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Education and Training Mentor Evaluation of Intern Performance 

Student Name:​ Katherine Wardell  Teacher: Kinsey Shelton 

Internship School: Smith Elementary   Date: 12/2/2019 

Directions​:​ For each of the indicators below, please rate your trainee   
from 1 to 10.  Rubric 
  10  Clearly Outstanding 
9  Exceeds Expectations 
8-7  Meets Expectations 
6  Needs Improvement 
5-1  Unsatisfactory 
1.​ ​Attendance​:  
Presence and punctuality  

2. ​Attitude​:  
Enthusiasm for teaching and working with children 

3. ​Organization​:  
Neatness, accuracy, and thoroughness 

4. ​Dependability​:  
Follows instructions and completes tasks without reminders, prepares activities in advance. 

5. ​Classroom Management​:  
Controls student behaviors and situations, remains calm when dealing with conflicts, redirects  8/10 
inappropriate behavior. 

6. ​Cooperation​:  
Adheres to policies and procedures, works well with mentor teacher, students, other faculty; respects  10/10 
authority; accepts constructive criticism; flexible 

7. ​Initiative​:  
Self- reliant; willingness to learn, creates various activities for interest; knowledge of teaching  8/10 
techniques, subject matter. 

8. ​Personal Qualities​:  
Correct attire, professional appearance, role model, good rapport with students 

9. ​Communication​:  
Uses accurate oral and written communication, gives clear direction, refers to students by names. 

5. ​ ​Electronic Device:   
Refrains from use of device during class. 

Total:  95/100 
We LOVE having Ms. Wardell in our class! The students are always so excited for her to join our class, and the 
excitement is returned when she walks through the door. Since she has gotten more used to our routine, she often takes 
initiative when it comes to giving Spelling Tests and grading them right after. She makes sure to ask questions when she’s 
not sure about content, which I appreciate instead of just saying something incorrect. She engages with the children 
during independent work times and asks if I need help with getting things done. Classroom management is a little tougher 
because I have a very chatty class, but she has improved with speaking up and making herself heard.  

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