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June 13, 2019

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Thursday, June 13, 2019, at the Hi-Rise Community Room.
Board Members present: Dennis Hample, Albertha Van’t Hul, Arlene Vee, Steve DeKok and City Liaison, Jeff Gay.
Staff present: Executive Director, Connie Clausen and Operations Manager, Linda Loewen. Absent was:
Commissioner, Mark Leach.

The Regular Meeting was called to order at 10:44 am. The consent agenda was approved (DeKok/Van’t Hul) which
included the agenda, previous minutes, balance report and monthly bills reports.

Unfinished Business Consisted Of:

1. The Executive Director gave an update on the turnover rate. We have had 15 unit turns and are currently
at an average turn-over rate of 10.33 days. The Executive Director presented the financial report for April.
2. The Executive Director gave an update for the Windom HRA. The HS Parking Lot project is expected to be
completed by October, 2019. The Radon Mitigation project at HS has been completed. The 957 River Rd.
property had a new furnace and central air unit installed. There has not been any response to the request
by the MN Dept. of Labor for payroll reports from the RV Wall Project.
3. The Executive Director reported on the Hi-Rise Sewer Pipe Repair project. The project started on June 10th
on the 4th floor working down. Contractors discovered an issue with the rainwater pipe that runs from the
roof to the ground floor in the same area. After some discussion, a motion was made to give the Executive
Director the ability to approve a change order for the repair with a cost estimation of $1,500
4. The Executive Director reported we are waiting for Countryside P&H in conjunction with the Building
Inspector to relay a plan to resolve the venting issue with the hot water heater at the Hi-Rise. The
Executive Director will contact the plumbers and request this information.
5. The Executive Director gave an update on the HUD Monitoring. HUD has reported that they plan on doing a
visit this year as well as have monthly calls with the Executive Director due to the current status of the HRA.
6. The Executive Director presented information and numbers on option for the RAD (Rental Assistance
Demonstration) Conversion. The board agreed to have her continue with research in regard to doing the
conversion at the JHRA.
7. The Executive Director reported that we will be having MHFA Inspections at the Hi-Rise on June 18th since
we have not yet had our REAC Inspection.
8. The Executive Director reported that all requested information has been sent in on the MN Revenue
Recapture Audit and we are currently waiting to hear back from them.
9. Staff training was held on May 29th in Windom. The topic was Sexual Harassement.
10. New staff shirts have been ordered for the Maintenance staff.

New Business Consisted Of:

1. The Executive Director presented the Annual Audit for review. The due date for submission to REAC is
June 30th. After some discussion, a motion was made to approve the Audit report for FYE 09/30/18
(Vee/Van’tHul). The Executive Director will be contacting the auditor regarding questions from the report.
2. The Executive Director gave an update on the Hi-Rise Parking Lot Project. We have received a pay request
from Bolton & Menk in the amount of $2,875.00. A motion was made to approve and pay the request
3. The Executive Director reported on an elevator repair issue at the Hi-Rise performed May 23rd. The starter
for the elevator went out but was covered under our contract with MEI.
4. The Executive Director talked about changing the board meeting time to later in the afternoon. After some
discussion, a motion was made to change the time to 11:30 am for a couple of months but keeping it on
Thursday, with review for another possible change if the new time doesn’t seem to be working any better.
(Vee/DeKok) This will take place in July.
5. The Executive Director reports working on the following HUD & other reports: (W) FYE 3/31/2019 REAC
Submission, (W & J) Environmental Review, (J) FYE 9/30/2018 Audit.
6. The Executive Director reported that she will be taking PTO/medical on July 15 th up to 2 weeks.
7. HUD Lead-the-Way Training should be done individually at your own pace as of the May board meeting.
8. UPCOMING BOARD MEETINGS: July 11th at the Hi-Rise Community Room at the new time of 11:30 am
and August 8th.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:43 am. (Vee/Van’tHul)

Dennis Hample, Board Chairman Connie Clausen, Executive Director

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