
Fate, n. v. Destiny.
5p^®r, spr qflw Mr.
4 together ; v. To Link. RFFR, RPR, ^
W. ^TRn. FrrKRCTn. fdtdin.
Drawn by one's f.
To Fasten, v. n.flx one's self. fRRfR-fRRR-iHp-

Stroke off. sTTOnfm-

V. A.
_ „
&c fM*f.
Speech, promise, & c. as sure as f. ^^TsTm.
Fastened,;,, v. 1.^
^c rwf ^
2 spg^Mr, wrenJH *rrdMr, -
Fastening, n. v V. 1 —act. *• &c. PJOT/. 4>T^n. 2 appointment of destiny,
IbrD^f ° r ^30T/-^5i' i r m *
v. Destiny,

RRn. ^
1 that binds or fastens.
Faster, ». Fasting,;, «.v. V- 1. «ranfep ™> Fate-controlled, cl. t^^T,
Fated. See Destined-

mm. pTdTm iTriTm. RfriRm. Jflfdm- RRm.-as a

Promt, wprar^T, Father, n.
2 3%Pr, s5fe«r-&c. **r, Rt’Tn- RriTIT? m. ij<x m.
compellation of respect qpTTm.
BR5RRt. .
ir^-SRnt.— familiarly, as Papa, Pa.
. ». ,. fT.
Fastidious, a. squeamish, nice, v Daintv. . 3-iHTRI?iF, ’

nr-siR, feifft,
faRnroir, Pr^rat, RraR-s
^mr, ’Marker, Mr, "llouse of one’s
Like f. like son.
f. PfifiTfn.

wfW dRr'TT- ,
’IFrftW fl’F 3 ff L: ,
Fastidiousness, n. v. A. fiRra /• PtniMfstrclJ RfjRiTs/- W RRltirdl.
airWlRRTR ra^FT.

The children are wiserthan their fathers.

rMY, rtjL Mr, r To Father, v. a. See To .Adopt. ^ ^
Fat, a. having fat, plump, fleshy. Tff, 'jft'JS,
^TOTTw. WI-?HOT 1*1-

rrrtr, ftrwtr, 2 ascribe to one as his offspring>. ,

jrraw, rpr pop. riftr, RWR,

-FTRR'Crqm.- & c.
wrM or rrM
Rrirr^ ft- ?f?qp;fq=Tn.
%fr rar,; fR?Rto , T
5", ,

RTRLfm. Rv.]\in
power of gross, Father-in-law, n.
reproachfully, with the
Father of one’s f. STflfRreRTm.
and flabby, full-fed and sluggish.
bloated, 1corpulent, bulky F€tm.
F. of one’s son or daughter. Mfft P°P-

ww, Mot, Mrft or %w /Mr, *ra wtr,

ifttsjt, tiTsrr, 5rrr,
Mother of one’s f. sTf^RPT/.
3Tpr or fRrRr, fiRI", WR, ART, %*T®r %JlTS. Appel- trsrr , ,
Sister of one’s f. aTfflRPT/.
designations involving this sense
and implication, and
latives or (wife’s father) is tfRr and
respectful compellation for f- ;

stalled-ox, barrel- The

thus answering to fatty, porpoise, pig, used plurally.
m*tl, (husband’s father) RRrft or urMr
belly, tun, butt, Src. are <jr*.
ffHWn- fan. fxf.
Father-hood, n. limn. wR^».
STiFfiT, fftRT, qr3TT ( 5pjar,<’®iT,
Father-less, a. whose f. is dead. qrqilTqrr,
%r, Mtr, Mm, srwrer, $i°nr, m, fa&r,
^ RprftfT.

ijRr, Crrr, Rff-
2 whose/, ip not known. PFfr«TT, «TOifF.
F. and happy. RTRRT^T, fSJ?, tjM
WST- Fatherly, a. Rr'TTerrw, f*TcTR?(,
To become and flabby. m\m.
m Fathom, n.—the measare. mwm.pop. mj.
f. or
m g-.ofs. qrrjOT, g-°f * fa » •

To Fathom, v. a. encompass with the

arms. ^T^TZrr<»

^ „ „ —
To get f. and saucy. FTOR, RFFT-
fcPR Mr, Mr®- 2 sound, try the depth, mm.- ^m Ti! 0!- Rra'T
2 oily, unctuous, rich, S$c. , ,

bottom RfOTTm.- «W«-

3 fig. find 'the of.
3 — of soil. Pd^f, fMKW. _ ^ & c. and in con SfRFT.
WRFiTm. FrRdFn. RRWFm.

Rrifn. R?m. WWf m-

Fat, n. ntltfl
Fathomless, a- bottomless. sTRfT, WW, fan,
Mm. . ^
Fat-witted, a. v. Stupi d. tfffjfe , RTJw ,
zmm. «WI*. «PpMr/-
Fathsue, n. weariness. RRm. m%m.
Fata Morgana, n. Wjfe/' _ srnrmni.
. irR-jfi/. «rifrr.f- ifLtppn. irPt /.
to fate. ^TTEpqT,
Fatal, a. of or belonging weary, v. To Tire.
To Fatigue, v. a.
aR'ERqvfr.MrRlR, ^^BT'5t sT,Mf'r,
FffRT WTI, fftwr, !WB.-fl>r*-ww - &c -

2 mortal, killing, v. Deadly. , ,

qrgr-ic. ^M,^r#r. ^ ^ ^ -
nmtiRnr, FmrF^i. k -sW#Rr, &c. or tTHRR - fMl « RT
Fatigued, p. v. V.
Fatalism, n. the tPrgrine of inevitable
& c. «r!t, toI, ritt, rft, qfF«rrfr , RR ,
MRifn. M’FT^F'Tn.M^'^r^n,.
Fatalist, n. 8T?8Tr?t,trSRi,Ml5?F5', FWT,
To be f. V. To Tire- #, ^5ri, CTW, ra°I cT , RR'F, «T-

/ , .


Fatness, n. v. V. 1. jfg/. TOqfe/. JCTT/. TOfcFsr/. TOTOf? - 3 and Innocent. FtTOCTO, sT^TCPf, TO7Cf<f!, PrTOTOPT,
TOTtn. JTTOfPiTOrJii. &c. nfgTOTn. f?tk,fTOTOT.
2 F???tf/. SkroTOrm'. fero?r/. %?»». #frro?rm. Faultlessness, n . v A . . 1. TO?TOT«i. TO?r /. /.

To Fatten, v. a. v. A. 1 TOTO, qre:-^n^sTr- 5T5T5-5?r?r - cSi c. TO?, 2 mTOf?TOrm. &c. pf?#?r /. FtoTto/. ?i?crftTOn.
or ariirft 3 F?crcr?TOr»i. &c. F?cqcrsr?r/. &c. a?TOTOrf?TOn. fwaff-
To Fatten, v. a. 3pB«T, W, arriTn. q?^r-5PT, t£r?t.

cTTO^T, urSFT. Faulty, a v.N. . 1. imperfect incomplete, wanting ,

v. Defec-
Fattener, n Fattening, jo. a. v.V. A. TO ^TOTITf 4f6^°TRT,
, tive. ?TO, TOTO, ®TTC?r, s?TO? , ft?, fTO?, FCTOPT, •TOPT,
&c.qrfe^r, qrfe^fT¥-^^-&c. «[?% a??fPr.
Fatuity, Fatuousness, n. v.A. ?3o?n. fro». cH^rfe/. ?f- 2 having defects, imperfections, blemishes, flaws. TOPP5T,
tot/. jto/. fiTO?, erfk, f(fr, ?wc, ?i<rror, TOCt?r, ?qrp#tror, to? ,

Fatuous, a. v. Foolish. ?ror, ^asr, ?gqF?T $C3TC.

Fauces, « v. Throat. TOWTr. 3 guilty offaults, v. Criminal. aTTOTOt, aTTOT?!, CT37T, 5T-
Dryness of f. %\T3f. k#iTm. ?ITOT or TOTr«i- w. TO. ft, TOPFCPT.

Fault, n. defect, absence, default, v. Want. TOT?«. |t??r / 4 having ill qualities ?TOt, aTTO/T, TOf?r?, TOf??T-
2 defect, imperfection, flaw. film. tfT m. PTO or fpjn. TO? /. c, topsto, iffror, tottotct, TOmrsf, %T?rc.
TOC /• TOITW'/. TOn- RJ3Tn. jfi ?/. vfc f. v. q, TO«. 5 having errors v. Erroneous.
To find f. v. To Blame. ®. Sf?-TOr?- ?r- Favor, n. kind regard , 8fc. ^[iTi'R'Y or Xf. W^f*
m, straw, to?/. s??, ?to, fro or 3f»- ???-TO?, £«.*??. fTT /. sR-qrrfe /. flTTOTTOn. TO?rym. ?% /. ?SfC/. TOf/. 3f-
3 omission of duty, failure, neglect, &jc. STTOVni. afTO?™. sr- 5Pnff /. ?Hr?m. ftppTTO /. FfTOTO/- TOffe/-
TOTm. ffarn. TO/- TOt/. TO#C /. apfrm. TOM. TOm. TOfiF/. F . and affection. /.

rtSCfimf- TOC/. TOTTO/- TOTn. TOP?/. WTTOi. ?ffTOn- Given as a token of TOkt,TOrfTO.

4 i/Z quality, evil, vice. 5TJ?m. TOOTn. <£?»»• TO? /• IffM. Object of f. fTPTOn. f qmrTOn.
5 mistake, blunder, v. Error. TO" dim. TOff /. sjaT^Xn. To creep into f. with. ql?r? fSTTOT.
6 failing, foible, weakness. ??«. fl?n. fegTn. /VTn. ?|n 2 a f. an act of kindness. 3WTCi». 4TOTO)i. ftlTOPw-
TOn. Return-f. JPUTOPm. ,

Fault, foibles, Ac. — as ripped up or dragged to light- ?TOT- To upbraid or taunt with favors. ?C )TP»i. 3TTO, ?f?f SKfiT-

555?r ?<?fTO pi. TO1TTO /• pi. v. 5KT?,TO€?f or TO?q»./i7. v. ?, ?q?:»i.n.-r!pc'>r».3-q"T.

?, ?wcNr?, jpron.j»A ». ?rr?, jrrq?r / j»/. ®. ?rr?, 3 token off. ftF??T?n.
y>f. ». cST?, HPT, f *,f&n pi. ?rf ?#f pi. v. 3W. To Favor, v. a. befriend, fyc. TOr/.-??C?Rt /.-& c. TO?, TO
That is fond of spying out faults, v. Censorious. qr?it /--TOC/.-?TOm. - &c. ff-TO-TO5!-??, few TO/.-TO?/.-
/rarorf, fo??# fsspWr, fe?r?wrr,
cvrr-wr. &c. TO-TO?, TO/, era? g-. of o. ?r?m. $?, ?[ff5Kt/. TO?,
To bring up (against) one’s faults, foibles, Ac. sro arjtR'ar-Ac.

to?-*???, ?ifk/r/ pi. TOrark. Favorable, a. propitious, kind. ?rC??r or

To expose or disclose one's secret faults. F^ror, tost, htovt, TOtrrfr, fjr?r or stF????.

wferTOn--/ra'5r??w.-?,%r^'psr»B.-ff%s-f? T«-- &c -

to?, fTOr- :
2 promotioe, helpful, c. v. Conducive. ?q%ift, ?TOT 5C?T,

TOji.-fkrC'ifr /-PiTOTm.- ?PTO/Pr/.-TOTO to/!/. to?,t- STOf/f, 3WffT.

TOTb. Tr?“T, TOJT?! pl.fffn. pl.-mn. pl.-&%fn. —
3 of planets, aspects, &c. v. Auspicious. Tff, ??!?, ??-
pi • ?rr??. oR’^r, in comp.
To watch for or spy out one’s faults. b»P?n- TOP, TOP?- Favorableness, n. v. A. 1. TO5T?r/ ^?TO?r/. ?r?TOT». «T-

TOn.-fejPqTOn. TOT, \ pl.-ftn. pi. TO?. ,?f??r /. f qr/.??r#!/. tr??ws. ^rrFTO^qn-
7 puzzle. See Perplexity. To be at f. «TTO, j- 2 ?T/r?lq?rm. ?q5rFc?r/. ?totot/.
Fff? atTO, TO^Ttf. TO TO-TO“f. 3 CEvTn- TO». TO«. (esp. in corap. as ?5TO, ?PrTO, V-
Faultily, adv. blunderingly. or arTO. Ac.)
Faultiness, n. v.A. 1. TOq^nTra. arjrqTOrm. &c. ftaar/• Fb^r- Favorably, adv. v. A. 1. «jjTO, itfTORt%, Ac,. ^TO^-TOvT- 1

TOf/. qTOT«. sf jfl^PTn. Ac. ff TO.

2 #?qrtq'T|in. &c. /ibm. qbm. Crfmt/. €TOTOr/. Favored, p. v. V. TOJfft?, sTOPCt, ?, f'TrTO, fTOPTO,
3 STTCnffTOm. Ac. ^tfitpTT/. TOWT/. Ac. ffaro. TOP«. irrFRfff, 5fr?r??r?.
4 TOC /. TOP?/. Favorer, n. v.V.
fqq TO?r?r, fTOfe
SwR, frorf? TOPT, &c.
Faultless, a. v. N. 1. and Complete. TTO, TO, f^TTOC, TOTO-Ac. TOir, aTTOP?r, f^or ?.
PrD«r, crfiT, sttoto^Fc ?'. 5
Favorite, a. v. Darling. «qi???r, fif?, ?!?!-

2 and Perfect, Sound. Ppptr?, si#?, F?#?, »TOTO, f??f- ?r, fft?f?aT.

?, f¥#r, ftpfsr, TO!ror3E,Pr^?, or fs$s, ®nff frr nr- Ww % Favorite, n. v. Darling. fTOTOu- fcfttWWFm-
ft (purus, castus, &c. adunguem). Discarded f.
— - / y

FEA 256 Fec

Favoritism, n. partiality. rK'9i'<?r0V/. 90979m. TOTin. 000rf9- FearfulnEss, n. V. A. 1. f000007m. 3070007 m. A. c. 07007/.

JfTjfaf/ 000?7007/. 9999079m.

Fawh, n. 9790n. 2 and Fear. 00070007m. 007^0T/. 307^007»n.
3T9« 9tf0/.

Fawn-eyed, a. ?09frs9r, 90599, 57/0999. 3 3T007rsm7m. % 0Tr 000 rm. 00700750 ;! 3T0000750 0 Ac. .

To Fawn, v. n. cringe, make servile court bow and scrape, ,

v. Fearless, a. intrepid, v. Bold. [ 000 3790 9070-, 95107, 90570r. , ,

To Flatter, or 0[%7 interj -?79t interj. 3709-5799, 2 not afraid. [00070, [000707 F05107, ,
3T5T577, 3T07000, 0977700

9[97n.500%, 95X9799 =fm, 9997 or 90970 3T09, 3Tr%5%, Fearlessly, adv. v.A. 1. f000, 00007, 95T570, 00790, 900-
990m. or *fe/. 93%, 9T9n. 970%, -399 93f9n.- 907907 90r, 990577, 7090.

adv. 2 f000, fa 557 97, f900r0, [0007577, fa 070 or fa^fa.


Fawner, n. Fawning, p. a. v. V. yftsfr 9709707-5799707- &c. Fbarlessnlss, n. v.A 1. 790007/. 007%/. 9070-017. ^T^-
377957 arrtf 9799797 9i997srr, fimwr. r?50n. 005T-00r /.
, , ,

Fawning, n. v.V. act. &e %[3f7997w. srrsr^n-

97'sfl?79%n. Feasibility, r. v. A. 0?r0r%i0'797«i. &c. 07097007 /. 9P-00rj.

^€tlr 39t/. sfag/rr /• tfejlw®. CTWFTn. WWfOTn. Ac. 907907/. 007500r/. 000tU0r/. 307/. n. %i 9797m. 3T70759r»

Fealty, n v. Loyalty. jrjfT90m. fa097 $07/7/ Feasible, a. practicable, < 93T0r-0?T0r-&c. %r07-97F50r-Ac

Fear, n. emotion excited by the apprehension of eetl. 99n 0 rr0 f%700 r -firrr- &c. 90070, 00 >'Tt 0 , 0 0 mqz, 000, 000,

ifffrT 970m. 90m. f99l9»*.

/ iftf. 00=00, 0079910, 00739 0500. ,

Sudden f See Fright. Feast, n. treat, entertainment. 99979a:/. 0370797 or 009797 /.

Through f. 9%. 070900700m. 07050509 m
2 dread, awe reverence , 5f359rm. 375m. ?975m. 5030 rm, 2 day of rejoicing, v. Festival. 00m. 009T0m. 09797 F?0-
90707m. 59597 m. 9705 or 97097/ 9957 / 975f7m. 997/ 55- Win. T^n.

579 / 009 / 99577111 995777 m. 979 m. 997 m. 5<fm. ^Fr=r»n.

To Feast, v. a. entertain, treat. 000r9t or 0097=17/. 975;%-t%

00 m. i>. 077 . 2 delight, gratify. 009, 097/.- f70/- 0577% g-of o

F. of man. 375779911 . fSfaWtfff/. 375773 * 97 /. 3797 379 /. 95- To Feast, v. n. eat sumptuously 0r0099n.-090 0709«. 9- .

jftRr/. sprawl-/. 0%, 09m.-[09r% /.-qi/fl/.-005T79n. -909075m.- & c. 9709,

3 apprehension, misgiving, anxious anticipation. 57977 990%, 9r9n. 0799%.

07575777/ 375577m. 0579m. 90907 m. 970m- 9797rm. 9r00T or Feat, n. exploit, v. Deed. 079/. 0f9ff9«. f5rf50n.
01007m.’ 5f5r 5 / iferm. §99/ 995frm. 0797 or igwm. Feather, n. 9l 0 m.n. [90707m. 90m. 950m. Fresn,
To apply to the fears of. TO. 57079%, 999557011. 5(70%. Feathers. [901 07m.

[9%, TO. — ^f5RT /. - & Stuff manufactured from

To Fear, v. a. apprehend, dread, c. feathers. 9507/

370% g-.ofo. with in. con. 57577%, 377 57577%, 9090Tm. «77% inv. To get a f. in one’s cap. 5T0Tm. 979%.

con. 99577 or 99977 m. 077%-9r30%-and, with in. con. SIFT. Feathered, a. f90F0T97, f90797, 09SJ, 0F9^3, f9fa559.
2 stand in awe or dread of, care for, regard as reverend, Featiierless, a. faf90r, 0 /999 ,
3790, 3707990.

formidable, &jc. [9%, 09n .

- 9797m.- 9709 /-Slc. 00%- 9r30%- Feature, n. lineament of the face. ^9909n. ^9[9::l'n- 00790-
501%, 97Pr/-0r5f7m.-&c. 90%£.o/o. within, con. 99r0%- 9n. 00f955?n.

99700 9g% 0070m. --pT0 M. -99m. 50% 0 #,

neg. con. Features. 99939a. %093rm. 99 009/ 979 970/. 050-

with g. ofo. and neg. eon. [9579%, 000%, 995770 09%, 99- 907m. %10rm. ^9097 /- ^90507/. ^9n.
97 or 0000 m. 0IS50% with g.ofo. 000 or 90907 f9%. Featured, a. 0000 ,

To Fear, v. n be afraid. f9%, 99n. &c. 09% in. con. 99- Bold-f. 00705000.
0T%, [0010%. lll-f. 97509, 0T98J0.

Feared, p. v.V. A. L stfe, 3TI97F370. Well-f." 05?9" 55:9579 99190, 919070. ,

Fearful, a. timorous, timid, apprehensive. [0907, [997 0 ,0070 or Febrific, a. causing fever. 99009—9 7097 - 37097—5177097- & c .

Febrifuge, a. subduing fever. 090975T57', 39077, «90(997, v90

055, 0rj5, J?I0T, fafeff, fag/, «775 or 3-375, %5, 000, %05,

*PT5aW, 0909979, 00057- •

f 9r, 99079I", «90?0-S9fa¥705i7-?70t. ^
2 afraid, v. Fkigiitned. vwtf, 00997, 099, 577900, 9r77- Febrifuge, n. 9797%-s507% a 7799«. *90979797- &c. 3*Tl^D=rn.

Febrile, a. of or belonging to fever. 979797, *00797, 0900997.

00, 5Tfe, 0Rff070, 05007, 0ra'0T, 5f97700.
3 dreadful, frightful, formidable, tremendous, terrible, terri- 2 indicating fever. *9079997. 057095797.

fic, horrible, horrid. sfefffe, 097073:, f9770r3, 30070, 900757, F. symptoms, v. Feverishness. 979997/.

90H07, ffe, f957073, <770r3, 000, 57979, 050, f(0, 09r9f 09- ,
February, n. 009759797 5007 9 fl 9rm.
Feculence, n. foulness, muddiness. 37cT3997»i. 05T399Tm. irfeT-
577109’, 999997, 0907, 39r00, 970970-900577-9770/ 0700707,
9t99, ifW. 997/. 970997/ 9779®Tn.

Fearfully, adv:~~.ik. 2. fa90, 9990:0,0070, 000 I 9 -&C. 2 lees, dross, recrement, v. Dregs, Dirt. 03m. n. pop. 93m.
|700. 993n. 9r3m. 05fm. fen. 0509m.
3 0707-00- &c. 9097970707 decl. Feculent, a. v. N- 953 953 05r0, 057^,' 97sr 97 09797, &c.
, ,

I See Excessively. a#9 ,

093, 97ff99, fe09
. — - — .


Fecund, &c. Sec Fruitful, &c. 3 perception mentally . q-Roj 3Tf^^ ^TTiyfOT «//

Fed, p, y. v. 1 . qrsswr, &c. qJfipT, je. ««. con.

Federal, <2 pertaining, fyc. to a league or compact. To f well, fjfqnq qr ^TT“T com. with
g.of s. BTTWRfl.-
pFmrer, HJfwwr, snrfw, siHfcr^r, srtffc. *A'c. qrc"r.
Federary, Federate. See Confederate. To f pleasant or agreeable to. Up# in. con.
Fee, ?i. Jhffeud. To f. sore qF*l°T.
(as of office) perquisite ^RTOT/. WWim. For legal fees the 4 Ziat’c sensibility excited. qr?JF"T, otoETOor, 5.q?n. - qpfrtn.
word / from the English is commonly used.
qft - q{S-qrar /. - ^s^f. - qrsiqr3T«. - & c. qSj-.

Fees qRfi qTHR /• Feel, Feeling, «. sense offeeling, v. Touch. W5Tm. ^qfrfirqn.
Fee-farm, ?j. fR^PiTm fqfi#qn.
Feeble, a. v. Weak. FrTF, Mf, srqF, FF#fT, FUjqq 3tFf- 2 sensation, effect of perception.
, UR«. tf-Pm. t^^TT/
STF, qFFr. qr^qr/. wsTURn. ^refqhsrm.
Feeble-minded, a. rFFFTtFT, FFFmr, #qSFrq#RT, qifrFr 3 sensibility, susceptibility qp-fqrsqiqrw. qr^°rr/. ^\f. ^5T-
? s5^r-^5T-sr?-&c. mi?tff. 5f «j. qrarwi.
Feeble-tongued, a. fsFl^r FT, FqsqrfwqT, f5f TqFor S7. To force f. ^raq^r q[?fr>«. aqr°l°T.
Feebleness, n. v.A FFFITt/. FFIFFT/. TqW/. fqqsrqr/. 4 emotion, jiassion, v. Sentiment. ffiqw. FfT'«.
wfiRjrw/ F%|Fq/.
Feebly, jqFqq, ffqPFF, FqFlftF, &c. qF^r a. Heel.
arZo. Feeling, a. sensible, susceptible. srspFrR, fr^qF!', HffTq, qr^r-
To Feed, v. a.
?FqrTr qr^F-TF, qfrfF, qpFF, qi?F, FFn. FF, “Trirq, qr^FPrsT, qr-?qrs, frq^rr irqr^r, w^r^rq^r, Fra^q^qr,
qrr^r^T°r» -&c. ftf^-.o/ o. ^qqrqqqqqr, ^R5rfq:qrF ar.
2 (cattle, &c ) administerfood. FTFF, FRT m. qiFF- TF. 2 expressive offeeling, qr^qfsj; q^5q»TraT TPTq.
7b Feed, r. n. subsist by eating. sg'FT, FTF, isftqFn. FCF- qrr^Prqr, qrr^rrqr, qr^r^qr, qr^qrrpfqqrq'.
qRF,<Trrn. JFTF, anfron- F*:F with g. of o. (also in comp, as To Feign, v.a. v. To Invent, qrfsqor, C’T'T, qf^FT.
f^rfK-^rfTF-&c. fwt), ?T^r^w.-3-cr^rrwr/.-&r. ftf 2 make show of pretend, sham. JTffqrn. - #IT«. - - fj??Tn
with ^ or ^ of o.

-qfr Drrw.-&e. qrf'q-q^tg-. o/o. $&/. -qfrq/. -fr^n—

Feed, Feeding, n. v. V. A. 1 act. fiFTF b. &c. qrqFR. qrsir- &c. qrjgq®r.
°TF/. qiTq />op. qcFFn. Feigned, p. v. V. 1. rq%ST, &c. qrfkq, iFTi^qq, airf PT-
v. V. N. 1. ?iTF». ft§TF«. (in comp, as sRTreiT, FFTflT, 2 Tssrf, &c. irqFpqr, ^r^r, Pt^rt, r^r, r^rq'qr-
•-Tf?wrF, ^Tr^K, F?w?rF, Fterirc, sr<-qnnT, iwfpc). =qr, &c.
1 See Food. Feignedly, adv. v. A. 2. #>11%, frorq, &c. #fiIRT deal. &c.
II (of horses, camels, &c.) regular allowance. Feigner, n. v. V. 1
=qft /. FTt- FfsqFrFr, . &c. f-TF, FFF, qpjRT.
q or FRtfm. 2 f^f q^rcr, &-c. tr^fr, fFfutpr, frtI, fiw, iptw, qrqqiwr-
Feeder, n. y. v a. i. qrrpiKT, nmwr qrFFirr, &c. qrsFqr^T, Feigning, n. v. V. 1. act. FF^PTn. FFF«. &c. anfRf^fqw.
qfaF, Fsprrqr. 2 and Feint. FTF qFn. WT qqn- &.c.
v. V. FTfffl (in comp, as
1ST. 53T°rrcr, FFWPCt FFTfPCt, KfFqr- Feint, n. pretence, sham. §7 ifn. fm pop. tflEn. or ifirwn.
fiff, f^rsrO', Freimr, ?|Fr?[fr, Fsqnpft, firqrafr femm. ftfr. fff fFFrqql/. v. qrrerq, sq». arq^m.
(in comp, as *TR#qf &c.), OT'ftft (in 2 mock stroke, Sfc. FFF/. qFm. ?F/. ^FFT 0?!/. «• FRTr,
comp, as & c.). •-rrq/.
To Feel, 0 perceive by the touch
t% . *q3R, ^i». 3u(R, ^5?- Feints.
m qrrqqF'fli.ju/.

5TR »*-&c. in, eon with g*. of o. ^q3T f?RR . To Felicitate. See To Congratulate.
-See. ^#r. Felicitous, Felicity. Seo Happy, Happiness.
To f. the pulse. /. gri«T. Feline, a. belonging, fyc. to cats. FlFFTTr FJTfeF fq^rFFrqiF-
3 ^ tor/e/j, ;>rm awrl squeeze, c$
c, RTR'q^T, Fell, a. savage, fyc. v. Cruel.



^PT^-^r^rjfr-.&c. qr#r. To Fell, v. a. cause to fall. qpJF, qpjq rrFF, qp?F, cfr^F ST-
To be feeling one’s way; to heat about the bush. =efRq^ FF, FFFqS’r, 5fFlF?lTF FTF.
^h*q% w, ?

Fellness, n. v. A. ^rqr/- FfFn. gqrqT /- &e.

3 have perception or sensation of* qp!R in. con. w* Felloe, Felly, n.~-of a wheel. F^FFn. qfF or FFw.
con. ^FT, ^T*Frm.-&Lc. fR g.of o. within con,
. Felloe-tie, n. cord connecting over a gap twofellies. qfFrFfin.
4 (mentally) be affected by. JTRR, ^RT in, f'ELi.ow, «. associate, companion, consort, comrade, partner, fyc.
con, in. con 3T#f. trqqF,HFffrj»qp. pm! or iqqrqi, mr, FrFm^qvrm. nft, Tf^ifr,
To Feel, v. n. have perception by the touch * qfToR- ?iFqqt, Fq'F^r, Fq'^, wf, Ti^q,ilF^m. 1^^. <

OTSR~&c. *». co?2. ^qrffRn.-&c. |t4 m. oow. 2 equal, peer, v. Match. & q-
qTIFTFr, f. FRIm. W5».
2 a^pe«r to the touch . 5fq5Tf€ qCT-^Rq' i*. com. ^RR, fl F/. are constantly used in the sense.
?7Roj*, 3 one of a pair. #3Tm. FTF*, FF.
34 .
. .


2 hedge, paling, $c. f T^ti. q£ or qfr oAf.jf^n.
17m. »TT-
This is (his, lier, its) f. (in lying, folly, villany).
struts or 3 Tf3^’ m n-
• ’feqn. cfRr 5f»
qrm. arrq^qn. srnrpctn.
(or ^r€t°r) qrcraf ?r qrarar-

4 person, body, hand, one; — familiarly. qPTOm.Tt. Dividing f. si'fTC'qfr/.

Gap m a f.

hy a fence.
Fellows —compreh. chops, hands. ij ni . To Fence,
v. a. secure

&c.) f. —ironic. q%qrqfWTO?)t.

Fine (splendid, dashing,
2 See To Guard
Some f. or other. aT^eqr nwr#. CR-
To Fence, v. n. play with foils, fyc. at attack and defence .
some half dozen fellows or other.
Some fellows, ^
qjrm. #orqr, OTE5TRTOin--^^ ?r/.-&c. ,

Fencer, n. v. V. N. &z*m, TCIX5T-
Practising stick of a f srfem.
You f* &TC. ^ — f 'FT &c
vagabond, dog revilingly. W'TCT m. WS^n. Fencing, ti. v. V. A ac<-
f 3%«. f

5 rascal,
Price or cost of
& c— compassionately
. srr'Wr , fr^RT.
5 wight, wretch,
Fellow is expressed in
composition by 3J. Sf, <OT, &c ’ Yt# v. n. — ?R qrs5ir^T&^»- /.

irCT-pn. To Fend, v. a. keep off. ^K°T, Pr^R®T*

Fellow-student, Fellow-scholar, n.
Fender, 71 . — of afire place. Tf^/*

Fellow-sufferer, ti.
Fennel, n. — sweet.

pELLOWSHir, 7i. companionship, fyc. /• ^T”1, F. — seed.

Having the smell of f.— mangoes, &.c. ferto-
HlflWn. 5rrf^F*r» 3T=W*Ti«. Wf'C^n.
qf^Tjpop. qjpr/. <FSTfa or 'ff^fiTn*. Fenny, o. %c. qm^r, TfWr^T, «T^JT-
2 (of table).
Fenugreek, n. W$\f
F.- water.
Fit for f. qtaMT.
Sweet-meat of seed of f. mmrn.
To admit into f. q#S q"t.
To hold f. with. qTRlFI #?«/» Ferine. See Savage, ^ ^
»JRnirft, WraTOITO*, ^T*
To Ferment, v. n. tvorh , effervesce
Felon, n. one guilty of felony.
gifat,jRmnfr, q$srr, w?femcr»*r.
^rTOTf-Tf^r- Ferment. See Heat, Agitation.
Felonious, a. y. Wicked. qTqjsHt, qmra=T?r, TOm.
€if0». HtlRT^TTClNii*.
! 3'- Fermentation, n v. V. JjrfojR. .

Felony, 7i. capital or heavy crime.

F. of dough, Szc.
•Tfq tf if grTCPfm. srrcw??r«.
Fern, n.
Felt, n. §R or tsfan. fCTO or ftM- Fierce, Cruel.
T^erocious, a. v.
Made of, belonging to, &c f. ,

ff ff ^rgc-
To form (roll out) f. iRTi.-q^pm. 5SB».



Ferociousness, Ferocity, n. v A. OTrw. ^RWm*

Female, n. v. Woman. seat/. IFff^Wp /- ’frC^'TO /•
3KT?rr f wn. Jsrrewr/* ^ ^ ^
onerf- ^sR«- /• qiRrarqnt-
of iron.
ttf- Ferreous, a.
2 (of animals or plants). HFft /.
Female, a. not male,—noting sex. ^fcuratqr, S^tsIPTW, w 3 *- 7
2 o Ferret out, a. search for, pr^*T-Sr^pr-W-
^-5^arq--&C. ^r2T°T»
p-1 ^ 5F^Pif
qstSfffifaT, 'CT* Ferriage^ti. /«rc at a ferry. OTFCm. ^TC^TT^/*
woman, Feminine.
2 belonging to y.
Ferruginous, a. partaking , §•<?. of iron. ^f#ST^r, W-
wRra#l, ^qtTrrffrfqTW.
ftfOT, §rf «r4^r.
F. code. qRTR srrern. .
dim. ^wlf>

Ferrule, n. fyc.
The F. sex. Wimf qwqrHt «TRT/. ,
n. female nature .
Jb Ferry, v. a. qfT or rfU
F’erry, passage to be crossed. fiT/.
Feminine, a , — noting sex. ^tsHHlrar,

2 ferry-boat. xfXf*
*m\ w

2 belonging , fyc. to woman Wtw, Ferry-boat, n. ^C/*

F. ferrying gratuitously. ^T^rT^T/*
ffw#, w*t *hr\ f
Ferry-man, w ^?rnftn». OTF*rrm. 5TRT«». cRrw.

3 in grammar.
fi^THST or «f, Rr^KP^T or ^FfC*"
Jtfftqr, <s>*s.y^ifr,
Fertile, a. producing abundantly .

Femoral, a. belonging to the thigh. 5 eRi - rr

fwrqr, s?rarqr, *SPtft,
Fen, ti. marsh, 07 qmsrn. iPR^n- IFPITR. WOT*** wrw, Hgtti^wy,
F. qlrr/.
•rqwRr/. fwr^WTH. Btaf*. &«•
u FfqPCqifl* Fehtileness, Ffktility, «.. A.
Fence, n. guard against,— gener. *Tt<t< Ttt.
q|€^«- SKRfl. qfTOWn.
f^nTqfqPTOT. PTff C oT0W :T«. :
— ? . m . - . ,


To Fertilize,v. a. ftamr ' ffTlTO qfTOT- &c TO°T, fcOTTOWm Cold fit of a f. I%q or #fn.

-&c. s?m. Common f. JTF|TJT«^On*

Ferule, b. of schoolmasters. 5TPTJ\/’. Eruptions after f. giWOTn.

Fervency, Fervor, Fery-idness, n v. A. 1 SOTjr/. fl 55tgr#/- . F. ascribed to vitiation of the bile. — of the humour
firarrr /. <&&&/ storr/. fr^ffr/. phlegm, — of the humour wind, — of the three
2 grtrenn. trer /. ;rorc m. g^ror/. humouis, «?V; —of the bile and air, fcRTTO «3T — of ;

Fervent, Fervid, a. hot vehement

, ,
v. Ardent. SPS^T, the bile and phlegm, NR TOT «3T.
?r Knars

^te°r , jpN*. F —petechial or putrid, qgrwtrm.
2 eager, warm, impassionate, v. Earnest. ^cT^Rslt, ^q^T, F.— quartan. TRRltn.
T^r?%trarfT. F.— quintan. RfJfRR C.
Fervently, adk.
v. A. 2 . Wp, fhffft, F.— quotidian. q-crffTOTC.
F.—tertian. priTn-
Festal, Festival, Festive, a. OTRT, 3*- F. seated in the bones. iTRROR- fRJTfTTt /•
c^jrt, s^rfw^Nr, ^rfwr^r, &c. ^rir ? tfarfsrar F. with ague. Rhc^m. ftfrfrqm. l^ranSTCm. I^^RraTTm. ff-
F. occasion. — as a marriage, &c ^TITq*n. ^FTHTn- WIHn. Rs^Tw.
SpTCrtfii. Jiwrfn. Wl&n. JTPT^Tn. %¥~ F-— patient. F.-subject. sqfr,sqR:?r,^rg'5q5:.

arm. Jf^n.^Tprrw. ^SFKFTra. arj^rfm. %T /. Hot paroxysm of f. ^TfqTRr 55Tf'3’tin- sq triirnt.


F. rite or act, — gener. §;f2Tw. 2T Illusions of f. /.

Presents (articles of apparel) upon £. occasions, &?f ^in. Inflammatory f. STfs^On-
To Fester, v. n, rankle, grow virulent, —a scratch, &c. Intermittent f. ATT m
^ROT. Prostration of strength in f. Rqpft/. v. c. q.

2 fig.— mentally, ^qr, S^FT. Recovered from f. .

Festival, n* feast, v. Holyday. 6°T rTf^m. Remittent or irregular f. fqq'JI 5^.

#faST or %¥RTm. <rfn. /. dfe’TOm. ScQpC or 3T~ Rigor of f. SFSHSl/.
tmm* fs tow. Slow creeping f. ^ITflTTwi.
F. with illuminations. Slow or lingering f. ^I'T^'TTni.

Flowers, sweetmeats, &c. distributed at the close of a religious Sprinkling of holy water over f. -patient. gT^TSliffT /.

£ qmrnrm. To stop a f. by Incantations. or isITw.

Great f. or great rejoicings. JTtfc^PTm. 3?¥fa(TRm. Feverish, a. having a slight fever . sTfsr^rr, ^TPT
Money, & c. given to dependents at a f. TlWw.ti, arrsw, toc ®rr%®r, &c. ifTswqf
Presents (to Brahmans) at af, %3TRTm. To feel f. TOTOT, TOJT^, (ffTO, fTf^R, &c.) TOnffiT
Solar f.
sT#t - h#t- & c . TOrift /.-TO^rsw. %nv.

Festivity, n. See Festival. con. sTiirn- %3yf q°T, STWR. IJIT#.

2 social rejoicing. g?0rf m. 3TR3^0Tf m. 2 disposed HfTOF, elfW, ^T^ftar.
to fever.

Festoon, n. in architecture, q&^Ztf. f 3=pr or jp-fm. Feverishness, A 1 TOTOt /• TOTO /• f=Cffr/. TOTOlf-
n. v. . .

To Fetch, v. a. v. To Bring. SITTO suw, BIFFT- TOf/. KSKZtf. TOUT \f- ^Kf. ^rFfat/. 5?d®. ^rfnt»-
Fetch, n. trick, v. Artifice. gRcfarm. TiT^rm. Ttr€l,f. fl-TOrai/-

Fete ciiampetre, n. CRipFrn. ER%3fsrn. Feverous, a. having fever. flT'FE’tl, «iW-

Fetid, a. v. Stinking. TOr, TOraT, jrr, jJpft, 5prt, Hsqr. rnffsqr, «qrf?K'-fqfesr,
Fetidness, Fetor, n. v. Stink, tjpr /. tHTPr/. tpcST°r/. #C- Few, a. fTO^ or fsRW¥, Tiff, %3Rf?T, TOT, fpTOIT,
m/. ffljWn. Wm. qfair-Tm. ’
^rr, <ttt, TrcqN-, siot, ^w.
Fetlock, ». %qrr% TOTm. pi. Fewness, «. v. A. frSTO'TTni. gilrTOm. STSTAT /. ¥t-
Fetter, n. chain for the feet. faff/. STJT'Sr or srrm. pTJRw.n. f^fTOTn.
TO^tpTn. Fiat, n. decree. a?RTrf. ?TOm.
To Fetter, v. a. v. N. Prft/.-&c. Hf^vr. Fib, To Fib. See Lie, To' Lie.
2 See To Clog. Fibre, n. small thread or filament. itjm. pop. fT(5I or ?tt«T /.

Feud, n. contention, fyc. TOm. ffrm. trigur*. grfffm. ffTpop. TO«-

Family f. jrqTOS'nJ. 2 ("of a leaf, of wood, &c.). felTTm. florin. ffCm.^tfr/.
2 fief, fee. fi'TTOrin. 3T<jrwi.

Feudal, a. held, §c. in fee jftqrrargr, Fibres (as of mangoes, &c.). ^T<Trn. (or B'rtt &
Feudary, Feudatory, n. TOHltTfT. =fr=q^Hr) #TO/.
Fever, n. grim. «TC vulg. grCm. STI^m. Fibres (of hemp, ambdr'i, §c.~) clotted. ^Zf.
. Ardor off. fJTTRT 5rH3Ti». 3 (of a root). TOn- trriflTrm.
f 5t/.
Bilious f. Fibrous, a. consisting, Sfc. offibres. itjTO,
~ / / / /


Fibula, n. outer hone of the leg, To cry f. TO ITW ,

3T- - &c. TO°T.
Fickle, a. v. Changeable, TOTOR, TOTTOR, TO~ Fief. See Feud.
wrst, mffifror, affarjfe. Field, n, enclosure for tillage or pasture TOTn. f, dim .

Fickleness, n v. A. ^PTOTO. WTOr/. W-&c. jfe/. ^ITOTn. TOfS-n. STUlTwi.

Fiction, n, false report, t. Fabrication. sfPTl^JL <fC3i£n. 2 cultivated tract, 5T?fn. TOOn §=^n.
wi/ «?. to, to, fro- Boundaries of a f. ^wrffr /.
2 romance woreZ, fable,
$>c. v. Story ^TOrTTO-lT / ^F^TrT- Continuous course or range of fields. TOf or HWCfn.
#rs/ /. Division of or in a f. q^r/. vrfiTrm.

3 thing feigned, — gener. TOTOT/. CTOr/ TOR^-TW^f- Fields —collect. §

&c. ffrsr/. Fields, enclosuies, Ac. — compreh. or gener. fpRT i\J.
Fictitious, a. feigned, imaginary . 3FPTT, ^rfcTOW, TO§»3T, Fields, plantations, arable grounds— compreh. oi gener, $r?f-

w-rwr, torFto, 3T=r:^rF^qcf, to:, arcrafirar. 3T arm. tr?fqf?rn. TiTOii. SHTOt/.

2 counterfeit, not real, v. False. TTOT^TTOr, 3iTTO, fTOlT, Living m the fields (as dining harvest), ffawft
TOWr Owner of a f. frwfl,
Fictitiously, «</?;. v.A. qf^TT, CTfT, &c TOfTO, ^TOT, ^r- Person employed to work in the fields. flW c:?

TOQT¥. Wxm\,
Fictitiousness, ». v.A. L //. sfifcRTO ft. A c. TOlTT- Setting of a f. or plantation. oTO'ffi

ffTOIft. Stand in a f. for the watcher. 3TRTm TTI^RTwi.

2 #mrm. ^iCT# /. Unsown f. =TRTr.
Fiddle, n. ^fTOt/. =CTOft. TORft- Victuals taken by laborers in the f. fsKlft/ fTTOn. TO^tn-
F. of one string. fTOTr/. — player on it, Rr’srTTw. TO°T?n TO^n.
To Fiddle, v. n, play upon a fiddle, ^fTOf /.-& c. TOFFT- Water-pipe fixed in the bank of a f. JTPTOF
2 See v. To Fiddle-faddle. 3 wide expanse, open tract, |?Rn. ^tRt /
Fiddle-stick, n. 3j5fm. TOfFT /. F. of battle. wr3T°Tw. TWftf/
Fiddle-string, ». ^rTOt^t TO T aki n g the f .

Fiddle-faddle, ?i Of this word the sense or acceptation seems, Field, a raised in fields, fsT^K^t,
notwithstanding the Dictionaries, to be light and reiterate and Field-house, ?z.

unmeaning action*, and to be sufficiently expressed by the words Field-piece, ?i. UTfdRl /. ^Tar^t ?PF/.
tri/ling, idling, playing, fiddling, piddling, Ac. Under this Field-produce, w. fTOfWn. trcT^n.
view of it the corresponding words in Mardt'fu are numerous Fiend, n. v. Devil. Pr^rr^rw.ti. TFJHjh.
and expressive. They have of course differing particular aspects Fiend-like, « v. Fierce. UYWt, ^TRT,
and bearings, TO?tr TO f 3TO TO or TOTO" / Fierce, «, savage, violent, furious, outrageous . TOT, WfRKT,
sto? /. irofiftw / ^w/. sto to / tosto/ vsffr^or srr^, wr^l^r, sr^, ^?r^r,
to^ /. tototo/ TO^rtTO/ #3rr, sfrewr, wc, ^r, rrw, ?crarat, btri,
fwmer/ Some terms and phrases for a fierce, furious, fero-
To Fiddle-faddle, ». n. v. N. cious, formidable fellow and corresponding with ogre, devil,

tor -tor, toww. -RrOTr^rc- fiend, blue-heard, giant maul, &>c. are W, TOW, TO^ffi, TO-
^Kw.-R:^nT%er/.-Ac. tor, tot, *rrarr/*jp>/- tor- to, *ri?ajr, ^r^wr, irr^q-, qrr^J?qt, ^qtcrarr^
frfsrq*. or ^isf?rq;rar, fffR pop. ^C^r^tsr,
f sfa, W9,
Fi ddler, «. v. v l tort torriti
. r, nittfr tol j# mre, »rr«ntfnar, ^serqHK, #rf=cr, toot qr*r,
Fidelity, n. r, Faithfulness. WFTft. WRURfm# TOWw. q rr=T» q^rr 1?^,
^rwr^, f®rqraw,^qRfr.
retort™. 2—as flame, &c. fq?qHT, fq?q£ ffq, SILTS', OT^'qtfT,
To Fidget, v, «, &<? restless, move about irregularly, TORW, 9TOT, #fq, iNs

=fS3^R, qrsroR, ^5R;af ar//\ Tfwr m, £/??;. <?<w. 3STO /. Fierceness, n. y. A. 1. g-q-qr /• g?Rqjqrqm- ^TfMTfni. OT5T-
- ^STO/ & c, &rrffi~HZvrin, con . TOW/ TOR. ^nrrqHi. &c.
Fidget, Fidgeting, n. v. Y, Fidgetiness. wwRft. &c. 2 fTOTr?/. siETrst/. g^r?/. qOTDflfl'qoTrm.5 3'qrq DTrm.

TOfWft/pZ. to%/. $Fi£m,pLv, TO* wrr /. %iWTn. ftqgr /.

Fidgetiness, n* v. A. rsto/ Rroar/ WA&J. TO, Fieriness, n. v. A. 1. aTfiRr / airOTWtqm. STflTOTm.
ssqar/. tow/ interns, ‘TOSjsrom. ^b^stow. ?r- 2 goqfrr/. sffrwl/. sr^rsl/. qs-#/. qgsqgr/. qrsrr^r /. qrqr-
qfFq/. & c. qrqrrqr ^crhi.
Fidgety, a. restless^ §c. ^jwrr, TOWR, W?*, 3 g®rqr/. qr^5rsStqq°rr»t.
flr^cfcT^r ar wr. Fiery, a. belonging tofire. ^^^^.aTftnrq^rSX.arflr?^.
Fie, wwfe# wr, ftp t, f® #, or: 2 irascible, r. Hot, Passionate. OTr^r, W1$t, qrq^,

Fie I Fie ! fer^f. ww or srr5f, vsrsrrsr, q^qr, #?, ?qqr, #qr, qrr^.
FIG 261 m
S biting, stinging, &>c. v.Pungent. sTRTr, Composition (of talc, gum, <JLc.) for raising figures on cloth,

Fiery-eyed, a. ^qp^qqqq'. isftf- qrnrm

Fife, n. qrqr or qt^Tm. qfeft /. pat/ ipi. Figures, figured work (of vines, flowers, &e ) drawn, em-
Fifer, n. qr-Tr-&o qrsmiTr, q'qqprsK'. bossed, &c. jft or jft/. qsrjft or fV/, or qsrprm. j-
Fifteen, a. T^TF, *T^5T. 5 or ^srrm. ^m^Rn.
Fifth, a qpqqr. Figures drawn (upon occasions) over the floor and walls. 3Tf«

Fifth, n qf^r fi imm q^triSTw. afr^qr/. j»z.

Fifty, a. TW6". — one qqqq-T —two o** vT. qrqvf. — three Rk- 3 person , exterior y. Form. ^qn. wr/. ^q^qf/. ^rq^r/.
— four #TiF —five

qW or % -Tvf
r .
six — seven ^iftrr^rTO/.
^TiW.-— eight ^TST^vf. —nine qqrtTORT. Fine, elegant, &c. f.

Aggregate of f. qvFf^Tt/. 4 statue , image . qqssrni. or of a female . qqs?t/.

Fig, garden, ficus ca/ica . —Indian /. Indica. or 6/I/2Z. or o/’ female. qf|^l /. fwft. ^Rf^f /.
glomerata. €^Tm. STTOn. ( — the fruit ;q- 5 (as of a heavenly body, die. in explaining it). fe*
qqn.) —holy f / rehgiosa fqq £T m. f^p5T».
Mass raised around the f, religiosa and f. Indica, &lc. qpfm. 6 — in geometry,
Ceremony of raising this mass. 7 character in arithmetic *fan3Twi. pop. or
Descending shoot of f Indica. qfqqt/. Figmes, cyphering . fffrq or prqfrqm. — Place of figures.
A f. for you and your father too. frsq % ?f?qf ^T*TT^T >F.
Fig-colored, a. ^fSTTOTr C^TF^T.
sJfsrcT, 8 emblem symbol , , qfq^qR. qpf^rqqrn. qpffqqn.
7(9 Fight, r. n. contend in battle . f%gn.
9— -in rhetoric. ^T^fTm ^q^f^m. . ^qqT/i- Some of the com-
combat dW. rFTq or 3T#f or gf s^T. mon figures in rhetoric, are. ^qSTF, ^qqr, qf^°TR,
Fight, Fighting, m, v.Y.L 3rq%. ^grf/. J3r«. TTO.n. ^qrsrnz. m, m®, to, jirt, ^Pr, srqjrPr, 9?Pr^r-
toor. Pi woi. Pfstto/. tfrotw! ^r^rqfrciu. qrPtr, fqwpTF, Pt%Pf, gmfpRT, qlqqr, sqPr^qr, ^rrPrqr.
Ardor for the f. q^sF f. «rqr, ^r-q, w, qqlq, *mr.
Close f. qrjprn. sR^irn. 10 distinguished appearance, fyc* ^Wf/. zfWWm.
Fair f. q-ffpji. To cut a f. cut a dash , ©H/* ?Tf^, Win,
Tumultuous and furious f. Ffqarn. qr^T, sTWn. ^qq*, pFCfSFT,
2 sfaoj- or spprn. JTrcrJTK or JTITroifr / ?oRPO». fTTOPCT /. Wf t
W JRFTii. a?m.
f sT or gpii. qr m, Z\f. sfrfSTn. Figured, a.figxirate. TO^F^T, ff%^r=T, qfrT^r,
F. for sport. tKTTRTSS'itt. 2 having figures (carved, drawn , <§'o.). ^qr-
F. (setting to fight) of animals for a wager. JTrfaRrq'N. ^rqr^, gpnsnft, Nwr*
Height or heal of the f. ipT^ST#/. t^JIRTITpO' /• 3 numbered by figures, sfsfp s*T?fr.

Sharp or brisk f. 3rft^?T#- WJTlft &c. <*rq;r /. qr^Rrfr /. Filaceous, a. consisting of threads, qqqq, WW.
To itch to f. qisrr qjTfC’T ff- °f*‘ Filament, n. mn. mxf* % vulg. ?THjik
Fighter, n. Fighting, j>. a. v. V. Si'STt-pr- & c. qrCTKT. Filamentous, a. like afilament.
1 fitfor war. PSFX, 53? qr or qrC- 2 consisting offilaments,
Figment, n. invention, fiction, qriiqqT /. CTTf / SRfsqS-fft-^- To Filch, See To Steal.
*?(£/. File, n. (as of soldiers), Tfr^qrr/. TO /* W<f[Xf«
Figurable, «. rfte »i«y &e brought into a shape. sTf^BTC gPCRT- 2 — the instrument. qfTTO/.
OT}«r-&c. arrwtqtar. 3 See List.
Figuratb, a. having shape or form. 3Tr¥[TRT, aTRTrO, 3TRTIT- To File, v. a. rub with ctf TOT, WTOtT fre®T.
qr^ sror^Rirer, Hrqnr,
( ^f%4ar, f*f, Filial, as used of a son. JfRr, JT-
Figurative, a. typical. STfaf'W, arwrofaffaRT, Krtrf^r, pT?^.— as used of a daughter, pt-
sr^sfqr, srgpqr, ^sftqr. =qr, qrW^RtrNT, qffqrWTrV-— as used of a child, without refer-
2 not literal. HTwFqqr, #F?rfcqr, OT’TRRmT. ence^to sex. sTqjqr^r, aiq^irNr.
3— of slyl a-, full of figures. 3T^qTfff, 811^1^, WsNtRT, F. affection. fq^%fm. with reference to one’s father, tffpl'-
sT^ITqqr. fm. with reference to one’s mother.
F. language or speech. F. duty. pKRni. qft^FTr^nrm. arq.qq'^n.
F . style, sq^sff J, oqvsfsffqfxfjf. Filings, n. qrfein. (csp. in comp, as mrpf°Tn. &c.).
Figuratively, adv. v. A. 2. oTSFRT^sT. To Fill, v. a. WT, W=T t°T, Wrt/.-5TOTfl.-&c. TK^Tg'. ojo.
Figure, n* shape, v. Form. Ft/. . W, ^qn. Hfer-fec.
2 a, f* a form a , definite thing .
3JFT/. ^“gn. Pf /. ^Tf- To f. full. 3S>r- P’-HTTC- &.C. TOf,
qrrc«», Phr», 2 See' To Satisfy, To Glut.


2 (an & c ). qRq, *re®i with qr or qrt of s.

office, and in. con. 1 utterly, v. Wholly, stiff?, fqqqqr.
4 wp occupy TOW* Cf‘€W, TOW.
Finance, n. v. Revenue, qqqjn. frsjtB'in.. «WT/

To be filled by. TO*T, TO%, Financial, a. v. N. qiprer, fTfoqrqr, qqqrfq'rqlqr, qqq rrqr-

5 up; supply cavities , TO°T, J5FT. qqrqr.

6 up or in ; — tables, columns, Sic. TO°T* To Find, v. a. obtain, attain, irqq, frRR, STipt, ®svf If4, qrg-

To Fill, i?. n. grow,full. TO*T* MW, TW all with in. con.

out; become fleshy or pulpous . l

T, 2 (something lost). FtooT, TO^^rW, allwiik in con .

3 meet with , /a// 2 /po?2 . o// with

*TTO, f TO.
n. fullness, satisfaction. qqqt /• qfqqn- Wr°T»- qiqrqqrm. in. con .
qnr/. qjrrftr/-
4 know by experience. ^RWrm. - sWTOm.— &c. W-
To tlie f. sir|fff- g\of o within, con. oTJTOR- ^ c. c ®T*

To eat one’s f. frrJFC-qieJT^T %qq. & c. 3Tf?TTr qw-arrx^ ii^r-^3TW in.con.

5 detect, discover, apprehend (faults, excellencies).
To get one’s f. of. qqqf/. qqq g- of s. EFTrS’°T.

To take one’s f. of. *R>i. mg. of o. 6 discover by study, fyc qfr?4.

Filled, y. V. I. W*wr, «for jfU, W, f ^4, £#, TTf^T, 7 See To Supply, 8 out; unriddle, solve. qfYvr, flq;°T, TO'-

F. full. HTJC. 9 out; v. To Invent. qrrfST.

(in comp, 10 out; detect, discover, trace, bring to light. gnqipT or 3"Jf-
F. with (thoroughly occupiedand passed by).
as fq'qrq, sfrqrff wjq, £fqrjs-, alwf q). ift, qrisrvr, €wm. mf'h-vfg g of o. zrq?- & c. qr^, fs'qrpqrm.
F. state, writ /• WTffi % f. -fk^nq«.-iriJTin.-& c. 5irq'5I-qf3“T g.of o qiioT.

Fillet, n. band, qft /. To be found out, be brought to light. ^triPT, grtsaj or ?-

Front f. ^rqrsrqriY/. HS-ojprrirm.-^irtrjn. g.of s.

3pqni.-f5qfr qrM.-&c. wriFT

Filling, a—as an article of food. <rqqS*FFC, ^TW^TT. g- of s.

becoming pulpous, ripening, — fruit. ifPCitq', iffc** Fine, a not coarse. qrfteT, qiTqHir, fTvliT ,— compreh. or indef.

Filling, n. v. V. A. I .-—act. mprn. iRuf! /. WTa. wrqtjf. T- F. and small, & c. qrO^BRlq?.
VTn. qjtqpTn. 2 offine texture, qpftqr, q^T, qrflqigql, qrflqfgqr-

F. and emptying. VPTWT/• =qr, qwirgqrqr.

To Fillip, v, a. — with the finger. fzrqqq'r, Ti^f &c. tnfq\ 3 subtil, rare, tenuous, qr-cfc, •TrsTV WT, qv. ,

Fillip, Fillipping, jj. v.V. firq or fpr /. ffq^t/- 4 large and splendid, substantial and showy. SWfqT, SFT-
With a f. fcq-qrq-tST-Sic. qir, qirqqri:, ?q?TV, ss^r, ffqrs', qqqftq, TOqwtq, qi?r, qcw,

Filly, n. twqr'/. q%q? /. ifsq, qfrfirq'q, 5rvir.


2 boisterous girl, Romp. qfft/. fSHT^n- q£T' J?'/.

v. 5 5 splendid, dashing, gorgeous, garish, gaudy, flash. SHl^T,
Film, n. pellicle. qqifiii. SKlm- ^rfrqrm. dim. tKifrfr/. qftTCTfli. srqqrv, qiRqrv, qrqrr^t or #, qig-'iTrqr,!-??^, qqqftq, vsrA-
2 (over the eye). qrqqrm. pop. fS55n. qq’iTMi. qOfm. W- q, srsqr, qqqrv,qqi?r, ^qqrqr,qqrqqr, qfwq°rr, qfrqrf-qq,

qqr. srvqrqvq',«'qqf,wr ,
mm, mmm, ravqqvtqr,
3 fig. blind, covering, fyc. siqqfqn. fqvrsrqrq, fqirrfqq.'pisfeq-

To Filter, v. a. purify by a filter Jfstqlq qfSEq-S7r£q-&c. 6 good, excellent, capital, grand, splendid, superb, noble, !jc.
To Filter, v. n. percolate. qrsrqq, qaR, 8JT T. E —freely, wr,
srtt, H5T, q?r, tqrer, qqivrrHr, irwr or sr,
qsrfqqq /. q%qnc, qiflqr, qrat , vqrat or «r, fiver, qrqr, qqqr, q-
Filter, n. strainer for water. JTssqt/. q'lqrv,

To Filtrate. See To Filter. qrv, fiqr, miz, w, ’qirq, €?qqr, qpi f5it:r, q^f g-, |q, qq-

Filth, n. foul matter, nastiness. qFTjf. Jf5T pop. qsm. iqtqn. qr, ifqqrr, q^q or qqrq, viv, arqqr, qrvr, qqqftq, qr€, fq-

lit oOFZm. ff
r?r tlr/i. t^T/. n. fqqpfm. ifTeiTTii.

Filthiness, n. v. A . I. qs%W»». qstwrrm. qrfvRqn. arraign. 7 — a reasoning, &c. subtil. qf'Crqr, pq, 5?q.
2 iTrqqqqrw. &c* Fine, nmm. ifc^f. izm.
n. mulct,

Filthy, a, foul, §c. v. Dirty. JRqq remiss. qfqq pop. jrfy. m^rff. qrm°rf.
Jiafaf,?5Tr, 5BWW. Fines and forfeits, — compreh. itqsfqm.

2 nauseating, loathsome, §c. v. Disgusting. #i3Tr, sfrifts, F to be paid to the king, qiqrqqm.

R-^srror fiqqr, f|ifltg-,fsri:r, %raqpqr. F. to bo paid to a brahman. "anTO^m.

Fir, n. qrqrrqr qq«. Vexatious or unjust f. TO^m,

Finable, qqqqr^, qqqsr.
a. v.V. To Fine, v. a mulct.
m . ^
Final, a. ultimate^v. Last. sftrqr or 5JT, 4^, NlrT, W.
aifqq, 2 See To Purify.
Finals, n. end, closing scene, Sfc. q?ffTqn. fqST /• spTm. Fine-eyed, a. fqsqqf, fqsq^fg.
Finally, adv. v.A. qrqqf, *iqf, siTORf. Fine-looking, a, v. Handsome, qil"!!, 4'sjqlq, qqfTWq.

Finely, adv. v.A. 5 splendidly, showily, gorgeously, fyc. R|R- I

Finished, p. v.V. 1. RRr-ic. qRW, 5rqJT0-&c. RS5R,Fey.
RTR, UR ®r)%, ff^R, JAM.
, 2 ftqqftarr, Frurq.

Fineness," n. v.A. 1. 2. mx^if qffrqrqRrm. R5RTT/. 3 PrspRR &e. qfcrere, ftrerrfire, ftffre.

3 qtFcqreRrin. ^K^Tt'TrJn. Xf5%df. RfpiqRrm. tRITn. Finite, a. limited, bounded. 6RpT, BRfUR, UUltT, «f-

xpmr / ff^R pop. RRfifR. ura (in comp, as gTRRW ,


4 SR/. 3TR/. SR^rO/. r^/.g^rrff/ RqgFfqqRrm. Ac. srefair).

5sr/. str/. 0R5TCtf. xuf rwd/' uaruarrm. urqqr/.- Finiteness, b. v. A. ureR^fn. UrePrerren. U*rekren. UUtUUr/
gsqf/. t>. UK, JRUfsR'RTm. urmi/.
6 u^iurm- uM«. uufrnrm. RuqqRrm. Rrawm. &c. Fire, n. aTR/. ^FfTm. fqUTf or fqtTm. SRKm. (also in comp,

7 urfcOT'Trin. qKqrrq/.fpFfr/'. ttewn. as f. of lustgrrURa f. of hunger


Vuru and ^faRS*, RUr-
Finery, i». show, splendor. SR/. 5TR/. SRTrft f.
JR f. SUarruf f. U?r, U5TU0 &c.).
2 /we clothes. qTqrftqrSTRrm. KfjRT- qrretRT- fSRJTRTqf- By a slow f. — cooking, &c. UTRf.
&c. qT sorer m. q*ar»- Fall of meteorous f. ffUTOTm.
Finesse, n v. Artifices. qRqpq or m^T^ RfqqRm pA F. fabled to be in the ocean. q^rFgm.. qgqRffm.
FfifTpreR/ Flint, steel, Arc. for striking f. Rqru=f/.
Finger, n. mzn. BRfar /w/>. of srr! /. qKSTRiT/. Roaring f. Blazing f. WfS or arm. U^qrr or URqrrm.
F. in, p<7/r£ or concern in . ^IPTn. Rrqrrarm. Rqurr®. UUWtn.
Five fingers. — collect. Sacred or sacrifical f. qqn. ffUrflTm. TpEnfsTm. — hole, en-

Forc-f. rfCsfreY/. ^F5RV-“ littlef - NUst/- qRR/t or ritu- closed space, or vessel for preserving it. ufjrfra'n. jTn. tlR-
al/. qrroFg-qrr/.- middle f. URsqRn. JF-qirr/. RiRqT/.-ring- 5IRT/. iTujRn. —maintainer of it. aiftrfNTt. — maintenance,
f. third-f. 3?urFuqrr/. srftrfre'n. — particular
wood used for kindling it. aRf0! orlfPf-
Space between the fingers. ifreqrn. URqrWji. qrrFuqrf/. (Premna spinosa). qaTRm. (Butea frondosa). urfqxm.
Talking with the fingers. ^OsKlUrer/. ^r^fT/. BTufsR- (Mimosa catechu).— stick used in kindling it. uFU3( pop. UUt<3"/.
«KTm. Sheet of f. t-ffiT m. /farm. Tjrzmm.

That is at one’s fingers’ ends. URTTR, UfqqR, FRURr. Widower’s sacred f. fq^nfifm.
To crack the f. -joints, URR, sfufe* Uirm.-’iURUi- To be on f. ®TR/- KRR, RaR, RUR.
rRn.-aRRUHJRn. USKor. To expose to the action of f. (medical compounds, &c.). Affir-

To get" a f, in. qjjn. fJRqiR, WRiSTm. qTUR. jcrn.-urer/. qu.

To point out with the f. aftrP* R'T^Tm. qRR- To place over a slow f. iRTifi

To twist round one’s f. tfireT RfRqR. To set on f. sjpf/. S-Rq, ^zfih, or fsrsnjTq3!.
2 finger s breadth. mzn.mtT^pop. aiiRTm. To take f. To catch f. qnn. q«f, %ff /. U°r, fesqrU or %-
To the extent of a f. %JRT. HTR.
To Finger, v. a. get into ones hand or possession. qKTfqR, 2 a f a kindled heap of sticks logs, coals,
. Sgc. ®TR£l or Bff-

qRm.«. qRR, FRIR qRR, FRISTl/l CfRR. qr?t /. UriR or BTRRn. tr/(ft or trqTRt/. or Uifft/-
2 mess by fingering and pressing. qfrarR or qfJrarR. •gfiz or KRTn. Kfifn. qURm
3 — furtively i r p< culalingly, v. To Embezzle. 3 (from guns, &c.) v. Firing. ur/fUITm. UKfm. UKm.
Fingered, a. having fingers. qizpqr, urufeu, qfiRr (in comp. To Fire, v. a. v. To Kindle. qRa’r, ®TRr/- ^re°t, R?/.-f/r/.
as trererar q/srr, & c .). Rq°T.
Six f. uiusurr.aTfi-iqrrij'^. 2 cauterize. RIR or 5T3FT, KRR, 3T?Un. qTRT.
Fingerless, a. f-rfisrr, afijfaClR. 3 discharge a gun or firepiece. UKR, tOT, RPI0! or 5TI7°1
Finical, a. fastidiously or affectedly nice. srqifsW, ZTqfjreT, RS-qR, grrfR, qRm. R3R-ar?qR-gRR g.of o.
RTtrerrer, Rrererrer, qqqirer, /iurst, rrrclT & c. qreRin- - To Fire, v. n. tahef. v. To Kindle, qrm. RR, qcR, %qR.
Firicalness, «. v. A. 3Tqrre%q°Trm. ’rrefeq'FTrm. &c. jfqjlq/. 2 fig. get angry, v. Angry. qiR, %qR, RfqR, ^RR, /fqU,
qrrer#rq/. rer URTR R3R.
Finis, n. v.End. srFdtft/. UUrftr/. 3 discharge guns. qRm. Uf^R.
To Finish, v. a. complete, v. To Accomplish. <JTRr-qR-<TBriT To f. away animatedly and continuously. 3JRR.
-&c. qrru, ur%0/' utcr, #tcr4^u--&c. rr. Fire-arms, n. v. Musket, gun, &c. Biuret n .pi.
2 conclude, v. To End, qfqqR, UKR, Fire-ball, n. uFfRRqrin. W,f /.
$ give the last touch, polish, perfect. BfrsrqR, HRKR RKfrl /. ,
Fire-brand, n. /R#l/. /r/iqn. Bffjrenrn. R?qrr/. RtRqrn.

uursR-um, 5Hf5f/- mvhg.of o. mrrr/.~ &r?/- aftq/.-&c. F. in the hand of a madman. fq^TRqr frft /r/iq.
rtrr, qRrrenxni.-uwKm.- &c. mzfig. of o. urr, ^trto/. 2 fig. v. Incendiary. sRiRTsqr, RnTUriarr, RR^rtqr.

«t«t, ^tpSr, Fire-engine, n. qqm.

Finish, Finishing, n. last touch (polish, fyc.) given. #3T /• Fire-fly, n. qrraqrm. mTratem. frur#Ti».
mtif. Tssssiif mm ». Fire-lock, n. RfqHsrer/. RfqRI
, .


Fire-new, a. v. New. sjnr#Cr, =fqsr3\ First, adv. qffsqr%, qf#, SFTKF or SUTRT, sir^t, a?rff, qaiH,
Fire-pan, n. traRf /. q-Rlft/. srrafarn.
W:, TF: (in comp, as TTWF, q^PIT^r)
Fire-place, n. R&f. dim. and intens. ^CRm. At f. qftw, q^PJPT, qfi, 8iqs-.
On \o SD

sfR or n. ^STPT/i.
S5 Asatf. qqq^.
F. of a ship or boat. F. and foremost.
2 JS'W qi"
Hob of a f. 3T or F. of all. qg^=?rr jr, ®irf or snfrfaff or vnffr-tr.
Raised back of a f. ijfufrar or STRraTw. From f. to last. 3TR5TC, ^Tr^ffT.
Fire-stone, n. ^TfiTTO^m. From the

qqtwT, arqwqiTR'.
f. qflsqrqra ^,
Fire-wood, n. v. Fuel, srsEorn. vsr o&wn. First-born, a. iPOTsTFr, sWaTR, WWfqvT, sta .

F. merchant. ^vgwr. First-prtjit, n. annals, ^rqr$[f. or arft^Fffsr /. affT-

Fi re-work, n. composition of gunpowder, §c* cTRST^rpErn. Wf 5Tn an**Rr».
Certain fire-works are qw^fT, WTTasr, ^TSST, ffKF, Feast of the f. #n. Day of
=rqr?Tn. it. =Tqr5f-
^rcr, PrfsfV, «rrck, ?£t, 'pzznv, *rc?rpr, r%- qr®rrrr/. q-sqr’fr q^rq/.
*iz, gr*ffr, m*&r, ew. First-ling,a. qffiaMpqT, qF#W^r.
Various fireworks put together and fired. MT^fw. First-rate, First-sort, a. aiqu, ^qisrarr^rr^r, iqqrqT
diversion unth fireworks, ViTO^Rf/. 3?f5T^'5T /. skfrf /. Fiscal, n. See Revenue.
Firing, a v. V. A. 3 sfr^rDu. fJKrm. 3?{Tm. Tird^nfr/. Fiscal, a. n
v. q^^rqr, qg^rfqqqfar-
Brisk or furious f.(of ordnance, musketry, stones, and, Fish,
fig. n. irrer m. dim. HTffat or ajrarsaf/. arsJm. ari^qm. aitom.
of abuse, &c.). ^'T^POn. WqiT o?* HfirfllT or ^fTPCw. «T- — in cant or free phrased, qp^tiai/- 4 ?Trf%5Rrni.

srafr/. Some kinds of fish arc ifrfR, fSfqr, f3TJTr3T, 3T3


Double f. TTHTr^ii. <r*T(Tw.
sa sa qtiRr, r#, zw, fqqrr, frfr, ^qrr, airsy.
Line of f. TflTrm. Basket-work down
let to catch f. ff^TSTt /.
Mutual f, ajr^r^t /. odd a queer fellow,
f. isn?^, ffirrsrr^r RWH.
Firm, a. closely compressed hard, compact , .
^ pop. $FT, q^F, Shoal of f.

sir, <rr, qrwc, ero, *f*sr qrm, Put, a=rw! To Fish, v. n. JifT°T -'-dr4, airsii^t Fsrqrra' /. qrr"T ,

*jwrn*, fsT*,
qaftfq, srfpcfo. aj^HTOTn.-ar^iiqra-in. irAr.
F. (from ramming or boating) hard. sqaT, arraq, Fish-bone, n. qipcrm. ^rqrm. JT^^T^m.
2 steady, determined decided , , resolute. fkFCPTr, ^RTTU^T, 3T- Fish-hook, n. JJ^di. qf^3Tn. jjj]/. ain.qqiR'J!.
mx, fq-w^r, %£rt, Prefrrqr, Fwfr, tfre, ftqr, arf^r, raft- Fish-monger, n. JrrtFqqqr, *T5^rft^pft.
er, jprsfrs:, Prsrarr, aprsrr, irw, f^fr, hw, wrfe:, Fish-net, n. arr^TR' sir^n. *rapr«ITvr«.
^’fW, ff^f^Rrr, R?k*ttot, qwforPTt, Fish-pond, «. arrerfcrr Ifqm. JI?tq
fepcf^srir, §%% srrfWrr^, vNsrr#, nnfr. Fish-wife, Fish-woman, n. woman who sellsfish. arr%f'Tqr°riTT/-
3 tight, close, fast. trr, ftf*, JR, airs', qnffr or qjrfSF. arr%rq^r/.
4 fixed, stable v. Enduring. aTSTSS, f^FC, vpf, ^Tf°T. Fisherman, n. RlfTT tq^Kr-RIT'qrcr, aF^TT^qr, JFaWTfqfT,
5 substantial and strong, — esp. of edifices. sjSScFTE, ^TTRT, The words following denote castes of fishermen. rftqT pop.
wiriw, «, aeRTrrc, Nf%wr, jtcwj?, aqspr, qfrqfq, feqar, tr^f, arreft or it or anflr, w#, %qrf or%q=fNrm.
$®rs, wfFr, qrrjyf, 5{5iR^, nsrjjT. Fishery, Fishing, n. aqr%!-T 0
qn#'rrwi.-qrraTaiP&c. qrsr %n.
Firm, n. partnership or house. ^THT?n. Fishy, it. arrsrrqr, *?RinBn:?3T, HRqqq.
Firmament, region of the air, Heaven.
m. v. BTiriWf^n. Fissure, n. v. Crack. JR J. mf f-Uf. sq «r/. aqfe/.
Fist, n. i&f. gfe/. jrffeqrr/.— jocosely. 3 qfg#?gr«t.
Firman, m, m/a£ mandate ;
fyc. or *ET3TRTm. Blow with the anr, T, prrm. f€l /•
, f.
5rqrrm. 11 .
5 =KT^T«i.
Firmly, adv. v. A. 2. tfqr%, f^^qoTR, W'W, arum, gf&uirarni.
rwfmr, &c. Clenching the f. jflWw.
4 srr, jts?, ^r, qsqrr, pr, q€f, F. as clenched to strike. Jtzmtm. v. mR.
Firmness, n. v. A. 1. m if. qzcmfm. qrs)°rq qrin.' &c.

F. to f.

tifcpf. sfe-Jirm. ?r«fn. Free of the given to striking.

f. fFTpqr TrTS?.
2 qa}«. ^ICftr/. 8?!/. fw?»n. l%qi'I Tarr»i. <
ffqrrr?/. Fluge f. mutton, f. jpfiT3T».
nott/. ijrf^en. t|Rr/. ff^rrm. Piwm. r^r/. ^rm. Iron (or hard) f. rsrjfijm,/. pop. qjqqw/.

5 #cm. JTsrj^v/. Of an iron f. q^rgFs*.
First, a. qftsr, lif^tar, irift, »Tf?T, sirhn, <rt, w, Striking with the f. Ffegtrarm.
' 0\ Fistful, n. ajprc (used with a noun), jfff/.
At or for tile ft time. q%plfi% or qf^H Fisticuffs, «.
FEfHS'f/. qrqPqfi/. ^qrwcqtor fCTf-
From the f. (part, &c.) to the last, arPSftT,
*r/-jrsrp/. gtf^Hr/.
I am the F. and the Last, apf su^f^.. To come to f. qrqfqrrqr- qrqqr?qT-& C. q5r.
265 FLA
4 confine, restrain, stag. fF'TFFFT, 1RW, FI^T,
5 ^-
Fistula, n —in ano. m^m.pop F%«- F[FRFm. FIFl/.
tTSfn.-Fvf’Tnt. ^F !^ of 0 o. fF4F-&c.
2 — lachrimalis. FrFF®. srtJFTFl/.

To Fix, v. n. rest, stag, stop, v. To Settle. TOFT, F^TFFT,

Fit; n. sudden affection or attack. SZW m. %Wim. FF®-/-
fF^FFW, '^RF !.
WFft/. W®- FO»/- 2 (as in death)— the eye. f?T#r.
F. of anger. fiPCF/.
vrB 11, .~3TR®- - fa^F))i.-&c.3>^
t\ qpzrri. *1^ 3 on; determine on.
F. of sulleuness, doggedness, &.c. FTf/. tFFr, &c. F^fF,
Fixed, p. $ a. v Y. A. 1. ftsT^r, F €r&Frr
When the fit’s over the doctor comes. HW PFT£ 3Tn°T 4?I
%rr»i. RFl/. irFJTm. I
2 return after intermission. 3Tfil'F, sIFFFTIfF, F-
2 vTTSft, FF^FT, FFPIFFT, &c. ^FifTF,

By fits and remissions. 3TH F

, ,

PlFFRftFfF. fmfiV, FFF,
By' fits and starts. yrFFFrfT, FWF
FPTF, W 3TPI5T, 3 zm*Zt, FF^Ff, &c. fFfeF, PFFfFF, FrFtF,

FFF, F?FFlF, ffra,FlFr,fFFF-

3f?F,fTrF?rrF. "
To he f. 2-FF.
TnlFn- fFFYn- ftTFYn.
3 (of epilepsy, &c.).
FqRRl, FI^PF, OT, 4 fi'FFRFFr, &c. fFFF,FF?FF, FF 5F* •

Fit, a qualified,— of persons. _

I stationary. STFST, FFT4F, 3TFF, 37FF, fFFFF, HF FOTF. ,

FrfW, 3 If.
_ - moveable.
2 decent, becoming, suitable. FFT, 51 T^pTr or «P FT

m comp. .
IJ in law, cis opposed to

&c -)> Fixedness, n v P. 1. SIFfiTa. ^rFFFrm. fFFFq’Frw. FWTFrm.

Is FrarawfiT, "rararafrpir,
fpstwf & c. 3TF5fFir«i. Fn. ff'FFFr /•
^ _
g^RT, ftrer, fererck, ernr^ir sntftt, , ^ t
^fFFF°rr«i. &C. fF?4rFFFr/- fFFfFFRn-
Serpmrw. 3TF1Fr®
F. and unfit, proper and improper.
^fiFfT or ^fUT (m tFfFFF«- &c.
3 adapted, serviceable or suitable for.
HFIAC, SW*, 3 T- 4 &c. fFrFFRn. FFsFF(j.
conap. as qprt^TCT #3T, Twr^rFrjWFFrr)>
V. A.
&c. FRFTFr,
ttst-&c. FF^FfFr , fFTFUTKr
Y? 0 X e.). Fixer, «. v. 1. .

f (in comp, as TiIFTf WdRIY, FRT?,

^ ^ &C.FF f.

FFF-F'TfF-FfTO- &c. Ff 13!- , ,

To Fit, v. a. make qualified. ,


3 %FFfFI,FFIFF[Fr, &c. FFFF FFFtFr &c. ,

frr/.-arm-^. w0 „
suit with, adapt. Hot^R WZm.-Tl- 4 fFlFr^FFFr, & c. FffFFFTFf.
2 accommodate to, !,
Fixture, n. fixedfurniture ?FIFF FTFm.
tfr*)t--'5f I f®.-&e. RFOTt). - &c. ^F°T-
noise. FTF'fTFF or
To Fizz, To Fizzle, v. n. make a hissing
3 suit, become. 5fW"T, FTF, FT#T, FT3RT.
4 out; up furnish, %c. FRTRFT, Fr^TorFT^FmW,^- fa5fofF, iFTFFTFF. „ ^
Flabbiness, n. v.A. tHTraW®. &c. FIFFt or FfFFl/-

FT««f-Fifs5f?r-&c. !.^ IJTF 0

Fr/.-&c. ^TF'T g-°f
or proper. 3TRFT, Hr«FT, %F-2 ttK'-&e- :


To Fit, v. n. be fitting
not firm. «KtF?jr or Ft, *TWR5H
Flabby, a. soft, loose, £>c. ff
CFT-RiFFr. w HFFFF FrFOT, FR^rr^r-

TO 0!. FFTFFlF, FIFtF or FC^F, ,

2 with; suit, sit with. ^5t»r, FfipT,

3JF, FFFfF55 fslfifF , FrfFFf.
Fitly, adv. v.A. 2

fTWr FfFfFr, nRTFSTr 3T(FtFr.

Fitness, n. v.A. 1. FTRcrr f FIRRit / ®T^r /- H'liat is f.

^Rf/- 'J’o grow f. FTPJFF-

2 ftwnrr/.ar^/. fsnemrm. fsR^rFi/- 4‘rfRR'n- frt®* FFFftsT, FFFfFFrF, fFFfF-
Flaccid, a. not stiff, not tense, §c. &
F. of things. =Ttf<T /.
fewr, £&,
fTF r r^fFFtF, fFFrFHR, fFFfFFtF ,

3 tfrFn. g-qfriTin. wrfftf- MFFTFrw.

Flaccidity, n. v. A. fFFfFFqFr®. fFqfFflFFFr®.
Five, a. TR^TF.
(as there &c. %p£FFn. fsrfFFFl / ^
Aggregate of f. i^4\f. rRYn. r tfTTJn.
fg-Fr-#tF-FF &c. flF-Fr^F T-
To Flag, v. n. hang loose, fyc,
were five Pdndawas).
in- oon.
armed,—warrior, &c. also ,— of wild beasts. qRRFrrFT. 3F, FFF, FRFFF, i?tFFF, ifFui. FF
F. F-
2 fig. drooj), languish. FFr-TF, FFRF, FFFiRF, FFiRF ,

F. faced, f.-sided. tf^TFFT*

Surplusage off. (per cent, in buying hurba, mangoes, &c.).

fFFITF or F«. or FRirm. ST?r»>-
Flag, ». colors, ensign.
7FRFt/. TFIRFr®.
FFIFT/- FFTFrrjf- W5T in. RFr/. %Fm.
To Fix, v. a. make fust or firm. FftT-TTF- US'— 'TF^iF - &c. TOF-
Grand f. of an army (directing its march and encampments).
festF, ftfasrr &c.
0 “fF^r fffif 0 ' 2T F/.
F- aR'F-?>TFF-&c. ^FFT, q^3iF r,f*4F T/.

FYR 0 FWTFr/- Bearer of it.

2 plant, place, set. FR^, UTF0!, •T*FT , *nFFF» ! ,
The streamer or pemion of tbe grand flag of the
- s|ftF Y«-pFUTFii . - sRFURFn. -

f. one’s self at. UFm.
appoint, determine, establish.
- &o . YFR g-ofo

3FTT“T , FYR°T, *1 -H “
f ,
wCwtt rm.
% flat stone for pavements.

Flag-staff, n. STcS^KT ^TT^tA

W0!, Ppm or ^'Fm--3'FrFJ>i--fF«fhm.-&c. YF°T g of-o.
Tuft or buneb at tbe end of t or
sr«.-&c. ^FW g. of o. W/. sffF 0! g.fif o. STff-'^FF-PiHfJriT
Flagelet, n* pipe,
or FfaiLrFfW-Fr’fFr - Fpft=T - &e . ^F“T.
35 ^
To Flagellate. See To Flog* 1 /«$%, 5/iozoy, 4'0.

Flaggy, a. lax Umber few, ft?r, fefqsr, iw?f ?*w.

, . Flaringly, adv. v. A. ^rq^q, or sq 2*sr(TO «7?<i

Flagitious. See Wicked. ^’oS’foZrf,

Flagon, « y. Vessel, vsrfa or wqwi. mtf STlf/. qfwi* Flash, Flashing, n. v. V. =^fn. ^n. a^Tn. ^^T/. 3SW%*Tf
Flagrant, a. glaring notorious, s'ssqr, Kn?*q\?W, £££-
, 3W r
a^asr/. — intens. vivid f. dazzling f. &e. ^JT^irrrm. a^T*
SRrrrw. asTwTm. or srirtafr/ ^Fr€r/
F L AIL, #. W#/ F. and no fight. sTsrrfsrn. ^rf^srf m. Jftfi ^C«.
F lake, n. (of fire), RfrzrrafTi. qwni. qrqTjT/. With a f. ^f-spT-^&c g’^T-^T-^&c. sr^T, vfl’T&c.
Flam, n. *nc£, Zfe. °l/. qre^T/. zmwf 2 glaring and transient display, fcifftif /• RTit'C /•
.Flambeau, n. v. Torch. feqfr/. STRTSTm. or VSSGf.
Flame, w. ^mf.pop. sfrspm. w^/. w^r/ erfftfiaOT/. ^rfer- A brilliant f. and then a prison, — the Prodigal’s course. JO
^/. #
Fierce, glowing

f. iT^TfWwz.
5 *r fxjrc sifi-irr?} ^ nra" ^ irr?f

To set in a f (a town, country, & c.). jqrq or tprq tq To Flash, v . n. glitter with a transient flame. ^TJT^^T, ^TT-
(am, tsr &c.). fvj, intens. adv qr^or, in-
To Flame, v. n, pop. W&m.- w^/.-WW/. frq-qq- tens. gpsq®r, §pmw, miens, nurr^, «#.
wng'.ofs mmt. To f. in the pan. Ft“T- TO°T.
Flame-colored, a fq^ITT#, ^fmq. . Flashiness, v.A. l. srrirft 3^/.
n. JTrsrt7 DTrin.
Flaming, p. a. v. V. Wl#, sqferq, TO^TPT, #Rf' 2 ^sr^ffrqoirw. JTs^Frr Drrjn. w?/. v. / v. mr,
qR, iizyxrzm.
Flank, n. szcfc, we«r $q/. ^THTm. 3rfe /. sqqrwz. Flashy, a. showy but empty. t^orr^T, R^RTWr, 3T?-
Sunkenness or hollowness of the f. (from fasting, &c.)v. Bel- =cr3r, aifO, «r^ir, tgcrar^PCT, tr^r, ^rl^wlf^r^r,
ly. /. mm /. qua**/.
2 (as of an army). qnr/ qpIqRP*. qRPFrc. 2 showy, gaudy, v. Fine, a^rsr^fcr, iT^r^T,

Flannel, n. SHOT or or ZffWm. but the word commonly used »T3-^r, g'^rr, stcr, snshft.

qw%55/. from the English.

is Flask. See Bottle, Vessel.
Flap, n. thing to flap with ; fan , fyc. mmn. mmn. f^qqn. Flat, a. level, even, W=f, HITW, w, 5HT, TTTOrsr
fqmirm. 2 not rising high, extended. WT, WT2T, gfff^r, ^T-
2 (of trowsers, &c.). frr^r, ^cRTr^T, ^Tfrsr.
8 Vt Flapping. §1®. SRSKKTw. qqqTfT or ?crm. 3 level with the ground, lying, fallen. ’gqiT, =?qr, gqr3,
To Flap, zl a. with a flap 3P3rqq, qT£#T, f'3qq> &sqrq, iKvr, ijtqfrqv.
or SJSWVI'm. tq. To lay f. qr|5 rrqfoT, fatsm, e^.-«r^? adv. ^Sf
To f. out, (a light),
qrsrqq, qrwm. ^q-mrq, mm tft, sqf adv. decl. or B% adv. gTC®T.
4 dead, vapid, spiritless. fqrgfiT or fqrfT remiss. qr°I^,
2 move zozVA « flapping noise. mm^* TETT^ter, q^sr, q^^,3FJiqstfi,F3?J:FjT3tir, qrsre or qr^H, FfJ?^,
To Flap, r. n./>/y if/ze noisily. mm**!, ^^^q, qror- %qr^, sjsstft, Ft^i^, Frwrr, or fuafasta, aiwv, 3TV-
^rrcw, qrqq. F^qfr, vfiTH, JTTOrv, PrfNr, Ffiqf4, tw,
2 OTO&6 a flapping noise m q^qv?q, qv^T^q, q^q^-^W g-jqstr or ^qsr, q^r?? or sr.

ctdi\ qrqq* 5— of sounds, fpi^r, ff3, qqqflq, qqgqiq.

Flap-eared, a. qi?qrq. 6 downright, outright , v. Positive. WIT, 'SV'if,

Flapper, n.fctn, fyc, v. Flap, sq^qqn. q*r$qn Flat, n. level tract, v. Plain, qjipq or q^fir”! or qf j3T°r»- TOml
Flapping, w. v, V. A. I. mmn. 8cc. srrqJTwi. srq** jrrsg)«.

WC or xxm. 2 (on hilly ground). HTJrlrn. JTR?i /.

v, V. N. 1, qr^qrqqzi &c. 3 shallow. HT^/n. dim. iTITf/.
2 q^qvjqn. &c. Flat-nosed, a. ^q'Tt,
1 noise off qra^PCwu inte7?s, mF3m,
qreqreRTm. Flat-wise, a. SRI.
Flappingly, atfz?. mm or z\ f mm qqqq or
or sf # qf, Flatly, adv. downright, peremptorily, y. A. 6. FfOT, W^T, 7-
Intens. ^um t OTf, tffclW, <F3T#, W3T, qqRt .ftffesr
"/ T
o Flare, r. n. burn fiercely or bli%zirgly >
— a light, & c. 2*q- Flatness, n. v. A. 1. m&f OTrrq’TTw. «reFfq' Irrm. ^Rtr^qr/.
zm f wm. 2 ^qrqnrrjrt. wOTfra. &c.
2 glitter with painful splendor ,
v. To Glare. TOWT, rq~ 3 fe^qurrm. qPII qg'q :
,1 Ac. JTfTVWr/.iiq^iTfiT/'

qqq, srasm. To Flatten, v.a. ^Tqs5 %q“T, ^qr5!, fqsr-&c. qiV«T. }',

Flaring, a. y. V. ^qgrqtq, Flattened, p. v. V. ^I'qiSi^T, &c- ’qrq^, ^qOT,

2 qq^qtq. To Flatter, v. a. court by praise, blandishments, obsequiousness,
* —


<3rc. -qrsrqn.-qrsrrqcr or irorqq/. mr, Ir gr- To he or become f. TO“T.

&c. ?R°T, To Flee, v.n. q^Sf, TOR SIR, TOm/. TRR, qr 3/. TfWgR-lT,
adv. qrR-<im. qrrqr^n. qrfirrin. ^tr—^trr-
To f. one’s self, pride one’s self on. q-qR /.-3TfqqR«i. TORR To f. wildly, as in rout, fright, &c. 3RKSj, qsrjn./. TrSR, W-
4W-W g'-of o. t°t'5t, Prsrifror adv. qsR.
Flatterer, n v. V. JTOrTO- &c. tflRITr, JfSirqqt or irorqfl, Fleece, ». RCTF/.
?TORqr,?TO[qmiT, %r qr?R fRqTO,qrerwTO-&c. ffSRrcr, To Fleece, r. a. shear off wool. RfdR/. TITO.
amt, arrl|, 5fPrl-&c. TOmr-smirr, fq«nrowtr. 2 pi//, pluch, v. To Plunder. TOq, ffqHRn. qrWT, ffTOr-
Flattery, n TORpr/ JTORF or ITORri /• ajrsfan. RpTR- TR, "RRR, qT«. qTn. ^R.
<t m R/rqrir/ fq«rr tow/, treroTt ?Rqn.
. tor ?RRn. Fleecy. See Woolly.
TOR %s3r». — Witli the power of such words as, butter, soap, To Fleer. See To Mock.
palaver, blarney, flummery, TO#Ppn- JJTOTfl/. qaRcSqr- Fleet, a. swift-yoing, v. Swift. R-TTf, TOTf,

qf\f qT^&wtn.&miiif.pL pi- %&- 5R3T, pop. wfuiraY, aiPftilf, 5T-?1, TOT^R;.

"fo.-qNrt/. pi. Fleet, n. (of ships of war), srir or SRlRTn.

Flatulence, n. windiness in the stomach. TPThi. qRTRm. m- Fleeting, a. transient, v. Temporary. eRgRl, ypJdT, ^3', 3W-
jpcRHi. srrqqrqm. ®Tr*fgrj«L ^fTOirgni. qfrsqFrw. sttrr ». 5fpRr5p.
w». Fleetly, adv. v. A. and Swiftly. 5fTO, 31TOR, TprqTTWT.
Bilious f. Fleetness, n.v. A. tjrqFTdrm. ijfsft /. ^triSRRtn. TO»». STtf /.
F. occasioned by worms. qrfqqT'TR' or f^TfagirTRn* vsiffgitiTSEn. THqij))L
F. with heat. TR-TPTni.
producing wind, windy or
n. x m pop. TranTOrRqn- ^Tn.
Flatulent; a. . SIH'ST, «rr?f^r o5 ctf-
f qPrtjRn.

ymr, ^rfir^r, totto-toft. Marks burned into the f. ffPRST /.

2— of the state or habit of body, TOTf or ar, FfTORT, IffW, Way of all f. qzjqqm.
qpnrer, towr, qRTOpRr. To lose f. TRn. rrTT-B‘R#-W3»T.
To Flaunt, v. n. make a display offinery, $;c. 3RU5t /. fq- To turn into f.— food, artiffor 3TiijT€ vJ|7R.
TR, SRf€r# fJT5rg®T/.-fiR:gqR /. TOR,qTO/.-&c. JTT^TR. 2 carnal appetites. PqqjR/. pTOBfW/. PqqqrBriT/. fqqqT-
Flaunting, />. a. v. V. and Fine! qro qrFRlTr, HTO, qRFt- mridr /. ftqwrr/. PqqRr^Tm.

RT, qsqafcr. 3 carnal state. ffeWRfTr/. ?fjqwqf/-

Flavor, n. v. Taste, RT /. qsrr/. WRm. TT R / *FR/. arTWT- Fleshiness, n. v. A. 1. JTrasWm. irwf[crq°rr«t. &c.irfeqfB/.
R»n- Rf/. xtmfix^f.
Flavorless, a. v. Tasteless. Pm, TOFT, TTfRTT Fleshliness, n. v. A. 1. pf qq^fe /. PWRpr/- PTOITR/-
Flavored, Flavorous, a. v. Tasteful. RTOfT, RTOT, Wf- Fleshly, a. carnal, v. Sensual. Pm, fqqft, pTOBif, jfe-
RR, RpTOF, tf-Bgr. qq^r, TOrtpit.
Exquisitely f. qTO. 2 human, not divine. JTTRTW, HRft, JrTOIRrft^r.
Flaw, ». crack, ifper m. STORTm. RT/ q3T»n. WRm. TO/. Fleshy, a. v. Plump, Fat! HRR pop. WTR, WW, flHf-
Having a f. TOT, TOTF, PfRTr, TOFTO. #T, Jfims, JrqJlflir or 5TTJ%, JTOTlir or FWRTT-
2 blemish, imperfection, defect, v. Fault. HR or pjq'n. qtq/. 2 puipous. ipew, qrwjr, q^qrc.
EtRn. TOTm. pJffn. ?wm. iff? /. <Rm. 3 belonging to flesh. qrW’W, qRTWPfP
3 (in a rupee, &c.). qriTTO/. #5 /. Flexibility, Flexiblbness, n. v. A. er<rfm'q°Tr»V 5R%q°irOT.
Having a f. TOR, TORT, fqRRT, UFiTZrqp:, TO#1. Flexible, Flexile, a. pliable, pliant, supple, limber, lithe, arq-

Flawless, a. pflfrR, WfR, Pr#T, pRFiqt, PlfflT, WTO, RTOT. =qtqr, wqqrr, qqTOlR.
Flawy, a. v. N. 1. TOR, TORT, fqRTr, TORTO. Flexous. See Winding.
2 ?|TRTOT, #RtRT, TOFTT, PRl, TnfHr. Flexure. See Bend, Bent.
Flax, n. linum usitalissimun. oTTOm-n. Rd/fT/. Flicker, Flickering, n. v. V. act. f&TOter». firqrfZR?!/. wqr-
Flaxen, a. RqWRr. WTl/. qq^Jjl/. ’fTfir/.
To Flay, v. a. shin. #5R, TOIR#t/.-RrqT[ /. mTOT-TOIRR, St- To Flicker, v. n. quiver,— as alight, life, &c. prqrfeTT, ?jqr-
qWRn. RfSR-3R# ff- of o. 3RTT. fTO, ^T?RR, adv.-^m: adv. fiesta
Flayed, p. v. V. wffSsr, ffaWR RR5RT, 8tc. WRl'q, pRRR. adv.-xj^ q^r o</d.- adv. q^Sr, srpTO^or.
Flea, «. Pqq/. TOR /. TOt/. Flickerer, n. Flickering, p. a. v, V- fcq»Prqrq(Tf, pRiffaT qr-

Fleabane, n purple. RRtPfCt /. RTKiT^t/. — seed. <SRfijR«. TRTTT, &c. pRpJTRT, mfTtq, f?TWfqW.
TOfTOTZ'n.RRT«. Flickeringly, adv. firpTf^Ft, prqiflR, PsT^fq^.
Flea wort, n.—plant or seed. SRCRRm. Flight, n. v. V. — volation. mTn. TIRn.
Fledge, Fledged, a. furnished with feathers, TO TORW, WT?T- I or Fleeing, qs^n. qsR 5Tr»i. TOrTOn.
«ra,qrm. General i. q^ro./. qaRn. qs^qr/. qsqqar/, qigpq-ff/, fpru.
— —


To take to f. TZm.f. qqg-R. 2 timbers, &,c. set to float down. ffPfiTin.

II (of birds') v. Flock. SF?/. arte/. Floating,/?. a v. V. 1. aaar.

III of arroivs, fyc. See Volley. Flock, n. (of sheep or goats). RaRin. figWIRn. sf3T /. RRn RRn.
Flightiness, n. v. A. qwRSm. R'dRWin. RRRflr/. QPITin. Wm.
Flighty, a. wild, fanciful, disordered mind. qi'qRcogr, m RRR, 2 (of birds). qST mi mCC /. a? /. STP¥ /.
RRqR.RRRER, RRIR^q, RfRt, SlTteTT, 3 body or crowd of people. sqi tm. iTSTin. qisqirw. qR<».
Flimsiness, n. v. A. RRHTflor R0RIH/ /• jfiRni.

Flimsy, weak, of slight texture, ivorlhless, &e. jtiHRT, RH-

a. 4 loch of wool. Ffg'cfiO’qr <pPnTw.
R sr, qiRTRHRr, HIRR, HRHR or ft or BOTf or HHRR, R- To Flock, v. n. gather in a company or crowd.
rarr, rrrpc, Prat?, fsrfr, Sri?#, HRf<Nr, rhrr,
To Flog,
w rrR, mi m.
a beat with a whip, &c.
am g. of. s.
5fii*'T',q'qrq?R )

sst /.-%RqrBi.-^R2Tw .-
qraRR, ^rr, prr, tRi%rrRr, frerRr v.

A f. thing-. smrPTRT / qripqt f.-mff—'^c. tFR%m.;}/.-q77:qrr<:M pi-

To Flinch, v. n. draw back, shrink, v To Draw-back RRR,
RRRR, RRRHR, RR/. JJTR, TORT, ?2R, RR qr?R-?R, RT- Flood, n. body of water. &f5Tm. tiTin. 3T5T J.

qrf/.-Ac qR, Rfaqn.RnRts -&c. RR, RR RT5R 2 inundation, v. Deluge. qRWSiT^n. «RJRqm.
Flincher, n. v V. RR HtHFr, qRORPCr, ?£RITr, &c. R!RR[$IT, 3 (of the tide) flow, flux.
f. €fCni-
srrjr^r?;, jtrk-&c.W. To Flood, gee To Deluge.
Flinching, n. v. V. —ae£. RRRii. qRTRn. &c. RR /. RRiT/. Flood-gate, n. srqST /. HR /.
Ih Fling, v. a. v. To Cast. tfRR, RRR,qraR, JTRR. Flooded, p. v. V. deluged, inundated. 5T3Rq%RR, &c. 5RT-
2 out ;
(a limb, &c.). RHRR, sJSRrw, aT^STm.-ft^Tm.-gjT- ^ktr, sraRrrq, wariq, srarsq.
RTOT.-SrERKTro. R°T. Flooding, n. excessive discharge from the uterus. pRRTqT a’r-
3 open. 5rwHCHr-tf^wcgr-€rwR-gqr5rR"-&c. RqsR. qrm.-arrm. aisrrHK^rftHarin.
To Fling, v. n. kick, See. v. To Flounce, rroS STTOT /. RTR, Flook, n. (of an anchor). qR3T»i. qqRm. qrfer m. 37R3T«i.
irt qre^-sTrqOT- wqsRf-g’rsR. Floor, n.— of planks. qrfeqRm. m^tf q^qisfl /.—of earth. «T-
2 out lash out. KP\[mif. />£.- RR^qr/./j/.-HRT/.
; RFr/. nif. )tFf/. f {rr^Fit/. of chunam. iq^orwr#/-— srra°r. of paved stone. igTHm. ‘ETHflt /.
Fling, Flinging, n. v. A. 1 act. gfOTw. qrR°T«- &c. fflm. Earthen f. of an upper story, loft, &c. qg-jn.

ROTm. F.-patter or beater. R'rq Dro?-!,ft/. or Bin.

1 y. Sarcasm. JfTm. RpaRffl. RROTm. To flatten (by beating) a f. RPR, RPFR.

Flint, n. iff Xf- RRRfcrni. dim. nrCRPt /. RRRRtRT RRrm. R- 2 See Story.
Rft/- RTfnrHRm. To Floor, v. a. cover with a floor, — of planks. TRR, qRTR)!!.
To get milk from a f. 3R3TO qpRn». or qraRm. W, RTFR- -flflrfr^/.-qTPr?)/. 5PTR.— of earth. 5fftHf.-wif.
ar ftRm. rfr, RRRiRr rirr. 2 knock down. grTRrRTR, pTSFR, HRqoT, qSTR, RR adv.-
Flint-hearted, a. v. Pitiless. qrfRCSR, Rf2R?>;RR. -Rqlqqf*q«</».-aqr<M- made. rrot.
Flinty, a. RKRirt, RrcrfraiRr. Floor-clotii, n. RPsnTJi.
Flippancy, Flippantness, n. v. A. RPTSERtR/. Rqaq<R|m. Floored,/}, v. V. 1. qpraRr, %j?ST, Ac.
qiRRiRRu. 2 qTTRHrrRgr^r, aiaiqSaT, &c. RtfljRrflqf'rHT, nqr ««'!'. dec/.
Flippant, a. voluble, v. Glib. RP3RT RRSS, qiRafRRRr, RFRa- Ssq adv.

m?r, fqgr fraRirr, qrRRqa, RqaqrR, RqaFsrf- Flooring. .See Floor.

Flirt, n. giddy, $c. girl, fTRRqRRt /• HrRCT /. ?q#C/. aRTR- Flot, interj. Rq-Rq-RH- Ac. qjr-RR-RR- A c. q«qRT.
arar/. Flop ! Flog floppingly.
RRRR or Rr, RRRR or Rf, RWRR
To Flirt, v. a. See To Jerk. or Rf.
To Flirt, v, n. act with coquetry. RTfar^m-Rarm.-ITqin.pF. To Flop, v. n. shake about with a noise. RRRRR, RsrqRR, RR-
Flirtation, b.y. V. N act. RHCRrar /. WCr»i. 2 over. flRSTR,
To Flit, v away. RRR RR, HRtR«. RRR. Flopper, n. Flopping, p. a. v. V. 1. RRJRRITT, &c. RRRslRr,
2 migrate. qcn.-RTRr/. &c. qrajR, sfrcqraim.-qaqRTm.- rrrrIr.
RRrqr«.-&c. rhr. Floral, a. pertaining to flowers. RRlRr, qRtRf, qPR, qRH-
To Float, v. n. swim or be borne on the surface. aRR, qiRR, #RRH-
atRR, ftCR, aRFR or RflRR, aRR«.-iPRii. ffRg\ of s. Florid, a. brightly red. R[RqR, RRFRR, RRR, RrH.
2 along, down, &c. qr?qR, qr?R, RfR STIR. 2— of style, &c. brilliant. °RRRr=fr, RRRrfCR, RRRRRRP,
Float,}i. raft. wrm. RR /. rrrb. RRRiTWR.
F. composed of gourds. Tin. Floridity, Floridness, n. v. A. 1. HTHRRRqHrm. &c. arat /•
F, composed of two boats. HTRRwt./. ^fwrrrm.
— — .


F lowingly, adv. smoothly, swimmingly, &c. 737 or 71, 7- 2 73^/. 173731/. 7373JI. 77771/ 7777 / JTfTt/- 37-
37 w 71, 73S17, 7755, 3777 or 71 intens. 77r77, 3337, 7- 37/.3T737/. 7r777T«.
7717, 77T37, 737, 377177. y. V. A. See Flurry.
To Fluctuate, v. n. — water, &c. f7713"T, ?37r3Tm. 717-37, Fluttering la adv. 773*73 -
or 31, 77777 or 71, 7777 or 71,
2 be To Hesitate. 737557, 7737, 37713 /•
irresolute, v. —intens. 7{3f773, t73r3r, 777T77, 777171, 77177, 77r71.
3177, 737313 777. Flux, n. See Flow. 2 v. Diarriicca. 333/. 53[3f/. 37 &f.
3 rise and fall, be unsettled. 72'3317wi. 777 g. of s. IRT- 7773 /.
77137- 377, 3173777°'!, f777. Bloody f. T7r4l3/ 77^7 m.
Flue. See Chimney. To have a f. 7r3«. 7r7-737 g. of s. Zl^ fpr g. of s.

Fluency, n. v. A. 1. i^7r 7755771 m. 7R>7T7?7n. 3r37.

31f77f7 /• 3F3T71 /• To Fly, v. n. move through the air. 337, 3"3[T7 n. -37^17 R -7-
2 7755771m. 3l7«.-3l7«. 7177, 7fe77l%- 3 T17Tr5T77t7 7r7.
Fluent, a. free, voluble — speaker. 355311, F337T 7755, 7755- 2 zt;fall upon. v. To Attack. 33nT with 77, 337 737 with
Rf, 773713, 3137755. 77, 717137 737 737, 717137 37, 7777-
2—speech. 3i7ifi?l, 7i7i7ifi3r, 7755 77izT7, 77i7i77ir.
3 out; break out into passion, v- To Rage. 77557, 7737,
Fluently, adv. volubly, glibly. 7777, 7777, intens. 37^1/. 77, 7r7r37, 7717, 771 77, 77#f 77.
77177. 4 up ;
— powders by a blast, &c. 7377.
Fluid, «. s-rrii. 377713 m. mrnwr4m. 5 See To Flee.
Fluid, a 7317, 37, 5377, irerfl, 7735355. To Fly, v. a. shun, v. To K void. 7737, 377, 77 3177.
Fluidity, n. v. A. 5T33r/. 537r. 33317m. sr7rft<7». 3?35Jl37rf. 2 quit by flight. <77 7137 7137, *77 717 with 777,
Flummery, n. 3HR/. 71#b. TTTIji. 3T73J1/* &c. of o.
F. parched and caked. »T?Rt/. Fly, ». 7H5J1/. 7177TR. 7f73f/.
Fluor albus, n. 71377T1h. 377t /. 7f«r7t 7771/. fRwi /. 377 Stinging f. 7 7/. 71717/. 717t3m.n. 717137171 /• 317 m- 71-

pop. nzxm. ulursr't or 7171f.

Flurried, Flustered, Fluttered, 73737 357, g-pirr-
p v. V. Swarm of flies. 717/.
auk, Rrf
355 , ^Prsr, 7373137
a-, sijtj 3jtr,
r?t, . Wild f. 7r77r5jl/. 377fe7l/.
To Flurrup, v. a. sup up noisily. 71777, 3777, 717317, 7- Fly-blow, r. 731/. 7731/.
7311m..—TiTTlTm. 3177. Fly-leap, n. 737SrR.
Flurruping, n. v. V. act. 3r777ft. &c. 373Tm- 7T77rrm. Flying, n. v.V. N.I .—act &&*rn. ^f^«. XZtHn.
Flurry, n. y. V. state. 7373/. 3iT7U/- 31355/. 3r3135T /. 7- Foal, n. firWn- W^GTm.
vmrn. 773m. 3137317 /. ajRJTni- 57731371/. To Foal, v. n. W#.
1 sudden gust of wind. m^NI &H37171m.-Sr£3irm. Foam, 71 . pop. TWm. OTm. iTfTm. — in cant phrased . TO-
To Flurry, v. a. agitate, commove.
73737^,313777, 11373/.
-Eri?3/.-3rnr^5/.-)g«uTm. -&c. 5377 £-• of o. To Foam, v. n. <F#T, W in. eon *
HOT-&C. T^tT Foambr, n. Foaming, a. Foamy, a v.V. & e, S-
To Flush, v. n. flow copiously. 335355-3553551-3333-33331
7r?7-f777-&c. Fob, ti. pockety fyc. or q^cqfm.
2- the face, &c. 55|7l /. 73, 31731313 ?IW. To Fob. See To Cheat.
To Flush, v. n. redden, &c. 5731[/. arm, 31731313 3^7. Focus, n in geometry.
. — srrf^Tm.

To be flushed. 7F777, 31777. —

2 in optics.
Flush, sudden and copious afflux.
n. 3fZm. 3f3Tm, 33P7fl. 3 (of a ray of light) focal point,
313m. 7?7m. 3f 7/. Fodder, n. ^r^qT?Tw.

2 (of eagerness, desire, &c.) ardor, glow. 37511/. u. 37, Litter off.

73, q, a*?, |^T7 m. f. TjT3t /. OTTHm. 717m. 37l£l/. 73m. Foe. See Enemy.
Fluster, To Fluster. See Flurry, To Flurry. Postal, a. v.V . iprbr, *TRT.

Flute, n. 7i77t/. *$c€\f. 31371/. 717r or m\m. Fcetus, n. 3j)f pop . 3jfJT m.

2 (of a pillar, & c. ). TrhlTt /. 7377 /. Dead f. ^Tpfin.

Fluting, n. (of a pillar, &c.). *31371/- 7553?!/. Dead f. remaining in the womb. pop. ^n.
To Flutter, ». ».— as a bird, a flag, &c. 7737137, 713313, =37- Instrument for extracting a dead f. jpferjw.
intern. ^RrSf, 3137137, 'Rfm. S137. Motion off. in utero.

2 the heart, v.-To Palpitate. spr^ipT, 333T7, 73337. Murder of a £ a^nfcijTf.

To Flutter, v. a. See To Flurry. Murderer of a £

Flutter, Fluttering, «. v. V. N. 1. Ti^TiOTn. &c. 773^3/. Pain suffered by a £ whilst in the womb. srpFTftRT/.

3T33fHTm. Fog, n. 77«. 73/. *ftn. 77n. 773m.

271 FOX
-WT/. -wf-mg-ofo. arjuF^r,
Fogginess-, n. v.A. •4F'P'£«- '•JF^'n.

Foggy, a. KpfFrFT, X WH ’^r. ,

4 (a course, &c.) observe, practise. ^F°T,
„ „
». „
Wt, Fre-
Foil, interj. S.W ,
SV31T, 3T55T.
er suTFFr 5 ?, 3THF rn--%FFn.-%Fr/.-&c.
,l ^Vng^fo.
Foible, n. v. Fault. \
«giR-&o. <KSF5FT ffDT *
5 'be ’consequential
To Defeat. Ufam, FTFF^T, F 55 '
To Foil, v. n. frustrate, &>e. v. &C.
3 0), fi“T,
qz“T FrfF^r, eTS'tzw, ^frt^rrar ^ &e. NFFUT,
Followed, j>. v.V. FTTOUr
FFFTm. <Ufn. (mqqF.WUT & c.),
Foil, n. leaf for gilding, Sfc.
3 3TJUF^?T, &c. argHrf.
emm. (€r^r-5T^Mwr),^«- (emOrR-
4 srr'FF^r, & c. arr^rfFF ,
2 — among jewellers. ^RTm*
Following, p. v. v. V. 1. M-&c. »TO-OT-
3 bluntfencing sword. & c. <!*«• mm. Followers, «.

arrFT-&c 3TFur#,^Rr, «i^w, ujf,

4 See Defeat. F^fctf, srjurut, XFFRf, xg^F,
2 qrlwpT-Frir m^rFr,
Foiled, p. v.V. FR3R, Ac. FStFR, ftm, sfFfF, >FOTFCOT,
am^TFl, Fr^FT, «nft*T, Xjsftfl,
pi- ^rFiTFSTTm.

To Foist, ». a. insert surreptitiously.

tn^m, firfhf /. ff5!.
J|TO°r , ,
«j'WH -&c- Followers, retainers, domestics. ^RrFHFTFw*
sTf^FTTOT S^rfsiFrwt. OTUT»i. amFrm-FF'ft. qfFFrFm- ^
^T51T,FUFqr.^ &c pi fsnrn. qfFCTfnt.
Foister, n. v.V. WTO’TTO’, -
^ XFFdT-
3 sTTOmriFf, -Sac sTFUfFi, XyrTFt, XgFfST,
enclosure for sheep, Sfc. FT( 'SOFTS’/* ^IFqRfni- FiRi/.
Fold, n.
4 srrVFFrFT, & c. mV, %fT,
ifrem/. frt«i.
1 that comes after, that is
next, v. Next. 5
7ar ’ 5^'
2 (for calves, kids, Stef iris'! f.
sTm-F^Ta. a!'T TT IUTn- a r
Following, n. v.V. 1. act. iffif— 8cc.
TST/- FFF«i-
/- q sV-
3 double, complication, ply. T^ r

^Jrqfw. ar^qn-w. 3rspTF°r»- UFf?F°rn^

Flowing or undulating f. (in draperies, &c.). cRF/- 2 iHW». sig^Fcrn. ar^TFr/.
3 &c. ATFUFFTn. XJFftf/-
Of one and a half f. KFFT. XPFFTn. qr-
4 s^gjrn. &c. 3TFTF°rn- %FF«. mf- aifUF'Tw-
Upper or outer f. F'fN'j On-
seven fold, Ac.). TR, IF, ( m comp. 55Fn. ^ -
4 (in comp, as, two fold,
F?». qtqTfJn. ^FTF^fw. FFTFI/. aFTf-
Folly, n. foolishness, ijc.
(as STSTst, RTJ^U MfSRl).
„ ^ .. - A _ ^•n. Tjmrf. Fmr/. urmn. Fi5r«. #?«• t
5 folded cloth, paper, §c. F'fl/- -

2 at a wild scheme, fyc, qi’qrfFn- F® ”- 5^**; iFffFTm. FT-

Three cornered f. JKURtait.
ISXm. T?- qr?FFr/.
(as of cakes, crusts, onions, &c.) layer,
q^^rF or qmt^rrF
Follies. ^
5T»n. qrqsrm trrtr^rm. F°T-F<q, 51^-
To Foment, embrocate, &c. fftfr, trqiw.
v. a.
To Fold,"®, a. shut up in a fold. t'psTpffr “Fr-RIF- &c. W3R-
ofr /• ftf5!, qrF°r, ®x/- <°r.
_ ^
FF STF^. ^ w „ or Fiq,%FW, F^F-F, JTWn.qROI-
2 lay up infolds, qftf. mmn. or FtfF ^JIJF'S'T,
sp°r- 2 (dissension), fqm
Frvftr, 'FFFfF-
FfFFr/.-qfr/- qtmr-^rF' r-^rFf r,fFi'F«.
cf (

3 double. TtRF or ^«T, fvpT, f#T, FFt/• OT. sirFir,

frq/.-& c. srf°t. ^
4 (in the arms) v. To Embrace. FFUR, FrFZTRR. ^
Fomentation, n. v.V. I. act. IW*. &c. ^FT°rl/- 5TFTr»i.
Folded, p. v.V. 2 FF^^T, &c- ^ ^ ^
^F^fFFfT, 'FiF'Sl), 2 r
Frq>°T«. %FF^Tn. &c. %FFf%FF).
or FTfr, qtr (in comp, as ___

3 jg-frr
I heated leaves, fyc, applied tofoment.
9W». F3T«i.

<TFFt (in comp, as CfqiqFFt, 'j'TFFt fFFFFl , ,

Loving. FFFPf or
Fond, a. affectionate, tenderly hind, fyc. v.
foldedness SRt (osp. in comp, as, once folded,
F. state, /•
or sr.
3 f, tpTFF'r, %wrf., FtfFFFT, F?F^,
ness and sprit, faFir, trait, &c.). ,

—as the language of a child. eF^FTr.

Folding, a.— of doors, &c. pRFih ^5P3’‘7Y, FFRT.
2 loving, liking, delighting in. UrF^U (as UFTr^r-Fr-
Foliage, n. leaves, m^npl. qfSTm. qsqwi. PTO(IF*J* xwff, wqar,
mrfr-&c. Nprevr), sTr^er tflsft, «ts^<w
Tuft of f. qrVim.
New f. TTwTl/.
mfURri. JFFt FmK». To be f. of. XTfir.
Folio . n. folio-sheet.
3 See Foolish. ^ ^
J^ttqFUfTfl. &c.

% folio-book. §c. Hf?Fi or, qrsrsoT,

Folk, n. v. People. Vf^rnpl. arraTTn. arrSRf FFr /• FiranSt ur- To Fondle, v. a. caress, smooth, stroke,
fesq, ^qram, Tr'mrFF,3?OT, fFFram,^.
^rlliTw- FrFm-/‘~^'r^r5qi»?..-^rsFw.-Frfum«.-
& c. FiF°T g-

pursue. ijf >T - FP^IWf

- FRtFP*
To Follow, v. a. go after,
of o. mm^ FTF^r g.of
0 . vrrfeF FiF“T.
jt=t-&c. wm-qt-rar?wr~&c. qratu g- of o. m sf. ff g.
Fondler, n. Fondling, p. a. v. V. sr ?-&E. FiFFfrFr ;
of o. aRFFFn- - UFFR n - F«r: SfFFtt ~ &c. qrF'F.
. •

JT*H» .—UgF- sr^Fr, srtsrrFrr.

2 attend as a dependant. WF ^rr«"T g.of o, D
STSTOTn. &c. 3FF«i. eifa’FT^tn- 5rr'FFTF ir«i*
Tfsfn . -

3 observe,
sT^F^TR- Ac. tJTF3!.
copy. v. To Imitate. •rOTC^F ^fFT g.of o. ^a7°ln.
n. v.

55T#W«i- ^ n -
— . .


1 'person fondled, qjrg-qff, C!
nTr, qffargip, iflfaqrT. Fool-hardiness, n. v. A. fqqTOrf^n. J:W€?fn.
f ?rr??Tn.
Fondly, adv. v. A. 1. qrpTRi', ^rf^KWR, fat ^rt, 55T3’-&c. Fool-hardy, a v. Madcap. ^:gr?feqr, qrTsr'sTTqT, 3'^-
qn^r, qqkpsir, #r?^s?iT. srfqrrss^rqr.
3 See Foolishly. Foolery, n. qtqom. qsrn qtqn: or qtqikPO.y)/.
Fondness, n. v. A. 1. iftfa/. jpRfr/. JTJTfrr^qnrrm. v. aqq, Foolish, a . — of persons, jqarr
remiss sprsrr, qsiqrr),
qrr, ^rc/. qsr remiss, qg-^q:, qgqr^, qiqqir, fror, qqrq cr qr-
qqf q,
2 ^rrq^/. s’/. *rfar/- 3fi% /. ?rPr #q?». ^rarw. g -

/ 3rref?jr/ q^r, wsjr, vj, vji, fajV, qfaqfa, q^qfa, qfaCR-qffcr

Wm. '^/q-S;c. fH^fa^-?fa'5pi-<S.c. 8T?qqfa- } 8T«q^rr, sfiafar,
Fontanel, n. issue. qfqm «. 3T?Wfa, 3WFfa, v*v, qqrsrrq, JqSTfur.
Food, ?i. 3T5r«. fa°Tn. jrtb. arrfr^w. JTfSFTn. ^Pf/. ?3T°Tn. To make to look f. ^^Tcf^T^-qrf^of,
Article of f. )R-qn. #*711 . qqrern. 2 — of actions, wqqorrqr, qfqqrqr, ff qfar,

sriRpqr, ^rfaqrrr-
Coarse, unsavory f. y. Fare. ^TqrqTqrn. W, qrq rar or qpqjra; qrqqpsr.

3T??T«. Foolishly, adv . aj^qon^, ^fqFTR &c. 3T^TR[^,

Consisting or composed of f. sTyFFT. Wit, &c.
Daily f. fftTm. Foolishness, A.
n. v. 1. Sic. IjCl/
Dressed f. ^W« fTORTn. Wl^n. fsTTPCT/. qfan.
wrm. jj^rr /. *prr/. tr^. srnrrllf^w. jfe'fmr/.

Extra or odd articles of f. sTf^FTw. STR^R /. <^C. HHR1Rm.

F. and clothing. aj^mSTn* STyTr^sr^n. !jraps®rsf*r». Foot, n. ». qr^TS'n* q“^n. TRTjji. q*Tfa.
F. burned in the cooking. sf^T/. FHtfa/. Covering for the feet. qpr^Rft. qT5Tyt /.

F. compreh. or indef. JiraT gsrSTin. ST5nr°Ttn. ST^R^n. Fallen at the feet of. ^ojsjfr, Tr^^?T.
«#» Having foul (mud-clogged, dusty, &c )
feet. cfFFf^T.
Form or modification of f. srafq'ffa /. Hollow of the f. cf^CWL
STPCm. sT^TTK'irriT-m.. On f. v. Afoot, qraff, Tr^F^, qT^^F^f. Going
Heavy f. 5T3T5ra. on f. qrgr^T ^W^/.
Incompatible f. faWHhsPTw. fTCWRfM. On the f. of. qr^f g\ of s.
Loathing of f. 3T5rtf n. srsrfNriTiJi. atfaqf fa/. Touching the f. or feet (in reverence). grSTTIHft.
Non-observant of the distinction of f. HW^T, fTWaj^ST, PfqRf* Treading under f. or
w, wrsrfa^t. Trodden under f. qiarrqrfrr*
Rich and savory f. fijgT5T«. RTT^Tm. Water presented to wash the hands and feet. qp?rrwrc.
Undressed f. faraim. To burn the feet (by walking on hot ground, &c.). <TRN?!T
Wholesome f. pffqRTtt. qtszwf'pl.
Wonted quantity of f. afllTITm %qtqn. tqpTn. To get on one’s feet (after sickness, &c.). #3?^ pi
Fool, n. ;pc. wrviWVm. (iftmtrf. &’c.), qqrsrrfiJHWn. &tmg. of s. snSftr/. # ^.3
See under Foolish. freely, for calf dolt, blockhead, jackass, To get on f. (into vogue). srnPT,
numskull, &c. &c. %T, JTRT, aq^faqr arsqsr, faST, sfe, ^ffl, To set on f. TO#, ^T#,TOF & c. ^T#.
'far, =qfar, sfc?, srw, ifawp:, ?mr, ?iwrpt, ?R<r»pr, To strike the f. (against a stone, Sic.). 3@rr®T-
faqr or ffarr, m, qspc, qfaRrr mr, ^cq-^, tqrjt qq or (inv. con.) R#.
^rrqrar^r kr, mr, qqRifrq, 51V, far or sfy, Trrajr, WW, 5H- To wash the feet qi^Wr^^.'-Tf^n. qfT#.
fff, svsxqrrfar, <r, Wf'Rifar ^qr, snarer w 2 space measured by the foot. qR^Tn.
’em, qfapqr^qHPiT, qfafar fatqr, irprorqr grfar,Trrw^r sqq- 3 lower part, v. Bottom. qrqm. m. pop.
<rnr, 3R°rafrar ««, ffarRrr jjr or®?;, g-srsrsrfa 3?#, faq-riw, s- cfsrm. jVn. •
^Rqfar, fkffafnTfa, Rrqfa, qfafaR, IfarRC qeV -are 4 (of a table, &c.). qfflm. 93Tm.
tf^Trrr, J^faqrl qn^r, 5 (ofabed, field, hill, &c.). qr#n.qrrw^n. ^PTw.
A learned f, q^T£p3\ 6 infantry qfTO^ri. .

F.’s phiz . qpfat jjsrr/. irrqrsnjsfr /. 7 (of a verse). ^mn,

F.’s errand. fl^Tm. 8 See Footing.
To make a f. of. v. To Deceive. ^qrq°T,W?k, RRETFiT TOf5!. To Foot. See To Dance, To Walk.
To make a f. of one’s self. sRf3rr». ipTR^!, ?rqr /. JTRfa. FooT-bALL, n,
Better be a wise man’s servant than a fool’s master, ^jfirvqq- Foot-boy, n. qRTm. zf^m, or fear^SfFC tn.
sf rqr qq- q^r^r ?fa nq qfat- Foot-eall, n. sound of a footstep. W^Tm. 7CT-
To Fool, v. n. trifle, toy, idle WT, kafa, fa^n. fa«T, ?[m. ?grorin — as considered the cause of evil. qpq^SSw./.
To Fool, v. a. v. To Deceive. g^qo^
To listen for a f. ^paRfiTm. # or
SJtfiqq-, qisirrqTq- Foot-hold, n. v. Footing. arr-
iqqq, #faf TOk-

m pop . ^ or mcfjw.
— , «


Foot-hot, udv. qprfw $£r*JSTT, gprhft^ Wcri~Tirr^MT •eR%a. &c, strrqT^sf^n. HPHSRm. irwm. iwm, OT!R>». OT-
v. V. A. JRfm./. IT? / OTT/. SffTRT/. garsTTw.
Foot-man, n. JTr^T qsrrf?TM. c

2 (a med attendant on foot. qffs^T or TI^RThi. qqrfcfm.

Forbearer, n. Forbearing, paw. V. N. fi7T II
?rrr,?T :
Foot-mark, Foot-print, n. qr T^n, qd^Ffn. rt, irw’JTRr, fSnrr or «rr.

Fo ot- pa ce, n. w/. m

/. qr^R> *ti
v v.a. tr
To Forbid, v a
unw ot ^TR^r, & c. irfH,y^, zctftr,
prohibit, interdict. OTr

^FTIR, -f^f 1T°R,^TOT',

Foot-pad, ?j. TOfl'Rrr.
Foot-path, w. qR^Rr/. qr^^qfT f. q^F^rm.qFrqrqm. rtrt, Totot, irraT-iSr,

Foot-soldier, n qsrPpn —loosely, lightly, freely, &c Ac. qfTTRjg' of 0.

cut?t vsfqrsrrift
Forbidden, p. v. V. fOTRaar, T3T %^r, &-c. JTR, ^tRr, fOTf-
Foot-stalk, 71 . qqx ftr, fOTR^r, Rfcr^, uRrfir?r, otpotr.
Foot-step, n. qf^T/i. qrq^rm. qrv?rm. q^n. I— as used of food, Ac. STR.
2 sound of afoot, qi^m. ^qqpTHi. *sT3*T»i. Forbidder, n. Forbidding, p. a. HR TTOTRT, fdT-T Wiru, &c.
3 vestige. See Trace. FotR^T, mrOT-Ac. OTTr-RIT€-&c. ^SRT, qftRsf^.

Foot-stool, n %[Zn. qprqisn. q*T SRw. J repulsive. KTFlfdRR, arHiT^.aTFOTr.

Footed, a. havingfeet, qrqr^ mpT, qirftfSTE, TO, THT (in Forbidding, v.V. act. RTTOTu, &c. rFfr?/- RF°T n.
comp, as sr^qfcT, &c), q^T (in comp as ferpr, &c.) fOT'dm. Trfvjq-vr»«.. iR^SRn. RROTRTn.
Large-f. qq?qiT. By way of f. fnliTgR.
Swift-f. qrqr^r qirqr.
Force, n. v. Strength, Power. sRn. Iffm. flK»!. ^STf^/-

Footing, a. groundfor the foot, />/«£<? tfrmeZ <m. OH yqrqRr HrOT°r/-

^rr^sTirm.-vr^rrm.-i c. qrq^q-n. qfqem. qfasrwi. qrqq^/.qr- Brute f. as opposed to art or skill. arPTOTM. STRIiSjlOB. rF-
jqtqai /. qr|T or >-]RTm. IRSTif- ®TPlf*TOT/. HRlFrat or f\?mrf\f. R|^STn.
2 foundation, warrant, v, Ground. STPTf /* *I!T ^RTw. 2 virtue, validity, fyc. #r»». 5fRs/. ^SS( ^ssf. W.wXf-
ETRTRrwi. W|)f. STRsHm. That is in f. R55R, f^r, STTW, f5T%, OTftifiT, OTR-
2 entrance establishment.
, qRTm. qrq^Tm. qR^Tin. q^T^hn- HT=T, RRT-T-
«p«VA v. qvgr, n^srni. qrneft /. Through thef.
of. TOT or tfOTROTT (in comp, as RTFFT'TR-

Firm f. ^srq^/i. ,
#, HF^RTTOT, RVrvririOT, RIRTOT, t^'TOT, 5TIOT).
To get f. (in an office, &c.). srf°T, sfHfl/. smg-. of s. To bo in f. ROT, ROT, OT“T, f.R[3/.-&e. ^m^ff-ofs.
qrqm. g- of $. q^rm. *wig.oj$< qar^r«. mm, 3 compulsion, violence. RT®- RTRT®. ROTC /• RTT®. R-
w/. ^Tg-. 0/ 5 . qrS/ 1 . qot. OT'TCT /• ^OTm. fOTOTOT/. OTOTR*/-
Estate, condition settlement oqq^qTj.f^Tffqf. q*ffTOT »i.

, / By f. v. Compulsively. OT, or ^OTfOT-

Fop, w. coxcomb, qww, f^lT, To come to f. OTRT OT.

«T5rapT, %^S»q55T
To use f. OTn. ^TTOT.
violence, vehemence.
Foppery, Foppishness, n. v. N. RRRR# /• OT#Rift/. TOT- 4 (as of a disease, of winds, heat, &c.).

CR#/. 3R3^r or 5ffl /. 5TR5r^t or ## /. 5OTOTFJR/- #On. OT pop. OTn. ROT®. #JT>n. #?»«.». #^, iWOT, OT/*
OTRTni. OT®.
Foppish, a. v. Fop. rstott, RRRRRIRT W^lfRT.
5 a f an armament. liOTn. OTn. %OTHTOn.
. OTTROn- OTC»i.
Fob, because of, on account of. gR, RC#, qFrfc?Tf, OR, R- Uglit armed f. OTt’OTT/.
. RT, RR. To Force, v. a. constrain, v. To Compel. OTn.-OT##/•-
2 in the place cf. OTT?, RIOTIOT, OTRf, RRIRTOT, ROT or 3T, #Ctn.-OT# /.-& c. ROT with OT of o. ij&m. ROT.
Rff,ROTT decl. ?[OTf decl. 2 drive by force. CTHOT, 5TROT, OTOT-
3 for the sake of. TrrOT, hi#, Rft#, OR, ROTSTTO, 3TR (in 3 ravish. OTOT, fOTOT, OTHni.-OT##/.-OTFRK m--& c.
comp, as fRsf, HiOTIR, RlOH). ROT with OT of 0.
Fok, conj. RIOT, Rf#. 4 wrest, strain, distort. ®TIOT, RTOTT RRT «TPOT, RfOT RrST-

For as much. ^Tfwf, OTOTT, R#T. “T-RT'OT.

Forage, n. R?r#OT/. fZf root 5 (a business, &c. upon). T!#OT ## /. qrOT, RR^T: #3/.
To Forage, v. «. r?F f- ROT, TORT^m.
OTR RIOT-W# ' N9 fiH
Forage-party, n. Rgt/. 6 (a passage). feOT, f/OT, ROT, ROTOT, TOOT, ROT,
To Forbear, v. n. refrain, &c. v. To Abstain, fSRR, SRW, :
F3OTOT, RrTOT or dm.-t^m.f. ROT-
^tTm.-^Rto. KTRT, #, #R. Forced, p. v. V. 4. %TR OTJR RFTOTTf, &c. #Rr, OT
Forbear! qiRt, or OTttf OTRRT, RtET, OTTTO.
To Forbear, v. a. spare, &c. v. To Forgive. iRm./. ^R, Forceps, n. %RRr fROTT®.
Jlf / Forceful, Forcible, a. v. Strong, Powerful. OTOT, OTf-
Forbearance, Forbearing, n. v.V. N. srr#w. tr#r«. wk'- RT, #TTRT, #OTPC, 9OT, ROT-
, ,


A pop, ^oZn, C^T’O'J*" H- Fore-most, a. tfqfagRMTBT-qi#, WITW, WITOT, ^riVF, 3T-

Forcibleness, k.v. f* vsTi

qf?w, 3?v#f,
f m^ff Fore-named, a. q=C 5TTOW, ilUfqjT, 3^
^' -

Forcibly, adv, bp force or

Fore-noon, n. <rqiT%TlMl#/. qifem-
Fore-part, n. qravTOPTiR. sxsfn. STVWWm. HW«. W3H. WIT/
2 powerfully . sfa^FT^R.
F. and back part. siTWfqR/B.
Ford, n. 3RPCm. qiroqiTm. WVnf. TITm-
Fore-runner, n. lit. q? yTTURT, W5RTR1,
Deep or difficult f. ^f?3TT
2 fig. ^sj^rn.
F. for carriages. ^
by loading. qR
3RITR W-T#, 'IRR-TRI To Foresee, v. a uF^'Un -nP^m. qrrT-'rrfT 3'#-^#-^-
To Ford, v. a. cross
S# -Hi?#, 3Tjfr T,C-' rf# T"3?^' ^' c CTW°T ,»T#'nT-
< :

5"5jarn.-&c. 3^% in con. arid g. of o. JIW'Tn ^i#-
Fordable, n. v. V. TPTR-TFff qqW-^r-WRr-&c. WTO^rC-
To Fore-show, v. a. c- 31^#-3T^f5 V W-
Fordableness, n. v. A. STflTin. fll'CTwi'.
WITTS', H- ^?p T«.- : sTff^' ;;i'R.-35^5 ;:r n -- &c s- °f °-
Rf?KRT or
Fore, a. anterior. T2Rr or 55T, |T#te, ,

aWTff, 5*Mf «W (« 2 See To Foretell.

jfcw or ar, ?WKR, WTOT, ,

and aTffftf, Fore-shower, n. v. V. 1. T?! 5T^' TrLT-5're'3:T %°rKr, &c

T JTp-
comp, as, forepart srSRnr, foreteller

qf (in comp, as qfcp*, jfaPW &c.).

Numc. hpt^b , ^ ,
current as the equivalent Fore-sigiit, n. iTJCSvN'B' 'vLifS'/- iF'r s T?'51 Tn.
; | ! i#r T?F5j. ft3-

rous compounds with fore are not so

Such arc omitted. ?#rn. fruVfs/.
compounds with pre.
To Bode. Fore-skin, n. fprt /• 3FFnT#n-
To Fore-bode. See
TTSfl# /• TOff" To Fore-stall, v. a. anticipate. m*\f. - aiRRf /.
Fore-cast, n. previous contrivance. sqr’TfrT’ft
g. ofo. wmif- g^ofo.
5TRT /• qiC-TRn
contrive beforehand. 3TJTRT Fore-taste, n. TWI^TR*. 3ir{#r[^TiR. WfOT* 1 ' 5>T5rrtT=irWFTJB*
To Fore-cast, v. n.

&c. grTq-qrJSR s #, 35?

qqqrqm.#r^w/-##TOrm- - & «- -
. _ r
, To Fore-tell, v. a. predict, prophesy. JTORT n - )Ti^®rn •-^'3" .

a#, 3^'%5r^r/.-33H -FR«--&c. qrrr.

<Krr4m.-irP?rsTn. w“r,
Fore-cited, a. before mentioned. WSTirPR? , W^STT.
Fore-end, i\*fore-part tTOTPTw. 3t4T'1T
^-& C. To 3#, vrfrvr^'SFT»-->Tr^^' ?Frn.- & c. 3uC°T.
Foreteller, n. v. V. HR®! ^mrn, ^"TtTr, &c.
qfR, q#.

Fore-father, «. v. Ancestor.
Forefathers, qpsqstem •
pi- STRlt''m-pl- R#1°M Rf- *rppsrg:w, tw.
Fore-telling, n. v. V. 3Tf#TR- ^ldi u Rr/. W^T^i^FTB- WpT^r^T"
< iXm pl
. .

To Foiie-fend. See To Avert. Xn . 3T?TF=T^'I r«. li

t t ,

Fore-thougiit, n. 5l sf?5r ;T w - ^1" -

Fore-finger, n. SFsfcff/.

Fore-foo’o jrar TRW. #Fe /. 3 }JTTin./.

To Fore-go, v a. v. To Give dp. ##, W, pT[Pr/« Fore-tooth, n.

To Fore-warn, v. a.
iffiTnt. XWZQrn.
& c 51dr#-H^f#

g. of o.
Antecedent. -&c. %\-£vsf.
Fore-going. See
Foreign, a. of a foreign country. 5VT^T, VfV^r, qt-
Fore-head, m. qrqrsrn. W»). WvTn. Pvss or R?Rn.
qr?vft, q^^tr, q##q, Fq?#, fqt^q,
qv, frtfv^r, FTO°rr,qF?^:-
Sectoral mark on the f. FaTOTM. dim. \z%$\f. FcWm. Y&fim- Snpr, 3T?q?#q,
2 extraneous, remote unconnected, ,
S)c. qr^V^T or 55T, 3^lf-
fapi. 3T^?T/. i^m..
s-fr arq^q?, qfqr^Fiiqr, srqrqrrPqr,
Vertical mark on the f. TRn*
3r4rVF-'rf'#^-#- & c. W-WI't-
^ w
Foreigner" n. v. Foreign, q##, Pt*, 1^3^ FrTO, TC-
To Fore-know, v. a.
in. con. -g. of o. qiWW - qqrt WTO.
3'#r ) ^ ftiufsfr:Tn.-&c. TO^T ,

Foreignness, n. v. A. 2. siqreFqVWw. 3TqrqrFfaTWr/. &c. UT5T-
&c. a?# with fegfofo.
Fore-knower, n. v. V. TOfTF srmKr-WTfT Wfm. sTOq^rwqnt.
Zftm. aiiql/.
Forest, n. q=T«. #Ivfn. qriqrT«i.«.
itrg-, *rfa®rer*Eff,tq^.

Fore-knowing, Fore-knowledge, n. JTfqWSTRw- wfqWit'&'RR"

Conflagration of a f. imm- 3K«J*
Dweller in a f. qwqret, qq^q, qw«rq.
Fore-land. See Cafe.
a forest. wirin’, q^TTW, ^nCW,
Forest, a of or belonging to
Fore-lock, n. qwrsTFR# %’ ITOTT# *&f- sOTT^m-
sqrraqqr, qR.
=T5fT^r Forest-roving, a. VuRF, qTOPC.
Fore-man, n. v. Conductor, Leader. qnTwft, ^7PC^T
Forester, n. qqqrgf, W^qT, „ .
%tt, ^iirwr, fir^Fral.
by a fault, #m. 4

Fore-mentioned, a. snc §TTO5Tr, IRIFCPw or F=f?t , W3F£C , #- Forfeit, n. that which is lost fyc.

rfi, qqfftrT,
2 — as attached to engagements or bonds. &izf. srrqp f. sjq f. bent, turn. %r»i f.zq f q^Rw. qqj'r f. qr-
To Forfeit, v. a,, lose by a fault <^-c inv. con.
, 5fr°T c°Tt/. qRTm. qf^ui.
$S m. for.
*rrcrr»i. qfqofl/. ^fqrqszr/. qf\f. q.-ff5Tf/;i.
qq:iT». Form, in comp, is neatly rendered by STRUT, as
Forge, n. Wffrri^r qrr^/.-q£T /. sjfTO^T
moon-form RJTTrT, egg-form, oval 3j^[qrrT, circle-form,
To Forge, v.a. work, form by the hammer, S/c. qqoj^ qqofty._ cular Yf^rrarc, q'Sw^nr,
fRRrrc, 'TcTqrqrrT, sphere-form qrsr-
qqqq/.-qqqn -qzrqr /.-&c. q;qq g. ofo.
^TT; feaf-form, pitcher-form, &c. ad libitum.
T'nRTrT, qrwsil-
Metal to bo forged. qqtqn.
2 make falsely,
f%?T- &c Wf,^.
counterfeit. W 3T- qqrqfrerr- #?T- qfi jqrra:- 3T-
5TT, JTfRTrT, ftTROT, p.qqTrqrrT, qri^rqnlT, qTSTqTIT, Ac.
Human f. qq^rq.
Of one f. tf^- qfqqqr.
Forged, p. v. V. 1. qq^JT, qffq. 2 a f. a shape, definite thing. 3TRTKM. ®TRTfq/. ^rqn. f^«.
2 Tjrar t?rar, ^rwr, qqrsr, qqrqfwr, wtort, #sr, #r-
3 particular modification. fqqrrr»». frf Pq/. qPcqrq»!-q-qRq ;i
Forger, n. v. V. 1. qqarrqr, qqqrrJTt op nrr.

A, prescribed method, q^fn /. %q w . %qra. qprqrfr/. fffqjji.

2 qqrq°rrqT, *Rr*-&c. qrqqrqr.
5 ceremony, ceremonial, v. Rite, ftfq pop. q}q /.
Forgery, Forging, n v. V. 1.— act. qqurn. qqofr
f. qqq;q f.
T?°T /. qqqr/. qqq».
To go through the f. of. qrqr adv. qrq%, 5Trqqrqm- ^rq,
2 qqnr qrqqn. & c .
PsTSTqrTw. q;qqr, qrrtqn. ifTq, sp^Sf -a. z\fq.
1 art or business off. qqqrrqit.
6 external appearance, v. Appearance, Show.
II forged writing. ^"qn. qr-
qqrqar55T«. q-qrsr-Src.

qrrq«i. Irw.
^qzvwm. qrqrlrqqn.
7 (as for an official paper). TqqTre.
To Forget, v. a. fq-qrqq , Praqm .
- pTqqfq/. - Pq-qqrorn . im-Tfq 8 (of students, &c.) class, qqm,.
in-con- g'-jf o. qrsTT/. q Fri“T, qqq, Hfssr qrer ^rr°T, ITfsf. 9 make, cast, or air of the body. 3qfqq^oj- # j‘._ 3qq_
q&vf in. con . .

^tZm. sqqrqqr or Sf on
TrqrsTni. qiqqqq/. arrqqrHffl. Krqqgr /.
f. one’s self qqq TO«j (
or qfqrqoj-.
wilmf. ^rOqT^jjTr/.
Forgetful, afRRrrst f. qqqfe/. fr-
a. ff^rrgr, ff?Rrr, qqqqrqr-qpsqqtqr- & c. jtti. qqrqn.
2 negligent, neglectful, heedless, 8)c. fqqqrtJ', qsirr, TTITc^ 10 (as of a verb or noun), ^rq n.
ws?rr, HRs or ssijt, qffiqqf, qqrqqrr, srPr-qr, area?. 1 1 bench, qjqrm.
Forgetfulness, A.
n. v. 1. fqqqmqrm. pj-
TO». foqq-o^. ft. To T< qrm, v. a. make, modelr shape, fashion. qqvj-
aqqqqqn. 3TTJ7iq/. qsqqr ’ qqquy
*Wf- JTffm. 3T 55-/.
qrrsrq, qrqq.

f ' ’

Through f. and ignorance. fq-qqjqssrr Trrqf. 2 combine and dispose, v. To Arrange.

2 qfTaqqrin. qrqarqqrm- &c. qqqqq/. 3Ts|on. qiqq, TRqr/.
To Forgive, v. a. pardon. oj o.

Kr/. -OT f-mfqf.-Sic.

qrqr Tqq, #3%, qy)qrn. jg- 3 —mentally, To Conceive. rTzyr, qrqDr.
qtffig. of o. qVin.-TOTqT'Twt*- 3T?gf- To Form, v. n.assume the due form, qaroj.
Br&<T[ g'. of o.
orgiven, p,
v. V. #3T^r?5T
See Forgiving ness. Pardon.
r ^ &TFT-
2 rise, appear, take being, come up, out, &c.
qq, P^qq, qqiq, qqqr, qqsq.
qff, qrqor qsw

Forgiving, a. ready to forgive.

3 the hand, in writing, drawing, & c. qqrq.
ajiTT, ajJfRFf, T^R" pop. ar Formal, a. v. Ceremonious.
ajqrate, yqrqq,
* aTrsrCrqRTqt, sTRff'RTTr^f s?rST—
sjfFfrr, ?jq, sfar, str. qrqqnrfqsr, qrTrqRqrrqlr.
Forgivingness, A.
n. v. tjqr/. ERr/. «!% / ?R5lWr /. %mr- 2 done according to form,
wteqr/. qqrqr, t#fr, qrpqq-^T, mmfw,
Forgotten, p. v V. wmrf, ’TqrPrPq, sqqrqqqr, irw.
. fqr^r^^sr, frorq, qwqq, 3 having the form but
To^j,firrcation. External.
siol the essence, v.
prfsrrm. qtifn. ?Wtn. w». Jpr^arn. TRr, qrtesur tow

^•5T«. RRTb. tRJ-ffn. qqqTn. wrwrqr^T.

%qfqsk VZmm. ^
Formalist, n. observer offorms, v. Ceremonious,
2 /or/«rf thing. or S^n. feA/ qst / f^n. qrqfqff fa- ’
3— table f. qrfrrm.
2 mere observer ofform, and outward and appearance.
Jo Forked.
Forked, Forky,
corn, a tree,

&c. tow, qrj^^g.
f%WRrr, fqrNrqr,
^ 'Rrrqt, wtqr, frsrerjfPisr, qr^nfqRr.

f§> Formality, n. v. A. 1. s?RqrqqrqfqOT /. qr<fdqwrf%/ 3FT-

Forlorn, a. v. Friendless. ^rqTC, PrTm, 3T=Tm, aT^fTr,’ 2 qrRT^Tqirrm. qqrerrqqr/. [|%trgqrfqqr
^TTRRT, • /.
1 a f. V. Form, Rite, qqqfqm. 'frfqj. qq^rTw."
Form, n. fashion, figure, shape.
vrrXKm, srmfqf. qqojf. qqdfte Formally, adv.
izm. firtrm. (in
qrtm. q$
m .
f. ^n. mf. qfn. 2
v.A. 1.
qg-qqrq-, qqrqsrRr, qqrfqPr, fqpqqq;.
qra-frqqrrrq, HRCR, STKqqqqr &c.
involving the power of I ormation, Forming,
the freely used if. v. V. A. 1 .—act, qqvfn. qqqtqn. &e.
words cut, make, mould, stamp, cast, build, tre°fr/. qqqqr /. qqq r /. qqq„.
. , , — , .

276 FOR
3 (one’s self) commit perjury . ^ q’^-
2—act. TOTO «• &c. TOPTOj- FWr /•
v. V. N. 2. a«cZ Production. TOfq/. t

Fort, or fFfsfjR*
I— in grammar (of words, & e.). sjt'rfrf /•
Country on outside of a f.
II »wfe, structure , v. Form. ^r^/. 9TT/- *rm/. ^P^RK^rni
Crest or highest works of a f.
Formed, p. v. V. A. 1 . qgsreT, Ac qiiq. OW/TO'qrj.
Eaitli heaped up against flic wall of a f
To be f. upon,
—as from a lull f. urSTOn.
F on the plain disting,
2 q^fsrar, qrqq.
F sui rounded by the sea tfilspCTw?*
I— in grammar, — a word, &c. spTOT, =QI rir^h
Governor or hooper of a f RTTOOn qqlPTO 1

1 "'-

Former, n. Forming, p. ci. v. V. A. I. TO “TO, «KT?°irFr,

qT^raw. (his office
Ilill-f. qim. Accountant of a hill f.

qrcr, &c.
preceding, anterior,^ an- or business. qq^Hq'T or Fffinf/)•
Former, a. foregoing, prior, pievions,
Impi eg nablo or strong f. qrqrtPFffiTm
qrqqr or ar, JTrjfta, mffar T qia, gsMTOr, qr«ft,jq
tecedent. ,

Imestmg or besieging a f. nPTtTO''Ti!i.

qff^r, qqKTOr, smiTOTO, qRW^q%raM, m?Fr, TOqq,qrg,
qqqrFTOr, *£ Outer, f. qfiFTOw-
2 that uas before, that has been. qWRT,
Small f. q?l/-
Town belonging to a f. 7*/-
qar, 'ITfar^
3 immediately preceding, STTOr, qrqar,
_ i

Wall of a f. %tzm. %\^i. irTOr in.— Second or

in time past, qrq,
Formerly, adv. y.A. anciently,
^raf, qsqrqrraf, tjror qrraf, qfqsqr
qftTOF(, qftar adv. decl.
qjraf.qqqrrat, qqqrrai, q^rai,

outer wall of a
2 that in which one

or TO^tcrn.
Mt?«. ^ n-

q^q/ f«qqq«-
As f. TOP15, toVt
Forth, adv. onward, forward. TO.
Formication, n . — the tingling or sensation. v. q, a?,
2 abroad. qffF. ^
grstfa/. intens. |sroaTOn. fqqf^Ct or rqqqtXf* X*xjl\f
__ .

Forth-coming, a. ready to appear, fretr, q^TF, TTO, TOTO,

Formidable, a. v. Fearful. HWF, ,
qqpiTOqr TOTTO,,

fsrqr, srrqqr. _ . _

qrw r _ TOTOiTO, q 5!!^, q rW ,5

U, qqfq,
Forthwith, adv. immediately.
Formless, a. Ftorto, fqrrffq, sqrroFftq-qpi-Ffeg^fq,
qrqi'q, qqrq,
A. Fortieth, a ^rfssqRT.
^ ^
Formlessness, «rq(%/. fTO^TOTr/.
«. v.
TOfq pop-

R- Fortification, n. v. V. act. qqqqf/. ^rcTOt/*

n. prescribedform or method.
Itt'd /•
1 place fortified, v.
Fort. TOm- fcvif- ^ _
fam. fWRn. Flfqpop. Fqqfq^JTj.
PMTTOTf »n. II science of military architecture. jrqqrqTOTO
Formulary, a. ioofo o//«s. TOfq/- fTORqTOr/.
To Fornicate, u.n. v. N. I. *TTOrqqqn--qrTOqqqn.-^qrq- Fortifications, worhs of a fort,

To Fortify, v. a. q^TOl/.-^TOt/-- & c.

q^TOlffi q^TTO ^
Formication, n. commerce of a mini with mi unmarried wo-
- &c - ^ qrTO, qqqrqrqrTO to qrqq.
2 Sec To Confirm, To Strengthen. ^ r t

Fortitude, n. strength or firmness of mind. qrqw. Wn- pfqt/-

man, ^TPTiFTtt. ^R^Tff5TPr T 5 Tw. i

3T^r 5 ^f^nTw* qfften. fSTOwi. qtf». mW/- TO»n- 5?^^/. .

2 incontinence of an unmarried woman.

fe^r- Fortnight, n. qvTOf'STm. feBHffn- ^rqqrqm- qrHr-T«-
3 unlawful intercourse of the sexes—gonor.
#r/. mm\f w^ w* Lunar f. qy m . ^
Fortress, a. v. Fort. ^r?m. qfl/.
— in cant or covert phraseology. ^fe'-TO-
marry, fornication as distinguished Fortuitous, «. v. Accidental. sTTqqqr, TOqfTO, TOSTTO,
q-au Note. As Hindus all
Fqqq, qq^srsirq. ^ ^ ’ r
from adultery is rare
Fortuitousness, Fortuity, n. v. A. qqqrqm. q^qsr/. TO^tq-
Fornicator, n. v. N. L sT^f^rr^ft,
q;qji. qrqjqifqn. &c. !

Fortuously. Sco Accidentally.

siqrer, ^^rreff, ^fl-TO^rr.
^ ^
Fortunate, a. lucky happy, successful, of persons-^ qiFTTOT,

Fornicatress, n, v. 2,
\pop. qpqqq , qqqrq^p.
* Iqrqr, qfsrr qq^r, qrorqrr, & c. qpqqr
3 ^pr^f /.-#!/* ^rcjTttV.
^ qqrqqqt, tot-
qqfq^’q or qqfqqrq, qqrro, qfwrTO, qTO,
jTo Forsake, To Abandon. ikj. c&. v.
pop. *vp*r,
f#', qrroqrTOr^qqrr^, TOrq g,
rf^WFf, ^m.-qB^TRTOT.-&c. &*. 0/ 0.

in truth tf. dec/, cTCHC, fTtffa** qtqrq, q?qqqrr, qra-qq, gw. ^qrTO, tr^rr qrqpzrgr.
Forsooth, .
unexpected good. K-
2 coming by good luck, bringing some
To Forswear, v. a. renounce on oath 3T<P-?/. ,

# tfrMi g\ 0
/0 . or pTfiJf. 3?1°T/- Tff^T of 0 . qrTOrqrr, gqqpqr, qq^, ^qqiF,

2 rfe»y
o?^ oa^.
«5T^C®T g\ 0/ 0 .
3 See Auspicious.
Fortunately, adv. HTOTOTO, mmm WF^qH, ^ TO-

STT^m. 3KT°T, mm m. qrqt%.

TOcRFCt/. ffr^KT/- S’q^rfrf/. There arc various systems of fortune-telling,
Fortunateness, » v. A. 1.
JfSUTiT or
terpreting omens, c. of which some are
tfsnsiwrrm €TO/- wnrarrf^n- ?^5rrf^ir/.
‘Fortune, n— as the power allotting, v. Destiny.
ffDi. HTC^n.
— one, ffqwTrste, tr%^r^, tflfrTn^,
%fqqr«. t?r%-FKs--Tr%-=Trefrt-&c.frr^ Forty, a. Trsl5r.
or ?•/.— as the Genius of prosperity or success,
ir^frrsStH. — two, 4dTS[H, RP~ thiee, %-
W-X^mX, WA31&, ^#rrKl0.—

0f Fortune as a divinity or power as ^RT.— four, five, <T-

CJFSW /• /• /•

taken by the Marat'has as by other people. The %frr^, q%Rri«, — six, €frr-
much notice is
expressed ^W, Jr’ffrsfW-— seven,
opening, smiling, or becoming propitious
of F. is

W^FT. — eight, silffrsW, »#frsr,

— nine,
by %TO.-vrr^n.-^n.-Ac.
l^rf m * '3’^'^^T - &c . - ^TF^T'tt.

- &. c. ^T* ! in •

g. ofs. *«.&/.
Aggregate of f. •41=4 lit /• ’Yf^TT'a
iTii4r^r-1‘^r-&c. stum.
Age of f. /
qr of o.
vision about the age of

or becoming adverse of f is expressed Dimness of /•

The turning, frowning, .

& Forward, Forwards, ado. fi, Xt€x.

by. ^
rendered by IffR- Right f. BTlfFr.
The increasing propitiousness of F. is

To come f. TCFW, TJK6!, HFOTT BYW, ,

&c. uqr/. ?#T. ^ _

srqR-&e. To put one's self be
f. obtrusive, sir# S^T*
The taking of a run by F. (of good or evil) is

Forward, a. eager, ardent, zealous, v. Earnest. 's^K-

•~m/. ¥f. ^ ^ „
^R-Scc. YP?f. SPT fs-rf, vjwtr^tr;, ^rfr, trar?, ^rsr^T^r-
The constraining by F. (to some evil) is

2 pert, impudent, wanting in modesty, &c. <ft?, FTHl ?,


or't^fn.- &c. sir^°T- ^ .

%gn.-&c. g^YRfFT-Trfff'&c. SDTTS--

The showeiing down of favors by F. is 'TTS'Fsiq-.

Favorite of F ^r, «reui, srfqvrff, ^cr, ffm, ^frs®,

— ^Tr^'T.
F.’s favors. TOF^Tm. To he ofTiciously f. Tg‘^qTJ3' «F"CYT

arRH^^r TSTr%?rr, 4-
mn. iffin. WRn. 3 advanced beyond the usual degree. ,

Gusts of F’s favors,

Offerings to F. from a meal to preserve her favors. SWiHT-
A advanced towards completion. BfiTHTt sTfSJvTT, sTRST"
JTRTPfr WTasftn. BUffTF,
Sport of F. poor wight.
Wheel of F. Tfimr^T/i. To Forward, v. a. send forward, transmit. #^ UfS'W, q^w
Worship of F. srSRtcpR’n. qHrF#.

Through labor and the' aid of F. WST 2 Sec To Promote.

Forwardness,*?*, v. A. 1. yfH^idT /• SRI’S' «i. stl-HWn. i-
F. favors the bold. TfftBW i-TnR
but F. will outrun you. HfPJ? 5^3T/. „
You may outrun all,

2 f-r^rf/. ftrqarrm- Fnqfeq'qrw. sTtprfqr/.

__ ^ _ /. VURI /• STTI^'T I-
Destiny, ZV&nf- ff^r%
, 2 allotment, lot, v.

wum. vm--xn. frffRu-


Fosse. See Ditch.

H«. qrqrwn. writrn. inr^/i.

SWn. «-
Fossil, n. substance dug from the earth.
ffqWn. fiRra. fTsTFPffn.
3 luch, success, (good or bad). qffWW»n. U3T STTRTn. ^3 qKrpjm. _ &
Fossil, a. that is dug from the earth. q^tfcFr W’ff'T 'FTSWWF, Iff-
* JUffn. ffT STCSn. • .

xmn. tjqf-d/. 3T55ff/- tSVgif. srqpfvr,

4 property, possessions, wealth.
Fossilist, 71 . trrfqrft,

Frrr/. f4vT«. pRffqTTm.
To Foster, v. a. nurse, feed, v. To Nourish. qrTFT, 1R5"T, R-
Of blasted fortunes, ffftrr,
That has made his f. JTflDft. ^ 2 cherish, harbor, indulge. qrf'T, 3Pm, FFTT-
To make or be making one’s f. 5'4n.'4i'r2‘'”T, T^TET ^<r*T-U%,

rft, Twhg- ofs. »ww

g. of s. na^aSr g. ofs. §r? /. srrfar- Foster-brother, n. ffJTWrsrm.
Foster-child, n. qiar^-qw^I or irr-freR or qfwrr
mv&w. *.» J(\ 4K, ***
3T?IlTt/.-& c.
^To Fortune, v. n. v. To. Happen. OT, sf4FT q°T.
Foster-daughter, n. qf5tq;v.4i /. qfssirsfJT/. qR'hdi'-ur,/
Fortune-book, n.
Foster-eatiier, n. qTar^rffm.
To Fortune-teee, v. a. ^4n.-%f^fff/.-^fid y4»t.-?ra'5ir«.-&' c-
Foster-mother, n. v. Nurse, qt^qr zflif. qr^RFF/.
* Hm-FlVTg-.o/o.
Foster-sister, n. «nf ^ft°T /.
Fortune-teller, n. v. V. BPFTITr, fFFff HRFdTT, &c. iSf-

" Foster-son, n. qTo5qf&<fc'>n. qi^qrqzTwi. qrvRTTTn

=lft\or sfar#5jt, ST^ftT or R^cfrjsf Rsfl , f^J3^ frJF?
Fostered, p. v. Y. 1. qRT^R, &c. qrOTf or ITT, or qmr,
grratsfft, or etter srrsft, ftfar^r wNit, sr^r otsti,
. or?qr,
Fosterer, n. v. V. 1. qfWircr, See. qff#?r or qif%?r.
Fortune-telling, n. v. Y. <EfW“T»- FRi“T«. ’€f
, — .


Fodl, a. filthy, r.DiRTr. ijss^rr remiss. Jfsrir, Jf^T pop. jjsfT, Four-fold, a. =frqhT,
qfH3f T. (

3Tsn=rc, JTs-dw, Four-footed, a. ^rgrqf, ^PC TWr^T,

2 loathsome, ,
v. Disgusting. qwcr, SPTC3T, WR, Four-score, a. ^PC Rrw.
gcsrs* or TOarnt, ^TO?r. Four- twisted, a. 'fhrO.
3 —hands, &c. after eating, culinary vessel, &c. v3TgT Four-wheeled, a. ^Nf, ^RTTF, =^T W.
To be —hands, &c.
£.; qrVfW, Fourteen, a. =fr?T, ^|l5T.
4 unfavorable,— of wind. ^Z[ f
§TS^T, TORWT, 3Tpf|T^. Fourth, a. #fsir, W4, pTT.
5 unfair inequitable
, . TOC??, TO^r, Fourth, n.
^'?jr ^fJTm. ^T’Tr^Tm. ° 'fpT^TT or
Foul-mouthed, Foul-spoken, Foul-tongueb, a. v. Abusive.

— of a cake, jack fruit, Sic.

fnsT®, qfewr qRT^rs*, ^frsrrqr qrr^terr, fsr- Excess by a f. mi j.
ir^r,7 <ttot,
>4^ 7
4 N '
That exceeds by a f.

To Foul, v. a. v. To Dirty. TOW, TO^rW5^r~&c. 3TTO. Fowl. n. See Bird.

2 given /o obscene language or qfer^T- * 2 —gallinaceous.
&c. ffr^ssr. F. -houses. wiXf. ®Jn. m&n
Fouled, p. v. V. TO^W, TO§W, &c. infor. To Fowl, catch fowls for game.
v. n. qr^Tf^t-q^l^ qf XW f.
Foulness, n v.A. L TO^Wm. TOlqqojy w &c. TOpop. . qarm. qrw
TO^/. ^rPc?Wrc. 3T5*TTrt. ^TcfT/. Fowler, n. v. V. qr^WfOft, qR^^r^ft.
Jo Found, v a, lag the basis of; establish so* «/?, qprTw. F owling-piece, n. ftjqTKl^I-qiT^r ittf

*rrw, wot, /.-wrT^n,-&c. qrc°t «•. o/o. wr. Fox, n. or ft WQfn.

m-&c. qrw- Flying f.

2 ybrm &// melting c^c. WW. F Ox-g love, n. ?CRf q^fl /.

Foundation, n. v. Y, L act, WTq°tfl. See. ^TPT^fn, C-INCf/. Fraction, n (of an integral). ^Tqwf^T?>i. Bjqvfni. %ferm.
mmmf fawn. ^rrftriTRni.
1 basis or lower parts. qrqTfft. ^3W*». Vulgar fractions.
To Nfifft mtm. wm.
lay a firm

II footing, warrant, fyc. v. Ground,


qt^m. ^Rfm. QTRKot.

Addition of fractions, fro mm n*
Assimilation of f. 3Tr3T^Tpf.
mm pop. wrm. Common measure of a f. aqqqRqTm.
III v. Endowment, TOrSTCwi. qrrfcffm. Cube of a f. frorqRn.
Founded, p. v. V. I. &c. WffTT, ^TffqFT. Denominator of -a fi
2 %r^r, Division of fractions. fTOJTnsRn.
Founder, n. v. V. 1. WRW, &c. IW, a^TTW, TO-&C. Multiplication of fractions.
iritsnir. Numerator of
, a f. af^rm.
2 tftTO, ^rrd. Reduction off. to a common denominator.
I (of a religious order or sect). BTr^Pfrra. CW- q°f^.
qqr, Reduction of f. to a lower denomination.
II (of a race). Jjarj^Tm. TOn. ffrqu?. Square of a f. fJT5fqif?n.
To Founder, v. a horse, Sic. qrqr^-qrqNr TO-&C. Subtraction of fractions.
tost stto, Fractional, a. mPr^T.
To Founder, v. n. sink— ship, &e. jto, sruFT qTTO, fw. Fractious, a. apt
t to quarrel, v. Cross, gw, TOTO, HOT,
Foundery, n. place, fyc.for melting metal. qr(T- dwr.
^rcm. wmwrmm. o mmrmf *•' Fracture, n. afifm. TO^Tti.
Foundling, «. deserted child found. ipnOT, ^f^Fqcqr To Fracture. See To Break.
Fragile, a brittle weak, v. Frail.
, TOC, TO=T5?f8>,
Fountain, n. (of water) v. Spring. srT or flrCTm. 3f- ^r^iTFr, ^r^rwr ^rwrcriwr,
%(\f. qr^cr, jftc.
^R»Cw. Fragility, n. v. A. TOC^ff/.
A corrupt f. cannot send forth fresh streams. Fragment, ^mm. dim
v: frtpifa %ffsr >ir? ^ fr?v ^ fr
wr^rf^T qr^TT ?3T-

n. piece

broken, v. Bit.

pieces, shivers, fritters .

. W$m*

Fountain-head, n. F^ff^rm. HT'TWm- RimgRn. or ^qr«r^Tm, Wm. ^fm. ^CT^Tm. fZfm*
Four, a. s?PT, ^(in comp, asjffajr, 4iW, #PFRt'), pn:, Fragments (of &c.), broken grains •
(in comp, as
^tn. pi
^ffr), (fpftor
This worcHs used only of human beings).
^ or otpc or qr'qqcm.
In fragments.
rice, pulse, BTr^^T^ff

Aggregate of f. ^JE^Tn. 'gjCTn. Fragrance, n v.A.

/. . gqr^w. ^Tf^n. g?fRTm. qrff/. wmdf
Aggregate of f. (pieces of money). to. hcRtw. qnr^^m. TOjqn.
1 a f . afragrant substance . qf^ar- 2 — the agent. FFFfSIKr, ^FIFFtFl, >FfFfFr-
Fraud, n. v. Deceit, zcizn. FTTSTn. UFm. Ftf%Ff /• Ff-
Fragrant, a. sweet of smell SJWRT, Rqrfeqr, R- xFn. tgfn. surFm.
FfFqr, ffPt, ft, FmrcFf, Fraudful, Fraudulent, a. v. N. and Deceitful. FFFT, gr-
ftflo?. qjfFr, giFqr, #rrr, Frf, ff=Ci, fwft, ®f, fif,
Frail, a. fragile, weak. FFFFT, FFTOtF, FFSrl^, F°T-
iT3T=C, Fq^ffF.
Pp4f1, w, Frspr, Hf, fFqX'F^C fit, fgsrPr. Fraudfulness, Fraudulence, n. v.A. griTSTn. FF^lFt/. g3T^-
2 weak in resolution, liable to err. apjW, FTFC, FiTT'Cq'- im m. FFFr/. 5T5^n. 5rrFTn.

fe, F^qfe, fsTfshf, Knrate. Fraudulently, adv. y.A. qrqJTF, Fqrqqgr, Fiqr W, 5FFT-
Frailness, Frailty, n. v.A. 1. WT3T/. FF^^r/ FFT3T/. FtF, &c.
'Hsrrar /. .FFTFraT/. fterr /. treRn. Fraught. See Freight.
2stfFTjfe/ FFjfe/. Fferar/. w^ffTtfi-/. ^ffsthfi-/. Fray. Brawl.
Sec Fight,
1 a i.a foible, v. Fault. Fqr /. FFfF F(S/. To Fray. See To Frighten.
To Frame, v. a. (an account, &c.) F[qrT°T, giTF, FFF. Freak, n. whim, fancy. FfF/- gtFflt- F(F/- S3Tm. j. fFn.
2 See To Form. 2 frolic, trick, v. Prank. FrsTJii.
Frame, n. (as of a picture, &c.) FfTT/. FFn. FHTm. Freaks, frolics, pranks, mr& FIT »». FTTm.n. FT^rm.
2 (as of a drum, tabor, saddle, &c.). FffTn. FTThi. qg/i. To indulge or play freaks. «?rr/. pi. FTF, /• 3TF.
3 (of the mind). fFFfi rtf ff4/. F^rFPKTFiH- FFHPtF/ Ff- Freakish, Freakful, a. fanciful, §c. Wfft, FfTlFT,
fiT/. VTRnt. s'ft, sfee, sires', FFFi^rr, 0TgqpF,^rrsi,
4 (of the body), v. Form. STfFffPI Tr4/. 3TPT qTTt/. ®iJT- Freakishness, Feeakfulness, n. v. A. FF#tt/. s'fqeqFrw-
qfg/. fTFTrc- FFfFRTJi.
Of high f. —used of beasts, Freckle, n. spot on the skin, fara^ii. €t^ n ^TFFnn. dim. TFF-

5 empty frame skeleton , . ^rWf or ^r^RTm. SSTFCfw* 3t /. pfF pop. gtem. ff/- Pt^jii.
grrsF/. rrf^rorf/. FfeTqr/. fr^tst/. frhsi/. Freckled, Freckly, a. v. N. farwiFT, F sf^r, PfBrfl, fETFp— &.c.
6 — to support boxes, casks, &c. sfp3T«. dim. tflFl/. LRiFT/- 3Tr%sr, FfqF, fgvsffp.
Fr4r4T/. Free, a. enjoying liberty, FiFTSF, FFFT, tTrfF^F ,
7 cradle, bed, &c. — goner, Ff#t/. Fffl, fqrFR, 3Eqq5T, FF-FrFlF, aTFlF^F, s^WF, 3TFF1FF, Fr-
8 — as matted or wattled, and as for a window-shutter, gate of 5FfFqfFr, #<FF, FRFT.
, an enclosure, & c. grit f. q-qfr or giqrn. Figfr / awrin: 5TTTr«. 2 unrestrained, unconstrained. FiFTr, FF, ^t^T, fFffF,
F. work of bamboos, sticks, &c. for roofs, decks, &c. FIzm. m¥f, S7tF, FT3F, ^FfiffFr, aTr^FSllFr, 5spFFITFr.
Fifty. 3 open, not forbidden, §c. #grar, FtJ3T, Pw, FFPt 4’F, JlPr-
F. for stacks of hay. FTFM. dim. FfFrsft /. Ff'ft /. t-rffg-sTR-, piFrc.
Frank, a. open, ingenuous, candid. 3?=rr=^T FRiOT, FFPTT OT, F. and open, exposed, freely to the public. FTFST 2'R'BT,
F^qr, ffrt Msr, Pufe ffift, ffift, FrareT®, MfFTSET FTTf.
Pmisr^, Jrisr^, ffift qrqr, PrFqrgr, falser, ?siq34F,q5rFT, Fr- . 4 ingenuous, candid, v. Frank. •ifFTFr WW, FFr-
ff, ft;f, gnrsqfe-, TT3TIF, fftofft, gsgsftg, gssqsrg, g-
stf^If, f^tfPt.
Fr, fF^qr.
5 intimate, v. Familiar,
FFFFIF, tr^F^lF.
Frankincense, n. gfflt. ^(FRI^m. 45FFt3T»n. vjqm. G clear from, exempt. FIF^r, fF, FF, W^F or pTRT (as
Coal to kindle f. yqiircrm. FfqrfFFf^r, &C.), Fr?F-?lF-&c."iu. comp.
Oil of f. gijFn. 7 costing nothing, v. Gratuitous. FFTCT, giFTFriT.
Soot or condensed smoke of f. qfSTn.
8— of style, Jital cramped or stiff. FfqraT, f^FFW Frqr, F5TF, ,

Stick, & c. set with lights of f. anTn. FFF, FC^rF,

Wick or stick covered with f. 3Tqrrfl/. SiSTft/- ^FfTP^/. 9 unengaged, unemployed, &jc, FIT, pFRTFr, FfTTSir.
FFC^/ 10 liberal. See Generous.
To fumigate with f. gq-qF, FWT. To Free, v. a. set free, liberate. Fftrarq or jjpFTFF, FIFF, Fff-
Frankly, adv. v.A. Ppsgq;r, qrqg FPfF, pTH'qz'l^, F- F FFFF, trqrST-FF'-q'FFTFr- 453FFrF- & c. gpCF, FW^-
FFT, FF FTFar FJpT, FfsT^-, fF^ST, WFFqFrF, FFFFPrF, F- gr/.-FTFr/. Fraqatgr/. &c. c(T°T g. of o. q'FFn. F( 3 F g-. 0f o.
5IFiTFFrF, fFsriF^TiFrF. #fFFn.-&c. 3T“i g. of o.
Frankness, n. v. A. FFIFT FrFFrqFrni. fcvsmf. fq'SjnWn. aq- Free-rooter, n. grrif, fitCt, jf, qgqrs'.
Frqsrn. FraFq«. FrFFq°Tr«i. f^fft™. Free-spoken, FREE-TONcfftn, a. v. Blunt. gferFF qiTFEvr-
Frantic, a. raving, furious, Mad.
$-e. v. FFFF, IHCF^TfCr, err, pTFfe fr^Fftr, ^FlfFiF, FqgcjrF, grrFqrF,^qEqw, spiW-
FTOERTOT, tFffTFr, FIWqST. ft, Tfff ?rg Frff FFr.
Fraternal, Fraternity. See Brotherly, Brotherhood. Freed, p. v. V. FTFFFr, Ff^sir A c. ngr, FtfFF, ^TWFfF,
Fratricide, n.—the act. JFfFfcFr/. FRWm. >FR|FfFm- q-FFTir,1
•o V
w — -


Freed NESS, n. t.P. tfwf. XXFXT/. %%/. %STrn. jqj:%,2rxa^flq, JXjXtq, bbjtbPt, XBXBW
Freedom, Freeness, n. v.A. 1. RfXBqqfm. xxrX^Xn XFdXXr/. 4 brisk, not tired, S>c BT5fr, pirX,f«R^, ^f^T.

xrrxtxxr/. xx^srxrxw. xNsRrftxr/. 5 new, unpractised, qqr, X^fexr, aTBXT, CrXr,

2 jrrxrsxqrm. BXfBrrxr/ gfxr/. txxRprm. xxxxrfxxrn qflxr, xt#5!T xrff, xrff-

Freehold, n. XXBn. XBtXXTXt/. XTB%XT - &c. tfXn. - XXBn. & c. 6 recent. See New, Late.
faXTB/. Fresh, n. (to a river). qXm. K^f. JXfqi/ trXm.
Freeholder, XBXXt, XXtXXTX, FBBrBTrX.
n. Sticks and rubbish brought down by a f. qXfXn. X 3TXT/.
Freeing, iu x IV. —act. #xqn. xrxBqji. &c. BIWT/. Bi'XXqXi'/. TOqn.
Brxx«. qraq/L gftir f. fxxrxx?*. To Freshen, v. a. make fresh. XiXRq, XRT-^c 5xq.
Freely, arfr imobstructedly, <§c. v. Flowingly. stbtt, ^B- To Freshen, v. n. groiv fresh or vigorous. f^Rq, STfXlxq,

bx, bxbfx, bxz qrq.

2 without constraint, v. Spontaneously'. XXBXfXfB, 3TPT- Freshness, n. v. A. 1. XF^F/. qr Xr%iqr»2. BTXXiqrm.
GjilW. Xfqqqrm. &c.

readily, securely, §c. JJXTrB, BBPXX, BXHX, qXTBX- 2 #ft /. frrq'T ¥»i. l

4 v. Gratuitously. qxrx, XTXTZXrXF. 3 rqarft/. xxxxf /. jxuxr /. xxjxt /. /. / XfBt f.

5 frankly. 3TB BPXB X?XX BrXTBXr RXrX.
xx»i xrix /• Bsrxt /• xx^r or xx^rm. xxxr/. xrqf«.

6 copiously. See Abundantly. 4 xrtxqrw. fxrrft/. xxxt /• xxx»i.

Freeman, «. XfXX-XFXXr-&c. XJMm. 5 xxxqrm. XBX'rqrm. xfxtqrw.
Freer, n. v.v. xnrqrxr, BRT5ir-&c. xixqrxr, & c. xrxx ( 1 pleasing coolness,— of the air. XBRl XXT/. XXTXS?r XXT /•
comp, as UXBPXXT, OTT#XX.’, qiWXXT, &c.), BiXX-&c. XPX? To Fret, v. a. rub away, v. To Abrade., To Rub. qiaxiq,
Freethinker, n. y. Infidel, Xfxhi, XHXXXXF. XRjq, %rq.
Freewill, n. power of directing one's oivn actions. RXTBnxt/. 2 irritate, vex, v. To Anger. xrrxxq, or RXXRq,
WXPCf/. ^Spjpfsrn. mxrfq, fxxxq.
2 spontaneity. ¥?XXfX»L To Fret, ». n. r«6 away, v. To Rub. XTBXXq, XTBXq, XfBq
To Freeze, v. n. be congealed with cold. XXt% jffxq-5TBq- 2 6e t» vexation, chafe ,To Fume. XfBq, fqxfxxq,
boil, v.

fxxq, xrorq or Brxxq. XBx^q, xrxq, 'fBXBq, xBXBq, xxgrq, q^xarq, xxxq.
To Freeze, v. a. congeal with cold. IJTXXXX or BKeqq, fxw- 3 after ;
grieve after. XXXiq, |X|Xq, ?XX/. XX g.ofo. xr*
xq, #?# srr or XXBTm. XXq-XiXqg-. of o XfBXT or xrBXr»J. XXq g.ofo.
To Freight, v. a. load, lade . Brxq,BC^/.-«XXfB/.-RXBX/. =xxqxq, BiXTin. xq g. of o. or inversely BRq g • of s. aXX^XF
-Ac.XTq.g-. of o. fxxrxr #, 5XXE|X /.-|X|X /.-& c. xxq g. of o. or inversely

Freight, «. cargo, lading. UXBX/. BXtX«. BBX/. BXXrx/. B- smfq, xfxxBq xxqxm.p^. xrfq-Brrx xBq-tx xxq.
XXqn./. BXXXTR. XTXXTXn. 4 the skin, through a blister. XXXXq.
2 cost offreight. BIX®. Fretful, a. v. Peevish. rXT#X, fxxfxsxr, fxxfxxr, fxxfir'Xr,

Frenzy-, n. v. Madness. X^BiXin. gvBrxxrxm. XXX^XFKXqTni. fxxfxrxr, xxxxt or $rr, ?xxr.

^ v>
Frequency, ». v.A. xitxrx srrBBxqrw. xrxiirxn. 3rrBWq«. b- Fretfulness, n. v. A. fxx#xV/' fexfxrxiqrw. &e. fxxqqqrw.
Fretting, n. See Friction, v. V. N- 2. xbxb/. x^xar/. xx-
Frequent, a. often done, $c. xrXBX XXqrX-trqrX-&c. or XX- xrx/. fxxxtx/. bbxb/. vjbbb/. xxxx/.
bbt-sibbt, xrxxtw, xrxixFxxr, BHkq. 3 qxqx or qrxr/. 3|X?|X/. 3XX3XX/. fX|X/. xxqx/.
To Frequent, v. a. resort to. XIXXIT-&C. Xfq-xq, XFUwi. pi. /. intens.— ^^f^Tfzrw.
frBq.^xmwi.-FsrmWni. -&c.3Fxq, Friability, n. v. A, fqrS'qrorrm. fqraq^rzn. &c.

xrqxxT-% xrqr-&e. nxxfw.-Trx»».-rqrxm.

, 3req g.ofs. with Friable, a. soft, crumbling, fqxr or Prxir, fxrar, ?XB^#X, ?|X-

in . con. 3TOT inv* con.

qfm. ifftx, jot, qBfBr, fxxrxrlx, BBqxfrx, rxxqr" fi'Fxrr, xrW-
Frequented, p. v. V. XXBBr, XTXBBr, xfcxiftxrr, XTWXT, XT- qo|xtx"%ffx^f, =qqx4xr.
xrxr. Friction, n. rubbing, qfsrqn. xrBqF/. XrBqn. XTBqF / XfB /.

Frequenter, n. v. v. xrtxrx xrqrxr-xqixr, #xr-&c. xrBqrxr, BXXqn. B'xXwi. BX?X«. BfXm.

&c. ?x«rr, #xr or xrx xr?xr, ttsrr, xxxrTr. Friday, n. JfJHITwi.

Frequenting, n. v. V. xrxrxxrm. xxrxrxrm. XX xrqn.^XXM. or Fried, p. v. V. rfszff.

BxxrxBxn. frrim. #rfx/-

xxxt/. Friend, n. fxx, #, W, B?XT, XTBT, XF^XXTX, PTBW, BXX or
Frequently, adv. v. Often. XlXXrX, XnXXB, <XTX?T, XrX:,xr- BPf, 3T#T, BOTf:OTXr BIXXt, XXf:XTB# or XXX:XrB?X.

xxr: , f^xrfxxrfxxr, «ref .
*® • ^Acquired f. xfxxfXX-
Fresh, a. not stale, %?, xrxr, XIBT* XXT, xrxtx, Brxxr, BXBX, Contest of friends. fxxXBTn. filX^Bfni.
Brqxrxr or n&x. False f. xrxx, xxxfxx" stbPxx, rxBBr.
2 not salt, BIX", BfXr, STB^q, qq^q'F, 3T55qt, Pf^rX, 3WX- Female f. B#/. XXlq or fi|ftq/. BXXt/. XTBTXIXliq/. *TR?t /•

3 clear, lively, healthy-loolting ; —of countenance, plants, &c. F. in need. ?sxix.

. — . m

PRI 28! FR1

Friends, relatives, and connexions —compreh. or gener. TO WH fr°r g. of s. TORH, HFRHH, ?H£H, RTF^fH or

HTR<!' or HR HHHfRtfbn. pi. RFfFRH.

Fxiends and acquaintances. rETHHm. pi. 2 a f. a frightful woman, §c. HTOTHtt. isP^W/.

Interested f. HTO?TRrH, HTRTTfijH #?F. To Fright, To Frighten, v. a. v.N. FRqftH, fHRH, H3TRH, ft -
Of one’s friends and acquaintances. sTFStFRl RFsnRFHT, SFfSPRF HTOH,inPr0i .5HRFRH, RHiPFH, &c. HRn.-HTOin.-&c. EFFP-
nrrolr, sTrror tofht, sTfswft tof H, H3RFF /-Ac. i,Tp W-RHqH, HRRHWHn. RTHH HRHtFF - HRFfTOT ,

A f. in need is a f. indeed. PtrKNt RFR HFH RFHr. -& c. HTH. — in high degree, terrify, frighten out of one's wits,
Real friends aie not easily set by the ears. RH^FH RTHt %c. qNwH HTP°F /. TOPT g.of O. HHF /.-fHHqFJ /• RFPH g.of o.

rtsth fs-^r'jfr tnr =rr€t (or tf#t HrprrnRpn rh rtf qpft frHHr- HSfrHfH 5H HFflH RTPH g. of o. #F n. HHFHfTH, RHFHf HTPri. pi.
JTF fits- ?). ITsrffH-qsFqH g.of o irHFn. RH RP'H g.ofo. HrSHE RTF-
With provisions in store we’ve friends by the score. IHF RFH TOH, HFFRrH-HtlTf 5?-HRrRTfH-&c. RFTH.
shfrtt nr srir TOirr, stork Ran hr fronK hh. To f. into. nrHRH HHt 5fH RTHlW.
Friendless, a. destitute, forlorn HRHr, HHSTHfHRrF, STHTHH, ®T- Frightened, p. v. V. HTOTOr, &c. WTIW, HFRTF, HRHlH, HR-
Hrf^rH, Ftohh, Ftoftoh, arwnqr, pf^tf, rh pop. rjj, ^rraT^rr, h- pr, HRTfEHa, TOR, 3FFRHR, RFFTHR, HlH, HtFto, fRWrfHH,RW,FR-
TOTHH, FTOrTO, PTHH- high degree filled with swallowed up by
— overcome by — —
Friend of the f. HHTHHrH, STirffT^FT^Tfw- $c. fear. HRIRFFR, HRHHT, HRrRR, HRrf a HRPH, HRRFfeH, HR- ,

Friendliness, n. v. A. RlTOKt/. tiwif- #it HTO1F /. firn- Fr|55- ; HRFrRR, HRHfer, HRrFfg-, TOHIH, 'SiRTtHR, Iftop, C-
m. Firwr /. toh or mm /. rwn. HrrHRFR, RrRrr, RrrwrRrqa, HEfeR.
F. of terms or footing. hthF RTOF f- HCTOl /. 2—
Frightful, a. v. Fearful. HRRT, HRFHRT HRHR RT , ,
Friendly, a. #?F^r, %?TOrHf, %fl, HHtHr, HR, HRH, Rif, TO 3— RiT,RrTO, Riprs'.
(in comp, as RHTOIR, HTOEF, ?5TPPR), 3THHr ?>. Frightfulness, n. v. A. HRRFRRRFm. HRTFTO FRRFRrTO'Rrtn. H-
Friendly, adv. FHHfSHF, fHH3;gHr, fHHHrRrH- RHHRFFRn. HFRRF /. Ht^HRF /• HISRr/-
Friendship, n. HRift or HPrqrF/. ir#F/. RtWF'Tw- %?m. %?- Frigid, Frigidity. See Cold.
TOW. i?r*Rt/. ?R!TOPt/. HkHrC/. TORn. hFto». TORn. TO Frigorific, a. causing cold, ffqsp:, ft?T'sFf¥, ff#r?'TfS'qfr,


Breach of f. fHHHHm. Fringe, n. sgr^T/. srlrCr/. m<f-
Close f. 3FF^r /• HHHt/- w/. Hit /• Rift /• HiTHn. eq%cf- To Fringe,^, a. gT5TR/.-&c. TOH.
WTHin. RFiif. HH^Frt/. HTORTOHn- %cqTH»n. Fringed, p. and a. v.V. srr55TRK, 5FF^t TOTOr.
Formation of f. RttoFTO. Frippery, n. old clothes, fyc. 'fffX' i^RF rrf-
Interested HfHiTpFH Hi ? m. HF RFRHHn- pi.
To form a close f. HHfT£«. fHTO g.of s. To Frisk, v. n .
a deer, horse, &e. Fjrfh, HrHH.
Frier, n. v. V. RTOTHF, RTOF. dogs, kittens, kids, &c. RFHRH, HFRH-
Fright, n. suddenfear, terror. RHRF or HHRHtR. RTSf or H'Fm. gener. dance about, jump and leap, skip and caper. FhF-
toft or srr #/. HRHrRrm. gTTOrm. ?hh/. HHTrm. hth/. hh€f/. 3RFH or fiRSTIHH, RrHTO or FsRRFSUR, RrRHFw. RIRTH, FshFot
HHRTrm. 5TOFT»i. RHRF /. HTOFin. fHHTOw. — in high degree; as adv. HrRH, HPHm. HRH, HTHH, fR5R, grfTO, RFRi-
expressed by alarm, amazement, horror, consternation, dis- TO, RFHTO.
may, Sfc. HT HHRm. 3THHTOm. HHF /. fHTOFr/. flpfR/. HHHRfli. To f. wildly, boisterously, &c. rRHTO, pTHTHrm.-ffeTWl/.-
To take or conceive f. RTO or RHRHwi.-HrHor gfflm. OTT Frisk, Frisking, tt. v.V. 1. fRRT®F«. HTHH«-
and HPT- TOR, TOR or TORV/.-INr /. HR' - HTPT, 3TTOF in.
in. con. 2 RFRHHr. HFHHn.
HTH, HFHm. RIRH, HFH/. TOH in. con. HHH’/.-HTOTm. HH- 3 fFRRTOn. &c. H3RF HITOn. fiRRSTm.
^t/.-HTOrm. TOH-HCH inv. con. HTOH or HHHTH, HHRPT, Wild, boisterous, &c. f. fRHr'Rrni. fRRRF/- RFRRFH*RFi5i. HFH-
HFHRPr, HT?FFrPH, JtHpnr, fHH, HF“H?». inv. con. mm. RRHFFni.
HIHPH, HrHPH or (HHFPH, HHTH, HFHHH,) HTHF#, sJTO.— in Frisker, n. Frisking, p. a. Frisky, a. v. V. 1. HTHHFTF, &-
high degree ; as expressed by such phrases as to be frightened RTHPCT, HFHTT, TsHTHF.
out of one’s toils — out of one’s seven senses, to be terror-struck, 2 RTHTOITT, HFHRKF.
to be struck aghast, §c. HFvTni. TOF3TPF or cR-qr^f 5FFF g. of s. 3 and Frolicsome. fRFRTOFHr, HFTOFTr, H^RrHRHFCF, 3^Rr,
TOtHgTH-R. Jro in. con.
ipHPHFH H'7 Hr^ffFr §t°T, HHHaTFf ITH, HFHr HrH’RFRT, H*RT, THRTH, feTHTSt or ^^pFHTSir, ^«RT,
Wffin. g'HFHH g. HR" /- qTFJ^g-. ofs. H3njH«. fF't in. con.
of. s. HfHr^r.
hhhfh Iff, hhhfh Crn, ~M\f. hpsh, ?nim. ^rnn in. con. ph- Friskiness, n. v. A. 3. HTHtlHrm. PRRHFw. *RRt/- fePT^tWin.
RH, ?PHCt fr'vr, TtHFRCHTTH /. TOHg-. ofs ?HHH/. PFHH-HIH
in, con. FTTO5FT adv. HK
or hthdi. HTsr^H g.ofs HHFTf/. Frith, «. strait of the sea ,

"RH fFT g.ofs. HHpft/, TO^T, HrafFHH5T/. g.of s. Hrgr- Fritter. See Bit.


Frivolity, Frivolousness, n. v. A. 1. feirCt or Frothy, a. full offroth, made offroth, §c

r%f[frf. Rrifcjfe /. =qrr,%^ or
2 f^lTT^rwi. ^r^fToS^RTni. 2 empty, trifling, v. Light. or
Frivolous, a —of persons, v. Light. fe#C or f^r^rT.
%#qrartar. 3 consisting of empty display . JTTf6^T,5^2:^ :;
2 — of subjects, V, Light. qr^r, ?r^,r
£TbRT tf5T. Frouziness, n. v A. sr^qqTn?. WHf'Tf
Frizzle. See Curl. Frouzy a musty, &c. ^rt, jqa:, ^TR^,
. ^Tfq^f.

Fro, ado. to andfro fcT^, ih-FTF ipHC To get f *ZIZV(, gr^oT.

To walk to and fro. Wsimf. pi. Froward, a. v. Perverse, a^ferr, ®R?^=T^r,
Frock, n. (of children). STRhfl’/ or't&n. ir#n.
2 (of men) Frowardness, 71. v.A. RfC /. /*
Frog, n. dim. tarsft /. or TCjSl/. Tfam. ifTXn. To Frown, ^ n. ^qqr/. p/. Jtqqm-qrqrssT^r iff-

/.joA- 3tsI/. arsrr /--/?/. qm- fs^rrrw.

F. in a well. 3?RRW%f Wm. f gfcrarr F^qr /. m cow.
2 (of a hoise’s hoof). \s^tf. 5 ^/. Frown, Frowning, n. v.Y. /. ^grfrwm. §g'grfr/.

Frolic, ». spo//, c$*c. v. Fun. %arro. ??^rr^t/. *rmr/. *rr- isprqrm.

/. IflJeFn. Frozen, p. v. Y.
4ft^ & c. TrrT^^T,
Frolics, v. Pranks, pi,
To Frolic, v. n. sport gambol, play pranks.
, &Wfpl.-&%- Fruable, a. to be enjoyed, aqrnr, ifiTf^T,

r(f. pL-Mimf. pi. JTPC'T, ^FTCTh. ^"T. Fructiferous, a. that bears fruit, qprssf^r, qv^R,
Frolicsome, a. v. N. ^srrsr, irjwr, To Fructify, v. a. make fruitful, or productive.
«?5T^t?prr^r, wst, or g, twr, jjfr, ^jicr:, gsgr, - Rqrqr-g[qrqft«& c
. &c. armor, nqrrr-
gftFRrr, ard, tw, tgar, iftst, W*r. cqq-mn.-^fTr?wrq°rw.-.&c. ^ot.
From, prep . gRFT ,
vsTga^r, qfTSyT,
ffT m* comp. To Fructify, v. v. become fruitful. -qr^t - <Scc,

F. and unto. fm.

Front, n face, fore part. TJWn. %|Tfm. ggTm. qff&f or Fructivorous, a. qr^#,
qgggTm. armitfi *r#rcgr- regr 'Vnrm - strtj*. fW?r arrirn. ar- . Frugal, a. v. Economical. ar^szpfr, qK»
Wn. WHFT«. JCtoPTm.
Exactly in f. of qS^grTlr. Frug alit y, n. v.A. ?rr:#rrrqorr f^wtf /. /. .

F. and rear. aTRirfrarw. STgrftPrsrfT/. arPTS^PTw.

F.tof. ^Rirra^rc. Fruit, n. qr^ pop. qr^ii. Ww.
From in f. of. Crop of f. coming in the season. FJTSTqTCni.

From the f. TTH

Crop of f, coming after the season. &£HPOn.
In f. v. Afront. gf, OTC. Fallen f, gr^m.
In f. of. HtfC, tlfL Falling of f. (from ripeness, in a storm, &c.). TJo^ /. qf-

Unblushing f. gfiT JTfqTm. y£m. v. ^r^j.

To Front, v. a. be opposite to. 5TJ?iT- - &c . srew-WTOr- Hook with netting to gather f. sri?^ /. Ir^fw.

r5! g -of o. ?mgr/. qrc°r &• of o. Knocking down or gathering of f. qr^rm.qrvrgrrT^n.

Frontier, n confines, &Wm. vmtm. qiepTnr»». Layers of straw, & c. for ripening f. %ti\f. To ripen
F. district, qrsr or qrtjrfra-iii. greiiwm. in such layers. — f. or 3?ffcr ^C°T.
Fronting, p. a. v. V. ffqfc^rr or sq, trfugr or 3T, jfrfUlg, H- Straw, Sic. used to ripen f. fq^q°Tn.
or btw, sqfiTJTJg, TCR^f- That hears good f. HqwL
Frontispiece, n. q^t^r HTCJTlt Pgfn. *far?nrf%fSni'it. Topmost f. SuvjqTorn.

2 See Front. Unripe (hard, green, &c.) f. ?p2Tm. qFTfqrSTw. %Tfw.

Frontlet, n. qrqrsjqitf. To be plump and blooming. — f. ^32%.
Frost, n. ffttn. qtlTOn. fftrrUm. SferfltOTm. To yield f, lit. fig. qrsm, qr^=Tn.
Frost-bitten, a. ffqftqruq^r- ffJRHjr, fearer. 2 fig. V. Consequence. Wor qiarn. qrsr^Rr/. ar^rn. qfcqfqrm,
Frosty, «.. ftjprrg pop. f?H%, ftur,
?JT,?iur, gqru. Fruit-tree, n. qragnqm.
Froth, n. 3rgm, pop. qr°rm.grqn»- Fruitage, n. fruit collectively, qr^tfisqqsr or qrari'qs f. '
2 vain or empty display, jrjrift/. ^grpc€t/. ^Rr /. Fruiterer, n. qr^fqw, qrsfwqt.
To Froth, v. n. qrHs'Sr, r, ^m.-qriqni. g5t Fuuitery, n. See Fruitage. 2 repository for fruit.
in. con. fr Stf. qTKts-qm.n. qrarirtrn.
To Froth, v. a. ^TWT, m,OTq,km. &c. %nm. Fruitful, a. that bearsfruit, productive, OTB",
Frothiness, n. v.A. L &c. qrfag, qrssgr, qrsnrg, qfq^, a?#q,qT5^q.
— — .

TOTSt*, FTTHT, FFRirRSftsr, W-T- 3 (a term, period, Ac ). TO, TCr-TTTr-qF-&c. RTF.
2 prolific, not barren.
T|WTr/- TS - Fulfilled, p. V. JF, 7TRT, qfrq°r,

L RTFeTn. RTOTO/- v. 1. 2. jrr

Fruitfulness, n. v. A.
^^fn. &c. JR, RFTTOT, f TOT, R FR TOR.
TTOTSlWr/. ^grrsr^n. To he
JTF. f-

Fruition, n. v. Enjoyment. WT^. WHETm. 3 tti T4sr-arr4«r, ft^tt, qTr, qF, qfrqF.

Fruitless, a wzm, unproductive

. To be f- FTF.
- &C. Rr^ntr, FcRrFRr, Rrt, *t 4, fTr*k, te, RKRr. R^r- Fulfiller, n. v. V. 1. FTT-Ae. RTFR!", TFRRr.
Fulfilling, Fulfilment, n. v. V. 1. act. qrT qrF'Fn- Ac q-
rf, rr^, Fttv*.
Fruitlessly, adv. v. A. sqR, TRr, RRT, fFCRR, TO yRT, fFqqFrn. — State, fefe/. vfr4qi»- UT’qqqn- RfFTOTm-

rsrtrsrt, rft. 5—
qiR/. qrCTff/.

Fruitlessness. n. v. A. qf5fi'*'q°JT»t. Ac. fRU-tivWr/. ucsjfRi!. 6—

Fulgent. See Shining, Bright.

&c.%RpT«. frqwSRr/.
Full, a. having no space void. FF3T, WT^fTT, ,
q°T, JR,
Frumenty, n. ?f!Xf- Rwr/. ; JR FTRT), 3RqTra, qfer-FftR (in comp).^
(in comp, as

Frush, n. in a horse's foot TTRl/. qT^f/- 2 abounding m. FT (in comp, as TRTFT, Sf^FT, TRTFT,
Frustrate. See Vain, Useless. aifjTFT, qRFT, TJf (in comp, as quTTRF, JSTTRFj &c.)ip?ifsr,

To Frustrate, v. a.v. To Defeat. lRGqr3r- sTR-fFFRR-& c. T-TTstT, RTR.

FiFR, w*. *HXkg-°f o. tfSTTR, TTqTTR, fTqiRlait

y l n. 3 sated, satisfied. ®TFT STfSiTr, FT^TT, TT, qfFTSL

5 — of relations ;
not half, step, in law, S)C. RFF, RFT.
Frustrated, p. v.V. ft spar RRFr, FtRRRr, IFqTWRr, &c. FtK- a color. RrlFf or f?FT, RRTr.

a voice. 1KTF, FF5TF, RCiF-
Frustration, n. v. V. act. fiFRji. Ac. FRat. Pi FIR in • fTR^t 7 well filled, plump, pulpous, swelling. FFTTF, t|4<l%T or

RtFR. TOFTH, SRTgtct or TRTFiT, TTTqt'T,

Fry', n. matter frying orfried. f^Fr- rlZFJn. 8 not defective or partial, v CoaiPLKTE. qtT, q°T, qfr-

2 crowd of small fish. RRm.-3TFrTOT.-& c. qiTO q4, RTF, q^r, FT in comp.

RTRr. S. Full, n. highest state or degree, v. Height. FXf. Fx€t f. FC-

a frying pan. RSF, F^Fil-TOTR. RTF Tn. q^TTOfST /. RIFT /. FTfST /. FT (in comp, as a prefix, as FT-
To Fry, v. a. coolt in

g- of o. ftTr^r, FFT^r^r, wrlr^T, ftsttrIt).

To Fry, v.n. be cooked in a ftying pan. FRF. To reach its f. qFfTTrFr/.-#Fr/.-&c. 4(4 g. of s.
2 suffer under the action of heat, FRF, FRRRF, ’TOR. 2 complete measure. qT^qurin- TFAf /. TfR /

Frying, n. v. V. A .—act. FRFn. FRFn- Fsq«. Full, adv. quite, to the same degree, icithout diminution. FT, T-
Frying-fan, n. TRFl /. R3T /- FRF /. FRFfTfqm. 4TTr«. RRT, TCtTFlRT, 5TFrR, dTRfF, FFRFR*
To fall out of the f. into the fire. RFrariTF fFFF RrRiT 2 exactly, TTOR, FT, FT.
qsw, ii*qR iTiRf/. tf. 3 to equality with, to the quantity or amount of FF (as Ff-

To Fuddle, v.a make drunk. firF'TF, Rff-FTT- A c. RTF. FtFF a cart full, FTFF a hand full, trWt a ser-full, & c.).
To Fuddle, v. n. drink to excess. f&RF, ?ia-ic. fi4. 4 completely. FTTOFf, q4q4l TFTf, Ftr, q4,—with the power
Fuel, n. FTqFn. RRFm. RSTFit. SRR»». RWR /. OTTOa. of good, quite, regular, tight, bouncing, &e. implying complete-
qrtffn. pi. ness, ampleness, liberal, flowing measure, FT (in comp.) T 5T'T,
Dry crackling f. FRR/. FTRnKJT /. pi. TR, TrsF, FS7qa?TT, FFT#T, FTTOIT, RTF-
Fit for f. rsfr, missis', rtrIt. Full-blown, a. JCT TTwarFr, q4fTTrF€T.
To add f. to the flame. 3Tr3lf?T«- RRPFT 4tT/. TrRF. Full-dress, n. FTqrqWm.
Fuch, ??%, T55T, SRlt-
interj. inf. FFqprraT4, FFqiqrqrrFF5ft.
Fugitive, a. flying, running away. qarFRT, TOTJT, qRRf, qSRT. Full-eved, a. FrTTTRTr, TTTRFTF, 5JFFTF.
2 wandering, vagrant. ft^fqRtr, TORTT. I^ULl-faced, a. —opp. to profile. JfFFt, 4R ls

3 not durable, not stationary, a^qr, fFrT, RT, SlfFR, Full-grown, a. qtrrflFr.
W- Full-toned, a. fix, 5JIT.
Fugitive, n. person who runs from his station, &jc. qsqsiT, Fully, adv. Sec Full.
qsqr. To Fulminate. See To Thunder, To Detonate,
Fugitives, qarm. Fulness, n. v. A. 1. FCTWm- TFTTFrm. Ac, TFTr, FR /.
Fulcrum, it.—of a lever. FT-FRl TO:/. qRTr/- qftrr%/.
To Fulfil, v. a. (a wish, promise, intention, declaration, Ac), v. 2 and abundance. FThl TFJTn. FRTRr/.
To Accomplish. qtfF, JFr-qR-qrF-SFr-FCT-ftlSr &c. RT- 3 FTm. FT^qnrrm. TF/- Fftr / TOfftl/. JfR f,

4, ftqrrcr-fFRtR 44. 8 q4q°rrm. &c. qRTr/. &C. FqRn. FTm. FTRn.

2 (a prophecy, Ac). TO-TF-TTH-HiT-A c. RT4-WF 44, Fulsome, a. nauseous, offensive, v. Disgusting, aftw, ’FT IF®,

fFTrhra- ffft, fRSRTfRr, RrrarFRr, qttfiR.

. "


To Fumble, v. n. do awkwardly TORTrarTt- TOf'ffiH ITt-fTT- Funker, n. v. V. TOUr.
3roifr-&c. TOT, TOTTOT, TrTaro, ^RW. Funnel, n. inverted hollow cone with a pipe. IJ^TTf.
Fumbler. See Bungler. fra Tty.
Fume. See Smoke, Steam. 2 vent for smoke,
To Fume, v. n smoke steam. SPOT, TOOT, tot.
air, Spc. arrtfl. affn. TOwj. grataTn.
, Funny, a. droll, comical. PTTOr, ftpTOr, cRRTOT, TT^RT-
2 chafe, fret, boil, Spc. v. To Rage. TOTOT, TOgTOT, cfTT- mt, Ta^rffar.
5^. pw, ttoto, thttot, tftot, f tott.V- Fur, n. skin with hair. siarfHt aTITOt/. asRTOB. STTrtWw.
'HJ^T, pRpR°T, JiT*fT, aiHfT, 5RT, TOTT, TOTOT or ^TfSjrSf, 2 soft hair. €{^Xf. &%f. sra«.
IroPm, aa?rff, tort, totot, totot, Traar®rr/. 3 (as upon the tongue, &c). jr/r /. JTOrw. TOrm. apca f
^to^t-tort -grcTPCTSr, jr adv. tot, ^qrf or pi- 5tfrstfn
’3TN-^rar TOT- Iff TOT, TOTO? /.-TOTO/’-A c. TOT.
To Fumigate, v. a. ffm.-'-rfxf - jprff/. - ararrRm.-&c. to- .
To be covered with f. — teeth, tongue, &c. TOSiT, aTQT, T-
aaraT, ^ansr.
Fumigation, n. v.V.—act TCTOn. &c. TOKriR. TT»w aft f. Furred, a. covered with fur.
" * " TTORTTf, TOfiTr, &e. TOtTO-
TTOt/. ^tt, jar arTO^r.
Fuminc, r. v. V. 1. TUTOR. &e. To Furbish, v.a. v. To Polish TOTO, faHST, featT/. arfr,
2 ifoiiho TOTO /. TWJB /. TTOT /.
&c. TOTO"/. TOTO/. TOsam.-/ra/.-^t/.-Ptht?/. It.
¥.T%ff- TOST/. fTRT 3k?rcm. Furbisher, n. v. V. TOTORT, & c. faaTTOa or JTR, ^RTORiP
Fun, n. sport, frolic,
§ c. jprpft/ TOTOt ITOTOt/ #st TOT/. #£t/. srfearfar, Traara.
#rsr/. ifzm. tortor. firm- tot/, tottm. after/. stsr /. to- Furcation, n. v. Fork. \ TOT/. TOft /. tott or TOar». TOn.
f5Tn. fffte«i.
Furious, a. wildly raging, outrageous, v. Raging, fftraar, 3T-
2 as opposed to earnest joke, sport. ITTTOI/. ftem. 3|T/-
; TOr t-tr, TRar arrarr, arrfffr, araat, ?rr?Paar.
ater/. 2 violent, vehement, v. Excessive, Impetuous. TO, TOT,
Function, r. employment, v. Office, Business. 5 run. Tor. sra^:, stror, totfar, TOTOrrarr, sfRpar, srursTrarr, aarTOtTr,
^[fn. 3?PTOTC)W. RTanTm.
ra^rarer ttot.
Proper or peculiar f. TTTffn. TP-TOhi. 3— of battle or fighting, v. Hot. STRT, iTTOyw/;. jto
Functional, a. v. N. JFTTrff'WNr, SFTTfffq'ffTT, saraiTTOTt. Furiously, adv. v. A. 1. arrafarafaTR, &cT
Functionary, n. v. Officer. grrWT, arrTOIT,
TTOTOC, 3fpa- 2 #Rf , TOTTOT, TO, STTaSTO, TOTrT, «?a>fRTT.
Furiousness, n. v. A. 1. TOTOTTrm. &c. TOT/.n. ^rrfRn. Rf-
Fund, ». capital, v. Stock, asfr /. iTRTO or wirm. irffif n. TOafe/.
tfsin. %TO». TOm. TTT/. 2 (jwiiiiTim. TOnarw. aaratrm. TO?an. jttorh. tot/.r.
Fundament, to-
n. 5 km, 5re<?c5. TOTTOTm. arauhtrin. sttiT- sfm. 3TTa3T«i.
^3Tm. To Furl, v. a. roll up (a sail), to/. aTO g. of o. TOrarT at-
.Fundamental? a, pertaining to the foundation , essentia/, not aT, gc^ty. tot^-.o/o.
accidental. JTTOFf, gTOfat,
TTOaTO-TOTt, TOTTTTO, tr1%- Furlough, n. v. Leave. TOT/.
irPTOTT, 5fTOK%3r, TORTO. Furnace, n. aft/, gatm. TOTTn. TOTT n.
Fundamental, n. prbnury principle. TOTOftTOwi. -3
TfE/.-&c- To come up out of the f. (of affliction, &c.). flTOjT or f^-
Funebrjal, l 1
uneral, Funereal, a. belonging a fune-
Sp c. to stTO TOTO-
ral. TOTOTRr, SiTOfllTr, &C. pTOwfat, Pot- 2 (of goldsmiths). TORt/. ortn. arfjTfr/.
faaror, '4i?.#ifa;-.
To Furnish, v. a. supply with. JTOT, TORT5/ TOTT, ?fTOTn.
Ascending the f. pile. - & c. Tff g- Of 0. TOT - TRTO - TT5T- Paffr?:- &' c. TOT.
Bursting of the skull of the corpse on the f. pile, ^qrf 5S$f£T?». To f. a house. a^Cn. ai/r-
R fire.
2 supply, give. TO, jnT, TOTOn -aTOTt/.-TOTTm.-TTOf/.
F. fire accompanied by the proper rites.
-WifSTR. TOTg -
. ofo.
F* rites and ceremonies, v. Obsequies, Fzfqr /. Furnished,/;, V.
y. ]. Ac. TOST, Hflaa,
fcnuT *f«. vrrtfmrf'
Unhallowed fire, vrznrf. »73TSTf- V&rfiTm. 2 p5r5tsr, jscasrT.
Funeea l, «. v* Obsequies. mm^Krn. mmwKm. Furnishing, r. y. V. 1 .—act. TTOTR. &r. arrarnt. HTOTR-
the procession, Iffqmf- WWr/. TOTTr /. B«5fl¥ CT». ;

2 tor. jtotr- aaramt. airaTiy.
Fungous? a, like a fungus, ®T^rURW?. JffFiRFC^r* Furniture, r. TOTO>». wfanrn. TOTRni. ffra/ty.
Fungus, n. v. Mushroom,
Furrier, «. dresser of leather, gfon.
2— ia surgery. *gr?^TirrRn. giyrTT
JgtTn. Furrow, r. (for seed). TfTO. TO^in.
To^Funk, v. n .— from fear.
/. pi. JffsVf, Tl'?/. TTri'- 2 trench, channel, groove, §c. laiTTt/. ffTOl/. ifraT or
'TiT- ofs. Jf?Tfr.

3 —as tom up by water, y. Gully, f&f. M* ul/. /. *T- —

Gable, n. of a house. SbfC or qrqT-
Gaby, n. silly, weak person, v. Weak. iqTTfT n
To Gad, v. n. idly rove. F?TO, JTTO5!, TORcr, -
4 See Wrinkle-
Further, a. beyond this . qTcff ,
<Tf&3P3^nr or 3Y, (or T- F?TOFT'»i.-3'qTTOt /• TOT, TOTO fpl. TOT-Tlffa fiFRCT.

&c.), 3^ (m comp.). Gad about, Gadder, n. These words, as restricted to females,

Further, JT2“, ji“, are rendered by TTOTORTl, TOT TORr,fTOtTOf, JTTT Jffit qr-

F. and f. S^TURT. qkx st^I, Mt, fkw qiqra fSnrfl or

2— as used m discourses, die, fcafT, JT5WT. or 5?rro qS’B’^r arrf.— and as used of males. Ff3%^r, JTHTSfT

To Further. See To Promote, To Help. tFx? or Hfrqr, trrt or tnff qxk^r, fr® qkr qrf f,

Furthermost, Furthest, a. w'Nur tR^TS'^T, HdNdT dltT^T, iiqsqrO*

qrsfXfYr. Gadfly, n ifwrsFr/. JTt^ursfr /. Rpft°r J. iTW/. U-
At the f. iWRtffH qmf. fmrn. X5T»n.

Fury, n v. Rage, Anger, alarum. TO Tin. *mr*n fffm. IpsTni. Gaffer, n. — the compellation. ^ITTin. qi»n.

2 a f a furious woman. q'FTOr or qfi /. ^sts or sft/. TORT A little g. xr%rr«i.

or gf. urrovqt -giggmf. FttoFt- To Gag, v. a. to stop the mouth. qr^FT f&im. Xf-

5IFTP. xw.
To Fuse. See To Melt. Gag, n. something pat into the mouth to hinder speech, qh? 5T-
Fusibility, n. v. A. XRTO /• YrTOtW/. T%TFT%r?Tr /. £?tqr- XWTRTr %5Ffm.
TOTiro-rr/. Gage, n pledge..
q%qt F|“F/. kSTm. JTkSTFfT|n.
Fusible, a. TRT, grvftt, TfrYTOTRT, £TkRC°r5PFT, R5T, 3Tft- Gain, n. profit, emolument, gettings earnings. , kTot^d f. TfifiT /.

TO°Tk. dWrf/.^}5rr5ErF/ kFTrirrfr/. 0XTrr or HkTrm. UlflTm. 'w-

Fusion, n. v. V act apTOn. &c. JITSRTm. STTOn. STtY- ardrdJi). dmf ii. stpfto. qrdTdm. sTCTm. /. /. &mm. fk-
— state . 5Hwi. Tsmi. dfuik#/. irrara-n. mtfn. ihr!/- smtTPdt/. xrpfsrm. nr-
Fuss, n. ado, pother, fyc. v. Bustle. /. /. /. ffsqrsrm iWsrixTfli. . ^qn.— gener. or loosely. srnrnfMTin.
wr/- ». tot, wini*. By way of g. WflU, HkTdTur.
F. and row about. aTTTfn. TlTOn. Dishonest g. ^T.
Fustiness, ?i. y. A. tojwm. TOrecqojrm. &c. WT/ T- G. and loss. W'llTianiw*

TOW/. Prospect of g diWffe /. .

Fusty, a. mouldy, &c. qrqr, ^sp-RT, HITO, TR&asr, TTCRKT, TRTOr. Unexpected or rare g. 3T5U’T3TU'ni. UKii. dffn.
To get f. ssRfSjr. 2 advantage, benefit, v. Advantage, fttfu. qTPfdTin. q'FFm.

Futile, a. trifling, worthless. fTOT, qpRTr, TRiqrar, TRITO. WTTt Or dtFUFrin. f&n. tFTSMjfq or qfFar Wff 5W»t.
2 v.

n. v. ?R^«rrm. TRFKf/.
Future, a. qrorr or y5T, jlte, %TOT or 3T,
tflWTr, A c.

To Gain, v. a. obtain procure, v. To Get.
qrrqrxk, Hireqr,
2 obtain as profit or advantage.
ftiaqvr or ,

in. con. irrir fpr

in. con.

or d&fh,
*rk®r, wrfl,JirpTO, atrtrtI, sTRiror, qmFqwqmr, tot, htst, h- 3T#r, o. dFX 3! g- of o.
ttW, *rfw, ^rom, w, sft, wfTOmFT sqRFTr /. -uqrWTn.-A C. fff g. of o. uk in. con.
F. and fixed, certain to come. STTOWRt. 3 attain, make, v. To Reach, qp#, qdrqvf, ?lf «FF?T.
F. state. STORRqT/. Gained, p. v. V. 1. fttarqwsrr, &c. irfET, %r, xq'a-T, qiTS
2 that has time intervening, HrF-TO. (in comp.), arriT (in comp.), snrfi (in comp.).
Future, Futurity, n. time future, TTOf TTOm- hFtot TTOm. 2 ripr#^, 3nrr#^r, &c. ecrrfsrcr, OTrilrx, «rftnr.
uTOTr^m.. TOTOrsrin. TOrorom. srfter?r«. mrtfof. Gainer, n. v. V. 1. fif^qTU, H1? arPCr &c. )

iii f. jir. 2 fJTsrqvrrxr, dFnr Tracr, &c. durrx. :


2 a future event. ffTOn. fftFTn. FTpfTOrn. fpsFn. ftar*tP»T». Gainful, a. v. N. 2. lucrative. dFFJPir, FTqTPRfqr,
Fy, inter] sr, rdf. &c. FdPRTqirdK, fefimr, qwir, ^krr, Yrwxrqqr, qx-

Gaining, n. v. Y. ] act. fir^YTn. &c. fed'dr/- feqif\f.

2 -act. drurdkn. &c. g'qrkTn. /. 3T3RW. STYdT/. Hqr-
G. This letter is represented as to its hard sound by if, and as to 5W,/• #TRrqn.
its soft sound by sf. To Gainsay, v. a. contradict controvert.
, qf xk, dR'm. qB) g.
Gab, Gabble,
n. v. Prate. *rcss /. JTOJTO /. ipRFT/. JTWTrwx. of o. X3f2T adv. fr?R-HiiFf, XOTtii./.-xarrm. W with ffofo.
5f?q- m. 5F5TTr/. TFSFfin. YTO?>qqT /. Jwr®JH«.-^«rder qrq=rn. qgw.
Gift of the g. fjrirft ?Tfrft/. Gaikish, a. gaudy, v. Fine. JTxqr, 5T3Y, FRT'RTr.
To Gabble, v. n. v. To Prate. TOXTO, tftfWf-pl Gait, n. air or manner of walking. JTRF /. qT5i/. qrtjaqrqt
^SF-J?n^-qrn3'«T. qr ff.-zff.
% —


Solemn or stately g. JnPlfiT/. gwsRRr, qrre%sRtTr, &e. spirO or Rr, fq«rrsr, mi-
Galangal, n. aJpinia g. ?r, sry?iff, sTSfijR,

Galaxy, n. v. Milky way. sTT^RTipiT/- Gambling, Gaming, n. v.Y. act. jjprr #svr n. <gt% %avr«. &c.
Galbanum, n. — tlie gum-resin. Jf-Trft'CJTi or Jf^rf«rr»n. fJTRm-n. mhn. sp^Rf/ ^n. qR^r-T^Rr-frTFsTdl^r-JTi^-
Gale, n. vehement wind. or fffrsr/. ifftH/. or 5ft Son. >>ilRr-&c. %3Ti».
Jifr^RTm. qr^m. qrvqr /. Gameling-house, J). jTTRd'^virRr STirm.-TiB'm. jRfRT-Tf^IT-
2 See Passion. YrviT-'jjriRRr-ic. oiirm. sniYTRr/.
Gall, #. 6?7e. farTa. Gamboge, ». RfY=lRr F?Kriii.
Gall or Gall-nut, n. ifR^n. flfjpn. JJTSfrm. To Gambol, v. n.v. To Frisk, To Play. fj3T3%, fe5^Vf or
Black g. Fj3<rr5R, ?rs%, pi. jtr:°t, =tfyt, ^r^R)
g-?qr / |‘?3®r.
White g. ifRrJTrsrrm. 2 — in the water. S'#, TTq#,
To Gall, v. a. fret the skin. ^ar#, RfSTIR, tJTFPT, 3T5TJ~T, Gamdol, Gamboling, ». v.Y. 1. <5Lc. ^r/*
2 annoy , vest, v. To Tease. off#!, a#, ss#, tsTf^ofYJ'.-Zii- Gambrels, n. legs of ahorse fq^Rt/* .

/. ST# ,
f5|T /. - f !J n. - g-qjrq in .
: 5%. Game, v. Play. sfimf.
Gallant, o <?«//» v - Fine. ITST, JT3#r?Tf, ®FRK, SRPIT. To make game of. See To Mock.
2 spirited, v. Brave. WT, #T^, J7# f^TRT, ^shopst, 2 jest> not earnest. /.
trarqrsr#. 3 match at play . vSTTm. -z?. sfnsfr/. %5*r.

a courtly to ladies. W0WTRT, #nR?pfr, Full g. lit. fig. ^s?rq-}7i.

sft, losing g.
Gallant, n. paramour, &re. v. Lover, trip?, *tlT, Ti^Fr, figr- 4 animals of game . qTC<T/. ^W/-
srrar, r®£t. Jb Game. See To Gamble.
Rival g. mtfZl or HffTr^r. Game-cock, ?i. cTSTBT qif^r
Gallantly, ado. v.A. 2. ftvYenr#, 3R#, Gamesome, a. See Playful.
s ^tsRrgfg^, ^ig^rcrV, #te;qrR?#w- Gammer, ??. — the compellation. wf.
Gallantry, n. v. A. 1. See Finery. Gamut, n musical scale qw™. ^jr^qq'^T /. .

2 f#2rirr/ W^TRJTff/. JpTf?/. The notes of the gamut are; ^TH*, TTPIRT, —
3 ^jr^RfRr /• ^iG?¥rr»i. fqr^TT-
I vicious g. fitjRTlfr,/. Chanting the notes of the g. UfrfGTR' /.
Gallery, n. STSsTOn* Running down the notes of the g.
Gallihatia, n* v. Nonsense. ^^rTTr^n. 3 T^ Running up the notes of the g. vg’lpC/.

ffRRft. ^TiffT-Rn. Gander, ^^5Tm. cj7^qfm. TC2Tm.

Gallimaufry, n v. Mcdi ey. /. ffRT(ft3jf. Gang, n. v. Band, fr^r/ Wm, ^Jjf i\Z or TJ%m. wrm,
Galling, jo. a. v. V. 2. sTPf'ro, &c. «rr*RT, sargr. zpwn.
To Gallop, v. n. ##, arfu. S#-vjr#-5R5T ?FT-€- Gang- way, n, mrsf^ ZKn*
®r, 'fi^rac «T-rr-T ^r#r-q5#. Ganges, n . w/. WtfttWf- /. t^OTt/.
To GALLor, V. a. ztqm, fqf*r, ^q#, fqcraR, ?qrr#, G. of heaven, v. Milkyway. ^ir^T^r Tf^Tf f
G. of the infernal regions, /.
To g. up and down. tw. Spot on which the g. descends. ^PlNfr/*
To g. violently. ffRia. #. Gangrene, To Gangrene. See Mortification, To Mor-
Gallop, Galloping, n. v. V. A. 5r#“rn. fqjRn. Ac. tify.
To put out in a g. Ri^-Hc<m-kc. gri#r, Ci3Tw. %#r- Gaol, n . ^^TFTTm
w, ^jr^r/. ^rCRTTrc. — in covert phrase.

I—the pace. ^JfTrt t. f(iWS/. 5TT3RR/. JTGrqs/. JTCdH/. Gaol-delivery, n ,

WT3?TR /• f3Wn. prRTR /. Gaoler, n. c. Wh

In a g. JTYfTC, JTr-.TR, JR5VR, R1RT.
Gallopin, n. servant for the kitchen. JgzqSTT. Gap, n. dim. or §«- or r%T^/ or^T/i. and
To Gallow. See To Frighten. enhanc f%3TC or\nl
W^f enhanc . Wfm.
Galloway, n. small sized horse. arrsf^STni. Large g. qrr^ or 5? or JTir^n* W«* WHw* *TfOTr or
Gallows, «.. #3jt RFTm. Jjosr^f mi^ZorZn. fm^or^i.
To Gamble, To G^ame, v. n. play at dice, cards, Sfc.for a stake. 2 fig. intermitted day or time ,
WIRT Jt^'rt.-RRTR^m.-frTf^RrR^m.-Ck c. qr#, <S\%rr,.pl. ^hrm.
- & c. Gap-tootbed, ffW, ^PTOT, fhre^ cr ^f r
-frrwt.-f #3#, •/. 5T®T. a. 5fFrr or ifr,

Gambler, Gamester, n. v.Y. GRRRTj'tIrt 5S<>IPCr, &c.

To Gape, tu n . yawn, qiq'?/.-'3TPT55t''/. i
OT -5q ,
or, with in eon . Garrulous, a. v. Talkative. frsrqrST, qqf^, qarq^rr, ^Tfqrq.

W, fOT. Garter, n qr%4<rm.

2 o/?ew widely — a plank, a fruit, the ground, & c. q^q, TOT- Gas, w. qqm

? ?

q, Pr^q, qq^q,qqqq, q?3r*r, q^/.-qq/. qrqq m. row. Gasconade n. v. Boast. ffs^Tn.

3 o^ew mouth from wonder &c. ,
aqm. TO^q-TTHq, ^TTn. Gaseous, N. sfPT^tr, ^r?T^T.
a. v.

Gasii, n. deep and wide cut. iTRiW or ifre^RTm. iTir^n-

Gape, Gaping «. v. Y. 1. vsTPTsf / «rW3ft/. starf qrrni. m»i.
Gaper Gaping, p. a. v.Y 8. sq qffRr, ^W, sflTO^vrr, q[T To Gasp, v. n. v. To Pant, ot ?sT- 3TR:'5T, qr?®5!, '<TfW,
3T?w /. pl.-^wmm f. pi. ifof, arras'5?.
Garb. See Clothes, Dress. Gasp, Gasping, n v V. ypr/. BTfjft/. aTfr^/. 5TiTm. 5TO-
Garbage. See Refuse. ’Trg'in. ^Rn.
To Garble, v. a. srft, separate , /? /«?/<•, t^c. qr^q, qfsqqrar/. The last g. ^n.
qjqq o*. o/o. Iff^f qrssq qfqq-fefq. Gastric, a. belonging to the belly or stomach. SffffC, 3TST-
Garbled, /?. v. V. qra^sq, &c. qrsTqrsfiqT.
Garden, n. qqm./. qqlqim. ^F?t /. qfcTT / OTTb. f Fq- G. juice. tsT^^rfffw. 3T35TRsrm. jfrsrfjTsn. (These words
mwn. Wtfqm. &?TRn. mean literally fire of the belly').
Flower g. qpqqw./. ^qqfecfTr/. Gate, n (of a city, palace, &c.). riT pop. ZPCn. 5TWTWri».
Gardens — compreh. gardens, plantations, 8c c. q,
q qqi% Front or grand g. fH?TrOt- TTffSTCs.
G -fruits. frqrsqT T&n*pl. 2 (of a village or ward, &e.). tg/. qfr^rm. Tfrc^w. TOrSiTm.
Kitchen g. qarm. qrqr^fn. S (of an enclosure, in a fence, «.Vc.). STtTrw. 5RT? or
Of or belonging to a g. qrqf^qt dim. grqsi /. ^r|r€tf. ?rrsr/. %/. qrrr^'n. qrt^rn.
Garden-grounds, Garden-land, n. qq.qqn. qrqrsCqt qqtq/. Gate-keeper, » (of a village). TO3TC, STCir^.
Garden-plot, ji. ?fTOn- TOTf /. qrsqrm. qfqqm. Gate-way, n. STTrsTTm. or mv^n.
Garden-stuff, n. qrqTSPTn. qrqr^qt/. qra^u. To Gather, v. a. collect. gRrr frpsrsfSj, TfRifo)

m^ mr

Portion of g. exacted as market-toll. 5fq /. srnf^r,

r ^tot, if-
Gardener, «. qrafr, WF^T, JTO or jrqSTw. sra^r, JITO^r, ofo.
Flower-g. qrsrqrsft 2 crop, pluck. fr^oT, ^rr?5!, ffTjrgg, frJ DTl/.-#®r»».
Gardener’s ward, quarter, &c, qRq'SDn. &l£t 3TRt/. -&c. g. of o.
Kitchen-g. qSrqrO. 3 draw together, into narrow compass, aparqvr,
Gardening, n. *TTOqw. qrssfaqrm. BTT^RTOw. WnFft/. arr^or, Bpfvf'r, wrgrrSf, ar?rq'm.-3TR?:jn.-3Tf^t0rn -&c. ^or.
Gargarism, Gargle, w. wash for the throat qssqrm. qs^qt /. . 4 v. To Pucker. Jr^gur or T&RV[.
qqsqw. jo?f/. Ac. &Mn, qqqm. srrqq%Tn. 5 (sums due, ike.), gif#, g-^atg, sirRrw.-^riRr-
To Gargarize, To Gargle, v. a qasqm.^/. rpoqr - A c, gsr^ro) g-.
of o.
^qq, gsnjam, 6 collect logically. srgiTRn.-^^m. 5KT°T, ff20Wn. fRfr%
Garland, n. frq™. qrsqpop. qrar/. qiw /. (in comp, as cpT- 3r^-*rpFr c. fe^r ^rg, fg^rffni— &c.
qr^r, <mr^r, qrrqrrqroq), qqqrm. $rqrm. qto /• qr?qn. ^rrsrSr.

Or&ITj. To Gather, v. n. come together, collect, assemble, qgfsfrvf, fjf-

G. of wild flowers. qqqfBT f %s^r frg, mw,
Garlic srqqm./. srqrqn.
|}5}, -gevr, fgg.
n. 2 v. To Pucker. gTfi'T^, or grgoj-, aTJ^gSx.
Clove of g„ vmflf qfasftf. %fjn. ^qqw. %q /. 3 generate pus. TPS"!, jg#T, T3°T[g
Garment, r, v. Clothing, Clothes, qjq^qw. srqqn. qfsrqqn. Gather, a. v. Pucker,
G. of patches. ^RTST/. iff^f Gathered, p. v. V.A. 1. iffssr %«rgr, &c. SfHT, glgt^T,
Garner, n. v. Granary. <£[£t f. ^FFTn- ,
^fgfr, gg?g, ggrff?, gf§g, fgfgg, ww,
Garnet, n. qrqrqm. 2 frgggr, &c,
To Garnish a. decorate qqq, OT#, qrqqr-q^tfw- Ac. 3 gRC^ST, grtTHST, &c.
^rq. 4 g^g§-gr, &c. gx3^.
Garniture. See Ornament. Gatherer, &c. ggg-?i«rf - & c.
n. v. V. A. 1. jfrsg ^^RT,
Garret, n. room at the top of a house, qRF^Tql #r<?t /. Tgf-
qr Gathering, n. v. V. A. l.—act. %a:r ^«Tn. &c. 5PTTTW*. ?f-
Garrison, w. — the place. afqn. arfoqpqr - ^rq#rqrqfaw* - fqr- .
gVfm. tr^^n. ggg». gg»». ggiwr«. ggr^rew.
ffTwi.-Ac. qfrqw.
£•—the troops. 3T^ftr^-^oq(^rqr^f^- Ac. 2 fRVTn. &c. ffgqt/. ffgrm. %5Tm.
prr%, ftr^ag»r/. 3 gfwM. &c. gr^®fl/. ^frTglr/. ^Sirqrwi. gre^n. s?r4^m.
CrAERULiTr, «. v. A. ^Rrsjqofrw. &c. 4 gTfgn.
, — . . -


5 &mn. OTTO/. OTTOt/- TOR) ?/„«. tootot. otTOm. ot- Gemmary, Gemmeous, a. pertaining, §c, to gems, ^RRr, *F3r-

ffer /. OTTO^m. OTRT/. fR^TORt-ft, TOPTOR, TORRTt.

lag. a puckering, fROTT/. TOCjffr/ Gender, n, — in gram. fSipt,
II a tumor, &c. Feminine g.
Gaudery See Finery,. Masculine g*
Gaudily, atf® v. A. ERtR, areOTFTOT. Vaiiation (of words) through g. Rl[37f37L
Gaudiness, n. V. A. SR/. 5JR/. WOT/- « JrrC,HS3TSrt5H. CTT/. To Gender. See To Beget,
Gaudy, «. v. Fine, OTRF3T, iNnr, jtor, TO, JTTOT, RTORT, Genealogical, a. v. N. ^TOllRTOrr, STOJOTpTOTOr, tTOTR^H'-
frorfjRTOr, tototc, spfhrr ^TTOfr, See
To Gauge. See To Measure. Genealogist, n. JTOTOTOTOT-- Ac. TORT, f^OTIT-
Gaunt, n. v. Lean. fiR, \rrorr, HOTTRR, RRRr, TOITO, 7R- Genealogy, n. history of a pedigree. ^OTiRTn. TORTORn.
aror, itotr, firor, ct^torri- TOTHf?TOTO. fTOFtFRKTn-
Gauntlet, n. OTTRTin. TOrgfein. pop. OTTO/. 2 pedigree. fSTFTO /. TOROTm. f ROT«i. TOTCRT /. fTO-
J '
To take up the g. Will. 3TOTO, fOT?)i. OTTO, tw/.
To throw the g. TOwi. WTO-TOTTO-CTTO. 3
General, a. belonging to the genus, generic. SfRlRT, 5frfd*ir-
Gauze, n, TORTO or TOTORm. TOrr, bttort, grJTt^r, 3rrfRHFRf%TR^r, sirrairrTO'w.
Gawky *a. v. Aukward. srRF, sTTOir. 2 not particular, not specified. RRR°T, 5TRTO, s?raR?F,
Gay, a. airy, blithe, lively, v. Merry. a?(TOt,»TRTOfR, TOT#, #fSTir or nrppr, TOftfeR, STf^T ?, TOTO/FtF.

OTRffR, ?prfTO, ?pj%5rr, TOORrar. 3 usual, customary, v. Common. ^rftTO RprSTf/ST

2 fond of amusements and sports, /to, <TTOr, TORf, TOT, 3> pop. siRcfftR, xrrfRTO.

fjRr, TORF, TOR, TORT, Jptnrfi or frar, .pjRTO, fOT#. & public, relating to all v. Common. tHRf, HTOTOI, W5FF-
3 See Fine. «rror.
Gayety, Gayness, n. v. A. 1. RFR#?/. RRiTWfHm. TOR- General, n. commander ofan army. TOPTfri, TOUT-W, IfOTf’T-
Tir, %R^W, TO3JF or or fyi.
I See Merriment, Mirth II See Pleasure. Generality, Generalness, n. v.A. 1. ^tRTOTTn. 9r-
To Gaze, v, n. look intently. ZZK-z^Z^-Z^q^ -Z^ttl-WZiJZ VKvmn. HRTOcir/. RrfTOn. srrffRTORm.
adv. qm } z^f.-z^£\f. mn, £#r, item. 2 HRTTTOTn. 5TRFRM. ^rWRRRm. RTTITOTOih .

Gaze, Gazing, n. v. V. Zft%[W W«.

<TP &c. £37/. £37551/* <3OTT- »ri?tr^'Tn.
dsqFTin. 3 wfcf- wRi. htPtotk.
Gazette, w. newspaper , ^T^fT/* I See Main, Majority.
Gazingly, aefr;. v. V. £37, £37£37 or 371 miens, £37Rrt, £37^37 To Generalize, RRKRn. arm, v. a. 55fRTOTr a?RR 5TTO-
or 37b TffTOR, WRlfiT 3?m.
Gazing-stock, n. ^feqRn. Generally, adv v. A. 2. 0r<-TTTOOTR, HOT^OTR, TOJTTO-
Gear, w. (of a cart, plough, &c.) harness tackle,
, qsRn. IpqfTm- /Fto, grirrRT ,
arffSrTO:, to^:.
WSTRm. JBfJTRn. 5TOOTT, TO:, ROTTO:,^f^r, f|5T:

Gelatine, Gelatinous, a. resembling gelly, viscous . f^nfPTT, Generalship, n. office of a general.

TOnft^n. TO/ftfTOFf.
fq^orwf, fW^rater. To Generate, v. a. v To Beget.
To Geld, v. a. castrate ?3# , 3R®T, (
37r f°T, 37- TOM.
Wg.ofo. Generation, n. v. V. act. HPTTTOn. Sf'T’T®- JT3RTO.
Gelly. See Jelly. I a g. single sicccession. faff/- J^Rm.
Gelt, Gelding, n, animal gelt. *3R| t*§W-^0^-*Tr5T or tfrarr From g, to g. faftTOTOF, JRTORR,
fiw &c. Generative, a. that has the power ofpropagation alTO^tfAJA,
GEM,n.prmoM5 ?r^n. JTpT or ;FRfw. ^3rf)Rr». W$Tw. WH’li.lfdiT'fisjg', TO'T'SjfjFF^T

G.-mine. *^T3iT»». Generic, Generical, a.v. General. wr#Rr, W^T-

Hidden g. fig. m^lffofarn. TO, ?RirR-
Judge or connoisseur of gems. CsPTfF^t. Generically, adv.v. A. RIRPW: , 5fli%TO*ft, RrfffPtTOf.
Middle g. of a string, JRRP33T pop, ZRRPRTm. Genericalness, «.v. A. srrRfc^n. ^if^TOw- ^TRfOTn- SRT-
The nin e gems OTT«- QTRr^Tn.
Of or belonging to a g. W^rff^Ct. Generosity, Generousness, «. v. A. I. 5TgOTm. TOROTm.
Set or studded with gems, CTOiRcB HgTOWrm. TOr#/. a?rTOn. 3?TTOn- ?TfRn. 5mrpfn. TORTOR-
Socket of a gg f(^n. frr/- M^TOr/.
String of gems. *rfW5*r/* Generous, a. liberal, bountiful. TOR, TOT, <^FTR, TOTcTT (esp.
To mount gems. SRfa«Trt. 3T??T* in comp, as RTOTOT, RsTTORT, f^ITTORr), TOTOT, ?R^,
Gemini, -the zodiacal sign, qnTw. %%n. TOTOT15T, TORT^IT, TORT TORffR, TORRTOT-


^T, STfflT, ?T#r, 51 31 (esp. m comp.), SFJSfijJTsft, Gentle-manliness, n. v. A. 1. JrrgrfaTt/. jRitrgqTm.
^TRT, ^Tg'XTT.
' 'i ff Jpnsmrm ii^n. mhfcrf. wsrWrfff/.
Some terms for a generous person are CT or SfrqRfr qR- Gentle-manly, a. polite, courteous, §c.— person. feg',
ffrc,t^r, fifr^r, rr^r, SRffr, fir, ^nrr, rwiriV, f5iefi%, 55RffrT,^f5T ?tfr ft^r,?wrf^Tr, €«rr-
; ; :;

Person gcncious with the property of another. Aftififfoifr ff- ^rr«T5r, fesRir, fes'RrrrTvt.
sht snort arrr srar- 2 becoming a gentleman ; polite, §c.— acts, customs, &c. Tf-
2 See Magnanimous. 3Tf?4mmr, fee, «wr, erar-trr^r, rwr^rrRr, fesRfd-
Generously, adv. v. A. 1. ^^qxjjR, 4fTTCR, qfrf wNt, %- w, JT?rrrfi fr^, Jri’^rRar, nmrrw,
CRT*, &c. Gentle-woman, n. lady,
qFTSS^r jjfrsfersat/.
f srft/- f 1

f ^IJRf/.
Gentleness, n. v. A. 1 and Gentility. grsftsRlT /• ^rRTSfWri.
Genial, a. that agrees with one's constitution qR°7fTf, XT^T^lfH ^4%ffr /.

^1^3107 ^tiirr^r, q^=r*T°r- 2 rfifr/. fftrirr? or mmi /. ^r^/. *p?t vstf. mri /. irwfn.
Genitals, w. belonging to generation . ^tRq’m.rc. ifRjijii. OTWin. 5rif?r/. sjrFRwrrm. rwirwh f.
Genital, a. pertaining to generation . SFRRqqqr, 3 rrrrf /. jfe /. jjfM/. #ji5m r/. mmf. mrrn
Jr^rr^OT-rt. 4 jfer fvkrn. jjsrm /.
Genitive, n.— the case, 3W 3rrr3Tn. WfeiT^a. Ts)/. Gently,jzdv. v. A. 2. P-TfiTT'Trd', rffmFT, ^C^rC^, &c. Hferf-
Geniture, n. v. Birth, «FfTm.n. frr, Hrw€t4, ^rm=fR.
Lord of the g. —in astrology. 1 softly, without force or violence. farWH", for,
Genius, n. protecting power, fyc. §w/. (as STRUTT, forrfor, ?arw, rsrrrr,
rfr^q^Tcrr, &c.) t^n. WWftWn. (as WHWWlT&T, WWWfFW, Gentry. Sec Gentle-folk.
Fsimim) Genuflection. See Kneeling
G. of a place. /. Genuine, a. not counterfeit, not spurious, real ^^Cf ^T-

G. of dwelling places. /• ^r,

qz, w, RrqNnr,
2 mental power . jfoTRTTn. jtan. SRJT/. H*ft/ ^qRTSTirfr/ ir^r^rr ^cr or Riwr, w*n mm*
3 disposition of mind, qfe /. srfa /. Genuineness, ?i. v. A. WUif OTfm, sj^goTfm. WfmWfm.
4 a genius. See Clever. zrz<rmm.
Genteel, a. polite, ofgood manners, &>c . — persons. feg’, Genus, n. ^frfcf /. Sffcf/. ^TOwi. ipTm. %*tm.
wffer, festfiprrfr, wtrcfosfot, fe&wrr, hwrtc, foreprrrtf- Geographer, a. v. N. ^Tf^fertvTr, q^5jRr?TRrRr.
T5r, ^wr^rrwvr. Geographical, a. v. N. ^RTT^fq^rRfq^, apft^'Rr-
2 — of manners, customs, &c. v. Gentlemanly. FSSE,
ewr, feerarrer. Geography, n. /.
Genteelness, n. v. A. 1. fTfsflmr in. JfpjFPKt/. 3]?wr°Trm. jj?- Geological, a. v. N.
rsrfipft/. feer#/. Emrzrfif.^wtrrf.rmhf. Geologist, n. T?Rr,
Gentian, n. g. cherayta. forRT pop, fornfon. ferrf?T #3'^fl/. Geology, 7i. science of the structure of the earth . ar^T^Pf^JT/,
farmer /. Prrnfon. ^cPre^Rr?rr /.
Stick or dried g. ^rfofoTf^Tn. Geomancer, n. v. N. 5r3T5?Y.

Gentility, n. <700^ extraction. ^Sfofrr/. sTrfosTfcirn. ^°r^ScTr/. Geomancy, ?i. divination by figures, fyc. ©Tm.
m^STJn. ^stsiTn. tfgfeTf /• feffefe/. Geometer, Geometrician, n. v. K ^farffq^
2 See Genteelness.
Gentle, a. well-born, of good birth, freterr^r or 5TRT, jjrsrfo, Geometrical, a. v. N.
srrfofo, 3T?r^, *TOfo, wnffor, jsfo, tpsr, uc<rrsr, fsrsGfer,

fePrarar, Hgfe, srfourer, rrfeffor, rrnffor, *r°ifos-, m°T, wsmr, Geometry, science of the mensuration of lines, surfaces, fyc.
2 meek, peaceable, v. Mild. irtfr, foitr or foiffr, fe or *fo ( 2 mensuration of the earth . ^ffqPr/. arfirf^/. irqrWn.
rwrrr^r gfar-sTTrr-&c. sfer, wmffo, strt, jr-jt, fire^ffo, ®t- ?rrqq*n.
wr,iOTrr or °fr. Germ, n. sprout Bigrcw..

3 moderate, mild. spOT,sf»T, Jjcf,#RSr. German, n. first cousin (qftqr /.) Wik ’tHtTw*

4 a breeze, &c. f^r, Gcf or ifo. To Germinate, v. ti.v. To Sprout.

Gentle-folk, n. TOTforrm- hforfer^ qfeTtrasr* ?5f, ^rOT»r. rW^fSfrm. Germinated, j>. v. V. efjpc^T, &c. »Tr%r,
Gentle-man, b. jj? tfrtf m. gsprm. grr^rnt. ^r- Germination, n.v. V. —
'JRRn. &c. fe.
Wm. wjCTin. Gestation, ». 3TWR»rn. wqffqw. iwf^rw. qt-
Gentle-manlike. • See Gentlemanly. WTOni. (of beasts).
— ' / ^ - , ,


make gesture. fRflRrn pi. fr-wn'ft-qi'Rst- Ac. frsI/.-Hwr/. dnt fq?iqra/.

To Gesticulate, v. n.

,-&c. wr, errem. 2

va ®\

Gesticulation, n. v. V. act. fPfflH Wn. &c. sfrlf^Tm- Gibbet.

< See Gallows.
Gibbosity, Gibbousness,
( n. v. A. ^^r T01TM. (

3TirfPD»- ^rftr^er/. ^
Gesticulatory, a. representing in gestures. ai*TfqSrTRT ,

2 qriTWm. TOWm.
lag. 5fijn.
sCTTa- Gibbous, a. protuberant^ swelling. T^STf^fr, JTTK*, ^TRJF^T
Gesture, ». movement of the body or limbs.
aTRTm. 5r#r^r^r
aiirPlijTm. sTipfJTw. ST5T or

hump -‘backed, or qf3Jf •TrW or Tr^Tf,

frffqHTiR- pi-
Manual gestures.
^ „
fiT^q'q or ^^qvT, HTT^'T,
Gibe. See Sneer.
To Get, v. a. procure, obtain, gain.
sm, sffipr, *im Giddiness, n. v.A. 1. Ml/. ^TF^/ #^/*^/*
Kith inv.
faswr, swr,
^irfr-JTTfT 5PC«T or m
(these five
inv. con. T?Tpr°Tr/.-ij- ferCr/. cf^f ^rnrffsp /. ^ c«-
^N^«- rf ^rqr^n.
Tr3raT5' /.-&c.

To get a beating.

2 gain as
&c. ^iT^T g. of O.

profit, earn, acquire, v.

IffOn.-Ac. ?#T, W
To Gain,

2 feif^

Giddy, a vertiginous
^q'^crr/. arl^rPcfTr /.

A c. ^Fr^^T.

To bo or become g. qiTfa:».- ?ra%n- ;

&<=. fqrt5r-wfcT', fffV-
•sTt^t, 3T5prn.-3-qr^n.-&c. g- of o.

3 prevail on, v. To Induce. q=m, JHn-

To Reach. ‘TFFT, RTf^T- 2 volatile, airy, v. Thoughtless, Light. J>TtT^H,3Tm-
To Get, n arrive
v. at, v.
sgt, Pq^pcf? Ps^ir orj^rfre,
2 v. To Become. fffT. , ,

or PreiTCm. fr^T g, ojs. j^t^r qrqnr, ^ftgfqqrKr,^Pr^rr4qn€t, sf^rqrr^r.

8 off, v. To Escape. §£Sr,
Giddy-headed. See Giddy.
4 out; v. To Go, To Set out. ft#, =qT3^T.
Gift, n. v. Giving. %^rn. 3TFTh*
Get out with thee ! STPT JI44T, ?rTv.
^ or qyWn. ?-
2 thing given. ffn. t°T5Tt/.
5 over, through pass through well. ft#, ft*TI# 4dCT
, ,

roj, qrrr: q#, qf?qr#, ffTW/.#*ipr»R.jfcc. tm g. of s.

HTJTn. g-pT /•

6 up, from bed. ;

v. To Rise. ft'sf'T 3# 1

OT 0!. Bad (unlawful to receive) g. qr^FTn-

G. from a saint, idol, &c. Tf^TST m.

Getter, n.v. V. A. 1. f#q°TITr, ^TI^rrTr, &c. tqprt, BTT-
G. in return for ag. TTlcT^Rw.

qrJTrq°Tm,&c. arqfqr, 3T#pirffr,.&c.^

Humble g.
2 PiiTsfoTfTr,

V. A. 1.— act. fip2#R- &c. ##!/• #K°T//- He sumer of a g. Ttr.

Getting, n. v.
Resumption of a g. ^RTFq’fK^. iT^Tr-'T^
gqprtn. ^rfrni. aqrarrffn.
^^IRF ^Tfiq'qrrOn* 5T ;Trf^r^’F^w« ^RF^^rfF/.
3 right ofgiving .

2 f*R#n- ^qtTTffn- sqraf /. *rwf =rr /-

4 faculty talent endowment 7pT?n. «F55T/.
, ,

I See Gains.
Gifted, a. talented endowed of^parts and attainments,
Gewgaw. See Toy, Bawble. ,

Clever. VTffqFT, *pft, fTOT, WST,

Ghastliness, «. v. A. #qraq /.
^r«r, HJW (in comp.).
TIKGT, ffff- 3rPT5r=T,f^a'^,
Ghastly, a. death-like. ,

Gig" n. spiff/, is commonly used.

s/Nr, jprrOii'C^r ffqqff qjffqff ,

^TT, PJ/i IT
, 3
Gigantean, Gigantic, a.
Ghost, n. disembodied spirit, v. Devil. JTffn. PraTTw-n. tTOTl'a. Rtufw?, ff-
vf5T'TCq»i. q^qrru, Afqrpq sqqrr^, qqqffff,
—ois. Brahman. TOXWwi- TrfrfT^^m.n.

jr^^qvrm. TTfPpjrpH. or 0W«. ^Siffin.— of a Muhama-

feg-feg-% ffftft adv.-
dan. TgqRfm. fjf grn . — of a Skudra. 'stiff/. -T5JT4 TFin. of a wi- J-o Giggle, «. n. laugh idly, titter,

adv. &c. icfgijfl/. fq-

family. or 3TT-&C. IIW, fffc
dow. t^3i/. 5#/. 55qq*T£ /.—one of an extinct ftVsft*
^oy o/ $.
^grif n . —
of a female dying violently. vsRfft0!"/. or
Giggling, p. a. v. V. fe-
Giggler, n.
To give up the g. v. to Die.
Pre#rn.-&c. qrT'ff, trrjrw.-vrqm. #3%. ^teT^ref°rrcr,^c. %

or oi
To see or fall in with a g. ## STP?m- W# inv. con. Gigglingly, adv. v.V. ffflfe, fffl",

Ghostly a. spiritual. qCtrtRr, qretT'ffqr, TOTT- srr,

Giglot, n. v. Wanton. ^°Tw€t/. ^ft/*


To Gild, a. overlay with gold *Rr*Tfwi. .

2 relating

Giant, n. in mythology.
to ghosts. Wffg#T,
3T?irm. 3TTTDI. sTHTm. ^
n ^T-sTssSir,
qT0Ttn.^r^r sis-in.-tr^rr^T

mft /.
2 man of great stature, v. Hulk, fgnTST TCffm. PTTbf *ff"
3p=r>n. & c. wm. jjtiw. Gilded, Gilt, p. v.V.
3?r fef^r, #^rr^r sr«? Rr?f^r,
n. f#TP? tT#/.*
See Gigantic. Gilder, n. v.V. J55RT ^ tJ
TrH>-t 0Trcr~&c,

language. fq^TFr WfT/. TPTjt-ff-» Gilding, n. v, V* — w * ^c *

Gibberish, n. unintelligible
lag. gold laid on. #qTRTm. «FqTRr WKm. #-qrt giRln. To Give, v. n. yield, give way. qrg°f, T^f'S3T, ^T’i'hGi ^^T- ,

epqrfr %qr /. tRRrm. TRt«- *1, g#, ^nrtpr, grCT, hct, ?Tfrr#, t-
Gill, n . —of a fish. iTw! m. w, gg^t, a-qvr, w jur, wr, ^°r, #m^, «ttt.
2— of a fowl, IRR?!/. —
2 Ac. yield and incline,
a wall,

Gim, Gimmy. See Spruce, Smart. 3 over; See To Cease, To Stop.

Gimcrack, n. toy, pretty piece of mechanism. sjRfr/. rtf/. Given, p. v. v. A. l. &e.grr, fgqfgfr, Jri%qrfefr, anw,
3v*/- ?rgi%.
Gimlet, yRTTm. TTgrw. JPRn. ^iTvTt/ f-TZn.
n. G . and resumed. <-di45i4.

Gin, n. trap yPTsym. IT^T pop RRm G. and taken. grTKTT.

2 engine *Nx 6 #q-jr,^r3ir,3Tfit, 5rqar.

Ginger, n . — the plant or green root.

f. 5T$\f $i&n. 7 gf%?r, freflfiT, ^01%?, s'ws, fir^e.

y^TR/.— the dry root. Bff. 3faf/. Given, n. v. V. A. 1. g«rTT, TR TT^f, TrdT, HTTI.
Decoction of g. G.- water. To express the sense of giver in some of its numerous shades
Mango-smelling g. &TF ff5£<r/. (conferer, bestower, importer, afforder, presenter, fyc. ), com-
Preserved g. pounds may he freely formed with T, IJT, 5Trfr, JHW, 5T*fl, 5T-
Ginger-bread, n. %€\f. TTf & grqr,gwpw, Trqqr, arTi ,
(as tot,
Gingerly, adv. cautiously . vSTj^T, t?, aTsr^Rr, TgKRr, ^T5nr?rgr, grygrgr, tTRsugf,
Ginjall, n a kind of gun. %^iR/. TiTTTr, yTTTrqr, ^rTjTgrggr, fgiqgrrggr, ffggrqqr, wfiqurTT,
To Gird, v. a. hind round. %TR%, T:TTf, Ac. Ac.).
or JtTfo!f5r-tE

. «s, wj»
Giving, n. v. V. A. 1. — act gTn. Ac. <»Trn. g5f*fn. gipfRlw.
2 (a cart, plough, Sic.). ^°T, q&Jjn. JRTS^. fgtqgw. gRrTrggn. Ptutm-
Girder, n in architecture, ff&if. To express the sense of this word in some of its numerous
Girdle, n. hand for the waist m , THT- shades ( confering, bestowing, imparting, communicating, af-

ifrrm. JFsmw. gRR /. Rfr-T-Rw. qiPryqn. gtfst&yn. fording, presenting, $•£.), compound formations may be made
gryTr»». stItt or grtfram. zmm.f. <jw /. ad libitum with 3TRn. STRn. gWRu. tfPPTn. ST'f'Tn- yrggiTn.

N. B. Some of these words express different kinds of girdles. (as HIsRfR, fitfafR, *J5rT3Tg, 'JRr'WR', ^ofmTPT,

2 plate for baking. HRm. ftgprrrg, gyRTg'iTgR', ggiTgR, Rjfiqgrg, wrgrwR, rqggfT-
Earthen g. drilled. XX^Wn. KTR, srH'trrT'T, ayfgSPTrT T),
Ac. &c.
Girdle-stead, «. tfi-fiyyl or gRIRt/. gRT£/. 7 yi^TM. qsfofn. &c. fqyygn. gtH^fgn. (esp. in

Girl, n. J£* dim. ysrjft/. TIT dim. TRifl /• TR^/ TIRT/• 3Rg- comp, as TWRif, f TIRR, JT^yiT, g^lRaf, RifrRif, sffggr-

/ jurd/. TfrT/- %«r/. qcarr/. ater/. %5UT, NF^sFrCrRst), ?qrgm. (esp. in comp.).
Girlish" o. qT^T,g#TT, gRTrTRT, TT^TTW. Glad, a. expressing or giving joy, v. Joyful. aTR^RT,
Girth, n. compass, v. Circumference. iTrm. gT«». TTIin, STRgJr?,8TR?-TrTTr-&c. yRg,aTRgfftr.
TTm. q«Tm. 2 rejoiced, v. mr, 3TRf?5T, ?m, tlRf.
Pleased, Joyful,
2 (of a saddle). gym. To be or feel g. TRR in. con.
Narrow g. gy Xf. To Glad, To Gladden, v. a. v. To Rejoice. aTPfgnt.-H-
To Give, v. a. bestow, confer, ?R ?TR».- Ac. grtR g. of o.R- ;
trqm.-fec. gSf-^roT, y55'-f’ffrir-!pr-&c. 5KT°T, fEfRR, y%-
T3R, »m, WR, gRy, gRlTTR, W».-5t( ri"rB.-&c.
Tfrar qpR, aTRfft3!, fW».-&e. ^"Tg*. ofo.
gTRg\ of o. Rpry-Ac. gTR, qmn.-yqyRn.-Ac. TiT^T, q-- Glade, n. opening in a wood. aTRifRr - Tf^T^T- STRRcfr- &c
gtfgRR. TTS /.
2 away ?R, y3R
; RTR-yTR giTR g. of o. BR- Gladly, adv. v. A. 37R^, 5fffTTg, arr^^R,
Tr1c-fwrfrlcr-&e. grg-grffqR. 3TR?-5ff, 3ri=f?T3Tf, TO5T
3 back ; v. To Return. qyg £°T-gTR, TSRT <R, qnrftTR <- Gladness, n. v. A. and Joy. NR^ni. ?Tm. TTWm. RSTT/. R-
^'T#. g'8Rr /.
4 (it to soundly); v. To Scold 1

, irt qR, tfiRTTPlR. Gladsome. See Joyful,

5 (one’s self out for). JfqqR. Glaire, white of an egg. TTG
n. fe».
6 (one’s self up to); v. To Addict, sfgre gflRR, RTR, RTf- To Glance, v. n. fly offobliquely 4rat5TT atfw.-?rl51T5fr adv.
JT^T-Bigor, yff nxSjf. qrr5T:5Tr-«ifD.-gi?Tfrr«^». srR-tRST-Ac.
7 up resign, renounce.
; yi3R, BIRR ty gRR, Fq*RR, STTR,
( 2 play the eye. aRT^RT SiRTrg Tr?sr, ^TEfTyTTO.-^ftSTTm.- &c.
qR r?i.-g;rqrn. #3R-$R

flJR SR, TRor, STRfl. g. of o. TTR, TiTrerrTSRn. STR.

with 55T or y of 0 fySTWf&m./. ?R, ?[Rm. pi. 3IT3R with fqqqt 3 at; take a transient view of gjoSfin. gRR, ®t»gnjRt gRR.

&c. of o. RRm,. - TSRn. - fqytsRn. - Ff yRw. - arTRm. Glance, n. (of the eye). ^FehyTm. ggf^Tm. *E>
&c. TTCT g.of o. arym.
8 ear to; v. To Attend. TTr3), qrrg»:.-?rtirn.-&c. T3). Amorous glances. RgRwi.yiL
1 .


2 glimpse, transient view, ifiqqrin. fq?T5Rn. ?rsqr/. qiT/. Glebe, n. v. Soil, qrfsrt/. qjftq /.
Glancingly, adv. v. y. i. a?r<gqqr, srrqqqr, qrrqqqr, qrqrqr. Glee, n. v. Joy. 3TR>m. STm. qisRiii. qraU/
Gland, n. — in anatomy. fqqm. irfercfRm. Gleet, n. qqarrm. qqqn. JR/ fisqr /. qpRn. qrq?n. jqrqw.

Glanders, n. the disease. thfrin . G. in the form of threads. qRqqqn.
Glandular, Glandulous, a. v. N. ifW^W^fes, qiaqfwr. Glen ,
n. hollow between hills jqrqrni. qtlTn. 8?R/. ?qT«.
To Glare, v. n. slune dazzlingly or oppressively . qqrrqfq, ?T- Glib, a smooth, flowing, qa^qsftq, fqqf3T.
qqqrq or srirnpr, SRRq, ?RSRq 3RRq, s'qqrq, sr5r°t, qqrr-
2 flippant, voluble. #Rqr-fqqqr qq^, qrqstqqqr, qrqafq-
qR, qqriRq. wr qq^q-qqqq-Ac. qr^qw, qqa,
qrqrqqa, qqaqrqr, qq-
2 lookfiercely, &c. li'qrrqqor fi'qiRR TflR, qqqdTq 'IT?5 !’, tf-
a? W^-^rOT^-rT^r^-^^OT-riT?'R'ST-^3' r ;
T' qqiTR- Glibly, adv. v. A 1. qi!r-tR‘q-qrq-d,-c 5RfR.
qwq-tiqqqq, qrq°qr/ pi. qqrqq. 2 qqqq, qqqq, qrajqa-,
Glare, Glaring, n. v. V. 1. and Brightness, Brilliancy. Glibness, r». v A. 1. frsr^OTqqrm.
qqqqrr/. sr^fr^rrm- srqqsifr/- srrI/. sir srrT/. sr^sr- 2 RuqrqTsmrffi grsFlqqqrm. qrRqr/. qRqrqRn
airrm. qfqqqn. ^fqrrqrarui. To Glide, v. n .flow gently qr?q, qqq, Gqorqq qriq-qRq,
2 *rqqft/. 3jr JTKt?r ^Fgr/. qRTfg: /. #ffqm. qrqq.
Glarer, n. Glaring, p. a v. V. 1. gqqRqqr, 5T- 2 move smoothly along. qsRR, qqqrq, qqqr?:q, qiqq, qrq-
s^Rtq, qqqRqq^qrRRqR, qrqqR, qqlPRR, stfqqiq, qfq- qsrr-qqqR - qqqrq - q^Rq- kc. qrq-qraq.
qtawR. To Glimmer, v. n. give a faint, §c light, fqqfqqq, qqqqq,
2 frqqqqrqr, Jjqqqqqtqr, &c. qqjjqtq. fiRfsRq, rqrrqq, p-qrjtqr-ftrqqtq-&;c. qsR-qrqq -qqq.
1 notorious, strikingly evident, v. Clear. qqqqlq, qqq, Glimmer, Glimmering, n. v. V. fjRflR qqqni. fqqfqqtq q-
qiwqr, qCRjSRq^fq, strata, sisrsarsEtcf qqjn. aRRJPKrSrm. Jfqqqdqrin. qfflTaiTSrni.
Glaringly, adv. v. A. 1. qqqrqrq, qqq,qsr2c?rq. 1 indistinct view. ?pR/. qpTT/. ?q?qRn.
Glass, n. qifqm. joop. qqq/. Glimmering, p. a. v. V. fsrqrSt^r qsRRr-qrqqrqf kc. Fqqfqqr ,

Sheet or piece of g. RRa- orqr, fqqfijqtq.

-2 a g. a g.-vessel qri'qqr qaTm. qrrqqPT n. qqqqrqt /. qrrqqfi /. Gummeringly, adv. ftiq^RW, qiqqqqrqqq, ^fqqr, Fiqrftqr.
J]W?Tn. from the English is now common. Glimpse, n. faint light. fhRtqr 3%qm Ffjqfqqlq qq^m 3R-
Musical g. qqqqJJ'M!. qrqqrr^ria.
3 looking glass. STiTWm. dim. ariqg) /. qqqn. sTrq^Tiu 2 transitory view, gsZfif. qqfrfqn qfeqr/. . fRqq/.
Glass, Glassy, a. made of g. like g. qqqqr, qjqqq, qqq5Fq } To afford a g. of. ?qrqm. qr^qq.
qrrqfqiqq, qqqqq, To catch a g. of. affgrqqr adv. qff q.
G. door or window. qfqqRn. To Glisten, To Glister, v. n. v. To Glitter. rrgqqq,cq-
Glaucoma, n. £R/. I ? qqq,qqrqq;q, qq-q^q, qqrqqfq
To Glaze, v. a. furnish with glass. qnq/. jfqqq-srHqq-RqSr, Glistening, Glistering, p. a.v.V qqRijqrqr, qqrqqrqrqr,
qrqqrqn. pi qqRq-i c. & c qqaqiq, qqrq%%, qqrq^Tq qtf qqir.

a (pots, die.). qrer£q,q;qRiqrqRq,qiR /.- otb. qq-sm. To Glitter, n. sparkle with light. qqiqq;q, sqrqq(q, qqrw-
Glazier, n. v. v. i. qqq qqrqqrqr, qrqqRqqr, qihqrqr. q or Rwqrq qqrqqfq qqq q qqrqqfq n wq;' q nqqqq.q-
q; , , , , ,

To Gleam, v. n. v. To Shine. qqrqqR, qqriRq, qqqrq, ST- sRR,^?ra:q,?Rqr/.-JTqqr/. qrqq, qqrqq adv.-^w^ adv.
qrspR'q, qqRTq, qqrqqr acfo.-wqrsqr adv. in- -qrqq or frq, qj-qq.—intens to glare, qqrq-q, aqirqfq, q-
tens. qqrrqrq, siqrrqfqor mrm, sqrrqR. qrrqfq, srqqqrqorg-qrqq.
Gleam, Gleaming, n v. V. qiiq?/. &^n. q^n. srttjt /. 5R- Glitter, Glittering, b. v. V. and Brilliancy, Brightness.
qjfr/. 3 R R /.—
3 intens. qqrrqft /. qqrRftor ?RRi /• Rq;?qft/, qqrq^r / ?Rir3fl/. sR*nft / qqrqq qqqr/. qsqr/.
%ss(&m. ?R§rssr Zm. srsigrar/. qjrqji. Fq^?/. ¥iq/- qrqrqqqn. aliqqRn.—mtens.
With a sudden g. qf-qR-qrq &c. qqr-qrr-qR-&c. glare, gfqrqfl/. irqPTr/. qqiVftf. 5R)/. Sfqrsrqrmn. qqra-
Gleamincly, adv. v. V. qq-qqr, qqRqr, qqr-qR-qR-&e. qrrqm. gqqrqrrm. qqqqrRm. gsiTSTJOT.
To Glean, v. a. (stalks and ears of corn). ^rqqrmRqq, qfqm. Glitterer, ». Glittering, p. a. v. V. and Brilliant, srqp
pi. fcqq-Hqq, w&n.-;feqK.qiqq, wtq, Fqqifqqlq, g'qrsr^lq, srssrslq, SRqRRqr, qq^, q-
2 fig. gather little by here and there, 'qqq RR qq, Rrqq ffTq qsgrqsr, qqqiqqq-.
qq-qifg-q-qqrqq, Glitteringi.y, adv. qq-qqr, srqi?rqr, qqqq, qqraqf.
Gleaner, n. v. V. 1 . qqq qqqrqr, qfq &RT qqrqr, &c. qfiqFq, Globe, n. round body, ball, <$rc. JTRrw. afraw. qfqqTm. qRqn.
#33jfq. Celestial g. iqafiqni. aTrqrfSjqqqn.
Gleaning, n. v. V. 1. qqqn. frqfqn. R:qqqq», &c. qua. q'sqn. Terrestrial g. JTqRai.
fe-ar^ffq/. 2 the earth.ij#Rm. Jjqqqji.
I matter gleaned, qrqqTm. fqqqqr«i. Globose. Globular, Globulous, a, spherical, round. ql5q-
Subsistence upon g. qxSqfq/. q;rq, alia'i^r, w, q^q, qqqRR
. . —

gi;o 293 GLU

Globosity, n. v A. aff^m. affair m. Glossiness, n. v. A. 1. bhrst) /. /. RTR#/.
Globule, n. 5«a// round body . aif^/. qTrq'Tl /. qrqrqwn.
To Glomerate, v «. gather into a ball. Tf^
Glossy, n. smooth and shining. PrarfqsfET or rfsztjstw, fqqss',

Gloom, n. ( 0/ weather), sfrrrcl ajfa /• /*.

^r?Tn. v. qsrqsSt'H, q«Rqf^, wstst, Hsqsstq,
TOjSRToTuft/ OTTO. ^tT, fq-ffirrT:, qqqgrH or fr%qgTH, Hrfr^TT.
2 heaviness of mind. ^Ri'FlTm. 3TRHI/ b?RT l^PCRSTm. 2 of colors, qstrr.
Gloojiiness, n. v A. 1. Gloom, 1
awe? sJJhl/* §r?- of boils, grapes, & c. full and glowing, tense and glisten-
qr7. /. srrr /. / 1». srrsr. ing. jrjstpt or frafijs?pr or ^srj-arpT, or ge SgeS tq.
2 wprrm. TJWTOrm ^RT^nrn. W T$F3 Glottis. qrHHR rn -qRHRSTCn.

^ft/. m^oi. Glove, n. gTHTR %5 TTot. qHT in.

3 jfwrrnn g^q-f^rrr/ Leathern g or shackle. qiHHTnt. </<«». RTfril /. ®. F?jfszr.

Gloomy, a. — .\eatlier, the heavens, &c. STSTSTor ^T^T, To Glow, i>. r. burn fiercely or vehemently, blaze. qiRJFT,
*jr, afaiffar, ^rawr, mrsfHr, ^r^Rsnw, jr^sW, s^ft, -fN- vp^-Rq, wot, qqrsq, 5q?TTTq,
cqrsq, qrqq, ^qq,
=tw, ^^sr,
7 r.\ 7
Hqrqq,cROTtq, qqqqq, Hqcqq, cqcq a*, gr^q, Twwa*.
2 sullen, melancholy, v. Low-spirited qqr or spjq tRIT,(
qrq, ithtr or h-ttr, nq^q, qqrqq.
qrra, 35 t#t. 2 be bright, shining, iSic. STS^q, q»qsq, 31^13
q, a'^T^q,
2 cloudy of look, v. Gum. qqqr, qq^Rt, qRghnr, wq- qqrqq.
ffjfr, qflRJOT, fasprerq. 3 the countenance, plants, &e. qq^q, rqcqq, jrqrJE^q,
To Glorify, v.n. render glory to, v. To Honor, To Praise 4 the mouth, &c. from hot substances. fqTTCRq, PTOTTq, q-
qfsWm.-^c. |q, qiRVi- TRqg-. of o. qrfq/ -qpRn.-sqgm. qqqq, hhotr, qrqqqq, nqqq°r.
-&e. wfqg- of o 5 the heavens at dawn, qqqqq, tF 5iq,
exalt to glory or heavenly bliss., r^TTTfl'/.- tlTi J?n.- Cz c.
Glow, Glow ino, r. v. V. 1. qqr or qq/. qijqq f. OTOT/- Sffq
qq, fsRrqrqm. %q, q^rrera qq, fgwrefarrfiqq tct or airqtqr q'rqw. qqgrr or 'mmm. sjhrst/. qq^rm. qrqqq-
Glorious, a. illustrious, resplendent, &c. HipfR, qq- pin. HR /. HR/, qrqm. fiqrqm — intens.

qrari or qRR or
?ft, ^jfm.qqR, qsmrrst, qqpft, JnrmFj;, tfqmrrwr, qqqr- Hsn. qfTTRm. qqrH»a. H3 HT^TS'm. qrqOTirr»»- Tqrqn-
faq, ProtrI. 2 qa w, 5r®arBnrm. qsiRi /. qqrrgfl/. qgir^l/.
Glorious.vess.jl v. A . qqn. WWm. TOTTro. fqqqm. pop. ^qq». 3 qqsRrr/. rqrfl /. z^z-fff. z^ztftf.
qt/. %4-qqrni. qflqrm./. qiqRqn. 4 qfqqrqfqm. qqqq/. qqqrrm. qqrqgr or qqqq/. intens. qq-
Glory, n. renown, credit, v. Honor, qqqT/. 'TtCqi /• <ff /. q- qqRra. TTqrqm. qqqrrm. qq^rerm- qqqRRm.
ffrqw. qRo irFreT /. iHTR. Corresponding to this word in the 1 (after a meal, of passion, &'c.). q-CHl /•
free applications made of it involving with varying- aspect and Glowing, p. qqqqrq, qqg-qfr, OTOTR,
a. v. V. 1. qrqqrqtq,
intensity the general sense of such words as honor, credit, qqcqtq, qqqfrq, hstt, sa-qqcrq, qqqqlq.
splendor, lustre, brilliance, show, figure, dash, flash, glare, 2 qisTPq, qmRqR, qTfffqrq, qg>qqrq, HfTTfRT, HfTTHH, flq,
glitter, eclat, arc qrq». tqm. q^RITtn. HPT / H^Tn qrqpTf aff*rt
. OTpgt, «qfqq.
Hi nr/. qrnqrr /. qrq /. freqr f. §t aqr/. qqqr /. ®r/ str/. 3 qqFTqlq, iqrftq, z^ztfttr,
qiTm. qaWZm. 4 qsqslq, qqqqrq.
Glory !
(to thee, &c ). qq, spT5TT, SPTsPTT’ Glow-worm, n. HRfeqrni.
2 illustriousness, &c. v. Gloriousness. qq«. XRPTm. q- To Gloze. See To Fawn.
qrqm. Hrs-qqrm. Glue, n. qrq,n. fqqpRqn. qqqqn.
3 rays around a head. 315RRT /. To Glue,®, a. join with glue. OTRm. qpfq, OTRR #i?q.
4 See Praise. Glum, a. sullen, sour of look, fiftret or ffjr or Ffirr, !%qcqr^q,
5 heavenly felicity, v. Beatitude, Heaven. Hitlm. Fqqrqfl.
fqq, f qqqql, qqcwr qrqrqr^q€ uq1:, qfeq-

HTqqm. qqqqqn. HH, JW, fJOTTOT.
To Glory. See To Boast, To look g. $pr». qqcq, frq«. qrf? qqq org. of s. thm. qr-
Gloss, comment. £Rf /.
n. fipqqf f pop. fitqqn. qpsq». FtTTHR. iz frq, qrqfrqrqrT%qrqn. qqq.
frffq/. RIOTT/. Glume, n — of grain, & e.
2 polish, lustre. flRlf /. fqssq /. gfa /. /. H3Rr or q- To Glut, v.a. cloy, sate, qqq /. -zxf.-zts f.-fqurr/. - & quR
%3Tm. q%5ft/. Hfr/. B-%(1 /. grid /. STf^TRn. •w^/o. qqq/.-qq /. qqq (
s?rqrO/. Hrqq, qrarqifq qr-
3 (upoD paper, cloth, &c. through rubbing). HTfTTTm. Bq-Hrqq-qRq.
To Gloss, v. a. explain by comment, Rrcqq, fqqqqn.-sqptjqr/. To g. one’s self with, qqqqq/. n.- 3q£ f. qq.
-RBsqRn. tRq g. of o. Glut, ». superabundance, qq/. ssr/. qar /. qq%«E'/. qqr /.
Glossarist, n. fRr SPOOTT, &c. qiRTTR.
zfafRJPC, 2 glutted state, gluttedness. HHT /• SNf*. /. iTRqqrm. q-
Glossary, n. dictionary of difficult terms STXrfwW^ Wf qjr/. qqgjRR /. fqsrr /.
#5Tw. ^rr^rn3? ^F^Tm. /. Gluten, of vegetables, &c. q \g; in.

GO 294 . GOD
Glutinous, a. viscous. fq"«RRT r fasti's

f^T¥°T. or Tfz?yr, m m, im, lifter m,
Glutinousness, Glutinosity, n. v. A. favs-quiym. faqrqtqr/- m&tm m-
T^mf. 3 down with ;
pass with. HrfF, ##T ?
Glutton, n. — See the adjective. Here are collected the terms

and phrases correspondent with gorger, gormandizer greedy ,

4 in ; —an eruption. Tiff

gut, belly god, heliogabalus, cormorant, gully gut, gobble 5 off; — a gun, &c.
^qr, HOT, !ffm. fi'F g. of s.
gut, 3tw, ssrfwsr, f ra*rft, izwm qrrz, ^rerR--
s?c. tfc. i
6 off, well; be done or pass with eclat. OTw.-sJR"/, OTOT-
JTfTOf, qrsqFj, qrsrr, qrspff, qrsw, qisqRrr, ?srq, sqnfasq, g. of $. or mxf ^OT g. of s.
sgrq, q^Rq-fVr^rfnqr#, qm, qrsfa irercm qrssir- 7 off; obtain sale . ^qrq*, iffOT, ^<T IfF g. of s.

qqrrer. 8 on ;— clothes on the body, A c. FOT.

To Gluttonize, v. n. v. To Stuff, sff ?qr cT-%q or, qqsq 9 out, from, forth; PfOT fHOTm.-fqirf cTn.--[q'5FTOTn

%q®r, sRlt q-qR'n- qr=c»T, tr^n. fftff •qr?T ) srr^q mn. &c. fi°r 0/ tiq.

3R°T. 1 0 out ;'

be extinguished. Sffq, HfOTF, ^qr, sTf^F*

To feellieavy and listless from gluttonizing' ^qn.-STSTn.- 1 1 over again. JHfOT, OTfOT, HRFT f ^TOT g" of o.

&c. frqf qrqf q^T-^T-tq^g-.o/ *• 12 through (a study, &c.) ^rTTOTn. Ac. ^q.
Gluttonous, a. given to excess in eating. OTfRr, ^sTf^^RTR’, 13 with,-— carnally. Hffql ^ffq,

areret, wfr, qrqrfr, qqsq-qqrsqr- & c. tq'qirr, qss'qssrq'qr- Go-between, ti. c.

qr, jqnqiTr or 0, sw, qfw, qf>r$ft, qfirfai, qfjqf, qfrsft, 2 — female, tor ^frf^T/. pop or jf|q/.

BTfqrat, qsnqrd, arfjumr, simqifr^F, arfqiMt, fFter, ssr- ftw/.

mr, «qqqqrq<q, qrarq arrqnzr, ^urnsrr, tout, ®dqrtqr. See Go-cart, n. qfiT^irRTm dim. qiijsrjrr^t/.

also the noun. Goad, n. prick. 3TPC/. stO/. qCPql/.

Gluttonousness, Gluttony, n. v. A. «W#* To Goad; ® a. v. N. aTiT/. qqT^r—S'f^T, tl^PT.

qiqrin. &c. qrsqqrr /. 3qr%qr /. srfqtrsUTn. qf *re°r«. aTffpra'°r«. 2 fig. See To Urge.
ar;qrqrq». suqrfrqm. Goal, n. mark or bound of a race. qofn. qTJfqF VZj. 5T5T ^/.

Gnarled, a. knotty. JJTSfar, or 7ffa(^ tfpq^. sriqn. cTrqqqqfqiT%g«. tqrqT^UrRFTRiw. feq'qu. fR5Tr°rn.
To Gnash, v. n. v. To Fume, To Rage *rr3r, qiq To reach the g. qqrw- qpC 5rrT-W%-?f' T-qiq'5T, &c. l

aris-m. sqpr, sram, qrqt W, qrqqfaq, feqw, iqrq, qr- 2 starting post. quqrm. RTqRrUJTfWm. •-TrRrOTqqTRn.
qqrqq, fawr. Goat, n. qqPCrm. ( UTm. f\ f. f or ^n.) frqr^m. q^Tm. tiT j or
To Gnash, v. a. (the teeth). qffTm.^f. ?#r-qr^3T adv. OT- ipzjn. (5TU?r or £r£rf. )
sTZfm. ( 3T5Tr /.) Sfflm.

qrqqrnqq-^rq^-TJFsfR, qw srrsm pi. or #r, fqrrqte or Goat-herd, n. frsmr, ^srrqr^, sTsrrTrFriR, ap^rqfq, sTwrqtqr
zfaf^£&f.%w,zfafa<fa;z\f-pi- q^r. Goat-skin, n. ?rr *{&/.

Gnashing, n. v. V. A. sfa *3H». ^WT/- sfTTqRr/. zfafaiK^tzf. G. — dressed (for shoes, & c.). qrO /.

— mtens. sfOTOTm. Gob, n. (of phlegm). or ?qr%Um- q?qir or f^qrrm. R-

Gnash ingly, adv . or qRT^f, «OT3T^r. <OTF7n.

Gnat, n. qmTjn JpsJKm. favzn.^HXri. To Gobble, v. a. eat noisily * hastily , and in large pieces. HT-
To Gnaw, v a. eat away , corrode.
. 33OT, HTOT, ^[OT. qrr#, qrqqTrqq-, qqrqqr or qqrFqqr- qrreu-JTqrqrq- urur-A c.
eat or tear with the teeth iT^FOT or 3TGOT, ^3TOT, 3R> adv. tgrq, tR:afR;r»i.-ircqrsqr»».- qizromn. q»^T qiqrr-

jot, jotot, m«t, toot, srHOT. cTfTO.-iffqq-m. ftrq°r, qrqrrq%.

3 as remorse, &c. WT, #OT, 5fOT, OTOT, Ir% HOT, 2 up; devour greedily, fyc. v. To Eat. fr=Rfq'q, q'qriR, qqr-

wr*t orssrm. iq, qiTRT-

4 or be a gnawing (in the belly)* UfOT Gobblingly, adv. v. V. 1. Jiq-qUf qPC, &c. iftprfq or qi,—
v impers. intens. irqrJTT, qqr7r.

Gnawing, n. v, V. 1. WFn. mxn. Sic. WT$\f. Goblet, n. v. Vessel, srfq or affiTin. qq'qrqn.

2 %TFOTtt. &c. TOOT^/. Goblin, ». v. Ghost. Vtflm.n. fq^THTn. q?rn.

3 ®T^Tn.&o. ^TC’fT/. (intern, m^f G.-Hall. uq^rRTm.

Gnomon, n. style of a dial. #Jm. God, the Supreme Being, qq, »m\\pop. qiTPqm. qq^VT,
To Go, t?. n. vsTFT, TOF, TOdTOTr^flF-HHH, OTHn*~TO/. #qr, 3T3T, srrfqq^q, qrqiT Or arrqru^t. There are numerous
^QT. — with the power and implication of such words and phra- descriptive names or epithets of God. Some are
ses as, to he off, to make off, to make one’s self scarce, to take 3tft, srqr^r, sqvrq, aTifrqr, ^qqmt, sTTrcqPnqrqr, sTRrir or

one’s self off. tf^n. ^rr^Tn. aTRrfe^, sTRwq, srqrqRrr, aqqtqrr, ar^iq, arfqqr^ff, 3?5qqr,
About to go. *rpriT, snqir, arr^Tfr, sirfqqrrqq, sirrqTOr, q^qqqfr, stjutupt, qru-
To go and come *To go to and fro. Wn - Fr
vsTfF . m ?rrsfr, w-q«f, JTRrqrqr, m, rq^r^t, fqqrqr^qr, Tq^q^q, vz-
Tf3Hn.---WWn.~Wn Rfcfn. T^mf pl.q isz, f^qqq, f%qirrq, Rq^, rqqRq, faffA-ro, r^|q, %?rqq,

2 by; pass away, cease become no more , , fyc. vsTfF^^fjj qn?oy, r^qurnc, qnr«qtqT, spr?qnT°r, suruut, ^rfrsr, sRiriqrr,

tostc.rtor, totor, TOftifar, Itotot, ffRrTO#, Certain other divinities male and female, are RRCR (pop.

FTO^,t#RftTOrF,?tHRTO, RRfRRr,TO, Rg^wi sifWR ), aq-TTOpTOT,

RRHCf or HTO, fRT, RHfTOfTr (pop. Rl-
And others, view-
frowR, FtotFtot, Frtoto, F^fronTOR, Fto- RHf ) ,
PrsreR, Pttotr,
ed of the wretched idolaters themselves as two penny gods
5R, fTOrRTF,YTOTRR,YTOrTO, frorTO, Fhrr.FrpNto, hFtr-
pt, PRfoff^r r*f or tor, Ftohr, htorrt, tftotto, tototot,
and goddesses, are, IfHrHt or J?#R, tTOTO, TOTO or RR,
q^TCT, ww,
tfto. TOTHS’, TCHfR, TOW, tftrstot, tHTtfl,tRtr aTf,F;GT^,J^R, RrR%R,f%^Ttqf and the whole —
HRRrsrRR'Cf HRRHR, HTjiRr3rRTO!rH, H- bundle comprehensively, JTRfstj. RfRTf TOR?/.
WTRiRHR, •T’-T^I'T , ,


Artist or architect of the gods. faRRR, HRTO
^pto mm, FtfirI’Ct, rto/tot, Ptrto, ffvTO, Frtoto, Pr-
tototr, tortot,' Frtto, flwr, Fwtoto, hrr, tortf, toto- Court or assembly of the gods. sfTOJTO /•

Gods set up to preside ( upon festival, &c. occasions). if?R

yr, totot, tor/, totorr, frtorrr, hr, hr, hrhrto, h-
^trpr"H^3TfrRr,H?RH,HilRH, store, TO?wrf%, f|rr- or — Setting up of them. ??R!TR0T/. TfRtTORTfl.

*E, TOW, fH. —Dismissal of them TOTRTOrT'Tn. iRR^RTOTn. HgTHTO-^fR-

G of gods. ItoFrIr. FfHTOn-

God as possessing attributes. HRR, HTRTF. —Worship of God Inferior g. TORTm. TOTTOTR/.

as such. RRofjTOTOr/ God as destitute of attributes. f-TTOT, Local g. ^H?qR/. iTTORm. Hf-TWm- TO'?!/- TORT).

F-TFTRTF- — The worship of God as such. fFTOTOTOT/ Mother of the gods. HfeffT/. — of the Titans or devils. fTO/-

Chain or course of God’s government. sNfhRR. STOFTOn- Physician of the gods. HTOTffTm.
Preceptor of the gods. ^pCT^PTw.
Power — as upholding and ruling, of God. RTOFRT /. Presiding g. HpqTOTni. aiffert??T».

Recitation of the names of God. TOTOTOFRb. RTTOn- Tutelar g. of. rSTOfm. ?5?ffTr /.— Present to it. HTR'T /•

Will of God. crtoto /. i*rOi K^mf. To set up rites in propitiation of the gods. ?RWn. RTO, <f-

Wrath of God. ?TOtTORi». ?2TTO-JItTO- RTCTO.

God’s path is through the deep waters STOFt TOfTO R?HR- To seek direction from the gods. Iff fTOTTOT-

R Rft. 3 thing idolized, an idol. |s?IT». 5RT«.

Keep Godin your thoughts whilst engaged in your work. TO- Goddess, n. Iff /. HTOHl/-
TOHTO TOR RRHR RTO HTH. Godhead, n. v. Divinity. <«RPRjn. ?RTT/.
2 a. g. a deity, an idol. RTm. IrTO/-tron. RlffTOm. RlHRm, Godless, a. v. "Wicked. RTTOT, WTORRfR, RRff, TOOTr,
HHw- PrWm. HTOTw. Some of the classes or orders of gods,

demigods, devils, S>-c. ( See Devil) are TOTF, rFto, HrffTO, Godlike, a. See Divine.


if TOT, 2 of divine form. I? TOTf IrTcTHRL

TOTO, TO (Rfe'ift/'.), HV, RH, RTOFfTTO, FlTORF, PfR, TOW, FTO£. Godliness, ji. v. A. ?RVFH8T/. CTOCTORHRn. TC-
Some of the common names of Brahma are RTOT, sWIr, TOR, pr4 ?fe'/-
iwrR, RTOiPr, rtortor, HrfcRF, rtFrrto, HrFRRfR. Path of g. HfRJTOTm.
—of Wis'hnu. fRTO, TOFTOR, HTOTOFTOR, RRRTR, RTORH, TO- Godly, a. pious religious.
, ^TOTTORR, f-’RfRH’, CWC-
RE, WW, f fr, RTOit THRR, TOtFHS’/TH'THraR/TrfTOfr, RHHriRR.
Godown, n. store-room. fRvTHRTRni.
Black stone sacred to Wis’hnu. TOrfTOTIRiR.

—of Shiwa. f5TE, ERIE, ?TOF, rFfe, TORTOFT, HlRR*, TOT- Goek, n. Going, p. a. v. V. 1. RPRCr, &c. RTOR, RHJ, =rO
TOT, toeFe, rfr, tototor, fprosiRF, torf, 5if, rI^f, to:, (in comp, as TOFRfT, RRTrO, RHRR/), R & tjTrY (in comp,

HsrrfsK, hw^rtoFItorc, ft, tort. as RR, TOR, RfHR, RfRrRRTRl, RRRRTRl), TOR.
Bull of S. f r\iii. RTOTT or ETORRriB. Goggle, a.— the eye. RTOffR.
Lingam of S. — Worshipper of Frrire.
fRRn. RTRin. it. To Goggle, v. a. strain the eyes, f fir in. pi. 3TOR.
— Stone bearing 3JTORT or TOTm — Female
it in the centre, ener- Goggle-eyed, a. qrTOT, ;TOTO RSR.
gy of
counter-part of —Worship of
phallus S. STfriT/. it, 5TT- Gogglet, n. v. Vessel. RRm- PTOf/ RTTOTm.
EWfET/. TOPEETO/ TOrERDTwn &c. — Worshipper of it. TOTR. Going, n. r. V. 1 act. Rr’ln. RITOb. RTO/. RTOn. rFr/. f%-

Worshipper of S. TOR, RRm. TORRb. JTRRn. TOT/- RRn. TORn. RITORn-

—of Bowl Irt, ere*, trtl, Rft or ^frofrr, hr, tor, tort or G. &
coming. RGT RRm- RT 4/. TOR 4 r«. RTOTRRRb- RTO-
Rrfrorr, ert, rrreY, Rrswrrc, street, RsTrceI, her*, hfe/ RRn. RcTRlR/.
hrtorifT, wOTjfrtt, jt?rtfi, mrtr, Rrttr, srprowt, 5rwfl, to To set a g. RIRlH TORT, RTTOTT-TOR RTO.
ei (pop. HsTf, H3-ft &c.). Goitre, n. tximar on the throat. RHR?m. RRm. TORTORm.
—of Saraswatl. HttRt, RTttf, TOT, sTFT^l, frfRRrfHtt, R- Gold, n. HRn. TOTRn. RRRn. RtRRn. FfliTOn. IRb. RRR?b.
Alloyed g. rjrrIb. •

—of Ganesha. TOR, TOFTS’, fsf Rt , TOTORf HTORjf%,

fTOr- Better even than g. RTTOTf R fRTTO.
ur, RfrcTt, Ffa?t, fwFrrat, flaw, tir?Rrr, rtto." Color of g. (as appearing upon heating it). TORw,
— . . C


G. and such like valuables, — compreh. or carelessly. ^SRaRn. 5 benevolent, v. Kind. TOq^srO, OT^Tfli •

Hidden g. hidden treasure. rfpRn. 6— pieces of money. RTOTO ^fOT, mmn, *PTO I
Pure (very pure) g. qpR3Rt OTR« Good, n. a good thing ^qT^t-qrOTr nrr ft-&c. :

Gold-dust, n. TO^TO^m. Fugitive g. qaff) qRa
Gold-findek, n. UROTfl, STR!T. The supreme g. sum mum bonutn. qv^Rm.
Gold-leaf, b. OTrO qRn. qTOin. 2 benefit, profit, v. Advantage. WTOm. tfiffn. qua.
Gold-smith, n. OTRR, OTfroiT — in contempt. eRKRi", aRlff- TOrOw* 7Y 7Tm.

fsrr. — in allusive and reproachful phraseology. TORRiT, m- S weal, well being


. ^TOi. €tn. feefn. 3T5-TfS'72.

TORt, To wish or seek the g. of. - S?c,

Burnisher of a g. RlRTOTra g> ofo sF"3?F^FT with rZf or of o.
Business or art of a g. jqRrTOl /. HRITTOTn. 4 moral qualities, v. Yirtoe. %n.
Furnace or chafing dish of a g. STri]ft/. or ~in. ^RRfl /• 5 goods; wares, v. ommodities.
Hammer of a g. ujsjTiii. 'TRHwnp/.
Nippers or tongs of a g. RRRT or Rrm OTTOm, dim. BR- Perishable goods. %oin.
#/. ?TR>Tt /• Some other implements of goldsmiths are 6 gcods, goods and chattels. TOm. TOTRT/. TOF5*/*
*k°rr, gro, sro, qrrcsasf. ^5fTO/.
Golden, a. of or belonging to gold. 3TOTO, TOTF, TOTO, Good, adv TO. .

In. Good by! y. Adieu. TO,

of the color of gold. YTOr, gTOCflt, #TO^IT. Good man, n. master of a household . TOTO,
S excellent, valuable. ^FirKf, 55TW. Good nature, Good temper, n. ^FTOF?
Gone,p. v. v. l to, *;to, to Pnier, w, ^to ^rfer, 5ERrf Tf/ 37Ffcff %/

PrK, to mkn, fFr> ^nrcT & fr*nr (useful Good natured, Good tempered, a. ^jl'^F^T, ^rTOt^,
in comp, as pfijVrf, &c.). \^\pop. to^t, ^qnr.
Gong, n. plate of iron struck as a bell mBm. ^farff. qi\f. G. fellow. TT^r^rr 3IW or
Person appointed to strike a g. qiSTJeZ^ft or cTr^^l. Goodwill, n. /. /. f qr/.
&c. to strike a g.
Stick, To acquire the g. of. OTrTO, JT^qRRn. 3TTO, ?F-
Gonorrhoea, n. q^arrm* tof?i. rfer Rror.
Good, a TO^r, TO, 3*TO TOT or TOT, ^W- To lose the g. of. TOTf,
TO, 3iraT, f^TO, TOTf, To, ^FT, ^TR]T, ffcf. — intens. eatfre- To preserve the g. of. 3T# /. TOPT,
mehj g. excellent superexcellent precious.
TO, STOT JCT^TT- Good wife, Good woman, n.
, t°7t/.

% oSTOTf , TOT3F#, TOMTIT, ST, ^F^WT, wrat°T /. qrr^t/. 3?^r/.

Itoto to toto fiRter. Goodliness, n. v. A. TO^Wtn. &c. WTOn ^^qTrir/.
The G. and the bad. TOfTO, Consideration of the TOf
g. and the bad. ^Kf^feTOm* Discrimina- Goodly, a comely graceful, handsome,
, fyc. HTO, ^fnCT-
between the and the bad.
tion g. Separating the 3Tfto, ^rsr^cr, TO^r, afrfer^qr, tow.
g. from the bad. Goodness, n . y. A. I. or ’t'i^arTOw. ir^m.
G. for nothing person. pop* WrTO or szr, TO W^n. ^TTr/. #^T or tfIf».
2 soundness firmness , ,
vigour heartiness, pluck,
, fyc. — cw
Pretty g. TO, TOOT. opposed to rottenness, decrepitude, debility, &c. and as remain-
To give one as g. as he brings. #r3TO RRm. 1 5). ing in articles or animals, 3RFm. ^5qn. ^sfm. YTOm.
To seem g. unto. RRR- afTOW - ffOTTR g. of s. W pop. fpC pqxt/. ^3fn. ^FT^n.
2 sound, strong, firm, substantial ; having strength pith, , 3 OTn. &c.
spirit, virtue. ^TO(T, 5?tTOT, TOTOT, TJTOTPC, OTTO, TOHC, 4 TOeTOrm. Silt./. JTSTlf / TO^ / H^qurrm. HFfTOm. ^r-
stsr, otR^rt, Rrfr, q^srenr, wit or ^rgrr, w, ktsto. TO/i.
3 of signs, aspects, seasons, &c. not inauspicious. 5R, 3T- wrc«i.
5 ferr/.
®T, fg", WH'OT', OT (in comp, as OTCIOT, ?jg?=#-&c.). Goody, n — the compilation. Biff or «7r3T /. ^Tf/.
4 morally, v. Virtuous, &e. OTOT, RqiWr, OTf ,
OT- Little g W&rwf
fR^fTO, OTfOTTOT, OTR^^, TWW, OTOTffOT, OTIRqr, OT#f, t T- Goose, tl f #f f
RTS", OTfffOT, OTOT (in comp, and abundantly, as OT^3f, OTOTT, Cry of the g. cackle.
rft, otsot, tothW, OTssW). Flight or dock of geese.
G. (godly, virtuous, &c.) man. OTTCT, OT OT, gOTOTOT, 2 See Fool*
TOT, WTCT, ^Wr^jOTROT. Gorbelued, a. v. Potbellied. <H3Ts&, ^fft,
G. (simple, mild, &c.) man. t'fOT'Tff, f-trOjCT, Gorbelly, n. v. Potbelly. It/. ff<3Tw.
Gore, «. v. Blood. YTn. ^n. WW&
— *

GOV 297
3'R'<R , STT^'T, 8R' f r or
! !

2 rule, regulate, control.

2 (of a garment). \f ^ ^ .. ofo. *mvrn. -®rr-

To Gore, « o. pierce with a horn . rWT or WCT, rTO«. rf#,

- &e -
^11 S'lff
JTRTB 5 T or W0W, WTPfiT^M, V. 2 WGirr-^f-fR^r-^-^ 0 BT^Wr- -

Governable, a. v.
Scratch or mark of a goring. -


5J»i- tiirr-&c. Pptr, fspnRtq ,

Gorge, n. v. Throat ^
Governed, p.vSSf, 2. T,^- c. ^rrftftT
2 full meal, glut.
aMW/s. 'Jotrm. , J
^°T /
wm/ VK
Governess, n. female ruler.
To Gorge, «. n.v.To Stuff. m*,
SH'T-W- ar^rK'ht pop. srP-r^frrTAR /- ^rRTRfRrt/.
TOWn. J^m._«T(TO-TOCTO f

2 female teacher. fSTRT’TFCR /•

«Rn. guc’3r, hc^pt, vtwt. sTRS'iir. ?3ftTrf /•
TOR3FT, TO- Government, n. v. V. 1. act.
Gorgeous, a. v. Fine. 3TT3T, 'sK^TT-T, srgw-
2_act. srreRn.
Prim^rn. Pprrfni. fjpfw°rn-
3Ff7sr3r, §r^a’^R,Pf55'Rf r, ftrrwJiR',
stofc -
3TR/. TOTO/ sTfrTOT. 3TGT ll
ra- 'RRm. Rr^Rn. iSJR^'T«.
Gorgeousness, n. v. A. JT 73T/. v. UPC/.
m. • ^T r^r 5ri^rr^» ^rr^Vw.
ssrrm. JT5WRR*"-
TOTO, =R- 1 governing body.
Gorger, n. v. V. and Glutton. «TfWRT«i.
II (as of a district, colony, &c.>
tfR eftvrrrr, ?T5rr.
the throat. 'T'RTn. sj J l
l, 0

lT/. spSTWr !’)*. HI —in grammar. ^

Gorget, n. armor for

^R'TR=T-OTT^-&c. Governor,"-)!, (of a district, of a town, & c. ) . ?nftR ,

To Gormandize, r. «. v.To Stuff.
TT WPT. g7r?rt, ^fvRrrCt.
#f"T, S’TT %T°T, *TOTT NT ^R, /•«• ,

The g. pi.
Gormandizer. See Glutton. ^

ViKR OKlf^-T, TW’S'. 2 ruler regulator , 4’ c * Pl^r ,


Gory, a. v. Bloody.

Gospel, H^fRf/. STSRT^ff/. STF^FRu- & c- ^ r[f t

arg^rerr •

Governorship, n. v. N. 1 ?«/• PfTOIS/. FW^Ct/- W-
Gossip, n. tattling person,'?. Prater. ViT-W, JTTRrsrr, TORT,

pf'tptpt, jpqPrrer, tt^i, ’T'Rr, rtstr- it^^rTr /•

^iwfrRr, TOnrr, mRir,
Gowk. See Fool.
<rt, jfrfefTOT.
^JTTWT*?!/* WRTH^TRt/. Gown, n. 75RrW»«- STGTm.
2 gadding and tattling female.
or «5TTO /•
smr?/. JT m\zf to to^T/. Gowpen, n. atwfew- P°P-
corrupted from Arabic). JJTPr/.
Grab, n. (This is
3 mere tattle, mf ^TOT/. *?PrC Wf/-
Grace, n. v. Favor. vHPETifwR ^Wf-
Gossip-stand, n. For this term as signifying jpoi of meeting of
and of idlers and scamps Object of g. 3T^tTrsr,
gossips, news-mongers, loungers, ^
generally, and as generic of reading-room, club,
lounge, bar- To get into one’s good graces. qt^rd'f^TT'T.

scandal point, and simi- To get out of one’s goodgraces. fW=T-Jf%=T-^TR

bers shop, alehouse, village tree,

“firm. 'TRm- TOSTm- ’*m€tf- 2 v. Beauty. STOT/.TOT/. ^/- 3R *s T«- trs!‘n- r

lar designations, aie, snsTPSTm.

a an excellence. W^orn. sfW^TTnv.
to>». 3 a. g. virtue,
To Prate. TV5fn. irTin.
To Gossip, v.n. tattle, v.
To Grace, Adorn. HWrfRfr WT, TOTT/* ^-»Tr-
v. a. v. 'Po
vmfpb gp cy.
^TT^r, &.C. THlfTfr, apT, ^rRRn.-^Tn. g«fo.
Got, Gotten,;;, v. V. A. 1.
>tir, Rif, «pmr, ^kt- Graceful, a. v. Beautiful, Handsome. 0TOT, WOT, HlalG,
HT5T, nrw, shut, ssbkt, srsaT,
%rfrr, jfrfsnTrc’rr, or
unr, ’fR , sTrerrfsR
siHTR, ST*?! 5!, "fJTPT., ado. v. A.
2 f^ST^iBT, &C,
Ill-g. Dishonestly g.
OTfl'SfTfy ^nSPT.
fTW, fTWPTr, »R^nTrf%^. Gracefulness, n. v. A. mf. w%f. WTO*/. TOT/. ^ /• ^nsr-

^gorrm, ffrsrl'F’rrw. &c. ^}Pr /•

Well-g. Honestly g. SRR, ?Wr, ^(qifspr. abandoned. 3Wfft HWr^f, fTOW,

Graceless, a. reprobate,
Gotiiamist, n. v. Wiseacre, vfgOTTRt, f\73trf»rr.

Gourd, n. irirorm. iphrar, iSiwir.^nwI^ wra^r.

Kind. «prpa? or ss,
Gracious, a. favorable, condescending, v.
Bitter g. OTW»i. JRTTOSTJm.
jst/. sRrjm. ^rr, at^prTr «rprr^ f ,
Bottle shaped g. ?far»i,

Young g. Efjrr m. Some other kinds are tRgr, SPPC, *TT5fl,

or rer- 2 v. Merciful, STUffT or a, <dH*d, TOvSTT.

srrfWr^sft, w^Tr, tot, <fcr

Glutton, trw, fjrnrffSR, fWffft. Graciously, adv. v. A. 1. f qP^T,


Gourmand, n. v.

Gout, n.v. Rheumatism. ^TOR«i. ?rfm. rtpRTTm. &c.

Gouty, a. diseased with the gout. (rRf rWR WTPTG^r. 2 aru^, 5-qrm^, &.c.

2 o/or belonging to gout. SRGRRTr, HfaWGtTrvr, #PfPr- Graciousness,’ n. v. A. 1. fqtwww. f«jr /* fW‘
rrsrm. w^t/. sfqrfTfw. irenon. f'lr^ffi'/-*

Gradation, «. orrfer, regular process by degrees. •TgTOw*

To^Goyern, v. a. (a people, &c.).
HHTwi. ififtWJlftr/-
|OTfr/-'|fRw.-&c. tJTTR.

step of a series. qqfsfffl. VQXXj*
<T Hollow or light g. qTOn TO^TOn. TTTOt/. o?Rti. orfn.
Grade, n step degree qPTCt /. Win.
, .
f J-tifr /. «TOT-JI. TOTO
Gradual, a proceeding by degrees . ,
3T- Hollow grains, gTO^. tfitsTw. #TOn.
mr, 9TOTc*q‘. 3 (of gunpowder, sugar, sand, Ac.). TOfm. TOD??.
Gradually, orafr. v. A. qTTfCTR', ^JTR^fTR or ^TOR^DT, ^T- 4 (of wood, &c.). ffTOrw. ftUw. and/iy. ftero. TOk/
5RTPTO, sfiTrar: ,
cftar^te. The sense of this word is very idio- Against the g. fr^RT, xrfTOR.
matically supplied by the repetition of the present participle as Agreement with the g. sjprWTn.
sKTcIT 3TTOT He did it gradually. f[rf fRf fifeT, vsTRT ^TRfF Contrariety to the g. TOfTTn. HTfaffer/i.
wfr^^r, &c. &c. That is with, and against the g. aRk *T fqr?W.
Graff, Graft, n. shoot, 8?c. inserted in a tree . TRRtl With the g.
To Graff, To Graft, v. a insert a shoot
. TRRtj. ^fW-TTTO, 5 atom, jot, iota, fyc., v. Bit OT?». dim. ^k/. /.
Grain-dealer ? gTfiTl,
G raffed. Grafted, a bearing grafts.
. TORI', qrft or sff. Grain-parcher, 71. WifsTf, JT^rrk. ^TLsTTf*

G. tree or stock. iRffl. feRTCk. Gram, Cicer arietinum. ^TTfm.

2 produced by a grafted tree TORI, TORfTr, qTTt or k. . Acid obtained from g.-plants. 3Tf 5 T/.

Grain, n.corn pop. hfffin. TT°TT»n- 3TW»i.

. TOTm. 51- Flour of g. TO^fn.
Wmzrm. or The Hindus divide their grains into Flour of g. boiled and spiced.
two classes. — 1st. The Grams TOTI *TFL (These are, 3j# ? Flour of g spiced and fried, ^^flf.orfn.
gu, stl fk^r, tori', knr, tol ttott, toc, gg, ot, G. parched. r
IW, fTOJT, TOR or >J TtNl, after, *And r
2d. the Green pods of g. parched. fTST or js:r or ^\m.
rior grains, 3TTOT or TOFT or 37£vTn. (These are, TORTT, Green gram plants given to fatten horses. qfU<7/.
anrat, ?k,=TF^rk, «fto, Vrt, m&vi, mt, toT, *j*rfW^t- Pod of g. STIZfwi.

TOST, gk, TO,TOTO, fW, BR^lTOt). Note. Some Graaiinivorous, a. feeding on grass. *T«TJT2jt, T°TrT,
Pandits give lists which differ from the above in a few
grains. Grammar, n. stcTOtl TTSTTTR^.
Alms of undressed g. ^Rjp5T«*— Person that begs it, TOO*- Rules of g.
iTTOt. Grammarian, w. sw 3
?!, TTffkir,
Awned or bearded g 3TTOTFT/J. Mere g.
Broken g, *TRTOr /. f TOTO or TORm* TO/. $*- Grammatical, a relating to grammar. ^Tf^rwfW,

£55’/ 71. Tk, 5rrr^°riT^^r, wr^TO.

Dirty (earth-mingled) g. JTEPFTn. STRUTm. TflTOtt. UTOTO* 2 according to grammar . STriTTOTf^T, sifriTTOf-

Early grains — collect. 3?TOFTn. gurk, TrsTTTR^fe^, TrsTTTf^rgukt-

Full and good g. or cars of corn. TOT1T. G. accuracy. TT 5 T5Tf^*
G. as just trodden out. Tf^Rin pL G. error. STTTTSTin.

G. as a premium upon money lent. 3TF2Tm. Grammatically, «<&;. v. A . 5Jn’Tr^" crrrgurL ? ®TF^TOFFTO,
G. for consumption of an army. TOT/. to wr^r, rW^f^TOTr^T*
G. (pulse or corn) coarsely ground. IT Granary, «. store-house for grain .
G. taken to be coarsely ground. TfTOTw. Wm. k^JR.n. TTTTRn. ^F^rr^T/.
G. (or corn) which bursts or breaks readily. JTr^ SWm. ^r^rerm.
to V9
Subterraneous g, — Lining of it (composed of bundles of
Late grains — collect. qfeTOFTa. holcus). ^*5Trai.

Lending g, at interest. ^FTTORfl- Grand, a , illustrious, &c. v. Great. #C, HTfR^^T^Rr,

Mixed g, TOTO»R WTTr=r, WTTrrkr.
Parched g. ^pRTm. ^[Tff /./>/. 2 splendid, magnificent, A c. v. Fine. *p5T, WZfW, ^nzJWf^r,
Receptacle for g. —general. kTOPn. dim. TOTk/. 7TOT, TOTIT, fTTT^TTR, ftuTsiW, ,

Receptacle for g. in a wall. TORX TOTa* mw, ^Wr, srrkwf r, ^Tru.

Sack or case for g. 3TRm. 3 principal, v. Chief. g^T, W, sjq-jpir.

Soaked or steeped g. ftnSTPTni .pi. fro0!/. or 3TOn. Grandchild, n. — in male or female line. TORFn. ^rR^or^ff-
Store of g WFTOCTfm. kr or
Undressed g. (esp aS given to Brahmans, &c.). STRTvTft G. of g. ftqqsfan.
TOTOn. fevTfm. GreatqqjV or qoj tk orT^l^n.

Unhusked g. bailed. fTRIT/.p/. Granddaughter, ti —in male or female line. 5frT/* ^rfk0! /.
To be g,- surfeited, — horse, &c. TRR^T. —son's daughter. qJk/« daughter's daughter. Tfftk/*
2 single corn. TOfm. TOm. Great g. q^?T or k W^tk/. iTTkl/-
— — —


Husband of g. 5ff?Ts!NrC»*. 2 ^rs?r, wrc, grqtetT.
Grandfather, n. — paternal, srr<7 irfiFTTm. fq^Rf m. fqpr- Grape, n the vine, ft
— m pop. si$r/.—the fruit. STtfn ziirpu
fw m — paternal or maternal.
. arpsTTm. —maternal, jpr ZfrWfm. Some kinds are, qrfoff JTSf, f?Bf, Wlft, TpTRI.
wmwm* JTT^pTc rr?n. Black g. Sretn.
Brother of g, W^RljTrm.- his wife. — Wrf ^nsjr/ Graphic, Graphical, a. well described, SRTf goRlRr TTgoRTfiT-
G. of g. pTTOf^rm.
G. of great g.
wmFWm 5fT, hF^Ftt, rr;uOT^5TfOT, waV, Wgfwgr.
i^TOT qq’^ffm. Grapnel, n. small anchor. fi[ filer %ir^t
Grandmother of g. RCRlff /. To Grapple, v. a. v. To Seize, amr, ghTOT, TTOT.
Great g. — pat. qRsITm.. —mat. qR^Tm. WqRfm. To Grapple, v. n contend in close fight. §hGT,

House of mat g *TBT^ orsjr^fZZn. Wr-

1 1 ouse of g. of g„ or facpratarn. To Grasp, v. a. v. To Seize. jjilT-'Tsufd'-iiTs^frr- fRH-fr-
Grandmother, n.-~ pat. qrqRIRr /. fq^Rfl /.— pat. or mat. s?r- ? rr>-&c. -4 ft?, 4ft>r, im, snxnrSr, iKrarm.
tftf. — mat . 3RTPT s^rifT / *IPTRf 1/ Grasp, Graspinc, n r. V act. Kpc'Tn. T^^Tn. &c. #f=rT3Tnt.
Great g.—pat. qoTsft /. tff^Rit/ I reach, power of mind, v. Capacity, srerarjn. ®Tr-
Grandsire. See Grandfather. rfrrm. arr^JT^fe/. arr^sR^rTTf,/. btrw. ^f.
Grandson, w. in male or female line. srfrTm. s=njrm. son's son. II gripe, power, v. Clutches. ST'Tm qR3"Rm.
3 T-
‘JTzfm. — daughters son,
G. of great g. WT^Wcfw. Grass, n. ipPTn. tTWni. ^Tn. fftT or ff^K. The common grasses
Grandchild of great WT C'T 0T^iT or
g. ar®> ;r > ttr,fvtu, f ?, j?r,
Wife of g 5Tf?rg/r /. °rf, rfiftfifn, afrjc, f^iiTiTr or
, ,
G. of g. pT<T^TJni. vrcrr/TO, <ri^r, f?or'?r, <r?nqr,3^r, Sr,
'<TTTr, i

^Kt, frq'srr, fre,

Great g qwm. ITTRm. irr^pT'Tf, itn?3s, irnrqar, ipr, W, ^fsro»-%rr,5T^rop
Wife of great g. qajd/R jm ^rNtc,
cTsfrssr, wrrrsrr, mr, ?if, w^r, f?.
Grandee, n. nobleman ^C3TO»* WnTm. ifrarf SRRm. spsT r?r~ Bent g. Agrostis linearis. Zjff. pop. p3?t j.
Bits and ends of g. ffoRi j.
Grandeur, Grandness, n. v. A. 1. iff ^T 0! fro. ^fpeft/. Blades of young g. 4K^n.
qtsrrsr /* f%*nrm. jjfr / farRr/ The good grasses. — compreh. $TfOTT^Tn.
2 ^qrorrm. srq-/. ST^rfr/. OR/, *nrnu WtBt. ^aTFRKT/. G. fit to be cut.
TTTfciHTn. qrrqfTqnsrw.
It^m. Slsrsrrft/. /. Green g. as growing on moist patches. fsTTIST or^m.
GranivOrous, «. subsisting on grain , STvTTOt, sTvP?f3?]r, ^vTC- Implement for grubbing up g. fin. twin.
sft, arsnsfift, wfifir, mswearar, Sacrificial g. Poa ctjnosuroides. f TSTnt.n. fttfpop. ftrfm.
To Grant, «?. a, concede, o://o?o, v. To Admit. Stalk of g. ^ore^ror nf or f TOO/- 1

^v^ffor^fo/ o.
^ £**

2 v. To Give.
?5f ?Hb.

TOtHn. 3RT«t t
&c. Young and green
To become
covered with g.
Grass-cutter, n. ipTW^T^rjir^, TrTTW^r, qrWIW.
ftTyrsr /.

F^n. /
& c. TfirdTS^.

Grant, n. by deed, & c. sRRrn.n, 3RRT/ OTGFTh. Grass-hopper, n. ipr^TT tizsm. ZlZSni. =Tr^FT%3T or^TCm. tzui.
Deed of g. v. Deed. ? /. STnEFTT^/i, m Grassy, a. covered with grass. ITW®', ipPTRT, ’T'TTPT, iJ DTr^°t,
Forged g. ^^fra^Tn. ijorarnr.
Grants — compreh. sRR ^3Tn??n Grate, n. frame of bars. JTafpftiTrtiF/.
G. of land. STrpffc/. ^RT/. To Grate, v a. wear bg rubbing, v. To Scrape.
f«ITOT, tffH-
Holder of a g. ^r^fC,
Resumption of a g, SpxTrqfPCm. To Grate, v. n. make a harsh noise.
Tax upon a g. pTfflritf. «r, TsrarSf.
Voucher of a g. SRTgq^fn* Grateful, a. thankful. 3TCrft, stthttI, PmTOSTvr, fdsT, Y<T-
Grantee, n, person to whom a grant is made, §RR qR^r-qw- ,

3nrg srwrrwtrf.

^Rfajflrrr. 2 v. Agreeable, ifpsr, HT?g^, gig?-, gurg?, fCgWJT.

Grantor, n. person who grants f^TRl'^rrcr, ^RF. Grateful, udv. v. A, 1.
3W*: irf - Wt-W-
To Granueate, n. — as a healing sore. ^raor ? fmmjx. •*

r \> Gratefulness, n. v. A. I. f^TSTgr/- OTqfrrCSffir/.
Granulation, «. (of a sore). s TUT»l f^a'm. 2 ififi /. twnr?g». fTfgmtgn.
Medicaments to effect g. iTTSWn. Grater, n. coarse scraper. fgT€°fT/.
Granule, n. &'#fe ^r«'« or particle. 3TgTnt* ^m. Gratification, n. v. V. I.— act.
&c. ^or«. ^r?f-
2 (of congealed honey, oil, &c). sc=rrm, #tCC<Tn.
Granulous, n. y. N. 1. STf^fPC. 2— act. qnC3%. Tffi'Wn. ^fgtfBTJi.
GRA 300 GllE

1 a a recompense,
g. v. Reward. sTC3>tf- TT^^fiW fi- Gray-headed, qfe^qr %^r, %5rNr, %^TNrr,

ll See Pleasure. Gray- haired, a. qf^cf.

Gratified, p. v. V. 1. S#m%5rr, &c. Grayness, n. v, A. 1. Ac.

2 &e. tfftf'wr.
To Graze, v. a. (cattle). Xtxh,
Gratieier, n. Gratifying,^?. a. v. V. 3. ^W^iTT, OTW 5T- 2 rase. TOW, Xmz*T,
orrcr-^rrr, &c. tf%n$TC3r, fsur- ~TO^T~&c. XFl.
To Gratify, v. a. delight, v. To Please. 0fW°T, 5T- To Graze, v. n. — cattle. ^ 07 .

rptg-. o. ?pr-?a*TC-^rf«n-A c. sktSt. Grazed, p v. V. A. 2. TOSS^T, Ac.

2 indulge, To Satisfy.
v. jr#, r°r-p--&e. 3TCT-,%3 5r, To be g. XRXZ*i J

rmTn.-&c. g. ofo. Grazier, n. feeder, Ac, of cattle, grpdr, gcrW, jfpTrft, ^TF^-

Grating, n. harsh sound. X^X^ /. — mtens. °Tf, q^qr^RT,

^FTm. 3$nCRTm. ^OTUF^tfR Graziery^ Grazing, n. 3:r33^r3^/. qr^TF^n.

2 or Gratings; matter grated. x\Xm. G. of cattle at night. <T3XFm.

Grating, a . ftars/fc sounding . grsfar, qr°Nr, STOrSfc. Grease, n. XXX /• XfXZn. %fm
Gratingly,^?;. a grating noise. or T\ intern. 33*- 2 — as adhering to lamps, oil vessels, &c. XXXZn. fxXZfm
wsrr, ^srcref. To be smeared with this g.

Gratis, adv. for nothing. XXZ, XFXZXX, gW, JlOTgpirs or 3 (for axles). XlXWn
4— disease
A y?rr jr^rr, *r^#r.
To Grease,
in the horse, iffitf.

Gratitude, n. thankfulness, Ac. OT^TTCSCPOTn. '^'T^iTTWRr/. v. a. ^fr/.-Ac. JFFOT,

^totw=t«. fwrr /• s'T^fT^r/. Pr^s^t/. ssrq^r,


fs?j^-ffrs:rjr^rrr-&c. xix.
Gratuitous, a. costing nothing. gqFT3T,qrqi£f orsjl, 2 (axles, &c.) #tl%, XfXXn*
grsisrnf, Mforrr, «rcfNT. Greasiness, n. v. A. 1. sTf^JUn. / intern, f^-
Gratuitously, adv. v. Gratis. 'JT3TJ',
"vs v>
xxrif xvzmm. fe^r/.
Gratuity, n. present SFTpq«* 2 ^qs^crqojfm. Ac. ^ssaftss /.

To Gratulate, & c. See To Congratulate, &c. Greasy, a. oily, fat. f^*r, XZXZ,
Grave, a. solemn, serious softer. aftfoc, JPTIT^RT, , X- Txfx.
XX^or XX^X or ^> W. 2 smeared with g. ^F^IT, XXXZ,
2 — of sounds. rco£ acute, grf. To be or become g. XoSX&X*
Grave, n. XIXf. W^T^rw. Sfa^n. WWXf Great, a. y. Large. %T f
XX, XXX, 3TfR ^Tn.),
To be brought to tbe brink of the g. 33rWpaJT X OT - ff &| f^Tf 1

TFfr (in comp ), X>Tf or tjx,

m. As g. mx, fxvxi
To Grave, v. a carve.
. 3fr^T, How g. %q?T*

Gravel, n. XXX m. X?f. XX m. TSJfm, X^J. X&Xff XXXFf* So g. IfqeT, fefrqrr.

Heap of g. XX>[m. So g. qrqsr, mrr. ,

2—the XXXI f mxtt /. few/.

disease. 2 o/a 7i?>A degree; high, much ,
<Src. ft’arr, ^ffF,
Gravelly, a. v. N. r^ ^TOr^,^CKF(, SflNfcT, STFqrfto*. r
(in comp.), q^fr (in comp.), cRT5C y

Gravely, rafo. v. A. 1. ^KqVTR, arfaft- A g. deal. See Much

3 important, weighty . %3T, *TrfF, 3?fr (in comp.), qsFT^STT,
Graveness, Gravity, n v. A. if^iTTOm. xritftqn* 3f$T3T /. q«Rr^rr.

xxxxtf* «Tf3mrw. ifrcFrr/. 4 0/ noble, illustrious, exalted, grand, mighty ,

I heaviness v. Weight, ijKTn. 3TfOTrm. srr^n, 3-c. warr, YiT, xxzz, xrwtxr, q^r, te,
iTIKflRw*. msft, q*5fqrr, fFwvx, wit, vmxx, ^x,
Gravid. See Pregnant. XXFXKX, ^qT, ^cr^r^l^q (in notes and writings).
To Gravitate, v« n. tend to the centre. TT#, JJ-
A g. man. JfPTOrSRn. ^TfrW^w. q?r^F¥w* fttw
fr°r, ^qrfwcqn. - .
-%5*Fm- sqf Xf.

XXn. 3?Y“T* Contest with the g. HJpTOiqf/.

Gravitation, n. v. V* g^c?RTW«. J^-VT&WTn. & c. Connection (interest) with the g. qfer^Tm, qirqfelWm.
Gravy, n. juice of dressed meat. pHWf°TR* qf^TOOT^ Dependent on the g, JFfq'F-W.
Gray, a qr*RT, 3F J3T, qrSTCT,
The g.
Iron~g. qrY3T. The g. and small, rich and poor, high and low. §T6?t
2 the eye. *XXF or Utr, pi &XXXX, ^X^ ifcrqRFf*
3 hair. XXX *XK% f r
To become a g. man, f^jgrq^T-
To get g. To play the g. man. fWHWtf. Rr-
Gray-eyeu, a, %tf*
— I , — — ,


Gregarious, goinginflocks. 8TB BTBT BB^A BBt' B A , Bt srPTCsr.
5 splendid, magnificent, grand. ifTST, BBaT.WFKlT, 0T BtTOT. , ,

6 familiar, thick, v.
Intimate. BBBtBT, Sc^oitTOT. —
Grenade, n. the missile. BBr'Cm. A°tXm. ffrprqi'ii.
Grief, n. sorrow, v. Affliction. Align. ^fm.?0T«r»i. f CfT/-
7 hard, grievous. ST?, rf5PKP»\
8 See Pregnant.
Grievance, n. cause of grief. J:TO». fTORl W/- fTOPCt
Greater, a Bf3T-B(B- & c. #CBT, BBB, BpBBT, PraB.
Greatest, a. b4[£B or fTBPriU BT2T-%B-& C BBB. m Zfi B^n.srfa St«.

BfB, 8T- To Grieve, v. a. distress, pain, v. To Afflict. f:TO«.-f3T»n.

Greatly, adv. in a great degree, v. Very. BUT,
-&c. t”T, fGffor JBRTO K&W ,
fasrc, fCP&nhrr
2 See Nobly.
Greatness, «. v. A. ffljqBfin. BfTBn. BfCBTm. BR’BTBn. Wp- To be grieved. fTOTTTO, f'.TOt-fTOvf- Ac. ?T%.
To Grieve, v. n. sorrow. 5JRVm.-& c. cFT-
?rr /•
tt, f%dR°T, fTOTC^firfr-^-^Bt-Ac. fw.
2 #(^7 nrr»». vrrflwrm.
To g. excessively. Emm. 8 irf°T -
3 iriSBBTnn HTCtTOiR-
/ aiTfft/. wtsuwn. 2 To Fret.
(for a person or thing lost or gone), v.
4 3i3wm. Biororrm. irneft Brer/. nfwif-
bbbw / Fwr»» pop.%mn. fi^wm.f. B?Br/. rriTSTro. JimB«T, 2TBrr or frectm. vrt°T ff.jof o. fr^aT or r-
sfrifcfr/. Birret/-

Iff ft/. JPfqm. Wm H

fij- VfrfHfi
VT^-qtt°r g- of o. JCffT, ^fm. mg. of o. or, in-
versely, aripf g. of o.
Greaves, n. armour for the legs. ufBrBTBn.
BTBTBt'rBTm. Ac. Grieveii, n Grieving,^, a. v. V. A. f:BT f'TTG, f-BTf,
Greed, Greediness, n. v. A. 1. TOTaTWTTw.
^jjrr /. arranr/. **smf- mmf. q?, fiTO^rqqr-
BTrorcr, Ac. jift, ^fefr, %f3B, rfarfiB, t~
2 gm.». trftm. or fcftB/- vsmf. fpfrror*. mmf. v. v\ n. rarer,

^€w°rrm. vH^lmTOT. Ac. iftB, %9tuw BJfBqr. ,

Grieving, n. v.V. A act. spariffn. Ac. fiTOUmn.

Greedily, adv. v. A. 1. TOTTOT?B, Br?BI4.B, SIBiSTfC.
v.V. N. Kmn. mf.v. t, trm. frtf m,.
2 trwR, fnrfsnr,
2 TOGfC / ^Br^ar/-
Greedy, a ravenous, voracious, v. Gluttonous, BITCH, *>T-
I- -fvfif- IF&f'
Grievous, a. painful, burdensome, v. Afflictive. ST?, sftftTO,
btbI, srftfr, swift, Barewr*
Covetous. ktbI BffrfE iTPPCr , R[ A* 8T=T7T, B(ft, SHG, 5T^, &c *

2 vehemently desirous, v. ,

gl, tow, arfrft, %5T\oj- Hi€f, ^rars^jjr, ®Wrf?reF, Bprtfrs. J;Bf, tsjfrrqr, tsrf, &c.
TOPtmwp; of faults, Ac. JTrfr, BfST, B?T (in comp. ).
Greedy-eye, a. v. Covetous. sTTSIWfT,
3 of complaints. srftTJ'ST^T, 'RfltB%ITTOT.
Green, a. ftABr remiss. ffTfT. greenish, ftCB,
Dark g. ffCTHTTC, ffABr^PC. Grievousness, ». v. V.I. qrft'TT’n'OT. •WWI*- BKtT'TTm. &c*

of plants; succulent, sappy. BTBT, ^’f'ToT, BAB, ABt^. f:B?tir/. BfBqN.

atfifn. 8 lfB Brain. 3T- Griffin, n. v. Green-horn. =rqr, B^r srr^r.
G. food (grass, loaves, A c.) for cattle,
Braf, BTsPTn .
B« - BTsTT n* BTBB
ab*/- bta /. q^rorA / firtreTA /. To Grill, v. a. broil. - •

Aimm. ffanre /. fitfn. f

3 of wood, not dry. F?A3T, BiST, BPT 8liv5T, BBT, BBBtA, g. of 0 .

Grix.To n. a grilled article or dish VTf^f°Tn- ^RT^FTn. RF

r¥re, tor?.

4 raw, unripe, unprepared, lit. fig. fifAHt , ,

Grilled,/!* y. V. rNr,
sum, 3T7f sprit if.

Grilling, n. y* V ,—acL Rf#rn, vt^pop* RTOTn. Rf-

Green, n.— the color. f?TBr AB«». fTwT«.
2 grassy plain. aftsBB /. BBBTCk /• faWTC/. mj% f
Bpft/. Brat f STm. Quim, a. fierce looking , ill-looking* RW^OTRf, R^^y
3 greens.
Greens and roots, rude fare. sflfT I'lWw. ®WB Tffn. STB
G. kept cropped, Bf£Brat/. Grimace, «. wry face.
To make grimaces, m
tl /. ffTOf Bt/.^

4 verdure. ?A3AZf. OTWt/. qtf

Greengrocer, n. BrstFmr, BTrst, jraAf- j-srr Or 5TO fpl- ARK^fmJ-pl - A c, 3TTO?TO,
Green-horn, «. raw, inexperienced person. BPBT, cf
®f«ll f, BsH, Grime, n. deeply insinuated dirt. sfen. Bt Zf. A&m. miZtn,

bbt, bb, sraresn:.
Greenness, n. v. A. I. ftABfTrm. To Grime, v. a. v. N.
2 fptSiqvrrm. afrtqvrrm.-&c. BlwBrm. To he grimed. f
Grimly, adv. v. A. Btrfrsrt, BTTgtt, &o. Bt^B, A c.
3 flAfT'TTm. afr^q-oTrin. BBBABBrm. atl^RTm.
Grimness, n. v. A. #3TBr &o. BiT^BT/.
4 FcGIW-m. Jtr%qoTrm. BBfBr/. 8lBfB3Tr/.
To Grin, v. n. or-frB^B-Btr-
To Greet, v. a. v. To Salute. ArBArBm.-BBTBin. BtAB-Bt-
afror, fstra wm
- & Btram .-bRtctcbb - &c. btab.
. •
BB-arraBB ?rBB, BfBBl;/. ara?B, /. pi.

Greeting. See Salutation. rflB^lB W#.

. —


Gr in, Grinning, n. v. V. act. qrqftqqfqn. &c. qiq fqqFfr- Groaner, n. Groaning, p. a. v. V. qr^fqrCf, & c. lYsrsqr, fq-

qr/. fercrrqpM. qte,%%qq?qqw.

To Grind, a. qssq, fqqq, q#Tor qf'T, Groat, n. four pence, qqfm.
-W«. qkq<g ofo. Grocer, n. seller of grocery. q^rO, fqFFqf, qr°ft

2 — coarsely. qq^q, qT£q or qqsq, qxsfq. Green qr^q pqwr, qrq^rq, f

g. or Jqqr.
3 rub upon a stone . qr£q. Grocery, Grocer’s ware, n. sugars, spices, §c fqrrqrm
4 sharpen upon a stone. ^Tffqqx qfOT-^qq-qnqq. ^qrtn. qrqfq^rqm. qrqqrqrm.
Grindstone, n. ^ffq /. 3T[q?n. Groin, n. qr^r €mm. qpf qfqn. /. qr~
Grinder, n. v. Y. 1. qOTTCr, Sic. qssqqrit, qssqr, q^qqrkr, yqrqrj2i-. s^rqm. qfs"q!qj?i.
qqqqrqr. Groom, m. attendant on a horse. ql'qqqr ? qqqfq or qiqfq(T ?

1 back-tooth. mf qqrqm qrrqqiT, qi^rsrr esp. of Europeans.

Grinding, n. v. V. 1. qssqn. £cc. qsrq/i qaq n. qqq?j. Business of a g. qnqqt / qrqqrfr / ?qrqq{fr /.
G. and pounding, — compreh. qaqqrrTr or qrRTTSSTw. grsrq- 2 See Servant. 3 See Bridegroom
qkqn. qrterqxsnn. To G ROOM, V. a. V. N. I. qrerd /.-qrf^/.-TO^Tm. qqq- ^ .

Mill for g. Sfrqw. o/d. qfar/. TOq-^n z$T g. of o. r

Price or cost of g. q^qrqa:/. qsffsT /. qsrqn. froqpT^/. fq- Lip-rope used in grooming. m&s\ or aqFrrsft /. qqqr^m.
Groove, n cka?melor hollow cut by a tool W^\f ^qqqr/*
2 qc^qn &c. qXYqn. qtqqt /. #^q or qt/.
3 qarqn. qsR'n. fqqqqn. To Groove, r. a. v. N. i. ^pqqt /.-& c. qrqq-qrqq-^rqq.
Grxnner, n. Grinning, p. a. wV. qiq ^ra^qCTXqiTr, qrq RX- Groove-slip, n. qfqqii.
^qtqr , & c. qrqfqqqqr qiqxr&rr. ,
To Grope, u. n feel along, feel about, qfqqqq, qfqqq or qf-
Grinningly, adv. qfqfqqqrq, qiq qr^qq, ]%€R#rq. qqq,qfqq, qiqq-^iqqqq~qFqqq-&c. qrq-qfq-&e.
To Gripe, v . a. grasp, fyc.v. To Seize, q ?fq - qrfiqfq - fqqT- Gropingly, adv qfqq, qfqqqq, qfqqq. .

fiq-&c. qqq, qqq, thq gfa. s

Gross, n. Me M/z, Me Me lump, qqqrq /. ofqqrqm.
2 holdfast qw-q^X£-&c. qxk ^rqrqqr /.
3 (the bowels). qfSH q^rm,-fqvfr^fr/.-^rar>/i.-&c. qxq. By the g,
In the g. v. Lump. ?rqF or qqrst^T, WRZ or qqj" ?
Gripe? Griping, v.V. 1. a<?4 —
qqqn. &c. %fa[&Tm. v. qrsr, qrq #
TOsrark qqqq-q
qqrq / fq^l: or f rqrqtfqff/. fqqqff/. Gross, a . coarse, rough, thick, §c. v. Coarse. q(?rr, qfrrqr^T,
1 (of an opponent in argument), fqqqff or fkffft/. qqRr, q^fw, qq?:, ^rr^.
II grasp, power, v. Clutches. qRm. qRXfqm. qqfqrrm. 2 dense, not refined, fyc. mf,
III gripes; co&e. qcqfui. qiz qxrqm qjZf#/. qft’qfqsr^m. 3 enormous, great, &c. —of faults, <$cc. qrf[, qi'3T ?
qc, q?f
To have the gripes, qfzrq qqqq- qqqq qq v. Mipcr. %m. ^>7. (in comp.), 3?rq^f CfT^T.

fqrqq m. cow. 4 ^rsrqfq

U\ 7 «\ \s *
» k

Grisly, a. hideous, frightful, v. Fearful, qqXF£, pRKTfsy, 5 indelicate, obscene, vulgar, &c. ST^RTST Rr^T^T, ff-
qqqq, qqRX, qtqqqfq, qqqqfq. f i?05T.

Grist, n. com to be ground, qzqn. qzqn. qq$qn. qrqrm. qr~ G palpable, great, — ignorance, &c. ijrr, 5TT, 5iT,
oft/. qqqra. qrePm.
To pour in g. qqq*. 7 whole. qKW.
Gristle, n. cartilage , qf^T /. q^lfXTn. qqf%n. XR?qfXTn* Grossness, n. v. A. 1. TO^Wfm. 5:Jr% ?nrr>».5E.5p-;fn.

Gristly, a. v. N. qqqrferqq, qxxrfxFF'T.

Grit, n. (of meal), qFZm. qx?Tm. qfqrm. qr^qr /. pi 2 ?3T5r?fn. ^.W’Tn.

A g. qqrm qqr«. 3 W’Ctwrm. %a-T°rrw. &c.

2 rough particles . qq/. qqr5r/i. 4 ^Mtrr /. /.
A g. q%qror qfqrrm. 5 Proia,
Grittiness, n. y. A. qqsWm. qqpzni. &c. feqkqtq- Grotesque, a. of wild or whimsicalfigure. Isifrsr, ^rrPPTRT,
qqrm. &e, WT, 6 ,
Gritty, a. 7iar% grit. qqr, qqRr, qq^r, qrqqrqrq, fc^fqktq, Grotto, n. v. Cave. Jr?r/ JFSTn.
Ground, p. v. V. 1- Sic. g-f^cT, Wj^Tfr, ’^Fpr.
Grizzle, mixture of white and black,
n. qrqqfqqw. qrqqkqm. 2 JT^sr^r, & c. JTCfft', JT^-
Grizzled, Grizzly, a, turning grey, q-qqr, qqsqqferr, qt^Tr, 3 sTRTSTSrr, iJTTPT.

Ground, n. jjc/- WR /. /. ^“ff/ ’4T^r/.
To Groan, -v. n. q^fq, f’qq, [q^# or fq?^Rrq, #qq qqqaf. f
Along the g.
Groan, Groaning, n. v. V. qr^fqn. qrqq«. ftsqqn. &c. qr#n. G. obtained from the sea. <gTT/• <silA4n. /.

f-f qt/. fqs^qqt f Fq?qisrw. mm f mmm. Holy g. g-wfn/. 3"WPT/.

Level g. /• HJPTsrn- rTTfm- WW/' Grovelling, a. mean undignified
, ,
v. Low* f^qiT, qPT,

Low g. 33aiTn»- qrqt,

Rising g. ^Wrm- 3'Wni' 'jTffTvfn. 7b Grow, 71 . Z>€ produced bg vegetation C^PT Dr JS“§PT,

Off or free from the g — a weiglit under laising. WSRIT, 5f- fqwr, stqsr Ipt.

jfPransr, FRfiW 2 advance to maturity . qT 2 PT, qR'^q -qfgtH ST^FT, *?t-

To gam g. See To Advance. 2rr frq ^pt,

To run aground. dizra-JJ&T- & c. vffJjor. 3 — rapidly, vigorously; shoot up . ^qrr^PT, ^'Fr^TFr

To lose g. See To Decline. qr^ amrd ;

qrq% frqrw, ^^rq^T,
To shift or leave one’s g.fig. STRn. gpdfn. «Wf ? vj^rsSq.

frr g of s. That grows too rapidly — animal or plant, qf^r^r, qrsiar,

2 — esp. with reference to agriculture, v. Land. «KT^t/. qrc,

Black g. sRtff/. 4 increase enlarge , ,

v. To Increase. qr^T, qrq^
Raised by the moisture of theg. STRRT, FttrI, f-TTPRIRr. w, 7
^rq»q,7 SJ>

3 land occupied, v. Field, Enclosure, frffn. 5 v. To Become. qpT.

Grounds — compreli. all fields and enclosures, S,c. 3T«1IT- [

G together.
0 <*' <jr
3RRm- SjRrnfS/. tmiffn. ffaRRn. 7 up ;
arrive at manhood, qqpT q°T»

4 floor. miHf- WTff /• X ? /• Z^n.pop. rrssm. 7b Grow, v,a, raise by cultivation . fqqpqqr ? fqqsffq^T, ^qif qrdt.
On the g. Grower, n* Growing, p. a. v. V, N. 2 . qr^^rCf, qf^qr, qr^TO

5 (of an encampment, &c.). tftzm. ^mirr, qnfm ckc.

To break g. ff^TR or 4ffinpTR». SHR. 4 qrqqrrTr, qr^q &c. qrqqr, f&w,

6 (of a picture, a garment, &c ) SffllR /. fffff /. ff if. Growing, Growth, n. v.V. N. 1. C^PT^ Arc.
- -

2 ^rrSjn. &.c. ^rsr/. ffrrfr /. 4F3 /- ^{wrfs /.

7 foundation, footing, warrant, authority, fyc. Sfr^TT /. IRffm. Made to allow for g. — a garment qf^qf
fy^Rn. fffJfiWm. WC
or qKTm. 4(3Tn. 5TRm. rRRrt. R- 4 srrg-orn. & c. 4r;r /. Trs’^rt /. jFr/.
jpfrn. germ. RRTCm. sTm»n. jpn. ffTEff m. 1 v. Produce. 3TsTm. F^ISfut.

Having g. a story, &c. FLIRTS'. To Growl, ». as a dog, & e. JJT4PT, JTL’T^,
8 grounds; v. Dregs. ffRm. RraRRtn. OT». ijora# (or fcjcr#), jp7j5'/.-&c. mx^r.
To Ground, v. a. lay or set on the ground. RSTR- & c. S'T'T 2 murmur, v. To Grumble. ^r-
RR. f C/.-TTT7 /.- & c. cRT'or- f?R «T

2 found. 8T[qKm.-srr«T«rm.- & c. TLTRTRm- & c . ajp-ir- Growl, Growling, n. v. V. 1 —act. tjWTn. &c. rjT^ofF/.

rr- spr«rffrff-*rrKnrrff^5T-& c. &c. Jff’CJTG'^vTt/. irCTL /. or Jjvur /. iwto/i. irriTHTOr

3 setf/e in first principles. Sjflfcn ff TOr 57?TrE4ffftT- UT^RTrn.
^^wrcRff-'ifi:«i'?Tr5;r¥-& 2 ^rrf &c. f
Tf5/. frjjv /. y*Y' -

To Ground, v. n. run aground. Growler, n. Growling. nr. v. V. 1. &c. irs^irr.

&.c. sTirff-^PH sreff. 2 f^^rrr, SKT*ET ^ipcr, &c.

Ground- floor, n, qsJTwi# ^qqfW' Grown, i. v. V. N. 1. svsr^r, OTsjHTvtr, &c.
Ground-rent, n. g'fiTR'tL 2 ffrffSrar, stsr 5rr^^r, *(.
Ground-work, n. base-part, v. Foundation, qrqrwL JOTfira. 4 ffrs-^r, & c. 73T, m,
2 initial steps or stages, im or oZn. Jjo&qtfi%*R\f qSfTm, v, 7 ^rifr sTRTrr, t"t fii,

qpL qiTO’m. qr^w- Grub. See Worm.

Groundless, a, unreasonable , fyc* v. Causeless, 3Tqrprqr,fq:- To Grub, v. a. root out by digging. WCffff JTapff-^T*
4rrh°i, MffRfpff, rptr! or ft. iTff , asrar^.

2—a report, &c. fsRRKr^ffRr, FffJfT, Fff#fsr, FffWPC, fff- Grub-axe, Grub-hoe, n. wflq dim.
Grub-grass, n. short grass. J3T3T«i.
Groundlessly, adv. V. A. L ffTIT'ffRFJff ,
fcc. fffR- To (trudge, v, a. See To Envy, 2 give unwillingly.
fir=ff, =Trffr»fF or nr. & c. |r.
Groundlessness, n. v. A. 1. srffrRRRn. Fff:
?nT'rRffn. Grudge, m, sullen malice, v. Malice, v&ffim.f. *T?T-
2 fjpjvsgr/. farrTRffr/. &e. jrnrormnrm. armrcrwrffjn. -«trh> ffff/-

fra/. v. vrr, m\m. ztqm, grm. ^rr/.

RffetTR. &c. qtsrnt. frarw. ». rw, trr, pop . pn. ni^/,
Group, r. cluster, assemblage, Rfm. ffSTm. vfifrffm. sfr^^HF strt /• f Fqwn. JTR?iFrer/. s'raarrf m.
Grove, n. wooef. of/. STRfl. / sKRffn. aRRn. 4«- To gratify a g. STRin, 37r#, afT^R.
SJT^W* To mainiain a g. ff'fff/. <N%. f

To Grovel, v. n. RttR-ff^SR sreR, up*R Grudge-bearino, a. spiteful. aTTO^IK, 31%-

RvR, ’c'rt. 3K, 3lt3TfF, 3t#3F, OTIRrff.
o . —

6rUA 304 GUI

Grudgingly, adv. v. V. WOTR, #STT ^nfiTR, -rusTR, qrSTq\ Gudgeon. See Gull.

st^hr &c. ,
Guerdon. See Reward.
Gruel, n. (esp. of rice), qq/.— (of parched rice), qqm. — (of To Guess, v. a. conjecture. cRtfq, sTHTTRS'q, qqrm.-sTTqrsr )'
bits of rice) q;qqT/. -sRRrqn. qtrq, qrqq-qrq. q-pqqr/.
Sour g. qrr#7i. This word is improperly used by Ladies 2 out, hit upon, discover. F%qq, facR, qpT’T, STrsRGT.
and Ayas for gruel. 3 form an estimate or judgment oj, v. To Estimate. 3R-
Gruff, a. rough ,
surly, qrqr, qrq- qRqiTf, ?srar^, ^sjt, Trsq, sTTnrreq^ bttrpw, qrfq, srqriTrHin. #,
sr, ?r#tqr, qrsiTTiqr, cyqRr, q:%tTrfq, qqrqqqr. eprqRT/. qrorg-.o/o.
Gruffly, adv. v. A. ^yTrqtSr, q?!Tqqrq, qqqqrqr^, Ac. Guess, Guessing, n. v. V. 1. «T 2rqrsqn. Ac. spRyss/.
Gruffness, n. y. A. qreqqrm. qrqqqRFrr/. qr^fMn. qqq- qqiTRB.
qr-qqr /.
qreWn. 2 f%OTn. Ac. frrqqRr/.
To Grumble, v. n. minmur. qRqrTq, gyqyqxtr^ TT- 3 BTrqarqn. Ac. 3R qrs-/. STTfirrHm. srefRin.

f(q, jqqqq" ^f^r,°jr^r/.-VrVr/. -'W Rough g. errqr^ tfqRrql/. 3Rqrq*mrni. btSt^TT or

qrcq-®m- Guesser, n. v.V. l. sRqr^qRr, aT^qr^-ir^'-&c. qr°rrcr.
2— as the bowels, JTJTq, fCJTTq, TRIPT, RTWT, T]TJRq, That is a good guesser, shreiod at guessing. rTIVqpsr, 'TTuTP?,
5^7T3R, vTVJJTq, qanpjq, qqqyrq^ qsrarqraiq. (Most of theso q#, qrrlfiqy, aTjrqrsrqrTr, 3Tgjfrql, sTSRrel.
verbs are also impersonal). Guest, n. qr?qr (qrw. qt / qn.), arRrfq, STIURT, rrSTTR, qrsrr-
Grumbler, n Grumbling, p. a. v. V. 1. qrqqrqqnj, &c. 5TC- lR»i. or 3Trar Ifkn. qrqprqy.
f^rr, fqf 'urr, &-c. TOTOr- Attention to a g. (as at a feast). q^R^Toi. v. q, qr.
Grumbling, n v. V 1.— act. f Tjqqfl. &c. fTTT/. G. — compreh. or loosely. qflqr|qr.

w^f- hh 3WVt/-^V
3 G.-summoner or caller. ^RRqqrfl, tlRTRUr, siRq^qT.
fqqq /. Honors, &c. paid to a g. sqqqqqqRm.p/. ^WTR/. HKRin.
2 irqrcqn. iRquRTn. &c. qqijy/. .pqyr/. qqqqrwi.
Grume, n. thick consistence, clot, fyc. ip<T5?t or jfRsFl/. Proper for a g. srrfgsq, Bpfqqq.
Grumous, a. v. N. qs'ssqNr, qrqRhrr. Guest-rites, n. v. Hospitality. q|qq(Tni. sTfqRTqsf'Tn-

To Grunt, v. a. the pig. 3T|Tq, 3TTC/. 5Tq. arrfqiqra
2 — the buffaloe. qFqrq. To Guggle. See To Gurgle.
Grunt, Grunting, n. v. V. 1. fTSTqn. qqyqqajry; ZTZXf. U- Guidage, n. reward given to a guide. qRTST^qqrT^/.
qpCSjszm. Guidance, Guiding, n. v.V. 1. act. tit TTqrqqn. Ac. qrq-
Guarantee, n— the person. ?Rf5H, STRUT, fsTRTTT. q?5jq». qqqn. qqm. qlfq/.
2--the warranty, fRf/. «TrfJTqt/. fsTRT /.»». 2 qa:qqn. &c. ^RTm. s?f f/- STMT/-
To Guarantee, v. a. warrant, be security for. fjTRr/.m.— 3 qr^qqn. Ac. qRTqt/. qTlTR/. fqqff«.
?r qt/. &c. irq, f?P$TR'~l'Rl?TC~&c. frq. To Guide, v. a. direct in one’s way. TRq-&c. qq, mzf-
To Guard, v. a. defend, keep. qrerq, qyq, THjq/.-qqrTRt/. Tj.Tfin.-qriTm.-&c. ^ /-TTTfm.-&c. qr?3qq Wq, qr-
-T8J'3In.-TR8jqji-&;c. TRqg-.o/c-. qq, qrqfqq, qqm -qqq».-qRqT5fqn.
To Guard, v. n. be in a state of caution. Sfqq, JERRq, qrTV 2 influence, give direction to. qaqq, 3?r?q, qpq.

TTf°r. 3 direct, manage; v. To Conduct, qrsrqfy, qFfTCT, qqqq.

Guard, Guarding, n. v.V. A. TT?gq«. Ac. qrcgq/. qyqn. Guide, Guider, «. v. V. l. q^q qqrqr, tr qr^jq qqm, Ac.
tpcotb. fmtf #qtTRi/. qr?rr»». rmtftf. mnvfrf. qratfr or srr, qrrTiTf or qrreqr, qRqqvfqr,qqr, fqqqr, qqqqqr.
T keep g qrqfl'/. - qi - TRlJm qqq. Spiritual g. Jrq"m.
I body guarding. qr^T /• TrfU«>. Guile, n. v. Cunning, Deceit, qrqrn. qqrwi. qrrqm. qr^TTr-
Hire of a #fiTrO/- g. :

qrm. qrr /. %rqr«.

f fqirn.
II person guarding, watchman, tyc. qfqftTTT, TTf^TTCl, T^T- Guileful, a. v. Cunning, qqfl, qqirrq, qqqr, sgt, qfq37q,.
trstit, qrqrqqiT, Tirprrrfr, wir, trr. ffqjft, qrqrqF, qyqrrurr, =qqyqr.
Hire of a g.
III thing guarding, fending,
IV state of caution and vigilance.
TRUT /• qRRPR /.
S;c. TITqn. fqqrt'Tn.

qiWRT)' /•
Guileless, a. v.

fq^qqq, qqrqr, aRrut, sRrfqqr,

Honest, Simple.

n. v. A.
m Fqisqrqr,

fqiqrqrqqrm. JTRqqrm. »Tf fqqn.


To he on one’s g. srqq, qqrsq. qrur/. fq'sqrrqarn. sww». wRrqm. qrqzNnff3r».
Guarded, p. v. V. A. VRr?55q, D#5*r, qf$R. Guilt, n. criminality, qrqm. qfq«. qrqtqqrm. frqrqqrm. qrqcr-
Guarder, n. V. V. A. TRqqrcr, TtjsfT, qyq-&c. qf?rr. qqr/. qfrqqr/. <r?rf%/. i

Guardian, n, warden, one that has the care of. fTRqqrq, TTS'- Guiltiness, n. v. A. 5T*frqqr>nf qqrqqr/. qrqqrqqT/-' Arqprfqqr/.
qrrerqqre, trr. Guiltless, a. innocent, fqqpsr, fqrqTR, frqTrtq-SRU- A c.
Guava, n — the tree. T^rro. Sfiqjn. — the fruit. q^*m. 3fRm. sqqq, fqq?-, fW^qr, qqRr %TRRqir.
wfST^’Tui- Guiltlessness, ». v. A. Fq§iwr/- FqqqTTVifr/. flTOffiqn.
G . ,


To Gurgle, v. n. run or flow with a purling noise. fjSijJOT'
Guilty, a. v. Criminal. ?pft, fTTiq, 'Tf'Tt, 5tTn ,
fWT, OTf-
Guinea-worm, n. gOTm — in covert or cant phrased. =TrUT- Gurgle r, n/ urgling^, a. v.V. OTOT TTOTfCT,
Gurgling, n. v. V.—act. ipqOTn. &c. iqsiga:/. intens. 1335-
oth*. ^Trcrf^m-
Manner, Dress 133517 m.
Guise. See
GuRGLiNGLY,«i/y. tg-^-OT-OT &c. *3357335 or sr, or
Guitar, n. FOTrni. CS/OTrm. 9?RTm.
WT^rm. 35f, OTOT or 551, Ijsip or ST, sreTJOT, SfOTC or 7T,
Bowl of «i g*
TOTT or sf. ITHT? or TT— intens. *327 *33 or SET, TOTGOT or #. !:

G. with three strings. ?UTfC/.». A On ^ / Tv ^ 7

six strings.
Zb Gush, v. n flow or rush out with violence. HOTTUT,
G- with
Turkish g. fTfCrm TTOT, JTOTT-lT5lir^- HOT^-gOT3-& c.
l: adv. fqOT-TJOT-TT-

Gulf, n. bat/. I3T31/ /"i-Tffr Tgor, OT3TW.-&C. HOT-jROT-ff“t g. of s. — inlens.

To Gull, v a. v. To Deceive. Hi5E(fSr, HrSBRor, 5RT#,fT- ITSfOT.

g.ofo. <Ti3T'P5r *T fOTOT g. of o. Ip7f m. grf- Gusii, Gushing, n. v.V. JTOTOTn. & c. WTra. OTSTtn. T-
f. q-fOT

qSj JTrrrin. urgrrtn. usTgrrm.

g-of s.
IJTOT /. TOT g of s.
SOT, Gusher, n. Gushing, p. a. v. V. ROTOTrtr, TTOTTOTPCf, H'T-
To be gulled.
simple fellow, gudgeon, cully, coney, bubble. HOTO JTT-Nc. TOTRT-&C.
Gull, n.

iT^ nrt, otit, 4rTOTrrTr.

Gusiiincly, adv. ITOT'? or 37, TiOTS or arf, or 5>T, JTsr-

Gull-catciier, Guller, it. v.V. and Deceiver. OTOTITr, iTsr

or set 7 OTOT or #.— iutens. qfrsrpTTS^,y TST#.
Gusset, /.
Gullet, n. v. Throat. iJZTm. rpxtnftf. sTSTROTs?!/. STvnrrifm. Gust, n. puff. OTw. 5 ^/* f€l /. trBfm.
Gully, n. rugged chasm or furrow. qa>/. OTV/. tJOT/. #- in gusts. ^r§r.

vrrji. a?r OT/ *?OT /• OT# /• 2 (of flame, hot wind, &c). or m^KUn. dim . VTWty.

To Gulp, v. a. (liquids). tfOT, ITOT* -ffff adv.-

8 v. Taste. WKm. /.

S?c. m. Gustt, «. blowing in gusts. l?r5Tf, or $m®mU

(solid substances) v. To Bolt. JjRTnt. JTTOT* Gut, a. v. Bowels. ^Trfin.
Gulp,' Gulping, n. v. V. 1. ?IOT«. qfcm. ROTr or OTOTn. To Gut, v. a. take out the entrails of, affect n*pl, f%TO^T-^T^T
By gulps, gulping ly. or z\ { UIR7 or z\, OTR-f {or ijt- & of 0 -
nt, trot z, &c.), uotj, otot or Frr. Gutta serena, «. I%^C7i.
Gutter, channelfor water, qzg&m* dim
Expiring g. Last g. p *. n.

^orrr^r/. m\3\f. ziwu

. q"?foz[f,

from the English word


With a g. i|OTOTOT C-&c. ijT-OT-OT &c. qf. ;


Gum, n. [OT or 3Wm. #gr»n. ijtem. is becoming’ common.

G. Arabic. OTSOTr ^TTT or qfam. 2 — esp as through a wall. mf\ or #0 /. /-

To Guttle, r. cat greedily v. To Stuff.

2 (of the teeth). fiT i[f. OTJTO».
71 .

Rubber for the g. (of a child). or f\f. or %n. OT°ft/. or ozrf-itZJTH:

3 (of the eyes) v. Eye. ftSTRnjm. fTTOTn. pT#n. 2T g.ofo.

To Gum, r. a. smear with gum. PiOTOT, 'ftTTtn.—JTTTm. cTTOT. Guttural, a. pronounced in the throat .

Gumboil, n. ffOTtgr TTOTi. foSfOTw. G* or deep sound,

Gum-stand, Gum-bottle, n. ifrOTFn/ ROTT#/. To Guzzle, v. n. drink largely , greedily . Wf^r, ?fW, s5t-

Gummy, a , consisting of gum . fOTiRi, 3TTOTTT fOTOTf. ,

^r, »rr3TOT, aefa» fw, TOTm.
2 producing gum. fsTOTTf, fOTf, FOTP* or f%OTT or Gymnasium, n. r/ exercise. frffv?TOf?rrm* wr^T7«. W-
f^TOTTr. errw.
gum. fOTTZ or f%OT', POT/OTtg.

3 sticky, S/c. with iTfjT /. tjfm.

4— the eyes. PTT3T, 5OT. Some of the exercises of the Gymnasium are ^3^^, W-
Gun, n. v. Cannon. #ITT /. W^\z4^n. fwr%, wxfa, tre-
2 v. Musket. TOT/.
Sight of a g. IT#/. HI#/. ITTO#/ Wfofw, WCITT.
Gun-carriage, n. fPOTT iffSTm. TOTRTm. Certain articles of the apparatus or furniture of the Gymna-
Gun-powder, n. SfOT /. $ium, and certain of the weapons or implements used by the
Ball of g. (to be kindled and thrown). 3Wm. Athlete are aiOT^, i#, *R37T # or

Gun-shot, «. reach or range of a gun. jffaitgT r'Tfm.ifi## €\ (

qprer, g^c pop* gsnsr, Swbt,
HTCft/. (or ifrOT^T OTT&c). gfe,frfr-
Gun-wale, Gunnel, n of a ship or boat. . — «!JOT or «T?T®fl/. Lessons in the exercises of tKo g.
Gunner, n. cannonier. iffS'OTT, lOTTfit Testimonial of pre-eminence (in the feats of the g.)*
Gunnery, n. ifrS’arr# f. TOTTfOTT /. Wrestling pit in a g/ or
. /

11 AB 306 HAI

Gymnastic, a. pertaining to athletic exercises. &c. Hack," Hackney, n. hired horse. JTfSINi 3131 m.
Rsr^rfrt/r-fiTiqr. 2 horse- in contempt. U733.3?i. 3r33Tn. 3TRT 3? w. fH5T3r-
Gymnastics, n JTSTTSrn. Rra^tel f- sqpnRin. #3Tm.
Gynarchy, Gyngeocrasy, n. female government . ^TOTWn. W\- To Hackle, v. a. dress flax, fyc. PTwHT, fi'3H3, '3Ylf?3
irrar^n To Hackney, v. a. practice, accustom, harden. 3H33 31H3, ,

Gyneceum, n. female apartments ^T^FT^RTm. sfojJOi. sfa- FuT33 or f33?3, JT?3.

rffn. ^rrncm. To be hackneyed. #13, qrrT/r, f3T33.
Gyration, Gyre, n. circle. RT^rfeTw. fi JK^if v- UTC-S’-OT- 2 make trite or common. 3ir?r?f 3P?T, 3gl-3Rii3SE-&c.
Wtfjm. %ft/. ?3Tw. 3?RRm. *spr w. 3T3-
Gyves See Fettep. Hackneyed, p. v. V.l. 3T3333T or U3331,#<1?;#?1 or 313331,
R33331, &C.
H. 2 3?HT3t %33r- 53331, ssi, nrf®, srfrf^se:,
Haft, n. handle. ?f3r»i Wm
33/. #i. 3T33rrm. URm-
R. This letter is represented by ?. Hag, n. witch beldam^ fright.
, ^T^ aF/. ^sTR/. or f\?sst /.
Ha. interj. IT, fltf- JTcf^Rrm. /. vwf. ®mzf

Ha, ha, ha. fff or |T?lfr. Haggard, a v Lean. ^ q^,


Habiliment. See Dress. To Haggle, v. n. dispute in bargaining a?(YR .

Habit, n. (of body). HRRl/. iffH/. 3HU3 /. tcfelftl/ qr^RT, q-rorqiH or grBT^H/.-TOTO or FtoTO /.-&c.
2 disposition, fyc. from practice, or f.v. qsf, 3TJ1, Haggler, n. v. V.
BWi, v. qr, HWJTffm. qFcrrs'm.ii. <TT, 3tRT pop. fX^f. tTT Sin./, ftrerr, iRojRf, ^r?:rfeRT, ^CTf^rr.
«ntt/. Haggling, n. v. V. s?r^ qTBRw. See. qmWE or STORjR/
Habits— gener. or compreh. f^lRr/tra/- 3TH 3fr/- TOTO or TOK or ^Rrfefr /- <?|2"/. /.

To get into ah. of. wf/.-&e. 3(113. Hail, interj. v. Salutation. SPTTO,
3 — in an ill sense ;
trick, wap. iff? / /. 3ri°ir or ‘qr’TfwL #R^t,
5*3®/. T3T/. STO3«. WTm. Hail, w. TTfCr /.p/.

Low disreputable h. FR$T3i?f3/ RHRTT^TSTm. To Hail, v. a. call to, v. To Call. fHRR, frt/. JTT^t
Of ill habits. #f?3TT, sfl, fSTO^t, 5TO=Tt, To Hail, r. w. RRf c. qp3^r.
To break an ill h. #3/. #33. Hail-stone, ». lynFTferm. TOT/. ^F^rr/.
To contract an ill h. ?|T33. Hair, «. Wm.
4 constant practice. 3IWm. 3fsTi»- qipTm. qffflZf. Against the h. (or grain). fTOR,
Skill or familiarity acquired by h. 3T33T/. ’0T5Tm. Circlet of h. preserved around the shen'di.

5 v. Dress. Wm. ifam. qiTHw. Clotted h. ^n.

To Habit. See To Dress. Composition to blacken the h. or
Habitable, a. fitfor residence. 31fl^-'#31-#illir-&.c. 3R5T- Dishevelled and dirty lock of h. OTv?\f.
53 , 3rtt, 3iw3, qrarf , arrfter. Dressed or tufted h. %5T rr5Jw.

Habitableness, n. v. A. 3re%nr?ir/. 3rW?3T/ Falling off of the h. iz&fm.n.

Habitant. See Inhabitant. First crop of h. of a child-*

Habitation, n. place of abode, v. Residence. 33<ft/. 3R|«./. H. loosely bundled up and tied, i^favSTw.

fH#/. ?mn. Pr37TOPTn. Having the h, (hairy side) inwards,

Habitual, as. v. Customary. sr#T5*r, HJ-hTftiqST, KSR3r, Pr- Line made along the head by parting the h. irRm.
srera-Rrar, TrqsrRr^r — Ceremony of adjusting it (during gestation, &e.). ^TO5T-
To become h. to. STSSPSTsSf- 3®Rf3rr5?f- 33133(13?- &c. TO n — Pin or wire used in making it. 3?R tfSRt or ^TTO^/.
33H, 3H? /.-& c. 3prf°l of o Lock of h. left on the crown at tonsure. $T#t /. Rsjfm.
Habitually, acfo. v. A. 3# or 3T#, ^313, f#u, f#3^3R.
To Habituate, v. a. v. To Accustom. 31? or 313 /.-HiUPETm. Loose tress of h. ftfft,/. Fir#t /. mftf f* tmzXf
-he. 55R%-qr3H, arm. Fulling the h. (in squabbling). %2T
To be habituated. 31?/.- &c. 3133 g. of o. Rope of h. %R1T\/• ^TSfsaqrnft ?fLt
Habituated, p. v. V. 3#31, 3333131, Wilt, 31? 3pr- Topknot of matted h. vsT^rarw. ^ZT^RTw.
331, &e. Tress of matted h. 'Sfzrr/I vyR/. — Person wearing matted
To Hack, v. a. cut irregularly and badly, notch, v. To Man- tresses. SHFLrO, affect, 5T2:RT4T.

gle. 8T®3rr{q®3rar#3W, fRT|;r-3rr?rr|5-&c fr^,#3R, With the h. (or grain),

33133, 33K3, #33, r&?3. 2 (of the body or limbs). §R?n. pop- srq’or f
To h. and haw. 333133, 3333 adv. #3#, 3?r3lf/. 3r?3. Line of h. along the belly. /.

To h. to pieces. 3T31 or tp^T /. pi. IR#. Ring of hu WftTjm*

\ .


Hair-breadth, n. 3{TC«. a WT»- with a Hallucination, n. €rror, mistake R3T/* 3T3F/. .

Halo, h, circle round the sun or moon ?33Tn. tRtWw. .

Hair-lace, Hair-tie, n. aTJpr^ or ajR^m.n. ST5T3Tf^r/.

Hairiness, ?t v. A. 1. ^fU’sq'TTiu. To Halt, v. n. v. To Limb. CTW, TO».

Hairy, n. abounding with hair. or sr, %3HsT^, 2 stop. OT rff«T, %#, m#.
%3HPT, 0*T5T, HJHPT, Hf*TJPT, WlU^r.
3 — in a march ;
encamp . .

2 made of hair. TOPTr, %5ff^r %%5Tr,%5rJPT, %^5rpTNT'T. Halt, g. v. Lame. ^3j^T.

Halt, Halting place, n. q^RTwi. v qrT.
Halberd, «. v. Spear. iTTSTin.
Halberdier, n. W^RTt, Halter, n. rope, or cord, for ahorse, <§c. «frr5’
T\/- .

Halcyon days, n. ^JTdT/- 2 hanging rope . 97WT /.-rfF^T/-

To twist ah. for one’s own neck, OT*

To IIale. See To Drag.
tTS^Jr- 7o Halve, o 2. divide into tivo equal parts . or
Hale, a. stout and healthy. M3R<3T, 'fSTfr, H'i'tiT, 'T?5T ) <

*<nr*r, miw, srrsrsr or mzx, ws-

vrrarr or 3-, srartpr, Knrqrqr, qTRr, ’<*t, s’rzwhi' *re, £°rai'

£°rarr, <rn?f ar, ^w- 2 share equally . ^FT- - &c.

Haleness, n v. A. qdiqgiiwriA. ^T35f4 u iini. &e. aiT'CIR’R. 2R^T?/- Halved, p. v. Y. 1. sr^l^cST, &c. ^f?T e

Half, n. ap^n. fairrm. Rft/. aW^Tn. war or aR5r/. WNtn. IIame, 71 . collar . felTO/.

Purr? /. fayrnif- ^fei. or am. Hamlet, «. srpft/. qT^Tw. qr^n. ITI# or ^*n.

About h. faflfeJT, 9T>qfwr or JJ-jf. wm. JFSrrrw- WTw.

By halves, in halves. pHtf^HT or f=TJ?fPfJT , a B?F 9 W ,
aWRT. Hammer, n. Jini.

Better h. (wife). 3?WTJTn. Bledg’e-h. SRor qr^fm.

Composed of one and a h. fcijqiT or faRST. 2 (of goldsmiths, braziers, &:c,). ^TTSTTni.

Exceeding by one and a h. Rt 3 <fc'|' or fe^Tfir. To Hammer, v. a. f^R

H. of a load. pTfHTn. To smooth -h. Trarf^f.

H. of a rupee, spEjat/. Hammock, n. swinging bed. ^(Tfoffrm.

H. of a pice. aR55Tm. Hamper, n. v. Basket. q^Rrm. dim. qrrfl /.
Half in conjunction with numerals is as follows: — One and To Hamper, v. a. shackle embarrass, hinder ,

a h. eft;?. Two and a h. spJPT ; and for Three and up- -3|^^«^q*fcr^(Ssc. gf^QT-qr^j #rw, %|fr
wards, ^T|% as Three and a h. SltgR; Four and a h. HR- To be hampered. H^WT.
=qrnc, &c. &c. Hand, n. fnrm* TOTw. qfpTm. — poetice. 'qftWffvn*

Half, adv. ap^ pop. aR? or 3TraT, aiW aw (in comp, as


h.- assent, WPlRfriTM. h.-bo'led, aRfeTaTf. h. -bruised, Back of the h. qf^r ffcT^n. ^Tv^n.
snjftwr. h.-dead, sp^itST. h.- dined, 3Tvf%qr. h.- learned, spf- Free of the h. ^Tcf^r H^T, fRT^Tf ^3T55,

qrr. h.-mad, spftsr. h.-ripe, anfaw, &c. &c.), pHT (in comp, Gone into the hands of ^rf?Trf ? WRfW.
as ftufsaur, Frhrft^t, &c.). Hands, the hands.
H. brother or sister (by the father’s side). RtvTRT W^nt.— H. contracted and hollowed. q^Fw** gT^RTf or ^Fw.

TfH/. WW-HPFT BT3Tm. (by the mother’s side). fiTvffq- ??RTm. irgPrm.
W>J»i. 3]xr3T arrsETm. 11. curved as to clutch,

Hall, n. (of justice). frqFT^IPTrwi. '-THRHT /. wrPTCmr/. Hands hollowed and joined, afaf&m. pop. #f
2 (for public business). tf%€r /. /. %Zn. Vm^n.
3 (of the kotwal) marhet-oourt. /.
11. in, part in. «qr*T«* mKm*
4 (of audience). feqr<wrcrm. ?=rf T«. in. SERT/. Wttf* *T5T». II. inverted and fingers pointing down. H^f J^fgT

5 public or large room « WSRTn* m. ST^TR or 3Tf« frar n.

SRn. ®Tjrni. ®RslT3Twi. H. over h. fffffR, m\ml

Halliard, n. rope for hoisting fyc. a sail. Wn. On one h. in one view, fyc. Y^TWf-
To Halloo, v. n. v. To Call. 3r^qrK°T, WF&l or m~ Ready to h. ready-made, fyc. STF^rFf.

Slip of the h, f^KFTw.

wr, W,
W, n. general shouting CFTOTm. CfqFRfni. fT~
That has a
That holds
h. in (some
or bears in the h.
evil work, &c.), fm, f%W 55T.
qrpq (in comp, as ^OTrf°T,

sunCt/. wmmf mmn. qrpr, q^rqrf°T).

Hallooing, n V—act v. &c. sarWC ®?t/. That is in h.— a work, &c. frqfW^f' 0 % ^rlf ^OTFCT, CRT-
f^ncTm. qprirrw. m f
qgr^r, w^.
To Hallow, v. a. make holy reverence as
holy, qfw qROT-OT- That is off one’s hands, finished, done fr?fr!%YfS5T,

sfir, qfHfcfrCTn. srkSt ff.

0/ 0 .
. .


That lives from h. to mouth. 5 person, workman, fyc. lifTOn.
Under the h. of, in subjection unto » At h. See Near.
Whether with one’s own h. or through the h of another.— To Hand, v. a give dfc. , wM ffa knd. fRR ?Rl flR-
giving, doing, &c. f # ^rr-& c . fBf f for, fRRU f^i,
Whilst the h. is in. CRRfTOr, V*rm, Wtm& f or rff- 2 lead or guide by the hand . frrf?3:=T ^07.
3 down ; transmit in succession. qc^Y’^-TlRCT- A: c. RRTk
With empty h. f PTR or crft, ftvffTOT, ftwqrf&r. 4 on pass from one to another. rr%fR“fr% Tr?T“^c %^-qt- ,

With one’s own k arplf^r,

To be at h. v. To Come. frrTRT or fRRfSRU W, a?WRC Hand-bell, n. %m\ftf q\£tf.
To be h. and glove. To be h. in k 3j zsq fRT, 4?f Hand-bellows, n. ITWRCm.
adv. &r#r. Hand-bill, n.
To clap the hands together, zT%\f. JTiT^T-pT^r-frif^, rff- Hand-breadth, n qpT
vfm, iTf'C®?. IIand-cuff, n iTflfftor fqfr/.
To come to h.— monies, &c, qy#, qff^ojr f
Tn^F/.-?rfR /. To Hand-cuff, v a, fRq^r/.
SFtg* of s q‘Rrfr- TffRTrffTT.

Hand-full, n. TOPm. T3mm. used with a

To draw m one’s h cease, §c. ^Rm. &T?;q% noun.
To drop the hands. fFTTRm pi Jjrsroj.
. Double h. sfrasrar/.m.
To fall or come to h. fR[ (In, at, with) one h
To fold the hands together — m respectful attention, f R Mere h. a /eu>. UrMH
wrr, #ff%qpn. irt&r.

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