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Tax exemption authorization

foreign trade on imports

(Article 61, Section IX of the Act).

Mark the type of request in question with an "X":

If you are going to complete any of the following procedures, provide the
number and date of office with which the authorization was granted.

Modification The data you provide in this form

replace the ones you provided when you applied
your authorization.

*In case of modification be sure to append the documents that show the data you provided us.
1. Name or social reason.

RFC including homoclave

2. Predominant activity.

3. Tax address.

Street Number and/or outer letter Number and/or inner letter

Cologne C.p. Municipality/Delegation Federative Entity

4. Address to hear and receive notifications.

Street Number and/or outer letter Number and/or inner letter

Cologne C.p. Municipality/Delegation Federative Entity


5. Name.

Paternal surname Maternal surname Name(s)

RFC including homoclave

Phone Email
6. Person authorized to hear and receive notifications.

Paternal surname Maternal surname Name

RFC including homoclave

Phone Email


7. Constitutive Act.

Number of the notary instrument or commercial policy Date

Name and number of notary or public corridor Federative Entity

8. Modification(s) to the charter.

8.1. Amendment to the charter. 8.2. Amendment to the charter.

Number of the notary instrument or commercial policy Number of the notary instrument or commercial policy
Date Date

Name and number of notary or public corridor Name and number of notary or public corridor

Federative Entity Federative Entity

Description of the modification Description of the modification

8.3. Amendment to the charter. 8.4. Amendment to the charter.

Number of the notary instrument or commercial policy Number of the notary instrument or commercial policy

Date Date

Name and number of notary or public corridor Name and number of notary or public corridor

Federative Entity Federative Entity

Description of the modification Description of the modification

9. General power for acts of administration granted to him by the applicant moral person. * If
stated in the constituent act, point it out by marking an "X" in the table.

It is recorded in the charter. If you do not contain in the constituent minutes please indicate the following information:

Number of the notary instrument or commercial policy Date

Name and number of the Notary Public or Public Runner Federative Entity


10. Decree for the establishment of the public body.

Official journal or newspaper in which it was published and, where applicable, section Date of publication

Federative Entity
11. Document with which the damproves its position or character as an official in the public body.
Point out with an "X" the type of designation
In the box on the right, point to the number or folio and the date of the document
Appointment or official appointment

Majority Consistency (Popular Election Charge)


Point to the name of the charge.

12. Document with which the representative of the public body accredits his powers.

Point out with an "X" whether your powers are contained in the decree of the creation of the public body.
In case you do not contain in the decree of creation, please indicate the following data:

Name of the legal order (Law, Regulations, Decree, etc.) where the powers of the representative of the public body are conding.

Official journal or newspaper and, where applicable, section in which Date was published
Federative Entity

13. Office of authorization to receive deductible donations from the ISR.

Date Number
14. Foreign donor data.


Street Number and/or outer letter Number and/or inner letter

Cologne C.P. or postal zone State Country

Phone Email electrónico

15. Description of the goods in the same terms as the donation letter.

Type of merchandise Amount Unit of Pointing out with a Where applicable, make, model and number
Measure "X" if the goods as standard
New (N) or
Used (U)


16. The purposes for which the goods will be used.

Indicate with an "X" the purposes for which the goods will be destined
Cultural Teaching Public health Social service Research

17. Describe the specific use to be given to the good.

18. Indicate whether the good will form part of the assets of its representative.

Yes No

19. Customs by which the goods shall enter:

Documents to be appended to the application:

In the event that the importer is a non-taxpayer moral person authorized by the SAT to receive lisR-deductible donations, he/she shall append a
certified copy of the power of attorney, which proves that the person signing the application is entitled to perform administrative acts, in which the
registration data in the Public Register of Property and Commerce are visible, which will be submitted for one time, so for later
operations the application must be signed by the same person empowered to perform acts of administration, who must settle in protest of telling
truth thatthe terms of the performance have not been modified or revoked, otherwise the moral person concerned
must provide a certified copy of the respective power of attorney.

The Federation, The Federal Entities and the Municipalities, as wellas their deconcentrated bodies, to prove the representation of the official
signing the application, must attach a simple and legible copy of the appointment of the public official who signs the application, as well as the
DOF or the official means of dissemination of the State or Municipality concerned, where their powers are established.

In the case of a non-taxpayer moral person authorized by the SAT to receive LISR-deductible donations, you must attach the documents attesting to

Original donation letter issued by the donor in favor of the interested party, behalf of:
The detailed description of the goods being donated, the quantity, type and, where appropriate, brand, year-model and serial number.
Translatethe donation letter if presented in a language other than Spanish.

When the donor is a natural person, present a copy of the document proving that he or she is a foreigner.

Magnetic media containing the information included in this document, in Word format.

Display a copy of the official identification of the legal representative.

Under real protest, I note that the data set out in this document are true and that the powers granted to me have not
been modified or revoked.

Procedure of the Foreign Trade Tax Exemption Authorization in the
import of donated goods ( (Article 61, section IX of the Act).
Who's presenting it?
1. Public bodies, such as state secretariats, state governments, municipalities and de-focused agencies at each level of government, among others.
2. Non-taxpayer moral persons authorized to receive deductible donations in the ISR (authorized donors).
Who are you targeting?
Before the Central Administration of Customs Legal Support,
Hidalgo 77, Module IV, P.B., Colonia Guerrero,
C.P. 06300, Mexico City.
Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 15:00 hours.
Shipping Options:
You can also submit the application and documents using SEPOMEX or by using the services of mdisposal companies. When does he
show up?
Where public bodies or non-contributing moral persons authorized to receive deductible donations in the ISR, pretend to import without payment from
the IGI, goods donated by residents abroad for cultural, teaching, research, public health or social service purposes.
How is it done?
There are two options:
1. Before the ACAJA, using the format called "Authorization to exempt foreign trade tax on the importation of donated goods, (Article 61, section
IX of the Act)". The intended documents must be appended in the format.
The person representing the interested party at all times must prove his/her personality, unless the document was previously displayed to the
2. Through the Digital Window.
When the authorization process is carried out through the Digital Window the following data must be provided, so it is suggested that you have
them available at the time of making your request.
a) If the donor of the goods is foreign. This must be declared in protest of telling the truth.
b) Customs through which the goods will be entered.
c) Description of the goods, which must be provided with the data indicated in thedonation ca rta.
d) Purposes for which the goods will be intended and specific use.
e) Indicate whether the good will form part of the assets of its representative.
f) Describe foreign donor data.
Digitally attach the following documents:
1. In the case of a non-taxpayer moral person authorized by the SAT to receive LISR-deductible donations, you must attach the documents
attesting to it.
2. Letter of donation issued by the donor in favor of the interested party, in which withits: The detailed description of the goods subject to the
donation, quantity, type, and where applicable, brand, model year and serial number.
3. Translation of the donation letter in case it is presented in language other than Spanish.
4. When the donor is a natural person, present a copy of the document proving that he or she is a foreigner.
Documents previously displayed, which are in force at the time of a new application, should not be resubscribed.
1. That donated goods may be intended for cultural, teaching, research, public health or social service purposes.
2. Let the donor be a foreigner.
3. That the goods are part of the importer's assets.
4. The goods are located abroad or in a warehouse with customs.
In what cases will it not be necessary to prove that the good will be part of the importer's estate?
In the case of goods intended for public health purposes or in the case of toys donated for teaching purposes.
What document is obtained?
Ex of office of authorization of exemption from foreign trade in the importation of donated goods.
How long is the decision issued to the application for authorisation?
En a period of no more than 5 days from the date on which the duly requisitioned application has been submitted.
In what cases will the authorization not apply?
In changes of the regime neither in reshipment or regularization of goods.
How are modifications or additions to the data provided for authorization requested?
Using the same option for which you have requested authorization:
1. Before the ACAJA, using the format called "Authorization of exemption from foreign trade tax on the importation of
(Article 61, section IX of the Act)". The intended documents must be appended in the format.
2. Through the Digital Window.
The document attesting to the requested modification or addition must beannexed, in accordance with the requirements for granting the
Documents that have already been submitted to the authority and are in force should not be displayed again.
The change shall not be made in the case of a change in the serial number of the goods or when it requests to add goods other than the authorised one, in
such case a new application for authorisation must be entered.
Applicable legal provisionss:
Article 61, section IX, of the Law, rules 1.2.2. 3.3.6., and Section 2, fraction VI, of the Federal Taxpayer Rights Act.

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