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Problems of Violation of Student Rights in Fisip Undip

Lecturer : Drs. Sunarto

Arranged by:
Asenda Hella Purwaninda (14040118190067)

Communication Science Department

Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
Dipnegoro University
Problems of Violation of Student Rights in Fisip Undip

Many cases of violations of student rights have been seized, some of the most common
cases are the rise of suicides that occur due to the burden of work, social demands, pressure
lecturers or even parents, which makes them feel burdened and ultimately choose to end their lives.
The relationship of hardness with mental health is thought to be the main trigger. In the Draft Book
of Criminal Law (R KUHP) article 400 paragraph 2, it states that convicted with capital punishment
or life imprisonment, or imprisonment for a minimum of 5 (five) years and a maximum of 20
(twenty) years, results severe physical or mental suffering for group members. The deprivation of
the right to be free from pressure both physically and mentally applies in the Republic of Indonesia,
especially in the campus which is said to be better known as a place for knowledgeable people, but
instead the regulation violates itself.

Problem Statement
The main problem under study is that the phenomena that occur above relate to human
rights that have actually been gently seized by parties who have certain positions.

Research Objectives
A sad story behind a student who died
of suicide.

Who was involved in the student depression and suicide case?
What background is the cause of student suicides?
How did they start having suicidal thoughts?
The motive used by students to end their lives is?

Many people suspect that students are dying due to very heavy workloads and the level of
difficulty that causes excessive stress can lead to depression and suicide.
The involvement of the campus in the realization of mental illness that results in suicide is quite
underestimated in people's lives. According to the results of a study conducted by the National
College Health Assessment in 2014, as many as 33 percent of students who underwent the survey,
experienced depression during the past year or so. As a result of this depression, they find it
difficult to focus on studying and doing assignments because they are too worried about the little
things that happen in their lives.

Mental illness that is often experienced by students, according to research by the American
Psychological Association, cases of mental disorders in students rose by 10 percent in the last 10
years. Many things that make students affected by depression, some of which may be due to lack of
management in managing play and college time. Not only that, increasingly open competition
during college makes students become less confident in their abilities and feel they can not do
anything compared to their friends, insomnia akult, eating disorders, and excessive anxiety.
Opportunities Students suffer from mental Illness, when talking about the causes of depression, the
majority of students claim that they are pressured to be able to prove that they are academically
successful. How they can complete their thesis and final year on time as an indicator of their
success is a scourge that has haunted them all this time.

To minimize the problem of rights violations the environment should be more concerned
with others. So that students do not feel alone in bearing burdens that are not light, the campus
should also facilitate counseling to help ease the burden on students.

Research Problem
The research method used is an experimental method with qualitative methods. The
population is IUP Undip Communication Science students in 2018. Because all populations are
used as research samples, the sampling technique is non random techniques to select informants.
The amount of the informants are 20. We selected informants based on the number of IUP class
members of communication fisip undip.

Research Question
Who was involved in the student depression and suicide case?
What background is the cause of student suicides?
How did they start having suicidal thoughts?
The motive used by students to end their lives is?

Teory tentative
The theory chosen is the theory of speculative truth.
Speculative truth is truth obtained through thinking with a high level of rationality and philosophy,
as well as high abstractionality. This truth will be better if it is supported by the support of personal

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