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LESSON 3: Power  Coercive Power- This kind of power

involves the usage of threat to make people do

 POWER is the ability to influence or what one desires. In the organizational set up, it
outright control the behavior of people. translates into threatening someone with
 Power can be seen as evil or unjust. transfer, firing, demotions etc. it basically forces
 Power is the ability of a person to people to submit to one’s demand for the fear of
influence another person or group to perform an losing something.
act.  Reward Power- As the name suggests,
this type of power uses rewards, perks, new
projects or training opportunities, better roles
 Power can be defined in many ways. Most and monetary benefits to influence people.
simply, it is the ability to get what you want, or However, an interesting aspect of this type of
as scholar Kenneth Boulding said, power is "the power is that, it is not powerful enough in itself,
ability to change the future." Some scholars as decisions related to rewards do not rest solely
make a distinction between three kinds of with the person promising them, because in
power-- "power over," "power to" and "power organizations, a lot of other people come into
with. play like senior managers and board.
 Legitimate Power- This power emanates
 "Power over" is the ability to dominate from an official position held by someone, be it
another person or group--as in "I have power in an organization, beurocracy or government
over him. This means, "I have the ability to make etc. The duration of this power is short lived as a
him do what I want him to do." Power-over person can use it only till the time he/she holds
usually comes from force and threat. If the that position, as well as, the scope of the power is
subordinate fails to do what he or she is asked to small as it is strictly defined by the position held.
do, the dominant person will use force to make  Expert Power- This is a personal kind of
the subordinate person comply. power which owes its genesis to the skills and
expertise possessed by an individual, which is of
 "Power to" is the ability to do something
higher quality and not easily available. In such a
on one’s own--it refers to one’s abilities. Sources
situation, the person can exercise the power of
of this kind of power are intellect, resources,
knowledge to influence people. Since, it is very
knowledge, stamina, etc. These resources give
person specific and skills can be enhanced with
some people the power to accomplish things
time; it has more credibility and respect.
that others cannot.
 Referent Power- This is a power wielded
 "Power with" is similar to "power to" in by celebrities and film stars as they have huge
that it reflects ability, but "power with" is the following amongst masses who like them,
ability to work with others to get something identify with them and follow them. Hence, they
done by cooperation. This is the power of exert lasting influence on a large number of
consensus--the power of people working people for a large number of decisions; like from
together to solve a common problem what car to buy to which candidate to choose for
a higher office in the country.
The first dimension of power fits in with the
pluralist view and states that there is an open, The consequences of using coercive power?
transparent system, while recognizing that
No one likes to be threatened. Department
political resources are not distributed evenly,
members may do what the head wants if they
they are also not completely centralized with a
are threatened with political, social, financial –
small group of the elite. The real decision-
or even physical(!) – retribution if they do not,
making power, the power to vote on legislation,
but coercion is also likely to cause anger and
introduce new bills rests with political actors.
alienation. As a consequence, even if
However they are influenced by a number of
department members appear to agree to a
other factors such as their constituents, lobbyists
head's demand, they may follow the letter but
and pressure groups and I think that this view of
not the spirit of a new policy, refuse to enact it
power fails to highlight how the political agenda
when no one is watching them, sabotage it, and
can be controlled or manipulated. Power is often
be less willing to accept the head's influence in
exercised in a much more subtle way that the
the future.
one dimensional view suggests. 


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