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Neural Network

Neural network is one of the frequently used word in analytics these days. Neural
network is a machine learning technique which enables a computer to learn from the
observational data. Neural network in computing is inspired by the way biological
nervous system process information.
Biological neural networks consist of interconnected neurons with dendrites that
receive inputs. Based on these inputs, they produce an output through an axon to
another neuron.

The term “neural network” is derived from the work of a neuroscientist, who
developed the first conceptual model of an artificial neural network. In their work,
they describe the concept of a neuron, a single cell living in a network of cells that
receives inputs, processes those inputs, and generates an output.
In the computing world, neural networks are organized on layers made up of
interconnected nodes which contain an activation function. These patterns are
presented to the network through the input layer which further communicates to one
or more hidden layers. The hidden layers perform all the processing and pass the
outcome to the output layer. 
The primary appeal of neural networks is their ability to emulate the brain’s pattern-
recognition skills. Among commercial applications of this ability, neural networks
have been used to make investment decisions, recognize handwriting, and even detect
bombs. This knowledge is modelled as the connections between the processing
elements (artificial neurons) and the adaptive weights of each of these connections.
The network then learns through exposure to various situations. Neural networks are
able to accomplish this by adjusting the weight of the connections between the
communicating neurons grouped into layers. The input layer of artificial neurons
receives information from the environment, and the output layer communicates with
the response, between these layers may be one or more “hidden” layers, where most of
the information processing takes place. The output of a neural network depends on the
weights of the connections between neurons in different layers. Each weight indicates
the relative importance of a particular connection. If the total of all the weighted
inputs received by a particular neuron surpasses a certain threshold value, the neuron
will send a signal to each neuron to which it is connected in the next layer.
Training neural networks typically involves supervised learning, where each training
example contains the values of both the input data and the desired output. As soon as
the network is able to perform sufficiently well on additional test cases, it can be
applied to the new cases. For example, researchers at the University of British
Columbia have trained a feedforward neural network with temperature and pressure
data from the tropical Pacific Ocean and from North America to predict future
global weather patterns.
In contrast, certain neural networks are trained through unsupervised learning, in
which a network is presented with a collection of input data and given the goal of
discovering patterns, without being told what specifically to look for. Such a neural
network might be used in data mining.
Neural networks are at the forefront of cognitive computing, which is intended to have
information technology perform some of the more-advanced human mental functions.
Deep learning systems are based on multilayer neural networks and power, for
example, the speech recognition capability of Apple’s mobile assistant Siri.
2nd YEAR - ECE - B

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