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Name : Devanto Riadi

Nim : 20170810020

Teaching Vocabulary With Films To Improve Vocabulary Mastery

Chapter 1


This chapter present the research foundation including background of the research,
identification od the problem, delimitation of the research, formulation of the problem, objective of the
research, and significance of the research.

a. Background Of The Research

vocabulary in language learning is one of the most important elements that must first be
mastered by a student. the first time a student learns a new language that must be mastered by
a student is vocabulary. Vocabulary is very important that must be mastered by a student by
having a lot of vocabulary so students can use it to be used in listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. which in essence if so a student can master a lot of vocabulary then they can use it to
speak and write. but is inversely proportional to a student who has limited vocabulary, they will
have difficulty in speaking and writing in English. therefore mastering vocabulary is the main one
in learning English.

In carrying out learning in students it takes also a good learning media and attracts students'
interest to deepen learning. There are so many learning media that can be used such as power
points, music, movies. But here is more focused on learning by watching movies in English. In
this era many students are more interested in learning to use visual media, such as movies.
Using visual media, students can add to their vocabulary and can understand how to pronounce
it correctly.

According (David, 1991 p.9) English language consists of four skills: listening, speaking, reading
and writing. Vocabulary is one component of those skills. One cannot express his idea if the
lacks of vocabulary. Vocabulary is important for the students to support their four language

In Indonesia, English is a foreign language that is taught formally for the first time in school. To
learn English can be done anywhere not necessarily at school, like at home, in a social
environment, and to someone who understands English. Students can also get English learning
from various media such as books, internet, articles, films, music.
Students with limited vocabulary will find it very difficult to understand texts, conversations that
use English. Then a teacher must have good learning techniques to be comfortable in learning
activities. One of them is by watching movies in English so that students get lots of new
vocabulary and can pronounce correctly. Many problems faced by students in learning new
vocabulary such as unattractive learning, unclear ways of conveying teachers, bored with
monotonous learning. As a result students find it difficult to accept learning.

b. Identification Of The Problem

Many problems are found in implementing learning, especially in mastery vocabulary. The
problems inherent in vocabulary learning can come from tradisional learning and boring learning
media and also students' lack of motivation in learning. In learning vocabulary students are
required to memorize some new vocabulary words to increase their knowledge. With traditional
learning methods such as teachers using whiteboards, students will feel bored. Such challenges
must be resolved and foster student motivation in learning vocabulary.

In addition, there are many problems faced by students and teachers. In this era not many
teachers are able to use technology to teach, especially in teaching vocabulary. There are still
many teachers who teach using books and blackboards only. Students in learning are also still
limited in finding new vocabulary references, so the vocabulary that students have is limited.

It can be concluded that the problems that occur when teachers teach and students get learning
material from a teacher very much. Problems that occur like lack of motivation, more
passive, and worried to learn English because the English teacher lack of ability in
using media, especially in teaching vocabulary. The teacher himself only uses traditional learning
and students only pay attention to the explanations given by the teacher and only record the
vocabulary that has been written on the blackboard or given by the teacher only.

By applying such learning methods, the teacher only forces students to memorize a few
words, consequently, make students unable to memorize some words well.
Therefore, most students only master the simple vocabulary around them.

According Miarso (2004 p: 463), states that presentation media the most sophisticated is the
media that can convey five kinds of forms information: pictures, lines, symbols, sound and
movement. The media is live pictures (movies) and television or the video.

To overcome this problem, a teacher must help students to learn vocabulary by using media to
conduct teaching and learning in the classroom. The teacher must look for ways that can be
used to make students interested in learning English. According Lyne (2001) student interest is
one of them the main factor for achieving the goal of teaching English learning. For that reason,
film is a medium that can be used to increase student motivation in learning

In this research the media chosen for use in teaching and learning vocabulary is visual media,
which is more precisely movies. Movie is one of the audio visual aids that contains
pictures and sounds so students can see and hear directly. According Sherman (2003), film is a
conventional and shifting offers students a realistic learning environment. By using film,
students hoping to enjoy and enjoy learning English vocabulary, explain the message,
can save teacher energy, can motivate students to learn, can improve
the amount of teaching and learning.

c. Delimitation Of The Research

In this research the problems faced by students will be limited and two research questions and
participants will be chosen by students who are learning in the classroom. Will measure the
results of student learning before using movies media and after using movies media. After doing
the learning method using the movies, the results will be seen whether the vocabulary obtained
by students from watching the movies adds to their vocabulary or not.

d. Formulation Of The Problem

Referring to the problem limitation described above, the formulation of
problem as follows:
1. whether there is an increase in student vocabulary with the application of learning methods
using movies in class?
2. what difficulties students face in applying and using words gained from watching the

e. Objective Of The Research

to answer the research question above and in accordance with the formulation of the problem.
Then the purpose of this study is to improve students 'skills in writing and speaking English and
increase students' vocabulary so that there is no difficulty in learning English.

f. Significance Of The Research

this research is expected to be useful for: first, an English teacher can be information to improve
teaching and learning in school. Second, this discovery is hopefully to be a good enough reading
material for enrich students' references in writing their thesis or to improve their knowledge in
The process of teaching and learning English. Third, for English teachers can be their reference in
solving learning problems and to improve students' ability to memorize vocabulary better.
Fourth, for English teachers can be a reference in motivating students to learn vocabulary
mastery. Fifth, for English teachers can be used as a reference in finding appropriate learning
methods applied to students.

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