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This chapter explains about the background of the research, research

question and hypothesis, objective of the research, limitation of the

research, significance of the research, definitions of the terms and

organization of the research paper.

A. Background of the Research

Language means many things to many people. Language is a

purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas,

emotion and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced

symbols (Hartman and Stork (1973) in Kaswan & Suprijadi (2011:9).

Now, many places around the world learn English, because it is an

international language.

By learning English we can also do communicate with other people

in the world and we can get knowledge easily. There are skills in English

that should be learnt and practised, such as Listening, Speaking, Reading

and Writing called macro-skills whereas Grammar, Pronunciation,

Spelling and Vocabulary called micro-skill in English.

Learning is process interaction between stimulus and response,

there are mind, experience and movement. In opinion of Good & Brophy

(1990) in (Uno, 2006:8) learning is a process or interaction that did by

someone in acquire something new within behavior as a result from


experience itself. Meanwhile, “factors affecting learners and learning: (1)

cognitive and metacognitive; (2) motivational and affective; (3)

developmental and social; (4) individual differences” Combs & Miller

(2007) in Samsiah , Andayani, & Rohmadi (2013:29).

One of factors of learning is motivation. Learning depends within

motivation, it has a significant role in language learning process. As stated

by Odera (2011) in Hadiyanti, Septy, & Harha (2015:2) motivation is an

essential aspect of teaching and learning. Without motivation, learning

any language first or second would be difficult and perhaps

impossible. Students with high motivation to learn English will be

better to prepare themselves engaged for the process of teaching and

learning in the classroom. While, students with low motivation usually

have no strong will to engage in the process of teaching and learning

English. It has become a necessary for everyone who wants to engage

international interaction.

One of the key indicators of students’ success in school, on

standardized tests, and indeed, in life, is their vocabulary. The reason for

this is simply that the knowledge anyone has about a topic is based on the

vocabulary of that information (Pickering & Marzano, 2013:5).

Students need a lot of word of English to master, because it is

important skills in Language. Vocabulary is the basic language aspect that

must be mastered before mastering skills. Vocabulary is a core component

of language proficiency and provides of much the basic for how well

learns listen, speak, read and write ( Richards & Renandya, 2002:255).

According to Linse (2005) vocabulary is the collection of words that an

individual knows (as cited in Hadiyanti, Septy, & Harha, 2015:2). It is

impossible for the students to listen, speak, read, and write a foreign

language without having motivation and enough knowledge of the

vocabulary as well.

Good mastery of vocabulary is important for anyone who learn the

language used in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. A learner of a

foreign language will speak fluently and accurately, write easily, and

understand what he or she reads and hears it has enough vocabulary and

has the capability of using it accurately. Mastering vocabulary is the

ability to get and receive lots of words. By having and mastering

vocabulary we will know the meaning of vocabulary in the context.

Unfortunately, in general, several students have some difficulties to

increase vocabulary skill. This is reasonable because vocabulary is one of

skills that have complex aspects that the students should have mastered

them. If the students want to master English skills, they have to master

aspects of vocabulary.

B. Research Question and Hypothesis

1. Research Question

Is there any correlation between students’ learning motivation and

their vocabulary mastery at eight grade students of MTs Negeri

Kota Cimahi?

2. Hypothesis

Null hypothesis (Ho): there is not any correlation between

students’ learning motivation and their vocabulary mastery at eight

grade students of MTs Negeri Kota Cimahi.

C. Objective of The Research

The objective of the Research is to find out whether or not there is

correlation between students’ learning motivation and their vocabulary

mastery at eight grade students of MTs Negeri Kota Cimahi.

D. Limitation of The Research

Based on the background of the research above, this research focuses on

students’ learning motivation and their vocabulary mastery at eight grade

students of MTs Negeri Kota Cimahi. When the students have high

motivation they can increase vocabulary. However, when they have low

motivation they difficulties to increase vocabulary.

E. Significance of The Research

The writer expects that this study will have some significance:

1. Theoretically

The result of the research is expected to give information and

reference to the readers about the research between students’

learning motivation and their vocabulary mastery. It can be method


in teaching English of students learning English as a foreign


2. Pedagogically

For institution this research hopefully can help teacher as they

should always motivate the students by implementing various

kinds of teaching methods and creating enjoyable learning


3. Practically

These research findings are expected to give the positive

contributions and information for other researcher it will also be

applied by English teachers as they inspire to choose the most

appropriate approach, method, strategies, or techniques in teaching


F. Definitions of The Terms

1. Correlation

Correlational Research that involves collecting data in order to

determine the degree to which a relationship exists between two or

more variables (Wallen & Hyun (2012) in Kaswan & Suprijadi


2. Learning Motivation

Learning motivation is all of inner and psychological drive which

pushes or prompts students to study and to learn, which

guarantee the continuity of learning activities and which gives


the goal to be achieved, Winkel (2009) cited in Fitriana, Nurkamto,

& Pudjobroto (2012:6) In this case, learning English especially in


3. Vocabulary

According to Hornby (1995) cited in Pradana (2011:7) vocabulary

is a list of words with their meaning, especially are that

accompanies a text book in a fright language.

4. Mastery

Hornby (1995) in Alqahtani (2015:26) defines mastery as complete

knowledge or complete skill. From that definition, mastery means

complete knowledge or great skill that makes someone a master in

a certain subject.

G. Organization of The Research Paper

CHAPTER I: Introduction. This chapter describe the background of the

research, research question, and objective of the research, limitation of the

problem, hypotheses of the research, significance of the research,

definition of key terms, and organization of the research paper.

CHAPTER II: Literature Review. This chapter discusses the descriptive

of students’ learning motivation and vocabulary mastery.

CHAPTER III: Research Methodology. This chapter contains research

methodology which includes research design, research method, population

and sample, instrument, data collection technique and analysis.


CHAPTER IV: Result and Discussion. This chapter describes the results

and discussion based on the collected data.

CHAPTER V: Conclusion and Suggestion. This chapter describe the

conclusion and suggestions based on the result from previous chapter.



In this chapter the writer discusses the literature review related to the topic,

they include: definition of learning, definition of motivation, and type of

motivation, factor influencing motivation, the function motivation,

definition of vocabulary, kind of vocabulary, learning vocabulary and the

importance of vocabulary, correlation between students’ learning

motivation and vocabulary mastery and previous study.

A. Theoretical Framework

1. Learning

According to Piaget (1886-1980) cited in Qvortrup et al, 2016:101)

learning is closely connected to possibilities and limits of the individual

cognitive capacity and development. Learning is a process of effort by an

individual to obtain a change of behavior as whole as a result of the

individual’s own experience in interaction with environments (Uno,


2. Motivation

a. Definition of Motivation

Motivation is one of influential factor in learning

English. It can drive learners in reaching learning goal.

Motivation is very important in determining the activity of


learning, because a motivated group will be more successful

than those who do not have the motivation Hamalik (2002)

in (Bakar, 2014:723).

As stated by Odera (2011) in Hadiyanti, Septy, and

Harha, (2015:2) motivation is an essential aspect of teaching

and learning. Without motivation, learning any language

first or second would be difficult and perhaps impossible.

From the definition above, it will be concluded that

motivation is the overall driving force within students self who

cause learning activity which guarantees survival and who give

direction to learning activity, so the goals desired by learning

subject it can be achieved.

b. Kind of Motivation

Motivation is a factor that can make a person do things

with pleasure without coercion with the power to achieve the

goal. According to Sardiman (2007) in Putri (2016:12)

motivation is divided into two types; they are intrinsic and

extrinsic motivation.

a) Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is motivation that is animated by

personal enjoyment, interest, or pleasure. Intrinsic motivation is

defined as the doing of an activity for its inherent satisfactions


rather than for some separable consequence (Ryan & Deci,


b) Extrinsic Motivation

The researcher believes originally that extrinsic

motivation implied a lack of self-determination in the behaviors

performed. Sukmadinata (2003) as quoted by Bakar,

(2014:723) extrinsic factors are factors beyond the student,

such as, environmental factors, among others, family, school,

or community environment. For example: the teacher will give

a gift to the students if they answer the question correctly.

From the definition above, it will be concluded that

both intrinsic and extrinsic have positive relationship in

motivating most of students.

c. Factor Influencing Motivation

Factor motivation is a significantly important for

academic learning and achievement across childhood through

youth (Elliot & Dweck, 2005:65). As stated by Dimyati &

Mudjiono (2012) in Fitriana, (2012) that they are many factors

influencing motivation. Such as: 1) students’ idea, 2) the

ability and capability of students, 3) students’ condition, 4)

environments, 5) dynamics aspects in learning and teaching

process, and 6) the role of teacher to motivate students.


Hamalik (2003) in Rosalina, (2014:9) points out that

the influence of motivation are; (a) students’ awareness of

their learning goals, (b) teachers’ attitude to their students

in class can be as intrinsic or extrinsic motivation, (c) influence

from students’ group, and (d) class environment.

From the statement above, the researcher can be

concluded there are factors influencing of motivation.

Motivation is a factors

d. The Function of Motivation

Elliot & Dweck (2005:222) says that motivation is an

important psychological construct that has some function in

learning and performance in at least four ways as the


1) Motivation increases an individual’s energy and

activity level. It influences the extent to which an

individual is likely to engage in a certain activity

intensively or half-heartedly.

2) Motivation direct an individual toward certain goals.

Motivation affects choices people make and the results

they find rewarding.

3) Motivation promotes initiation of certain activities and

persistence in those activities.


4) Motivation affects the learning strategies and cognitive

processes and individual employs.

3. Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the important skills in English that should

be learnt to improve learning language. According to Coady and

Huckin (1997) in Samsiah , Andayani, & Rohmadi (2013:31)

vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to

the typical language learner. It is impossible for the students to

listen, speak, read, and write a foreign language without

having motivation and enough knowledge of the vocabulary

as well.

Mastery means as comprehensive knowledge. It means

that vocabulary mastery does not mean as knowing the meaning

of Vocabulary. It also means that the person is also able to

recognize, understand and produce the stocks of words and their

meaning. While Hornby (1995) in Alqahtani (2015:26) defines

mastery as complete knowledge or complete skill. From that

definition, mastery means complete knowledge or great skill that

makes someone a mastery in certain subject.

From the definition above, it will be concluded that

vocabulary means as the basic in English that have contains


information about meaning, used, definition, synonym, and

antonym of a word in language to be spoken and written to build

up a language.

b. Type of Vocabulary

Vocabulary refers to students’ understanding of oral and

print words. This understanding implies conceptual knowledge

of words that goes well beyond a simple dictionary

definition. And acquisition of such knowledge is a building

process that occurs over time as students make connections to

other words, learn examples and non-examples of the word and

related words, and use the words accurately within the

context of the sentence [ CITATION Sno13 \l 3081 ].

Oral vocabulary includes those words that we recognize

and use in listening and speaking whereas print vocabulary

includes those words that we recognize and use in reading and

writing. Vocabulary can be receptive and productive. Receptive

vocabulary includes those words that we recognize when we hear

or see them. Productive vocabulary, on the other hand, includes

those words that we use when we speak or write. The following

figure offers an overview of these main types of vocabulary.


Figure: 1 Type of Vocabulary


c. Learning Vocabulary

Learning vocabulary in learning English is does not only

important skills in English. However, the problem in Leaning

English like Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. It all

because less in vocabulary mastery. Decarrico (2012:290-291) as

quoted by Fitriana, (2012:27) proposes many strategies can be

used by students in learning vocabulary. They are:

1) Guessing meaning from context. Teachers can help students

learn to recognize clues to guessing word meaning from

context. The key is to learn what clues to look for and where to

find them.

2) Mnemonics. This strategy helps to link a word form and its

meaning and to consolidate this linkage in memory.


3) Others strategies such as check for an first language cognate,

study and practice in pee groups connect a word to personal

experience or previous learning, say a new word aloud when

studying, use verbal and written repetition, and engage

extended rehearsal.

d. The Importance of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the first basic important aspect for learning

English by learners. By mastering vocabulary, they are able to

communicate both orally and written well. Also by having a lot of

vocabularies, the learners are hoped to mastery four skills in

English such us Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

Cardenas (2001) in Harmer & Thornbury (2002:12)

states that vocabulary is used to determine the proficiency a

student has in oral context. This is to say that vocabulary is an

essential component to determine how much a student is

able to communicate successfully.

4. Correlation between students’ Learning Motivation and

Vocabulary Mastery

The specificity of any individual’s vocabulary

knowledge depends on the person and his motivation, desires,

and need for the words, Hatch & Brown (1995) in Alqahtani

(2015:26). The success in widening the vocabulary mastery

requires their own motivation and interest on the words of a


language. Vocabulary mastery plays an important role in the

four language skills and it has to be considered that vocabulary

mastery is one of the needed components of language

(Alqahtani, 2015:26).

From the definition above, we can conclude that

vocabulary mastery is an individual’s great skill in using words

of a language, which is acquired based on their own interests’

needs and motivation.

B. Previous Study

Review of the previous studies consists of some researches which

have similar topic. There are some previous related with the Correlation

between Students’ Learning Motivation and their Vocabulary Mastery.

The descriptions of the previous research findings are as the following:

Rosalina (2014) conducted a research entitle “The Relationship between

Students’ Motivation and their English Learning Achievement”.

The purpose of this research to find out the correlation between

students’ motivation and their English learning achievement at the second

grade of SMAN 3 TANGSEL academic year 2013/2014. The sample of

this study is the 31 students in the XI Science 4 class. The English learning

achievement in this study refers to the students’ English learning score.

Research entitled “A Correlation between Learning Motivation and

Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Competence of the Second Grade


Students of SMP Negeri 4 Surakarta in the Academic 2011-2012”, by

Fitriana, 2012, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

The purpose of this study is: (1) To find out whether there is any

correlation between learning motivation and reading competence of the

second grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Surakarta academic year 2011-

2012, (2) To find out whether there is any correlation between vocabulary

mastery and reading competence of the second grade students of SMP

Negeri 4 Surakarta academic year 2011-2012, and (3) To find out whether

there is any correlation between learning motivation and vocabulary

mastery simultaneously and reading competence of the second grade

students of SMP Negeri 4 Surakarta academic year 2011-2012. Therefore,

the students’ learning motivation and vocabulary mastery should be

maintained and elevated in increasing reading competence.



This chapter discusses about the research design, research method, research

population and sample, instrument, data collection techniques and analysis.

A. Research Design

The term research can mean any sort of “careful, systematic, patient

study and investigation in some field of knowledge (Fraenkel & Wallen,

2009:7). A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection

and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the

research purpose (Tavakoli, 2012) in Kaswan & Suprijadi (2016:10).

In this research the researcher uses quantitative research method

design. Quantitative research is a means for testing objective theories by

examining the relationship among variables. These variables, in turn, can be

measured, typically on instruments, so that numbered data can be analysed

using statistical procedure (Creswel, 2009:4).

B. Research Method

Method is a style of conducting a research work is determined by the

nature of the problem (Singh, 2007) in Kaswan, et al (2017:14). In this

research the researcher use correlational method to analyze the data.

Correlational research refers to “research that involves collecting data in


order to determine the degree to which a relationship exists between two or

more variables”, Wallen & Hyun (2012) in Kaswan & Suprijadi (2016:21).

By using this research design, the researcher intends to find out the

correlation between students’ learning motivation and their vocabulary

mastery. In this research, there are two variables: independent variable

learning motivation (X) and the dependent variables is vocabulary mastery


C. Population and Sample

Population is a good of phenomena that has something in common. It is

member of defined group which is used to collect data and information.

Meanwhile, sample consists only of observation drawn from the population.

It is a smaller group of population selected to represent the population.

1. Population

The larger group to which one hopes to apply the results is called the

population (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009:90). Population is the entire

group of entities or persons to which the result of a study is untended

to apply (Johnson, 1995) cited in Kaswan, et al (2017:15). In this

research, the population is the students at the eighth grader students’ of

MTs Negeri Kota Cimahi. There are 10 classes consist of 360


2. Sample

A sample is a small subgroup chosen from the larger population

(Bordens & Abbott, 2014:159).The subject of this research is the

students at the eighth grader students’ of MTs Negeri Cimahi. The

researcher choose one class randomly; the class consist of 35 students.

One of the most important steps in research process is the selection of

the sample of individuals who will participate (be observed or

questioned). Sampling refers to the process of selecting these

individuals [ CITATION Fra12 \l 3081 ]. In addition, (Kaswan &

Suprijadi, 2016:113) defined probability sampling or random sampling

is a sampling procedure where in every member of the overall

population has a fixed and known probability or chance of being

included in the sample.

In the research, the researcher choose cluster sampling to select

the sample of this research. According to Fraenkel & Wallen

(2009:95) the selection of groups, or clusters, of subjects rather than

individuals is known as cluster random sampling. Cluster random

sampling is similar to simple random sampling except that groups

rather than individuals are randomly selected (that is, the sampling unit

is a group rather than an individual).

D. Instrument

Instrument is any device which is used to collect the data. In instruments can

be presented in written, audio, or visual format (Tavakoli, 2012:277). To

answer the research question of the correlation students’ learning motivation

and a test of vocabulary mastery. The test is dividing into two kinds of test;

there are questionnaire and vocabulary test. The first is questionnaire to gain

the data about students’ motivation in learning English consist of 20 items

and vocabulary test consist of 30 items there are fill the blanks and

matching the word.

E. Data Collection Technique and Analysis

1. Data Collection Technique

This research uses several instruments in collecting data. The main

components of the techniques of collecting the data are follows:

a. Questionnaire

The questionnaire of learning motivation is uses to collect the data

about students’ learning motivation in English. The questionnaire

consist of 20 items, 10 positive question and 10 negative question,

statements with four alternative (a) strongly agree (b) agree (c)

undecided (d) disagree (e) strongly disagree. We can see the table


Table 3.1

The Likert Scale Rating


Favorable Unfavorable
Strongly Agree 5 1
Agree 4 2
Undecided 3 3
Disagree 2 4
Strongly Disagree 1 5
[CITATION Ist131 \l 3081 ]

The questions of questionnaire are taken from indicator motivation

both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Indicator of intrinsic

motivation are interest, desire and goal. Indicator of extrinsic

motivation are teacher and environment. As describe on the text


Table 3.2

The Indicators of questions

Items Number
Variable Dimension IndicatorsPositiv
e Negative
Intrinsic Interest 1, 3 2,4
  Desire 5,7 6,8
  Goal 9,11 10,12
Extrinsic Teacher 13,15 14, 16
  Environment 17,19 18,20


Git10 \l 3081 ]

b. Test

The researcher gives students vocabulary test after giving questioner

motivation. In this research, the researcher also give 30 (thirty)


questions about vocabulary. The researcher used two types of

objective test, there are Match the word and fill the blank. The

scoring vocabulary on the alteration is based on the answer, if the

answer is correct is, if wrong score 0 Tarigan in Fitriyadi (2014:30).

2. Data Analysis

To obtain the data is analysed, researcher gets data by using statistical

analysis SPSS (Statistical Product for Service Solution) version 23.0

program. After the data was calculated by normality test, the

researcher calculates the correlation.

a. Normality test

Normality test was conducted to determine whether the research

data obtained was normality distributed or not, measures to the test

normality by using one sample Kolmogorov-smirnov test in SPSS.

According to the test procedure of one sample Kolmogorov-

smirnov in SPSS are:

1) From the Analyse drop-down menu select Nonparametric

Test and then 1-Sample K-S.

2) Select ‘week1’ and ‘week 2’ and send them to the Test

Variable List

3) The Test Distribution box should have Normal ticked. If not

select Normal.

4) Click on OK.

To measure whether the distribution of the data normal or not,

this percentage will be compare with 0.05 to take the decision

based on:

1) The percentage of the significance (sig)/ probability is

bigger than 0.05 meaning that the distribution data is


2) The percentage of the significance (sig)/ probability is

smaller than 0.05 meaning that the distribution data is not


b. The Spearman rho Correlation

The researcher used the spearman rho correlation, because

the data is not normally distributed. According to “when the

data is not normally distributed, or when other assumptions of

the Pearson correlation are violated. We use the Spearman

Correlation Coefficient, which is the nonparametric equivalent

of the Pearson correlation”. The test procedure of the

Spearman rho correlation in SPSS are:

1) All inferential statistic are found under the Analyse


2) Select Correlate and then Bivariate.

3) Highlight both teacher variables and send them to the

Variables box

4) As SPSS selects the Pearson correlation as a default,

deselect that box and put a tick in the Spearman box.

5) Select whether your prediction is One-tailed or Two-


6) Click Ok.

The researcher determined the table interpretation of the

correlation scales. According to Cohen (1988) cited in (Pallant,

2007:120) suggest the following guidelines:

Table 3.3

Interpretation Correlations

Interpretation Correlation Value (r)

Small r = .10 to .29 or r = -.10 to -.29
Medium r = .30 to .49 or r = -.30 to -.49
Large r = .50 to .1.0 or r = -.50 to -.1.0


If ro > rt means there is correlation and Ha is accepted, Ho is rejected.

If ro < rt means there is no correlation and Ha is rejected, Ho is


Ho= there is not significant correlation between students’ learning

motivation and their vocabulary mastery.


Ha= there is significant correlation between students’ learning

motivation and their vocabulary mastery.



In this chapter, the researcher discusses about the finding based on the data

collection and the data statistics analysis.

A. Results

1. Data Descriptive

The researcher took the score of 30 students randomly and analysed those the

score in order to find out whether there is any correlation between students’ learning

motivation and their vocabulary mastery by using the Spearman formula. To obtain

the data, this research have the score of every students. The resulting is the students

scoring of learning motivation test and vocabulary mastery test.

Table 4.1
The score of students’ learning motivation and Vocabulary mastery
Of the eighth grader students’ of MTs Negeri Kota Cimahi.
Motivation (X) Vocabulary Mastery (Y)
1 66 76

2 75 83

3 74 40

4 79 93

5 79 66


6 78 66

7 74 86

8 77 70

9 75 83

10 78 80

11 74 80

12 74 73

13 80 96

14 74 93

15 74 90

16 78 93

17 78 86

18 77 73

19 77 80

20 92 76

21 71 83

22 72 93

23 83 90

24 84 93

25 80 76

26 76 100

27 75 90

28 72 90

29 77 96

30 69 90

2. Data Analysis

After the test got the result from 30 students as the table above as the

classified the score to the categories as follow statistic data with SPSS including

descriptive statistics, tests of normality, and result of correlation.

a. Descriptive Statistics

Table 4.2
Descriptive Statistics

Std. Maximu
N Mean Deviation Minimum m
Motivation 30 78.00 6.716 63 93
Vocabulary 30 75.00 19.566 20 100

From the table above, it showed that mean score in learning motivation test is

78.00 and mean score in vocabulary mastery test is 75.00. It showed that the Std.

deviation of learning motivation test is 6.716 and Std. deviation of vocabulary

mastery test is 19.566. Minimum gain in learning motivation test is 63 and minimum

gain in vocabulary mastery test is 20. Maximum gain in learning motivation test is 93

and maximum gain in vocabulary mastery test is 100.

b. Normality Test

Before calculating the data, the researcher check the normality of data. The

researcher used SPSS program to find out whether the data is normal or not.

Table 4.3
Normality testing One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Motivation Vocabulary
N 30 30
Normal Parametersa,b Mean 78.00 75.00
Std. Deviation 6.716 19.566
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .183 .193
Positive .183 .112
Negative -.176 -.193
Test Statistic .183 .193
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .012c .006c
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.

Based on the result, in the table show that the distribution of the data was not

normal, because based on significance motivation is 0.028 and for vocabulary is

0.017. Both of learning motivation and vocabulary mastery have sig which is lower

than 0.05. It means that the variable learning motivation and vocabulary mastery is

not normal.

c. The correlation between students’ learning motivation and their vocabulary


Table 4.4
Result of Spearman rho Correlations

Motivation Vocabulary
Spearman's rho Correlation
1 .104
Sig. (1-tailed) . .291
N 30 30
.104 1
Sig. (1-tailed) .291 .
N 30 30

From this table, the researcher describes that the correlation coefficient is

0.104. It means that there is small of correlation between students’ learning

motivation and vocabulary mastery (see on interpretation correlation on the table 3.3).

The number of 0.104 resided between (0.10-0.29). The correlation between

motivation and vocabulary mastery was not significant because sig 1- tailed (0.291)

was higher than 0.05. It means that describe there is no correlation and h0 accepted.

From the table above we know that the significance in similarity of variance is

higher than 0.05. It means that h0 is accepted and ha is rejected, and based on the table

score of sig. (1-tailed) is 0.291 and higher than 0.05, it can be concluded that different

between students’ learning motivation and their vocabulary mastery is significance

similarly, in other words, the Alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and Null

hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. In another word there is no correlation between students’

learning motivation and their vocabulary mastery.


d. The Hypothesis test

As described in previous chapter, if significant is bigger than 0.05, Ho accepted

and Ha rejected, if significant is smaller than 0.05, Ho rejected and Ha accepted.

From the result above (table 4.4), the researcher got r xy = .104 with Sig, 1-tailed

(0.291) was bigger than 0.05.the researcher concluded that Ho was accepted and

Ha was rejected. In another words there is no correlation between students’

learning motivation and their vocabulary mastery

B. Discussion

As described in the previous chapter, the purpose of this research was to

determine the correlation between students’ learning motivation and their

vocabulary mastery. The researcher was conducted to answer the research

question is there any correlation between students’ learning motivation and their

vocabulary mastery by providing questionnaire about motivation learning

English and vocabulary test conducted at the eighth grade students of MTs

Negeri Cimahi.

The result of tests were given to eighth grade students of MTs Negeri

Cimahi is not normal distribution because the test result shows that significant

number of motivation test is smaller than level of significant (0.012 < 0.05), also

significant number of vocabulary test is smaller too than level of significant

(0.006 < 0.05. It measures that learning motivation and vocabulary mastery are

not normal distribution.


The value of correlation coefficient is 0.104, it measures the Pearson

product moment coefficient correlation is small correlation between leaning

motivation and vocabulary mastery. Based on table sig. (1-tailed) is 0.291and

higher than 0.05. It measures that motivation and vocabulary mastery there is no



This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion of the research.

A. Conclusion

The research is about correlation between students’ learning motivation

and their vocabulary mastery. The subject of the research is class 8H there

are 37 students. Based on the data that has been described in the previous

chapter, the researcher concluded the researcher to find out whether there

is any correlation between students’ learning motivation and their

vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade students of MTs Negeri Kota


From the data collected in previous chapter the researcher can be

concluded there is not normal distribution because the test result shows

that significant number of motivation test is smaller than level of

significant (0.012 < 0.05), also, significant number of vocabulary test is

smaller than level of significant (0.006 < 0.05). It measures that motivation

and vocabulary mastery are not normal distribution.

Based on table of sig. (1-tailed) is 0.291 and higher than 0.05. And

the value of correlation coefficient is 0.104. It measures the Pearson

product moment coefficient is small. In other words, that the null

hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected.

It can be seen that there is no correlation between students’ learning


motivation and their vocabulary mastery of the eighth grade students of

MTs Negeri Cimahi.

B. Suggestion

Based on conclusion above, the researcher would like to give some

suggestion as follows:

1. For the students

Students should master skill English especially vocabulary very well. They

have to a big motivation to learn English. Learn harder because

understanding that English is one of important language in this era.

2. For the teacher

Teacher should give more encouragement to the students practise English

and make it as a habit. Give knowledge more creative and enjoy in lesson

and used various teaching method, make student comfortable and

interested in English.

3. For next researcher

The researcher suggest for the next researcher will know the students’

motivation deeply. And they are also to conduct their research in a longer

time in order to get more valid and more reliable data.



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