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Alt + w to put the blank space in the timeline

L to increase the speed of the timeline

Shift + -> to move or look into the video or to move the cursor one frame

I , o , e refers to the in, out and put in the end at the timeline

Alt + { will clip the video from the left

Alt + } will clip the video from the right

, will extend the clip towards the left one frame

. Will move the clip to the right one frame

But if we use the

Shift + , will extend the clip towards the left 10 frame

Shift + . Will move the clip to the right 10 frame

| down arrow will take you to the end of the clip

W will place the video clip to the current time head

Q connects the clip to the time head but places it above the main time line

Marker techniques while editing:->

M created the marker at the video clip

Command + I to import anything into the final cut pro

To change the image to the white go to colour then exposure the push up the back
circle all the way up that will convert the black image to the white

To zoom out press click ctrl + shift + z to zoom out on the timeline

Command v that copies the properties

Command shift v to paste the properties

Control t creates the basic title for the video

Tranform tool to move the picture around the screen . It is located at the end of the
video player and in the starting of the menu that is below the video clip

Control + command + 5 will show the transitions that can be added to the image in
the final cut pro or go to the window

To get rid of the visibility select the clip and press the v button

Alt + ] to remove the left of the clip

For graduated mask presss the command + 5 this willl opens the transitions like
the gradients

Command shift v for pasting the attributers to the other clip

Command b to do stuff to particular clip without effecting the previous one

Command 5 for the effects

By pressing the f it adds the clip to the favorite then select the clip press the q to
put the clip to the timeline

Time stands in the videos - infographic builder

Blend mode to screen in the clip will remove the black background from the clip

Click the animation then time button then fast that will make the clip fast

Select the last Frame click alt and f that will make the Frame freeze

Shift + b

In motion 5 inspector will show the properties related to the object used

Click on the view and then select the show full view area

If we are opening the photoshop or the affinit designer file then a box will appear
asking for the layer if we click all layer then it will show all the layers available

Shift + arrow movement of the mouse will automatically resize the image perfectly

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