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Subatmospheric pressure in a water

draining pipeline with an air pocket

Oscar E. Coronado-Hernández, Vicente S. Fuertes-Miquel,

Mohsen Besharat & Helena M. Ramos

To cite this article: Oscar E. Coronado-Hernández, Vicente S. Fuertes-Miquel, Mohsen Besharat

& Helena M. Ramos (2018): Subatmospheric pressure in a water draining pipeline with an air
pocket, Urban Water Journal, DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2018.1475578

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Published online: 13 Jun 2018.

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Subatmospheric pressure in a water draining pipeline with an air pocket

a,b b c c
Oscar E. Coronado-Hernández , Vicente S. Fuertes-Miquel , Mohsen Besharat and Helena M. Ramos
Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Cartagena, Colombia; bDepartamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y
Medio Ambiente, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain; cDepartment of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
CERIS, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal


An air pocket’s behaviour inside of a pipeline during transient conditions is of great importance due to its Received 6 December 2017
effect on the safety of the hydraulic system and the complexity of modeling its behaviour. The emptying Accepted 18 April 2018
process from water pipelines needs more assessment because the generation of troughs of KEYWORDS
subatmospheric pressure may lead to serious damage. This research studies the air pocket parameters Air-water; air pocket;
during an emptying process from a water pipeline. A well-equipped experimental facility was used to pipelines emptying;
measure the pressure and the velocity change throughout the water emptying for different air pocket subatmospheric pressure;
sizes and valve opening times. The phenomenon was simulated using a one-dimensional (1D) transient flow; water
developed model based on the rigid formulation with a non-variable friction factor and a constant pipe distribution systems
diameter. The mathematical model shows good ability in predicting the trough of subatmospheric
pressure value as the most important parameter which can affect the safety of hydraulic systems.

1. Introduction Compression effects of air pockets have been analysed in

some experimental facilities both storm water systems
The simulation of transient phenomenon of a flow with two
(Vasconcelos, Klaver, and Lautenbach 2014; Bousso, Daynou,
phases (air and water) is a complex procedure to analyse
and Fuamba 2013; Vasconcelos and Wright 2008) and water
considering the air effect and the intricacy of calculations
supply networks (Fuertes-Miquel et al. 2018; Zhou, Liu, and
(Vasconcelos, Klaver, and Lautenbach 2014; Fuertes 2001;
Karney 2013a; Hou et al. 2012) knowing the behaviour of the
Wylie and Streeter 1993).
filling procedure, transient effects and head losses associated with
Air pockets can be injected in hydraulic systems by air
hydraulic devices and the consequences of the propagation of
valves, through joints and water intakes, during pumps’
entrapped air. However, expansion effects of air pockets, which
stoppages or failure of the hydraulic installation, by releasing
may occur during the draining water process in water supply
of dissolved air, by vortex formation at pump inlets and during
networks, have been studied only by a few authors available in
a surge occurrence in open-channel flow (Ramezani, Karney,
the literature. It is a normal procedure that engineers have to face
and Malekpour 2016). Hydraulic systems can be damaged due
in the system operation, control and management (AWWA 2001).
to blowback phenomenon of large air pockets under certain
The draining process does not cause problems in storm water
circumstances (Pozos et al. 2010; Falvey 1980). High points
drainage systems since the atmospheric conditions are reached in
along the hydraulic profile are vulnerable to the accumulation
the free surface flow region (Laanearu and van’t Westende 2010;
of air pockets (Ramezani and Karney 2017; AWWA 2001).
Koppel et al. 2010).
Entrapped air is presented during filling/draining manoeuvres
Laanearu et al. (Laanearu et al. 2015; Laanearu et al. 2012)
in hydraulic systems, where expelled/admitted air is required to
studied the behaviour of the draining process in a pipeline using
relieve systems and to avoid dangerous problems.
Understanding the actions of air pockets in hydraulic pressurized air in an experimental facility, Karadžić et al. (2015)
systems is of the utmost importance in order to develop studied similar developments about drainage manoeuvres in a
prediction analyses of two phase flow effects on the system pipeline apparatus, and Coronado-Hernández et al. (2018a)
behaviour and on the reliability level (Martins, Ramos, and developed a mathematical model for predicting it. Recently, Fuertes-
Almeida 2015; Bousso, Daynou, and Fuamba 2013; Abreu Miquel et al. (2018) also developed a mathematical model for
et al. 1999) since: (i) a compression of air pockets can simulating the draining process to compute the main hydraulic
generate extreme pressure surges (Bashiri-Atrabi and variables in a single pipe considering two possible situations: (i) where
Hosoda 2015; Pozos-Estrada et al. 2015; Covas et al. an air valve has been installed in the highest point of the pipe profile to
give reliability by admitting air into the pipe, preventing troughs of
2010); and (ii) an expansion can generate drops of
subatmospheric pressure and (ii) where no air valve was installed or
absolute pressure (Coronado-Hernández et al. 2018b;
when it failed due to operational and maintenance problems (Tran
Tijsseling et al. 2016) causing the collapse of the hydraulic
2017; Ramezani, Karney, and Malekpour 2015) which represents the
system depending on the installation conditions (Coronado-
worse case due to the lowest troughs of subatmospheric pressure
Hernández, Fuertes-Miquel, and Angulo-Hernández 2018).
attained. Coronado-Hernández et al.

CONTACT Oscar E. Coronado-Hernández

© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

(2017) implemented and validated the resolution of the A common configuration of a pipeline (Figure 1) presents n air
aforementioned mathematical model applied to a pipeline of pockets located at the high points, drain valves located at the low
irregular profile with an air valve. However, there is a lack of points of the system, and k pipes in this set-up. This problem is
information regarding the behaviour of a pipeline with an irregular described by three main hydraulic variables: the water velocity v j (j
profile and without air valves. To face this problem, it is important ¼ 1; 2; :::; kÞ, the length of the water column L w;j (j ¼ 1; 2; :::; k),
to consider that drain valves are located at low points along a and the absolute pressure of the air
pipeline and when they are opened, the atmospheric pressure is pocket pi (i ¼ 1; 2; :::; n). The length of the pipe Lj
at the exit. Not admitting atmospheric air into the pipeline, the (j ¼ 1; 2; :::; k) can be estimated as Lj ¼ Lj;r where r is the
pipeline cannot be completely emptied, and troughs of P
During this process

total numbers of branches of the pipe j.

subatmospheric pressure can affect the pipe and all existent
the friction factor f , and the polytropic coefficient m can be
hydromechanical devices such as valves, joints, pumps and considered constant (Coronado-Hernández, Fuertes-
turbines. The development of a reliability model for simulating this Miquel, and Angulo-Hernández 2018; Zhou, Liu, and
transient event can be used to detect problems related to the Karney 2013b; Izquierdo et al. 1999).
subatmospheric pressure occurrence in real pipelines.
This research presents a 1D mathematical model for
simulating the draining process in a pipeline of irregular profile 2.1. Assumptions
without air valves, not studied before, and can be used for
The one-dimensional proposed model can be applied to
detecting real problems. The mathematical model includes the
analyse the emptying procedure in a pipeline with an irregular
equation for the water phase described by the rigid water
profile. The assumptions of the mathematical model are:
column model, the equation for the moving air-water interface
and the equation for the air phase, described by the polytropic
model. The numerical resolution gives information about the ● The rigid water column model is used to simulate the
air pocket pressure variation, the water velocity and the water phase where the friction factor is considered
movement of the water column. Finally, the mathematical constant along the hydraulic event.
model is validated in an experimental facility which consists of ● A polytropic model is used to represent the behaviour
a pipeline with irregular profile and without air valves installed. of the air phase.
● The moving air-water interface is considered
perpendicular to the pipe direction.
2. Mathematical model ● The backflow air phenomenon does not occur during
the hydraulic event, which implies that air is not admitted
The draining procedure in a pipeline, where air valves have by the drain valves.
not been installed along it or where they failed due to the lack
of maintenance and operational problems is shown in Figure 1.
This is one of the most critical situations in this procedure 2.2. Equations
because it generates the lowest troughs of subat-mospheric
pressure, which can produce the collapse of the system. 2.2.1. Water phase equation
Initially, the air in the pockets is at atmospheric pressure The water phase can be modelled by using an inertial model.
(101325 Pa). Valves CV1 and CV2 are closed to drain the The water hammer (or elastic model) considers the elastic
effects of the water and the pipe. However, since the elasticity
system between them. When drain valves DVs are opened, of the entrapped air pocket into the pipeline is much higher
the air pressure decreases rapidly in the air pockets until they than the elasticity of the water, this means that the water
reach the lowest troughs of subatmospheric pressure. The phase can be modelled by the rigid water column model
main trough occurs in the first oscillation of the transient event.
(Coronado-Hernández et al. 2017; Hou et al. 2014; Liu et al.
Then, some oscillations in the absolute pressure pattern are
2011). Then the momentum equation can be expressed as:
observed. Hence, a setback occurs while emptying the water
j atm g z j fj j j gA QT j 2 T j (1)
column. Finally, two situations can occur: (i) the draining is i

dv p p vv 2 Q
stopped, and part of the water can remain inside the pipeline
when backflow air does not occur and (ii) the draining of the
system will be completed when the backflow phenomenon L L L K
dt ¼ ρw w;j þ w;j 2D w;j s
where pi ¼ absolute pressure of the air pocket i, ρw ¼ water
density, patm= atmospheric pressure (101325 Pa), zj ¼ elevation

Figure 1. Scheme of entrapped air into a pipeline during the draining procedure.

difference, A ¼ cross-sectional area, Q T ¼ total discharge in the behaviour of the draining process in a pipeline with irre-
drain valve and Ks ¼ flow factor of the drain valve s. gular profile (Figure 2). The system is composed of two
PVC pipes with a total length of 7:3 m and a nominal
2.2.2. Air phase equation diameter of 63 mm. There are two water columns repre-
The compression and the expansion of the air pocket i obey sented by Lw;1 and Lw;2 which will empty by drain valves
the polytropic law, which relates the absolute pressure and DV1 and DV2. The water velocity of the water columns was
the total volume of the air pocket by measured with an Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimeter (UDV)
located at the horizontal PVC pipe with a transducer of 4
m m
pi Va ;i ¼ pi;0Va ;i;0 (2) MHz frequency. The length of the water columns was
measured by using a Sony Camera DSC-HX200V. The
where Va;i ¼ volume of the air pocket i, pi;0 = initial condition drain valves have a nominal diameter of 25 mm. The
of the pi and Va;i;0 = initial condition of the Va;i.
manoeuvring time and the opening percentage of the
However, along of the pipeline the cross-sectional area (A)
valves were similar during the draining process, with the
is constant, then:
m same resistance coefficients ðK1 ¼ K2 ¼ KsÞ. The drain valves
¼p x
pi xi (3) have a free discharge. There is only an air pocket inside
i;0 i;0

the system which is distributed in the two PVC pipes (see

where xi ¼ length along of the pipe of the air pocket i, and detail of Figure 2). The air pocket size can be computed as
xi;0 ¼ initial value of the xi. LL x 0:04 x ; x ; . A transducer PT was installed in the
The air pocket size can be computed as x i j w;j 1 ¼ þ 11þ 12 1

L ¼ high point of the pipe profile to measure the absolute

þ jþ1 Lw;jþ1, thus: pressure pattern. A pico-scope device was used to record
m m
these values.
p L L L L p L L L L
i ð j w;j þ jþ1 w;jþ1Þ ¼ i;0ð j w;j;0 þ jþ1 w;jþ1;0Þ
(4) The gravity term, suggested by Coronado-Hernández et al.

(2017), was included in the mathematical model in order to

consider the slope change in water column 1:
2.2.3. Equation for the air-water interface L
z1 1;2

To compute the air-water interface, a piston flow was assumed w;1 ¼ 1 w;1 sinð30 Þ (6) L L

which means that the hydraulic event occurs very quickly. It is

perpendicular to the pipe direction where there are some The gravity term for water column 2 can be computed in a
reaches of the pipe completely filled by air and others by similar way to that used for water column 1.
w;j t fi
¼ v !L ¼L ð
dt j w;j w;j;0(5) 3.2. Proposed model de nition
0 vjdt
The system presented in Figure 2 is solved with the following
data: L1 ¼ 3:77 m, L2 ¼ 3:57 m, f ¼ 0:018, D ¼ 51:4 mm, m ¼
2.2.4. Numerical resolution 1:1 (based on experiments) and p1;0 ¼ 101325 Pa.
To calculate the hydraulic variables during the emptying pro- The differential-algebraic equations system is given by:
cess vj (j ¼ 1; 2; :::; k), Lw;j (j ¼ 1; 2; :::; k) and pi (i ¼ 1; 2; :::; n) a 1. Rigid water column model applied to water column 1,
differential-algebraic equation system integrated by Equations p 2
dv1 p1 atm z1 v1j v1j gA v1j v1j
(1), (4) and (5) has to be solved which is compound by 2k i g f (7)
þ dt ¼ ρ Lw;1 þ Lw;1 2D 2
K Lw;1
equations. The initial conditions for the system are described w 1

by: vjð0Þ ¼ 0, Lw;jð0Þ ¼ Lw;j;0, and pi ð0Þ ¼ patm ¼ 101325 Pa. 2. Air-water interface for water column 1,
dL t
3. Experimental facility dt ¼ v1 ! w;1 ¼ w;1;0 ð0 v1dt (8)

3.1. Description of the experimental facility The experimental facility was developed at Instituto
Superior Técnico, CERIS, University of Lisbon
(Portugal), where measurements were conducted to study 3. Rigid water column model applied to water column 2,
the pp 2
dv2 1 atm z2 v2j v2j gA v2j v2j
g f (9)
L L 2
dt ¼ ρw w;2 þ w;2 2D K2 Lw;2

Figure 2. Experimental facility.

well regarding the two experiments in each run. Results are
similar for run number 2. For Type A it was not possible to
measure the water velocities because during the hydraulic
4. Air-water interface for water column 2,
v L L t
dt ¼ 2! w;2 ¼ w;2;0 ð 0
v2dt (10) Table 1. Types of physical behaviour.
w;2 Characteristics
Opening drain
Type (-) Run number valves (%) x1;1 (m) x1;2 (m) x1 (m)
5. Polytropic model for the air pocket 1,
A 1 Partial 0.28 0.28 0.60
p L L L m L L m
1ð 1 w;1 þ 2 Lw;2Þ ¼ p1;0ðL1 w;1;0 þ 2 Lw;2;0Þ 2 Partial 0.61 0.61 1.26
(11) B 3 Completely 0.28 0.28 0.60
4 Completely 0.61 0.61 1.26
C 5 Completely 0.26 0.60 0.90
6 Completely 0.28 0.98 1.30
4. Results and discussion a
x1 refers to the total length of the air pocket. It can be computed as x 1
There are three types of physical behaviour according to the ¼ 0:04 þ x1;1 þ x1 ;2 (see Figure 2).
experiments. Type A corresponds to a partial opening of the
drain valves by considering the air pocket volume is distributed
equally inside water columns 1 and 2; Type B is similar to the
aforementioned but considering a complete opening of the
drain valves; and Type C considers that the air pocket volume
is not distributed uniformly inside the water columns. Table 1
shows the runs considered during the experiments. The valve
manoeuvring time (Tm) for all runs was 0:7 s. For partial
4 3 1=2
opening the flow factor (Ks) was 0:9x10 m /s m , whereas
3 3 1=2
for the total opening it was 1:4x10 m /s m .
The proposed model presents a good agreement
between the computed and measured water flow
oscillations and gauge pressures, which indicates that
viscosity and surface tension effects are not significant
along of the hydraulic system (Pothof and Clemens 2010).

4.1. Type A: partial opening of the drain valves with air

pocket volume distributed uniformly
Figure 3 shows the results which correspond to the less critical
case for the pipeline because the subatmospheric pressure
pattern reaches values close to the atmospheric pressure
head. The hydraulic event starts with the atmosphetic pressure
head (10:33 m), and afterwards decreases rapidly until it
reaches the trough of the subatmospheric pressure head of
9:74 m for run number 1. Practically there are no oscillations
on the evolution of the absolute pressure pattern during the
first two seconds, as a consequence of the partial opening of
the ball valves. After this time, the subatmospheric pressure
pattern remains constant. The mathematical model fits quite
Figure 3. Comparison between computed and experiments of the
absolute pressure pattern of Type A and run number 1.

event they reached values lower than 0:015 m/s, which

could not be detected by the UDV.

4.2. Type B: total opening of the drain valves with air

pocket volume distributed uniformly
The initial conditions of Type B are similar to Type A, but now
the two ball valves are completely opened. As a consequence,
the troughs of subatmospheric pressure reached in Type B are
lower than in Type A which indicates that the risk of collapse
for Type B is higher than for Type A.
Again, the subatmospheric pressure pattern in the hydraulic
event starts at atmospheric conditions, and afterwards it
decreases quickly until it reaches the minimum value of 9:28 m
(at 0.4 s) for run number 3 (see Figure 4). Then, some
oscillations are presented along the hydraulic event, which
indicates the subatmospheric pressure pattern is able to move
from upstream to downstream and reciprocally the two water
columns behave as a piston flow. The mathematical model
predicted adequately runs number 3 and 4.
Figure 5 shows water column velocities. For runs number 3
and 4 the values of the water velocities in the two water
columns are similar due to the air pocket size being distributed
uniformly. For run number 3, the water velocity increases
rapidly until reaching a maximum value. Subsequently, the
water velocity decreases until it reaches a value of 0 m/s at 0.4
s. Then it continues to decrease until reaching a minimum
value of 0:11 m/s, indicating a negative velocity. After some

Figure 4. Comparison between computed and experiments of the

absolute pressure pattern for Type B and run number 3.

Figure 5. Comparison between computed and experiments of the

water velocity for Type B and run number 3. Figure 7. Comparison between computed and experiments of the
water velocities for Type C and run number 5.

oscillations, with a similar amplitude, a setback of the water

columns occurs. The mathematical model can follow the presents the results for run number 6 where the mathematical
behaviour of the water velocity experiments. model can predict only the first oscillation during the transient.
This case occurs because the mathematical model considers
an air-water interface, perpendicular to the pipe direction,
4.3. Type C: total opening of the drain valves with air downstream of the water columns, which does not really
pocket volume distributed non-uniformly happen for an air pocket distributed asymmetrically.
Type C is the most complex to be analysed because the Figure 7 presents the results of the water velocities for the
behaviour of the two water columns are different. Figure 6(a) two water columns in run number 5, with a different subatmo-
shows the results of the subatmospheric pressure pattern for spheric pressure pattern. Water column 1 is characterized
run number 5 where, according to the experiments, the trough because generated velocity values are always positive in this
of the subatmospheric pressure presented is 9:50 m at 0.4 s. column as the emptying process occurs. According to the
experiments, the maximum velocity is presented at 1.05 s with
The two water columns have different movements, then the
a value of 0:175 m/s, which is very close to the value predicted
amplitude of the oscillations of the air pocket along the
by the mathematical model (0:19 m/s). In contrast, water
transient is lower compared with Type B. The mathematical
column 2 presents negative velocities according to the
model predicts accurately the subatmospheric pressure
experiments. As a consequence, water column 2 moves from
pattern along the hydraulic event. However, Figure 6(b)
downstream to upstream during the hydraulic event. The
mathematical model predicts the tendency regarding water
velocities for both water columns.
Type C represents the case where the evolution of the
lengths of the water columns 1 and 2 are different during the
transient. Figure 8 shows that the water column 1 has at the
beginning of the transient an initial value of 3:5 m and at the
end of the hydraulic event a value of 3:2 m, indicating that 0:3
m could be drained during the process. In contrast, the water
column 2 starts with 3:0 m (at t ¼ 0 s) and finishes with 3:2 m
(at t ¼ 3 s), indicating the entire water column 2 was

Figure 6. Comparison between computed and experiments of the Figure 8. Comparison between computed and experiments for the
absolute pressure pattern for Type C. length of water columns of Type C (run number 5).

displaced 0:2 m from downstream to upstream and practically Disclosure statement

this water column could not be drained. The mathematical
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
model predicts accurately the length of the water columns.

5. Conclusions
Oscar E. Coronado-Hernández
The authors developed a mathematical model to predict Vicente S. Fuertes-Miquel
water draining pipelines based upon these assumptions: a Mohsen Besharat
rigid water column model, 1D modelling, constant pipe Helena M. Ramos
diameter and constant friction factor.
Validation of the mathematical model was carried out with
several experiments in an experimental facility where the Nomenclature/Notation
comparison between the computed and the measured main 2
hydraulic variables (absolute pressure of the air pocket, water A = cross sectional area of pipe (m )
CVh = used valves to establish the boundary conditions
velocity and the length of the water column) confirmed the D = internal pipe diameter (m)
accuracy of the mathematical model. The mathematical model DVs = drain valve s
developed by the authors predicted adequately the behaviour f = Darcy-Weisbach friction factor (–)
of the draining process of the hydraulic event. g = gravity acceleration (m/s )
3 1=2
Ks = flow factor of the drain valve s (m /s m )
Regarding the results, the following conclusions can be L
w;j = length of the water column j (m)
drawn: Lj = total length of the pipe j (m)
m = polytrophic coefficient (–)
● Three types of behaviour have been analysed. They pi = absolute pressure of the air pocket i (Pa)
depend on the opening percentage of the drain valves, and atm = atmospheric pressure (Pa)
QT = total discharge (m /s)
the distribution of the air pocket volume inside the water
t = time (s)
columns. Tm = valve maneuvering time (s)
● The backflow air phenomenon depends on the r = number of reaches of the pipe j (–)
V 3
opening percentage of the drain valves: (i) for a partial a;i = volume of the air pocket i (m )
opening, it did not occur during the experiments (Type A) vj = water velocity of the water column j (m/s)
and (ii) for the total opening, the air moved from xi = length of the air pocket i (m)
j = elevation difference of the water column j (m)
downstream to upstream (Types B and C). ρ = density (kg/m )
● Type C was the most complex case to predict by the 1 = refers to initial condition (e.g., initial length of the water
mathematical model. When the initial interface air-water column)
difference elevation ( zj) is very close for the water columns
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