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UI Welcome a Visit from Deakin University

Posted by admin on 2010-04-30 12:02:58
Thursday, (22/04).Universitas Indonesia (UI) welcomes a visit from Deakin Univer
sity, Australia. This event was held at A Meeting Room, Center Administration Bu
ilding Universitas Indonesia (PAU), Depok on 10.30 AM. The party was led by Robi
n Buckham (Vice Rector of Development and International), Prof. Jennifer Radbour
ne (Dean of Faculty of Arts and Education), Prof. Gael McDonald (Dean of Faculty
of Business and Law), Dr. Ismet Fanany (Director of Indonesian Studies Program
Faculty of Art and Education), and Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Psy
chology. In the other hand, representative from UI are: Raphaella Dewantari Dwia
nto M.A., Ph.D. (Head of International Office), Junaidi S.S., M.A (Vice Head of
International Office), Prof. Dr. Bambang Shergi Laksmono M.Sc (Dean of Faculty o
f Social and Political Sciences (FISIP)), Dr. Donny Gahral Adian M.Hum (Head of
Planning and Development Office), and Vishnu Juwono S.E., MIA (Head of Communica
tion Office).
According to Robin Buckham who was met at lunch time, pointed out their visit to
UI are to help cooperation for international class program and giving double de
gree. Moreover this woman who has a marketing Master degree said that her collea
gues also want to have research cooperation in several sectors, such as: health,
business and politics. She also stressed out that not only one time that Deakin
University cooperate with UI. One of our lecturers will come to UI next month to
talk in a seminar about entrepreneurship, she explained. When mention about the
MOU signing in the next September 2010, Robin pointed out that it was still in p
rogress. But if all document has been prepared by UI, so we are ready to sign it,
she said. This women who has worked in Deakin University since 2009 told that th
ere are a lot of Indonesian people who studies at the university which she led.
Most of them took the film and animation major. We are cooperating with a univers
ity in Bollywood. Thus, our students have opportunity to go there and switch kno
wledge about the background of film making, she said.
Meanwhile, in a different place, Junaidi mentioned that UI was trying to negotia
te with this double degree program. We plan this double degree program for underg
raduate program with duration of only 18 months at Australia, he said. About the
MOU which will be signed by FISIP and Deakin University, Junaidi mentioned that
FISIP and Deakin University will not sign MOU but Agreement of Implementation. FI
SIP plan to open a double degree program in communication and media studies at l
east in September 2010. FISIP is the only one that is ready for new student enro
llment, in the other hand, other faculties are still in progress, said this teach
ing staff in English Literature Study Program Faculty of Humanities. Junaidi add
ed that the cooperation which is offer to UI is not only for double degree progr
am. UI also offer cooperation. Deakin wants to cooperate only in double degree pr
ogram, but we hope that the concept is not only for Indonesian students in Austr
alia, but also for Australian students or even students from other countries who
studies in UI, said this glasses man. In the end of conversation, Junaidi hoped
there will be collaborative partnership among UI and Deakin University. We hope th
at there will be real proofs of this cooperation. For example, fee institution a
nd lecturer and student capacity develop. The most important is knowledge transf
er. Hence, after this we must prepare for the next step, he said closing the conv
ersation. (SNT/PRA)

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