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Dear customer,

we thank you for the purchase,

your contribution allows us to continue working on this product
of ours.
Tis gesture of yours is a sign of great collaboration
and respect towards us.
We hope you find our work useful.

Thank you very much!

Extreme PBR Combo +
Currently the version of blender 2.81 is still under development, so do not attempt to
use Extreme PBR on a version that is not officially released (potentially unstable),
this software was designed for blender 2.79 and blender 2.8 as specified in the sale.

Please read carefully

If you have problems with the download or

installation, run to page 10!
Extreme PBR Combo + Manual

Attention, this version has changed some material libraries, so

it is very important to evaluate this solution:
(If you are a new owner of Extreme PBR you can skip this step)
If you are upgrading the Combo version to the Plus version, there should be no
problems, keep these steps in mind, they might come in handy.

Remember that if you want to transfer your project (.blend) to another computer you will have to
choose this "pack all" option since by default the project refers to the texture folders on your

Should you encounter the classic "Purple objects" problem make sure you have the Extreme PBR
library on your computer, then proceed with this option that will automatically search for missing
images "Find missing files"
Extreme PBR Combo + Manual

Map Kit menu:

This menu allows you to select which type of maps to search for
when creating the selected material. Some materials do not need all
the maps so if for example you have activated all the buttons and
you import the Bricks material, logically the Metal map will not be
imported because does not exist.
This menu is present only in the Default materials category, is not
present in the "User Lib" category. It is possible to create materials without the "Diffuse" map will
be replaced by the possibility of using a custom color.
Auto UV map, if there is no UV mapping in the object, it adds one when the chosen material is

Material Switch selector:

This menu allows you to switch from the default category to the
custom materials category.
Extreme PBR Library = Materials by default
User Lib = The materials you will save will be in this category

This is the default
material library,
Each category
contains various
materials, this
category is under the
Extreme PBR
Extreme PBR Combo + Manual
Add New:
adds a new material to the selected object.
replaces the active material.
removes the active material.

Replace Menu:

If replacements are active, the materials will be replaced on all

the objects in which the material chosen to replace is present
Displace modifiers and vertex groups will be included if they

The box shows the materials of the selected object (Active).

Then you can also rename them directly from there

Utility Menu:
Icon preview dimension: Resize the icon preview size
Copy link material: Copy the selected material to the desired
objects, if active "Copy diplace mod" It will also copy displacement
Smart selection: Select the faces of the object on which the active
material is applied
Switch Mode: Switch Edit/Object mode
Assign Mat: Assign the active material to the selected faces of the
object (In edit mode)
Add Vertex Group: Adds a vertex group automatically to selected
faces to differentiate displacement maps active material based.
Del Vertex: Delete the vertex group of the selected material
Subdivide/un:Once the vertex group is assigned, the mesh can be
subdivided to increase the detail level of the displacement map
Apply Smooth: For multiple object
Auto Smooth/Angle: Set the smooth according to the angle chosen (Works on multiple objects)
Add UV Map: If there is no UV mapping, add a base map to the selected objects (It also works on
multiple objects)

Extreme Clean Sub-Menu

Fast Purge: Delete from the project objects, materials, textures, mesh if orphan, Save ram memory
Remove Single Material: Removes a single selected material from the selected objects
Remove All Material: Removes all materials from selected objects
Remove All Displace: Remove all displace modifier from the selected objects
Extreme PBR Combo + Manual

Uvs Editor(editmode):
Reset All Parameter: Reset default Value
Uvs Scale: Scale uv from selected face/s
Lock X/Y: Lock The scale on slected axis
Uvs Position X/Y: Move the uv maps on x,y axis
UVS Rot: Rotate the uv map

Material Settings:

This menu is dynamic and varies according to the material used,

serves to adjust all the maps in the material, completely
eliminates the need to use Blender's "Node Editor"

So depending on the type of material you will see that this panel
will change some features.

With some materials you will notice that there is a New "Invert"
button this has been created as some texture sites need the
inversion of the reference maps. As for the maps in the library,
this button should remain off

Easy Glass
This is Easy Glass and is used to create a glassy material, once
applied to an object, the Glass Settings menu will appear on the
panel, this panel allows you to adjust all the parameters to
better manage the glass, such as:

Color, Glass IOR, Fresnel,

If the normal value exceeds 0, a "Normal" map will be created

automatically with 2 types of simulated deformation (This
requires a uv mapping)
Extreme PBR Combo + Manual

Web resources:
This menu allows you to check out Extreme PBR
You can save your favorite sites in a list and you
can access them later by clicking on the "Go to"
This is useful for not forgetting and saving, once
you find your best sites for materials

Shader Maker (PBR)

This menu allows you to create materials by inserting the
texture / map in the boxes provided
It will automatically create a material based on the unusual

This allows you to create an infinite amount of material,

which can be saved via the "Save Material" menu
It allows you to use any source material among the most
famous without any limit

Once the material is ready, press the "Shader Maker Add"


To simplify the reset of the inputs a button has been put on

top "Reset All inputs" that will simply cancel the inputs
without having to cancel them all by hand.
Extreme PBR Combo + Manual

Shader Maker (Video):

This option will allow you to create a video material,
directly from a video, supports all Blender video formats

Once the video material has been created, the Material

Settings menu will take over this format.

Set Start: Set the start of the video on the current frame
Set End: Set the end of the video on the current frame
Set Loop: Set video loop
Preview animate: Allows you to watch the video during

CRT FX: Intensity fot effect of an old cathode screen

CRT Scale: To scale the cathode pattern
Emission: It allows you to set the actual screen

In Eevee requires "Bloom" activation from the rendering

engine panel
In Cycles, the lighting will be real
Extreme PBR Combo + Manual

Shader Maker (Emissive)

This menu allows the creation of emissive materials, you
can use photographs or textures.
If you want to create a simple emissive material with the
possibility of changing color, leave the "Emission:" box
blank and press "Shader Maker Add"

You can automatically choose the color of

the emissive material If you don't use a
Extreme PBR Combo + Manual

Save Material:
Extreme PBR Combo + Manual

Save Management:
This powerful menu allows you to save materials,
create new categories and render icons
Logo Color:If you have chosen a logo word to
insert in the icon preview, this allows you to
choose the color of the text logo.
Material name as logo text: If active, the name
of the logo will be the name of the material
Logo Text: As logo text, you can create max 13
text letters.
Uv-R: It is used to direct the direction of the
material uv on the preview icon, options available
Uv-S: It is used to scale the uv mapping for the
saved material preview icons

Render Quality:Set the quality of the render in the saving materials, the higher the icons will be
cleaned, (the resolution of the icons is 256x256 Px regardless of the quality chosen.
Minimum parameter 32, maximum 500.
The higher the quality, the longer it will take to save.
Save Material: Save the currently selected material
Delete Material: Delete the material currently active in the preview, from the category (be careful
as there is no "undo-redo" possibility)
My Catogory: Currently a test category called "My category" is selected, you can choose from this
menu the customized categories.
Add Cat:Next to this button there is a box where it is possible to add a name for a new category of
materials, once the name has been chosen it will be possible to memorize this category, in which to
put new materials
Icon Type: Sphere , Uv sphere,
Monkey , Cube, Plane, Shader Ball,
Road. They are the type of icons on
which the preview of the material
will be saved
Background: is the type of lighting
dedicated to saving materials,
depending on the type chosen will
change the lighting on the preview icons
!!!DELETE MAT CATEGORY!!!: Attention, this serves to cancel the selected category, this will
permanently cancel all the materials inside permanently without the possibility of canceling the
operation, for this reason we have lost a submenu that will close automatically so as not to make
mistakes by mistake
Extreme PBR Combo + Manual

If you encounter problems on the download page and you are using a browser other than Google
chrome, please use Google chrome, we have encountered this problem several times, so this is an
advice we give you, (Keep this in mind)

1. Create a folder of your choice, download ALL the content you purchased in this folder.
(The libraries in this edition are 10)
Attention, do not unzip any zip file, the installer in Extreme PBR will do this for you

2. Open a Blender Empty project (Attention must not be a project that has already been saved!
Then go to File -> New)
3. Go in and go to Preferences,(in blender 2.79 File-->User Preferences, in blender 2.8# Edit--
4. Choose Add-ons and press install

5. From the folder you created earlier, choose only Extreme PBR (the addon zip) and press
Install Add-on

6. Now if you followed the steps correctly, look for Extreme PBR in the list of addons, check
the box to activate it, and expand the window, you will find "First installation" In the first
box you will have to enter the path of the previously created folder (the one where you
downloaded all the files)
In the second box you will have to enter where you want to install the libraries on your
computer. Don't choose the path of Blender addons!

In the third box if you have previously created libraries with Extreme PBR before, enter the
path, if you have never saved materials via Extreme PBR, leave this path free.

7. Press Install and you will see the installation progress, do not stop it otherwise you will
have to start over again!
8. At the end of the installation remember to save your preferences and restart blender

Note for the Folder Management

If you need to reconnect your library paths after installation (For example, if you plan to move them
to another location on your computer) go to "Library Management", and choose the path where
your previously installed libraries are.
Remember that this step must also be done in a New and unsaved project. Then save the preferences

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