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A MODEL WRITTEN PRACTICE BIO EDITION BASED ON RECOMMENDED PRACTICE NO. SNT-TC-1A c The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. ASNT...Creating a Safer World!® ESCM ean conn Copytigh! © 2017 by the American Soclely for Nondestructive Testing, This edition of A Mode! Witten Practice was updated to Recommended Praclice No, SNFIC-1A [2016) by Keren Biver, and reviewed by members of the SNI-IC-1A Review Commie. The American Sociely for Nondestuctive Testing. In. {ASNT isnot responsiole for the authentcily oF accuracy of information herein. Pubished opinions and statements do not necessary reflect the opinions of ASNT, Products or services thal ore cavertised ‘or mentioned do not cory the endorsement o: recommendation af ASNT. IRRSP, NOT Nanabook, The NDT Technician ond are trademarks of The American Sociely for Nondestuctive Tesling, Inc. ACCP, ASNT. Level l Sivdy Guide, Materials Evaluation, Nondestructive Tesling Hanabook, Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, end RNDE cre registered lracemans ol The American Socely for Nondestuctive Testing, nc. fist printing 09/17 ebook 03/17 Enola, i avatable for this printing, may be obtained trom ASNT's website, worn asnt.on, 978:1-57117-999-7 Iprnt) 978.1-57117-4000 |ebook} Prinledlin the United States of Amance. Published by: The American Sociely for Nondestructive Testing, 1711 Adingate Lone Columbus, OH 43228-0518 wor asnt.oig Ecited by: Cynthia M. Leeman, Fducorionel Materia S Synihig Jester Designer and thstialor Joy Grimm, Production Menager Tim Jes le. Senior Manager of Pubications ASNT Mission Statement ‘ASNI exists to create a sater word by advancing scientifc. engineering. and technical knowledge inthe Feld fof nondestructive testing. CONTENTS Introduction ‘A Model Written Practice 1.9 Scope a . 2.0 References . 3.0 Definitions. . : i 40 Nondestructive Testing Methods. 5.0 Levels of Quaiiication. .. : . 6.0 Education, Training, and Experience Requitements for Initio! Qualiication 7.0 Training Programs 8.0 Examinations 9.0 Certification 10.0 Technical Performance Evaluation, . 1.0 inlemupied Service 12.0 Recertification 13.0 Termination. . 140 Reinstatement Sample Forms 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 7 8 8 8 2 9 ° Tables Table I: Level ! end Level l Initial Training and Experience Levels see lO Table tl: Minimum Number of Level | and Level Il Written Examination Questions . n Table Il: initial Training and Experience Levels for Level Limited Ceriication ... n Sample Forms Concise Version — Nondestructive Tasting Personne! Qualiication Record... | cece I? Ful Vorsion — Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualiication Record ‘A MODEL WRITTEN PRACTICE | 2016 Edition Introduction This Model Written Practice was prepared to assist individuals charged with the responsibility for preparing, written practice that reflects at employer's processes for qualifying and certifying NDT personnel. The need fot, and application of, a written practice is established in Recommended Practice No, SNT-IC-1a (2016), a document produced by the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), SN7-TC-14 vas first introduced in 1966 and has been revised in 1968, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011, and 2016. Reference should be made to applicable interpretations from Interpreting SNP-TC-1A, current edition, also published by ASNT. The interpretations are answers to questions frequently asked by those responsible for drafting written practices for their employers. SNT-TC-1A provides guidelines for employers to establish a written practice that conveys the intent of 'SIVP-7C-1A, stated in the Foreword of that document: “This recommended practice is not intended to be used as a strict specification. It is recognized, however, that contracts require programs which meet the intent of this document. Fo such contracts, purchaser and supplier must agree upon acceptability of an ‘employer's program.” This statement conveys the frequent reality that contracts, specifications, or codes reaite NDT personne! qualification and certification to be in accordance with Recommended Practice No SNT-TC-IA, The usual interpretation by auditors, and others reviewing such programs, is that each and ‘every provision, including stated recommendations (for example, training hours, numbers of examination questions, and extent of hands-on experience), is to be met explicitly or exceeded. “There is no assurance that this Model Written Practice, as presented, will satisfy all mandated requirements ‘of contracts of other documents referenced by a purchaser of goods and/or serviees. As a model, however, itdoes serve to provide a solid foundation for a written practice forthe control and administration of most NDT personnel qualification and certification programs, Modifications ean readily be made to add or delete specifi parts. The shaded and bracketed text throughout the document indicates where the user may want (0 modify this Model Written Practice to fit the employer's requirements. In the absence of contractual or other mandated requirements, employers voluntarily applying the recommendations of SV7-TC-I4 have more flexibility in the preparation of @ written practice. This Model Written Practice presents, in detail, what a written practice can be. [tis not a prescription for what such ‘a practice should be. It should reflect the qualification and performance goals of the employer. In the Scope of SN7-TC-/4, paragraph 1.2 states, “This document provides guidelines for the establishment of 2 {qualification and certification program.” Based on Recommended Practice No. SNFTC-14 Written Practice in Accordance with Recommended Practice No, SNT-TC-1A: | Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing (2016) 10 Scope 1.1 ‘This written practice establishes the minimum requirements for education, training, experience, | examination, and certification of personnel responsible for conducting nondestructive tests while in the employment of INSERT:GOMPANY-NAME].It applies to all persons conducting nondestructive tests that are required tobe certified to the provisions of Recommended Practice No, SNT-TC-1A (2016). 1.2. The methods and techniques of nondestructive testing covered by this written practice are sed in accordance with the applicable codes, standards, specications, and procedures referenced below. (NOTES SNTTC#1a 2016 BOUTON PROVIDES TIA THI aevelopinig a wirittenptctice asReEEd it ection the’ eniployeeshoulé-teview:the detailed recomriieidations presented lietein and inoditytien Gs ea allel S ic mo aon al ee DUE sane emit Basie provision | ‘of ie pega chat epereince resting and recertifications Supporting techiiteal TatiOnale TOT: Hiodineationer dotilled tatoimiman ations sHOUM be provided Ia an Annex tothe wetter practixaTE) THISRROVASIONISTNVOKEDZADDAHE PARAGRAPH BELOW AND! CREATEAN ANNEXTO: DEFINE:THE CONDITIONSTO WHICHTE PERTAINS AND INCLUDE TAB RATIONALE DELETE: ‘CHE PARAGRAPH BELOWJE THIS/PROVISIONISNOPINVOKED] 1.3 Annex A in this written practice indicates where [INSERSCOMBANY:NAMIE] has deviated from Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-14 (2016). 2.0 References 21 General 24.1 Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-IA: Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing (2016).* 2.1.2 Applicable method Questions & Answers Books* 2.1.3 Interpreting SNT-TC-14, current edition. (Contains inquiries to, and responses from, ASNT’s SNT-TC-14 Interpretation Panel." 21.4 ANSI/ASNT CP-105- ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel, (2018)-* 2.4.5 ACCP-CP-1, ASNT Central Certification Progeam.* 2.1.6 ‘UP-ASNT-2, ASNT NDT Level Il Program.* [LISTOTHER:GENERAT:REFERENGES'AVAILABLEEROMPASNT'O! APPLICABLE) “References available fepm the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) 22 Applicable employer NDT and administrative procedures. (UISTASAPPROPRIATE|] 23. Applicable codes, standards, specifications, and procedures. (DISTESSIXPPROPRIATE) 3.0 Definitions [LIST“AS'APPROPRIATEERONCTHE FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS] 3.1 Certification: writen testimony of qualification 3.2 Certifying Agency: the employer ofthe personnel being certified; specifically, INSERT! COMPANY ‘AMET. 3.3. Certifying Authority: the person or persons properly designated in the written practice to sign certifications on behalf of the employer: specifcaly, {INSERTE:"RESPONSIBLE NDT LEVEL 11" ‘OR THE ROSITON OR THLE OF THE COMPANY, OFFICIAL WHOIS DESIGNATED TO: SIGN (CERTIEICATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CERTIFYING AGENCY. 34. Closed-Book Examination: an examination administered without access to reference material except for materials supplied with or in the examination, (See 8.7.) 35. Comparable: being at an equivalent or similar level of NDT responsibilty and difficulty as determined by the employer’s responsible NDT Level IU. 36 Documented: the condition of being in written form. 3.7 Employer: the corporate, private, or public entity, which employs personnel for wages, salary, fees, ‘or other considerations specifically, [INSERU’COMPANY/NAME]. 38 Experience: work activities accomplished in a specific ND’ method under the direction of qualified supervision including the performance of the NDT method and related activities but not including time spent in organized training programs. 39. Grading Unit: a qualification specimen can be divided into sections called grading units, which «do not have to be equal length or be equally spaced. Grading units are unflawed or flawed and the percentage of flavedunflawed grading units required shal be approved by the NDT Level If 3.10 Limited Certification: nondestructive test methods may be further subdivided into limited disciplines or techniques to meet specific employer's needs; these are NDT Level II certifications, bat toa limited scope 3.1L Nondestructive Testing: a process that involves the inspection, testing, or evaluation of materials, ‘components, and assemblies for materials’ discontinuities, properties, and machine problems veithout farther impairing or destroying the parts serviceability. Throughout this document the term NDT applies equally to the NDT inspection methods used for material inspection, flaw detection, or predictive maintenance (PdM) applications. 3.12 Outside Agency: a company or individual who provides NDT Level II services and whose «qualifications to provide these services have been reviewed by the employer engaging the company or individual 3.13 Qualification: demonstrated skill, demonstrated knowledge, documented training, and documented experience required for personnel to properly perform the duties ofa specific job. 3.14 Recommended Practice: a set of guidelines o assist the employer in developing uniform procedures forthe qualification and certification of NDT personnel to satisfy the employer's specific requirements 3.15. Technique: a category within an NDT method for example, ultrasonic thickness measurement 3.16 Training: an organized program developed to impart the knowledge and skills necessary for gualification, 3.17 Writien Practice: a written procedure developed by the employer that detals the requirements for ‘qualification and certification of their employees 4.0 Nondestructive Testing Methods 4.1 Qualification and certification of NDT personnel in accordance with this written practice is applicable to each of the following methods and techniques: 411 (LISEAPPLICABLENDT METHODS'AND TECHNIQUES! 5.0 Levels of Qualification 8.1 There are three basic levels of qualification 5.2. While in the process of being initially tained, qualified, and cestiied, an individual shall be 53 considered a trainee. A trainee shall work witha certified individual. The trainee shall not Independently conduct, interpret, evaluat, or report the results of any NDT test, ‘The three basic levels of qualification a 53.1 NDT Level | An NDT Level | individual shall be qualified to propery perform specific calibrations, specific NDT, and specific evaluations for acceptance or rejection determinations according to writen instructions and to record results. The NDT Level shall receive the necessary instruction and supervision from a certified NDT Level I or IIL dividual {ADUISONEN estore Lacan ESN ‘ue senptanceand mlaonot end 532 NDT Levelll-An NDT Level individual shall be quale to set up and cliorate equipment and to interpret and evaluate results with respect to applicable codes, standards, and specifications. The NDT Level If shall be thoroughly familiar with the scope and Fimitations of the methods for which qualified and shall exercise assigned responsibility for ‘on-the-job training and guidance of trainees and NDT Level [ personnel. Ihe NDT Level Il shall be able to organize and report the results of ND tests. 533 NDT Level Ill. An NDT Level If individual shall be capable of developing, qualifying, and approving procedures; establishing and approving techniques: interpreting codes, standards, specifications, and procedures; and designating the particular NDT methods, techniques, and procecures to be used, ihe NDT Level II shall be responsible for the NDT operations for witich qualified and assigned, and shall be capable of interpreting and evaluating results in terms of existing codes, standards, and specifications. The NDT Level I shall have sufficient practical background in applicable materials, fabrication, and product technology to establish techniques and to assist in establishing acceptance criteria when none are ‘otherwise available, The NDT Level III shall have general familiarity with other appropriate NDT methods, as demonstrated by the NDT Level II Basic examination or (INSERE, ‘AUSPEGIEIG DESCRIPTION OF THEALTERNATIVEGS)]. the NDT Level II, in the methods in which certified, shal be capable of training and examining NDT Level land tt personnel for certification in those methods, 6.0 Education, Training, and Experience Requirements for Initial Qualification 61 62 63 Candidates for certification in NDT shall have sufcient education, training, and experience to ‘ensure qualification in those NDT methods in which they are being considered for certification Documentation of prior certification may be used by [ENSERT'GOMPANYNAME] as evidence ‘of qualification for comparable levels of certification. Educational attainment, completed training, and experience shall be documented on an appropriate form. NSERTEEXAMBEB! ‘NONDESTRUCTIVE ‘TESTING PERSONNEL QUALIEICATION RECORD FORM] Documented training and/or experience gained in positions and activities comparable to those ofNDT Levels I, 1, and/or I! prior to establishment of [INSERT COMPANY NAME] veritten practice may be considered in satistying the criteria of Section 6.3, ‘Tobe considered for certification, a candidate shal satisfy one ofthe following criteria fr the applicable NDT level 63.1 NDI Levels land it ‘Table I lists the required training and experience hours to be considered by IINSERT! COMPANYNAME] for initial qualification of NDT Level | and NDT Level Il individuals. 632 NDI Level Ul 632.1 Have abaccalaureate degree or higher in engineering or science, plus one ‘Additional year of experience beyond the NDT Level Il requirements in NDT in an assignment atleast comparable to that of an NDT Level I! inthe applicable ‘A MODEL WRITTEN PRACTICE | 2016 Edition NDT method{s), or: 63.2.2 Have completed with passing grades atleast two years of engineering of science stady at a university, college, or technical schoo}, plus two additional years of experience beyond the NDT Level Il requitements in NDT in an assignment at Teast comparable to that of an NDT Level I! in the applicable NDT method(s), of 632.3 Have four years of experience beyond the NDT Level II requirements in NDT in Jn assignment at least comparable to that of an NDT Level If in the applicable NDT methods) TANT) STHE Abe NDT remmeis fsaybe patialy tepladed by expetlenice a&a certified NDT ‘evel Vor by zesigiiness at least comparable to NDT Level Tas defined in Hieemployer’s WE ite practice” IP THISPROVISION: ISINVOKED,ADD/A’ PARAGRAPH: THIS POINT: TODEFINE THE CONDITIONS 10 WHICH: {EPERTAINS ANDINCLUDE THE RATIONALE,] 7.0 Training Programs 74 72 Peronnel being considered for inital certification shall complete sufficient organized traning. The Organized training may include instructor-led training, personalized instruction, virtual instructor- Jed traning, computer-based training, or web-based training, Computer-based training and web- tased training shal track hours and content of training with student examinations in accordance wuth 7. The training shall be suiiciently organized to ensure the student is thoroughly familiar ‘with the principles and practices ofthe specified NDT method related to the level of cestification Uesired and is applicable to the processes to be used and the products to be tested, All raining progcams shall be approved by the responsible NDT Level I The training program shall include suficient examinations to ensure understanding ofthe necessary information, Required training course outlines and references for NDT Levels f Il, and 1 personnel which thay be used as technical source material are contained in ANSYASNT CP.-105: Topical Oalines for Quelification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel. [NOTESTE COURSEGONTENTON, NUMBER ORTRAINING HOURS HAS.UEEN MODIFIED, APPEND THE MODIFIE (OUTLINE LO THIS WRITTEN PRACTICE AND REFERENCE) x FOR MODIFIGATION SHOULD EITHER BE PRESENTED HERE OR BY-REEERENCE TO, NOTE(S)IN-THE MODIFIED. COURSE OUTLINE: IE NO MODIEICATIONS:ARE NEEDED: DELETE THISNOTEAND THE FOLLOWING ADVISORY.NOTE) ‘When outside training services are purchased, (INSERT. COMBANY-NAME] is responsible for assuring that such services meet the requirements of this writen practice. Pena Tarad praca taining COURSE OUTTA HInINTGA training HONS) eletnig ciacdiig topics to meet the employer's specific applications or for jal. cevifications. These revisions should become'a patt Of, or dppetided: tov the: ere’a pattictlar NIT method is used but Hot listed in SNT-NC-| Having w Sinilak degeeo’of technical cifically should be ts iniig outline} 8.0 Examinations 8 ‘Administration and Grading Sid AnNDT Love Il shall be responsible forthe administration and grading of examinations Specified in Sections 8.3 through 8.7 for NDT Leve I, 1, or other NDT Level 1M personnel ‘Fhe administration and grading of examinations may be delegated to a qualified representative of the NDT Level Il and so recorded. A qualified representative of [INSERT COMPANY-NAME] may perform the actual administration and geading of NDT Level II ‘examinations specified in 87-1 through 87.3. S111. To be designated as a qualified representative of the NDT Level ILf for the administration and grading of NDT Level [and NDT Level If personnel {qualification examinations, the designee shall have documented, specfic instruction by the responsible NDT Level II in the proper administration and grading of qualification examinations prior to conducting and grading independent qualification examinations for NDT personnel. Additionally, the practical exam shall be administered by a person certified in the applicable NDT ‘method as NDT Level I ott 8.11.2 Except as provided in 87.4 and 8.75, an NDT Level If candidate shall pass «basic, method, and specific NDT Level Ill examination, to be administered and scored by [INSER WAS APPROPRIATESTHE IDENTITY OR THE: TOUTHE FORME Nerd. oP Aunorzatons.and Deignaons: TEUSEDI ‘All questions used for NDT Level Ill exarsinations shall be approved by an NDT Level It certified in the method(s) for which the examinations are to be administered. 8.12 For ND Levelland Ii personnel, a composite grade shall be determined by simple averaging of the results ofthe general, specific, and practical examinations described below, For NDT Level IT personnel, the composite grade shall be determined by simple averaging ‘of the results of the basic, method, and specific examinations described below. 8.1.3. Examinations administered by [INSERE' GOMPANY:NAME] for qualification shall result ina passing composite grade of atleast 80 percent, with no individual examination having 4 passing grade les than 70 percent. 8.14 When an examination is administered and graded for UNSERESGOMRANY:NAME] by | an outside agency and the outside agency issues grades of pass o fail only, on a certified report, then EINSERTSGCOMPANY:NAME]} may accept the pass grade as 80 percent for that particular examination, 8.5 When outside services are purchased, [INSERT GOMPANY:NAME] is responsible for ensuring thatthe examination services meet the requirements ofthis written practice 8.1.6 In no case shall an examination be administered by one's self or by a subordinate. 82. Vision Examinations 8.2.1 Near-Vision Acuity. ‘the examination shall ensure natural or corrected near-distance acuity nat one ih hath appa cpa of ISSHERUABELERIATIENERT ENE EROMTMEROELOWING TEXT] reading a Se aera es ee gee eee oon the chart but not less than 12 in, (30.5 em) on a standard Jaeger test chact. The ability to perceive an Ortho-Rater minimum of 8 or similar test pattern is also acceptable. ‘This shall be administered anual. 822 Color Contrast Differentiation. ‘The examination shall demonstrate the capabilty of xin gushing and diferentaing contrast among calor on HNGERDTE, {ENAON SUCHIAS I lial Colo Plates” OR OTHER AEPROVED! {ANISM]. When applicable and approved by the responsible NDT Level III, NDT personnel may demonstcate the ability to differentiate among colors or shades of gray used in the method. This shal be conducted upon initial certification and at five-year intervals thereafer. 82.3 Vision examinations shall be administered by [INSERIVIHE'EMPLOVER'S STARE) PERSON OR OPHER DESIGNATED FUNCTION AUTHORIZEI TO ADMINISTER IIHE VISION EXAMINATIONS) and expire on the last day of the month of expiration. 83. General (Weitten ~ for NDT Levels I and 11) 83.1 The general examinations shall address the basic principles ofthe applicable method. 83.2 _Jn preparing the examinations, the NDT Level III shal selector devise appropriate “questions cavering the applicable method to the degree required by this written practice. 83.3 The content and format ofthe examination questions shall be similar tothe example questions in the applicable appenslix section of SNT-TC-1A or method ASNT Questions & Answers Books. The ASNT Questions & Answers Book questions are intended only as examples, They shall not be used verbatim for qualification examinetions, 834 The minimum number of questions that shall be given is listed in Table I, 84 Specific (Written - for NDT Levels I and 1) BL The specific examination shall addeess the equipment, operating procedures, and NDT techniques thatthe individual may encounter during specific assignments to the degree FMVs Ruins dan cesar ac. as 86 DNOTENSNT required by this written practice. 14.2 “The specific examination shall also cover the specications or codes and acceptance criteria used in {INSERTECOMPANY NAME] NDT procedur 843 The minimum number of questions that shall be given is listed in ‘Table I. Practical (for NDT Levels [and I) B51. The candidate shall demonstrate familiarity with and ability to operate the necessary NDT ‘equipment, record and analyze the resultant information tothe degree required. 85.2 Atleast one flawed specimen or component shall be tested and the results of the NDT analyzed by the candidate. 1853. “The description of the specimen, the NDT procedure including checkpoints, and the results ofthe examination shall be documented. 854. NDT Level! Practical Examination. Proficiency shall be demonstrated in petforming the {pplicable NDT on one or more specimens or machine prablems approved by the NDT Level It and in evaluating the results tothe degree of responsibility as described in this wwrtven practice Atleast ten (10) different checkpoints requiring an understanding of test Variables and [INSERT COMPANYGNAME] procedural requizements shal be included In this practical examination, The candidate shall detect all discontinuities and conditions speciied by the NDT Level IT, The practical shall be scored on a percentile basis, but ill contain checkpoints that failure to successfully complete wil esult in failure of the examination, 85.5 NDT Level Il Practical Examination. Proficiency shall be demonstrated in selecting ‘and performing the applicable NDI technique within the method and interpreting and evalating the results on one of more specimens or machine problems approved by the NDI Level {Il Atleast ten (10) different checkpoints requiring an understanding of NDT yariables and [INSERTSCOMPANY NAME] procedural requirements shal be incladed jn this practical examination, The candidate shall detect all discontinuities and conditions specified by the NDT Level Il The practical shall be scored on a percentile basis, bt sll contain checkpoints that failure to successfully complete will result in faire ofthe examination, {ADVISORYINOTE! iene ainda nteiNeRttonealed eAAIN ‘nits whichidb hot have to he equal length oe be equallyepactl- Grading Units are ‘iflined Ge awed gid the percentage Ot awed in flawed grading wits requined ShouleEhe appreived by tHENDI Level IE] [Additional Written, Specific, and Practical Examination Criteria 861 NDT Level ill, and Il Written Examinations 86.11 AIUNDT Level [ 1, and I written examinations shall be closed book except that necessary data, such as graphs, tables, specifications, procedures, codes, etc nay be provided with or in the examination. Questions utilizing such reference Tnsterifs shal require an understanding ofthe information rather than merely Tocating the appropriate ansirer, All questions used for NDT Level Land NDT {evel Il examinations shall be approved by the responsible NDT Level TH 6.12 A valid endorsement on an ACCP Level If certificate fulfills the corresponding Gxamination criteria described in paragraphs 8.3 and 8.5 for each applicable NDT method 6.13 Avalid ASNT NDI Level Il cettificate may be accepted by [INSERTE-COMRANY: NAME] as falling the general examination criteria described in paragraph 8.3 for each applicable method. 8:62 (INSERT:COMPANY-NAME] may delete the specific examination if the candidate has dvalid ACCP or ASNE NDT Level I certificate in the method/industrial sector and if documented experience exists to permit such. 863 Practical B $651. Successful completion of an ACCP Level Il general hands-on practical examination may be considered as flfilling the requirements of paragraph 8.5. TCJAS2016 EDITION} PROVIDES ADDITONALGUIDBEINES FOR FIEM: INTERPRETATION LIMITED CERTIFICATION, PHASED ARRAYSAND TIME OB FLIGHT, aE 00005 0 Rocormanced Practice No. SNETC-IA 8.464 ‘The NDI Level Ill is responsible to ensure that ifthe ACCP and ASNT NDT Level specific and practical examinations are used by HINSERTEGOMEANY:NAME], as stated in 86.2 and 86.3.1, the requirements of 84.1, 8.42, and 85.5 are satisfied 87 NDT Level Ill Examinations | 8.7.1 Basic Examination | 87.1.1 NDI‘ Basic Examination (required only once when more than one method | ‘examination is taken). The minimum number of questions that shall be given is as | follows: Fifteen (15) questions relating to understanding the SWT-C-1A document, 872.12 Twenty @0) questions rating to apple materials bration, amd product technology. 87.1.3 Twenty (20) questions that are similar to published NDT Level II questions for other appropriate NDT methods. ee ADDSTHBIAPPROPRIATE FARAGRAPHSATTHISPOINTS 87.2 Method Examination (for ach method) Thirty (30) questions relating to fundamentals and principles that are similar to published ASNT NDT Level II questions for each method, and Fifteen (15) questions relating to application and establishment of techniques and procedures that ate similar to the published ASNT NDT Level II questions for each method, and 87.23 Twenty (20) questions relating to capability for interpreting codes, standards, and specifications relating to the method. 87.3 Specific Examination (for each method) 87.3.1 Twenty (20) questions relating to specifications, equipment, techniques, and procedures applicable to {INSERT COMPANY NAME] product(s) and methods ‘employed and! tothe administration ofthis written practice. 87.32 fINSEREGOMPANY:NAME] may delete the specific examination ifthe ‘candidate hasa valid ASNT NDT Level II or ACCP Professional Level i certificate in the method and if documented evidence of experience exists, including the preparation of NDT procedures to codes, standards, or specifications and the evaluation of test results. 8.74 A valid endorsement on an ASNT NDT Level II certificate fulls the examination ceteria described in 87.1 and 8.7.2 far each applicable NDT method. 875. Avalid endorsement of an ACCP Professional Level I certificate fulfils the examination criteria described in 8.7.1 and 87.2 for each applicable NDF method. 88. Reexamination 88.1 Those failing wo attain the required grades shall wait atleast thirty (30) days or receive suitable additional training as determined by the responsible NDT Level Il before reexamination, 9.0 Certification 9.1 Certification of all ND Levels of NDT personnel is the responsibility of {ENSERTCOMPANYS ‘NAMEL 9.2. Certification of NDT personnel shall be based on demonstration of satisfactory qualification in accordance with Sections 6, 7, and 8, as described in this written practice. ENioira Auchan Nan oulesmie utara 9.3. Atthe option of (INSERT:COMPANY:NAME), an outside agency may be engaged to provide NDT Level II services. In such instances, the responsibility of certification ofthe employees shall be retained by [INSERE: COMPANY NAME} 9.4 Personnel certification records shall be maintained on file by [INSERT COMPANSNAME] for the duration specified below and shal include the following 9.4.1. Names of certified individuals 94.2 Level of certification and NDT method. 9.43 Fducational background and experience of certified individuals. 9444 Statement indicating satisfactory completion of training in accordance with this written practice, 9.45 Results of the vision examinations prescribed in 8.2 for the current certification period, 9446 Current examination copy(ies) or evidence of successful completion of examinations. 9.4.7 Other suitable evidence of satisfactory qualifcations when such qualifications are used in lieu ofthe specific examination prescribed in 87.3.2 or as prescribed in the employer's written practice, 9.4.8 Composite grade(s) or suitable evidence of grades. 9.49 Signature of the NDT Level II who verified qualifications of candicates for certification. 914.10 Dates of certification and/or recertification, 514.11 Certification expiration date 914.12 Signature of employer’s certifying authority. 9.5 Personnel certification records shal be maintained in active files by (INSERE-COMRANS:NANE] during the employment of certified individuals, Following separation of employment or expiration Of certification, the affected personnel certification records may be removed from active records, but maintained on file for a least {INSERT’ATIME PERIOD’ DEEMED REASONABLE:AND’ ‘CONSISTENT: WITEKCOMPANY, POLICIES, A. GENERALLY ACCEPTED PERIOD 18.12 MONTHS! 10,0Technical Performance Evaluation 10.1 NDT personnel may be reexamined any time atthe discretion of INGERTECOMPANY-NAME] and have thee certification extended or revoke 10.2 Each PNSERE:THETIME PERIOD TOCONDUCETHISREVIEW), NDT Level [ and 11 personnel shal be reevaluated by the NDT Level [1] administering a practical examination. The practical examination shal follow the format and guidelines described in Section 85 11.01nterrupted Service 111. Unless otherwise required by contract or governing provisions of applicable codes, standards, specifications or regulations, reexamination and receetification of certified NDY personnel shall be equited ifa certified individual has not performed job duties in the method{s) for which certified LLLLL- Daring @ contiguous period of fINSERT-A:TIME PERIOD DEEMED REASONABLE AND! CONSISTENT WETH COMPANY. POUIOHIS:(GENERALLY: ACCEPTABLE PERIODS. [ARE BETWEEN'SIX MONTHS :ANDONE YEAR) or more, or 11,12. Fora total of PNSERT THE TIME PERIOD STATEDIN Ht] or more during any period of [INSERT THE APPROPRIATE TIMI:PERIOD. GENERALLY ACCEPTABLE: PERIODS ARE BETWEEN ONE AND-TWOYEARS or more 112 Alllevels of NDT personnel with interrupted service shall be recertified by reexamination in any or all parts ofthe examinations for the applicable method{s) as deemed necessary by the responsible NDT Level I 12.0 Recertification 12.1 Allllevels of NDT personnel shall be recertified periodically in accordance with one of the following criteria 12.1.1 Evidence of continuing satisfactory technical performance. 12.1.2. Reexamination ia those portions of the examinations in Section 8 deemed necessary by the responsible NDT Level II 12.2 Alllevels of NDT personnel shall be recertified every’ TINSERESEIVEXEARSORVIE LESS THAN: BIVE SEARS: INSERT:THE TIME PERIOD]. Certifications expire on the last day ofthe month oF expiration 12.3, When new techniques are added to {INSERT COMBANYNAME) writen practice, NDT Level [1 personnel shall receive applicable training, take applicable examinations, and obtain the necessary experience, such that the NDT Level If meets the tequirements of the new techniques in Table [ Prior to their next recertification date, in the applicable method, 13.0Termination 13.1 INSERT; COMPANY:NAMB] certification shall be deemed revoked when employment is terminated, 132, An NDT Level NDT Level I or ND Level Il whose certification has been terminated may be certified to the former NDT level by [INSERTCOMPANY: NAME] based on examination, as described In Section 8, provided al ofthe following conditions are met to [INSERT:-GOMPANY: NAME] satisfaction: 132.1 The employee has proof of prior certification, 13.22 The employee was working in the capacity to which certified within six (6) months of termination 132.3. The employee is being recertified within six (6) months of termination, 13.4 Prior to betng examined for certification, employees not meeting the above requirements shall receive additional training as deemed! appropriate by the responsible NDT Level I. 140Reinstatement V4.1 An NDT Level L, NDT Level If, or NDT Level If] whose cert be reinstated! to the former NDT level, without a new examinato conditions are met 14.1.1 UNSEREGCOMPANYNAME} has maintained the personnel certification records requiced in section 94 14.1.2 The employee's cert 14.13 The employee is being nn has been terminated may provided all ofthe following ation did not expire during termination, nstated within six (6) months of termination. ‘Sample Forms ‘The (INSERT.SAMPLE FORMS? OR THE NAME OF OTHER EQUIVALENT-FORMS] attached to this \written practice are used by [INSERT COMPANY:NAME] in the control and administration of the NDT. personnel qualification and certification program, [usingtiesanplenorns ‘Titee SiimpleRomiearesnehiaea) ‘A MODEL WRITTEN PRACTICE | 2016 E Table I: Level | and Level II Initial Training and Experience Levels Experience" Not Minimum Hours in | ‘Total Hours in pail Technique ‘Teoining Hours cn nae Examination Method ‘© NO:TERLISTeTHEVAPPHIGABLE/ NUMBER OF HOURS EROMOTABER 63:1 ANSNTSIC:1A/2016 EDITION-AND’ DELETE THISNOTE NOTES: 1. For Level I certification, the experience shall consist of time at NDT Level for equivalent. [fa person is being qualified directly to NDT Level IL with no time at NDT Level I, the experience (both Method and Total NDT) shall consist of the sum of the hours for NDT Level { and Level {Land the training shall consist ofthe sum of the hours for NDT Level [ and Level I. NOTE: TO:USER: USI THE'APPROPRIATE ENTRIES ERO NUSWISTGHTA(2008) TABLE 3; 1AEIE EXCEPTIONS, HAVE BEEN MADE; BETHER FOOTNOTE:THEM HERE, OR REFERENCE 7. HE/APPROPRIATE PARAGRAPH(S)IN' ‘THE WRETTEN PRACTICE UNDER Eaieationis Teanhleg, anh Experteice REQ TEMAS 10 ING 2:04 0n recommended Prectica No. SNETC-IA Table I: Minimum Number of Level | and Level Il Written Examination Questions Method ‘Generat Examination Specific Examination Levelt Levelt Level Level i DELETE THIS NOTE) (NOTHELISTTHE:APPLICABLE NUMBER'OF QUESTIONS FROME TABLE 83:4 IN'SNI“TC=1A,-2016 EDUTION/AND! Table Il: Initial Training and Experience Levels for Level Il Limited Certification Examination ‘Method Limited Corttication Technician’s Starting Point (Trainee or Level) Formal Training (Hours) Minimum Work Experience in Method (Hours) (NOTESLIST-THE/APPLICABLE NUMBER OF HOURS FROM TABLE 63:1B IN SNI“TC:TA;2016 EDITION AND: DEPETETHISNOTE] " / EMVossiininie Maree een el SAMPLE FORM: Concise Version — Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification Record [VERIFY COMPANYONAME‘TS'ON THIS FORME] Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification Record Employee Name e D Curent Status © Trainee Level Level it @ Level Limited Method ua Cetification Date “Techniquels) Expiration Date Recenified By Continuing Satisfaciory Performance pes seaedeeae etait yes sesesese gE Qualification Examination Results General Date _ ‘Admin. By Specific Date Admin, By Practical Date Admin, By Composite Seore SpiSHisiants Verified By Vision Examinations Near Vision Acuity (Annual) Date: Admin. By — Jeger Number 1 CJaeger Number? Other = B Acceptable © Unacceptable Comective Lenses Required © Yes 1 No Color Contrast (5 Years): Date __ Admin. By 1 Ishibara Plates 0 Other 1 Acceptable © Unacceptable Training: NDT-Related course Tite | Date(s) | Duration tours) | Instructor | Location | Approved By | Exams) Given? | ayon | ‘ Oy aon ‘The above named employee has satisfactorily met the qualification requirements of the [INSERT:COMPANYNAME] ‘writen practice in accordance with SNT-TC-14 (2016). Other details of qualification, if any, are maintained on file and are available for andit upon request By _— Dated _ - ‘SAMPLE FORM: Concise Version — Nondestructive Testing Personne! Qualification Record EVERIEY:COMPANY-NAMEIS/ON-THIS FORM) Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification Record Employee Name 1D ‘Current Certification Status O Levet IIT Method Certification Date ‘Techniquess) Expiration Date Recertified By Continuing Satisfactory Performance Date By. Qualification Examination Results Basic Date ‘Admin. By Tien Scos Method Date ‘Admin. By Specific Date Admin. By Composite Seore os Verified By Vision Examinations Near Vision Acuity (Annual) Date: Admin. By 1D Jaeger Number! EV Jneger Number? Other 1B Acceptable 1 Unacceptable Comective Lenses Required Yes No Color Contrast (5 Years): Date Admin. By © Ishihara Plates 1 Other, 1D Acceptable 1 Unacceptable Training: NDT-Related Course Title | Date(s) | Duration Hours) | Instructor | Locetion | Approved By | —Exam(s) Given? ovon ovon ‘The above named employee has satisfactorily met the qualification requirements of the [INSERT: COMPANY: NAME] written practice in accordance with SNT-TC-LA (2016). Other details of qualification, if any, are maintained on file and are available for audit upon request By Dated 3 ‘A MODEL WRITTEN PRACTICE | 2016 Edition SAMPLE FORM: Full Version — Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification Record Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification Record Employee Name _ 1D Hie Date Education High School or Equivalent Advanced —_ ee Cortifcate(s) andlor Degree(s) Obtained/Date(s) Verified: Yes CNo By: Experience (Current Employer) 1,Q.NDT-Related From aie NDT Method/Technique(s) Accumulated Hours Method Hous Codes, Stds., Specs. Used: 2.Q NDT-Related From To _ es NDT MethodsTechnique(s) oe aoe Accumulated Hours Method Hours __ Total NDT Hours Codes, Stds., Spees. Used: 3.0 NDT-Related From NDT Method Techniques) Accumulated Hours Method Hours Codes, Stds., Specs. Used: Experience (Current Employer) 1.QNDT-Related From __ To NDT Method/Technique(s) — ia a ‘Accumulated Hours Method Hours _____ Total NDT Hours Codes, Stds., Spees. Used: Verified: 0 Yes No By a 2.0 NDT-Related From To — NDT Method/Technique(s) __ Bees veseeeeeeS eS Accumulated Hours Method Hous. ‘Total NDT Hours Codes, Stds., Specs. Used: _ gee eee ese Verified: Yes No By COUNDT-Related = From NDT Method/Technique(s) —___ ‘Accumulated Hours Method Hours Codes, Stds., Spees. Used: Verified: G Yes No By To 14 ‘SAMPLE FORM: Full Version — Nondestructive Testing Personnel Quali ation Record Training: NDT-Related Course Tite | Date(s) | Ouration (Hours) | Instructor Location Approved By | Exam(s) Given? ovon oyvon avon Examinations Vision Examinations Record corrective | exams beret Near Vision Acuity ‘Color Contrast Lenses Examined | Approved Date peneeee | %y on a2 Senne 0 Other 0 Ofer ovan (wat, omen (hot # omen Da oz Cehnore 2 Other O Ofer aici {wrt oe ha, # omen on oz TG inore Done _ 1 Other cae {Whal. ifother) (What, i other] By Dated 8 EMMeriseriaia naracnesd SAMPLE FORM: Full Version — Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualifi peed Written and Practical Examinations - Level | and Level ti General Specific Practical ‘Composite Method and Date Number of Questions fr Specimens (Practical) ‘Administered By Graded By ‘Approved By Score Number of Questions or Specimens (Practical) Method and Date _ Administered By arene te Approved By Score Method and Date A Number of Questions | forSpecimens (Proctical) | ‘Administered By Graded By ‘Approved By ‘Score I Method and Date Number of Questions (or Specimens Practical) ‘Administered By Graded By ‘Approved By | ‘Score ‘Method and Date ‘Number of Questions: fr Specimens (Practical) ‘Administered By Graded By ‘Approved By Score ‘pointe spice(9) ad sits Mesreasoin abeve/ Remember to delete this notes] 6 SAMPLE FORM: Full Version — Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification Record Written and Practical Examinations - Level Itt Method and Date Number of Quostione ‘Administered By ‘Graded By Approved By Score AA LET Method and Date [Number of Questions T ‘Administered By I Graded By ‘Approved By ‘Score ‘Method and Dato ‘Number of Questions: ‘Administered By Graded By | Approved By Se EES | Number of Questions ‘Administered By [eraded By | Approved By | score Method and Dato ‘Number of Questions ‘Administered By Graded By Approved By ~ | seore ““Examination Waived (Reason): ey ENOTE:20- USER: Ceri: Level I examinations may be saved (Tor examiplecif the candidate hase valhd ACCP: ‘siificateaneethod enidoisemnsits) TE Me writen praclice provides Roe Waivers For dn reason, type an sterske CV the pate space) and note the teason above. Remeber: to delete this tote] ” ae eae ned SAMPLE FORM: Full Version — Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification Record 1 Practical Examination: [UNSERISPPROPRIATE:GEVEE(SYAND'METHOD(S)] Delegated To: [INSEREIDENTITWORDEERGATE) By: [INSERTIDENTIEYORDELEGATING: ‘SUTHORIEY] For: Administration C1 Monitoring © Scoring Cl All Effective: [INSERIWAPPROPRIATEDATE(S)] Expiration; [INSERTAPPROPRIATE:DATE(S)] C1 Basie Written Exeamination: Delegated To: (INSERTIDENTITYSORDELEGATE] By: (INSERTIDENTITYORDELEGATING AUTHORITY) For: Administration Monitoring © Scoring All Effective: [INSERITEAPPROPRIATEDATE(S)} Expiration: (INSERTAPPROPRINTEDATE(S)] D Method Wriven Examination: [INSERTAPPROPRIATE METHOD(S}] Delegated To: INSERTIDENTITY OF DELEGATE] — by: {INSERTIDENTILYORDELEGATING ‘AUTHORITY For. © Administetion Monitoring Scoring All Effective: INSERT-APPROPRIATESDATE(S)} Expiration INSERTAPPROPRIATE:DATE(S)] Certifications Level Land Level I! Certifications Authorized By: [INSERT IDENTIPY: OF-THE‘DESIGNATEDIGEVEESIOR: ‘OTHERICOMPANY-OFFICIAL] Effective: INSERTAPPROPRIATEDATE(S)} Expiration: (INSERT:APPROPRIATEDATE(S)) 1 Level III Certifications Authorized By: [NSERT-IDENTHRY:OETHE!DESIGNATRDICOMPANYIOFFICIAE] Effective: (INSERTIAPPROPRIATE:DATE(S)] Expiration: (INSERT:APPROPRIATEDATE(SY] 20 ISBN: 978-1-57117-399-7 Catalog No.: 2079 The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc.

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