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Toronto Torah Beit Midrash Zichron Dov

Parshat Vayechi 11 Tevet 5771/December 18, 2010 Vol.2 Num. 16

Yaakov, Ephraim and Humility R’ Azarya Berzon

―And Yosef said to his father, ‗Not so, my Why was Yehoshua chosen for these two This quality of humility, which defined
father, for this is the firstborn; put thy awesome responsibilities? I believe that the essence of Yehoshua‘s character,
right hand upon his head.‘ And his father the answer lies in an appreciation of gave rise to concern on Moshe‘s part, at
refused, and said, ‗I know it, my son, I Yehoshua‘s inner qualities. Chazal teach the time of the episode of the Meraglim
know it; he [Menashe] too shall become us that the essence of a person is reflected (spies). Moshe feared that the humble,
a people, and he too will become great; in his name. Let us look at what Chazal say self-effacing personality of Yehoshua
but his younger brother [Ephraim] shall about the name Yehoshua. might be led astray by the negative
become greater than he.‖ influence of the ‗Eidah Ra’ah‘, i.e. the ten
(Breishit 48:18-19) ―And Moshe called Hoshea, son of Nun, spies who would discourage the people
Yehoshua.‖ (Bamidbar 13:16) Targum from entering the Land of Israel. After
Yonason translates this verse as the all, Yehoshua is described by the Torah
Rashi comments: For Yehoshua was
following: ―Uchedee Chamah Anvatnuteh as ‗Ish Asher Ruach Bo’, as the
destined to issue from Ephraim, and
D i ’ Y e h o s h ua ‖ , meaning, Moshe compassionate shepherd who would
Yehoshua will take possession of the
contemplated Yehoshua‘s humility, and lead the flock in accordance with the
Land of Israel, and will teach Torah to
decided to add the letter ‗yud‘ to the spirit of each and every member of the
beginning of his name. congregation of Israel (Bamidbar 28:18
A comment of the Pesikta will give us an and Rashi). Such an impressionable soul
I would suggest that Yehoshua inherited
insight as to why Ephraim was chosen might not have the inner strength to
the trait of humility from his forefather
over his older brother by Yaakov Avinu: overcome the powerful influence of the
Ephraim and was given the mission of
―Why was Ephraim worthy of such? ‗Meraglim’. Moshe adds a ‗yud’ to
transmitting the Torah of his Rebbe,
Because he lowered himself, and Yehoshua‘s name, petitioning the
Moshe, to the next generation, because of
Hashem loves the one who humbly Almighty to add another quality to
this trait.
lowers himself.‖ Ephraim personified the Yehoshua‘s humble soul. The letter‘yud‘
attribute of modesty. We can point to numerous statements of represents the attribute of gevurah, the
Chazal which indicate that the Torah ability to stand firm and resolute in
Yehoshua, Ephraim‘s descendant, was scholars throughout the history of the matters of principle. By integrating this
selected by Divine Providence for two Messorah community, whose duty it was attribute into his spiritual personality
great tasks: (1) He would receive the to transmit the Torah from one generation Yehoshua was able to stand firm against
Torah from Moshe Rabbeinu and pass it to the next, were individuals who the influence of the ‗Meraglim’.
on to the next generation; (2) Yehoshua exemplified, in their very being, the trait
was the leader who would bring his of ‗Anavah’ (modesty). Moshe Rabbeinu It took a tremendous quality of inner
people into Eretz Yisrael. himself, the ‗Anav Mikal Adam’ was the strength to remain resolute against the
receiver of Torah at Sinai. powerful hold of the dominating majority
and express clearly and forcefully the
truth that the time was right to enter into
Parshah Questions R’ Meir Lipschitz
the Land of Israel. It was this great
attribute of ‗ometz halev’ (inner
Answers are provided on the back page. strength), which made Yehoshua the
 How did Reuven sin, and how was he punished? perfect choice to lead the people into,
(Rashi, Targum Yonatan, and Ramban to Bereishit 49:4) conquer, and settle the Land of Israel.
 What does, v’yikareh bahem shemi, ―they will be called by my name,‖ mean?
(Rashbam, Ramban, Radak, Ibn Ezra, and Seforno to Bereishit 48:16) We, too, must petition HaShem to grant
 What is meant by sikel et yadav, ―he directed his hands with seichel,‖ when Yaakov us ample measures of the two qualities of
blessed Ephraim and Menashe? gevurah and Anava, which will allow us to
(Rashi, Rashbam, Radak, Ibn Ezra, Seforno, Chizkuni, Ohr HaChaim, Kli Yakar, Mal- be receivers of the Torah, and to
bim, and Netziv to Bereishit 48:14) appreciate the spiritual greatness of
Eretz Yisrael.
 For children: What is learned from Yaakov‘s request for chesed v’emet, “kindness
and truth‖ regarding his burial?
(Rashi Bereishit 47:29)

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‫איתמר זולברג‬ ‫דרך האמצע‬
‫הליכה בדרך האמצע ‪ ,‬גבה ‪-‬לב וכעס הינם מידות הרב אלחנן סמט ‪ ,‬מרצה במכללת יעקב הרצוג‬ ‫אחד הדברים המרכזיים בעבודת ה ' הוא תיקון‬
‫שאל לו לאדם לאחוז מהם אלא עליו להרחיק עד באלון שבות ‪ ,‬כותב על כך בספרו ' יד לרמב " ם '‬ ‫המידות ‪ ,‬הרמב" ם ז " ל השאיר את חותמו בנושא‬
‫לקיצוניות האחרת בגלל רעת מידות אלו‪ .‬שיטה זו ומחלק את דברי הרמב"ם לפי שני מרכיבים אלו‪.‬‬ ‫ואף כתב על כך במסגרת חיבורו ההלכתי "משנה‬
‫עשויה להיות מובנת ‪ ,‬במיוחד לאור הפסוקים ענווה מול שפלות‪-‬רוח‬ ‫תורה" בתוך הלכות דעות‪.‬‬
‫ומאמרי חז " ל שמביא הרמב " ם בסמוך ‪ .‬אך מה‬
‫שמפריע להבנה זו היא העובדה שהרמב " ם סותר ראינו כי החסיד הוא שפל ‪-‬הרוח לעומת החכם‬ ‫בפרק א הלכה א פותח הרמב " ם בהסבר על‬
‫את עצמו בנושא המידות הללו על פי הדברים שהינו רק עניו ‪ .‬חסיד ניכר במעשיו ‪ ,‬אנו יכולים‬ ‫הימצאותן של הדעות (=מידות)‪:‬‬
‫שכתב בפרק א ‪ .‬בהלכה ד מציין הרמב " ם את דרך להבדיל בין חסיד לחכם אך ורק על פי סממנים‬ ‫דעות הרבה יש לכל אחד ואחד מבני אדם וזו‬
‫האמצע בנוגע לכעס ‪ " :‬יהא בעל חמה נוח לכעוס חיצוניים‪ .‬הרמב"ם לא רק מזהיר שיש להתרחק מן‬ ‫משונה מזו ורחוקה ממנו ביותר ‪ ,‬יש אדם‬
‫ולא כמת שאינו מרגיש אלא בינוני‪ ,‬לא יכעוס אלא גבהות‪ -‬הלב אלא שיש להרחיק עד הקצה האחרון‬ ‫שהוא בעל חמה כועס תמיד‪ ,‬ויש אדם שדעתו‬
‫על דבר גדול שראוי לכעוס עליו"‪ .‬בהלכה ה מציין של שפלות‪ -‬רוח אך לעומת זאת הוא מציין בפרק‬ ‫מיושבת עליו ואינו כועס כלל ואם יכעס יכעס‬
‫הרמב " ם ‪ " :‬מי שיתרחק מגובה הלב עד הקצה ה' כי תלמיד חכם אינו רשאי ללבוש בגדים בזויים‬ ‫כעס מעט בכמה שנים ‪ ,‬ויש אדם שהוא גבה‬
‫האחרון ויהיה שפל רוח ביותר נקרא חסיד וזו היא אלא בגדים בינוניים ‪ .‬כאשר הרמב" ם מסביר מה‬ ‫לב ביותר‪ ,‬ויש שהוא שפל רוח ביותר‪.‬‬
‫מדת חסידות‪ ,‬ואם נתרחק עד האמצע בלבד ויהיה על אדם גבה‪-‬לב לעשות כדי לתקן עצמו‪ ,‬הרמב"ם‬
‫עניו נקרא חכם"‪ .‬שפלות‪-‬רוח איננה מדרגה נדרשת מציין כי לבוש בזוי ישיג את המטרה כי הוא מוליך‬ ‫הרמב" ם ממשיך בהלכה ד ומפרט מהי הדרך שבה‬
‫עבור החכם‪ ,‬אשר הולך בדרך האמצע ‪ .‬אנו רואים את האדם לקצה האחרון של שפלות‪-‬רוח על פי‬ ‫ראוי לאדם לילך‪:‬‬
‫את שפלות‪-‬הרוח אצל החסיד אשר הולך לקיצוניות שיטתו של הרמב"ם‪ .‬כעת נוכל לומר כי הרמב" ם‬ ‫הדרך הישרה היא מדה בינונית שבכל דעה‬
‫בהנהגותיו‪ .‬לכאורה ישנה סתירה בין האמור בפרק מציין שעלינו להתרחק עד הקצה האחרון מן‬ ‫ודעה מכל הדעות שיש לו לאדם ‪ ,‬והיא הדעה‬
‫א לאמור בפרק ב הן בנוגע לגבהות‪-‬לב והן בנוגע ג ב ה ו ת ‪ -‬ה ל ב ב ת כ ו נ ו ת י נ ו ל ע ו מ ת מ ע ש י נ ו‬ ‫שהיא רחוקה משתי הקצוות ריחוק שוה‬
‫(החיצוניים) שצריכים להיות "רק" בענווה‪.‬‬ ‫לכעס‪.‬‬
‫ואינה קרובה לא לזו ולא לזו ‪ ,‬לפיכך צוו‬
‫המפתח להבנת הסתירה לכאורה נמצא בהקדמת‬
‫כעס מול כעסנות‬ ‫חכמים הראשונים שיהא אדם שם דעותיו‬
‫הרמב " ם למסכת אבות ‪ ,‬המכונה גם " שמונה‬ ‫תמיד ומשער אותם ומכוין אותם בדרך‬
‫פרקים "‪ .‬כהקדמה למסכת אבות ‪ ,‬הרמב " ם בוחר בנוגע לכעס ‪ ,‬הרמב" ם אמר לכאורה דבר והיפוכו‬ ‫האמצעית כדי שיהא שלם בגופו ‪ ,‬כיצד לא‬
‫להס ביר את ת פקידם של הה נהגות הטו בו ת אך על פי דרכו של הרב סמט נראה כי אפשר‬ ‫יהא בעל חמה נוח לכעוס ולא כמת שאינו‬
‫ושלמות האדם ‪ .‬חלק נכבד מחיבור זה עוסק לפתור את הקושי‪ .‬מחד אמר הרמב"ם‪ " :‬לא יכעוס‬ ‫מרגיש אלא בינוני ‪ ,‬לא יכעוס אלא על דבר‬
‫בעבודת המידות כתנאי מכריע בעבודת ה ' ‪ .‬באופן אלא על דבר גדול שראוי לכעוס עליו כדי שלא‬ ‫גדול שראוי לכעוס עליו כדי שלא יעשה כיוצא‬
‫כללי הרמב" ם חוזר על אותם עקרונות שמופיעים יעשה כיוצא בו פעם אחרת " ומאידך ‪ " :‬וילמד‬ ‫בו פעם אחרת ‪ ...‬ולא יהא מהולל ושוחק ולא‬
‫בהלכות דעות בנושא זה ‪ .‬בתחילת פרק ד אומר עצמו שלא יכעוס ואפילו על דבר שראוי לכעוס‬ ‫עצב ואונן אלא שמח כל ימיו בנחת בסבר‬
‫עליו "‪ .‬האם על האדם לכעוס או לא לכעוס? יש‬ ‫הרמב"ם‪:‬‬ ‫פנים יפות‪ ,‬וכן שאר דעותיו‪ ,‬ודרך זו היא דרך‬
‫לומר כי ישנם שני סוגי כעס‪ ,‬כעס על דבר עוולה‬ ‫החכמים ‪ ,‬כל אדם שדעותיו דעות בינוניות‬
‫המ עשי ם הטובי ם הם המעשים השווים ‪ ,‬שראוי לכעוס עליו כדי להראות שדבר זה איננו‬ ‫ממוצעות נקרא חכם‪.‬‬
‫הממוצעים בין שני קצוות ‪ ,‬אשר שניהם נסבל ומצד שני כעס המוביל לאיבוד עשתונות ‪.‬‬
‫" ר עי ם "‪ :‬הראשון תוס פ ת והש ני חסרון ‪ .‬הגבול עלול להיות דק מאד ולכן הרמב" ם מזהיר‬ ‫על פי הרמב" ם לכל מידה יש שתי קצוות קיצוניים‬
‫וה מ ע לו ת ה ן ת כ ו נ ו ת נ פ ש י ו ת וק ניי ני ם כי יש צורך בכעס הפנים ‪ -‬כלפי חוץ אך כל עוד‬ ‫ודרך הישר שבה יש להיות נמצאת בינהם‪ .‬בהלכה‬
‫ממוצעים בין שתי תכונות גרועות‪ :‬אחת מהן שבפנים האדם מלמד עצמו שלא יכעוס ויגיע‬ ‫ה הרמב " ם מציין שיש עוד מדרגה יותר גבוהה‬
‫לאיבוד עשתונות ויצא שכרו בהפסדו‪.‬‬ ‫יתרה‪ ,‬והאחרת חסרה‪.‬‬ ‫והיא החסיד ‪ .‬החסיד אינו מעמיד את מידותיו על‬
‫האמצע אלא נוטה לאחד מן הקיצוניות ‪ ,‬פעמים‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫בשמונה פרקים הרמב " ם מחלק את התנהגות‬ ‫נוטה מעט ופעמים נוטה הרבה‪ .‬הכל לפי המידה‬
‫האדם לשני מרכיבים‪ .‬האחד מעשיו והשני תכונות‬ ‫ורעת המידה שממנה הוא חפץ להתרחק‪.‬‬
‫נפשו ‪ .‬בהלכות דעות אין אנו רואים חלוקה זו‬
‫בפרק ב מרחיב הרמב" ם את היריעה ומסביר כיצד ונראה כי הרמב"ם כלל את הכל תחת השם "דעות"‪.‬‬
‫על פי שיטתו ‪ ,‬אנו יכולים לעבוד ולתקן את‬
‫מידותינו ‪ .‬באמצעות הרחקה לקיצוניות ההפוכה‬
‫מזו שהאדם נתון בה‪ ,‬למשך תקופה כלשהי על פי‬
‫‪613 Mitzvot: Mitzvah 72‬‬ ‫הצורך ‪ ,‬אדם מתקן את מידותיו ‪ .‬אך כאשר אנו‬
‫מגיעים להלכה ג יש לנו הגדרה שונה לעבודת‬
‫‪Tithing Produce‬‬ ‫‪in the Proper Order‬‬ ‫המידות‪:‬‬
‫וי ש ד עו ת שאסור ל ו לאד ם ל נהו ג בה ן‬
‫בבינונית אלא יתרחק מן הקצה האחד עד‬
‫‪We are taught to tithe Israeli produce‬‬ ‫‪giving him his tithe before taking care of‬‬ ‫הקצה האחר‪ ,‬והוא גובה לב‪ ,‬שאין דרך הטובה‬
‫‪and present these gifts to kohanim,‬‬ ‫‪the needs of others. This is part of a‬‬ ‫שיהיה אדם עניו בלבד אלא שיהיה שפל רוח‬
‫‪leviyyim and the indigent. Some of the‬‬ ‫‪general halachic pattern of honouring‬‬ ‫ותהיה רוחו נמוכה למאד‪ ,‬ולפיכך נאמר במשה‬
‫‪produce is brought to Jerusalem and‬‬ ‫‪kohanim before others, based on‬‬ ‫רבינו ענו מאד ולא נאמר ענו בלבד ‪ ,‬ולפיכך‬
‫‪consumed there. Today, the only tithe‬‬ ‫‪Vayyikra 28:8.‬‬ ‫צוו חכמים מאד מאד הוי שפל רוח ‪ ,‬ועוד‬
‫‪which is actually distributed (as‬‬ ‫אמרו שכל המגביה לבו כפר בעיקר שנאמר‬
‫‪The Sefer haChinuch offered a different‬‬
‫)‪opposed to simply being left to decay‬‬ ‫ורם לבבך ושכחת את ה ' אלקיך ‪ ,‬ועוד אמרו‬
‫‪explanation: ―When things are done in an‬‬ ‫בשמתא מאן דאית ביה גסות הרוח ואפילו‬
‫‪is the one which goes to the indigent,‬‬
‫‪orderly fashion, confusion and error do‬‬ ‫מקצתה‪ ,‬וכן הכעס מדה רעה היא עד למאד‬
‫‪maaser ani. Mitzvah 72 instructs us to‬‬
‫‪not take place. When they are not done in‬‬ ‫וראוי לאדם שיתרחק ממנה עד הקצה האחר‪,‬‬
‫‪follow a specific order in separating the‬‬
‫‪this manner then errors perpetually‬‬ ‫וילמד עצמו שלא יכעוס ואפילו על דבר‬
‫‪tithes: terumah, then maaser rishon, and‬‬
‫‪happen.‖ Of course, we stand to benefit‬‬ ‫שראוי לכעוס עליו‪ ,‬ואם רצה להטיל אימה על‬
‫‪then maaser ani or maaser sheni,‬‬
‫‪by applying this insight in all of our‬‬ ‫בניו ובני ביתו או על הציבור אם היה פרנס‬
‫‪depending upon the year.‬‬ ‫ורצה לכעוס עליהן כדי שיחזרו למוטב יראה‬
‫‪mitzvah activities.‬‬
‫‪Rav Menachem haBavli, in his Taamei‬‬ ‫עצמו בפניהם שהוא כועס כדי לייסרם ותהיה‬
‫‪In the event that tithes are separated out‬‬ ‫דעתו מיושבת בינו לבין עצמו כאדם שהוא‬
‫‪haMitzvot, explained that the purpose of‬‬
‫‪of order, they are still valid.‬‬ ‫מדמה כועס בשעת כעסו והוא אינו כועס‪.‬‬
‫‪this order is to honour the kohen,‬‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫נראה מהלכה זו כי ישנם יוצאים מן הכלל לעניין‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪Visit us at‬‬

Ha’Am V’Ha’Aretz
Rav Menachem Mendel Panet R’ Netanel Javasky Mitzpeh Rimon
The towns of Israel‘s Negev—and
Rav Yechezkel Panet, author of the Mareh particularly Mitzpeh Ramon—are an
Invasive Surgery Yechezkel, was born in Silesia but was excellent getaway for people who seek
forced to move when he came of marital the serenity provided by the desert but
Responsa Maharam Padua 79 don‘t want to be cut off from civilization
age, due to the Familiants Laws limiting
the number of Jews who could have entirely.
(R‘ Panet is discussing performing a families in Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia. About an hour away from the bustling
fertility treatment which requires a The laws were introduced by Charles VI metropolis of Be‘er Sheva, after it seems
surgical procedure for a woman who is in 1726 to limit the Jewish population and that you‘ve reached the end of the
unable to bear children.) restrain its growth, and they remained in world and all around you there‘s only
effect until 1848. In Silesia, with the sand and more sand, Mitzpeh Ramon
Addressing the central issue of whether smallest Jewish population, the number appears. The city, whose name literally
we should rely on the doctors at all, was capped at 119 families. A Jew was means ―The Observation Point of
performing this procedure which involves forbidden from starting a family unless he Ramon,‖ is a small town on the edge of
potential prohibitions and which will possessed a ―family number‖, which Machtesh Ramon, the Ramon crater –
cause much pain and suffering to the could only be transferred after the death the biggest crater in the world. It
woman, and depending upon their of the Familiant. These laws caused many measures 40 km long, between 2-10 km
promises. I have investigated the matter, Jews to wander around the country, wide, and 500 meters deep, and is
and I have concluded that it would be without having anywhere to settle shaped like a giant, elongated heart.
better to sit and refrain from acting (i.e. permanently.
The city is located in the heart of the
not to go ahead with the surgery NJ). Rav Yechezkel‘s family was very close Negev, 85 km south of Be‘er Sheva and
The words of the Rambam (Commentary with Rav Moshe Sofer, also known as the 150 km north of Eilat. Mitzpeh Ramon
to Mishnah) are well known, in which he Chatam Sofer; he was recommended by was originally established in 1951 as a
laughed at those who refuse to ask doctors the Chatam Sofer to become the Rabbi of work camp base for laborers who were
Alba-Iulia, in what is modern-day building the road to Eilat, and in 1956 it
for advice when they are sick or are in
Romania. The Rabbi of this community was officially designated a permanent
pain, Gd save us. He compares this to was regarded as the Chief Rabbi of
someone who is starving and refuses to Transylvania, a title which he held until his town. The city‘s current population is
eat, claiming that his trust is placed in G-d death. nearly 6,000 people.
that he will not die of starvation. The beautiful desert scenery with its
Rav Menachem Mendel Panet, son of Rav accompanying quiet, as well as the
On the other hand: Our Rabbis of blessed Yechezkel, was born in Hungary in the growing interest in ecotourism, have
memory said, ―[The Torah says,] ‗And the year 1818, and he became a very dear made Machtesh and Mitzpeh Ramon
damager shall heal the damaged.‘ From student of the Chatam Sofer. He was also popular tourist areas. In recent years,
here we learn that permission is granted pulled towards the nascent Chasidic artists from all over the country have
to a physician to heal.‖ Ibn Ezra (Parshat movement in Hungary, studying under begun settling there, finding inspiration
Mishpatim) wrote that this permission Rav Moshe Teitelbaum, the Yismach in the crater‘s natural beauty. Mitzpeh
applies only to external wounds, but Moshe. Rav Teitelbaum had been Ramon boasts the country‘s largest
regarding a wound to an internal organ opposed to Chasidism, but after being
planetarium and a telescope with a 1
the doctors know nothing, like a blind influenced by the Chozeh of Lublin, he
meter diameter, belonging to Tel Aviv
began spreading its message in Hungary.
person stumbling through an entrance. University.
Rav Menachem Mendel was the founder of
In my humble opinion, even according to Walking, biking and ‫ ג'יפינג‬through the
the Chasidic dynasty of Dej and author of
the aforementioned opinion of the crater have become popular activities
a number of volumes of responsa. His
Rambam the permission granted to for all manner of travelers and tourists.
works include: Shut Shaarei Tzedek, Shut
doctors applies only to wounds or A promenade extends from the Visitors
Mishpat Tzedek,and Shut Even Tzedek, as
diseases that developed after the patient Center to Camel Mountain, which is
well as a commentary on the Torah,
was born. For something such as this, shaped like a kneeling camel. Along
Ma’aglei Tzedek. He passed away in 1885.
which is not a natural defect, one should the way, visitors can stop and look out from a ―balcony‖ overlooking the entire
go to a doctor to heal him. However, for a
region. The evening brings a cool,
condition which is congenital, and which
{See Shut Tzitz Eliezer 11:41 where R‘ pleasant breeze, and a walk at this time
does not cause illness or physical pain at brings out the majestic beauty of the
all, and one wishes to go to a doctor to Eliezer Waldenberg, based on many
additional sources, adamantly rejects R‘ region. Aside from the many paths that
improve it medically – such as for this this magical desert has to offer, the
woman who was never ill at all, to ask a Panet‘s application to fertility
treatments. Nonetheless, he says that town offers more attractions, including
doctor to heal her so that she can give a snappelling site and an alpaca farm.
birth even though there is neither illness he is willing to accept many far-
The entire Ramon area has been
nor physical pain in her inability to bear reaching applications of R‘ Panet‘s
declared one of Israel‘s National Parks.
children – I don‘t see how this can be responsum, such as its ramifications for
cosmetic surgery.}
allowed based on Torah Law.

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Parshah Answers R’ Netanel Javasky

Menasheh‖ alone. Therefore, he  Ohr Hachaim notes that the Torah is

How did Reuven sin, and how was he
suggests that the simple explanation is stressing that it was Yaakov‘s hands
similar to the Rashbam, that the that practiced seichel, for we are
 Rashi explains that Reuven sinned by descendants of Menasheh and Ephraim already told that Yaakov was
acting in haste, moving the bed of his will be ever-lasting. beginning to lose his vision. Yaakov
father in anger. This was not only a
 The Sforno elaborates upon Ramban‘s couldn‘t recognize his two
crime against his father, Yaakov, but
point saying that this was a berachah to grandchildren and therefore assumed,
an assault against the Shechinah itself,
these children to follow the way of G-d ―for Menasheh is the firstborn,‖ that
which dwelled on his bed. Reuven‘s
and continue to be identified as the he would likely have been placed on
punishment was that he did not merit
children of Avraham and Yitzchak. G-d his right side. Therefore, he crossed
the many benefits to which he would
forbid, if they would leave this Torah his hands, assuming that this would
otherwise have been entitled.
path they would no longer be give Ephraim the blessing of the right
 Ramban learns that Reuven was referenced by these great tzaddikim, hand.
trying to secure more of his first-born but by their other idolatrous ancestors,  Netziv says that by only crossing his
rights, by preventing the birth of Terach and Nachor. hands Yaakov was intentionally
more children to his father Yaakov.
What is meant by sikel et yadav, “he leaving Menasheh by his right foot,
Yaakov criticizes his son for his
directed his hands with seichel,” when granting him a blessing as well.
swiftness and light-headedness and
Yaakov blessed Ephraim and Ephraim would be considered
declares that no gain will come from
Menashe? superior regarding spiritual matters,
his actions, and only loss will result.
and this was symbolic of the right
 Rashbam interprets the word sikel as hand, but for non-spiritual matters,
What do the words, v’yikareh bahem crooked. His hands were crooked
such as when Israel would travel in the
shemi, “they will be called by my when they crossed one another.
desert, it was Menasheh who had
name,” mean?  Rashi cites Targum Onkelos who superiority, symbolic of his position
 Rashbam explains that these words interprets the word sikel as wisdom. by Yaakov‘s right foot.
are a brachah for long life of Yosef‘s Yaakov crossed his hands with
children and grandchildren. wisdom, for he knew exactly what he For children: What is learned from
 Radak and Ibn Ezra suggest that was doing and deliberately placed his Yaakov’s request for chesed v’emet,
Yaakov was saying that the nation of right hand upon the younger brother. “kindness and truth” regarding his
Israel, commonly known as bnei  Chizkuni agrees with Rashi‘s burial?
yi s ra el , r e fe r e n c in g Y a a k o v ‘s approach and explains that the great  Rashi says that from here we learn
additional name, would also be known wisdom was that he found a way to chesed performed with someone who
as the children of Yosef and the place his right hand on the younger has passed away is true[‫ ]חסד‬chesed,
children of Ephraim. brother without causing too much as this kindness is performed with the
 Ramban rejects the aforementioned embarrassment and making them knowledge that one will never be
understanding, noting that the verse is switch places. repaid.
referring to both Menasheh and  Others, like the Ibn Ezra and Seforno,
Ephraim, and we never find that the say that Yaakov‘s hands guided him to
nation is referred to as ―ben do what he did.

Schedule for the Week of December 18, 11 Tevet

Shabbat, December 18
7:45AM Ramban: Parshat VaYechi, Or Chaim Tuesday, December 21
10:15AM Defining the Mitzvah of Aveilus, Clanton Park 1:30PM R‘ Mordechai Torczyner: Ovadia, at Shaarei Shomayim, with Mekorot
One Hour Before Mincha: Is there a Kinyan Without an Act?, 7:15PM R‘ Azarya Berzon: Tools for Brisk, BAYT Thornhill
Mizrachi Bayit 8:00PM Dovid Zirkind: Interactive Parshah Discussion, Westmount Learning
6:30PM Parent/Child Learning, Shaarei Shomayim Centre
Sunday, December 19 8:30PM R‘ Mordechai Torczyner: Minchat Chinuch at Clanton Park: Religious
8:45 AM R‘ Mordechai Torczyner, Medical Halachah for CME Coercion II
credit: The Double Effect, BAYT 8:30PM R‘ Azarya Berzon: Introduction to Sefer Shmot, On Galut and GeUlah,
9:15AM Itamar Zolberg:Parshah&Issues b‘Ivrit, Zichron BAYT Thornhill
Yisrael Wednesday, December 22
7:30PM R‘ Azarya Berzon, Masechet Megila: The Blessings 9:15AM R‘ Mordechai Torczyner: Hosheia, 239 Franklin Women Babysitting
over the Megila Reading, Shaarei Shomayim provided - on hiatus this week
8:30PM R‘ Azarya Berzon, Masechet Kiddushin: The Third 7:15PM R‘ Azarya Berzon, Week‘s Shiur Highlights, Clanton Park
Method of Marriying a Woman, Shaarei Shomayim 8:30PM R‘ Azarya Berzon: Masechet Kiddushin 42b ―Ein Shliach LeDvar
Monday, December 20 Aveira, Shomrei Shabbos Chevra Mishnayos
8:30PM R‘ Azarya Berzon, Rambam: Zevulun Supporting Thursday, December 23
Yissachar? , Clanton Park 8:00PM R‘ Netanel Javasky: Landmark Halachic Responsa, Bnai Torah
9:20PM R‘ Azarya Berzon, Ramban‘s View on Life and Death, 8:30PM R‘ Azarya Berzon: The Observance of Shabbat & Its Influence, Clanton
12 Midvale Road Park
8:45PM R‘ Meir Lipschitz: Gemara Beitzah Chaburah, Shaarei 10:00PM R‘ Azarya Berzon: Rambam Hilchot Talmud Torah, Clanton Park

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