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3/25/2020 'Emma' by Jane Austen

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Results for 'Emma' by Jane Austen

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1. What words are used to describe Emma in the opening of the novel?

Your Answer: Smart, wealthy and pretty

The correct answer was Clever, rich and handsome

70% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

2. What is Miss Taylor's christian name?

Your Answer: Anne

54% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

3. Mr Knightley is Emma's?

Your Answer: brother-in-law

86% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

4. Harriet Smith has been educated by?

Your Answer: Mrs Elton

The correct answer was Mrs Goddard

85% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

5. Frank Churchill's father is? 1/5
3/25/2020 'Emma' by Jane Austen

Your Answer: Mr Darcy

The correct answer was Mr Weston

85% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

6. How old is Emma at the start of the novel?

Your Answer: 17

The correct answer was 20

"Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever and rich, ... had lived nearly twenty one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her."

61% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

7. What is Mr Woodhouse's apothecary's name?

Your Answer: Mr Wickham

The correct answer was Mr Perry

71% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

8. What is the name of the local store in Highbury?

Your Answer: Ford's

58% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

9. Mrs Elton's maiden name is?

Your Answer: Hawkins

61% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

10. The picnic takes place at?

Your Answer: Box Hill

78% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

11. What does Frank Churchill claim he is going into London to get?

Your Answer: Some boots

The correct answer was A haircut

67% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

12. What relationsip is Jane Fairfax to Miss Bates? 2/5
3/25/2020 'Emma' by Jane Austen

Your Answer: Cousin

The correct answer was Niece

83% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

13. Why can't Harriet go to the Christmas party?

Your Answer: She is in London

The correct answer was She is ill

75% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

14. What is Mr Knightley's estate called?

Your Answer: Pemberley

The correct answer was Donwell Abbey

79% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

15. In how many volumes was 'Emma' first published?

Your Answer: Two

The correct answer was Three

43% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

16. What article once belonging to Mr Elton does Harriet make a treasure of?

Your Answer: A lock of hair

The correct answer was A pencil

63% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

17. What book does Harriet encourage Mr Martin to read?

Your Answer: The Mysteries of Udolpho

The correct answer was The Romance of the Forest

64% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

18. What present does Jane Fairfax receive from an anonymous person?

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was A musical instrument

88% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction... 3/5
3/25/2020 'Emma' by Jane Austen

19. Who dies, allowing Frank and Jane to marry?

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was Mrs Churchill

82% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

20. What is Mr Knightley's christian name?

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was George

68% of players have answered correctly.    I see an error - submit correction...

You scored: 5 / 20
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The average score for this quiz: 14 / 20

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3/25/2020 'Emma' by Jane Austen

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