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World Bank and Info Dev

World Bank is a term used to describe an international financial institution that provides leveraged loans to
underdeveloped countries. The main idea behind World Bank is to try and accomplish eliminating world

World Bank is made up of two unique development institutions owned by 186 member countries: the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association

The world bank assists younger and more underdeveloped nations. They achieve this success by loaning
money for needed scientific and other research. There is argument though that money lent may not be being
spent correctly. When defending its record on evictions, the World Bank frequently argues that it must provide
services, such as drinking water and energy, to the poor and that this inevitably disrupts communities. Many
achievements have brought the MDG targets for 2015 within reach. There are 6 goals to be realized to meet a
Millenium Development Goal (MDG) and one is to provide stronger and more focused support from multilateral
institutions like the World Bank.

Millenium Development goals include: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger, Achieve Universal
Primary Education, Promote Gender ,quality and Empower Women, Reduce Child Mortality,
Improve Maternal Health, Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Other Diseases, Ensure Environmental
Sustainability, Develop a Global Partnership for Development

InfoDev stands for the Information Development Program. It is similar to the World Bank in that its main cause
is to better underdeveloped nations. InfoDev is a global development financing program among international
development agencies, coordinated and served by an expert Secretariat housed in the Global ICT Department
(GICT) of the World Bank, one of its key donors and founders: Committed to Sustainable Development and
Poverty Reduction. Enabling Access For All. infoDev helps developing countries and their international partners
make intelligent choices and develop effective partnerships for enabling access to information infrastructure,
applications and services in ways that are sustainable and maximize private investment and leverage public
resources where necessary. This includes sponsoring research, toolkits and capacity building on regulation
issues, expanding access to broadband, promoting municipal networks, etc: Mainstreaming ICT As Tools Of
Development And Poverty Reduction. Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Growt.

World Intellectual property Organisation (WIPO)

Agency founded by United Nations. Protect international intellectual property (IP). Rewards creativity and
stimulate innovation. Contributes to the economic development while safe guarding public interest. WIPO is self
financing. Intellectual Property (IP) = IP is the creation of mind, invention, design, Arts, music, etc. IP Protection
services: Copyright (exclusive right given to creators of IP), Trademark (Are symbols that indicate a product,
WIPO provides certainty that trademarks will be protected in several countries. “TM” indicates a claim on IP,
while “®” indicates a registered IP product. IP can Protect Patents which can expire.


Radio Frequency Identification. 3 components: Tag (heart, stores information about the item),
Reader/antennae, Middleware. 2 main type: Active, Passive. What it is used for: Credit card payment through
cell phones. Transportation payment & toll roads (E-Z Pass tags). Public Transit (Bus, rail, & subway, Smartrip
cards). Inventory systems. DoD – Packages. Impacts: Used to transform the commerce world, Next generation
barcode, Keep inventory levels check.

What is Microsoft doing to save the world

Mission of Microsoft: To protect environment and improve healthcare and education. Microsoft’s Mission: to
help people ad businesses throughout the world realize their full potential. Dislikes global warming and
offers private bus system called “connecter” for employees for free which reduces number of vehicles and

less pollutant. Also have a “Shuttle connect” system of hybrid cars. Microsoft as has Cloud Computing:
Moving services to the Microsoft cloud allows companies to be “able to reduce the energy use and carbon
footprint per user by at least 30% for large organizations, and in the case of small business, this result was
even more dramatic, with potential savings of up to 90%”

Global Information Technology Report: The Global Information Technology Report measures the ICT advances for
increased growth and development in developed and developing countries. What Drives ICT Adoption (Asia): E-
Business (Use of ICT to conduct business electronically, Exchanges with suppliers, customers, business
owners/partners, Work with through the internet), Economic drivers. ICT Adoption Barriers: Money (Poor counties
are not able to afford technologies), Lack of Knowledge towards ICT in poor and least developed countries (LDC).
ICT readiness or the readiness component is divided in to three parts: Individual readiness, Business readiness,
Government Readiness. There needs to be increased government commitment to readiness. This will increase the
level of individual and business readiness and carry over to an improved overall ICT readiness (Southern Europe).

ICT Development Index measures the global digital divide and examines how the countries have developed in
recent years. Drive for ICT adoption: Fixed telephone lines- one with cords or ones with a set distance, Mobile
Telephones- cell phones, iphones, and blackberries, Internet bandwidth, Households with computers and Internet.

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