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Non-Uniform Circular Motion

• The acceleration and

force have tangential

• Fr produces the
 acceleration
• Ft produces the tangential
  

= F ∑ Fr + ∑ Ft
• That is, ∑F = ma has 2 vector
• Tangential: ∑Ft = mat
• Radial: ∑Fr = mar = m(v2/r)
• The Total Force is the vector
• ∑F = ∑Ft + ∑Fr = m(ar+ at)
Vertical Circle with Non-
Uniform Speed
• The gravitational
force exerts a
tangential force on
the object
– Look at the
components of Fg
• The tension at any
point can be found
Serway: Example 6.6
A sphere, mass m, is attached to a cord, length R.
It is twirled in a vertical circle about a fixed point O.
Find a general expression for the tension T at any
instant when the sphere’s speed is v & the angle the
cord makes with the vertical is θ. Forces acting are
gravity, Fg = mg, & cord tension, T.
1. Resolve Fg into components tangent to the path, Fgt = mg sinθ,
& perpendicular to path (radial), Fgr = mg cosθ.
2. Apply Newton’s 2nd Law separately in the two directions:
∑Ft = mg sinθ = mat, so at, = mg sinθ
∑Fr = T - mg cosθ = mac = m(v2/R) so
T = mg [v2/(Rg) + cosθ] ← The general expression needed!
3. Evaluate T at top (θ = 180°, cosθ = -1) & at bottom: (θ = 0°, cosθ = 1)
Top and Bottom of Circle
• The tension at the bottom is a maximum
 v bot

=T mg  + 1
 Rg 
• The tension at the top is a minimum

 v top

=T mg  − 1
 Rg 
 
• If Ttop = 0, then
v top = gR
Sect. 6.3 (Serway):
Motion in Accelerated Frames
• A fictitious force results from an
accelerated frame of reference
– A fictitious force appears to act on an
object in the same way as a real force, but
you cannot identify a second object for
the fictitious force
• Remember that real forces are always
interactions between two objects
Sect. 6.3: Motion in Accelerated Frames
• Recall, Ch. 5: Newton’s Laws technically apply only in
inertial (non-accelerated) reference frames. Consider a
train moving with respect to the ground at constant velocity vtg to the
right. A person is walking in the train at a constant velocity vpt with
respect to the train.
Newton’s Laws hold vpt → vtg →
for the person walking
in the train as long as
the train velocity vtg with respect to the ground is constant (no
acceleration). But, if the train accelerates with respect to the
ground (vtg ≠ constant) & the person does an experiment, the
result will appear to violate Newton’s Laws because objects
will undergo an acceleration in the opposite direction as the train’s
acceleration. This acceleration will (seem to be) unexplained
because it occurs in the absence of forces!
More Discussion
• Inertial Reference Frame:
– Any frame in which Newton’s Laws are valid!
– Any reference frame moving with uniform (non-
accelerated) motion with respect to an “absolute”
frame “fixed” with respect to the stars.
• By definition, Newton’s Laws are only valid in
inertial frames!!
∑F = ma
Is not valid in a non-inertial frame!
• By definition, a “Force”, as defined in Ch. 5 (&
by Newton), is that it comes about from an
interaction between objects.
Fictitious “Forces”
• Suppose a person on a train places a flat object on a flat,
horizontal, frictionless surface. There are no horizontal forces
on the object. The train accelerates forward. The person will
see the flat object accelerate horizontally backward at the
same time. This
Appears to violate Newton’s Laws
because there is no horizontal force on the object
(accelerations are caused by forces).
This only appears to violate Newton’s Laws, but
actually doesn’t,
because the accelerating train is
NOT an Inertial Reference Frame.
• Based on this experiment, the person will say that there
is a Fictitious (or Apparent) Force on the object.
• Fictitious (Apparent) Forces:
– If we insist that Newton’s 2nd Law holds in a non-
inertial reference frame. To make the force equations
look as if the reference frame is an inertial one, it’s
necessary to introduce Fictitious Forces.
– Technically, it’s the coordinate transformation
from the inertial frame to the non-inertial one
introduces terms on the “ma” side of ∑F = mainertial.
If we want eqtns in the non-inertial frame to look like
Newton’s Laws, these terms moved to the “F” side &
we have ∑“F” = manoninertial. where “F” = F + terms
from coordinate transformation
≡ “Fictitious (Apparent) Forces”.
“Centrifugal” Force
• From the frame of the passenger (b), a force
appears to push her toward the door
• From the frame of the Earth, the car applies a
leftward force on the passenger
• The outward force is often called a centrifugal
– It is a fictitious force due to the centripetal
acceleration associated with the car’s change in
• In actuality, friction supplies the force to
allow the passenger to move with the car
– If the frictional force is not large enough,
the passenger continues on her initial path
according to Newton’s First Law
• Simple Example of a Fictitious Force
You ride in a car going around a curve at constant →
constant velocity v.
⇒ There is a centripetal acceleration on the car:
ac = (v2/r), towards the center of the curve
(r = curve radius).
The car takes the curve fast enough that, in the passenger
seat, you slide to the right & bump against the door. The
force between door & your body keeps you from being
ejected out of the car.
Your reference frame, the car, is a
You feel an apparent force moving you towards the door (away from
the center of the curve). A popular & WRONG explanation is that
you feel a “Centrifugal Force” away from the center of the curve.
“Centrifugal Force” ” is an example of a fictitious force.
• Simple Example Continued
From your viewpoint, in the non-inertial
reference frame of the car, there is an
apparent force, pointed away from
the center of the curve & pushing you to the door.
Correct Explanation
Before the car starts to round the curve, it (& you)
are going in a straight line at constant velocity. As
the car enters the curve, from N’s 1st Law, you will
first tend to keep moving straight. In the inertial
frame of the Earth, You feel a real force
(friction), acting inward towards the curve center
between you & the car seat that makes you stay in
your seat. N’s Laws say that you will tend to
continue to move in your original straight line until
you bump against the door.
“Coriolis Force”
• This is an apparent
force caused by
changing the radial
position of an object
in a rotating
coordinate system
• The result of the
rotation is the
curved path of the
Fictitious Forces, examples
• Although fictitious forces are not real
forces, they can have real effects
• Examples:
– Objects in the car do slide
– You feel pushed to the outside of a rotating
– The Coriolis force is responsible for the
rotation of weather systems, including
hurricanes, and ocean currents
Fictitious Forces in
Linear Motion
Example 6.7
• The inertial observer (a) at rest
∑ Fx T=
= sinθ ma
∑ F= y T cos θ − mg
= 0
• The noninertial observer (b)
Σ F’x = T sin θ - Ffictitious = 0
Σ F’y = T cos θ - mg = 0
• These are equivalent if
Ffictitious = ma
Motion with Resistive Forces
• Motion can be through a medium
– Either a liquid or a gas

• The medium exerts a resistive force, R , on
an object moving through the medium

• The magnitude of R depends on the

• The direction of R is opposite to the
direction of motion of the object relative to
the medium

• R nearly always increases with increasing speed
Motion with Resistive Forces, cont

• The magnitude of R can depend on the
speed in complex ways
• We will discuss only two

R – is proportional to v
• Good approximation for slow motions or
small objects

R – is proportional to v2
• Good approximation for large objects
Resistive Force Proportional To
• The
 resistive force can be expressed as

R = − bv
• b depends on the property of the medium,
and on the shape and dimensions of the

• The negative sign indicates R is in the

opposite direction to v
Resistive Force Proportional
To Speed, Example
• Assume a small sphere of
mass m is released from rest
in a liquid
• Forces acting on it are
– Resistive force
– Gravitational force
• Analyzing the motion results
in dv
mg − bv = ma = m
dv b
a= = g− v
dt m
Resistive Force Proportional
To Speed, Example, cont
• Initially, v = 0 and dv/dt = g
• As t increases, R increases
and a decreases
• The acceleration approaches
0 when R → mg
• At this point, v approaches
the terminal speed of the
Terminal Speed
• To find the terminal
speed, let a = 0
vT =
• Solving the differential
equation gives

v = 1 − e −bt m =
) (
vT 1 − e − t τ )
τ is the time constant
τ = m/b
Resistive Force Proportional To v2
• For objects moving at high speeds through air, the
resistive force is approximately equal to the square
of the speed
• R = ½ DρAv2
– D is a dimensionless empirical quantity called
the drag coefficient
ρ is the density of air
– A is the cross-sectional area of the object
– v is the speed of the object
Resistive Force Proportional
to v2, example
• Analysis of an object
falling through air
accounting for air
∑ F = mg −
D ρ Av 2

 Dρ A  2
a= g −   v
 2m 
Resistive Force Proportional To
v2, Terminal Speed
• The terminal speed will
occur when the
acceleration goes to zero
• Solving the previous
equation gives

vT =
Dρ A
Some Terminal Speeds
Example: Skysurfer
• Step from plane
– Initial velocity is 0
– Gravity causes downward
– Downward speed increases,
but so does upward resistive
• Eventually, downward force
of gravity equals upward
resistive force
– Traveling at terminal speed
Skysurfer, cont.
• Open parachute
– Some time after reaching terminal speed, the
parachute is opened
– Produces a drastic increase in the upward
resistive force
– Net force, and acceleration, are now upward
• The downward velocity decreases
– Eventually a new, smaller, terminal speed is
Example: Coffee Filters

• A series of coffee filters is

dropped and terminal speeds
are measured
• The time constant is small
– Coffee filters reach
terminal speed quickly
• Parameters
– meach = 1.64 g
– Stacked so that front-
facing surface area does
not increase
Coffee Filters, cont.
• Data obtained from
• At the terminal speed,
the upward resistive
force balances the
gravitational force
• R = mg
Coffee Filters, Graphical
• Graph of resistive
force and terminal
speed does not
produce a straight
• The resistive force is
not proportional to
the object’s speed
Coffee Filters, Graphical
Analysis 2
• Graph of resistive
force and terminal
speed squared does
produce a straight
• The resistive force is
proportional to the
square of the object’s

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