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Turco’s Class Assignments

Wednesday, April 1st

Subject Activity/Videos Assignments/What to know

Complete Freckle Benchmark Assessment on

Angle Measurement and Line Plots Please
Math Review any videos on Angles or Line Plots
take your time on these as they may count
towards your grade.

Assign Reading Comprehension – The Tornado Complete assigned ReadWorks – The Tornado
Drill Drill Class Code – NV2LNA

Make sure to use complete sentences on

Reading written responses and RACE when text
evidence is required.

Work on Book Report Choice Board - Extra

Play quizizz Students play Quizizz – Reference Materials
“Reference Materials”

Practice/ study your words.

Go Study week 3 & 4 words
Nearpod Practice:
use code: NOERB
Login to Office 365 and go to our class
notebook. Click on the writing tab.
Choose 1 prompt
Complete this writing Prompt by Friday.
You may type your prompt in word and then
attach or you may type directly into the Class
Either type it in word and share it with me
when you are done, or type it directly into our
Writing Write a story using the prompt.
Class notebook. You can also insert into the
class notebook.
Be sure to use correct capitalization,
punctuation, and write in complete sentences. You may complete more for extra Dojo points
Must be at least a paragraph.

Login to Clever to get to Studies Weekly or Answer the following questions in your Digital
use your newspapers in your binder. Learning spiral, on notebook paper, or in our
Social • Open Week 30: Jim Crow Laws and Class Notebook
Studies Continuing Racism
Read all the articles for this - What was the 15th Amendment?
This is for
newspaper. - What were the Jim Crow Laws?
Tuesday, - What was life like for African Americans at
Wednesday, this point in history?
& Thursday - Who could vote at this point in history?
- When and why did the Jim Crow era finally

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