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East Norfolk Sixth Form College

Risk Assessment Form

RA Activity / Task: Frequency: Page: 1 of 1

Please ensure that ALL staff & students (where necessary) are made aware of the findings
What further action is necessary?
Identified hazards Who might be harmed & how? What are you already doing?
(write “none” if appropriate)
Possibly write signs so we don’t have to
Anyone who needs to walk past the lights might trip We could warn people that are walking past that there are
Running cables pause a shot we may be filming so people
on the cables cables on the floor and to be careful where they step.
already know and are then cautious.
This hazard can easily be averted by keeping our equipment
Equipment (Tripod) Anyone who needs to walk past, tripping over the legs. organised only taking out wires, tripods and other possible None
hazards when required.
Chairs (Spinning and Anyone behind the scene, could fall or slip on the Being careful around chairs and having lights on when we
Moving) chairs that spin and move. are walking around to avoid any possible slips or injuries.
Actors who will be under the desk for filming, possible Taking our time getting in and out from under the desks not
Tables None
head injuries by knocking their heads rushing so we reduce the chances of injuries and bruises.
Anyone involved, as we are filming in a public location,
Don’t run when walking in the hallways, walking carefully
Doors people may be moving in and out of doors, so we need None
and slowly to reduce our possible risk.
to be careful of opening doors.
Actors under the desk during filming, radiators might Actors are wearing costumes, wearing extra layers that will
Radiators be turned on and heating up (as it is winter time) so keep them warm, we don’t need the heating on, if we do, None
possible burns from touching the radiator we can keep it low, so it won’t be hot enough to burn.
Actors in costumes, strings, laces or any other threads Check all cables and laces are knotted so they won’t be in
Costumes None
may trip an actor over the way before we start filming shots.

Action Plan from “further action” By Who By When (Date)

Creating signs ready for when we are filming our shots. 15/11/19

Please ensure that the Assessor and Teacher have signed this prior to any production work.
Assessment upon completion of action plan LOW / MEDIUM / HIGH (Delete as appropriate)
Assessed by: Name: Accepted by Name:
Signature: Date: Teacher: Signature: Date:

BTEC Creative Media Production

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