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Game Theory: Zero-Sum Game

SOAL 1 (UTS PKM 2014)

a. To solve the zero-sum game between PT Oioi and PT Universal, we can use maximin (for PT Oioi—
offensive player) and minimax (for PT Universal—defensive player) decision criterion as shown in
the following table.
PT Universal
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
A1 70 55 60 70 79
A2 85 52 34 40 37
A3 130 16 64 25 22
A4 -5 22 43 10 22
A5 40 1 49 25 -2
From the table above, the minimum payoff for each strategies used by PT Oioi are 55, 34, 16, -5, and
-2 (orange shaded cells) and the maximum payoff is 55. The logic behind this decision is as follows.
If PT Oioi selected Strategy A1, PT Universal could expected to select Strategy R2, which would
minimize the possibile loss. This logic is repeated till Strategy A5. So, the optimal strategy for PT
Oioi is Strategy A1.
Notes: You can use dominant strategies method to solve this game.
b. From the table above, the maximum payoff for each strategies used by PT Universal are 130, 55, 64,
70, and 79 (blue shaded cells) and the minimum payoff is 55. So, the optimal strategy for PT
Universal is Strategy R2.
From this analysis, we got that each player has one strategy to run the game and will get same value,
that is 55 (called as value of the game)—PT Oioi will get gain by 55 and PT Universal will get loss
by 55. So, we can use pure strategy game to solve this problem. the sadle point is the value’s
intersection between Strategy A1 and R2, that is 55 (red shaded cell).
c. When the payof of A1-R3 change from 60 to 46, the analysis shown in the table below by using
dominant strategies method (because the analysis using maximin-minimax criterion will give you
game without saddle point).
PT Universal
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
A1 70 55 46 70 79
A2 85 52 34 40 37
A3 130 16 64 25 22
A4 -5 22 43 10 22
A5 40 1 49 25 -2
By using dominant strategies method, we have to eliminate the strategies is dominated by the other
strategy. We have to compare between one strategy and the others to see the dominance. For

© RAF2909
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Password: pkmdraf16
instance, we compare Strategy A1 and A2, A1 and A3, A1 and A4, until A4 and A5. (Note: You can
compare randomly, e.g. begin to compare between A3 and A5).
From the comparison, we see that the payoff at Strategy A5 dominated by Strategy A3 (red shaded
cells). This mean that all of the payoff of Strategy A5 always less than A3 (because PT Oioi will
always want higher gain): 40 less than 130, 1 less than 16, 49 less than 64, 25 equal with 25, and -
2 less than -2. (Note: You may see same payoff, but at most the payoff of one strategies will dominate
the others). Because Strategy A5 is dominated by A3, we can reduced for choosing A5 and now the
remain alternatives for PT Oioi are A1, A2, A3, and A4.
Then, Strategy A4 is dominated by Strategy A1 (orange shaded cells). Now, the remain alternatives
for PT Oioi are A1, A2, and A3.
Then, Strategy R1 is dominated by Strategy R2 (yellow shaded cells—because PT Universal will
always want lower loss): 70 greater than 55, 85 greater than 52, and 130 greater than 16 (the payoff
remain in this strategy only three because the payoff at row A4 and A5 have been deleted). Now,
the remain alternatives for PT Universal are R2, R3, R4, and R5.
Then Strategy A2 is dominated by Strategy A1 (green shaded cells). Now, the remain alternatives
for PT Oioi are A1 and A3.
Then, Strategy R4 and R5 simultaneously dominated by Strategy 2 (blue shaded cells). Now, the
remain alternatives for PT Universal are R2 and R3.
At the end, we only have 2 x 2 matrices for this game like shown below.
PT Universal
R2 R3
A1 55 46
PT Oioi
A3 16 64
So, PT Oioi will change their strategies become A1 or A3 because the game change from pure
strategy game become mixed strategy game. They will use Strategy A1 for 84% of the time and use
strategy A3 for 16% of the time (this value get from expected gain and loss method).

SOAL 2 (UTS PKM 2008)

a. To solve this problem, we have to use dominant strategies. The step for solving this problem as
Strategi Tim Pengacara Debitur
Dalam Ribuan Rupiah
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A 200 160 145 200 250 150 170 140
B 190 -70 -90 100 90 200 180 145
C 400 0 120 50 40 145 185 40
D 80 70 100 0 40 -30 160 30
E 85 45 130 -50 100 -120 0 120
F 150 -200 100 80 -25 170 210 90
G 0 -70 0 205 190 50 130 -30
H 175 170 -80 210 180 -30 120 -90

© RAF2909
Email kelas:
Password: pkmdraf16
1) Strategy 1 is dominated by Strategy 2 (red shaded cells). Now, the remain strategies for Tim
Pengacara Debitur are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
2) Strategy E is dominated by Strategy A (orange shaded cells). Now, the remain strategies for Bank
Terpercaya are A, B, C, D, F, G, and H.
3) Strategy 7 is dominated by Strategy 8 (yellow shaded cells). Now, the remain strategies for Tim
Pengacara Debitur are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8.
4) Strategy C and D are dominated by Strategy A (light green shaded cells). Now, the remain
strategies for Bank Terpercaya are A, B, F, G, and H.
5) Strategy 4 and 5 are dominated by Strategy 2 (blue shaded cells). Now, the remain strategies for
Tim Pengacara Debitur are 2, 3, 6, and 8.
6) Strategy 6 is dominated by Strategy 8 (purple shaded cells). Now, the remain strategies for Tim
Pengacara Debitur are 2, 3, and 8.
7) Strategy F and G are dominated by Strategy A (grey shaded cells). Now, the remain strategies
for Bank Terpercaya are A, B, G, and H.
8) Strategy 2 is dominated by 3 (dark red shaded cells). Now, the remain strategies for Tim
Pengacara Debitur are 3 and 8.
9) Strategy H is dominated by A (green shaded cells). Now, the remain strategies for Bank
Terpercaya are A and B.
At the end, we only have 2 x 2 matrices for this game like shown below.
Tim Pengacara Debitur
3 8
Bank A 145 140
Terpercaya B -90 145
So, there is no equilibrium in this game because each players can use mixed strategies to respond
their opposite.
b. Bank Terpercaya will use Strategy A or B and Tim Pengacara Debitur will use Strategy 3 or 8.
To compute the percentage portion for using each strategy, we will use expected gain and loss
method. First, we will compute the expected gain for Bank Terpercaya. Bank Terpercaya arbitrarily
assumes that Tim Pengacara Debitur will select strategy 3. Given this condition, there is probability
of p that Bank Terpercaya will select Strategy A and a probability of 1 – p that Bank Terpercaya will
select Strategy B. Thus, if Tim Pengacara Debitur selects Strategy 3, the expected gain for Bank
Terpercaya is
145p + (-90)(1 – p) = 145p – 90 + 90p = 235p – 90
Next, Bank Terpercaya assumes that Tim Pengacara Debitur will select Strategy 8. Given Strategy
9, there is probability of p that Bank Terpercaya will select Strategy A and a probability of 1 – p that
Bank Terpercaya will select Strategy B. Thus, if Tim Pengacara Debitur selects Strategy 8, the
expected gain for Bank Terpercaya is
140p + 145(1 – p) = 140p + 145 – 145p = 145 – 5p
Thus, Bank Terpercaya is indifferent to whether Tim Pengacara Debitur selectes Strategy 3 or 8
(because Bank Terpercaya would develop a plan that would result in the same expected gain,
regardless of the strategy that Tim Pengacara Debitur selected), we equate the expected gain from
each of these strategies:
235p – 90 = 145 – 5p and p = 0.98

© RAF2909
Email kelas:
Password: pkmdraf16
So, the probability of using Strategy A or percentage of time Strategy A would be employed is 98%
and 2% for using Strategy B.
Now, repeat that process for Tim Pengacara Debitur to develop its mixed strategy by using similar
method. The result for Tim Pengacara Debitur is the probability of using Strategy 3 or percentage
of time Strategy 3 would be employed is 2% and 98% for using Strategy 8. (Notes: You may found
different percentage for each player for different game or problem).
c. The increasing cash flow of Bank Terpercaya can be computed using the payoff of either Strategy 3
or 8 because the gain will be the same regardless. Using the payoff from Strategy 3,
EG(Bank Terpercaya) = 0.98(145) + 0.02(-90) = 140.3 thousand rupiah of increasing cash flow.

© RAF2909
Email kelas:
Password: pkmdraf16

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