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DP1 BIO – Topic 1 Name: _______________________________________________

Paper 1

1. The salt concentration inside an animal cell is 1.8%. The salt concentration in the surrounding
medium becomes 5%. What will be the likely response?

a) The cell will gain water from the medium c) The cell will remain unchanged

b) The cell will lose salt to the medium d) The cell will shrink from loss of water

2. What occurs during meiosis but not mitosis?

a) Spindles are formed from microtubules c) Homologous chromosomes pair up

b) Chromosome number is conserved d) Centromeres split

3. Which organelle is involved in generating vesicles destined for the cell membrane?

a) Golgi apparatus c) Rough endoplasmic reticulum

b) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum d) Lysosome

4. The giant alga Acetabularia has a feature that suggests it is an exception to the cell theory. What
feature is this?

a) It lacks a nucleus c) It has only one mitochondrion

b) It lacks a cell wall d) It lacks subdivision into separate cells

5. What is evidence for the endosymbiotic theory?

a) RNA can catalyse metabolic reactions

b) Meteorites contain organic molecules

c) Amino acids can be synthesized from inorganic compounds

d) Mitochondria possess their own DNA

6. Which functions of life are carried out by all unicellular organisms?

a) Response, homeostasis, growth and photosynthesis

b) Metabolism, ventilation, reproduction and nutrition

c) Response, homeostasis, metabolism and growth

d) Reproduction, ventilation, response and nutrition

7. The diagram is a model of one type of movement across a membrane.

What is this type of movement?

a) Simple diffusion c) Osmosis

b) Facilitated diffusion d) Active transport

8. During which stage does the cell surface area to volume ratio decrease?

a) Interphase c) Telophase

b) Metaphase d) Cytokinesis

9. During which stage does the cell surface area to volume ratio decrease?

a) Interphase c) Telophase

b) Metaphase d) Cytokinesis

10. What is osmosis?

a) The movement of water through a membrane from a low to a high solute concentration

b) The movement of solutes through a membrane from a high to a low water concentration

c) The movement of water through a membrane from a high to a low solute concentration

d) The movement of solutes through a membrane from a low to a high water concentration

11. Which functions of life are carried out by all unicellular organisms?

a) photosynthesis nutrition homeostasis

b) nutrition reproduction response

c) metabolism photosynthesis growth

d) growth reproduction photosynthesis

12. Which process contributes to growth of a multicellular body?

a. Exocytosis c. Mitosis

b. Meiosis d. Osmosis

13. What are stem cells?

a. Specialized cells that can be used therapeutically

b. Surplus cells taken from an embryo

c. Cells that retain their ability to divide and differentiate

d. Cells in the xylem and phloem tissues that support a plant

14. If there are 16 chromosomes in a cell that is about to divide, what will be the number of
chromosomes in a daughter cell after division by mitosis or meiosis?

Mitosis Meiosis

a) 16 16

b) 16 8

c) 8 16

d) 8 8

15. Which process is possible due to the fluidity of cell membranes?

a) Endocytosis c) ATP production

b) Osmosis d) Cell recognition

16. What is the function of the Golgi apparatus?

a) Transport of lipids

b) Synthesis of polypeptides

c) Processing of proteins for secretion

d) Generation of most of the cell’s supply of ATP

17. Which property makes stem cells suitable for therapeutic use?

a) They can divide by meiosis to form gametes

b) They contain chemicals that can kill bacteria

c) Their chromosomes are suitable for gene transfer and cloning

d) They can differentiate into specialized cells

18. Where can 70S ribosomes be found? [1]

a) On membranes of the Golgi apparatus

b) In prokaryotic cells

c) On membranes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum

d) In nuclei

19. A red blood cell is 8 μm in diameter. If drawn 100 times larger than its actual size, what diameter will
the drawing be in mm?

a) 0.08 mm c) 8 mm

b) 0.8 mm d) 80 mm

20. If a mitochondrion has a length of 5 µm and a student’s drawing of the mitochondrion is 10 mm,
what is the magnification of the drawing?

a) × 0.0005 c) × 200

b) × 0.5 d) × 2000

21. What can be deduced about a striated muscle fibre from both of these statements?

A eukaryotic cell has one nucleus

A striated muscle fibre has many nuclei

a) It is prokaryotic c) It consists of aseptate hyphae

b) It is an exception to cell theory d) It is preparing to divide

22. Which structure is found in E. coli, but not in a eukaryotic cell?

a) Cell wall c) Cytoplasm

b) Endoplasmic reticulum d) Pili

23. What causes cells to differentiate?

a) Sufficient nutrition

b) Full expression of all genes

c) Specialized functions at different stages of embryo development

d) Expression of some genes with suppression of other genes

24. What is the approximate thickness of the plasma membrane of a cell?

a) 10 nm c) 10 µm

b) 50 nm d) 50 µm

25. Which process is possible due to the fluidity of cell membranes?

a) Endocytosis c) ATP production

b) Osmosis d) Cell recognition

26. Which movement occurs by osmosis?

a) Oxygen from alveoli into the blood c) Water from soil to root

b) Water from a leaf into the atmosphere d) Nitrate ions from soil to root

27. A diagram of a membrane:

In the diagram, which structure is an intrinsic or integral protein?

28. Which structure found in eukaryotes has a single membrane?

a) Nucleus c) Chloroplast

b) Lysosome d) Mitochondrion

29. Which organism has DNA located in three organelles?

a) A sponge c) A flatworm

b) A fern d) A bacterium

30. The cell membrane model proposed by Davson–Danielli was a phospholipid bilayer sandwiched
between two layers of globular protein. Which evidence led to the acceptance of the Singer–Nicolson

a) The orientation of the hydrophilic phospholipid heads towards the proteins

b) The formation of a hydrophobic region on the surface of the membrane

c) The placement of integral and peripheral proteins in the membrane

d) The interactions due to amphipathic properties of phospholipids

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