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Water bodies on the Earth

Introduction :

A body of water of water body (often spelled water body) is any significant accumultaion of

water, generally on a planet's surface. The term most often refers to oceans,seas, and lakes,

but it includes smaller pools of water such as ponds,wetlands, or more rarely,puddles.A

body of water does not have to be still or contained ;rivers,streams,canals, and other

geographical features where water moves from one place to another are also considered

bodies of water.

Most are naturally ocurring geographical features,but some are artificial.There are types that

can be either.For example,most reservoirs are created by engineering dams, but bays,but

some harbors have been created through construction.

Bodies of water that are navigable are known as waterways.some bodies of water collect

and move water,such as river such as rivers and steams,and others primarily hold

water,such as lakes and oceans.

1) Oceans:

A very large expense of sea,an particular each of the main areas into which the sea is

divided geographically that roughly cover 70% of the earth.

An ocean is a body of water that composes much of a planet's hydrosphere.On earths,an

ocean is one of the major conventional divisions of the World ocean A global five oceans

have existed on the earth.

There are five oceans on the earth.

a)Pacific Ocean

b) Atlantic Ocean

c) Indian Ocean

d) Southern Ocean

e) Arctic Ocean
The world ocean is also collectively known as just "the sea "The International Hydrographic

Organization lists over 70 distinct bodies of water called seas.


The Pacific Ocean :the largest of the oceans, also reached northward from the Southern

Ocean to the Arctic Ocean.It spans the gap between Australia and Asia,and the

Americas.The Pacific Ocean meets the Atlantic Ocean south of south America at Cape Horn.

The Atlantic Ocean:the second largest,extends from the Southern Ocean between the

Americas, and Africa and Europe,to the Arctic Ocean.The Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian

Ocean south of Africa at Cape Agulhas.

The Indian Ocean:the third largest,extends northward from the Southern Ocean to India,the

Arabian Peninsula,and Southeast Asia in Asia,and between Africa in the west and Australia

in the east.The Indian Ocean joins the Pacific Ocean to the east,near Australia.

The Arctic Ocean: is the smallest of the five.It joins the Atlantic Ocean at the Bering strait.It

overlies the North Pole,touching North America in the Western Hemisphere and Scandinavia

and Siberia in the Eastern Hemisphere. The Arctic Ocean is partially covered in sea ice,the

extent of which varies according to the season.

The Antarctic Ocean: is a proposed ocean surrounding Antarctica,dominated by the

Antarctic Circumpolar Current,generally the ocean south of 60 degrees south latitude.The

Southern Ocean is partiallycovered in sea ice,the extent of which varies according to the

season.The SouthernOcean is the second smallest of the five named oceans.

ISLAMIC Perspective about oceans:

In Islamic perspctives there are only two oceans

a) Sweet Ocean

b) Sour Ocean

1) See

The large body of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds its land

masses but lesser than oceans.

List of seven seas

a) The Arctic Ocean

b) The North Atlantic Ocean

c) The South Atlantic Ocean

d) The Indian Ocean

e) The North Pacific Ocean

f) The South Pacific Ocean

g) The Southern (orAntarctic)Ocean

What is the different between sea and Ocean?

In conclusion,the essential difference between oceans and seas is that oceans are massive

saline water bodies that exist on the Earth's surface while seas are vast saline waters that

are either connected or not connected to the ocean.

2) Island

Island,any area of land smaller than a continent and entirely surrounded by water. Island may
occur in oceans,seas,lakes ,or rivers.A group of Island is called an archipelago.

3) River

A river is a natural flowing water course,usually fresh water, flowing towards an

ocean,seas,lake or another river.In some cases a river flows into the ground.

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