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Reading and

Writing Business

Module 20

detratS llA tI woH

Business correspondence is a
crucial thing for someone who
does business.
this is applicable not only to those
who work in an office.
they can be classified according to
their nature and mood of their
Unique features A business correspondence
has different features in
of a business terms of its format,
Correspondence component, and type.
- A business correspondence has three basic


serutaef euqinU
formats−block, modified block, and semiblock. the
block format is the easiest to remember because all

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the elements of the letter−heading, inside address,
salutation, body, complimentary close, and
signature block−are left justified. the modified
block is almost the same as the block except that
the heading,complimentary clos, and signature
block are indented to the center and with the last
word of eac h mentionedpart's lines aligned. the
semiblock is characterized by the indention of the
first line of each paragraph.
- There are six basic parts of a business letter or


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correspondence. these parts are heading, inside
address, salutation, body, complimentary close, and

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signature block. the heading includes the sender's
address and the date. the inside address includes
the recipient's name, position, company, and
company address. tha salutatioin or greeting often
begins with "dear," followed by recipient's title and
recipient's name, anf ends with a colon. the body
contain your message. the complimentary close isa
a short and polite remark such as "respectfully
yours," "Sincerly yours," and "truly yours," which
ends with a comma. the signature block includes
your name and signature

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- There are various types of business

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correspondence. Each type is written for a
particular purpose. These types include cover letter
or transmittal, acknowledgement, inquiry, response
to inquiry, sales and promotion, complaint,
adjustment, refusal, international, and collection.
The first three types of a business
corespondence are the easiest to
write because they are considered
routine letters.
Cover letters or transmittals are
written to accompany and
introduce another document
being submitted.
Avoid pretending to sound like high authority in your writing
by making your letter or memo sound like alegal documents,
and too wordy phrases.
Replace too wordy or redundant phrases suchas due to the
fact that and attach together with less wordy or single words
like because and attach, respectively. However, do not omit
letters such as in contractions as don't, I'm,you're, and it's.
Always express goodwill in writing for business regardless of
your purpose in writing such as when you write a complaint
Recognize all aspects of diversity when writing in order to
avoid errors in ethical communication such as stereotyping,
cultural/racial discrimination, and gender bias.
Purpose and

detratS llA tI woH

The purpose and audince of business
correspondence vary according to its

When you consider the audience in

writing, you must be aware of the two
different structures of a
correspondence−the direct and
indirect pattern.
The direct pattern

ecneiduA dna esopruP

begins with the main
point or reason for
writing, followed by the
explanation of details or
facts, and ends up a
goodwill closing.
The indirect pattern, on
the other hand starts
with a buffer or the

ecneiduA dna esopruP

establishing of the
context, explanation of
details, followed by
details, followed by the
negative message. it
also ends with a
goodwill closing.
Writing a business
You will write an inquiry letter to the school principal. Revising
you would like to ask permission for your class to hold Do necessary revisions on your draft if you answerd "no"
a career talk for grade 10 students. to begin, generate to any of the questions in the revision checklist below.
details for the letter by filling out the rows with details Add more or eliminate datails if necessary.
that answer the given question.

Write a draft of your business correspondebce using
any format inside the box.
Revision checklist
Does my thesis statement specify the topic under review?
Are the supporting points arranged thematically or chronologially?
Does each topic sentence in the body support my thesis statement?
IS the arrangement of the specific details logical?

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